#but I kinda felt like there wasn't a proper setting for that
aayakashii · 17 hours
One thing I found really interesting about this episode is how they mentioned they're preparing for Samhain, and how it is a festival that's going to have an interhouse competition
It caught my attention because I always thought tkdb's storyline was too serious to include actual school festivals in its setting and that the most we would have would be the Gala
But you're telling me there will be a festival...... and obscuary is dressing as butlers..... just like a themed cafe in a school's cultural festival..... Very VERY interesting...
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dreamerwitches · 3 days
Rating labyrinths: Gertrud!
Okay! Let's go with the labyrinth ratings wheeee!!!
What I'm going to do is rank separate parts of labyrinths (eg. anthony's labyrinth from ep 1 is separate to gertrud's from ep 2) but I'll also give an average at the end.
I will (most likely) only be doing labyrinths that are in colour (so maybe not manga witches)
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Anthony's labyrinth from episode 1
I think this is a really good one, especially as the first shown (not including walpy's). It really shows of the cut-out style of the labyrinths and the deep blue-hued colours are perfectly moody. The use of runes in the background is also really fun for secret messages. I feel the only downside is that it doesn't really scream Gertrud to me. Like, if you didn't know the series well and was shown this, I doubt you'd think it belonged to her. HOWEVER... I think this does work for Gertrud since all her precious roses are in her room with her. It makes sense that she'd keep them close.
You could say that it's weird that this labyrinth doesn't share colours with the main one but I think it works because it's a familiar's labyrinth. The photorealistic buildings also match the main labyrinth. I wonder if the butterfly and anthony traffic signs are meant to be a subtle warning to madoka and sayaka hmmm
I really like this one. A 5/5 for me
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Gertrud's labyrinth from episode 2
There's a lot to it so it's kinda hard to summarise in images lol. But it's another great one. Great imagery, lovely colours and has themes brought over from Anthony's labyrinth. I think the orange tones, although relaxing, also give off this sepia feel that makes it a little unnerving too. Like looking through a tinted view makes things seem unreal.
One of my favourite parts are the doorways that lead to black nothingness. Really helps with the labyrinthine feel. Small touches like the portraits with slight things changed in them to make them scary. It's the kind of thing you don't notice unless you pause. I also like how it seems the labyrinth becomes more luscious as you get deeper. The trees start bare, then with black leaves, then Gertrud's room is fully in bloom.
I wasn't sure whether to rank the boss room separately, maybe I will... I think the ceiling that doesn't quite make sense works well to make it feel disorientating and it's a fun contrast to the kinda pretty garden around Gertrud. It's messy but in a good way. I also think having the boss room have a different theme to the rest works. Just as before I mentioned that roses are only in her boss room, I think it would make sense that her special place may be better taken care of or just look overall nicer. It's very good but I'd say, not my favourite segment. Maybe just because it's only one room?? That makes it a little unfair to compare to the rest...
I'll give the labyrinth a 5/5. Boss room is a 4.5/5
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Gertrud's labyrinth from Magireco episode 11
Yeah... this one isn't it, chief... like, it has the things of her labyrinth but it's just not... uhhh I dunno it feels more like a set piece than a proper area...
Let's start with what I like: of course, I love the Gertrud motifs. The butterflies, the cut out images and the hidden text (although it's no different than the original anime iirc). I really like the halo above Gertrud's area. And the hanging loops. It's weird but pretty. Suits Gertrud!
Sadly that's where my positives end. The stark white is NOT Gertrud it's so weird... I guess the stone rose works better but not the rest. I kinda hate in the zoom out where... it just looks like a video game level, like I'm looking at mario 64 or something ToT that is not a labyrinth..! Just the overall layout is meh. I dislike the random fluff pile below it too. Just felt like they didnt know what to fill it with...
It's a dud but has some good things... I'm giving it a 1.5/5. I know there's worse which is why it's not a 1.
So overall Gertrud get's a.... 4/5 wow!!!
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vendetta-ari · 7 months
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So, I was wondering if you could come up with some head cannons on what would cause the winged characters' (i.e. Lucifer, Lute, Adam, Valentino) wings to suddenly unfurl?
Heyy this ask was a lotta fun and I hope you enjoyy! I also added Vaggie to this bc she has wings too- either way, hope you like it anon!!
(Word count = 1255)
WARNINGS!! [probably our of character for vaggie, I've never written her before, SUGGESTIVE PARTS WITH VALENTINO, LUCIFER AND ADAMS, kinda angsty and cringe??
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》She can usually control her wings just fine, they don't usually unfurl without warning and they always stay hidden
》However, when she's upset they usually fly out
》 during an argument with her, she started getting all quiet before lashing out and yelling at you, her wings flying out
》Such beautiful wings too, a shame it had to happen at a time like this.
》She realized what she had just done and felt awful, a gut wrenching awful. she got misty eyes before tell you she needed to be alone for a bit
》 after a few hours Vaggie came running back to you, embracing you into her arms and hugging and holding you tightly
》her wings wrapped around you before she let out a bunch of incoherent sobs
》 “I-i'm so sorry I'm sososo sor-ry sorry- i-i really didn't mean to I jus- I just … I'm so sorry..” she was really broken up about it.. it was a big argument after all, so it made sense.
》 You sighed, taking her into her arms, and dragging her to the couch, accepting her apologies and telling her “It's okay, it wasn't anyone's fault. tensions were just high and- it's okay just let it all out m’kay? dear?” you said, your voice was shaky
》You'd be lying if you said Vaggie's crying didn't affect you, you tried hiding your tears, trying to be strong for her before a few tears slipped and you both laid on the couch.
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~ Like vaggie, he has good control of his wings and rarely use them
~However, his wings are a lot more sensitive.
~ his only real weak spot actually, that's why he usually just keeps them tucked away
~ poor you though, you didn't know, it's not really your fault for being so clueless.
~You were just done filming, and you stayed after. you and val were good friends and weren't ever really on bad terms so you always chilled with him after scenes and certain sets
~When you looked behind him his wings caught your eye, you almost forgot he was a moth and had wings, so you were pretty intrigued. 
~Oh but how curiosity killed the cat. walking up behind him you brushed his wings and ran your hands up and down them
~He shivered, turning around quickly to see you messing around with his wings. he was pissed, hes fucking killed bitches for pulling such bullshit stunts like this.
~But he didn't really wanna kill you, at least not yet, he chuckled as an evil smirk spread across his face. “Were these what you wanted to see mi vida?”
~His wings spread out, largely, they were probably double your size, you looked at them with awe before Val grabbed you by the wrist “Now. you should know not to ever touch these again. but since your so fucking dumb, I'll just have to show you a lesson hm?”
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*Lute, unlike the other two usually always has her wings out
*She likes showing em off, she thinks they're pretty
*And well, she's not wrong they are some of the most beautiful wings you've ever seen
*but the thing is, she always has them out. like to let them stretch and what's the point of hiding them? Shows how she's an angel, exterminator, and a bad bitch.
*So a better question really is, what makes Lute hide her wings? since she always has them out when and why does she put them away? two reasons.
*Well first answer is pretty simple, when she's in front of someone greater and higher than her role she'll put them away for the time being. It's just proper manners after all. Plus if she had her wings out in front of someone higher, they'd realize how much better she and her wings are, and let's not make others insecure now Lute.
*The other reason is a bit more complicated 
*When lute is feeling sad or down, shell curl up her wings behind her and wrap her arms around her knees and just curl up into a ball
*You found her like this once, and god were you so confused- you tried asking her what was wrong but to no avail, she barely gave you a response let alone an answer to your question 
*You sighed, assuming she just didn't really wanna talk about it. so you sat down next to her and rested your head on her shoulder, grabbed her hand and smiled “I'm here for you Lute.” you spoke softly. and you swear you caught a glimpse of lute blushing and smiling, but who knows- she denies it every time anyway.
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☆ Lucifer is 50/50.
☆While he usually has his wings kept tucked away behind him, he's no opposed to having them out, he doesn't really care
☆Whether his wings unfurl or not is usually random too, he doesn't even notice when they're out half the time too.
☆He'll usually use them to get things high up or travel from place to place, only for convenience purposes 
☆He doesn't like looking at his wings though, he's insecure about them, being a constant reminder of what he's been through, the poor fallen angel.
☆He has good control over them, they don't ever “accidentally” unfurl out when he gets mad or anything like that. he uses them only when he needs to
☆But you? oh no you're different. it's almost like their your wings with the way you have such control over them
☆By just a light touch the fluff up and out, they're usually unkempt by the way Lucifer doesn't like his wings too much, but you'll always fix up his wings for him, preening and brushing them for him
☆They will always fly out on cue when you two both end up on his bed after a long day, making out and leaving hickeys all over him
☆Fuck him infront of the mirror with his wings out
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-Adam is a lot like lute, where he'll have his wing our all the time, except it's even less likely for him to ever hide them
-For being the first man he is kinda unkempt though. 
-you always have to preen him and take care if his wings for him, keeping up his handsome and pretty wings
-If it weren't for you this idiot would just be walking around with messy and gross unkempt wings.
-He should really be thanking you though, he makes preening him so goddamn difficult 
-He always squirms and moves around, and he keeps his wing close to you, barely letting you touch them let alone preen them
-Adam hates when people touch his wings. he won't let anyone do it, your the exception however 
-and even being the exception he will be so stubborn with letting you touch them despite the countless times you've both done this, he will always be stubborn and difficult and he will never fully sit still and let you help him.
-He growls as you touch his wings, folding them around himself making it harder for you. as you groan in annoyance he reluctantly moves them a hit, making things easier for you “Just be fuckin careful bitch..” he mutters under his breath.
-Unlike Lucifer though, Adam will surprisingly try to hide his wings during sex. As said before he doesn't like people touching his wings so there's no real point for them to be out like that, he will fail though, and when he cums they spread out for a bit, before the post but clarity hits and he hides then once again, you can never win.
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-xoxo Ari
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Imagine, if you will, you have been hiking. Regardless of your disability that gave you problems walking, hiking was an activity you loved doing.
Sadly, one day, that disability does not help.
You trip and fumble, rolling down a hill. Thankfully, you haven't broken anything, but you have lost your backpack that had the means to contact others to help you. Your phone broke, but even if it hadn't broken, you wouldn't have any signal.
Lying there in pain because of the many injuries you've sustained - as minor as they might be, they're still painful - you just see a shadow looming above you.
When you wake up next, you're in a cabin in the middle of the woods. The owner and sole person living in it is what can only be described as a lumberjack. Big man with thick arms and even thicker and strong voice that was a lot gentler than you'd expect from a man of his size. He helped you, he took you from where you were and brought you to his home - Here you have been for three days until now. He lives away from proper civilization, and although he has an emergency kit, he doesn't really use it, and some things have expired already. He can't exactly leave you here because it would take him days to get to the closest town, and you can't possible be by yourself for so long in the state you're in!
So he stayed.
As he lives alone and you're taking his only bed, he sleeps on the ground. At first, you felt really guilty about it - it is his house, so he should sleep on the bed! - but he keeps insisting that this wasn't the first time he slept on the ground and probably won't be the last. Still, you insist that at least you share, right? But it is awkward to share the bed with a stranger. So, why not become friends? That way the awkwardness will fade away... right?
You learn a few things about him. Very important things indeed.
He loves star fruits. His favorite color is green. He is an avid reader of what he explained to you to be scientific texts about soil and rocks (he went on and on about the differences between various types of rocks). He has taken to the art of woodcarving. And he also loves bears! He has made various small hand sized little bear statues that he has all around his house.
Talking about his house, although you have been mostly confined to the bedroom, you have seen a bit of it, mainly the kitchen. After a week of living together, you can finally move your body without too much pain or strain on your muscles, but walking still eludes you, cane or no cane. It is too painful. Maybe you tore something? Regardless, he sets you down on a chair he most likely makes himself and talks about whatever he wants as he makes dinner, and he is a good cook! He lives alone, so he has to be... Or make food good enough to eat.
He loves soups, too. "They're easy to make, hut hard to truly master." Is what he said when you asked about it... and it kinda makes sense.
One week turns into two, and you're starting to move around a little more, and that's when he takes you outside. It was cold, very cold, and that is when you find out he lives on top of a mountain. Without windows in his house ("I don't like them for... personal reasons."), you didn't really know you were higher up, but it was a beautiful, beautiful place... Miles and miles of forest as far as the eyes could see - and you could see your original trail too. It was two or so miles away and a steep drop down, too.
He sat you down by the porch and you two just watched the horizon as the sun set down before going back inside... it felt weirdly romantic.
Maybe that was when things started.
You began to help him with cooking - just small things. "Let me cut the potatoes for you." Oh yeah, he grew them and a bunch of other things too. He likes gardening, too... "Let me help you with that!" Or a good ol' "You look like you need some help."
And soft touches when reaching out for the same thing became more natural. Touches become more natural. Sleeping on the same bed becomes natural. Cuddling becomes more natural. And that was when you noticed it - He was gruff with it. He just told you: "I turn into a big bear sometimes." Like was the most common and perfectly normal thing for a big guy like him to do!
"Uhm, like, regularly?"
"Whenever I want to."
"...can I see that?"
And he shows you. He is big. He is brown. He is fluffy.
Secrelty, he is also extremely happy that you didn't freak out and tried to run away. He is even happier when you literally cuddle the fuck out od him.
But time, as always, moves on.
You were well enough to return to civilization. And he knew that, so he told you that the next morning, he would bring you to the nearest town. As a last farewell, he made a campfire, and you both sat together and watched as thunder rumbled above your heads. The dark clouds rolling in as rain would soon fall - and that is when he pulls out a simple guitar.
"...can I sing you something?" He asks, nervous. "I don't make any promises about the quality. It will probably suck."
"I would love to hear it." You say.
And he sings -
And when he finishes, you can't help it.
You don't wanna leave.
That night, you both did kiss, like real people do.
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fallenhunnyapple · 2 months
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So the Poll said you guys were interested in the Human Priest!Adam AU which was a bit of a surprise honestly. But I'm very happy to talk about it~
I shared this art before for the AU. I gave a very basic description at the time, so let me get more detailed about it!
It hasn't gone unnoticed that Adam has gotten... Rather vice-ful in Heaven. One might even say sinful. And as such a public figure, that's no good. So they come up with a plan. Reincarnate Adam as a Human and let him live out a life and Prove that he's worthy of his place in Heaven. Of course, they'll take his memories and put him in a religious setting so he'll follow the proper path and prove himself.
He's sent to earth as a younger version of himself, old enough to take care of himself but still rather young, with the excuse of having been in an accident for why he has no memories (it removes the hassle of having to fabricate memories) and gets taken in by the church. He becomes the priest for this small town church. He's rather popular, his attitude, though not typical of a priest, being refreshing after their previous priest. He's made a bit uncomfortable about how adamantly homophobic some of his parish is as a closeted gay man, but he plays it off and over all he's doing well enough for himself at his church. Kinda lonely since its his Parish and not real companionship, he doesn't have any other friends or family. Not to mention he's actually been Good about not being sinful or acting on vices. Life is kinda hard.
Lucifer heard about this whole experiment. It doesn't really matter how, but since he knows, of course he needs to interfere. He... Hasn't actually gone to Earth before. He's sort of Shackled to Hell, its part of his punishment. But he finds some sort of Loop hole, using an Asmodean Crystal and some of his own cunning, he manages to make it there. Of course, he finds he still has his limits, he can't really interfere with most Humans, but Adam is a special case because while he is very much Human, he's still holy beyond any other human currently on Earth, and that gives him the chance to get close. His plan is honestly just to get him to Sin, enough to damn his soul so that Heaven would lose him when he died. He wasn't really planning on getting too Directly involved, but more nudging him in viceful and sinful directions.
And then Lucifer entered the church to meet him. Hallowed ground doesn't Actually affect him, he was an Angel once, he still has Angelic Powers and Abilities. The worst would be a vague tingling.
(take rp snippets. I'm Lucifer and Adam is @fallenguitarhero)
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The AU as a whole, though it's definitely full of sexual tension and smut, because of course it is, it's also... Weirdly wholesome?
Adam didn't really have a Chance to make real friends or feel like anyone truly cared about him, he lost his 'childhood' and then was raised by the church and no one from his past ever tried to reenter his life. Aside from the setting though, he doesn't have the long hard life he lived in his memories, so he's basically like Eden Adam all over again, childish in a more playful way, not as bitter or vindictive, not as cruel. And Lucifer is there trying to gain his trust, and having this Adam act so much like the one he befriended back in the Garden, well. Lucifer sees him as sort of a friend too. And its the first time Adam's really felt companionship like that in this life. Sure, Lucifer is the Devil, but he acts like he cares more about him on a personal level than anyone else ever has.
Does that make him more susceptible to falling to Sin? Sure. But he doesn't find himself minding when the Devil makes him Feel Things, from romantic and sexual attraction to true fondness and friendship.
And for Lucifer's part, he's decided he no longer wants to tempt Adam to Sin just to fuck with Heaven. No, he wants Adam to join him in Hell because he was Adam To Join Him In Hell.
⚠️🔞 And since I mentioned the sexual tension and smut-
Essentially, as soon as Lucifer noticed that Adam was showing interest in him from their first meeting, he knew he had to have him Carnally. It wouldn't be enough to simply convince him to sin in other ways, no. He wanted to fuck him because there's no quicker way to Damnation than having sex with the Devil himself, right? Especially as a closeted gay priest. And Lucifer has the very specific goal in mind of getting Adam to let him fuck him in the confessional.
Lucifer doesn't start out pushing sex or anything. He wants to build trust with Adam first. But it's really not that hard to get under Adam's skin, he hardly has to do anything! Adam is a sexually frustrated man who has an inexplicable draw to the Devil and it doesn't take him long to start getting off to the very thought of him, of what Lucifer would do to him. And of course, Lucifer knows. And it only takes a little more poking and prodding and nudging before he can get Adam to agree to indulge in his fantasies and make them real!
And then there's just a fun scenario in my head about them being nasty in the confessional (like Lucifer wanted) and someone entering the other side and so Adam has to do his Job while Lucifer has him fully hilted and seated on his lap with a prehensile tentacle dick that's moving around on its own while Adam has to try Really Hard to not let himself make any suspicious sounds while taking confession-
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graves4girls · 1 year
what day is it 👀
☆ 18+ FΛSHION | miguel o'hara
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✮ wc. 2.2k ⚠︎ warning(s): 18+, masturbation, kinda meangirl!reader but not really (?), little bit of degradation (m receiving), fem!reader IT'S OCTOBER FUCKING THIRD !! mean girls day bitches wasn't planning on writing this but i have been meaning to write a meangirl!reader x miguel for awhile, (inspo taken from @nymphomatique mig fics btw they're so perf) and what better day to do it than today ?? ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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You'd dragged him to the mall, insisting you were in desperate need of new clothes–which you both knew was a complete lie. 
Your heels click against the shiny tiled floor of the mall as you pull him along to yet another store, hugging his arm as he grumbles under his breath. If he weren't built like a greek god, you'd might have felt bad making him carry all your bags, but what were boyfriends for if not to spoil you and treat you like a princess? 
"Babe, we've been walking around for two hours already. What more could you possibly need to get?"
He frowns down at you as you pull him toward a rack chock-full of pink, skimming through the clothes as you click your tongue.
"Stop whining. I'll tell you when I'm done. What about this?"
You pull a satin mini skirt from the rack, holding it out to him as he sighs, eyeing the tiny article with a slight pout, shrugging.
"It's cute."
You slip the hanger under your arm to sift through more shades of pink, popping a hip out as you flip through each article. You can feel his eyes on you, running along your figure as he towers behind you, guarding you from any prying eyes. 
You wander to another tall rack, manicured fingers feeling the soft material of each dress as he follows you.
"That one's pretty."
You stop on the baby blue sundress, picking it off the rack and analyzing the piece, giving him a look.
"You know I don't wear loose shit. The color's cute, though."
You shove it back in its spot and continue flipping through the dresses, pulling another down and smiling as you turn to him.
"This one is super cute. And it's only thirty dollars." 
His eyes run over the short, baby pink halter dress, quirking an eyebrow. "Only?"
You roll your eyes and swivel on your heel, hooking the hanger on your hand. "C'mon. I wanna look at the shoes."
He drops his shoulders as he stays hot on your heels, nearly knocking over a display with your bags as he squeezes between the narrow aisles. You nearly squeal at the shiny heels propped on a pedestal, immediately reaching for them and admiring them in your hands, and he can swear your eyes are sparkling when you spin around to beam at him.
"I've been waiting months for them to release these! I have to get a pair."
You bend down to grab your size, grinning at him as you take a step closer.
"See? If we had left earlier, I wouldn't have even known they had these." You hook a finger over the collar of his shirt to pull him down, pressing a short kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I wanna go try everything on. C'mon." You hook your arm around his, pulling him to the fitting rooms.
"Miguel?" You emerge from the stall to find him slouched back on the little bench, scrolling through his phone. "Miguel, look!"
You set your hands on your hips as you shift your weight, tapping his leg with the toe of your high heel, and he slowly looks up from the screen to smile at you, reaching a hand out to feel the shiny fabric of the mini skirt. 
"Pretty. It's kinda short though, no? You can't really do anything but stand in it." He mutters as you spin, big hand splaying over your hip as his eyes lift to look up at you. 
You shrug, brushing his hand away.
"That's fashion, babe." He hums, and you soften for a moment, running a hand through his soft curls. "One more thing to try on, then we can go. Promise." You drop a kiss to the top of his head, turning and skipping back into the dressing room before he can pull you down for a proper kiss.
You nestle your hand in his hair as you step in front of him, tilting his head up to pull his attention from his phone, and he loses his words in his throat for a moment as he takes you in. His eyes run over the way the tight garment hugs your curves, ogling at the way your breasts nearly spill out of the plunging neckline, gliding down to the short hem that gently squishes against your thighs
"You like it?" You grin down at him, the answer so glaringly obvious.
He nods dumbly, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he slowly lifts his gaze, so desperately wanting to devour you right then and there. 
"Estás preciosa. Give me a spin."
He leans back as you slowly twirl around, expressing his admiration with a quiet whistle as you roll your eyes, stepping closer to push a hand against his chest.
"You're such a dog. Behave." You let your hand caress his jaw, holding his chin as his eyes continue to wander.
"Can't help that I have the hottest girlfriend in the world. Dame un beso, muñeca."
You press your hand over his mouth as you nudge his head back, playful smile tugging at your lips as you shake your head. "Not now.  If you're good, maybe you'll get one later."
He's pouting when you pull your hand away, sighing as you let go of him to retreat back into the dressing room.
He looks tired, and you do feel a bit bad as he hoists the bags into the back seat of the car with a long sigh, closing your door as he rounds the car. You reach a hand over his shoulder when he plops in the driver seat, acrylic nails massaging his scalp as you lean over the console, pressing a glossy kiss to his cheek.
"How about a nice warm shower when we get home? You look tense." Your other hand comes up to massage his big shoulder, tilting your head as he looks at you.
"Sounds perfect." His eyes run over your face for a second, catching on your pretty, plump lips. "Do I get my kiss now?"
You chuckle quietly as he stares at you, pretty brown eyes silently pleading. You take pity on him, lifting a hand to lay against his cheek as you kiss him, and he melts into you almost instantly, humming against your soft lips. His teeth tug at your bottom lip when you try to pull back, giggling at his sudden feverish nature as his big hand grabs at your waist, fingertips warm against the sliver of skin that peeks out from between the hem of your top and skirt. Your hand falls from his cheek to press your palm against his strong chest, your other hand slipping around his neck to press him closer. 
His cheeks are flushed when you finally pry yourself from his bruising kiss, eyes glazed over and lips swollen as his heavy eyelids lower seductively. God, was he perfect.
"What's that look for, hm?" 
The hand on his chest slowly glides down his abdomen, rubbing over his stomach as he bites his bottom lip.
"Nothin'. Just admiring you."
You purse your lips, tilting your head as your hand falls to cup him through his jeans, pulling a low groan from his throat as his eyebrows pinch together.
"Is that so?" Your fingers gently fondle him through the thick fabric, pressing your palm against him as he sighs. "You're a bad liar, y'know. Don't think I didn't notice this when we were leaving. You liked the dress that much, huh?"
He can't pull together a coherent sentence when your delicate fingers are rubbing at him, the barrier between you frustratingly exciting as his hips jerk forward, head falling back against the headrest. You watch his breath quicken as his chest rises and falls, legs spreading to give you more room to touch him. You lean over the console to press a trail of kisses down the side of his neck, lip gloss staining his tan skin as your fingertips carefully unbuckle his belt, popping the button of his jeans and pushing the zipper open. You stall your actions when he thrusts up into your touch, instead sliding your hand under his shirt to feel along his abs, toned and warm under your fingertips. 
"Control yourself. Stop acting like a fucking mutt."
His head slowly turns to look at you, cheeks hot and flushed as he pouts. "I'll be good, baby. I promise. Por favor…" His hand wraps around your bicep, wanting more than anything for you to just stuff your hand down his pants already.
You let him steal a quick kiss before pushing him back, patting his cheek. "God, you're such a little bitch. What would your friends say if they saw you like this? All whiny and begging for me to touch you." 
He groans when your hand slips into his briefs, pushing the elastic down and watching the way his cock bounces up against his stomach, already dribbling and begging for attention as it twitches. You run a light fingertip up the underside of his shaft, reveling in the little sighs and grunts that escape him as he strains himself to keep still, gnawing at his bottom lip. He snakes a hand under your arm to grab at your knee, squeezing your thigh when you run a finger over his slit, thumbing at the sensitive head. 
You lean your elbow on the console to kiss him, and he moans into your mouth when your fingers wrap around him, giving a slow, weak tug as he sucks on your bottom lip. Your free hand blindly searches for the big palm settled on your thigh, pulling it up to grab at your chest instead. He eagerly palms at the swell for a while until he gets bored of the lack of skin in his hands, tugging the neckline of your cropped cami down to set your bare chest on full display, big hand groping at you as he mutters something unintelligible against your lips. He pinches a nipple between his rough fingertips, grinning when a soft sigh escapes your lungs, dropping his head to litter your collarbone in wet kisses. Your fingers comb through his tousled brown curls, arching into his hot touch when he closes his mouth around your nipple, sucking at the sensitive bud with another low groan. 
Your hand lazily glides up and down his thick shaft, occasionally dropping lower to roll his balls in your palm, giving a gentle squeeze whenever he gets too excited and jerks his hips up into your fist. He's a mumbly, hot mess below you, muttering mindless praise into your skin as he mouths at your tits, big hand clutching at your waist when your wrist twists faster. You watch the way your hand quickly jerks up and down his big cock, the pretty flushed head shiny with smeared pre-cum as it throbs in your hold, thighs twitching whenever your fingers swirl around the tip. 
"Keep going, baby. Wanna come. Please, mamí, please."
He's whining, stuffing his face in your neck as he pleads. You swipe a thumb over his sensitive slit, fingers massaging the back of his neck.
"You're gonna come already? I've barely even touched you, and you're already about to bust. You are so pathetic." You hum quietly, letting him bite at your soft skin. "Go ahead. Fuck my hand like a fuckin' slut. Show me how desperate you are."
He doesn't need to be told twice, hips greedily chasing your fist as it nearly pulls off of him, slumped back against the seat as he heedlessly bucks up, hips hovering over the seat. He pants into the stuffy air, big hand clawing at your sweater as he cries out another moan.
"Thank you, baby. You're so good to me. Fuck, I love you so much. Thank you–"
You roll your eyes at his blabbering, shutting him up with another heated kiss, craning his neck back as he whimpers against you. The car rocks with every rough jolt of his hips, no doubt catching unwanted attention from other shoppers in the lot. Thank God he has tinted windows. 
His hand digs into your hair to keep your lips on his as his thighs tense, hips erratically jerking up into your fist as he huffs into your mouth. He pulses in your hand, angrily flushed as he desperately searches for relief, abs tightening and chest heaving as he teeters on the edge. 
With one more aggressive jerk of his hips he's coming, spurting white ribbons across his shirt and down the side of his shaft, spilling over your fingers as you slow your hand to a stop. He sighs and grunts as he slouches against his seat, hips dropping with a deep breath as he slowly pulls his head back, eyeing the mess in his lap before bringing his gaze up to find you licking your fingers clean, and he swears he almost gets hard again from just the sight of you lapping at the mess, tits still peeking out of your shirt as you raise an eyebrow.
"Stop staring and clean yourself up. I have shit to do."
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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you lose your way | chan x gn!reader angst + fluff | just take my hand
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chan didn't think he deserved your love at all. he thought he was destined to be alone forever but then het met you and he saw a bright future ahead of him, one that he never imagined. he felt completely and utterly comfortable being with you but the awful insecurity of not being enough or not doing showing the love he thinks you deserve haunted him. it felt like a shadow above him that followed at all times when he was at work, thinking that you got home from your job and you were all alone. 
why couldn't he be the boyfriend you deserved? why couldn't he just put in the effort and be there for you? always stuck somewhere else. with every comeback, every promotion, every song, every dance you were lingering on his mind there all alone. he was so exhausted every time he set foot in your shared apartment and he did not expect you to wait up for him but you always did. 
at one point he even felt like he had to end things because this wasn't healthy for either of you but what would he do without you? no motivation, no reason to continue a path that he didn't want to even think of. he felt trapped like he knew you were doing this out of kindness but why would you do that for nothing in return? the last time he kissed you properly was like a month ago.
maybe this was a signal for him to stop, to actually look around him and think of what he was doing. yet he always went back to work, he just couldn't be stopped from recording another track, writing lyrics (mostly about you) and practicing even more than what his body could take. 
"chris?" your voice got him out of his daydream/nightmare and he looked at you. you knew the password for his studio so he wasn't surprised about that but you looked like you just got out of work. "it's kinda late i'm sorry if i'm bothering but i wanted to know if you wanted to go home with me?".
"i don't know if i can love." he sighed as he looked back at his laptop again, writer's block was his biggest enemy. he knew he had the hability to put on some heart wrecking lyrics yet nothing was coming to mind. again another signal to stop maybe. "you can go home if you want and you don't have to stay up, i know you're tired."
"i don't mind waiting for you, you always carry me to bed anyways." you said, giving him a little smile as you sat down next to him. "can we talk baby?" you asked and if he wasn't scared before, he surely was now.
he expected this conversation to lead to the worst. he expected for you to leave him right then and there, after all he did not put effort at all into your relationship even if you were all he could think about. even if you lived in his mind rent free 24/7, he knew he would never be the boyfriend you were meant to have.
"yeah of course." he said as he looked at you, you grabbed his hands and that's where he felt everything was gonna go down. 
"you know you can talk to me, right? it's been a long time since we've had a proper conversation. i don't mind it really, i know you're busy but if it's too much you can always talk to me. i'll always have your back and i'll always hold your hand when you need me the most christopher." you said in a serious tone but with the kindest way. he couldn't help but feel the tears cloud his vision as he heard your words. "i believe in you and i love you. i know this is your way of proving your worth but you're much more than your job."
he wiped his eyes as he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of you. he felt like he was gonna choke on his tears anytime soon but he took a deep breath and looked at you again, nodding. 
"i know. it's just been a lot lately and i know you deserve better." he said and you shook your head. "i know you're gonna say you're fine with it but how can you be fine with me not being there for you?"
"it's your job chris, i understand. you love it here and i love that you're passionate about it." you clearly said as you played with his hands and gave him another warm smile. "what kind of significant other would i be if i didn't let you enjoy what you have? it was your dream to be here." 
"but is it too much? i feel like i don't show you the love you deserve. i feel like i'm all you don't deserve." he said letting his feelings out once and for all. 
"there's no love i deserve that's not yours. i just want what you give me at the end of the day." you said, kissing his cheek and hugging him so he could let all the tears he needed out. "i know you're lost but i'm not letting go. i'm never gonna let go of you 'cause you're the only one."
the words pierced through his heart as he sighed and let all the tears fall from his eyes when you embraced him. he didn't feel okay, he knew he wasn't okay but something about you saying you're gonna be there for him forever just eased his heart. it eased his pain and sorrow as didn't want to let go of the hug because it was all he needed at the end of the day. for you to be there for him in such a way, meant the world to him.
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americantfootball · 9 months
hiii im not sure if you take reqs and you can ignore this if you want but i rlly love how u write the proxies!! ^__^ may i req for hcs of them in a poly relationship with reader? like who fell first, how they came to terms with being poly and etc
thx anon ! sorry for getting to ur request so late. i'd love to write for this. hope u enjoy :,) this is a oneshot cause i didn't know how to start this one up i kinda just kept writinggg lol
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cw, } gn!reader (they and them prns used), drinking, a little suggestive, mention of murder, why choose?
summary , } going out to the bar for a quick drink was not supposed to lead to this...
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When you were first "chosen" as one of Slenderman's proxies, it was, undeniably, significantly overwhelming. Not only being introduced to one entity that you would be working for but several others that you were working and living with... yeah... a bit nerve-wracking.
Toby was incredibly welcoming, having been in the same situation as you when he arrived at the mansion for the first time. He undoubtedly found you attractive, but he would never willingly admit it. That was until...
The proxies were all tired and after one of their missions decided to visit the local bar for a quick drink. At this point, you were well acquainted with one another and the boys even felt comfortable taking their masks off around you when going into public spaces.
The dark sky was cloudy and the wind nipped aggressively at your skin as the four of you stepped into a small bar on the outskirts of a town in which you were unaware of the name.
Masky, or rather Tim, as he told you to call him in public, showed the group to a booth sitting in the back corner of the pub. Even through the blaring country music playing on an old jukebox, you could hear Toby grumble a soft complaint about the melodies playing from the machine, causing Hoodie, who told you to call him Brian, to send a glare toward Toby at the insult but ultimately say nothing. Hoodie-- Brian-- wasn't a man of many words, you found.
When you all finally found your seats at the booth that Tim had so gracefully picked out, he ordered a round of beers for all four of you.
Several rounds later, evidently, you and Toby were the only ones not drunk. Toby didn't like drinking-- he mentioned something about his father being an alcoholic-- and you knew you guys would need someone with a proper license and driving knowledge to be able to drive you all back to the cabin you were staying in when the time came to leave.
Tim pulled out a cigarette to smoke despite the 'no smoking' sign hanging near the front entrance of the building, but none of the employees nor the other patrons of the establishment seemed to care or even notice.
"It might be time to move on. It's getting late and we need to get up early tomorrow morning so we can make it back at a decent time," You reasoned, and Toby nodded, staring into your eyes intently as you spoke. Masky grumbled.
"Awww-- you're no fun," He slurred, setting down his half-drunken pint of beer and taking another drag of his cigarette. His eyes met yours, similar to Toby's. "Don't be such a saint. I'm sure you can have fun sometimes."
You caught yourself blushing at Tim's dumb innuendo, but you huffed and crossed your arms, avoiding eye contact.
"So cute when you pout. Wish you'd just be mine."
Everything seemed to pause for a split second when Tim spoke those words. Even Brian's drunken head seemed to move to the side to stare at his best friend when he let those words slip loose. Toby's jaw practically hit the table his elbows were resting on.
Through all of these reactions, Tim looked unbothered. He snuffed his cigarette out on the table and shrugged.
"What? Y'all are looking at me like I just murdered your grandma's dog."
"Do you really mean that, Tim?" You ask, overcome with confusion and desire to know if he was being honest.
"Do I take you as the type to bullshit?"
Everyone at the booth paused, at a loss for words. Tim was right-- he often said what he meant when he felt it-- even at the risk of other's feelings.
"M-Masky--" Toby babbled.
"Tim." He corrected.
"Y-You can't feel th-that way about th-them. Th-they're m-mine," Toby admits, making your mouth open with shock before Brian moves to speak.
"I feel the same way about them."
"Wait-- do you guys all like me-- like that?" You question, at an utter loss for words. All three of the boys nod in unison.
"Well-- who do you choose, angel?" Masky questions, all of the boys on the edge of their seats and eager to hear your most anticipated answer.
"Who says you can't share me?"
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Omgg, I need a Rosie x fem!Reader fic, where she introduces you to Alastor like her partner 😭💕
Rosie x introducing reader to Alastor
A/N: Today is Rosie day apparently bc I got 2 reqs I'm gonna be (hopefully at least) getting written abt her today.
I'm really sorry I just realised you said fic on this one, lmk if you'd like me to write it as a proper fic 💀
Cw: Sfw, Fem reader, slightly twisted fluff, cannibalism, kinda messed up relationship origin story haha
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- When Rosie had brought out the tea set with a mixture of treats for Alastor and herself, and different sweets for you, you could feel yourself getting anxious about the meeting to come.
- You'd been dating the overlord for a little while now. With the 7th month approaching, Rosie wanted you to meet one of her longest friends.
- Wanted to solidify that you were her girlfriend more permanently.
- The public eye wasn't on you at all luckily due to you living in a town surrounded by ravenous cannibals who would protect you with tooth and nail due to dating their leader.
- However, during the time you'd been together, Rosie continued to receive suitors, which was uncomfortable for both of you.
- So she figured that she would start trying to make an effort to tell people she was in a completely monogamous relationship, one person at a time. Starting with her good friend Al, naturally.
- You truly didn't mind, but it was a little bit nerve-wracking meeting another overlord. Especially one who was long time friends with your lover.
- Rosie noticed you fidgeting nervously with your hands, looking down at the table set out before you.
- She let out a soft sigh and put down the box of tea bags she had been fussing with the choices of, walking to stand behind you and place her hands on your shoulders.
- "You'll be fine, heart! He's gonna love you. Maybe even half as much as I do!" She chuckled as your slightly unsure face peered backwards up at her.
- She leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, prompting you to relax and smile softly.
- As she did so, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat behind the two of you.
- You two turned to see the very recognisable Radio Demon standing there looking somewhat uncomfortable at the display of affection. You didn't even hear him approach the outdoor sitting area.
- "Good afternoon, ladies." Alastor recovered quickly as Rosie moved to properly greet him with a big hug, and you rose from your seat with a somewhat strained smile.
- As the two cannibal overlords embraced, you got a stab of being out of place... inadequate in comparison. I mean, you were just some nobody dating the (essentially) mayor of cannibal town, you were surely out of place in such company.
- You were knocked from your thoughts as you felt your hand taken and shaken, Alastor leaning down to get a closer look at you with an elated grin.
- "And you must be (name)! Brilliant to meet you darling, Rose has told me so much about you, it really is a pleasure!" He exclaimed, shaking your hand so enthusiastically you thought you might fall over if he kept it up.
- "Y-yes! It's very nice to meet you Al-" you startled, before correcting yourself. "Alastor! I mean. Sorry!" You apologised profusely for addressing him so informally.
- The man shook his head with a staticky bark of laughter. "Nonsense! Anyone who's this close to Rosie I see as a friend! Do feel free to call me Al, darling." He let go of your hand, finally ceasing the relentless handshake to go and take a seat at the table, musing to himself the whole way about how fun this was going to be.
- Rosie laughed softly at the surprise on your face, wrapping an arm around your lower back and guiding you toward the loveseat across from your grinning guest.
- Afternoon tea with Alastor went along swimmingly despite your prior stress about it.
- The whole time, your fingers were laced together with Rosie's as the three of you laughed and conversed cordially.
- "So, do tell me, how did you ladies meet one another?" Alastor asked, taking a sip of his tea with his red eyes flicking between the two of you.
- You laughed awkwardly, looking to Rosie with a slightly hesitant expression as to whether you should tell the truth exactly or not.
- Rosie shrugged, somewhat hesitant about it as well.
- You gulped, recollecting it all. "Well, my Rose and I met under.. inopportune circumstances." You said slowly, voice raising an octave at the end.
- Alastor put down his cup of tea with his eyebrows raised expectantly. "Oh~?" He looked all the more curious now.
- You took a deep breath, and Rosie chuckled next to you. "Well," Rosie picked up where you left off. "It's kind of funny now, but wasn't at the time that's for sure. She stumbled into the town's walls with a bleeding knee and the cannibals converged on her, trying to take her as a gift for me. It was my birthday the day afterwards, you see." The cannibal explained, talking with her hands as she told the story.
- Alastor looked at you in surprise. "My, that would have been quite a strange situation for you (name)."
- "it... sure was, yes. They brought me to her gagged and wrapped up in a big pink ribbon." You thought back in some unsureness. "They wanted to cook my heart particularly for her birthday meal, but wanted her to actually approve of me before serving me."
- Alastor laughed loudly at your words, shaking his head as he fought to compose yourself. "And what, she decided you looked like you tasted bad?" He looked at Rosie for more context, to find her shaking her head with a somewhat irritated look on her face.
- "Not at all, she looked far too good to eat. People like my husband belong on a platter, not those like my heart," Rosie looked to the side down at you with a fond smile. "I knew that even before we spoke."
- You blushed and smiled warmly at her, squeezing her hand as you looked lovingly up at her.
- "The second I looked into those big beautiful black eyes of her's, I knew I wanted to be with her. Weird I know to be on someone's literal chopping block and thinking that way." You chuckled, looking back at Alastor with a grin.
- Alastor grinned right back at you, expression softening slightly as he leaned his cheek on his palm. "Yes, however I'm glad to see that Rosie seems to be so happy with you. You two make an excellent pair from what I've seen."
- You and Rosie chuckled, agreeing with him. Definitely.
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Helpppp now I kinda wanna write a prequel part 2 for their meeting aaa. I could call it 'Eat Your Heart Out or Give You Mine.'✨️😭
Or sumn like that.
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darthstitch · 2 years
Matthew has Feelings about his Boss.  
Not like THAT, you goddamn pervs.  He has Feelings for his Boss the same way that chick in that Brooklyn 99 meme had about that puppy.  Like, "I've only had Dream of the Endless as my Boss for about two minutes but if any of you motherfuckers hurt him, I have a very particular set of skills that will make me a nightmare for people like you."  
Yeah, he's mashing up his references, but Matthew doesn't care. His Nibbly Darkness, the Lord of Dreams and Nightmares has had a shit time this past century, no thanks to his bastard bitch of a sibling and seriously, Matthew thinks it's seventeen thousand kinds of fucked up that their idea of teaching their brother a "lesson" involves imprisonment, innocents caught in the crossfire and potential murder.
So yeah, Matthew is perfectly willing to throw down for his Boss if he has to.  
Except his Boss still has nightmares about poor Jessamy and it's manifesting itself in being oddly protective over Matthew in the absolute worst way.  Like, he's the Raven for Dream of the Endless now - he's got a job to do and maybe sometimes that has an element of risk to it but those are the breaks right?  Dream can't keep Matthew from attending to his duties and he's gonna do them, come hell or high water.  
And the perks are like, super amazing, because flying, woo to the hoo!  There's some magic stuff and some secret raven tricks that Lucienne has been teaching him, because she used to be Dream's Raven too. 
He's also got nesting privileges now, because it's nice to get some shut-eye in the Boss' coat.  It's hilarious because Dream will be all exasperated and say, "Matthew" in this long-suffering tone, but he accompanies that with gentle pets along Matthew's feathers and there's a tiny sweet smile playing about his lips.  Dream reserves those smiles just for a very select few - which currently includes the boyfriend that Matthew thoroughly approves of - and Matthew's proud to be one of them.
Matthew remembers the first time he got a proper hug from the Boss, which had scared off several years of his life.  And that was mostly because he felt real tears soak through his feathers and it was kind of awkward to manage a "there, there" with a wing but Matthew made it work somehow.  
He was a little proud that he did manage to coax his sad wet cat of a Boss out of whatever melancholic funk that Dream found himself in but yeah, that made Matthew nervous, because he knows all the signs of depression when he sees them and this is not a task one single Raven can undertake alone.  
Well, Lucienne actually said that first, when she first recruited Matthew.  He's taken them to heart.  
Mervyn was another one they'd nabbed along, because while Mervyn might have a mouth on him and tact wasn't exactly a word in his dictionary, but Mervyn was good people in the end.  The next was Abel, with Goldie peeping along. Then, thank the Creator, they'd finally managed to grab Hob Gadling who was a goddamn gift to them all, even if they had to put up with the occasional flower showers or the inadvertent appearance of blooms in every nook and cranny of the Castle.  
There was this one time, where they were all in the Dreaming's version of the New Inn, where Lucienne had finally gotten drunk enough to reveal one very important secret about the Boss.
There was a lot of swearing, and Matthew had to appreciate Hob Gadling for the colorful Middle English swearwords, which kinda had a weird harmony with Mervyn's cussing. But basically, it all amounted to a collective NOPE from everyone in this conspiracy. This wasn't going to happen. Not to their Morpheus. Not on their watch.
Dreams don't fucking die, Matthew had once said to his Boss, down deep in the bowels of literal Hell, with the Morningstar Herself about to move in for the kill. He's gonna make good and goddamn sure that Dream of the Endless will stay alive. He'll always have his Raven to guard his back for him.
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Hai I heard you were open for some smutty Carmen requests and I was hoping if you can do some jealousy smut for dear old Bear? It can be from whatever situation!!
Bless 🙏✨
Summary: Carmen is set to apologise to you for spending so much time at the restaurant lately.
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto × fem!Reader
Content Warning: Smut With A Side Dish Of Plot (18+!), A Tiny Bit Angsty At The Beginning, Swearing, Oral (F Receiving), Explicit Sexual Language, A Tiny Bit Of Hair Pulling
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Wake up, bestie! Your fic request just dropped! 🌸💕 I really hope you like it!
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Hot steam rose from the pot right in front of you on the stove. The scent of slightly roasted carrots, celery and onions was spreading all throughout the kitchen while you found yourself busy cutting up a good amount of tomatoes into cubes. Their water content was meant to deglaze that very tasty layer of flavours currently stuck to the bottom of the pot.
With your treasured record player joyfully running it's needle over a Led Zeppelin vinyl for your comfort, you were so lost in your task at hand that you didn't notice the apartment door falling shut behind you.
" 'M home, babe!" It pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Finally, eh?" You reciprocated, trying to sound as cool about that as you possibly could.
On the inside, though, you didn't feel cool about it all. It's been a reoccurring theme for the past weeks that Carmy came home to you late... very late. Most of the time you had eaten already and just went to bed tired and somewhat worried.
"Yeah, today was rather rough.", You heard Carmen say, "Still, Sydney was all in! She pushed through like she's been there from day one! It's kinda impressive."
With that, you felt your teeth clenching. In a subconscious movement, your fingers wrapped themselves tightly around the masterfully crafted wooden handle of the knife, that was surely on the more pricy side, exceptionally sharp. Your knuckles turned white and your nails were about to leave marks while you tried to tell yourself that it was nothing over and over again. Sydney was simply a very good and competent cook, from what you heard most likely the only competent co-chef at the restaurant and absolutely nothing more. Nonetheless, you couldn't help yourself this time.
Hearing that name yet again posed to be the final straw that broke the camels back for good.
"Fucking Sydney, huh?" You muttered under your breath as you felt the inevitable avalanche of emotions breaking free.
Behind you Carmy halted for a moment.
"You okay?" He asked in a soft voice that only infuriated you even more.
In the way your lower lip started quivering and with searing hot tears already pooling at the waterline of your eyes, you knew that you couldn't stop this from happening anymore. With the last bit of proper reasoning inside of you, you let the knife go for it to rest on the cutting board next to the puddle of diced up tomatoes.
"For weeks..", In a helpless motion your head dropped to your chest "For weeks you come home in the dead of night, we barely see each other....barely really talk anymore and then the only thing I hear over and over again is Sydney here, Sydney there."
Inhaling a deep breath, you tried to steady yourself but it wasn't to any use anymore really. By now the dreaded tears were rolling down your cheeks in thick streams.
"Now take a wild fucking guess how okay I am, Carmen!' It spilled from your lips in a choked back sob. It sounded way too condescending and you felt sorry instantly.
"Fuck...shit.. 'm sorry." You felt like flipping the damn cutting board but that wouldn't help the situation at all now, would it?
"Are you...jealous?" Carmy's voice sounded absolutely dumbfounded and it nearly made you laugh in hysterical disbelief.
Did it really go over his head how the two of you had grown increasingly distant? Carmen busy with the shitshow of a restaurant while you clung to everything that kept you busy to shut down the gnawing voices inside your head that were spewing nothing but venom and your own insecurities at him.
"Sounds kinda like it, no?", You sniffled, wiping the tears with the back of your hand "What a load of fucking bullshit."
"No, no...I hear you.", In a few swift steps Carmy came up behind you. You were expecting him to hug you or something at least remotely close to that but instead his hand reached out from under your elbow to turn off the stove.
"I'm about to rip you a new one, Berzatto." It fell from your mouth in a soft laugh.
"Fuck, force of habit, sorry." He rested his chin on your shoulder and gently wrapped his arms around your waist.
"It's not a load a' bullshit.", The tip of his nose softly grazed over the crook of your neck, instantly giving you goosebumps "It's been a lot lately and I'm sorry."
Carmen's lips hardly touched your skin and yet they pulled all your attention towards them. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it fully and utterly on purpose.
"It's kinda hard to stay mad at you when you're doing that." You couldn't help yourself but smile.
"Do you wanna stay mad at me? If it helps I could talk about how Richie-"
"Fucking Richard." You sighed in amusement and both of you laughed out a little.
"But seriously." ,Carmy's warm breath spread across your neck down to your collarbone "I'm really sorry. I know, I should've paid more attention but I'll make it up to you, promised."
Another warm breath followed until you felt his plush lips sink down onto your skin.
An entirely new wave of much stronger goosebumps erupted from that point, washing through your body like a tide. The sensation made you feel hot and cold at the same time and it threatened to hijack your brain already. It took but that simple kiss to your neck and sometimes you felt embarrassed by how weak you got for him, how empty he rendered the usually very loud chaos inside of your head like it was nothing.
"I should've said something." You stated, your hands leaning onto the counter as you felt Carmen pushing his entire body against yours from behind "I don't want to lash out on you like that, I need to-"
But he stopped you right there: "You need to stop thinking right now."
To underline his point, he pressed another kiss right beneath the first one. This time with more vigour, not leaving any room for mixed signals.
A sharp inhale from you followed as you noticed his fingers sneaking themselves underneath the loose fabric of your shirt. They gently caressed your waist and wandered down to your hips, taking a firm grip at them as you instinctively pressed your ass into his lap.
"What do you want me to do?", He whispered into your ear in a low voice inbetween carefully placed pecks to your neck "You want me to bend you over the counter? Or I could get on my knees for you if you want that."
Raggedy breaths hung in the air as you struggled to form a coherent thought let alone a whole sentence. You felt the blood rushing between your legs at the thought of any of it, your cunt pulsating around nothing.
"What can I get for you, chef?" Carmen chuckled softly before his teeth grapsed at your earlobe.
"Knees.." You forced it out of your mouth, feeling how your cheeks flushed with heat.
"Come again, chef?" Carmy asked in return, the wide grin in his face now audible because he knew how much it flustered you to have to speak it out loud.
"Knees, Carmy. Want you to go down on me." You tried to speak up as much as the situation let you.
"Heard, chef!" Carmy used the grip around your hips to push you to the side of the counter, away from the stove and turned you towards him.
His striking blue eyes met with yours the second he had you turned around and his fingers grabbed the curve of your ass the hoist you onto the counter. With a little gasp, you found yourself on top of the counter faster than you could really recognise.
"You're not even out of your jacket..." You noted as Carmen leaned in to press a longing kiss to your lips.
He tasted like cigarettes and coffee. The faint smell of his musky aftershave mixed with notes of frying oil, onions and sweat filled your nostrils and oddly enough you had found home in that concoction of scents.
"I don't care." He shrug his shoulders while his hands reluctantly let go of your ass only to get back to the waistband of your sweatpants.
As you rose from the counter ever so lightly, Carmen pulled it down in a smooth motion until the fabric was pooling around your ankles.
You repeated the same movement to shimmy out of your lace panties, discarding the clothes right onto the floor beneath you as Carmy pressed his statue between your legs, his broad hands cupping your thighs. He spoiled you with more deep kisses that threatened to knock the air from your lungs before he slowly dropped down to his knees.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his breath hitting against the inside of your thighs and the warmth of his skin made your stomach drop in excitement. Since he had been so excruciatingly busy with the restaurant, neither if you really gotten more from each other than an exhausted kiss goodnight or quick hugs in between door frames before the two of you were off to separate destinations again and it hit you in this moment just how much you missed feeling him close to you, having his undivided attention like that. Growing gradually more bitter about Carmen trying to save the restaurant was one thing and in hindsight you felt somewhat selfish about it but aside from that you'd felt lonely if not frustrated already.
Fortunately, those reemerging feelings got washed away as fast as they popped up inside your mind by Carmy who buried his face between your spread open legs, the tip of his tongue eagerly pushing between your slik-coated folds.
A surprised moan fell from your mouth as you let your head fall back and basked in the electrifying sensation. With the full width of his tongue, ever so careful as to not press to hard against your throbbing cunt, he caressed your clit in even strokes. The steady rhythm allowed you to join in, grinding yourself against his face to increase the intensity to your liking.
"Please don't stop..." You muttered into the steamy kitchen air as your fingers got lost in strands of Carmen's curly, dusty blonde hair.
A low groan of his emitted from between your legs as you pulled a handful of strands carefully, shoving his face impossibly close to you. Taking that as a hint, Carmen picked up the pace whilst his hands wrapped around your thighs, locking you right into place as you inevitably started squirming in his grip.
"Shit...fuck...!" It rolled over your tongue in raggedy breaths as you couldn’t help but surrender to the rising tension in your whole body.
Bordering between endless bliss and overstimulation, your muscles grew more tense with each precise lick parting your folds until you just couldn't take it any longer. In a crushing wave of white-hot pleasure, that set every nerve on fire, your orgasm rippled through your body. You wanted to wiggle out of his graps but Carmen's palms wrapped tightly around you thighs simply wouldn't let go of you until the very last contractions eased off and you were trying to catch your breath above him.
With his chin wet from your release, Carmy rose back up to face you, a satisfied grin tugging the corners of his mouth.
"Apology accepted?" The tip of his nose touched yours playfully and you could smell yourself all over him.
"Heard and accepted, chef."
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iammeiamwe · 2 months
So, finally, the continuation of this post here.
The first thing I want to say is that I was pleasantly surprised at how many people actually liked the previous post and wanted to see more - so thanks so much to all of you, I've never thought that so many people would be interested in me talking about the design and my country's culture🩷 (and yeah thank you @signanothername for your kind words again)
I'm sorry this post took so long, but I actually struggled a lot with Nightmare design. Everything just felt wrong for some reason and I literally couldn't finish it. I even took a break at some point, and it actually worked in a surprising way.
You see, I like the Dream design I made previously. But I always felt like something was missing. The design was beautiful, and the different ornaments actually had meaning that fit Dream well, but it was lacking... a story? Like, it wasn't completely accurate, and I could really imagine a person looking like that living somewhere in the ancient Russia, walking in the streets. It was a good representation of different russian cultural elements, but that was the only thing that it was really.
So instead of thinking what russian culture elements can I include in a design I started thinking about a completely different thing.
Can I possibly imagine the dreamtale brothers in the setting of Russia in the past? What would they look like? How would they live? Can I somehow "adapt" their powers and turn them into something more related to the russian culture of that time?
And well, I made a completely different concept with completely different designs.
Now, I wanna say that this post still contains an enormous amount of text, but know it's not only about the russian culture, but mostly about the kinda au that I made? It's still in the development, I'm still thinking about the details, I mean, I haven't even got a proper name for it yet... But I just haad to write about my thoughts and share some artwork that I did so here we are.
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The whole thing is inspired not only by the russian culture, but also by the Black Book game which I mentioned in the 1st part and which gave me a general direction of where to go with this.
So, the setting is somewhere around the 19th century, in a quite ordinary russian village. Both Dream and Nightmare are children from a family of villagers. Here are some examples of 19th century russian villagers clothing that I took inspiration from:
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At first it looks quite simple, but it has some interesting small details and looks quite unique:)
One of the reasons I chose 19th century is that despite being quite a "modern" time, with different new technologies and overall progress it was a time when many russians (especially in villages) still believed in different myths, sayings, tales and epics. Russian culture and mythology still played a big role in ordinary people's lives, changing and transforming through the minds of different people to better fit the ever changing reality and new technologies being introduced. Russian paganism, orthodoxy and local beliefs finally began to coexist organically with each other, in some ways even blending in together creating some unique traditions, customs and overall culture.
So now, about their magic.
One of the questions I asked myself was: What kind of magic would Dream and Nightmare wield if they lived in the traditional old russian village settings? Was there even a concept of "magic" in old Russia that could be suitable for the brothers?
And while I can't say that I've found a perfect alternative, and what I'm about to tell you might seem not fitting at all at first, I think the concept I'm about to show and especially the idea it can convey is not that far from the whole "positive and negative emotions" thing.
So, as it turns out, the concept of magic or paranormal abilities in old Russia is quite unique and different. There actually were people who were considered "magicians", or rather witches and withchers, but. The whole idea of magic itself was tightly connected with different mystical creatures that inhabited the whole country in minds of russians (and there were many. like MANY) and the ability of a person to talk with them, connect with them, correctly perform various rituals related to them and basically ask them to do certain things.
In other words, a witch or a witcher in old Russia is not a person inhabiting magical powers all by themselves, but a person who can "deal" with spirits and mystical beings of different kinds, ask them to do the magician's biddings or help them in a way needed.
And let me tell you, there are many different types of beings, creatures and spirits in russian culture, all of them fulfilling their own purposes. There aare the classical spirits of the forests, of the rivers and lakes, but we also have creatures living in people's houses (spirits that look after the well-being of the house), beings living in every banya (a small russian bathhouse located near the house), spirits of field, arable land, sowing season, winds (northern and southern separately) and many more. And don't get me started on the evil spirits and different types of demons like bisi and chorts, that's a whole another category.
What I've noticed is that the different beings of russian mythology are mostly either the ones connected with nature, like keepers and protectors of forests, lakes and etc, or the so called "evil spirits", different types of demons and devils or other beings that are overall considered dangerous, which are often portrayed to have connection with human routine and different temptations and sins.
And well, here comes my idea and the whole concept. What if Dream had the power and natural talent for connecting with the different spirits and beings of nature, while Nightmare had the natural talent for connecting with the so-called "evil spirits".
Maybe you already think it's fitting, but wait, there's more. You know, I (and probably many others) always thought of positive and negative emotions as a neutral concept. Emotions aren't bad or good themselves and both types can lead to good or bad things depending on the situation and the person who is experiencing those emotions. Guess what? (And I was surprised too when I found out during my research!)
There IS a similar concept with the russian mystical creatures and magic wielders. While people who can connect with "evil spirits" were quite often viewed in a more negative light (like the situation with negative apples and Nightmare), those people could (and actually did) use their abilities and knowledge for good purposes! Of course there were people who used such abilities for their own gain and evil deeds (especially when there was always a threat of being tempted and corrupted by the forces such people were working with). But there were other uses for such powers, people like that could help and save people from the evil spirits, tell them what to do to avoid getting "on the bad side" of dangerous beings, cure people from different illnesses and being possessed by demons, etc. For example, while it was partially done out of fear of a witcher rage and revenge, people used to invite people who had connections "with the darker powers" on their weddings so that they can protect the important event from different kinds of dangerous beings and spirits, to protect newlyweds from various misfortunes in their future life together. Even shepherds were believed to have connections with different kinds of low rank demons, and used them to watch over the herd, prevent other evil beings from stealing the animals.
On the other hand, the practice of talking to and performing various rituals involving spirits of nature was viewed more positively, since it was mostly used to please such beings and ask them for a good harvest, catch off fish, successful hunting, safety during travels and etc. But such powers could also be used with evil goals. Such people could easily affect the weather, cause different natural phenomenon and even poor harvest and famine.
So, we have a situation where there are two types of powers that are overall kind of similar, are actually completely neutral by themselves, can both be used for both good and bad and completely depend on the user, but one power is mostly viewed positively while the other is considered to be rather dangerous and evil. Yeah, I feel like I've seen that somewhere.
Now, let's talk about Nightmare and Dream separately (and the children designs I made for them)
Starting with Nightmare:
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• She/her in this. I don't know why, I just see Nightmare as a girl in this and Dream as a boy. She is also inspired by the main character of Black Book who is female, sooo
• She and Dream were born in a small village in a family of a skilled hunter and a powerful witch, who wielded a mysterious artefact - a book containing a huge number of spells, rituals, descriptions of various creatures and other knowledge. She was able to connect with both types of spirits and beings and often helped the villagers out. Unfortunately, while there were no problems during the birth of Dream, the process of giving birth to Nightmare was hard and the witch passed away soon afterwards.
• As already mentioned, has a natural talent for communicating with "evil" and "dark" spirits and creatures. The villagers already thought of her as cursed since in their minds she was the reason the village's beloved witch died, and when they found out about her dangerous abilities (especially since connecting with dark spirits was considered a difficult art that people learned and studied, and being born with such ability on a good level was rare), well yeaah, she doesn't have the best reputation.
• So, this is actually a cool one imo. When I was creating this whole mess in my head I thought that them being named Dream and Nightmare was, well, not the most fitting and authentic for my traditional russian au thing I'm trying to do... So I thought that maybe I can find them some cool ancient russian names that have a meaning suitable for them? And I did. So they have ancient russian names now too! So, the original Nightmare's name (the one her mother gave her) is Tihomira (Тихомира) or Mira (Мира) for short, which means "a calm and quiet, reserved person".
• But eventually the villagers gave her another name (more like a nickname) - Zloba (Злоба), which literally means evil and malicious :'(
• She was always surrounded by rumours about her and the death of her mother, she obviously doesn't remember her mother but misses her dearly, she always looks at photos of her parents together with eyes full of longing.
• Her and Dream's father shuts down after the loss of his wife, he's rarely at home at spends most of the time hunting, Mira has to stay at home to work around the house most of the time.
• In search for explanation of her abilities, as well as trying to prove to herself that she's not the cause of her mothers death, she actively seeks out all the different object, photos and painting, anything that once belonged to her. And one day, she finds the book.
• By the way, unfortunately, the father doesn't really like his daughter too. Sometimes he looks at her and really struggles not to see the reason of his lovely wife's death in her. Actually he knows about Mira's slight obsession with her mother's things, he finds it unnatural and even creepy, he tries to hide all of the witch's belongings, especially the book, thinking it can be really dangerous in Mira's hands. Well, she finds the book eventually anyway.
• I know that some people don't really like the canon concept of Corrupted not being Nightmare but rather a completely different being. I don't like that too, but I don't want to completely get rid of Corrupted as a character, so they are both present in this story as separate characters, Corrupted being an evil spirit sealed in the book (you can see him in the background of the art).
• At first Mira tries to use the knowledge in the book to prove to the villagers that she can also do good with this power, but the book eventually influences her and corrupts her.
• The apple incident is now the book incident :/
• Corrupted and Mira remain to be separate beings even after the incident, although they heavily influence each other, I'll probably talk about the incident and what happens after it in the next post after this, I still have to develop their adult designs too.
Now I'll give you a couple of examples of different creatures this Nightmare can interact with:
Actually, I need to put a warning here for descriptions of gore, death and violent actions since russian mythology is not just a couple of happy fairytales an can actually travel to some dark themes, so be warned ( if you don't want to read just skip to the Dream part)
1. Kikimora:
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Kikimora was described as a short, crooked, slovenly and ugly old woman, a long-braided girl or woman. According to various other descriptions, a kikimora can be very small and thin, with a large head, long arms, short legs, bulging eyes, hairy paws, horns, a tail, and covered in feathers or fur.
It was believed that Kikimora could appear in a house after the death of one of the family members, but she could also be sent into the house by a witch or a witcher using a ritual artifact in the form of a small doll.
It was commonly believed that kikimoras cause great harm to people and can be dangerous: they prevent them from sleeping and frighten them with various sounds, annoy small children, pounce on and strangle them at night, throw various objects, drop and break things, pull out or cut out hair from people, wool from cattle, feathers from poultry in their sleep. The activity of kikimoras could even force owners to leave their home. There are stories in which kikimoras brought people to death.
Kikimora's favorite tool in the house is a spinning wheel. At night, Kikimora often spun, making a lot of noise; any things spun by her were considered cursed. If the owner of the house noticed Kikimora doing this at night, it could be a sign of imminent death. Most often, people did not see this spirit, but they heard her noise and felt her presence; it was possible to drive her out of the house only with the help of strong spells and rituals performed by a witch or a witcher.
2. Likhoradka (fever)
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Likhoradka (which means fever in russian) is a disease personified in the form of a woman in russian mythology, invading a person and causing either chills or fever.
A distinctive feature of Likhoradka is her multiplicity. Most often, this spirit came in the form of several women at once (7, 9, 12). It was believed that Likhoradka crawled under a person's skin, causing illness, and after the death of a person, it jumped into the body of another. Likhoradka spread very quickly, sometimes taking many lives throughout the village. She can be driven out either by strong spells or by curing all the sick with special decoctions. If Likhoradka was driven out, then most often it was "sent" to the forests, fields, swamps.
3. Bannik and Bannica
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Bannik lives in the banya ( russian bathhouse); usually invisible, sometimes takes the form of an old man covered in dirt and leaves from a broom, or a man with long hair, and also turns into a boar, a dog, a cat, a frog, a white hare. A female Bannik is called a Bannica, or an Obderikha. An Obderikha is a shaggy, scary old woman.
In general, Banniks are quite peaceful spirits, but only if a person follows all the rules during a visit to the bathhouse and does not forget to make offerings to the spirit. To appease Bannik, people leave him a piece of rye bread with a large amount of coarse salt, and also leave some water in the tub and a piece of soap nearby.
If a person angers the Bannik, he turns into a dangerous and malicious spirit - he can burn people with boiling water in the bathhouse, throw stones at them, and also knock on the wall, frightening those taking a steam bath. If a person has violated very serious prohibitions, the Bannik can cause great harm: he can peel off the skin or steam a person to death. People often came to witches for advice on how to properly appease the spirit, what should and should not be done in the bathhouse, and also asked for help if the spirit was angry.
Now let's talk about Dream:
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• He/him
• His russian name is Peresvet (Пересвет), or Svet (Свет) for short, which means "the one fighting for the light". I know, it's really cool😅
•As mentioned, has a natural talent for speaking and connecting with different spirits and beings of nature.
• The villagers though of him quite well, especially compared to his sister. When they found out about his powers, they started to value him even more since he could help out villagers and perform various rituals which would bring a good harvest, protect crops, bring good weather, etc.
• He actually has sort of a hobby collecting different plants he find beautiful, one day villagers started noticing that all the flowers and plants he bring are actually either medicinal herbs that are good for curing different diseases or are used in some useful rituals. It's actually not because he's just lucky, some spirits of nature are actually helping him find them from time to time. It's after many such occurrences that the villagers started suspecting about his powers.
• Opposite to Mira, Svet is almost always outside, either just playing with other children, helping villagers with his powers or learning more about them.
• On the contrary to his sister, is not really interested in developing his powers or learning more about them and all the rituals, he mostly wants to have a simple happy childhood like other children, he also dreams of becoming a simple herbalist in the future, not a witcher, but he feels like he has to do all that to help the villagers and be a good person, so he tries his best to practice and study anyway.
• Is actually quite close to his father, well as close as you can get to a shut person like him, sometimes the father takes him to some walk in the forest with him, he tells him about different plants in the forest and how to properly survive there since he's a hunter. Svet cherishes such rare interactions quite a lot.
• Doesn't understand his sister's troubles and doesn't spend much time with her, the villagers are always demanding him to be outside, to help with some rituals or collect some herbs. But he actually wants to spend more time with her, he just doesn't know how to say no to the villagers.
Some examples of the spirits Svet can connect with:
Actually, there are no descriptions of gore here or anything, but some darker themes like death and being lost are present so please proceed with caution
1. Leshy
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Leshy is the spirit-master of the forest in russian mythology. In mythological stories, Leshy appears as a plant, animal or anthropomorphic creature. It is also common for the leshy to appear in the form of relatives and acquaintances. The leshy was sometimes described as a giant, sometimes as a dwarf; there are beliefs that he could change his height.
As the master, the leshy takes care of the forest, protects it, and is the patron of forest animals and plants. The leshy was considered a fair master of the forest, who would not harm without reason, but could punish people for inappropriate behavior in his domain, or if a person behaved,he could help them. According to popular belief, the leshy could ensure good luck in hunting and safe grazing of cattle, but for this to happen, hunters and shepherds needed to make an agreement with him.
Such an agreement was called a "forest charter", people (usually with the help of a witch) wrote their requests on birch bark, asking Leshy to help in hunting and not to harm the village. In order for Leshy to accept such conditions, he was appeased and brought offerings: various foods, bread, milk, sometimes coins. However, Leshy punished people who violated the forest's prohibitions - he could kidnap them, make them wander and get lost in the forest, from where people rarely returned and usually died wandering in the forest.
2. Gamayun
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Gamayun is a mythical bird of paradise in Russian culture. In literary works of the 17th-19th centuries, it is a bird that flies in from paradise and flies forever with the help of its tail. In the culture of the 19th-21st centuries, there were two main directions in the development of the image: as a bird of paradise, which is associated with ideas of happiness and bliss, and as a mythical bird that foretells trouble. Depending on which side it flies over a person's head, either luck or misfortune can await them.
Yay, I actually found some time today to finish this! Of course that's not all, and I have a lot more to tell you: about the specifics of russian spells, about the book, the incident and what happened after (I still need to do the adult designs), who knows, maybe I'll even add other au sanses to this. I also will certainly do more fanart for this, tell about the traditional russian house called izba, I'll also talk about more mystical creatures (I actually wanted to tell you about one more here that Dream can interact with but I cannot put any more pictures). So stay tuned for updates for this!
(i really gotta think of a good name for this au...)
(actually all the research, drawing my own art, finding pictures and materials as well as translating everything so that it would be understandable to non-russian audience takes quite a lot of time, especially since making one art piece can take me anywhere from two hour to several days, so please be patient since the next part probably won't be posted soon. anyway you are free to ask any questions about the au or russian culture as a whole while you wait, i'll try my best to answer them)
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half-dead-writer · 2 months
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I'm yet to watch Scott Pilgrim but I'm having an obsession on Matthew just by watching the scenes that feature him, god I'm pathetic aha It's kinda bad in some places, I lost patience writing it stoned lmao
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Just In Time (NSFW)
Matthew almost catches you doing sinful things in your room, you won't believe what happens next! aka your boyfriend doesn't shame you for being horny, talks it out, gets horny himself.
character: Matthew Patel (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off) words: almost 4k reader: gender neutral (no description of bits) warnings: it's a smut guys
𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 + 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 / 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔱𝔱 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔪 𝔗𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰 𝔒𝔣𝔣 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
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Washing all of your dirty dishes in the sink left you exhausted. You lazily threw yourself on the bed, taking out your phone. The digital clock shown 4:50 PM. Ten minutes until your boyfriend arrives at your house. You two planned to have a movie night today.
You've been dating for a week and a half now, slowly testing the waters with your relationship. In the first days, you and him were a bit shy, unsure what amount of affection is proper. From the brief info you had, you knew his ex girlfriend broke up with him pretty quickly. You could see it left a pretty negative impression, which made him anxious about doing something wrong, and you didn't really blame him. You had no previous partners, but you could imagine how it felt. Even though you knew him for such a short time, he seemed like a pretty sweet, loving guy, so you felt extra special when you two got to the point of being comfortable in each other's houses.
At first, Matthew insisted on taking you on fancy dates, being extra romantic and trying too hard to impress you. You appreciated his effort and charming antics, but felt like you weren't on equal grounds. You wanted to get to know him on a sincere, casual level. So when you convinced him that just watching some movies in a cozy setting would be enough for a date, you felt like you were a step further to being closer.
Your eyes were fixated on the ceiling, mind occupied with the excitement for the upcoming activity. The time started to drag, making a passing of just one minute incredibly long. Boredom forced your thoughts to wander in places you rarely visited ever since you started dating and a familiar warmth forming in your lower abdomen hit you at the worst moment possible.
You were fine with the slow tempo you had established - cuddling was the furthest you two went in terms of physical affection. Except for the one kiss you two shared (right after Matthew asked you out) and some quick pecks on the cheeks, you and him rarely kissed.
You didn't even notice how tense you were these past days. It wasn't a problem when you had the time to do your business in peace, but for the past week, all you've been focused on was mostly Matthew. Normally, you would have likely ignored it and dealt with it after the event, but you didn't want to risk dirty thoughts seeping into your mind when spending time with him. It was a literal Netflix and Chill situation, and you weren't about to ruin it by being weird. You didn't want to overwhelm him, there would be a time for that later.
Your sight fell on the phone again, reading the numbers - 4:54. Six minutes left for the 5 PM to arrive. The heartbeat in your chest quickened as your mind was starting to slowly warm up to the risky idea. The more you hesitated, the less time you had for your break, which created even more pressure to the current conundrum.
A defeated sigh left your lips as you shamefully watched your hand disappear under the waistband of your underwear. Closing your eyes, you tried to mute everything around you, focusing purely on the action. Understanding the dangers of not being urgent enough made your body work in an unexplainably fast manner.
An imagined picture of Matthew catching you in the act invaded your head, making you even more on edge. You didn't actually want it to happen in real life, but a snippet of how it could play out in the future had you in it's grasp.
The sinful thought made your breath quicken, the world was slowly turning into a blur. The pleasant wave began to take course through your muscles. Your bliss didn't last long, though. In a split second, you realized you heard a noise of the doorknob turning, along with a familiar voice.
"Y/N, I arrived!" He announced, slowly entering your room. You didn't have time to dwell on the irony of his sentence, quickly vanishing your hand from your pants.
"Matthew!" The words spilled out of your mouth in a hurry and you wished you had the reflex to stop them. The off tone caught him by a surprise, forcing him to take a better look at you. His eyes noted your slightly disheveled appearance.
You let out a forced chuckle, careful not to sound too out of breath, "You're here!" You readjusted yourself on the bed a bit more appropriately, keeping your legs shut.
"Wow, hey," he said, his eyes resembling those of a deer flashed by streetlight for a moment, "-you missed me?" His question was purely of the innocent nature, making you feel even guiltier.
"Obviously- we were supposed to watch that show, remember?" You tried your best to not sound as if you were about to get shot, the anxiety bubbling in you.
His look from across the room was a bit concerned, unsure if the mood in the air he read was correct. Not wanting the situation to be awkward, his face softened into an unsure yet affectionate smile, hoping to make the atmosphere less tense.
"Uh, I didn't mean to just barge into your house, but I knocked and didn't hear you coming, your door was open so I-" He tried to explain, but all you were busy focusing on your screw-up.
You forgot that you did, in fact, open the doors once you were done cleaning the dishes. Your mind was strictly occupied by him coming home, so you thought your small break to chill on your bed would be short, and in no time, you'd be greeting him on the other side.
"No, no, it's fine," you rambled, the dry feeling on your mouth distracting you slightly, "I should have paid more attention and actually greet you by the door-"
"I just, uh, wanted to put it out there, that," his words started to fumble, "whatever you do in the privacy of your room, is, none of my business-" He tried to gently reassure with intentions of not shaming you, even if he wasn't sure if you'd take it the right way.
"Noo- I made things awkward-" You whined in a self-deprecating tone, you were not prepared to handle this.
"What! No, you didn't!" He shot up, the rush to chase away your worries made him raise his voice a little. You flinched, which made him realize how he came off.
"I- I mean," he stopped, "it's not a big deal, don't worry-"
"I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable," you lightly bit your lip.
"There's nothing that you need to feel awkward about!" His hands flailed around, trying to emphasize his point, "we're both- adults."
You showed him a tired half-smile. Even though the tense atmosphere was cutting into the you both, Matthew still tried to reassure you in his own way. You felt a bit better.
"We didn't really discuss any- stuff of this kind together, and I didn't know if it'd be a comfortable topic for us yet-" you continued, feeling put on the spot. Even though Matthew gave you a way out of this topic, you just had to dig yourself a bigger hole.
His sight jumped around the room, making sure to not meet with your eyes. You felt the mattress sink under his weight as he sat on the bed next to you, trying to hide half of his flustered expression in his bangs.
"I'm not against the idea, if you aren't." 
It took you a moment before you responded, "I'm not ... I mean- we could discuss it now, if you feel like it."
"Okay-" he stretched his arms forward, promptly resting his elbows on his knees, a spot on the floor seeming more comfortable to stare at for the moment.
The short silence made Matthew speak up again, "so-" he bit his lip, already knowing his further words will embarrass him.
"Were you thinking about me?"
"Matthew!" His surprising bluntness made you raise your voice, gaining a guilty and anxious grin from the man. It was his turn to feel like he crossed a line.
"Sorry, I just-" he tried to back out from his words, his hands raised in an apologetic manner, "I- I was curious!"
You couldn't contain the chuckle wanting to escape your lips. The ridiculousness of the situation finally got to you. He wanted to see it as a good sign, but he was still a bit on edge from his outrageous question.
"I- I was," you meekly answered, feeling exposed. Not like anything would come out of you keeping it a secret. He was your boyfriend, he asked, it seemed fair enough. That response, however, made him straighten up immediately, and you could swear you heard an almost inaudible, sharp intake of air, as if he was about to choke on his own breath. 
"I- alright," he huffed out, blank stare visible on his face. The answer and it's implications sinked in, the cogs turning in his mind were pretty visible. His worries about you leaving him have been suddenly put on pause. You thought about him in that way?
Seeing how affected he was by your confession made you a bit more confident. He timidly opened up his mouth again, "Can…"
"Can I ask," he prolonged his sentence, "what were you thinking about?"
Again, it was your turn to be coy. But, from the reactions he gave you, you concluded it wasn't as awkward of an experience as as you originally thought it would be. I mean, it was still awkward, but not as bad. Matthew was just flustered, and so were you, but the vibe in the room wasn't purely negative.
"I was thinking…" you tried to put down your words in an eloquent manner, fighting the urge to cringe at what you're about to say, "how soon you're gonna be here."
Matthew only briefly glanced at you, his usual, theatrical reactions stopped due to intense focus on your words.
"How I must hurry up, otherwise you're gonna know something's up. And, well, you did," you quietly muttered out, forcing a crooked smile. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, but the reactions to your admissions were pushing you to keep going.
"And… how did you think it was gonna go?" he dared to ask.
"Well, um… I hoped you wouldn't get mad, or worse, disgusted-" you stated your worries, it felt a bit relieving to finally get it out of your chest, even if it was a pretty vulnerable experience.
"No, no-" he was quick to say, "I'm not disgusted at all!"
"I think-" he hesitated, "I think it's even, kinda, hot, he finally sputtered out.
You couldn't help yourself as laughter busted right out you, catching Matthew by surprise.
"What?" he shot up, now feeling like he surely said something embarrassing.
The affection reflected in your eyes as the corners of your lips went up. You pressed a light kiss on his lips which he reciprocated, but was fairly surprised.
"What was that for-?" he asked, unsurely looking into your eyes, yet without an intention to complain.
"You're too adorable," you said, gaining another pathetic sound from the man.
You stared at him for a while, just basking in the unexpected joy your boyfriend gave you. You were fully prepared for the evening to turn sour, and now you were both openly discussing pretty intimate matters. Well, as openly as you two were able to get at this early stage of your relationship.
"How did I find such a good boyfriend?" Your words were coated in honey, you wanted to butter him up. It wasn't really serious, more of a lighthearted tease, while still staying relatively sincere to your honest thoughts.
Matthew's eyes went wide as he quickly changed his sitting position. His legs were clasped together, a nervous look on his face betrayed his embarrassment.
"L-love, um-" his brows were uncomfortably furrowed, a bashful grin appearing on his lips, "would it be a good time now to admit to something as well-?"
Your curious eyes landed on the area he tried to hide. You had a clue as to why his position suddenly shifted. You nodded slowly.
"Your words are killing me," a nervous titter followed after.
"My words?" You played a bit dumb, innocently pushing further. You saw an opportunity, so you chased it.
"Your- compliments. In- in this, current setting," He explained, his back arched in a way that made his arms rest "casually" while also covering his crotch. Even though he was actor, he couldn't nail the natural look.
"Mm?" You let a cheeky smile get on your face. Getting a bit closer, yet still hesitant, you tested the waters, "is me saying you're a good boy turning you on?"
His shoulders stiffened as soon as the sentence fell on his ears. His bangs were successfully hiding part of his face, until you made an effort to gently put them behind his ear. You raised his chin up with your finger, making him look at you. You could feel the way he melted under your touch.
In a weird surge of confidence, you decided to press your lips into his once again, this time trying to gently push him to part his lips. He got the hint pretty quickly, allowing you to slide your tongue into his mouth without much resistance.
It got a bit sloppy, but neither of you minded at the moment. Even though your eyes were closed, you could feel the warmth in Matthew's cheeks as you slowly moved your hand to cup his face. Matthew leaned into the kiss, letting you take charge.
A light string of saliva connected you both when you gently pulled away from the kiss. Even if it lasted a relatively short time, his expression seemed dazed.
His hands let go of hiding the intimate spot, an action which let you see the uncomfortably stretched fabric of his pants. Your gaze left him flustered, yet he plead the fifth. The cat was out of the bag, there was nothing to hide anymore. All left to do was to take the shame with dignity (or lack thereof).
"Mattie-" your words cut through the silence, his whole focus went to you, "would you want to- get on my lap?"
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of him, his eyes betraying the excitement. He nodded, carefully positioning himself on the spot that you requested. You felt his weight resting on you, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
He stayed silent with bated breath, careful not to break the moment between you two. You couldn't lie, your worries were similar, but you decided to just go with the flow. Your hands slowly crawled onto his sides, making him squirm at the sudden contact.
"Tell me if I do anything uncomfortable," you whispered while moving your hands down his torso, making the man exhale sharply.
"Mhm," he hummed, trying to keep his composure, "you can do- whatever-"
To avoid unnecessary silence, you occupied your time by locking your lips again, leaving only the sounds of excited breathing as the ambient around you. You closed your eyes, the sight of your boyfriend in the current situation was too much to bare. Your hand trailed down to touch the fabric of his jeans, gently exploring the place. Matthew didn't know what to do with his hands as he let out a quiet whimper. The noise made you wanna move from the place, now slowly unbuckling his belt. Matthew kept his hands politely placed on his knees, but after a while he rested them carefully on your shoulders.
Your hand snaked itself onto the bare skin below his abdomen. The feeling of your fingers brushing along his length made Matthew pull away ever so slightly, breaking the kiss with a hitched breath. You didn't dare to look down, instead choosing to assault his neck with a trail of light pecks.
The feather light smooches made him wiggle a bit, the intense reactions to your touch had you charmed. His body language was already pretty open and theatrical in a casual setting, and it amused you that his movements translated well into the current activity.
After his neck was full of marks left by your lips, you pulled away, making him look at you. His bangs managed to fall on his face again, leaving only one eye uncovered to glare at you with affection. You raised your hand until it was on the same level as his lips.
"Open up, please?" you requested, filled with a surprising amount of confidence.
He did what you asked for with almost no delay. Your digits gently pressed down on his tongue. You gathered some saliva by moving them around, brushing his teeth lightly in the process. After you left his mouth, Matthew kept it open for a few moments before closing it, as if he just processed what happened. Your used the lubricant to make your hand slide up and down with more ease.
The action lasted no more 2 minutes, and Matthew was already starting to become a mess. His breath quickened substantially, releasing shallow pants on par to your strokes. He was doing whatever he can to not break the fun too soon. You noticed he was close, and so your movements stopped completely. He was hoping you didn't notice a dissatisfied whimper that quietly managed to escape his mouth.
"Mattie?" you asked, tone barely above whisper.
"Mm?" His tired look was obstructed by the messy hair.
"Did you ever think about me when…" you started, hoping this topic wasn't crossing any boundaries. But he asked you about it first, so you thought it was fair.
Matthew tensed, meek "I-" came out of his mouth. He avoided eye contact for a second, pretending he didn't feel as if he was just caught doing something bad.
"Only once!" he defended himself, prepared to be severely judged for admitting to it. You chuckled softly, endeared. You found his humility quite cute.
"Well- You wanna do it a second time?" You asked, mostly coy with a hint of feigned confidence. The blood rushed to his cheeks as quickly as the words left your mouth.
"N-now?" he asked, just in case he misunderstood something.
"If you're comfortable with it, of course," you reassured. You still wanted to make sure you were on the same page. A hesitant nod acted as his confirmation.
"Good boy," you murmured, causing goosebump to appear on his skin. You started undoing the buttons of his red shirt, making his body freeze.
"Don't mind me," You cooed.
His hand reached the destination, carrying out slow, gentle strokes. He closed his eyes, trying to focus on the feeling (which was pretty hard with you actively messing with his buttons). His chest, quickly rising and falling, was on full view and your hands were quick to explore it.
"You look so pretty right now," you whispered. You weren't even teasing, those were your honest words.
"Nhf-" He bit his lip, his pace quickened. At this point he didn't have the strength to hold back his sounds, your ears were hit with an array of moans and whimpers.
"How did I get so lucky?" You continued buttering him up, you knew it made him tick. Another wave of hickeys landed on the side of his neck.
After a frenzy of labored breaths, a prolonged whine got out of his lips. His entire body tensed, a hit of euphoria catching up. His shoulders fell limp, his chin rested on your shoulder.
"Feeling better now, love?" You embraced his waist, his entire body acted like a big heater.
"Y-yeah," he huffed out, slowly coming to his senses.
You pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, forcing him to show a crooked, bashful grin.
"Are you… ready to go again?" you felt embarrassed by being so needy. You had your release not so long ago, and you were still desperate for another one.
"Uh," he waited a bit before responding, "y-yeah, of course- just be a bit gentler while I recover," he didn't wanna ruin your fun, even if he did need a small break. Given the circumstances, you decided to try something different.
"Could you lay down, please?" He obeyed without any objections, looking for further instructions.
You placed your butt on his thigh, your pelvis started searching for friction. You decided to keep your eyes closed, careful not to focus on how desperate you looked, in opposition to Matthew, who's eyes were open wide, looking at you as if he was about to faint. The sight of you dry-humping him made him regain his strength a bit faster.
"O-okay, I'm ready!" He exclaimed, raising his upper body by supporting on his elbows. Your movements stopped, a light pant came out of you, missing the feeling.
Hearing the rush in his voice made you smile, he sounded as if he was about to miss the best part. Not wanting to tease him any longer, you pulled down on his pants, exposing more of his body. He didn't mind, bending his legs to make it easier for you. Matthew laid on your bed almost naked - his lower half was completely on display, the unbuttoned shirt was doing a poor job of hiding his physique.
"You're overdressed," he pointed out, his tone a bit pouty. A not so subtle hint of him wanting to see more of you.
"Sorry, I didn't want to steal your spotlight," you joked lightheartedly, gaining a flustered eye roll from the man.
You got out of your pants, swiftly tossing them on the floor. You didn't really have a plan in mind, your only objective was for you both to have a good time. Matthew watched as you hovered above him, this time aligning your nether regions with his. You leaned your face closer to his, subtly brushing against his groin. He was so warm-
Your tongue hungrily dove into his mouth again. You felt his hands grab your waist, holding you tight in his grip. He wanted to be as close as possible, too desperate to let go of you. Your thrusting hips created a comfortable pace for the both of you to feel the most out of the effects you had on each other.
His fingers were starting to gently dig into your sides, betraying how close he was. His kissing became less active, now focused on holding back the feeling of euphoria that would soon overwhelm him. The intense pang of pleasure made you break the kiss with a sound that he found very attractive.
Matthew's release followed shortly after, leaving both of you a panting mess. Your body fell limply on his, relishing in the afterglow from the overwhelming bliss. You pushed your body to the side after you were able to move again and your limbs entangled themselves into Matthew. He let out a content sigh, putting his arm around you.
You didn't expect the entire ordeal to leave you so sleepy. You still wanted to go through the original plans you had, but the thought of doing anything other than heavenly falling asleep in his arms was already too tiring for you.
"I love you," he murmured tiredly, "so much."
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tubbytarchia · 5 days
The thing about Evo Jimmy that makes me happy is that he’s so much more of a menace and messes around with people!! Sure everytime he does it he loses or something goes wrong but he’s not afraid to do it and doesn’t even think of the consequences!! He only acts civil is when Martyn’s there and if he’s not, no one is safe.
Netty and Jimmy’s friendship is also really sweet because she likes to join in on his mischief and follows him without hesitation,same goes with Jimmy. They both share half a brain cell and they couldn’t care less!! I also love the fact that they both had the most episodes on Evo, they quite literally ran Evo together. Even if they weren’t that lore based or whatever,it was still there and Jimmy’s listener lore needs to more appreciated!!! I wish Evo went on longer so I could’ve seen what would’ve happened. Jimmy also out right hated the watchers and didn’t care at all what they said. After the Listeners gave him his little mission he realised it immediately that the watchers weren’t good people. I also love how Jimmy makes small hints of the watchers but never outright says it,or he mentions them and just brushes past it.
To sum it up: I want Jimmy’s mischievous ways back. I miss him being a little asshole and messing with people
I wholeheartedly agree that I wish Jimmy was mischievous more often like he used to be even if he would often get punished for it, although I do think we've been seeing a bit more of that in places, and I also very much miss Netty and her and Jimmy's banter. I don't think Jimmy was that much of a menace though, rather he just sassed people back, especially those who he felt had done wrong by him, but his entire shtick in Evo was to be a cop and he did very genuinely try to be one, setting out to prove himself to be good rather than a troublemaker when Martyn wasn't around; to prove to Martyn that he was good. Eg when he helped mine resources for Netty's library, gave every piece of it to Netty, surprising her, and then said something like "did you get a picture?". But that might be the culprit, that he was overly punished for any mishaps and quips to the point that he wanted to prove his potential and capability till the end of Evo and started feeling progressively more culpable over the course of future SMPs
This is a trend in most of Jimmy's playthroughs where he just gets caught in other people's crossfire and painted as bad rather than doing anything actually worth punishing himself. I like when he has the assertiveness to get back at people, to turn pranks back around like he did in Legacy and for some of X Life, to hold Martyn accountable in Evo rather than always taking the blame himself, to almost beat Sausage to death in SOS after everything Sausage had said and put him through, when he rejected Scott's poppy in RL and proclaimed that Scott wasn't forgiven for getting him killed. I wish he'd gotten back at people in ESMP2 calling him a toy the same way he did at the Mafia in Evo which continuously villainized him. I like when he's sassy, I like when he gets back at people, I like when he stands his ground, I like when he does pranks, I like when he doesn't let himself be shot down, especially when trying to take charge (another trend, where he keeps trying to take charge as he sees necessary in relationships and otherwise, only to be knocked down 500 pegs). I like when banter involves him rather than just being aimed at him. But I genuinely don't think he's ever been a proper asshole, he deserves to stab and kill and I wish he did but he's only done so when he believes to have been wronged, or he'd stop himself and often apologize or feel guilty etc. I wrote a long post on my thoughts on Evo awhile back where I went more in debth
Don't have much to say about the Listener stuff, the time that Jimmy spent without Martyn at the end is important to his character imo but the end of Evo just kinda lost me in general, any kind of watcher/listener lore passes me by unfortunately but if other people enjoyed that whole bit then more power to them absolutely
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backjustforberena · 2 months
Do you feel like changing alyn and Addams’s ages changed the dynamic of corlys and rhaenys for the worst? I feel like with the being older, it feels like rhaelys is built on kinda a lie. But I understand that if they were the age that they were in the books, Jace and baela’s age, it wouldn’t look great either
It's a really hard question to answer because we don't know so much. We don't know what it actually means for Alyn and Addam to be older, in relation to Corlys and Rhaenys's marriage. We don't even know what age they are.
And we don't know what the plotline might've been like, had the showrunners chosen to make Alyn and Addam younger and that's a plotline with huge possibilities in terms of how you want to play it or write it, especially if the writers wanted to pretend they were Laenor's or make them Laenor's - it's just... it's not something we can compare because we don't have those strict examples to contrast against one another.
I imagine it might have hurt more because they'd have been conceived during the time we've got to know Corlys and Rhaenys, as opposed to happening during a time before the series is set. But I can't say anything for certain. We definitely wouldn't have the scenes that we have, if they weren't aged up. We wouldn't have the characters that we have, either.
I think the idea of it being "built on a lie" is dramatic. By which I mean, I don't feel that way, at all. I was actually surprised by how little it felt relevant to the relationship issues that Corlys and Rhaenys were having at the time of her death. But I'm also the sort of person who looks at things both outside and inside the narrative.
Eve and Steve did not know that Alyn and Addam were going to be cropping up. Neither had read the books, it wasn't pitched to them, so it came as a surprise in S2. All they had, in S1, to play was the fact that Corlys and Rhaenys loved each other. The producers told them nothing, and Steve has stated that he's yet to have a proper conversation or wrap his head around what might have been the circumstances in which Corlys has these children. Which suggests to me, that the show has yet to create a concrete scenario. And also that Ryan was being really quite crappy to the actors.
It's easy to look at that as those scenes in Series 1 then being "built on a lie": how could they be truthful, if the actors didn't have the whole story or information? It's unlikely that they would have been played exactly the same if they had known. Though, not impossible, certainly given the outspoken affection Steve and Eve have displayed in having the chance to play that romanticism.
I choose, and it's easier for my mind, to look at it another way. By removing that information (of the infidelity), it makes that information irrelevant.
So, the trust and the love and the respect and the relationship shown in those scenes are just the feelings that they have in those scenes and that is completely valid. If we now look at those scenes as times when Rhaenys is aware of all of this, then that's not stopped her or impeded her loving Corlys to the amount she shows in the whole of Season 01. The truth in those scenes is the way they are with each other. It's not cancelled out or sullied by past behaviours. It's simply that past behaviours are irrelevant.
I take all of this at face value because that's all we can do. It's what was played, it's what we get, it's what we have to work with. And it's actually also really hard to go back and fit any sort of theory or meta onto those scenes because the facts that we do have are pretty flipping dire. They're just muddy and simple and confusing. This is what we have, from the screen, and this is also what the actors know, so this is only what can be played:
At some unspecified time, Corlys has two children outside of his marriage with an unspecified woman in unspecified circumstances for an unspecified reason in an unspecified sort of relationship.
At some, also unspecified, time, Rhaenys finds out about these children in some unspecified way. She has an unspecified reaction to it.
Corlys and Rhaenys never speak of it. Corlys and Rhaenys have the marriage that we see on-screen.
Other things that are shown or can be assumed:
Corlys is greatly shamed by his actions and has built no relationship with these two sons at all and also has no relationship with the mother.
Rhaenys is confident that the affair was a long time in the past (she refers to the mother in past tense) and holds no fear of repetition. It is implied that she found out years ago, and has simply never met Alyn. The revelation for us, as an audience, is not a revelation for the character.
But, other than that. We have nada. Zip. So, how can we judge it? Let alone apply it to our overall picture of the marriage? We can choose to minimize it or catastrophise it, both are valid options. But my ultimate takeaway is that it's just... ineffectual. It's not a bombshell. It's not something that has ripped them asunder. Even if they've yet to work through it, it's not something that's destroyed them because the marriage and the love has continued for decades. And they do love each other. Fiercely.
If Rhaenys hadn't known, then perhaps we could feel betrayed because she would feel betrayed in that moment of discovery. But she did, and we don't get that moment of discovery and of betrayal. In all those scenes when Corlys held her in her arms and she worried about his life and he sought to reassure her and they smiled and grieved and stood together, she knew about this hidden part of his life.
Even going into S2, when Eve would have been aware of this plotline, we have these scenes of love still played: Rhaenys and Corlys having had sex, confiding in each other, taking care of each other, being physically intimate, having picnics etc etc. At some point, the affair and these children became irrelevant to how they conducted their marriage. Whether that's implying Rhaenys's forgiveness or Corlys's denial, is up to you. But for me, that makes everything we've seen utterly truthful.
I hope I've explained that well enough. If you want to follow up, please do. I'm still trying to work out my feelings on it all but I will continue to passionately support and enjoy this ship.
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John Price x Journalist Reader
Gaz conducts a plan to set his Captain back up with an old flame of his. He'd hoped to recruit help from Laswell. However, the CIA operative wasn't as optimistic about this whole "reunion" as the Sergeant.
Fluff, Banter, Light Reading, Sappy Romance, One That Got Away Trope, Setting up Dates, Gaz just being an inquisitive sort, slight Character Study on Price
WC: 1.5k~
Prelude | Chapter One | Chapter Three
So I'm sorry to say that Price and the Reader are not in this chapter, as it is centered around Gaz and Laswell.
However, Price and the Reader are the topic matter of the entire chapter. I'm legit trying to tell a story versus it being kinda self-indulgent and smutty like my other stuff. However, we'll get there at some point, maybe 😏
Please Enjoy!
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Chapter Two
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Kyle."
Gaz gives Laswell a slack-jaw look, though it does little to sway the CIA operative on her stance -- this was just something she would not involve herself with.
Of course, the Sergeant hadn't been content with a simple no. In fact, all day he's been at Laswell's side, his presence just around every corner, lingering a little longer each time. Anything in the hopes of finally convincing her to see some worth to what he was trying to suggest. After all, this plan wouldn't work without her.
Or... at least, he'd have to come up with something new if this didn't pan out, and that felt like more work than this. Though thus far, convincing her has only been an uphill battle.
"Oh, come on Kate," Gaz begins to whine, rather childishly, brown eyes growing deceptively puppy dog-like, a hidden talent of his, or rather a subliminal quirk. "You're telling me you can't help at all?"
Laswell sets her fork down beside her salad, knowing she wouldn't be able to eat how she'd like with the Sergeant still seated in her office. The woman had hoped she'd finally escaped him on her lunch break; the building was usually dead at this hour, seeing as the others were off contending to their own devices.
It had been the perfect timing to finally have a proper sit-down if you asked Gaz.
"I mean, really think about it," Gaz tries to explain his plan to the woman one more time. "We just throw a small little get-together, nothin' too fancy. All you'd be doin' is hosting, which is nothin' new for you. Then, we just invite them both over and simply... let things play out. Easy."
"Except you would be blindsiding them," Laswell says.
"Not blindsiding," Gaz retorts. "More like... surprising them. Look, it'd be doin' 'em both a favor I'm sure, yeah?"
"Look, it's not that I don't want to," she starts. "I just know it's a lost cause. Think of this as me trying to save you some time."
"Sheesh," he sighs. "That bad then, huh?"
"And then some, Kyle."
Kate gets back to eating the croutons she'd been picking through her salad for. She didn't want to ask when it was that Gaz would be leaving, however, she wouldn't complain if he did.
Gaz continued to leisurely spin in the spare rolling chair in Kate's office, sighing to himself in contemplative thought.
That bad and then some, huh? He thought. Gaz struggled to imagine a scenario where such animosity could exist between someone and the Captain. And yet this supposed relationship between him and you had existed, and the Sergeant couldn't be more intrigued by it.
"Well, what happened?"
"She cheated on him."
Gaz's mouth goes agape, his tone completely defeated. "No... really?"
Kate smirks. "No."
Laswell laughs to herself once she sees the sigh of relief the Sergeant releases. The woman's career revolved around secrets and lies. It figures her idea of fun would be pulling the Sergeant's leg.
Of course, the man's a good sport about it, chuckling to himself once he realizes it's a joke. For a second there, he really thought this had all been a waste of time.
"Seriously though," he says. "What happened?"
"To be honest with you, I still don't know," Kate admits. "Neither of them felt too up to talking about it when it happened. I just know that some kind of argument occurred, and they split up the following day. But I don't want to be the one to air out the Captain's dirty laundry, Kyle."
Laswell sinks back in her seat, thinking back on those days after the split. She had seen war slowly harden Price over the years, as it had done to all of them. For a while, he went through great efforts to try and keep a healthy work balance between that and his personal life.
Losing you had made something in him turn to stone, however. As though some other part of him had died, made up abundantly clear by the increase of his work. More eager to take assignments, less so to be home. Ops that had him away for months at a time became his favorite, and when those ops had finished, he went out to find more.
And by the time he'd become Captain, that time with his former lover merely became a bedtime lullaby for him, growing fainter by the years. No one ever really heard him talk about love again. Not until Gaz brought it up.
"So who was she anyway?" he asks. "Price said she was a friend of yours."
Kate chuckles to herself, seeing how observant the Sergeant had been in his conversation with the Captain. "That's right," she confirms. "A family friend."
"What was she like?"
"She was... is... a very interesting woman, to say the least," Kate sighs. "I can't really describe her; she was a lot of things."
"Not even a little?"
Kate thinks to herself for a moment, having gone through all the croutons in her salad now. "She was definitely a firecracker, always getting into some kind of trouble. She spoke her mind freely too. It didn't matter what it was; if a thought crossed her mind, at some point, you'd hear about it."
"Hmm," Gaz grins. "I don't know if that's what I was picturing. But, I guess I can see the vision."
"I was just as surprised," Kate says. "But... they stayed together for a long time. Six years, if I'm not mistaken."
Gaz's eyes grow wide at that fact. Longer than any relationship the Sergeant's ever been in. Though, it hadn't been for a lack of trying. Six years. That's not just enough time to know someone, that's enough time to be another half of them, at that point. Not a lifelong love, but someone who did once matter.
"So who shit the bed?"
"That would be John." Kate didn't even have to think about that one.
Gaz shrugs, having not been too surprised by that answer.
However, she then adds only seconds later, "Though... it's complicated."
"How so?"
"From my understanding, it hadn't just been an argument," Laswell says. "Honestly, I'd almost say life is what ended their relationship."
“And you really think she wouldn’t want to see him again?” he asks.
Kate pauses, short of an answer for a moment. It gives Gaz the drive to keep looking her in the eyes and pressing the matter.
"Why do you want this so bad?" she asks. No doubt, she'd been curious as to what it was that was driving Kyle to go into full investigation mode about this.
The man pauses, trying to come up with the right words to say, as he already knew his answer from the start.
Kyle thinks back on the Captain, and all the times he's seen him alone while the others had each other, wanting to be content with that. Adoring their love from afar, so he'd have something to warm him on his lonesome way home.
He thinks about that look Price had on his face the other day when he finally told him about this mysterious woman for the first time. As though he couldn't wait to talk about her again, given the opportunity.
"I just think it would be good for him."
Kate's expression softens at the Sergeant's words. Understanding that want he held to be there for Price. She's been there herself, many times before. And it makes her wonder.
She’s moved passed her matchmaking days, having tried to find Price a good match since she’s known him. Gaz’s determination to take up the mantle had been admirable to see, however.
The woman sighs, having finally been broken down by Kyle's stubbornness to not drop the subject.
“Look, I can help,” she says. “But if this backfires, I’m leaving damage control to you.”
Gaz practically jumps in his seat.
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Chapter Three Here!
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I wanted this to be both character and plot development, so I can set up where this story is going.
The next chapter jumps back to 10 years ago, maybe a day or so after the last chapter. Price and Reader are going to have yet another cute encounter. It will be much longer than this chapter, hopefully. Stay Tuned!
~Also, I'm quoting a poem from Charlotte Erikkson - You're Doing Just Fine. I was gonna credit them at the end of the series, but I just wanted you to know so it didn't look like I was stealing their quotes!
@embers-of-alluring @quincessimus @urfavsunkissedleo @lacunaanonymoused @deadbranch @poohkie90 @glitterypirateduck @homicidal-slvt @random-thot-generator
If you don't wanna be tagged, please let me know! And on the flip, if you do want to be tagged for the next chapter, also please let me know! I feel super awkward tagging people unless they explicitly state it (I don't like to impose, I just wanted to tag people I thought were interested in the next chapter 😭)
dividers from animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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