#but I will be sticking money in her face when I see them next soooooo it’s fine 🙃
bellexmort · 1 year
when @tjhmnd FaceTimes you from con cause one of your fave content creators has a booth and then literally hangs up on you when you try to figure out how much money to send to pay for things 😒
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Oh are you still hitting characters with DFO stick? Im curious how you'd do a dfo Ochako owo
Incredibly, I don't think I actually have hit ochako with it before, and I've looked!
probably... Ochako's 'parents' are caretakers who desperately needed the money and watch over her when AfO isn't there, because he learned the dangers of an unsupervised relative a while ago. But they grow to care for her because how could you not, and Ochako loves them too and wants them to have nice things and not worry so much. AfO also learned about the dangers of a literal vault, so while he keeps Ochako as close as he can without having her near actual villain-empire-danger, she also gets to you know, see the night sky once in a while, and loves it. Her caretakers tell that to AfO so that she can keep being allowed to go out, but sometimes (especially during eclipses or meteor showers) he'll insist on taking her out to see the stars to link him to such wonders in her mind. on these nights they talk, and when she was young, he asked her what she thought of heroes.
She said they were nice and that she liked how they made some people happy, but they also made some people sad and stressed, and she wished they could make everyone happy. she wants to put smiles on people's faces. AfO would only be able to recognize a heroic tendency if it was in technicolor or directly referencing a comic book, so while he thinks she's adorably naive and just a sweet baby, he totally misses that that is a sign of her budding heroism and her immense compassion.
once she's a bit older though, she realizes that AfO is the reason for most of her caretaker's stress, and that he's never going to actually let them go- if they do well, he'll make them stay for her, and if they don't, he'll get rid of them permanently. So Ochako tries to protect and support them herself, as they did her- this leads to AfO agreeing to let the caretakers life their lives freely, in exchange for Ochako being his spy at UA and keep an eye on Aoyama, who will be tasked with the more dangerous parts of the infiltration. jokes on him tho because those two work together great and also get crushes on the next ofa holder soooooo
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princesssarcastia · 5 years
GOT, s8e1
WELL.  Here we are again, for the last time. Given what we’ve seen in this episode, I'm vaguely hopeful? The writing is solid, the characters are solidly in character, and no one’s been hit with the idiot stick.............yet.
ARYA WAS THE BEST PART OF THIS EPISODE.  The parallel between her in the beginning of this, and her at the beginning of the series, was so nice.  Watching her watch all these people she knew, who affected her so much, was kinda cool.  For a moment, I think she wanted Jon to look down and see her, but of course he doesn’t, and that sets the tone for their interactions, I think. Her reunion with Jon? SO NICE. she’s happy to see him, but also ready to cut a bitch if he threatens Sansa.  sisterly solidarity is my jam.
Sansa being cold to Daenerys was soooooo satisfying.  I’ve found that the longer the show goes on, the less I like Daenerys.  That line in season 6, about Daenerys being a conquerer, it was absolutely true.  She just...doesn’t work as a ruler; case in point, the thing with the food.  (Finally, Drogon burning that supply train comes back to bite her in the ass).  In my heart of hearts, I want all this political shit to stew for a couple episodes, get worse and worse, but I know thats not gonna happen.
Sansa telling Tyrion he’s a dumbass is on point, cause he is, and he's gonna pay for that shit. 
ARYA, REUNITING WITH THE HOUND AND GENDRY.  I honestly liked her reunion with the hound more than her reunion with gendry, mostly because their relationship was so complex and portraying it successfully is a better narrative feat, but I loved them both so. much.  just a little bit of flirting at the end.
Poor Sam, poor, poor sam.  Finding out the person your best bud is shacking up with burned half your family alive is rough.  His expressions, the difference in the way he took Randall versus Dickon, were incredibly satisfying. kudos!
I don’t give a flying fuck what Cersei and crazy eyes are up to, so that was boring.
But! Theon rescuing Yara immediately, and Yara immediately punching him in the face, were good moments.  Excellent moments.  Narratively sound moments, which is something the last season....lacked an abundance of. I wonder, since she’s going back to the Iron Islands and Theon is going to Winterfell; Theon has the potential to cause so much shit there with his relationships with various Starks, but beyond that: the fact that the motherfucking iron islands get to retain their independence while the Starks had to kneel will start some shit. I wanna see that shit. 
Bran is an ominous little gremlin and I love him even if he is pretending not to be a person anymore. This man waited outside all night just to catch Jamie as he came in so they could share a dramatic look.  And id really love to see him have one real human emotion about Jamie, if only because real human emotions are more satisfying to watch than an information source serving as a cheat for raven travel times. 
JAMIE.  HOLY SHIT. thats all.
okay thats not all, I want to see how he reacts now, as a person who’s grown from the incestuous piece of shit he was into a...slightly less awful incestuous piece of shit? whatever, when confronted with arguably the worst thing he’s ever done (pushing bran off a roof), which he did for a person he’s now renounced (cersei).  also, a neat comparison between his arrival s1e1 with this, as a dark rider unannounced, whose probably about to get his ass arrested.
What they did with Bron, gratuitous prostitutes aside, is excellent.  His whole thing is that he’s a sell sword who will do anything for money; now, paying him money to kill the two people he’s had the best rapport and closest thing to friendship with is a great way to explore his character, whenever we get there. 
Everyone giving Jon the cold shoulder is greaaaaat.  My man is honorable but he’s dumb as fuck, just like his real adoptive de facto uncle? like Ned.  Drag him. 
That scene with him riding dragons with Daenerys was so cool!! Animation flex, but cool, and excellent foreshadowing for...
the big reveal! Jon isn’t a bastard!  His father isn’t his father, and lied to him his entire life!  He’s the heir to the iron throne!  He’s been sexing up his aunt!, although tbh idk that he’s gotten that far yet. Jon’s emotions made that scene.  if only they’d done it in a room with better lighting!  but I know the catacombs were the place having that scene made the most narrative sense, so. 
Overall: 7/10.  solid charactering, the reunions made sense, and Im hopeful and excited for the next episode.  
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zukadiary · 5 years
On The Twentieth Century ~ Snow Troupe 2019
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Oh boy. Oh dear. If you'd like some background, here is a fairly comprehensive Wikipedia summary, but since all signs point to this show disappearing forever (a tragedy), I will do my best to go through it roughly scene by scene in hopes of extending the memory. 
“Perfect” is a word I’m still reserving for A-cast West Side Story ‘18, but boy is this close. It’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for, what in my wildest dreams I wanted Daimongumi to be, and feared it might never be. It’s hands down the best time I’ve had with my beloved Yukigumi since Chigi retired, and god I hope they continue on something even VAGUELY resembling this trajectory (tragic nihonmono, not optimistic, but,,,). I hope I can convey even a fraction of the joy that is this show.
Firstly, although it is the site of the first time I ever saw Komu live and thus a house of very treasured memories, I do NOT objectively like Theatre Orb. The third floor is too high for musical theater, the back of the second floor should not be A-seki, and the sound is abysmal. Unless you’re close to the front on the first floor, the instrumentals overpower the vocals, and everywhere I sat, including a pretty good S, there was an unpleasant echo. Like, if you can tamp down the power of DAIMON’S voice, something is wrong with your acoustics. The only time I had an improved experience I was on the extreme side of the 4th row and basically hugging a speaker, but if that’s the range for decent audio it’s a problem. And for some of the impressive songs in this show (and also just for Japanese comprehension of the speedy dialogue), it was a shame.
Everything else was outstanding. I can’t describe how WONDERFUL it was to hear Yukigumi, the tragedy troupe no one asked for, get not just giggles but consistent roaring laughter again. The overall casting—both in taking a chance on giving this troupe this show, and assigning roles to some maybe unexpected people—was brilliant. I’ll get more into the individual performances as I go through the story, but in quick summary: 
Maaya was absolutely the star, in both the weight of her role and the extremely satisfying application of her many talents. Lily is, in my opinion, unquestionably the crown jewel of her Takarazuka career so far, and if something ever tops it we’ll be luckier than anyone has any right to be. I’d kill for more of this treatment going forward; she’s talented enough to carry a show, and I think the dynamic of the entire troupe improves when she’s in this strong of a position.  
Daimon, whom I love to death, was SO above and beyond what even I thought she’d be able to do with a comedy; I always suspected she could pull it off IF she had the perfect formula of support (which I wasn’t confident the current Yukigumi lineup could give her), but she was SO good and SO in charge and SUCH a tone-setter for the entire comedic situation, I was truly blown away.
Owen and Oliver are in my opinion the juiciest roles after Lily and Oscar, but maneuvering around rank to cast Aasa and Manaharu was brilliant. Aasa has been average for me after leaving a huge impression in Robespierre, but her performance as Owen was back to MVP status, and Oliver is an absolute jackpot role for Manaharu, who rarely gets to do much of anything. 
I wouldn’t have wanted to see Saki in any role but Bruce; he’s the big dumb just-a-pretty-face movie star, the butt of many jokes and the most slapstick of all the roles, and her exaggerated physicality was I think better suited to that style of comedy than the quick banter in the Oscar/Owen/Oliver group (also, for the sake of their dynamic, I wouldn’t have wanted Bruce to be someone physically smaller than Oscar).
That put Shou, who conceivably could have been cast higher, in the leftover train conductor role. It’s not as exciting a part, but it was perfect if only to clear the way for the other casting choices. She got to be the center of several musical numbers, and she got to tap dance!
After a little introductory tap number by the four main train boys (Tachibana, Suwa, Manomiya, and Seika), the show opens with famous Broadway producer Oscar Jaffe’s right hand men, Owen (Asami Jun) and Oliver (Mana Haruto), running from an angry mob of unpaid theater crew from Oscar's most recent abysmally failed production (again!). They all but crash into Daimon cameoing Al Capone (because Chicago in the 20s!) as he’s escorted away by a policeman. Owen is more laid back and pretty much always drunk; Oliver is high strung and also prone to drinking. As far as my off-the-cuff brain will take me, Aasa and Manaharu have not had much experience playing off each other, but they worked SO well together. They were so funny, so in sync, perfect foils for each other’s characters, even physically similar enough that they just really looked like a matching set of long-suffering assistants. Since Owen and Oliver don’t have any money, they give the angry mob the slip, and read a note from Oscar instructing them to meet him on the 20th Century Limited, a 16-hour luxury train ride from Chicago to New York, and secure Drawing Room A. Then we go into the prologue number (pics are from the little bit of digest video and like one online article they gave us).
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Although in retrospect I think it kind of subconsciously stressed me out the first viewing, I LOVED the music and choreography in this. Almost all the numbers mimic the rhythm of a train chugging along, and much of the choreography—when it isn’t just tap literally designed to sound like a train—has a feeling of commuter busyness to it. It wasn’t just on theme, it also enhanced the chaotic screwball atmosphere. 
Owen and Oliver board the train to find Drawing Room A occupied. When their best middle-aged-white-lady-insisting-to-speak-to-a-manager voices claiming (falsely) that they booked the room weeks ago failed to work on the train staff, they deduce from some nearby luggage that Drawing Room A’s occupant is Congressman Lockwood (Touma Kazuki in a hilariously disgusting fat suit and combover with her shirt sticking out of her pants at all angles) reserved under a fake name. Suspicious, Owen and Oliver burst into the room under the pretense of delivering said luggage and catch the congressman fondling his much younger secretary (Sara Anna). They win the room by threatening to leak what they saw if he doesn’t leave—Riisha scrambling around in such a disheveled huff while Aasa loudly counts down from ten. Score! But just then the train starts moving and Oscar is still nowhere to be found.
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Whoops. He loses his hat, Owen and Oliver pull him through the window, and despite his abject failures in both life and train boarding, he lands dramatically front and center, all pomp and ego, waxing lyrical about the glory awaiting them in New York. Poor Oliver, despite being generally more sober and organized, is also more abused.
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Daimon, always so delicately pretty and deeply sad, nailed Oscar so hard I don’t have nearly enough words for it. Her eye makeup was stern and crazy (and pretty monochromatic, nice touch for the 20s vibe), her mustache was GROSS, her neurotic mannerisms were so on point and so funny. She AD LIBBED!! WELL!! I was CRYING of laughter on senshuuraku, and she wasn’t just reacting; she was DOING THE AD LIBBING. The way she fidgeted and flailed and whimpered and yelled and modulated her voice WAY high and back down again to drag us though Oscar’s manic journey was just soooooo perfect. Not that I had any doubt she’d kill the songs, but they were hard, so it was all the more impressive. As perfect as Aasa and Manaharu were together, the three of them played flawlessly off of each other too. 
Interrupting Owen and Oliver’s failing attempts to convince Oscar that they are in fact heading for insolvency rather than glory, the conductor informs the passengers that they are approaching Englewood and Oscar flips out. He reveals actress Lily Garland, his former protégé and lover, is boarding there and will be staying in Drawing Room B. He gleaned this information from a bellboy who told a maid and stalked Lily onto the train without her knowledge, but insists that in the 16 hours to NY he’ll be able to convince her to star in his next show, solving his financial problems. Owen and Oliver are Stressed.
This leads into my absolute favorite progression of scenes: a flashback introducing how Lily and Oscar came to meet. Oscar is auditioning Imelda Thornton (the goddess Satsuki Aina) for the role of Veronique, a Parisian street singer who refuses to sleep with Otto Von Bismarck so he attacks Paris and starts the Franco-Prussian war as revenge (men!). If only the photos from this scene showed the parts I want; Daimon was SO funny. Imagine like, the face you make when you try to give yourself 8 chins and take the ugliest low-angle selfie you can. Daimon was that + a thousand-yard stare of skepticism, fidgeting neurotically and tapping the arms of the director’s chair, with Oliver and Owen standing behind, simultaneously goofing off and keeping things running smoothly. Also in the picture at this point: Max Jacobs (Agata Sen), a successful Hollywood producer trying to sign Lily in the present, but in the flashback, Oscar’s (later fired) useless assistant who can’t even take Imelda’s coat correctly. Imelda, an all-ego-no-talent diva, is freaking out because her regular pianist was sick so she had to hire a substitute last minute and she’s late. Enter now Midred/soon to be Lily (Maaya) through the audience, in oversized glasses, tacky pink house dress, and matching hair cap, dropping her sheet music all over the place. Imelda is furious, Oscar is disgruntled, Max is Stressed. Mildred sits down at the piano, Imelda declares she’s going to sing “The Indian Maiden’s Lament,” and tries to begin but Mildred is still dramatically warming up her hands and shoulders. Finally she gives the ok and starts playing something completely different (Imelda, furious; Oscar, melting into a pile of gooey discontent). 
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Take 2, Mildred begins playing the correct song beautifully, while Imelda sings horrendously and Oscar tries violently and wordlessly to convey to Owen and Oliver in moments of Imelda’s averted gaze that they need to stop this somehow. Imelda hits a sour note that’s just the last straw for Mildred, and she stops playing and corrects her (gorgeously, flawlessly, Maaya’s voice is a treasure). Imelda, flustered, thanks her and tries again, but isn’t any better. Mildred keeps stopping and correcting her, eventually just singing the end of the song herself, while Oscar, moving his chair closer with hilarious little Flintstone car footsteps, stares at her agape and then gives her a standing ovation. Imelda loses her cool and fires Mildred on the spot for ruining her audition; Mildred hulks out and demands her pay for the day plus train fare (Oscar, fully Team Mildred at this point, is mimicking all her movements behind her). Imelda pays and storms off, telling her assistant to call her an ambulance. Just as Mildred starts packing her things to go, Oscar declares he wants her for Veronique and asks her name.
I wish I could share with you all the sound that both of them made saying “Mildred Plotka,” pronounced “Mildred BLEGCH” with copious spit. I’m embarrassed to admit I just spent a good 30 minutes? trying to chase down a vivid childhood memory—I was 11, and watching Spaceballs on TV with my bff, and in the combing the desert scene they censored “we ain’t found shit” not with a bleep but with some absurd SCHMUSCHSG noise, and my bff and I laughed for approximately 8 days, because we were 11 and probably eating Gushers—and in my memory this and Mildred BLEGCH were the exact same sound, and I wanted you to experience it so much I watched every combing the desert clip on youtube fruitlessly, hoping one would be this exact censorship (sorry... I’m just... Daimon was funny??? and I’m very emotional about it????). Anyway, since no one can say Mildred BLEGCH, Oscar decides her new name will be Lily Garland. After some hemming and hawing about not being an actress, Lily decides to give it a shot. The house dress tears away and we have the snazzy number “Veronique.”
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Maaya was absolutely brilliant throughout the entire show, but this number hit me extra hard. Not only was she exceptional vocally through a very challenging song (dancing all the while), but her aura of a freshly hatched starlet, packed with youth and hope and freshness and naiveté and raw unpolished talent, contrasted so vividly with the successful Hollywood actress still fueled by Mildred Plotka spitfire that we see in the rest of the show; I found it VERY striking. It was subtle but so effective and truly masterful acting. Veronique ends, Daimon re-enters from the audience and tosses a bouquet (the first time I saw it she missed the stage, and Maaya, fully in character and without missing a beat, just parkour’d off the stage and grabbed it and hopped back on), and we’re ushered back into the present.
The conductor enters Oscar’s room to inform everyone that a religious nut is vandalizing the train with REPENT FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND stickers, but not to worry because they’re doing everything they can to catch the culprit; and to drop off a play that he’s written about a day in the life of a conductor (to Oscar’s annoyance). Then the train arrives at Englewood station, and Lily boards with a flurry of paparazzi, her assistant Agnes (Chikaze Karen), and her attention-whoring movie actor boyfriend Bruce (Ayakaze Sakina). Maaya (in a GORGEOUS dress) is instantly the Hollywood diva instead of the wide-eyed starlet; Saki is the comic relief in what’s already a screwball comedy. Oscar is a terrible person, so if you can imagine how big and dumb and sappy and suffocating and clumsy Bruce has to be to make you root for Oscar, Saki was all that. 
The two lovebirds put on quite a show of excessive PDA for the photographers while Agnes rolls her eyes, until it’s time for Bruce to leave the train. 
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Lily falls to the floor dramatically, wailing oh WHAT will I do without him, when Bruce bursts back into the room, declaring he can’t possibly let the love of his life go to NY all by herself (Lily, all sorrow a minute before, is not 2 seconds later annoyed to see him). So he’s now along for the ride to witness Oscar’s whole scheme.
Owen and Oliver, trying to take matters into their own hands, show up in Lily’s room to beg her sincerely to do a play with Oscar, hoping she’ll pity him and his dire financial situation enough to do him a favor. 
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Lily sings a whole song about how that’s never ever ever going to happen, and Bruce freaks out to learn that Oscar is on the train. Lily insists they have no romantic history, and then immediately lights up when she hears Oscar’s voice in her head. They sing a lovey duet representing that they’re still clearly both on each other’s minds. Despite the comedic and not at all tender nature of this show, and the love-hate relationship between these two characters, Daimon and Maaya’s chemistry, in my opinion, has never been better. I wouldn’t have thought it would take playing two self-centered assholes who both despise and desperately want each other to send the sparks flying, but BOY did it do the trick. 
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Meanwhile, the REPENT sticker situation is getting worse, and the audience at this point realizes that the culprit is the unassuming little old Letitia Primrose—played brilliantly by Kyou Misa. 
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She sings about how she’s taken it as her mission to encourage young people to repent for their sins. 
Oscar hears from Owen and Oliver that Lily is with Bruce and is despondent; he declares that he still loves her will definitely steal her back from both him and Hollywood. Oliver is fed up with his nonsense and tells Oscar he’s off his rocker (bless Manaharu and her ability to simultaneously look like a squirrelly little dude in her suit and bowtie and also not only stand up to Daimon but rile her up and get even more out of her). They get into a big fight and as Oliver storms out of the room, Oscar notices a giant REPENT sticker on Oliver’s back and chases after him to remove it. When he removes and reads it, he’s struck with divine inspiration for a new play about Mary Magdalene, a part so good Lily can’t possibly resist it.
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Oscar is so sure this will work he instructs Owen to go buy him a bible so he can start writing the script immediately. Owen reminds Oscar that the train is in fact moving and they can’t really do anything at all, when they see Ms. Primrose’s bible on a chair (and all fall dramatically to the ground). Oscar takes that as a second miracle, insisting this means there will be a third, and Owen and Oliver agree to play along with his demands.
Oscar, now filled with renewed confidence, and Bruce, just as big and dumb as ever, sing a duet about how Lily is theirs (not at each other, separately in their own rooms). Both of them are just awful men.
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While the two of them are non-confrontationally fighting over the same woman, Owen is in the bar trying to write a press release about the triumphant return of golden duo Oscar Jaffee and Lily Garland. Ms. Primrose picks up a crumpled draft from the floor and muses that she’d love nothing more than to sponsor some big artistic project. That gets Owen’s attention, and she reveals to him that she runs a patent medicine company and doesn’t know what to do with all her money. Owen calls to Oliver that they’ve found their third miracle!
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Back in her room, Lily emerges in lime green negligee, to Bruce’s delight. Things are just getting uh sexy I guess when Oscar interrupts them and actually confronts Lily for the first time.
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Bruce is furious that Lily lied about her history with Oscar, who is sitting on the couch in back of the room drinking their champagne and eating all the olives out of their martini glass as they argue. Bruce eventually storms off, slapping his headshot onto the wall as he leaves the room (Oscar immediately stands and tears it up). Lily sits down on the couch, now arguing with Oscar and angrily joining him in eating olives. Their hands touch going for the glass at the same time; Lily sternly tells him to let her go but then turns around and caresses her hand happily. Oscar takes this moment to spring his play idea on her; Lily reveals that she heard the whole story of his bankruptcy from Owen and Oliver and tells him she’s on her way to NY to sign with a reliable producer (the formerly useless Max Jacobs who Oscar himself fired). Realizing he’s out of game, Oscar starts hurling insults and they sing another spark-flying duet—Lily insisting she has everything, and Oscar insisting movies are beneath her talents and she’ll rot in Hollywood and fall into obscurity. 
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Lily eventually kicks Oscar out, EARNESTLY throwing and smashing a champagne bottle against the door behind him. Oscar, without even taking a breath between Lily’s room and his, screams at his two traitors for ruining his plan and strangles poor Oliver (on senshuuraku Daimon held on for a comically long time, and Manaharu, refusing to concede that ad lib, then played dead on the floor for a good minute). Oliver and Owen save their own asses by telling Oscar about the sponsor they managed to find on board, and THAT’S ACT ONE (right before curtain, we see a tiny little plane labeled “Max Jacobs” flying above the train).
During the big ensemble number (”Life is Like a Train”) that opens act 2 we discover that the train is now absolutely covered in REPENT stickers, then Owen and Oliver take Oscar to meet Ms. Primrose.
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I can’t stress enough how delightful Kyou Misa was, the perfect little ostensibly earnest but just subtly batty old lady; the way she stiffly hobbled around was adorable too. Ms. Primrose is thrilled to work with the great Oscar Jaffee, and even more thrilled to share the story of Mary Magdalene with the world, and asks him how much money he needs. Oscar nervously asks for $20,000, at which Ms. Primrose balks that that CAN’T possibly be enough and writes a check for $200,000. Oscar, Owen, and Oliver giddily sing “Five Zeros” in a manner not unlike Scrooge McDuck swimming in his gold coins, and over the course of the song Ms. Primrose bumps it up to $20,000,000 (in the 1920s!). Now they’re sure they’ll be able to lure Lily back. 
Oscar is about to go grab Lily and introduce her to Ms. Primrose when the train doctor Dr. Johnson (Kujou Asu) busts into his room with yet another manuscript (A day in the life of a doctor!). I mention this mostly because a) I LOVE ASU DEEPLY, she is so underused, and b) the three musketeers leverage this manuscript situation later on in my other favorite scene. They get rid of Johnson and Oscar finds that Lily wants to see him also. She sits him down and asks Bruce to give them some time alone (on his way out, he goes to replace his torn head shot with a new one that comically unfolds into five headshots before Oscar violently chases him the rest of the way out the door). Oscar is fuming, and Lily tenderly asks him to sit, which he does with a grumpy face and a flamboyant kick as he reluctantly crosses his legs on the sofa. Lily explains that she’s embarrassed by her behavior so far, is so grateful to Oscar for her career, and wants to help him after all... so she reaches into her bra and pulls out a check for $35 so at least he’s not dead broke. Oscar, amused, stands up and, acting as if he’s a magician, folds up the $35 check and dramatically asks Lily to blow on his hand. Out comes the $20,000,000 check.
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Oscar ushers Lily into his room to prove to her that Ms. Primrose is in fact a real person who wants to sponsor his new play, if she’ll star in it. Lily, despite still generally feeling like she’d rather die than work with Oscar again, is now enticed both by the role of Mary Magdalene, which is much juicier than what she’s been allowed to do on screen, and the prospect of raking in this much money without being beholden to the jerks who run Hollywood. Faithful Oliver has already prepared a contract, and we get “Sign It Lily,” probably both the most difficult/impressive song and biggest earworm of the show. Not the best version but here, have a listen.
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Oscar, Owen, Oliver, and Ms. Primrose are all bombarding Lily trying to get her to put her name on the thing (I truly don’t know when Daimon breathes), while simultaneously trying to keep Bruce and his contrary agenda out of the room (Saki gets repeatedly slammed into doors and walls, closed into closets, suffocated with pillows, etc). Lily gets overwhelmed and runs back to her room, pursued by a cocky triumphant Bruce, who yells behind him that they’ll never get her back away from movies.
Oscar gets a lightbulb moment at the word movie, and the team files one by one back into Lily’s room, smashing Bruce in the head with the door each time. Oscar tells Lily that if she agrees to do the play, he’ll shop the movie rights to whatever studio she wants (to which Ms. Primrose responds WHY BOTHER, she’ll fund the movie too). That pushes her over to yes, and she takes the contract to read carefully. The conductor enters the room notifies everyone that they are approaching Cleveland, and that Ms. Primrose’s nephew and his wife sent a telegram ahead that they’d be boarding the train there to meet her. She turns cold and hurries off alone. 
Owen, out for a celebratory entire bottle of wine, coincidentally runs into Ms. Primrose’s nephew (Machi Yuuka), who is frantically searching for his aunt. He says she hasn’t been all there since she stepped down from her position as company president, and just escaped from her mental institution. Owen asks about her money, the nephew says there is none, and Owen realizes they’re fucked.
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In the frantic search for the missing Ms. Primrose, Bruce overhears Owen breaking the news to Oscar and Oliver, and tells Lily that Oscar deceived her again. She’s furious, and Oscar probably only escapes with his life because just at that exact moment, the formerly useless and fired but currently hot and successful Max Jacobs bursts through the door (Oscar yells MAX JACOBS like he’s going to burst every single blood vessel in his head and neck).
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Max hopped a private plane to Cleveland to meet the train, because he has a brand new play written just for Lily (called “Babette”), and he’s so excited he can’t wait for her to get all the way to New York. Babette is a glamorous high society type role about a woman in love with two men. Lily starts reading the script, but finds herself wondering out loud if it can be changed to be more like Oscar’s. Max is incredulous and starts trash talking Oscar, and Lily slaps him REAL HARD in the face. She then catches herself yet again and and asks to be left alone to read the Babette script more carefully.
We’re taken to Lily’s wistful daydream of a classy party taking place in the Babette universe as she tries to wrap her head around the show and imagine herself in the title role. But she finds it dull, and every few pages, she has an intrusive thought about the more inspiring Mary Magdalene—one minute she’s milling through the impeccably dressed party guests, and the next she’s face to face with Owen or Oliver or Ms. Primrose dressed like an Apostle, until finally Oscar dressed as Calaf Jesus crashes the whole thing from behind. 
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(Yup that’s a screenshot of the bromide sample page).
But Lily brings herself to her senses yet again, drives away all thoughts of Oscar, and agrees to sign with Max.
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Oscar has lost and he’s despondent. He walks into the train bar to find Oliver sulking behind Owen who is passed out drunk in a chair. He takes out a gun (Oliver tries frantically to wake Owen), and begins a melodramatic monologue about how it’s better just to end his life now because no one wants to see him become a beggar in times square. 
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Daimon hilariously mimes Oscar begging, then people throwing garbage at him, then dodging the thrown bits (on senshuuraku Aasa and Manaharu joined in with pretending to throw things). Eventually he leaves the room in despair, and Oliver asks Owen if he thinks boss would really kill himself. Owen is in the middle of saying absolutely no way when they hear a gunshot and run into the next room.
Oscar, now in a comical panic rather than a depression, is clutching his side and gasping that he’s been shot, and the heretofore still missing Ms. Primrose is in the corner of the room holding the gun by her fingertips, crying that she was just trying to put it away when it went off. 
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Oliver runs to get Dr. Johnson while Owen tends to Oscar who is (again, comically) writhing in a chair and complaining that being shot by a crazy granny is not how he wanted to go, and this is my second favorite progression of scenes.
Owen offers to call the pastor for Oscar (who, by the way, cannot identify WHERE he has been shot), and Oscar gets mad. Owen then offers him ice cream. Oliver sticks his head back in the door to ask of Oscar is dead yet. Owen says not yet and brings in Dr. Johnson (Asu, my love) who at first giggles and assumes that because it’s Mr. Jaffee he’s just acting. Owen and Oliver assure him this is real, and begin moaning and wailing as Dr. Johnson examines Oscar in earnest.
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He stands up, and Owen and Oliver take this to mean it’s a hopeless case, and it’s time for them to say goodbye. On senshuuraku, Daimon verrrrrrrrry slowly slid all the way down the chair, so that Aasa had to hold her up by the arms to keep her from wiping out, AND had to kick her foot to a lower step of the stage so she could stand up again. The raku digest thankfully shows a bit of this, along with the Matrix move Daimon had to pull to jump to her feet when Dr. Johnson declares that Oscar hasn’t been shot at all.
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(It does not, however, convey how drawn out and hilarious this was, nor does it show the chair then toppling onto poor Aasa, and it taking her at least 3 tries to get it off her again).
Oscar then gets another harebrained idea, and tells Dr. Johnson that he read his manuscript from before and that it’s SO GOOD he wants to give him an acting lesson right then and there. Dr. Johnson is stoked. Oscar tells him to just sit in the chair, stare at him solemnly, and shake his head back and forth if anyone looks at him (Asu, over the next few minutes, gives what my admittedly biased heart firmly believes is the award winning performance of the show). Oliver and Owen are to pretend Oscar is dying. The cherry on top of senshuuraku was in the moment before this all commenced, Daimon, immediately after the chair debacle, took an extra long pause before delivering (completely straight-faced) her usual line of “I don’t want to see any hammy acting,” after which the others took a comically long pause before replying, “Yep.”
Dr. Johnson takes his place in the formerly toppled chair, Oscar grabs a pillow and lays down on the floor, Oliver and Owen go fetch Lily and start wailing again. Agnes and Bruce also follow Lily into the room and start crying themselves at the sight of Oscar “dying” on the floor. Dr. Johnson looks around from person to person in a panic and starts hyperventilating. Owen and Oliver mime at him to look sadder, Asu licks her finger and dabs tears on her cheeks and then makes the dumbest crying face I’ve ever seen, shaking her head increasingly aggressively each time someone in the room looks at her. Daimon and Maaya are weepily singing “Lilyyyyyyyy, Oscaaaaarrrr” back and forth for deadass three entire minutes. I can’t believe how much vocal control Daimon has even lying on her back on the damn floor.
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Lily eventually signs the contract as Oscar’s dying wish. When Max enters the room, Oscar immediately jumps up to rub it in his face, and Lily once again is furious at being deceived. Oscar claims that with no money to offer, the only way he could rescue her from a rotted career was through trickery. **I FORGOT BECAUSE I FINISHED THIS AT 6AM AFTER BEING UP ALL NIGHT that Lily gets the last word because she hasn’t actually signed her name at all but written PETER RABBIT. They throw things and hurl vicious insults at each other and then finally realize they’re just too hot for each other after all and throw open their arms and get married.
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The finale opened with Agata in a top hat and tails dancing with a stick and a bunch of musumeyaku, then there was a huge golden group tap number and a lovely waltz for the duet dance. 
I’ve been pretty upset that I had to miss BeruBara 45 and that I booked the trip I’m currently on before finding out Komu and Wataru would be returning to Bow Hall this summer, but being able to see this, especially since we’ll never see it again, was so so worth it. It was certainly a much needed boost for me personally, and it seems like it was a boost for the troupe and for Daimon and Maaya as a combi as well. I’m always torn about Broadway shows like this, because they’re SO good, and I WANT them to take on these kinds of challenges, especially when the result is so spectacular, but it’s such a bummer when they disappear forever. Many points to Harada for fitting this weird musical to Yukigumi like a perfect cozy little glove. 
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onetruejonsey · 5 years
Decade In Review, by Samuel Richard Sinbad Gandalf Jones
So as the ‘Teens’ come to a close (I’m writing this with 3 hours left on the clock!), Gabby has insisted that I copy her, and do a highlight reel of my last decade. Now I’m not on YouTube yet, so this’ll be more of a REALLY REALLY long post, but go ahead and read it, then read Gabby’s on her page (@mist-over-water), and see just how boring I really am!
Well this year was boring as hell, clearly. I CAN’T REMEMBER MOST OF IT. But I was part way through my first year of A-Levels, and boy oh boy, was I failing them, I’d gone from being a straight A student to screwing everything up! Didn’t stop procrastinating though…..
Okay, now things get a little interesting, I got my first big job working at a really pleasant and mature restaurant….AHAHA just kidding I got a job at my local McDonald’s! It took me three attempts to get in there, not because I sucked, but timing sucked, I think the universe eventually saw me and just said ‘Oh fuck it, have the job’. But I wanted to earn some money to take me to university, and this seemed like a good idea at the time! And my first paycheck was spent on a brand new guitar! So I was a happy Sam!
I finished my A-Levels, and when I got my results, I was crushed, not at the results, they were pretty good. All my university choices rejected me, and all my friends made it. It was my own fault to be honest, but I’ll never forget just how low that made me feel. I was pretty angsty back then, so this just added to my pile!
I decided it was best to stay at work, go full time, get waaaaay more money, and try again next year. This proved to be a good decision, as it led to me being invited to my first ever work party, I got drunk, and there was karaoke, and I gave my best rendition of Basket Case by Green Day, and to this day, there are still whispers of my singing prowess. Even though I’m a bit shit.
I started 2012 with a pinch of determination, and it paid off. I re-applied for university, and all my choices accepted me, so now it was down to me to make my final decision. I’d had my eye on one in particular, so off me and Mum go to Northampton, 2 and half hours later, and the sat-nav took us to a primary school (I’ll never forget the shopkeeper on the same road-‘Looking for the uni? You’re the 4th person today!’). I fell in love with the whole place, and as soon as I got in the car I looked at Mum and said that I had to be there. I accepted the offer within a minute of being home.
Now from the good to the bad. Something happened to me this year that still sticks with me, and to many, this may seem stupid. But my dog died. Sounds stupid right? Jazz was the best dog I have ever known; loyal, unwavering, had the gift of the gab, and never left us alone. I was convinced she was actually a human reincarnated, she looked after Mum when she was ill, she looked after me when I was miserable, and she loved Dad. What made it more heartbreaking was that she never let us know that she was ill, no, that she was dying. When we got her to the vet, they originally thought it was a little infection, nothing major. The next day we had to rush her in as an emergency, and they found a tumour in her stomach the size of a baby’s head. How we never knew about it I’ll never know, but they operated, and got her all cleared up, and yet it wasn’t enough, she died within the hour, and I buried one of my best friends. This led to a vacuum in our house, we’ve always had dogs and the house felt so wrong without one, so Mum and Dad decided, one day without telling me, to go and get our current doggo Indiana. AND TALK ABOUT GOING FROM ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHER. If Jazz was the best dog ever, Indy is definitely the worst. But we love him, still today as a grumpy old man.
2012 saw me do something that I honestly never thought possible, and dead serious moment here: I genuinely never saw this coming for me, and was convinced that I was not the guy who would be in this situation. But I got a girlfriend, and it was my first relationship. Not ‘first major relationship’, like people who would bounce from quick fling to the next, but my first relationship. To me, a relationship is no small matter, you date me, I’m in it for the long term. Sam ain’t no quick and easy thing! Oh god why am I still such a dork. Anyway, so, yeah, my first relationship, and dear god was I clueless about what to do! And oh shit, I was leaving for uni in September, so would this work long distance? Am I boyfriend material? Will her parents like me? Will my parents like her?....ah fuck it, I WAS 19 AND IN LOVE. I DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT. And whilst we spent some of it long distance, we made it work.
Now that bit where I was really excited for university and all I’d learn in my 3 years there? Yeah I left after the first year. Cool. My finances were screwed over and I didn’t get my money, so I couldn’t go back, but I guess it was meant to happen for a reason.
Leaving university meant I could focus more on working back home at McDonald’s, so I tried for a promotion, got it, and lost it the day after because of bullshit. But I still carried on, because money’s nice right? I could buy nice things with it, like more stuff for my guitar collection! And many presents! But my my, I think I was getting into a world of pain staying there!
But while we’re on the subject of work and stuff, I got punched in the face by a shitty customer. And it broke my cheekbone. Which I didn’t find out about until a week later when I practically passed out and my girlfriend at the time rushed me to hospital! Since that’s happened I’ve always had a little problem with headaches, lately it’s been really good, to the point I’ve spent pretty much all of 2019, with no headache at all!
Still, finish a topic on a good note, I had my first ever trip to London, it was just me and my girlfriend, and we visited a bakery show. But London itself wowed me, and I fell in love with it, and I always knew I would be back there, just….not how I imagined.
Starting off, I went back to London! My girlfriend bought me tickets for me and my best friend to go and see Halestorm. MY FIRST CONCERT. And it was epic, I’d ben obsessed with Halestorm for some time already by this stage, so to see them live was a pivotal moment for me. The opening acts were shit, but my god, as soon as Lzzy belted out Love Bites…..oh, ohhh, OHHHHHH my god. The night itself was hectic enough, my friend and I didn’t think to book a hotel. Soooooo we had to run like fuck to make it back to the train, lest we be trapped in London for a whole night!
One big change in this year was my girlfriend and I moving into our own place, granted it was a static caravan, but it was ours, decorated, a bit cold, but it was home. Now, here’s a weird bit, I was home alone one night, and was just getting into bed, when I heard someone at the door. I thought it was my girlfriend home from work, but she was on a night? So, what’s the deal here? Oh wait that’s right, it was Gabby, drunkenly mistaking my caravan for hers! I heard muttering as she left, probably something along the lines of ‘Shit, not my caravan’. But if fate was starting the wheels turning, god she made it a slow fucking burn!
It took me a lot of years to pull this off, but I had my first ever holiday abroad! Rhodes, one of the Greek isles! I recall getting drunk a lot, really good food, and severe heat! But it was my first holiday in forever, and I went away with my girlfriend, her mum and her friend.
Aaaaaand then everything fell apart. I never expected myself to be in a relationship, but once I had one, I didn’t see it ending the way it did. And I’m not airing any dirty laundry, I wasn’t and am still not perfect, but I’m not bitter or twisted about it anymore, it just sucked at the time.  I was cheated on, and to anyone who’s had it happen to them knows that it does a lot of damage, it can take a lot of time to recover, and I was lucky to have the friends I had to help me.
The latter half of 2014 saw me drop into a real dark place, I contemplated suicide, and one day I considered it, staring at a packet of tablets for about 6 hours. It took my best friend randomly appearing at my house, practically kidnapping me and taking me to see Guardians of the Galaxy to snap me out of it! But both him and that movie saved my life, so I’m forever grateful to the pair of them. Also I started drinking heavily, at an unhealthy level but, like John Mulaney said, we don’t have time to unpack all of that!
Back to having a bit of a dull year, but only a bit. I knuckled down and got on with work, and proved myself time and time again. I remade myself, sorted my drinking out, and did a lot to make myself better, or at the very least, less of a fuckup.
I also managed to cram in three more concerts this year, saw Halestorm again with my best friend and another friend, and we loved one of the supporting acts, Nothing More. AND I GOT TO MEET THE SINGER AND HE WAS THE NICEST ERMAHGERD AND I STILL HAVE THE TICKET WHICH HE SIGNED. Then it was Theory of a Deadman later in the year, and they were phenomenal. But by far, the cherry on the cake was seeing Nothing More again, as a VIP! I got to meet the whole band, watch them from close up, got a crapload of merch, and just have the best damn concert experience I could ever have!
I started this year a little bit worse for wear, I was a little downbeat about things, and was a little bit lost with my choices in life. So I got a cat. Meg the Merciless. And she is a total bitch, mostly disobedient, attacker of unwatched feet. But she is one hell of a companion, and she loves me and Gabby, we can always rely on her to show us a little love and affection when we need it. But as long as it’s on her terms.
Only one concert this year, but it was a biggie: Sum 41 in London, with the same two friends I go to concerts with, aaaaaand we were bruised and injured from surrounding mosh pits, I think Jacob got a cracked rib for his troubles, and I got a smack in the head, so fun times all round!
I tried again for a promotion at work, and made progress! So that was good, my life’s going forwards, what else could happen to make this year more awesome?
OH THAT’S RIGHT I MET GABBY. Yep, thank you Plenty of Fish for giving the option to exercise my social awkwardness from a screen, because that makes me feel so much better! Anyway, yeah Gabby and I started talking on there, I seem to recall the conversation starting off about surviving a zombie apocalypse? Darling, please correct me if I’m wrong! But we started off strong, and carried on strong from there, I was able to open up to her, which made me feel amazing, confident about being in a relationship again, and then we finally met. And our first date was amazing, it may have been a simple idea, drinks, dinner, walking, trying to be a gentleman and not look at Gabby’s butt. Being told by Gabby to look at her butt, giving said butt 2 thumbs up. The usual stuff you know? But the thing that marvelled me most? Her honesty. Gabby hasn’t had the best life, and she has told me so much that any one thing might break some people, and yet Gabby has endured it all, and she is still one of the kindest people I have ever known. She was worried that I might’ve been scared off with what she wanted me know, but it made me love her more, because she trusts me to the point that she’ll tell me all of this. I visited the zoo in October with her, had an amazing first Christmas with her, met her nieces, who are all adorable, met her friends, had a blast, and had a somewhat awkward time introducing Gabby to my parents!
After nearly 6 months, Gabby was offered the chance to move in with me and my parents, because her home life was…pretty terrible. After suffering psychological abuse for 7 years at the hands of a total scumbag (side note, I find it really hard to hate people, but if this guy died? Fine.) and going away with me to London for a few days, she made the choice to move in. And I think she’s finally realising how terrible a choice that was, because this house is a total nutfest, and she is now a part of it AND CAN NEVER ESCAPE. But she’s embraced it, and has become a better person with her new environment!
Sticking to the topic of Gabby, she landed a job working with me at McDonald’s. And we became one of the greatest working couples in the whole world, people loved us there. Well, most people. I loved working with her, but the managers were becoming total dicks at the time, and Gabby was being discriminated for her mental health, which pissed me off. And thanks to my shitty advice, she quit in November. So go me!
I realise that so far, my 2017 has been largely about Gabby, AND THAT ISN’T STOPPING ANYTIME SOON! I made a post before about this, but Gabby took me to LFCC, my first ever convention. We went to London again, had a ball, met Glenn from Walking Dead, and Crowley from Supernatural! Later in the year we would also go back to London for MCM Comic-Con, which was more spectacle, but I preferred LFCC more, there were more famous people, and I’m a sucker for meeting the famous!
I saw Sum 41 again with my best friend, and we learned our lesson from the last concert, so we got seats up top, and watched from relative safety, and thank god for that because my hearing went to crap after that night! Gabby bought me tickets to go and see Nothing More again as well, and to show her my world a little more, I took her with me! God they know how to put on a show!
The year ended on the shitty side, and I was a pretty shitty boyfriend with this. But Gabby’s nan fell ill, and it wasn’t looking good, and when Gabby needed me after going to be with her mum at the end of the year, I wasn’t there. So I will be spending the rest of my life trying to make up for it. Sorry sweetheart.
A shit start to be honest. Gabby’s nan died, and it was a stressful time all round, Gabby and I had a massive argument, and I nearly drove her to self harm. Way to go Sam, you prick. I was convinced that after that, we would be over. Why would Gabby want to be with someone who drives her mental health into the dirt? So naturally I was surprised when she told me she still loved me, and still wanted to be with me, and when she moved back, and got a new job, I saw this as a chance to get things going back in the right direction, for the sake of us, and to show Gabby that I will always love her.
NOW FOR A BIG DRAMATIC CHANGE IN SAM’S LIFE. I quit McDonald’s. And looking back at it, thank fuck I did. I was gunning for another promotion, and I got so close to becoming a manager, only for it to be taken away. Yet another opportunity snatched by arseholes. So that was it, fuck ‘em. I quit, and thanks to Gabby finding it, I got a new job working in the same company as my dad, and I can safely say I have not regretted that decision. I love my new job to pieces!
Now, back to Gabby. AND YET ANOTHER DRAMATIC CHANGE IN SAM’S LIFE. In August, on Gabby’s birthday, I wanted to take her to the zoo, with her mum and nieces in tow. And that was the day I lost my girlfriend. AND GAINED A FIANCEÉ SEE WHAT I DID THERE TUMBLR? SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS OH YEAH. I proposed, and she said yes! I’m going to be a husband! I’m grateful for everything Gabby does, she teaches me so much, and sometimes doesn’t realise it, so to hear her say yes has to be the greatest thing she has done for me so far, because it shows that she wants to spend the rest of her life with an overweight, greying, eccentric, potty mouthed nerd.
I started learning to drive this year, because goddamn it, if I’m going to get somewhere with my life, I needed to drive, I needed a car. So I found a driving school, and got to work. Now it took me going to a different driving school to find out that my first instructor was just trying to bleed me for money, but I enjoyed the driving all the same. But when I had to find a new driving school, I saw that as an opportunity to procrastinate my arse off again. Well done Sam, well done. You prat.
I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST. After getting in with a new driving school, I got on really quickly, and passed first time, and in May, after Gabby passed her test as well, we got our first car. Moss, the (nearly) 18 year old Nissan Micra. He’s old, a bit clunky, but he’s an amazing car, and I couldn’t picture a better car for us to start with. Mainly because he’s small and really easy to park.
After getting my butt into gear, and sorting out some crap on my end, Gabby and I really got into planning our wedding, we set the date, and from there, we decided on venues, transport, Gabby chose a dress, everything was coming together in the planning phase. However, we didn’t anticipate that we would have already booked over ¾ of the wedding before the end of this year! Seriously, our wedding is in 2021, and we are practically done. WE BOOKED OUR HONEYMOON A FEW DAYS AGO FOR GOD’S SAKE. So yeah, 2020 may be a little less exciting!
Now for a little bit of a shitty part of 2019. I found out a friend of mine died, and that left me feeling down as hell. Of all the people, I never imagined my friend Jay would be one to go so soon. He was a massive character, big heart, and a bigger laugh to match. To hear him pass was frigging heartbreaking, and I don’t think I’ll stop visiting him anytime soon.
 Do I know what the next decade holds for me? Not a clue, but I’m glad I’m not alone for it, with Gabby at my side, and our wedding not that far away, I’m ready to make her the happiest woman alive, to start the family that we both want (I mean, apparently we’ll have twins when we have kids, so that’s going to be fun!), to live the lives that we want to spend together. To spend time with friends, new, old, and really old. But most importantly, to have her for all of it.
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Well, either of your ideas that you had written was already written before (albeit differently) by someone else a while back basically (out of the fact that I made questions similar to the ones I gave you which resulted in tumblr bloggers giving me different answers to them). 
gingerly-writing: to this ask I filled out for them. I’m pretty fucking pissed off, and I’ve had my fury checked out by uninvolved parties to make sure it was righteous. It’s righteous.
Me: Not entirely so.
gingerly-writing: First off, feel free not to send people rude-ass messages after they’ve put time and effort into coming up with a response to you? 
Me: The top comment there (the “Well, either of your ideas” comment) wasn’t really the rude comment I typed out. The other one was (which I’m sorry for) which you didn’t copy paste in your third post so other bloggers can see it as that public evidence is vital for context.
gingerly-writing: Also, I thought you were going to use my idea and have me to thank you or something for it when I came up with something like my asks I gave you and something to the equivalent of your “heroes and villains school” stuff before I replied to your ask box sometime ago. Basically, wanting me to give you undeserved credit for my very own idea. I certainly didn’t know you were going to make comments like this either.
So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it.
gingerly-writing: It took me a good 45 minutes to get tumblr to accept my answer to your damn ask, so you’ve just made that a waste of my time.
Me: Maybe. But, from below, you were not bettering the situation.
gingerly-writing: Also, feel free to simply not respond rudely to people’s posts, at all, ever, especially if you were the one who sent the ask in the first place. I didn’t need to know how shit my ideas are, thanks.
Me: Yeah...not really sure where you’re going with this. Are you saying your ideas were horrible because they were based on my idea and how I spread more around on tumblr? Or do you think I’m saying your ideas were horrible because you think I’m somehow saying, implying or thinking that? 
Either why, that comment of yours was not helpful for anyone. Yourself included.
gingerly-writing: Also, as a more general PSA, feel free not to send identical asks to multiple bloggers. 
Me: Not happening. As I can sent any ask at any time by my own free will. As is my right.
gingerly-writing: Seeing someone else answer the same ask really disincentivizes me to answer it, even if it’s in my queue: I worry about stepping on the other responder’s feet, 
Me: Well, to be fair, I can understand the sentiment there. Still, what you say next will lower that sentiment.
and also, it’s motherfuckin rude, you absolute assclown. 
Me: Childish name calling. So...how is it you’re any better with what you had said. What would you benefit from doing that other then venting out your anger. ...Which ironically enough I didn’t even do here and wouldn’t now just so I won’t sink to your level of rudeness. 
gingerly-writing: And if you do send multiple asks and get similar responses, maybe it’s simply because it’s a good fucking idea. If you get different answers, maybe it’s because we’re all different fucking people with awesome different ideas that I’m not sure you deserve.
Me: You know what, I’ll be upfront, and say that I should have not jumped the gun and assumed the worse and could’ve worded my comments better (or just replied privately about the whole matter), you, on the other hand, didn’t do much of anything to resolve the situation as best as you should’ve. In the end, you basically became me. But a little worse.
: feel free to block me on the way out
Me: Already did. I’m hoping you don’t treat other bloggers the way you had treated me. Especially if they were nicely bringing up stuff to your attention among other things. And especially, even, in the ‘ginning once they asked you something.
gingerly-writing: #I try to be nice on this site #but I have my limits #and now I'm in rage mode #the asks and the answers #rude #ungrateful
Me: As if you were better with your own fair share of rudeness that might be on the level of hackedmotionsensors’. 
hackedmotionsensors: THIS PERSON IS SO WEIRD!! All they ever do is send these bizarre questions about the DCEU being in MCU!
Me:  Actually, that's not ALL I do. I asked other questions too. And my qs aren't as weird as any one else's either, hacked. Best to not go by assumptions and call people weird for what they say or do. Be it in front of their faces or behind their backs. Also, don't like me or my qs? Then either block me or just blacklist my name.
See ya...never, I guess.
Here’s some context on what I was talking about on this post:
TumblrFrostbite: How would you want schools for villains' kids (for Marvel villains' kids, for DC villains' kids, etc) to be ran? And who would you want to run those schools?
gingerly-writing: This is one of those things that I’ve put way too much thought into after you sent this, because I love stuff like this. The question is, are the villains running this school for their kids, or is this something the heroes are putting on to try and rehabilitate the kids while their parents are in prison? I’ll assume the former, but the latter is also super interesting to me.
Disclaimer: this will have a strong DC bent because I have little to no interest in most Marvel villains, whereas I could yack on about DC villains for month. In fact, I might just stick to DC in its entirety because other than Loki (who would be the worst teacher ever, he would encourage so much shenanigans) most of the Marvel villains I know are Nazis or space monsters. Second disclaimer: I’ve watched a lot more animated DC movies and read a lot more fic than I ever have comics, soooooo these depictions might not be comic book accurate. Fanboys, please don’t come for me…but I also don’t really care that much tbh. I like the incarnations that I like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actual answer under the cut because this got hella long. Hope you like it!
Sponsor: Lex Luthor. Funds the school, shows up to speech day to give speeches and hand out prizes, gives the brightest and most stable kids scholarships to work at Lex Corp in the holidays. Absolutely 100% has his own ends, no one knows what they are. Chucks buckets of money at every problem. Likes to bring the school up at fancy soirees in front of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen just to piss them off.
Headmaster: Deathstroke (or rather, Slade from Teen Titans). Has no idea how he wound up with this job, complains about the pay 24/7 even though it’s in the range of millions of dollars a term paid in untraceable cash from 50 different countries. Basically ends up like Gordon Ramsey: threatens to assassinate the teachers and parents all the time, has actually taken out some abusive parents, but is weirdly, gruffly nice to the younger kids. Teachers self-defence to all the non-powered kids and weapons to anyone who’s interested and has the discipline for it. Grudgingly tolerates old man jokes.
Deputy Headmistress: Talia al Ghul. Absolutely terrifies all the older kids, mothers the younger ones. In charge of who graduates and who doesn’t; will only let kids graduate if their villainy won’t critically endanger their own life. Sometimes shows up in the backs of random classes and lurks there for ‘assessments’; shows up in more than 50% of Deathstroke’s classes to harass him about his technique. Keeps a photo of Damien on her desk, refuses to acknowledge it’s there if someone asks about it.
Biology: Poison Ivy. Excellent teacher, surprises both herself and her students at how brilliant she is. Everyone wants to take biology with her even if they have no villainous interest in the subject. Litters her lectures with feminist rants, eco-warrior tirades and talks about LGBT+ rights, will gently but forcefully correct anyone who disagrees with her. Runs a vegetable outside the school and encourages the kids to get closer to nature. Just enough passing knowledge of memes to make her older students roll about with laughter: ‘Batman’s homophobic because he inconveniences me and I’m gay’. PDAs with her girlfriend in the corridors.
Women and gender studies: Harley Quinn Ivy’s girlfriend, part time teacher. Wanted to take up the psychology post, but after she seriously suggested sharing it with Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) no one wanted to let her anywhere near it. Knows every meme. Gives great relationship advice, will kill anyone’s abusive boyfriend with no questions asked. Brings her hyenas to school in a ridiculously massive handbag. Has her own locker.
Thievery, sneaking around, Gotham safety: Catwoman. Definitely brings in her cats to act as therapy/comfort animals for the kids. Unofficial therapist; absolutely mothers anyone from Gotham, no exceptions. Brings the kids super expensive (stolen) jewellery to wear on prom night and for big dances, charges in secrets about their parents.
Business and Economics, with a side in mind control: Maxwell Lord (in the more business-orientated editions). Keeps to himself, is one of those teachers who doesn’t actually seem to like kids. Always wears a freshly pressed suit. Bit of an asshole. Selina tripped him down the stairs once.
Magic: supposedly taught by Felix Faust, but Klarion enrolled as a student just to show up in his lectures and argue. Every. Single. Point. Magic classes have turned into a magical war several times. They can only get along when someone else turns up claiming magic isn’t real. Faust has a lecture prepared for the non-believers, Klarion has a fireball. Circe often shows up in these classes, ‘borrows’ all the female students for private lessons and turns all the boys into pigs. Pig-Klarion does not appreciate this.
Physics and advanced thermodynamics: Killer Frost. Gets on really well with the Gotham City Sirens; they have cocktail parties in the staff lounge every second Thursday. Is paid by other villains kidnapping Firestorm so she can feed. Absolutely has favourite students and students she hates with a passion; has been known to freeze some students to their chairs in lieu of detention.
Other random villains that show up from time to time: - Flash’s Rogues Gallery. Created the infamous ‘Rogues week’ at the end of the year where every single one of them shows up and helps the students wreak absolute chaos across the school. Can never be stopped from showing up and starting this. Captain Cold comes grudgingly, sits in Slade’s office and has a drink with him; the rest of the Rogues join in with the chaos a bit too enthusiastically. Best week for the seniors. The younger rogues would totally be students and help to smuggle the older ones in for Rogues week.
- Black Manta: shows up sometimes, teaches a few lectures, leaves. Always on super random topics, often tangentially related to his latest evil scheme. The students have a betting pool that reawakens after each visit on how his talk will relate to his next scheme. Literally no one understands why he shows up. Doesn’t get paid, doesn’t seem to enjoy it. ?????? Has great on-land fashion sense though. A lot of the older students have lowkey crushes on him
- Cheetah takes advanced genetics and many other complex of aspects of science. Only shows up to teach special classes for the seniors. High fives Ivy in the corridors.
- Deadshot. Sometimes shows up and interrupts Deathstroke’s guns lessons (poor guy can never teach a lesson in peace), always gets chased out of the school. Gets teary eyed over the young female students kicking ass. Doesn’t seem to do anything useful but somehow gets paid a salary. Sleeps in the gym when he’s on the run from Amanda Wakker/Batman.
- Hugo Strange keeps showing up in disguises and trying to get the psychology job. Last time it was just a fake moustache. What is he even hoping to achieve.
- Merlyn shows up when he’s bored to host archery competitions on the front lawn. Mostly does this when Oliver Queen is in town. Keeps saying he’s going to pick a protégé out of the best archers and never does because the Arrow Clan kids annoy him so much he’s wound up thinking he hates kids. Actually loves kids, pretends to be snooty and above them though. 100% has to prove he’s still the best archer at every competition, even the one for 12 year olds.
TumblrFrostbite: If the super villain academy children, by the time they hit twenty, had to do some VERY impressive villainous in order to graduate, what type of villainous stuff would you have the rookies villains do to not only graduate, but also to be considered as full fledged villains?
gingerly-writing: So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
My thought was: all villains are going to be different, with different strengths and gifts. Sending them all to, I don’t know, infiltrate an island or fight Black Canary (which no one would win, let’s be honest) doesn’t seem fair on those it doesn’t suit. I was really struggling to come up with something that could work for everyone that didn’t force them to work in a team, because, well…villainous teams never work so well. Too many egos and whatnot.
My solution was: have the kids pick their own challenges. Make it their end of final year project. They submit a fully researched plan, all the way from the developmental stages to the final polished article. Plans like ‘killing Batman’ or ‘blowing up the planet’ are swiftly vetoed, but as long as they’re convincing enough the plan can get as elaborate and dangerous as they like. Half the marks come from the plan itself, and half for execution. Sometimes, my particularly vindictive kiddos make their plan to screw over their nemesis’ plan; I particularly enjoy when their plans are both to screw over each others’ plans. That gets entertaining.
They’re assigned a teacher whose knowledge base best fits with the plan the kid wants to execute, and they submit and resubmit and re-resubmit it to improve and refine their scheme until it’s as perfect as it’s going to get. Then, with no further outside help, they have to execute it.
This method lets you titivate the grand finale to best suit your plot needs. Your character has a serious nemesis? Pitch them against each other. Parental grudge? Make their aim to foil their parent’s plans. Hero that they hate? Plan to ruin their day. Plus, you can shove in bureaucratic nightmares and whatever other problems you can dream up (sabotage, indecision, dreams too grand to execute) into the planning stages.
I’m not sure you could do anything in a school situation to make the outside world consider them ‘real villains’: that would take time, money, and a body count, all things a school probably can’t afford to have on their books, villainous or not. But a huge, large-scale, dramatic graduating plan probably wouldn’t hurt any young villain’s rep!
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it. xx
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raeyvies · 7 years
Hi! What about a Headcanon about how everyone would react to MC who does Mukbang's?? 😊💜
RFA + V + Saeran reacting to MC who does Mukbangs  (vlogs while eating food) 먹방
Oh my god I loved writing this headcanon ^_^ I’ve never seen anyone do an HC about this and I actually thought it was so creative! For those of you who don’t know, Mukbang is just livestreaming while eating food and interacting with the viewers. It’s actually something that’s getting popular lately in Korea so I totally see MC actually doing this xD Also, some who do mukbangs actually get money for it~ Thank you for requesting :D
This boy was literally playing his video games while supposedly studying
Of course it was LOLOL and he was legit hacking at his keyboard
It’s a miracle that his computer is still alive up to this day
You had texted him a few times to see what he was doing before you started your live stream.
It’s not that you wanted to keep it a secret from Yoosung but it’s a natural reaction
No one really likes explaining themselves for what they like to do right?
It’s just one of those things you kind of hope that someone else doesn’t find out about
You already had a pretty large fan base for your vlogs and live stream as so it would be a matter of time before your boyfriend found out
You were sitting there on the floor with a large bowl of spicy rice cakes and a side a kimchi.
Today’s theme was comfort food on a budget and you talked about how easy it is to cook all this stuff and how satisfying it is when you taste it
While live streaming you always read the comments and answered them because it was fun
Some were so cute and some were extremely nice
You would make this little motion if shaking your shoulders when you read cute comments
Oh the flattery.
Yoosung started noticing that a lot of his friends were logging off and was so confused
They were in the middle of PVP and like no one ever logs out in the middle of a battlefield.
He quickly asked those still online why they were logging out and they said it was to watch a Mukbang live stream
They said that the host was really cool and sweet and cute
They sent yoosung a link to the video and his reaction was priceless when he saw your face
He started sending in a spam of comments hoping for you to read them
Oh the secondhand embarrassment.
With a slightly full mouth, you cough in surprise
Not graceful at all
“Yoosung!! What the heck! You’re supposed to be in class right now. Get back to class”
And then you tell everyone who was watching that commenter “yoosung⭐” was your boyfriend
And after that, all comments during the video turned around to be about you and yoosung
What can you say, your fan base really wanted to know who you were dating
And Yoosung gained some serious street cred in LOLOL for being your boyfriend
You began the livestream fairly late at night but it was the only time you were free
And really, the only time you were hungry that day
Jumin hadn’t arrived from work yet while you got off work very early that day
So you set up your camera you had secretly bought “borrowed” from V (woops)
You decided to livestream outside on the penthouse balcony and also for the good lighting
You start and give your wacky introduction with some funny chopstick moves
“Alright guys, I know it’s been a while but I’m back tonight! I’m outside for a change and we’ll be having late night snacks today”
You showed them a box of gyeranppang (계란빵)/Egg bread and some hotteok (호떡)/Korean pancakes.
“Actually I didn’t make this. I was feeling lazy and craving some street food. You can’t ever go wrong with street food!”
As per usual, you interact with your viewers asking them questions about their favorite street foods and late night cravings
It was all fun for you and you had missed doing these broadcasts for a while
You were surprised you still had a solid fanbase
Then suddenly the comments started blowing up, saying that there was someone behind you entering through the door
MC there’s someone in your house!
Intruder alert intruder alert!
Turn around and run away MC!!
So you were a little frightened by their reactions until you looked back and found Jumin right behind you
And you looked glamorous
Half a hotteok pancake was sticking out from your mouth, so instead of Jumin giving you a kiss as a greeting, he simply took a bite directly from the same pancake sticking out
Oh God you were blushing so hard as everyone tuned in was watching this unfold.
Jumin saw the camera and the video being recorded and simply asked
“Commoner food all of a sudden?”
You still loved it when he considered your favorite foods commoner foods. It was really cute in your opinion because he liked that type of food just as much ever since you married him
You finished your hotteok with wide eyes and turned back to the screen for a moment
“I forgot to tell you guys something. I actually got married while I was away from mukbangs! He’s actually my husband not an intruder.”
Jumin caught on and introduced himself super formally (chill boi, just let loose)
“Long story short, I married him in 11 days– Ya! Jumin get back here and join me!”
He changed clothes first before joining you. He was actually really delighted to do a mukbang with you
Given, he had no idea what a mukbang is because “commoner” things
“So. What exactly do I do here?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He actually needed help with this
“Well first of all, sit right next to me. Really close to me. And then eat. Oh and talk to the viewers too! Looks like they want to meet you. And, I think we’re going to need more food…”
Jumin couldn’t deny that the food was so delicious. Remind him to buy more of this food when he gets off work
After a while he got comfortable with the live stream even though it was his first time and you left him to it while you went across the street to buy more food
You were overjoyed to come back and see him actually enjoying himself.
You loved seeing him doing “commoner” things after all
The live stream went well into the night and the both of you weren’t no strangers to PDA.
Besides, it was fan service anyway.
“And on today’s episode of Vlogs with MmmmmC, I’ll be doing something different”
Today, your mukbang wasn’t the traditional livestream. Usually you would just be at your apartment eating food that you made for Jaehee because Hey someone’s gotta make food right
You were actually doing a lowkey promotion of yours and Jaehee’s Cafe.
Considering how large a fan base you had, you decided to use it to your advantage honestly
It would make jaehee so happy to know that a lot more people were coming to her Cafe.
IT would be a little gift to her from you.
You were live streaming from your phone as you walked over to the Cafe
“Alright so today, I’ll actually be going to a Cafe and tasting food from there. It’s a somewhat new Cafe but the food is soooooo good.”
As you walk in through the door, Jaehee sees you and is suddenly confused. She was cleaning things up before planning to close for the day.
“You guys want to know why the food is so good here? It’s because I work here and my girlfriend owns this place! Jaehee come here!”
You tell her to introduce herself to your viewers and she does so but very shyly.
You give her a little kiss and ask if it’s okay to show them some of the pastries that were in the fridge.
Jaehee was totally on board with this and actually took your phone and started showing the viewers around the cafe even though this was her first mukbang
The comments coming in were super friendly and positive
Most of them were anxious for you to reveal the address of the cafe because for one they wanted to meet you but the food also genuinely looked delicious
Some of the fans even begged for more fan service and how could you deny it
You loved Jaehee so much, no one had to tell you when to kiss her or not anyway.
Every chance you could, you gave Jaehee a peck on the cheek and at one point of the live stream, you were being a cringe cuddly couple as you both fed each other desserts.
At the end of the live stream you revealed the location of the cafe and the next morning there was a line outside the Cafe
Jaehee was just wonderstruck
But she couldn’t thank you enough
A part of her was also thinking that there was going to be so much work ahead of you.
But it’s okay. You made sure to get Zen and Yoosung on board to help out with baking
You already knew you had a large fan base but you didn’t expect them to be this dedicated
Zen found out about your Mukbangs the same day it came out into the news that the two of you were dating
“And in breaking news, famous actor Zen Ryu has been found to be in a relationship with Ms. MC, a well known mukbang online celebrity.”
Okay it was a stretch for you to be called a celebrity but you were definitely well known online.
You were surprised that Zen didn’t know yet but it made sense.
He was always busy with rehearsals  
What he didn’t know was that you also make it rain with your live streams.
As the news continued, clips from your old videos were replayed along with some newer ones
You were cringing at the old videos
Oh my god you were actually a very embarrassing girl back when you started these videos
What even was up with your hair and clothes??
You couldn’t bare to watch the news so you were going to change the channel but Zen took the remote from you, chuckling at your reaction.
“Oh come on MC. You were adorable back then. What happened to you? You became so gorgeous.”
“Noooo, it’s so embarrassing! I don’t even know what I was doing back then. Why was I even dying my hair back then oh god what was I”
Zen was trying so hard not to laugh
For the rest of that day, Zen insisted in re-watching your most popular mukbangs and you gave in
You actually laughed at yourself.
You were so messy when it came to eating ramen and other noodle dishes
Then you got the idea to film another mukbang
After all, it had been a few months since you did one and you were feeling kind of nostalgic
You looked in the fridge and saw some left overs and thought that was just fine for this episode
Finding a camera wasn’t hard and you set up the live stream
The viewers came swarming in as they were super excited to see you again especially after the revealing of your relationship with Zen
“HI everyone! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well I’d like to introduce you to a new member of my mukbang Vlogs!”
The viewer count reached a new record for you
This kid knew about your mukbangs since the beginning
Surprise surprise
Even if he was in the middle of work he would always join in and watch your live streams
He thought you were always so cute but one day he started seeing comments in the chat asking whether or not you have a boyfriend
You were both actually at home that day but he was in his office working
You were actually surprised when someone asked you that, that you ending up coughing while you had food in your mouth
You cleaned yourself up first before telling your viewers about your boyfriend
Oh god it was like a slippery slope. One person asked and then a flood of chats came in only asking you about your current relationship status
You have no idea why but it made you blush all of a sudden to talk about it
But looks like you didn’t have to because Saeyoung actually hacked your livestream
So now he was the star of the show and you were just completely dumbstruck
“Hi MC! Guess what? I knew about your mukbangs all along *insert cackling noise*”
“So you guys were clearly asking her about her boyfriend and let me tell you, she’s taken. By me. And a space ship”
He was literally doing his own mukbang with your viewers as he ate honey Buddha chips and talked on and on about you
Some viewers were still not convinced about him being your boyfriend as you continued reading the comments
Since he was pranking you, you had to get some payback.
You grabbed the ramen plate and the udon noodles and went downstairs to his office
You casually entered and Saeyoung didn’t notice you there so from behind, you dumped ramen and udon all over his head.
Then once again you appear on his camera and say
“Yes everyone. This noodle boy is my boyfriend. And well I didn’t really give him permission to hack my livestream. Did I, Saeyoung?”
You were literally a laughing mess as Saeyoung was still frozen in his seat.
You sat on his lap and well you gave him a kiss on the lips that clearly tasted like spicy ramen
You look at the camera, chuckling and say
“I think ramen tastes better this way. I encourage you to do this to all your boyfriends and girlfriends *wink wink*”
You decided to end the livestream there because you two were about to do some NSFW things
It all started after you took his glasses off that were covered in soup
V started catching on when he was finding that his video camera always went missing
He had it stored with all his cameras so of course he would know what’s missing
The only other person who knew where he stored his cameras was you so he went to ask you where it was or if you happened to be using it
It didn’t bother him that you just took it, after all he does trust you with all his equipment considering that you also did photography as a hobby and video editing as well
You were up in the attic when he found you doing a mukbang livestream
It’s called an attic but really it’s your own little secluded room that V had remodeled for you
It was a little private space for you to do video editing and pretty much anything
You actually didn’t go up there all that frequently because you enjoy being by V’s side rather than away from him
When V walked in, you were in the middle of eating Korean fried chicken. So of course your mouth was full and you were messy when he saw you
He noticed that you were live streaming as he saw the camera he was looking for and it was hooked up to your computer
“Oh my bad. I didn’t mean to bother you MC!”
Before he could leave, you grabbed him and sat him down next to you in another seat
The comments were flooding and they were asking if this was the guy you always talked about
They asked if he was your boyfriend but all you did was kiss him on the cheek to show your viewers the man you loved
“V, I never told you that I do these kinds of videos sometimes.”
Then you whisper in his ear, “I actually make money doing this”
You just didn’t want to rub it in your viewers faces that you make some decent money from mukbang
You pull away and ask him to get comfortable and interact with the viewers
He talks all about his occupation and he’s so distracted that he didn’t notice you left to get one of his cameras that had recent photos on it.
When you come back, you asked him if you could show them some of his photos
Seriously you wanted to brag all about V now
Of course not to be overbearing or anything.
He let you show them some of the photos after all
After the live stream ended, you checked your bank account once again and finally you reached the number you wanted so you smiled
You pull him out of his seat and downstairs giving him a moment to put on his shoes
“Come on, hurry up! I think the store is gonna close soon!”
V had no idea what you were trying to say but he quickly got ready and went to the car and you drove to this high end photography and camera shop
Once inside, you point at the one camera that’s been on display for so long because it’s legit the best camera in the store
“V, I’ve seen the way you look at this one. I know you want it”
Oh god V was so flattered and insisted that you shouldn’t buy it for him
Ignoring him, you asked the nearest salesperson if you could buy the camera
You had absolutely no regrets even if all your money in your side account was drained
V had absolutely no words
He couldn’t believe what you just bought him but he showered you in so many kisses
You tell him that it’s a belated anniversary present. You were saving up for it
Then he suggested getting some take out food and added
“From now on, can I join you in your mukbangs?”
Explaining what mukbang was turned out to be harder than you thought
Not to say he was dumb or anything of that sort, he just wasn’t up to date with all the trends
Because honestly he couldn’t care less about trends
So you settle on just showing him instead
He helped you make the food but after all that he still decided to only eat an ice cream cone
As you turned on the live stream, he sat in the far back behind you watching.
What was up with this kid???
He legit looked like a ghost in the back of the camera and people in the comments were actually asking if there’s a poltergeist in your house
You take this chance to poke at saeran and when you looked back you said you saw nothing even though saeran was there
Oh it bothered Saeran that you were messing with him like this
Then the chats started blowing up as you ate. The viewer commented with tips on how to get rid of a ghost
You looked back and continued to say
“Guys I don’t see a ghost!”
Finally, Saeran got up and got closer to the camera but you acted like he wasn’t there while everyone was just freaking out that your camera must be supernatural or something
Now that you got his attention, you took Saeran’s ice cream cone and ate it
The poor puppy face he made (>﹏
But you also pouted and that had him melting
“Saeran-ah, you haven’t eating all day! Just eat what I made and I’ll eat your ice cream. Deal!”
So he conceded and pulled up a chair and basically did the mukbang for you
Of course it was super awkward but you helped him out
Before ending the live steam you said
“And that’s how you live with a ghost as a boyfriend! Stick around and maybe in the future you’ll see more of my ghost here!”
With his pretty much blank face he literally just shoved some food in your mouth to get back at you. Of course he wasn’t aggressive when he did it
that had him chuckling deep inside
Then he told you
“I’ll join your Mukbangs. But not as a ghost”
You were surprised that he even said that he would accompany you
You never even mentioned or suggested that to him
But looks like he actually enjoyed it despite looking a little peeved
Then you returned the favor and shoved food into his mouth
“Eat up. Unless you want to actually become a ghost, Saeran”
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Under My Umbrella
This is my first headcanon, have mercy. I had to! Thank you to @centixue whose artwork inspired this fic. (Click that link the images will change your life.)
Ballet!Peter, LipSyncBattle!Peter, Crossdressing!Peter, Spideychelle
So one day it just randomly came up that Peter knows how to dance ballet
Pick your reason why.
Maybe Ned and Michelle are joking around about how Michelle used to have to do ballet when she was five, and how she only stayed for two lessons. All she remembers are the stupid ballet buns that she hated being pulled into.
And Peter being the little shit he is walks up and mentions eagerly that he still danced ballet
And Michelle and Ned are like no you don’t
And Peter does a pirouette and a leap to show them
And Ned is like BLOWN AWAY and keeps asking him to do it again.
So Peter decides to try and teach them how to do it. While Ned is just having a blast, Michelle falls a lot. Peter is doing his best to stop laughing but finally she hits the floor face first and he just loses it.
And Michelle is like “if you’re so good at it, how many can you do?”
Being Spiderman, Peter says 100 which is impossible but he likes challenges. Besides, he’s Spider-Man, so he can do anything.
Michelle insists that’s impossible but since Peter disagrees, she decides to make it a bet. So she proposes Peter needs to wear women’s clothes and do a wild dance for her and Ned if he can’t do it and if she loses, then Michelle and Ned will swap clothes for a week. Ned isn’t okay with this part of the deal but Michelle insists because Peter will lose.
Peter is so confident about this, he just goes for it without worrying. He’s on 34 pirouettes when he sees Michelle staring at him. She’s biting her lip and looking very amused, almost too amused. As he spins, he starts wondering why. This matters soooooo much for some reason.
Suddenly his focus point, what he uses to keep his balance, becomes her face. So he makes eye contact with her for every spin and she starts giving him these really confusing looks. He wants nothing more than to figure out what this face means and why it’s making him blush. Is she checking him out?
That question is enough to startle him, he stops spinning, he nearly falls flat on his face.
While Ned asks if he’s okay, Michelle just smiles down at him.
“Make it a really good dance, Parker,” she requests before walking out like she got what she wanted.
Once his ego recovered, Peter decided he’d have to really go for this. He took a week to prepare. He went into Aunt May’s closet for her party clothes and he put together an outfit. He rehearsed every day, sticking more and more risque dance moves in the routine, knowing he’d really make his friends laugh if he made it scandalous.
They settled on meeting in Ned’s house. When he walks in, he sees an open box of monopoly.
Michelle’s there already and she is splitting all of the monopoly money between herself and Ned
“The entertainment arrives,” she announces when she sees Peter.
“What are you doing?”
“We figured we could toss money at you while you dance.” Fuck.
This is to be expected from her.
He ignores her to go change in the bathroom. Peter even gives himself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror.
Something like “You’re Spider-Man. You can do this.” bc this little shit has battled giant mechanical birdmen and lived, he stole Cap’s shield, he took a punch from the Winter Soldier. He is ready to dance like he’s never danced before.
As he comes out, Ned and Michelle raise their voices and holler at him, Michelle even wolf whistles. Peter gets really into the song, his prop umbrella becoming almost a partner in the dance.
He’s shaking his hips and gesturing at both of them. Ned is covering his eyes for most of the routine, and Michelle is grabbing onto Ned’s shoulder for help as she holds her stomach and laughs.
Peter keeps running through his routine because he’s practiced and he knows exactly how to impress them. He’s flexible af and he uses that to the best of his ability.
He even gets so cocky he starts mouthing the lyrics to the song.
Finally, Ned and Michelle come back to the present and just starting clapping whenever he does something impressive. There’s one part where the umbrella goes between his legs and they both cover their eyes and have another laughing fit before they throw the fake money at him.
Peter actually starts to enjoy that part.
Honestly, this isn’t half bad.
Finally, Michelle seems to recover and just watches him as Ned still can’t keep it together.
And in that moment, Peter recognizes a difference. She isn’t embarrassed anymore, she’s just watching him with this smug look on her face. Just like when he was spinning. He stops for a moment, suddenly very self-conscious about the experience.
“No one told you to stop, Parker,” she chimes jokingly.
They stare at each other for a second before Peter resigns himself to his fate
He continues the routine, putting his game face on, but regretting including the part where he grinds against the umbrella
Especially since his eyes naturally traveled towards Michelle to see if she was making fun of him
Instead, she was making smug eye contact, looking content with herself and watching him dance.
When he finishes, there is a long silence before Ned and Michelle pushed into each other laughing. Ned asks how Peter learned to dance like that, and Michelle just praises him for going all out
How Michelle went back to pretending she wasn’t watching him like that, he didn’t know
She was acting like nothing happened.
Peter just bowed, keeping up his good spirits as they applauded him
When they finally stopped laughing, ten minutes later, Ned asks him where he got the outfit
Michelle stands up suddenly.
“I’m going to be late for dinner,” she pipes up. She walks up real close to Peter and takes a good look up and down before smiling. “The look suits you.” She pulls up one of his dress straps and tucks in a small folded up wad of Monopoly money, letting the strap snap him when she let it go.
“Bye losers.”
Peter stares after her, wondering what he’d just done and how he’d let himself walk into this situation.
Read the next part!
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, I can't really give today an overall grade because it was kind of all over the place, good and bad in just different ways. Woke up, 10:50, and didn't want to get out of bed, and may have drifted back to sleep for just a few minutes but I opened my eyes again and it was 10:50 so I said okay I better get up so I did. Got to the DV courthouse and waiting till around 2 o clock to get a case, and while I was waiting I was just you know staring at my appellate brief and trying to fix minor things. My plan right now is to finish my final final sweep through tomorrow then send it to kinkos to get it print and bound because they're making us do that for some reason (because all law students just have all that extra money lying around, you know 🙄) but anyway my spring break friend and I get put on the case together again because of the timing and we didn't know if we'd get another, but if we did he'd pull one of us off (nobody else came in so we did the whole thing). Pretty typical case, asshole abusive boyfriend doing typical abusive asshole things, no kids in common, no real physical abuse up until this morning when he was kind of grabbing and shoving her and physically blocking her from leaving her apartment like back and forth between different doors for a fairly significant amount of time. It was the strongest case because the prior incidents were kind of weak, mostly just him yelling in her face and that kind of thing, but I thought we had a decent chance at least depending on what judge we'd get. We were super quick with the paperwork and were up in court by like 3:15, so I was like oh sweet we're gonna get out so early!! WELL. Little did I know I was entering the most frustrating courtroom I've ever been in. I've been before this judge only once before I think and it was while she was training, and I remember her striking me as a little awkward with litigants but she was still getting used to it and plus she's gotta be like, 30 max, because she looks sooooooo young (I mean, she's probably more like 35, because nobody ascends to the bench in 5 years, but you would never guess that as her age looking at her). So that tends to play into the whole insecurity thing which leads to overposturing, and she was just so fucking infuriating because she was incredibly condescending to every single person on such an unnecessary level and wanted to control everything, and would only let people answer yes or no and cut them off whenever they tried to expound on something and be condescending to them and I'm like.....what the heck, lady??? These are like, the simplest legal proceedings ever, you ask them who the person is to them, when the last incident happened, and what happened. That's literally all you have to do. But it was so fucking infuriating to watch I wanted to bang my head against the wall repeatedly. But OH, we're just getting to the good part now. So a solid hour later our petition finally gets called, and within 30 seconds of her being up there the judge is saying some shit about an address being in the wrong place on the petition for where the guy had last lived because he hadn't "lived" there he was just "staying over" so she's like yeah you have to go back down to the clerk's office and amend your petition. So both me and my friend are like 😡😡😡😡😡 ready to like kill someone. So we run back downstairs, it's like 4:30 at this point which is when our shift is supposed to end so there's barely anyone left, but we found our supervisor and the other lawyer he works with and they took one look at our faces and were just like "okay what happened" and when we told them they were like "are you fucking serious" (like I mean those exact words exited both of their mouths). So we had to go drag a clerk over and fucking scratch off the address with a pen and write unknown to satisfy this damn judge then go back up. We were debating asking out supervisor to go back up with us since he's an attorney and can actually step up, but he said he felt like the situation was handled from there but we could come get him if we had any more issues. He also said we could swap out at that point if we wanted since our shifts were supposed to be over and he knows we had class, but we decided we wanted to see it through (and emailed our prof that we might be a bit late). So we went back up, and I was like praying that because it was a recalled case they would just stick it on top of the like to be called next like I've seen done before, but NOPE we got sent back to the bottom of the stack, and spent another entire hour being fucking infuriated with this judge acting like a complete asshole to everyone. There was this whole big thing, and I feel weird saying this because the guy was like 6'2" and significantly bigger than me but like that poor guy haha I felt so bad for him, the judge was like fixated on whether his roommate kicked his door all the way in and off the hinges and then he went into the living room or if she partially kicked it in and then he opened it and went into the living room and I was like......WHAT THE HELL COULD IT POSSIBLY MATTER like that holds zero legal significance whatsoever??? The guy ended up storming out in what I thought was completely justifiable frustration but I think he was gonna be able to get his case recalled sometime after us. So finally they get around to us, she asks her basic questions, takes one look at the affidavit I wrote and granted the order immediately, because it was THAT EASY. Like, look how overcomplicated you made this and you just wasted like 2 and 1/2 hours of my life. So I was at least glad we got it granted because if it didn't get granted I probably would've gone ballistic on that courtroom, lol. So we end up leaving the courthouse at like 5:50 which is right when class starts, so we jump on the train and then make a quick stop at the jimmy johns that's right by school because we were both starving and it's literally the fasted option, lol. I think we made it to class by 6:10, so not bad at all. Our prof was understanding, my email said something like "we're stuck in an ongoing situation with a judge and we don't know how much longer it's gonna take" so then on break he was like "so judges, huh?" and we were just like "oh you don't even want to know" lol. The class was fine, as usual I somewhat paid attention and did other things. The big take away from the class was that instead of having to make my presentation for the class that I haven't started at all next week, I get to do it the week after because of how the scheduling worked out (he said he was doing it by last name and it wouldn't take up two class periods, and my last name starts with M which is right in the middle so I thought I'd be on the first day, but apparently the roster is early in the alphabet heavy so I majorly lucked out there, and that actually makes everything so much better, because this week into weekend (and it's Easter weekend ffs) was gonna be hell working on the presentation and the trial on back to back days. So now I can just focus on the trial for the next week which makes me feel soooooo much better. I messaged my trial ad partner and asked what he needed me to get done for our Pretrial conference tomorrow and he was like "oh you're good I got it all covered" and I was like dude you're actually the best haha because that helps so much. In addition to a few other things I accomplished during class, I reviewed the trial brief of one of my mentees that she asked me to take a look out since we had the same LARC prof. It was interesting, looking at how she was like structuring things and I'm thinking "did I used to write like that?" And I find myself leaving comments that kind of sound like what the prof would say to me last year and I'm just like shit man, maybe I did actually get better at this stuff over the years, even if I still get incredibly frustrated with it. She had a lot of good stuff in there, it just needed to be reorganized and such and built into a more cohesive argument (which like, continues to be one of my biggest issues because I think the way they want me to organize it makes no sense and I much prefer my way, as does my REAL boss in REAL court, but I digress) so hopefully I was able to give her some good feedback. We ended a little after 8 which was nice, and I made it home a little after 9. No shows recorded, so I watched crazy ex-girlfriend for a bit and relaxed and laughed over the whole starbursts thing that came to fruition today which I have to say put me in a significantly better mood than my just being done with the day. I did realize though I had to get some forms and shit done for trial ad and field placement, so I had to run around and fill those out then like, extract multiple pages from several pdf documents and then combine those into own pdf document because whoever wanted us to submit these online clearly had no idea what they were doing. But yeah, that was my crazy day. Overall the good probably outweighed the bad, but I was just like, so absolutely done with everything about that hell in court. Big girl job tomorrow and doing a big girl permanency hearing, so that should be good, I'll get to meet the client beforehand and talk to her about anything she wants to be brought up so I'm looking forward to that. And yeah, damn it's late and I now have somewhat less than 6 hours of sleep I can potentially get, so I think that's strong enough incentive to end here. Goodnight my loves. Stay strong.
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iamprish1-blog · 7 years
I have always felt defeated in life, lost not knowing my ‘purpose’ or meaning in life, I think this once abandoned space can prove it all. However, since the past weekend, I think a huge part of me has changed, something I can’t put into words has happened in me. 
It was last Friday 23rd of June 2017, when i came home around 12 or 1pm and I saw she posted on instagram that her dad had passed away, i was shocked and found it hard to believe, just a day before that she was thankful for the miracle her dad almost missed death. but that day I was so sad that i cried loool....i cried because i realised a few things, 1: my crush for her was really foolish it was a meaning that is meaningless because there’s nothing i could do to comfort her or anything.. i do not know her, 2: from the text message she shared on instagram i could tell god has taken away a great man/father and its so so so unfair and she really had such a great blessing to have had a father like that! she always said that her family is estranged but she doesnt know its not at all... maybe they didnt always agree with each other but it was still a very beautiful family  3: there’s nothing i could do...and i really wished that i could exchange my life for her dad’s...because at this point in my life i dont have anything thats precious to me and i dont have anything i look forward to...besides my petty dream of buying 1 or 2 audi with cold hard cash...which got me thinking if it were anyone else would i wanna do this obviously nope i wouldnt...and this thought really scared me that why on earth would i have thoughts like this???? then i remember i think i used to say like i would exchange a few years of my life for love LOLOLOL WTF like seriously i just wanna punch myself in the face/body/anywhere i totally regret saying something like that...and im not sure if i would regret saying this...honestly i wouldnt even exchange my life for my parents’ and thats for sure but zac maybe yeaaa
actually last week i deactivated the fb account which i created just to stalk her, but somehow after the news i reactivated it cause i wanna know if she shares any stories on fb...but who knew that the next day she posted for the funeral service...and till today im still curious why she shares her fb posts for everyone to see...she shouldve at least only share the details to her fb friends cause she wouldnt want to message everyone about it...but maybe i should be grateful for that cause obviously i went for all 3 days ! at first i only i wanted to attend on monday...cause its weird for me to even be there like why on earth should i go!! but of course knowing me i have always been sooo sooo sooo so obsess with her... i just went i mean like i dont even know why i went because i wouldnt do something like this at all what more to attend your crush’s father’s funeral?????!!!!!! its so ridiculous i didnt even go to saint’s open house when i was actually invited twice.....and now i attended to someone’s dad funeral when I have NEVER MET THEM OR KNOW THEM AT ALLL?????????? oh yeaa and i actually unfollowed her on insta but then re-followed her again cause i was so afraid she would make her page private and i wouldnt know anything that fear was seriously real lol
it might sound totally ludicrous but i actually felt like there’s some sort of ‘force’ or what that made me go there...i didnt hesitate much not as much as i thought...i was only worried that she might see me and then that would annoy or anger her....however, maybe at first i gave the excuse that i can finally see her...but then it felt more like i just want to be there...i just wanted to be there i dont even know why...the first night i went i was late to appear right at the parlour, so i missed her eulogy, but i was glad cause i could give myself the excuse to come again...the first moment i saw her i felt a sense of relief i think, nothing like anything too much of emotions, but once i was there i just wanted to be there even more....just awhile after i was standing right outside the corner window i saw just waving at first i thought she was like waving at me or what lol cause she was looking at my direction, i couldnt see well cause the windows were tinted and kinda blurry...but then i thought oh she must be waving at someone from the crowd cause she doesnt even know me lol...and then i left early once people starting to queue to pay respect to her dad, i wanted to stay longer but there’re toooo many people soon the sight of her was buried in the crowd...so i left cause i saw her friend and i panicked a bit...the funny thing must be...when i arrived quite early for malaysian timing i stood in between juncture in front....i made myself looked like i was attending the one on the right and kept my head down sticking my eyeballs to my phone...then like around 830 i was like i gotta do something...so i just tried walking towards the right i wanted to see whats behind....thank god i walked till behind and found their room...there’re so many people standing outside but once i heard someone talking i just couldnt care much and stood right infront of the window...then i saw her with her sisters...and of course all the people outside must be think im so weird cause now they know im here for the same person lol i was quite embarrassed for that....but then the next day while waiting at the airport for boboy to arrive....its sooo long i was thinking sooooo much i wondered hmmm why did she only wave to the person at that time wouldnt she see them earlier already??? haizzzzz i was just tooo confused
the second night i went and i was shocked to see when i arrived that there’re no people standing outside...but this time i didnt take the back road...and when she was presenting her eulogy i stood in front of the door only cause theres where i could hear clearer from the outside, i couldnt hear everything she said tho...just she mentioned about now her definition of sadness is different and she almost almost burst out crying and after that i heard something like ‘you know.... someone to walk us down the aisle’....when she finished i asked the worker to help me give the money cause i didnt want to go inside cause i know i shouldnt even be there...but when i walked towards the window where i was standing the previous night...i think i saw her head turning towards where i was going....she must have felt confused like whats happening and of course i think by then she must be wondering who the hell is this person! and so i gave the money with my nickname zenn....cause i thought it would seriously wayyyyy toooo stupid and moronic if i used a fake name like seriously i just couldnt lol... and then when i was standing there i think she was looking at me cause her head was like at my direction but just didnt know if her eyes were on me or what....and then i did something seriously dumb i thought that for her to not see me i could just hide my face behind all the photos hanging there...but then it only laterrrr i realised that from HER PERSPECTIVE she would still see me cause ughhhh like seriously cant believe im SOOOOOO DUMBBBB!!!! ohh and then at one point when her sister walked behind to take something or what she followed behind too....so means i could have see her standing right in front of me but then i turned around cause like of course i was afraid she would like know which now i realise its all soooooo stupid cause i mean like seriously its sooooo bloody obvious i was looking at her the whole time...but then im not sure if she knew who i am.....when people were like paying respect to them i was standing on the other side of the window means i was standing behind them, and then suddenly i think i saw her friend looking at my direction cause i was like the only weirdo standing outside looking inside! but then actually i still cant be too sure cause i was standing quite a distance and i couldnt see well through the blurry window and then i got panicked more and ran away lolol....but i was glad that there’re a lot of people giving them comfort SO MANY HUGS LOL! sometimes i wish i could hug her lolololollll
on monday it was the funeral service in the morning, and i think the timing was right from the beginning cause papa was already planning not to go to site on monday, so i had no reasons not to go....and again i just felt like i gotta be there...and this time i went inside and sat at the last row which then after that i saw the guy i was sitting next to was actually her friend lol cause he hugged her...and then he was with her other friends....and then i was like damnit! damn i miss one thing....her family went to calvary church...i think i heard that since the first night but didnt bother so much....but then on the second night when a pastor was like giving his short speech....i had my head on the ground cause you know standing for so long is back breaking and tiring plus i have working so hard at the site :( but then suddenly a familiar voice had my head raised up....i looked through the blurry window and thought is that the very very very very fussy pastor????? ok so i just googled yep the pastor should be pastor richard that one i know...but im not sure if the one there was the same....however its on monday pastor steven that really made me think was i really meant to just be there? cause again most of the time my head wasnt looking straight up except when her sister was singing and damn her voice is greattttttt i dont think any chinese can sing sooooo well!!!! even betterrrr than jacklyn victor or something lol! too bad she isnt a singer....but then again too bad im not a film star when im so funny i could be the chinese gianna jun lolol HA HA HA HA HA AHA HA AHA AHAHAHA ok pls prisha! right....the pastor his voice was so so so familiar and comforting like i just heard it yesterday not like literally but like just recently, which is weird cause its been yearss since i last attended to calvary and thats before they moved, plus have i even been there more than 50 times??? lol! idk but now i really want to hear his voice again cause its like reassuring...and im not sure if i could remember voices or its just that pastors’ voice is more anointing to the ears.....and also there’s another pastor who share the story her dad made him a charger thing....its really weird cause i never expected to remember pastors faces cause theyre all like old men right all look almost the same....but then i know i will never hear pastor steven’s voice again cause i will not go to such a huge convention center it just doesnt feel like a church thats so commercialised....tho dumc hall kinda big too...but then i now realise i really prefer their voices more than the pastors in dumc lolol i think im weirder than the person who married eiffel tower lel
anyways when i was sitting down i turned behind and saw some of the pictures there, i knew i could easily walked up and take a closer look at all the pictures, but i didnt cause i know i didnt have the rights or deserve to do that, just like how i wish i could have the chance to see her dad but i couldnt, there’s no reason for me to. i wonder if anyone believes that true love can actually transcends space...no doubt i could feel the unconditional love he had in him...i mean i didnt need to listen to all the testimony to know like seriously his face showed it all ! ! ! one thing for sure i definitely felt inspire that i would like to dedicate all my faithful love to someone...i dont know who it will be or what will actually happen in my future....but i know i will wait patiently for the person to show up....it makes me wonder if she actually has TOOOO much love in her that she sorta a player tho HA HA AHAA....ok jokes i shouldnt tease people when their loved one just passed away....but i know even if i have way tooo much in me i would still only give it to one person, there will always be room for only one in my heart....maybe its also why now i just feel like shutting myself out from the world....i dont even feel like talking to shalinn i mean i wanted to at least remain some kind of acquaintance and go to their final studio presentation....but now i really cant....i dont know how to process what im feeling is too weird i need time to forget this i need time for my prayers to come true then only can i open my heart.....meanwhile i will do whatever i was planning to do slowly and hopefully the day i stopped stalking her will come soon.....truth is im kinda frustrated too...i dont get why is it that i felt like there’s some sort of i dont ‘spirit’ or whatever shit pushing me to go there....but god doesnt even bother to tell me WHAT I SHOULD DO NEXT WITH MY LIFE!! i just want the feeling whereby it just flow and its smooth and everything feels right....because i didnt have anxiety at all when i was there, just nervous cause first time going to a place where no stranger would ever go is seriously something lel! and maybe a bit of panic and trying to run away trying to hide which all didnt work didnt make sense lolol...like when after her dad casket were inside to be cremated...her friends were like walking out and coming towards my way, i panicked that i was like damnit now i gotta go for real...but then i was so nervous i missed the entrance just on my left then walked a round and then got shocked confused why the hell i came back to the same place....and seriously at that moment i thought i was gonna faint cause the weather was bloody scorching hot and i had a cap on and i didnt eat breakfast and i was confused like where the hell is the exit??????? but then i ha d the chance to stay longer like to look at her lololol like seriously damn stupid...till the end i finally leave when more people were leaving
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