#but I just think it’s so wonderful that mc now feels good enough about their life on earth to die
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humanjarvis · 22 days ago
lonely millionaire
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synopsis: sylus likes when you spend his money.
tags: suggestive (mdni), sylus sits you on his lap while you drain his bank account, it's for a cute reason though, dry humping, size difference, teasing, sylus is a scoundrel, use of "kitten" and "sweetie" cause we stick to the canon over here pairing: sylus x reader, reader is mc word count: 640
a/n: i don't really have anything to sa—omg this is my first non-caleb post! but yeah i've been thinking of this for a while. this is the most explicitly sexual thing i've written with worse to come
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“Why don’t you get that one, too?” Sylus rumbles into your neck, pointing to a luxurious dress on your screen.
You’re seated on his lap in the bed you share, his legs caging your smaller frame while he peeks over your shoulder at the laptop in front of you. For the last 40 minutes, you’d been browsing the website of the most exclusive boutique in Linkon. It’d been Sylus’s idea—To get you something nice for being such a good hunter, he’d said—but as he urges you to keep adding opulent pieces to your cart—dresses, skirts, shoes, you name it—you start to suspect an ulterior motive. 
Restless, you turn around to face him. But before you can speak, he steals your lips in a lewd, wet kiss, his thumb holding your chin in place while he swipes his tongue through your mouth. 
“Hmm?” he hums when he releases you, expectantly peering into your eyes. 
Dumbfounded, you stare up at him before his slow smirk jolts you back into your right state of mind. “Sylus! Stop distracting me. You’re enjoying this, aren't you?” you accuse with a glare. 
“I don’t particularly enjoy being your distraction, kitten. I’d rather have all your attention in the first place,” he replies, wearing an infuriating look of triumph. 
“You know what I mean,” you whine, thwacking his shoulder in exasperation. “You have me in your lap while I spend enough to buy a house on things I don’t need. I don’t get it—are you enjoying this?” 
Sylus blinks lazily. Slowly, he chuckles before rolling his hips into the plush of your backside. “You’re well aware of how much I'm enjoying it, sweetie.” 
Startled, you jerk your hands to his thighs, the laptop landing onto the bed with a soft thud. “Sylus,” you breathe, a whimper escaping you as he grinds upwards again. “I-Is this really okay? You’ve been so tired lately, you can’t hide it from me. What if I spend too much and you have to work harder?”
Sighing, Sylus snakes one thick arm around your waist, pulling you further back into his chest. As he splays his large hand across your belly, you feel his body warming yours, making your core clench with need.
“Kitten,” he drawls, nuzzling your shoulder. “When I’m out there making Onychinus deals, putting my life on the line just to come home coated in someone else’s blood—it gets…tedious, sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if I should give it all up so we can start fresh somewhere new,” he confesses, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your neck. “But having you here with me, knowing I'm putting my life on the line for you? So you can spend what I earn for you, so I can give you all the pretty little things you could possibly ask for? It makes it worth it, kitten. It brings me…peace. Satisfaction.” 
Throughout his musings, he’s been rubbing you harder and harder against his rigid length. Feeling it pulse beneath you, you moan softly and reach your arm back, threading your fingers in his hair. “As long as…as long as you like it,” you pant. “Want you to be happy.”  
His deep chuckle hits your neck, sending shockwaves down your spine. “Won’t you help me relax, then? After all, I've been so tired lately,” he mocks, nipping your ear. 
“Now,” he starts again. “How about you look at the accessories page next, hmm? Let’s see the handbags.”
It’s an hour later when Sylus is finally satisfied with the subtotal of your shopping cart. 
He holds his card out in front of you while you type in the information, and once the order goes through, he captures your lips in a kiss, tender but claiming. 
“What’s your schedule for tomorrow look like, sweetie?” he rumbles, pressing you close. “I think I’d like to look at some jewelry.”
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arent-i-the-fairest · 5 months ago
Hi! I'm not sure if your request is open but I will still try to do a request and I'm really sorry if I requested something that doesn't go with your rules! So my request is how would the nrc boys react to there s/o going back home? Like Crowley finally found a way to open the portal that will bring them back home, how would they react to it?
(Sorry if my english is bad it's not my first language)
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𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
author’s note : thank you for the request! off home we go…
i really do wonder what it’ll be like in game when mc finally gets to go back home.
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in just the blink of an eye, you were gone, and the portal closed—never to be opened again.
you leaving was a massive hit to riddle’s heart. he tries to remain the same stern, strong housewarden he’s always been, but there’s no hiding the pain. all much to his distress, he’s noticeably more deflated, there’s less energy in his tone when he speaks, and he zones out when he shouldn’t. he can’t help but wish he spent more time with you and was more affectionate. he should’ve made more time, especially since you were of such high priority to him.
trey struggles to hide his constant sadness. he still has to be a reliable vice housewarden, but it’s hard when everything is weighing so heavily on his mind. he’s always helping others relax, but he can’t seem to get himself in a lighter mood now. how ironic. when he thinks of your relationship, he has some regrets about always being kind of reserved about his feelings. he was a good boyfriend, for sure, but his heart aches thinking about how he never did show the full extent of how much he loves you while he had the chance.
cater finally made a deep, meaningful connection with someone, and it’s over. just like that. and for the first time, a good relationship didn’t end because of him being forced to move. he’d laugh if he wasn’t so heartbroken. he just can’t win. he’ll spend hours every day, nearly every bit of free time he has, scrolling through the hundreds of pictures and posts he made with you. they comfort him, but they’ll never be enough.
ace knew this day would come for a long time. he’s been dreading it, but he’s always just pushed thinking of it away, deep in the back of his mind. can’t avoid it now, though. when you said your goodbyes and left, he confidently told himself he’d take your departure like a champ… that didn’t last long at all. very quickly, he was in shambles. ace stops caring about nearly everything outside of the situation for a while, only doing the bare minimum of what he needs to. he can only think of you. he really, really misses you. he wants you back here. he wants to go on adventures with you again. they were chaotic, but he’d do it all again.
deuce struggles very heavily with his feelings after you’ve left. he tries desperately to pick himself back up, because you wouldn’t want him moping around all the time. that’s right… he has to do good for you. he’ll get back on his feet at some point. and he’ll become the honor student he always said he’d be. he swears on it. and he’ll pursue all the stuff after graduation he wants to do! even though you’re not beside him anymore, he knows you’ll be cheering him on from your world. he’s cheering you on, too.
leona remembers the way you’d always talk to him about something or do something in the background whenever he tried to nap. he’d always tell you to pipe down so he could enjoy the silence. that silence isn’t so relaxing now that you’re gone. everything in general feels shittier. there’s a lot less of him sleeping and more of him lying down while reflecting. in the times he can fall asleep, he tends to dream of you. his herbivore still gets to bug him in his dreams. he never complains in them. the only way he can be with you now is in that head of his.
naturally, ruggie is crushed. every day alone feels like another stab in the chest, yet he’s gotta keep going on. he has to work hard, get money, and make sure he can eat as always. memories of you always creep into his mind when he’s trying to be at peace. and especially when he’s working. you used to help him around a lot, so of course not having your presence around anymore is very hard to ignore. you better not be slacking off over in your world! but more than that, you better be happy. make all this hurt in his heart at least somewhat worth it.
underneath jack’s uncaring demeanor is a whole lot of longing. he knows the portal can’t be opened again, but he thinks about if it could be a lot. it sure would be nice if it could. wolf beastmen typically only date and have one special someone for their whole lives, and he’s happy you were his. if somehow, some way, you manage to come back, he’s loyally waiting here for you.
azul is completely devastated. he needs to get it together as soon as possible, he knows. but it’s just too difficult. that emotional side of him can’t take this. he finds it difficult to even look at the items you left behind for him, because all he feels when he sees them is misery. the only thing that comes to mind is how he wants you back with him. bringing you into a contract or preventing you from leaving through other means would’ve gone against your trust for him, but he selfishly finds himself wishing he had. he had so many plans for the future with you.
jade, when asked how he’s doing now that you’re gone, always says he’s ‘a bit upset, but managing’… that doesn’t even begin to explain his feelings. he regrets not destroying that portal when he had the chance. he does a remarkable job at continuing to fulfill his duties despite the pain, but he’s constantly burning with longing and frustration on the inside.
floyd will never forgive you for leaving. you didn’t like him enough to stay, huh?! sure, it’s a huge ask to leave your whole world behind, but he kind of convinced himself that you still would’ve done it for him and your other friends. he should’ve grabbed you by the heels and pulled you out of the portal before it was too late. day-to-day life becomes dull. bleak. the things you two used to do together are no longer fun. he comes to realize that the activities themselves weren’t fun. it was you that made every day enjoyable, and he’ll never get to experience that kind of life again.
kalim has been feeling kinda guilty. he should be nothing but happy you got to return home, he believes. and he is glad! … but he’s so miserable, too. he wants to remain positive through everything, but all his attempts just keep falling flat. this party is so much fun…! but he’d feel livelier if you were attending. he’s learning so much in this class! … but he wishes he was able to study with you later. his mind just always circles back to you. he surrounds himself with people all the time and has the most fun he can to try coping, but it still all feels wrong. he misses you so much.
jamil got a taste of a happy life, and it’s over. he feels defeated. the day you’d return to your world was something that plagued his mind often. he knew it was coming for a while, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. there’s nothing to be done now—he can’t bring you back here—so he just sort of buries his feelings as he desperately tries to move on. ‘if i just focus on working and my duties, sooner or later, i’ll feel at least somewhat normal again,’ he tells himself. ‘there’s no time to be sad anyways.’ he’ll never move on, though. he couldn’t when you meant so much to him.
you’re gone. vil hates to mope, but he can’t escape it. his head and heart both ache constantly as he gets through days as best as he can manage. routinely, he lets all the sadness out at the end of the day, when he’s alone. all this crying is unbefitting of him, but it’d be worse for him if he kept it all bottled up. and he did always lecture you about the importance of both a healthy mind and body, so he can’t be a hypocrite now. he wonders how you’re doing all on your own…
rook mourns like you’ve died rather than gone home. the circumstances feel somewhat similar to him, though. wouldn’t you agree? think of it: he can’t speak with you, spend all day by your side, or so much as see your beautiful face again. all he has left is the many photos he took of you, as well as the journals about you he had spent time working on and collecting. and he’ll continue to write and think about you. truly, you’re the most beautiful person in every sense to him. you’ll be his muse forever.
epel is so bitter. he didn’t give you an easy time when he heard of your decision to leave, as well as the time leading up to your actual departure. he kept to himself more, sulking. when the time came for you two to say your goodbyes, all his tears of frustration and sadness came out. he really was wishing you’d stay forever. he understands that you can’t abandon your world, but he’s still so frustrated that there’s not a solution where both of you can be happy.
idia doesn’t know how he could even begin to get through this. he wants to just shut down, but he can’t even do that. every second of every day, he’s thinking of you. there’s hardly any coping with video games or media he likes, because he can’t take his mind off everything. he wanted to be considerate of your feelings, so he let you leave, despite the thought of being without you ever again making him nauseous. if he could go back in time and beg for you to stay instead, he would.
malleus is in a constant state of pain and longing. forgive him for his selfishness, but if things went how he truly wished, that portal would’ve never been opened. he spends a lot of time in ramshackle, reminiscing. he’s tempted to take the items left behind by you—incomplete letters addressed to him, pillows, even objects as mundane as your pencils—but he doesn’t. he leaves them just as they are, lying in your dorm. it makes it look as though you still live here. as if you’d come in at any time, and the two of you could spend another evening together.
lilia tries to think and act maturely about your departure. he had been emotionally preparing himself for it ages beforehand… but unfortunately, it still hadn’t cushioned the blow very much at all. he’s glad you get to reunite with your world, and he doesn’t want to sulk, but it hurts. with hundreds of years of being alive, lilia has made lots of memories, both joyful and sad. you certainly go down as both. how painful it is to think of how you’re gone now... but. he’s glad he met you.
sebek, for a while, holds almost a kind of resentment towards you. you’ve left him. logically, he knows he shouldn’t have expected you to leave your world behind for your life here in twisted wonderland, but he’s still just so bitter. it takes a lot of effort from the people around him to talk him out of that bitterness. but eventually, he starts to crack. he gave you quite a hard time about your decision to leave, and the guilt is getting to him. he thinks about your relationship often. he loves you a lot, and he’s sorry he was never quite good at expressing it properly while he had the chance.
silver is as heartbroken as you’d imagine. the good in his heart always tells him to be happy that you’ve returned to your world. your home, that you’ve been waiting for so long to go back to. it helps. as much of a nuisance his constant dozing off is to him, he’s now able to find a sort of comfort in it. that’s because he dreams of you a lot. and even if it’s not the real, physical you that he’s talking to, touching, and spending time with in those dreams, he can only take what he can get now. it hurts a little more each time he wakes up.
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riverintheunderworld · 2 months ago
↳ A Patient Casper x MC who struggles with accepting good things
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"Stop squirming," Casper huffs, tugging at your hair. Its not firm enough to hurt, but it's firm enough to send a message. "You're making this very difficult."
"Agh! I'm not being difficult on purpose," you swiftly reply, turning your head back to look at him.
Droplets fly away from your damp hair, and you swear you weren't aiming for them to drop on his face!
You simply can't help yourself from chuckling as he grimaces, however.
"Sorry, sorry." You're not sorry at all, actually. Judging by the way he looks at you, a brow raised as he does his signature frown, you can tell that he knows. "It's just -- I can do this myself, y'know!"
"I know." He hums, softly guiding your head forward with his fingers pressed against your temple. "I'm not stupid."
Casper starts to take your shampoo, murmuring something about how there's too much silicon on it, or whatever, as he pours it on his hand.
"You really don't have to do this."
"I know. You keep doing that -- stating things that are obvious to me. It's very annoying." You'd probably be more offended if this happened in a different time, but honestly, you're just trying to focus on anything but the way Casper rubs at your scalp.
How does he make it feel so good?
Distantly, you wonder if you could make him do this for you everyday. Mornings would be a little less horrible, and you wouldn't come into work with a frown on your face like usual.
But no, you couldn't ask him of that. It'd be too much work, really.
He probably wouldn't want to, anyways.
"You're quiet," his voice is always nice to hear, but you can't help but tense up once he calls you out. "Nothing good comes out from you being quiet."
"I'm not wrong," he chuckles, voice turning a little softer as his hands continue to work. "You're thinking -- thinking so hard that it's honestly concerning. What's on your mind, sunshine?"
"Why should I tell you?" You sigh, sinking in deeper. The water rises to your chest. It's warm.
"Your thoughts are often too heavy to carry on your own," he presses a kiss to your bare shoulder, and you swear you stop breathing for a second. "Let me carry some of the load."
"Please?" Another kiss, and this time, it's against the back of your neck."Don't make me beg."
Well, that's a thought for later.
But, you're not gonna keep him waiting. It takes you a few seconds to even think about the first word you wanna say, but you manage.
"I was just thinking about how nice this was. Showering is, like, the worst part of my mornings." You tilt your head against the tub, and you see him looking at you intently. For someone who loves their own voice, he seems to like listening to yours a lot. "But now you're here. Cleaning my body -- which I could've done myself."
He snickers at your pointed tone.
"You turned a part of my routine that I absolutely hate into.. something I can look forward to?" You mutter, words slowly growing quite. "Just by your presence."
"I'm just that great." Casper proclaims, clearly proud of himself.
You cup some of the bathwater in your hands, before chucking it backwards.
Casper hisses, like the cat he is.
"Sunshine. Don't be difficult." He grumbles from behind you. That manages to shut you up.
Casper aims the water to your head, before combing out the conditioner with his hands. He's a lot more gentle than you are when it comes to things like these.
"Do you want me to help with-"
"Nope! No. Thank you." You say as fast as you can. Having someone wash your hair for you is embarrassing enough - but your body?
Casper backs off, leaving some space between him and the tub. You turn your head to look at him.
His expression is soft.
"I wouldn't mind doing this for you, by the way." He hums, leaning down for the last time to place a kiss between your brows. "It's really no problem."
Your mouth forms a frown at the idea. It's nice, but... you can't accept that - even if you want to.
"I can't let you do that for me. I mean, you'd have to wake up early in the morning-"
"Which I already do."
"Well... I'm just going to be grouchy the entire time."
"And why would that stop me?" He hums. "It never stopped you, did it?"
You turn your head around, trying to come up with something to say as you look at the water trickling around your body.
"I can't push you to do anything you don't want to - but if this is also something you want, I'm asking you to think about it. As of now, I don't have a job. I spend most of my time here waiting for you and protecting your house from danger. If I could start my mornings taking care of you? I'd do anything."
Casper finally stands up, looming over you. He places a hand on your head, before finally walking out.
"I love you." He says, looking at you before he leaves.
"Me too."
"I'll make you breakfast while you shower." He smiles, closing the door. At least one thing is going right this morning.
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A/N: I don't take baths so I'm not exactly sure why I wrote this ??
Anyways !! I thought it would be fun to do, like, a reverse of the bath scene !
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kiyzukiy · 28 days ago
Cat distribution system
Sypnosis: Caleb? A cat. You? None the wiser, but you have a stinky cat now so how about give him a bath? Nothing could go wrong, right?
Tags: CalebxReader, fun, Cat!Caleb, reader is not MC, self-aware!Caleb?, Caleb in our world
A/N: And I'm back again! This one is a bit shorter than the starter, but I hope you still like it. As usual cat shenanigans. That's it. I've also implemented a taglist now, so anyone who wants to get peeping hot updates hit me up! :3
Word count: 3,9k
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Lost in your thoughts if you really should name a cat that you probably have to give away again, you didn’t notice the squirming cat on your thighs. Was it a wise choice? Probably not. If you gave it a silly name was it easier to give it away again? Like the ones they give the animals in a shelter. Dave, the magical cheese wizard or something. You also thought about giving it a meaningful name like “hope” or something along the lines. 
You only got disrupted by your sense of smell. Jesus Christ, was that you? No. You were forgetting something very important here, you were sure of it. Raising up your arms so you could smell your clothes, you wanted to facepalm yourself the very next second. The cat. Where did you find it? That's right. In a dumpster. Oh your fucking god. 
Amused about your own stupidity you shook your head. You really were tired and your mind was barely even in survival mode. 
A tinge of guilt and shame hit your system. So immersed in yourself, you totally forgot that you picked up a cat on your way home and just did what you usually did. Playing Love and Deepspace for an hour and then making food as soon as motivation found your body again. It was a simple way to unwind. Clearing your head in a way and let you focus again as soon as your little me time was over. The true dangers of a routine, and what didn’t help your already offline mind was that cat quickly made your space to its new home. It surprised you that cat didn’t dive head first for a spot to hide after your small walk. You thoroughly expected that reaction as it was the default for any animal. Hide, checking out the stranger, gauging the threat and then maybe trying to form a relationship. 
Not your friendly buddy of a cat right here though. Would you have any brain cells left to use critical thinking, you also would wonder about the high intelligence the cat a moment prior showed. How knowingly it moved it’s paws to go to “falling for you”, watching what it saw as if it understood the scene that played. 
Once more ripped the stench you out of your thoughts. Cat however didn't seem to be bothered to be covered in grime and everything a street had to offer. Its fur caked together and a smell emitting you wished you could just dose it in a febreze bottle. 
“Alright. No name for you yet, buddy. First a bath”, you said and scooped the cat up. 
This time around the cat was not happy to be picked up. As soon as it wasn't on your legs anymore and near the tablet, cat began to yell and squirm in your arms like the devil was after it. 
“I know, I know. Cat’s can bathe themselves and get clean but this is only once. I promise”, tried to soothe it and held it a bit tighter. 
Cat didn't want to listen to you, it seemed like. Was it this against getting cleaned? Well, you did know cats usually didn't like water and maybe something bad happened to this cat with it. Rain and no shelter would be enough to avoid any kind of water, you think. Just for being in the safe, you closed the bathroom door behind you. No escape until this cat didn't smell like a drunk puked on it. 
First up? A good call from you to take a bath. He did feel disgusting. Slowly the sensation of sticky dirt and grime spread all over his body, and he too couldn't stand the smell anymore. What even was in that dumpster? Couldn’t he have woken up in a recycling bin rather than in a trash dumpster with whatever that was inside? 
Would he make it easy for you though? Hell no, he wanted answers and for you to figure out that the character you tried to gain affinity for and he was one and the same. That is what is most important here, right now. 
As soon as you scooped him up, he started to complain. Ranging from a simple “let me down, I can walk” over a few demands and maybe one insult but he would rather die than admit that. The next thing he heard was you trying to convince him that it wasn’t even that bad and he knew. Caleb knew it wasn’t that bad, that it was necessary even but he was stressed. Confused. Angry and frustrated. Agitated and for once in his life, he didn’t know what was going on. Back at the experiments as a child, even then, he had a sliver of understanding as to why certain things happened. This shit right here? No clue. A mission, blackout and boom: Cat. If he ever would be honest with himself? He wanted to cry. It was all too much, all too overwhelming. He just got it all back. MC found him again, they slowly were in the making of a new relationship and now this? He almost had it all back. 
The ash brown cat heard a lock falling into place. Oh no. His eyes and thoughts focusing back to reality that was about to unfurl. No, wait. Bathing? Him? You? You were going to bathe him? The realisation hit him like a freight train. He begged your finest pardon? No. The answer was no. Yes, it was necessary but he could do it on his own. No help needed. He was not a cat. He was. Not. A. Cat! No matter that he sported paws right now. He could make it work. He was a man and last time he checked, he was neither a child nor were you his mother that could warrant this treatment! 
You placed him on the ground again. Cold tiles beneath his paws and he had to watch you what could only be described as his personal doom: adjusting water. 
Ey! Leave! He can shower on his own! Ears flattening against his skull, he let out a growl. 
“Alright mister, no need to hiss at me. It's not my fault you ended up like that”, you said absentmindedly with a little laughter in your voice. You weren't even looking in his direction. But, oh a smile on your pretty lips. 
Caleb, in the back of his mind, did understand that you were doing your best as a person caring for a new found pet. If he would just take a deep breath and do what he usually did, that was seeing his opponent out of their eyes, he wouldn’t act this way but emotions were clouding his judgement so he did what he never did: letting them roll. Enraged at your unfitting response, he ended up nipping you in the heel.
“Ow! What the fuck? What was that for?”, with a look full of judgement you looked down at him. “I’m helping you here, you know?”
Serves you right, he meowed and huffed. 
“Not so friendly anymore, huh?”, you chuckled and shook your head in amusement. In the back of his field of vision he saw you turning the water off. Clearly satisfied with the temperature. 
Bold of you to assume that I’m friendly to begin with, he hissed. Not that he expected you to understand that. 
You now fully turned to him and got on your haunches. A hand slowly crept towards him. Inching closer to brush once more over his fur. Soothing, calming, trying to convince him.
“You really need a bath though, so don’t make this difficult for the both of us, yeah?”, you said and looked at him with a pleading look. 
Oh, game on. He will make you regret this. For picking him up on end, like he was some kind of plushie and not having a telepathic evol. Not that any of that was your fault. Was he petty? Childish? Probably, but he was frustrated and with no one but you to vent it on, this was almost too easy. 
Caleb let out a huff. Fed up with you touching him without asking and the height difference that made his neck harden. No wonder you didn’t take him seriously that much. Who would when a smudgy little being that only could hiss and meow showed an act of defiance that was born out of pure spite?
With a flittering look he spotted the next best thing to remedy this temporary issue. In quick succession he was on the bathroom sink and sat down. Now he was looking down on your hunched over form. Your move now.
“Oho? Is this how you wanna play?”, you said as you got up from your position on the bathroom tiles. “Buddy, if you don't go on your own I have no issues to grab you by the scruff and hold you beneath the water. A good little water boarding session would do your new found attitude some good.”
You tried to sound earnest but he saw the mirth in your eyes and the mischievous smirk building on your lips. Still, he kept sitting. Buddy, as if. You were all bark and no bite.
“Have it your way then”, your hand darted out. 
Nah, you wouldn't dare. 
Ey! No! 
He dashed away and just barely missed your hand that was straight going forthe back of his neck.
His escape route was right into the shower bed. Urgh, now his feet were wet. It felt more like stepping into water with socks on. This sensation did not spark joy. One dip and the next jump was right out of the shower again, a few hurried pitter patter taps and onto the toilet seat.
“Mister! Get back here!”
Nuh uh! You are crazy! Don't dare to remind him that he actually went with you to get clean. This objective clearly missing in his mind as he was hellbend of avoiding your hand that was rather good in trying to catch him. Making him work up a sweat. Just barely did he dodge your hand once more that reached for him and onto the sink shelf he went. If he could stick out his tongue, he would. Actually? Why not, he did stick out his tongue at you. 
“Oh you think you are so smart, mister fancy pants”, you said, slightly out of breath. “Just you wait.”
Try me, he meowed, his playful character seeping through. Like a predator lying in wait, you assessed if he would move again. He did the very same. A silent stand-off ensued. Who would move first? Could he hide somewhere? Would you reach out obviously again? 
In his moment of distraction he saw your hand too late out of the corner of his eye and the next thing he felt was your hand steadfast on his scruff. 
“Aha!”, you celebrated triumphant. “Got you!”
Ah, well fought. He yields, but only because it wasn’t worth it to prolong the inevitable further. Your blinding smile to your victory and cute giggle in your voice, might have helped him as well. Caleb came to terms with the fact that you would help him take his first shower in this body. The ash brown cat also had to admit that it was funny to play catch it with you. It took his mind away from the disconnecting mess of information that he still needs to process. For a bit he was just himself again.
Cautiously you put your hand on his hind legs and picked him up. Steady grip that was strong enough so he couldn’t struggle but not enough to hurt. You set him down in the shower and he almost immediately jumped out again. The feeling of wet socks shoots up in him once more and for a split second he wanted to dip. Nah, fuck this. 
“No. Stay”, you said with a stern voice and pressed his ass down in the shower. Ouh! Even worse! That’s like sitting down on a bench you didn’t know was wet. 
I can stand!, he complained. Your grip not loosing up in return. 
“Yes, yes. Water. I know. You got this.”
He definitely didn’t. Caleb's body was screaming at him to move and get rid of these sensations. You try to be a cat and he would force you to go through with this. You can bet your fine ass that he wouldn’t be so nice about it though. 
He sighed. Maybe he should be a bit more kinder to you. Disregarding the conflict in his mind that, yes. He could, should and it probably would make this all easier. On the other side, why? You are a stranger. Basically kidnapped him (no, he wouldn't elaborate that he coaxed you into taking him with you) and made threats to harm him. A stranger he would leave behind as soon as he got his answers and could go back to his universe.
The ash brown cat heard the water turning up again. The hand on his neck never leaving. Merciful you faced the spray away from him. He half expected a full on face splash for his little stunt he just pulled and you following through with your promise you made earlier. 
“Just how did you end up this way?”, you mused to yourself more than him. Honey, if only he knew. The meaning in more ways than one. 
The water gently sprayed his paws first and then his whole body. The light flow of the water was like a breath of fresh air. Calming and soothing, it washed away the sood and dirt in his otherwise pristine fur. As well as in his mind. Back to logically and rationally thinking about his situation.
All he could do was meow at you to make you see that he listened.
“Yeah, not helping much buddy. I don't understand cat”, you giggled and put a bit of shampoo in your hands. 
Again this buddy. For crying out loud, stop calling him that. He was not your friend nor a good acquaintance you could call that! 
In retaliation he bit your hand that was about to lather him up in soap. Immediate regret greeted his taste buds and you just laughed harder. 
“Suits you right. Bite me one more time, mister”, you grinned as you quickly went through his fur and got the sticky dirt out. Carefully and with a lot of probing, squeezing together and combing your finger through his fur you managed to make it smooth again. The flooring of the shower started to get coloured in a disgusting brown and grey. Small pebbles falling off of him. 
All through it, Caleb stood still. His body relaxing, him just letting you do what you have to do. The feeling of wet clothes leaving as soon as the water hit his skin and god damn, you were good at massages. He didn't realise how beaten up his body was and stiff in some places. This was heaven. 
Out of his control, he began to purr. 
“That's the good shit, huh?”, you said in a hushed voice, your hands still getting out knots without making it hurt.
Caleb nodded to your statement. This was really it. Water hit his body once more, a little bit warmer this time around.
“Alright, mister. One more time and then you are free.” 
Whatever you say, woman. He could just die right now. The ash brown cat wouldn't mind. He was in bliss. Your expert fingers making him forget that he actually still needed a way to tell you who he is and getting answers. 
This time a different shampoo made him bubbly. Slowly he opened his eyes, only to be hit by your hands on either side of his cheeks. Holding his face so tenderly like he was made out of glass. When was the last time he got hold like this? Like he was the most precious thing the earth could grace? 
“Hey there, big guy”, you smiled and slowly rubbed his face with your thumbs. Getting it also cleaned. “You truly have beautiful eyes.” 
Caleb breath got stuck in his throat. Uh…back off? A bit too close for comfort. Hello? Uh? 
A bit flustered he tried to move his head away but you gently turned it back to you.
“No, you need a handsome face too. Come here”, you said and returned back to gently rubbing his cheeks and lathering up his head. 
“Yeah, there you go. Look at you. Such a handsome fella.” 
Just how many compliments have you given him? He was used to having women and men alike salivating after him, but straight out compliments? It made him short circuit. 
Once more water washed over him. This time his face as well. Looking out for his ears and eyes you washed the foam away. The water stopped and a quick kiss was pressed to the crown of his head. What? 
“Wait here, mister”, he somehow registered you say. Was this violation? Assaulting, or did he like it? More confusion entered his brain. Breathing, he should be breathing. 
Moments later he felt the fluffy feeling of a towel upon him. Gently but steady you patted him dry. Sometimes ruffling to get friction into his fur to get more water out. After a while you seemed satisfied with your drying off, so you got up again and he out of the shower. 
Exhaustion tackled away the state of relaxation in him. The stark contrast of the humified, warm air in the shower and now being out of it made his small body shiver. Closing his eyes, he listened for what you are doing. Clinking and a few things got pushed aside, a cupboard opened and closed somewhere to his left. Not much later you were back in front of him. 
“Hm, is someone getting tired?”, you asked in a soft voice and with a hand full of affection stroked along his cheek.
Yeah, you could say that. The experiences, happenings, tumultuous feelings from today finally caught up with him. 
“Come on, buddy. I don’t know how much you like a blow dryer but you need to be properly dry before you get sick”, you explained. 
Mh okay…it made Caleb remember the times he gave the same treatment to MC. He wanted to laugh that he was the receiving end today. No one before even tried to attempt to do it for him. 
With no fight left in him, he let himself get picked up tenderly and placed on the bathroom sink. The whirring of the blow dryer starting soon after. Warm air washed over him, his eyes still closed. Just let him have this moment. This moment of care and tenderness, of not worrying for a bit, carefree maybe. For once not the one doing it all on his own. 
“You are such a handsome balinese cat. The audacity to hide that, hm?”, you said in between. “Now your owners will recognise you.”
Sorry to tell you, princess. There will be no owners but regardless did he appreciate your care. Your help. 
A balinese cat? That’s what he turned into? Interesting. This universe right here had an ironic sense of humor. Balinese cats were usually affectionate and playful. Things Caleb only was with his childhood friend. The only one he truly was close to. 
Your hands left his body and he was dry again. Caleb was now as fluffy as the towel you dried him off with. He could only assume you were putting away the blow dryer. Would he dare to look? Look at himself in this form? Maybe he would wake up then and he could laugh about it with MC, what a fucked up dream he had. 
So he turned to the mirror in front of the sink. An ash brown cat stared back at him. Black ears, whiskers and a black out right arm. The other three paws were also black, as the signature of a balinese cat. In his black face glimmered his own violet eyes he saw countless times before. Shining with the same intensity in lavender hues, strong blue lilac tones and the splatter of gold at the bottom. 
Ah, so it’s real. He is a cat. This is how you saw him. A pretty little kitty with full, soft fur and an even fluffier tail to accompany him with. 
He saw you approach in the mirror and he knew what was coming. He was getting picked up again, right? Okay, let's get it over with.
“Do you recognise yourself in the mirror?”, you wondered out loud. Mh duh, obviously. Caleb watched you stretching your back. A crack sounded through the bathroom and you let out a groan. Yo, you good there?
In these few seconds you sounded and looked a lot older than you were and Caleb blamed the exhaustion you must feel yourself. The spirit you showed earlier in trying to catch him must have drained all your energy you had left and Caleb respected you a bit for that. Fighting for what you assumed your responsibility. He let out a small laugh inwardly. Amused by his own actions and letting you see what normally was reserved for only one person.
“Alright, I leave you alone now, my brave fighter”, you smiled tiredly at him. “Gotta make some food.”
Huh? Okay...then...? Thanks?
Caleb inspected him for a few minutes more. Baffled and astonished with his new body. Would he become human again? Could he become human in this world? Would he only return to normal when he went back? How could he go back? Would you even know? You seemed ordinary. Living a simple life with a small reprieve in a game he was unfortunate to appear in. 
He sighed and patted after you. 
The rest of the evening flew past rather uneventful. Caleb thanked the gods that you didn’t have cat food immediately at home. Otherwise he would have started the next fight. Instead you served him some grinded beef with an egg in it. Raw, might he add but he chose against it to get angry at it. For you he was a cat. For now, he would let you believe it as well. But as soon as tomorrow came his plan would start. 
First he would test out if he still got his evol in this world. If he could manage that, he could show you how he manipulated certain things and that would be enough to understand that he was no simple cat or a cat at all for that matter. If he didn’t have his evol? Well, then he needed to find another way. No more blindly tapping on tablets and charade games. Clear and no misunderstandings for you. Caleb would make it crystal clear that he was himself. 
Something that did happen that evening that blew the wind out of his sails was, that you decided actually, for a fact, for real, to name him…Caleb. 
“I mean, you do have his eyes, you know?”, you explained your reasoning. “And if and when I find your owners you get your old name back anyway. It’s not like you will get used to it, right buddy?”
Count him flabberghasted, in utter disbelief. Didn’t you earlier in the evening say yourself, that this would be an awful idea? That you would have to be very lonely to be even considering that? Don’t lie to him. He remembers word for word. 
“Nobody would know that it comes from a otome game”, you rambled on. “And it’s not like you would mind.”
Does he? Caleb was conflicted. Yes, no, maybe? On one hand, yes it’s his name. The name he got. The one he was born with, and on the other hand? You didn’t see that name as anything more than from a character you liked. In the end, he accepted your name choice. One step at the time, right? He got the name down, now he needed everything else. 
The whole funny side with this rather ridiculous turn of your both lives was: 
You both needed each other, you just don’t know it yet.
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tag list: @bookworrm1999 ; @luna-looniesblog ; @dummiebunny @roscpctals99 ; @mcdepressed290
Hey and welcome back to this story. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Any feedback is always appriciated, as long as it's constructive.
Thank you, beautiful soul for reading <3
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writingsoftarnishedsilver · 2 months ago
okay not that he needs it but what a ego boost it would be if sebastian stumbled upon mc and ominis talking about the guy she likes and she just like he's so out of my league listing positive traits (cue sebastian getting very jealous) Only for ominis to be like just tell sebastian then I don't have to hear you wine about it all the timee
Eavesdropping | Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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Thank you for the request Anon! I hope you love it!!! :")
Words: ~4,600
Tags: Love Confessions, Reader Insert, Female MC, No Y/N, No Hogwarts House
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The stone door of the Undercroft groaned softly as Sebastian pushed it open, stepping carefully inside. He exhaled softly, his shoulders relaxing for the first time all day. He had snuck out after curfew, hoping to release some pent-up frustration with a few dueling spells.
He was halfway down the stairs when he froze. Voices—two of them—floated up from below.
Sebastian frowned, his grip tightening on the banister. He recognized them instantly. You and Ominis.
What were you doing here so late? He edged closer, careful to stay out of sight.
“I just don’t see the point,” your voice echoed softly. “It’s not like anything’s ever going to happen.”
Sebastian froze mid-step, his grip tightening on the banister. His brow furrowed. What wasn’t going to happen?
“It won’t if you keep dragging your feet,” Ominis replied, his tone dry as ever.
“It’s not that simple,” you shot back warily.
Sebastian tilted his head, curiosity sparking to life alongside a strange, uneasy feeling in his chest. You sounded frustrated—almost pained. What could possibly have you so worked up?
“It is that simple. You’ve been in love with him for years,” Ominis said, his tone cutting. “Merlin, I’ve lost track of how many times we’ve had this conversation. Either do something about it, or stop talking about it.”
Sebastian’s heart stopped. In love? You’d never mentioned anyone. Not once.
“There's nothing I can do, Ominis,” you said, exasperated. “He doesn’t see me like that.”
Sebastian’s stomach twisted painfully. Who was this mysterious he? Why hadn’t you told him about this before? You usually told him everything.
“And how would you know?” Ominis challenged.
“Because I know him,” you replied firmly. “We’re best friends!”
Sebastian’s chest tightened, a painful mix of jealousy and confusion swirling inside him. Best friends? You were his best friend. Who could possibly come before him in your life?
“Right,” Ominis said sarcastically. “Because you’re so unremarkable.”
“Ominis,” you groaned, “I’m serious.”
“So am I,” he shot back. “Half the school is in love with you, and you’re acting like you’re some invisible wallflower.”
Sebastian’s jaw tightened. Ominis wasn’t wrong. People were drawn to you—how could they not be? But you’d never seemed to notice, much less care. And now you were sitting here, pouring your heart out about someone who clearly wasn’t him.
You sighed, the sound heavy with frustration and tinged with a hint of defeat. “It doesn’t matter what the rest of the school thinks when he’s completely out of my league, Ominis. With his stupidly handsome face and that ridiculous smile that makes it impossible to think straight…” You trailed off, shaking your head. “Merlin, he’s just… he’s everything. Funny, clever, brave, loyal—he could have anyone he wanted.”
For a moment, it felt like the ground had been ripped out from under Sebastian’s feet. How could you possibly think that? How could you believe, even for a second, that you weren’t good enough for whoever this bloke was? And the worst part—the part that made his chest ache—was that he couldn’t step in. He couldn’t tell you how wrong you were because he wasn’t supposed to be listening this in the first place.
“And?” Ominis prompted.
“And what?” you asked, your voice quieter now.
“You’re always going on about how wonderful he is, which, I’ll admit, I struggle to agree with,” Ominis said with a dry chuckle. “But you never actually tell me how he makes you feel. Isn’t that the important part? Does it matter how... how handsome and funny he is if he doesn't make you feel something special?”
You hesitated, your voice soft and uncertain when you finally spoke. “He… I don’t know. He makes me feel safe, Ominis. Like no matter what’s going on, as long as he’s there, I’ll be okay. And he makes me feel seen. Really seen. Like I don’t have to be the ‘hero of Hogwarts’ or ‘the girl with ancient magic.’ I don’t have to be anything except… me. He knows me in a way nobody else does. And when I’m with him, it’s like—for once—I don’t have to prove anything.”
Sebastian’s chest tightened again, but this time it wasn’t just jealousy—it was something deeper, more painful. Because that’s how he felt about you. You were his safe place, the one person who saw him as more than the brash, reckless troublemaker everyone else thought he was.
And now… now he was realizing that someone else held that place for you.
Ominis huffed a laugh, breaking the silence that followed your confession. “You know, it’s almost tragic.”
You glanced at him, confused. “What’s tragic?”
“That it’s him you’ve fallen for,” Ominis said, his voice laced with dry amusement. “Of all the people in Hogwarts—all the people who would gladly worship the ground you walk on—you’ve managed to lose your head over the most chaotic, reckless, insufferable person I know.”
Your jaw dropped, and a laugh bubbled out of you despite your embarrassment. “Ominis!”
“I’m serious,” he said, smirking. “You could have anyone. Anyone. And yet you’ve decided to pine after someone who probably doesn’t even realize you feel this way because he’s too busy rushing headlong into whatever absurd plan pops into his head.”
You groaned again, shaking your head. “You don’t have to rub it in.”
“Well, I do,” he replied, grinning. “Because clearly, he’s too thick to notice, and you’re too stubborn to tell him. I’m the one stuck in the middle of this ridiculous mess, forced to play mediator while you both dance around each other like idiots.”
Sebastian felt like his chest was going to collapse. The way Ominis spoke so casually about this guy��teasing, almost affectionate—was like a knife twisting deeper into his gut. Whoever you were in love with wasn’t just close to you. They were close to Ominis, too.
Who the hell is it?
Sebastian's mind raced through the possibilities, his thoughts a chaotic mess of jealousy and dread. It had to be someone you spent a lot of time with, someone you trusted enough to feel safe around, someone who was close enough to Ominis that he could make jokes about their recklessness.
And then it clicked.
Garreth Weasley.
Sebastian’s stomach dropped. Of course it was Garreth. It made perfect sense.
Garreth was charming, clever, and funny. He had that easygoing, confident smile that always seemed to draw people in. He was loyal, too—always ready to back up his friends, even if it meant landing himself in trouble. And he had that playful, carefree energy that made everyone want to be around him.
Sebastian felt sick.
Of course she loves Garreth. Why wouldn’t she?
He thought back to all the times he’d seen the two of you together—laughing in the Great Hall, chatting during potions class, exchanging those little looks that he’d tried to tell himself didn’t mean anything.
But they did mean something, didn’t they?
And then there was Ominis. Ominis liked Garreth well enough, didn’t he? He put up with Garreth’s antics, even joined in on the occasional joke. If you were in love with Garreth, it explained why Ominis was teasing you so mercilessly.
It all fit together too perfectly.
Sebastian gritted his teeth. He wanted to hate Garreth—wanted to hate him for being everything Sebastian wasn’t, for being the kind of person you could fall for so easily.
But he couldn’t hate Garreth. Not really. It wasn’t Garreth’s fault that he was so damn likable. It wasn’t Garreth’s fault that Sebastian had been too much of a coward to tell you how he felt.
He pressed his back against the cold stone wall, closing his eyes and letting out a slow, shaky breath.
I’ve lost her, he thought bitterly. I never even had her, and I’ve already lost her.
“It’s not like I have a choice, Ominis,” you continued on, your voice quieter now, tinged with frustration and something far more raw. “If I could stop loving him, don’t you think I would have by now? Believe me, I’ve tried,” you continued, your voice breaking slightly. “I’ve tried everything. I’ve told myself it’s just a stupid crush, that it doesn’t matter, but it does. And no matter what I do, I can’t… I can’t make it go away.”
“Then why don’t you tell him?” Ominis asked, his tone softer now, almost coaxing. “What are you so afraid of?”
You groaned, the sound laden with frustration. “Because it doesn’t matter! He doesn’t like me back, Ominis. I’d destroy our friendship for nothing!”
Sebastian’s heart clenched painfully, the bitter sting of your self-doubt twisting something deep inside him. How could you think so little of yourself? How could you not see what he saw when he looked at you?
Ominis let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t think he deserves you,” he muttered. “Merlin knows he’s well aware he doesn’t deserve you. But you can’t decide his feelings for him. That’s not how it works.”
You scoffed. “Your point?”
“I’m just saying,” Ominis replied, his tone exasperated, “that you’re doing both of you a disservice. It’s… it’s getting to the point where something has to give. Either you tell him how you feel, or—”
“Or what?” you interrupted, glaring at him.
“Or I will,” Ominis said firmly, his expression unyielding.
You gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Ominis said, his smirk returning. “I’m tired of watching you both suffer in silence. Merlin knows Sebastian’s too dense to work it out on his own. Maybe hearing it outright will knock some sense into him.”
Sebastian’s heart stopped.
It’s me.
The thought hit Sebastian like a stunning spell, freezing him in place as the pieces of the conversation finally fell into place. Every word, every hint, every exasperated sigh from Ominis—it all pointed to the same answer, one that he’d been too blind, too self-critical, to see.
You were talking about him.
You were in love with him.
His breath hitched, and his grip on the banister tightened as his heart pounded so loudly he was certain you and Ominis would hear it. The jealousy, the doubt, the sharp ache in his chest—all of it melted away, replaced by a dizzying mix of disbelief, relief, and something far brighter: hope. Because you loved him.
“I mean it,” Ominis was saying now, his tone both firm and teasing. “If you won’t tell him, I will. Frankly, I’m tired of sitting through these endless heart-to-hearts when the solution is so obvious.”
You groaned, your frustration evident. “Ominis, I swear—”
“Do it, or I’ll make it the most public confession Hogwarts has ever seen,” Ominis threatened, though the smirk on his face made it clear he was only half-serious.
Sebastian couldn’t stay silent any longer. His feet moved before his mind caught up, carrying him down the remaining steps until he was standing in the open, his gaze fixed on you.
“Ominis won’t have to say a word,” he said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions churning inside him.
You and Ominis both turned toward him, your expression contorting into shock while Ominis grinned.
“Sebastian,” you breathed, your eyes wide.
Ominis crossed his arms, looking entirely too smug. “Ah, there you are."
Sebastian ignored him, his focus entirely on you. “Is it true?” he asked, his voice softer now, almost hesitant. “Everything you just said… is it true?”
Your mouth opened, but no words came out at first. Your gaze flickered to Ominis, as if silently cursing him, before returning to Sebastian. “How much did you hear?”
“Enough,” he admitted, taking a step closer.
You flushed, your hands twisting nervously at your sides. “Sebastian, I—”
“Just tell me,” he interrupted gently, his eyes searching yours. “Please.”
You hesitated for a moment, your breath hitching, before finally nodding. “Yes."
For a moment, Sebastian couldn’t speak. He just stood there, staring at you, his heart so full he thought it might burst. And then, without thinking, he reached for your hands, his grip firm but gentle.
“You’re in love with me?”
Your cheeks burned, but you held his gaze, your voice trembling as you said, “I am."
“I love you, too,” he said simply, the words spilling from his lips like they’d been waiting years to be spoken. “I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember."
Tears welled in your eyes as you stared at him, your expression a mix of disbelief and overwhelming relief. “You… you do?”
He smiled, his thumb brushing lightly over the back of your hand. “I do. More than anything.”
Ominis cleared his throat loudly, breaking the moment. “Well, now that that’s settled, perhaps you two can finally stop making my life so unbearably dramatic.”
Sebastian shot him a look, but there was no real anger behind it. For once, he was too happy, too relieved to care about Ominis’ meddling.
For a moment, neither of you moved, the weight of everything left unsaid finally lifted. And then, with a soft, almost hesitant smile, Sebastian tilted his head and closed the remaining distance, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was as gentle as it was certain.
When the kiss broke, Sebastian rested his forehead against yours, his smile soft but unshakably certain. “You’re stuck with me now,” he murmured, his voice low and full of promise. And as you laughed, the sound light and filled with a joy you hadn’t felt in years, you knew there was nowhere else you’d rather be.
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angxlofvenus · 2 years ago
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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lyn31 · 1 month ago
Good Morning?
Summary: What else is better to start your day than a morning blowjobs? Well in this case, giving one instead.
Pairing: Zayne x MC
CW: Blowjobs, Somnophilia, Established Relationship (dating)
Ao3 link
Your eyes flutter open, the first thing you see is the gray ceiling of your bedroom, When did I get here? You think to yourself.
Yesterday, you had your day off—well, as much of a day off as a Hunter can get, of course—but there was no emergency. The same can't be said for your boyfriend, though.
For the past few weeks, it has been very hard to see each other, even under the same roof. Yesterday was the same—Zayne stayed at the hospital all day, and the only communication between you two was a brief message. He came home late at night, and you ended up waiting for him in the living room.  
Looking to your right, you see his sleeping figure, peacefully lying facing you. His hazel eyes are hidden behind his closed eyelids, his usually neat hair is slightly tousled, and his thin lips are just barely open, releasing soft breaths.  
You think to yourself, How can someone be this gorgeous? You’re fairly sure your current state is nowhere near as neat as Zayne’s. Reaching for his face, you gently touch his cheek—your favorite morning routine. And just like always, Zayne leans into your touch. You never know if he does it in his sleep or if he's awake and just doesn’t say anything.  
Sitting up slowly, you glance at the holographic clock on the bedside table. 4 a.m. No wonder he's still asleep.
Just as you're about to go back to sleep, Zayne stirs, nudging the blanket and making it slip halfway off his body.
You hold back a snort and are just about to fix the blanket when you notice something between his legs—his bulge, visible and definitely ready to burst. You freeze, staring at it, then back at his face. After a few seconds, you bite your lip. Closing your eyes, you think, I mean… wouldn’t that be a good morning? But is it technically non-consensual? Would this be okay?  
Before you can change your mind, you slowly crawl down between Zayne’s legs. Your mouth suddenly feels dry as you carefully reach for his pants, your eyes flickering to his face. So far, so good.  
Moving as slowly as possible, you begin to tug the fabric of his pants down, revealing more of his skin little by little. When they’re finally low enough, you pause, your fingers grazing the waistband of his boxers. Another glance at his face—still asleep.  
You do the same with his boxers, carefully sliding them down until his smooth skin is fully exposed. As you free his shaft, it springs up, standing firm against his lower abdomen. Your fingers unintentionally brush against it, making you swallow hard.  
Still watching his sleeping face, you gently wrap your fingers around the base, trailing them up along his length toward the tip. His breathing shifts—just slightly faster now—and that only excites you more.  
Your fingers tighten around him, moving slowly at first, barely applying pressure. But perhaps that lack of pressure is what sends a shiver through his body, goosebumps rising along his skin. With a subtle motion, you increase the grip, your strokes growing more deliberate. His breathing turns ragged, his chest rising and falling unevenly as your pace quickens, adjusting just the way you know he likes it.  
Slowing down again, you watch his brows furrow, a faint wrinkle forming on his forehead, damp with a light sheen of sweat. You pause for a few seconds, waiting to see if he’ll wake, but his eyes remain closed, even as his hips occasionally stir beneath your touch.  
Glancing down, you notice a glistening bead of his essence pooling at the tip, slowly trailing downward. Without a second thought, you lean in and run your tongue over it, licking it clean.  
Your eyes dart back to his face at the sound of his groan. Frozen mid-lick, you wait, heart pounding, to see if he’s finally waking up.  
But he doesn’t.  
You don’t know why you’re so nervous—if he did wake up, you doubt he’d be mad. Still, the thrill of touching him without his conscious permission sends a little zap of nerves through you, mixed with something even more exhilarating.  
Emboldened by the thought, you drag your tongue along the length of his shaft, from base to tip, deliberately avoiding the most sensitive spot. You always enjoy teasing him like this, loving the way he usually reacts with a heated gaze and that deep voice murmuring, Is this how you’re going to play it? But this time, there’s no teasing remark—only low groans slipping past his parted lips.
His hips shift again, almost as if urging you to take him fully. But you keep your slow, torturous pace, your tongue flicking over his heated skin, hands gripping his thighs to hold him steady. Then, finally, you take him into your mouth.  
His groan is louder now, his body tensing at the sudden warmth.  
You feel him throb, growing even harder inside you, his breath hitching each time you quicken your movements. His body is so responsive—even in sleep. And then, just as you sense the familiar pulse, he spills inside your mouth.  
Swallowing everything, you gradually slow down, still keeping him between your lips for a moment longer. Even as you pull away, you savor the lingering taste of him.  
Glancing up at his face, you see his expression still slack with sleep—lips parted, brows furrowed slightly. But then, something shifts.  
His body tenses again.  
And when you look at his eyes, you meet a heated, hazel gaze staring right back at you.
Sweat glistens on his forehead, his breath still unsteady as a slight curve tugs at his lips.  
“Having fun, darling?”
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thedevilspearl · 2 years ago
asking them stupid questions — all brothers
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a/n: having a hard time writing smut atm so here’s some silly headcanons with the brothers. i was really tired when i proofread this so there may be some mistakes.
tags: 2k words, no gender specified, reader x lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub + belphegor. (belphie’s is a little suggestive).
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lucifer has had enough.
it’s been a long day and he wished for a quiet night in his office to relax with some tea while overlooking the bills his brothers have riled up.
but he’s quite distracted tonight.
peace and quiet is not an option. especially with you loitering, floating around his office and touching all the trinkets and décor. you’ve never shown interest in them before, but tonight, all of a sudden lucifer’s office is the most inviting place in the world.
“yes, honey?”
“is something the matter.”
there is a painstakingly long silence before you answer. “….no.”
letting out a little sigh, he asks, “are you quite sure?”
you hum with a subtle nod, barely looking him in the eye and he is now certain something is wrong.
“mc, please. if you aren’t feeling well, you can tell me about it. you don’t need to make this difficu—”
“would you still love me if i was a worm?”
“what?” lucifer’s voice croaks.
“it’s just that i felt sad thinking about how you might not love me anymore if one day i turned into a worm and couldn’t turn back into me.”
“mc, in what world would you ever turn into a worm?”
“most likely this one. remember that time mammon accidentally turned me into a sheep in spells class? i was cute as a sheep, so it was okay. but as a worm, i’d be small and slimy and gross. i’d be unloveable.”
“that is enough,” he rises from his chair, speaking with command but still gentle enough to not upset you further. “you shouldn’t think of such things. it is so silly of you to think i would ever stop loving you.”
“if i must spell it out for you, then yes. i would still love you if you were a worm and i would carry you everywhere with me to ensure you’re never lost or hurt. i would need something small and protective to carry you in, but yes. i will always love you.”
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“if there was a zombie apocalypse and i was bitten, what would you do?”
“hah?!” mammon’s face contorts at your random question. “what are ya talking about?”
“i’ve been thinking about that movie we watched….the zombie one. and just wondered what it would be like.”
“gave up on surviving already, did ya?” he chuckles, collapsing onto his bed beside you, his hand resting on your waist.
“no, but i wanna know! what would you do if i turned into a zombie?”
“well….what are the options?” his smirk earns him a playful smack on the chest. “hey! i’m serious. i’ll be so sad that i won’t be able to think straight, so ya need to give me some options.”
“fine,” you pout, scratching your brain for solutions. “i suppose the most humane thing to do would be to kill me. you know, to make sure i’m not forced to live as a mindless zombie eating other humans.”
“or you could tie me up, maybe chain me, and keep me alive by feeding me living people.”
“why would i keep ya around if you’re gonna stink like a rotting corpse?”
while mammon laughs, your brows furrow with annoyance, mostly feigned but there’s a small sense of hurt in there when you think about mammon not wanting to keep you after you turn into a zombie, despite it being completely logical and reasonable.
“hey,” his voice is soft as he leans over and kisses your cheek, “don’t worry. i’d handcuff us together and let you bite me. then we can be zombies together and never be separated.”
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movie night always means one thing, and that’s you and levi curling up with tangled limbs and a hoard of cushions and blankets. a joint blanket burrito with little space between you but that’s a good thing.
the closeness makes it cosier.
tonight, you opted for a more emotional movie. a romance, but romances are always emotional for both of you. that’s why you try your best to stay away from the romantic movies and stick to action packed fantasies or sci-fi’s that are the furthest thing from romance.
but there was a new and popular movie making the headlines and levi couldn’t wait to watch it. you knew watching it was a lost hope, and now you’re sobbing in levi’s arms watching the struggles the love interests are going through to get to each other.
“i’m so glad it wasn’t that difficult for us to be together,” you sniffle, feeling a wave of gratitude take over. “i love you, levi.”
“i love you, too,” his voice trembles and he quietly wipes his own tears.
“hey, levi?”
“what is it?”
“can i wipe my nose on you?”
“what? no!”
too late. you buried your head into his chest, wiping your face clean and covering his favourite shirt in snot.
“i’m sorry. i wanted to get a tissue but they’re too far away. i didn’t want to leave the burrito.”
“it’s fine,” he grumbles, begrudgingly patting you on the head to tell you it’s okay despite ruining his shirt. “let’s finish the movie.”
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“would you still love me if i told you the truth?”
satan tries to hide his piqued interest, like he usually does. he likes to come off as the too–cool–to–show–i–care kind of guy but the truth is, he is more invested in this truth than anything else.
he nonchalantly turns the page of his book and with a swipe of his tongue over his lips, he asks, “what truth?”
“that i’m really a lizard.”
well, he wasn’t expecting that.
he watches you intently over the pages of his book. you stop pacing around the library and make your way to him, showing no expression on your face. usually, he would be quite good at reading your face but in all honesty, he can’t tell if you’re serious or not.”
“a lizard?”
you nod. “a lizard.”
“you don’t look like a lizard.”
“that’s because i’m a lizard pretending to be a human.”
“a what now?” he shuts his book, sitting upright from his laid position. he tried his hardest not to give in to your silly but mysterious notion but he is far more interested in your explanation.
“you know about the lizard people, right?”
“i do not.”
“so i just exposed myself for nothing?”
“what in the devildom are you talking about?”
“it doesn’t matter. forget i said anything. if anyone finds out i told you, i could get killed.”
“please tell me that isn’t true.”
you refuse to even look him in the eye. surely, you are joking. there’s no way you’re really a lizard, let alone it be possible for lizards to be secretly living inside of humans. what kind of conspiracy would that be?
it’s unimaginable, even for demons. but whether the lizard thing is true or he’s falling for a joke, you still need an answer to your question.
“yes,” he pulls you into his side. “i would still love you if you were really a lizard.”
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“asmo,” you sing the demon of lust’s name, catching the attention that he would devote to you at any given moment. “can i ask you something?”
“go ahead, my dearest. fire away.”
he winks, hoping it would be something on the more flirtatious side, but instead you fill his mind with a grotesque image.
“what would you do if you could never touch me again?”
he immediately smothers you with a hug. “what are you talking about?! of course, that would never happen!”
“but what if?” you snuggle into him further. “what if you could never touch me?”
he hums, thinking of any solution to be able to touch you again.
“i’d cry,” he says simply. “i’d cry a lot.”
“aww,” you pout. “i don’t want you to cry.”
“and i don’t want to imagine a world where i can’t hold you like this,” he kisses your lips, “where i can’t kiss you like this,” he lifts up your hand and intertwines your fingers with his, “where i can’t hold your hand like this.”
“i don’t know what would ever cause me to never be able to touch you again, but it would be the end of my world if it came true. i don’t know if i’d be able to live.”
“you’d still be able to see me and speak to me.”
“but not being able to touch you when i see you and hear you is the most painful torture imaginable. but you know what that means, right?”
“what does it mean?” you squeal and his hands tickle your sides.
“it means i need to do all the touching i can now to make up for it!”
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“hey, beel?”
your quiet voices fill the dark path home from rad. beel always walks you home; be it in comfortable silence or deep conversations, you don’t imagine walking home any other way.
and the quiet air of the evening provides the perfect chance to ask him a question you’ve been waiting to ask all day.
“can i ask you something?”
“if i had five million cheeseburgers and you could only eat them if you slapped me in the face, what wou—”
“i’d slap you in the face.”
“i didn’t even finish my question.” you yelp, brows furrowing in frustration.
“you don’t need to finish it. i’d do anything to eat that many cheeseburgers.”
your feet plant in the ground and beel doesn’t stop walking until your hand which holds his pulls him back.
“are you serious?”
“uhmm….i think so?”
you’re grateful for the fact that he’s rethinking his answer but it was a shock to hear him say he’d slap you so firmly in the beginning. it was a stupid question to ask in the first place, but you never imagined beel ever wanting to hurt you.
he tugs on your hand and you continue walking with him, picking up the pace to get home.
“mc….” he asks. “did i say something wrong?”
his obliviousness to his own words is a harder slap in the face than the slap he promised those five million burgers.
“you said you’d slap me, beel, and it makes me sad.”
“hm….we can go halfsies on the burgers?”
“i’ll slap you and then we can share the burgers.” he promises. “you’d feel bad because i slapped you. and i’d feel bad because i slapped you. so to make it better for both of us, we can split the cheeseburgers.”
you look at him, astounded because you don’t know if his explanation makes his answer better or worse.
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a cuddling session in the attic with belphegor is exactly what you needed after a long, draining day. you naturally made your way up to him as soon as you had some free time, desperate for his warmth.
but belphie had a different warmth in mind with all the kisses he litters up and down your neck.
“belphie, i’m tired.” you whine, but still urge him on to kiss you harder.
“then close your eyes. i’ll kiss you until you fall asleep.”
your heart swarms with the thrill of his words, the promise of being here and showering you with affection even on your worst days.
“is something wrong?” he asks.
“no. why?”
“you’re not falling asleep.”
“that’s because you’re kisses are keeping me awake.”
“they’re meant to help you fall asleep.”
“i hate to break it to you belphie, but they’re having the opposite effect.” you tease.
“is that so?” he nibbles you ear. “what about this?”
you arch into his body, sensitive from his kisses and now the more urgent movements of his lips ignite a fire in your belly. his lips graze you, teeth nip you and tongue swipe over your skin. he sucks hard enough to leave bruises, and kisses softly on every mark he leaves.
“belphie….” the soft whisper of his name catches his attention. “how many ghosts do you think are watching us right now?”
he ceases for a moment, then lifts his head from the crook of your neck. “what?”
“what if there’s ghosts watching us right now? and what if they keep watching us while we….you know….?”
“i never thought of that before.”
“it’s weird, right?”
“definitely. let’s never have sex again.”
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midnightanxietytm · 2 months ago
Midnight visit
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Author's Notes: I wrote this in one afternoon. It's a bit shitty but oh well. I just wanted to see MC match Caleb's freak and then double it because I know that girl is equally freaky and possessive.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Possessive behavior, mutually unhealthy relationship, self-awareness, mc being a freak, mc uses 'gege' to refer to Caleb once, manipulation.
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Sometimes in the dead of night, you wonder if you should feel some sort of guilt over it.
But then morning comes, and there he is; making breakfast, teasing you sweetly, kissing your cheeks tenderly and telling you there’s nothing to worry about, that you two will be together forever and he will never leave you again. 
And when night falls, you wait for him to get home on the living room couch, just to pretend to be asleep by the time he gets home and have him carry you to bed...
When you had first reunited, you commented that he was different and he refuted; “What if I told you I was always like this?” And this got to you. It made you think back to your youth under a different light…
You remember that he’d put your shoes on for you every morning, that he’d walk you to all the way to your classroom, that he wouldn’t let you go out with any boys, even Zayne, unless he was present.
You also remember casually leaving your valentines day cards on the dinner table, pretending to be too sleepy so he’d put on your shoes for you, and flaunting to your colleagues that, yes, the upperclassman who came every day with you was your best friend. 
Maybe neither of you changed that much. Maybe you were both possessive and unhealthy.
“Caleb.” You call him in a whisper that night, after he’s set your ‘sleeping’ form on your bed and was ready to leave your room, acting as if you’d just woken up. 
Immediately, his eyes are on you again, and his smile is back on his lips. You reach out a hand and softly caress his face. “You’ve been coming home so late.” You whine softly. Your fingers tracing the small crease between his eyebrows. “I miss you.” 
You can see the moment your words hit him; his pupils dilate even more, the faint light coming from the windows would no longer be a good excuse for that, his breathing shakes just for a moment. Anyone else would have missed it, but you know Caleb. You know he’s softening.
“I’m sorry, pipsqueak.” He whispers, carefully holding your hand with his gloved one and planting a kiss in your palm. “It will be over soon.” He tries reassuring you, but unfortunately for him, you are spoiled, and you don’t take it well when he denies you things.
You frown and pout up at him. “I know about the professor.” A low blow. He flinches, his eyes widening, but you hold him by the collar and force him to stay right where he was, where he belongs. “You shouldn’t hide those things from me, gege.” An even lower blow. ‘Gege’ is too soft, too meek, it doesn’t match the cold tone that seeps into your voice. “We’ll deal with it together, allright?”
A protest begins to form in his mouth, but you cut it by sliding your hand back to his cheek, thumb softly pressing his lips. “You said we could rebuild our old house, right? We’ll do it, but you have to help me, alright? Let me help you.”
Pushing yourself into a more seated position, your other hand comes up to cradle his face. “How-” He swallows hard. You watch his adam's apple tremble with laser-focused eyes. “How much do you know?”
“Not everything, don’t worry. We’ll deal with it, and once it’s over you’ll never have to leave my side again.” A sickly sweet smile sneaks itself into your lips, your thumbs slowly caressing his lips.
Caleb’s breathing is shaky, his eyes dart across your face, clearly shocked at your sudden possessiveness and demanding attitude. You decide that it’s enough now, and slowly fall back into the comforting innocence and pliancy he’s come to expect of you. “Sleep with me tonight?” you ask.
Caleb shudders on your hands, but nods with a smile after it. “Okay.” He whispers. “I’ll change out of uniform.”
He kisses your palm again, and stands to leave the room.
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A/N: Is it really a toxic relationship if they are both toxic? I thought they cancelled each other out! /s /j
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roxanne193018 · 3 months ago
A part 3 of Lucifer’s implied (?) yandere stuffs ( i guess it’s not so implied anymore)
Warning: spoilers Christmas event story and Lucifer (blow)
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Here he is, yapping about his brothers again (not that I complain tho)
This dude. Everyone says he talks very little that Paradise Lost gang even blushed at his words every time he speaks bc apparently he rarely speaks. But bro is a YAPPER. A huge YAPPER when it comes to MC. (Like how most of us just yap all things to our love) from background conversations, to chats, to stories, if one sentence was enough to make the PL gang blush, then with the amount he says to MC, PL gang would orgasm till they faint.
Also, when MC said “oh, you are busy, why bother texting me?” He was like
“??Bc I’m a doctor, and I often check up on my patients,
But also bc I like you.
Gamigin almost form lifelong friendship with his patients! We doctors are dedicated…I am not that dedicated tho,
But I also have to check on you bc you are important to me.
I can ask everyone instead to know if you’re ill or not,
But I want to ask you directly tho.
Everyone is interested in you, ao I can ask everyone about you
But I’m also interested in you”
… very roundabout way of saying I am literally loving you, and you are important to me, and why are you pretending not to see it? Conflicting ahh birb
… notice him guys.
In the story, he actually keeps his “doctor profession”, by not touching his patient, (believe it or not). He wants to lick MC’s tears so bad, wants to be nice to her, wants to cherish it as lovers’ s*xy time and not a type of treatment, but he couldn’t bc everything he did then was to cure MC. So, he refrained himself from licking MC’s tears and kissing MC’s face. Meh, weird way for a doctors’ safe distance from patient, but that’ll do ig…
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Again, he losts it at every card when MC said she likes doing this with him. Their relationship, feels kinda like situasionship smh haha. Both kept their cools, but loses their shjt when the other do lovers’ things to them.
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He caters to MC’s liking to cure her, but in the end, he himself can’t keep his words of “not touching the patient”, and still kisses MC. As MC no longer has Christmas cold, she still clings to Lucifer for sexy time lol, bc it’s rare to spend time with him, and he knows, he thinks the same and doesn’t do allat doctor patient game anymo, just lovers’ stuffs from then on lmao.
Shows how MC makes him always loses his shjt, and he admits it fr 🤣
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And finally, I still save the best for last.
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So for context: he is texting MC to ask like “what type of magical possay you got, that this toy still have your love liquid on it after DAYS?”
… well look at that, you hypocrite lil shjt. I remember SOMEONE told Belphegor that him keeping the blanket that him and MC rolled on is unhygienic. And now you kept that toy UNWASHED on your office table for days, in the room that bans everyone from entering. If he washed it, he wouldn’t ask MC why it was still wet bc it would be cleanly dried long ago.
“At first, it vibrated with your smell” okay.. you kept that thing to occasionally sniff MC out? On God… like I said. He might be crazy like Asmo.
Next, he was FURIOUS, when he noticed that the candy cane reeks of other devils’ smells. (Apparently the Paradise Lost gang has used that to m*st*rb*t* lol) bc 1, he places it privately in his own office, a place no one dares to enter, and now they are doing IT in his no no office zone, and 2, it no longer entirely smells like MC, so he just decides to lock the entire PL gang up to punish 🤣🤣 and won’t let MC meet them for a good while. (Jealous boi)
Another thing I am wondering is that, it is canon that he gets hard every time he bumps into/ remembers/ sees MC (MC-sexual lol). The inclusion of the MC smelled candy cane in his office? Yeah… it will DEFINITELY make that man go absolute FERAL.
I realized how I over analyzing everything when it comes to Luci lmao. Probably mostly bc he has IMPLIED shjjj compared to Leviathan, who just literally smacks the heck outta MC if she makes him jealous, much easier to see.
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meo-eiru · 6 months ago
*cracks knuckles* here I am again. this time with Micah as my victim
so at first,
you definitely should add some more story to him. so far, if I'm being honest, he feels a bit too plain to me. but oh boy, what a potential I see here!
alright lets begin
omg look at him! such a hypocrite! how smart it is, to put all blame on MC while being just as (actually even more) sinful. and he sure hides well; it's your fault, isn't it? oh you and your sinful mind.
buut despite him not really being my cup of tea, I still do like a good old concept of ugly insides, hidden behind a beautiful shell (if that's the vibe you were going for).
Micah seems so pure, so holy, almost like an angel (you played smart by adding a lot of white in his design) – but behind that pristine facade? he's ugly. and that shell eventually starts to crack, because no matter how pure he may seem, Micah is just as human as we are, and definitely not a good one. and what are we, if not a bunch of cruel, egotistical animals? and deep inside he's exactly that, sickeningly human. with that in mind the very first comic you did abt him is actually pretty hilarious to me. your desires? what about his desires, which are strong enough to ruin your whole life?
I kinda feel like he's also a little pathetic in his own way; if he can't make you fall for him, he will break you. isn't it like a very cowardly move? he wants you badly enough to use whatever method it may require to have you, but will never admit it.
but let's talk about that strange desire to destroy MC's purity. why? to make you just as dirty as he is? cute, but doesn't seem like a full explanation to me. he's a priest, right? and even despite those dark insides of his, I feel like Micah still kept at least some of the priest mindset. I mean, they're raised and taught with a very strict discipline. so I feel like deep down, he feels bad (not ashamed, but in a "how dare they" way) for his attraction to you, and punishes you for that attraction. it's not your fault, of course, but who cares? you managed to destroy his perfect, clean facade, which he was methodically building for his whole life with simply your existence. isn't that unfair? so now you must fall into the depths of hell with him.
I like how we can't justify him. Micah is perfectly aware of what he is doing. and of twisted nature of his feelings too, I think, yet still chooses to indulge in his desires, even if it hurts you, the person he was supposed to love and cherish. he makes me feel an absolute, poetic rage, and I love a character I can hate. (don't get me wrong, it meant to be a praise)
and I absolutely adore his design. also if I was on point with the idea you meant for him, that is wonderful too. if a character makes me feel something, I like that character. but girl, you really should add more details about him. because everything I've written here is, basically, just my own brainstorming and bare theories. Micah needs to have more meat on him for a full character analysis >_>
but anyway, I actually have a question.
what if MC wasn't in any way pure? what if they're a complete opposite of that word? count it on my love for hunchback of notre dame
unlike the nun MC, I suggest a MC who fully embraces their sins. like an evil succubus, they enjoy the joys of being tainted. they know what influence they have on their dear Father Micah, and isn't ashamed of that. I feel like that would make a pretty interesting story
(cough cough draw him blushing and moaning and my life is yours darling)
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Another absolutely incredible ask I'll have a field day answering.
I do agree with him being a bit under developed at the moment. Micah was a bit unfortunate as in he was never meant to be an actual character. He was just a momentary creation who existed for me to study color theory. A beautiful man of flowers who didn't have an identity.
Then he joined the cast when I was busy with working on commissions and the 5k celebration comic so I didn't have the time to draw his introduction comic with the things I had planned for him, though I've been trying my best to explore him a bit more thru asks like this one. The fact that I don't want to spoil the stuff I'll draw in his comic is also holding me back a little.
I think Micah is evil, but not completely bad. A man who was born twisted, who was raised into goodness, and even with all the love he received never truly got rid of his inner darkness, but just once, just for one moment, I think he had good in his heart. And that is when he first saw you.
With all his twistedness, all his evilness, all his darkness, I think that love he felt for you was truly pure. Because in his eyes you appeared truly beautiful, like a pure lily.
But Micah isn't a pure man, neither does he want to be. So he prefers to pull you down to his level, so that you two can be sinful together. A truly impure way of feeling that pure and innocent love.
I have gotten asks about him with a more rowdy darling, one who isn't a nun or one who is more sinful. I've been really brainstorming about it but I don't think it would work. Not because I personally can't force the story into being like that but because I think it was just not meant to be like that.
You see I do come up with the characters, but I don't control their actions. If the character is unwilling I can't shape the story to my will. Because that story is their life and they control it. The best I can do is to try to fill the gaps I can.
I might prefer submissive yanderes, I might want Micah to have a more sinful darling instead but it wouldn't be Micah's story anymore. That's one of the reasons why he's so different from the rest of the boys. I'm not super into very dominant guys, I could probably count the ones I have with one hand, it wasn't my intention for Micah to be the way he is, but I don't think he could've been any other way.
Micah was just meant to be manipulative, a gaslighter, a dirty man who'll pull anything to push you below him.
I guess me looking at my stories from an actual novel or manga perspective also contributes to this. Father Micah exists to shine with a darling who he can soil.
Now the darling can maybe go against him in the future, she might rebel or give in to his sinful ways, but that's a different story.
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cloudcountry · 6 days ago
SUMMARY: you comfort yuri after the events of chapter 14
COMMENTS: i fixed that bullshit scene in chapter 14 when those assholes made yuri cry. i know the mc isn't very confrontational but i am and i got SO mad when that screen happened that i actually skipped through most of the dialogue. fuck those guys. we comfort yuri in this household.
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He wasn’t the one who did the betraying. He’d done nothing but his best at every turn. He would never do anything to hurt his patients. He had always done his best. That’s why he became a doctor—to help people in ways he couldn’t before. How could they just enter his clinic and say that!? How could he stop this from continuing? He wanted to leave, he wanted out, he could do this anymore—!
“That’s enough. Get the fuck out right now.”
Yuri sucks in a shuddering breath, his shoulders trembling. It takes a moment for him to realize that you'd stepped in front of him, arms crossed over your chest. The two Frostheim students don’t look deterred, though.
“Getting someone else to cover for yo—”
“Quiet. You have no right to speak here. Get the fuck out.”
“Ah, no. Did you not hear me? You might want to go see Darkwick General if you’re becoming delirious. Did you honestly think you could just walk into Yuri’s lab and disrespect him like that? Take your fucking ointment and get out.”
“Why are you still here? Trying to dig your own grave? I can’t understand why assholes like you think you even deserve to breathe the same air as him. Yuri is a very intelligent, compassionate man. He’s a far more valuable person than you will ever be.”
It takes Jiro coming back for them to scatter, but all Yuri can think about is how you’ve defended him. He stays silent, letting the thoughts wash over him, and it isn’t until you hold his face and murmur a soft “hey, let me see you,” that he breaks.
It’s embarrassing, sniffling in your arms like a child. His vision is blurry, but sees your heart broken expression and wishes he could fix it. He's the cause of it, the cause of that brokenness, and Yuri wants nothing more than to hold you together, to tell you that he’s fine and that they didn’t affect him at all, but he can’t speak. He soaks up your comfort, hiding his face in your shoulder as you wrap your arms around him, rubbing the most gentle circles onto his back. You’re talking—he thinks you don’t think he’s really, truly listening—and you say the sweetest things.
“You’ve done more with three minutes of your time than they will do with their entire lives,” you say, “You’re talented and strong and so, so smart. I’m always impressed by just how much you know. You’d think I would stop being surprised at some point, because you’re just such a hard worker, but I don’t think I ever will be.”
Your shirt is wet with his tears, His hands are wrinkling the fabric with the force of his grip.
Don’t go. Please stay. Please, please stay.
Believe him. Believe in him. Please.
He wants to stop the tears from falling, to remind you that he’s a strong person even though you've already confirmed it, but with your words his words die away. Your breath is warm against his ear and he shudders, a gut wrenching sob leaving his lips.
It’s been so hard. It always is and always will be.
“Breathe,” you murmur.
One of your hands finds its place on the crown on his head, and when you begin to stroke his hair like he’s someone precious, he crumbles all over again.
It feels so good to be vulnerable. He hates it, but it feels so good. You’re not shoving him away, or calling him a traitor, or yelling at him for his mistakes. You’ve accepted it, or maybe you don’t believe it, but whatever answer is good enough for him so long as you stay by his side.
“You’re a wonderful doctor, Yuri,” you say, “I’ve never met someone so dedicated to his work. I’ve never met someone as passionate as you about advancing the field. You’re so amazing. Don’t let those lowly bastards get you down.”
He hears you ask Jiro to fetch some tissues. He hears him leave.
Yuri thinks he might believe you.
For once in his life, he might believe the things he says about himself, because they come from you.
You have never lied to him, not even once. You wouldn’t start now.
Yuri knows, after all this is over, he’ll be a scared boy curled up behind the brick walls he’s erected over the years. He’ll deny your touch and blush when you smile or ask to hold his hand. He’ll call you ignorant and watch as your face scrunches up in displeasure.
He’d think you hated him.
Why do you stay!?
What if...he messes up with you, too?
“For the record, I don’t believe a single thing those Frostheimer’s say.” you chuckle, “It all sounds like bullshit to me. But if there is anything you want to tell me, be in now or five years from now, you can. I promise I’ll listen.”
Yuri slumps into you.
“I only want to believe the things you tell me about yourself,” you hum, “Because if I believe what everyone says, I wouldn’t really know you. And that’s what I want to do.”
He lifts his head from your shoulder, meeting your gaze with his bloodshot one.
Yuri opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. What should he say? Thank you? I care about you? I want you to stay by my side? I want to protect you, too?
Your eyes dart around his irises, scooping up all of his emotions with your steady hands like they’re tangible things. Like you can understand him perfectly, even though he says nothing.
“Thank you for trusting me,” you reach up and cup his cheek again, brushing your thumb against the wetness of his cheekbone, “I’m honored to be able to help you in any way I can.”
And then,
“I care about you so much.”
You’re so close.
Yuri turns bright red and averts his eyes, sniffling violently. Jiro, back with tissues, hands him a few. He blows his nose and wrinkles his face in displeasure. How could he let those Frostheim students get to him?
How could he ever be weakened when he was next to two of the people who mattered most to him?
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loveafterdeath-if · 4 months ago
Can I ask you how El would have reacted if MC asked them what they wanted to ask (maybe at home while reassuring El on the couch or while brushing teeth)?
I hope we're thinking about the same thing, well, obviously there's only one thing MC wanted to ask so hopefully I got it right.
Btw, I, uh, got a bit carried away haha....
Here’s how it would’ve been in another life
(Serious is green and playful is red)
As you brush El's teeth, your brain thinks and overthinks, gears turning in your head relentlessly. Should you ask now? But then again, proposing right now is a bit... 
Let's just say you imagined something more elegant and sophisticated. You're brushing his/her teeth, both of your mouths coated with toothpaste foam. There's nothing elegant about it but... You still have this little box in your pocket and you don't think you can wait any longer. 
That waitress did ruin your moment earlier, but it doesn't have to be perfect, right? It's the thought that counts as they say, and you love El. Your love has to be enough. 
"What ah you hinkin–" El pushes the toothbrush away making you pull your hand back as he/she spits in the sink next to him/her. After a moment, he/she tries again. "What are you thinking about?" 
"Me?" El wiggles his/her brows. "You're thinking about me, admit it." 
"Maybe you'd know if you actually let me answer," you huff a laugh, nudging his/ her inner thigh playfully from between his/her legs "Can I talk or do I have to pay for subscription to do it?" you level him/her with a deadpan stare.
El only grins as he/she waves a hand for you to continue. "Alright, alright. Go ahead, babe." 
Suddenly, you're not sure anymore if you wanna talk. His/Her full attention is on you now, his/her eyes shining with wonder and curiosity. 
You clear your throat, straighten your back and swallow hard as your hand hovers over your pocket where the lil treasure lies. The object feels uncomfortably heavy in your pocket right now. This is nerve-wracking. This is probably a bad idea to do it right now.
Fuck, you're nervous... your hand is slightly trembles and you hope he/she doesn't notice. 
He/She does. 
"Hey," he/she murmurs softly, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your lips with his/ her thumb before cleaning his/her own mouth under the sink’s spray. 
You're glad he/she did. At least you'll look somewhat decent for what's about to happen.
"You okay?" he/she asks, hands reaching out again but this time to cup your cheeks, thumbs stroking gently there. He/She seems torn between reassuring you about whatever has you feeling this way and teasing you. "What's going on?" 
"Nothing," you mutter, a slight frown betraying your words. 
It's El's turn to frown as he/she searches your eyes. Finding them he/she smiles warmly. "Why are you frowning, then? 
"I'm..." not. That's what you want to say but it'd be a lie. 
“You are,” he/she retorts in a quiet voice, gaze darting between your eyes. “Did I do something?”
“No,” you shake your head, your hand covering one of his/hers on your cheek. “No, you didn’t.” “Then tell me what’s wrong?” "Mh? Nothing, nothing," you grin at him/her, trying to mask your nervousness. 
El cocks a brow, a teasing smile spreading on his/her lips. "Why do I feel like you're lying?" 
"Me?" you throw him/her your most innocent look.
Your lover mirrors you, batting his/her eyelashes playfully. “Yes, you.”
“I would never,” you declare dramatically, a hand raised as if performing a theatrical monologue. “My heart is too pure, my soul too genuine, my mind too–“
But seeing his/her growing worry, you finally sigh. Right, maybe not a good idea to deflect right now.
You’re someone courageous, you’re gonna propose right now. You’ll do it. Right here, right now. Or maybe after some minutes of– no, you’ll do it.
Slipping your hand in your pocket, you suck in a breath. Shit, okay, you're actually doing it. This is now or never. No time for overthinking it. 
"El," you start. You want to go again and start saying how much you love him/her, how much he/she means to you. But if you do that, you're scared to backtrack and decide against it once again. 
El nods, patiently waiting, anticipating. He/She takes back his/her toothbrush to brush his/her teeth while you take your sweet time spilling it.  Slowly, your lower your knee until it touch the floor and that’s exactly when his/her whole body freeze, the box finally showing its head as you lift it and open it for El's view. The chocolate diamond not shining as brightly as El’s eyes.
"Marry me," you finally say. 
It's a bit... blunt, but there's no denying the vulnerability in your eyes right now as you hold his/her gaze. Your throat constricts and your heart races, as if trying to escape your damn ribcage.  "Marry me?" you attempt a smile, trying to bring out your playful side. But you can't hide how terrified you are right now. 
It’s one thing to joke here and there, but it's another to expose yourself so much, so… completely. 
You did it. The stress hasn’t vanished at all, though. You proposed... now you just have to actually hear the answ– 
Your eyes instinctively close when El sputters, literally spitting in your face as you grimace. Wow... so much for a picture-perfect proposal moment...
However, when your eyes open, your expression softens at the sight he's/she's giving you. 
His/Her eyes watering and glimmering with unshed tears, lips trembling, soft, choked noises escaping his/her throat. "You're a monster..." 
You blink at him/her. You're not sure how to interpret this answer. 
Suddenly, El sobs, launching off the counter to practically tackle you. You both crash to the floor with a solid thud. You groan, rubbing the back of your head, suddenly thankful for your thick skull. Your attention is pulled elsewhere, though. You feel him/her nod frantically against your skin, burying his/her head in the crook of your neck. "Yes yes YES... I love you." 
His/Her hiccups and whimpers echo in the bathroom as he/she grips you for dear life, as if afraid it's all a dream. "I love you so much..." 
You don't waste time wrapping your arms around him/her, pulling him/her closer than he/she already is. Your hand rubs his/her back as he/she lets it all out, your own eyes watering at the pure joy you're feeling right now.
“It’s… It’s my fave color,” he/she hiccups against you, body shivering with each sob.
“I know.”
“I love you I love you I love you…”
"I love you too, El." 
The box is forgotten on the floor. 
But it's okay, because the man/woman in your arms is more important than any rings in the world. 
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syluslnd · 5 months ago
Just read House Of Cards and it got me good ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ aksbsjsanoaksdjsnkasjian– *dead*
Anyways, can you make the continuation of that story?
(Tired of me being delusional so now it's his turn for him to be the one who is delusional)
From what I read, Sylus always in denial when his men sent every piece of her until the last moment he snapped. What if he goes back into being delusional then? That MC is still in bed with him. Or going to the arcade with her (clearly he go there alone because MC is ☠️)
How people inside there giving him a weird look because they see some disheveled man talking about he would buy the entire arcade (in the game. Canon.) for his beloved.
Thank you!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
pt 2 to this story
house of cards;shattered
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(note-It makes me so happy you liked it so much that you needed a continuation🥹thank YOU & I hope you really like this, kisses xx)
The days following the discovery of your body were a blur for Sylus. The once-cold and calculating leader of Onychinus was unraveling at the seams, haunted by a rage so consuming that it drowned out everything else.
The names of the men responsible for your death, those who dared to touch what was his, had been whispered to him by his remaining loyalists like and kieran,sylus wasted no time tracking them down.
He wanted them alive. He wanted them to feel pain-slow, excruciating pain, the kind that would make them beg for death long before he was willing to grant them that mercy.
The first man was found in a decrepit building, hidden away like a rat. Sylus didn't speak as he dragged the man into the basement of one of Onychinus's many safehouses. There was no need for words.
He was beyond talking. His mind buzzed with one singular thought: revenge.
The man was tied to a chair, blood already trickling down his face from where Sylus had struck him. Sylus circled him slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. The cold gleam of his knife reflected in the faint light and the man whimpered, begging for mercy.
"I wonder” Sylus muttered under his breath, his voice low "how long it'll take for you to break."
With a quick flick of his wrist, he slashed the man's arm, drawing a deep line across the skin. Blood welled up instantly, dripping to the floor in steady, rhythmic beats. The man screamed but Sylus barely heard it. His eyes were cold, unfeeling, even as the man squirmed in his restraints.
One cut turned into two. Two turned into ten.
Sylus worked methodically, slicing deeper each time, his hand steady, his mind eerily calm. He didn't rush. He savored each scream, each pathetic whimper. The man's blood coated Sylus's hands but he didn't care. He wasn't thinking about anything but the pain he wanted to inflict. Pain for pain.
Blood for blood.
He broke the man's fingers, one by one, relishing the sickening snap of bone beneath his grip. The man's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. Sylus didn't stop. He wouldn't stop until every single one of them paid for what they had done to you.
By the time the man finally succumbed to the pain, falling limp in the chair, Sylus had carved his face beyond recognition. Blood pooled at Sylus's feet, staining the floor. He stood there, panting heavily, his body covered in the man's blood, his chest heaving. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough.
The second man suffered a worse fate. Sylus had perfected his technique by then. He used a blowtorch, searing the flesh from the man's arms and legs, watching as the skin blistered and peeled. The smell of burning flesh filled the room but Sylus didn't flinch.
His expression remained cold, detached, as if he were performing a routine task rather than torturing a man to death.
The man screamed so loudly that Sylus had to gag him but it didn't make a difference.
The man's eyes told him everything. He was terrified. Broken. A shell of what he had once been. Sylus took his time, dragging out the agony for hours, refusing to let the man pass out. When the man's legs were charred beyond repair, Sylus ended him with a single, swift cut to the throat.
But it still wasn't enough.
Each time he killed one of them, Sylus felt a strange emptiness settle over him. He had thought that their deaths would bring him peace. That they would give him closure. But all he felt was a gnawing, festering wound inside him—a hollow void that no amount of bloodshed could fill.
The final man was the one who had sent the message, the one who had orchestrated the whole thing. Sylus saved him for last. This time, he wasn't quick about it. He made sure the man felt every second of pain.
Sylus shattered his kneecaps with a crowbar, slowly, deliberately. The man writhed, trying to crawl away, but there was nowhere to go.
Sylus grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to look up.
"You think you've won?" Sylus hissed, his voice shaking with fury. "You think taking her from me made you powerful?"
The man spat blood, laughing through the pain. "She...was just...a toy..to you..."
The words hit harder than any physical blow could. Sylus's vision blurred with rage. He drove the crowbar into the man's ribs, one after another, each crack echoing in the cold room. The man choked on his own blood, gasping for breath but Sylus didn't stop. He kept hitting. Kept swinging. Until the man was nothing but a bloody, broken mess on the floor.
Finally, when the last man was dead, Sylus stood over the carnage, his breathing ragged. His hands, arms, even his face were stained with blood. But as he stared at the bodies, at the destruction he had wrought, something inside him cracked.
He had avenged you. He had made them suffer. But why did it feel so... hollow?
Then, something strange happened. A thought—no, a delusion-began to take root in his mind. You weren't really gone. You couldn't be. You were too strong for that.
Too stubborn. This had all been some elaborate trick, a twisted game to test him.
That was it. You had never been dead.
He just... needed to find you.
The next day, Sylus was smiling, genuinely smiling for the first time in what felt like an eternity. He was covered in dried blood but that didn't bother him. None of that mattered. What mattered was that he was going to see you.
He walked through the streets of Onychinus with a spring in his step, ignoring the wide-eyed stares and gasps from the people around him. The blood that clung to his clothes and skin was irrelevant. He was happy. He was going to take you out, like you had wanted. You were waiting for him. You always waited for him.
Sylus reached the arcade, stepping through the entrance with a grin. The bright lights and sounds surrounded him but all he saw was you, standing at the claw machine. You were there. Of course, you were there. You'd always be there.
"There you are, kitten" he said, his voice soft, almost tender. "I told you l'd be back."
But the arcade had fallen into a stunned silence. People stopped in their tracks, staring in shock and horror at the blood-covered man standing in the center of the room, talking to... no one.
Sylus didn't notice. He walked toward the claw machine, where he could see you in his mind, laughing at your failed attempts. "Let me help you this time" he chuckled, reaching out as if to guide your hand but his fingers grasped only air.
A child whispered to their mother, "Mommy, why is he talking to himself?"
The mother pulled the child closer, her face pale as she hurried them out of the arcade.
More people began to leave, their eyes darting to Sylus in fear but he remained oblivious, lost in his own delusion.
He leaned against the claw machine, his bloodstained hand leaving a smear on the glass. "You always get so worked up over these games, sweetie" he teased, his voice dripping with affection. "But I always knew you could win if you just had a little patience."
A man behind the counter fumbled with his phone, clearly calling the authorities. His hands shook as he kept his distance, terrified of the blood-soaked maniac who was clearly not in his right mind.
Sylus's eyes sparkled with something close to joy. "You're laughing at me, aren't you?" he said, his tone playful. "I can't help it. I just missed you."
In his mind, you were there. Smiling.
Laughing. Perfect, as you had always been.
But the truth was a far darker reality. He was alone, talking to nothing but empty air, the ghost of your presence haunting his fractured mind and the onlookers could only watch, horrified, as Sylus-the feared, ruthless leader of Onychinus-spoke to someone who no longer existed.
The doors to the arcade opened and the authorities arrived. But Sylus didn't notice.
He was too busy laughing with you, too consumed by the fantasy he had created, a world where you were still alive, still with him.
In the end, the tragedy wasn't just that you were gone. It was that Sylus had lost his mind trying to keep you alive in his own twisted way.
and the reality, cold and unforgiving, was that nothing could bring you back.
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kalims · 2 years ago
what's that on your face?
⎯⎯ some type of, red smudge?
cw. gender neutral but mc wore lipstick (briefly)
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leona just liked you.
even if it took him less time to realize, and more wasted on just denying the thought; he knew there was something off when his eyes seem to focus from it's blurry lens full of sleep when his eyes land on you—that's not normal cause one of the things he does is space out when someone's talking.
it's not that he hates the person, he's just not interested in listening. his time would be spent better if they'd close their mouth and let him continue his sleep.
maybe that's what he likes about you. whenever you're around of him even if his eyes close, he can't seem to control his ears cause as much as he wants to block out the words you spout; he still listens attentively.
he was never one to sleep easily in noisy environments (not that he can't, he just wants peace. get it?) but there's something about your voice that lulls him to sleep. he isn't too upset about missing out on whatever you talked about when he drifts into the euthymia of dreams, cause even then. you show up when he isn't even awake, he could still hear you talk there anyways.
awake or asleep, you're everywhere. leona feels that he's neither irritated or elated about the fact.
should he even be upset when in the back of his mind—when you notice he's fallen asleep from his still stance from the grass floor you immediately shut up.
weirdly enough he feels cold for a second but that's quickly fading away when he feels a new type of warmth near him.
he wonders what you do when he's asleep cause he knows that's most likely you.
"what's that on your f—"
leona should be offended at ruggie unable to keep his gaze on the man's face before bursting into a fit of giggles, more so even finish his question.
with a furrow of his brows, and a cross of his arms. leona casts a steady, nonchalant look at ruggie, albeit confused. "what are you on now?"
he watches ruggie lean on the wall, almost having slid to the floor from how much yapping he was doing. he quirks a brow in intrigue but there's just really more impatience that curiosity from his tensing shoulders. what was wrong with his face then? last time he knew he was awfully handsome.
(you didn't fail to comment on that hours ago anyways.)
leona releases a long drawl of a sigh. he wasn't that bad looking, and even if. ruggie's seen his face for a long time. everyday, yesterday, just this morning. his face can't have shifted to that of a clown in a day and he really wants to believe it has if his normal face is something to laugh about.
you frown too much. stains your pretty face. he scowls, rubbing his ears. please leave his thoughts.
were you right?
he debates on just walking out because he can't deal with this but ruggie's just wiping the last of the stray tears that he spouted midst his fit of laughter. leona notes that he, essentially isn't looking at his face—but his forehead.
his frown deepens. "did I grow a damn third eye or something?" some type of spell that landed on him and no one told him about?
ruggie chortled even harder.
"you and (name) been busy being love birds?" the hyena pauses, grinning. a look of amusement. "ah wait. love lions?" then laughs at his own correction and joke.
leona doesn't find it funny at all, not a single muscle in his face strains into anything but the dead look carved into stone. he's heard a good portion of ruggie's lion jokes and it was getting out of hand.. and unfunny...
the hyena doesn't even give him an answer. too enraptured into shitting tears, the watery drop in the edges of his eyes are prominent and even slides down his cheek every time he has to blink but he even laughs harder.
to think he assumed ruggie was done when he was able to speak.
no, he laughed even harder.
with ruggie not responding to his questions—well, not that he's able to with the amount of snorting he's been doing that just takes away his ability to speak real, actual words. leona's forced to deal with his inner monolog picking out what he's done this time.
but please. if taken literally he doesn't do much.
what was so damn funny about his face?
leona's face twitches into a deeper look of irritation, his voice is drowned out by the loud laughter from ruggie so the boy can't even hear him and he doesn't even want to raise his voice.
if anything, you just kissed his face a while ago so if there was something wrong with it he would've been made known to that.
to be specific you kissed his forehead.
leona pauses. raising his hand to swipe his thumb finger against his forehead, the crease of his brows twitches when there's a pigmented, red shade on his finger. having more similarities to pink than the actual color due to his smudge.
seven.. he literally walked from the botanical garden, to the mirror chamber and now savanaclaw. his very existence demands respect and he's reduced to this.. man with a lipstick stain on his forehead like some type of mark.
leona can't help the huff that excludes from his mouth, partially stumped by your mere audacity and the whole predicament he's stuck in. even with all the realizations he's going through ruggie is still dying on the floor so he ignores him since the boy wasn't much use to figuring it out anyways.
it really wasn't that funny!
the other portion... maybe a bit smug, with all the goating he's made about you being his you were never too vocal about him being yours.
while there's been some kind of mutual understanding between you and leona, non-verbal. him, yours. and you, his.
you were bordering between the line of being loud about it and keeping it a tight label between the two of you only. but you were never this bold about it. the most you've done is probably mess with him in public.
but he can't deny there's some strange satisfaction within the thought of something of yours on him.
he shakes it away before it starts encasing his entire brain.
next day he makes sure every beastman can smell him on you, everyone else? feast your eyes upon the necklace (that he totally did not force you to accept) he always wore around, now fit rather snugly around your neck.
he always returns his favors after all.
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note. behold my half assed writing isk eat well. not pr
com me <3
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year ago
MC: ...
Leona: *has been "subtly" observing them*
MC: ...
Falena's wife: ...
Falena's wife: Back to our discussion.
MC: Yes. You're hoping that I would be of help to His Majesty now that his health is deteriorating.
Falena's wife: Yes. Would it be possible for you to extend his life?
MC: There are factors that we need to consider. Does he still want to rule this country?
Falena's wife: No. He wants to live longer so he would be able to witness Cheka and Liora grow up into fine princes, and your second child to be born.
MC: Hmm. I could strengthen his heart, however... He likes to eat things that aren't good for him.
Falena's wife: *chuckles* We could just instruct Kifaj to be strict on him.
MC: In that case, I will start on the treatment.
MC: How are you feeling, Your Majesty?
The king: I'm feeling great. *chuckles* I think I could yell better on Kifaj now.
Kifaj: And I will do better to ignore you if needed.
The king: Anyway, is it true there will be a second-born?
MC: It will not until two years, Your Majesty.
The king: Oh. It takes that long?
MC: Yes.
The king: Oh. I see. How come? Isn't pregnancy supposed to be nine months?
MC: It's different with transcendentals, Your Majesty.
The king: *sigh* Well then, I guess I have to wait that long.
The king: I wish it's a girl this time so the Kingscholar will have their little princess.
MC: ...
MC: A princess it is.
The king and Kifaj: ...
The king: That's wonderful! Kifaj! Buy everything that will suit our baby princess!
Kifaj: Yes, Your Majesty!
MC: Again, the baby will not be born until two years.
The king: That is fine! Knowing that it will be a princess is enough!
Leona: *staring sternly at them from behind*
MC: *carrying Liora*
Baby Liora: *seems curious why his father is staring*
MC: What is it, Leona?
Leona: *walks and moves in front of them* The request you've been trying to delay.
MC: ...
MC: Sharing your mana to me is out of the question.
Leona: Tch. But I want to help you and I don't want to see not waking up for days again.
MC: ...
MC: How long will you try to insist on this?
Leona: I don't know. Maybe until you give me an alternative?
MC: ...
MC: I could give you one, but it would cost you a great inconvenience.
Leona: What is it?
MC: Cater our daughter for me.
Leona: ...
Leona: How?
MC: Like how I catered Liora. I will transfer the seed in your heart.
MC: You must keep your emotions stable.
Leona: Alright. I can do that.
MC: ...
MC: Alright. Come closer.
Leona: Yes- Mmp!
MC: *pulls themselves away* Give her back to me after two years. The same way that I did just now.
Leona: *blushing* That's a kiss you-
MC: I wouldn't call it as such. Now leave and stop bothering me for today.
Baby Liora: *waves at his father*
Leona: ...
Ruggie: *almost got choked on his food*
Ruggie: *then laughs*
Leona: *frowns at him*
Ruggie: That's a lot of trust, man. To think that MC allowed you to take care of your daughter.
Leona: Yes. But in the end, they're still the one who's going to birth it.
Ruggie: Though, are you sure you're up for the job? Two years is quite a long time, you know?
Leona: Yes. What do you take me for?
Ruggie: Impatient, easily annoyed-
Leona: *glares at him*
Ruggie: That. That's what I'm talking about. MC has always been cool-headed that's why Prince Liora has no complications and they carried him for three and a half-years.
Ruggie: I wonder how you are going to manage that.
Leona: It's my future daughter we're talking about here, Ruggie. I will do everything for her.
Ruggie: Okay. Why don't we start first by you eating vegetables?
Leona: *scowls*
Ruggie: It's for the baby princess. *amused by his expression*
Falena: I'm glad you have entrusted the development process to Leona.
MC: He wanted to help so I let him.
Falena: *happy sigh* I could already imagine what my niece would be like. *chuckles* *is imagining a snobbish baby and will frown at the sight of anyone*
MC: *knows what he's thinking and couldn't agree more*
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