#but I fear it became too corny for me I’m sorry
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Now who is responsible for this 😭 please
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fernisworm · 3 years
Do you have any hcs for lycan!karl when he finds out his male s/o also can shapeshift? More like traditional shapeshift into like a larger version of the normal animal?
I love the lycan karl hcs! :D
I’m so glad that you guys are enjoying my lycan!Karl headcanons!!! especially since ideas keep pouring into my brain about it LMAO
I actually had so much fun writing this and just thought the idea was so cute!!! 🥺🥺
As always hope you enjoy!! :)
❀ Characters: Lycan!Karl Heisenberg x Male! Shape-Shifting! Reader
❀ Warnings: none, I just really went off with the fluff in this one tbh
✿ You can find all my stories here!
✿ My requests guide is here! (And you can place a request here!)
🌙 You had been with Karl for a while before you told him- in fact, he ended up confessing he was a werewolf first (fairly early into your relationship, too)
🌙 Inspired by his courage and bravery you decided he had the right to know about your powers too
🌙 That didn’t mean you told him right away lmao 
🌙 The longer you put it off, the more anxious you became about telling him the truth
🌙 Heisenberg was a pretty scary guy when he was angry, and he always got angry when people lied to him
🌙 You were terrified that it would snap the last thread of trust Karl had left in him, which you had already worked so hard to gain
🌙 The guilt of it all ate away at you so much that one day you just caved in to the pressure and anxiety and blurted it out the first chance you got
🌙 He didn’t speak for a long moment... and you feared the worst. In all honesty, you were prepared for him to throw you out the nearest window and never speak to you again
🌙 Then a wide, excited grin spread across his face as he pulled you into a tight hug
🌙 “Why are you crying?”
🌙 “I’m sorry I lied to you, I hope that you don’t hate me :,(”
🌙 “What??? Of course not, I could never hate you stupid!!!! If anything I should be the one crying- you get to change into whatever you like while I only get to change into a stinky flea-ridden mutt!”
🌙 Karl was actually thrilled when you told him
🌙 Like wow???? his boyfriend is super cool???? somehow cooler than he already was (which was a lot)????
🌙 Heisenberg loves it so much and is even a little bit jealous that you get to choose what animal you can shift into
🌙 It brought the two of you closer together in a lot of ways though 
🌙 The trust you had in each other was immense, and these confessions really proved that
🌙 But even prior to when you two had met as humans you had unknowingly seen each other before
🌙 One night when you had shape-shifted into a wolf and entered the forest you came across a strange looking lycan- you never had trouble with lycans in your wolf form, but this one seemed different
🌙 Neither of you spoke, simply sharing a moment before going your separate ways
🌙 The day that Karl told you about him being a werewolf was the day you realised that was him in the forest
🌙 You mentioned this not long after your own confession, and he reminisced on the time
🌙 Heisenberg told you that when he’d first met you face-to-face he could faintly smell that same wolf on your clothes, and thought it was rather odd; explaining it away to himself as you owning a dog 
🌙 The realisation that you were the wolf in the forest blows his mind and he still brings it up sometimes
🌙 For example; Karl once told you that the day he found you in the forest, he knew deep down that your fates were determined to align again 
🌙 You told him he was a massive cheese-ball 
🌙 “What? Are we soulmates or something then, Karl?”
🌙 "What? Soulmates don’t exist, stupid, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
🌙 “Actually, you might have a point... maybe it was written in the stars?”
🌙 He hates when you phrase it like that
🌙 Okay, he doesn’t really hate it- he just thinks it’s too corny and lovey-dovey to be true
🌙 Because of this you always tease him about “knowing deep down that your fates were determined to align again”
🌙 He regrets ever having said it, but you’ve taken it completely on board
🌙 E.g. saying things like “you two were destined to be together ever since the dawn of time”, “the two of you are soulmates”, “the universe willed your paths to cross”, “it was written in the stars”, etc.
🌙 As much as he hates thinking of you as his “soulmate”, he truly has never loved anyone as much as he loves you
🌙 On the powers side of things; 
🌙 Whereas Karl’s werewolf abilities cause him to be very canine-like (even out of lycan-form), your powers barely affect you outside of transformation
🌙 You also have far more control over you transformations- but that doesn’t mean that an excessive emotional spill won’t force you to change 
🌙 One time you got so angry you involuntarily turned into a bear
🌙 Another time Karl waited behind the bedroom door and jumped out to scare you, accidentally turning you into a rodent
🌙 Before turning into an animal you must see it first, and it helps if you have a general understanding of the animal’s anatomy, too (otherwise it takes you far longer to learn how to transform into that animal)
🌙 You have complete control over yourself in animal-forms, although you are unable to speak English and can only communicate through animal noises
🌙 Much like how Karl can understand lycans and wolves, you can understand most animals, too 
🌙 Not every animal, mostly just the ones you transform into a lot since you’ve learnt their languages through years of experience
🌙 You have a lot of trouble with understanding wolves (and the canine family in general) so Karl opted to give you lessons on speaking, and more importantly, understanding wolf-speak
🌙 You two quite literally look insane if anyone walks in on you
🌙 “ *growls quietly* “
🌙 “No, no- it’s more in your chest, not your throat, dig deeper! Louder, too!”
🌙 “ *growls slightly louder* “
🌙 “Uhh...”
🌙 “Was that good?”
🌙 “Of couse! You’re doing great! :)”
🌙 You’re doing pretty terribly, actually 
🌙 In your defence wolf is very hard to learn
🌙 Karl understands that and is just thrilled that you’re interested in learning the lingo in the first place
🌙 He likes the idea of being able to share something with you from his werewolf side, it makes him feel special :]
🌙 But it doesn’t help that Heisenberg’s a pretty rotten teacher lmao
🌙 He thinks that talking to locals might help so he literally drags lycans into the factory to help you practice 
🌙 “Say something nice and easy for him or I’ll gut you like a pig, got it?”
🌙 “ *various lycan noises* “ 
🌙 “Hey! That’s my boyfriend, you cock!! D:<”
🌙 You had to hold Karl back while the lycan escaped
🌙 Turns out it called you a “hairless tramp” 
🌙 You weren’t very upset since Heisenberg did bring the lycan here against it’s own will
🌙 You were more surprised at how articulate the lycan was tbh
🌙 Since Karl feels the need to transform around full moons you actually end up going out with him a lot :]
🌙 Sometimes you two will stay transformed for days just chilling in your shared den (which is literally just your room but really dark and comfy lmfao)
🌙 You actually found yourself shape-shifting into wolf form a lot more since you got together with Heisenberg
🌙 Since you use your wolf-shift so much it’s gotten surprisingly easy for you to switch in and out of wolf form, almost like turning on a light
🌙 Whereas with other shape-shifts it can take you many minutes before you’re fully transformed
🌙 Speaking of which Karl appreciates that you stay shifted for him so he doesn’t feel lonely but doesn’t want you to tire yourself out because of it 👉👈
🌙 You don’t really mind tho, since the two of you always have so much fun when you’re transformed
🌙 Just a werewolf and his shape-shifting boyfriend just running thru the trees under a full moon, nothing to see here <3
🌙 Yeah they’re gay keep screaming
🌙 No but literally you scare quite a lot of villagers
🌙 A giant werewolf and his giant wolf boyfriend? cute but also very intimidating to say the least
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chokemeoutiguess · 3 years
"Would you kill me, my love?"
It was rhetorical, really. You liked being alive but what about being a captive is living? Unfortunately for you, your words had an audience, and the wrong one at that. 
Code Geass Edition (pt 1/2): Lelouch, Suzaku
CW: suicidal ideation but doesn’t go past the title. kidnapping, manipulation, references to violence, threats of violence, very unhealthy relationships. This is not what a relationship should look like.
Lelouch Vi Britannia
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"Kill you?" He looked so amused. Amused but irked. With delicate brows raised and stood tall in his white regalia, he looked like a tyrant who was so humoured by the court jester, that me may just spare their life. 
But, you could tell that he was surprised by your question. He clawed through his dark hair, his gaze not leaving you once. He looks down at you, purple eyes holding an uncomfortably off gleam to them.
"Never." You expected as much.
He reaches towards you, running his knuckles down your trembling cheek, and his gentle gaze holding yours. "Never you."
You stiffen, your ankles feeling tighter in their jewelled holds, your legs feeling much more jittery against the fine silk of your bedsheets.
"...then who?" Your voice is weak, after not having used it for so long.
He laughs this time, so light, so full. You wouldn't think he was laughing at someone else's death.
"Anyone. If that's what it would take to remind you-" a smooth hand curls around your neck, "that you are mine."
You don't fight him and he relishes in his hold over you, your submission. You've long since learned that he will never apply too much pressure if you stay still, instead becoming accustomed to the warmth his palm spreads around your neck.
"Now, my love. Who put those ideas in your head?" His face holds a perfect smile, but you know better than that. "That dying is better than being here, with me?"
He gestures to your opulent room, gold gilded the frames of every piece of furniture, you had a stocked kitchenette, an en suite, even a TV and laptop with access to the outside world. You had everything you needed to survive. But you didn't have freedom.
The doors only opened for Lelouch, your activity monitored and limited by Lelouch, every piece of clothing lovingly selected by Lelouch. Even now you could walk the perimeter of your small home, but the jingle of the chain around your ankle never let you forget that your life was lost long ago, even if you still breathe.
But you didn't say a word, simply looking at him. When he had first 'relocated' you, for your safety of course, you believed every lie. Followed every rule. And yet, he only got worse.
It was a shame really. You had loved him once, when you were children. You had hoped that the glowing boy of his youth was in there, somewhere, when he returned to the capital to usurp the throne. The frail genius became an emperor.
You were one of the few nobles who didn't fight his rule. You revelled in it even, tired of watching the world suffer at the hands of your brethren, angry at how they treated their own. He worked to tear down the work of his forefathers, which hurt your inner Britannian but your heart sang, knowing that those tyrants would lose their life’s work to flames set by their own blood.
He was on a roll, so it was surprising when he had proposed that you help him secure his rule by becoming the imperial consort. You were sure that that role would fall to his beautiful green haired companion. But he claimed that he needed you for this, that you were the key to peace. You hesitated, naturally, none of it made sense. But when you spent more time with him, joined him for strolls, dinners, meetings, you understood. 
“You are perfect. Let no one question that.” He said. You felt warm, and you almost listened.
When he slipped the ring on your hand late one banquet, leaving a longing kiss on its place in your finger he whispered “Let no one question the future queen.” 
And this time you believed him.
Now here you are, suffering the consequences of your naivete.
You looked up at the frustratingly handsome face of the current emperor, the man who trapped you so sweetly, the one you cannot help but to care for.
He seemed to have expected your silence. He continued to speak with a curl on his lips as you felt the heat from his hands slide from your neck to both your cheeks to hold your stare to his. All you could see was him.
"No matter. I know a way to ensure I am your only choice. Though I'd preferred for you to love me on your own."
Again, no response. Just a despaired look passing from your eyes to his.
"I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you, to love only me." His voice is strangely soft as his eyes begin to glow a light pink and suddenly you feel something you've long tried to supress.
"...Lelouch." You sighed out his name, liking how it sounded.
"Yes, dearest?" He smiled, genuinely this time.
Your hands cup around his face, moving closer to him. "Lelouch, I-"
You stopped, flinching. Even he looked suprised. No, this isn't-
"Dearest?" His voice was so warm and gentle on your ears. A part of you giddy that it was towards you. You feel what little grasp you have slip-
-That's right, this is perfect. What was I thinking? He's my love.
Warmth flooded you. Of course, how could you forget?
With no hesitation this time, you pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"I love you."
Lelouch beamed.
Suzaku Kururugi
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It was a line you’d heard somewhere, corny but it stuck with you. You wanted to taste how it sounded, nothing serious. Though, it would’ve been better if Suzaku hadn’t just stumbled through the doorway.
He returns to his home in the 11's district, ready to start dinner, only to hear you ask him to kill you? You’d be stupid to think he wouldn’t overreact.
The door slammed shut behind him with a thud, his face draining of colour so quickly.
"What? What makes you think I'd ever do that? That's the last thing I-"
He panics, dropping the bags of food on the floor. He rushes to you, sat up against the bed, a bandage wrapped around your head. He looks you over, thinking you'd tried to hurt yourself. But his fear is replaced with something much more sombre when he sees you're free of injury.
"Is that what you think of me? That I'd kill you because we have a- a hiccup?"
He calls kidnap a hiccup?
He clenches his fists, he seems to struggle to look at you.
"Is this about what happened with Euphie? You think that dying is the only way to get my attention?"
God, not this inane bullshit again. He was convinced that you were jealous of a dead girl. Once upon a time you were worried that he'd never let her go, that you would always be second to a ghost. And now, you wished that that was the case.
"Because you dont need to, damn it. You just need to ask, I'd give you everything if you asked!"
"So you'd kill-"
He slaps his hand over your mouth, infuriated that you'd ask again. It almost stung as much as the wound on your head that you got trying to fight him off when he took you.
"No. I couldn't, that's the only thing I could never give you. I'm sorry." He wasn't sorry, and it was starting to piss you off.
"Just stop." You almost growl beneath his palm, so tired of putting up with him. "Suzaku, I can’t live like this, not here, not with you-"
His shout surprises you, banging your head against the headboard that you're pressed against. 
His fist punches into the wall behind your head and for the first time, you're sacred that he might deliberately hurt you.
"...you don't mean that."
His voice his weaker this time and you seem to have completely lost yours.
"You don't. I know it." He said to himself under his breath, seemingly trying to convince himself.
"We're all we have left, from the beginning its always been us. I was an idiot but I'm fixing it. And then I'll bring our home back."
"I know I'm not good enough for you, I know that. But I will be. Once I become viceroy, I'll fix it all."
"Suzaku, I know you're trying but you didn't need to do this. " You say, gesturing to the now highly secure apartment. "I dont want to be trapped-"
"You're not! We'll leave eventually but not right now. It's not safe, you know that.” He has a stern look in his green eyes, one that reminds you of his father. “ It’s not safe, let me protect you.”
The dull ache in your head reminded you not to trust him, no matter how much he pleaded. You had loved him, yes. But you couldn’t forgive this. 
He looks up at you with a tired, longing look before he sighs. Resting his head on your shoulder he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you close.
“Please.” He begged, and your heart ached. “I can’t do it without you.”
Oh Suzaku. You reach up to stroke his back. You couldn’t forgive him, but that didn’t stop you from feeling hurt, seeing him like this.
“I know you love me.” 
He pulls back, his eyes a little more dull than before and this raises alarms.
“I know you love me, so don’t lie like that ever again.” He spat. He leans his forehead against yours, staring deep into your eyes.
“Don’t make me do something I’ll really regret, okay?” The grip he had on your waist tightened and the increased pressure of his head against your injured one reminded you- 
Suzaku hurt you to take you home. What else would he do to keep you there?
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samwrights · 4 years
Don’t Touch Her [hc]
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OOOH OOH I LIKE THIS ONE! Thank you for the request anon! Who’s ready for some not so low-key possessive babes? 😈
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This dork is far from subtle and we all know it.
He’s also super corny when he wants to be, especially when you come to watch him at a match that he’s invited you to.
Every time he serves, he throws a wink your way or he’ll pucker his lips a little.
No, you aren’t dating yet, but he swears that if they make it to nationals, he’s coming back to confess to you before he graduates.
That’s still ways away, but he has invited you to nearly every practice, practice game, training camp, etc because he just wants to know that you support him even if you aren’t dating.
“Kinda stupid, if you ask me.” Yaku says bluntly, regarding a time that Kuroo was practically gloating about that you promised you would be present for the up coming training camp. “Why not just date already?”
“Gotta keep my head in the game, Yakult.”
“Was it in the game before you met her?” 💀 everybody reading Kuroo to filth.
The training camp comes up—everybody from the Fukurodani academy group + Karasuno is there ofc.
Considering Nekoma doesn’t have a manager, and Kuroo asked you to be there, you act as a temp manager, grabbing water bottles and towels for them when needed.
You really didn’t mind, you liked Kuroo as much as he liked you.
So you’re out filling water bottles and stuff when some dude from Shinzen approaches you.
Homie just starts talking to you, asking how he’s never seen someone as beautiful as you around before. “Uh, I’m just here to help out...”
“Can I have your number?”
“No, I’m good.” You turn away from where you’re standing before trying to carry the bottles back when Kuroo pops his head out to see what’s taking you so long.
His hazel eyes go red when he sees someone from another school tailing a little too close to you.
“Hey, babe, need help carrying those?” His voice comes out like grinding metal as he locks eyes with the Shinzen player and while he is smiling and holding his arms open to you for refuge, you don’t miss the absolutely threat lacing his words.
“If you don’t mind.” However, your voice is sweet and calm and enough to tear him away from the death glare he was giving to the other player.
Kuroo grabs the caddy with the bottles easily with one arm, his free hand dropping to wrap around your shoulder firmly.
“Do I need to keep you locked up or something?” He asks jokingly, looking down at you. There’s a humorous lilt in his voice though the underlying threat is present.
“But I can’t have anyone looking at my girl when I can’t come and rescue her.”
“Maybe you should actually ask me out first.”
“Nah, we’re skipping all that; you’re mine.”
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Continuation from Pining After You 😈
Even after the two of you openly admitted to your feelings, Iwaizumi hasn’t made the move yet.
Sure, you’ve gone on a couple dates and you’re still showing up to all the games and practices, but he’s too chickenshit to actually ask you to be his girlfriend.
Everyone at Seijoh knows that you’re his.
The problem is when you’re spectating, you’re a sitting duck. Sitting alone in the bleachers, laughing at the antics of your best friends are staring at Iwa with little hearts in your eyes.
What other schools see is a cute girl sitting all by herself with no one to defend you.
Not that you needed defending—being friends with the meme team allowed you to develop a thick skin.
The first time it ever happened was during the inter high qualifiers, right when Karasuno entered the gym for their match after you’d already wished your mans and your besties good luck.
Tanaka and Noya hone in on you, wondering when Aoba Johsai got a hot manager. Even though you’re literally not but they’re convinced.
They try cornering you, asking questions about when you became the manager after the match, even though they loss. They attribute their win to your presence.
“I’m not the manager—“
“Really? Then what’s the most beautiful girl in Aoba Johsai doing at a volleyball tournament?”
Really, it should have been obvious because why else would you be there if you weren’t the manager?
Iwaizumi walks out to see you cornered by the two second years, though despite your position, you look relatively calm. Still, his blood is boiling seeing them surrounding you.
“Babe.” Is all he says—his voice strained and heavy and hot. At the use of the pet name, you smile brightly, a sight that Noya and Tanaka would be fawning over if they weren’t fearing over the steam billowing off of Iwaizumi’s hair.
He says nothing else before storming over to you and unceremoniously tucking his arms just under your bottom and throwing you over his shoulder.
Remember how he wanted to pick you up? He got to pick you up.
“Sorry boys, I’m taken!” You call out, waving to the Karasuno second years, even though you’re suspended upside down.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He sighs out when he finally puts you down, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
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This poor boy don’t know how to act when you show up to his games.
He’s liked you for as long as he can remember, but it never dawns on him that you come to watch him because you like him too.
Shit everyone in the goddamn prefecture knows about the two of you.
So leave it to the master instigator of Tokyo and his idiot best friend to try to fINALLY get you two together. Dammit Kuroo and Bokuto.
You’re out at the game, hanging with a couple friends and trying to be inconspicuous while you’re there to watch Akaashi. It’s Nekoma vs. Fukurodani.
When Nekoma arrives at the gym, Kuroo locks eyes with Bokuto, to which the latter captain gestures to an unknowing you. These conniving little fucks.
So Kuroo approaches you and confirms your identity—how or why he knew you was unknown. But Akaashi sees the two of you taking, sees the way that Kuroo is pulling all the stops.
He sees the way Kuroo is making you smile and laugh and the setter sees nothing but green. Akaashi’s trying to focus on anything else but the way Kuroo points to you when he spikes. You may have a huge crush on Akaashi, but you can’t help but feel flustered at the open flirting.
Akaashi doesn’t even realize that Bokuto hasn’t gone into emo mode once, not even when they lose the first set. If anyone’s in emo mode, it’s Akaashi.
He can’t think straight when all he sees and hears is the way you and Kuroo are interacting so informally, so familiar.
After losing the second set as well, Akaashi’s had enough, storming out of the gym without even thanking Nekoma for the game.
Without a second thought, you go after him, leaving behind your friends and both teams, never seeing the high five that Kuroo and Bokuto share knowing their plan worked.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the gym kissing Kuroo goodbye?”
“Who?” The irony is not lost on him when you chirp like an owl. “Akaashi...that dude? Kuroo? He told me him and Bokuto were planning on forcing you to talk to me cause you have a crush on me.”
“Which of course I went along with. I like you too.” Ohfuckohfuckohfuck, his heart is about to explode. Unsure of what to do next, he just kinda stands there, prompting you to take the initiative and wrap your arms around his neck, your noses barely touching. “I like you.” You repeat.
“Thank god, I was ready to punch him.” Akaashi’s voice is a mix between breathless and needy before his hands settled at your waist, bringing you the slightest bit closer to finally touch his lips to yours.
“That’s kinda hot.” You admit when you finally pull away.
“Nobody gets to flirt with my girl.”
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Wanna see a specific character? Or a different head cannon? Want to see a whole story?
Send in requests!
While you’re here, if you guys like my writing please check out a new mini-series I started! Link is right here
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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Bonnie Bennett believed she'd finally discovered her good enough ending. Yet, like most things in her life good enough goes left and leaves her with another ending. Or, perhaps a fire beginning...Journey with everyone's favorite Bennett Witch to the Viking Era for much needed lessons in devotion, courtesy the Lothbrok brothers.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, none of these characters belong to me. And to add unfairness to poetic injustice, neither does the shows or the books. However, I still intend to pull the characters' strings and make them dance, all while having a ball upsetting canon plot lines!
AN: Alright Bennett Fandom this one here is a bit different from what you're used to. Okay this one here is a bit different than I'm used to. Francesca has recently rediscovered Vikings and with it the sons of Ragnar. And don't you know she wouldn't rest until she brought our favorite Bennett Witch into their mess! As if our girl didn't already have her own problems. SMFH! So thanks to my lovely muse, here we are with a whole lot of trifling savagery that I'm just not so sure about. But as always I'll let you be the judge if this WIP lives to see another update. Flame it or acclaim it in comments.
“You know as much as I’ve savored the joy of tormenting you over the years-,” Klaus began.
“No,” Bonnie shook her head. She’d tried to go along with his final request. Really she did, but how could she? When in the end all he’d be was gone. “I’m sorry, bae. We’re not doing this.”
Rebekah’s eyes rolled. She released a drawn out exhale that hadn’t been necessary for her since wood ash and pointed stick tattoos were a thing. “Bonnie, don’t ruin this for him! Permit him whatever comfort he demands. He shoulders a burden you’d never be able to fathom. Can you not allow him to experience but one moment of grace? A moment Hope will undoubtedly cling to after he’s gone.”
“No, Rebekah! I’m not about to listen as the man I love gives us all a corny goodbye and pretend to be okay with it. And why the hell should Hope have a moment to cling to when she could have her father?” She gave her head another firm shake. “No, this is not okay with me,” her voice rose as she drilled visual holes through each of them. Klaus tried to shut her down with an arm around the shoulders but she curved him with a shrug, all while committing ocular homicide on him in the process. “So why the hell is it okay with you, Hybrid?” Her scorn riddled gaze darted from him back to his so called family. “Or any of you?”
“You must’ve been down on Bourbon sipping on that Absinthe again if you believe any of this shit is okay with us,” Marcel waved her off barely sparing her a glance. “We all just know Klaus is gonna do whatever Klaus wants no matter how any of us feels about it. The most dangerous place you can be when his mind’s made up is in his way. So I suggest you step out of it.”
Her neck snapped back as if she’d taken a two piece to the chin. “You think I’m afraid of the big bad wolf? I wasn’t at seventeen and if I thought for a second it would save him, I’d put his ass back in the dirt again. I take care of my own, Marcel. No matter the dangers or consequences,” she jabbed a thumb at her hybrid, “And make no mistake, that Original pain in the ass over there is mine.”
“Cute.” Marcel laughed as he rubbed at the corners of his mouth. “Bonnie, we’re his family. Each of us have known, feared, hated, respected, and loved him long before even your parents’ parents became an idea. Hell, even after everything he’s dragged me through, there’s not a drop of blood I wouldn’t bleed for him.”
“Then stand behind those words and do something, Marcel,” she pleaded, because at this point she wasn’t above begging for the only bright spot remaining in the dim bleakness that had become her life seven years before.
“What would you have us do, Bonnie?” Elijah questioned in a barely engaged tone.
Bonnie turned to consider him. A perpetual moroseness now cloaked the one she’d once believed to be noble. His arrogance hadn’t been quite the same since the restoration of his memories. More and more he’d begun to remind her of Finn. She squared her shoulders and straightened her spine. Since discovering what Klaus planned to do, she’d toyed with an idea she’d vowed never to indulge. Yet, under the weight of impossible desperation such vows could not stand.
“The eternal witch spell should be evoked,” she said.
“By whom?” Kol questioned. His chocolate browns moved from Freya to Hope. When both appeared to know less than him his disbelieving gawk returned to her. “You?!” Laughter burst from his mouth. “Oh Darling, I’ve witnessed that spell make a supernatural mess of the most talented witches to ever recite a chant. There’s only one destined to master the eternal witch incantation and her sorcery is said to be unmatched.” His knowing gaze drifted to Hope, and then back to her. “There’s no way you’re powerful enough to undertake the task. You’re not even the strongest witch on this block.”
Bonnie flinched. Damn it, if Kol hadn’t DOA’ed her pride. When the hell did he jump on the Bennett hate train? To hear how far his opinion of her plummeted sort of burned.
She nodded. “Okay, if not me why not Davina. You tend to enjoy blowing her horn. If she’s all you claim her to be, get her here. I’ll happily bow down if her being greater than me will save him.” She jerked her head in Klaus’ direction.
“No!” Marcel barked.
“Leave my wife out of this.” Kol zipped across the distance separating them to tower over her. His original face no longer concealed by his human deception.
Klaus rocketed forward to place himself between she and Kol. “Step away from my fiancé, baby brother. For if you harm her then you’ll be joining me in the afterlife. To hell with your bloody dagger and box.”
Ignoring Kol’s and Klaus’ dagger and the box bit, her distressed stare collided with Freya’s. “What about you? Will you help me save your brother?”
“Bonnie, that spell is much too dangerous. Even for me.” The blondes eyes offered her a thousand apologies but not one solution. “I’m sorry, but I can’t risk it…not now.”
Her desperation bottomed out to despair as her gaze took a hail Mary launch to the supposedly most powerful witch in the room. “Hope?”
The room erupted. You’d think she’d offered the girl a crack pipe. When she was Hope’s age she was taking down well…her dad.
“Bonnie!” Elijah yelled.
“This is madness,” Rebekah growled, taking a step in their direction. “Nik tell her!”
“We’ve already talked about this, Bekah.” Marcel shook his head and tugged Rebekah back to his side. “That doesn’t concern us.” Bonnie heard Marcel mutter.
Klaus spun away from Kol to regard her. He grabbed her face and cradled her cheeks in his palms. “Everything’s going to be alright, Love.” He whispered, before brushing his lips against hers. Liquid pain disturbed the stillness of his crystal blue stare and contradicted the hell out of his reassurance.
“How?” She tugged herself free of his grasp. “How’s everything going to be alright? You’ll be dead and then what? Life goes on? Fuck that! I’m not about to stand here and mourn a defeat I haven’t loss yet!” She whirled away and marched from the gathering. Her decision made.
Once out of sight, she hurried towards their bedroom. Inside, she closed the door and locked it. The barrier wouldn’t hold her hybrid, but the fraction of time it would provide may be all she needed to complete the spell. She fell to her knees next to the mattress. Carefully, she tugged the blanket from underneath the bed. The already prepared altar and ingredients slid out. She stared down at the athamae and exhaled. Second thoughts plagued her mental, but she shook them away. She’d come this far already. The time to bitch up and forget about it had come and gone. Now was the time to do and die, literally.
She picked up the dagger and called forth every ounce of mystical energy which bled through her veins. A swell of Bennett sorcery overwhelmed the room. Pictures rattled on the walls. The balcony doors blew open and the glass shattered. Furniture not nailed down whipped about the room like she’d caught a ride in a tornado. Steeling her nerves, she continued. She called forth her psychic energy, her huntress energy. Any and everything supernatural about her she offered to the Goddess of all in exchange for an eternity of knowledge and the fated eternal mate destined to help her defeat the Hollow.
After relinquishing her all to the Creator she sliced open her palm. Blood gushed from the wound and saturated the ingredients. A searing light illuminated the room. The bargain was struck and accepted. Now the sacrifice. She swallowed and raised the blade. Aiming it at the center of her chest, she closed her eyes.
“Bonnie, no!” Klaus’ voice penetrated the white noise blaring throughout the room. “Love, don’t do this. You won’t survive.”
She opened her eyes. He stood just beyond the enchantment circle, attempting to force his way into the barrier. “Neither will you if I don’t. Besides, if it doesn’t work I’d rather be in the ground anyway than breathe without you, Klaus.”
“Bonnie, please,” he pled as he dropped to his knees. He slammed his fist against the barrier. “Please, don’t do this. We’ll find another way. You have my word, Love!”
A sad smile flirted with her lips. “You’re lying, Klaus. If there was another way then it would already be the plan.” She plunged the blade into the cradle of her breasts. A piercing burn penetrated her chest.
“No!” Klaus’ bellow seared layers from her punctured heart. The storm of mystical energy whipping about ceased.
Her knees buckled. Klaus caught her before the ground could and cuddled her close. She attempted to talk, but a wheeze whistled pass her lips instead.
“No, Love, don’t speak.” He bit into his wrist and placed the bleeding extremity to her mouth. His blood might as well had been battery acid because she’d bet dollars to air it burned the same. Hacking coughs damn near shook her frame apart by the joints. “Why the sodding hell isn’t this working?”
“I-It’s the s-spell,” she managed to utter. “M-my death is the p-price of a-admission.”
Tears trickled from his eyes onto her face. “Why did I have to go and love you, Little Witch?” He demanded, looking beyond confused.
“B-Because its what we b-both needed at the time and no m-matter how this turns out I’ll always be indebted to you for giving me a reason. L-Love you, Hybrid…always and f-forever.” His face faded until nothing but darkness surrounded her.
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, none of these characters belong to me. And to add unfairness to poetic injustice, neither does the shows or the books. However, I still intend to pull the characters' strings and make them dance, all while having a ball upsetting canon plot lines!
The abyss gave way to blinding lights. Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut. A cacophony of sounds battered her auditory senses. The eardrum rupturing racket nearly distracted her from the violent rocking motion. A violent rocking motion which would no doubt wrought absolute fuckery on her cyclic vomiting syndrome. Right along with the tang of salt-water, unwashed bodies, and rotten fish. The potpourri of funk came close to singeing the lining of her nostrils.
A familiar acrid burn tickled the back of her throat. On cue her belly spun a series of gold medal winning somersaults. Oh this was going to happen. Her lack of sight heightened her senses and made her that much more sensitive to all the upchuck factors swirling about her. Unable to continue to live in the darkest part of her denial and remain vomit free, she opened her eyes. The brightest day she'd ever had to tolerate greeted her light discriminating gaze. She closed her eyes once more. What in the extreme fuck? Was this some kind of hell dimension? Is that why she was only a five minute drive away from the damn sun? Oh Goddess no!
"Cade?!" She growled.
The acrid burn that flirted with the back of her throat developed a sour chunky consistency. Once again she forced her eyes open...and blinked. She was on a vessel that appeared to have hailed straight out of Vikings. Damning the unnecessary brightness and her afterlife in general, she turned and tossed up the entire contents of her stomach over the boats edge. The seafood gumbo from Rousseau's she loved nearly as much as Klaus shot from her mouth and floated one way while the wind and Hades' cruiser sailed her in another.
As gravity took her down exhaustion fucked her over. She rested her cheek on the boat's wooden ledge. Drops of putrid salt water splashed her face. Yet, her fucks to give was at a negative zero low. Not only was she dead, but more than likely so was Klaus. She'd failed him...she'd failed them. Not even eternity would be long enough to make that shit okay.
Bonnie's vision blurred. Her chest throbbed. She clawed at the pounding ache between her breasts. Goddess, it's a wonder her chest didn't have a gaping hole in it after everything her heart had lost. Shaking her latest failure from her thoughts, she turned to slouch back to the boat's floor. She then lifted her gaze to assess her surroundings. Various shades of irises gawked back at her. She froze. Oh damn! Just her luck the water was sacred. She opened her mouth to offer an apology, but snapped it closed. Wait...why the hell did everyone look like extras from the Last Kingdom?
Slowly, her gaze dropped from the filthy hairy men towering over her to what she wore. The burlap sack dress she donned stopped her ever ticking clock. And based on the breeze cooling her cakes, her La Perla's had opted to skip the journey to the other side. Her back teeth clenched. In what kind of after life had she been dropped? Was this some kind of Viking hell? Had she somehow been granted eternity with Klaus in his hereafter?
The shifting of bodies snaked her attention from Kanye's spring wear to the now parting beefy men. A sight which had her questioning her sanity emerged. Bjorn Lothbrok or at any rate the actor who portrayed him in Vikings. Was he dead and stuck on the Otherside also? Wait, was Alexander Ludwig even supernatural?
"You're not one of the slaves who was captured during the raid. One of your hue, I would've remembered." The head Viking in charge edge that resonated in Bjorn's or Alexander's voice snatched her from her contemplations. "How've you come to be upon this ship?" When she opened her mouth to speak the cold sharpened point of a sword pierced the hollow of her throat. "Speak to me of canards or sagas and I shall open your gullet."
She hesitated for a moment. What could she say? The truth would definitely get her neck split wide. "I-I'm not sure. Before...when I closed my eyes, I was somewhere else and now that I've opened them, I'm..." she glanced from the horror frozen faces of the crewmen to the beyond frightened slaves. The poor shackled souls huddled away from her in the ship crevices and corners on either side of her. She swallowed and allowed her gaze to return to Bjorn. "I'm here."
"Oh my god," she heard one of the slaves mutter in a tone that, to her surprise, sounded annoyed?
His scoff sliced the disbelief inspired silence in half. He withdrew the biting tip of his sword from her throat and sheathed it in the scabbard at his side. "Bind her hands to her feet and toss her over."
The ship erupted in a flurry of movement. Two overfed red-haired and even redder faced Viking men moved to grab her. She nearly projectile vomited her heart from her mouth.
"I know what I'm saying sounds apeshit, but I swear on everything I love, Alexander," she said slowly uttering the name and searching his face for a flare of recognition. When nothing sparked in his expression she stammered on, "I-I'm telling the truth. Please, you have to believe me, Bjorn!" A flicker of curiosity narrowed his glare. Bingo! "You can't let them kill me! Please, I don't wanna die again!"
"Halt!" He bellowed, raising a hand to stop the men from advancing, "How've you come to know of my name?"
Shit! She pressed her lips together as her mind flipped through a too short list of plausible explanations that wouldn't get her burned at a stake for witchcraft. "I-I've dreamt of you a-and of this moment." There, that didn't sound too bad. One thing she'd learned from Klaus, watching Vikings, and Google, is ancient Northman actually revered oracles and seers.
"You've dreamt of me?" He knelt before her, arresting her stare with a penetratingly incandescent blue gaze. At a deliberate methodical pace, his eyes crept over her face. Her lungs threatened to collapse under the thorough scrutiny. "Of this moment?" Unable to look anywhere other than in the irises that burned brighter than the now blazing sun, her head bobbed. A smile enticed the corners of his mouth. "Then why fear what you know will follow? Have you not prepared well to meet your fate?"
"Not if my fate resides at the bottom of the ocean," she said with a firm shake of the head, "That's an introduction I'd like to cur—avoid indefinitely."
His head tilted just so as he continued to regard her. "Name yourself."
"Bonnie Bennett," she answered.
A golden brow lifted. "Bonnie Bennett of where?"
"New-M-Mystic Falls...Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls."
"I have never heard of a land with such a name," he huddled a bit closer to her, "in which direction does your homeland lie?"
Before she could answer, thick gun metal gray clouds rolled across the azure sky and swallowed the glaring sun. A sonic boom exploded somewhere in the distance, while blue streaks of lightening zigzagged its way through the stodgy swirls of gloom. And if the situation wasn't already atom splitting serious, fat drops of rain and hail the size of golf balls began to pelt them.
"This storm is unnatural!" A seaman yelled.
"What in the name of Odin will become of us? None of us shall discover the gates of Valhalla at the bottom of the sea!" A ruddy face old man with a scraggly beard roared at anyone who appeared to be listening.
Another much younger seaman, maybe a little older than herself, turned an anxious stare on Bjorn. "Do you believe the All Father has forsaken us, Ironside?"
Bjorn opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by a blonde slave girl who pointed a finger in her direction, "It's her! Her very presence displeases the gods. You should heave her over and pray the sacrifice appeases them."
"You sound dumb as hell! It's no wonder you're in chains," Bonnie snapped, regretting her words as soon as they left her lips. Stupidity had nothing to do with forced captivity. Yet, that bitch had some damn nerve.
"No one will be heaving anyone over," Bjorn said, while standing from his crouch, "Raise the sails and provide the slaves with pails so they may began dumping water from the ship's floor."
A surge of magic thickened the air. The foreign sorcery incited something within her. Something unfamiliar. A bucket was pushed in her face. She took the wooden pail without looking away from the sea. The very stench of alien witchery agitated her own strange mystical energy. The fiery heat of her somehow altered super charged power practically scorched the inner lining of her veins as it raced through her vessels. Who would dare interrupt the supernatural and natural balance on this scale without justification? It was like using a heat seeking missile to take out a mosquito. Un-fucking-called for!
Instead of allowing the now aggressive powers within her the retribution it sought, she settled just to keep the occupants on the ship safe. So, while she dumped water from the boat's floor, she chanted under her breath. Soon, a protective shield formed around them in an elusive form of the previous sunny day. The Vikings and slaves alike erupted in praises to Odin.
"Yep," Bonnie forced a smile. "Praise Odin!"
"Come, Mystical One," Bjorn stood over her, his shadow casting her much needed shade.
Distrust and her impromptu guest starring role on a show which highlighted the fact that Vikings had no problems raping captives, raised her guards. Though realms out of her element, she was far from ignorant.
Her gaze moved over him in an attempt to size him up. "Where?"
"To the prow," He gestured towards the front of the ship before snatching the pail from her hands, and then tossing it aside. "I wish to learn more about you and this numinous land named Mystic Falls." When she took too long to follow he locked his hands behind his back and considered her. "If I wanted to lie with you then all I need do is have you. Do you believe anyone here would be minded to protect you?"
She lifted her chin as she glanced about the ship to see not one person watching them for concern purposes. Every eye she caught on them looked to be pre-historic Shade Room and TMZ reporters. If they had tea kettles back then they'd no doubt be ready to spill the damn things. No, Bjorn spoke the truth. No one on that confoundingly long boat would lift a calloused palm to help her.
"Alright." Exhaling, she stood and leveled him with a glare even a PMS'ing demon would be incapable of exacting. "But fair warning, no one on this ship can protect me better than me. And make no mistake, I'm not above defending my own honor."
He reached out and took her hand in his. "That is a certainty about you of which I'll never be mistaken, Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls."
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neokids · 4 years
Fortune's Fool: Act VII
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Tw: Lots of blood, character death, violence, murder, guns, knives, weapons, foul language, self-inflicted wounds, suicide, overall graphic content
In just a span of a few days, whispers have already spread. At first, it was only suspicions that it wasn’t something natural or a person but the bible repeating itself. People started to believe that it was something like 10 the plagues of Egypt, this time happening in Seoul.
Then people started to see things.
Couples who had their afternoon strolls reported seeing a slimy creature dive into the Han river. Some Viper workers said they had heard low growling and grumbling noises they thought came from the machines, but when they turned it off, the bizarre noises only grew louder. Fishermen who worked late at night reported to see silver flashing eyes in the water. Perhaps the most terrible “sighting” would have been near the Poculum. A customer was passing by with the intentions of having a drink late at night only to see a panting, struggling creature near the garbage disposal. It was unnatural for sure, the shadow it cast resembled nothing like the creatures and animals that walk the face of the earth today.
“It has eyes of the devil, mama!” Yeji heard the little boy in front of her exclaim. They were currently waiting in line to get hot buns from a fast food restaurant. Yeji watched the boy as he excitedly told his story to his mother, guessing he had heard it from a playmate. “The monster had a spine as sharp as knives” The boy added, causing his mother to look at him disinterestedly. There have been numerous deaths added from the original incident, causing people to speculate. But the more people talked, the more the truth has been twisted.
Yeji would have brushed off the rumors, ruling it as a way to keep children frightened when they were being unruly. But the fear people have been feeling is very real, their lives were in danger. There must be a reason to why people had started talking, speculating.
“Nonsense.” The mother scolded her child, as she fiddled with her bracelet. The mother was obviously scared as well, hearing her son's stories did not help whatsoever.
“They say it is like a modern day dragon!” the boy added, not even bothering to listen to his mother, “It attacks the gangsters at night when it smells their blood. It hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time, then boom! It attacks.” The child said, his hand motions accompanying his exaggerated story.
The mother could only look and sigh at her son, “It is not only the gangsters who are dying, nae adeul,” The mother paused, looking at his now terrified son. “No one is safe now.” She continued as she placed a hand on her son’s shoulder.
That’s one comforting mother alright,
The son suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked at his mother, fear replacing the jolly expression he had before. “Am I going to die, mama?” The boy asked.
“Of course not.” The mother said in a defensive tone. She quickly got the two bags filled with steaming buns in front of her and left, with her son still quite scared.
Who wouldn’t be in a time like this?
As they left, Yeji couldn’t help but stare at their disappearing figures. A child, no older than five, was already worrying about whether or not he would live another day. A child like him should be worrying about what flavor of ice cream he should get, or what he should play with his friends. He shouldn’t fear for his life. How much time did they have left until the city of Seoul became nothing but a mass graveyard?
“On us, miss.”
Yeji snapped out from her train of thought to see a bag already in front of her, filled to the brim with steaming hot buns.
“Everything for the princess of Seoul.” The old baker said with a smile. Yeji took a better look at the place, then at the old man in front of her. The bakery was very old, to the point where you could see loose wires everywhere. The man in front of her was also very old, it looked like the bakery was all he had. The only reason why Yeji was here in the first place was because Lia wouldn’t stop bugging her about trying the famous steam buns in Hongdae.
“You have a family, ahjussi?” Yeji asked as she took the bag, the man’s face lighting up immediately.
“I do! I have a lovely wife I come home to everyday and five children! Two girls and three boys!” The baker answered as he perched his elbows on the window.
“I see,” Yeji paused as she took something out from her pocket, it was a red envelope with gold lettering. The man’s face grew in shock. “No miss Hwang, it is in the house! We have been affiliated with the Vipers for a long time now and I owe everything to them. Please it is okay.” The man said as he pushed the envelope back.
“No, please do take it. You have worked hard enough.” Yeji said as she placed the envelope in the baker’s calloused hands. With a smile, Yeji left.
As she browsed the streets of Hongdae, she couldn’t help but let out a breath of relief. She was relieved she was able to have a few hours to herself. She had just finished visiting the drug den her father had sent her to, and it was more boring than she thought. She expected a top secret lab, like the ones she would always see in movies. Only for her to be greeted with a smelly and sketchy apartment. When she had collected the money, the man passed it to her half-asleep, he too looked high on whatever he was on that moment. She had only been there for a solid 30 seconds and her duty was done for the day. Hongdae was filled with lovers taking their strolls, family spending some quality time together, friends on dates, and native weirdos too.
“The end is near! The world is going to end! Jeremiah 11:11! There is only one cure!”
Yeji grimaced as she tried to quickly pass the man. She tried to cover her face in hopes of not getting seen by the shouting man, but to her misfortune, the man had locked his eyes on her. The man started to head her way as she quickened her pace. She thought he had lost the man following her, only for him to suddenly jump in front of her.
Does this man not know who I am?
“Salvation!” The man screeched, causing Yeji to freeze in her tracks. The man flailed his arms in the air, as if he was waiting for someone to pick him up. “Spread the word of salvation, miss!” He exclaimed as he took another step towards her.
Yeji was quick to back away, she was getting weirded out by the old man, “I’m not that religious, sorry.” She decided unsure on what to say, the man’s eyes suddenly grew wider until it could pop out from his socket anytime.
“The doctor can give us a cure.” He said. “I’m not quite sure a doctor has found a cure yet,” Yeji said carefully.
“The doctor saved me!” The man further added. This time, Yeji wasn’t sure if he was referring to doctors, or a particular doctor.
“Hey you know what, a doctor saved me too.” she said as she placed her hands on her hip. “I was like what, seven years old?” she continued, amusing herself now. “I bumped my head on my mother’s picture frame and let’s just say she was worried more about the picture frame.” She said, remembering it like it was yesterday. “Ever since then, I started eating apples.” Yeji said as she looked at the man, waiting for him to catch her joke.
“Because you know…” She trailed off, the man only looking at her in a blank manner. “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!”
The old man only stared at her. He looked at her like she was speaking some sort of foreign language no an on earth had ever heard of.
“Corny joke?” Yeji asked, speaking Korean a bit more slowly for the man to understand. “Come on, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Come on, I deserve a chuckle at least.”
The man groaned and stomped his foot, signaling for her to take him seriously.
“The doctor is only one person.” he hissed, his face contorting into a weird facial expression Yeji couldn’t quite figure out. “A person of great passion. He gave me the cure and I am now immune to this madness. An injection! I am supposed to be dead! When my friend had clawed himself and lay dead next to me, I should have been next! But I am here! Alive and well!”
Yeji took another step back, one she should have taken before the man had started talking.
“Good for you,” Yeji said, thinking of an escape plan. “But I, uh, have places to be.” Before she could turn around, the man had already grabbed her wrist.
“Salvation!” The man screamed, “Only the doctor could bring salvation!” She quickly jerked her hand back away from the man as she hurried off.
She took sharp turns every now and then, making her route in a dark alleyway. She passed by groups of men who seemed like they were all ready to kidnap the next person they see. She passed by men throwing knives at each other, she also passed by a group of women aiming their guns at each other, but she was not scared. She was in her territory, she was above all.
Just as she was in the middle of another alleyway, Yeji immediately stopped to the feeling of a cold metal pressed against her neck. She knew it wasn’t a threat of any Viper, no Viper dared. Her mind ran wild, thinking of all the possible people who would try such thing,
Until a familiar voice had said: “Don’t make a sound. Keep walking, and I won’t shoot.”
The feeling of uncertainty immediately was replaced by the feeling of rage. Did he really wait for Yeji to enter an isolated place? Until she was far from the crowd? Did he really think that would work on her?
“You don’t know me as much as I thought you would.” Yeji said quietly, maybe Jeno didn’t know her at all when they were still friends. Maybe he never really cared to know about her. Maybe he just agreed to be friends to get information from her, and he did.
“Walk,” Jeno demanded.
Yeji stood still. As she planned, Jeno thought she was scared and so he eased the press of his gun against her neck. She slowly brought her hand to trace Jeno’s gun, her sudden caress took him by surprise. From his gun, her hand trailed to his own. Touching his long fingers, to his prominent veins. Her touch was light and held no danger whatsoever,
Or so he thought.
She whirled around, faster than Jeno could even process. In a blink of an eye, she had already slapped the gun from his grip causing it to drop on the floor somewhere. She had bent his arm in a way no arm should be bent. She had him quickly pinned to floor, her legs on both sides of his hips with a knife pressed to his throat.
“Let’s try this again, shall we? Like normal civilized people.” She breathed. Jeno too was trying his hardest not to breathe too much, or else his throat would come in contact with the knife. His dilated eyes narrowed at her, as he took a breath.
“Normal civilized people?” He mocked her tone, his voice a bit raspy. “You have a knife pressed against my throat.”
“You had a gun pressed against my neck.”
“Does it look like I have a choice? I’m in your territory.”
Yeji glared at him as she pressed the knife further into his skin causing a drop of blood to appear.
“Stop! Stop!” Jeno flinched. “I’m sorry.”
With one quick motion, Yeji could have sliced his neck open. She had been dreaming of this for four years, she was almost tempted to give it a try. Although she was fighting all thoughts she had of killing him, one thought had crept up in her mind.
Jeno still smelled like he used too. He smelled like smoke and mint, with a hint of his perfume. Noticing this particular detail made Yeji think how possible it was for everything and nothing to change.
“Well go ahead then,” Yeji prompted, “Explain yourself.”
She could feel Jeno trying to fight, but with one press of her blade, he would stop. She could track his every movement just from the tip of her blade.
“I needed information,” Jeno managed.
His eyebrow arched, “If you let me go, I could explain.”
“Well let’s see…” Yeji said, pretending to think. “How about no? I prefer if you explained like this.”
“Oh, Yeji”
The sound of someone pressing the trigger echoed all throughout the alleyway. Yeji looked to her left to see the gun she had disabled a while go still in its position. She looked back on Jeno to see him smile, his smile was almost mocking.
“Did you really think I would only bring one?” He asked in a teasing manner. “You don’t know me as much as I thought you would.” He added, mocking her. Famous eye smile a contrast to his actions.
The feeling of cold hard metal suddenly touched her waist. It was as if the gun had started to burn through her clothes and made its imprint on her skin. With no choice, Yeji had to remove her knife against Jeno’s kneck. They both stood up and in unison, put their weapons away.
“The man who died in the Poculum,” Jeno began as he dusted his polo shirt. “Do you remember his mismatched shoes?”
Yeji rolled her eyes, she couldn’t believe she was actually having this conversation with the Jeno Lee, then nodded.
“I found the other shoe in the Han river the other day, the same spot where the first men had died,” He continued, “I think he was able to escape, only succumbing to the madness the next day, in your club.”
“Impossible!” Yeji denied, “What kind of science is–”
“This is no longer in the fields of science, Yeji.”
Her hands had quickly balled into fists, bunching up her blouse in the process. Jeno was really on a whole other level of stubbornness when he was focused on something. She let out a sigh as she closed her eyes,
“What do you want?” She asked, opening them again to see Jeno’s serious expression.
“I need to know whether or not if he is indeed the same man. I need to see his shoes, see if they match, if they do, this madness might be even contagious.”
Meaning to say that the man who had died in her club, his blood spraying in a room filled with her people, might be infectious. If that was the case, the Viper Gang is in huge trouble.
Yeji’s panic started to kick in.
“Maybe they were in some type of cult,” Yeji suggested without much persuasion. “Maybe he didn’t want to be apart of whatever they were doing, only for him to decide that he actually wanted to a day later.” But she had seen the terror of the man during his last few moments, he couldn’t speak but his eyes told everything Yeji needed to know.
Oh dear God she knelt beside the man, looked him in the eyes, and asked him what caused it. What were the chances of her getting infected?
“You and I both know that something’s not right here.” Jeno said, breaking Yeji’s small panic attack. “By the time this has alerted departments, many more innocent people will have died.”
Jeno accidentally realized what he had said, causing him to fall silent. Yeji stared at him for a while, her gaze blank, void with any emotion.
“As if you care,” She said quietly, almost inaudible. But he still heard her. “About innocent people dying.” She looked away from him in case he could see the slight water in her eyes.
Every muscle in his body tensed.
He inhaled sharply, “Fine,” he paused, “My people.”
Hearing it from him definitely felt worse. She let out her breath she didn’t know she was holding and turned around.
“Move.” She said, walking away. Only this once would she allow herself to help him, she needed the answers too. “The morgue closes in a few hours.”
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Alejandro || S.M
Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
⚠ mentions of emotional abuse, mentions of cigarettes, violence, alcohol ⚠
Reblog the fuck out of this one please, it’s a big one. Enjoy xx
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 You tried so, so hard for everything to be perfect. So why was everything shit!? 
   Sometimes, when the stress building up became too much you’d find yourself pathetically sitting in the shower, with the warm water running down your back and dripping from your hair while the black mascara stained your cheeks.
    But you’d recompose yourself as quickly as you broke down. You had to maintain the pretty smile and the perfect front for all of the outsiders. You were ashamed, you didn’t want people to know about your situation, you dreaded that someday someone would understand the unbelievable amount of control going on inside those walls.
   There was no love anymore. Unbeknownst to you, the romance would be gone the second he’d promised you his life.
   Your husband had never gone as far as to hit you, but there were days that you felt as if it couldn’t get any worse. You were trapped and there was no sight of an escape.
   The two of you were part of a very conservative community, therefore a divorce would only serve to put you under a bad light in everyone’s eyes, so you just stayed quiet and endured it, hoping that something would go well for you.
    And it was a simple, stupid incident that set you on the road to freedom.
   It was in your brother in law’s wedding. 
   Your head rested on your first while your index finger traced the curves of your fourth martini’s cup. You were beyond bored: the music was mostly slow and ballad-like, and unlike all of the other young girls or old ladies you didn’t feel like dancing with your ‘sweetheart’.
    Alcohol-fueled tears brimmed in your eyes as you thought about your current situation, and how unfair it was, but before any of them could be spilled, someone spoke to you.
    “You’re either too drunk or not drunk enough.”
    Your gaze lifted to look at the tall man leaning against the bar’s counter. He had blonde hair (obviously not his natural colour) and shaved sides, which you thought was unusual, at least in a place like that.
    “Somehow, both…” You told him with a sigh.
   His deep voice was more noticeable when he chuckled. He sat down in the velvet stool next to yours and signaled the waiter to bring in two of whatever you were having.
    You eyed him curiously. You could see some colour underneath the thin, white dress shirt. You couldn’t help but become curious about it.
    “Do my arms pique your interest?” He asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at you once he realized you were staring. 
   You cocked your head and looked him in the eye.
   “I was just wondering what the colours were.”
   The male quickly put his drink down to roll up his sleeves so he could proudly display his colourful, tattooed arms. He turned both of them so you could fully see the artwork, and you were truly mesmerized.
   Just as you were about to comment on how beautiful they were, the groom came running in and pulled down the man’s sleeves to cover up the pretty drawings. 
    “Mingi you fucking idiot I told you not to show these. My mom already hates you enough!” The groom whisper-yelled, through gritted teeth as he smacked the back of you companion’s head.
    Mingi raised his arms in defeat.
    “I’m sorry man, I’ll keep them hidden.” He said jokingly.
    The groom walked away as he signaled to Mingi that ‘he was watching him’. You laughed and took another sip of the drink he had kindly ordered for you.
    “His mom hates you? Wow, you must be a nightmare…”
   Mingi laughed and brushed his hair back with his hand.
   “Yeah… She kinda caught me smoking and she’s been trying to push us apart every since then.”
   “Oh, a bad boy then?” 
   You winked at him playfully and laughed. After both of your laughs died down Mingi sucked in a breath and placed his hand high on your thigh. He leaned in to whisper in your ear.
    “Are you into that?”
    A weird yet pleasing sensation spread through your body, and an unwanted blush appeared in your cheeks.
    He sat back where he was and brought his drink to his very appetizing lips once more, while locking his gaze with yours.
    You snapped back to reality quickly. You raised your hand, showing the meaningless yet very real, gold wedding ring. You shrugged and gave him an apologetic look.
   Mingi rolled his eyes and scoffed (much to your confusion).
   “As if you’re content with your marriage.”
   You looked at him, offended, as you couldn’t believe the nerve he had. You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
    “And what could possibly lead you to that conclusion?” You asked, indignant.
    Mingi smirked.
   “Well, for starters, the love of your life left you by yourself in a bar while every other couple is being corny on the dance floor, second, because if you weren’t the slightest bit interested in me you would’ve already left, and last but definitely not least,” Mingi leaned dangerously close, so you could hear his victorious whisper “if you were really happy with him you would’ve swatted my hand away the second it laid on your thigh.”
   You suddenly became very aware of his touch, and his fingers burned on your skin. You stood up abruptly and walked quickly towards the exit. You felt like the air was choking you and you needed some air. 
    Before you could walk very further, Mingi gripped your wrist for a second. 
    “The tattoo parlor in front of the mall, find me there.”
    And just like that, he let you go. 
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 “You fucking bitch! You’re so goddamn worthless! I swear to God the only reason why I don’t kill you is because I don’t want to go to jail over something as useless as you.”
    You snapped. It had finally become too much to take on all by yourself. The shock and fright you felt prevented you from crying, or from doing anything really. You just stood in the middle of the living room, staring at him wide-eyed and frozen, not sure of what to do.
    You were only able to turn around and start running when your husband stepped towards you. The fear enveloping you pushed you to turn around and run out of the house to the only destination you trusted: the tattoo shop.
    How sad was it that the person you trusted the most was someone you had spoken to once?
    Life isn’t always kind…
    Your legs almost went numb from all the running, and the cold air hitting your face felt as if it was slicing your skin. When you eventually spotted the red, neon open sign shining in the dark street you stopped. 
    Was this even a good idea?
    You were way past caring when you hurriedly pushed the heavy door open and entering the shop. 
    The little wind chimes hanging right beside the door announced your arrival.
    “I’m sorry, but we’re closed now if you’d like you can return tomorrow at 9am.” The familiar, deep voice warned.
    You were a little unsure of what to say. Fuck, what could you say? What, in this situation, would be acceptable to say?
    “Mingi?” You called, simple and straightforward.
    His blonde head quickly peeked from the back of the store. He revealed his whole body as he walked towards you.
    “Wow, I didn’t actually expect you to show up, if I’m being honest I-”
    You shut him off by standing on your tippy-toes and pulling him down to kiss you. It was a very rough and sudden kiss, and to say you were just as shocked as Mingi about your behavior was no understatement. 
    When you pulled away Mingi’s hands rested on your hips. You two shared the most intense staring contest as your faces were just mere centimeters apart.
   “Please…” You begged “I just need to feel something.”
  The man immediately kissed you, as if he was in a hurry, as if he’d lose you if he didn’t do it right then and there. It started slow and passionate, moving to a much rough pace soon after. 
   The kiss was messy and sloppy, a type of kiss that you had just found out you loved. 
   “That’s all you needed to say, doll.” Mingi told you as he caressed your cheek, once you pulled away for air.
   You bit your lip as you looked up at him. 
   Mingi hit a button on the wall that turned off the big, shiny sign outside. He grabbed your hand and lead you to a small room in the back. It only had a red couch, a mini-fridge, a microwave and a dark-wood coffee table with a pack of cigarettes and a silver ashtray on top of it. The room reeked of smoke, but that surely wouldn’t be your focus.
   When the door clicked behind the two of you, he pushed you against it. His hands roamed all over your body, hungry for every curve, as his lips worked on your neck. 
   You felt embarrassed at how quickly he got you moaning. All it took were a couple bites and a cheeky whimper had already left your mouth.
   You slapped a hand over your mouth when his large hand found its way inside your underwear, but he was quick to remove it. He pecked your lips sweetly. 
   “Oh no doll, I wanna hear every little moan that comes out of that pretty mouth of yours, okay?”
    He caressed your lower lip with his thumb, and all you could do was comply with his request. Mingi picked you up bridal style and threw you on the beat-up, surprisingly comfortable couch.
     His lips devoured yours hungrily as he desperately undid your jeans. Mingi’s hair was messy from the way your fingers played with it, but you two were far from caring about appearances, you were too absorbed in each other’s moans to pay attention to it. 
    Mingi gripped the waistband of your jeans and pulled them down roughly. Your underwear came off right after, and you watched as he threw them somewhere in the room as he worked in undoing his sweatpants. 
    He noticed the way you closed your legs slightly, a little embarrassed about the situation. Mingi smiled softly and spread you with one of his hands. 
   The male leaned down and kissed the spot just below your ear.
   “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?”
   You blushed at the comment, more than you already were, and pushed away the thought that Mingi had made you feel more like a woman in twenty minutes than your husband had in your whole marriage. 
    Mingi lined up his cock with your entrance and waited for your consent. You gripped the cushions in anticipation, and nodded. 
   Once he had the green card, Mingi bottomed inside of you, and moved slowly. When your face started twisting with pleasure, Mingi sped up. He hovered over you, each hand on the sides of your head, accentuating how much bigger he was than you, how tiny and secure he made you feel. 
   He lost control over his body, and he could no longer regulate the way he thrust into you. It was wild and violent, something you’d never experienced before, something you now loved.
   You gripped Mingi’s shoulder, leaving clear nail marks on him (but little did you know he loved them), as you moaned and whimpered underneath him. 
   “F-fuck I think I’m gonna cum Mingi-”
  The way you said his name made his cock twitch inside of you, and he nearly came, but Mingi was focused on making you cum first.
   He bit on your neck once more, carefully as to not leave any noticeable marks, and the mix of feelings combined the desperation you felt made you climax, and you didn’t hold back in the way you moaned his name as you walls tightened around his member.
   Mingi immediately pulled out, releasing all over your stomach and inner thighs in the process.
   You both didn’t move for a second, both trying to catch your breaths. And although it never took Mingi too long to regain his energy, he surely was enjoying the work of art in front of him.
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  From that night on, you had to pretend you were miserable. You had to hide your joy and glee from your husband so he wouldn’t catch onto your unbelievable happiness. 
   Mingi treated you like he only had eyes for you. He treated you like you were the only one in the world. He treated you like a human, he respected you. That’s all you could ask for in a man, and so your little tattoo shop visits became longer, and more often. It became hard to hide, but every bit of it was worth it. 
   You’d often find yourself smiling, at the thought of Mingi’s silly jokes or crazy antics that never failed to amuse you, and you’d been caught once or twice by your husband, but it was never anything significant for him to suspect something else. 
   Everything almost went down the drain when you and Mingi ran into each other in a café, justly when you went out with your husband. You tried to avoid him, because you were sure he wouldn’t remember how your ‘significant other’ worked, but it was no good.
   The second he laid eyes on you, a wide smile spread across his face, and suddenly it was as if the sun was shining inside the café.
   You wanted to run into his arms and kiss him as a hello, but you couldn’t. You maintained a serious expression and shook your head negatively, but it was no use.
   “Y/N! Hi!” The man greeted you.
   You immediately panicked, as the grip your husband had on you tightened. 
   “Y/N, baby” the nickname didn’t sit well when he said it “who is this?” 
   Although his voice was sweet in front of strangers, you could sense the undertone.
   You rummaged through your head, trying to find a passable excuse.
    “Well, Mingi was at your brother’s wedding and he approached me because he needed some legal advice concerning his shop.”
    Mingi was a little confused, but he went ahead and fed the lie.
    “Oh, well then I’ll let you discuss that while I go wash my hands, Y/N find us a table.”
    He never said please…
    You waited for him to be in an acceptable distance so you could comfortably talk to Mingi.
    “Don’t call my name, Mingi!”
    “What!? Why?”
    You held the bridge of your nose between your index finger and your thumb.
    “Listen-” you looked towards the bathroom door, and your husband was coming back “I’ll explain later tonight, okay?”
    Mingi was visibly upset, but still agreed.
    The clock on the wall ticked slower when Mingi waited for you, or so it seemed. A minute without you felt like an hour for him, he was absolutely head over heels for you, and most of the time of your face and your laugh was all that was present in his head.
   You were just intoxicating. 
   When the wind chimes echoed through the shop, Mingi immediately peeled his body from the couch and went to meet you.
   You both shyly smiled at each other, as if you were two teenagers in love for the first time. 
   Mingi grabbed your hips and brought you forward, pressing your lips together softly. 
   They weren’t dry hello’s, no, but bashful ones instead.
   You gripped onto his biceps and bit your lip, unsure of the correct way to approach him about it.
   “Mingi, listen, you have to pretend you don’t know me in public…”
   He furrowed his eyebrows together and cocked his head.
   You sighed, a little sad about having to explain the motives behind your request.
   “We have to pretend to be strangers in public Mingi, you know how my husband gets and-”
    “Then leave him! I don’t understand!”
    You didn’t like the way he cut you off, to say the dumbest thing of all, on top of that.
    “Do you think I wouldn’t have already if I could!? What would I do then!?”
    “Live with me! Come with me! We still have our whole lives ahead os us Y/N! I love you and it hurts seeing you being mistreated yet still settling for it!” He yelled, gripping onto you as if he was afraid you were slipping away.
    “I know that we are young and I know that you may love me, but I can’t live like this anymore Mingi, I have a life already built, I have a job and if I leave him everything will change and I will-”
    Mingi shut you up with a kiss.
    “And what, Y/N? Are you like them? Are you like those stuck up motherfuckers that side-eye me because I dye my hair and wear leather jackets, hm? Do you want to have a nine to five job, have kids, be stuck in a marriage and then die knowing that the most fun thing you ever did in your life was fool around with a tattoo artist for a couple of weeks!?” He exclaimed, visibly frustrated, as he stepped away from you.
    “I want a secure life! I want the guarantee that tomorrow I’m not gonna starve! And if that means that I’m just like my parents then maybe I am!”
   “Y/N you know damn well why you’re not like all of these people! Why won’t you let me have you!? Is it because I live in a flat, not a house? It is because I buy my clothes on Primark, not Tommy Hilfiger!? Is it because I have a bike instead of a car!?” 
   “It’s because I don’t fucking know what to do! The life I live is miserable but at least I know that I’m not gonna be struggling tomorrow…”
   There was a long silence. A long, heavy silence. Mingi placed his hands on his hips and huffed. He looked around for a second, before laying his eyes on you again. It was like talking to a wall, he couldn’t understand how comfort won over happiness, and it stressed him out.
   “Give me one reason, one good reason, that’ll make me walk out that door with no regrets of leaving you.” He said, pointing at the glass exit.
   You looked at him. There was no reason. There was absolutely no reason as to why you should stay in that place. A comfortable life didn’t compensate for the fact that you had been threatened and mistreated almost every day.
    Upon hearing your silence, Mingi stepped towards you and cupped your face, making you look at him.
    “Exactly, you can’t, this plave isn’t for us. Run away with me Y/N, let’s leave, I promise I’ll make you happy for the rest of your life…”
    You didn’t know if it was the rush, the adrenaline, the glisten in his eyes or the sheer adoration you felt for him, but you kissed his lips, and grabbed the extra helmet for his bike, with no further questions.
    “Next you need to let me tattoo you.” He said, as you two got on the bike with whatever you had in your pockets.
    You chuckled, encircling his waist with your arms.
    “In your dreams, big boy.”
    “I’m already living my dreams.”
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
You weren't against soulmates, in general, you were just against yours. Like a few others, your mark was there when you were born meaning that your soulmate was older than you. You weren't upset about them being older you just felt that you would make them uncomfortable or hold them back. Also, your soulmate mark wasn't even fully developed only being a dot which meant your soulmate was somewhere far from you making it less likely you'll meet putting you at ease. Now here you were in Japan in horror as your soulmate mark takes full effect. 
You were traveling with your mom for a business meeting since it was mid-summer the heat was unforgivingly forcing you to wear tank tops. You felt nothing but a slight itch on you back and were startled when your mother threw her shoe at you and told you to take your clothes off. She was now sitting behind you recording your how your mark was spreading. "Your soulmate must have just come back to Japan or something?!" your mom squealed making your ears hurt and silently thanking the gods her quirk wasn't sound-based like this Present Mic you kept seeing on T.v. "What is it, mom?"
"Hell if I know, it's in Japanese!?" you deadpanned, "We are in Japan, but you don't know Japanese?" all you got was a knock on the head as your mom snapped a picture, "I think it's done!" you turn around and hold the phone staring in awe at the picture, "It's beautiful isn't it?" she asked trying to gauge a reaction. You only grimaced, "It's big and it's obvious." you say as you pull your shirt back up. "Oh come on Y/N!"
https://images.app.goo.gl/sE5UoRMFYN2XL21c8 This is the soulmate mark once it develops.
You stand up walking to your closet looking for clothes that weren't too heavy but would hide the mark. "You know how I feel mom!" she sighed, "Yeah but you didn't even give it a shot!" You turn towards her and in a fit of anger, you burst. "Yeah well dad didn't give it a shot now did he!?" your mom smacked upside your head and you instantly regretted your words as you saw the tears in her eyes. "That is exactly why I'm telling you to stop waiting! I waited and he was shipped away!"  You reached out for her only to pull back for you knew you had nothing to say. You scratched the back of your neck and kicked the air, 'I'm...I'm going to go for a walk, give you some space you know?" your mom only nodded as she fiddled with the promise ring your father gave her before he had to leave for 'family' business. 
As you walked you thought of ways to say sorry to your mother. "Flowers won't do since she's allergic, maybe food." you muse as you walked out of the hotel. Walking the route you knew led to a mom and pop dinner, you absent-mindedly kept scratching your neck where you assumed the top Japanese character was. "Why is it so damn itchy?" you asked aloud but you just summed it to the fact that your skin was adjusting to the pigment change. You groan when you realize that your mark was only partially covered.
"No one should look too hard if I'm lucky they'll think it's a tattoo." You made it to the mom and pop shop and ordered some Chicken Karaage with your broken Japanese that you were sure even a toddler would laugh at. As you were waiting you couldn't help but notice a tall, blond, scrawny man staring at your back making you uneasy. His gaze was broken when a young boy with green hair came and sat down with a tray of feed. 'These Japanese people just love their wacky hair colors.' you smirked laughing with yourself.
Once you got your food you took your leave ignoring the skinwalker as you now referred to him. On your way back you hear a loud scream coming from a playground and you quickly run over. There was a strange creature that had ahead of what you could only assume to be a cat with its brain revealed bashing a large globe that held two little boys. Quickly putting the food on the ground you hop over the small brick wall surrounding the playground and take out a sword from your eye before jumping and trying to stop the thing through the back. Before you could land the blow the thing turned around and swiped at you barely missing as it ripped your shirt a bit tearing through the skin above your left breast. "It's always the weirdos with the brains," you growl.
You weren't a pro by any standards but you were a hero, in theory, you just graduated so you were still interning so the closest thing you came to is being a lifeguard of the hero world you jump in when no one else could. "I know I can't take this bastard on my own, but how the hell am I supposed to get a hero's attention?" you grumbled as you pulled a flaming bow and arrow kit out of both your eyes. You quickly took aim as the creature came barrelling towards you shaking the ground under is three-toed feet.
You take slow breaths deciding to aim for the eye, nerves becoming calmer the closer the thing got. You shot the arrow and it hit it's eye making it wail into the sky. As you expected it promptly pulled the arrow out and seemed to regenerate almost immediately. It didn't matter to you, all you were trying to do was get the kids out of there as you situate them on your back. You weren't the fastest but damn it you'd try. Suddenly a shadow cam over you and you looked up to see some beefy guy in red white and blue standing tall and proud in a protective stance in front of you. The kids on your back suddenly got stars in their eyes, "All MIght, All might."
The man threw his head back and laughed, "Have no fear, because I am here!" he announced to the world and you couldn't help but snort at how corny it was. You didn't miss how the man suddenly lost confidence at the sound of your amusement.
"I uh.." he trailed off, tan skin suddenly tinged red with embarrassment.
"Excuse me ma'am!" you looked forward and there stood the green-headed boy from earlier. "Could you please come over here where it's safe, the police are on their way. You look over at the tall man and your eyes widen as you see him use his head to slam into the creature. "Yeah that sounds like a great idea.." you trailed off following the boy. As you sat a distance away from the scene you give your witness statement when the police arrived and showed them your hero license when they questioned why you were using your quirk instead of running, it was a bit hard considering how you fumble with your Japanese but you pulled through. It took the man, All Might, 45 minutes to talk the creature down and for some reason, you could tell that this was not his best performance but every so often he would glance over you like a child showing that they could dress themselves.
You hand the kids over to the police and you head towards the park entrance face lighting up when you see that the food remains unharmed, cold, but unharmed. "Excuse me young lady!" came the broad voice of All MIght. "Yes?" you ask thinking he had more questions for you, "Can I speak with you in private?" you shrug seeing no harm in it only to yelp as your scooped up bridal style into his arms as he leaps about 50 feet in the air onto an apartment complex. "What the hell was that!?" you yelled swaying as you were set back on your feet. "I do apologize but I didn;t want any press involved"
You quirk your eyebrow, "Involved with what?" your eyes widen as the man began rolling off his hero onesie. "What are you doing!? I know Japan has different rules but I'm pretty sure streaking is a no-no!"
Your breath caught in your throat as he turned around and you saw the exact same soul mark as yours. 'So much for no one noticing.' you thought with a small frown. "I'm sure you know what this means." All Might said with a hopeful smile. You nod before snapping your finger realizing you just acquired the perfect forgive me gift, "Yeah can you come home with me?!" All Might suddenly backed up form you, hands up in a defensive position. "Waoh now young lady, I'm just as excited about finding each other as you are but I'm not sure if we should jump to that just yet, are you even of legal age?!" you scoff and stick your tongue out I am 18 for your information!" All MIght relaxed the slightest bit, "That's great but can we wait til a solid 19?!" you doubled over laughing when you realized the problem. 
"That's not why I want you over All MIght! I want you to meet my mom!" All might completely deflate at that revelation and you've never seen someone at peace in such a fast instance "Oh okay."
When you arrived back to your room you open the door shocking your mother from the large man taking up all the space. "Mom this is..." you look at your soulmate realizing you didn't know his name, "Yagi Toshinori." he coughs awkwardly. "Yes, and he is my-" you were cut off as a loud hiss sounds off from Toshinori's direction, and before you can ask there is a puff of smoke and blood and suddenly the large man ou knew as all might disappeared and became the skinwalker that was watching you in the restaurant. "SkINNY MAN?!" you yelled pointing at him. 
Yagi awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and laughed, "I thought that if you have my name you might as well have all my secrets." he said making your heart flutter. "This is cute and all but who the hell are you?!" both ou and Toshinori turn to face your mother. "We're soulmates."
your mother passed out
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bookworm-blogs · 4 years
Surprise Ask!: Some Kayama and Shirakumo headcannons?
But omg yes! HELL yess I do!!
Since you didn't specify whether their relationship would be platonic or romantic, I'll just do both because BY GOD THEIR FRIENDSHIP ITSELF IS HEAVILY OVERLOOKED. (I'm still salty about Kayama's lack of presence in the main magna regarding the Kurogiri reveal. She's just as much a friend to Shirakumo as Aizawa and Yamada, damn it! Then again Horikoshi could be holding off on us for a reason idk we'll just have to wait and see...)
Anyways! Platonic (ft. Rooftop Gang) headcannons!
1. Kayama and Shirakumo have a similar taste in music. I know our world and the BNHA world are different (apparently they haven't reached the moon yet in BNHA?? And Aizawa had a touch screen phone in Vigilantes so I'm assuming their generation and our millennials grew up a tad bit differently), but I can't help but think they would be complete nerds of 80's rock. Smashing Pumpkins, Fleetwood Mac, Red Hot Chili Peppers... These two would always contact each other on when the next album hits and be each other's first choice to concerts and would always blow all their money on band merch. Their all-time favorite song would probably be "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac, or "September” by Earth, Wind, and Fire. They always argue about which is better.
2. These two are the BIGGEST video game nerds. Every now and then, when they aren’t busy with school or work studies, Kayama would come over to Shirakumo’s house to play games with him. Aizawa isn’t too fond of video games, and Yamada prefers to listen to different types of podcasts, so that leaves Kayama to be Shirakumo’s gamer buddy, which isn’t bad at all since this girl loves all types of games. From Animal Crossing to the Halo franchise, Kayama has a surprisingly broad range, with her favorite genre of video games being horror shooter games like Resident Evil. Shirakumo isn’t a big fan of horror and is more a fan of free world games like Red Dead Redemption or The Last of Us, though he does make an exception for point and click horror games.
3. Kayama occasionally pops in on the boys’ study sessions. Usually, Yamada would be at the helm tutoring Shirakumo and Aizawa, though Kayama would pop in from time to time to help him with harder subjects like history since she’s smart. She used to host their sessions at her house, though that quickly stopped since she always dressed up as a sexy teacher and got a little too close to the boys while showing them how to solve equations. 
4. They would regularly barge in each others’ homes. Shirakumo was especially guilty of this, as he would use his clouds to fly over to his friends’ room windows and sneak in through through them. It became such a common occurrence that Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama all decided to just keep their windows open for the cloud boy to come in whenever. Usually Aizawa would be Shirakumo’s favorite victim (he loved watching Aizawa leap out of his skin every time he knocked on the window), though Yamada and Kayama were just as entertaining (Shirakumo once knocked on Yamada’s window and nearly went deaf after the blond screamed with his quirk on. Kayama was a bit more risky for obvious reasons). Kayama was the first one to return the favor, however, and when Shirakumo saw her sitting on his bed in the dark while petting Sushi like an evil mastermind, he let out a high pitched scream that Kayama still holds over his head to this day. 
5. Kayama and Shirakumo "flirt" with each other all the time. You know Ayame and Shigure from Fruits Baskets? How they would say something incredibly corny to each other before suddenly being like, "haha cheers mate." That's these two. Since they hang out on a regular basis, people always make fun of them by calling them boyfriend/girlfriend. One day, they got so fed up with having to explain themselves that they decided, "fuck it, if they want a show we'll give them a show." When they made their first target pass out from a furious blush and a bloody nose, Shirakumo and Kayama made this their "how to keep hoes at bay" strategy. Yamada finds their antics hilarious, while Aizawa always thought it was weird. Every time they "flirt," Shirakumo and Kayama always make sure to say "no hetero" as soon as the other person is gone.
Now for the romantic headcannons!
1. Everything is the same, except Shirakumo forgot to say "no hetero." This made Shirakumo have an existential crisis for about a month. He would always ask himself, "Why didn't I say it that time? Was I being stupid? Or did I actually mean it? What if this changes our friendship forever? Oh God, what if she hates me?" Aizawa would always be the first person Shirakumo goes to to vent his woes, sometimes even coming to his room in the middle of the night. While Shirakumo would ramble about how bad it is to catch feelings for his gal pal, Aizawa would always listen until he's done before telling him to just confess. Shirakumo doesn't, and this routine lasts an entire month.
2. Kayama realizes Shirakumo's growing crush but doesn't say anything bc she wants to hear it from him. This man tries acting like nothing's bothering him, but he was as obvious as Dipper from Gravity Falls (muttering under his breath and hopping at the first opportunity to hang out with her). At first Kayama didn't think much of it, but when she caught him glaring at a couple gawking boys in the hallway, she realized what was also going on.
3. After 3 months of awkwardness, Kayama finally dragged him off on a date. Shirakumo was terrified the entire time, waiting for Kayama to tell him he's not her type, but was shocked when she bluntly told him, "we should start dating" after watching a movie. Everything fell into place afterwards.
4. These two became the hottest couple at UA. Up until the Tasomiya Incident, Shirakumo and Kayama acted a lot like how they did before, except they now had dinner dates, movie nights, and all the fun couple stuff like making out behind the school and genuinely flirting (much to their friends' disgust. Seriously, do these two have no shame?). Kayama loved going shopping, and Shirakumo was more than happy to carry around her stuff on his clouds. Once, they got caught sneaking out to the pier at night and made a brave escape on Shirakumo's clouds. As soon as they got back to his house, they were on the floor, laughing.
5. After Shirakumo's death, Kayama hadn't dated since. Sometimes she would go out whenever her friends would set her up, but Shirakumo was the last time she ever has a serious relationship. She protects Sushi with her life, even as he grows older. Sushi was the last living remnant of Shirakumo, and she wants to keep him for as long as possible.
Little does she know he may not be as dead as she thinks... (Dun, dun dun)
Anyways yeah, I’m a slut for this rarepair and it breaks my heart that there isn’t more content on it. Fear not, my fellow CloudNight stans, for I am making a fanfic on Ao3 rn and am also gonna make a one-shot in a few days! Thank you, Nightowl, for giving me the chance to scream for a bit! ;’)
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bobawriteslove · 4 years
Power up! (Denki x Reader)
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Each and every student in UA academy is unique. Even if they don't realize it yet each person has the potential to be something great. And that's the message that the teachers try to portray to the student body while training with them. During your time at the academy you had the privilege of being in class 1-A. And you made quite the impression on your first day during the obstacle course. You were so far behind but still managed to not be the last one with your own limited capabilities. Still uncertain on how to use your quirk. You sooner find that you and Izuku AKA Deku shared the same limitations and experiences when it comes to mastering your quirks. 
Upon entering the class, everyone was really competitive, just trying to show off and outdo one another. But as time went on you guys developed teamwork. This new found development was greatly challenged during the first attack you all experienced in Hero Training. You especially gravitated towards Denki Kaminari when he saved your life. During the attack, you froze up in fear as a group of six launched themselves at you. You stood there shaking awaiting the amount of pain you predicted  for yourself.
In that moment electricity shot out in every direction in your area and you watched as your attackers fell to the ground. Though you felt relieved you still felt an intense amount of pain since you were caught in the attack as well.. Denki quickly ran over to you and scooped you up bridal style carrying you off to safety. He quickly assessed the damage he had caused to you with great distress evident in his eyes. 
“It's alright, and I’ll be fine. Thank you for saving me.” You tried to speak out confidently. But your voice broke as you continued to talk, the amount of guilt you felt for having someone come to your recuse was painful. You felt like a crutch and a handicap to your teammates. ‘How could you become a hero when you can't even save yourself from a few villains?’ 
Since the incident you trained harder every single day. Pushing your limits. Eventually you grew out of your fear of combat and became a strong force among your classmates. They all learned to count on you when it came to battle. Your wits and skills steadily grew with each passing day. Sparring was becoming your favorite after school activity. A group of you and your classmates would meet up and head out to a training area where you were paired off. Often you and Denki were paired up due to the disadvantage you had. It was Range vs Close combat. The onlookers gave feedback after each battle to help you improve in some key areas for real battle. 
And after the training sessions ended Denki would come over to study. Your study sessions were where the two of you grew closer. To you it was the perfect opportunity. You helped each other out greatly, he needed help academically and you needed combat training so it was a fair exchange. Gaining a friend was a bonus. But lately you felt something more for this blonde. Pushing the thoughts aside you continued with your study sessions. 
This study session was different though. He kept his distance and he didn't talk as much. You sat close to him bringing out the materials from class. He turned his attention to your notebooks letting out an unenthusiastic groan. “(Y/n) I already give up and we haven't even gotten started yet. At this rate I accept being #20 in our class.” Tapping him on his back you shook your head in disappointment pushing the textbook over in his direction. “Today's assignment is easy. We can get through it together. If you have any questions we can stop and I’ll explain it to you. Same as always.” 
He silently agreed to your proposal and a smile found its ways to your face as you both got to work. Overall you had a productive evening. Homework was completed and Denki understood the basics of the day's lessons so it was a win-win scenario for everyone.
You started to clean up the textbooks and your other belongings when you noticed Denki leaning over in a slump with a flushed face. Curiously you peaked over placing a gentle hand against his forehead. “Are you okay?” 
He leaned into your touch grabbing your hand within his own and placed a swift kiss against your skin. Now it was your turn to blush. You had pulled your hand away rubbing at the skin where his lips had just been while staring at him in disbelief. “I'm sorry..” he apologized. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I just...I just wanted to take a chance so you’d understand how I felt about you.” Reaching for your hand again he leaned his forehead against your skin hiding his face from your sight. 
“How long?” You asked. “How long what?” “How long have you had these feelings for me?” 
He laid there for a while trying to come up with an answer. Based on the amount of time it took for him to respond you assumed you had developed these affections a long time ago. 
“Remember when I saved you during Hero Training?” “Yeah..but that was a long time ago though.” 
“Well..from that moment on...I couldn't help but notice how much you’ve changed. You wanted to get stronger. And I admired that about you, even when you felt absolutely hopeless you didn't give up. You kept pushing yourself to be better. And before I knew it, admiration turned into love….its corny i know.” 
You felt such a warmth as he spoke about your progress, he noticed how far you had come not just as a hero but as a person. It felt so good to be recognized for your efforts. And from the person  you’ve grown to like at this time. You felt so good in this moment. You shared a comfortable silence together until you felt a spark against your lips. You registered what had happened once it already occurred and you kissed him back, a hand traveling into his blonde hair. 
The kiss you shared was both figuratively and literally electrifying. His curious hands explored over your body through your uniform. After a while, you broke away from the kiss panting heavily staring at his face. A small thump caught your attention. He groaned in frustration from the loss of contact between the two of you. You ruffled his hair walking over to your door pulling it open watching  as your classmates stood outside with flushed faces. 
“What are you doing here?” You questioned them with heavy irritation. You folded your arms over your chest trying to refrain from strangling one of them in your doorway. 
“I told you guys this was a bad idea!” Deku yelled out. “Shut it Deku, you were all for it when we made the bet that they’d do it.” Bakugo retorted. 
Kirishima and Todoroki were the first ones to clear out due to the fear of being beat up for spying on you in such a tender moment. You continued to listen to the rambling  of ongoing excuses for why they were standing outside of your door. The idea of a bet definitely catching your interest the most. And ‘do what?’ is what rang through your head as your classmates scrambled to get their stories straight. 
Denki soon followed behind you wrapping his arms around your waist protectively.
“(Y/n) just forget them. We have more important things to continue. Besides, if we don't go now I think I just might burst.” Grabbing one of your hands he placed it against the bulge of his pants making your irritation completely vanish as embarrassment replaced whatever emotion you were feeling previously.  He then proceeded to pull you into the room and you quickly kicked the door shut to give you some privacy. The lot was too shocked by his actions to care about you slamming the door in their faces. 
“Told you they’d do it! Now pay up you bunch of extras!” 
The sound of defeated groans sounded as money was placed into the hands on Bakugo. 
Inside the room however, you and Denki were far too busy with each other to care about what was going on outside the door. Tomorrow was a new day and you were more than happy to make them pay for their spying in class. But for now you needed to tend to your new found lover before he lost his mind. 
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miericksongo · 4 years
Never Be Yours Pt.1 // J.P.D.L.
angst with a dash of fluff
This is MY work, therefore do not steal or copy from it!
©2019-2021 Miericksongo
You don't remember a time where you've never seen Joel Pimentel as a cute, dorky, and friendly guy. He was always there to give you things such as motivational boosts, like when you had to present an essay in front of your class. He was always there when you were sick, literally buying a whole stock of chicken soup. But also, he was there for you. His presence was enough. You've had many friends and acquaintances come and go over the years, but Joel was one of the few that's been present through it all.
Joel doesn't remember a time that you weren't there for him. Like at one of CNCO's concerts, he forgot his bandana and D&G belt and you offered to hop back over to the hotel and get them for him. Or the time he wasn’t feeling well, and you got a whole surplus of chicken soup, causing him to laugh at the reference to when you were sick. Even moral support too, like accompanying him to interviews and shows. As much as it sounds cliché, he could never ask for a better best friend. He was so happy with you in his life. He loved being friends. However, you didn't want to be just friends, you wanted to be something more to him.
For most of the friendship, you had feelings for Joel. You even thought that he reciprocated them, too. There's been countless times when he would smile at you with that special glint in his eyes, or brush his hands gently across your cheeks. But, you thought sometimes that maybe he was just being friendly. Even other people, like the boys, thought Y/N and Joel would make the perfect couple.
But sadly however, as of recently, Y/N and Joel may never be, and that Joel and Winnie might take its place.
Winnie was also a resident of the boys' building. She was a food blogger with a beautiful and kind-hearted soul who also happened to be Joel's crush (according to your thoughts). You first started suspecting Joel's feelings for her about five months ago, when the boys invited her over for a small group gathering when Winnie introduced herself to you. The two of you made small talk when Joel walks over and says, "Oh Winnie, I've assumed you've met Y/N and Y/N, that you've met Winnie. Looks like one less thing I have to do.", he chuckles, putting his arm around her. Then, among other things, Winnie was starting to be in the picture more and more (not that you had a problem with it), and Joel became "friendly" with her more and more. Sometimes, you thought that Chris's flirtatiousness got onto him, and pushed it off.
However, your worst fears came true one night when Joel brought her up during movie night in his room, with just the two of you. “Y/N, you are my best friend, my confidant. Sorry to burst the fun bubble here, but I have something serious to tell you.” Turning up to Joel in his embrace, you reply “You can tell me anything, Joelito.” Chuckling at the nickname, he asks, “Do you know Winnie?” Tapping him playfully on the arm, you say to Joel, “Of course I do! She’s our friend who lives in the building.” Joel smiles at you. He then takes a breath and proceeds to say, “Well... I like her.” Slightly freezing, you go, “Of course you do, she’s our friend!” “No, I like-like her, more than as a friend. She’s been eating up my thoughts lately. She’s beautiful, kind, and who I dream of having, as corny as that sounds.” What was once a theory to you became reality. As much as it hurt and stung, you had a feeling that this was coming. But you couldn’t wallow in your thoughts anymore as Joel was looking at you expectantly. Coming up with the most cliché and least suspicious thing you could think of, you say, “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, Joel!”’
All you could picture on your way home, bawling your eyes out, is that he would never be yours.
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zoocross0vers · 4 years
The Heroes Concept
Sorry for delay but I finally showing topic that what character would fit into character and how their roles would look like (I explain in here)
As an example let’s start with main cast:
Sonic as Sonic - since he’s the main character of the story there’s no need to change his character role since those are key-important for the plot like in movie
(here’s his profile just in case: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Paramount)#Cast_)
The only in his case would be the change of place and  comunity: he’s in world of anthromophic mammals with no powers and certain prejudices and stereotypes, and sometimes certain paranoias, which that makes his anxietes harder since he is also a mammal/hedgehog but still different: blue, prefers shoes, glowes instead of clothes and has powers. And it could be possibility that when he arrived on Zootopia (not sure how if their planet is called Earth or not) the missing mammal case was happening and distrust towards mammals was growing, give him reason to not show up after what happened last time. There could be also small possibility he helped stopped the Bellwether takeover although unknowingly (or maybe not? who knows) and some two pair of eyes probably might noticed him even briefly though if you know what I mean. But for the record he decided to hide in Green Hills where he meet Nick and Judy and you know the rest.
Nick Wilde as Tom Wachowski
Tom personality
Kind-hearted and hard-working, Tom actively pursues the chance to help other people and is dedicated to his duty as Green Hills’s sheriff. He is very brave and is not afraid to get physical if the need arises and is protective of those he cares about. Despite his sharp tongue and an occasionally dark sense of humor, he is very sweet and gentle and frequently goes out of his way to assist others. Tom enjoys telling corny jokes, whether he is alone or with company. According to Sonic, Tom often talks with donuts and eats them if they “do not listen him”.
He dislikes boredom to the point that Green Hills’ lack of action nearly drives him out of his hometown to pursue work in San Fransisco. Tom shows open skepticism when presented with a situation that seems odd or fabricated, such as when he first met Dr. Robotnik. Although Tom is not afraid to fight, he prefers to avoid resorting to violence, shown when he tried to leave the Piston Pit when confronted by angry bar patrons.
Nick personality
Since those two are pretty much different when it comes certain things but have still lot in common like bad pun jokes and sense for justice.
It was not easy to make it right. I wanted him fit into Tom’s role but also keep his Wilde charm he has. Thankfully I was able to do right somehow so here it is:
Nick was actually born in Green Hills and was friend with Judy Hopps in childhood after incident with Gideon, but after incident with Ranger Scouts where she was present in this case ashamed for certain actions he decided to move (or run away) to Zootopia to live as shifty fox, unaware of him been targeted by Bellwether. But Judy whose also decided to study in Zootopia find and trying to make up to him and bring him back to Green Hills. After studying, while dating, they return to Green Hills get married and Nick follows footstep to became sheriff be a better person (unaware of him also been followed by small certain blue guardian: take a hint of what I mean by it). After hearing of Bellwether case he wants to try be a cop in Zootopia to find a purpose (instead just leave Green Hills out of boredoom he wants to prove himself be better). He sympatize with Sonic more since he knows what is like to feared of what you are and been haunted by a past. I still need to work on that.
Judy Hopps as Maddie Wachowski
Maddie Personality
As a veterinarian, Maddie cares deeply about living creatures and enjoys helping them to heal. She scolds Tom not to shoot the raccoons that get into their trash with her dart gun and gets annoyed with him when she finds out he shot Sonic with it. She also shows sympathy for Sonic when she sees that his feet hurt because he wore through his sneakers. She works well under-pressure and shows emotional and intellectual maturity. She is very loving and supportive of her husband. She made him a cake to congratulate him in case he got the job he wanted in San Francisco and another cake in case he did not get it. She also tells him that since he has made sacrifices for her, she is happy to sacrifice for him.
Judy Personality
They sure have more in common aside for job. She cares for her husband since childhood despite of what happened, she even go after him to make up to him, save him from wrong path and ask for forgiveness, since she feels responsible for it, even though none of both was fault. She was born in Bunnyburrow but always visited her relatives from mothers side in Green Hills where she also first met Nick (inspired by my life, I really love to visit my relatives) She wanted to be cop but could not, but also found a passion in medicine and that is why she became vet after she moved in Green Hills with Nick (those two make a really great team, also it is nice callback from concept of Zistopia where Nick pretented to be vet). She also shows connection with Sonic and in this case has less problems with his “nudity” considering she always has to check her patients without clothes. (trust me I know what I talking about)
Again still need to work on that. I hope you help me grinding with this. For now that is all but I promise there will be more. Also think you can pictures on those description since I dont know how to do that along with your opinions? (you can use my drawing for that if you want ;-D)
And also:
Hi Guest! I’m so sorry for taking forever to get back to you on this. Hope you had a great 5th Zootopia Anniversary! I watched the movie again that day and even after 5 years, I still love that movie!!! <3 <3 <3 
But anyhoo, on to this lovely Sonic crossover!
When it comes to the setting, do you think Green Hills should actually be BunnyBurrow? Or do you want Green Hills to remain it’s own thing?
I guess I ask because the way Nick is being set up, he kind of reminds me of this one fic that Helthehatter wrote called, “Blueberries”, where it’s an alternate story of how Nick and Judy met. In that fic, Nick is a deputy in BunnyBurrow and his police partner is Finnick and Nick is pretty bored because not much happens in a small town like BunnyBurrow (that is until he meets Judy, who never became a cop before meeting him). 
I picture Nick would be something like this where he and Judy weren’t the ones who solved the Bellwether and Nighthowlers case, but Jack and Skye. And he wants to have an exciting adventure like that and be a hero, do something important, but nothing ever happens in BunnyBurrow/Green Hills. 
I could still see Judy being his partner on the force, but unlike him, she’s actually pretty content being a cop in a small town. Though, if you like the idea of her being a vet better for this then I could work with that ^^
Personality wise it shouldn’t be too hard to give the characters similar traits since they seem to have enough in common. 
Would it be okay if Judy does at least try to get Sonic to wear some clothes, it still feels like something she would do, lol! ^^” But of course, in a nice understanding way rather than in a panicky manner.
When it comes to Sonic, rather than Nick just forming a sort of best friendship with him, maybe Sonic can kind of look up to him and Judy like parents? I mean, Sonic is still a teenager and Nick and Judy are full grown adults. That way at the end, he really is joining a new family. :)
I think I like the idea of this Nick having been born in Green Hills/Bunny Burrow rather than Zootopia, because that makes his desire for a new and bigger setting more important. If he grew up in Zootopia, left it, then wants to go back to it, then it kind of takes away that feeling of wanting more.
In regards to Sonic, maybe he decided to hide not just because he’s a blue hedgehog, bust also because he’s basically walking around naked and maybe when he first showed up he walked like that in front of some old ladies and he scared them. Ever since then he decided to observe the animals from afar. It’d be a good reason too why he had a disguise too. Here not to blend in as a human, but simply to cover himself up?
I say let’s just call the Zootopia world Earth. It’s easier ^^
Not sure yet, if Sonic should’ve had an active role in the nighthowler incident, but maybe he did manage to see the fear and chaos it caused in animals via Nick and Judy’s TV and by observing animals from afar. If he did decide to help solve it though, maybe he probably just helped Jack and Skye grab the concentrated pellet and handed it to them like a blue blurr and then with that evidence in their grasp, it proved enough to arrest Bellwether and they got the credit since nobody saw him.
This is all I got so far. Does this work for you? Is there more you’d like to add or change?
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ikenbar · 3 years
A Date with Kiro: The Costume Shop
Howdy folks!
So, I’ve had the idea for dates supporting my oc, Ikamara for some time now but I wanted to go a little farther in her story before trying anything. But now we are at Chapter five so HERE WE GO!! 
I also want to use the dates to show off who would be the main fella for the next chapters!! and  SURPRISE!! Kiro will be the main for the next chapter!! :D So excited for this chapter you guys have no idea. And I’ll be able to show it off next week!! Stay tuned~ ;P
-Ike and Bar Productions
Setting: Right after the happenings of Chapter four. Ike has a weekend off so she spends it investigating some leads on the Montu case.
To understand some details about the Montu case, feel free to read Chapter one, part one of my fanfiction here! If you’re just here for the sake of a Kiro date, enjoy your stay! You don’t have to read the fanfiction to understand what is happening but it would make more sense! :D
Warnings: There are none. Unless you have a problem with tight clothing and/or cute gay moments.
Date with Kiro: Costume Shop
"Sorry, mam. Like I said before, we don’t sell that here.”
I pouted, dropping the mask in my hand slightly. I had made a goal to visit all of the costume shops in Loveland city, searching for the mask Montu had sent me, hoping to find one that had sold it. But the city only had three costume shops, and I had been through all them before ten on a Saturday.
Sensing my disappointment, the shop owner continued, “If it would make you feel better, you can have a look around. I don’t know. Maybe they took something apart from my store to make it.” I thought a moment, then nodded, shoving the mask into my messenger bag. I turned and looked around the shop. It was small but jam packed full of strange outfits and costumes. Some of which seemed to be vintage. This intrigued me.
I had barely taken one step into the store before a buzzing came from my pocket. I pulled it out and froze. 
It was Kiro.
I still hadn’t quite accepted the fact that the Kiro was now one of my frequent connections. But there he was, calling me on a Saturday like we were actual friends… at least I hoped we were. Maybe I was just a question he was trying to answer. After all, how we met left a lot to the imagination.
Without wanting to waste anymore time, I quickly answered the call.
“Speaking.” I said, as casual as I could.
“Hey Super Stranger! How are you?”
Instantly my sour mood disappeared as Kiro’s happy voice filled my ears. Kiro had given me that nickname when I had saved him from a car accident. I had my motorcycle helmet on so he couldn’t see my face very well. He had called me his hero and had given me a nickname to commemorate it. And, though the nickname was corny, it never ceased to bring butterflies to my stomach. “I’m alright.” I mused, walking further into the store as I spoke, “How are you?”
“I’m great!” Kiro sang, “Guess what?”
“... What?” I asked, my smile faltering slightly.
“I found this amazing little stand that serves the best drinks! You’ve gotta come try it!”
“What- Now?” I scoffed.
“Yeah!” Kiro sang, “I don’t know when they are closing so it has to be now!”
“I’m a little busy with work.” I said, pulling at various costumes from their racks, “I don’t think I’d be able to leave it so easily.”
“You work on the weekends?” Kiro laughed slightly.
“Well superheroing isn’t really a part time gig!”
“But even superheroes need breaks!”
“Yeah, well, crime never rests.”
“But they make an amazing hot chocolate! They add espresso for extra flavor!”
The mention of coffee instantly changed my attitude.
“What do you say? Just one drink!” Kiro’s pleas increasingly became higher pitched, as if he was a child promising to do chores for a piece of candy. 
Before I could say another word, a scream came from Kiro’s end of the phone. “Oh no.” Kiro whispered with dread on his tongue, “I’ve been spotted! I’ll text you the address and you can just meet me here!”
“Are you sure that’s a good-”
“No time to talk!” Kiro hurriedly said, “Gotta go! Later Stranger!” And with that, he hung up the phone. I looked down at the phone, shaking my head uselessly at it. Despite the disapproval I felt, a smile still crept it’s way up my lips. There was no way of saying no to that man.
 With new found motivation, I searched the variety of costumes for anything pertaining to Montu. Without realizing it, I had begun looking through the superhero suits. As I scanned the clothes, I pulled out a particularly familiar looking costume. My foster brother, Sam, and I used to watch old cartoons from CDs that our foster father kept in his attic. There were a thousand collections to pick from but one cartoon in particular truly piqued our interest. 
Boot Fever. 
It was about a group of superheroes that fought villains who tried taking over their already crumbling city. It was a very old show with a very old premise but, man did Sam and I eat it up. From the characters to the animation to even the terrible voice acting, we watched that show late into the night. I may not have had great memories of my childhood, but those memories are ones I would take to my grave. 
I thought the show had long been forgotten but there I was, holding the main protagonist’s outfit. Her name was Red Sparrow. Her super power was to be able to transform her body into anything she thought of.  Sam compared her to me all the time. Though the only point he could connect us to was the fact she was strong. Because, other than that, we were complete opposites. She was very dramatic and in tune with her emotions. Not to mention her suit was extremely form fitting. And, at the time, the tightest thing in my closet was my yoga pants. Even then they would be paired with an oversized sweatshirt and a flannel around my waist.
Past all of that, I loved the fact that she wore a full face mask. It resembled the face of the bird she was named after and, though the design was simple, made her character a big hit in her time. Women's appearances in shows in that time were based solely on how revealing they were. Red sparrow seemed to take that and turn it on it’s head. Her jumpsuit completely covered her whole body, hiding her identity completely.
I plucked off the mask from the top hanger and turned it over in my hands. No one would know it was her unless they took it off. She was a mystery. I longed to be that mystery ever since I was a kid-
A loud bang came from the front door. I ducked behind the clothes rack, immediately bracing for a fight. Instead, I was met with the sound of someone panting heavily. “Welcome in, sir.” The owner of the shop said sarcastically, “Is there something I can help you find?” Curiosity overlapping my shock, I peered around the rack. 
There, weakly leaning on the door, was Kiro. He had his eyes closed as he gasped for air. He was in his usual disguise of sunglasses and a black hoodie, but the hoodie’s armpits looked to be drenched in sweat as his sunglasses slid down his equally wet face.
I quickly sunk back behind the rack, frozen in fear. Kiro can’t be here! I screamed in my head, If he tried talking to me he’d know I was Super Stranger! Then I would only disappoint him by being some lowly tv show producer with no regard for feelings! Not to mention, holding a scantily clad costume of an old tv show. I have to act fast.
Looking down at the mask in my hand, a stupid plan came to mind. Not having the time to second guess it, I quickly threw the mask on and pulled the rest of the costume off of it’s hanger. I hurried to the dressing room and pulled the curtain shut, praying that Kiro didn’t notice me go in there. I quickly started stripping down, folding my clothes and shoving them into my messenger bag as I moved. 
As I changed, I heard some screaming coming from outside of the small shop.
“I saw him go this way!”
“Quick! Don’t let him go too far!”
Some rustling came from inside the store as Kiro’s familiar voice traveled the air, “Sir, I need a place to hide! Please! Help me!”
I had never heard Kiro so desperate. Half of me wanted to jump out of the dressing room right then to help him. The other half would rather finish getting dressed first. 
The latter won.
 I pulled on the skin tight suit, regretting it instantly as it squeaked over my skin and tugged at my unshaven leg hairs. 
“I don’t know, sir.” the shopkeeper droned, “That sounds rather suspicious to me.”
“I’ll give you my autograph.”
“There is a dressing room over there you can hide in.” The shopkeeper spoke quickly and excitedly. I cursed in a whisper as I picked up my pace. After a moment of pause, quick steps approached my hiding spot. With one last zip of my costume, thankfully from the front, the curtain to the room shot open. Kiro hadn’t looked at me yet, still focused on the door where the screaming had only further increased. But, once he had, his face went completely red. 
“I-I’m so sorry!” Kiro stammered, eyes darting straight to the ceiling, “I didn’t know this room was occupied!” A loud bang came from the store’s door again. Without lingering on the awkwardness anymore, I grabbed Kiro’s arm and pulled him into the room. I pushed him into the corner and held a finger to the mask’s beak. Still bushing wildly, Kiro nodded, holding his eyes on my mask all too securely. 
High pitched voices rang through the store as they searched the shop. Some of them were questioning the shopkeeper. Others were whining about how small the store was. The sound of metal scraping against metal chimed in the mess of sounds as the girls started searching the clothing racks for him. Soon the interrogating and complaints turned even more sour as they slowly came up with nothing.
Just as I thought we were in the clear, a shadow appeared under the dressing room curtain. “Hey!” A particularly annoying voice called, “Is there anyone in there?!” I froze. Kiro couldn’t answer. He was the person they were looking for! But I couldn’t answer either because Kiro would know I was Super Stranger!
“Hello?!” The girl impatiently called. I felt Kiro’s eyes on me. 
I sighed.
“Occupied.” I resolutely boomed. The shadow flickered.
“S-sorry!” She said, obviously startled by my voice. The shadow quickly disappeared. Avoiding Kiro’s eyes, I walked over to the curtain and peered out of the room, just in time to watch all the girls leave the store. I sighed once again and straightened myself, letting the curtain fall back into place.
“You should be safe now.” I said, turning back to face Kiro. He was staring at me wide eyed and mouth agape. His face had significantly returned to it’s normal hue, if not for a slight blush on his cheeks.
“S-Super Stranger?!” He scoffed, finally letting his eyes stray from my face and to my body. I folded my arms and popped my hip.
“Eyes up here, chief.” I deadpanned, signalling for him to adjust his gaze. He did so, his blush rushing back through his face.
“Sorry!” He chuckled nervously, pulling his eyes from me completely, “I just never thought you’d have such a…”
“... Such a love for such an old show! I mean, how old do you have to be to know who Red Sparrow is?!”
“Apparently not old at all.” I walked over to Kiro and tilted my head so our eyes met, “Suggesting that the twenty-three year old Kiro knows about it.” Kiro tensed. Then he laughed, releasing some of the obvious tension that rode on his shoulders. He looked at me adoringly through the mask.
“I can’t believe it, Super Stranger! You saved me again!” Kiro raised his arms. I held a hand out.
“They were just some fangirls.” I insisted, pushing Kiro backward, “No big deal.”
“Of course it’s a big deal! Who knows what they would have done if they caught me! Let me make it up to you.”
“That isn’t necessary.”
“Come on it’s the least I can do! Hey! That drink stand I was telling you about isn’t too far from here! Let’s go there!”
“And how do you expect to get out of here with those girls looking for you?” I asked, folding my arms again. Kiro’s eyes flickered back to my body. Then, a strange emotion sparked in his eyes as he let them linger there.
“I just need a new disguise!” He said rubbing his hands together. I slowly looked down at my outfit.
“... If you think you’re getting this-”
“No, this shop is full of costumes! I wonder…” Kiro walked past me, being careful not to touch me. He paused at the curtain, checking that the coast was clear, then he moved out of the room. I had only been alone for a couple of minutes until Kiro had returned, costume in hand. I froze.
In his hands was the costume of Complex Cell, the sidekick to Red Sparrow. He could duplicate himself up to a thousand times and not break a sweat, easily confusing the enemy long enough to take them down. He also just so happened to be Red Sparrow’s love interest. 
“What are you doing?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
“What do you mean, Sparrow?!” Kiro beamed.
“I can pay, Kiro.”
“Who is this Kiro?!” Kiro boomed, handing the shop owner his card, “For I am COMPLEX CELL!!” I rolled my eyes. The moment Kiro had put on the costume it was like he had completely disappeared, only to be replaced by Complex Cell. The overly confident, motivating, annoyingly positive sidekick of a superhero… so in reality not much had changed other than how he spoke, which was cute at first but it got boring quick.
“Come, dear Sparrow!” Kiro laced his arm into mine, “Hot chocolate awAITS US!!” He took his card and skipped out of the store, pulling me closely behind him. 
The moment I stepped out of the store, I immediately felt the eyes of the world on me. I may have been comfortable with my body but I had never been that exposed before. I normally would be wearing at least a jacket but now… 
“Hey.” Kiro tugged on my arm, “You ok, Sparrow?”
“I’m not Red Sparrow.” I said through my teeth, “Do you realize how much we stand out?! Everyone’s staring!”
“The sidewalk is practically empty.”
“Emphasis on practically.”
“Stranger,” Kiro laughed and tapped my arm lightly, “You’ve got nothing to worry about. Remember, you’re not the only one dressed up like this! I’ve got your back! Besides, you look amazing!”
My heart leaped through my throat, “... You really think so?”
“Of course!” Kiro looked down at me. His mask only covered the top half of his face, exposing his glistening smile, “I’m disappointed more people aren’t looking! More people need to see how amazing you look!” I elbowed Kiro in the side but still felt the uneasiness lift from my shoulders. There was nothing Kiro would say that could make me hate him.
“Red Sparrow!?”
Kiro halted in his steps and spun around. A small child smiled brightly at Kiro and me. She was tugging at her father’s jacket, pointing at us excitedly. “Dad! Dad, look!! It’s Red Sparrow and Complex Cell!” Kiro released my arm and struted confidently towards the kid.
“Hello, dear child!” Kiro boomed, , smiling brightly and laughing dramatically as he knelt to the little girl’s eye level, “I see you have spotted Sparrow and I! But I am very surprised that someone as pretty as you could know about us!”
“I watched you guys win battles with my mom!” The girl giggled, blushing at Kiro’s shining face, “I really like how you guys save the day! Everyday! I especially like Red Sparrow.” The girl looked hopefully up to me, “She’s my favorite!” 
“Well today is your lucky day!” Kiro turned to look at me as well, smile somehow brighter than before, “Isn’t it, Sparrow??” I looked between the two of them, frozen in place. I know what Kiro wants. He wants Red Sparrow. But I'm not Red Sparrow! I’m Ike. The horrible, cold, distant-
A sparkle flashed across the little girl’s eyes. A sparkle I was all too familiar with…
I sighed.
“My dear adventurer!!” My voice jumped to action as I threw my hands in the air and cat-walked over to the girl, “I am honored to be considered your favorite superhero! Pray tell, just how are you doing this fine day?” I knelt down next to Kiro and posed for the girl. Her face lit up beautifully, smiling brighter than even Kiro. Before I could say anymore, she ran into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly and nearly tipping me over. I kept my arms out, looking to Kiro for any kind of help he could give me. He merely grinned, flashing me with adoring eyes. I frowned uselessly at him. He was no help. 
I patted the little girl softly on her back, “M-My! You startled me.” I awkwardly said in Sparrow’s voice, “What’s this for?”
“Last year, my mommy died.” The little girl’s whisper stunned me even further, “She was sick and spent a lot of time in her bed. But we would still spend time together to watch you save the day! She said that she liked you because it didn’t matter what happened to you. You would always make sure the bad guys would lose. And that’s why you’re my favorite! Because you were my mom’s favorite!”
Anything I wanted to say was blocked by a lump forming in my throat. Tidal waves of emotions crashed through my heart as the girl’s grip remained tight around my neck. I may not have had that kind of experience before, nor did I want to experience it, but hearing it come from such a small voice made me feel so bad for her. Like I was next to her on that bed and watching those shows with her mom. The only person I watched those kinds of shows with was Sam and if I were to lose him…
I wrapped my arms around the little girl, pulling her closely to me as I cradled her. “You and your mother have quite an amazing taste.” I said, heroic voice faltering slightly, “But, you should know one thing. I am only a hero because you allow me to be one.” The little girl pulled away from me.
“What do you mean?” She asked, her big eyes filled with curiosity. I smiled lightly and moved my hands so I was holding her arms.
“I am only a hero to protect people like you! Without you, I would be nothing.” I tilted my head and winked at the girl through my mask. The girl shook her head and pushed my hands down. 
“That’s not true.” She smiled, “You don’t need someone watching you to do the right thing! You should be able to do it because you know it’s right! That’s what my mom always said!” My finger twitched. Without a moment to waste, the girl turned to her father.
“Daddy! Daddy! Can you take a picture of us!!”
The girl and her father walked joyfully away, leaving Kiro and me in silence. A hand rubbed my back. “You alright, Stranger?” Kiro asked, finally dropping his hero facade. 
“... How can a girl that young be so smart?” I asked softly, folding my arms and adjusting my posture to one that better suited me instead of Red Sparrow. Kiro laughed.
“You know, I was thinking the same thing!” He said through a chuckle, “I guess it’s true that wisdom comes from experience.” Kiro’s words left us in another meaningful silence.
“... She reminds me of my foster brother.” I said, my voice trailing slightly. Kiro’s head snapped to me in my peripherals. 
“You… were a foster kid?” Kiro asked, tone shifting dramatically.
“We used to watch Boot Fever all the time when we were growing up.” I continued, ignoring Kiro’s question, “He would dress up and pop popcorn because he was so excited to watch it with me.”  I turned and caught Kiro’s sparkling eyes. I rolled my own and shoved him from me. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” I deadpanned. 
“Stranger!” He said, closing the distance between us again with open arms, “You’re opening up!” 
“Yeah, yeah.” I mused, looking round the area we were standing in, “Where is this drink stand you have been raving about?”
“Oh!” Kiro quickly grabbed my hand and pointed behind me. A cute, wooden, mobile drink stand  sat on the other side of the street. Steam wafted up from a false chimney, gracing the cool air with the soft smell of caramel and cinnamon. Two people stood in line for the drinks, but other than that the street was nearly empty. “Luckily for us, those girls didn’t see me at the stand.” Kiro excitedly said into my ear, “And there is no line! Let’s go!” Kiro pushed against my back. I quickly swatted him away and started walking to the stand on my own. Kiro quickly followed, clapping his hands together like an eager child.
The couple at the stand left with their drinks, leaving room for Kiro and me to walk up. The woman manning the stand looked me up and down. A charming smile flashed on her lips. “Red Sparrow?” She asked, leaning on the counter and arching an eyebrow.
“Barista?” I asked, folding my arms again. She laughed and stood up straight.
“No need to get defensive, Red.” The barista said, “You look good!” A sharp blush struck my cheeks. Arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards and into a chest.
“I know, right?!” Kiro giddily chimed, rubbing his head into my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and flicked Kiro’s forehead. He whined and pulled away from me to rub his head. The barista chuckled and turned to her drinks.
“So, what will it be, heroes?” She asked, avoiding any more eye contact with me. I looked at the menus on the side of the stand, then at Kiro.
“... I’ll have an iced caramel macchiato, subed with white chocolate mocha, coconut milk, and a mocha drizzle.”
Kiro and the barista looked at me in shocked silence. I turned calmly to Kiro. “Anything you’d like to add, Cap?” I asked Kiro casually. His look of astonishment never faltered.
“...You really drink that kind of drink?” He asked with a laugh.
“Oh not at all.” I tactlessly chimed, casually looking at the tip of my gloves, “I just told you I was a foster child. I’ve got to throw you off my scent before you figure out my secret identity.”
“Oh a drink order won’t throw me off!” Kiro laughed and casually approached me, “Just you wait! I’ll figure your identity out and we can be heroes together!... Speaking of which,” Kiro leaned forward, eyes shining beautifully, “Did you ever come up with a superhero name for me like you promised?”
I didn’t know if it was how close he was standing to me, the soft aroma of romantic scents, or the fact that he fit into that superhero costume so well, but every word I wanted to say got caught in my throat. All I could do was look him in the eyes. Eyes so gorgeously blue, I could swim in them…
“Hey, Red.”
I snapped to and looked over at the barista. She shook the iced drink in her hand. “You gonna pay for this or make me stand here holding it in the middle of fall?” She asked, tone dripping in annoyance. I cleared my throat and nodded, taking the drink from her. 
“As for you, Captain.” I said, regaining my composure as I turned back to Kiro, “Your hero name is one of importance. I will tell you what it is in due time.”
“So in other words, you don’t have one yet.” Kiro sighed, pouting slightly.
“I do too!” I huffed, stepping away from the stand and gesturing to Kiro to follow, “I’m just not going to expose it in a place where everyone is listening!” Kiro laughed and pulled me into a firm side hug.
“Alright Stranger, I’ll let you off this once.” He sighed, pulling me down the street with me by his side, “So what are you up to for the rest of the day! Are you free to hang out?”
“Me?” I scoffed, brushing off Kiro’s hand from my shoulder, “What about you? Does Savin even know you’re out here?”
“Today’s my day off! Which means I’m all yours!... if you’ll have me?” Kiro’s eyes sparkled like diamonds as he awaited my answer. My hand drifted to my messenger bag where a lump graced my fingertips. I dedicated the whole day to finding anything I could about Montu… but I suppose the costume shops were a bust, and I had no other leads to follow… 
“... Where to first?” I asked, adjusting the messenger bag on my shoulder. Kiro beamed and laced his arm in mine. With that, we had continued our walk down the street, starting a meaningless conversation and going nowhere in particular. And, for the first time in a while, 
I was alright with having no where to go.
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dazed--xx · 4 years
REQUEST: *Hi see you mentioned about story requests. I'm having a hard time since I'm currently pregnant and my partner walked out on me, so could you do one when Jungkook where I meet Jungkook and he helps me raise the baby please*
Summary:  “I'm pregnant Jungkook.” the line goes dead silent “look before you say anything, no I wasn’t hiding this from you and I completely understand if you don’t want to talk to me shit I wouldn’t want to talk to me and move on to someone who is not pregnant and going to be having this type of responsibilities-” “Y/N-”
GENRE: Mild-Angst, Fluff
Member: Jungkook x Pregnant!reader
Word count: 2,132 
A/N: so this is literally my first fanfic ever and i hope you guys like it. and to the person that requested this I wanted to tag you because i did post it but i didnt want to kind of call you out online especially since this was based on something you have personally happening to you, trust me pregnancy is scary let alone having to go it alone so if you need someone to talk to im here btw.. but hopefully you guys like this it was pretty good i wanna post a couple of requests a day since i banged this out as quickly as i did im taking more requests just inbox me or go to my ask let me know if you want your name attached to the request and i will send everyone that i know requested a specific story i will tag and send it to you so you know it is done but without further ado ALONE
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“Where are you going? Do you really expect me to do this alone?” I shouted to the already abandoned house. A swell in my throat rises and I can't breathe. My body shakes as the tears take over. I fall to my knees running my hand over my stomach. “Don’t you worry baby; Daddy will be back he loves you I promise” I say to the life growing within my womb. 
The warmth from the comforter consumes me as I awaken with dried tears in my eyes. My heart aches as I remember the events from the past 12 hours. The thick silence takes hold of my heart and it begins racing. My heart beat sounding as if it is being played on a speaker the size of a skyscraper. Feeling the bile rise in my throat, rushing to the bathroom, I empty out the contents of my stomach. Tears escape my eyes as I reach out to the void. I'm alone truly.  
My first OBGYN appointment rolls around and my heart is in my stomach. The nurse escorts me in, slowly my feet turn into lead as I drag myself onto the cot in the room and lay back facing the monitor. Once I feel that cool gel upon my stomach, my heart settles and the most beautiful BUMP BUMP BUMP is heard throughout the room. My eyes focus on the image in front of me. “well congrats sweetie you're about 10 weeks, Due September 27. Remember no stress and make sure to take your prenatal. We’ll see you next week” My ultrasound technician announces excitedly. I smile anxious as to what I should do next.  
I make my way to a small café after my appointment wanting a small tea to calm my nerves. Looking around the coffee shop I notice quite the crowd and my panic begins to set in. It feels like I can't breathe while the crowds begin to grow as the café reaches the brink of rush. More and More people pour through the door as my anxiety takes over and I feel the bile rising again, I abandon my spot in line trying to make it to the restroom before I release the contents of my stomach all over the café floor. The restroom door becomes the only thing in sight to me as I dash for it. I reach for the handle and the door opens and I slam into a hard chest and soon I am on the floor.
“HOLY CRAP!!! IM SO SORRY I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION” A angelic voice apologized above me. My eyes drift from the floor up to see the most amazing man I've ever seen in my life with his hand out and my voice gets caught in my throat. I stare at him for a while capturing every detail of his face and take his hand. I nod quickly and mutter a fast “Sorry” and dash around the beautiful man and lose myself behind the safety of the door. I was dreading walking back out into the craziness of the café, but excited to see if I could once again get a glimpse of the gorgeous man from before.  
Soon I am back in line and order my tea, when a familiar voice sounds from next to me “You know.... you should let me pay you back for your drink you know...since I hurt you” Shocked I turn my head to see the same beautiful man from before. “Oh, please don’t worry about it I really wasn’t paying attention either it's not a big deal” I smile shyly. “Besides I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than to buy a stranger a drink” He laughs “Honestly, Beautiful, I don’t really have anything to do with my time that doesn’t involve getting to know you” Heat creeps up to my face and I lower my gaze and smile. “I don’t need you to pay me back for my tea for you to be able to get to know me, but unfortunately I gotta go” I say slowly moving past him. “At least let me get your number...please” He asked “You don’t even know my name and you want my number?” “Hey I know what I want and I feel like me knowing your name won't matter much cause I probably won't be calling you anything other than mine” I let out a small giggle “ that was super corny but since you're trying so hard give me your phone” I put my number in his phone and hand it back to him and walk toward the door “By the way my name is Y/N” as I make my exit I hear him shout back “Jungkook!”  
As the weeks pass, I find myself talking more and more to Jungkook. He still hasn’t stopped flirted with me as much as he did that day in the café but we talk everyday about almost everything and I can't help but feel scared to tell him I am having a baby. What would he say? Will he not want to talk to me anymore? Would he not like me as much? A loud RING pulls me out of my thoughts as my phone lights up with Jungkook's name and photo comes up on my screen.  
“Hey, what's up cutie?” He says excitedly  
“Not much, just lying in bed not feeling too good today” I respond pouty  
“Aw, do you need anything? Medicine? I can bring you soup it'll make you feel better I know you said you went out with your friend last night are you hungover?” The worry evident in his voice.
“Um honestly no um I can't drink so I'm definitely not hungover just different I know what it is though I'll be fine” the nervousness in my voice is evident
“what's wrong then beautiful? Is everything okay?” Oh no... not that question. He’s worried and I know he is but I don’t know what to say. I can't stop it the words just rush out of my mouth like the bile I throw up every morning  
“I'm pregnant Jungkook....I'm 14 weeks pregnant” the line goes dead silent “look before you say anything, no I wasn’t hiding this from you and I completely understand if you don’t want to talk to me shit I wouldn’t want to talk to me and move on to someone who is not pregnant and going to be having this type of responsibilities-” “Y/N-” No listen Kookie cause I really like you and I didn’t mean to keep this from you I was just scared that you would hate me” “Y/N-” “I mean I know you just met me a couple weeks ago and it wouldn’t mean much for you to just walk away from this because let's be honest who wants to deal with that-” “Y/N! JUST STOP AND LISTEN PLEASE!” The words stop flowing as quickly as they began.
“Do you think id stop liking you because of the simple fact that you're pregnant, I mean yeah it does suck that you're going to have someone else's baby but I don’t care about that... WAIT! Is that why your ex left?” I stay silent
“Baby....are you there?” He asks worried.
“Baby girl???”  
“Beautiful are you okay? Hello?”
I sniffle “Yeah I’m here sorry” my voice cracks at every word.
“Baby are you crying? Do you need me to get you anything?”  
“No, I'm fine I promise I'm going to go to bed okay? Goodnight handsome I'll talk to you in the morning” “wait what no I'm com-” I cut him off to end the already overwhelming call. My vision blurs as the tears cascade down my face and I let out a harsh sob. I was scared for nothing or he's just too optimistic. A loud knock on the door grabs my attention.  
“who is it?” fear leaking out in my tone. “Baby it's me open up” I hear Jungkook's melodic voice through the door. Quickly I swing the door open to be greeted with the man I've grown so accustomed to in the past few weeks. Taking in the sight of him my heart begins to race as the tears began to no longer form. He reaches his arms around me and pulls me against him. “Baby girl, why didn’t you tell me sooner? You really thought that would make me just leave. How could I do that when in the past few weeks, you’ve stolen my heart” He looks at me and there's a hunger in his eyes as they shift down to my lips. “aww fuck it” he exclaims as his lips capture mine. His arms wrap around my waits as my hands get lost in his soft midnight hair. After a while he pulls away and a small whimper is released from my mouth. “Do you know HOW long I've wanted to do that” he exclaims excitedly with a smile plastered across his face.
After that night Jungkook never left my side, everything I craved he got, Anytime I felt nauseous Jungkook was there.  It became routine with him his calls became more frequent on days he knew I had appointments and he went to every ultrasound. His excitement for my baby was shown one day when I came home from work and my whole apartment was filled top to bottom with diapers bottles and wipes. Jungkook was still too nervous to buy much because he felt he was taking part of the experience from me and the fact that we still don’t know what the baby is yet. As the date rolls around to the appointment it's all Jungkook can talk about. He wants a girl every five seconds he reminds me it's always “Baby do you think the princess will like me? I mean I want her to know I care and that I love you” which is why he was so heartbroken when he could not make it to the gender reveal appointment because of a last-minute practice session. “Please promise to call me right after you find out okay baby?” He begs sadly before he left for the morning.  
After the appointment my heart swelled with joy as I turned into my driveway to see Jungkook's car sitting there. As soon as I unlocked the door, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and feel kisses peppered up my neck “Hey, Baby how did your appointment go? How are you feeling?” he says in-between kisses. A blush creeps up onto my face “Yeah, it went great baby is a growing good and healthy, so I have to tell you something” I state biting my bottom lip and looking toward the ground.
“Oh god what's wrong? Is our princess okay?” his use of the word our makes my heart skip a beat “OUR? And the baby is fine....” I look at him pointedly and his hand runs through his hair as his face turns beet red as he slowly stutters out “I mean....um... I'm sorry I didn’t mean to just assume that you wanted me involved but it's so hard not to be when I'm so in love with you that I don’t care if I wasn’t the one that got you pregnant that’s my baby and you’re my girl so yeah our.... so, what is you have to tell me?” I kiss him softly at his words. I beam at him “You're literally so amazing I can't believe you would even consider any of this I know it's a lot to ask for someone to be involved with someone who is pregnant and all I appreciate it baby BUT unfortunately it's not a princess we got blessed with, handsome” as I put his hand on my stomach and his face twists into confusion “what do you-WAIT! IT’S A BOY? FORREAL? IT’S A BOY?” the smile cannot be contained on his face as he comes to the realization.
"Yes, it’s a boy” I state as Jungkook lifts and twirls me around I laugh.
Jungkook happily exclaims “Oh my god, I'm gonna have a son.” Jungkook drops to his knees and places his hand on my stomach and softly speaks “Hey handsome, its daddy, no I'm not your real daddy baby but I'm going to love you and your mommy like I am. I can't imagine a world without you I can't wait to meet you”
I stand there smiling knowing.......Jungkook won’t ever leave me alone  
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Four: Top Of The Food Chain. (Dog Dean Afternoon S09E05)
Episode Summary: While investigating two bizarre murders, Y/N and the boys realize there is an eyewitness to both gruesome deaths–a German Shepard. Anxious to find out what monsters they are dealing with, the three look up a spell that can help communicate with the dog. When Dean decides to be the one to perform the spell, he quickly realizes it comes with side effects no one saw coming. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader  Word Count: 3,629.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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It’s sort of funny how things seem to work out on their own. Chef Leo presumed you and the other man who discovered you only moments later were the only ones here. It took almost no effort at all to drag you both back into the kitchen. You laid on the floor and your friend tied up somewhere in the corner where Leo could keep an eye on him whenever he decided to come back into consciousness. He decided to dispose of the man later. Right now all he cared about was carving you open like a Thanksgiving turkey.
Years of culinary training and working in the restaurant industry taught Leo how to get creative when it came to cooking unusual animal organs. Most of them weren't half bad if he was being honest with himself. Where the trouble came up was trying to find them. What Leo couldn't get in the local shelter or in the scraps of the taxidermist was bought on another source. The internet was a marvelous place to find even the rarest of animal organs he couldn't locally source. However what Leo was about to do was a step he thought he would never take after discovering what he did. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Human flesh wasn't something a sane individual thought about taking a bite of. The thought of it alone should be revolting. But there was a slight morbid curiosity as to what it really tasted like. He heard a few reports from cannibals over the years of what long pig tasted like to them. Every answer was different. Some thought it was similar to beef, others claimed it was exactly like pork. More suggested it was tough and close to veal. Leo was about to find out for himself when he carved your heart out of your chest. Whatever it was going to be, he could get past the taste if it meant he was able to possess the abilities you were capable of. Healing powers? It could solve his problems and more. He could live on. Maybe he could become immortal.
A shift in the smell caused Leo to momentarily stop sharpening his knife and pause. He sniffed a few times only to grimace at the unpleasant stench. "Why does it smell like dog in here?" He asked himself. Turning around, he found the source in another stranger trying to disrupt his plans and yet another loaded gun pointed in his direction. "That smell's coming from you." 
Dean pulled the trigger without thinking twice about it when he had the man in his range, but not taking into conversation what Chef Leo had taken prior. Cheetahs were the fastest animals in the world. The liver he ate was enough to give him the momentum to lean out of fire and grab a meat cleaver that was near him. All though his aim was off, it was enough of a startling distraction for Leo to get the upper hand when Dean was momentarily caught off guard. The gun Dean was holding only seconds ago was knocked out of his hand as he found himself stumbling to his knees after Leo was able to punch him. The man was moving faster than the hunter was able to keep up with.
Leo grabbed a cord he found lying around and grabbed it. He quickly placed it around Dean's neck and pinned him against the pillar, momentarily cutting off his air supply. “All dogs should be leashed.” He mocked the hunter. 
Dean struggled to overpower Leo when he took the cord off his neck and used it to lie his hands behind his back. The older Winchester was able to see his brother had landed himself in the same predicament. But a sense of panic washed over him when he saw that you were across the kitchen lying on your backside and not moving a single inch. For a moment he thought you might already be dead. He could smell the blood in the air, making him fear the worst. 
“What did you do to them?” Dean questioned the man. “What did you do to my brother?
"Your brother? Huh. There's nothing special about him that I could tell, at least. But your friend? I gotta ask, what were your parents smoking when they had you?" Leo asked the man, cracking a smile when Dean answered with a deathly glare. "They're fine. They're just taking a little cat nap before dinner. I've never had human heart before. Heard it's a bit chewy. Good job I'm not a fussy eater."
Dean found something off about the man when we got close enough to him, a smell lingered off that didn't seem right. While Leo got back up to his feet and to sharpen his knife again, the older WInchester told the man about something he might not have known yet. "You're sick."
Leo chuckled to himself at the observation, “Been told that once or twice.”
"No, no. Not in the head. Well, you are that, too." Dean agreed with that part, considering the steps Leo had done in order to gather his unusual ingredients. "But I mean sick like cancer."
"Well, I guess dogs really can sniff it out." Leo muttered to himself. He set down the knife back to the counter and turned around to face the man once more, knowing it was useless to hide his secret from the one person who could simply smell it on him. "Stage four carcinoma." 
"Huh. So that's what you're doing." Dean said. He watched as Leo walked over to a shelf and began inspecting ingredients that might pair well with a human heart. It didn't stop the hunter from pressuring further into the reason behind why the drastic desire to feast on animal organs for their abilities. "What happened? Draw the short straw, decide to break bad?"
"See, when I was diagnosed, I was way past standard treatment. No one could save me." Leo told the story about his discoveries you stumbled upon earlier tonight and the trick to beating cancer, even for a short time. Dean used the opportunity to try and cut through the wires by rubbing them up and down the corner of the wall as Leo continued to stand with his backside to the man. "But then with the help of a Pawnee shaman and a zoo membership, I found a cure, albeit a temporary one. Cancer always comes back."
"You start experimenting with different organs, huh?" Dean took a wild guess at how all of this played out and ended with him here. "Traded in the single serving for a combo platter."
"Well, what can I say? Combination therapy works." Leo said. "I felt stronger, and the effects lasted longer."
"And if you smoke a few innocent people in the process, well, hell, at least you felt better." Dean pretended to agree with the man about his selfish decisions that cost the lives of two people. 
"Well, I didn't mean to kill anyone—at first. But if people got in my way, they became collateral damage." Leo tried to sound innocent, until his own narcissism crept through into his tone at the power he held over others. He’d been too blinded by his own selfishness to stay alive; he dismissed the consequences that might be inflicted on others to get what he wanted. And in that newley large head of his, all of it was perfectly fine at the end of it all if it meant he got what he wanted. "Guess you eat enough predators, you start to become one. You are what you eat, right?”
Leo chuckled to himself at the corny joke and went back to prepping the ingredients. Dean worked faster to try and cut himself free before something bad happened. He continued talking, trying to distract the man so he could make his escape. "And you really think the power you hold over people's lives can make up for what you lack in your own?"
Dean always had a knack for getting under people's skin by saying things exactly what they didn't want to hear. Leo was a selfish bastard who did anything to keep himself alive. The man dropped the knife he was using to the cutting board and turned around to face the hunter. A sour look crossed the chef's face, the kind Dean was all too familiar with. "So, dog boy, what do I need to eat to take you down, huh?"
Leo headed over to his personal stash of animal organs he kept conveniently in a cooler. He crouched down and began searching for the perfect ingredients to end the man’s life. "You don't want to do this." Dean warned him. 
“Oh, but I do want to do this. See, I’m gonna kill you and your brother, work up a nice appetite, and then I’m gonna eat your friend.” Leo said. He laughed quietly to himself when he saw Dean quickly look over at his brother and to you. “I mean, I don’t know what the hell she is, but with healing powers like that, who cares? He could cure me.” Leo examined a few more containers before finding the one that felt perfect. The label on the clear container read wolf heart. “Dog on sort-of dog.”
Dean worked even faster when the man took out the wolf’s heart and began the familiar chant to the spell. He managed to cut through the cord in record time and jumped back up to his feet, grabbing the cleaver that was thrown at him earlier. Dean attempted to attack the man when he was distracted, but Leo managed to dodge, causing the hunter to drop the knife to the ground. Dean roughly shoved the other man to the ground, sparing him a few seconds as he quickly looked around to see if he might be able to find another weapon. Only when he looked to the chef he realized the spell had worked quickly when the man bared sharp canine teeth. 
Dean didn’t waste a second bolting out of the kitchen and through the hall, trying to distance himself from the psychopath before he could get himself or anyone else hurt. He found himself back outside with seconds to figure out how to take Leo down for good. A thought crossed his mind when the back door swung open. 
“Sorry.” Leo taunted the man. “Wolf trumps dog.” 
“Maybe.” Dean said. “But not a whole pack.” 
The good karma Dean had given to the dogs at the shetler was about to be returned in full. He whistled loud enough for the Colonel to come running only seconds later, along with all the others he freed earlier. When Leo realized the mutts were coming towards his direction, a panic set through him as he tried to find an escape. He tried to open the back door in which he came out with no success. The man was cornered with nowhere to go except to suffer the fate of his consequences. Dean watched on for a moment as the man was ripped apart by the mutts, his screams of pain fell on deaf ears. And when he knew for sure all of this was taken care of, Dean rushed back inside the restaurant, wanting to make sure you and his brother were all right. 
Dean tried not to panic when he saw the copious amount of dried blood on your neck and clothing with not a single scratch on your body. He crouched down to your level and tried to get you to wake up when he felt a pulse. You remained unconscious even when he cradled your head into his hands and moved you around slightly. 
“For the love of God, Y/N. Hey, sweetheart.” Dean could hear his voice tremor when you didn’t even flinch. He tried to somehow reach the angel that was quietly possessing your body, but all he got was nothing. You remained as you were. Dean began to softly slap your cheek to try and get you to come back around. “Hey. Come on.” He almost begged for you to snap out of it, not stopping until you opened your eyes. “Don’t make me lick your damn face.” 
Dean started shaking your entire body in a desperate attempt until he finally heard the sweet sound of you gasping for breath. You slowly opened your eyes as you started coming back into consciousness. A blurry sight of a worried Dean was the first thing you were greeted with. In true fashion, you weren’t sure what was going on, but the question that fell out of your mouth was about the well being of Sam when you didn’t see him. Dean couldn’t help the smile that crept on his lips as he helped you up from the ground and the both of you tended to his brother.
+ + + 
You always wanted to have a dog growing up. You even thought about getting one when you lived on your own, it might have made the loneliness a little easier. If the Colonel had somehow landed in your lap years ago before you started hunting you would have jumped on the chance to give him a good home. Dean's ability to read his mind had given him extra points for the attachment you had grown on him. But with the lifestyle you lead it would have been impossible. And you couldn't bear the thought of bringing him back to the pound. So, you thought of the next best thing. A couple of hippies who probably loved animals more than themselves.
“When you called us about adopting him, we couldn’t believe it.” Dylan made no effort to hide the smile on his face at the German Shepherd who was currently being overwhelmed with love from his wife, Olivia. 
“Aren’t you the sweetest?” She cooed at the dog.
“Ugh.” The Colonel grimaced as he tried to turn his head away from the lady. Dean chuckled to himself at the thoughts only he could hear. “Back off, tofu-breath.” 
“Oh, you must be starving.” Olivia said. “Lucky for you, I baked some vegan doggy cupcakes.” 
She jumped to her feet and went with her husband to the back of the kitchen to fetch those treats. You smiled to yourself at how happy they seemed. You looked down in the direction of the Colonel when you decided it was time for you and Dean to say your final goodbyes. All though you might not have been able to speak a single word to the mutt, there was a soft spot in your heart for him. It was those damn puppy dog eyes that won you over. 
“I’m gonna be pooping wheatgrass with these two.” The Colonel said.
“Look, I know they’re hippie freaks, but they’re gonna give you a good home—one that you deserve.” Dean reassured the dog about the future for him. He crouched down so he was at level with him to have one more proper conversation. In a way Dean felt bad himself for not being able to adopt the Colonel from the way you had grown attached to him. He would be lying if he said the mutt didn’t grow on him, too. “Wish we could take you on the road with us, but it’s no life for a dog.”
“Don’t sweat it. I get carsick anyway.” The Colonel responded. He would grow comfortable in his new home with time. You crouched down to the ground with Dean to say your final goodbyes to the dog as well. Before you could even get a word out, you were bombarded with dog kisses that were slobbery and wet. You let out a genuine laugh at how much the Colonel's licks tickled your skin. "I'm gonna miss her the most. No offense, buddy.” 
“None taken.” Dean said. He watched for a moment as you seemed happy in that moment, the smile on your face was enough for him to feel some sort of peace he hadn't felt in weeks. Even if in the back of his mind it would eventually fade once all of you hit the road. 
“I should probably mention this, but I barfed in your backseat.” The Colonel felt the need to slip in some last minute information as you momentarily distracted Dean from the way you were coddling the dog as if he were a small child. “I was afraid to tell you earlier.” 
“You…” Dean’s first reaction was to get angry at hearing the surprise that was waiting for him.
“Come on.” The Colonel managed to speak first when Dean trailed off. He felt the need to remind him of the bonding moment you were having. “Don’t ruin the moment.” 
Dean brushed it off with a chuckle. “I’m gonna miss you, buddy.” 
“I’ll miss you, too.” The Colonel offered his paw for Dean to shake as their final farewell. Along with one more thing. “And by the way, as an honorary dog, there’s something you should know. Dogs aren’t really man’s best friend.” 
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked. 
“I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the real reason we were put here was to…” The Colonel was about to give the man a piece of information that would change his life forever, but all that Dean heard next was a series of barks. None of which he understood. 
“Put here to do what?” Dean asked the dog, suddenly needing to find out the answer. All the Colonel could do was bark in some kind of attempt to communicate with him. But it fell on your untrained ears. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Oh, now the spell wears off?!”
Dean let out a frustrated sigh at how things seemed to always work out. Part of him was glad that things would finally get back to normal, but there would always be another part that wondered what kind of information he would never know. Both of you said your final farewells to the Colonel before heading out to the parked Impala where Sam had been waiting for you. 
“How’d it go?” Sam asked.
“Well, bad news is that I’m gonna miss the flea bag. Good news is it looks like the spell is finally wearing off.” Dean informed his brother, catching him up to speed with what the both of you knew. You faintly listened to the conversation as you crossed your arms over your chest and glanced back over to the bakery. A look crossed your face that worried Dean. “You okay? The stetson man got you pretty good.”
“What? Yeah, I’m fine. I just…I can’t stop thinking about what he said.” You chuckled to yourself at strange words you remembered him speaking to you before everything went black. You had told the boys when everything settled down. They had brushed it off as nothing, but for some reason you were still thinking about it. The entire situation didn’t make sense. 
“Oh, come on, sweetheart.” Dean said. “Guy was out of his freaking gourd.”
“Yeah, but, I mean, why would he ask that?” You asked the boys, as if they had some sort of explanation to Leo’s strange behavior. “Why did he want to know what I was?” 
“Who the hell knows? He was all jacked up on juice, you know? He was possessed by something he couldn’t control. It was…It was just a matter of time before it completely took over.” Dean tried to find an explanation that would put this conversation to bed once and for all. You didn’t seem all that convinced from the way you kept staring at him. “You can’t reason with crazy, right?” 
You let out a faint sigh. “I don’t know.” 
“Well, I do.” Dean said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Trust me, Y/N. You got nothing to worry about.” 
At the moment all you could do was take Dean's words at face value. You knew in the back of your mind that he was right. You were ordinary as the next person on the street. But you found yourself wondering one particular thing. How did you get covered in blood? Sam was perfectly fine without a scratch, and so was Dean. All of you were okay. Your fingers subconsciously scratched the side of your neck, the same spot you swore you remembered feeling claws dig into the skin and rip open. All that remained was smoothness, not a single scar. Maybe your head was still scrambled from the trials. That was the only thing that made sense to you. 
You loaded yourself up into the backseat of the Impala as the boys took their respectful spots like always. A comfortable routine that helped somewhat put your mind at ease. While Dean turned on the car and got ready to drive off, you found yourself smelling something that was slightly off. You sniffed the air a few more times as you grimaced at the foul smell that was almost coming out of nowhere.
“What’s that smell?” You asked. “It smells like…”
“Vomit?” Dean wondered. You nodded your head as you tried to find the source in the darkness of the night as he kept on driving. “The Colonel got sick. Watch your step.” 
"Oh, God. Ew." You grumbled to yourself. You quickly rolled down the window to let the fresh breeze of the night clear some of the foul smell and help ease your mind. You let out a quiet sigh as you turned your head to watch as the bakery got smaller in the distance. If one positive thing came from this case, it was knowing you had placed a dog in a safe home. "Good thing that mutt is cute." 
[Next Part]
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
War for Genius - Chapter 33 - A promise under the stars
Hello everyone! Well… I’ve sadly to say… that this chapter, is the last chapter of this story, which doesn’t mean it’s over. I’m thinking on write a sequel about this, but it could take me time, and I’d like first to finish other stories and also finish translating other ones. I beg you a little bit of patience to see a sequel for this story. That said, I hope you’ll all enjoy this last chapter 😊
Also, I made a little drawing for this story too 😊 I hope you’ll like it!
As always, I’d like to thank @empro-8​ for helping me editing this story. Honestly, without her help this wouldn’t be as good as it is, so thank you very much @empro-8​ you’re amazing!
Welp, I’ll stop talking and let you read the chapter, enjoy it! 😉
Several days after Huey was finally released from the hospital, things seemed to be slowly improving. Huey started going to a therapist recommended by Dr. Owlfang, and that therapist seemed to be a very kind and understanding person, because Huey seemed to be very comfortable with her on the very first day, which was something good. According to the doctor, the older triplet needed to surround himself with people who would support him and help him regain the confidence that Beaks and Graves had taken from him.
The therapist appointments were twice a week, and despite having only visiting her for a short time, the results already seemed to be appreciable, at least a little. Huey spent more time with all of them, even told Fenton he would try to be alone with some of them, in order to also allow the Hispanic duck some rest, because – according to Huey – he was very aware that, being constantly with him was really tiring. The older triplet further acknowledged that Fenton had other business he had put aside just to take care of him, which he knew wasn't fair. He practically called it selfish on his part.
The news that Huey would try to spend more time alone with them without Fenton or someone else was something that initially surprised everyone, but later made them happy, as it showed that the duckling in red was making efforts to reintegrate himself into life with his real family.
Although it must also be said that the first time Huey was left alone with any of them was a bit disastrous. The duckling looked like he was going to have a panic attack at any moment. The situation got to such an extent that they suggested calling Fenton to come. But Huey declined, saying he had already taken up enough of Fenton’s time. 
It must be said that, admirably, and after such a disastrous first ‘meeting alone’, Huey didn’t back down and continued trying one-on-one time with his family. The only things the red-clad duckling didn't dare to do yet was stay totally and utterly alone, which was logical knowing that he had been kept locked up literally for days in isolation. Another thing the duckling still didn’t dare to do was to go back to sleep with his brothers. He couldn’t even sleep in the mansion yet, claiming it was still too early for that. He said he preferred to do it in phases: go from something small as the hospital room to something in between like the houseboat… later returning to the mansion and finally sleeping with his brothers in their shared room, just like before. But for Huey, the step of returning to the mansion hadn’t yet come. So, there was no choice but to wait patiently for it to arrive.
The truth, the fact that Huey was trying to spend more time alone with his family, even while still being nervous being around them, was something that left Webby in awe, who finally decided to ask her friend about it. 
Taking advantage of a moment in which the two of them were left alone, sitting on the sofa in the living room, the young girl turned to the older triplet and asked:
"Huey, why do you insist on being alone with us if you're obviously still afraid of being in our company?"
The red-clad duckling stared at his friend with surprise, then awkwardly replied:
“This… well… I do it… I do it because… you see, it's true that everything Graves did to me caused me to be hopelessly afraid of all of you now… but there was something, something that encouraged me to continue resisting Graves' constant attacks… something that hawk could never take away from me,"
"What’s it?" Webby asked excitedly. She was truly intrigued to know the answer. Huey for his part looked away and with a voice that seemed to have a touch of shame in it, replied:
"The love I feel for all of you, I know it sounds… a bit corny, but that's the way it is…"
Webby's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't expected an answer like that. Opening and closing her beak several times, the young girl finally managed to articulate:
"Oh, Huey that's-"
"Pathetic?" the triplet asked cutting her off with an embarrassed voice.
Webby shook her head and rushing to hug the older triplet, the young girl said:
“No, it’s very nice! I'm glad you could resist everything that Beaks and Graves did to you thanks to the love you feel for us,"
Huey stiffened for a moment when Webby hugged him, then, using his arm as a lever, he gently pulled away from Webby and in a surprised voice asked:
"Do you really think so?"
The duckling with the bow in her hair nodded and replied:
"Yes, you don't?"
Huey looked away and sounding small and weak, began to say:
"What's up Huey?" Webby asked, tilting her head and speaking in a slightly worried voice. The duckling dressed in red looked at the young girl momentarily and then looking away again, replied still weakly:
"While I was a prisoner, Graves made fun of me constantly every time I said this kind of things. Or even if he sensed that I was thinking something like that.” 
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Eyes widening, Webby said in a pained voice:
"Really? That is very cruel!"
Huey looked at Webby with surprised eyes, but didn't know what to say next.
The red-clad young boy just looked away, he seemed to be sad as if… somehow he felt that Webby felt sorry for him but at the same time he didn’t deserve such compassion. That broke Webby's heart, who quickly and taking the older triplet by surprise, ran and hugged him again at the same time saying:
"Huey, I'm sorry."
The older triplet seemed surprised, because with a confused voice, he asked:
"Why are you sorry?"
Webby looked the older triplet in the eye, she could feel the tears beginning to form in her own orbs, and then, speaking in a shaky voice, the young girl explained:
"When Graves kidnapped you, I… I couldn't do anything, I couldn't stop him from taking you,"
And she tightened her arms around her friend's body again, almost at the same time that she did that, the young girl could feel how the older triplet suddenly stiffened, and with slight fear in his voice, the duckling then asked:
 This time it was Webby who looked away and speaking in a tremendously embarrassed voice, replied:
"You remember Graves attacked us with some kind of gas that was leaving us unconscious, right?"
Huey nodded, so Webby went on to explain:
"When Graves picked you up, I… was still conscious, but I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything… sorry."
Webby closed her eyes and felt her body tremble slightly. She was sure Huey was going to berate her for doing nothing to prevent him from being kidnapped. Thus, they remained, a few seconds in silence, seconds that Webby felt like forever as she waited for the older triplet's response.
The girl with the bow in her hair heard a sigh from Huey, and that made her cringe, preparing herself for whatever the boy was going to say, but, Webby wasn’t even remotely prepared for what Huey said next:
"It wasn't your fault Webby,"
The young girl immediately opened her eyes, looking at the red-clad duckling. Now she could clearly feel the tears in her orbs about to be shed. The truth, Huey's vision was distorted as well, something that only contributed to aggravating the pain she felt. And so, speaking tremblingly, the girl duckling said:
"But if I had been stronger…" Webby looked away, refusing to make eye contact with Huey. Suddenly and to her surprise, the young girl felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked at Huey, she saw that the oldest triplet was looking at her with sweetness and understanding, then the boy spoke saying:
"The result would have been the same. Graves would have caught me anyway.” 
"But I-" Webby tried to say, but was interrupted again by Huey who said:
"Webby don't torture yourself anymore. It wasn't your fault,"
The young girl wiped away her tears and smiling slightly, looked at the older triplet and said:
"Okay, Huey, I won't if you don't either,"
"What?" the red-clad duckling asked with a completely surprised look.
Webby smiled even more than before and explained next:
"I have realized you blame yourself for having mistrusted us. I don’t want you to continue to do so. Beaks and Graves constantly and deliberately manipulated into thinking like that.  None of it was your fault,"
Webby stared at the boy with a beaming smile, and finally the older triplet replied:
"Okay, I promise I’ll try not to keep blaming myself."
Well, something was something. Just at that moment, footsteps were heard, and moments later Dewey and Louie appeared at the door with beaming smiles. Seeing them, Dewey said cheerfully:
"Huey, Webby, we were thinking of going outside to play in the garden."
"Yes, do you want to join us?" Louie added.
Webby saw Huey's expression change instantly, he became… radiant, as if he really yearned to go outside. He proved Webby was right when the duckling responded to his brothers' request by saying:
"Of course, why not? Are you coming Webby?"
The young girl was surprised for a few seconds and finally answered smiling:
"Yes, right away.”
The four ducklings ran outside and Webby could instantly hoe happy Huey was to be out. That gave the girl with the bow in her hair a wonderful idea. An idea that she was going to propose to Uncle Scrooge as soon as she could.
"May I know where are you taking me?" asked the older triplet who was currently blindfolded and being dragged by his brothers and Webby through the hallways of the mansion.
To Webby's delight, Uncle Scrooge had been delighted to accept her idea, an idea or rather a plan that she later proceeded to tell Dewey and Louie that night when Fenton and the older triplet entered the houseboat to sleep.
"So, well? What do you think about this idea?" said Webby in a cheerful voice and an anxious look. After having explained to the two younger triplets the idea that had occurred to her and that she had already consulted with Uncle Scrooge.
The two brothers seemed surprised, they looked at each other and then they looked at the young girl and true to his natural enthusiasm, Dewey was the first to express what they both thought by saying with an excited voice:
"It's great Webby!"
The girl in pink saw Louie nod and later, the younger triplet added:
"Yes, I love it, and I think Huey will like it too,"
Webby clasped her hands excitedly and cheerfully, said:
"I’m so happy you like it! Well, will you help me prepare everything we need?"
"Of course! I think Huey has an extra copy of the JWG here in the room. If we find it’ll surely contain a list with everything we need," said Louie, getting up and going to another part of the room.  He searched between several drawers, until he finally found what he was looking for and showed it to the other two ducks with a wide smile on his face.
Webby smiled at the sight too, and in a cheerful voice said:
"Okay then, let's get to work!"
End of flashback
"Easy Huey, it's a surprise, and you’ll surely like it." said Webby who was holding Huey by the shoulders and guiding him towards his destination. They left the mansion, and stopped in front of the jeep. Once there, they removed the blindfold from the older triplet, who, after blinking several times to get used to the light again, saw the vehicle, loaded with tents, backpacks, food… blinking in surprise, the older triplet turned towards his brothers and Webby and excitedly, he asked:
"Are we going camping?"
"Surprise!" they all yelled with wide smiles.
Huey smiled and Webby could see that the duckling's eyes were shining with impending tears. Then with a voice shaking with emotion, the boy asked:
"Have you done this for me?"
Dewey smiled and pointing to her, said to Huey:
"It was Webby's idea."
Huey turned to look at her and with a wide smile, asked:
Webby looked away, smiling sheepishly and scratching the side of her neck with her index finger. It had certainly been her idea, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the authorization of-
"That's right lad, she thought ye'd like to sleep outside, in the open air," Uncle Scrooge said suddenly as he put his hand on the girl's shoulder.
Huey, who had focused his attention on Uncle Scrooge when he appeared, looked back at her again, then said in a sincere voice:
"Thank you Webby, I really appreciate it,"
Webby felt her cheeks heat up, she really loved feeling useful, and the knowledge that Huey had liked the surprise she had contrived filled her with glee. Thus, also speaking with extreme sincerity, the young girl replied:
"You're welcome Huey,"
Just at that moment, Donald appeared with his car as well, which he stopped behind the jeep. The reason he did that was because obviously not all of them could fit in the jeep, so they decided to divide the luggage and everyone who was going camping between the two vehicles. Fenton naturally accompanied them as well, so that Huey wouldn’t be forced to sleep alone or with someone with whom he still didn’t dare to sleep. Donald and Webby’s granny were also coming, and Launchpad as Uncle Scrooge's driver so of course was also coming.
In short, they were all leaving except for Duckworth, who stayed to watch the mansion. After having loaded the last part of the luggage, Uncle Scrooge turned to the four children and cheerfully said:
"Well, if ye’re all ready, we can go now. Let's get in the jeep!"
"Yes!" the four ducklings yelled, Webby couldn't help but feel extremely happy when Huey joined their cheering, full of excitement. It seemed… it seemed as if everything was normal again.
The trip to the place where they were going to camp was entertaining, it almost seemed like when they had gone on one of their adventures before. Webby couldn't help but feel happy about it, everything seemed to be as before, except this time… she appreciated it more deeply. 
But as time went on, despite smiling and talking happily with his brothers – Huey seemed tense. His posture was slightly more rigid than it normally was. And Webby couldn't be sure, but it looked like the boy was sweating a bit.
Huey still felt uncomfortable with them. That was clear. Although he was probably hiding so the others wouldn’t feel bad about it.
Huey was a very brother like that.
They finally reached the place. As soon as they got out of the vehicles and under the instructions of the older triplet, the first thing they did was set up camp.  There were a lot of things to do, and Huey was happy to distribute the tasks. Soon everyone was working on them… even Louie! Webby smiled when he saw that Huey seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.
Probably, being a Woodchuck junior, the duckling had very much missed doing activities like this, and despite being at home, if all he did was go from the houseboat to the mansion, or from the mansion to the garden, or one of his appointments with his therapist, it almost seemed like Huey was a prisoner again. Webby could relate. It was for this reason that Webby came up with this idea. That way Huey could do something he loved while also getting out of the mansion grounds, proving he wasn’t a prisoner again.
To be honest, Webby particularly enjoyed this excursion immensely, since she had never been camping before. Well, at least Webby didn't consider going to an uninhabited island on a mission to train to survive like going camping, so yeah, for her, that was the first time the young girl went camping.
They spent the day doing various outdoor activities, honestly, luckily, they had one of Huey's JWG copies, and they were able to get ideas from there, if not… they wouldn’t have known what to do once they got there. Webby was overjoyed when she saw how much fun Huey was having, it had really been worth it.
At night, they all went to bed spread in the various tents they brought. Donald set up with Dewey and Louie. Launchpad and Scrooge slept in another tent. Naturally Fenton and Huey slept together in their rent. And finally, Webby slept in the last tent with her granny.
There was a moment during the night that Webby woke up, and perhaps due to the training she received from her grandmother, she realized there was someone outside, she could distinguish him thanks to the dim light that the embers of the fire still gave off. The mysterious figure was there without moving. That put the girl with the bow in her hair quickly on alert. Who was there? What did that person want? Quickly and stealthily, the young girl left the tent. She was willing to face and fight that person if necessary. She wouldn’t allow her family and friends to be harmed.
Sneaking up on the stranger, Webby stopped short as she recognized him:
"Huey?" she asked before she could stop herself.
The older triplet was sitting on one of the logs they had put around the fire. Huey was looking up at the sky when Webby called him, and upon hearing his name, the duckling quickly turned his gaze first to Webby and then back away again, as if he was ashamed to have been caught at that hour doing what he was doing.
Still without looking at her, the triplet then said:
"Hello Webby.” 
Webby walked over and sat next to him. She asked:
"May I ask what you are doing here?"
Huey shrugged slightly and then replied:
"I… well, I was looking at the stars."
"Ah… and why?" Webby asked again. She was intrigued to know why her friend was sitting alone looking at the sky.
Huey sighed closing his eyes, and finally, the boy dressed in red replied:
“You’ll see… when I was locked in that room I… many times… I dreamed of seeing the starry sky once more… to tell the truth, on the occasions when I was out of that room, because Beaks did take me out of there, I… I never really dared to ask him to let me see them, that's why I… I missed it,"
Webby leaned back slightly, then said:
"I understand, but when you went back to the mansion, why didn't you do it then?"
Huey turned is head away from Webby as far as possible and with some embarrassment in his voice, the duckling replied:
"I was… reluctant to ask Fenton or.... anyone else,"
"Really?" Webby asked again.
Huey finally looked at Webby, looking sad and slightly embarrassed when he replied:
“Fenton has been by my side all this time, and I really appreciate it. But I also know that, even if he doesn't say so, that has made him very tired. And it didn't seem fair to ask him – in his only rest period – to sacrifice even more by taking me to see a starry sky, and as for the others, I… I just didn't dare to do it. Also… with all the city lights, you wouldn't have seen as many stars as here.”
"That's true…" Webby admitted, looking up at them. The stars were quite beautiful out here. 
The two were silent for a while, until Webby finally released a sigh, said:
"Yes?" He asked, looking at the girl. Webby also looked at him and then said:
"Are you… are you glad you came?"
Huey smiled and after nodding, answered honestly:
"Yes, I am very happy.” 
Webby also smiled and turning her gaze towards the embers that had still survived from the fire they made earlier. The young girl said:
"You know? I like to see you so happy Huey.” 
"Really?" the duckling asked with wide eyes and a slight smile on his beak. Webby nodded and replied:
"Yes, it makes me think you're fine now,"
Huey stopped smiling and looking away, said sadly:
"I wish it were true, but I think I still have a long way to go to be ‘fine.’” 
"Oh…" Webby said sadly as well.
Almost immediately after that, Huey looked at Webby and trying to sound slightly cheerful, the boy said:
"Oh, but don't worry, you'll see how with time I will improve.” 
The girl looked at the duckling and, outlining a smile, also replied cheerfully:
"That's right! Be optimistic!"
"Thanks, Webby," Huey said in a really sincere voice.
The young girl stared at the duckling, to the point that she could sense that perhaps Huey was getting slightly nervous. At that point and before the older triplet could say anything, she said:
"Hey Huey, I would like you to promise me one thing."
"What?" the older triplet asked in turn, opening his eyes again in surprise. Webby nodded and said:
"I want you to promise me that no matter how long it takes you, you won’t give up, and that you’ll do everything possible to recover. Regardless of how much it costs you."
Huey blinked several times, probably trying to take in what Webby had just told him. After a few moments of silence, the boy, with a certain tremor in his voice, replied to the young girl:
"I… yes. I promise you,"
Webby smiled, then the young girl decided to make Huey think of something else, so, with that in mind, she said:
"Well! Now, I guess if you like looking at the stars, it's because you love them and you know them, right?"
"Yes, the truth is that I like them a lot," replied the duckling, cheering up again.
That also encouraged Webby, who, with a broad smile on her beak, then asked the red-clad duckling:
"Well then, could you explain them to me?"
"Yes, and us too" said a different voice suddenly. The two ducklings looked behind them and literally saw the whole family
standing there, staring at them with wide smiles on their beaks.
In a surprised voice, Huey asked:
"What are you all doing up?"
"We woke up when we heard someone speak," answered Uncle Scrooge, taking a step forward.
From what Webby could see, knowing they had been overheard their talking caused Huey to open his eyes in fear, and then the duckling in red asked:
"And… did you hear what we were saying?"
"Just about showing Webby the stars," Dewey replied.
Webby was sure they had probably heard more than that, but it was possible to say they had also realized that this conversation with Webby was something that Huey probably wanted to keep as a private. For that reason, they surely pretended not to have heard the 'important part 'of the conversation.
Louie also joined the scheme by adding:
"Yes! That's why we asked if we could join as well,"
"If that’s okay with you," Donald finished.
Huey was silent for a few moments, looking at all of them one by one, finally, smiling widely, the duckling responded to all with a cheerful voice saying:
"Of course, why not?"
And so, all those who had gone camping lay down on the grass, looking at the starry sky, Huey was showing them the constellations and the stories that were hidden behind each one of them. Webby looked at Huey and could see that his face was beaming with joy. That gave Webby hope.
They had passed a dark test, and their family ties had been strengthened by it. True, the road ahead was still long, and they would probably encounter many stumbling blocks. But Huey had already shown he was strong, and that he was willing to do everything in his power to recover. And they had also shown that they would never leave someone who needed them behind. Yes, everyone had shown with this ‘adventure’ that they were willing to give themselves 100% for the well-being of others.
One thing was very clear to Webby, the older triplet was going to be fine, for sure.
They had that hope.
No matter how long it took, for her part, Webby knew that neither her honorary brothers, nor her uncles, nor her granny, nor her friends, and of course, not even herself, were going to abandon Huey. They would be by his side all throughout it all and would make the duckling get better.
Neither Huey nor any of them would go through something like that again, ever. They were a family, and as a family they would always protect each other.
Okay… that’s all. This story ends here, but as you could see, this isn’t the end. Huey still has issues to fight with, and obviously, his family will want to be there to help him. I’ve to thank Empro8 since it was her who gave me the idea of go camping and to watch the stars, and it truly was an awesome idea! So awesome that I used it to finish this story, so… thank you very much Empro! Your idea was fantastic! Also… there’s another idea someone gave me that I haven’t used in this story, but it truly is a great Idea I’d like to include it in the sequel, so, thanks for giving me that idea!
Okay, after say that, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I also would like to thank to all the people who’d read this story, the ones who commented, those who reblogged it and: @mysteriouswriter72 @elianemariane17 @araminakilla20 @hakuneki07 @i-cant-find-any-creative-name @gizmovi @some-dum-wizard-bitch @infamousquack  @margaretnobbs @alphatheplant @sugerheart @squackcrowquack @nsbfenro @marshmeadow12 @ohgeeeznotagain @constellations1 @isabellanajera @you-big-palooka @deathcat003 @dragonsareawesome123 @via15 @wellshit333 @ninjawarrior100 @your-salty-dorito @rowan-npg @thesuperepicawesomefireninja @duckworth-is-love @worldsbesteagle @shaz231 @cherriesandpoison @softlemonboi @rosebu-uds @mulaneysnl @ihavenonamehalp @drummergirl231 @narnour-momo-007 @via15 @trash-queen-fahey @gamerfansims389 @lesbianz4glomgoldje @jessie-00 @maclove54north @northofanvi @maditheanimaniacuwu @gabrielpainterfest-blog @Variousfandompage @whiteeyesandtina @official-toebeans @r6sedust @gabrielpainterfest @obsessionhell @werdna213 @chydesa-star @a-stupid-girl @fudgecantlife @elipaghy04 @whisperwillyou @fnafgirl30 @exceeeed-charger2020
And if I’ve forgot someone, I’m sorry
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