#but I love the Pogtopia arc in canon so I had to do it justice—
amongthedrowned · 4 years
i love love love ur zombie apoc au!!!! please take this ask as a chance to drop some lore/worldbuilding thats probably not gonna get into a fic but u wanna share anyway :D
Thank you!!! I will absolutely take that chance! My favorite part that probably won’t make it into a big fic is the Pogtopia arc: because the main fics take place post Phil’s arrival, Pogtopia will only be referenced.
The Pogtopia arc took place in an abandoned mining camp outside of Essempy—people were afraid to use it because it was unsecured. Essempy’s walls are fortified, and there are alarms if containment is breached by zombies. However, in Pogtopia, there aren’t any barricades.
As a result, there always needs to be someone on watch. Unfortunately, with only three people living there, it was difficult to maintain a constant guard.
Techno always took the night watch. He justified it by saying that he didn’t trust Wilbur and Tommy to get the job done. Really, he wanted to let them sleep. Because of those sleepless nights, he’d take naps during the day, which Tommy teased him for.
In the beginning, the three of them would often sit around the campfire. Wilbur would sing and play songs on the guitar Tommy found for him. Techno didn’t like it, claiming that the noise was unsafe, but he secretly enjoyed the music. It was an escape from the tedium of day-to-day life.
The mining camp was in a precarious position at the mouth of a ravine, so Techno put up makeshift rails to prevent anyone from falling into the crevices.
Tommy and Tubbo talked on walkie talkies during Tommy’s stay in Pogtopia. While Tommy kept it on his person at all times, Tubbo often hid his walkie talkie under his bed frame.
Techno stored most of his valuables outside the camp in a secluded cave. There, he tethered Carl.
The three of them told stories about where they thought Phil was and what he was doing. Tommy was the first to suggest that he was occupied creating Minecraft, and it became an inside joke. There was a two-day period where Tubbo actually believed their wild stories.
Schlatt knew Techno from before the festival, before the apocalypse. He initially met him when doing outreach for a company at the college Techno was attending.
Before Techno attacked Tubbo, Schlatt whispered something to him. Though he pretends not to have heard, Quackity was close enough to catch what Schlatt said. While Quackity didn’t tell anyone what he’d heard, it was one of the reasons he later created the Butcher Army.
His first day in Pogtopia, Fundy accidentally detonated some stray explosives, spooking everyone who was living there at the time. Wilbur gave him “a stern talking-to,” which translated into a pat on the back.
Techno started a potato farm at Pogtopia. Wilbur and Tommy made fun of it, but, to their surprise, Techno ended up harvesting a large crop. The day before the Pogtopia v. Manberg war, they ended up cooking the potatoes as a “last supper.”
Schlatt gave Dream not a book, but a collection of files marked classified.
After the war, Techno came back and scavenged what remained in Pogtopia. He took the last of the potatoes with him when he travelled North—Techno didn’t want Tommy to get anything that remained.
(The Injustice of Undeath masterpost)
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