#but I gotta save space on the rest of him for when other stuff happens I can't cover him burns yet
normal-enderman · 1 month
everyone's jumping the gun on giving Troy scars. You gotta save space on his face and body for when he has an injury so deeply traumatic that it causes a paradigm shift in his character and changes the course of the narrative for good. we're only on episode four you gotta save some space guys come on
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Never Beating the Big Brother Allegations
Vil + Epel + Leona, it's a little shippy between Leona and Vil, Leona does call Vil, Princess and is just generally Flirty but it's up to you whether you want to take it as him being a little facetious or if it's Real. Also tw for blood/injury Epel has a bloody nose and is a little banged up (not angsty dw) Also I know Lions don't purr, Leona does, deal with it.
"Hey, take it easy Crash, sit down." Leona couldn't help but smirk a bit at the look Epel gave him.
Epel was sitting on one of the infirmary beds, the rest empty save for him, holding a cloth with ice under his nose as he leaned forward a bit, the blood from his nose staining it a dark red. His brow was cocked, challenging Leona for a moment. Despite how ridiculous he knew he sounded when he spoke, he decided to anyways.
"It ain't that bad, this weren't the first time I done somethin' like this. I'm fine, I hit ma head 'nough times when I was younger t'know this ain't nothin' t'worry 'bout! We didn' have t'lug ourselves all the way t'the goddamned infirmary for a nosebleed and a couple bruises....and my name ain't Crash."
Leona snorted a bit and poked Epel's head, causing the younger one to recoil a bit and make a disgruntled noise in response. "It is until further notice. I've never seen anyone bail as hard as you did, or come out of it with something as minor as a nosebleed. Even with the cleaning spell Ruggie casted, you look like you rolled around in a pig sty..." He paused and sniffed the air a bit, nose scrunching a bit. "...and smell like it too."
Epel shot him a dirty look, about to speak again when the tell tale clicks of heels on tile became apparent to both of them, Leona's ear flicking at the same time Epel groaned.
"You told Vil??"
"What am I, your babysitter? Obligated to tell your mom what happened?? No I didn't tell Vil, Rook was probably being a creep again and reported back to your housewarden."
"And you're not my child, but for Seven's sake Epel, did you really think that news of you being sent to the infirmary wouldn't reach me eventually?" Vil stood in the doorway of the infirmary, hands on his hips, and brows knitted. "What have I told you about the way you fly? You're far too reckless, this was bound to happen eventually." He tsked softly, walking briskly over to the bed and grabbing Epel's face gently. He looked over him for a moment, then at the rest of his body and sighed.
"Rook told me you took the disc to the face and ended up spiraling out of the air. I was worried it was worse. You're very fortunate to have come out of your crash as well as you have." He sighed softly, and pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to Leona.
"Not taking your shit. This kinda stuff happens sometimes when people decide to do more than pretend they're someone else as a hobby." Leona gave Vil a shit-eating grin, teasing him a bit.
Vil shook his head. "That's not what you're in trouble for! You weren't going to tell me that my underclassman ended up in the infirmary!"
Despite Vil getting into his personal space a bit, Leona stayed where he was and just smiled more genuinely, though still arrogant. "Who said that? Pretty sure I just said I didn't tell you, not that I wasn't going to. Besides, Crash was sayin' it's no big deal, and anyone who can take the kinda hit he did and walk away's got some pull on their say. I believe him."
"My name is NOT Crash!!" Epel stood up from the bed, swaying a tiny bit, which did not go unnoticed by either of his upperclassmen, both of them reaching out...well, Leona, pushing him gently back onto the bed, and Vil, ready to offer a helping hand, the blonde shooting the other a bit of a dirty look. Epel groaned a bit and moved the towel away from his nose. "See, it's mostly stopped bleeding now anyways, it wasn't a big deal, it isn't a big deal and BOTH A YA'S HAVE GOTTA STOP ACTIN' LIKE AHM SOME BIG BABY!"
Leona acted faster than either of the Pomefiore residents had time to react, slipping his arm around Vil's shoulders and turning him away from Epel, (who was about ready to swallow his hands as a means of shutting himself up), and utilized his secret weapon. A deep, rumbly purr caught Vil off guard as Leona very lightly bumped his face against Vil's hair.
For the second time in less than a minute, Vil was surprised by the actions of his fellow schoolmates. Such a ...tender sound coming from Leona was baffling enough he allowed himself to be walked out of the room.
Once out of the room, Leona let go of Vil, giving him another, signature cocky smile, though softened by a bit of embarrassment he tried so hard to conceal.
"Alright Princess, I know all that must have been stressful for you, why don't you go and find something that'll help you forget about today."
The corner of Vil's lips kicked up in amusement.
"Acting would be a good skill to have right about now for you, wouldn't it."
Leona's ears flattened, he touched the back of his neck awkwardly and looked to the side, his tail flicking slightly, though between his legs. "Shut up."
"Is that how you speak to princesses?" Vil smirked, his hands on his hips as he looked up at Leona, teasing him.
Leona huffed a bit, amused. "Nah, none of them are worth talking to." He waited a beat, his sliding sideways to meet Vil's once more. "But I guess that's on me for calling you one, when everyone already knows you're a queen."
He chuffed softly, placing one hand on his hip as Vil crossed his arms in a lightheartedly 'angry' way, though he was smiling at the beastman.
"I'll make sure Epel gets back before curfew, don't worry. The kid's got spunk. He'll be right as rain in the next hour or so. Now I was serious, go do something else, anywhere else." He huffed a bit, matching Vil's playful energy as his tail flicked.
"Augh, fine, if you insist. If he's late, it's you who's going to be in trouble."
Leona waved Vil off somewhat dismissively, but they both knew it was light hearted. He immediately dropped the whole facade as he walked back into the infirmary, expression difficult to read as Epel looked at him a little warily.
"What did you-"
"You owe me."
Epel groaned, moving the towel away from his nose. "What do you want? Or is it Vil askin' by proxy?"
Leona moved to the side, preparing another cloth, wetting it with clean water and holding it out to Epel as he took the sullied one away.
"Whatever you've got on your plate for lunch, if it looks appealing, I'm taking some. Just for the week."
Epel took a moment to register what the new cloth was for, before gently wiping at some of the blood that was still left on his face and eyeing Leona warily. He sighed, when his upperclassmen seemed serious about the matter.
"Alright. I guess that's doable." He sighed, finally relenting to Leona's care as they tried to confirm his nose wasn't broken.
"Your lunch sucks ass Crash." Leona's voice made Epel startle slightly in the cafeteria, the freshmen whipping around in his seat to look up at Savannaclaw's housewarden.
"I wha? Huh??" He looked back down at his food for a moment, his brows furrowed. "What's wrong with my food?"
Leona snickered a bit and lightly flicked Epel's head. "You responded to Crash as your name. Enjoy your food I guess."
Ruggie was quick behind Leona, nabbing one of Epel's bread rolls and taking a bite, snickering as well. "Damn, guess you really are Crash now."
Epel's cheeks flushed a bit at being called Crash in front of his first year friends, but realized his fate was already sealed as he saw Ace's expression out of the corner of his eye...and that he would more than likely be left alone lunch wise for the rest of the week, getting off easy on his punishment.
As always, it's not beta read lmao
lmk if you wanna hop on the tag list:
@galaxies-and-gore @fluffle-writes
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basilpaste · 8 months
hey hey do yall want my incoherent classpect rambles for the isat cast that i wrote while half asleep at 2 am?? too late!!!
odile is a heart player. 'oh but basil!! shouldnt she be a mind player or something?' no. the core of her character is her identity and lack thereof. shes intelligent and strong willed and has an innate understanding of many things. she cares for others deeply in a way she keeps close to her chest. mage of heart? she understands people but feels separate from them. i think her repeatedly almost clocking siffrin is also something that feels right for a mage of heart. despite sharing a classpect with meulin, shes less of a leijon heart player and more of a dirk one. if that makes sense.
mira is a maid of hope. this is an easy one. she could also be breath, i also see breath, because… change. but her character is so tied to the idea of hope that its gotta be. other peoples hope for her, the pressure she puts on herself because of that, that stuff. shes a maid not just for the housemaiden thing but because maids are 'fixers'. it ties nicely into her quest to save her home and also the fact that shes the only one who can. i also think her lack of belief in herself is a very 'hope' thing. jake is a pretty prime example of a hope player who doesnt hold hope for themself as much as for others.
i!!!! like mind player isabeau!!!! i think odile heart and isa mind is very good!!! im thinking heir of mind isa. heirs are passive which works well with isa being the character who gives the team the most buffs! heir of mind reads 'im going to weaken my enemies and bring up my team' to me. hes a smart guy. he knows hes smart. even when he lets people walk all over his intelligence. hes shockingly bad at handling his own emotions despite being good with other peoples. hes a loyal and trusting guy who often finds himself lost within the gap between who he is and who hes perceived as.
bonnies a range player. thumbs up. anger and fear are their driving forces for a lot of the game. theyre deeply emotional at the best of times. theyre a kid with a lot on their plate. this makes sense. i kind of like rogue of rage for them? their feelings tend to instill emotion within the rest of the party. even the idea of them being hurt drives a protectiveness in the adults. in the same way, they can steal away peoples emotion and mellow them out by being the most emotional person in the room.
also i like the symmetry of two aspect pairs with sif being alone. which leads me to:
sif is a time player. an argument could be made for him being a space player. but they are a time player because of the fucking. time loops they manifested for themself. sifs a knight. hes a knight of time. yes like dave strider but also because they are. every action they take is for their family. the time loop they stick themself in is because he wants to continue to be with them. knights serve. they push away their own thoughts and feelings for the sake of protecting those they feel an obligation towards. get back to the stage, siffrin.
loop is also a knight of time! hope this helps!! but theyre an arguably less stable knight? their influence in the story is mostly from the sidelines. they dont have control over anything anymore. they watch as the same thing happens over and over and over again. i think that seeing that and knowing that you not only caused it but you cant directly do anything to stop it is the worst punishment a knight could possibly receive.
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bennythespaceman1984 · 5 months
Let's do... ghost, mask, and wound
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Oh my gosh, ok I have this au that lives rent free in my head where Benny's space crew died, and he blames himself for it. Because, see. In the moment they were all panicking!! And Benny was already previously traumatized from two of his . OK OK let me just start from the beginning sorry. I'll summarize very quick. See what if GCBC actually KILLED people at the beginning of Lord Businesses reign. Instead of just imprisoning them. That's the premise. So two of Benny's crew members/siblings die and the rest go deeper into space to hide! But they have to get supplies after so long, so when they go out they're found again! The other crew member is shot— And Lenny tells Benny to just GO !! And Lenny essentially saves Benny. As I was saying, Benny is probably traumatized already, so he's like, in fight or flight. He is barely thinking straight. So he just gets in a ship and takes off without a second thought. There's more to it obviously, but that's all the context you need for my answer. So, for THIS au, Benny is definitely 'haunted' by his crew members. I don't believe in ghosts but he is extremely affected by all of this and they essentially haunt him day by day. If they WERE actual ghosts I don't think they would haunt him, though. They probably don't blame him.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Yes.. Figuratively, absolutely! Benny is heavily masked, especially because of how I believe he grew up. He is probably trying his best to be more authentic to himself, but there is so much that he hides. I don't think I want to get into too much, just because I have definitely used Benny for venting and projecting before and I don't think it's entirely accurate to how I want to depict him. But, he's probably pretty depressed, and I know he has PTSD. That is where his insomnia and night terrors comes from. He doesn't like people to see him in this light at all. He does anything to stay bright and positive! And usually he is, genuinely! But, he's a person, and he has a lot of low moments too. If anyone gets to see it, it's gotta be because they are extremely close. Best friends or romantic partners. Nothing less.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Aah, Benny probably has a pretty high pain tolerance. Emotionally and physically. Bottling everything up his entire life would help with that. Also— Because he works with spaceships, cars, that sort of stuff, he's probably accidentally harming himself a lot. He's a little clumsy! Obviously the worst wound he's ever experienced was his arm. I uh.. I'm still not really sure how I want that to happen. I don't think a duplo WOULD rip off his arm, but. It might have been on accident..... What a horror!
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radiodread · 1 year
“Tears of the Kingdom” spoilers below where I talk about how stupidly good the game is but also stuff I miss and maybe don’t like as much because I have to talk about it. I’m very close to finishing the main story, so I think I can write this now. (Oh, and this post is long. I tend to do that.)
First of all, yes- I love “Tears of the Kingdom”. In a lot of ways, the devs really listened to their fans and implemented things we missed in Breath of the Wild, a lot of quality of life updates. It’s a very familiar experience as much as it’s new and it completely blew my expectations out of the water. I adore the fuse mechanic and how you can now build the stupidest, most insane, creative, and bonkers stuff. Everything from a thing that launches you practically into space to a goddamn war machine that eats Lynels for breakfast. And not to mention the ability to ascend! Man did I abuse that ability. Lovingly, of course. Hey, give it to me and I’ll use it, maybe not the correct way, but I’ll use it. Also, Rewind is great for a slowpoke like myself to bring back a boat that I accidentally activated before I got on it and it zoomed across Lake Hylia in four seconds flat. Bless.
Alright. Onto the ‘negative’ stuff before I loop around back to the good. The first thing that comes to mind is how the sages’ powers work. You can’t have all of them active at the same time because you’ll have five dang ghosts running around you making life difficult. Want to pick up a bomb flower? Oops, Yunobo just rolled into it and blew your ass into next Thursday. Want to sneak up on this fairy or bug before you pick it up? Oh, Tulin was so excited to see it that he had to blow a goddamn wind gust right at it, making it fly or scurry away to save its short life. Accidentally activated Riju’s power? Gotta run after her now that she’s run off to who-knows-where and then cancel her thunder arrows. Remember how, in BotW, there were button presses for three outta four powers and then the last one activated when you ‘died’? Yeah. Bring that back, please. Where even are the powers Link got from Urbosa, Daruk, Revali, and Mipha?
(Someone theorised that the Champion powers from BotW disappeared from Link as their souls were finally laid to rest after Calamity Ganon was defeated, but I thought that every single one of the Champions told Link that they wanted him to have their powers now that they couldn’t use them anymore. What, just temporarily until Calamity Ganon was defeated? Nahhhh, I don’t buy it. The Sages’ powers just aren’t that good replacements, in my humble opinion. Way wonkier, harder to control, they all activate in a stupid way.)
Another thing is the rampant inconsistency and lack of explanation for things in a game that’s supposed to be a direct sequel to “Breath of the Wild”. Where did the Sheikah technology suddenly run off to? Where’s all of the Guardians, why is the Sheikah Slate suddenly called the Purah Pad, what about all those towers and shrines? Explaining it away with “well the Upheaval happened” feels like a weird excuse. Did the Zonai stuff just overrule Sheikah technology, is that why we have Shrines of Light instead of Sheikah ones? Remember how, at the end of “Breath of the Wild” in the ‘true’ ending, Zelda talks about how Vah Ruta apparently stopped working and they were gonna go see what that was all about? Where did Ruta even go after that, much less the other three beasts? There aren’t even parts lying around from them if they were destroyed by the falling debris after the Upheaval. Nothing. They all got raptured along with the rest of all of the Sheikah technology.
Also: Where’s Kass? His kids are in the game and none of them even mention their father, same with his wife Amali. Some family, huh. There’s vague mentions of him by Traysi and Penn but that’s about it. Not even by name, just “a bard”. They brought back the creep from outside of Gerudo town who was obsessed with boots but not Kass who helped Link with several side quests and you’d continuously run into during your travels? Okay.
They handled some things that bridged both games very well. Like the bit about how people can turn into friggin’ dragons by eating a certain kinda stone like a Goron? YIKES. Makes me wonder about Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh, if maybe the goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore did this and then became the dragons we’re now so familiar with. If you’ve seen that one part where Zelda turns into the Light Dragon... yeah. Whew. That scene made me cry and also stare blankly at a wall for five minutes afterwards.
(Oh and just to finish off the criticism rant: you still can’t pet the damn dogs. What the hell. Let me pet them! They’re such good dogs!)
Overall, though, of course I’ve really enjoyed "Tears of the Kingdom” as might be obvious by my reblogged content as of late. It’s funny, creative, fun, challenging, tugs at your heartstrings, makes you yelp in horror sometimes- all things that make a good game. But it’s not perfect, at least not to me. All I can hope for is DLC that might explain some of the inconsistencies I’ve had major gripes with and I can be happy with the rest of it. Yeah, even the wonky way the Sages’ powers work.
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xleeleeboox · 2 years
gareth headcannons :)
Idk i dont think there are any warnings really, gn!reader, eddie steals something, a lot of fluffy stuff and random stuff please tell me how to spell headcannon thanks PLEASE read my note at the end too :) 
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815 words 
I fully agree with the headcannon of his having anger issues, but he can control it much better now in his later years of highschool since I believe he uses his drums as an outlet
I also headcannon (is it two n’s or one?? Is there a space??) that he has sisters, but one older and one younger
Spends time with the little sister much more often and fights with the older one
Has both parents but the dad is literally always gone working and mom is just always somewhere in the house or out
I think Gareth gets flustered easily
I also think he cries more than any of the other boys in hellfire 
Like he’s not gonna cry at just anything but if something hurts, he’s gonna cry, when this happens he just wants to hide his face because he thinks that it’s embarrassing
Calls you over when he is having a bad day just so he can bury his head somewhere on your body, your neck, shoulder, chest, back, stomach, thighs, oh god the thighs make him stop crying every single time
You will be sitting on the edge of his bed or smth and he pushes your knees together and then buries his head there, sure he can’t breath but that’s what helps slow it down right lol
Would get a bumper sticker that says “thick thighs saves lives” but never puts it anywhere
Eddie finds it and puts it on Gareth’s car, or takes it for his own van
Probably has a few pins on his cut off flannel that eddie got for him as a gift 
He didn’t buy them he stole them but Gareth doesn’t know that
Gareth likes all kinds of music and slow dances to 60’s love songs with you in his kitchen at night
One day his family was out to dinner and a movie and Gareth wanted you over, his parents said yes, but they haven’t met you yet and when his family came home you two were dancing in the kitchen, holding each other with your foreheads against each other smiling with your eyes closed and his mom looked into the window from afar seeing you two, back handed his dad on the chest and said “hun look, i think we gotta meet this person” 
Gareth is so in love with you and will show it he does not care
He pulls you onto his lap all the time
You cling onto his forearm and upper arm aaallllll the time and he is such a sucker, he literally melts especially if you are at the lunch table tired and gripping on his arm while laying your head on his shoulder, he moves to tangle his fingers with yours and kisses the top of your head
The rest of the table makes grossed out noises and you just smile with your eyes closed 
Anything you do that shows you are comfortable with him he melts
Sing around him please even if you can’t sing well, he’s still gonna think that it was good because you are literally perfect in his eyes
I feel like Gareth got some connection with hippies, either his mom/dad is one, or you are, oh if you are a hippie or have that style just know that he planned your wedding already
Probably has baby names picked out already because he does want kids and he does want to get married, but only if it is you
Probably slept with a nightlight for the longest time and is still lowkey creeped out by the dark (same bby)
When you spend the night and need something that’s not already in his room, he will go walking through the rest of the dark house just for you 
Tries not to look into the darkness because he’s convinced he will see something 
Every time you come over or hang out with Gareth, you pull through a drive through for some fast food and a Dr. Pepper because yes i do firmly believe he loves Dr. Pepper
He likes cream soda, cherry and grape flavored candy,
hates lemon scented cleaning products because his mom always disinfected everything with it when he or his sisters were sick, not fun times,
Doesn’t like watermelon :/ 
Broken his arm and had a red and black cast, he insisted on the two colors rather than just the one, cried when they had to saw it off like they do with casts, kept it in his closet and has like two signatures on it, he was 11 probably 
Does not sing in the shower, a psychopath 
He only kind of likes scary movies, if they are actually good, does not like comedy movies, but likes action and adventure and all that 
He would be a fan of marvel i know it
Uses pens but carries pencils just in case 
Let me know if you want more because im sure i have tons more random headcannons on gareth, do we want other characters? Hmu and let me know who you want headcannons like this for, will do
Hellfire as a group
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farfromharry · 3 years
Nobody like you | Stiles Stilinski
pov: you’re dating Stiles Stilinski
Summary: A run in with Derek creates lots of panic and ruins what was meant to be a fun night with Allison for him. It also ruins yours and Stiles plans when you have to drive an injured werewolf around for most of the night. Things escalate and the two of you nearly have to cut off his arm, but thankfully your saved from that trauma when Scott finally shows up. But the whole thing only strengthens your bond with your lover when you realise there really is no one like him.
Word count - 4936
Warnings - mentions of injury and blood, language?
Based on: season one, episode four
. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Nobody like you by Little mix ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ .
During history you didn’t sit with Scott and Stiles. It was one of your favourite classes, and the two males would only end up distracting you from the subject if you sat with them, so usually you sat near the front, the furthest away place from them you could possibly be in such a small classroom. Today was the day you were getting back your tests, finding yourself more than happy with the paper that proudly read ‘A’ in red marker being handed back to you.
“I don’t know!” Your eyes raised from your desk, turning to look over your shoulder to see Stiles looking at his friend with wide eyes. The brunette he was staring at feeling his cheeks grow warm at his sudden outburst that attracted the attention of the rest of the class. Your boyfriend momentarily found your eyes, watching as you mouthed a ‘what?’ that just had him shrugging.
Scott sank down in his seat upon feeling so many eyes on him, wishing the ground would just open and swallow him up so he didn’t have to sit through this.
You didn’t get the chance to ask about it until after the class, finding Stiles waiting for you outside of the door with a smile. Scott had run off somewhere already, leaving the two of you to walk down the hall together. “What happened back there?” you asked. He rolled his eyes. “He was just being dramatic ‘cause I was asking him stuff about Derek.”
You hummed, following him out of the school building as the bell signalling the end of the day rang. In what could have been perceived by others as a friendly gesture, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, feeling an urge to suddenly just hold you. It brought a smile to your face, leaning deeper into his side, being engulfed in his sweet scent as he guided you to his car. “Am I taking you home or d’you maybe wanna get something to eat?”
It was almost like he could sense that you were hungry, a happy groan leaving your lips as you used all your willpower not to kiss him right there in the crowd of students. “You know me so well, Stiles Stilinski.”
He just smiled, halting in his steps as the two of you made it to the parked car, climbing inside with a small buzz of excitement flooding through your body. The kind you always got at the thought of going somewhere with him.
But you barely even made it out of the parking space before everything was going wrong, a deep annoyance settling in your stomach. Probably wrongly aimed at your other friend for having to become a supernatural being with so many issues. That part wasn’t entirely his fault.
“Stiles!” you called, making him look up just in time to avoid hitting Derek with his car, a squeal leaving your lips when he forced his foot down on the break. The two of you breathed heavily in a panic, not sure what you were supposed to do as you saw the older man collapse in front of the jeep, effectively blocking all cars trying to leave the school parking lot.
Scott had apparently heard the honking going off from all the irritated teens, rushing to where you and Stiles were to find the man laying on the ground, looking pale with a rather pained look written all over his face. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Stiles muttered.
“Well, I think he might have heard you guys,” you joked weakly, referencing your earlier conversation with Stiles about how he and Scott had been discussing Derek. He shot you a glare, climbing out of the car when he saw his friend arrive, joining him on finding out just what exactly Derek was doing, and specifically why he was doing it at school. From inside the car you couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you could see the growing distress from Scott and hear the increasing irritation from those stuck behind Stiles’ car due to Derek’s little performance.
But what you did hear was Scott telling Stiles to help get Derek in his car, meaning you had to shift and sit in the back seat, doing so with a sheepish look from your boyfriend. Seems like your plans were ruined then. 
You took one look at Derek when he sat in the seat you’d previously been occupying and gasped, turning to Stiles when he hopped in the car. “Is he okay? He really doesn’t look so good.” Your boyfriend didn’t even look at you as he started up the engine. “He’s been shot.”
You gasped, eyes widening comically as he said the phrase so casually, almost like someone you knew being shot was an everyday occurence for the two of you. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t, so you didn’t understand why he wasn’t freaking out just as much as you right now.
It was quiet for a while as the werewolf basked in his pain and you and Stiles tried to wrap your head around what was happening. How had your lives gotten to this point?
You were the first to speak up after noticing the Hale boy was struggling with his jacket. He clearly wanted it off, quickly, but due to his injury he just couldn’t seem to do it.
“Here, let me help.” You flashed the elder a warm smile as you assisted him in taking off his jacket, being as careful as possible of his wound so you didn’t harm him further. He thanked you quietly, sitting back in the seat with a sigh when his body finally escaped the blistering warmth the leather jacket was bringing him. You could feel Stiles looking at you as you helped Derek, not understanding why you were being so nice to him.
“Try not to bleed out on my seats, okay?” You scolded the brunette, slapping his arm to tell him to play nice while the man was in pain. Whether Stiles liked him or not it was clear he was hurting right now and he really didn’t need Stiles’ attitude making him feel worse. “We’re almost there.”
The man’s eyebrows furrowed. “Almost where.” You were just as clueless as the other, you had no idea where Stiles was intending to take him, he’d just started driving in a direction without giving either of you much of a clue as to where he was going.
“Your house,” he answered like it was so blatantly obvious. The wolf refused, shaking his head. “No, you can’t take me there.”
“I can’t take you to your own house?” “Not when I can’t protect myself.”
You frowned when Stiles turned the wheel, pulling the car over beside the curb so he could turn in his seat to look at the injured man. “What happens if Scott doesn’t find the bullet?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes at his attitude, speaking to the man in a much softer voice than your boyfriend had. “Are you dying?” you questioned, timidly.
He shook his head. “Not yet. I have a last resort.”
You could tell the brunette in the driver’s seat was getting more and more frustrated over the matter, throwing his hands up. “What do you mean? What last resort?”
Derek ignored him, turning over his arm so that his forearm was facing upwards, rolling up the sleeve of his charcoal coloured shirt with a hiss to let you both see the wound. You didn’t know what help it was supposed to be other than making you and Stiles feel queasy.
“Oh my god, what is that?” You knew of Stiles’ fear of blood, obviously, so like the good girlfriend you were you attempted to comfort him, placing your hand on his shoulder and rubbing gently. He was cringing in disgust, turning his head slightly in the other direction so he didn’t have to see the open wound. He made a few dumb comments under his breath, but Derek had clearly had enough of his behaviour. All while you just sat back and watched the two bicker like children.
“Start the car. Now.” It was obvious to you he was getting angrier, but it apparently wasn’t obvious to the idiot in the car. “I really don’t think you should be barking orders with the way you look.” He continued, “In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead.”
You were ignored by both males, the two heatedly staring at each other while the car was drowning in testosterone that had you rolling your eyes. Men.
“Start the car, or I’m gonna rip your throat out, with my teeth,” he threatened. Your eyes widened slightly, turning towards Stiles and bringing your mouth near his ear to whisper to him. Although the volume of your voice didn’t really matter considering Derek’s werewolf hearing would mean he heard it all anyway. “You should probably start the car,” you suggested kindly, much different to how Derek had done it. “I’m gonna start the car now.”
After getting off the phone with Scott, the brunette boy announced you were heading to the animal clinic, missing the quick flash of confusion written all over your face. Of all places you could go, why would you go there? God, you should’ve just taken him to the hospital like regular human beings. You know they couldn’t do much when it came to him being a fucking werewolf, but they knew how to help gunshot wounds. 
It was clear getting out of the car that Derek was struggling to stay on his own two feet, wobbling carelessly as he tried to follow Stiles to wherever he was going. You huffed, placing a hand on his woundless arm to silently tell him to stop walking before he hurt himself more. He checked you were positive before raising his arm and wrapping it around your shoulders, leaning some, but not all, of his weight on you so you assist him. “Stiles, maybe a little help here?” 
He looked over at Derek with a glare, muttering something about the threats he’d previously made to him and how he didn’t think it’d be a good idea to get so close after all that. Once again you just rolled your eyes at his immaturity, reassuring the weak man that you had him and he’d be okay. You saw the boy opposite you checking his phone, reading off the message he’d finally received from Scott about what kind of bullet it was that hit him. “Does Nordic blue monkshood mean anything to you?” he asked. 
You saw him shift uncomfortably in his spot, leaning a little more weight on you as he grew tireder, weaker. “It’s a rare form of wolfsbane, he has to bring me the bullet.”
“Why?” you asked. “Cause I'm gonna die without it.”
You and Stiles shared a panicked look, jaws gaping. “Yeah, that seems like a good enough reason. Let’s get him inside.”
Now was when he decided to help you, removing Derek’s arm from around your shoulders to his own. You wouldn’t protest, he may have been weak but he was stronger than you, and could therefore carry more of Derek’s weight than you could. You led the way inside the clinic, pushing open the doors and flicking on the lights as the pair stumbled in behind you, Stiles muttering an ‘okay. As he saw how Derek was peeling his shirt off from over his head. 
He was panting at this point, so much so that you found it concerning, turning to look at him for the first time since you got inside the building. You were shocked to see so much skin, unaware that he’d taken the top half of his clothes off so he could get to the wound better. Now you adored Stiles and everything about him, but wow you were impressed. Your jaw gaped a little bit, head cocking to the side as you took in the sight of the older man’s abdomen. It was wrong on many levels, your boyfriend was right there, and the man you were partially admiring was also on the brink of death. But it did make him smile a little to know he was able to rile your boyfriend up just by making you a little flustered, and it was as easy as taking off his shirt. 
“Y/N!” he scolded. You blinked, head turning to him and apologising profusely, face heating up more knowing you’d been caught in the act by both of them. 
He laid his arm out on the table, finding yourself wincing when you got a good look at it. If you were this uncomfortable you couldn’t even imagine how Stiles was feeling. He obviously tried to lighten the situation with some of his humour, although it probably wasn’t the best time and fell mostly on deaf ears. “You know, that really doesn’t look like anything some echinacea and a good night’s sleep couldn’t take care of.”
Derek raised his head and let his eyes fall on you, understanding that Stiles wasn’t going to be serious about this. “When the infection reaches my heart, it’ll kill me.” This was serious.
He frantically started to search through Deaton’s cupboards, hoping to find anything at all that might help him in his current state, though you’re not sure what he could possibly be looking for to fix that. “Positivity just really isn’t in your vocabulary, is it?”
“Hey, baby,” you whispered, hoping Derek was too distracted to hear the pet name. You brought your hands up to cup his face, his gaze moving to your own. “Need you to shut up, okay? I know you’re scared a-and so am I, but you really aren’t helping.”
Thankfully he ignored you both. “If he doesn’t get here with the bullet in time, last resort…”
He trailed off worryingly, leaving the two of you in the dark as he pulled something from the drawer in front of him. “Which is?” You looked between the two nervously, gnawing on your bottom lip as you waited for answers.
“One of you is going to cut off my arm,” he stated, holding up the saw he’d found. You let out a quiet whimper. The worst part about the whole thing was that he seemed one hundred percent, completely serious. And you knew Stiles wouldn’t be able to do it, so this was going to fall on you, and you didn’t think you could do it either. Stiles just stared, unable to even stutter out a response as he was hit with a wave of fear and anxiety.
You hesitantly picked up the saw when Derek slid it your way over the table, pressing the button and momentarily watching it buzz to life before shutting it off in shock. Stiles breathed out an ‘oh my god’, his palms beginning to sweat profusely and uncomfortably as he attempted to wipe his palms on his jeans. “What if you bleed to death?”
He really didn’t want to go through answering two squirmy teens' questions while he was literally on the verge of dying. “It’ll heal if it works.”
Stiles turned more so towards you with his next words, shaking his head as he tried not to gag at the disgusting sight. “Look, I-I don’t think I can do this.” Much like earlier in the car, you brought your hand up to rub his shoulder, nodding your head as you gulped loudly. “Why not?”
He had visibly paled and looked rather ill as he thought about what the man was asking him to do. “Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!”
You gained his attention gently, pulling his eyes away from the wound so he was only looking at you. You offered him a reassuring smile. “I think I can do it.”
Derek ignored you, letting his arm fall limp on the metal table as he looked up at Stiles. “You faint at the sight of blood?”
He turned back to put his focus on the man, ignoring the sight of his arm which looked honestly much worse than it did just seconds ago. You just stood back, preparing to have to watch them argue again like you did earlier on.
“No. But I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!”
It was getting much too tense for you to bear, rolling your eyes at how unbelievable both of them were.
“All right, fine. How about this?” You threw your arms up in defeat, deciding that he’d just chosen to ignore what you’d said earlier about you being the one to do it so your boyfriend didn’t have to. “Either you cut off my arm, or I’m gonna cut off your head.”
You waved your hands to try and catch either of their attentions. “Uh guys. I said I’d do it.”
“I’m so not buying your threats anymore.” Before he could even finish his sentence the man was using his good arm to grab Stiles’ collar, balling up the material in his fist and pulling the brunette across the table and close to his face. That was when you chose to intervene, placing a hand on each of their chests, pushing them away from each other and telling them to stop being silly.
You hesitated for a moment when you saw the look on Derek’s face, trying to ask him what was wrong before he was quickly pushing away from you both.
You managed to jump out of the way just in time to not get hit by the strange, dark substance spilling from his mouth onto the floor, your stomach churning at the sight. With a gasp of shock you turned to hide your face in Stiles’ chest, not wanting to see that go down while the boy just whined in disgust. “What the hell is that?”
He panted, taking a deep breath before he tried to answer him. “It’s my body, trying to heal itself,” he wheezed,
He held back a gag, squeezing his eyes shut for a second before he reopened them, feeling you pull back too now that the man was done.
“It doesn’t look like it’s doing a great job of it.” You were starting to panic. Stiles didn’t seem to notice but your hands and the rest of your body were starting to shake, the idea of what you were about to do finally crashing down on you. You were going to cut someone’s arm off.
A beat passed by before Derek was letting his eyes flicker up to look at yours, somehow not seeing or sensing the nerves radiating from you.
His voice was surprisingly gentle though. “You need to do it now.”
You nodded, “O-Okay,” blinking away the tears that were building in your eyes as you stepped past Stiles. Apparently you were taking too long though, any confidence you’d felt when offering to do this to save Stiles from the nightmares it’d bring him had now subsided, your fear taking over. This time around Derek’s voice wasn’t so calm. “Just do it!”
Suddenly you couldn’t do it anymore, the idea making you feel sick to your stomach the second you picked up that saw. You shook your head, swallowing down the lump in your throat at the idea of Derek dishing out one of his threats to you because of it.
“I-I can’t, I’m sorry. There’s still time though, Scott, h-he’ll be here.”
Right on time you heard calling out to you, like he’d heard you say his name as a cry for help and he was here to save the day. “Guys?” You sighed at the sound of his voice, hearing Stiles yell back his name in relief that this horror was finally over.
“What the hell is going on here?” Scott asked, looking between the three of you and the saw on the table. You each looked equally distressed but obviously he had no idea what’d happened, he could only take a wild guess.
Stiles chuckled dryly, bringing a hand up to his chest in relief as he stared at his best friend in the doorway. “You just prevented a lifetime of nightmares.”
You stayed off to the sidelines, feeling embarrassed that you couldn’t go through with what you’d told Derek in confidence you’d do to help him, even though it no longer mattered. You’d done so not only to help him, but to try and help Stiles too, you knew he wasn’t great with these kinds of things, not that you were, and you just wanted to help so you didn’t feel so useless.
“Did you get it?”
You saw him messing around with something as he fumbled around in his pocket to find the small golden bullet, pulling it out and quickly slipping it into the injured man’s hand. He took it gratefully, standing up to his full height for a moment that captured all three of your attentions. He only got a brief look at it in the light before you saw his eyes fluttering, heart skipping a beat as you watched him go down, hitting the floor, hard, consequently dropping the bullet somewhere you didn’t see.
You and Stiles took the liberty of kneeling beside the unconscious man, his hands coming up to his face to tap it lightly in hopes of getting some response. “Derek? Come on, wake up!” 
It only caused you more distress that he wasn’t waking up, assuming the worst that the infection had reached his heart and he’d literally died before your eyes in a way that would probably haunt you for a lifetime.
“Scott,” you called. “What the hell are we gonna do?” 
You didn’t get the response you were hoping for as you watched Stiles slap Derek’s face a little bit harder than he had done before. “I don’t know!” 
He was too distracted with finding where the bullet went to try and process how to help you and Stiles with the man. Which wasn’t exactly helpful for the two of you as you tried everything you could think of. “He’s not waking up, Y/N.” He said the words as if you weren’t kneeling right beside him, witnessing exactly the same thing he was. “I know, Stiles.” 
“Please don’t kill me for this,” he muttered under his breath. You watched as he raised his fist in the air, bringing it back down to collide with the man’s jaw forcefully. He awoke with a start at the same time Stiles cursed out in pain, bringing his other hand up to cradle to one he’d just used to wake Derek. You could quietly hear Scott announcing he’d found the bullet, Derek taking it from him the second he’d re-registered what was happening. The two brunette’s helped him to his feet, much like you standing aside to watch as he did whatever he needed to with the bullet. 
As you watched him rub whatever kind of magic powder that was into the wound you involuntarily winced, scrunching up your face at the sound of his pained screams. It was difficult to listen to, hearing that he was in such torment but knowing you just had to let it happen. Somehow this was saving him, not killing him. When his writhing had stopped you knelt down by his side, helping his fragile body sit up, then eventually to his feet when he was sure he could stand without his knees buckling.
Noticing the wound was gone, Stiles' entire demeanour had changed. “That, was, awesome!” You didn’t miss the way Derek and Scott looked at Stiles, shaking their heads at his stupidity, meanwhile you just stood beside Derek in silence, fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you tried to focus your mind on anything but what’d just happened in order to stop your body shaking the way it was. You spoke up quietly, shyly, not managing to catch two out of the three males' attention. “I’m gonna go get some air.”
You stepped away from the trio with minimal looks, Scott and Derek engaged in a conversation already, but the other boy, his attention was solely on you, just like it always was. 
The second the fresh air hit you it was like a complete weight was being lifted off of your shoulders. Everything from the last couple of hours finally caught up to you, a sob rippling from your throat that you couldn’t stop. You were glad you’d manage to hold it until you’d gotten away from the others, not having wanted them to see you cry over something like this. You thought maybe if Stiles was affected in the same way you were, like it looked like he was going to be, then you wouldn’t just have been overreacting. But after having seen the complete one eighty his mood made after Derek was healed, all of that hope had gone down the drain. 
Your shaky hand raised up to your mouth, trying to muffle any noise as you let out another pained sob. You had to press your hand against the wall for a second, feeling as your knees began to buckle underneath your weight. Thankfully Stiles had made it just in time, his arms circling your waist to keep you from hitting the ground with a force. 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered. He freely let you cry into his body, cradling you against his chest on the uncomfortable floor, his lips pressing a stream of kisses to the top of your head and his hands running up and down your back. “God, baby, you’re trembling.” 
His heart was aching that you were hurting. What happened inside the clinic was a lot for anyone to deal with and he didn’t think you understood that. “Talk to me, pretty girl.” 
You sniffled quietly, taking a few seconds to compose yourself, but he was patient the entire time, allowing you however long you needed until you felt better. “I-I’m sorry I- It just all hit me at once and-”
“Y/N,” he said sternly. “You don’t have to make excuses for how you feel. What we just went through, that shit was traumatic. It’s perfectly okay to not feel okay about it right away.” 
His words brought a fresh wave of tears out of you, the man shifting his hands to your face to carefully wipe away every tear that rolled down your cheeks. You never realised how good he was at comforting people. 
The feeling of his finger caressing your cheek was rather distracting to your mind, but you relished in the feeling of his touch. “I-I just- Is this what our lives are going to be like now? I don’t know if I can deal with this stuff, Stiles, not all the time.” 
He sighed, offering you a soft smile, keeping his voice low and smooth. “Well, you don’t have to deal with it alone. You held it together in there much better than I did, but we all have a breaking point. You helped me through mine, and I’m going to help you through yours.”
You offered him a smile, leaning in closer to him so your noses bumped together. “You’re stronger than anyone I know, Y/N/N, but you know Scott won’t drag you into this stuff if you don’t want to get involved.”
You frowned slightly, shaking your head. “I want to help. As long as you're there when I have moments like these, I think I’ll be okay.”
“Always.” His nose brushed against yours once more before he dipped his head, meeting your lips in a sweet kiss that he managed to pour every ounce of his love into, it stole your breath away. You brought one of your hands up to fist the material of his shirt, much like Derek had in his pain induced haze earlier, only this time it was much less threatening for Stiles. He didn’t intend on pulling away until he absolutely, positively needed, finding himself getting lost in you as he tried to help you realise just how much love and support you had from him whenever you may need it. 
It probably was irresponsible for the two of you to be kissing so out in the open, especially when Scott could walk out the front doors of the clinic any second and find you both like that. But your love was pushing that to the back of his mind right now, Scott could be damned, you needed him and he planned on being your lifeline. 
Scott wasn’t oblivious. He very frequently saw the way you and Stiles looked at each other, and had previously assumed that meant something, witnessing this kiss only solidifying what he already believed; it didn’t shock him at all. He wasn’t angry when he found you there, just pulling out of an intense kiss, foreheads resting on one anothers. He understood that a lot had happened in the past few days and it probably wouldn’t have been the best time to share your news, especially not when he was so caught up in his own life. Which is probably why he didn’t say anything to gather your attention in that moment, just turned around and headed back inside to delay Derek for another few minutes. Scott wanted the two of you to tell him when you were ready, and whenever that was, was perfectly okay with him.
stiles stilinski taglist - @peter-parkers-gf @rqmanoff @ccosmic-illusion @hunnybunimdun @instabull @taramaria @raajali3 @raynelbabe
61 notes · View notes
makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 316: We've Had One, Yes, But What About Second Explosion
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all “[powers up like whoa because it’s time to end the fight]”, and he saved Overhaul from getting not-shot, and then smashed up Nagant’s arm with the power of his new rechargeable super knees. Nagant was all “yoooo this kid is crazy strong whaaaat, it’s like he’s some kind of protagonist or something.” Deku was all “I AM A PROTAGONIST, ACTUALLY, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN FORCES AND FIGHT BAD GUYS WITH ME?” Nagant was all “ah shit why the hell no -- ” and then AFO was all “SURPRISE” and everyone was all “?!?!?!” and AFO was all “TIME TO EXPLODE NOW” and made Nagant explode because he’s an absolute fucking dick. And then Hawks showed up, because Horikoshi just wanted to stuff as many plot points as humanly possible into a single chapter I guess.
Today on BnHA: Hawks is all “good job giving motivational shounen redemption speeches Deku but I’ll take it from here” and screams very earnestly right in Nagant’s face until she finally wakes up. Nagant is all “oh hey it’s my successor, you seem surprisingly unfucked-up from your own HPSC tenure, how did you manage that?” Hawks is all “fandom is going to love hearing this one, but basically it’s because I’m very upbeat and also I had the world’s best role model Endeavor to look up to,” and I swear this man stirs the pot on purpose, but damn it I still love him so damn much. Overhaul is all “HELLO AGAIN, JUST A REMINDER THAT, THE BOSS!!” and Deku is all “MAYBE TAKE TWO SECONDS TO REFLECT ON HOW YOU TORTURED A LITTLE GIRL,” which, thank you, lol. Nagant is all “btw AFO’s hiding in a house in the woods”, and so Deku and the gang go to the house in the woods. Video recording!AFO is all “hi I’m AFO welcome to Jackass” and blows up the house. Sometimes I wonder if this manga is just a weird dream.
I am once again reading the Bean version because I think it was actually the best out of all three translations last week. and that is surprisingly including Viz’s. “faux” is not nearly as entertaining as “knockoff”, and also I have literally no idea why Caleb thought Deku was saying the Third’s lines lol
oh hey, Endeavor’s here too! not that you’d ever be able to tell from this first panel lmao
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glad you received All Might’s call, mysterious unidentified glowing smudge
oh snap he says he’s weaker in the rain. is that why AFO told Nagant to attack then?? except that as we discussed the other day, I believe that AFO fully intended for Nagant to lose the fight, so him giving her info that would give her an advantage doesn’t really fit in with that. maybe he wanted Deku to be separated from Endeavor and the rest for maximum angst, though
btw Deku’s eyes are unsurprisingly back to the new normal here
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alas, the angst continues. I say, pretending like I’m not totally eating it up each and every week and writing essay after essay about it lol
anyway so apparently Hawks can’t actually fly lmao. he was just yeeting himself with style
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for some reason this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen omfg. wave to Hawks, kids! say “bye, Hawks!”
j/k of course Deku is catching them. -- except???
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wow so he was just running on fumes there at the end. well, good to know there is actually a limit to his shenanigans, particularly regarding this new “knockoff” 100% OFA. it will definitely not alleviate any of the discourse, but it’s good for my own peace of mind because it’s solid confirmation that he still needs his pals in order to win this thing
anyway, but on to the rest of this conversation, which is basically Deku deducing what we all deduced last week -- AFO implanted some sort of trap into Nagant when he gave her Air Walk. though I’d still like to get the actual details from AFO and/or Horikoshi, because this was particularly wild even by quirk standards lol
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she still has a face after all!! so it’s confirmed, Horikoshi has no idea what “blowing up” actually means. we might have guessed, based on what happened to Toga in the MVA arc, and also based on everything Katsuki does ever, but shhh
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this is actually kind of touching though because even though we all know (or most of us acknowledge at any rate) that Hawks is a pretty caring person, it’s rare to see him actually panic over someone’s welfare like this
oh shit Horikoshi is really doubling down on it
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I wonder how much Hawks knew about what really happened between Nagant and the HPSC. regardless, he probably sees her as a kindred spirit of sorts, and I’m more than happy for Deku to pass the redemption torch onto him now that he’s on the scene. like no offense Deku but they actually know each other and stuff lol
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apparently being freed from his HPSC shackles has finally given Hawks the space to embrace his own inner shounen protagonist. is there anything more shounen than trying to motivationally scream someone awake when they’re lying in your arms inches from death?? 100% guaranteed to work
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SO SHE IS ALIVE. THANK GOD. Horikoshi doesn’t want to meet with my emotional distress lawyer today after all
love how she’s all “just gonna stir up the weekly Hawks Discourse pot here by implying that he probably committed a lot of Atrocities just like I did, so now people can get all hopped up about that, even though there’s no evidence he’s ever killed anyone aside from that one horrible ‘damned-if-you-do...’ situation with Twice.” no one asked for your provocative speculation young lady!! trust me Nagant, our rabbles don’t need the rousing lol
but nice save there with the “so how are your eyes so untainted” well you see it’s because even when he was following the HPSC’s orders he always went to great lengths never to go against his own moral compass. which just to be clear was incredibly difficult, and led to a ton of pain and suffering on his part, because the life of a spy is basically just one impossible situation after another. but in spite of that he never stopped trying to do his best to help people. I don’t really know where this tangent came from or is leading to, lol, but anyway p.s.a. I love Hawks a lot and he’s a good kid dammit
oh shit??!?
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how is the League always able to swing all these fancy forest mansions. where do they find them. how many do they have
so Deku’s dropping them -- very roughly, not sure if he was reacting to finally getting AFO’s location, or if his energy really is giving out -- and now Nagant’s saying that AFO hired other villains as well. well of course he did. gotta keep chipping away at OFA’s ninth successor little by little
now Nagant is asking Hawks how he’s able to keep making “that” face. I assume she’s again talking about the fact that he somehow didn’t let the HPSC wear down his spirit
oh my god???
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thanks for stuffing this chapter to the brim with good nutritional Hawks Feels, Horikoshi. what a good. he just keeps on trudging forward undeterred no matter what bullshit comes his way. what a steadfast little guy. I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM DISCOURSE MY SWEET SUNSHINE
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anyway so you don’t really need me to tell you that Overhaul is immediately starting in with the “BUT THE BOSS WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE ME TO THE BOSS YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD TAKE ME TO THE BOSS” stuff again. but I will go ahead and tell you anyway. so yeah. he’s doing that
OMG YOU GUYS LOOK AT DEKU’S “of all the fucking assholes to just randomly drop in on my life once again why did it have to be you” FACE THOUGH, OMG
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fun fact, if you go back to chapters 124 through 160, there was an entire story arc where Overhaul imprisoned and tortured a little girl. yeah, I know!! suuuuuuuuper evil. anyways just an interesting little anecdote for you all that’s somewhat relevant to the current situation
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(ETA: so apparently there’s some discourse about this because some people are interpreting this as Deku saying “you should apologize to Eri”, which would obviously be a terrible idea even if Overhaul actually wanted to do that, because Eri shouldn’t ever have to see him again. however I just want to point out that there is a HUGE difference between saying “it would be nice if you could direct that feeling of regret/being sorry towards Eri as well”, vs saying “you should also apologize to her.” all Deku is doing is rightfully pointing out that Overhaul has hurt way more people than just his boss, and if he really is remorseful, then he should extend those feelings of remorse to Eri and the rest as well. it’s not a directive to take any specific action, and I’m 1000% sure no one at U.A. would let Overhaul within 100 miles of Eri ever again.
tl;dr “try feeling remorse sometime” =/= “do you want me to fly you over to U.A. right now to surprise the little girl you traumatized”, lol.)
[slings an arm around Deku’s shoulders] you’re a good kid. I like you. I don’t know if I tell you that enough, but it’s true
meanwhile here is Overhaul’s “spare... a thought... for Eri...???????” face sigh
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the struggle is real y’all
(ETA: and that’s... the last we ever saw of Overhaul, I guess? well all right then. I assume Deku will make good on his promise, so we know he’ll get that little bit of closure before going back to jail or whatever, and I confess I’m more than fine with leaving the rest of it open-ended, especially given his character’s history. I think this was pretty generous all things considered.)
lmao holy shit
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All Might what did you do to those tiki torch guys?? did you thrash them. did you give ‘em those hands. did you deliver their own asses to them complete with a sticker reminding them Amazon Prime Day is on June 21. we missed out goddammit
so Endeavor, who wasn’t the one he was asking, is telling him that they captured (well let’s be real, Deku captured, give the credit where it’s due) Nagant and Overhaul. and so I guess they’re going to take Nagant to the ER now
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fire is no one’s weakness
-- oh my GOD I scrolled down and audibly gasped
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[is politely but firmly approached and asked to remove my arm from Deku’s shoulder by the physical manifestation of all this Dekuangst] “we’re sorry, he’s not allowed to have visitors right now” oh shit, my bad. [goes to stand behind a police barricade]
lmao what. did you run out of room on the previous page
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what an exaggerated fade to black lmao
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I actually can’t see what he’s reacting to so maybe I’m just seriously jumping the gun here lol, but THE HELL WITH IT. the next panel appears to be a cut to Haibori Forest, so I’m just gonna go ahead and declare that Deku ran off on his own all wounded to go have more Dekuangst, just like I manifested. now go call Katsuki goddammit
[scrolls three more inches down] oh
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yeah so like I said, Deku is walking very slowly a few feet in front of Endeavor, who’s telling him to wait up. yep. we’ve all gotta be so careful to not just jump to conclusions. I know we’re excited but still
anyway, so! welcome back to Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods (ARE YOU GUYS DATING) and Edgeshot! have fun walking into this obvious trap lol
dammit Deku why are you so determined to tempt fate
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[monkey puppet meme faces]
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that’s such a weird way of clapping who claps like that
unlike certain other people who shan’t be named, AFO doesn’t feel the need to inexplicably take his shirt off when recording sinister villain monologues. I think we’re all pretty grateful for that
high fives to everyone who called it!! yep yep
anyway so this whole scene has major booby-trap vibes, which I’m enjoying immensely even though I don’t think anything is really going to come of it lol. probably just another long-winded AFO Speech. but wouldn’t it be funny if like the ceiling started lowering down to try and squish Deku afterwards lol
(ETA: well the explosion was still pretty funny too ngl.)
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[“Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies]
anyway so yeah. he’s just hitting up all of his usual villain talking points. we get it, you’re so smart and you see right through the thin veneers of society and people who don’t conform are left to fend for themselves and labeled as villains and history is written by the victors, and blah blah blah dude are you just jumping randomly from one soundbyte to another lol. literally what are you talking about. what does this have to do with you blowing up Nagant
-- holy shit??
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[”Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies MORE?????]
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r.i.p. to this particular forest mansion. don’t worry they have a ton of backups
remember last week when I said maybe AFO thinks explosions are gauche. well never mind. he fucking loves explosions
anyway so that’s the end of BnHA, everyone. hope you enjoyed. it was a good ride while it lasted. see you all, good luck in your travels
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
Untitled TFATWS Fic: Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt/Background: After turning yourself in to the government following the events of CA:TWS, they lock you up for the crimes you committed during your time at Hydra. Spending years there until Captain America got you on parole during the blip to help fight Thanos. Now, after doing community service acts and helping the broken society, when they give the new Captain America the shield, you’re thrown back into a life you didn’t want.
Word Count: 1871 (ahaha, yea)
Reader: Female
Warning: parole officers might be triggering??? idk
Author’s Note: I’ve decided to end my 141 part Wattpad Sebastian Stan imagine book and post on Tumblr instead :’), a happy day. Also, I’M SORRY THAT I LIKE SLOW BURN SERIES OK? Schedule for this series is every Thursday. ALSO IF YOU HAVE TITLE IDEAS FOR THIS SERIES, LMK! PLEASE
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
The sound of your heels echoed throughout the dimly lit room as you make your way through the exhibit. The walls take you back in time, reading how Captain America came to be and all his past accomplishments. They even updated from the last time you were here, documenting the events on the Blip.
You didn’t even know where you were going, absently letting your emotions and feet lead to where it felt you needed to be.
“For a former spy, you’re not really good at sneaking up on someone.” Rhodes’ voice greets you once you open up the curtain to a different area. A small smile sneaks its way across your face seeing the two men in front of you.
“Bit out of practice.” You spit back, walking towards them. “It’s nice to see you again, Rhodie.” You open your arms out to him and he gladly takes the hug. “Hopefully life’s been treatin’ you well.”
“For the most part,” He chuckles out while pulling away from the embrace. You move on to the other man, him happily wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrap yours around his shoulders.
Sam lets out a breath into the crook of your neck before pulling back. “You doing okay?” You ask, looking at his face for any sign of emotion. He nods but there was something in his eye that told otherwise.
You open your mouth to push him for the real answer but Rhodes cuts you off, “Well, I have to get going. It was good seeing you, (Y/L/N), hopefully, we work together soon. Remember what I said, Sam.” With that, he leaves the room to leave you and Sam alone.
The room fills with silence as the two of you turn to the iconic suit and shield in front of you. You try to watch Sam from the corner of your eye but he just stands with his back straight and his eyes forward.
“You know, I’m sure Steve would understand.” You decide to say, clasping your hands in front of you. “I didn’t become as close as you did, but from my time with him during the Blip, he tried his best to help everyone. He had a lot of responsibilities and issues of his own along with having a whole country looking up to him... 
“It was a lot… he opened to me about it one night before… you know.” You admit which makes him finally look at you. “He told me what he was going to do and all I could do is support him… I asked him what he was going to do with the mantle and he said give it to you.” Turning your head, you make eye contact with him. “I asked him if he was sure.”
He lets out a snort at that, shaking his head at you. “Really gotta do me like that?” He wipes his hand across his face then stuffs his hand in his pockets as he turns to face you. “I thought we were having a nice bonding moment and then you had to drop me like that?”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips at his whining. “I’m being serious, Sam, stop.” You hit him on the shoulder. “He said there was no doubt in his mind that you do what needed to be done with the shield. He trusted you and your judgment, Falcon.” You emphasize his hero name which he just rolls his eyes at you.
“Yea, I’m sure he did.” He smiles and then changes the subject, “How’s parole treatin’ ya, still got the collar on?” He gestures to your ankle causing you to lift your dress pant leg, flashing the electric bracelet around your ankle. He lets out a hearty chuckle at it. “Still can’t believe that they have you on a leash.”
“Price you gotta pay for freedom.” You shrug and drop the cloth. There’s a beat of silence between the two of you, both of you taking a glance back at the exhibit and the shield.
“Have you talked with Bucky recently?”
“No, I was going to ask you.” Your heart sinks at the realization. “We’ve been texting a bit but I haven’t seen him since I spent the weekend with him a couple of weeks ago.” You shyly admit and look down at your feet.
“Weekend, huh?”
“Shut it, Sam.” You knock your foot against his. “We didn’t do anything, he doesn’t like me like that. Plus, he wouldn’t even let me spend the night. I had to go to a hotel, he sleeps on the floor, Sam! I’m worried about him.” It took weeks for you to convince him to let you come over and you finally knew why when you step into his apartment. It made your heart sink, it looked like if a Hydra cell got a remodel. “He has two chairs and a tv.”
“Living modestly I see.” He snorts out, covering up whatever he was actually thinking. It’s now your turn to roll your eyes at him, frustrated that he isn’t willing to talk about this. “Hey, he’s still figuring stuff out, okay? He just got all his memories back and he’s still working on living with his past. You should know better than I do to give him time.” His tone is soft as he lightly scolds you. You hang your head at his words, knowing he’s right.
It took some time for you to come to terms with your past when you turned yourself in after Hydra and SHIELD fell. You took accountability for your actions during your years at Hydra and spent a few years in jail before Steve took action to help you get on parole. That didn’t mean you weren’t fully recovered.
“When are you joining me on the field, anyway?” Sam changes the topic noticing how you went silent and your eyes looked past him. “I could use you on some of my recon missions.” 
A large smile forms on your face at the mention of your parole. “A couple more check-ins and I’m good, I think.” You excitedly inform, “They actually want to talk to me about something, and then it’s the last three months. Saving the world made my good behavior skyrocket.”
“I’m sure it did.” He smiles, “Well, let me know what happens. I’m heading down to Louisiana soon and my sisters want to meet you. She heard about your work with the soup kitchens in New York and she wanted some insight.”
“Really? Give her my number, you know I’d be happy to talk with her. I’ve been thinking about trying to get my officer to convince the big guys to expand my tracking radar so I reach out more.” You start to ramble about the ideas you’ve been having for more community service actions. During the blip, Steve got you into volunteer work and it sparked something inside of you. He said it might give you a new purpose and he couldn’t have been more right.
The two of you spend the rest of the day together, catching up on everything that’s been going on. You didn’t realize how much you missed his snarky comments and banter until he smothered you in it, “making up for lost time”, he said. He continues the bullying by texting back and forth for the next few days.
It was nice to have a friend after everything that happened over the last few years. Steve and Nat were gone so the friendships you built up during the blip were just a memory now. Yea, Bucky and you were friends but it was a bit more complicated than that.
It’s a few weeks after that and they’ve already named some prick the new Captain America. You were frustrated at Sam but you realized that he couldn’t have known that this was going to happen. Especially since when you reached out to him and he was more furious than you were. Bucky was a whole other story. When the press conference aired, he immediately called you and went off about Sam. You couldn’t offer answers so you just told him to talk to him about it. This didn’t involve you.
Now, you were sat at some random government office in DC. You were beyond nervous, leg bouncing and fingers tapping. Kevin, your sweet parole officer, had called you in for an emergency meeting. He didn’t mention anything about the content of it but he assured you not to worry. It didn’t help, though, your mind was scrambling trying to think of anything you could’ve done to break your parole or anywhere you could’ve gone that went outside your tracking radar.
“(Y/L/N)?” The familiar voice echoes through the lobby makes your head snap up. Kevin, your knight in a cashmere sweater, stands there with his hands in his pants pockets. He nods his head, gesturing for you to follow him.
He leads you down a long hallway, stopping at the end of it and holding the door open for you. You send him a grateful smile before entering the office. It was very different from his usual office. The tall windows lined the wall from floor to ceiling, making the already large room feel even more spacious. It was a bit unsettling compared to his close-knit office space located in an old house on the outskirts of DC.
Kevin moves you two to the large conference table on the other side of the room, having you sit before he does. He takes the chair at the head of the table, sighing as he opens the folder and takes a few papers out.
“Sign these.” He slides them over to you but you furrow your eyebrows in response.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re being released.” He announces, leaning back in his chair with a tight-lipped smile on his face. Your jaw drops and your heart picks up but you can’t help but question it. You quickly compose yourself and look down at the papers.
“Isn’t it a bit too early?” You ask while briefly scanning the papers. “I still have two months left, not that I’m not grateful but where is this coming from?” This was happening too suddenly, Kevin was good with warning you about the activities that go on behind the scenes of your parole and he didn’t even mention the thought of an early release.
The brunette man lets out a sigh, running his hair through his long hair. He then leans his elbows on the table with his head propped up on his palms, he opens his mouth to answer but is cut off by the office door opening.
The new Captain America and his sidekick come waltzing in, a few of his goons following as well. He didn’t need the uniform or shield for you to recognize him since his face has been plastered on every channel since they came forward with him. He’s all everyone could talk about.
“He released you.” You barely hear Kevin as your mind goes into spirals. What the hell did this guy want? Why is he even here? What the hell did he want with you?
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unrestedjade · 3 years
More baseless Ferengi headcanons no one asked for: LATINUM EDITION~~~
- Almost every home is a rental, as almost all usable land is corporate-owned. Might as well daydream about owning a moon, it's no less realistic than owning the house you grew up in. (No I'm not frustrated with my $1500 rent at all, no I'm not miserable watching 40-year-old trailer homes selling for $250k to a property management firm that's going to rent it out. Surely a place like Ferenginar wouldn't be equally ridiculous, hahahahahahahahHAHAHAHA. Ahem.) - Latinum as religious fetish. We see Quark offering slips of latinum while he prays to the Blessed Exchequer before bed. He even has a little shrine. What's unclear is whether you're meant to reuse the same slips each day or if you have to actually "give up" the latinum over the longer term for the offering to count. You can break a piggy bank, but it's probably bad to break an image of the Exchequer, unless he's very chillaxed compared to the majority of gods. - Assuming really giving up the latinum is better, is destroying it extra good? Or are you sinning by removing it from the Continuum? Are there Ferengi extremist sects that sink latinum into bogs or launch it into a star?
- What do they think and feel about latinum with regards to the Exchequer? What does a god need with it? Is it meant to be his lifeblood, figuratively? Or literally, via transubstantiation? (Catholic Ferengi. Cathipitolists.)
- How was latinum treated in the days before they knew to process it with gold so it could be handled safely? It's very pretty and ethereal-looking in its raw form, and also very, very toxic. Depending on the symptoms of latinum poisoning, I wonder if it had anything to do with it gaining religious significance? Ancient Ferengi priests seeing visions and going a little funny in the head from handling raw latinum for years and years?
- The way Quark and Brunt talk about taxes in S7 suggests there's not a lot of taxation in Ferengi society (officially, anyway. idk what else you'd call their ubiquitous bribes/tips than unofficial taxation). In any case, since one of the major purposes of taxation in modern economies is to control inflation by removing money (governments create/destroy money; they don't really keep a little checkbook register of surplus/deficit the way a household does) offering latinum to the Exchequer as an act of worship could be a good way to take money out of circulation for a while. - Latinum vs fiat money? Latinum is canonically used as coinage by multiple species. (It would seem like Ferengi are putting themselves at a bit of a disadvantage by also attaching a spiritual importance to it, but who knows, and this is a tangent on a tangent.) Is all their money backed by latinum? It can't be, right? Just conceptually, their stock markets and banks can't possibly be tying every value in every account to a real, physical measure of latinum, that's horribly inefficient. Can "latinum" also mean any legitimate liquid asset? Or does the Exchequer insist on the real thing? Much to ponder. - Brunt implies in Family Business that Ferenginar has houseless people and beggars. There's no point in begging if no one ever gives you anything, so some people must give charity to beggars. What's that look like, is it something kind-hearted Ferengi do in spite of the RoA explicitly stating that charity is only acceptable when you come out richer than you started? What's their rationalization in that case? Are they left feeling shameful about it? (Obviously the people stuck begging feel shitty, by design. Ironically, they might feel less shitty than we would, since the Exchequer doesn't appear to care how you get money, only that you get it.) - If you're moved to give money/material aid to a needy person, you'd probably do it quietly. Here in the good ol' US of A a common view is that "hand-outs" hurt the needy person in the long run because you're removing their impetus to stop being lazy sponges. And that's from people who follow a religion that commands them to care for the needy! So it's gotta be even harsher under a religion that's completely mask-off in its worship of individual prosperity. - (You just know Keldar was one of those people tossing a few slips of latinum for someone sleeping under a shop awning each morning. His business sense sucked but Ishka made him sound like a warm person. Folks gotta eat.) - Reincarnation... Alright, so if you were a dude and you die broke it's implied you can't reincarnate/are damned to the Vault of Eternal Destitution. Cool and fair, nothing to unpack there. What about women? They're half the population but seem to have been overlooked on this point in this here 10k-year-old religion. Which is telling in itself, of course, but you'd think someone would have addressed this? Who reincarnates female? Is the accepted understanding that females reincarnate female and are totally removed from the requirement to bid on their life? But that still doesn't solve the problem, because even if reincarnation were assigned-sex-segregated (god what a shitty idea, compels me tho) you're still losing X number of men to the Vault each generation. - I want to see what Ferengi religious debates look like. Pel is shown to be a serious scholar of the RoA as they've dug into not only the text itself but all the commentaries and refutations and deep-dives others have published about it. That's gotta fuel some spicy convo around the tongo table once everyone's a few drinks in. - Are there multiple sects? People arguing whether this or that rule is meant to be taken literally vs as metaphor? Everyone can't be in lockstep on this stuff. Quark seems to have been raised within the currently-hegemonic sect, but surely there's others.
- There don't appear to be any clergy or equivalent persons, so I wonder if there's different sects how they organize themselves? Do they host different subs on Ferengi Reddit? (Ferengi Reddit...shudder) - Ferengi atheists slacking at work or living as drifters because there's no point saving money for a next life that's not real. Life must drive them to drink. That's when you go out into space to live with the sane people and never call home.
- Is the rest of the population chill with atheists, or is that a no-go? I guess it would depend on how loud the person is and whether they follow the Rules or not.
- You know who they're definitely not chill with: socialists. Do they have Satanic Panics about this or that media turning the youth into commies? If you're an outspoken socialist, are you looking at exile? Arrest? An unexpected date with an Eliminator? - Conspicuous consumption seems to be a thing, and it's interesting in light of the whole "needing a good high score for a good reincarnation" idea. It still boils down to showing off how much you can afford to waste, but the stakes are undoubtedly higher for the faithful. - If something happens and you're at risk if losing everything, is it safer to just off yourself while you still have money? What if you're going to lose more than you'd ever be able to make back? (In economics this is called a perverse incentive lulz)
- The Great Monetary Collapse must have suuuuucked. It's the Great Depression x100, and also your god is mad at you, maybe??? And your next life is totally screwed now, too. Fuckin' dire, man. When Quark mentioned it in the show, it was with this flippant air like he was waiting to see how Miles and Julian reacted. He might have elaborated more if they hadn't reacted...the way he probably assumed they would. (Partially a self-fulfilling prophecy given the way he primed them to treat it as a joke, but I digress.) - Suicide rates are measurably higher in societies that elevate achievement and work ethic (see the Protestant vs Catholic divide on this, it's interesting and very depressing as a lapsed protestant in a protestant-dominated country). Just saying. - On this same bummer track: hedonic depression could be very commonplace among Ferengi. Every minute not spent working is spent on distraction because life is just such an exhausting grind, and a lot of factors determining whether you're a good/successful person are out of your control. Booze, porn, and gambling are all very distracting, and thus very popular. If a lot of this just sounds like regular degular capitalism: yes. It's actually proving difficult to push the fictional society further out because we're already living beyond satire. Maybe that's why I like these awful little guys so much. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Reader
Word count: 2K
Requested by anon: Can you do an imagine where natashas daughter is being bullied and she finds out?
You have your hands shoved in your pockets, pulling your jacket down and allowing the hood to fall more into your face, blocking you from the harsh stares of your classmates. You should’ve expected your life to turn out like this. You knew what high school was like. Fitting in was the main priority and the mob of insecure students would swarm anything different.
You should’ve known that you’d be the number one target. The adopted teenager living with the most famous heroes in the world. It was dumb to think you’d be able to fly under the radar the way Peter had. The boy had comforted you those days leading up to your freshman year. Having just finished his own he told you that it would be fine. Boy was he wrong.
The freshman hall was far enough away from the sophomores that he never saw your torment, and over the last three years you learned how to make sure he never would. You wouldn’t let the boy who’d always been like an older brother to you get caught in the crossfire. He’d try to stick up for you and blow the only normal thing he had left. You’ve made it to junior year, you can make it the rest of the way.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by a shoulder slamming into yours, sending you stumbling into the lockers.
“Watch it Annie!” A girl called over her shoulder and you frowned at the nickname. Ever since the kids found out you were adopted they started calling you Annie, after the orphan girl, and you hated it. Rather than saying anything you just quickened your pace and slipped into your first class.
“It’s fine that they call me that,” you mumble to yourself, “that way I don’t flinch at the sound of my own name being called. I’d never be able to hide that from Peter. Or Wanda. Especially not from mom.”
You try to rationalize everything as you settle into your desk, pretending not to see the kids pointing at you and laughing as you become the brunt of their joke.
You manage to ignore it for the most part. The words aren’t what hurt. Well they do, whoever said words will never hurt me obviously didn’t know what they were talking about. But that hurt you could cover with a fake smile and an excuse of being stressed over homework or some other thinly veiled excuse. The giant bruise forming on your forehead was harder to hide.
Some girl named Beverly decided it’d be funny to trip you at lunch, sending you head first into the table. Now you had a lovely purple mark and some swelling by your hairline. Thank god you left a beanie in your locker. It should be enough to cover the injury.
“Hey Romanoff!” The call of your name makes your head snap up in panic, you quickly pull on the hat as Peter makes his way towards you.
“Oh hey Pete, what brings you to my neck of the woods?” you ask, a genuine smile on your face for the first time today.
“I’m heading to the tower to do some work with Tony, wanna walk together?” his smile is wide as he asks, completely carefree, and you wish you could feel that way as well.
“Uh, yeah. Sounds good,” you try to sound casual. There’s no way to brush him off without being obvious. You’re waking the exact same route. Luckily the walk home is fairly uneventful. The assholes seem to be warded off by Peter. The late autumn heat has him in a tank top that shows off his arms, and while he’s not the buffest guy in the school, it’s obvious he can hold his own. If only they knew how strong he really was.
You see a few people staring, more like glaring, but you’re able to ignore them pretty easily. Soon enough the two of you are walking into the lobby of the tower incident free.
“I’m gonna head to the labs. You good from here?” Peter’s question feels heavy, almost as if he was intentionally trying to make you feel safer, but you brush the feeling off with a nod and a wave as you head to the elevator. You’re probably overthinking it. A few moments later you're in the common room and you let out a sigh of relief. Finally a safe place. No teasing here, or at least none with any malice behind it.
“Hey, y/n. How was school?” you look up to see Wanda on the couch and you immediately blush.
“Hey Wan, it was alright. How was...whatever it is you do here during the day?” you tease and she rolls her eyes, a matching blush painting her cheeks. Thank god the kids at school don’t know about this...whatever you have with Wanda. They’d tear you to shreds.
“I do online school and I work, thank you very much. I do important stuff here, ya know, like saving the world,” she’s glaring at you as she says it, but you can see something in her eyes. You can’t quite place it, friendship, something more? Whatever it is, it’s so different from the hate you see from the kids at school.
“A bit full of yourself, aren’t you? I feel like that’s all just fancy talk for free loading and laziness. You gotta get out there, get some dirt under your nails. You’re too spoiled, spending all this time in the tower,” you notice yourself leaning closer to her as you talk and your eyes involuntarily flash towards her lips as butterflies take over your stomach.
“And that uh…that fancy private school you spend your time in. That’s gotta be really...tough?” she tries to defend herself but her words come out weak as she inches ever so much closer. you ‘re about to close the gap when you hear a voice from the doorway.
“I thought I heard you come in. How was school?” The two of you spring apart at your mom’s voice.
“It was good,” you squeak out, adjusting your hat to cover your forehead.
“Yeah, learning a lot,” Wanda mumbles as your mom rolls her eyes. She’s well aware of the weird relationship you and Wanda have, and while she’d prefer you didn’t date until you’re well into your thirties she knows if you’re going to, then Wanda is a good choice.
“What’s with the beanie, love? It’s like eighty degrees out,” your mom’s questions has you panicking.
“I uh...like it. It’s cool,” you defend and Wanda rolls her eyes this time, back to her playful self from earlier.
“I’m sweating just looking at you. Let me help!” she teases and you see the red mist around her hands before you feel it.
“No!” you lunge at her, as if you’d be any match for her powers, but before you even reach her your hat is floating in the air and her eyes are wide.
“What the hell happened?” your mom’s voice is harsh and tears are already gathering in your eyes. You look frantically between your mom and Wanda, who seems to take the hint.
“I’ll give you two some space,” Wanda says before hastily leaving the room.
“Y/n, what happened?” she asks again, gentler this time but you still try to get out of it.
“It’s nothing-” the look in her eyes stops you. It’s the look she sent you when you would try to sneak candy after bedtime when you were little, but this time there’s a pain mixed in that you’re not used to seeing. “It’s just some kids at school. They like to pick on me. It’s really not that big of a deal.”
“How long has this been going on?” She looks...sad and it kind of scares you. That’s not an emotion you’re used to your mom having. Stoicness, yes especially when she’s working. Happiness, yes; more often since you came around your uncles tell you. Love, confidence, bravery, exasperation, even anger sometimes. But almost never sadness or pain and now she’s shown both of those in a matter of minutes.
“Mom,” you try again but she shakes her head, brushing the tears forming in her eyes.
“How long, love?” she asks again and you sigh.
“Since freshman year.” It’s her turn to sigh. Sitting next to you on the couch and pulling you into her side gently. It’s an odd mix of emotions, you can see on her face that she doesn’t know if she wants to cry or burn your school to the ground. You’re sure Wanda is getting a headache trying to sort through the many emotions coming from this room. You ignore that though. You leave the turmoil to everyone else for once as you finally relax, the weight of your secret finally off your shoulders.
“Friday, call Wanda and Peter in here please,” her voice is calm, and you don’t know if you should be scared.
“Mom? What are you-”
“I just want to talk to them,” she cuts you off, and you don’t have time to argue before the two are entering the room.
“Hey Miss Romanoff, Friday said you wanted to-Oh my god! What happened?” Peter yells as he sees the bruise maring your face, and Wanda is silent behind him as he processes the scene. Her eyes are red, almost like she’s been crying. Was she crying for you?
“By that reaction I’m guessing you didn’t know about this. Maximoff, are those tears of sympathy or fear for your life?” your mom snaps and you glare at her.
“I didn’t know, if that’s what you’re asking. I wouldn’t have sat by while she was being hurt,” there’s an anger behind Wanda’s words that you weren’t expecting. You didn’t think she’d cared this much. It makes sense, though, when you think about how you’d feel if the situation was reversed.
“As much as I wanna walk down to the school guns blazing, I can’t go beat up a bunch of kids, so I’m going to need the two of you to look out for her,” you scoff and stand from the couch at your mom’s words, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Excuse me, I’m right here. I’m not an invalid! And Wanda doesn’t even go to my school.”
“I’m well aware, you and I are starting training as soon as that heals,” she gestures to your forehead, “and Wanda will be enrolling in your school. Tony can have it all set up by tomorrow.”
“What? No! I’m not letting her start school just so she can get beaten up too!” you practically yell, but Wanda’s hand on your arm has you looking to her.
“I’m not letting my…” there’s a heavy pause, one that you know you’ll have to find the right word for soon, “friend get hurt when I could help. Plus, they quite literally can’t hurt me, and I want to be there for you.”
Her words have your resolve cracking, but you don’t want to give in that easy. “You’re a year older. You’ll be gone before me,” you try to argue and Wanda looks away, a blush of embarrassment on her cheeks.
“She also missed a lot of school in Sokovia. She tested in a grade below you,” your mom explains, and it clicks as to why Wanda always did school online. Well one of the reasons at least, she’d be two years older than her classmates.
“Well I could tutor you,” you offer quickly, not wanting Wanda to feel ashamed in front of you. “It seems like we’re gonna be spending most of our time together. Plus you’re miles smarter than me. You’ll be the one teaching me in no time.”
“Then it’s settled. This won’t happen again.” Your mom’s words feel more like a promise and you smile. “And I want the names of the girls that did this to you.”
“Mom! I thought you agreed no beating up kids!” you argue, a smile finding its way back on your face as you try to hold back a laugh.
“I’m not going to beat them up. But I never said anything about some light hacking,” she says with a wink and you roll your eyes, not entirely sure if she’s kidding or not.
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Marvel women tag list: @imnotasuperhero 
Natasha Romanoff tag list: @indiavance555
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Jingle My Bells
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Summary: Continuing my AU Rugby Teacher theme that was so brilliantly plot bunny’d by @feelmyroarrrr​, Henry finds himself bored at home having been put onto quarantine due to cases at the school he teaches at. With his school shutting early for the holidays, when his wife needs help at her school, she calls in his assistance for some festive fun... with some after hours fun for themselves too.
Pairing: AU Rugby Teacher Henry Cavill x Teacher Wife
Warnings: Bad Puns, NSFW, 18+, Established Relationship, Public/Risky Sex Workplace Sex, Henry dressed as Santa Claus (yes thats a warning in itself).
Gif by @littlefreya​ and used with her kind permission.
Previous Rugby Teacher Henry Ficlet.
Masterlist on AO3, and old fics can be found at @angryschnauzerwrites​. I don’t run a tag list.
Jingle My Bells
Henry was bored. Two weeks of quarantine after another faculty member had tested positive had meant he'd been confined to the house 24/7. Just as his test results had come back negative and his return to work for the last week of term had been scheduled, the high school had been notified that two students had come in contact with confirmed cases, so to cut their losses the board of governors had simply implemented end of term a week early.
And sure, Henry had done what he could to help keep himself busy; online gaming, World of Warcraft, hell; he'd even helped you mark homework for your primary school class. He cooked dinner for you so it was ready the moment you arrived home, and the house was the cleanest it'd ever been, but without you home with him he was just… bored.
"Just one more day, then its the end of term" you'd reassured him as you'd kissed him goodbye that morning, and he'd pulled you into his arms;
"Will you wear the elf outfit home tonight?"
"Oh, does someone have an elf kink?" You'd grinned and raised an eyebrow.
Henry lifted his hand to the little bells that were attached to your green knit dress;
"I kinda want to find out how i can make these jingle… i have some ideas…"
"Well you can fill my stockings after work, but i've got to go or i'll be late…" you pressed a kiss to his cheek; "Got to set up the area for Santa" 
With a groan your husband released you;
"Fine, but i want you to sit on my lap later"
Henry was standing at the fridge contemplating whether eating Babybell cheeses wrapped in Parma ham sandwiched between two slices of toast counted as lunch when his phone rang. Seeing your school's number on the display he was half curious and half worried, but visibly relaxed when he heard your voice;
"Hennn…." You purred
"Oh god… you only use that voice when you want something i won't like…"
"Are you free this afternoon?"
He sighed over dramatically;
"What do you need?"
"We need a Santa. The guy we booked was someone's grandad but he's been on the sherry and we had to send him home because he was slurring his speech and referred to the kids as 'crotch gobins'"
Henry let out a snort of laughter;
"I've met your class… some of them are…"
"Nevertheless… could you stand in? We've got the suit, and you've been quarantining for 3 weeks so are safe… pleeease…"
"Hennn, please… i've got a thirty kids that still believe…"
Henry sighed;
"Okay… i'll be there in ten minutes"
“You’ll need to walk…there’s no space left in the staff car park”
He sighed;
“Okay, make it thirty minutes”
If there was an award for best/worst performance as Santa, Henry would have got it hands down. Putting on his best pantomime Brian Blessed voice, he'd Ho Ho Ho'd his way through the three youngest classes of wide eyed Little Ones that had thoroughly loved meeting Santa. When it had come to the older kids in the Junior years, generally 8 years old and above, he'd taken a different tactic, instead filing them out to the playground and if they could score a hoop through the Netball net, he'd deem them nice rather than naughty.
By the time hometime rolled around every single child had a smile on their face, excitedly rushing out to their parents waiting at the gate, pointing out Santa to their younger siblings sat in Pushchairs and Prams.
When you’d finally waved everyone off you made your way back to your classroom, the security door alert sounding as you entered the corridor, the hallways quiet where your colleagues had already packed up their stuff and left for the day. Henry trailed behind you, chattering away about what the kids had told him, shedding himself of the fake Santa beard and the scratchy jacket, leaving him wearing the hat, his plain black t-shirt, and the Santa trousers and boots. He flopped down into your chair as you busied yourself around the classroom, his feet up on your desk. 
Moving around him you stacked papers ready to be archived when he wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you onto his lap;
“Come and sit on Santa’s knee”
Abandoning the papers you laughed as you settled on your husband's lap, turning to kiss him and the little bells on your dress jingled as you moved. The kiss went from chaste to needy in a matter of seconds, and you could feel Henry harden beneath your ass as you wriggled on his lap. His hand groped at your breasts through your dress as his lips started a trail along your chin and down your neck;
“Have you been naughty or nice this year?”
You wriggled on your lap;
“Oh I've been Naughty…”
Suddenly you were spinning as Henry fluidly moved to his feet, pushing you over your desk and stood behind you;
“Well i guess i’d better do something about that then” he pulled your dress up with a jingle of the bells attached and smoothed his hands over your ass, the green and white stripes of your tights framing your buttocks. With strong fingers he grasped the thin fabric and tugged, ripping a hole in them and letting out an appreciative grunt when he found you wearing a lace thong;
“You’ve been parading around in that little dress with this poor excuse for underwear beneath all day? You really have been a naughty girl” he purred in your ear as his fingers tugged the elastic aside.
You tried to move away, painfully aware of your location;
“Hen! We’re at school!”
“Shhh… the door alarm to the hallway will sound if anyone comes… so how about i make you cum before that happens, eh?”
His fingers had found your clit as he’d pushed his thumb into your velvet channel, and any further arguments were lost on your tongue as you sighed in pleasure;
“Hen, make it quick… the cleaners will be doing their rounds soon”
Looking over your shoulder you watched as Henry quickly shoved the Santa trousers and boxers down, his thick and meaty dick springing free where he was already rock hard and dripping with need;
“I’m gonna jingle your bells darling…” he positioned himself and quickly thrust in, making you gasp at the sudden stretch of it; “Gonna fill your stockings…”
“Tights” you corrected
“Same fucking thing” he grunted as he started to pound into you, the rhythmic thud of his efforts topped off with the delicate jingling of the bells on your dress. His hands moved and grabbed at your breasts, his breath hot and heavy against your ear as he filled you hard and fast from behind; “Want me to come down your chimney tonight?”
Grinning you turned your head;
“How about we save that for when we’re at home…?”
Henry paused, his eyes going wide when he realised you were agreeing to the one thing in your sex life you hadn’t tried yet, even after being married for a number of years and him dropping numerous hints;
“Well, i know you didn’t put it on your Christmas list but if a elf is gonna be naughty she might as well be naughty all the way…” you winked at him; “But you gotta hurry up now…”
With a grunt of determination he started to pound into you, one hand moving down your stomach and pushing between your legs, rubbing at your clit as he did his best to quickly bring you both to orgasm. Your moans started to get louder, and he clamped his other hand over your mouth as he started to feel you cuming, your body shaking and the loud thuds of his thrusts filling the room as your desk squeaked on the linoleum floor. With a grunt he thrust in deep and at the height of your orgasm you felt him flooding your womb with rope of his creamy seed, his massive hands pulling you to his chest as he buried his face in your neck whilst your cunt milked the last of his cum from his body. 
Breathless and glowing, you rested your head on Henry’s shoulder, your chest heaving before he carefully pulled out of you, pulling your underwear back into place as he tucked himself back into his boxers and Santa trousers. As you shimmied your dress back down you heard the thrumming of the floor polisher along the corridor, your eyes going wide before Henry turned you and rested his hands on your shoulders;
“C’mon, lets get home”
Taking a deep breath you smiled;
“Help be grab the last few bits then we can go”
Five minutes later you were stepping out of your classroom, Henry holding the large box of things you wanted to bring home for the holidays including your peace lily, pulling the door shut when you heard footsteps, turning to see the after hours cleaner;
“Night Mr Howell, have a good Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas Mrs Cavill…” he paused when he saw Henry standing next to you
“This is my Husband, he stood in as Santa today”
The old man nodded and smiled, carrying on with his mop as you walked in the opposite direction. Just as you got the security door you heard him starting to whistle, your eyes shooting up to meet Henry’s as you heard the tune;
‘Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way…’
Henry wrapped his free arm around your shoulders;
“C’mon my naughtly little Elf, i’ll drive you home” he grinned at you; “Then we can see about that chimney of yours…”
You clenched at the thought, your body already tingling at the thought of it. And hey, if you were going to let your husband finally fuck your ass, at least you had the entire school holidays to recover.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝙲𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Requested: (ANON) Hey :) Would you do an imagine where you live in the apartment next to Steve in Brooklyn and you're kinda very best friends. But one time you see this handsome stranger visiting Steve and you immediately get curious who he is. Steve soon notices you sneaking around when Buck visits him and he notices him seeking your attention as well. So he sets up something to bring you two together, which works? :) I hope this is not weird haha
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: Smut 18+ minors dni, fluff, steve’s a major wingman, bucky’s a major flirt ;)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛’𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: This isn’t exactly a college au but it’s a college au lol thanks for the request. I changed it up a bit cuz the idea of shameless!bucky has been on my noggin for a minute but hope you like it bug
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You and Steve sat on his couch watching a movie giggling and snacking the day away. You and Steve live across the hall from each other and the movers were confused as all hell and a lot of your guys’ things got swapped when you both moved in, which happened to be the same day. However, since the day you met and you two have been inseparable. 
“Oh man, what a classic,” you sighed when the credits came on. 
“Too good. I could never get tired of that movie,” Steve laughed.
“I should probably get going. I’ve been all up in your space all day, sorry,” you chuckled.
“Oh it’s never a problem, Y/n. You know you’re welcome to my man-cave anytime,” Steve nudged your shoulder.”
“Man-cave,” you repeated mockingly, snickering. 
You grabbed a still filled bottle of beer and walked out the door, not without shouting your goodbye probably annoying your other neighbors. You walked to your apartment seeing the clock said it was around five. You grabbed your laptop and opted for pizza considering you didn’t really want to make anything from the kitchen.
About to input your card information on the website for delivery, you noticed you didn’t have your wallet or your phone. You left it at Steve’s. You walked across the hall and knocked on Steve’s but Steve didn’t open the door.
“Hey, I left my stuff here- Woah, you’re not Steve.”
A very tall fellow with striking blue eyes stood confidently at the door. He had fair skin and long brown locks pulled into a bun rested in the back of head. He was fucking gorgeous. 
“Nope,” was all he said before Steve came up to the door.
“Hey you’re back. This my friend Bucky; the guy I grew up with, the one I told you about,” Bucky’s smile grew and you nearly buckled to the floor, gosh he was so handsome. 
“I left my wallet and my phone,” you looked at Steve feeling Bucky’s eyes practically boring into you. 
“Yeah let me grab it for you,” Steve ran away.
“So you’re Steve’s neighbor?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah; I’ve heard a few stories about you and Steve.”
“He’s told me a lot about you too. Failed to mention how beautiful you are,” what a fucking asshole. Your body and face grew hot at the compliment. 
“Here ya go,” Steve came back, saving you from a potentially awkward situation. 
“Thanks; uh… nice to meet you Bucky,” you ran back through your door.
“Uh, were you gonna tell me that your new bestie neighbor friend was fucking hot as hell?” Bucky said after he closed the door.
“Dude, come one. She’s too good for you,” Steve laughed, making Bucky roll eyes grinning. 
For the rest of the day you couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky, and Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about you. Since that day, Bucky came around to Steve’s almost like clockwork. You were always making sure to leave right before he got there. You would peeked through your peephole, watching him go inside Steve’s apartment. 
There were days where all three of you would hang out whether it’d be at your place or Steve’s, usually Steve’s, and those days were the worst. Bucky’s intentional stares and lingering touches. Sitting so close to you when you guys put a movie on. 
One time when Steve went to the bathroom he asked if you had a boyfriend and regretfully you said no. It seemed as though his shameless flirting became even more shameless if that was even possible. 
“Y/n, have I told you how good you look today?” Bucky asked you when you got back from having lunch.
“Yes, you have. About three times today,” you nudged his shoulder with yours.
“Ah shit. Y/n, I think I left my keys inside. Can I use your extra I gave you?”
“Sure,” you handed him your keys and he picked up the one that looked like an American flag since his birthday was the fourth of July. You thought it was funny and easy to remember. 
“Ok thanks,” he handed them back once you guys settled inside. 
“You guys want anything?”
“Nothing you couldn’t give me,” Bucky smirked at you, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m good Steve, thanks. I’m actually gonna head back to my apartment, I gotta finish homework,” you told him before leaving.
“You guys are still in school?” Bucky asked Steve when you left. 
“She is. She’s working towards a PhD, I forgot in what,” Steve shrugged. 
“Oh.” She’s smart, Bucky thought.
“I should probably get going too. I’ve got my bike and I heard it was going to rain for the next couple days.”
“Wait before you go, why won’t you ask Y/n on a date?” Steve smirked.
“Eh, she’s beautiful but I don’t think she’d go for a guy like me. She’s too smart,” Bucky chuckled. 
“Nah, I think she likes you too,” Steve said.
“You gonna come by tomorrow?” he asked. 
“If it doesn’t rain, sure.”
“It won’t; I’ll see ya then.”
Tomorrow came quickly and your head was buried in a textbook and your hand in a bag of chips. You had order takeout already and quickly ate it leaving boxes and plastics to-go utensils littered all over your table. On the bright side, or rather rainy, droplets fell gracefully down the window in front of you. They weren’t heavy but the drizzle was still very pleasant.
Rainys days were always your favorite. You usually spent them on your bed that laid underneath a window and if you needed extra comfort you’d crack it so you could hear the rainfall and cars drive over wet asphalt. It was peaceful. 
Pulling you from your concentration was a firm knock on the door. 
“Buck, whatcha doing here?” you opened the door. 
“Steve said to come by but he’s not here,” he told you. 
“Oh weird. He didn’t say he was going out. Did you try his spare?”
“It’s not there,” you frowned at his statement. 
“Here let me grab my keys and I can let you in, he won’t mind.”
You grabbed your keys and searched for the American Flag key for Steve’s apartment but you could find it. The last you used it was when Steve needed his key because he left his in his apartment. Wait, how did he lock his apartment if he didn’t have his key? Why didn’t he use his spare; where is his spare?
“Hey, I don’t know where his key is so why don't you just come inside and wait here,” you offered. Did Steve steal your key? Why?
“Do you want anything to drink?” you asked him. 
“You got beer?” he smiled cheekily.
“Of course I do,” you smirked.
Bucky came in and you quickly cleaned your disaster of a living room. There were papers and books everywhere, cups and plates piled on the coffee table. Bucky didn’t seem repulsed but he did mention slyly that he thought you were a tidy person. You punched his shoulder laughing saying you usually are but exams were tight right now. Not only that but you couldn’t even remember the last time you had a guy over. 
You put a movie on for you and Bucky drinking beer and eating some snacks you had in a cabinet. You weren’t going to lie, being around Bucky like this was comforting but also nerve-wrecking. He was so handsome and of course that made you nervous. And his continuous shameless flirting did nothing for your own confidence.
“Awe man, Steve said he can’t come home,” Bucky read the message out loud. 
“Said he got caught in the rain,” he told you.
“What a fucking liar. It’s hardly drizzling,” you laughed out loud.
Almost immediately Steve texted you asking if you let Bucky in your apartment and you replied saying that you would let him in his but that you knew he stole your key. 
I’d do no such thing, he replied and you rolled your eyes.
Remember to use protection! ;)
I knew it! You stole your key from my chain so he’d have come in my apartment, you sent. 
Make sure he doesn’t come in you ;D.
“What’s with the face?” Bucky grinned.
“Steve texted me and he is being an ass,” you laughed.
“What, he stole your key so I’d have to come here cause he thinks we’ll go at it like rabbits?” he grinned.
“Did you set him up to sleep with me?” you asked, slightly disgusted that he would something like that.
“No! I just, I grew up with Steve, I know him like the back of my hand. Asked me to come over and surprisingly isn’t there, no spare and you don’t have his key either? I kinda put the pieces together,” he said.
“I would never do something that shallow,” he said. 
“Sorry, I don’t think you’re shallow I just- I don’t know,” you stuttered, there goes your chance of even something happening.
“Don’t sweat it, babe,” he smirked. 
You didn’t know exactly how or what happened next. Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through you, or the constant tension between you two especially now that Steve wasn’t there with you guys. But either way here you were, your back pressed against your bedroom door, hands held above your head, Bucky’s thigh between your legs, and he kissed you messily. 
You chest pressed against his own and Bucky released your hands, cupping your jaw with them to kiss more softly. Your hands went under his shirt and you could feel all the curves and definitions of his muscles. Your nails scratched lightly and you felt him tighten his muscles even more. 
He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it swiftly over his head and your mouth practically watered at the sight before you. You noticed small scars and bumps on his shoulder and you grew curious but Bucky’s lips against your neck were too distracting to ask any questions. 
Bucky lifted your own shirt and kissed down your chest and collarbones moving your bra strap to leave small bites and marks along them. He kissed down your stomach slowly kneeling to the ground in front of you. He pulled you sweatpants off leaving a trail of kisses along your legs. 
You stared down at him biting your lip and with a wicked smile, his lower lip also between his teeth, he pulled your panties down your legs. He licked his lips bringing his fingers up to your core. You gasped softly feeling Bucky spreading your arousal around. He slowly licked a long stripe up your center, and your body practically melted at the feeling. 
Bucky lifted your leg and draped it over his shoulder as he continued to circle your clit with his tongue and finger you. Your hands played with his hair and you breathed heavily getting closer and closer to your release. Bucky added another finger to pump in and out of you. He pressed kisses in between whispers of praises and your legs trembled. 
“You look so fucking hot, babe. Taking my fingers so well,” he said.
“Fuck, Bucky, you feel so good,” you threw your head back hitting the door. Your hips bucked signaling that you were about to come and Bucky’s fingers curled and moved faster making you nearly screamed in pleasure.  When you did, Bucky leaned forward lapping up your arousal that spilled out of you.  
He got up and kissed you softly telling you how good you were and how beautiful you looked just now. He wrapped his hands around the back of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He walked to your bed and laid you down gently. Your finger traced and brushed over the planes of muscles across his chest. The light caught the definitions of the bumps and scars, more prominently this and Bucky noticed your soft gaze. 
“I was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. I almost lost my arm that day. It still hurts sometimes but it’s manageable,” he whispered.
You smiled sadly brushing your fingertips over the scarred skin.
“I’m so sorry,” you said sadly.
“It’s alright, babe. I have this scar in particular, I think it looks like a star but Steve said I was crazy,” he smiled, moving his shoulder to point at the red scar that did in fact look like a star; a very misshapen one but you could see it. 
You kissed his shoulder softly before smiling at him and ruffling his hair playfully. He dipped his head down and nipped your skin making you giggle and squeal at his playful antics. He picked his head back up and stared at you for a minute; his gaze made you flushed and shy.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered. His hands caressed your skin from your sides to your bare hips up to your cheeks and jaw. You bit your lip and casted your eyes down avoiding his. 
“What, you don’t believe me?” he chuckled.
“No, it’s not that.”
“What is it?” He held your hand.
“Nothing, just…” Bucky raised his eyebrows waiting for your answer.
“People don’t tell me those things. It’s been a while since someone said those words to me,” you whispered. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore because I intend to tell you everyday how beautiful you are. How gorgeous you are. How funny you are. How kind you are. How perfect you are,” he kissed along jaw and neck whispering these things in your ear that erupted butterflies in your stomach and chills along your arms. 
“Let me show you,” he looked intimately in your eyes. You bit your lip shyly before nodding and Bucky shimmied out of his own pants and boxers. His cock rested against your thigh as he dropped his garments to the side and you could feel just how hard he was. 
“You feel that baby girl? You feel how fucking hard you get me? So fucking sexy,” he kissed you messily; his hand falling between your bodies to pump his cock. He reached down to grab his pants once more pulling a condom from his pocket and you smirk teasingly at him.
“What?” he smiled.
“Did you plan on spending tonight between my legs?” you smirked.
“No, but I sure as hell dream about it every night since I met you,” he kissed softly before tearing the foil and wrapping his dick. 
He reached behind your back, you arched your chest up for him to remove the bra you still had on and when he tossed the garment to the side he groaned at the gorgeous sight in front of him. His hands kneaded the soft flesh of your breasts, his fingers pinching at your perked nipples. 
Bucky slowly slipped past your folds and you instantly felt full from his size. After just the tip, you were worried that he might be too big but even with how big Bucky felt inside you, the pressure was too good and you were already moaning beneath him. He leaned forward capturing your breast in his mouth and his tongue swirled around your bud, teething nipping ever so lightly making your body shudder. 
Your hand went to his head and the band keeping his hair back was lost in your sheets. His hair fell forward brushing over your skin creating goosebumps along your chest and arms. Your finger combed through his long locks and your nails scratched his scalp lightly, making Bucky’s eyes flutter shut. 
He released your breasts with a lewd pop before giving the other the same attention. His hips rocked in and out of you at a delicious pace and your legs wrapped around his hips pulling him closer to you, his cock reaching deeper inside you. Your moans grew louder with each thrust and Bucky’s groans did too. 
He nibbled on your ear chuckling darkly at how good he was fucking you. Practically taunting you as you got insanely close to a release. 
“You feel so fucking good, baby.”
“No one is ever gonna fuck you this good.”
“You’re all mine, baby girl. All mine.”
You whined and shook beneath him and his thrust became sporadic. It only took a few more thrusts until both of you groaned loudly in pleasure. Bucky’s head buried in your neck and your chest pressed against his in an arch. When you came down from your climax, your felt eyes instantly felt heavy and droopy. You breathe heavily, your hands lazily scratch his head. 
Bucky kissed tiredly along your neck basically purring at the feeling of your scratches. You turned the window directly beside you and watched the rain gracefully fall down the window. The blue hue coming from the night was a beautiful contrast to the warm blurred lights of the city and your small lamp that you always had on. 
Bucky lifted himself and went to the bathroom quickly to discard the used condom. He cleaned himself before coming out to clean you up as well. You smiled at him brushing the hair from his sweaty forward and from his face. He left little kisses along your hips and thighs as he cleaned you up making you giggle softly at the feeling. 
He tossed the dirty cloth in your laundry basket and climbed in bed back to savor the warmth you gave to him. His arms cuddled you close and he watched your eyes continue to watch the rainfall outside. 
“My bike’s probably soaked,” he whispered.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry,” you turned to him; the rain was coming down hard now and you felt bad. 
“It’s alright. If this is how we get to spend our nights without Steve, he can get caught in the rain all he wants,” Bucky chuckled. You giggle before kissing him softly; falling into a harmonious sleep. 
Bucky’s phone buzzed in his pant pocket and he reached carefully not to disturb you. He saw a message from Steve and rolled his eyes playfully already anticipating what his message was about. 
Please tell you guys are together now. I can’t take the obnoxious flirting anymore, Steve sent.
I think you’re good, but don’t ya think you’ll be third wheeling a bunch? 
Nah, I’m with Nat and we made official tonight, Steve sent.
Good for you bud. Thanks for this too. I really like Y/n and I know I can treat her.
I know you will. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let you gone near her XD
Bucky chuckled and you stirred a bit but ultimately went back to sleep curled into Bucky’s side even more. He smiled at your peaceful form. He dared say it but he definitely thought it. He knew he was up for a wild ride with you but he was more than ready to give you the world and more. 
From then on, rainy days had become Bucky’s favorite as well. 
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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willsjuice · 2 years
ok so this is my first ever time writing a fic and ik its shit and cringey and stuff but i poured my pathetic little heart out on this and theres no way its staying in my notes app
steves heart stoped when he realized who the spinning bottle had landed on. the rest of the circle - nancy, jonathan, argyle, and robin- sat on the floor of the shitty rental place (that steve and robin shared) let silence hold thick in the air.
 steve slowly peered over the neck of the bottle to see a pair of huge brown doe eyes peering back at him. his heart was thumping out of his chest and his stomach was doing backflips. 
they had sat and stared at one another for longer than intended or "normal" when nance piped up, "okay, if you want to redo the spin you can?" what was supposed to be a reminder felt more like a question.
suddenly the boys were on their feet, never breaking eye contact. the air was heavy and neither of them knew what was happening, but were drew to the other like a magnet. suddenly eddie grabbed steves face, closing the space between the two. steve kissed back, the world spinning around them. their lips aligned perfectly, keeping them together like they needed the other like they needed air. a desperation in both of them, the
air surrounding filled with electricity and heat. 
soon the kiss had ended as soon as it had begun, and the staring at each other started again. they were still just inches apart, hands holding firmly on the others jacket. 
at this moment steve saw eddies expression change from in shock to fear. he let go of steve and began breathing heavily, his eyes darting around the room. 
"uhm, i gotta go.." eddie practically tore out of the door, leaving steve standing in the middle of the circle with all eyes on him. steve followed the man through the door to see him climbing onto the roof of the small building. steve followed, calling out his name. "eddie? eddie? eddie dude are you okay?" no response except for the other boys heavy breathing and the sound of him lighting a cigarette.
"im coming up, like it or not." steve announced, shimmying up the ladder he assumed eddie placed there. he peeked over the shingles to find eddie crouched up against the brick chimney, his head between his knees with a cigarette between his ringed fingers, letting smoke trail into the starry sky above them. 
steve walked over and slumped next to the figure. steve nudged him with his shoulder. 
"hey, whats wrong? everything's okay, dude. please dont worry about them, i know they dont care."
steve remembered that night at the halloween party, nancy calling everything he said bullshit. hes sure she doesn't know how badly that hurt him, but it was irrelevant now. they were cool with each other, but it still hurt him. 
"whats bullshit?" steve asked
"that they dont care. everyone is going to hate me now. eddie the freak munson shows up, telling them about a girl getting her eyes sucked out of her skull and dragging a bunch of trauma on everyone. after he makes them save him multiple times, they give it a shot to hang out and what does the freak do? kiss their friend when given a chance not to. the fucking weirdo kisses a dude and runs. did you hear how quiet they were? like they were scared of something happening? im sorry." a harsh and angry tone falling out of eddies mouth. he wasnt mad at steve or anyone else, but at himself. "i had a chance to have friends and i fucking ruined it." tears welled in his eyes at the thought of losing them. 
"what? oh my god thats not true at all. nobody thinks of you like that. you didnt fuck anything up." steve paused staring at the ground. "im glad you kissed me. i didnt want it to end..." he continued in a quieter tone. 
eddies eyes tore off his shoes to look at the man sitting beside him. 
"what?" he whispered. 
steve chuckled, "im pretty sure you heard me." 
their eyes met for the millionth time that night, neither dreaming of breaking the gaze. steve cupped eddies cheek, and placed their lips together once more, shorter this time, but just as sweet. they felt dizzy, leaning into it, reveling in the moment. a tear falling from eddies eye, steve wiping it from his cheek. their lips moved together as if it was meant to be, like it was fate. the joy and the relief that drowned the both of them overwhelming.  when they parted into a hug, all that could be heard was a quiet "i love you" from steve.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Can I Stay Up Here With You Forever Ch.2
Warning: abuse apologizing, mention of past physical abuse, implied manipulation, abuse minimizing
Taglist: @mediocredetective
“Here you go Solomon,” Asmo says as they pass the phone to the sorcerer. “Arella says she wants to ask you something. I’ll be back.” And with that the Avatar of Lust took his leave, leaving their older brother with a look of confusion as Solomon moved away from where he literally had the second-born tied down so he couldn’t move. He turned his lapis gaze over to his younger brother who merely shrugged as he went back to chowing down on a bag of crisps he had raided from Purgatory Hall’s pantry.
“Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything,” Beel said with a mouthful of crisps. “I’m going to head home too though. Dinner’s starting soon. Do you want me to try to save you some? It’s Lucifer’s night to cook.”
“Nah... it’ll just go to waste. Lucifer’s still probably mad at me so I doubt he’ll let me inta the house for the rest of the night.” The Avatar of Greed chuckles sadly. “So don’t worry. I’ll see ya tomorrow!”
The Avatar of Gluttony nodded as he left and Mammon impatiently waited for Solomon to come back.
“I’d offer you something to eat or drink but it looks like you’re... a little tied up at the moment.” Simeon tried to break the tension in the room with the unhappy demon.
“Why did ya have ta go ‘n call Arella like that, huh, Simeon?” Mammon asks, eyebrows knit together in frustration. “I told y’all I was fine, my arm was just a bit busted was all. I woulda survived without her knowin’ ‘n now she’s gonna go off the deep end thinkin’ I need ta be saved or some shit like that when I can take care of myself.”
“She loves you, Mammon. All she wants is for you to be happy and safe. You know that.”
“All of ya are makin’ it sound like Lucifer just straight up broke my elbow for shits ‘n giggles when it was an accident. I’m the one who didn’t wait for him ta let go a me before I started pullin’ ta get away, so really it’s my own fault that it’s broken.”
“Yeah, but things like this seem to happen between you and Lucifer a lot- and I mean a lot a lot.”
“Yeah but... he loves me though. He only does things like this because he loves me. I’m his favorite and he just wants me to learn my lesson is all. If I wouldn’t screw up all the time this wouldn’t happen as often- o-or at all even. ‘Sides it ain’t like I’m the only one who ever gets punished. The rest of my brothers all get their punishments too when they screw up. It’s all fair.”
Simeon gave the demon a doubtful look. “You seem to be the only one who gets any physical punishment though...”
“Yeah, but that’s only cuz I’m a blockhead who just doesn’t learn his lesson. I mean the physical stuff only started within the last century- that's when my dear ol’ brother got fed up with wastin’ his breath. You’d think I’d learn by now huh?”
The angel tries to find the words to say what he’s thinking but he can’t, so he just goes about it in a different approach. No wonder Arella worries about him like this. His brother has him completely manipulated into thinking this is acceptable.
“You... you can’t seriously think that, right?” Simeon asks incredulously. “Mammon, this isn’t okay. Regardless of whether your brother actually loves you or not,
“He does,” Mammon interjects.
“He shouldn’t constantly be putting his hands on you for even the slightest of transgressions- especially if it’s due to something you can’t help, like your sin.”
“Of course, it is. C’mon, Simeon, who’re ya kidding? We’re demons! Our morals are different from those of the Celestial Realm or the Human Realm.... That’s just the way things are down here. Do ya gotta like it? No, but y’all gotta accept it.”
“Don’t you think you sound a little... how do I put this... brainwashed?”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Well... I just think maybe you’re so blinded by your love for your brothers that-”
“Hi! I’m back!” Asmo called as they lugged a heavy suitcase behind them. They plopped down on the couch. “Miss me?”
The pair just sort of regarded the strawberry blonde-haired demon as they sat next to their older brother.
“Goin’ somewhere, Asmo?” Mammon asks as he eyes the suitcase, “Wait a minute is that my suitcase?”
“Hm? Oh no, I’m not going anywhere. You are.”
“Huh? I’m not going anywh-”
“Well it was nice talking to you, Arella. I’ll untie him now so you can summon him. We’ll talk in a few weeks, yes?” Solomon promptly reentered the space, “Perfect- oh look Asmo’s back too. I’ll let you go then.” The call ended as Solomon undid the spell binding Mammon to the couch with a wave of his hand.
As Mammon stood, a portal opened up in front of him. “I’m not goin’ through that.”
“And why not?” the angel asks. “I thought you’d be delighted to have the opportunity to go stay with your human for two weeks.”
“Alone. Might I add.” Asmo smirks with a waggle of their brows.
“Shut up, Asmo!” The Avatar of Greed turned a shade of bright red, “Of course, I know we’d be alone! Who else would be there? But....”
“Are you scared Lucifer will be upset that you’re up there without his permission, Mammon?” Simeon asks.
“No! I ain’t scared of Lucifer! What gave you that idea, huh?!”
“You do realize you’re being summoned right? You don’t get much of a choice in that matter. Now, get going before you end up getting pulled through and hurt your arm again.” The sorcerer takes Mammon’s suitcase and tosses it through the portal, leaving the demon to squawk indignantly as he chased after it.
“You suck, Solomon!” Is all that could be heard from the other side of the portal as it started to close and the silver-haired human only rolled his eyes, chuckling amusedly.
“Have fun in the mortal realm, Mammon!”
The one thing Mammon hates about being summoned is how nearly every time he goes through a portal, he nearly slams into whoever it is that summoned him if they’re standing in his way which is exactly the situation he finds himself in with Arella right now- not a good look for his image, it's very ‘uncool’.
“Hey,” Arella smiles as she wraps her arms around him once they come to a stop.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me. I’m mad at ya.” The demon says with a deep scowl on his face.
“I’m sure you are. How’s your arm feeling? Does it still hurt?”
“I’m fine, Arella. Stop treating me like a kid.”
“Huh?” Arella asks, confused as she removes her arm from around him. “I’m... sorry?”
“Ya should be,” Mammon hums as he turns his back to her. “I told ya everything was fine. Ya didn’t hafta go ‘n do all this. I can take care of myself when it comes to my brothers so I don’t get why you think ya gotta get involved every time I get in a situation with one of ‘em.”
“I just thought... well I guess it doesn’t matter. You’re right.” She walked away headed to where the kitchen was to clean up the mess that had been left from the cup of tea she’d had before all of this.
“Huh? Whaddya mean by that?” The demon followed after her looking to continue their small spat.
“Exactly what it sounds like. You’re right. You can take care of yourself when it comes to your brothers and there really is no need for me to insert myself into the situation but I love you and I hate seeing it happen and not doing anything to defend you so... I’m sorry. If it offends you that much, I won’t do it again.” She says as she washes her cup and the other dishes she had left. “Do you want me to send you home after dinner?”
“I.... no- but not because I don’t want to go back and deal with Lucifer...” The white-haired demon takes a seat at the kitchen island resting his chin on his arms. “I only wanna stay cuz I missed ya...”
“I missed you too...” She rubbed his back as she leaned down to place a kiss on the top of his head. “I’m sorry you feel like I’m treating you like a kid... if you want to stay the whole time you can treat it... like a holiday of sorts.”
“Where are we anyway? I know ya said ya were sellin’ yer old house...but the air smells different. How far away did ya move? Are we still in England?”
“About that...” She looked away sheepishly, “I kind of told you a little white lie... I sold that house about a month or two ago. What I’ve been doing since then is house-hunting and all the things that go with buying a house in another country... We’re in Germany- Berlin, exactly.”
“You lied? Oh, you’re horrible.” The demon feigns a look of hurt as the human laughs. “But seriously, baby, why would ya move so far away?”
She shrugged. “Wanted a change. I can speak German so why not- it's not like I have any family to miss back in England, anyway.”
He nods at that. “So no one knows where we are?”
“Not even my brothers?”
“Not even your brothers.” She smiled. “I told you: if we wanted to, we could disappear up here and no one would ever know.” She cupped his face in between her hands. “You don’t have to go back home if you don’t want to...”
“I don’t have to decide right now, do I? You won’t leave if I want to go home, right?”
“No, of course not. I wouldn’t ask you to choose between me or the Devildom- there's a lot to give up down there. You can think about it while we’re up here for the next two or three weeks and if you want to go home after then, then I will still be with you, okay? I just want to give you options.”
He nodded as he moved to wrap his arms around her in a tight hug. “Thanks, Doll.”
“Anytime, Baby.” She hummed.
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gogglor · 3 years
Cap-Ironman RecWeek: What-If Wednesday
Time for another installment of @cap-ironman rec week! Today’s theme: AU’s.
I know AU’s in different settings are half the reason most people read fanfics, but they’re not really my thing on the whole. AU’s where different choices are made, or different events transpire? Absolutely. Coffee shops? Not my cup of... you know.
So, here’s my AU recommendations for mostly “turn left” scenarios. This time with an under-the-cut break so I don’t take over everyone’s timelines (sorry about that last post). Also with some summaries truncated for length.
Alone Like This
Author: GotTheSilver
Word Count: 7,452
Summary: Steve, post waking up, runs away from SHIELD, and Tony's the one who tracks him down.
Why You Should Read It:
First off, GotTheSilver’s been consistently and regularly putting out solid Stony since 2012 and not only are they not stopping, they’re only getting better. This writer doesn’t get nearly the fanfare I’d expect in Stony circles for someone who puts out this much good stuff, and here’s hoping this post can be a part of changing that.
While I am always a sucker for enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, there’s something to be said for stories where Steve and Tony hit it off right away. And watching these two very different people look at each other and see the same sense of being lost, then finding each other again is... excuse me, there’s something in my eye, ignore me.
Second Chance Lives
Author: raeldaza
Word Count: 43,872
Summary: Tony's gonna die of palladium poisoning anyway, why not join a pointless expedition to recover Captain America’s body? And after, well, why not dedicate his last few months to making sure an American hero settles into his new life? What else is he going to do, get drunk at parties?
Why You Should Read It:
This writer doesn’t write a lot for the MCU but when they do, dang.
“Tony is the one helping Steve acclimate to the new century before Avengers 2012″ is a whole genre of Stony fanfics that scratch an itch I didn’t even know I had before I started reading fanfiction, and this is one of the best ones out there. It’s got it all - Steve poorly coping with his PTSD, Tony poorly coping with his immanent mortality, some breathtakingly poor communication between the two most emotionally stunted men in the MCU, and a cat named Roomba. What’s not to love?
Should You Choose to Accept It
Author: elwenyere (look, you’re gonna be seeing a lot of them this week, sorry-not-sorry)
Word Count: 27,106
Summary: After a terrorist attack and a field operation gone wrong, the Avengers realize that Nick Fury's secrets are just the start of a much bigger mystery. Steve and Tony try to keep some things from each other as well, but that can't possibly affect the mission — right? Mission Fic + Getting Together (or Mission: Getting Together) that mashes up elements from Iron Man 3, CA: Winter Soldier, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season one, and Mission Impossible 3.
Why You Should Read It:
You can see my post yesterday for singing El’s praises, but what I really liked about this fic was how how damn creative it is. The CAWS/IM3/AOS mashup is everything I wished the actual MCU gave us and more, with well-developed characters and an exciting story to put them in. And because it’s El, you know the banter’s gonna be on point, the way the characters care for each other is gonna be emotionally constipated but touching, and the pacing’s gonna be exciting enough to draw you in and keep you there. Also, this fic doesn’t have nearly enough kudos so please go read it and fix that or I’m gonna have to try to hack AO3 and that’ll just be embarrassing for all parties involved.
What Happens In Vegas
Author: sabremc
Word Count: 161,951
Summary: “What the hell, Tony?” Rhodey demanded brusquely.  Tony winced and drew the phone away from his ear.  “You’ve got cops and Feds all over the hotel.  I’m watching you perp walk out of the police station on repeat on CNN.  They’re saying you tried to bribe Stern?  Fox News has you selling weapons on the black market, and God that picture they’re using is the one from Bali in ’09.   You look like shit.  They wheeled Stern out and put him in an ambulance, by the way.  Got some paparazzi swearing you decked the guy.  Now they’ve got ‘copters following it like he’s OJ.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, Sourpatch, I’ve got it covered.   Uh, though, I should probably tell you that, purely in the interests of national security and the greater good, I kind of had to fake marry that stripper-gram  you sent.  Thanks for that, by the way,” Tony added quickly.
Why You Should Read It:
If you’re deep enough into Stony to see posts like this on Tumblr, you probably know sabre’s what we in the business call a “big name author.” They’re prolific, they’re popular, and most importantly, they write words good (technical term). Seriously, sabre just keeps cranking out high quality stuff over and over again, raising the bar for the rest of us like a jerk (not really. I’m not bitter they write stuff so good I wish I’d thought of it first. Not at all.)
I never read stripper!Steve or stripper!Tony as a rule, but this came so widely recommended that I broke that rule and boy am I glad that I did. This is also the only fic on this list that’s a true-AU, with Steve being a non-powered vet from Afghanistan who left his army career to help Bucky and is stripping in Vegas to raise money for a prosthetic arm. He’s booked to do a private show for Tony, shenanigans ensue, and now they’re fake-married. This fic’s got some top-of-the-line banter and character development, but I particularly love it for its rich setting. Sabre paints a Vegas not just with strip clubs and blackjack tables, but KISS-themed minigolf, romantic dinners on the Eiffel tower, gaudy hotel lobbies, and making out on giant ferris wheels. It’s such a richly developed playground for the characters to play on, and through it, Steve manages to find a life for himself he’d given up on, and Tony finds multiple ways to show his kindness and depth of feeling for Steve. I know the word count’s long for this one but trust me, you’ve gotta read this fic.
Wait & Sea
Author: Lenalena
Word Count: 53,244
Summary: In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
Why You Should Read It:
This one’s old and popular enough to be considered one of the “classic” Stony fics, and for good reason. Lenalena doesn’t write too often and not as much as they used to, but the fics they have up there are an absolute delight.
This is another fic that I skipped a bunch of times for being outside my comfort zone, but when I finally read it I saw why everyone’s so wild about it. In this story, Steve’s defrosted a bit earlier and not revealed as Captain America. He and Tony are sent undercover to sniff out Hydra shenanigans on a cruise and, because it’s fanfiction, they’ve got to pretend to be a married couple while onboard. There’s tons to love about this fic, but the things that bring me back to reading it over and over is first, Tony’s kindness and the way he’s attuned to Steve’s feelings, which... God, just inject “kind, observant Tony” straight into my veins, please and thank you. This is also another really rich setting for a story, and Lena knows how to fold the the hokeyness of the cruise into the seriousness of the mission and the depth of feelings Steve and Tony are finding for each other in a really beautiful, layered way. It’s funny, it’s heartfelt, it’s steamy, it’s gripping... why are you still reading this here? Go check it out for yourself!
Ashes to Ashes
Author: dirigibleplumbing
Word Count: 51,582
Summary: After regrouping following some surprise time travel, the world's heroes and sorcerers come up with a plan to protect the Mind and Time Stones by taking them into space in opposite directions. The result involves a lot more time loops than Steve would like, but at least they're getting a second chance to stop Thanos. (As well as a third, and a fourth...) And if Steve takes the opportunity to try to reconcile with Tony, too—well, they have the time, and Steve's going to make the most of it.
Why You Should Read It:
Dirigibleplumbing’s another name in Stony fanfics that does not get nearly as much fanfare as they deserve. They’re consistently a really creative voice in Stony fanfics and I always look forward to their stories showing me something new. Go read all their fics, I need more people to geek out with me over them.
I tend to limit myself on Steve-and-Tony-mend-things-after-Civil-War fics not because they’re not good, but because they’re so heavy, and also the Sokovia Accords have five hundred layers of crap in them that no good fic could possibly hash out well. This one, though? When you add in the Infinity War/End Game fixit? Poetry. Art. Music to my ears. DP wrote a really engaging, twisty story where it’s hard to predict what’s coming next, in spite of it literally being a pseudo-Groundhog day scenario. The characterizations are great, the story is engaging, and the feelings are big and sad and eventually happy. Go read it, you’ll love it.
I have tons of other recs for this category but this seems like a good place to stop for today. Tomorrow’s Alternative Media Thursday, and I’ve got some real gems I’ve been saving for that day (aaaaand possibly a self-rec or two ;)
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