#but I’m just scared rn and I want to post where I know someone will read coz it does make me feel bit better tbh
mrburnsnuclearpussy · 2 years
Ngl I’m boarding on a crisis and I have to go to work where I may or may not continue to spiral but can’t do anything about it and it’s terrifying but it’s only me and manager so I feel too guilty to just take a break every time this happens plus it won’t help anyway I don’t need a break I need to be knocked unconscious where the horrors can’t get me 😢 I’m just venting to feel better coz that’s all I feel I can do rn but dw
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norrizzandpia · 6 months
i think this would suit lando but you being down and lando comes over later at night and takes you the park like two little kids, i can just imagine lando being a big kid at the park lmao
I’m going to need someone to love me like the fictional lando i write abt 24/7
We Can Be Kids For Right Now (LN4)
Summary: When her week has tried to suffocate her, Lando turns up at her door and forces her to remember just how worthy she truly is.
Warnings: mentions of heavy anxiety attacks, anxiety in general, language
Note: a draft bc im wrecked rn from this trip im on im so tried lol… I hate that I have to start saying this but I do not condone the reposting of my work without proper crediting or permission. If you wish to post my works elsewhere, it needs to be ran by me first by messages over Tumblr. If found that you have taken my works without my knowledge, I will report you and get my posts taken down from your blog.
Y/n never truly realized she did it until Lando, but when the man started to get close to her, he brought it to her attention that she so easily isolated herself when she started struggling. Even the smallest inconvenience and she shut down, something that irritated the hell out of Lando. Nevertheless, he loved her and the way she dealt with her emotions was something he knew she just needed to work on.
However, the problem they couldn’t get past was her ability to tell him when she was struggling. There were only so many times when he could see it written all over her face.
His comments urging her to open up to him when she was having a hard time dealing with it on her own bounced around in her head as she clutched her phone in her hands, his contact picture brightening her screen. His smile beamed back at her, almost coaxing her into tapping the call button, but her thumb hesitated. It wasn’t that she was afraid of telling him, it was that she was uncomfortable with her own emotions. Uncomfortable of leaning into them. Growing up, she was never given that ability, her parents not having the full capacity to address them head on. She never thought it truly affected her until Lando. She started realizing that he never gave her a problem to be scared, but she still was.
Her thumb had a mind of its own, though. Thankfully. And the ringing tone met her ears before she could even know what was happening. His picking up happened before she could even begin to think about hanging up the phone.
“Baby!” His cheery voice rang through the quiet room and warmed her tender heart. “What’s up? Why are you up so late? Do you want a sweet treat again?” He giggled, his TV pausing in the background.
She was silent. Her mind raced as she tried to make the split second decision of telling him or not. Though, in her silence, he began formulating an answer.
“Y/n…” He whispered, blankets rustling as she imagined him sitting up on his couch.
“Lan,” She said brokenly, albeit with an effort of trying to sound strong.
Keys rustling and his rushed, “I’m on my way, baby,” were her response.
Lando knew where the spare key was. It was one of the first things he asked the location of after they first said I love you. Y/n would always laugh at that memory. What she was expecting after the three words were shared was a small kiss or a hug maybe, but no, he had asked her where her spare key was. When she showed him and he very clearly took a mental note of it, she asked him what was so important about it.
“I’m your boyfriend and we’re in love. I should know where the spare key is, baby.” He had said to her so nonchalantly, as if it was societally normal to have that thought process. She just shook her head at him and took the kiss she wanted for herself. He wasn’t going to do it anyway, too entranced in the image of her spare key under her doormat. He was shenanigans bundled into one person. She loved it.
His rapping on the door pulled her from her memories. She drudged over, taking a deep breath before opening the door. He stood there in his pajamas, puffer coat thrown over haphazardly, and stared at her sympathetically. He shuffled in, arm rounding around her shoulders as he kissed her head, “Hard day?”
She sighed, “Hard week.”
He led her to the couch. The layout of her apartment was memorized in his head. “What happened?”
“I just-” She picked at her fingernails and the anxiety she usually felt when Lando asked about her worries began bubbling up. Maybe it was growth, but she thought he’s already here, isn’t he? Might as well lean on him.
So, she did. Literally and figuratively.
Lando squeezed her body as her side laid on his and she started reliving the low moments of the past few days. “Everything has gone wrong this week. I just can’t seem to win and I can’t make anyone happy.”
Tears filled her eyes and a frown appeared on her face. She cried into his shoulder when he pushed her body further into it.
Lando sat with her for a moment, rubbing her back. “That’s not true, Y/n. You make a lot of people happy. You make me really happy.”
For some reason, his comment shot fear through her body and she pulled from him. Her eyes looked anywhere other than his and the irrational idea of an expectation Lando had set for her that she did not believe in herself to meet took control of whatever plan she had to open up to him.
Lando saw it in her eyes, how distant they got. He knew this was bound to happen. It had been too easy. She had opened up to him without that much restraint and he expected a moment to come where her walls rebuilt themselves.
He just wanted her to let him in.
His hands took her face, “You deserve me. You will not let me down. You could never let me down.” He said, knowing exactly what was running through her mind.
“Y/n, look at me.” He tilted his head to meet her eyes and forced her to keep his stare, “I love you. That will never change.”
She cried harder, “I can’t even open up to you, Lan. I’m not even a good employee at a job I’m overqualified for. Yesterday, I handed in that presentation to my boss that I had been working on for weeks and when I presented it to the board of all fucking people, there was a grammatical error on one of the slides. I had confused ‘your’ and ‘you are’, Lan. It was embarrassing. They laughed and joked about it after. I can’t even fucking do my job. And I upset my mum on Wednesday. I hung up on her during an argument and now she isn’t talking to me. I’m being condemned, Lan. I can’t fucking breathe. My dad’s texting me, telling me how disrespectful I had been, but nobody hears about the parts where she called me an irresponsible adult and ridiculed me for taking a job that didn’t make me that much. Nobody wants to hear my side of the story, the part where she was so grossly unsupportive. Then, I had to cancel on Cameron on Tuesday again because I’m so fucking tired and so fucking busy. She got mad at me and now we’re in this fight because I’ve neglected our friendship. I’m a shit friend, a shit daughter, a shit worker, and it’s so obvious I’m a shit girlfriend. I can’t fucking do anything right.”
By the end of her rant, she was breathless and Lando could see she was talking herself into an anxiety attack. Her hurtful words toward herself needed to be dealt with, but he needed to stop the panic seeping into her skin.
He took her hand and kissed her head, “Come with me, my love.”
She kept crying as he led her to his car, his arm wrapped around her body securely as he whispered words of reassurance in her ear. He reminded her of how strong she was, of how much he loved her and admired her for everything she was. How wrong she was about everything she had convinced herself of.
When he softly laid her in the passenger seat, he kneeled down and kissed her shoulder, brushing her hair off the skin lightly. He looked up at her with deep green eyes filled with safety, “Don’t listen to your mind right now, baby. It’s only telling you lies.”
He lightly closed the door, running around the car to slip into the driver’s seat. When he turned the engine on, his hand settled on her thigh and began rubbing softly. He backed down and drove down the road, toward a small park at the end of her street. It was quick, maybe a minute or two, and Y/n was still crying when they parked, but it subsided momentarily when she saw where they were.
“Why are we at the park?” Lando grabbed her hand and kissed the knuckles.
He laid his cheek down on the back of her palm, murmuring, “Because it’ll be fun to be kids for right now. Not have to think about what you’re going through. We can address that later.”
A sigh of relief left her chest. The moment he had given her an opportunity to run away from it all, even for a few minutes, she almost began to feel as though she would find peace.
He always knew exactly what to do.
She gathered herself, wiping away the tears and smoothing down her hair as Lando walked back to her door, opening it and offering his hand as help for her to get out of the car. She took it. She always would. The cold air hit her body and she shivered. Lando was immediate in offering her his coat.
She shook her head, “No, I’m okay for right now.” She was just now realizing how she hadn’t gone outside in days. The cold air made her feel alive again.
Lando’s hand continued to clutch hers as they took steps toward the large structure. When she let go of his, he tensed, but he relaxed when he saw her wandering over to the slides.
She climbed up the ladder, him following behind, and found herself sat in the entryway of the whirling slide.
“Wait, wait!” Lando yelped before she could push herself down. Her head whipped around to meet his eyes.
She smiled and her body warmed when his found a seat behind her, his body consuming her and his hands wrapping around the low point of her waist. His ear right beside her ear, he kissed the top of the skin, “Now, you can go. We can go down faster, no? Seeing as I go fast for a living.”
His questionable logic made her laugh before he was pushing them off and the two were turning fast around the corner of the yellow tube. Her giggling ensued with the way he jostled them around on purpose to make the slide more exhilarating for two twenty-four year olds. And in the heat of the moment, seeing her hair float in the air and a carefree smile on her face, Lando wished she could see herself the way he did. She was superb, unbelievable. She held the strength and courage of someone so commendable. She was kind even when she had seen things and experienced trauma so young that should’ve, understandably so, made her bitter. She was merciful even when she shouldn’t be and she loved Lando in a way he had only ever dreamed of. The way she treated him, the gentleness she approached him with, was something he knew he could never let go of. She was beautiful in so many other ways than just her appearance. She was deeply beautiful and he wished she could just understand that.
When they reached the end, their bodies stopping abruptly right at the edge, Y/n laid her head back against his shoulder. He kissed her temple, “Fun?”
She nodded with a smile, “Somehow, you did make it faster.”
He shot her a look, as if to question why she didn’t believe him in the first place. He pushed her off him, sprinting to the swings and screaming for her to follow him.
“Lando! Be quiet! You’ll wake up the entire neighborhood!” She whisper-yelled at him, laughing as she ran after him.
He threw himself in the seat and began swinging his legs, no doubt gaining momentum but beckoning her over for help nonetheless.
She stood behind him, bracing herself firmly on the ground as she pushed his heavy body up off the ground. When he would meet her back on the ground, he’d lean back so his back would almost come crashing into her front. It made her laugh.
“Lando!” He couldn’t see her, but he knew how radiant she must’ve been looking. Even in his head, he continued to fall in love with her.
She kept pushing him until her arms got tired and she flopped away from him, onto the ground, in a heap of heavy breaths. When he didn’t feel her small hands on his back anymore, he jumped off the swing and joined her on the ground.
It didn’t matter how cold it was or how dirty it inevitably was, they were together and Y/n’s smile lingered on her pretty face.
Lando’s hand laced with hers in between their bodies as he softly whispered, “You’re not a shit daughter, your parents don’t know what they have and they’re too emotionally immature to realize that. You’re not a shit friend, Cameron knows that, you’re just struggling and that’s okay. You’re not a shit worker, you’re actually heavily valuable to your boss and the people around you. They’ve all told you that. And Y/n, look at me,” She turned her head to meet his meaningful ones, “You are not a shit girlfriend. You are the complete opposite. You are everything I’ve ever wanted and could ever ask for. You have no idea how in love with you I am. It’s even hard for me to understand sometimes. There is no one I have ever loved, love, or will love more than you. You are the most important thing to me, so please stop talking about yourself in this way and believing in something that has never been true.”
Everything about the moment is gentle. From the way his thumb caressed her skin to the enunciation of every word that came from his mouth, he made it clear how much love prospers for her within him every day and every minute.
She turned on her side and took his cheek in her hand, “Thank you for helping me, Lan.”
His hand squeezed her waist, “Of course, my love. You’re my favorite.”
She felt her heart blush, if that’s even possible. Maybe her face was the one blushing? She didn’t know. The way Lando looked at her as if she started life itself made her mind feel fuzzy.
Fuzzy enough to realize he was right. She wasn’t a failure or a horrible person. She was a human who made mistakes and many people loved her in spite of it. Lando being one of them.
He loved her in a way she had always craved. She both needed and wanted him. So did he. They were the beginning and end of everything for the other. It showed well that night as they held each other on the concrete of that park. It showed well because, at one am on a random Saturday, Lando had dropped everything he has doing the moment he heard the anguish in her voice. It showed well because Lando’s clear words made Y/n realize he wanted her and no one else. There was no one else like her, no one to ever replace her. Not that he would ever want that anyway. She was completely unique in the most precious way and maybe… just maybe… she was beginning to realize that too.
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soundlessdreamss · 8 months
Lovely Riddance p2
link to part one here
the first post got a lot of attention so I finally decided to work on the second part. Lol.
Also I am sick rn so I’m trying to do all my requests, but they are still open if you’d like to request something!
Y!Alastor x reader x Y!Lucifer
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If you ask me why I put the seal there, I honestly don’t know.
After you and Alastor had left the hotel he teleported the both of you to the hotel. It kinda scared you since you forgot he could teleport for a moment. He already made a reservation so it wasn’t that long of a wait. (The hostess was afraid of Alastor though since he has quite a reputation)
A waiter quickly brought the menu and gave you guys a couple minutes to find out what you’d like to order. When Alastor already picked his order you were still wondering what to order, so he looked around and he couldn’t help but notice at the corner of his eye, that someone was watching the both of you. He didn’t know who was stalking the both of you but he had a suspicion it was Lucifer.
Lucifer didn’t think that Alastor didn’t notice how he treated you when Lucifer first visited. He saw how Lucifer looked at you, how he spoke to you, and his aura around you.
So if Lucifer really was the one who is stalking the both of you right now, Alastor had to play his cards just right in order to manipulate you, and piss off Lucifer.
Once you finally picked what you wanted to order, Alastor called over the waiter and placed in both of your orders. During the time you both were waiting for your food you couldn’t help but realize how touchy and romantic he became.
He started brushing his hand on yours, pointing out your lovely features, what good taste you have in fashion, basically anything that would help him woo you.
Lucifer watching from a window was enraged, how did Alastor think he could just do that to you? He understands that you two haven’t met in a long time but you didn’t forget the bond you too had, did you?
He protected during your time in hell because he knew you were already there, and he couldn’t have you getting hurt now could he? (He was basically stalking you the entire time you were in hell.)
Seeing how Alastor treated you made him want to kill Alastor on the spot, but he worried that if he did you would see him as a monster. So he just had to wait a bit to cover up Alastor’s death as a disappearance. It would make sense anyways, since Alastor had left for 7 years prior.
Alastor was trying different ways to woo you, and it was working. You felt your face heat up a bit during times where he brushed his hand on yours, pulled away some hair strands from your hair, and when he gave you tons of compliments.
He kept doing this until both of your orders came and you guys took a small break to eat what you ordered.
Once you guys finished you meals he paid for it and then took you somewhere that he said was “special”. (Lucifer followed behind you guys without you knowing)
He took you somewhere beautiful and led to you a bench to sit down with him and admire the scene. His plan was working. Now the last thing he needed to do was to propose his deal to you.
“My dear, [y/n] you should probably know how I feel about you by now. Especially after all those hints I gave you. So may I ask you of a favor?”
That was very unexpected for you to hear from Alastor, but it “made your heart race. “What favor would you like to ask from me?”
“I would like to propose a deal for you dear. Yes I’d own your soul, but in a way you’d technically own mine as well. What I’m saying is that we’d both be at each others beck and call.” He then offered his hand to you. “So do we have a deal?”
This was a deal that was hard to resist, the idea of it made your heart sink but also squeal with joy. Did that mean he like wanted to be yours officially?
You found yourself almost about to shake his hand to confirm the deal, but before you could someone interrupted.
TAGLIST: @slimeygirlowo @pooplyface1423 @fabii275 @killer-nightmare0 @caniseethefourthsword @myluckymoon
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vamp4kaulitz · 3 months
Bill k. X Reader w/ Thunder thighs? HC pls,or imagine whatever you want really (DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED,YOU NEED SLEEP,YOU NEED TO EAT,AND MAKE SURE YOU READ ENOUGH FANFIC)
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pairing: bill kaulitz x gn! reader
hika🕷️:: TYSMM FOR THE REQUEST MLLL!! I will make sure I’m taking care of myself, I love you smm💞!! sorry i haven’t been posting- i lowk dont know what to write😢. lol it’s 2am rn. psa 6/21; yes i am black and im aware i wrote this on Juneteenth.
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i feel like bill is a thigh guy and he would LOVE your thighs sm. i mean he would always have this hands on your thighs, he would just be the touchy lil guy he is.
he’d definitely help rub coconut oil on them<3 this man loves helping you out, especially because he loves feeling your soft skin.
if you feel insecure about them, he would reassure you and kiss all over them. bill would kiss and nip at your thighs, whispering praises.
if you ever decided to get rid of them by working out, he’d be a bit but he would always be there to support you(such a good boyfriend)
would DEFINITELY use your legs as pillows. bill would stuff his face between your things 24/7. if not, he would rub and kiss them without a care in the world.
if someone points out your thighs in a negative way, best believe this man is THROWING HANDS!! how could someone talk about his precious baby like that? especially in front of him? hes not letting any insult go unheard.
“the fuck did you just say? why don’t you mind your own fucking business and leave them alone!” he shouted at them loudly, not caring who looks.
“say one more fucking thing and i will knock your teeth out.” he spat and grabbed your hand and walked away<33
if you ever ranted on how you hate your thighs, he’d be right by your side, listening to you. he would comfort you no matter what.
“i just hate my things, they are so annoying..!” you sobbed out and bill hugged you tightly.
“im sorry you feel that way baby. your unique, always remember that okay?”
NSFW (skip if uncomfortable)
oh gosh where can I even start? he would leave all types of hickeys all over them.
while eating you out, he would push them apart and squeeze them while he worked his way with you, demanding you to not close your legs.
“keep these beautiful legs spread for me, liebe.”
oh my gosh SIT ON HIS FACE PLSS. he downright begs for it, not caring if he seems desperate, that’s because he is.
“please please please schatz i want you to sit on my face!!” he whined as he begged and begged.
“but my thighs bill- what if they squish you or run out of breath?” you pouted. he didn’t care if he couldn’t breath after.
after some convincing you’d give in. he was like a happy kid who’s parent got them what they wanted from the store.
“fine fine fine! ill sit on your face, you happy?” you groaned and he smiled so widely. “i promsieee it’ll feel so good!” he said excitedly.
you didn’t put your full weight on him because you were scared of squishing him with your thighs. you lowered yourself on him, but not fully.
“i said, put your full weight on me.” he said and gripped your thighs and pushed you down on his face. you moaned loudly as his tongue skillfully moved against you, his tongue piercing feeling so so good.
You came so hard that you could’ve sworn you saw stars. You pulled off his face and he wiped his mouth and smirked.
“told ya you’d like it.” he teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
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hika🕷️:: i wrote this in one sitting goodbye..also requests are finally open sooo send me your horny stuff you lil goobers!! remember NOT to cross my rules!!
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
happy birthday
trevor zegras x fem!reader
a/n: in honor of z’s birthday today, i wanted to post this 🫶🏻
masterlist: here
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liked by trevorzegras and 969,034 others
y/n.insta happy 22nd birthday to the bestest boyfriend in the world. you’re my favorite swiftie & you never fail to bring a smile to my face. there’s more i could say, but let’s keep it simple. i love you zegralicious <3
(👤: trevorzegras)
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trevorzegras why did you post that first photo?
y/n.insta i’m reminding you of your roots 🥱
trevorzegras you’re not funny
y/n.insta i will take back my happy birthday, my i love you AND i’ll archive this post. i don’t see any of your little boyfriends posting you 🙄
trevorzegras don’t bring the boys into this
y/n.insta just did, what are you gonna do about it?
trevorzegras report your account multiple times
y/n.insta you, me, kroger parking lot. 5pm
jamie.drysdale mom, i’m scared
y/n.insta go back to bed, sweetie. your father and i are having an adult discussion
jackhughes zegralicious?
y/n.insta it’s like fergalicious, but better
user1 it’s confirmed, y/n is the better parent
user2 i love how they all play along
liked by y/n.insta
_quinnhughes i’m gonna need you to send me that first photo
y/n.insta check your messages, huggy
_quinnhughes you’re the best 🙏
y/n.insta just doing god’s work 💁‍♀️
_quinnhughes like ariana grande said, “god is a woman”
y/n.insta damn right, and her name is ellen hughes
jackhughes real
y/n.insta adam sandler, what’re you doing here? 😧
jackhughes you can’t keep saying that everytime someone shows up somewhere
y/n.insta sigh, you’re taking away my paddles to my curiosity voyage
jackhughes no wonder you and z are on the verge of divorce 🙄
y/n.insta and this is why cole was trevor’s best man 🥱
lhughes_06 i just know he’s blasting 22 by taylor right now
y/n.insta this is the third time he’s played it. i’m about to que we are never getting back together
lhughes_06 you should que never gonna give you up
y/n.insta …genius
jamie.drysdale always knew he was a fake duck 👎
y/n.insta you got your amazing intuition from me 😌
jamie.drysdale thanks mom?
user4 i love the ganging up on z moment we’re witnessing
user5 fake duck ‼️
masonmctavish23 22 years ago today, a 🐐 was born
y/n.insta that explains why he’s not potty-trained yet
trevorzegras i’m taking jamie from you y/n.insta
y/n.insta you. wouldn’t. dare
trevorzegras wanna bet?
masonmctavish23 oh no.. what did i start
jackhughes the custody battle of ‘23
_quinnhughes blind leading the blind
_alexturcotte this is an amazing post
y/n.insta thank you, turcs. at least someone appreciates it
colecaufield tell my husband i’ll be home from war in a few hours
y/n.insta trevorzegras you’re cheating on me now?? 😧
trevorzegras cat’s out of the bag now, surprise?
y/n.insta i’m feeling very ricky bobby betrayed rn
anaheimducks happy birthday z! 🧡
y/n.insta (trevor typing here) thank you!
trevorzegras on a real note though, thank you baby <3
y/n.insta you’re welcome my love
user6 i’m glad to say i lived to witness the custody battle of ‘23
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liked by y/n.insta and 978,894 others
jackhughes happy birthday zegrasi. live it up man 🧡
(👤: trevorzegras)
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trevorzegras not you too, hughesy (but thank you)
jackhughes i had to 🤷‍♀️
trevorzegras did y/n make you do this?
jackhughes i would never give in to conformity 😧
y/n.insta what a loser that trevor zegras is
trevorzegras i hope you think the couch is comfy, because that’s where you’ll be sleeping tonight. you made your bed, now lie in it
y/n.insta i feel like i’m in salem with that threat
colecaufield two 🐐 in one picture
y/n.insta run while you can, caufield
colecaufield hello???
user8 y/n’s comments are what fuel me
user9 so true
_quinnhughes is this an anti-z club?
y/n.insta yes and i’m the ceo. julie is my sponsor. mama zegras for the win 😎
trevorzegras and to think i gave you all that praise, quintin
_quinnhughes nobody told you to do that
y/n.insta when do you start _quinnhughes ?
_quinnhughes today
_alexturcotte favorite duo 🤝
liked by jackhughes
njdevils happy birthday to our favorite duck! ❤️
trevorzegras thank you!
user10 i love that first picture
lhughes_06 by the end of the day, that first picture is going to be engraved in my brain
jackhughes let it consume you
lhughes_06 what??
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liked by y/n.insta and 965,032 others
colecaufield happy birthday zeg2nasty 🧡
(👤: trevorzegras)
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y/n.insta it’s a zegras cult and i’m the ring leader
trevorzegras you terrify me.
y/n.insta you signed up for this
jackhughes just a couple of boys
liked by colecaufield
y/n.insta you’re a godsend for this
colecaufield can i join the club now too?
y/n.insta what‘s your availability?
colecaufield yes
y/n.insta welcome to the club!
user11 so everyone’s just gonna post that picture?
user12 oh yes kids, i remember the zegras cult of ‘23
user13 i love y/n’s friendship with all of them
user14 i wonder which friend will post next
_alexturcotte the good ole days
colecaufield now we’re old and decrepit
_quinnhughes when y/n starts something… it spreads
y/n.insta you make me sound like a disease
trevorzegras because you are
y/n.insta go back to where you came from
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liked by y/n.insta and 897,043 others
jamie.drysdale happy birthday z! i hope it’s a good one 🧡
(👤: trevorzegras)
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y/n.insta ah, i’m so scared
trevorzegras i hope you get cholera
y/n.insta stub your toe, zegras
trevorzegras i’m kicking you out my room. you can go room with jamie now
y/n.insta i’m a delight, i’ll have you know
jamie.drysdale they’re typing this whole conversation while sitting next to each other on the couch with straight faces
trevorzegras nobody likes a tattletale, jimbo
y/n.insta ONE OF US
jackhughes ONE OF US
colecaufield ONE OF US
user15 these posts just keep getting better and better
user16 can we talk about how good they both look in that second picture though?
user17 yes.
masonmctavish23 jimbo’s finally joined the zeg train
jamie.drysdale it was either now or later
anaheimducks that first picture is golden
liked by jamie.drysdale
colecaufield jamie is the better duck (confirmed)
trevorzegras after all i’ve done for you?
colecaufield sorry not sorry
jackhughes he’s never going to forgive us for this
jamie.drysdale oh definitely not
y/n.insta the grudge is already forming
trevorzegras formed*
y/n.insta welcome to the club, jamie!
jamie.drysdale wow, it truly is an honor to be here today. i’d like to thank my mom y/n for telling me to never give up and that someday i’d achieve my dreams.
y/n.insta so proud of you son 🫶🏻
user18 i’m scared for what y/n’s gonna post for the others’ birthdays
trevorzegras i’m starting a gofundme to free me from these shackles. #freeZ
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tags: @goldenbrokenheart @liquidflyer @woodruff-edwards @hockeyboysarehot @ajbird2010 @hughesx3 @iheartzegras @theywantedplayer @k1ttyt3ar @jackhughesily @fratboyzegras @marauderzkinnie @babydollmarauders @akengii @livs-garden @nowandkei @starsandhughes @jackhues
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Sorry if this ask makes absolutely no sense I just need you to know the absolute emotion I feel because of this Ayuu.
I need you to know just . how close to tears I am . I just reread your Azul meeting his Yutu and I am. IM CRYING. THE “Your daddy’s here” IS TAKING ME OUT AND SHOOTING ME DEAD . IM GENUINELY TEARING UP. I think I’ve read every part so far twice over, barring the Yuu specific ones cause they Hurt Me. Speaking of hurt, Deuce!Yutu and Riddle!Yutu hurt me so so bad . All of the Yutus do, but they’re the ones that just came to mind rn and it’s so so sad. Especially Riddle! Yutu because he hates his dad :( Idek why I might’ve blocked out why LMAO,,, I love all the Heartslabyul characters and their kids it makes me cry. Especially Trey. He’s such a weirdly domestic freak that the idea of him being denied the family life he’s always been content with is so so sad. ALL OF THEM . THEY MAKE ME SO SAD BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE WITH YUU!! They want to be with Yuu, and most of them are obviously happy to have a kid, but to know that that’s been taken away from you by circumstances that are literally destroying the world you live and love in? Yeah. That’s Rough!!
I would love to see Jamil!Yutu and how Jamil reacts to his child feeling guilt for something he never did, was never responsible for, and again has to suffer through because of the family theirs has been forced to serve. I think he’d be so mad, so so mad this boy has grown up thinking he’s the biggest blight of his father’s life, the cause of his death, when in reality he’s probably someone Original Timeline! Jamil would have cherished.
I LOVE YOU RUGGIE BUCCHI!!! Sorry I needed to cry that out this made me love him so much more!!! And Rook!! I love you Rook Hunt you weirdo. Ruggie being like “Idrk what to do… but I can bug Leona about it” is so so real. Him not caring if his son is charismatic as long as he knows his cards and is able to survive. Rook as a phantom is genuinely breaking my heart idk why. All of the phantoms break my heart. I don’t want to imagine anything abt them if I do because if I imagine them having even a fraction of sentience I’m heartbroken. Imagine being unable to prevent something from possessing you. Imagine your body and soul being used to tear your home apart— imagine seeing any of that through your own eyes. Imagine seeing your own kid after years of thinking them missing. I would genuinely not be able to handle that. It’s giving the Last of Us zombies where they’re completely aware and conscious throughout the first phase. Scared . Heartbroken .
Anyways, this au is 100000/10 I need you to know this. YOUR MIND IS SO SO BRILLIANT!!! I’m probably gonna keep rereading everything you’ve written so far about it because I’m having so many brain worms . So so many. Sorry for this ramble!! Please ignore this ask if for any reason I might have said something you didn’t like >:]]]] I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL YEAR!!!!
;-; ty so much for your kind words anon I am injecting them into my veins to continue writing. You have said nothing wrong, rambles are nice to receive, though my ask box is a bit cluttered at the moment and I am super busy so getting to things in a timely manner is not something I am able to do.
Riddle! Yutu was the first one to get a post, and I am tempted to re do it as I was still figuring out the format. He hates his dad because he wasn't there for him when he was a child and he doesn't know why. In the good timeline he's something of a daddy's boy; he really wants Riddle to be proud of and praise him
After I finish editing the second part of Rook's post you will be pleased to know the next post is about Jamil. I'm still formulating the outline of it because I've been thinking some thoughts about stars and unique magics
The way I write the phantoms they posses the instincts of their former selves but the individual lacks the input you might associate with consciousness. I'll get more into it in the second half of Rook's post... but there is a degree of awareness of their actions.
There's a lot of tragedy in this ayuu, I'm glad I'm hitting my stride with it c: it's nice to know people are liking it
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romanarose · 7 months
Puzzle Pieces Drabbles: part 2
Ben Miller x Fem!Reader
Fic Summary: You're dating Tom, a whirlwind romance that came at a low point in your life. Within months, you live with him and he's not as nice as he was in the begining. Tom does things that upset you, Benny finds a way to make it better.
Chapter Summary: Tom won't come look at your tomatoes. Based on a tumblr post I cant find.
Warnings: IDK what to call this but it's def shitty behavior throughout. Will progressively get worse during the series but let's start with this. Drinking. Someone not appriciating your excitment.
A/N: This will be a short series of comfort drabbles where Tom does something shitty and Ben makes it better. No smut. I'm at a low point rn and just want softness.
This is my submission for Triple Frontier Write-a-Thon !!! come join in the fun and follow @triplefrontier-anniversary to find more fics!!!
“TOM!!!!!” You scramble up from your garden patch to where you were tending to your plants, standing to see Tom and Ben drinking on the porch.
Tom turns, looking worried. “What? What happened?!”
“My tomato’s bloomed!!!” You say with a wide grin, giddy with excitement.
He relaxes. “Oh my god. Is that it? Woman, you scared the shit out of me.” He went back to his grilling.
Your shoulder slump a little. “Sorry… I was just excited…” You point to your garden. “It’s just… the tomatoes!!!” Ben is watching curiously, but he doesn’t say anything.
Tom flips a burger. “Uh huh. That’s nice honey.”
Ben asks a question now. “The tomatoes?”
Muttering, Tom explains with a wave of his hand. “She was trying to get the tomatoes to grow forever.”
“So will you please come see them?” You try to get him to come over, but he just looks over the railing.
“Uh-huh, they look great.” 
Your hands drop to your side. “Tom, you can’t even see them.”
“They look… so cool” Is he… laughing? He’s laughing at you. You don’t turn to look at Ben, you couldn’t bear to see him laughing at you too. So, you simply go back to your garden, tending to the weeds, trying to immerse yourself in the classical music you heard helps plants grow. You don’t even hear him walk up to you at the garden bed.
“Oh!” Your startle when Benny kneels down next to you, getting in the dirt with you.
“Shit, sorry.” Ben chuckles, his floppy dirty blonde hair falling in his eyes. You wonder if he ever had an emo phase. “I wanted to see the tomatoes”
You roll your eyes but laugh. “You don’t want to see my tiny green tomatoes.”
He is completely sincere, blue eyes shining in the summer sun as he smiles. He has a pretty smile. “I do, actually.” You ignore the flutter in your chest.
So, you show them to him, Benny sounding very impressed as he looks. He tells you how his therapist wanted him to try getting plants to have something to take care of, briefly mentioning that he feels like he was always the one being cared for. He chuckles when he says ‘guess I’m not responsible enough to keep a succulent alive’, but you can feel the truth behind his words. You offer to help him if he wants to try again. Benny lights up at that.
You want to know what he’s in therapy for, why he feels like he’s not responsible enough for a plant, you want to know so much more about him… but you don’t ask. Ben isn’t your boyfriend, Tom is. You loved Tom, you were going to marry Tom. Ben… Ben was just a nice bonus, right?
Remember, if they dont care about the things you care about, they arent the one!!! someon will care <3
follow @romana-updates for more!!
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @missdictatorme @rubyfruitjungle @axshadows @pimosworld @casa-boiardi
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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Hi!! If you don’t mind, do you think you could write one of those nsfw alphabet things for Jareth? (If not that’s okay<3) I can’t find anything smut wise for him and I’m currently obsessed with labyrinth (again)😭😭
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Of course!!! I’m literally obsessed over both Jareth and those NSFW alphabet posts rn! Also, thank you for requesting stuff! It helps so much with writer's block lol.
Warnings: Obviously, smut; oral sex; semi-public sex mentions; breeding kink;
A= Aftercare (what they are like after sex)
I think Jareth would be so sweet and caring after sex. He would praise you, and run you a warm bath, or, if you are both too tired, he will just softly clean you up and make sure you are comfortable and leave you to sleep. He would always care about you before him. 
B= Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Okay, so he would obviously love every inch of you, every perfection and imperfection. However, his favorite parts of your body would definitely be your thighs (and everything in between obviously), and your eyes. He loves how you look at him, even if it isn’t sexual, he just loves that someone looks at him with that kind of admiration and love. He loves your thighs because he loves leaving little kisses and nibbling on them watching you squirm. He loves both his mouth, due to how good he can make you feel with it, and his hands, for the same reason. If you can’t tell, everything he does he does for your pleasure.
C= Cum (pretty much anything to do with cum)
I find Jareth to be a pretty clean guy, giving him being a literal king, so he doesn’t try to make a mess. He will either cum inside you (if you are comfortable with it) or in his hand. He won’t really cum in your mouth, and won’t on your face, unless you say you want him to. Again, all about your pleasure babe. Your cum however, he would love to lick your come off his fingers (don’t ask why, he just would), and clean you up with his tongue if you aren’t too overstimulated.
D= Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
So, he obviously watched you for quite a while before you were sent to the labyrinth or the castle, depending on the situation, and he obviously tried to give you as much privacy as he could. However, he occasionally would watch you change or masturbate. He just couldn’t help it. He never told you, and trust me, he never will. 
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
This is controversial, but I don’t think he would be super experienced. Like, at all. He obviously knows what he is doing, and is good at it, but given his entire role as a goblin king, living in a whole fantasy world, where you have to be wished away or wish someone away to get there, he isn’t getting a lot of bitches. The ones he sets his eyes on usually don’t get past the labyrinth, and if they do, they are usually kind of scared of him by that point (which I get, but also I would fold so fast), so they usually take the person they wished away and leave. He was just lucky you decided to stay and be goblin royalty in his kingdom. 
F= Favorite Position (goes without saying what this means)
Jareth wants to see your face no matter what, so stuff where you are turned away from him is a no-go. He usually defaults to missionary, as it leaves him in a good amount of control, but still allows him to see that gorgeous face of yours. If you insist he will let you ride him, as long as you face him, and only if you practically beg him. He is very insistent that he is the one on top, but he will make exceptions for you.
G= Goofy (are they more serious or humorous in the moment?)
He is not usually ever ‘funny’ when having sexs with you. He sees it as a purely passionate moment. He, no matter how soft or rough, sees sex as ‘love making’. If you make a joke, trying to get comfortable, break tension, or just think of a good joke in the moment, he will 100% at least chuckle with you. But usually? Very serious.
H= Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t going to be bald down there or anything, but he will try to keep himself trimmed up. He is just as brightly blond down there as he is up top. He will most likely just have a patch just above his privates. (Also, he would 100% have a happy trail, just saying)
I= Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Super intimate the entire time. From start all the way to aftercare. He is always a romantic (and very dramatic) no matter if it was spontaneous, or if you guys had discussed having sex before hand. He will make sure to escort you to wherever you are having sex (most likely his bed). He will lead you by hand or maybe even carry you like the pure gentleman he is. Plenty of kisses, and plenty of ‘I love you’s. He will make it the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you, and will be so god damn proud of himself for it.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate? How often?)
He tries not to, but if you aren’t in the mood, or if you aren’t available, he will. He will do it very quickly, and very privately. He hates having to do it, but he can’t just leave the problem there, so he does if he must. And trust me, he thinks of only you when he does.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jareth, to your surprise, isn’t an extremely kinky person. I think if you brought anything up to him, he would try it at least once. However, he only is really into slight bondage, like holding your hands so you can’t move them, or something like that. He does however have a huge breeding kink. It isn’t really about getting you pregnant, even though I think he would love to have a family with you, but it’s more about just watching himself drip out of you. It makes him go crazy.
L= Location (favorite places to do it)
He is a simple man (not really but just go with it), and he mainly just likes to do it in his bed. It is the most comfortable, and it is just easiest that way, but his throne is another place he adores doing it with you on. He will send all of the goblins away if he can’t stand it anymore, and make you see stars while never leaving his throne. He usually just has you ride him while he is sitting on his throne, but he also loves it when you ride his thigh while sitting in his lap. He loves how a wet patch forms on his pant leg. It really gets him going, however prepare for him to make you cum at least twice.
M= Motivation (what gets them going/what turns them on)
Whenever you get flustered or angry for any reason. Obviously, he hates you being upset, but you look amazing telling someone off, even if it’s him. It reassures him that you will be okay on your own here, but also, it makes him wild. Sometimes, he purposefully makes you flustered just to see you stumble over your words trying to tell him off. (he always apologizes with kisses, or more, afterwards).
N= No (something they wouldn’t do/ Hard no’s)
He wouldn’t do something that would inherently harm you, even if you say you like it. He would never hit you beyond maybe a little spanking here and there. He also wouldn’t do anything CNC, he just can’t do it. He doesn’t like roleplaying adult minor situations (due to him not being a pedo), and won’t do anything to do with a knife/blood kink. He loves you and your body too much to think he is actually hurting you. Anything else he will try at least once though<3
O= Oral (do they prefer giving? Receiving? Skill level?)
Jareth definitely prefers giving, but will gladly accept receiving as well. He loves seeing you squirm with his head in between your thighs, all those little noises you make. He almost could get off completely just doing that. Although, he won’t refuse you giving him head. He loves how good your mouth feels around him, but he would very much prefer his head being crushed by your thighs. Also, if you couldn’t already guess, he is fantastic. He will make you cum multiple times just using his mouth. Notice how I said he will and not he could. Yeah, he is going to be down there for a bit, loving every second of it. 
P= Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
It really depends on both his mood, and the circumstances leading up to the moment to predict whether he is going to be fast, rough, or slow. If he had a bad day, he will just plow into you as fast and rough as he can, although to compensate for him being rough, he will whisper little praises in your ear. If he has a very good day, he will go more slowly, still keeping a decent pace, and give you little kisses all along your neck, chest, and face. If you ask him to, or if you are close, he will quicken his pace, or go a little more rough.
Q= Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn’t against them, they just don’t end up being very ‘quick’, more-so just spontaneous. If you are having sex, he is going to make you cum multiple times, so there is nothing stopping very quickly after it starts with him. 
R= Risk (are they game to experimenting? Do they take risks?)
Jareth will experiment with pretty much anything you ask him to unless it is in his ‘hard no’s’ category. He would be willing to take you in the goddamn labyrinth if you had asked him to, no matter what creatures and monsters may happen upon you two. So, yes, he would 100% be willing to take as many risks as possible just to make you feel good.
S= Stamina (how many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
He is literal magic. He is fae. He can last as long as he wants. If he can tell you are getting worn out, or if he just wants to cum, he will allow himself to. Time wise, he can go at minimum three-four rounds, however if you aren’t too tired or overstimulated he can go for so many more. 
T= Toys (do they own any toys? Do they use them? On a partner? On themselves?)
I don’t think he would own any, as he can get the job done perfectly fine without them, but if you owned any and wanted him to use them on you he would be happy to(he might be a bit bitter about it since he is a drama queen but he will get over it). I don’t think he would ever use them on himself, though.
U= Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen him interact with anything/anyone ever? He will tease you the entire time until you are begging and screaming for him to let you cum. He loves to give you pleasure, but he has to have a little fun, doesn’t he? 
V= Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don’t see Jareth as being particularly loud. He will probably just make little grunting noises, and if you are lucky, you will get a small whimper out of him
W= Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has completed untouched just by giving you head multiple times. The first time he was slightly embarrassed, but after you reassured him it was fine, he was fine with it, and it became a ‘praising’ tool for him to praise you with. Example: “See how good you make me feel just from watching you princess?”
X= X-Ray (let’s take a peek under those clothes)
Have you seen his bulge in the movie? Now, he is obviously big, I would say probably 7-8 inches, (maybe more since this is a literal fantasy world) and pretty girthy. Definitely not lacking in any department, if you catch my drift.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a pretty high sex drive, but he can keep it under control for the most part. He is willing and happy to have sex whenever and wherever, all you have to do is ask!
Z= Zzz (how fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)
After aftercare, and after he makes sure you are comfortable and sleeping, he falls asleep decently fast. Probably within a good 10-15 minutes after you fall asleep, if he doesn’t have any duties to perform as king.
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nickwildelvr · 1 year
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This was from forever ago but I want to post something Lotf really bad but I’m not motivated enough to draw anything new so this is jackadoo and rodfert when they saw the naval officer🤭
I LOVED THE WAY THE KIDS REACTED IN THE BOOK. And I so badly wanted to see THEIR reaction the most. They sorta showed Jacks but they didn’t talk about Roger specifically which I really wanted to know the canon way he would react but I honestly feel like his first thought was just “shit bro I’m gonna get in so much trouble 💀💀” while Jack who’s next to him is going through an entire mental crisis at the ripe age of 12 😭😭
I so badly wish that there was at least SOMETHING about the aftermath after the point where it ends in the book bc what fuels my obsession the most is all the things that would happen to the boys after all of that. What would happen with Roger? He literally murdered a kid. And Jack too although I don’t really believe Simons death was his doing in particular I think the boys would most likely blame him for it if anything. Would they even tell anyone abt the stuff that happened on the island?. Would they be scared into silence??? Would someone crack under pressure and tell someone about it?!?! HOW IS RALPH GOING TO DEAL WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERYONE HE KNOWS INCLUDING HIMSELF CAN GET TO THAT POINT OF INSANITY. How many of them are going to be admitted into a psych ward. I need to know. If any of u have aftermath hcs abt what happened to all the boys afterwards GIVE THEM TO ME RN I DONT CARE THIS WHOLE TOPIC IS SO INTERESTING TO ME I WANNA KNOW WHAT OTHERS WOULD THINK!!!!
anyways yes I hc that the boy Ralph stabbed just before sprinting off from his bush was Roger. Why?? Because I just want Roger to have more scenes duhh⁉️
Anyways sorry for that rant but this will forever be my favorite topic of discussion. This book is crazy tragic fr
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risingscorchingsuns · 2 months
okay okay i got one more and i'm lowkey terrified of the answer because they're so hnnnghn to me iykwim but i need your thoughts on uzusane right now
OOOHHH now THIS is a rarepair!!!!!!
definitely not a conventional relationship but tbh??? I kind of see it??????? there’s a couple ways i can see this going down depending on where the timeline is. during their hashira days, uzui would probably see Sanemi’s general… *gestures vaguely at all of him* as charming and would flirt relentlessly with him. sanemi being sanemi would be furious at first and they would have kind of a vaguely golden retriever x angry feral cat vibe??? off the top of my head I don’t quite have the words for it but i definitely see it. Sanemi wouldn’t quite know how to handle Tengen’s flashiness being directed at him and I think he’d have a hilarious combination of fury and flustered
they’re an interesting combination because of Tengen’s forwardness. When he wants someone he’s not subtle about it, whereas I think Sanemi would just get really angry at himself for being attracted to this flashy asshole. I can definitely see Tengen flirting loudly and Sanemi being furious to flustered to eventual reciprocation as he learns to trust and tbh? im kinda living for it
If Sanemi experiences romantic attraction at all, he does so like a feral dog. Scared, all teeth and claws and raised hackles at first, because he’s never known love without eventual pain. I think Tengen’s forwardness and openness about love would be really foundational for Sanemi- especially if it’s directed at him. Tengen would teach him that it’s okay to love out loud, but more importantly, it’s okay to trust in doing so, and the very act of it wont guarantee that he’ll lose it.
Post-Hashira is where this concept gets really interesting to me. They both have intense grief regarding sibling loss, and more than a little bit of personal blame to boot. Without any demons to channel their grief and anger towards, they would have to learn to lean on each other. They would become more gentle, less rough around the edges as they learn to share their burdens. Tengen would take Sanemi to the grave of his siblings, and Sanemi would tell him about his own. They would mourn the grave where Genya should be together. They both blame themselves for the deaths of their siblings, but together, they would help the other learn to carry it. Nothing can bring back Genya, or the rest of the Uzui clan. But they can share that grief now, and that makes it a little less painful.
Wow okay I can see why you’re insane about this I’m just straight stream-of-consciousness-ing my thoughts right now and im going a little bit feral the more I think about it. Holy shit this is an underrated pairing. I have no idea if my thoughts on it make any sense I am overcaffeinated and extremely tired rn, but I see your vision and you’re real for it.
I think Sanemi would get along with Makio also. His potential dynamic with the wives is very cute.
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bakery-anon · 2 days
hi hi hi bug!! i hope you’re having a good morning/evening/afternoon!! i literally broke my phone on saturday i think? or sunday? so i haven’t been online at all but WHAT IS THIS UPDATE?? ANGEL FOOD CAKE?? i need all the lore right now like stop im literally so happy for you !!! you sound so happy and this literally sounds so cute like tell me why i’m kicking my feet and giggling reading you talk about her!! <333
Hi hi hi I’m assuming this is mango anon speaking!!! Correct me if I’m wrong please <3
idc if y’all perceive me, I’m in love with this girl and WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT <3 (just ask q I’m not joking) this is the incoherent timeline and other various rambles. Just for you <3
I’ve literally been having the best week ever, which lowkey scares me cause like…having the best week where I’ve been happy the whole time??? Suspicious.
I’m sorry that your phone broke </333 I hope you’re doing well now!!! How have you been love???
Ohoho you said my favorite words 🥰🥰🥰 getting to ramble about the girl I’m in love with??? Absolutely!!
Story time!!! YIPEE!!!! <3333
We met through a mutual irl of mine in 7th grade (wild I know. Online safety??? Thrown out the window). We both survived this person, they turned out to not be very good and we’ll leave it at that because this is about me and her not them <3 :)
Anyways, so I’ve known her since 7th grade, she’s about a year older than me !!! But she’s literally so smart so she skipped a grade AND graduated early <33 she’s in her second year of college rn 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ back to story time! We became really quick friends. Like calls every night, constantly texting, laughing, the works.
Around the end of 8th grade I got like really depressed- oops— and we had been flirting for like a whole year this whole time. But one of my “friends” :| we’ll call them “J” they were really manipulative and saw I wasn’t in the best state mentally so uhm— with a little push from them I ended up ghosting her. I was like deep in like and was feeling really insecure about some things…she wasn’t responding to my texts and it hurt me because she was posting about talking to other people. I know guys— I was really childish but I was in fact a literal child.
So after J pushed me to ghost them (full on block their number, delete my discord, block them on social media) I felt so much worse </33 I’m gonna skip over some stuff you guys don’t need to know about J but my friends very much hate them for good reason <3
Around Freshman year I think…? Angel and I started talking again, I tried really hard not to fall for her again but when someone keeps talking about how much they want to kiss you and how safe they feel with you and stuff??? I was a goner. Y’all like loser Suna right? Yeah that’s me guys </3
I tried really hard to tone down my flirting because one of our friends kept telling me that she was a lesbian (i identified as a man at the time 🧍🏻‍♀️ now I’m everything and nothing at the same time <3) and there was no way she could like me— I think we stopped talking for a little bit again— life got in the way you know. We kept coming back to each other though :)
Junior year— I know! I made a jump!!! But sophomore year I don’t really remember 🧍🏻‍♀️ (I will not elaborate </3) She came back into my life again, we had a little falling out because I said I would try better to talk to her but it was difficult to do that (I forgot I had her number smh).
And now we’re in my senior year!!! And we’re back :) Found out all the texts I was sending weren’t going through lol, she doesn’t save numbers and like turned on a feature that wouldn’t let her get texts or calls from anyone that wasn’t saved in her phone! And I sent a like long confession explaining why I ghosted her and that I liked her, we had a talk about it and now we’re back!!!
We both decided that it’s best for us to wait until after college to do anything. We both just want to treat each other the best we can and we can’t do that with where we’re currently at in life, so like three more years but what’s three years in the grand scheme of things???
Sorry that was probably so much information you didn’t want lol </3 I’ll give you the cutesy stuff now!!! :)
We’re still friends, just friends who know we like each other, I have a plan rn to get my license and I actually have family that live 20 minutes from her so I’m going to visit her once I get comfortable driving. We have a few dates planned and stuff <3
I’m trying to figure out when prom is for my school because I want to see if she would be willing/able to come down. Guys I really just want to dance with her, I’m so down bad you have no idea. Unfortunately schools don’t plan that far ahead </33 so I have to wait and it will probably be a no 😔
She’s in nursing school so of course I had to make a joke you know 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ “Oh no, I guess I have to skin my knee so you can put a bandaid on it and give me a kiss.” AND SHE GOES “Silly, you don’t have to get hurt if you want a kiss.” HWHFJSJXDB
I love when she calls me silly, idk— it just makes me giggle. So of course she calls me silly 🥰 I call her angel (clearly 🧍🏻‍♀️) because it has a similar effect 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
She sent me a photo of her blowing a kiss at the camera the other day and just goes “A kiss 4 u <3”
As I mentioned, we’re getting matching pjs!! We have so many things planned omg. I’ll just ss some texts instead of trying to be coherent <3
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And then of course I made us a playlist that we listen to together during the day when we can’t talk to each other :) and she has her own special ringtone. This is an ongoing saga but believe me. She has me giggling and kicking my feet too lol <333 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thank you for wanting to hear about this and letting me ramble!!! <3
I hope you’re doing good!!! Remember to eat food and drink water (I just finished dinner and I’m drinking water rn promise!!!)
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polyamorouspunk · 9 months
Curious what your thoughts are on ppl being "obligate" polyam?
I ask because I've been debating if maybe I might be because I feel so in love with my gf rn, but... I still feel like I'm missing something. Like. She feels like a single flavor of food that I like. But, as much as I do I couldn't live off of just that one thing yk?
It scares me though, because she's explicitly monogamous, so I can't really go out and explore and try it out to see if it's for me without losing her. I don't really know what to do. Or how much longer I should stay still feeling like this. Or if I should just dismiss it as baseless anxiety and just let myself enjoy being with her.
I'm so scared to break her heart.
And like, how can I do this? How can I seriously be considering losing her just to try something I don't even know if I need or will even like.
It feels wrong, I love her this is stupid. But I just can't seem to dismiss it. I mean, I'm literally typing this in the middle of a New Years Eve party because I just can't get it out of my head.
I think what you’re calling “obligate” polyam is what I call “inherently” polyam, where, it’s like, I WILL fall in love or at least crush on other people and want to date them at the same time no matter what, it’s not a choice it’s just how I feel.
I started this blog as an outlet for my anger issues which I now realize probably stem from my bpd and just to talk about polyamory- correct the RAMPANT misinformation people were spreading, but also, to talk about the stuff no one else seemed to talk about. I’m really lucky that my polyam mutuals post about all the wonderful things about polyamory- the love, the amazing partners, the memes, etc. But that left me needing a space to talk about what I felt the most- shame.
I came out at 17 as polyam and it was awful. I was terrified I was going to lose my partner over it. I was filled with this awful feeling of being a horrible person for not “loving my partner enough” and so worried they were going to see it as them “not being good enough for me”. I mean I was seriously broken up about it.
But my partner took it in stride. We made it work. But I still felt this deep shame that ended up leading me to decide to be monogamous just for them after a while.
I even started dating my now-again-gf while dating my primary partner at the time, and although she literally dated me while I was dating someone else and quite literally knows I run this blog, I still haven’t re-brought-up the fact that I’m polyam, and that’s 100% hanging over my head, especially with how infatuated I am with someone else right now, though we’ve talked about that a little.
I’m really lucky I have people like @eevyerndracaneon and the people in my polyam discord server to talk openly about the shame and guilt that I still to this day feel about being polyam despite running one of the biggest polyamory blogs on this website.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned though, it’s that monogamous people can be a lot more open-minded than you’d expect. I’ve never actually dated anyone polyam. All of my partners have been monogamous. And all of my monogamous partners have been fine with me dating other people while also dating them.
And a few years ago, my brother came out as polyam! And it was even harder for him than coming out as gay! And once again I was lucky enough to ride on the tailwind of him coming out first as the older one and also come out as polyam. Even my best friend and I have talked about dating and having an open relationship in the past.
It’s funny, and wild, how many polyamorous people you’ll meet out in the open once you come out too. My first semester in college, I was sitting in front of two older trans guys when I heard them talking about polyamory, and shyly I turned around and asked if they were polyam and they said yes, and they were the first polyam people I had met (that I know of).
Just a few months ago I was at a concert and sat next to a group of 3 people that were all really touchy and flirty, and since they were all really obvious about it I just asked if they were all dating and they explained their polycule to me and I was just like… me! That’s me! Me too! And they were SO happy to meet me back!
A lot of the other polyam blogs on here will tell you the same thing: it’s unrealistic to expect one person to fill every single want and need you have, and can put a lot of pressure on that person to do things they maybe aren’t comfortable with.
It’s not as unusual and shameful as you might think. It’s really all about conquering that inner polyphobia, which can be really hard, and is a process. Hell, I’m 24 now, and run this majorly successful polyam blog, and I’m STILL in my discord server like “guys idk how to tell my gf I’m polyam… again… uh… imma just not rn”.
Only you can decide what the best course of action for you is. I know I’ve lived fine with choosing monogamy and feeling like I’m missing out on some of my wants/needs as a sacrifice for a wholesome relationship I wanted to keep. A compromise, if you will. I also know that not coming out to my partner as polyam was eating me up inside at the time. And that when they did end our relationship and I was able to be with someone else I did realize things I was missing from that relationship and how GOOD it was to finally have those things.
Be optimistic. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, really, it’s that there’s more of us out there than you think, even if we go by different names, but also that monogamous people really can be open-minded and willing to share a partner.
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monkeytrick · 2 months
Sorry I pretty much only make posts like this rn and thnaks to everyone who reads them this is like. So much. But I’ve been freaking out so much lately bc I’m in a much better albeit temporary living situation than I’ve ever been in but I feel like I’m like. Genuinely way too depressed and scared to actually do anything since getting here. Which like I guess I can sorta defend bc I’m recovering from previous situation but I also kinda just feel like it’s how I’d be behaving regardless ☹️I got hired for a job at least but I’ve spent like every day I’ve been here essentially jsut pacing around and then getting really drunk and/or high to avoid thinking about any of the shit I actually need to do and then going to sleep at like 5 am. And I feel so much worse about it bc everyone here actually has been really kind and helpful about trying to help me get things on track but I feel like I’m just unable to do anything I need to do unless I have someone watching and helping me the entire time and I don’t want to put anyone in that position. I am basically like not speaking to anyone at all rn except for the people I live with and a select few internet friends and I have so much shit piling up on here and from people I knew irl in Wisconsin that I just haven’t answered at all. Ptsd symptoms have been getting worse since I first got kicked out and a little before I left for here I was regularly having days where I’d get like genuinely triggered in the most clinical sense from things I can’t really remove from my life and it would lead to me freaking the fuck out and fear vomiting and beyond that I’ve been so stressed that I just can’t eat anything at all without throwing up a lot of the time. I tried looking up if that particularly could be related to ptsd and I found so many people being like ‘yeah that’s a symptom I get it just never went away ever and I lost 80 pounds’ which scared me so fucking bad — I have some solace bc I don’t think it’ll be like that for me, since I got here it’s been like. Ebbing and flowing and I’ve had some days like that but some days where I’m like insanely fucking ravenous for no reason. Which makes me hope so fucking bad it’ll eventually go away but vomiting or getting nauseous being my response to so many things is making me so upset bc i already have really fucked up teeth and I know it’s damaging them so much more I am incredibly close to reaching the point where my upper teeth are just straight up all going to be actively rotting which I feel so disgusting and ashamed of talking about but I don’t know what I can even do to prevent it at this point unless I just full on get dentures or something. I know they’re like. Very obviously snd visibly fucked and I think people are generally polite about it but I feel like it impacts every interaction I have with people irl and all this happening is making me so much more insane and insecure about it. I had multiple really awful ptsd scary days consecutively like immediately after getting here which like, I kind of was prepared for bc I know it can actually get worse when you’re in a safer place but I didn’t expect it to hit so hard so fast and I’m afraid of it continuing to get worse. I’m literally like. In a better place than I have been since I was a small child basically and a MUCH better place than I was immediately before coming here and I’m trying really hard to remind myself of that but it’s so hard to like register anything at all other than being like fuck I need to die they need to kill me etc. I hope so bad I can take the steps to just like get my life together and hopefully get medicated for shit but it just feels so hard for now to exist and be alive at all I wish they could put me in a tube that would give me nutrients or something man
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sommerregenjuniluft · 7 months
Need to know what fix ur talking abt in the tags of that corruption post… for a friend ofc
ok so i sent so many voice messages back and forth with elio and i’m listening to them rn and trying to summerize. it’s not a fic yet, more of a vague idea but basically i need you to think full on devotion & loyalty. like no bounds, no limits, just All fucking In.
evan is the leader/heir of a syndicate (mafia/yakuza/crime family whatever) and barty is his feral right hand man aka the guard dog. i’m quoting myself now from the voicenotes: to me barty—even though he shouldn’t or probably actually doesn’t like being controlled (evan will always be the exception)—always carries this devoting/serving energy with himself. in canon he’s like one of the smartest fucking characters we know yet he still chooses to use that to serve riddle. ofc he is getting back at his father like this so there is def some self motivation but it’s mostly For Someone Else. and he’s definitely wreaking the most chaos and having the most fun he can have !BUT it’s always within a line. the line of not being caught, fulfilling his tasks, executing the plan -> serving his master. he’s not stepping a foot outside of it if it means jeopardizing what his devoted is going for, even if he’s dancing on it like a drunken ballerina. and when they first meet barty is lost. he’s feral, he’s fighting tooth and nail to get himself out of the scenarios his big ass can never leave it at good enough mouth is getting him into and he always gets away with it but boy does he get himself roughed up in the process, like he has zero self-preservation. when evan sees him like that he knows he’ll die sooner or later because one day he’ll miscalculate and the injuries he scores won’t be cured by retreating and licking his wounds. he’s in search of a capable, skilled right hand man that has no issues butchering someone to pieces and making them piss scared. someone as clever, amoral and insane like barty and evan knows all it takes is a guiding hand aka an owner. evan to me is a master manipulator: charming, threatening, intimidating, powerful, impossible to see through, (near) unshakable. he’s the heir of a noble family, he’s literally born to rule. he’s a crazy good dueller in canon, doesn’t back down from any challenge. -> insanely capable, incredible leader material. he knows barty will need training and in the fic barty will definitely fuck up to the point where evan will have to discipline him even over points he doesn’t want to reach (because he obv starts developing possessive/protective feelings over barty as well) but he’ll have to actually hurt him because it’s what needs to be done. and he’ll 100% be there in the aftermath to pick up the pieces, no questions asked. taking an example here i told elio that barty disrespects an other syndicate so evan has to give them one of barty’s fingers to keep the peace. elio responded to this with What if evan can’t do it so barty does it himself?? which. yeah holy fuck dude. that level of devotion just- i cant. they make me insane.
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lilacs-world · 9 months
I feel like I’m chronically not okay but idk if I’m valid enough to label myself as chronically ill. I am able to work 40h a week but with the cost of laying in bed the rest of the day when I’m back home. In the weekends I sleep mostly. My room is a disaster because I never have the energy to tackle the chaos. I wished I was able to walk to work and back but standing for more than 15 min is already exhausting me and I get dizzy and lightheaded. I am constantly in pain, my normal pain level is on good days at a 2 on bad days it’s at a 4 or 5 but maybe I’m too modest about my pain due to fear of admitting I’m not okay. I am always tired even if I sleep usually enough. At times I feel more refreshed with only 4 hours of sleep hell knows why. I am waking up daily at 5:45am to get myself ready for 8am work. I don’t know if I’m ever gonna be a functioning adult. I am scared of the moment I will unmask bcs im masking daily due to Audhd. Plus daily I’m confused because we are often switching and my quality at work at times fluctuating and my TLs wondering wtf bcs we know u know all the processes so wtf. Daily I feel like I know only a specific part of the processes and I have days where I ask so many questions that one of the TLs told me they are growing gray hairs bcs of me asking so much. The doctors in my country are shit when I mentioned suspecting we are a system they said nah it’s just ur anxiety. When I questioned if I have adhd my former psych said nah only kids can have it. My former therapist said yeah after unofficially diagnosing me with it. Autism I suspect that too and I got my confirmation more or less from my bf who’s on the spectrum as well. He got his confirmation he has adhd as well by me noticing lots of adhd things in him and he has now meds whilst me is in this godforsaken country that isn’t taking me seriously. I got my confirmation I have adhd when I took speed and realised for the first time "so this is how neurotypicals experience their life?" I for once had a train of thoughts in order and not a carambolage of luggage’s getting stuck in the baggage claim belt. I sobbed so hard. On good days I am able to remember and memorise lots of shit. But on bad days I barely anything. My body is out of control. I have pcos and it’s ravaging my body. I grow hair on my chin and arms and it’s making me uncomfortable and I developed anxiety about having hair in my face to the point over pluck and over shave it. My period is out of control. I either bleed for 2 months consecutive or I don’t have my period for 6 months. I am anemic due to it. I am such a pale human that I’m constantly being asked if I am okay. Oh yeah not to forget having an autoimmune disease since I am 2 years old. Having to deal with psoriasis break outs each winter where I end up being covered on my legs, arms , ass with skin patches of psoriasis. At times it’s even in my eyebrows and on my scalp. Each winter is a torture for me. I am battling with depression as well. Luckily this last year it wasn’t so overbearing and I felt more human than I used to in the past. Nonetheless my anxiety is ravaging and leaving me crippled daily. I sound ridiculous talking about myself rn bcs in my brain I feel like you aren’t this sick or unwell you are faking this you are a horrible human for saying all this things but I know it’s probably my internal ableism and the internal critical subconsciously developed voices of my surroundings telling me I’m not actually sick and I need to go to work even if sick etc. Sigh. Idk where I wanted to go with this whole post. I know you guys don’t see often a personal post from me or posts from me and more reblogs of stuff I enjoy seeing and stuff I wanna boost and stuff I find important or relatable or stuff that I think might make someone feel better and less anxious or feel seen. I hope this is fine. I hope being more real is helpful. Maybe I should do this rambling on my other blog @unfilteredrealities where I tried to talk about life in a real way , unfiltered. You can even send in your own submissions if u want to.
Anyway thanks for reading my ted talk.
TLDR: I don’t know if I’m actually chronically ill and if I’m valid enough to label myself as that and then I rambled about my life experiences with audhd, did, anxiety, depression, pcos, psoriasis and there are more but I’m exhausted.
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