#but I like the colors and now i draw them gross :) after i watch hit movie greasy strangler
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paging-possum · 1 month ago
Bug infestation in my procreate files im gonna need to call a freaking exterminator dude
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gachawolfiebloom · 13 days ago
Love Malfunction
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Chapter 1: Anything But Love
Summary: Love is in the air as the Mushroom Kingdom is celebrating Valentine's Day, except for a certain someone. Mr Puzzles has hated the holiday ever since he can remember, seeing how nobody loved him his whole life. That is until he unexpectedly runs into his loathsome enemy, Mario. After the encounter with the stupid plumber, things only get worse for the television as he starts hacking up flower petals, pink ooze drips from his screen, and for some reason these symptoms worsen anytime the TV man gets around the red Italian. Now the both of them must fix this before their days of romance turn into disaster.
It was that time of the year when love and romance was flying around. The time where couples got together for that special day and gifts were bought for exchanging to a very special person. Anyone could be the special person in this scenario: Melony and her sadly departed Axol, Smg3 and his secret crush on Smg4, and even Mario with his one true love—spaghetti. The only one who could never be that special someone was Mr Puzzles. The dastardly villain with a TV head who had used the crew for his own twisted schemes, grown out of only one thing: hatred of his past. This holiday was certainly no exception. He was forced to go out on the streets and grimace at the tender kisses. Groveling in disgust of all the sweet chocolate hearts and colorful flowers being handed out.
A green heart monitor line graced his screen as Mr Puzzles put a hand up to his face. "Ugh! Gross! How can these brainless peas possibly drool over these cheap gestures!? All this talk about love and affection!" He began mimicking the townsfolk, putting on fake smiles and dancing around.
"Ohhhhh I loovveee yoouuu!"
"I wouldddd neevverrr leave yoouuuu!"
A blinding anger settled over him as those hyper realistic eyes broke free and Mr Puzzles stomped his foot down hard. He clutched his chest, breathing rapidly as the television fell into dismay. "I don't understand...I've changed haven't I? Even when I learn my lesson, this feeling just won't go away."
Not one person, not even his parents loved him. Only...Leggy. Mr Puzzles missed her tremendously, but after that whole Puzzle Park ordeal, he knew that he had to let her go. Mr Puzzles took a deep breath to steady himself and thought about how Meggy was doing. He placed a curious finger on his screen and tapped in a rhythmic fashion. "Perhaps I could do a quick check, just to make sure she's okay of course."
Before he set off, Mr Puzzles watched as Frankie was holding a giant heart out in the middle of the street, declaring "III LOOVVVEEE YOUUUUU!" and then got hit by a car. Puzzles rolled his eyes while muttering "And get away from these idiots..."
Mario happily knocked at Smg4's door with a dopey smile like always. "ESSMMMGGG44444!" He was certainly excited for the blue eyed man to answer as he had a collection of card, board, and video games that he couldn't wait to share. A few seconds in and Four opened the door, but he wasn't wearing his usual overalls. He was wearing his spy suit from WOTFI 2023. It made the clueless plumber question what was so important for his best friend to be so nicely dressed, but he shrugged it off. "Oh, hi Mario! Is something wrong?" The red Italian didn't answer his question as he just shoved the games in his face and cheered "Let's hang! Mario got's lots of things he wants to play today!"
He tugged at Four's hand, begging him to go to the game room, but he just grimaced and awkwardly replied "Oooo, sorry Mario...but I'm on a very important date right now!" He leaned in seductively and whispered into the Italian's ear "(and I can't keep her waiting.)" Mario looked over his shoulder to see a cruddy drawing of a girl on Four's computer screen. It was so ugly that it made him revolt in disgust, especially since he couldn't imagine Smg4 dating someone other than a certain bearded man. Mario began wailing and rolling on the ground, crying "Waahhhhh you never want to do anything with Mario!"
"It's not that...I just-"
Four had trouble finding the right thing to say for consolation until the crybaby plumber spoke up again. "Mario doesn't want his single a** to be stuck alone on Valentine's Day!"
"Why do you think I have my date scheduled today?" Four unimpressively replied as sometimes he wondered what made Mario so dumb to miss the obvious. "Besides, don't you have your spaghetti?" The mention of his favorite food made him perk up instantly, pulling a plate out and stroking it weirdly. "Oh mi amore...how could Mario forget his one true love?" Four rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone off his desk. "Well anyway, I've got to get going. Good luck with your...girlfriend or whatever." He grabbed his computer girlfriend and strolled out the door as Mario sat there, oddly thinking to himself for once.
"Es-mg-4 is right! Mario can't be stuck here like some whiny bich! Mario's going to find himself a girlfriend!" The plumber stood up confidently when he noticed the plate of spaghetti sitting there sadly. Mario expressed similar feelings as he cradled the plate of pasta and whispered "Don't-a cry. Mario will see you tonight." He stuffed it back down his pants, which was incredibly disgusting, and set off to find himself a date.
Mr Puzzles hid behind the wooden beam to the entrance of the Showgrounds, not wanting to attract attention (for once) as he didn't wish to spend the day being hunted down by the crew. He poked his head out and scanned the area for the orange haired girl. "Alright, this shouldn't be too hard." He pulled out some binoculars and scanned the property, finding many of the crew members outside. None of them were the particular one he wanted as it was just Bob running away from the cops with his TOTALLY legal plants, Wario riding on a suffering Yoshi with a big bag of coins he stole, and Egad trying out his new invention, the cloning hairgrowing ray. Mr Puzzles slowly lowered the binoculars with a displeased expression, face slapping himself for ever thinking these dimbulbs could be of any use to him.
He was about to give up and head back home when he heard an encouraging voice shout "That's it Tari! Don't give up!" Instantly, Mr Puzzles screen changed to exhilaration as he spun around and saw in the distance Meggy giving a coaching lesson to Tari. "Just remember to be assertive!" Even though he couldn't talk to her, Mr Puzzles was still thrilled that Meggy was safe and alive in the physical sense. She had actually done really well from recovering as that was enough to convince Mr Puzzles he hadn't completely lost everything.
"Ah wonderful! With my satisfactory check in of dear Meggy, I'd say my work here is done." He was about to happily strode off when he heard another voice. An annoying voice that sung "La la la la la!" Mr Puzzles didn't have to be an Einstein to know who that was. "Oh no..." This time he turned dramatically slow as he didn't want to be right. Alas, it was. Mario.
That stupid fat Italian was going around, peaking in trees and bushes, calling out "Ladies! Come on out girlies! Your sexy hero has arrived!" Mr Puzzles quickly dove into a bush besides the pole and poked out, asking "That idiot is looking for a date? Pfff like anyone would ever date that guy." Out of everyone Mr Puzzles had ever met, he could easily tell the only exception to him being the only unlovable person was that downright moronic enemy of his.
While caught up in his intensive thinking, Mr Puzzles soon noticed Mario shooting a glance his way and he quickly ducked down into the bush. "If he sees me, he'll never let me live it down. I've got to get out of here!" He began crawling away, but was met with two big feet. Mr Puzzles froze in terror as he gulped and forced himself to look up. He was now face to face with the fat Italian himself. He braced himself for his fate, but surprisingly, Mario just kept looking at him with those crossed blue eyes. After moments of silence, he finally waved and said "Hello TV guy!"
Mr Puzzles didn't know how to respond to that so he just gave a small wave back. "Uh...hi?" Mario then weirdly tried making friendly conversation as he said "What brings you back to the Showgrounds?" The television just raised an eyebrow in confusion. Did he seriously forget everything Mr Puzzles did to him a few months ago? "Just checking on a friend..." He gestured towards Meggy as the Italian let out a long "Ohhhhhhhh." Guess he didn't forget.
"Well why didn't you say so!?" He held his hand out to Puzzles, making him flinch backwards, but then realized he was just offering to help him up. His confusion began turning to suspicion as he gently grabbed Mario's hand and let the plumber pull him up. Mr Puzzles dusted his clothes off as he muttered "Um...thanks I guess?" The two stood there, trying to avoid eye contact for a while until the television pointed towards the exit and said "I should really be going now..."
Mario happily nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Okie dokie!" Puzzles was about to take off when he noticed the cheery attitude of Mario and slanted his eyes. "Alone..."
Fury boiled up in Mr Puzzles as it tore him to bits that he couldn't figure out what game Mario was playing with him. Finally, he spat out "What is your problem!? After everything I've done to you and your friends, all you have to say is oKAy!? I don't understand! Why are you being...so nice to me?" His anger died down as Puzzles felt ashamed of himself for being treated as anything more than some piece of lowdown scum. Mario shrugged and said "I dunno."
The TV man sighed sadly and took out his emotions by kicked a tiny pebble in the dirt. Then he sat down on the path and mumbled "Why would I expect you to understand? You're just an idiot. You don't know what it's like to be cast out by society." Mario's derpy face died down as genuine concern took over. Carefully, he walked over next to Mr Puzzles and sat down next to him, asking "But TV man said he learned his lesson. That he was going to search for a new path."
"Oh believe me Mario I did try." Digital tears formed in Puzzles eyes as he made a wide variety of hand gestures in the most cheeriest way he could. "I tried everything from paining to owning a puppy. Oh what fun adventures I went on. I actually believed I could finally be happy for once in my life. But that was just a stupid dream. And seeing all these couples everywhere has made me realize..." The Italian listened intently with great worry on his face.
"My parents are right. Nobody loves me. Nobody ever will."
He sobbed a little and covered his face with his hands as Mario heard the wrenchful sounds coming from his enemy. The Italian gave him a side hug and whispered "Oh fratellino...don't-a cry." Mr Puzzles' face went warm when he felt the embrace, quickly pulling away and standing up. "E-Excuse you! I never cry!" He wiped his tears as fast as he could and changed the subject. "Besides, don't you have a date to find?"
That had completely slipped the plumber's small mind as the only thing that mattered to him in that moment was the well being of this poor, forsaken TV man. But there wasn't much he could do. Mario kept staring downcast at the ground when that's when he saw it. One lonely rose growing out of the ground. Its petals were a dark red with a hint of pink and sharp thorns covered its roots. That didn't stop the idiot from making Mr Puzzles feel better as he grabbed the flower and pulled it out of the ground. Puzzles kept crossing his arms when a raised flower caught his eyes and he saw the gracious Italian offering it with a smile.
"What are you doing?"
"Mario wants to make you feel better."
A heart monitor line with the most vibrant shade of red went through his screen. His fingers twitched when he felt them rub up against Mario's. His grip on the flower was decent, holding it up near his chest as he was speechless. The Italian just kept staring at him with high hopes. After another period of silence, Mr Puzzles uttered "Why this might be the most...HORRIBLE, PUTRID, MOST POORLY CHOSEN THING YOU'VE EVER DONE!" Mario gasped as Puzzles told him off the best way he could while burying his emotions. "AND I HOPE I NEVER SEE YOU OR YOU'RE SICK FRIENDS AGAIN!" He was about to throw the flower on the ground and stomp it out when Mario closed his eyes in preparation. Mr Puzzles hesitated. He couldn't bring himself to destroy such a gesture.
He groaned, grasping his TV box in annoyance for the never ending headache Mario made him feel. He stuck it in his vest pocket as he scolded "Forget it! This flower doesn't deserve to be put out of its misery." The Italian opened his eyes again, squealing in adoration as he leaned on Mr Puzzles and teased "Awww TV man does have feelings~"
"NO I DON'T! I am cold blooded and I never have any feelings of love or care whatsoever! Least of all feelings for you! So why don't you just leave me alone already!" He stomped off in outrage as Mario cheekily waved and replied "Bye bye TV guy! Mario hopes he helped!" Little did Mario know, he had caused a severe chain of events that were now caught between him and Mr Puzzles.
Mr Puzzles slammed the door to his lowdown home in rage, complaining non stop. "THAT STUPID, ANNOYING, PESKY ITALIAN! DOESN'T HE KNOW HOW TO TAKE 'NO' FOR AN ANSWER!? I HATE HIM! I HATE HIS STUPID FACE! I HATE HIS STUPID JOKES! I HATE HIS STUPIDITY! I HATE-" He looked down at the thorny flower, taking it out of his pocket and observing it. "I hate this flower. Nothing but a display of pity." He clutched it hard in his grasp. Though he was angry, something was preventing him from destroying the rose.
"Why should I act this way for him? He's done nothing for me. I've done nothing for him. We're just...too different to get along." A wave of sadness overcame him as Puzzles said nothing and set the rose on his halfway destroyed table. This was all too much for him. He just wanted some sleep. Mr Puzzles trudged up to his discount bed and laid on the mattress, glancing up at the ceiling. When that didn't make him comfortable, he grunted and turned on his side.
"I hate him..."
As his eyes slowly drifted to sleep and his screen flickered off, the house fell into an unprecedented silence. The only thing that stirred was a small rose, now glowing a bright red shade that lit up the room.
Author's Note: I had just finished this chapter when I saw the new episode of SMG4 and I had to write it into the script. I hope you like this story so far because Mr Puzzles will not be having a good one in the next chapter.
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hanoella · 4 years ago
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x healer!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: When someone bad mouths Bucky in your presence, you set things straight.
Warnings: Angst, but with happy ending, and one vaguely 18+ insult? I'm new.
Speaking of- @wkemeup has inspired me to post my writing for the first time! For their 9k writing challenge, I used this prompt:
"Character A is the target of harassment on the street. Shamed, they pretend it doesn’t bother them. Until it happens in the presence of Character B, who reigns hell on whoever dared to upset [A]"
Bucky was used to the whispers he got from people the street when he passed by them.
“Is that-?”
“Don’t make eye contact, he’s dangerous.”
“They just let him walk around like he hasn’t killed a bunch of people?”
His enhanced hearing picked up more than he wished it did. He liked to believe it didn’t bother him but deep down it did. It was just one more reason to stay secluded. Isolated. Alone. And he had been successfully doing that.
Until you came along.
Having been the test subject of a super serum version that focused on health and regeneration, you used your healing powers to help the Avengers get back to world-saving shape. Bucky hadn’t been keen on anyone touching him, much less someone he didn’t know. Despite his best efforts, he had caved in when you noticed he was having a bad day with his shoulder and offered to help. Since then, your companionship has been like a guilty pleasure.
You had this way of making him feel like he was the most important person in the world to you. Regardless of what he thought was evident, you only seemed to notice the good in him, even when he protested.
“There’s nothing I can do to right the wrongs that I’ve committed. Redemption isn’t possible. I don’t deserve-”
“Stop.” You said, cutting him off. “You are amazing. You have been through everything that you’ve been through and you still give back to the world. You fight for a world that made you this way, a world that gives you nothing back and yet you fight. It’s the world that doesn’t deserve you.”
Bucky swallowed hard. Looking at you in your eyes, he saw no dishonesty. Only pure admiration.
After that, there was no hope of him being alone. You cracked open his shell slowly but surely and now Bucky couldn’t imagine life without you.
Which led him to his current predicament.
“Come on, please? It’ll be so good and only a few blocks away. I know tapioca sounds gross, but you’ll love it!”
Bucky didn’t know what bubble tea was but apparently it was worth begging him for the past 20 minutes while you worked on his shoulder. Your hands emitted a warm white light as you gently massaged his shoulder. The direct contact wasn’t necessary but Bucky hadn’t complained when you started doing it and it’s become routine every since.
“I don’t know. I know I’m old but I don’t have to resort to tapioca yet.”
Bucky let a moment pass before his lip twitched up into a smile. You feigned annoyance as you cut off the healing and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“How about you go with me and I won’t bill the heck out of you for my magical five-star massages.” You say as you squeeze his shoulders.
“Okay okay, fine.”
Bucky put his hands up in defeat as he got up from the couch he was sitting on and turned to face you.
You swallowed as you let your eyes drift across his chest before you grabbed his shirt from off the back of the couch and tossed it to him.
“Alright! I’m so excited!”
Bucky listened to you chatter on about the different flavors he could try while he put on his shirt. Sometimes, he couldn’t believe he actually had a friend besides Steve. Sure, it helped that you had been Steve’s friend first. But there was something about you having grown closer to him that made him feel special. Never did Bucky think there would be a time that he’d be jealous over a girl that Steve was friends with rather than the other way around. Times were certainly different.
“You coming?”
Bucky broke away from his thoughts and made his way towards the doorway that you were standing in.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Yeah, he knew this was a bad idea.
As soon as you two had left Stark Tower, the whispers started. While the café was only two blocks away, you noticed something was off a block into the trip.
“You alright?” You asked as you tried to decipher his facial expression.
“Yeah. Fine.”
You looked at him skeptically and then shifted your eyes to follow his, glancing around you. You slowly nodded in understanding as you looked at the people around you who were trying not to draw attention to themselves.
“Okay. We can talk about it later.”
Bucky was thankful that most people talked quietly enough so that you couldn’t hear what they were saying.
Keyword: Most.
You two arrived at the café, where it was slightly crowded. It was a warm afternoon, the perfect time to get a cool drink. Before heading inside, you gently placed your hand on his arm for a moment to reassure him.
“If you want, we could look at the menu out here and then I’ll go inside to order it.”
Bucky shifted his weight slightly from one side to the other as he contemplated it.
“Nah. We can go in together.”
“Okay.” you said, gently smiling to hopefully reassure him.
You both enter the building and make your way to stand in line. Bucky looked around at the seating areas. It reminded him of a Starbucks but with a more pastel color scheme. You looked at him and he raised an eyebrow in response. You smiled, happy that he was with you. Bucky’s heart skipped a beat and he smiled back.
That’s when you hear it.
“Is that that Hydra goon? Hey, go back to Siberia you brainwashed Hydra dog!”
You spun around violently the same time Bucky did with an incredulous look on your face, making eye contact with the college aged boy further back in line who was currently sniggering with his friends.
You stalked over to them before speaking in a low even tone.
“Sergeant Barnes has done more for the world than you could ever dream of doing. Apologize.”
You had let the venom creep into your voice, shouting the last word and silencing the rest of the line. Bucky walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder, trying to turn your attention to him.
“C’mon. It’s not worth it.”
You let out a slow harsh exhale from your nose but didn’t move. The man only sneered.
“Why don’t you scurry along. I don’t care if you’re where he sticks his-”
The next thing Bucky registered was a nasty sounding crack as your fist connected with the jerk’s cheekbone. A round of gasps came from the surrounding crowd as he fell on the floor, completely dazed. You let out a pained grunt as you bent over, holding your hand while trying to cover the white light that started coming over your hand where the skin had bust open and something had definitely cracked.
“Okay, time to go.” Bucky said as he made an executive decision to get you two the heck out of there before anybody could react further. He put his hand on your back and quickly guided you out of the store, walking until you were out of the vicinity and almost back to the tower. You could tell that Bucky was not happy with you since he hadn’t said anything the whole way back. You entered the building and then stood silently in the elevator as it made its way up, refusing to meet his eye.
The elevator dinged as it opened up on the team’s dorm floor. You both walked quickly trying to avoid other people unsuccessfully as Sam stepped out into the hallway from the gym.
“Hey you two, what’re you… What happened to you?” He asked with a furrowed brow, nodding his head towards your hand as you walked past. Bucky and you answered at the same time.
“None of your business Sam-”
You gave Bucky a look and started chastising him.
“Hey, don’t be mean to him just because-”
“Keep. Walking.” He said through clenched teeth.
You rolled you eyes and shrugged apologetically at Sam as Bucky punched in the code to your apartment and swung the door open. He nudged you inside and then followed, shutting the door forcefully behind him.
Sam looked down the hall for a moment longer before shrugging it off. Natasha popped her head out into the hallway from the gym.
“What’s all the commotion?”
“Not sure. I think Mr. Tall, Dark and Metal left a few brain cells behind in the pod the last time he was frozen.”
Natasha snorted and then turned back into the gym.
Bucky closed the door behind him and then swung his arms out in confusion, giving you the same look of disbelief that he gives Yori when he starts a fight with his neighbors. You gave him the same look back, as if he was crazy for questioning your actions.
“What was that?” He finally asked.
“That guy was crazy! How could I not say something to him?”
“You didn’t have to hit him and hurt yourself! People say stuff like that all the time, you just have to ignore it and move on with your day.”
You stayed silent for a moment, averting your gaze and holding your injured hand that was gently glowing. Bucky gently let out his breath. He closed the distance between you and put his hand under yours to help you support it. His other hand grasped your forearm, gently moving over your smooth skin. He glanced down and watched as the inflammation went away and a bone shifted back into place under your skin.
“Please,” He whispered, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly. “It’s not worth all the trouble. It’s not worth you getting hurt.”
Bucky snapped his head back up to see you calm and determined. Speaking again, you look into his eyes.
“It is worth it.”
He blinked twice, not having expected that answer.
“Because if I had let him say what he was going to say. Then to me, it would be validating anyone who has ever said anything like that about you. I can’t let you believe that any of that is true.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“But you do.” You cried out, slipping your newly healed hand out of his grasp and stepping away.
“I can see it in your actions, Bucky. I see it when you deny yourself anything that would make you happy. I see it when you try to hide yourself from the world. I see it when you look at me.” You spoke, voice wavering with the last sentence, averting your gaze again. Bucky stood silent as you continued.
“I see a deep sadness in your eyes. I can feel it in your soul when I heal your shoulder. Or when you touch my hand to see if I’ve fallen asleep. I can feel it emanating off of you. But I know for a fact that you deserve to be happy. You deserve to rest and to be happy. How many times have you fought a fight that wasn’t yours because it was the right thing to do? And don’t say it was to redeem yourself because I know it’s more than that. You are a good man, James. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. But if you need to prove it to yourself than just take a look at me.”
You gently hold his face and guide it so that he’s looking at you. He’s surprised to find your eyes full of tears, threatening to spill over.
“When you look into my eyes, there is nothing but love and admiration for you. When you touch me, I feel the warmth you leave on my skin. When you hear me speak, you should be able to tell from what I say that I genuinely think you deserve the world. When you are hurting, the only thing I feel is your anguish. It kills me, to see you punish yourself so undeservedly.”
You were whispering now, looking up at him. Bucky’s eyes were watering as well, his jaw clenched in an attempt to hold back his emotions. With your hands still gently caressing his cheeks he slowly lowered his head so that his forehead was resting on yours, swallowing hard.
Bucky lifted his head slightly so that he could look at you and he saw nothing but love. Your eyelashes were wet and shimmering from tears you shed for him. Your cheeks were flushed from the overwhelming feeling that you had for him. He looked into the depths of your eyes and saw only his future with you. Finally, his gaze settles on your lips, soft and supple.
“Please,” you begged. “Please do not ask me to stand idly by as the world tears you apart. You are worth more to me than anything else in it.”
Slowly, his hands touch your waist and slide back until he’s holding you against him. Closing the gap between you, you kiss.
Nothing more in this world could assure him of your love. For once, he believes it.
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ericspinkhair · 4 years ago
quarantine longings
pairing: best friend!kevin x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
synopsis: you and your best friend have sex because quarantine made you horny
warnings: best friends to lovers, takes place during the pandemic, spoiler of 356 days (but not the end, just generally the plot), no use of condoms but only the pill, creampie, sexual fantasies, fingering, hand-job, sex, slight angst at the end if you squint
a/n: I would literally die for kevin, I love him so much. I'll be writing a multiple parts series about him after I'm done writing scenarios for every member first.
requests are open!
masterlist + requests
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you slammed your foot hard against the wall and cursed in pain. you hopped on one foot to your bed, holding your other leg in agony and tasted blood as you bit your lip to keep the volume of your suffering groans in check. someone knocked on the door.
'are you okay?' your roommate asked concerned.
'no, leave me alone, kevin,' you croaked out. you wanted to suffer by yourself.
there was an awkward silence and then you heard him sigh. soon after, the door next to your room closed shut.
why were you so frustrated, one might ask? well, the pandemic was kicking your butt and you just couldn't take it anymore. when the news of the virus had first spread, no one thought it would become this serious. but suddenly everyone was walking around with masks and spent most of their time staying at home.
after graduating high school, you and kevin had decided to move in together for college because both of you were broke and couldn't afford to live alone. you had been best friends since middle school and had been convinced that it was a smart idea at the time.
and everything went smoothly for the first one and a half years. however, after not seeing anyone else since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, it became increasingly difficult to share an apartment, but not in the way one might assume. you were neither sick of each other nor did you fight a lot. to tell the truth, it was quite the opposite.
earlier, before you had kicked the wall in anger, the two of you had painted together. kevin was majoring in art and, since you didn't have anything better to do, you joined him while he did projects for his classes. you might have been majoring in journalism but you had always liked drawing and painting, even though you weren't particularly skilled. you were a naturally clumsy person, always tripping over air and dropping things. today you were hecticly moving around your hands while telling him about a stupid video you had seen and you accidently let go of the brush in your hand. it hit the side of kevin's face, leaving a wide splodge of red paint on his right cheek.
to get back at you, he jerked his paint brush and splattered some green color on your white shirt. you saw this as a challenge and soon both of you were both drenched in the colors of the rainbow, laughing hysterically on the floor, not caring that you were spreading the paint on the poor carpet.
you turned your heads to look at each other and you felt absolutely in peace. you loved this man and couldn't be more glad that it was him and not anyone else you were stuck with inside of this apartment.
he stood up to take off his stained shirt and your smile quickly faded off your face. your lips slightly parted and you couldn't help but stare at his now exposed biceps and abs.
your mouth watered and you felt heat pooling between your legs as you took your time to study his architecture. thoughts about how badly you wanted him to thrust into you while his strong arms held you up invaded your mind. you tried to shake them off but it was impossible.
occasions like this were slowly becoming a common occurrence for you.
having mostly stayed inside for over a year, also meant that you didn't have sex for that long. it's not like you were the horniest person on the planet but you still had needs that were being neglected. with kevin being home all the time you didn't even dare to masturbate, scared that he would be able to hear you through the frustratingly thin walls. you must have gone insane with all the lust building up inside you and that's why you suddenly craved to have sex with your best friend. this whole thing was destroying everything. it was hard to act normal when he was making you this nervous and heated but you tried to pretend that everything was fine anyway for the sake of your friendship.
that was the reason why you were angry and had hurt yourself. you hated the way you felt about your best friend and you hated the pandemic for not giving you an outlet to escape so you could recollect yourself.
what you weren't aware of was that kevin was no stranger to the exact same frustration.
he would need more than his ten fingers and ten toes to be able to count the amount of times he had to run to the bathroom to hide his boner because he had done so much as look at you bend over or stretch. he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but it was a challenge to try and calm down his hormones.
whenever he jacked off, images of you flashed through his mind; your sweet curves and pink lips drove him insane.
last week, you two were cooking together and you had asked him to get the salt. he stood behind you to reach for it on the highest shelf. he was forced to press his crotch against your butt cheeks and his dick hardened against his will. he quickly handed you the salt, excused himself and ran off before you could figure out what had happened.
he might not have known the cause of your sudden outburst but he sympathized with your fury because he had a lot of pent up anger towards covid as well.
he lay in his bed and tried to focus on the book he was reading but he couldn't tune out the groans coming from the room next to his. he cursed.
'stop it!' he was panicking as he saw a familiar tent forming in his pants. your sounds triggered some weird perverted part of his brain that sent signals right to his genitals. his dick was hardening and he saw no other solution to his problem than to give in to his subconscious desires.
he pulled down his pants just far enough so that his cock had enough room to spring out. it only needed a few strokes before it stood tall and angry. kevin pressed his head into his pillow and moved his hand fast. he wanted to get over with it quickly. he emptied his cum on his stomach while imagining your greedy little mouth being stuffed by his cock. he lay there panting as yet another round of shame flushed over him.
'get yourself together,' he whispered, mentally slapping himself.
'do you want to order japanese or italian?' you asked kevin. today was friday which meant it was time for your weekly tradition of ordering take out and watching a movie.
'definitely italian. we've already had japanese for the past four days. I need something else for a change,' kevin complained and shuddered at the thought of having to eat sushi again. the japanese restaurant prepared absolutely delicious food but he just couldn't stand it anymore.
you laughed at his pained facial expression. 'fine, italian it is.'
within twenty minutes the doorbell rang and after about half a minute kevin came back with two huge boxes.
he opened them on the small table situated in front of your couch and the smell of freshly cooked pasta seasoned with basil made your stomach growl.
kevin wanted to dig in already but you stopped him. you had to choose a movie first.
'let's watch tall girl. I saw everyone hate on it on tiktok,' you suggested.
'I think we should watch 365 days, that was all over my for you page as well,' kevin argued. you hadn't heard of it so you weren't sure whether it would be the right movie for you. the rule was that it had to be as bad as possible.
'according to what I have heard, it's apparently even worse than 50 shades of grey,' kevin added which piqued your interest. the both of you had watched 50 shades about two months ago and you were honestly shocked by how awful it actually was. you couldn't understand why everyone had been so obsessed with it when it was first released. if 356 days was really worse, then you'd hit the jackpot. you clapped your hands.
'fine, you win. I swear if the movie isn't as horrible as you say it is then you owe me something!' he intertwined his pinky with yours to promise.
watching horrible movies was way better than watching good ones. making fun of bad storylines, stupid characters or horrible editing was one of your favorite past times.
'I guess I'll have to add are you lost, baby girl to the top 10 worst lines ever spoken. who thought ah yes this is sexy, let's have him repeat it over and over again', you complained, shoving some pasta into your mouth.
'so he's like I won't do anything without your permission while he is literally groping her boobs against her will, like make it make sense, massimo', added kevin, ruffling his hair in frustration. he almost completely forgot about the food.
'so let me get this straight: he drugged her, kidnapped her, tied her up, hung up a painting of her just because he saw her face when his dad was shot?'
'totally relatable.' both of you giggled.
you were enjoying complaining about the plot. it was horrible.
there were plenty of erotic scenes but they were honestly so funny and kinda gross that you could bare it without really being affected by them. kevin, on the other hand, had placed a pillow over his hard-on to hide the embarrassing fact that these terrible, smutty scenes had turned him on.
and then the infamous boat scene came.
massimo and laura had a huge fight, she fell of the boat, he saved her and now she was suddenly so in love with him that she begs him to fuck her. which he does.
you felt your panties become increasingly wet as the couple had steaming hot sex.
'this is embarrassing but I'm so horny,' you admitted but in a way that should have suggested that you meant it as a joke. something about this statement stirred something in kevin.
'well, what can I say?' he replied and lifted the pillow. your pupils widened at the sight of your best friend's bulge.
his eyes darkened and he looked at you with lust clearly written on his face. you reciprocated his stare with the same intensity. you tried to focus on his dark brown orbs instead of his boner but the image you had just seen was present in your mind.
his gaze shifted to your lips and, before you knew it, kevin climbed above you and pressed your back flat onto the couch.
your lips locked and you immediately buried your hands in his hair to pull him closer. you moved in sync, his lips fitting perfectly onto yours. you bucked your hips up against his crotch and earned a moan from kevin. he opened his eyes in shock as realization hit him. he quickly pulled away and jumped off the coach.
'I'm so sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have just done that. I don't know what came over me,' he apologized profusely, staring at his feet. did he really think that you didn't want this?
'give me your hand,' you told him and held out your hand.
'why?' he raised his eyebrows in confusion. you rolled your eyes.
'just do it.'
you took his hand and led it to your crotch.
'what are you- oh my god.' your juices had completely soaked through your panties and your sweatpants. 'you are so wet.'
'for you,' you added. 'there's no need to apologize. I'm literally begging you to continue.'
you didn't have to say that twice before he pulled you closer to him by your hips and engaged you in another desperate kiss. his hands were groping your butt while you let yours slide under his hoodie. you felt his naked skin and toned abs, as you rubbed his stomach. you lowered your hands and bravely palmed his boner through his clothes.
'y/n,' he hissed out against your lips. you hooked your thumbs in the elastic of his pants and underwear, and pushed the material down to his thighs. he struggled to get them off.
you stroked his hard dick as he slipped his hand into your panties to massage your pussy at the same time.
he slipped one finger inside and began working it in and out. you finally were getting the relief you had been desperately craving for for so long. kevin was skilled and your walls were trying to swallow his slim finger. you were quickly coming close to your orgasm after having abstained for more than a year. you pulled his hand out.
'I bet you can make me come even better with your dick,' you challenged kevin.
'you bet I will.' he was confident.
'let me just look for a condom.' he was already turning away to go search in his room but you held him back by the arm.
'forget about it. I'm on the pill and I want you raw. I want you to come inside me and not spill into a stupid condom.'
the idea of this sounded very tempting to kevin. he picked you up and threw you back onto the couch, drawing your hips closer to him so he could pull off all the pieces of clothing that were hindering him from accessing your pussy.
he propped up his arms next to your sides and spread your thighs apart. strings of arousal were hanging from your folds and he saw your hole desperately clench around nothing. his dick hurt from how much he wanted to finally be inside of you. he wanted to find out how close he had been able to imagine how you would feel around him.
your hole took him in easily, welcoming him happily by embracing it tightly. kevin swore he could've cum right here and there.
he went slow at first to give you a chance to adjust but you were already fully ready, rocking your hips forward to meet his thrusts.
he crashed your mouths together and you kissed him like he was oxygen and you were short of air. you smiled and your eyes rolled back, satisfied with how things had played out today and the prospects of coming looked fairly promising.
desperate for release, kevin picked up the pace, his eyes closed while fucking into you like a horny animal. he couldn't help himself and all the 'faster's and 'harder's spilling from your mouth only encouraged him to drive himself deeper into you.
you wrapped your legs around his torso in an attempt to regain the control you were losing.
'fuck fuck fuck,' you cursed, feeling your muscles starting to contract. kevin brushed away some hair that was stuck to your sweaty forehead.
'it's fine, I'm coming too,' he announced and it took only a few more thrusts before a body shaking orgasm flushed over you, making you see only white. this drove kevin over the edge too and he spilled inside you, filling you up with his hot cum. he continued to slowly ease his dick in and out of you, fucking his semen right back into you until you had ridden out both of your orgasms. he let himself fall onto the couch right next to you, panting hard.
'I very much needed this,' you sighed in content.
'same, I wasn't sure whether I could hold out any longer without having a proper orgasm.' he watched his cum drip out of you.
'we should've thought of this sooner,' you said. 'this was a great idea.'
kevin hummed in agreement.
so now you and kevin were having sex on a regular basis, your high score being five times in a day. it felt good to finally live out your sexuality and not having to restrict yourself. sure, you guys did it more than necessary but it was a great way to pass time and it felt fucking amazing.
today you had done it in the shower after waking up, then on the kitchen counter and you had just finished having sex in his bed.
he was spooning you from behind, his cock still placed inside of you. he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
'stop, that tickles,' you chuckled.
after a while of comfortable silence you heard him let out a big sigh.
'what's wrong?' you asked as he pulled out of you. you turned around to be able to look at him.
'I don't think I can do it like this anymore,' he confessed.
'what do you mean?' you asked. 'are you talking about us having sex?'
he nodded. your heart dropped and you started feeling dizzy. you tried to search for answers in his eyes but he avoided looking at you.
'w-why?' you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
'it was amazing at first,' he started and finally raised his head to meet your gaze, 'and I went into it without much thought. I went crazy during quarantine and began fantasizing about having sex with you. then it became reality but now I understand that was probably wrong of me. I've always thought of myself as a gentleman, yet I slept with you without much thought. you see, my issue is this…'
suspense hung in the air and you were impatiently waiting for him to get to the point.
'I like you.'
you quietly gasped in surprise. you had been expecting him to say you were bad at sex and that he regretted everything but not this.
'I shouldn't be sleeping with you unless you were my girlfriend,' he finished off his ramble. you felt immensely relieved.
'do you want me to?' you asked him.
'want you to what?' kevin was confused. he had been a hundred percent sure you'd immediately jump out of the bed in disgust when he confessed.
'be your girlfriend. after all, I like you too, you moron.' you realized that you had known this for a while. you might have even been crushing on your best friend since way before the pandemic struck but it was kind of hard to track your feelings. still, you were sure you liked him too. now that he had admitted his feelings, you were able to admit yours not only to him but to yourself as well.
'wow, I didn't expect this,' kevin confessed surprised. you laughed.
'yeah, we should've realized this sooner.' he pulled you closer and kissed you. it was different than the other times. his lips moved softly against yours, in contrast to all of your rough and passionate kisses you had exchanged these past few weeks. he conveyed his emotions through the kiss.
'you're ready again?' you groaned as you felt kevin's dick harden against your upper thigh. he chuckled.
'sorry, you just turn me on so much.'
so then you did it for the fourth time. that day, you set a new record of having sex six times. you might have been happy now but still just as horny.
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maybe Y/N Stark is a new avenger, Peter see her before in a college party where they had very great sex. When she is introduced to everone. Wanda reading her thoughts finds out what happened between them. and CAOS. I love you xx
Okay see I love this because it plays into my favorite headcannon that (y/n) Stark is just a big party girl. My favorite trope is just like mean x soft, love someone who is just soft for their baby and that is so my favorite way to potray (y/n) Stark, like she’s just kind of brat expect for with Peter. Anyway I’m saying a big fat yes, and here she is. Hope you like it babe! Love you xx
Guys I am still doing requests and promts so please feel free to send some in, or even just hit me up, would love to be your bestie 💖
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Summary: The first post hookup meetup is always a little awkward 
(y/n)’s pov
New York city has to be the most magical place in the world, the lights are brighter, the buildings are taller, and the parties are way more awesome than the little boarding school dorm parties I’m used to. As a Stark it’s really just my social obligation to throw the best parties in the city though, and that’s a lot of pressure. I knew my New York debut would have to be awesome, so I rented out the 404 NYC and filled it to the brim with the best food and liquor money could buy, the most killer DJ I could find, and sent out an invitation to every socialite in the city. 
Then I invited Peter Parker, a boy I’ve only ever met in passing really, but he was important to my dad. Dad always used to tell me he thought we’d really get along, but we never really got the chance to know each other before dad passed away. Now that I’m in New York I want to try to be friends, he’s also the only avenger my age so if I want to carry on my dad’s legacy I think he’ll be a good teammate to have. From what I remember he was just a dorky, quiet kid, he’d hardly said two words to me the handful of times we had met. So you can only imagine my surprise when he walked in and the dorky little boy next door had become possibly the hottest boy in all of NYC. 
“Hey Peter,” I giggled as I waved to him, “I’m so glad you came.”
“Yeah, of course, I was a little surprised you invited me though…” he rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward smile.
“Oh yeah, I just figured a friend of daddy’s is a friend of mine,” I stopped one of the waiters walking by and passed Peter a drink, “Here, have this, it’s crazy good.”
He takes a little sip and nods, “Good. I’m glad you did, I was wondering if you were still gonna go to college out here after everything that happened.”
“Of course! I love New York,” I wink before taking a big swig of my own drink, “Plus I kind of wanted to give the whole Avengers thing a shot.”
“I heard, Fury said you’ve been talking about helping out.”
I nod, “Yeah, I don’t know if I really want to be a superhero per say, but it’s my dad’s legacy and I want to help out in some way.”
“Cool,” he blushed as he glanced down at his drink, “Sorry, parties aren’t really my thing still, I actually kind of just came to see how you were.”
“Aw,” I coo, “That’s so cute, I thought you would be, you seem more confident, you actually look me in the eyes now, mostly.”
He looked back up at me with a smile, “More confident sure, but I still don’t really go to parties.”
“Well you’re like an honorary Stark aren’t you?”
His whole face flushed red at that, “I don’t know about that.”
“Nah, you totally are, which means you’ve got to party like one,” I push the drink to his lips, “Chug that and we’ll get you another, then I’ll teach you how to dance,” I wink, downing my own drink to demonstrate.
He takes a deep breath and down the whole cup in one drink.
The first thing I notice when I wake up is how unusually warm it is, then it’s the arm around my waist. I roll over groggily and rub my eyes, giving myself just a few moments to take everything in. The first thing I spot is Peter, laying in bed besides me, naked. After checking him out for a second, what happened last night comes crashing back to my mind.  I feel my face start to burn, don’t get me wrong, he was great in bed, but I just know I totally corrupted him. Oops. 
It’s a little hard to feel bad when the sex was that good.
Peter’s eyes flutter open, looking over me sleepily before going wide eyed, “H-Hi,” he stutters.
“Hey,” I smile back, “You’re like a little space heater you know?”
“Uh, thanks,” he sits up very suddenly, looking a little frantic as he grabs his phone, “I-I’m sorry I really have to go, I h-have plans.”
I frown, watching him scramble back into his clothes, “No problem, I’m sure I’ll see you around?”
He nods, not meeting my eyes as he pulls his shirt on, “Y-Yeah, see you!” he’s out the door fast enough to give me whiplash.
Did I just get smashed and dashed by Peter Parker?
I feel awkward about what happened with Peter, I mean I had a good time but the more I think about it it just seemed like something was off that morning. I want to apologize or something, but I don’t have his number or anything. I was hoping he’d be at the Avengers tower while I’m in today, but no such luck. I feel really bad, I had a lot of fun with him, I really did want to be friends. He just really doesn’t seem like the type to hit it and quit it so I really feel like I did something wrong…
“Oh hey kid,” Bucky breaks my train of thought and draws my attention away from the papers I was looking over, “What are you up to?” “Looking over some of my dad's old suit plans,” I hum, “What about you?”
“After mission snack,” he smiles as he opens the fridge, “Peter and Wanda were right behind me.”
My eyes widen and I look right to the door, waiting for them to enter and debating what I should do. I guess just ask him to talk?
He meets my eyes as soon as he enters the room, his cheeks flush instantly and he clears his throat, “Oh, hey (y/n).”
“Hey,” I smile back.
Screw that fucking Spiderman suit, he should go to jail for looking like that.
“Hi (y/n)” Wanda smiles as she walks in behind him, “How are you?”
“Good, you?”
“Starving,” she rubs her stomach with a smile, “I need a snack,” she heads right for the kitchen while Peter just stands a few feet away from me. “How was your mission?” I ask.
“Good, nothing special really,” he crosses his arms over his chest, “How have you been?”
How do I bring this up? I mean normally if I hook up with someone I don’t care that much about talking to them after, but I really liked hanging out with Peter at the actual party too. He’s awesome in bed, let’s not pretend he isn’t, but he’s funny too, and wicked smart. Plus he’s a lot nicer than most guys, I don’t know, I just really got along with him. I really hope I didn’t ruin things between us.
“Well I’m just gonna grab a snack too,” Peter pushes his hand through his hair, a light pink color dusting his cheeks and nose, “I’m pretty tired…”
“I bet, you should get some rest,” I cross my legs and turn back to the notes, only to spot Wanda staring at us, “What?”
She smirks, “Nothing, nothing.”
I frown, “Okay, not nothing, what is it?” “You two are just having some interesting thoughts,” she snickers.
Both Peter and I flush red while Bucky cocks his head in confusion, “What are they thinking about?”
She gets ready to speak but I’m quick to interject, “Nothing.”
“The kids were just having a little fun,” she smirks, “Come on Bucky, I think they need a little alone time.”
He went wide eyed, “You two better not try anything in here.”
“Jesus Christ we won’t!” I snap, “You two are gross!”
“Oh I’m gross?” Wanda raises a brow, “I know exactly what’s going on in that little head of yours,” she glances towards Peter, “She’s into the suit Peter.”
“Hey!” I glare at her while he blushes, “Don’t kink shame me.”
“I’m gonna go throw up,” Bucky snatches up his food on his way out. “You better leave to,” I threaten Wanda, pointing my pen at her as threateningly as I can.
She starts laughing, “Yeah I’m getting out of here before you two start getting heated,” she winks to me as she saunters out of the room, “Wrap it up this time!”
“Hey!” I snap, my cheeks flushing once more, “I have an IUD,” I try to assure Peter, who seems to be malfunctioning, “Uh, you good?”
His mouth hangs open for a minute before he speaks, “I’m really sorry about them.”
I shrug, “It’s fine. I really did want to talk to you alone though, I’m really sorry about the party.”
He knits his brow, “Why are you sorry? I had fun at the party.”
“It seemed like you regretted it,” I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.
He purses his lips and shakes his head, “I don’t regret it. I shouldn’t have left like I did though, I promise I’m not normally like that.”
“Oh,” I don’t really know what to say, “So you really just had to go?”
He averts his eyes before shaking his head, “I kinda panicked?”
“Panicked?” I chuckle, some of my nerves starting to ease out, “Why?”
“I just haven’t really done that before…” he blushed.
My jaw falls open, “Oh my God Peter I am so sorry, I had no idea. I should have asked if I was your first th-”
“No, no! Not like that, I’ve slept with people before,” he shakes his head, “It’s just always been with long term girlfriends. I just didn’t really know what to do when we got up and I panicked.”
I can’t help the small laugh that escapes from my lips, “That’s really cute Peter, and I mean what you did was fine, I was just a little disappointed I guess. I mean I had a lot of fun just hanging out too so I was kind of hoping we could have kept hanging out, but if you just wanted a one night stand that’s fine too.”
“W-Well I wanted to keep hanging out too, I guess I should have just asked,” he laughs lightly at himself, “Sorry.”
“You can make it up to me by taking me on a date sometime,” I shrug, “You know, just if you still wanted to hang out sometime.”
He goes wide eyed before clearing his throat, “Oh, um, yeah, I should do that. Do you, uh, have plans tonight?”
I shake my head, “Nope.”
“Cool, uh, would you want to go to the movies then?”
I nod eagerly, “I would love to.”
“O-Okay!” he grins ear to ear, “I’m gonna go shower though, and change! I’ll be back in ten?”
“I’ll be right here,” I smile back, “Can’t wait.”
“Me either,” he begins walking away but spins suddenly loudly declaring, “Oh!” before he spins back around. He presses a quick peck to my lips and bites his lips, “Okay, I’ll be right back.”
I blush, my stomach filling with anxious butterflies, “I’ll be waiting.”
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
Hi! It's an au twilight question.
What if Edward and Bella did the nasty in early New moon. Then the party happens and the Cullens leave. Bella discovers she's pregnant with Renesmee. What do you think what would happen?
A very interesting question, anon. One that will go very interesting places, I'm sure.
That said, as usual, because I'm a completionist, we have to go through the "why no canon?" routine. Bear with me, I simply must.
Why Didn't Edward and Bella Do the Nasty Pre-Breaking Dawn?
For all that Edward is, for all his... questionable morals and sexual fixations, he does have a moral code he strictly holds himself to.
Edward is adamantly against having sex with Bella in terror of the very real possibility that he will murder her in the act. He's very clear about this, he didn't think he could do it, at all, and only his sheer desperation that Bella never be turned, his desire to marry Bella, as well as Alice's thumbs up convinced him to do it.
If Bella was a reasonable person then she would have agreed as well. Sex with Edward, while she's human, is a bad idea. However, Bella never really seems to clue in on what vampires even are so I think the Man of Steel on Woman of Kleenex aspect is lost on her.
Had Alice not given the green light, I imagine Edward would have gone back to the drawing board and ended up either here or here. Bella turning is the worst possible outcome and Edward will risk almost anything, even Bella's death, to see it avoided.
But that doesn't mean it's an action he takes lightly.
He suggests pimping Bella out to Jake before he suggests sleeping with her himself. For Edward, this is a last resort.
More, Edward is a man of his time.
Edward was from an upper class family and, more to the point, still holds himself to the standards of the society he knew when human (much to Bella's amusement).
Edward wistfully talks about courting Bella, how he would have courted her had he been a true man in the time period he was familiar with, and why marriage to him is so very important.
That Edward doesn't seek out the approval of Charlie, Bella's father, is a hilarious aside to me. Edward's all about chivalry until all those old society standards get in his way.
What do you mean a gentleman doesn't sneak into a lady's apartments in the middle of the night to watch her slumber unawares?!
Regardless, marriage is extremely important to Edward, especially in the context of sex.
Edward will absolutely not have sex with a woman who is not first his wife. He also will not marry a girl that society defines as underage, he will wait until Bella's legal and probably until she finishes her primary schooling.
This means Edward was never likely to have sex with her before graduation and certainly not before her eighteenth birthday.
Which, at the earliest, puts her past the New Moon birthday bash.
Edward and Bella Do the Do Anyway
But let's pretend they do it anyway.
I'd say the most likely scenario is after the birthday disaster. This is it, Edward knows he is leaving Bella forever, if he is truly noble then he will never see her again.
Certainly, he will never interact with her nor hold her in his arms. To Edward, this is essentially his last true night on Earth.
So rather than pull a partial D.E.N.N.I.S. system, Edward pulls the full D.E.N.N.I.S. system, he initiates the "I" he was previously missing, "Inspire Hope". Or, in this case, get laid for the first and only time in his life.
He sneaks in through her window. They make beautiful, passionate, tepid love so Edward does not crush her in the act, and as she sleeps blissfully in the aftermath he sneaks back out the window to never be seen again.
(It takes Bella a week to admit that Edward just hit and run. The Cullens aren't coming back.)
However, because Edward didn't actually point blank tell her what was happening, rather than hit her New Moon stage of depression, Bella's instead in denial.
The Cullens are coming back. What, Carlisle has a new job? No, that can't be right, they're coming back. Alice would never leave her without a word. Edward would never leave her without a word.
Jessica pats Bella on the back consolingly and is secretly glad that it's not her. She might have been dumped by Edward Cullen, but at least he didn't humiliate her the way he did Bella Swan.
Leaving without a single word, yikes.
Two weeks go by then Bella gets the flu.
In a single day, she's unable to keep down anything. Huh, that's weird. Very quickly, Bella has her tampon epiphany. Bella is not a virgin, she had sex with Edward, she's late, and she appears to have a baby bump.
Bella is carrying Edward's child.
There is no question of aborting the child. This is Edward's child, the only piece she has left of him, even without Renesmee's gift it's ride or die. Bella is delivering this child even if it kills her.
However, she has some immediate issues.
First, she's visibly pregnant, it's been only two weeks. That's not supposed to happen. More, Charlie is bound to notice sooner rather than later, Bella would like to avoid that, the stigma of teen pregnancy, as well as the inhuman complications that are sure to come along.
Second, there's inhuman complications. Bella can't just go to an OBGYN, not even a town over. She's carrying something half human, a doctor will poke around and find that out, and then Bella's blowing the secret.
Bella knows vaguely of the Volturi at this point, but not the severity of the law, it's more that she promised Edward she would never tell a soul.
Plus, a human doctor wouldn't be able to help anyway.
That leaves vampires.
Bella tries to call/email the Cullens. However, thanks to Edward, all their numbers are disconnected and all their emails no longer exist. Her "Alice, help, I'm pregannant" messages are sent to a void.
(Alice, meanwhile, thinks she's finally successful in blocking visions of Bella. At least Edward will be off her back. Without the cliff diving and Jake, Alice does not assume Bella has died/committed suicide.)
A brief internet survey also yields Bella no results, but it does get her a lot of vampire porn. Thanks internet.
Bella... starts to get worried.
She's getting more and more pregnant in a matter of days, Charlie is starting to notice that she can't keep anything down, and the Cullens aren't taking her phone calls.
Then, Bella has it, she remembers that weird baroque painting Carlisle had of him and those Italian vampire dudes: the Volturi. Conveniently named after the city they live in, Volterra, Italy.
Bella debates her options.
Edward told her that these are the guys who make sure that humans who know the secret disappear. Well, Bella is a human who knows the secret, that's bad. Also bad is that they eat people, Bella is a person.
On the other hand, Edward implied these guys are civilized and friends of Carlisle. That's... good? Bella isn't sure she's on good terms with the Cullens, given the whole abrupt leaving thing, but maybe they don't have to know that.
Bella debates with herself, tries to look up the Denali, and only finds the National Park. She has no idea where these guys even live, or what they even look like besides "blonde hot vampire", and she's short on time. Plus, they are close with the Cullens, so the Cullens probably did tell them "Ew, Bella, No Gross, Do Not Want".
Because the Cullens all hate her now.
Bella has some money saved up, and this is probably a one way trip, and if she doesn't go then... well, it's not looking good. Bella musters up her courage, tells Charlie some outrageous fib to explain why she's disappearing off the face of the planet, and books a flight to Rome, then Pisa, then a bus ride to Volterra.
Bella subsists completely on blue gateorade, this doesn't go well, and she vomits blue in the parking lot.
Regardless, she makes it, huzzah she is in Volterra. It's sunny out and there are no vampires. Bella wanders around the city and looks for the most vampire building she can find.
Luckily, she happens to be right, and it's the very central castle. Well done, Bella.
Bella walks in and spots a vampire. She also spots a receptionist, Bella is very confused. Never the less, Bella says the magic words, "I'm a... friend of Carlisle Cullen?"
Even though Bella doesn't have Aro's name (or any of the other Volturi for that matter), Carlisle's name does the trick. Anyone who works for Aro knows that name.
Color Aro intrigued, he will meet this pregnant woman! (Caius, meanwhile, votes that they eat her immediately out of spite.)
Well, Aro touches her hand and lo and behold she's scarily gifted. And she knows Carlisle, what a great day to be Aro.
Aro explains that everything's totally fine with her knowing the secret, it just means they have to turn her eventually, after she gives birth of course.
Bella stares at him numbly and wonders why Edward made this such a big deal if it was that easy.
Aro insists Bella start from the beginning, as in the very beginning of her life. This is weird, but Bella complies.
An hour later they get to the interesting part: Bella meets Carlisle (and Edward Cullen, Aro guesses). Aro gets to hear the whole, sordid, ridiculous tale of Bella and Edward's romance including the part where he fucked her and ran off into the night.
Aro is stunned.
He first apologizes for the Cullens behavior, they should absolutely not have abandoned her, and not turning her was completely irresponsible (what the hell was Carlisle thinking?)
He then gives the bad news, he... has never heard of anything like this.
You see, normal vampires don't have sex with humans. It isn't done.
Also, there's this thing called Immortal Children (Edward tell you about that, no? Well, he probably thought it wasn't relevant). That thing your carrying might not be a child capable of growth but an insatiable monster.
Or it could be the alien from Aliens.
There's no way to tell, really.
Aro promises Bella his protection and a period of observation for the child. Bella's not sure she likes that observation part, but this seems like a pretty sweet deal otherwise.
As for what to do, well, Aro has to call in the foremost vampire medical expert. Sorry, Bella, but there's only one man for the job.
Aro sends out Demetri to find Carlisle.
Demetri shows up on Carlisle's doorstep, "Carlisle, old friend, Aro has need of you. Your son knocked up a human girl."
Carlisle blinks, blinks again, then does a thousand yard stare. My God.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Edward is already on Victoria's tail. Carlisle tries to call him, to no avail, Edward isn't taking his phone calls.
Alice and Jasper are already on their trip to hunt down Alice's past. Plus, given the Volturi, they'd be unlikely to come anyway. Carlisle sends them a message.
Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett travel to Volterra to clean up Edward's mess.
And sure enough, there's Bella, very pregnant with a child that is very much not human. Carlisle dies inside, Rosalie's on a warpath that Edward would abandon his pregnant girlfriend to the point where the only place she could turn was human drinking vampires.
Rosalie takes it upon herself to leave Edward the world's angriest voice messages until he returns her phone calls.
Aro's delighted to see Carlisle again. Even if he does have a wife now. Also, Aro claims finders keepers for Bella, Carlisle's not happy about this and less happy that Aro points out that if Edward cared so much he wouldn't be absent right now, would he?
They figure out the blood drinking thing, Carlisle desperately raids a hospital to prevent Bella from being fed the leftovers of the Volturi victims. This likely doesn't work out for him.
At the last possible moment, Edward finally picks up his phone. He learns that all he's tried to accomplish failed spectacularly. Bella is pregnant with his demon child, is literally drinking blood, and is in Vampire HQ with the leader insisting she will be turned immediately after the C-section.
Edward races to Volterra and strides into the room demanding Bella be aborted and remain human.
Aro stares.
Carlisle awkwardly explains that Bella's too far along, it's too late now even if they wanted to, more she adamantly doesn't want to abort and never did.
As for Bella being human... Bella pipes in that she's cool on becoming the vampire part. Aro's a great guy. She then races to embrace Edward, he's come back, after all this time. And he's going to be a father, isn't that wonderful?
Edward loses his mind.
And because this is Edward, I have no idea what he'll do, only it'll be utter madness. This is my best guess.
To be a little more serious, he probably tries to abort the child anyway, he mercy kills Bella and the child, or Renesmee manages to get through to him.
Given canon, it's likely the latter. Bella is convinced that her and Edward's relationship is perfect.
Aro has no idea what to think of any of this.
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hoaqins-funk-house · 4 years ago
Male Reader
Part 1
Sitting in the black swivel chair, you spin once or twice before coming to a stop, grimacing at the feeling of sticky floors beneath your shoes. This place is brand new, how the hell are the floors sticky? 
Actually, on that note, how is everything so covered in dust?
Sighing, your mindless fidgeting comes to a stop as the phone, just as dinky as the walls around you, begins to ring. You pick it up but put it back on the table, eyes drifting to the laptop and swing-out tablet. When you flip the former open, you note the four buttons, each relating to something you would have to reset when it comes time to. The latter has cameras that are scattered around, including a separate tab for vents. There’s an option to block off vents, which sends a chill up your spine as you glance to the big ass one at your side.
You decide to block that one off for now.
Humming, you familiarize yourself with the layout of the place, deciding to ignore the shadows that crept through your vision.
Your unenthused eyes scan and take in everything. The replicas (you had seen the originals, and they were permanently stained with both the smell and color of pizza sauce and lawsuits) that were in and around the office, as well as the little bobbleheads that sat on your desk of the animatronics, which were, for some reason, human? You boop the one who you assume to be Freddy, hearing the familiar squeak. 
A small smile comes to your lips.
It was at this time that you realized you had completely ignored the man on the phone, but you couldn't really bring yourself to care. 
The little drawings that were put up were authentic; not just anyone could recreate what a child's mind spits out and decides to draw. 
That Freddy looks a bit fucked up.
The posters were cutely designed, and after getting the gist of what everything was and how everything works, you were on your phone the rest of the night.
When six strikes, you casually leave, giving the building a quick once over as you leave the doors, locking them behind you.
If every night is going to be like that, this is going to get boring.
He’s stuck.
This suit traps him like a rabid dog, eager to stay gripped onto his neck.
Still, things would be changing soon.
He can feel it.
He can feel it as a fresh breeze, the first in many years, hits his nostrils, sending a wave of euphoria through his system. The bloodied musk that hung in the dank room was not a pleasant one.
He can feel it as his body accepts this new host, more and more, until soon, quite soon, he will become one with his vessel. 
Just as the animatronics before him did.
He ponders. 
Why was he being freed from this prison of his own design?
Is he being taken somewhere?
Will there be a night guard to terrorize?
A grin takes to his broken lips as he ignores the pain and blood that comes from them. Oh, a night guard! Truly, that will be a sight!
He can't wait. 
For now, however, he must play dead.
My, that voice that shouts with excitement from behind him…
It sounds so familiar.
"Bring the truck around!" He calls. "I found one, a real one! It's got the rips, the weird colors, and what I am going to assume is pizza sauce! Ohohoh man, I hit the jackpot with this one! Fazbear's Fright needed something, and here it is!" 
His congratulatory tone made the man within the suit want to throw up. Finding him was nothing to be happy about; he is despicable, incapable of redemption, and an awful being. 
And you know what? 
That's just the way he likes it.
So to have someone happy to find him, especially for their own purposes?
He won't let it stand. 
Yeah, if this place has a nightguard, he'll kill them without mercy before burning the entire thing to the ground.
Might as well make it fun for himself.
As light peeks through, clearly originating from a flashlight, he feels his pupils shrink, resisting the urge to let out a groan as his weak eyes ache from their decades of being in the dark.
"Whoahoh! This one looks gnarly!" The same man as before speaks, probably referencing the organs and tendons that were showing. "C'mon, let's get it up!"
His grin only grows as two people lift him onto a dolly, beginning the move.
Goodbye, saferoom.
And hello, Fazbear's Fright.
Humming, you walk into the building, skimming over the decorations once more before noticing something.
The papers that had fallen onto the ground from before, they had dirt on them. Not surprising on its own, but when they were in the shape of tire tracks? 
You decide to follow them, using your memory of the cameras to guide you through the building, which was already rather linear anyway.
Entering the last area, you could see a rather dilapidated animatronic suit, with organs visible and its fur matted with blood. Real blood. The old Springbonnie suit was nearly green from how old and dirty it was.
Your eyebrows raise. "Is that guy just stupid or did he knowingly bring in a suit that has a dead body in it?"
Honestly, you didn't care. "Eh, whatever. It'll probably start moving when I start my shift… I've heard those rumors about the other locations." You turn, stretching, unaware of the eyes that followed you or the head that turned your way.
Damn, does he want to kill this one?
Well, he can think it over more soon. After the merge.
He grins again, feeling his uneven, gouged skin begin to flare with pain.
You exit the room fully, making your way back to the office with all the urgency of an ADHD-riddled person doing laundry.
Which is to say… not much.
You fall into the chair, cursing as the thin mesh cushion does nothing to protect your tailbone from the metal frame of the chair. The phone rings not a moment later, you picking it up and laying it on the table again, eager to ignore it just as you had done before. You stretch again, arms raising above your head as you begin to flip through cameras, finding the rabbit in the same spot it was in before. 
You yawn.
Hopefully it starts moving soon, or else the entire reason you took this job would be unfulfilled. 
You were bored, and you remembered this place from the times you had gone with your younger brother, who was now in his early twenties. You, however, were 28 years of age, with nothing better to do than 'investigate' the Fazbear's Fright that opened up. Still, if that rabbit has a corpse in it, it should make things more fun.
As you lazily flip through your cameras, you set it down and look to the side, seeing a rather dirty looking man with an eyepatch and fox ears. To his confusion, before he could lunge at you, you reach out and swipe a hand through his chest. You continue to swipe forwards and backwards, the incorporeal man stuck standing there until you leaned back.
"So, you're a ghost."
His mouth opens as if to retort, but he just gives up and leaps at you, you not even looking at him anymore. He closes his mouth halfway through the jump, and with an unsatisfied sigh, he disappears.
You continue flipping through the cameras, checking in on the rabbit a couple of times before shoving the tablet out of the way, opening the laptop to have it ready and sitting back in your chair.
You glance towards a shifting figure in front of the window, the hat and bear ears telling of who it is. He limps along, eventually falling beneath your view before seemingly phasing through the wall and leaping at you. You stare passively as he does so, him not completing the jump to instead stand in front of you, confused. 
For shits and giggles, you wave your hand through his chest once or twice.
"Why… aren't you… scared?" He croaks, voice ruined from years of no use.
"Oh, was I supposed to be scared?" You genuinely ask. "Uh, sorry. If you do it again I promise I'll hyperventilate."
"Don't try to… lessen your survival chances…"
"Okay. My bad." 
He sighs, and after annoyedly rubbing his face, he disappears.
You flip out your cameras once more, finding the screen obscured by static and a small error in the center. Lazily, you reset cams.
When your screen clears, you check the rabbit. He looks… strange. Like his body is evolving in front of your eyes. 
To be honest, you don't give enough of a shit to watch a potentially world-changing discovery if it looks that gross. You aren't paid enough to, anyway.
At this pay grade, you even coming into the damn building is volunteer work.
You check your phone for the time, seeing a cool time of one in the morning. 
"Aside from that science experiment gone wrong happening in the back room, it's still really damn boring."
However, it's still not boring enough to watch that transformation or whatever. That corpse (well, at this point, you kinda doubt it's dead) can do whatever the hell he wants with that suit. It's his body, not your business.
After another fifteen minutes of staring at a wall, you check the cameras to the sound of loud clicks and pops, now seeing a heavily scarred man with 1.5 rabbit ears in place of the suit. He takes one step out from his original spot, body heaving forward before he lifts himself up, looking up at the camera with a grin.
"Huh. That's new." You say, watching him jolt forward, continuing to take steps before relearning how to walk smoothly.
It only takes him a moment to rocket off.
"I doubt that's good." You mumble, beginning to flip through the cameras to follow him before playing a sound in the room behind him, making him pause. He turns, walking back with a confused expression.
Continuing to flip through cameras, you watch as the man, who you'll dub Rabbit Guy, wanders, seemingly having lost his focus. Hearing a sound to your left, you pay no heed to whoever it is, instead waggling your hand in what you would assume to be their torso.
"You're strange…" They say.
"Uh-huh. If you'd excuse me, I am currently working on keeping Rabbit Guy the hell away from me." Your voice is monotonous but sincere; you aren't trying to be sarcastic or mean, just trying to tell them the facts.
Glancing to the side, you see that it was a child, so you were waving your hand in his collar. "Oh, my bad. Does that… make you guys uncomfortable?" You ask, retracting your hand.
"No, we can't feel it." 
"Huh." You blandly respond, playing the sounds to lead Rabbit Guy back to where he started, before resetting sounds as you weren't able to play them anymore.
It seems like Rabbit Guy is getting progressively more and more annoyed at being led back, if his attempts to move fast enough to avoid the sounds or block out his ears meant anything. 
His body was responding to the sounds, not him.
It was then that he disappeared, so you check vents, finding him in one that led directly to the room beside your office.
You block it off, much to his annoyance, before yawning and sitting back as any thumps you hear from inside the vents come to a stop. 
You find him standing in the room where he had entered the vent, irritated as he glares at the camera. Preemptively, you reset all, thankfully right as cams and sound go out. 
Sighing, you lazily check through cameras, brows slightly furrowing as you look for him. He was completely gone, not in vents or in rooms. It really is unfortunate how many blind spots and shadowed areas there are.
When you hear the thumping of the vents, you search through them, only finding a stupid knick-knack laying on its side halfway in your sight.
Looking to your side, you peek into the vent, leaning down to see if anything was there. Your gaze meets Rabbit Guy's. 
"Shit." You say, quickly switching cams over to this one and holding down the seal button. 
Your eyes shift back to him, finding him way too close for comfort. As you lift your finger to let the gate close on the vent, the man (who was crouch walking) catches it, forcing it back up. You hear something grind that definitely shouldn't be grinding, and you have a feeling that that vent cover just might be broken.
Getting out of the vent, he stands over you, waiting for some sort of plea or… literally any response at all.
"So, you, uh… come here often?" You ask, leaving him genuinely at a loss. 
"Wh- was that a pickup line?" His rough, baritone voice catches you slightly off-guard. 
You weren't expecting something that was pretty much a zombie to have such a good voice, or a slight british accent for that matter. "Was it? Shit, more people've flirted with me than I thought."
"Really? That's all you can come up with before your death? I'd hate for those to be your final words." He lightly teases, leaning against the wall with a mean grin. 
You look up at the ceiling with a vague smile, his eyes widening momentarily. "To be honest, of any place to die, I'd much rather have it be in a place where I know I'll reach the front pages than in some random alley."
His grin falls into a frown as he watches you turn to him, the smile still on your face. It feels strange.
He feels strange. 
Why does a random night guard make him feel so…
So… comfortable?
You were calm, collected, not making any sudden moves or even attempting to exit the chair. Theoretically, the perfect prey, but not a satisfying kill. 
If he even wants to kill you, that is.
“What’s your name?” He asks, watching as you spin to face him in your chair. You would be taller if you stood, but he would still have a few inches on you.
“Y/N. You?” 
“I’m… William. Or, rather, I was, when I was well and truly human.”
“And now?” You ask.
“I don’t exactly have a name.”
“Can I still call you William, then? Well, if I live long enough to do so?” You ask, eyes moving up to meet his. Looking up at him like that… He wishes the hot feeling in the pit of his stomach would go away.
“I mean… are you going to kill me?” You ask, face not shifting as he glares down at you. 
“I won’t kill you on the first night, you need to give me more entertainment.” At least, that’s what he told himself.
“Oh, so we’re both here for the same reason.” You blankly say, his face contorting from a glare to confusion once more.
“You’re here… for entertainment?” He slowly asks, answered by your nod.
“I’m certainly not here for the pay. This place gives like half of minimum wage but I can’t complain about it because the other part is supposed to come from tips. Somehow.”
“How do you even live?” 
“Well, right now I’m on an paid leave due to some unfortunate deaths in my family. To be honest, I never really cared for any of them, but hey. I’ll take any chance for a break I can. Then I got bored.”
He huffs out a laugh. “So you went to another job on your break?”
“Listen, getting a month off leaves a man with little to do when capitalism has left me with no hobbies. Besides, this gives me a great excuse to continue avoiding people.”
His lips curl into an amused grin as he leans forward, lowering his head to be eye level with yours. "Well, you won't be avoiding me." He practically purrs, you averting your eyes at the tone he uses. 
Why would he say it like that?! 
His golden eyes follow you as you close the laptop's screen, enjoying your reaction. You…
He'll keep you around. 
You're entertaining and friendly. Open, and… warm.
He wonders. 
You're human, and fully alive. He's a revived corpse who merged with his vessel. You probably are very warm compared to him.
When he comes back to his senses, he notices you slowly raising out of your seat, hand outstretched towards him. 
Well, might as well take the chance.
He grabs your wrist, looking down at you unimpressed. You quietly huff, falling back into your chair and forcing him to move away from the wall in order to not dislocate your wrist.
Well, his hypothesis is correct. You are very warm. 
He feels the tightening in his gut, not wanting to let go but knowing that he will have to.
You, however, don't actually care either way. You begin your attempt again, this time with your left hand. Slowly raising out of your seat, you actually manage to stand fully up before he notices again, grabbing your other wrist. 
"What are you even trying to do?" He asks, a light sneer on his lips.
"Well... uh, I was trying to… boop your nose? If you're bonded with one of the original suits, then I figured either you or Fredbear would have the sound effect."
He lets out a few short laughs, his sneer replaced with the same amused grin as before.
"I'm afraid neither of us have the sound effect. That only came about with the second and third generations of animatronics."
You hum, interested.
His eyes quickly scan over you, taking in your form. This position, practically holding you hostage… Needless to say, he didn't dislike it.
Still, he releases you as he catches you glancing at what he assumes to be a phone. Things have advanced quite far since he was trapped. 
You turn it on quickly, checking the time. “Well, we have around an hour and a half before my shift ends, so…” Pausing, you check the time again. An hour and a half?
He steps closer, you glancing back up at him before leaning back as he leans forward, looming over you. “Tomorrow, you best make this more fun for me. I’ll greet you, but then I’ll head to the back. Try and stop me from getting in.”
“Uh, sure. Are you still planning on making the punishment for loss, uh, death?”
His eyes narrow in coordination with a widening grin. “That’s for me to know. You either figure it out, or you don’t. It all depends how well you play.” His gruff voice slightly echoes in the mostly empty building, you nodding in response. 
“Oh, cool. Can I tell my brother about you?” You ask suddenly, him quirking a brow as he stares down at you, easily at least half a foot taller than you. He was always tall, but now that he’s in this new form, he grew to be somewhere from 6’6 to 6’8. You sit down once more, exacerbating the height difference.
“Feel free to. Just know that if he ever comes around here, he won’t be alive for very long.”
“I doubt he will. He’s always preferred Foxy the most because he has taste, but-”
“Taste? For liking that liability-strewn fox? You like him as well?”
“To be honest, I never really liked any of them more than the other. I was in my emo phase when I went to see them, so it was practically illegal for me to like anything. But Foxy had sharp teeth and a wicked lookin’ hook, so… I guess I did.”
He hums, clearly slightly annoyed.
“Are you jealous that I liked the fox more than the rabbit that isn’t even the same generation as you?”
“I really should kill you.” His irritated expression shows the truth to your statement.
“It’s okay, I’m willing to call Springbonnie my favorite.”
Now, William was confused. Your tone… you weren’t joking. You were being genuine about something as stupid as this? What is with you?
“You’re very confusing. I think you joke, and then I listen to your tone and you’re genuine. But still, I wouldn’t mind if you did so.”
“It’s not nearly as confusing as how time passes in this place. It’s been like ten minutes since I met you but the clock says like three or four hours have passed.”
“What? Really?” His brows furrow as he steps closer, finding another excuse to close the distance between you both as he leans over the chair, seeing you pointing to the screen. “How strange…”
“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like tomorrow’s hunt will last for six hours, then. Thankfully.” You sigh.
“What, do you not want to feel like my prey for six hours straight?” He grins, leaning over further until his arm rests on your shoulder.
You shiver. “Why do you have to say it like that?”
“Because it makes you react, obviously. It’s entertaining to watch you squirm from something as simple as... the tone of my voice.” Of course, in order to prove his point, he does exactly what he did before, lowering his voice a few pitches and upping the growliness of it.
In covering your eyes, you also cover your cheeks, which have gained a slight flush. “William, I am begging you. Please, please, please, stop talking like that.”
And, naturally progressing, he was left somewhat stunned by the sound of your pleading tone. There’s just something about it, especially as you say his name, that makes him want to…
...makes him want to chase, and capture, and possess forever.
You as his prized prey, and him as the hunter.
“I’ll use it when necessary.” He vaguely answers, watching your head droop.
“I’ll take what I can get.” You concede breathily. 
He chuckles, hearing the chime of a bell, signifying 6 in the morning. "Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, then. Don't keep me waiting."
"Asshole. I won't." You turn your head away from him, hiding the flush on your face, and stand up, stretching. "See ya, William."
He hums, eyes tracing your form as you stretch. It was a nice view, watching the button up shirt crease around your back as you stretch, clearly hinting at the muscle beneath. His eyes did drift lower once or twice, and that's how he figures out that damn, you have a really nice ass!
You begin to walk out, and he follows you with his eyes, watching you turn past the replica Freddy husk and unlock the door, exiting into the fresh morning. His eyelids droop, gaze slipping up as his lips curl into a wide grin.
“Y/N… I won’t kill you. Especially not when I’m presented with such an ample opportunity to make this into something so entertaining.” 
Is that the only reason?
Of course, he knows it isn’t.
His grin falls, leaving him coldly leering at the aged panels above him before his sight shifts back to the room around him. As he exits the office, he glances at the stained and shaded glass of the door, not allowing much, if any, light in. He turns away, heading back to where he was originally.
As he walks, he lets his form shift, feeling his body grow to his previous monster rabbit self, the creaks of his metal joints loud in the silent building. 
He ignores any shadows that creep in the edges of his vision, the specters traversing without sound. 
“This is going to be… boring.” His voice, far rougher than before, comes out unfeeling and croaky. As he returns to his previous position, slouching over once more, he decides to use his old tactic to pass time; inflicting enough pain on himself to fall unconscious. It doesn’t matter if his dreams are infested with darkness, nor how much he suffers in them. 
It was better than the boredom of sitting in one position with an unchanging environment.
He begins forcing his muscles to flex and strain within the suit and pull against the beams they have welded to, making him grit his teeth before the searing pain fades away, along with his vision.
Goodnight, Y/N.
“Yo.” You greet your brother, the man tiredly yawning as he ruffles his hair.
“Heya, Y/N. What’re you up so early for?” 
“Well, I got bored and got a night shift job at this dinky little horror attraction opening up next week. I decided to tell you about what happened there before I head off to sleep.”
“You got bored during a break from your job so you… got another job?”
“Y’know, William said the same thing.” You say, your brother narrowing his eyes at you.
“A coworker?” He asks. 
“Eh, not quite… he is the reason I stayed up to talk to you, though.”
He hums, walking around the couch you were splayed on with your shirt half unbuttoned. 
“So, to begin my tale, you remember Freddy’s? The pizzeria with the animatronics?” You question.
“Well the horror place I went to is based off of that; it’s filled with replicas and a few actual things from the pizzerias of the past, but something came in tonight that was… different.”
“Which was?”
“An animatronic. One of the originals, Springbonnie. Granted, the suit was ripped to shit and covered in enough dirt to be green, but it was authentic. It even has the dead body! Well - not so dead body, but still visible.”
“Did you call the cops?” He asks, worried.
“Hell no! I’m not paid enough to give a shit about what could-or-could-not-be a dead body. Either way, he transformed into a human, which was rather odd, but-”
“Just to be clear, this rabbit had a dead body inside and transformed into a human, and you don’t question it?”
“No. Continuing on, he got into my office and then we talked for a bit, I learned that his name is William, time passed really weirdly, and then we struck a deal where I have to keep him out of my office or I'll maybe die.”
“You’re still going back there?! And ‘maybe die?!’”
“Yeah, he said the knowledge about whether or not I die from losing the hunt was ‘for him to know.’ I didn’t question it further.” 
“You know, Y/N, sometimes it feels like I’m the older sibling. You’re fucking stupid.”
“I’m well aware.”
He leans over the couch, glaring down at you. “Then wisen up and quit that damn job.”
“I’m good. William is good company.”
“He threatened to kill you!”
“And? He hasn’t. Yet.”
“You infuriate me, gayboy.” He says, stepping away from the couch.
“Cool. I’ll sleep here for now, when you get back from work I’ll definitely be up.”
“Whatever.” He waves his hand at you, ignoring the middle finger pointing his direction from behind the couch’s back.
Part 2
also a lot of the stuff i write from now on may be male reader inserts lol
heres my springtrap design
here's the updated design lol
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lee-scribbles-and-doodles · 4 years ago
S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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tothemeadow · 4 years ago
hi!! um, since you're open for requests, could i maybe ask for some spicy nsfw for akaza and an f!reader with marechi? preferably one who'd actually be willing to give a little blood? i'd love to see how he reacts to the temptation, considering his reservations with women >v>;; i hope that's ok! if not i totally understand, and thank you regardless for your lovely writing, i've been really enjoying reading through your work <3
Alright, so this request really caught my attention. Back before the Mugen Train hit theatres, I was thirsting over Akaza with somebody and I had this idea of an Akaza dry humping scenario stuck in my head ever since. 
This was my excuse to finally write it 👀
‘the taste of marechi’ / Akaza x Reader
warnings: NSFW, semi-public sex, blood drinking, dry humping/grinding, slight impregnation kink
words: 2,349
The marechi. The most delicious, powerful blood a human can have. It’s the forbidden fruit that only so few demons are blessed to have a taste of.
It’s what flows through your veins.
But of course you don’t know, since you’re a lowlife human. Your lifespan is short, your life itself dull. You aren’t aware of the sweet, sweet, liquid gold flowing in your body. You don’t how much demons want you, to taste you.
To devour you.
Now, some demons are utter heathens like the others. Some have standards. Take Akaza, for instance; as he watches you trek through the nighttime streets, he could easily jump you, rip your heart out with his teeth. Why you’re walking alone at night is a mysterious unbeknownst to him. You should certainly know better – there’s more predators than just demons that stalk the night.
It’s a simple rule of his not to eat women. There’s no way for you to defend yourself, for one, and the fact that his food supply comes from women is another point entirely. He tells himself he should just walk away and let you be. That’s what he should do, but his body refuses to leave.
In the distance, he sees a shrouded figure stagger onto the same street you’re walking on. Perched on the sloping roof of a nearby house, he’s essentially able to the entirety of the small town. As the figure draws closer, he can tell that it’s a middle-aged man. His clunky movements tell Akaza that he is clearly drunk. Akaza scoffs at that; oh, to be a pathetic human, having to rely substances to feel a single damn thing.
“Hey, doll!” the man suddenly calls out. Akaza curses under his breath – he must’ve seen you.
Glancing up, you see a strange man walking in your direction. Even from where Akaza sits, he can see your body tense up. Alright, that’s enough for him to spring into action.
Jumping from the roof to another, Akaza draws closer, his eyes locked on the creepy man. He’s already dangerously close to you, a drunken slur of compliments and suggestions spilling from his gross mouth. You slink away, trying not to make any sudden movements. The man follows right after you, his hands extended before him; you screech as he grabs onto your arms, a scowl crossing his face as you struggle in his hold.
A growl rips itself out of Akaza’s throat as he lands on the ground. A cloud of dust kicks up around him from the sheer force. He watches as you squirm in the man’s hold, struggling to break free. The man promptly slaps a meaty hand over your mouth and curses loudly when you bite down on his palm.
Akaza’s on him in seconds; he rips the man off of you, a snarl cracking his face. The man cries out as Akaza throws him like he’s nothing more than a rag doll. He grunts as his back collides with the siding of a building, a sickening snap filling the night air. Akaza turns to your trembling form. You stare at him, eyes wide, your hands clamped over your mouth.
“He was going to take advantage of you,” Akaza grunts. “Come on; I’ll take you home.” Quickly taking your hand in his, he drags you away from the unconscious – maybe even dead – man.
“Hang on!” you yelp.
It’s the first time he’s hearing your voice, but Akaza immediately decides he already likes the sound of it. He complies to your request and comes to a complete stop.
You yank your hand out of his grip. “Who are you? And what did you-“ You cut yourself off as Akaza turns around, golden irises and blue sclera rendering you speechless. Your eyes dart over the dark blue markings of his face, follow them down his body. You audibly swallow. “What are you…?”
Akaza scoffs. “Somebody who just saved you from some creep, obviously.” He rolls his eyes. “Damn weaklings. You’re lucky you’re a woman.”
You gawk at him. “And what’s that supposed to mean? One moment you’re saving me from some stranger, and then the next you’re ridiculing me. I didn’t ask for your help.”
“So you were just going to let him have his way with you?” Akaza quirks an eyebrow. You frown in return but don’t say anything. “That’s what I thought.”
You tongue the inside of your cheek in irritation. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Akaza doesn’t miss the way you stare at his muscled arms as he crosses them over his chest. “I’m a demon, sweetheart.” He cocks his head, his pink eyelashes fluttering. “Or do I have to spell it out?”
A demon? Seriously? But those were only a myth!
Your eyes trail of his markings once more. Everything about him seems inhuman: the markings, the colors of his eyes, his hair. The sheer amount of strength he holds is a different matter entirely.
“Do you have a name?” you croak.
Okay, now that takes Akaza by surprise. Normally, he’d only tell people his name after he’s deemed them worthy. You’re nowhere as strong as him, and from your reaction alone he can tell you’re not a part of the corps committed to taking his head.
“Why do you want to know?” His eyes lock onto the way you bite onto your bottom lip.
“…So I can thank you.”
Akaza’s eyes dart back up to yours. “You want to thank me?”
Slowly, you nod. “You saved me for a reason, right? You could’ve easily killed us both…” You wring your hands, your brows knitting together.
Akaza realizes that you’re right. He could kill you at any moment he wished, but he chose not to. He still doesn’t want to. Your words roll around in his head; he genuinely doesn’t know what to say. With every minute that passes, you visibly grow more nervous. Your fingers clutch onto the fabric of your yukata, and your teeth mindlessly gnaw on your lip.
It shouldn’t bother him as much as it does. He’s ready to tell you to stop. Only pathetically weak people act like this. And he’s ready to tell you off, he really is, but then that smell smacks him right in the face. It’s rich and sweet, just like the world’s finest wine. His mouth waters as it fills his nostrils, makes his head spin.
His stare is intense as you release your bottom lip, tiny droplets of blood sticking to the plump flesh. Heat stirs in the bottom of his abdomen. He stands rigid, his breathing turning heavy.
“Akaza?” you ask, voice gentle. You sound concerned. Your pink tongue flicks out, wipes away the blood.
No, Akaza wants to roar. It’s mine.
Without fully realizing it, he frantically grabs onto your hand. Opening your mouth in a silent question, a surprised yelp escapes instead as Akaza drags you between two houses and away from any possible prying eyes. You grunt as your back meets a wall.
“Akaza, what’s wrong-“
Swooping in, Akaza promptly presses his sturdy body against yours as he captures your lips. Your eyes shoot wide in surprise, but then they quickly fall shut as he does wonders with your mouth. He eagerly sucks on your bottom lip, moaning as more droplets of your blood break the surface and meet his tongue. With one hand on your hip and the other pressed against the wall behind you, Akaza kisses you hungrily, passionately. Your hands scramble to clutch onto his bare shoulders, desperate for something to hang onto.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Akaza pants as he forces himself to break away. You stare after him, a dazed expression on your face. Your lips are swollen, tinted red from both your blood and the force of his kiss. He moans at the sight, a familiar flame sparking in his abdomen.
“Akaza,” you breathe. You yank on his haori, urging him to come closer. His kiss is intoxicating, leaving you drunk and craving for more. Guiding his lips back on yours, you clutch on the short strands of his hair. Furiously, he sucks on your bottom lip, drawing more of your delicious blood.
A nagging voice in the back of his head tells him that he should stop. It’s against his morals to hurt women. But he’s not really hurting you, is he? He’s only drinking your blood, nothing more. He takes back the comment about humans having to rely on substances to feel anything. Your blood is doing things to him; his own blood is spiking in temperature, his heart is thrumming against his ribs, and – oh gods­ – that heavy feeling lying at the bottom of his guts.
His hips buck on their own, his growing arousal nudging your hip. He groans at the friction, the sound deep and husky. You swallow it entirely, your fingernails scratching his scalp. A frustrated keen slips from your lips as he pulls away again; this time, though, he’s frantically yanking the material of your yukata up.
Are you seriously going to do this? You don’t even know the guy! Hell, you’re positive he killed somebody! Yet you can’t deny your own heavy breathing nor the slick gathering between your thighs. And the look he gives you is so sinful, his strange eyes shining with lust. You let him do what he wants, bunching the bottom half of your yukata up to your hips. You moan as his cock grinds against your quivering pussy.
Slathering open-mouthed kisses all over your neck, his hips keep up their relentless pace, his cock practically fucking you through his pants. Your undergarments are completely soaked through; you’re probably getting the front of his pants wet, but you don’t care. You follow his pace, grinding your pussy desperately against his cock.
You’re so dizzy, high off the pleasure he’s giving you. His teeth skim the surface of your skin, but you can feel the hesitation in his movements. You whimper in need, wishing he’d just do it already. “Bite me,” you murmur. “Fuck, Akaza, bite me.”
Akaza openly pants into your neck. “I can’t,” he grunts. His cock kicks in his pants. “Fuck, you smell so good.”
“Akaza,” you whine. “Gods, please, bite me, bite me, devour me.”
A growl emits from the depths of his chest as he gives into his carnal desire; heat bursts in your neck along with the sharp pierce of his teeth. He’s careful only to break the surface of your skin, but fuck it’s enough to have your delicious blood flowing into his waiting mouth.
Desperately clawing at his back and shoulders, you shamelessly grind against him even faster. Your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head from it all. Throaty little moans leave his mouth as he drinks your blood, his hands grabbing onto your thighs and hauling you upwards. You quickly snake your legs around his lithe hips, the head of his cock straining against the fabric of his pants.
“So good, Akaza, oh my gods,” you babble.
“Gods dammit,” Akaza snarls as he yanks himself away from your neck. He holds you up with a single hand as the other pushes his pants down, his cock kicking up and smacking against his stomach. Like the rest of him, his cock is covered in dark blue markings. You don’t get much time to appreciate it, though; pushing your undergarments to the side, he slips his cock into you with one brutal thrust.
He bounces you on his cock, his mouth finding its spot on your neck. You moan loudly at his ministrations, the head of his cock reaching far and hitting against the sweet spongy area. Your nails tear into the skin of his shoulders; if it weren’t for that, you’re sure you’d float away. His cock is deliciously thick, fills you up so good every time your velvety walls suck him in.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” he growls. You answer him in a fit of stuttering. “Your pussy is as good as your blood,” he says into your ear. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” He ravages your body, your slick emitting sinfully wet noises with each stroke of his cock. “I’d fuck a baby into you if I could.”
Throwing your head back, you moan loudly. Your walls quiver around him, your orgasm coming closer and closer. As if sensing your growing need, Akaza drops a hand between the two of you, his fingers seeking out your clit. He rubs harsh circles into the nub, pinches it between his fingers. You clench down around his cock, a mantra of his name echoing into the night.
“More, Akaza, more!” you beg.
Akaza’s hips are bound to leave bruises on you if the force of his thrusts is anything to go by. You convulse around him, your toes curling as you cry his name out. You cum around his cock, your slick going everywhere. The front of his pants and your thighs are completely soaked.
“Fuck, did you just squirt?” Akaza groans. Sinking his teeth into you once more, he grunts as he shoots his load into you. Warmth floods your system, and the head of Akaza’s cock pushes it further into you yet. A mixture of slick and cum drips between your legs, soils his pants and the ground below.
He’s breathing raggedly as he finally halts his thrusting motions. You shake from sensitivity, your thighs trembling from the strain of clinging onto his hips. Akaza helps you down and immediately pulls his small haori off; crouching onto the ground, he slings one of your legs over his shoulder. He curses as he takes in the sight of your puffy lips covered in white.
“Fuck, that’s the best thank you gift I’ve ever received,” he tells you as he gently cleans you up.
You sigh at the feeling of his fingers against your slit. “I can do a lot more than that.”
Golden irises focus on you. “Is that a statement or an invitation?”
You flash him a tiny smile. “Take me home and I’ll show you.”
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internalsealpanic · 4 years ago
The Dog and Duck
summary: Dick Grayson is a terrible flirt (in more ways than one).
a/n: Special thanks to @jd-loves-everyone, @littleredwing89, @glorified-red, and @multifandomgirl-us for proofreading! This fic is based on a headcanon by @pricetagofficial (I think) that Dick Grayson is actually terrible at flirting which is just the cutest thing.
warnings: Potential cringe and terrible flirting advice
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
The sound of voices and clinking of glasses mingle around you like a bustling symphony: discordant, rhythmic, clashing but endlessly vibrant. The scent of alcohol hung thick in the air, enough to taste and intoxicate. The amount of people in such a small space made something under your skin hum, whether it was simply an irritable Yasiri or the buzzing energy stored in your bones or maybe even a genuine discomfort, you weren’t entirely sure.
You sip lightly at the scotch in your glass, letting it burn through your throat, but it wasn’t enough to make the itch in it go away completely. 
 You watch Dick’s eyes intently as they slide past you, just over your shoulder. His sentences coalesce clumsily, syllables squishing and clipping at odd ends as his plush bottom lip catches between his teeth. His eyes are glossy with interest even in the dim lights of the pub. His pupils are blown and dark. You fight everything in you to stamp down the urge to huff or roll your eyes. Not that he would have noticed. You’re pretty sure you could stab someone in the eye and Dick wouldn’t even blink, not when he is so enraptured by whatever the hell is behind you. You feel a gross sticky sort of jealousy pool in the pit of your stomach.  You swallow it down not really knowing of any other way to deal with it. 
 You arch a brow, the tips of your nails tapping loudly against the lacquered wood of the table as Dick once again stumbles absentmindedly over his story about Wally West being living proof of the need for warning labels (for people). You click your teeth irritably while Yasiri’s tail rattles against your collarbone before you take another sip, eyes following his only for them to land on a vivacious redhead at the bar. The irritation bubbling in your veins dwindles into mild amusement. Your best friend is a hilariously predictable moron. 
 “She is either a suspect or you’re being a creep.” You tease, the cruel curve of your lips barely obscured by the glass pressed against them. The mockery in your eyes shining amber like the drink in your glass. Dick’s cheeks flush as the playful lilt in your voice lances through the fog in his mind. He looks at you, dopey and red-cheeked as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. You roll your eyes, nostrils flaring letting out a breath caught between a huff and a laugh. “Stalker.” You hiss, trying to smother the warmth in your voice with sheer, unadulterated pettiness. 
 Dick levels you a look, cutting and vicious if he wasn’t flushed. “Am not.” He whines halfheartedly, eyes flicking once again to the woman at the bar. Some part of you is sure you really ought to be mad at him. After all, you haven’t seen each other for almost half a year. This is thanks in part to work and in part to work getting royally fucked up. Thankfully, not because of Gotham’s resident furry and his new little bird boy. Really, you should be furious at being sidelined considering this outing was his idea but here you were smirking into your malt whiskey, tickled. 
 “Then stop staring.” You challenge, unfolding and relaxing into the moldy cushioning of the bar. Dick glares at you, the pout on his lips obscured by his hand as he rests his chin on his palm but you know it’s there. You’ve memorized the plains of his face and how they shaped themselves, a product of spending far too much time staring at the details.  Hey, if he was gonna third wheel you the least you could do was tease him about it. “Or do you want me to wingman for you~”
 You can’t stop the cackle that spills from your lips. “Why not?!”
 “I’m not letting you cockblock me. AGAIN.”
 “That was one tiiime, Joystick.”
 “Once was enough!" 
 "’Fiiiine but to be fair,  you still ended up dating her, didn’t you?” You defended weakly, running your fingers through your hair, jostling the already wind whipped strands. Dick was red-faced. The liquor was definitely working through his system. The color in his cheeks was lively and cute, making him look boyish despite how much he’d grown. You had, in fact, cockblocked him due to an extreme bout of jealousy, childishness, and hormones. Back then you hadn’t yet learned the art of burying your feelings 6 feet under.
 “Fine, fine, fine. Just shoot your shot, Dickie bird.” This does not appease him. He, in fact, crosses his arms over his chest. You set your glass down and raise your brow. “If you fail, I’ll buy you a round.” You add placatingly. Dick’s eyes slide over your shoulder, the lump in his throat bobbing.“Make that two.” 
 Your eyes shine, cat-like the dim lighting of the lamp overhead. You smile at him all cocksure, placing your chin on your intertwined fingers.“Deal.”
 Dick gives you a withering look as he pushes off the table. You take a sip of your daiquiri as he moves through the crowd, gracefully slicing through the sea of bodies. No, maybe they were parting just for him. Dick does have that air about him. A pull that made it so painfully obvious that he was so much more. Dick also had this way of talking that made you unsure of whether you’re being flirted with or if it’s just the way he talks to people. Either way, he had this way of making you feel special and you had no doubt he would sweep this one off her feet.  
 The redhead at the bar tipped her head finally sensing his gaze on her and as per your expectation, she seemed to reciprocate the interest. Not that you can blame her. Dick was a 10 on his worst day. Now that you thought about it, you’ve never actually seen Dick flirt. You’ve seen him banter but flirt? You can’t seem to think of an instance of it. This’ll be fun. 
 You watch him closely and your brows climb higher than you thought they could. Something was off, something very un-Dick-like. There’s an unsteadiness in his step that makes your stomach sink. Dick wouldn’t. Even Dick wasn’t stupid enough to blow his shot just to get a few shots, would he?
 And then it happened.
 “Did it hurt when you hit your face?” Dick asks, winking stiffly. A ripple of pain lances through you followed by an unbearable wave of second-hand embarrassment. “Excuse me?!” Her face morphs into something terrifying before Dick’s brain can catch up. You watch in mute horror as Dick’s face slowly matches the sinking feeling in your gut as embarrassment suffused his entire body. 
 “Wait, shit. I- I meant- Shit. I didn’t mean to say you look like you banged your face. I mean, of course, you don’t-” You watch in fascination as Dick stumbles through apology after apology after apology. Until finally, he gives up. “Actually, I’ll just leave.” Dick shambles gracelessly back to your table while your brain tries to process what just happened. 
 You wheeze against the table, pounding your fist against the table. “Dickie, yanno you did have a shot before you opened your mouth, right?” Your hand is clamped over your mouth trying to stop the shrill cackle bubbling in your throat. 
 “Jeez, Dicktopus, was gin really worth getting blue balled?”
 “You better have your money,” he sneers, cutting you a scathing look as he slides into the booth. 
 “I-” The smug look on your face vanishes when you reach into your wallet. “If I apologize for you, will you cut me some slack?” you try, brandishing your nearly empty wallet. 
 “I’ll buy you a shot if she doesn’t tell you to fuck off.”
 “Hmm, if I get her number for you, will you get me two?”
 “Sure, why not?” Dick whines petulantly. His head sinks into his arms desperately trying very hard  to implode. You cough into your sleeve trying not to laugh and hope he doesn’t notice. A blush creeps up the tanned skin of his neck. He tries to hide it by placing his hand on his neck but the color’s already made its way to his ears. Feeling a little bad for him, you squeeze Dick’s shoulder once, then twice, then twice once more. You swing your legs dramatically out of the booth. You hear Dick groan and you chuckle. 
 You flick your eyes to him one last time before moving forward. You roll your shoulders, realigning your form into something more suave and less goofy. The rhythm of your feet goes from a clumsy shuffle to a confident saunter. The woman looks at you skeptically, her lashes fluttering mockingly. You move, easy and casual. With a playful grin, you apologize and make up some bullshit excuse about Dick being extremely shy. She eases. You continue on your little sales pitch as if it was the most natural thing in the world.  You draw a laugh out of her. You can hear her heart pick up. She smiles at you telling you that you and your shy friend are fine. You chuckle and promise to tell your long-suffering friend that, tilting your chin towards Dick who is still trying to melt into the table. She scribbles her number onto a napkin and hands it to you with a flirtatious wink. You smile lopsided, cute and sheepish, as you wave her goodbye.
 Dick stares at you with slack-jawed awe. This time you feel genuinely bashful but you shrug it away with a sharklike grin spreading across your face.
“Pay up, pretty bird,” you say slamming the number on the table, teeth gleaming in the low light of the room. The petty satisfaction oozing off of you is almost palpable. Dick looks up at you, his pretty mouth twisting.  “What are you? Seven?”
 “If by seven you mean lucky, then yeah,” you sneer, nudging your empty shot glass against Dick’s shoulder. “Pay up, Dickenson~” you sing. Dick’s face twists even more and he waves you off, pushing off the table.
 “Let’s just go,” Dick bites out, cheeks burning. You bite your lips trying to resist the urge to tease him more but it’s hard. Not when he’s all pouty and cute.  
 “I mean you did just wine and dine me,” you laugh musically. You promised yourself you would stop teasing him but you never said you would stop making jokes. There’s a complicated expression on Dick’s face before it shifts back to exasperation. 
 “You. Are. Awful.”
 You shake your head not even denying it as you follow him out of the old Dog and Duck into the fresh Bludhaven air. 
“How are you good at this?” Dick whines into one of your throw pillows. The poorly counterfeit superman one he had gotten you a few years ago from a trip to the Philippines. He's pouting at you like a kid. To be fair, you did laugh at him in the club (and the whole way back to your safehouse which was not a short walk).
 You chuckle, tapping a cool can of beer against his forehead.“Sadly some of us need to work at being charming, Dimples McGee.” He accepts the can, scowling at you. Your grin doesn’t waver which only serves to deepen his scowl. It was an irritating feedback loop. Well, irritating for Dick. You’re having the time of your life. You settle on the other side of the couch rolling your beer can in your hand. “ Plus, you’ve seen pops talk right? The man sweet talks like his life depends on it.” 
 “Right, I’ll remember to ask him for flirting advice next time he tries to kill me,” Dick says, rolling his eyes at you. You perk up at the awful idea before you snicker and press a hand to your lips in a barely held back smile. It’s Dick’s turn to perk up. His blue eyes shine with interest at your expression like he’s trying to capture it. You turn to him with a serious expression. “Please, please ask him that. I will pay you to record his reaction. Please. Please. Dickle, please,” you beg, moving on your knees to his side, your hands clasped in prayer.  Dick shifts sticking his tongue out at you childishly. 
 With an ‘oof’, you plop yourself between Dick’s legs, your chest against his. You stare up at him with eyes mimicking the wide-eyed innocent look he uses on you when he asks for a favor. Dick gives you a sorry look asking you to please drop it. You don’t. You double down trying to look as cute as possible. 
 Dick looks down at you, glaring then grimacing then smiling. “Ok, fine,” he huffs stiffly, wrapping his arms around you. You snuggle up against him, smug in your victory.  Your nose brushes against Dick’s pulse which makes his breath hitch. He squirms under you but you just find yourself laughing. “You. Are. Evil. ”
 “I promise to make your Granny’s goulash,” you say in a halfhearted attempt to appease him. Dick’s face softens  “Now, that’s just bribery.”
 “You’re gonna be a cop here in Bludhaven. You gotta learn how to take bribes.”
 His brows crease as you shake your head. Dick huffs, planting his chin against the crown of your head before pressing his lips to your hair. You feel one of his arms pulling you closer, his hand threading through the tangle of your hair. You smile against his skin, breath tickling him which just makes him squirm. He’s breathless under your touch and you don’t even know it. You two sit basking in the close proximity and the soft intimacy you two shared. Your limbs tangle and twine around each other carelessly. 
 Out of context, you two could have been lovers. 
 You sigh, feeling a bit drowsy from the ‘tussle’. You blink, mind reaching for something. “Wait…. Brucie flirts like his life depends on it too! What’s your excuse?” you grin, jabbing a finger into his chest. Dick scowls at you, clearly flustered again. He stammers, babbling out answers. “Hey, I- I could probably do it...” Dick mutters, finally finding a semblance of coherence. 
  “After that performance?” You challenge, sitting up, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. A sharp laugh spills from your lips. It’s louder than you intended, your entire chest moving along with every exhalation of air. 
 Dick looks at you like a kicked puppy which has you roaring with laughter. “You don’t have to laugh that hard”
 “Admit it, Grayson, you are an actual bonafide dork”
 “I’ll bonafide you,” he growls and you’re bent into the couch cushions, clutching your stomach. Dick looks like your house plant like he’s about to disintegrate. You sit up again and cross your legs. Your lungs expand as you draw in another calming breath before you give him a softer, lopsided smile, placing a hand on his knee and shaking him gently. “Come on, practice on me I’m probably one of the few people you don’t have a stick up your ass around.” Dick, not getting up, puts his hands in his face looking positively mortified by the idea. You make a little affronted noise in the back of your throat and thanks to whatever god is up there that you don’t seem to know how much he doesn’t wanna fuck up flirting with you.   
 “I don’t know how to!” The cry is muffled but the mortification still bleeds through. The admission startles something out of you. “Holy shit, Nightwing can’t flirt his way out of a paper bag. Oh my god, this is great!” you cackle, falling into the cushions. 
 “I’m trying damn it!”
 “Ok. Ok. Ok.” You breathe. You’re still clutching your still aching stomach. You wish you recorded that confession.  “Ok. Phew. Ok, I need a minute,” you say folding over into the cushions again, another bubble of laughter rising in your throat. This is the best ab workout you’ve had in months. 
 “Take your time,” Dick deadpans, rolling his eyes, color rising in his tanned cheeks. 
 “Ooook, I think I’m good. First, we need to work on your wink.”
 “The hell is wrong with my wink?” A wry smile tugs at the corner of your lips. You make vague hand gestures, hoping somehow you could physically pluck the correct words from the air.  “Just try winking, Ric.” Dick raises his brow but gives in. He winks at you in his usual devilishly charming way. You shake your head. “Wink at me like you’re trying to get my number.”
He stiffens and gives you the most artificial wink you’ve seen outside of a bad 50s flick. You drag your hand over your face. “How come you can wink so naturally while fighting and look like you work at in car sales when you flirt”
 Dick tries again. He ends up closing both his eyes and scrunching his nose- looking like a disgruntled puppy. You squeal and Dick’s eyes fly open. Your mouth works to flatten itself but your mind is still picturing the expression. “What?” he growls. You wave him off. “Sorry. Sorry. Just- just try again. Please.” 
 Dick gives you another stiff wink and you’re surprised to find yourself cringing at your best friend for the first time in your life. You drag your hand over your face. “You look like you’re trying to ask me to prom.”
 “You’ve never even been to a prom!”
 “Who do you think scares off Joey’s dates? Pops?” you snort picking up your beer can and taking a sip.  “Did you miss the absentee father part?”
 You both silently agree to move on. 
 “How the flying fuck did you date both Babs and Kory with your atrocious flirting skills?”
 “I have good pick up lines.”
 “Uh, sure, buddy.”
 “It worked on both of them!”
 “Well, hit me.”
 “Call me Fred Flintstone,”  you wait patiently, “cause I’ll make your bedrock.” Another artificial wink. 
 You blink at him, mind still trying to catch up. “Dick you are the epitome of ‘you’re lucky you’re cute’,” you groan, palm flat against your forehead. 
 “I’m not cute! I’m handsome!” Dick protests, mouth twisting into a pout. A shrill squeal is dying in the back of your throat as you draw a breath. You pinch his cheeks, “you pouting just furthers my point.”
 “Are you just trying to destroy my confidence?” Dick whines, lightly shoving you away. 
 “Oh no, the girl back at the club did that. I am just dancing on your grave.”
 “Give me another wink.”
 Dick fails at winking, again. You cringe openly at him and he scowls at you halfheartedly, more defeated than angry. Dick’s used to being good at things, you supposed. You tap your finger against your chin, trying to unspool a thought and rethread it into words. “Ok, figured out one of your problems.”
“Aside from my terminal dorkiness?”
 “You’re too nervous-”
 “You would be too,” Dick cuts in. 
You snicker, teeth bared in a mocking grin. ”Did you miss the part where I got her number?” Dick refuses to answer. You sigh but you can’t keep the smile off your face. “Let’s start with body language because for a guy with so much muscle control you are shit at this.”
 “You’re just gonna keep being mean,” he moans. 
 “I’ll stop being mean when you sweep me off my feet,” you jab. 
 “Ok, fine, maestro. What do you need me to do?”
  “You’ve got to lean into me and smile coyly,” you say vaguely.  Dick leans in close, your noses touching, his lips ghosting over yours. You can feel his breath hot against your lips. It sends bolts of electricity careening through your nerves. Your brain takes its sweet time catching up, giving your body ample time to soak up the proximity of the almost kiss. You gasp then reign yourself in. “Dickle, that’s- that’s a teensy bit too close,” you laugh awkwardly, hands playfully shoving at his chest. 
 Dick shakes out of his haze. “You said to lean in!” he says leaning into your space again. “Yeah, I did but I never said lean in close enough to eat my face. I can smell the gin in your breath,” you snort airly, pushing at his chest again. 
 Dick sits back, embarrassment creeping into his features. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth as if he’s thinking carefully about his next few words. “I’m just-” Dick puts his head in his hands. “Like you said, I’m too nervous.” 
 You raise a brow. The sound that comes out of you is too sharp and disbelieving to be a laugh. “Pfffft, it’s just me, you dork.”
 That’s the problem, Dick thinks. It’s you. The exasperation bleeds into his features. Dick fidgets, shifting and shaking in his seat like a wet chihuahua. Don’t you know how much he wants to get this right for you?. 
 “Stop twitching! You look like you’re having a seizure.”
 “I’m nervous!!” he says. “Don’t you ever get nervous about a person you like?”
 You side eye him. “I do,” you admit, rubbing your thumb over your tattoo out of habit. Dick’s eyes widen, then narrow. You see the word ‘who’ forming on his lips but his train of thought is cut off by the sound of Yasiri’s tail rattling against your skin as she emerges. Your poor danger noodle is likely frustrated with the lack of progress. You quietly thank her by scratching her chin.  “Whatever made this world just decided that you had to have at least one very obvious flaw,” you say, insincerely patting him on the back.
 “You're enjoying this.”
 “Way more than you think,” you say grinning at him. Dick simply grimaces at you. “You’re not helping me.”
 “Were you really expecting me to help?” You shrug. “Why would I do that?”
 “I’d help you!”
 You level him with a flat look. “No, you wouldn’t. You’d laugh just as hard as I did.” Dick opens his mouth then closes it. He opens it again. You raise your brow at him. “ I- ok yeah. No, I would laugh harder,” he says, giving you a cheeky, lopsided smile. Vindication and something warmer tug your features into a smile.
 “Just… relax and be yourself,” you mock sagely. Dick rests his head on yours. “ I hate you,” he groans, pressing his shoulder into yours. 
  “You’re just thinking about it too much,” you say, pressing back, “just do what’s natural. The more you over try the funnier it is.”
 “Goes back to my problem of being nervous,” he huffs into your hair. You boop his nose. “Goes back to my point about you overthinking things.”
 “I’m not!”
 “Fine,” you say, reaching back and presenting your danger noodle in your palm, "practice on Yazzy.”
 “You’re not serious?”
 You hold up the clearly unamused snake eye level with Dick. “Go on." Dick gives you a withering look. He exasperates, then looks deep into Yasiri’s black eyes. He opens his mouth and Yasiri flicks her tongue at him. The next few things happen in quick succession. Dick’s body relaxes. His face breaks into a smile that makes your heart flutter. He lets out a bubble of laughter that has you jumping and reaching for your own breath. "I can't!" he gasps. You both dissolve into laughter. 
 “Suit yourself - but prepare to have blue balls," you grin, punching his shoulder, "at least, they'll match your new suit!" you cackle. Dick flushes red.“I - I - you are legally the worst and most unhelpful human being in modern history!”
 Your cackle rises higher even as Dick shoves a pillow in your face. You push it away and wipe the tears away from your eyes. “Just practice on me, go on,” you say, reaching out, “once more." He frowns at you. "Please?”
 Dick closes his eyes. His movements become leisurely the way you've seen him when he's about to do a routine on the trapeze. “Do you have a map?” he says, pushing a strand of hair out of your eyes. The oxygen in your lungs evaporates. Heat spreads from the line of skin Dick’s finger grazed to the rest of your body. You swallow trying not to collapse under the weight of his gaze. You realize he's expecting an answer. "No, why?” you stammer out stupidly. 
  “Because I keep getting lost in your eyes,” he says, eyes glittering in the dim lights of your apartment. Some part of your brain short circuits, fizzing out in sparks and fire, then the rest of your brain follows. The entire structure goes out in a puff of smoke. You're completely frozen. Dick watches you with a furrowed brow, bottom lip caught between your teeth. Apprehension rolls off of him in waves and you can feel your lungs work again. "Exactly! Exactly that!" You squeal in delight. Dick smiles relieved. "I knew you could do it, you magnificent dork. I could kiss you right now!" you say squishing his cheeks and pressing your forehead against his. Dick’s breath catches. There's a hopeful look in his eyes. "Would you?" 
 Something clogs your throat as you pull away. You're pretty sure it's your heart. You force the nervous laughter in your throat into something else. "Need practice with that too, Dickens?" 
 "Dunno," he hedges, eyes holding yours, "you tell me." His hand cups the side of your face. You ease into his touch like a marshmallow dissolving into hot cocoa. "Can I?" he whispers, thumb brushing against your bottom lip. He's being careful with you you realize. Your eyes flutter closed. You can feel your nerves disentangling. They cross and recross so that you're fully aware of your lips. The gap between the two of you is small but it feels so impossibly big. Anticipation, anxiety, and excitement all thicken the spaces between you. You want him. You want this. Is it so wrong? 
Tag list:  @batarella, @anothertimdrakestan, @lucy-roo, @multifandomgirl-us, @idkmanicantenglish,@birdy-bat-writes,  @boosyboo9206, @americasmarauders , @l-inkage, @arestorationofbalance , @cloudie-skay, @wunderstell   @hyp-oh-critical @glorified-red
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sichengtual · 4 years ago
how sweet it is (to be loved by you)
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— summary: some loves are meant to run too deep, some loves are meant to stand the test. luckily, for you and cheol, nothing has ever posed a threat.
— pairing: choi seungcheol x reader.
— genre: fluff ; established relationship ; 70's au, part of the tiny dancer universe.
— word count: 2665
— warnings: mentions of smoking.
happy birthday to the love of my life @svtxsoju! i love you so so so much 💞
Seungcheol had never been hard to read.
From the very first moment you’d met, you’d seen he always wore his heart on his sleeve. You liked that about him; the way you could tell how he was feeling by paying attention to the size of his smile and the gleam in his eyes. For a while, you wondered if he was like that when only you were there to see. A sort of prize won after confidence, the kind that came with a great deal of trust. Your heart always leapt at the thought; of Seungcheol trusting you enough to let his walls down, of letting you in with such ease you’d wonder if he just wasn’t afraid of ever getting hurt… not by you, but by the world.
After a while, you finally came to see it wasn’t quite like that. Seungcheol just trusted people. Not only his friends (which you were at the time) or the people closest to him, but the strangers he passed by on the street. The people he ran into at the store. The men he made business with, the bands he came to meet, the fans he saw from afar. It was a beautiful thought, Seungcheol having a heart so big there was no sort of mistrust in it; but it was also a scary one, because you knew the world to be cruel. You knew the world to be undeserving of him.
“He’s gonna fall down on his ass,” Mingyu speaks next to you, a hand in the pocket of his torn up leather jacket and the other holding a cigarette. “Part of me wants you to tell him to come down but the other part wants revenge from him waking me up at 5 today.”
“You guys had a gig,” you laugh, taking a sip from your cup. It’s run cold, but the beverage leaves a sweet aftertaste on the back of your tongue, so you keep drinking. Summer is just around the corner anyways. “Not to defend him, but, you know.”
“Oh no, not you too,” Mingyu whines, throwing his head back as he speaks. He’s always reminded you of Seungcheol, and you wonder if that’s why the two seem to clash together so much. “The gig was at noon, no need to see the rise of dawn and scare my sleep away with Chan’s sleeping mask.”
“Oh, fuck you!” You hear from the back of the yard, Chan’s voice somehow louder than the playing vinyl.
His laughter, followed by Mingyu’s quiet giggle and the careless strum of a guitar, brings a smile on your lips.
Night has barely begun to fall down. The sky is tinged bubblegum pink and the clouds have started to change color, adorning the afternoon sky in an array of orange shades. It’s the moment before it starts turning down, but even when the light threatens to decrease, temperature only but rises. It’s a warm summer afternoon, with friends laughing at the top of their longs and music playing as soft background music, setting the scene even when the melody runs ignored.
It had been a while since you last had spent time with the band. They had just gone on their first big world tour and were just getting welcomed back home, and you can swear there’s something about finally knowing the world that allows their smiles to grow a little bit wider. It’s as if they’ve collected happiness at every spot, experiences turned into emotion as they let themselves completely feel every single moment. It’s as if they let their hearts be free once they’ve known how it is to let their bodies do the same.
“Why did he even get up there, anyways?” You ask, taking a sip from your punch glass. It’s sweet and cool against the growing heat.
“Seungkwan and Hoshi dared him,” Mingyu answers, smiling when Soonyoung tries to excuse his actions, yelling about some book incident involving Cheol and Jun. “Can’t believe he’s about to fall on his face in front of you for a slice of cheese pizza, though.”
“It’s a matter of honor!” Seungcheol exclaims between jolts of laughter, fingers forming a peace sign as Joshua pulls his portable camera out of his bag and points it at him. “Wait, what is this for?”
He tries to pose as he stands over a wobbly table, one of his hands holding a glass of pink colored punch and the other pointing to the camera while he tries to keep still for however long it takes Joshua to focus the lens. The guitarist isn’t the best at photographs, but his enthusiasm makes up for the lack of skill.
“Ivy and Jun are doing some groovy memory thing,” he explains, breaking into a laugh, shrugging in the direction of the couple. “Don’t worry, I’ll document every step of the process.”
Your boyfriend’s mouth opens wide at Joshua’s words, the peace sign in his hand quickly becoming a single pointed finger, eyes blazing as he moves his hand in the air.
“As soon as these fifteen minutes are up I’m getting down from here,” Seungcheol says, each word enunciated in the form of a loud whine, a pout forming on his lips as he berates his friend. “Be sure to document the slice of pizza in my mouth, Bob Dylan!”
“That would be so fucking gross,” Minghao comments from the hammock, a pair of pastel yellow sunglasses resting on the tip of his nose. “Trust me, no one would ever want to see that.”
“And Josh wishes he was Bob Dylan!” Mingyu laughs.
“I bet you wish you got the riff today right, tho,” Chan teases, another fit of laughter ensuing. Mingyu responds, and Minghao giggles.
Seungcheol turns to see his friends from where he’s standing, chest growing tight at the sight. It’s his family, after all, reunited and relaxed after what was, probably, the start to a lifelong adventure. You meet him halfway, smiling as you point the glass of punch in his direction in a silent cheer. It’s your family as much as it’s his, and there’s a sense of pride growing in the center of your stomach as you realize what an honor it is to be a part of it.
He smiles, and it doesn’t really seem like he’s all the way across the yard on top of a table that threatens to break down, because he’s truly never felt closer to you.
Hours later, the pizza discussion has quieted and night has finally fallen down.
Seungcheol ended up not falling, breaking literally everyone but Ivy, Jun, and your expectations, but earning Joshua quite a groovy photo (he had almost fallen down, after all). The beginning of the entire thing is still a bit of a mystery to you, but with the information you’ve been given, you’re not completely sure you’d actually want to know. After all, the entire fifteen minutes had given you a good laugh and a lifetime of worries, all at the same time.
“Here,” Seungcheol’s voice breaks you apart from your thoughts. He’s holding a yellow ceramic cup full of steaming tea, arm stretched in your direction. “Can you believe Seungkwan was trying to hide his Earl Gray from me?”
“Actually, yeah, I can,” you answer as you laugh, taking the cup from Seungcheol’s hands while he sits on the grass next to you. “You don’t even drink tea.”
“No, but he knows you do,” he says. He speaks as if he’s telling you a secret, words low, soft against the wind, entering your ears like honey as your lips curl up into a smile.
Seungcheol’s gentleness is present in every thought, in every gesture. It’s in the thinking of you to ensure your comfort, the going out of his way to make you happy, that lets you know he treats your happiness like he’s guarding a flower that’s just about to bloom. He touches it with the tips of his fingers, caring for it and nurturing it, helping your smile grow by the day. A smile directed at him.
“And yet he guards it from the both of us,” you say, raising the cup to your lips and taking a small sip. It’s sweet, a bit too sweet, perhaps, but the saccharine taste feels like velvet against your tongue, so you continue drinking. You’ve always liked sweet things, and Seungcheol has always known. “Are you not gonna have anything?”
“Seungkwan’s coffee brew and my stomach aren’t really the best of friends,” he jokes, eyes fixed on the midnight sky. “Not after last time, at least. The good thing about the tour was that all the coffee we got was made by other people.”
“Hey, he takes a lot of pride in his coffee brew!”
“That doesn’t make it any lighter!”
He doesn’t quite remember just how long it’s been since he’s taken a second to stop and breathe in like he’s doing now, the feeling of laying down without a worry having been completely alienated. It’s like he’s always on track; always moving here or there, physically or in thought, and stopping finally means letting his thoughts lay down too. He lets himself feel every inch of the warm breeze hitting his skin and rustling his hair, enjoying every second of finally watching the stars shine bright above his head.
Seungcheol is always hearing Jun talk about just how much he likes looking at the stars, and now he finally understands.
“Hey, look up there,” Seungcheol whispers, nudging your shoulder with his and pointing to the sky with his finger. You’re not sure he’s drawing your attention to any spot in particular, and, to be honest, neither is he. “It reminds me of you.”
“What exactly are you looking at?” You ask, and it’s somewhere between a laugh and a question, but he doesn’t comment on it. He’s always loved the way you talk, because, even if for a second, he feels like happiness drips from every pore. “You’re pointing at like, at least five different stars right now.”
“Yeah, that’s what I mean. You’re each and every single one of them. You’re there with me, lightning my path with every step I take.”
You’re not sure, but you’d think that’s the moment the world stops spinning, because it’s just the two of you; it’s just you and Seungcheol, and your warm cup of tea, and the crazed laughter of your friends flows through the air like the background scene of a film you’ll watch over, and over, and over again. It’s like the moment and his words become etched so deep inside your heart they become a part of who you are, and of who you will always be, because there’s nothing that encompasses happiness better than the love you and Seungcheol hold for each other.
“Are you coming for Jun’s job now?” You ask, voice breaking as tears begin to prickle your eyes.
“Should we switch places?” Seungcheol follows, letting himself fall completely on his back, feeling the grass grazing against the soft linen of his purple button-up. His tone is light, relaxed. Gentle. “I’m pretty sure Jun could make for a convincing business man.”
“Yes, I’m pretty sure he would. He’s different now, isn’t he? He feels a bit more confident. A bit more secure.”
“Love does that to you, I guess. It makes you believe in yourself, because you know someone else does it too.”
And it’s just so much of a feeling growing inside your chest that you’re sure this is exactly where you’re meant to be, and Seungcheol is exactly who you’re meant to be with. You look at your surroundings, and he’s nestled so deep within your soul it’s almost like he’s everywhere. Every single place, every single sound, every single scent; he's everything.
“Can I have this dance?”
He moves, rustling in place as he extends his hand over to you.
“You can have all of them.”
It’s almost like it’s your thoughts speaking, voices intertwining, souls coming together. He takes your hand in his and you follow his lead as he stands up, pulling you to his chest with such gentleness in his touch it feels like you’re made of glass. He doesn’t move for a few seconds, but you don’t really think he needs to, because as soon as his fingers tangle with yours, it’s almost like you’re flying.
Somewhere in the garden, sitting around a campfire, Joshua and Mingyu’s guitars begin playing a song you both know, and you barely notice the moment your feet start moving. They dance on their own accord, gliding over the grass in a pace that doesn’t quite match the one set by the instruments, but neither of you fight it. He tightens the grip on your fingers and sets them over his chest, moving in closer to your frame.
You can feel him in what’s almost a hug by how close you’re standing, and it’s only when Joshua and Mingyu begin singing that you move your head up to take a look at him. The melody is sweet, raising into the sky over the crackling of a roaring fire. Dark, thick wisps of hair fall against his forehead and over the golden frame of his glasses, completely rustled by the summer breeze. You know it’s only a matter of time before he’ll try to tussle it back against his head, no doubt counterproductive, further messing up his (once) carefully gelled hairstyle.
He looks just the way he did when you last saw him before the tour, and, in a way, he looks a completely different person. There’s a sense of growth, of experience, of adventure nestling in his smile and yet, the look in his eyes expresses just as much love for you as it’s always done.
“I missed you,” he says, words soft against your skin.
He pulls you in even closer, lips coming into contact with your forehead. He presses a kiss; light, soft, gentle. And yet loving, lingering. It’s an expression of a love that doesn’t quite pressure to grow, that doesn’t quite define itself by the closeness in touch or time. It’s born on the surface, but it travels down so deep it lays untouched by whatever might pose a threat. It blooms, so wildly and fierce, and so close to your own souls it’s shaped them into what they are. It’s what you are, and you can feel it dripping down your very self whenever you’re close. It’s where you’ve found a sense of home.
“I missed you too.”
You smile, letting your forehead rest against his lips. He takes in a breath, closing his eyes. The cup of tea sits long forgotten over the grass, but steam still rises from the top. The liquid lays untouched, unmoving; but still warm.
The morning rises, and you’re there to see.
Seungcheol is asleep in the guest room of Seungkwan’s field house, resting calmly beneath the thick duvet you had shared the night before. His arm is still splayed over the space you once occupied, and there’s a smile resting on his lips. His hand is balled into a fist, clutching the soft, velvet sheets. Light begins to seep through the window, filtering through the curtains. A soft ray falls over his face.
In the backyard, you look up at the sky. Once dark, it’s now the most beautiful shade of gold you’ve ever seen. Air runs between the trees, and you can feel it move against your skin. The world starts waking up as you smile, and you can feel every second of it. Joshua and Mingyu sleep calmly on the couch, and Minghao brews his coffee in silence. Ivy reads a book while caressing Jun’s hair, his head resting on their lap. Seungkwan, Soonyoung, Chan and Vernon busy themselves with breakfast, the faint scent of burning toast reaching your nose.
Your family is there with you, and you feel love all around.
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platypanthewriter · 4 years ago
The Devil Looks After His Own (Ch.1)
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Little Steve Harrington is so lonely he tries summoning a demon with a ritual advertised on TV--but luckily, it doesn't work, and a buff, non-human nanny hired by his mom shows up minutes later.  Years later, they're best friends, and Steve still doesn't know the truth.  For @magniloquent-raven​!
When his dad finally locked him out of the office, Steve spent the morning sitting in the hallway playing with his Legos.  When his stomach growled, he knocked quietly, and his dad’s voice on the phone continued, so he went in the kitchen to forage.  He found Cheez-its, and olives, and a tightly wrapped triangle of gooey cheese that tasted good in the middle, but had gross, chalky skin, so he licked the middle out and stuffed the rest down the side of the garbage. 
He walked back into the front room and flipped the TV on, just to make some noise.  “In the future,” came the syrupy voice of the man on the screen, “—we’ll have robots to be our helper-friends!”  He chuckled to himself, leaning back in his leather chair, and folding his arms on his huge wooden desk.  “But that doesn’t work for us now, I hear you say.”  
The camera zoomed out, and he waved to a woman with curly hair and long fangs, sitting on the edge of his desk.  She was wearing way less clothes than the man was, and Steve frowned, wondering whether she was cold.  “Our summoning spells are assembled by real lawyers, and airtight!” the man said, and the woman nodded, smiling, and holding up a picture with a lot of numbers and lines.  Steve squinted at it guiltily—he’d seen the man’s ads before, and he mostly remembered the picture, probably.  
The helper-friend lady looked nice, he thought.  
“Too good to be true?  We even include offerings!  Bat eyes, tears of the innocent—” he said, smiling and holding up jars, as ‘ethically sourced from internment facilities’ scrolled across the screen.
Steve frowned around, and then grabbed his LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, the most complex set he owned.
“Honey,” the man told the woman on screen, and she opened a can of soda, and poured it over her own head, still smiling.  “Perfectly compliant,” he said.  “And just wait, there’s more!  Any purchase comes with a matching, complimentary summoning sigil for a protective home guardian!  Just drip a drop of fluid—” he winked at the camera, and it showed something red splashing across the page, as his voice suddenly screamed “Augh-no!  Don’t—”
Steve had already grabbed the remote and hit the fifteen-second replay, and began drawing out the picture.  He hit it again and again, coloring in different colors, and wishing people in commercials didn’t always yell.  He drew the circle carefully with a piece of thread from the long fringe on a throw-blanket he wasn’t allowed to mess up, then folded it carefully again, grimacing.  He colored in the crosses with a different color so it looked nicer, and drew the little castle wall-looking-bit.  He added a horse.  
When it came time to drip fluid on it, he clicked the TV off, and got a juice box from the fridge, figuring apple juice was way less gross than blood, and it wouldn’t ruin his picture.  
Steve stared at the picture, holding the juice box, and thinking.  He imagined not eating alone.  He imagined the nice lady smiling at his Legos—maybe she’d like the castle set, he thought, like in her picture.  He’d just summon her for a little, he thought—just a few minutes, enough to make them both a PB&J.    
His stomach growled—again—and he frowned at his dad’s office door, sighed, plonked the Camaro in the middle of the picture, and squeezed the juice box to spray over it all.  
Nothing happened.  Steve stared at the picture for a long moment, his eyes welling up with tears, and then kicked the couch.  It felt like his foot broke from the impact, and he spun around in a circle, muttering a lot of words he wasn’t allowed to say in the house.  He hopped into the kitchen, sniffling, and got out the peanut butter, jam, and a spoon—but instead of getting the bread, he sat on the floor in front of the sink.  
He felt a sinking sensation of guilt as he stuck the spoon right into first the jam, and then the peanut butter, sticking the whole spoonful straight in his mouth and licking it off.  Once he’d licked the spoon, he stuck it back in the jar, his heart pounding.  The peanut butter was crunchy and salty, and the strawberry jam was stickily sweet.  He wondered whether his mom would check the bread and know, and cried harder as he chewed, hugging his knees.
The floor in the front room creaked, and he startled so hard the spoon jabbed hard between his upper molars.  He scrambled to his feet, fumbling the lids back on the jam and the peanut butter and shoving them under the sink, his heart thudding in his chest, but nobody came in.  
The couch squeaked softly, and Steve edged to the doorway, the big spoon hanging forgotten from his mouth, to see a tall man with horns and no clothes at all lying across the couch, right up against the forbidden throw blanket.  He raised his eyebrows—they had shiny jewelry in them—and breathed out smoke, indoors, as he looked up at Steve.
He then yelped and scrambled to fall with a thud over the back of the couch.  “The fff—what are you doing here, kid,” came his voice, from behind the couch.  “Where the—where on earth are your parents?!”
“Unhm,” said Steve, who hadn’t ever seen a man wear so much jewelry before, and wondered how much it hurt to have jewelry in your dick.  He took the spoon out of his mouth.  “Uh.  Dad—dad is—in there,” he pointed vaguely toward his dad’s office, his eyes still fixed on the horns sticking up past the back of the couch.  “Do...do you want me to...get him?”  
The naked man popped up behind the couch again, looking kind of mad, and Steve stepped further back, watching the golden chains and jewels glint in the light from the window.  “...you look very pretty,” Steve said politely, and the man groaned, grabbing the blanket as he stood, and wrapping it around his waist like a towel.
“Why the—why are you here,” he hissed, and Steve swallowed.
“I’ll go in my room,” he tried to say, but it came out kind of a weird whisper, and he realized he was starting to cry again, so he turned away, and the man scrambled from behind the couch.
“Wait!  Kid,” he said, and Steve stopped to see him step and spin kind of gracefully around the glass coffee table without catching the blanket on it.  All his nails were pointed, and painted black.  “I’m sorry—” he cut off, staring down at Steve’s picture, and the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.  
“...what’s this,” he asked, like maybe he was mad again, and Steve wondered, suddenly, whether his mom had forgotten to lock the door, and the man was a naked burglar, looking for clothes to steal.  
“I wanted to meet the TV lady,” Steve admitted, trying to take it, but the man snatched it up.  “Um, are you—are you a burglar?”
“Am I—” the man glared at him—his eyes looked like fire, weirdly, the blue fire on the stove—but he didn’t look mad at Steve, yet, so Steve just bit his lips together.  “...you drew this?” the horny man asked, more quietly, and Steve nodded.  “Why?” he asked, and Steve knew he was in trouble—even if the man wasn’t supposed to be there, grownups always told each other when Steve did something dumb, like steal the TV man’s picture, which was the point Steve realized he was a stealer, a thief, like on TV.  America’s Most Wanted, he thought, his heart pounding.  
“Why draw this?” the man asked softly, crouching down, and Steve sniffled again, wiping his eyes.  
“He said a friend would come,” he admitted, wondering whether kids had their own jail, or whether he’d be in the one with all the guys from movies, who chased teenagers with chainsaws and knives.  
“You wanted a friend?” the man asked, but even softer, and Steve nodded, clenching his fingers in the sides of his pants.
“I didn’t mean to steal it,” he whispered.  “I won’t do it again.”
“...okay,” the man said.  “Don’t—don’t cry, it’s okay, are—are you okay?” he held his hands up like he was gonna touch Steve’s shoulders, then crossed his arms, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Steve nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve.  “...are, um,” he asked, cautiously, “—are you supposed to be...in here?”
“Uhhh,” said the man.  “Definitely not naked, right?” he laughed, kinda nervously, Steve thought, and he snapped his fingers.  The throw blanket turned into shiny fringed pants.  
“Ohhh,” Steve whispered, impressed.  “How’d you do that?”
“Oh,” the man said, grimacing.  “Um, let’s talk about you summoning demons, okay?”
“...okay,” Steve nodded, sighing, but then a thought occurred to him.  “Uh, do you want a PB&J?”
 As they ate, the man spread Steve’s picture on the table, with the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.
“So this is a circle to summon the demon Belial,” he said, low but kind of intense, like Steve was in trouble, but mostly he looked sort of worried.  
Steve swallowed his bite of sandwich.  “...it’s not exactly the same,” he pointed out, a little sulkily.  “I added a horse.”
“...so you did,” said the man, turning it to look.  “...look, summoning demons is very dangerous—”
“My dad says there aren’t bad demon summoners,” Steve told him.  “He says there are bad plumbers, and bad strippers, but if you’re talking to somebody, and they summoned a demon, they must be good at it, because you’re talking to them, and—and he was on TV—”
“Strippers,” said the man weakly, and Steve realized he was being rude to his guest.  
“I’m Steve,” he said.  “What’s your name?”
“...Bel,” said the man, then, hurriedly, “Bill?”
“My mom likes Billy Idol.  And Billy Joel,” Steve suggested, and the man nodded.
“That’s a normal name that I definitely have,” he nodded, grimacing, “—Billy, I’m Billy.”
Steve considered this.  
“Are you listening, though?  About demon-summoning?  Even a lot of adults have a hard time with it—” Billy started again, holding Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 to his chest like it was a present for him.
“The guy on TV said it was for a helper friend,” Steve told him, feeling a little guilty, but really not too much, since it hadn’t even worked.
“Steve,” Billy said, pressing his hands together over his mouth.  The chain hooking his earring to the ring in his lip swayed and made a bell sound, and Steve stared at it, then remembered to nod.  “Okay,” Billy said.  “Could you promise me you won’t try to summon any more demons?”
“My dad says—” Steve started, again, but he cut off guiltily as Billy slumped back in his chair, groaning.
“Look,” Billy tried again, rubbing his face.  “Summoning demons isn’t like inviting somebody over, okay?  They have to come.  Now imagine if someone called you up to—” he frowned down at himself, biting his lips with pointed teeth, and cleared his throat.  “Uh,” he said, swallowing, and snapped his fingers with both hands—and all the jewelry vanished.  Even his cool horns were gone, Steve realized, and he had clothes on, a little tiny black shirt that showed his belly button, and shiny plastic-y silver pants.  
It was disappointing, but Steve looked into Billy’s flameless eyes and blunt-toothed smile and politely said “...you still look nice...I guess.”  Billy snorted a laugh.  “...I’ve never seen pants like that,” Steve offered, and Billy frowned down.
“What’s wrong with them?” he asked, then shook his head.  “No, wait.  Okay.  What if you don’t want to go somewhere—”
“People make me go places all the time,” Steve said darkly, remembering the week before, when his mom had drug him in for a haircut that made him look like G.I. Joe.  He rubbed his still-fuzzy head, glowering.
“Uh,” Billy said, trying not to smile, but spinning the tires on the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve was a little proud that he liked it so much.  “Okay, a stranger.  What if a stranger makes you go somewhere you don’t want to go?”
“That’s kidnapping,” Steve said, breathlessly, his eyes huge, and Billy pointed the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 at him.  
“Yes.  When you summon a demon, you’re kidnapping them, okay?  And they can’t leave unless you let them go.”
“But the man on the TV said—” Steve whispered, then stopped, remembering how he’d made the almost-naked woman pour soda on her own head.  Steve covered his mouth, suddenly realizing she might not have wanted to be almost-naked, maybe the man had taken her clothes off, like Steve with a doll.  “Oh no,” he whispered.  “I’m so glad it didn’t work!”
“Ah, yeeeah,” Billy said, grimacing.  
“Um,” said Steve, reaching a hand over to retrieve his prize LEGO kit, and Billy snatched it back.  Steve narrowed his eyes.  “You were looking for my parents, but my dad didn’t say you were coming over, are you my mom’s friend?”
Billy winced, grimacing.  “Where is she?”
“She’s at work,” Steve told him.  “Daycare is too expensive, so over the summer I have to be good.”
“Wait, are there any grownups here?!” Billy asked, looking horrified, and Steve nodded, pointing down the hall again.
“My dad.  He locks the door.”
“...What if you drown in the bathtub, or try to eat your own fingers, or something,” Billy breathed, and Steve glared at him.
“I’m not little,” he hissed, sliding forward in his chair a little, so his toes reached the floor.  “I’m not a baby.”
“You don’t need a friend, you need a nanny,” said the recently smoking, horned, pierced and tattooed man before him.  “And that’s, uh, that’s why your mom sent me.”
“...did she really send you?” Steve asked, narrowing his eyes, and Billy crossed his arms on the table, hugging Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 against his chest.  
“Yeah.  Yeah, she did,” he said defiantly, and Steve relaxed a little, because Billy sounded like a teenager, just a bigger kid, really.  “She said to put less peanut butter and jelly in your sandwiches,” he pointed to Steve’s overflowing PB&J-bread-burrito, looking smug, “—and just make another sandwich.”
Steve gasped, staring at him, and feeling absolutely betrayed.  “You tricked me!  Why’d you let me make it!”
“It’s okay, I won’t tell,” Billy said, and Steve’s heart was won.
 Billy won it further when he scooted his plate aside to admire the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve drug him back to his room to show him the kits he had.  “Come on,” he said, excited and rude, and Billy slowed way down, grimacing, and flickering back to his pretty bejeweled self, with horns.  
“How about you ask if I wanna do things,” he said stiffly, slowing almost to a stop, and smoking more around the eyes.  
“Oh, yeah,” Steve nodded.  “Sorry.  Can I show you my room?”
“Or maybe, ‘Hey, Billy, want to see my room,’” Billy suggested, taking a deep breath.  
“Okay,” Steve nodded.  “Want to see my room?”
“Sure,” Billy nodded, relaxing like it was some big relief.  
It occurred to Steve maybe it was.  “Sorry,” he said quickly.  “I’ll be polite, I won’t get you fired.”
“Um, yeah,” Billy laughed, shaking his head.  “Maybe don’t, uh, order me around.”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, thinking hard about it, so he’d remember.  “I won’t say ‘Billy, pick me upOOF—” he wheezed, as Billy yanked him into the air with one arm around his waist.  “Sorry,” Steve wheezed, his feet kicking.  “I-I’ll say Billy would you, sorry—”
“Shit!  Damn it, I mean, uh, sorry,” Billy said, grimacing, and sat Steve back on his feet, straightening his clothes.  
“I’ll remember,” Steve told him, wide-eyed, and then, because Billy looked guilty, “It’s okay.”
 He tried hard to remember, and he usually did, because Billy got all tense and weird if Steve forgot, like he was trying to move underwater, and Steve had to yell “If you want!  If you want!” as Billy grimly bit into the crunchy, burned eggs Steve had made.  
“That was disgusting,” Billy told him, that time, and Steve couldn’t stop laughing, waving his hands.
“Okay, okay, can I—can I just tell you you can ignore me?  I won’t tell, you can just—just do things if you want to—”
“...you sure about that?” Billy asked, snorting softly, like Steve might be kidding, and Steve nodded frantically.  
“Yeah!  Yes!  Don’t, um, don’t eat any more eggshells, I’m sorry!”
“...okay,” Billy said, smiling down at him.  “When am I not supposed to listen?”
“Uh,” said Steve, blinking at him.  “I mean.  You should—you should always listen—”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“No, you should!” Steve told him, grabbing Billy’s hand and tugging it.  “What if something’s gonna hit you in the head?  You should listen,” he nodded, thinking about it.  “But once you listen, you should decide what you want to do.”
“What if I wanted to...eat you?” Billy asked him, reaching down to tickle Steve’s stomach, and Steve yelped, giggling.
“You won’t eat me,” Steve told him, leaning into Billy, to give him a hug.  “You’re nice.”
Billy sighed, and hugged him back, tightly.
 Billy was better at some things than other people, like clothes, Steve thought, because Billy was always pointing people’s outfits out, and explaining how they weren’t as good at picking them.  He wasn’t as good at other things, though.  Steve sat down one night to heated-up pasta sauce over Cheerios, and he didn’t want to say anything, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t right.  Billy gave Steve’s mom a glass of water that was completely frozen because she said she wanted it iced, and when Steve’s dad told Billy to make burgers, Billy didn’t buy buns, or tomatoes, or anything, and he threw the meat in the pan until it caught fire.  
Steve was pretty sure none of it was a joke, because Billy frowned between the glass and Steve’s mom, and grimaced over the burgers after Steve’s dad stomped away, and Steve caught him whispering into the phone to the neighbor, hiding half in the fridge like nobody was gonna notice it was open.  
“Billy,” he whispered, and Billy jumped, as Steve crouched down next to him.  The breeze from the inside of the fridge was nice, but it hardened all Steve’s suspicions, because no grown-up had ever left the fridge open, he was pretty sure.  
“Yeah,” Billy muttered back, guiltily.
“...how old’re you,” Steve asked, and Billy flinched.  
“Older than you,” he shot back, and that Steve was willing to give him, because Billy wasn’t human, and some things lived different amounts of time, like trees.  
“Are you a kid too?” Steve asked, and Billy glared at him.
“No,” he said defiantly, and Steve nodded slowly, raising his eyebrows, until Billy groaned, deflating, sitting against the edge of the fridge and letting his legs sprawl out across the floor.  “Look, I’m trying—”
“I won’t tell,” Steve said, reaching out and squeezing Billy’s hand.  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“...teenager...maybe,” Billy admitted, grimacing.  
“Okay,” Steve said, nodding.  “Billy,” he said, trying to sound like a parent, or a teacher, and Billy’s shoulders hunched.  “You need to tell me you need help,” Steve said, putting his hands on his hips.  “I can help with things like human food.”
“You are human food,” Billy said, fondly, yanking Steve into a hug.
 Most of the people that did magic like Billy ate kids occasionally, Steve found out, as he was reading his Dictionary of the Magic Realms that night under the covers, by flashlight.  Maybe they were mean kids, Steve thought, or maybe Billy was just way nicer.  “Are you a fairy?” he asked the next morning, and Billy laughed.  
“Depends on what you mean,” he said, grinning over.  “Is that slang for—”
“Can you fly,” Steve interrupted, because that seemed the most important, and Billy cocked his head.  
“...actually, I probably could,” he said, considering.  “Not like you mean, though.  I don’t have secret butterfly wings, or anything.”
“Oh,” Steve said, because he'd been privately imagining Billy as they’d first met, with the jewelry and the horns and wings, and it seemed to fit.
“...do you want me to have wings?” Billy asked, sitting aside the dish he was drying, and bending down sideways to try and meet Steve’s eyes.  “I can change form—”
“No!” Steve told him, waving his hands.  “No, I know you like looking like...that.”
“...that,” Billy said, raising his eyebrows as he looked down at himself.  “You saying I need to do better?”
“You’re just—normal,” Steve said quickly.  “Instead of pretty.”
“Instead of,” Billy growled.
“I mean,” Steve yelped, waving his hands.  “Pretty with all the jewelry!  And the horns.”
“I was gonna say,” Billy said, reddening.  “If you’re saying I’m not pretty—”
“Of course you’re pretty,” Steve said, rolling his eyes and sighing, but grinning, too.  He patted Billy’s shoulder.
“Well,” Billy said, clearing his throat, and turning back to the dishes.  “All right, then.”
 A few days later, Billy was moving the kettle off the flame for hot chocolate, and a big gout of steam belched up over his arm, which shimmered into all over scales.  Steve yelped and grabbed him, yanking him over to the sink, and ran water over it, all the while panicking.
“Billy, are you a mermaid?!” he asked, spraying Billy’s arm, and trying not to cry.  “Are you a mermaid, are you okay, are hot things bad for mermaids—”
“I’m okay,” Billy told him, turning off the water, and hugging him close.  “I’m not a mermaid, Stevie, I’m not hurt.”
“O-okay,” Steve gasped, grabbing Billy’s arm to run his fingers over it.  “You—you’re okay,” he whispered, leaning into Billy’s hugs.  “...are you a...lizard?  Or a snake?”
“Nope, not exactly,” Billy said, snorting a laugh, and Steve groaned.
The rest of my Harringrove works
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gayenerd · 4 years ago
Interview with Billie for the Kerrang Yearbook. Sounds like this took place around 2000-2001?
Hello Billie Joe. A bit pissed at the Kerrang Awards weren't you? "I was drinking with Papa Roach the night before. Everybody went to see The Cult in Brixton. All the American bands like Papa Roach and Queens Of The Stone Age were there. I felt terrible when I got out of bed to go to the Kerrang Awards." Who ended up worse off - you or Coby Dick? "Sometimes Coby can't even hold it together when he's sober! He's super-hyper all the time. You have to say, 'Coby, turn it off for 2 minutes - I'm in my bunk!' Then he'll turn it off and you can get into a decent conversation." You experienced some difficulty in getting off the stage after accepting your Kerrang Award. "Award's shows freak me out - I'm so scared shitless of those things so I end up doing stupid things. I never theought I'd ever win an award for playing music. Watching all our videos being shown up on the screen, I just looked at Mike and Tre and said. 'Does this mean we're old now?' I can be such a self-conscious freak. I just don't know how to be cool." What's the healthiest thing you've done this year? "I like to keep myself fit. I run, I skateboard, and i'll hit the weights every other day. You reach a certain age when you've gotta start looking out for yourself. I'm staring down the barrel of 30, you know? My dad really let himself fall to @#%$ and I don't want to end up like that. Theres a preconcieved idea about musicians and punk musicians in particular that we have to self-destruct, and I can't buy into that. I like to breathe. Like like it when my heart beats - Its a really cool thing." Have you cut down on your drinking recently? "When i'm on tour I drink all day long with the guys. There's nothing else to do. But i've been at homea while. There are many, many moods to Billie Joe. There's drunk me and theres not-drunk me." What have you learned about being a father during the past year? "You learn new things every day as your kids' characters and personalities are building. Joey is 6 now, he's not a baby at all, he's a little boy. And Jacob, who's 3, is a maniac. The one rule I have is that I never expose them to television." What have you learned about Tre and Mike this past year? "Wow (long pause). I learned that Mike is a Bob Dylan fan, which was kind of suprising. I'm not the biggest fan but I definately appreciate Bob Dylan. And Tre is becoming really fluent in Spanish. His wife is Nicaraguan." What color has your hair been this year? "I shaved my head when I got off the road. Its been black. I haven't really been changing it. When the boy groups started dyeing their hair, I had to stop." Any fashion tips you'd care to pass on to Kerrang readers? "I've been wearing the same pants since High School! Never been into the Versace thing." Best punk rock song you've heard this year? "Last Nite by The Strokes. They're not really a punk band, but those guys have a really cool outlook and a good sensibility about how they present themselves. All the rap rock metal bands have lost that rock'n'roll element, and i'm just a sucker for good rock'n'roll music." What song has been stuck in your head this year, even though you hate it? "Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm. It was bad when Michael Jackson sang it, but it's even worse second time around! Y'know, I think Michael Jackson should join Slipknot. His face looks so bizarre now, its like he's wearing a mask." Are Slipknot still the scariest dudes in rock? "In about a year from now, if they're still as popular as they are now, they'll be as American as apple pie. That's sort of what happened to Marilyn Manson. When he came out he was really scary looking, like 'Jesus Christ! This guy is a maniac!' But now its, 'Oh, theres Marilyn, mowing the lawn, no big deal.' I like Manson, but it's funny how the most normal people end up being the most threatening, and the people who are scariest at first end up kinda normal. That's the dissapointing thing about shock value. Neil Young is more threatening than Slipknot just because he's smarter and has more of an opinion." How much fun did you have on tour in 2001? "It's really exciting at first because you're in different places every day, but after a while i'd rather be home. I get into really long conversations with my wife, I talk to my kids a lot, I'll write little notes and draw pictures for them and fax them to the house. Our sets are getting longer, sometimes we'll play up to three hours, and its because there is no rock'n'roll lifestyle for me other than that. I'm a devoted husband and a devoted father, and so all that decadent bullshit is not my thing. You start to wonder, 'Is this the life for me?' But then I get home and I dont know what the @#%$ to do with myself because i'm not playing music. People have looked at us and gone, 'Obviously these guys have no place to go after the gig because they're still on stage!'" Where were you on September 11? "I was on West Coast time, so it was really early in the morning for me. I saw the towers fall, and it felt like the world was gonna end. What amazes me is that Tony Blair is almost heading the coalition by himself! Does he realise what he's getting his country into? This is @#%$ serious! There's been a lot of shocking words used: the 'crusade against terrorism'. The las thing you say to someone from the Middle East is the word 'crusade'." After September 11, do you share America's renewed sense of patriotism? "No way. I can't really see myself as a patriot. I don't see what happened in New York as an act of war, it's an act of terrorism. Every country has had to deal with terrorism in some form, and this is the first time America has ever seen it and they dont know what to do, so everyone is clinging to these war slogans. All the flags is people's cars and homes - it just seems kind of gross to me." Has American learnt from the tragedy? "I hope some good stuff comes out of this. People have become so self-absorbed and dedicated to their careers. I'm not a person to wave a flag for family values or anything like that, but there comes a time when your relationships and your family is the most important thing, not whether you're making $100,000 every year. Thats what I hope comes out of it - that people realise the important things in life." Six Of The Best Best Friend: " Valium. Lots of plane flights, man. Valium only lasts four hours, so if you're on an 11 hour flight take two and a half." Best advice: "Put your head between your knees if you think you are gonna pass out." Best Ass: "Tre Cool. Not only because he has one, but because he is one." Personal Best: The pinnacle moment for me this year, musically, was playing Reading. It was a great show. There's so many bands nowadays who can't play live, but to actually do it and have people singing along and getting something sentimental out of it at the same time, thats rare, and we achieved that at Reading." Best Night Out: "The furst night I went out after september 11. I really went for it. American has these feelings of its days being numbered. It's like a country that has just got cancer, but the cancer's in remission. A lot of people are doing all the things they've always talked about doing. I hadn't partied really hard in a while, so that's what I did. I went to a couple of bars with Mike and Tre and our producer. We got loud and had a good time." Best Buy: " My cellphone. The ring tone is just a goofy tune. And it vibrates well in my pocket."
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
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This took forever…
 (Click for Quality!)
 SO! I finally got a proper fully colored drawing of my Obey Me MC! Character info + her relationship with the bros under the cut so I don’t clog up the tags!
Character info first!
Himiko is the third oldest in a family of seven sisters and is arguably the most responsible of the bunch. You could say she’s the Lucifer of her family, but if you’d like to continue living I’d recommend against saying that. 

She puts on the facade of a proper and polite lady but deep down she’s hiding a metric tonne of snark and sass, and even deeper she’s hiding a caring older sister type who would take a bullet for you.
You may be asking yourself, why is she wearing a devil horn headband? The answer? Spite. She was wearing it pre Devildom too so it has nothing to do with the boys! 

Her family is *incredibly* wealthy, so while she did learn a lot of things, it’s kind of turned Himiko into a bit of a dumbass when it comes to normal everyday household things. Ask her how to understand the political history of Japan and she’ll give you a five hour lecture on the topic, but ask her to cook dinner and you’ll need to call the fire department. 

Her birthday is December 25 and she’s 20 years old at the start of the game.
Himiko has… problems with emotional intimacy. She’s never really had the opportunity to really bond with anyone outside her sisters, so the idea that she could ever care deeply for someone that ISN’T family is absolutely terrifying to her. (Welp, bad news for her because she’s about to be forcibly adopted into a family of crazies) 

When she first got dropped into the Devildom… Hoo boy… her entire life she had been put on a pedestal and no one other than her sisters had dared to say ANYTHING critical of her in her presence and now she’s figuratively AND literally at the bottom of the food chain… let’s just say reality hit her hard in the face.
Himiko thought Lucifer was the one sane person in the entire House of Lamentation. That opinion did NOT last long. After the first attempted murder and the shit he said at the retreat, Himiko and Lucifer’s opinions of each other were in the gutter. Then the London trip happened! Their opinions of each other rose! Then the first timeline’s Belphie incident happened and oh wow would you look at that, back into the gutter. Damn. FINALLY, after all the time travel shit, they both think of each other as a pain in the neck, but if anything happened to the other there’d be blood spilled. It’s tough when Himiko’s biggest flaw is her own pride and she’s actively needling the Avatar of Pride.
Mammon was Himiko’s worst nightmare made reality. This person, widely regarded as a scumbag moron was supposed to protect her??? Uh uh. No. Mammon thought that Himiko was the human embodiment of annoying. At least till the Goldie hostage situation, Himiko mainly went along with it because she wanted revenge for all the eating-related threats and name-calling. Now, Himi’s way to prideful to ever admit this buuuuuut, she was incredibly lonely during her first week. She needed a friend and she needed one FAST. Before the two needed to binge TSL, Himiko took Mammon shopping under the guise of needing him to carry her shopping bags, and ended up buying him a sick new jacket and sunglasses. You can buy affection right? Apparently. Or was it the compliments she gave him while she was making him try on the jacket? We’ll never know for sure. Listen, just because the two of them want to spend a lot of time together DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY HAVE A CRUSH ON EACH OTHER ALRIGHT?! HAND HOLDING SHOULDN’T MAKE HIMIKO THIS NERVOUS UGH-
W E E B P O W E R U N I T E! Well, not at first. Himiko’s a closet weeb! She probably teased the crap out of Levi about how much he obsessed over his “totally stupid” anime. It was all fun and games until Levi walked in on Himiko watching Sailor Moon. “YOU LIKE ANIME?!” “N-NO!” “YOU’RE AN OTAKU TOO!” “W-WAIT! NO I’M NOT!” “WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE ANIME????” “…Madoka Magica.” Now the two are anime and gaming buddies! At first Levi was miffed about Himiko’s rampant hypocrisy buuuuut they both moved past it for the greater anime good.
Satan and Himiko’s joined energy is too much for Lucifer to handle. The two are constantly pestering him to let them get a cat, and they somehow found the time to collaborate on a 50 slide PowerPoint presentation on why Lucifer would suck 55% more if he didn’t let them get a cat. At first, Himiko was low-key intimidated by Satan, and he generally seemed pretty disinterested in most of the shenanigans she got up to until they made a pact. Now they’re pretty good buddies and think quite highly of each other.
Himiko: The circumstances of one’s birth is irrelevant, it’s what you do with your life that matters.
Satan: Thanks Himiko. That’s nice of you to say.
Levi (whispering to Himiko): Are you quoting Mewtwo???
Himiko (whispering): Shut up! It’s making him feel better isn’t it??
If this were a musical, Asmo definitely would sing a rendition of Popular with Himiko. Before the pact was made, Himiko *really* wanted to be Asmo’s friend but would never admit it, his sass was impeccable! Asmo thought Himiko was cute yeah, but nothing special. After the pact, total besties. It takes a true friend or a certified insane person to tell the Avatar of Lust that the shade of blue he’s going to go clubbing in isn’t doing him any favours and he should change into different shoes. The Himi/Asmo duo is to be feared by all who come across them.
For the love of all things good in the world DO NOT LET BEEL AND HIMIKO NEAR YOUR FRIDGE! At the start, Himiko found Beel’s near constant eating annoying as HELL. Like, he’s the avatar of gluttony but all that *gross* junk food must be wreaking havoc on- Holy shit junk food is amazing. After the hiding Luke incident where Himiko’s big sister instincts ™ kicked in and she got between Beel and Lucifer, Himiko had to come to terms with the fact that she may *actually* care about some of the people she had met. After all the other shenanigans, Beel is basically her thousands of years older little brother.
 Belphie… hoo boy… strike one: He took advantage of Himiko’s rarely seen sweet side. Strike 2: he fuckin killed her dude! Belphie is yet to hit strike 3. I like to think there’d be a mini lesson between 16 and 17 where the two hash out their issues. After that, their relationship is probably the closest to an actual sibling relationship. They annoy and tease the everloving shit out of each other but if anyone messes with one of them the unfortunate soul will have to deal with the other AND Beel.
I might do the undatables if anyone actually cares and I’m not just talking to a brick wall lol. Thanks for making it this far and reading all my OC brainrot!
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sevsnapeposts · 3 years ago
Snapetober Day 1: Autumn.
hi everyone! today finally starts the snapetober, are you excited? i sure am. so i decided to write for it, but will eventually (once october is done) do art for every day. today we start with a recollection of memories throughout the years from Prue's POV. you can read it over in ao3 if you'd like, and also if you'd be kind enough, go give me some kudos over there. thanks, hope you enjoy~.
Day 1 - Autumn.
Prue was on the Hogwarts Express, heading to London, where she would meet the Malfoys to spend the holidays with them. Usually her mood would be pessimistic and she would find herself terrified to imagine what was going to get into her room on any of those nights, but honestly, the girl couldn't think of anything other than her Potions professor.
If she closed her eyes, she couldn't help but sigh, remembering each second intensely, her heart racing as she imagined his face shocked at her, at the actions she had taken. Her pulse reached its peak when she recalled everything she saw then, as if time had stopped to give her the opportunity to perfectly memorize the details, even the smallest of them: Black hair surrounding the pale face, agitated by the staggering and the autumn air that little by little became more wintry with the passing of the days; confused, puzzled, and a tinge of scared,black eyes, unsure what the hell was going on, and also (and Prue blushed just thinking about it) expectant, hopeful; pale skin gently reddened at certain points, such as the cheekbones and the tip of the nose, due to the cold and, she dared to suspect, due to her, to her closeness to him; and finally, the area where her attention had focused the most: His lips, thin and pale, slightly parted, perhaps because they were ready to say "what the bloody hell is wrong with you, Pennyworth?"sentence that was never heard.
The girl had wondered many times, over the last few weeks, what it would be like to feel those lips on hers. Were they as cold as the words that his owner spoke with them? Or would they be warm and kind like his hands that day that he accompanied her in her solitude?
She smiled widely, for the second time in her life, thinking that she finally knew the answers to her questions.
If there was one thing she never thought could happen to her, it was having a boyfriend. She knew she was complicated and difficult, and she wouldn't have been surprised to spend the rest of her life not romantically intimate with anyone… But it had happened, much to her surprise.
And, even to her greatest surprise, something happened that had seemed even more unlikely: she was the one who ended the relationship. He didn’t throw her away, he didn’t abandon her as practically everyone else, he didn’t leave her. Even when the relationship ended, he didn’t do any of that, because he was still with her, as her friend, perfectly understanding that one does not rule in love.
It happens that she wasn’t able to bear someone else's heart, not when she knew that hers was beating strongly for that man with eyes as dark as his robes. Prue understood now, sitting under one of the huge trees that marked the beginning of the Forbidden Forest, surrounded by brown and orange and yellow and green leaves, that it wasn’t that she would never find someone for her, but rather, that she didn’t want someone other than him.
Prue was hating badly that year. Not even the cookie-scented breeze provided any consolation for how gross it was to have that damn pink toad (ruining her favorite color, by the way) shutting down basically everything good at Hogwarts.
What did serve as comfort, however, was the fact that Severus sympathized with her at her annoyance for that woman. One day, she had even managed to make him laugh — Severus bloody Snape, laughing openly in front of her. Prue had never seen anything so cute, something that could completely melt her cold heart. Her powerful memory perfectly captured that moment, treasuring it alongside the memory of two years ago. Those were things that she would never forget, things that would forever be in her heart, and things that were reproduced in her imagination while the pink toad taught her.
The echo of the rain traveled all the way down from the surface of the Dark Lake, the air up there being so wild that it dragged a lot of the fallen leaves and twigs into the water, making everyone thankful to be inside the castle, warm from the fire in the chimneys, eating pumpkin and butter biscuits.
Prue wasn't eating any biscuits however, but she didn’t mind. From the huge window she could clearly see how the Lake was disturbed by the storm, even though she was several feet below the surface. Beside her lay her teacher, fast asleep and more than likely exhausted. She took advantage of that moment to admire his features, so relaxed and soft, doing justice to the kind of person he was, to the feelings that were in him, and in her, and between them. She wanted to touch him, and caress him, and wander over his skin again, every part of his skin, with her lips.
Her memory was prodigious, and she knew every part of him.
But her body wasn't, and she was determined to tattoo her skin with his.
It wasn't going to be easy, she knew, even though they'd only been in school for a couple of months. Voldemort wasn't there, personally, but all the bloody putrefaction in him was. It was flooding London, and Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts, and Severus. He looked worse every day, as if his own death was drawing closer and closer, and Prue knew it was a very likely possibility.
Not only was he at risk. Less, true, but she was also in danger, Voldemort's gaze was on her, very interested in her performance and with a clear desire to recruit her. She was powerful, young, gifted in Dark Arts and from a pure-blood family: Everything Voldemort valued.
And Prue was terrified, even though her expression was as blank as ever. For her to a lesser extent, for him mainly, and for whatever was in store for the Magical World.
But she would be strong, for the same reasons that terrified her, and one way or another, she would see Severus laugh again.
It had been several months since things were finally over, as far as Prue was concerned. The school year had started a bit late, but Hogwarts had finally reopened its doors to students. Minerva McGonagall was the headmistress, and Severus went back to the Potions, and she went back to him.
It was the first Saturday of the year. Severus was sitting next to her, both hiding in one of Hogwarts' secret gardens, where no one could find them except, perhaps, McGonagall, but the woman liked Severus (and Prue) enough to not interrupt their intimate time together.
‘Intimate’ as in holding hands, her head resting on his shoulder, whilst silently watching the sky, as so many years ago they had done. In the center of the garden was a tree, with leaves that were turning more and more yellow and orange. INot a single one had fallen yet, and Prue, for some reason, really wanted to witness the event.
The young girl, almost a woman now, turned her piercing green eyes from it to her companion. He was looking back at her now, black eyes with a different glow, one that brought life to his entire face and made her heart race like a restless child in summer. Without saying anything, because there was no need, the young woman approached him, closing her eyes, soon feeling the soft contact of his lips for the first time in a long time.
When Prue pulled away from Severus, out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement, and she turned just in time to see an orange and red-hued leaf hit the ground after gliding gently in the wind. She smiled like she only did when she was with him. Before giving him time to ask, because she knew that he had noticed her smile and felt the joy that basically radiated from her, the young woman spoke:
"I would like to spend the rest of my autumns with you”.
Severus didn't reply, but his smile said more than enough.
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13uswntimagines · 5 years ago
We Know Your Tells (Soran x Reader)
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Lindsey x reader x Sonnett where Reader tries to hide being sick from Lindsey over Facetime and Lindsey shows up to take care of her?
Hey dudes, I hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it! Hit me up with Requests, Questions or if you just want to say hi! 
You were a lot of things. You were a fantastic forward for the US Women’s National Team. You were a great baker and a fantastic girlfriend to both Lindsey and Emily. However there were a few things that you were not good at, and lying was at the top of that list. Your girlfriends had learned your tells within the first month that the three of you had been together, and their ability to read you like a book had grown exponentially in the three and a half years you had been together. 
Though you had never tried to lie to them on FaceTime before, so you could only hope that your sister’s spotty internet connection would be bad enough to prevent them from seeing right through you. You loved your sister, but not including 2 plus ones in your invitation to her wedding had been a major mess up on her part. She hadn’t budged on the “just one girlfriend” Mantra, and you would never be able to pick between Linds and Em, So here you were trapped in Kansas City alone. Alone and suffering from major food poisoning from her shitty wedding food. 
You had spent the entire day practically glued to the porcelain throne, unable to do anything but be miserable. You knew that you had missed texts from your favorite duo and that if you missed your nightly FaceTime, they were going to freak out more than they probably already were. 
You dragged yourself back to your bed and tried to make yourself look remotely presentable. Just passable enough to not draw the suspicions of your very overprotective girlfriends. 
You took a deep breath just before clicking the accept button, forcing a smile as your blond-haired beauties appeared on the screen. 
“Babes!” You cheered, praying that there was enough pep in your voice. 
“Hey beautiful, you alright, you look a little pale,” Lindsey smiled at you, leaning closer to the screen to get a better look. You could see the worry in her eyes and felt a small rush of nerves. 
“Yep I’m great, just a little tired,” you waved nonchalantly, doing everything in your power to prevent your hand from traveling to the back of your neck. It was your most prominent tell and the most difficult for you to stop. 
“You sure, because the way your squinting makes it seem like you haven’t quite gotten over your hangover yet,” Emily said, quirking an eyebrow at you, worry leaning into your tone. You weren’t nearly as smooth as you thought you were. Your eyes were bloodshot and your face was pale. They would have to be living under a rock to not recognize the signs. Still, you rolled your eyes at the girl as though she was crazy. 
“You two know how to make a girl feel good… and yeah I’m fine,” You huffed, running a hand through your hair, and tucking a more stubborn piece behind your ear. 
“Whatcha been up to?” Lindsey asked, eyeing you suspiciously. She was more worried than anything that you ignored them for the entire day. They knew that you had a fairly contentious relationship with your family and that you had probably gone overboard with the alcohol at your sister’s wedding. She didn’t like that she wasn’t there to protect you both from your mother’s silver tongue and your unhealthy reactions to it. 
“Boring family stuff,” You yawned, your fingers migrating to rub soothing circles on the back of your neck, your eyes closing for a moment without your permission. Being around your family was exhausting. Your parents wouldn’t leave you alone when they found out that you weren’t feeling good. But instead of doing helpful things like rubbing your back or holding your hair, they were more concerned about if this would ruin your sister’s wedding weekend. What you would give for Linds and Em to be here. 
“Hm,” Emily hummed quietly, worry etched on her features. Your hands were your biggest give away when something wasn’t right, but why would you be lying to them and ignoring them?
“Did you get our texts?” Lindsey questioned after a few seconds, your eyes blinking open in surprise. You had been pretty preoccupied with your stomach issues to answer them. You had known that they were texting you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer. 
“I didn’t get to read them,” You mumbled guiltily, and you saw the telltale tick up of your girlfriends’ lips. Yes, they were worried about you, but your guilty pout was too cute to not smile at, though they would never tell you that. You hated being called cute and adorable, though your bedhead right now was making you just that. 
“That’s a shame because we kinda got into a little bit of a contest,” Lindsey smirked at you, seduction leaking into her tone. They had both planned this as a way to help you… relax… while you were away. The three of you barely spent time apart, and when you did, you always got antsy. 
“You two and your competitiveness. What was your contest,” you laughed humorlessly, forcing a small smile onto your lips. You were typically excited about their stupid games. They were always entertaining, but you weren’t feeling it right now. If you told them that, then they would know that there was something wrong. So, you would pretend for their sake. There was no sense in worrying them when there wasn’t anything they could do to help. 
“It was the TikTok dirty photo challenge,” Emily said, bouncing in her seat and shaking the phone around. 
“The what?” You furrowed your eyebrows at her, both from trying to quell the nausea that all her moving was giving you and because you had no idea what she was talking about. You weren’t a big fan of social media and stayed off of it for the most part. You balanced out Emily’s over involvement nicely.
“You send a dirty photo to your significant other while they’re in a public setting,” Lindsey explained, grabbing the phone from Sonnett’s hand and steadying the camera, squinting at the suddenly green sheen that had washed over your face. 
“And then record their reaction,” Emily screeched, and you recoiled from the piercing sound, nearly dropping the phone. 
“We changed it to who could get the best reaction out of you, so we need you to tell us who won,” Lindsey hummed, placing a settling hand on Emily’s shoulder. The pained look that crossed your features confirming that you weren’t ok. She sent you a sad smile, as you groaned. You usually didn’t mind being pulled into their antics, but right now all you wanted to do was sleep. 
Rather than respond with words, you nodded to them halfheartedly, missing the worried glance they shared. You had the dirtiest mind of the three of you, and you loved it when they sent you “surprises” as the three of you called them, especially after being separated from them for a week. 
You flipped through the photos, that on any other day would have stolen your breath away, squinting to minimize the effect of the bright screen on your eyes. You head throbbed as you took in the two photos, the difference being that Lindsey had chosen a blue number while Emily had chosen red, both of which were decidedly your favorite colors on the women. They had pulled out all the stops. 
You barely looked at the photos, before switching back to the call, grumbling out an “I can’t choose, so it’s a tie,”. 
“That’s not the reaction we were hoping for,” Emily visibly deflated on the screen. You were usually the most articulate of the three of you. You loved to tell your girls how amazing they looked, and to point out exactly what… features you were enjoying the most. It was nice because you weren’t gross about it. They didn’t feel objectified under your gaze, because you always made sure they knew that you loved them and how lucky you felt that they felt confident enough to send you stuff. You were never shy about telling them how sexy they were and you always made sure to make them feel gorgeous. 
But right now, you looked like you were half asleep, and if dirty pictures couldn’t wake you up, something had to be very wrong. 
“You sure you’re feeling alright?” Lindsey asked again, no longer trying to hide just how worried she was. You let out an audible groan at their continued questioning. Yes, it would be nice to have them here, but you didn’t want them to have to deal with the family bullshit that always came with it, and they had important Adidas obligations while you were gone that were more important than your stupid sister’s wedding. 
“Hey y/n I brought you food because you haven’t eaten all day,” Your sister burst through the door, carrying what looked like a sandwich, and you scrubbed your hands over your eyes in frustration. Of course, she had to choose this moment to finally care about your wellbeing. You were known for your snacking abilities, and you not eating was like the nail in the coffin of your lie. Plus it meant that you had broken one of the rules that the three of you had. Sometimes when Emily got stressed, she skipped meals. To fix that, all three of you had made a rule that you had to eat at least twice a day. You were usually the best at not breaking it, so it was shocking when you did. 
“What?!” Both your girls exclaimed, and you winced. 
“I told you guys I’m fine,” You growled, glaring at your sister with all your might. 
“Bullshit,” Lindsey hissed back, utterly tired of you lying to them. Something was wrong and she needed to know what it was. 
“Look, I’m tired and I just want to go to bed,” You grumbled, yawing again. You didn’t want to eat the stupid sandwich your sister had brought you, as you probably wouldn’t be able to keep it down anyway. You didn’t want to argue with your girlfriends either. You didn’t feel good, and without them, you just wanted to cuddle your stuffed Dino and go to sleep until you could fly home to them. 
“We love you,” They whispered worriedly after a few seconds of watching you. 
“I love you too,” You hummed, closing your eyes. 
“Sleep babe, we’ll stay on until you’re out,” Emily said quietly, and your grip on the phone tightened as though you were trying to hang onto them. It only took a few minutes for your breathing to even out. Your sister watched you fondly from her place at the door, listing as Emily and Lindsey talked quietly to themselves, trying to figure out what was wrong with you. She was regretting not allowing you to bring the two women. 
She walked over to you, gently taking the phone out of your death grip, and glancing at the women on the screen. 
“She’s super sick, and she won’t tell you this, but I think she needs you to come. We can’t get her to eat and this is the most comfortable she’s been all day,” Your sister listed off, glancing down at your sleeping form, Lindsey and Emily told her their thanks before hanging up. They had a flight to book. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been asleep, but as you became more conscious, you could hear light voices very close to your ear and feel warm bodies surrounding you. Emily’s perfume permeated your nose, and you dug your face deeper into the pillow that smelled like her. You knew you still had to be dreaming because it felt like her neck, like your favorite hiding spot. 
The weight around your middle tightened comfortingly, almost like when Lindsey rubbed your tummy to get you to settle in your sleep. You sighed contently, what a great dream this was. 
“She’s been asleep since your call,” Your sister’s voice broke through your internal monologue. You’re ears perked up. Who could she be talking too? The pillow under you shifted, and a careful hand was run through your hair. 
You lifted your head at the action, staring at your two girlfriends in shock. 
“Em, Linds, told you I was fine,” You mumbled quietly, snuggling back into Emily’s neck, and pulling Lindsey’s arm tighter around you. 
“You lied that you were fine, but we forgive you,” Emily chuckled lightly, gently running a finger over your cheek. 
“You didn’t have to come all the way here,” You said halfheartedly, holding onto them tighter. You had missed them, and you still didn’t feel good. You were able to put up a brave front while they were on the phone with you, but with them here, you knew there was no hiding. 
“And we’ll always come for you,” Lindsey hummed quietly into the back of your neck, placing light kisses into the skin she found there. They knew that you were a tough cookie and that you could handle yourself, but they were still happy that they were here to take care of you. Your mother had barely let them in the house, so they could only imagine the shit she had put you through, and your sister said you still had a low-grade fever. 
“Love you guys,” You mumbled leaning up and kissing Emily cheek, before turning slightly so you could do the same to Lindsey. You settled onto the midfielder’s chest, sighing in contentment. You were so happy that they were here. You released a dinosaur yawn as you snuggled deeper into her chest. 
“Trust us, we love you too,” Lindsey smiled, running soothing circles down her back. 
“Sleep babe, we’ll be here when you wake up,” Emily murmured, joining Lindsey’s hands. 
“Promise?” You asked, cracking an eye open to look at her. 
“Always,” She said, kissing your nose and tucking your Dino under your arm. They were here to take care of you now, and there was no way they were going to leave you now. 
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