#but I have zouk love
judas-isariot · 4 months
I don't have bad taste in music. I just listen to absolutely ANYTHING.
I am not an elitist that's all.
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gillianthecat · 3 months
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betterhomesandhozie · 3 months
keeping myself busy so I don’t have a breakdown about my program ending and flying back tomorrow and leaving the friends I’ve met here and just my life in general for the last two years and still not having plans for the future when having extra time to plan was one of my big reasons for doing the program in the first place
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boundlesspursuers · 1 year
to commemorate a whole 12 months of hyperfixating on castlevania, i present to you: a trevor belmont design right out of my brain! in fact, one for about 17 years after curse of darkness, where hes become the father of two lovely sons, sid belmont and zouk belnades :)
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some design notes under the cut!
youll notice a few things right off the bat; first and foremost, i wanted to keep his muted colour scheme from curse of darkness, but i have a massive soft spot for his green armour in sotn, so... green! his eyes, too :3
youll also be able to see that compared to cviii or curse of darkness, he looks a lot less geared up; since he's passed on the vampire killer to sid by now, i imagine he primarily relies on his martial arts skills and the stopwatch (given to him by alucard): that is to say, he uses my knuckles strategy in sotn and freezes everything around him while spamming kicks for insane dps. its effective, i promise!
i know its evidence of personality that he displays his scars so proudly in curse of darkness, but i wanted to try out a look where his scars are a lot less prominent. that is, actively hidden. i think it adds a nice mysterious element to his design, even though we know whats under there. as for his reasons... im not sure yet lmao but ill figure it out! im thinking something along the lines of rising tensions towards the belmonts even in transylvania, for plot reasons -- so he covers up to seem less threatening, basically.
and some misc notes:
- the scarf and shirt are grants, he stole them from grant. thats why the shirt is tied up at the front: its a little baggy on him otherwise.
- it was probably cheap to keep the boots the exact same, but i really cant imagine him without his whore boots :( theyre his main weapon :(
- the jacket adds to his silhouette and also just rounds out the design pretty nicely, imo, so its still there! just tossed off a bit for a more casual, almost domestic look. hes not the active belmont anymore, thats sid, though hes definitely still an incredibly dangerous hunter so dont worry about that
- as i mentioned earlier, the stopwatch is from alucard :) i think its cute. in exchange, trevor taught alucard grand cross!
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toomanytookas · 3 months
Hello! Here for the Secret Springs shenanigans this weekend. Which Pedro boy sends you this pic with the message to meet him at the airport at 5. Bring your passport.
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Where are you two going?
Cheers! 💚
Hi Auntie M, thank you for this lovely ask!
For some reason the moon over the water like that makes me think of social dancing. I feel like Javi P would have picked up some moves in Colombia, so perhaps a trip to Brazil for some fun nights learning and dancing forró, samba, and lambada/zouk would be something he might be up for... 💃
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caitlynnrosespn · 1 year
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Season 3 is officially out, so here are my thoughts!!!!
Sunroof is so cute omg!!! I don't like the song, but the map is so well design that it makes up for it. Plus Scoty is just wayyyyy to cute ^~^
Popstars is back. So, yay I guess (2022 songs are not really legacy songs but whateves)
Bloody Mary is looking so good!!! Love how it looks like they will have a unique cheoreo for this song. And Baby Zouk is back too!!!
also Jessy posted this on insta:
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So can we expect they will keep the one scene in??? Most likely!!!!
Get low is back, and it comes out the day before my birthday!!!! I love that one so much 😍
kinda sad we only get three songs, but who knows??? The JD team always has tricks up their sleeves. We might get 5 exclusive tracks after all!!!
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Got tagged in a meme!
✨ When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨
i got tagged by @lynnenne (🫂💕 thank you)
I’ll put five songs i really enjoy being high and dancing to.
Jaguar - Victoria Monet
Heated - Beyonce
Marianela - Lirico En La Casa
Zouk - Kassav
Lekela Muadi - Tshala Muana (if you out there and you know anything about mutuashi. know that i eat that shit!)
now i’m tagging ten people! i love seeing all of you on my dash and talking with you all. but it only asks for ten so imma try and keep it at that!
@firegiftlouis @blueiight @iwtvdramacd18 @indifferentvincent @nakiaslilhoodoo @prettysweetprettysweet @undecimber-of-joy @misterdulac @heart-bones @arsonistlouis @nlbv @callousedtongue edit: im adding @emeraldinerosefaedragon and @medusadeux idc idc!!
oh i think i did more than ten!!! 🤭 oops okay im just gonna keep it but yeah if any of you want to. i’d like hearing about what you’re listening to.
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kweenlemz · 9 months
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*✧・゚:* ✧: *✧・゚:*!
hey wassup ! let me introduce myself real quick 😭✋🏾
my name is salem, and welcome to my world 🌍 ! *+.
i’m senegalese and cap verdian , but i was born in france and i live in the suburbs of paris and the uk (and i love it.)
i also can speak 3 languages, english, french and spanish !
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
things that i love.���
well , i love journaling, i love my beautiful continent and my beautiful people everywhere around the globe (in Africa , in America and the Islands etc) , AA/blk literature, nd writing poetry.
i’m huge music fan. i love music! i live and die for music ! it keeps me alive n awake
i listen to a lot of 90’s/2000s french and american rap/rnb . it’s so comforting to me , i listen a lot of jazz, some bossa nova, DNB, house,funk, garage,jungle and also african/caribbean (mostly zouk) music 💕.
it’s like a huge melting pot
i love football too (soccer) and my favorite club is REAL MADRID , (PSG) and ARSENAL!!
i love cinéma , especially french and african movies.
and this blog will be mostly about fashion, self improvement, football, me yapping abt things, self care, music with cute and cool stuff that i appreciate and can share with y’all 🐚!
that’s it, it’s kinda short.. i just don’t have something to say lol..
bye 🌟!
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*✧・゚:* ✧: *✧・゚:*!
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blackberryblueberry · 1 month
J, 2nd & 3rd meeting
The day after the first tryst J didn't text. We didn't have one another's numbers. I was the one to message him on Tinder to ask if he wanted to exchange numbers, and then he texted me asking if sexy texting was something I was into. Sure, I said. So he started telling me how much he liked my pussy, how wet it got, how it felt in his hand, and asked if I wanted to meet up for a quick thing. I didn't know where and how, and I said no. He kept texting the days after asking if I wanted to meet up for quick things, and eventually I told him I didn't like that he was doing that, and he apologized. "Hit me up whenever," he said. For sex, I guess.
I wanted him to ask me out properly but it didn't happen. Eventually one night after dancing at zouk I felt bummed and horny and I decided, fine, I'll just hit him up. It was early July. He was away for the fourth and we said we'd get together after he got back. One day after meeting my friends for karaoke I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie with me, and he cabbed over. When I saw him I thought, meh. He was good looking enough but when he opened his mouth to talk in that nasally self-effacing way it just didn't matter what he looked like, and when we kissed I'd taste something bad. Sometimes he'd say something interesting. He wasn't stupid and he wasn't lame and he had some interesting views on art.
He watched the movie with me. It was a sappy Taiwanese gay love drama. Not the type of movie I usually watch, but sometimes you just do something different. (For a week after I played the theme song to help me sleep.) Afterwards we had sex. He went down on me again, but it wasn't so good this time, he didn't finger me and didn't get me off and actually seemed a lot more concerned about his own orgasm. He had trouble getting it up again, and he fucked me a little bit, forgettably. He pulled out and shuffled up and inserted his dick in my mouth and I sucked his dick until he came. I had the thought, why didn't he ask permission? Nothing felt natural--afterwards, I asked if we could cuddle, and we did, but it felt very mechanical. During our conversation I could feel myself disliking everything he said. I talked a little bit about how lost and directionless I felt and he said something about how he thought it was important to enjoy life and try to have fun. It wasn't wrong in principle but he just couldn't say it in a way I liked.
No word from either of us for a couple of days. I found myself assembling a kind of hoe-tation, trying to keep plates up in the air, and at one point I texted him again to see if things were still viable between us, and he was receptive again. He said I was the only person he was dating in the sense that I was the only person he had seen more than once this summer, and I thought, he must really not care too much about dating, because if I was the most viable option he had and he was putting in zero effort, then he was truly helpless and hopeless. He'd text, "We good?" Or "Summer is ending and I'd like to see you" but never ask me out, never suggest a time to meet up. Always expected me to take initiative. So one day when I knew I was going to walk past the store he worked in, I told him he should come out and meet me, and he did. We walked around SoHo for a while, chatting, and I said, "I don't know what it is you want. Are you dating for distraction? I can't tell if you like me." And his response was effectively, "I'm sorry about that" and "Maybe my words and actions aren't matching" and "I can't control whether you don't like me."
And that was the end of that.
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ineedtopopmyzit · 4 months
quick relationship tingz
it’s crazy how much my feelings fluctuate. last weekend the feeling of giving up was so great. i didn’t believe in myself in a relationship anymore. i wanted out. he annoyed me so much and i was feeling so distant. sometimes it’s not him to blame, a lot of how i act really depends on how i am healthily.. but i also realize how much i just need to say what irritates me as soon as i feel them because most of the times he can joke it off or he will accept and that’ll be the end of it. but if i let things brew over, my feelings just get tipped over and it might come out in an ugly way. this weekend tho, i had the best of times with him. and it makes those moments where i want to quit, so invalidating. as in i’m glad i stuck it out. that he sticks it out with me. one girl in our table told me that she can see how much he loves me. also another lady from a diff table told me how cute we are. i never want to lose that kind of spark with him. i always want to feel the tension like that. like we are still in our honeymoon phase. yes maybe it won’t be as frequent as time goes on but he is so good to me. he tries. so hard. to make it work even when i have a hard time saying yes. he pulls the weight for the both of us. he says all he ever wants is for me to be happy. i also asked him at zouk if he thinks we were lovers in the past or new lovers in a current life and he thinks we may have been lovers in the past because it’s been good from the start. it made me want to cry. also i told him please don’t forget about me and he says how could i? that made me tear up too.
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sashccharine · 5 months
Okay, this is going to be a long post debating the nice parts and not-so-nice parts of dating each boyfriend and fling like some 4chan shitpost about my life
SS - First love, he was sweet to me. It's my fault for flipping my shit on him because of school and showing my inner hellfire. - Many good memories together and time spent together. It was again my fault for feeling he wasn't good enough for me. - He was funny and smart, and irritating. He doesn't command my respect and probably not dom enough lol - I appreciated the weekends spent at his house and I would study how much I could while we made love, listened to songs and he'd play games and we'd watch shows together. - Core memories: Itacho sushi, Koh Sushi and Grill, Gwen Stefani's LAMB perfume, the bear necklace from Goldheart, his little blue room, his mom's seafood spaghetti
SS - He was just a rebound since I was now in my bad girl era and I was trying to sleep with the richest gang leader in the Spider Room group. - I didn't like him that much and I found it hard to date his race (am I a racist?) - Core memories: Exercising together, his ridiculous group of AC Barker friends where the girls were like cattle, him stalking me after we broke up (it was a bad breakup)
JL: - Dating in 27 vs 22. The spark was gone. He wasn't particularly attractive and I was dating him for status and fame lol. He got my brother an internship though. - But he's a secret narcissist and sociopath that would relish in torturing me secretly for his own enjoyment. Hope he got his comeuppance. - Wouldn't say it was a good relationship but at least he didn't get me addicted to drugs or beat me up. Maybe I'm too nice? :-/ - Core memories: Flutes, his condo, his Mercedes A-Class that he bought just to make me happy (?)
RG: - He was dedicated to me and he's so different compared to the rest. Maybe his level of dedication is up there with SS. Perhaps it's my fault I started OF and tried to sell my sexy photos and live off sugar daddies. - First time discussing what life would be like together, furniture to buy, what children we would like, how we would bring them up. - The funniest and most caring person, would call me everyday for ages - Core memories: DDR, tomato hotpot, South Beach NYE, capsule hotel.
FLINGS: JH: - I think I'm in love with him, but do I think that way because people say he's in love with me first? I want to treasure him most of all and more and more for some reason. - Actually a very funny person, can be proud too and also a big meanie especially when he feels threatened. - Core memories: Miahanae song, lots of sex stuff, not much time spent together. - (Sorry for passing you by on the way to Ce La Vi, I was still suffering from the previous time we got together) WY: - Never considered him but he's like a more responsible person that JH who's flaffing, not in the sense of love, but he pulls through more than JH who's sometimes flaky. - Core memories: Zouk, having beers (?), that look of love.
AS: - My first time having a FWB and learning how to be resilient. - Great sex, couldn't get past the fact that he's muslim and marrying into that, but he lived in a 3 storey house and has 2-3 cars. The one that got away. - Core memories: Zouk after bed, his shirts that his maid ironed and didn't want the collar to go wobbly
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My Favorite Genre of Music
I love music…There’s no doubt about it no matter what. There’s rap, R&B, blues, reggae, country, Zouk (mostly from Haiti), classical, you name it, it’s all there for everyone to enjoy, but for me personally, I have various types of music I like but I do LOVE R&B music and here’s why: –It’s soft, soothing, and makes a person or couple feel relaxed when the weather is bad. -There’s no profanity,…
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sonyadance · 1 year
Travels and Dancing 18
What a year.  What a fucking year.  This note contains the summary of all the good things that happened through travels and my crazy life, as always.  I’m not ready to write about the bad.  So when you read this, whoever you are, don’t compare yourself or imagine how great of a life I have… this is only one side of it, how I am ready to shed light on it or how I prefer to recall it so I can trick my own mind into thinking I have an amazing life.  Only amazing.
 I ended last time with the trip to Guatemala and my flight to Toronto.  I found dance again there.  Canada zouk congress and all its amazing people, the Toronto wcs community that welcomed me with open arms, some creative projects, a great circus school where I met sweet people to train with, a somatic school I was finishing a certification with.  Again, over and over, I still end up with beautiful people around me.
 I think this is going to be the shortest Travels and Dancing I’ve ever done… I kind of just want to get it over with and forget about that year, I’m just not managing to not write a text.  So here it is:
-A nice road trip to Montreal for one of my best friend’s birthday, crazy late night karaoke and fun
-A freediving trip to a quarry close to Ottawa with sweet guitar and singing by the fire
-Being reunited with my two best friends for a week after 10 years apart
-Teaching workshops and privates in Toronto
-A cozy retreat close in Ontario’s countryside
-The best event of the year: Rock the Barn.  Northern Sweden, the sun never sets, kind people
-A three weeks road trip through Québec and a music show on the edge of a cliff
-Visiting my best friend’s new place in British Columbia and spending time with her family
-Going to choreo camp in Seattle and reconnecting with dance and community once again
-Being welcomed in the Victoria wcs community like it was family, having a blast with wonderful people, teaching so many workshops and privates
-Doing a road trip around Vancouver island and discovering one of the most beautiful place in Canada
-A nice Christmas and New Year in Toronto
-Visiting friends I met at an aerial retreat in Mexico two years ago in New Orleans
-Being part of the best dance cruise on the circuit and seeing Jamaica, Mexico and Grand Caiman
-Exploring Medellin, an exciting, vibrant, contrasting, interesting city
-A weekend in Guatape and a crazy motorcycle ride
-Taguanga and its national park, an insane boat ride, crazy taxi drivers and freediving in the ocean
-Falling in love with Cartagena.  I want to live in the walled city for a month and just walk around
-An insane two days flight back to Toronto
-An emergency exit towards Montreal and…
 And we’ll see for the rest.  I’ll I can tell you, is that it’s off to a great start.
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joestylee · 2 years
How To Dress For A Kizomba Class
There is a way my daughter lights up when she hears her favorite dance songs. She points to her prettiest swishiest skirt while shrieking, ‘Ballet! Ballet!’ and beckons on me to put it on for her. Then the joy in her eyes when she’s swinging away in it. I know, right? Who doesn’t want to feel like a princess and twirl around the room? And that’s the sweetness of dancing, the ability to escape for a moment into another world where everything is perfect.
How Does Costume Affect Dance?
It’s very easy to see that costumes provide enchantment for dance since a 2 year old already understands that swishy skirts make dancing more fun. If dance is the ability to escape into another world, costumes give this escape realness and fluidity. Costumes have been worn for ages as long as dance itself to portray different characters and as a medium of self-expression. Many dancers were icons of style and enhanced dance through their focus on costume, jewels and fashion. Fashion’s love affair with ballet is well known but there is not much information about how fashion has forged a Kizomba style. So, now to Kizomba what it is and how do you dress for a Kizomba class?
What is Kizomba?
Kizomba is a Kimbundu word meaning ‘party’ and is both a type of music genre and a dance style originating from Angola. It is a slow, romantic dance where the leader guides the follower using his right arm and torso. When Samba dancers from Angola started slowing their dance steps to the tempo of the Kizomba music, Kizomba dance was born.Kizomba is sometimes called the ‘African Tango’. This is mainly due to the Cuban elements in the dance infused from Cuba’s presence in Angola during its civil war.
What is Urban Kiz?
Urban Kiz is a couple dance derived from Kizomba. This is Kizomba that has been influenced by a wealth of styles as a result of the dance being exported to other countries. Urban Kiz can be danced to Ghetto-Zouk, Hip-Hop, R&B and Rap; and Urban Kiz is most likely the type of Kizomba outfit you had your first contact with.
How To Dress For A Kizomba Class?
Since Kizomba is a dance of steps and not many turns, women need something free for the lower body but can be fitted at the upper body.  Women can pick from a variety of outfit combinations including tea length dresses or short fit and flare dresses, leotard top and high waist trousers, crop-top and leggings, casual jeans and top, a tunic and leggings, or a stretchy jumpsuit. Not to forget heels. Heels give a certain daintiness to the elegant footwork required of the dance and enhance the sway of the hips.
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For men, a nice T-shirt and jeans, or a fitted shirt and pants work well with sport shoes.
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Where To Buy Kizomba Dresses or Outfits For Men & Women
As a dance with an African origin, it is good to wear something that is African inspired when going for a Kizomba class. An African inspired short wax skirt paired with a fitted top (shown below) and for men, this tunic (shown below) can be paired with pants or jeans.
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Dance is indeed a catalyst for fashion. Fashion designers have often been inspired by the ardent bodies of dancers creating entirely new styles of dress serving as flexible forms of expression. The Tango Visiteor semi-evening gown for example, was a new style of dress created because of the Tango Teas. The Tango Visite was a dress that could be worn on afternoons and yet not be too warm for dancing. 
From ballet to tango, fashion has always drawn from dance to produce clothing that allows for beauty of expression. Just like Tango inspired the Tango Visite, I hope Kizomba dance inspires you to take a closer look at African inspired fashion and its intrinsic beauty.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 24, 2022)
23:58 DREW DAVIDSEN - Joy To the World 23:55 JACK JEZZRO - Santa Baby 23:49 OLIVIA BOX - Jingle Bells (Jazz Version) 23:46 SHARMOND SMITH - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 23:42 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 23:38 JODY MAYFIELD - Angels We Have Heard on High 23:34 SHAKATAK - Sing (Little One) 23:30 JONATHAN BUTLER - Winter Wonderland 23:26 MARCUS ANDERSON - This Christmas 23:22 RHYTHM JETS - The Christmas Song 23:18 JUSTIN YOUNG - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 23:14 ANDRE DELANO - O Come All Ye Faithful 23:11 AARON BING - White Christmas 23:07 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Silent Night 23:04 DAVE KOZ - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (feat. Kenny G) 23:00 JAY ROWE - The First Noel 22:57 NOMOSK - Don't Hold Back (Soty & Seven24 Chillout Remix) 22:52 DAVID GUETTA - The World Is Mine (Paul Mira Chillout Remix) 22:49 PUBLIC SYMPHONY - Wings 22:44 AIMEE SOL, JAMIE FISHBURN - Walls (Cafe Ibiza Edit) 22:39 SOLANOS - Get That Feeling 22:33 BAGHIRA - A Thrill Of Anticipation 22:28 ENRICO DONNER - Chicago At Sunrise 22:24 LOWLAND - Children (Orchestral Version) 22:18 LIFE AUDIENCE - Vanilla 22:14 ABOVE & BEYOND, GARETH EMERY - On A Good Day (Incognet REWORK) 22:08 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 22:03 SIMPLY CHILL - One More Chance 22:00 ERINYA MOON - On The Edge (Russian Vocal Mix) 21:57 KOSMOPOLITANS, ATHENA ROUTSI - I Belong To You 21:51 C.A.T. - Could You Be 21:45 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Found (Downtempo Version) 21:38 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Dreaming Of You (Tranquilo's Ambient Mix) 21:35 CUEBRICK - Safe (C-Systems Alternative Mix) 21:29 DEEPER SUBLIME, AVO - Hypnotic 21:26 COSTA, EMMA HORAN - New Dawn Breaking (Original Mix) 21:20 ATB - With You! (Original Mix) 21:14 PAUL ADAM - Backwards (Original Mix) 21:10 HALEY - I Remember 21:05 MARC HARTMAN - Come Over Here 21:01 ALEXANDER POPOV - The Last He Said (Original Mix) 20:56 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, LO-FI SUGAR - Never Fade Away 20:52 MARGA SOL - Goodbye 20:48 MOORYC - Communication Breakdown 20:43 POLISHED CHROME - Secret Of Sound (Album Version) 20:40 SEPTEMBER - Cry For You (Candlelight Remix) 20:34 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Invisible (Kopi Luwka Mix) 20:29 FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE - Seven Devils 20:25 SAMI COVER - Love You Like a Love Song (DjR remix) 20:21 SHIBUMI - Gemini Love (Kinobe Remix) 20:16 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Dive 20:13 ARTENOVUM - When You Fall Asleep (Slow Coach Mix) 20:08 FAR EAST MOVEMENT - Like A G6 (DJ Dan Karim Relax Mix) 20:04 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 19:58 BEN GOLD, SENADEE - Today (Chilled Datt Remix) 19:55 HEADSTRONG, HELENA WARD - Broken Ice (Acoustic & Strings Chillout Mix) 19:51 DAVID TORT, NORMAN DORAY - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 19:44 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 19:41 ATB PRESENTS FLANDERS - Behind (ATB's Ambient Version) 19:32 RED BUDDHA, LINDA WONG ENSEMBLE - Stone Buddha 19:27 ARCADO FEAT. ALLA MOON - One Day (Zetandel Chill Remix) 19:22 BLISS - Breathe 19:16 SUNLOUNGER, CAP, STEPHANIE ASSCHER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 19:12 TRACEY THORN - Night Time (Original Mix) 19:07 FRIENDLY BREAKS - Jazzy City Walk (Deep Lounge Mix) 19:05 NATALIE RENOIR, STEREO DUB, BRAZIL XXI - Can't Take My Eyes Off You 19:00 THE UNDERGROUND PROJECT - Summer Jam (Ivan Tretyakov ReChill) 18:56 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 18:51 RYAN KP, ANTHONY HICKS, MELODY - Everything Is Gonna Be Alright 18:48 ASKERY - With You 18:44 CATHY BURTON - Reach Out To Me (Sadege Chill Out Remix) 18:41 BERK & THE VIRTUAL BAND - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 18:35 SMOOTH DELUXE - Boulevard Rouge 18:31 THE SPACE BROTHERS - Beyond The Sun (Original Mix) 18:28 JOE SATRIANI - Always 18:24 LEMONGRASS - On The Edge Of Time 18:20 RADIO KILLER - Lonely Heart (Kenny Hayes Nitelite Mix) 18:14 VARGO - You're Not Alone 18:10 MANDALAY - It's Enough Now 18:05 ABOVE & BEYOND - No One On Earth 18:02 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 17:57 RICHARD DURAND - Wide Awake (Zetandel Chill Remix) 17:52 THE SHAPESHIFTERS - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 17:46 SOARSWEEP - Losing Rays (Original Mix) 17:42 HIATUS & SHURA - Fortune's Fool 17:38 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 17:33 JAMES BRIGHT, HELEN WALFORD - Time 17:27 MICHAEL E - That Night Last Summer 17:23 PAROV STELAR - Milla's Dream 17:19 DARK MATTERS, ANA CRIADO - The Quest Of A Dream (Original Mix) 17:15 NADIA ALI - Is It Love 17:11 DEEP DIVE CORP., RICOLOOP - Enjoy The Silence 17:06 TENISHIA, ANA CRIADO - Ever True (Chill Out Mix) 17:03 ARNEJ, JOSIE - Strangers We've Become (Acoustic Mix) 17:00 AMAZONICS - Lovin' You (Astrovoid Remix) 16:55 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Little Drummer Boy 16:51 ANDREAS ALEMAN - Home for Christmas 16:48 DAVE KOZ - All I Want For Christmas 16:43 MARION MEADOWS - Christmas On The Radio 16:39 LISA MCCLOWRY - It Wouldn't Feel Like Christmas 16:35 BEN TANKARD - Christmas Love 16:32 MICHAEL LINGTON - A Child is Born in Bethlehem 16:26 KIM WATERS - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 16:23 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - Sweeter the Bells Never Sound 16:20 YOLANDA RABUN - Twelfth Night - O Mistress Mine 16:16 KIMBERLY BREWER - Everyday Feels Like Christmas 16:12 BROOKE ALFORD - The First Noel 16:07 DANA FIELDS - O Holy Night 16:04 CASTELLA - Sleigh Ride 16:00 GERALD ALBRIGHT - O Little Town Of Bethlehem 15:58 SHAKATAK - Lonely On Christmas Day 15:54 HERB ALPERT - White Christmas 15:49 DRIVETIME - Christmas Time Is Here 15:45 MARCUS ANDERSON - Jingle Jam 15:41 SYLVIA BENNETT - Wrap You up for Christmas (World Version) 15:38 NICHOLAS COLE - Let It Snow 15:33 NILS - The Christmas Song 15:29 BRIAN BROMBERG - Feliz Navidad 15:22 DR. SAXLOVE - Silver Bells 15:18 JUSTIN YOUNG - This Christmas 15:15 STEPHEN ROTHHAAR - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 15:12 AARON BING - O Christmas Tree 15:09 SPECIAL EFX - Silent Night 15:05 SHAWN RAIFORD - Santa Baby 15:00 NICK COLIONNE - We Three Kings 14:57 JEANETTE HARRIS - Away In A Manger 14:53 DREW DAVIDSEN - Angels We Have Heard 14:49 VINCENT INGALA - My Favorite Things 14:46 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Winter Wonderland 14:42 MAYSA - Joy To The World 14:39 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - The Day 14:36 HANK BILAL - Jingle Bells 14:32 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town 14:30 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Christmas 14:25 JAY ROWE - Do You Hear What I Hear 14:22 ART FOUR SALE - O Come All Ye Faithful 14:18 KEB' MO' - Better Everyday 14:14 GARY MEGGS - Hark The Dancing Angels 14:12 JOYCE COOLING - Winter Waltz 14:09 DAVE KOZ - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (feat. Johnny Mathis) 14:04 KAYLA WATERS - O Come, O Come Emmanuel 14:00 BEN TANKARD - Melody Of Bethlehem 13:56 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Hark the Herald Angels SingSleighride Medley 13:53 MICHAEL LINGTON - Last Christmas (feat. Philippe Saisse) 13:49 NELSON GARCIA - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 13:44 REZA KHAN - December 13:40 KIM WATERS - It's Christmas 13:36 SHARMOND SMITH - The First Noel 13:30 NATHAN WOODWARD - O, Holy Night 13:26 RONNY SMITH - When It Snows Outside 13:22 SHAKATAK - O Little Town Of Bethlehem 13:19 APPLETON - Christmas Song 13:15 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - Little Snow Flake, Little White Coat 13:11 JACK JEZZRO - White Christmas 13:07 MARCUS ANDERSON - Favorite Time Of Year 13:02 JODY MAYFIELD - Christmas Time is here 13:00 SYLVIA BENNETT - Wrap You Up For Christmas 12:56 DANIEL D. - Let It Snow 12:51 BROOKE ALFORD - Greensleeves (A Dance Celebration) 12:47 THREESTYLE, MAGDALENA CHOVANCOVA - Thank God It's Christmas 12:43 BRIAN BROMBERG - This Christmas 12:39 DR. SAXLOVE - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 12:34 PETER WHITE - River 12:31 AARON BING - Silent Night 12:27 DOUG JONES - Feliz Navidad 12:24 JONATHAN BUTLER - We Three Kings 12:19 MARK MAXWELL - The Christmas Song 12:15 CAROL NETHEN - Angels We Have Heard on High 12:11 KIMBERLY BREWER - Every Day Feels Like Christmas 12:07 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Joy To The World 12:03 NILS - In a Holiday Mood 12:00 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Jingle Bells 11:56 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Santa Clause Is Coming To Town 11:52 ANDRE DELANO - It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 11:48 DARYL STUERMER - The Little Drummer Boy 11:44 JAY ROWE - O Come, All Ye Faithful 11:40 RHYTHM JETS - We Wish You a Merry Christmas 11:35 JUSTIN YOUNG - Silver Bells 11:31 DAVE KOZ - The 25th of December (feat. BeBe Winans) 11:26 BRIAN LENAIR - My Favorite Things 11:23 BEN TANKARD - Minstrel's Christmas Song 11:18 ANDREAS ALEMAN - Celebrate the Season 11:13 MICHAEL LINGTON - Mary Did You Know 11:09 ARIEL B - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 11:04 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Angel's Serenade 11:00 SHARMOND SMITH - It's Christmas Time Again 10:57 JOYCE COOLING - It's Feeling Like Christmas 10:52 GERALD ALBRIGHT - O Holy Night 10:48 RONNY SMITH - Deck the Halls 10:45 SHAKATAK - Winter Wonderland 10:42 ART FOUR SALE - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 10:39 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - The First Noel 10:34 MORGAN JAMES - White Christmas 10:29 MARCUS ANDERSON - Christmas With Her 10:24 GLODEAN, LINDA - Christmas Time Is Here 10:22 SYLVIA BENNETT - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 10:18 KEB' MO' - Moonlight, Mistletoe & You 10:13 BROOKE ALFORD - The Christmas Song 10:08 HANK BILAL - O Christmas Tree 10:03 DR. SAXLOVE - Little Drummer Boy 10:00 JAY PATTEN - Special Kind of Christmas (w. Crystal, Gayle) 09:55 PETER WHITE - Happy Christmas,O Holy Night 09:51 TOM SCOTT - Feliz Navidad 09:48 JONATHAN BUTLER - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 09:44 KENNEY POLSON - This Christmas 09:42 HERB ALPERT - All I Want For Christmas 09:38 NATHAN WOODWARD - Angels We Have Heard 09:33 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Under the Christmas Tree 09:29 NILS - Christmas Everyday 09:25 KIM WATERS - Christmas Day 09:23 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Jingle Bells 09:19 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Joy to the World 09:14 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - Silent Night 09:08 JAY ROWE - O Tannenbaum 09:03 SERGIO SALVATORE - (There's No Place Like) Home For The Holidays 09:00 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Oh Tannenbaum 08:57 AARON BING - Silver Bells 08:52 DAVE KOZ - My Grown Up Christmas List (feat. Heather Headley) 08:48 JOHNNY JOHNSON - O Come All Ye Faithful 08:45 BEN TANKARD - Away In A Manger 08:41 LISA MCCLOWRY - Do You Hear What I Hear 08:38 NICK DUKAS - This Is Christmas 08:33 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 08:30 VINCENT INGALA - Mary Did You Know 08:26 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Jolly Old St. Nicholas 08:16 JUSTIN YOUNG - Sleight Ride 08:12 RONNY SMITH - What Child is This 08:09 SHAKATAK - Good King Wenceslas 08:03 DAVID PETROSYAN - Christmas Eve 08:00 YOLANDA RABUN - I'm Coming Home for the Holiday 07:55 MARK MAXWELL - Winter Wonderland 07:52 ART FOUR SALE - White Christmas 07:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - The First Noel 07:45 ART MORRIS - Let It Snow 07:41 ARIEL B - Last Christmas 07:36 BROOKE ALFORD - The Christmas Song (By the Fireside) 07:32 JULIAN VAUGHN - O Christmas Tree 07:28 JOHN FLUKER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful (Instrumental) 07:25 SHARMOND SMITH - Deck The Halls 07:21 PETER WHITE - The Little Drummer Boy 07:15 BRUCE MCKENZIE - Silent Night 07:11 JONATHAN BUTLER - Love Is 07:08 MIKE MACARTHUR - This Christmas 07:05 MICHAEL BUBLE - All I Want For Christmas Is You 07:00 DANIEL D. - Jingle Bell Groove 06:58 HERB ALPERT - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 06:55 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Breath of Heaven 06:51 NILS - Grownup Christmas List 06:48 JAREZ - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 06:45 NATHAN WOODWARD - Jingle Bells 06:40 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Joy To The World 06:35 MARCUS ADAMS - Alone for Christmas 06:31 KIM WATERS - I Love New York at Christmas 06:27 JEFF GOLUB - Here Comes Santa Claus 06:23 BRIAN LENAIR - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 06:19 ANDRE DELANO - Angels We Have Heard On High 06:15 DEAN JAMES - Arvette's Holiday 06:12 DAVE KOZ - O Come All Ye Faithful 06:06 LISA MCCLOWRY - Brand New Hallelujah 06:04 AARON BING - Away In A Manger 06:00 DEAN GRECH - What Do You Want This Year For Christmas 05:57 MELINA - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 05:54 VINCENT INGALA - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 05:50 CARL ANDERSON - O, Holy Night 05:44 BRIAN BROMBERG - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year 05:40 PROFESSOR RJ ROSS - On This Silent Night 05:37 JESSY J - What Child is This 05:33 JAY ROWE - Auld Lang Syne 05:29 SHAKATAK - Christmas Time Again 05:26 SYLVIA BENNETT - It's Christmas Time 05:22 DR. SAXLOVE - Winter Wonderland 05:16 MARCUS ANDERSON - Mary Did You Know 05:12 JEANETTE HARRIS - My Favorite Things 05:08 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - The First Noel 05:04 RONNY SMITH - Christmas Time is Here 05:00 IN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 04:59 ARIEL B - The Christmas Song 04:53 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Oh Come All Ye Faithful-Behold Him 04:48 STEVE OLIVER - White Christmas 04:45 PETER WHITE - The Best Part Of Christmas 04:42 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Adeste Fidels 04:38 JULIAN VAUGHN - Silent Night 04:36 JONATHAN BUTLER - Deck The Halls 04:32 DANA FIELDS - This Christmas 04:28 ERIC DARIUS - All I Want For Christmas Is You 04:25 JODY MAYFIELD - The Little Drummer Boy 04:22 NICK DUKAS - When Christmas Comes Around 04:18 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Christmas Is Here 04:14 NILS - Holiday wedding 04:11 JAREZ - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town 04:07 NATHAN WOODWARD - Hark the Herald Angels Sing 04:04 NEAL DAVIS - Joy To The World 04:00 ART FOUR SALE - Feliz Navidad 03:56 JUSTIN YOUNG - I'll Be Home For Christmas 03:52 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Time 03:48 JOHNNY JOHNSON - Silver Bells 03:44 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - O Christmas Tree 03:41 BRIAN BROMBERG, DAVID BENOIT, GREGG BISSONETTE - O' Tannenbaum 03:36 KIM WATERS - My Gift to You 03:32 BRIAN LENAIR - O Come All Ye Faithful 03:27 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Angels We Have Heard On High 03:23 THREESTYLE - Our Christmas (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 03:20 DIRK K - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 03:16 ROB TARDIK - Christmas Morning 03:13 DAVE KOZ - December Makes Me Feel This Way 03:07 BRIAN BROMBERG - Wonderful Christmastime 03:03 TONY LINDSAY - Merry Christmas 03:00 SHARMOND SMITH - What Child Is This 02:58 VINCENT INGALA - Merry Christmas All 02:54 BERNIE MARTINI - Falling for You Like Snow 02:50 ANDRE DELANO - Jolly Old Saint Nicholas 02:46 SLIM MAN - Jingle Bells 02:43 MICHAEL BUBLE - Winter Wonderland 02:36 JON GIBSON - Everybody Sing A Christmas Song 02:33 BROOKE ALFORD, MARCUS ANDERSON - The First Noel (In the Sun) 02:28 BROOKE ALFORD - Christmas Time Is Here 02:24 JEANETTE HARRIS - Let It Snow 02:21 ARIEL B - Candy Cane Love 02:15 MARCUS ANDERSON - Oh Come All Ye' Faithful 02:12 STEVE OLIVER - Watching the Snowfall 02:07 PETER WHITE - The Christmas Song 02:04 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Christmas Bells 02:00 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Deck The Halls 01:59 SYLVIA BENNETT - Silent Night 01:56 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - This Christmas 01:51 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - All I Want For Christmas Is You 01:43 BRUCE MCKENZIE - Holiday Season 01:38 NILS - Christmas is Here 01:34 NICK COLIONNE - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town 01:31 RONNY SMITH - Go Tell It on the Mountain 01:28 JAY ROWE - Joy to the World 01:24 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - I Wonder as I Wander 01:22 DR. SAXLOVE - Frost The Snowman 01:18 KIM WATERS - I'll Be Home for Christmas 01:12 DREW DAVIDSEN - We 3 Stringz (feat. Chuck Loeb & Paul Jackson Jr.) 01:10 ART MORRIS - Baby It's Cold Outside 01:06 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - The Little Drummer Boy 01:00 SAM LEVINE - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 00:57 GIORGIA PAPASIDERO - Oh Happy Day 00:53 HANK BILAL - O Come All Ye Faithful 00:49 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 00:44 SONNY FAIRLEY - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 00:39 MICHAEL LINGTON - Oh Holy Night 00:36 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Mary Did You Know 00:32 DAVE KOZ - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Feat. Michael Lington) 00:25 JUSTIN YOUNG - Merry Christmas 00:23 GILBERTO GIACONI - Jingle Bell Rock 00:20 VINCENT INGALA - Merry Christmas, Darling 00:16 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Come All Ye Faithful 00:12 NEAL DAVIS - Golden Bells 00:08 TONY G COPELAND, CORY JAMES - Winter Wonderland (feat. Cory James) 00:04 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - White Christmas 00:00 XAVIER GORDON - Christmas Without You
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enchantingsoulcolor · 2 years
The unexpected beauty of a traditional market
Like said in the title, this post is all about traditional market but can also be applied to little buisnesses and small shops.This is a personal take but i think its important to appreciate the little things, therefore here i am!!! So basically, i have this little market that comes round every week, at the same place, in the morning. I learned all about it quite recently, since i just moved in this part of the city. So a month or two prior i decided to give it a go, because i used to go to a market quite like that one when i was younger. Also i needed some fresh vegetables and the one in the supermarket near my appartement is too expensive in comparison of my current income.  I went there, bought what i needed and there are two things that surprised me right away. First off, the atmosphere and general vibe of the place was warm and cozy. Almost every merchant i came across was cheerful, playfully joking around and just overall being truly sympathetic and comprehensive. And ik what you are thinking: “OP ofc they are nice, they are trying to sell you their stuff” And to that i reply that it is NOT a common thing or something i experienced a lot, especially in our shambled economy. I mean supermarket’s staff have all the reasons in the world to be pissed currently. But its not only the merchant, it was the customer, the simple observer, the people reading books and kids playing catch. It felt like i was in a completely different universe. And i loved it!!! Second off, (and this one is more personal) i never once felt anxious during that time regardless of the crowd that was present. And i get anxious so very easily, yet i only truly realized once i was back home that i have been out for 3 hours straight and never once felt like shutting off or going home early. 
I honestly felt so pleased with it, that i decided to go back next time it opens. And i did, and oooh boy wasnt that a great idea. I soon became more familiar with the place and the people and it honestly helped me so much with both my social awkwardness  and the fact that i was having a really hard time adjusting to my newly acquired life.  I started noticing new things. The man that sells cabage always makes dad’s jokes. An old lady who always gives more money than what she had to and refuse to take the difference. That man who offers little sweets and treats to kids who comes with their parents.The scent of spices that reminds me off my grandma’s cooking. The lady that sells different tea leafs who always remember my order. The Chicken team who always gives away extra chicken wings and beans to the homeless and beggars that cross their path, without being obvious about it. The jazz music, crossing over with some intense zouk. This little kid who stays all day with his dad at the selling table, drawing cats and various animals and offering his drawings to every person he knows with the cutest smile. The melody of this one lady speaking in her native language as she tries to remember a word in common, gives up and break into a loud laugh. That merchant and all the customer presents, who pretended not to see as a lady stole from his pasta and oil section.  There is a hundred more of this but this are my personal favourites ^^
I wrote that in a spurt of the moment thing, but i hope it finds whoever read to this point, well and content!!!
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