#but I don’t need sleep I need to cosume this fanfic
general-gt · 2 months
Holy shit, Mice Of The Military on Ao3 got an update! And the author says they have more ideas?? I’m so hyped!
If you haven’t read the fic, go do it! Go! And while you’re at it, read their other stuff too! They wrote some of my favourite Undertale g/t which actually inspired my own writing from 2017, so go read it!
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wolfietheoracle · 7 years
A Night To Remember - Older Noctis X Fem Reader
Dedicated to @mistress-light aka another older noctis lover..she told me a while ago that she likes the AU where older Noctis was a smooth talker so yeah, Enjoy XD
This is an AU where Noctis returns after restoring the dawn. :)
Rated M to be safe. Only read if you are 18 or above! (Unless your a rebel xD)
This is my first attempt at a chocobro X reader fanfic so let see how this goes! XD
Sorry this is super short..my brain made a blank! xD
It’s the middle of the night, you feel a cold draft in the room and something watching you in the shadows. You look around frantically but no one is there, yet, you still felt eyes on you.
“Y/n, are you alright? You look spooked.” A familiar voice called out to you from the doorway, the slight growl in his voice when he spoke gave everything away..you jump alittle but then quickly look to the door and see the love of your life, your childhood sweetheart stood there, arms folded over his bare chest, just wearing his boxers.
“Noctis..” you sigh in relief to know that it was just him.
Noctis walks over to you as he sits on the bed, unfolding his arms to reveal his bare chest. “Are you sure everything is okay Y/n? I hate seeing you like this.”
‘Typical Noct..always worrying about me.’ You thought to yourself. “Yeah..I’m just happy to have you back Noct. To be honest it wasn’t the same with you gone.” You forced a smile but the king could tell it was fake, he knew you better than that..you did grow up together after all.
“You can’t fool me Y/n. What’s wrong?” He kept a straight face but also stroked your cheek, causing your cheeks to flare up a bright red hue.
You sighed in defeat. “Okay..I felt a draft and someone watching me.”
“You still feel it now?” He leaned closer to you, was he the one setting this up so he could get close to you? So he could kiss your lips and tickle your neck with that beard of his as he held you in his arms.
“Alittle..yes..” you confessed.
He said nothing and placed a kiss on your lips, a display of a vow yo protect you from all harm. You moan alittle as you returned the kiss, both of you blushing.
“Then have no fear love..I’ll protect you with my life.” He vowed. “Would you like for me to lay with you for the night?” He always was a smooth talker.
Oh how you longed for this moment. To sleep next to the man you adore, to feel his beard tickle your shoulder..you nod rapidly, not wanting to be left alone.
“Very well, I will check the windows and every corner of this room to reassure you love.” He said as he rose from where he once sat and made sure all windows and the balcony doors were locked shut. Once that was done, he returned to the bed and layed beside you. “Here, Y/n, I’m here now. All windows and doors are shut and locked.”
You lay in his arms and his hand adventures over you body, he wants you..tonight.
“Whay are you doing?” You cock your head sideways alittle.
“You don’t enjoy this?” He teased as you climbed ontop of him, causing him to gasp in surprise.
“Who said I didn’t Noct?” You smirk mischievously at him causing him to blush.
You stroke his beard and scratch under his chin gently, knowing he loves it..After that you dive under the covers and take his manhood into your hands and then your mouth once you rip his boxers from his bare frame.
“Ahh..You always know how to please me, Y/n.” He moans with pleasure as you please him. You hear him growl as he grips the sheets, back arched as he also groans, snarls and moans at the pleasure shooting through his body. “Ohh my god!” He started to shake.
He soon came after sucking on his manhood for for a good while. You somehow swallowed it all as he pinned you down like a hungry animal and proceeded to please you like you did to him only he couldn’t wait…He ripped off your nightgown to reveal you were naked underneath, not even a pair of panties were present and spread your legs as he looked you in the eyes, lust cosuming both of you.
“Do you want this Y/n?” He asked you to make sure her wasn’t forcing it on you and he smiled in relief when you nodded.
You felt a sharp pain as he entered you, taking your virginity. He stopped a moment, seen the sign if pain on your face and immediately grew concerned.
“Hey, you okay Y/n?” He saw a tear fall, realising what was causing the pain but you grew used to the feeling and you soon assured him was alright to continue and he nodded.
You felt like weightless with each thrust he gave, going at a slow and steady pace but then getting faster and rougher as you begged him for more. Quite a few hours of passionate love passed by and your giggling happily with him..but at what?
“You sure you don’t want me to stop?” He asks, tickling your shoulder and neck with his beard.
“Stop!” You giggle as he continued.
You couldn’t remember the last time you both laughed like this. Was it..15 years ago? Back in high school? Either way, you didn’t care, you were with the man of your dreams and you loved everything about him. His soft beard, his black hair, his piercing blue eyes, his abs..his..everything! it all made you weak at the knees. Especially that growl in his voice when he speaks. Dear god, your hormones raged at that and he knew it all to well.
He smiled, laying down. “I love you, my Queen..always.” He smiled.
You snuggled up to him as he held you in a tight embrace. “I love you too, my King.”
His Queen..He called you his Queen. Tonight proved that to you.
“I have something to ask you.” He confessed.
“What it is love?” You look at him, worried.
“Well..I was gonna wait till your birthday but..I can’t wait..I need to ask now.” He reached into the cabinet and pulls a well hidden box.
Turning to look at you. “Y/n..We’ve been dating for a while, 3 years now i think. You hold my heart each day and you’re always so gentle..and i want to ask. Will you marry me and truly become my Queen? I don’t care what others may say and that by marrying me, you’re their princess but to me..you’ll be my queen.” He opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring as he proposed to you. He’s blushing his face off now.
You tear up and hug him tight, repeating yes over 100 times, accepting his proposal..you couldn’t be more happier.
This was definately a night to remember.
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"My Light"- A LH Fanfic by Me ♡
Luan was sick of this. She felt sad and alone. She wondered if she should even consider staying into comedy. Why should she? All they do is groan. Luan Loud has issues. Serious ones. She constantly feels empty, and she's been depressed for nearly a year now. She's pretty good at hiding emotions, which is why no one knows about it yet. She also hasn't told anyone about it either. (Why would they care? They would just take it as a joke.. and laugh.) And that is something she doesn't want to get laughed about. Luan sighed. She couldn't control those constant thoughts about herself. It just comes out of nowhere. It's like the universe wants her to suffer. She slowly went upstairs, trying to not get noticed. (No one's gonna notice me anyway... She thought) But someone did. "Hey, Luan, why ya going upstairs so early, mate? We still got 30 more minutes!" Luna, her bigger sister, said. (Crap.. should I tell her..? No.. you've keep this a secret for a year now. You can't say anything now...) "Um... yeah, I think I'm just going to go to bed early.." Luna didn't seem to question it. "Alright, sis! Yell if ya need me!" She said, and then began to play with Lily. She smiled and laughed. Lily. That baby is something special. She's the exact reason why Luan hasn't tried to completely off herself yet. No matter how much pain she felt, all the tears she'd shed, all the scars she has, she hasn't ended it all yet. Because the thought of her baby sister growing up to not have one of the members in her family because they just wanted the pain to go away just hurts her than any kind of pain known to Man. She won't remember her jokes. Her voice. Her laugh. And she wants to grow up seeing Lily grow up. Telling her that if she made it this far, so can she. Lily may just be a baby, but she keeps Luan strong. She wants to inspire her, tell Lily her story. And give her reasons to not give up. She wants to be there for her every step of the way. Luan reached the top, and went into her and Luna's room. She changed into her PJ'S and got into bed. She smiled slightly. (Your family loves you, Luan. You just need to remind yourself that.)   (No, they don't. They just act happy around you cuz they're sorry for you.) She sighed once more. Those thoughts were coming back. But this time she couldn't control them. . . . . . . Loud House: morning, 5am. Luan bolted up awake. She didn't really know what was going on. One minute she was thinking bad thoughts, the next, she was asleep. (Oh, yeah, duh. I feel asleep. Idiot.) She heard a familiar sound. It sounded like.. crying? She sat up. (Well, Lily's awake.) She thought. Seeing as she was already awake, Luan decided to head into Lily and Lisa's room, so that she could try to help calm her down. She opened the door quietly and stepped in. She then heard an "Ughhhh.." She stood still for a second, then saw a figure with messy hair get up from the bed. Luan was confused for a second, then calmed down. (Oh yeah. Just Lisa.) Lisa, unaware of Luan's presence, began to speak to herself out loud. She couldn't see Luan due to lack of glasses and light. "It occurs to me that I have got my usal sleep cycle disrupted due to the disturbance of the baby. I must act at once." Lisa then began to search for something, which was her glasses. She put them on and looked in the direction of the crib, surprised to see Luan standing there. "Luan? What brings you into our sleeping space this early in the morning?" "Oh, well, I heard Lily crying and decided to help her out..." "Oh. Thank you. Your asstaince will be required. I will continue my slumber now." Lisa took her glasses off and curled back into bed. Luan went to the crib and picked up Lily. "Aw, what's the matter? Did a certain little angel have a nightmare?" Lily sniffed, and whimpered into Luan's shoulder. Luan took that as a yes, and gently pet the kid's head. "It's okay, Lily. It's just a dream, I got you. You're safe with Luan." Lily then perked up and clapped her hands. Luan knew what this meant. She wanted to hear a joke. "You wanna joke from Luan, don't ya?" Lily clapped her hands even more. "I guess that's a yes! Okay, here it goes. What do ya call a snail on a boat?? A SNAILOR!!" Lily began to giggle and clap in joy. Luan smiled. It was a beautiful sight. (At least someone likes my jokes..) She shook that thought off. Stop it. She looked down at the smiling baby in her arms. She couldn't take it anymore. She needed to tell someone, even if they might not understand. "Lily... I know you're just a baby, but I'm gonna tell you something. I know you're just gonna forget, since you're only a year old, but I just desperately need to say this." Lily just stared. Then layed her head on Luan's shoulder and looked up at her with a small smile. She clapped. "Well, I guess that's my cue to continue. I'm just gonna summarize it since I know you're sleepy. I'm secretly depressed and suicidal. I've harmed myself and tried to off myself. I know you have no idea what that is, but here's the reason why I'm telling you this. You are my light. I can't stand the thought of you growing up without a member of your family. I want to be a good example. I want to watch you grow up. I want to be able to say, "Lily, if I made it this far, so can you." You're... the reason I haven't given up. You just being you saved me. I love you, baby sis." Luan looked down at Lily with teary eyes. By the time she was done, Lily was asleep, snoring peacefully. She smiled. She loved seeing her nap. So happy, so free, so safe. She gave her a kiss in her head and gently laid her down. Luan then went back to bed, and didn't think one negative thought about herself. . . . . Loud House- 9am, Saturday. Luan woke up hearing the usual chaos known as the Loud House. She felt rubbish, but then remembered the run in with Lily. She smiled. Great way to start out the day. She looked around, but apparently Luna wasn't in the room. She suddenly heard a knock at her door. "Who is it?" "It'shh me." Luan heard the lisp and recognized the voice. "Come in, Lisa." The door opened and Lisa entered. "Hello, elder sister. I have something that we need to disscus." "Sure, what is it?" "I know." "You know what?" "Your problem." "Huh?" "Come on, Luan, you think I didn't hear what you said to Lily last night?" The light drained from Luan's face. "I... uh, I.." "I'm not here to yell at you or anything, but I am going to help you. I thought what you said to Lily was heart-wrenching. It's a blessing to know that you are staying strong because of your fellow siblings. I encourage you to keep your head up and to take yourself to a real professional. Until then, I can be your therapist. You can tell me how you feel and I'll give you advice. I believe in you, Luan Loud." Luan didn't say anything,  but after a minute of getting what Lisa said in her head, she suddenly grabbed her little sister and hugged her tightly. "Okay, please be gentle. I'm still a four year old as well." Luan loosened her grip but continued to hug her. "Lisa.. thank.. thank you.. thank you.. so much.." She said, now slightly sobbing. Lisa rubbed her back and smiled. "My pleasure. Happy to be your assistance in this." They pulled away. "So, want to go cosume our daily nutritious substances?" "You know it, sis." (My family. There may be many of us, but I know, that when we're together, we are all each other's Light. ♡) . . . . . . //OMG 1ST OFFICIAL LOUD HOUSE FANFIC THAT I ACTUALLY PUT HARD WORK INTO!!! How'd you like it? Thx for reading! ♡ (Took forever omg)
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