#but I do like that they're purple. guy with a favorite color.
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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I forget that Tuvok has a legit Security office bc he’s never in it but anyway this post is about whatever that tapestry[?] behind him means. I want so badly for it to be the equivalent of some kitschy mom saying. Like the most basic trite thing imaginable.
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jenniferjareauwife · 5 months
Could you do a celeb reader x jj where the teams finds out who reader is and is shocked
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: fluff
warnings: innuendo
word count: 823
summary: request above 👆
"Are you sure they're gonna like me?" I asked.
"Of course. They're gonna be jealous. Of me. Because I'm the one who get to spend my life with you."
"Don't they have some kind of prejudice against actors or something?" I looked in the mirror and fluffed up my hair a bit, about to re apply my lipstick before she stopped me.
"Babe. It's gonna be fine. This isn't a red carpet. They're coming to my apartment. It's fine."
"Yeah but-"
"None of them are gonna care if you're best dressed or not."
"Are you sure."
"I promise. They're FBI Agents. Not the founders of Prada."
"Ok." I let out a breath and flopped down on the couch.
"They're gonna love you."
Fifteen minutes later all of JJ's friends came through the door at once. They all froze once they saw me, stopping their laughter and their conversation. "JJ you said her name was y/n. YOU NEVER MENTIONED IT WAS Y/N Y/L/N!" I woman with blonde hair squealed.
"Well I didn't-" JJ started.
"You have no excuses." The woman rushed over to me. "Hi nice to meet you I'm Penelope Garcia. I loved you in Dune!" She had a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks. It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand and looked over at the rest of her friends who had their jaws hanging open.
"Ok guys. Stop staring. I have sandwiches out on the table and a few games picked out." JJ sat down next to me and put her hand on my back.
I tried to remain casual, like I didn't have a dozen eyes watching me from across the room. "Do they always stare?" I whispered to her.
"Just at you."
"Thanks." I sighed and leaned into her.
"They just didn't expect it to be you. You know? They're shocked that they're meeting a celebrity, and that I'm dating one." She kissed my cheek and pulled me into her. "If you're uncomfortable just tell me."
"Ok." I rested my head on her shoulder, smiling as everyone came into the cozy living room.
"Do you guys wanna watch a movie or play some games?" JJ asked.
"What's your next movie?" A muscular bald guy asked.
"I actually can't say."
"Come on. We won't tell anyone."
"I legally cannot say."
"What's your favorite color?" A woman with dark brown hair asked. "I'm Emily by the way."
"Um...probably purple." It was refreshing to be asked such a simple question again.
"Do you have any pets?"
"I have an Australian Shepherd named Elmo."
"I have a cat named Sergio."
"I've always wanted a cat." I gave JJ a small pout. "I've tried to convince JJ to get one but she says one dog is already too much."
"JJ!" Penelope gasped.
"What?" JJ tried to defend herself but her fate had already been decided. Penelope and Emily started attacking her on how she could say no to getting a cute little kitten. "Are you gonna defend me at all or no?" JJ asked.
"No. Because I agree with them." I shrugged and listened to the rest of their lovely points about why we should get a cat. "See? We could get a little ginger cat and you can pick the name."
"Baby please." I gave her my best puppy eyes and everyone laughed. I felt more relaxed now. These were cool people.
"Ok fine." Everyone cheered so I laughed, hiding my face in JJ's neck. She stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. "See? They love you baby." She whispered to me. "You had nothing to worry about."
"Well I know that now." I tilted her head towards mine, pulling her in for a sweet kiss. I felt everyone's eyes on us but I didn't care. We would have to get used to it anyways, once we went public.
"I never would've guessed you were this lovey dovey." Morgan said with a laugh. "In all your movies you play such cold hearted characters."
"I like a challenge." JJ smiled and kissed my cheeks a few times after I pulled away. I looked back at her and pecked her lips before giving her my bedroom eyes.
"Ok guys, party is over." JJ announced.
"We've only been here for an hour." Penelope protested.
"Why are we leaving?" Spencer asked, confused as Morgan tried to usher him out of the room. "Guys?"
"It's ok Spencer. One day you will understand." Emily sympathized. I giggled as JJ pined me down to the couch, excitement rushing through me as I heard the door shut. Before JJ went any further she just stared into my eyes, leaning so close our lips were just centimeters away.
"I love you so much."
"Why don't you show me then?" She didn't wait a second to connect our lips in a passionate kiss. I knew it was going to be a long night.
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xoxoavenger · 4 months
Give Me Your Weekends
pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
summary: But I knew you/Playing hide-and-seek and/Giving me your weekends, I/I knew you/Your heartbeat on the High Line/Once in 20 lifetimes, I/And when I felt like I was an old cardigan/Under someone's bed/You put me on and said I was your favorite
word count: 1263
cardigan masterlist main masterlist
"So, ya know how today was supposed to be our date night?" Y/N says as she gets home from work. JJ had just gotten back as well, but John B was still out. Sarah was on the couch, and for a moment Y/N thought of how weird it was that they were all living together.
"Yes." JJ starts, walking in and pausing. "Just like every other Saturday night."
"I got a call from the Kamps," She starts. She feels guilty, she does, but she couldn't pass this up and she hopes JJ agrees. "They asked me to babysit. They're paying well and we really need the money." They were trying to move out, because recently Kie and Pope had been staying over and there wasn't enough room for all six of them in the Chateau. Plus, it would be nice to have their own place, to show their parents that they were responsible despite their upbringing.
"It's fine." JJ smiles and puts his hands on her arms, effectively calming her down. "I'll come too, and we can make it a date night." She can't believe she got someone like JJ. Someone who would give up his date night, his weekend, just to be with her while she babysat.
"It's overnight." She cringes as she says it, but JJ just smiles and pulls her in.
"We can play house." She smiles as her face heats, her heart being overloaded with feelings.
"I love you." She tells him, arms around his neck as his rest low on her hips. She leans in for a kiss, and of course he accepts.
When they make it to the house, JJ realizes this is not in Figure Eight, like he once thought. This family lives on the cut.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" Mrs. Kamp is saying, her hair a mess. She's disheveled, and JJ has a feeling he knows what she's gonna say before she says it. "I'm so sorry for the late notice, but our usual babysitter was busy and Mike's mother is in the hospital on the mainland."
"It's no problem, really. I hope your mother-in-law is alright." Y/N says with a smile. Mr. Kamp comes out with a bag over his shoulder. They thank the young couple one more time before heading out, leaving Y/N and JJ with the kids.
The kids who are much younger than Y/N thought.
Of course, Mrs. Kamp never told Y/N how old the kids were, but she assumed that at least one of them were older than five. However, they looked around two and four, both coloring at the table. There was a note on the counter, telling Y/N that she's welcome to sleep in their bedroom and to help herself to anything in the fridge or pantry, that Mrs. Kamp will text her to let her know when they will be coming back.
"Hello," She says cheerfully once she finishes reading, the two kids looking over at her. The older one was a little boy who looked like the carbon copy of his mother. The girl looked more like a mix of both, hair braided nicely. "My name is Y/N, and this is JJ." It was then that Y/N realized that she didn't know the name of the kids.
"My name is Landon." The boy says, going back to coloring. "My sister is Jane." Jane is still looking at them with wide eyes, clutching her crayon.
"Did you guys already eat dinner?" Y/N asks, not seeing any signs of a meal in the kitchen.
"Yeah. Mom made us mac n cheese and chicken nuggets." Landon spoke very well for a kid his age.
"Cheese!" Jane yelled, smiling brightly.
"Do you mind if I color?" JJ asks, going to sit on the empty seat next to Jane. She nods and hands him the purple crayon. "I like this picture you've made." Y/N's heart swells as she watches JJ with the little girl. They don't look anything alike, but Y/N can't help but feel her feelings expand out of her chest.
"I made a pirate." Landon says as Y/N goes to sit next to him. What he made is not a pirate, but in fact a bunch of scribbles.
"It looks wonderful." She says, smiling as she looks it over. "The shading is the work of a true artist." She tells him, watching him beam and blush.
After they were done coloring, Jane looked up at JJ with big eyes and said "Hide seek?" JJ wouldn't be caught dead saying no to this girl, so he nods and helps her clean up. The couple cover their laughs when the kids are hiding terribly, behind curtains or under blankets. At one point they lose Landon for a couple minutes, long enough for them to freak out slightly until they finally find him in the shower of the bathroom. After that, they get the kids ready for bed without a hitch. They ask for their parents once, but otherwise they go to sleep with their water bottles on each bedside table.
"I brought something for us to share on the patio." She tells him, smiling as she goes to her small duffle bag and pulls out two bottles of beer.
"A woman after my very heart." JJ smiles, leaning in to kiss her as he grabs a beer.
"I've already got it." She tells him. He shrugs with a smirk, taking her hand and leading her out to the patio. It's nothing special, just a small area that looks out the marsh. There's a couch swing, which they both slowly sit on.
They sit on the swing for awhile, Y/N leaning against JJ's chest, her legs curled up. He has his arm around her, thumb caressing underneath her shirt. When her beer falls against his leg and dribbles out the remains that she hadn't drank he looks over to see her asleep, mouth slumped open and body slack. For a minute JJ wants to keep her here. She's against his chest, which means she's listening to his heartbeat, something he knows she loves. So, for another half an hour, he lightly swings, finishing his own beer and listening to Y/N's soft breathing. But then he's starting to fall asleep, so he has to wake her up with a kiss to the forehead and some low murmuring.
"I want to stay out here." She tells him, but he just moves them to sit up and stand.
"The bed will be so much more comfy." He tells her, but she's still grumbling.
"I was comfy." She frowns, but he leads her inside, making sure the beer bottles are in his bag. He gets her ready for bed, helping her change and brush her teeth sleepily before stripping and hopping in with her. She moves around so that she's laying on his chest, asleep almost immediately.
"I love you," He tells her right before he goes to sleep, sure she's already asleep. He kisses her forehead and almost jumps when she leans and kisses his chest.
"I love you more." With that JJ almost can't sleep, because his heart feels so light. "I want to get married." He tenses, heart pounding as he hears her breathing even out. He feels sick thinking about that kind of commitment; his parents were married, and look how that turned out. His father almost killed his mother before she left, and now he's the one with bruises. Oh God, what if she wants kids? He'd turn out just like his dad. He'd ruin everything.
JJ has to leave.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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poetryandfluffycats · 5 months
Quiz time!
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A/N: took a small break but im back and im writing bungo fics. hope you enjoy
Pairing: Kidnapper!Nikolai Gogol x fem!reader
Warnings: dark content, kidnapping, mentions of animal violence, mentions of human violence, implied abuse
Content: Nikolais been keeping you trapped in his basement for 3 weeks now. What does he have in store for you today? You have no idea
Words: 1.0k
Oneshot under cut!
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"Oh darling! I'm home!"
The infamous voice of Nikolai Gogol shot through the basement, followed by the sound of his leather shoes creaking against the stairs. My head snapped up from its place on the pillow, watching him with wide eyes as he descended to the bottom of the staircase. The jester had a smile on his face, seeming all too giddy about... something. What that something was, I had no idea.
He was quick to skip over to me, looming over my curled up form under the covers, a hand buried deep into the abyss of his coat. He pulled out a bouquet of pink roses, shoving them under my nose. "For you, my dove" he purred, his voice dripping like sickly sweet honey.
I took them, albeit hesitantly, and examined them with a cautious eye. They were pretty, a light, pastel pink color with a white ribbon tied around the stems, and smelt like heaven. A sweet-but not too strong-floral scent that reminded me of the spring time. It was a nice gift, no one could deny that, but knowing Nikolai...
There had to be some type of ulterior motive.
"Pretty..." I murmured, holding the flowers close to my chest. "Thank you..."
I hadn't spoken much since I got here, only ever really muttering a word or two to keep him satisfied. He talked enough for the both of us, anyway, or at least that's what he had said when my lack of words first was noticed by him.
"Only the best for my sweetest dove! Now, come come, what shall we do today? You're probably just dying to have some fun, right? Aha! I know!" Before I could fully understand anything he had said, Nikolai pulled the covers back and lifted me in his arms, carrying me bridal style as he twirled around the basement.
"Quiz time!"
Quiz time. His way of asking personal questions on the justification that it was 'just a game' and 'there's no need to be shy". Sometimes he'd throw in random questions about Ukrainian literature, to which I almost never got right. I think that maybe he thought that asking a few general questions among all the pervy, personal ones would make me more comfortable, or less likely to catch on to the real meaning behind his game. It didn't.
I hated Quiz time.
Nikolai plopped me down on the floor, sitting cross-legged in front of me. His teeth showed as his lips curled upwards into a toothy grin, head tilted to the side and eyes blown wide. Maybe that's just how he always looked.
"Question 1! What is your favorite color?"
It was such a simple question, childish even. Something a teacher would ask their preschoolers on the first day of school. Yet, it made my throat close up, heat beating faster and faster as the seconds ticked by. What was my favorite color? Did I even have one anymore? What was the point in having a favorite color if I was trapped down here?
"Uh..." I stuttered, eyes flickering around the room. Anywhere was better than Nikolais cold, mismatched eyes. "Purple... b-but I also like red"
Nikolai clapped his hands together, a high pitched squeal leaving his lips. "Wonderful! Gosh you are just too cute, I might simply combust! But then you'd be stuck cleaning my brains off the wall which I don't think you'd like very much, so I'll refrain for you, my darling"
Cleaning brains off the walls? He said it so casually, like it was a normal passtime for him. Was it? Probably.
"Question 2! What is your favorite animal?"
This one was easy enough, and a small smile creeped onto my face as I answered. "Kittys, I have a few at home. They're the best little guys"
My heart ached at the thought of my fur babies. How long had they gone without food or water? Without being pat or doted on? Did they miss me? Had someone taken them in or were they sitting at the window waiting for my return?
Would I return?
Nikolai squealed again, his smile growing impossibly wider, the tips of his lips nearly touching his ears. "Cats are adorable! So fluffy and cute and squishy! I would just love to squeeze them until their little heads popped off!"
He suddenly scooted closer to me, the space between us slowly decreasing until our knees knocked together. He brought his fingers up to my cheeks, pinching them as if I was a baby. "Just like you! Squish, squish, squish! So damn cute"
Our noses bumped together as he leaned in closer, those cold eyes hyper-focused on my lips. I felt like I might hurl as his hands trailed down from my cheeks to my waist, his fingernails digging into the flimsy fabric of the nightgown he forced me into my first day here. This was wrong. So, so wrong.
"Please" I whined, tears threatening to spill at any second. "Please don't"
I had been so lucky the past 3 weeks with him not touching me, not with sexual intent anyway. No kissing, no touching, no... sex. Nothing. He would ask his stupid questions, force me to play his stupid games, and lay with me in bed at night, but that was it. But now, it seemed my luck had finally run out.
"Question 3!" Nikolais voice dropped an octave, sending a shiver down my spine. "Now, dove, this is the last question, so make sure you pay extra attention, mkay?"
Not like I had a choice.
"Who do you love the most in this whole wide world?"
There was only answer to that question. Only one answer he wanted, anyway. I had learned the hard way what the consequences of getting it 'wrong' were. It was so degrading, humiliating, dehumanising even, the punishment he had given me for answering with the wrong person. I wasn't keen to go through that again.
"You, Nikolai. I love you the most" I sounded robotic, like a puppet. Which in reality, I kind of was. Just a little puppet in his clown show.
"Correct! 3 for 3, you're so smart! Now, for the reward"
And then, his chapped, cracked, messily painted lips were on mine. It wasn't recpirocated, it wasn't even pleasant. It was gross, slimy, wet like a fish. Maybe I could pretend I was making out with a fish. That would've been million times better than this bullshit.
I hated it.
I hated him.
I hated myself.
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
hihi! :) (let’s hope the tumblr gods don’t eat this)
do you have any thoughts about modern sevika tastes? i.e how she dresses, the scents she likes to wear, the music she might like, what her phone case might be like. things like that! :)
- topdrop anon
i have a few, but i would LOVE to hear your guys thoughts in the comments too!!
men and minors dni
she dresses practically: pants with lots of pockets, shoes with steel toes, breathable and easy to wash fabrics. but i think she's got a little fashion sense in her, and she knows how good she looks, so she's always buying her clothes just one size too small so all her muscles are on full display, pulling and tugging at the tight fabric of her clothes.
lots of shades of gray and black. some earthy tones-- olive greens and tans and browns. a few pops of color here and there: her favorite red jacket, the purple beanie she wears in winter.
all her socks are black. but her boxers are the cutsy-est things you've ever seen. prints of little hearts, dogs, kitties, ducks, lolipops; writing over the ass like 'eat me' or 'kiss me'; she keeps most of her attire serious, but her undies are always goofy.
i think her left arm would either be a prosthetic or covered in tattoos. shoulder to fingertips.
she's totally the type of person to drive in silence. or listen to the news. she doesn't really listen to music, but she's got a few jazz vinyls she's always cycling through at home. i think it's mostly instrumental, but she does have a soft spot for some soulful singing (which means she cries when nina simone comes on every. single. time. and can you blame her?)
as much as i want to make her a punk-rocker, i just think she'd find it noisy and annoying hahaha.
her phone case is either clear, or it's super bulky and has a little latch on it so she can latch it to her belt lmaoooo.
she keeps the background photo as the default picture it comes with, until she meets you. (she changes it to a pic of the two of you kissing the SECOND you agree to be her girlfriend. she grins after you say yes, pulls her phone out, and quickly changes her background, whispering, "fuck yes, i've been waiting to get rid of this boring ass wallpaper.")
i don't know how to describe scents, but i picture her smelling fresh, like kinda minty, but in a irish spring way. sandalwood too. but on top of all her soaps and lotions, she wears a really warm scented cologne, like tobacco and brown sugar and whiskey and coconut. like amber-y smelling?
she tries to deny the fact that she's got a sweet tooth. she's always munching on chips or nuts or other salty snacks. but that's just because if she starts on a sugary treat, she won't be able to stop herself until it's all gone.
you find this out after you gift her a pan of brownies for her birthday in the morning, and find that they're gone by lunchtime.
now, you always keep little chocolates and hard candies on you to pass to her when she looks stressed. she always gives you the biggest, happiest eyes you've ever seen, like you've just handed her a check for a million dollars instead of a peanutbutter cup.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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winged surprise
notes: just a little something i wrote before going to bed. a short scenario about malleus flying you back to the dorm after an exhausting PE exam and giving you some affection ❣️
contains: malleus draconia x gn!reader, touching malleus's wings, affection, cuddling, fluff
warnings: mention of showering together
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PE was hardly one of your favorite classes; especially on exam day when you had to try your hardest to get a good grade. Who even makes up these stupid exercises to get evaluated on? You sighed and let out an annoyed groan when you glanced to your side and found that the water bottle you had brought with you was already empty. You didn't even remember that you had finished it.
Your head hurt from the exhaustion and your breath was ragged and you weren't even halfway through the test.
"You seem out of breath", a certain dragon fae noticed as the two of you walked over to the next area of the sports field where each student had to do as many push-ups as possible in a minute, "I did not think this exercise could be so taxing to someone." He laid a finger to his chin, contemplating your current state. "Says the guy with the physical advantages in the 'physical advantage' class", you let out a bitter laugh and could have punched Vargas when you heard him call out to the two of you to hurry up already.
Once the exam was over, the students packed up their things and left the coliseum. You were still sitting on the bench, letting the wind blow past you in an attempt to cool yourself. Your heart was beating rapidly and your legs were shaking from straining your muscles during the exercise. "Here. I don't need it, you can have it", you opened your eyes to see Malleus standing in front of you, handing you his own water bottle. You mumbled a barely audible 'thank you', before almost downing the whole thing in one go. Malleus sat down beside you, taking your shaking hand into his and rubbing it gently. "Do you feel better now? Can we head back to the dorm?", he asked softly and wrapped an arm around you which you pushed off immediately, checking your surroundings for any prying eyes. For a prince, who would be most affected if someone were to find out about your secret romance before announcing it officially with the approval of Briar Valley's royal court, Malleus was surprisingly careless. His desire for your affection sometimes won over his caution when it came to hiding your relationship.
"Just give me a minute", you mumbled, closing your eyes again and feeling as if you could pass out right there on the bench. Instead, you could feel yourself being lifted by Malleus; finding yourself in his arms before you could feel a shadow blocking the sun from your face. You opened your eyes again and your gaze fell onto two majestic dragon wings attached to Malleus's back. Your fingers reached for them but Malleus swatted your hand away. "You're going to fall if you turn like that", he said and then smiled down at you, "you can touch them once we're back at the dorm." You nodded, marveling at the way the scales would shine in green, purple and black colors depending on how the light hit his wings.
"You've never shown these to me before", you remarked with a smile on your face, closing your eyes and leaning your cheek against Malleus's chest as you could feel him lifting off the ground and the air around you getting a little cooler, much like you had wanted, "they're beautiful." "I'm glad you think so, my love", he held you safely in his embrace, grateful that you had trusted him this much. "So what, I'm just getting a whole flight back to the dorm?", you asked and chuckled. Malleus affirmed and you enjoyed the rest of the flight in silence; sometimes gazing at the scenery below. But most of the time you were focusing on the wind and the feeling of flying as well as the sound of Malleus's heartbeat you could hear with how close you were.
Once you had arrived at Diasomnia, Malleus had put you down on the bed gently and let you catch your breath before the two of you took a shower to wash off the reminders of Vargas's hellish PE exam. Malleus could feel you were still exhausted by the way you were leaning against him with your eyes closed the entire time, sitting down at every possible opportunity. "Are you sure you'll be okay?", he asked and you could hear a little worry in his voice. "It's sports. It's annoying and exhausting but nothing that will kill me, sunshine", you nuzzled his neck and he enjoyed the sensation with a satisfied smile, closing his eyes as well.
When you had left the bathroom, Malleus opened his wardrobe and tossed you a simple black shirt of his. You sat down on the bed and put it on as well as the spare pants you had packed for PE. Malleus looked at you for a moment, noticing once again how adorable you looked wearing his shirt. "It suits you", he smiled and reached into the wardrobe again to pull out a t-shirt for himself as well. "Well then, maybe I should keep it", you teased and Malleus smirked at you as if he was challenging you. "Did no one teach you not to steal from a dragon?", he joked and closed the wardrobe, sitting down beside you, "it's just a jest. You can have it, if you want."
He grabbed the green shirt he had gotten for himself and was about to put it on when you stopped him. "You promised to show me your wings again", you reminded him and he chuckled. "You're right, I did say that", he spoke softly and manifested his dragon wings, accidentally knocking the lamp off the nightstand in the process. You picked it up and put it back to where it stood before you focused on Malleus's wings. You knew he could summon them even while he was wearing clothes but to see how they connected to the soft skin of his back was different. There were small scales surrounding the base and you touched them carefully, eventually running your fingertips along his wing. Malleus had closed his eyes and his breathing slowed. His wings were quite sensitive, yet he found your touch relaxing and enjoyable. You ran your fingers over one particular spot on his wing and he started flapping it uncontrollably.
"My apologies if I startled you", he kissed your forehead gently, "I'm merely a little ticklish." You smirked and started tickling that area of his wing, causing that motion again and witnessing Malleus laughing desperately because of your teasing. He retracted his wings almost immediately. "Hey!", you pouted and ran a finger over the skin of his back where his wings had been just a second ago. "You brought this upon yourself", he smirked at you and put on his clothes. You raised an eyebrow, amused at seeing Malleus in a GaoGao Dragon-kun shirt. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you thought.
As soon as Malleus was dressed for bed, he pulled you into his arms and covered the two of you with the blanket. His legs were entangled with yours and you buried your face in his shirt. He held you close, running his fingertips up and down your back. Malleus radiated a comforting warmth and being snuggled up to him like this never failed to make any situation seem cozy. "I love you so much", he whispered and kissed your lips slowly, catching up on the affection he had to miss out on during the lessons. "I love you too", you reminded him and wrapped your arm around him, listening to his heartbeat once more. The two of you fell asleep not long after, holding each other tightly.
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hothammies · 7 months
an analysis of clothes in st (part i) - the meaning of yellow within the party
so, this analysis is one that has been in the making since before s4 came out - i literally had to dig through old discord messages to look for what i was talking about two years ago. i'm hoping to make this into a series because i loved analyzing the outfits back then and i wanted to share what i thought about them! the costume designers put so much thought and effort into all the clothes and i'd love to try to understand why they chose what they did for specific moments. heads up! - this analysis series will mainly cover the party members. outfits are important within the entire context of the show as well, so i may include other group members from time to time. however, my primary focus on st has always been the party members, so i'm gonna be giving them the main focus in all of the posts.
let's start with my favorite meaning for the clothes: yellow.
when party members wear yellow, they tend to be in situations where they are trying to fit in or act normal, typically when regarding relationships, but could also be within society, a situation, or in general. i have four examples of yellow being used as a signal that these characters are put in situations where they're trying to fit in / act normal - one of max, one of the entire party, and two of mike. let's start with max!
example one: in s2e3, we watch max trying her best to fit in with the boys when dustin is showing them dart. despite her attitude when they first meet her, she obviously does want to be friends with these guys regardless. in this episode, max wears a yellow hoodie while all the boys wear variants of the same neutral grays/whites, dark blues and reds, showing the difference between max and the other party members. she has not "earned" her keep yet, and she's trying to fit in but she is not yet in the know of the upside down.
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even el is wearing similar colors to the rest of the boys, another clear sign that she is "in" the party too, despite being away from them. they did something similar in the previous episode as well, where the boys + el wore matching costumes (boys were ghostbusters and el was a ghost), while max wore a costume that didn't have her fit in (michael myers).
all of the current party members have the colors gray, red and/or blue that tie them all together in that scene, so max's yellow hoodie makes her stick out like a sore thumb. a side note is that mike and will are the only members to have all three colors on them, and matching color outfits between couples tend to be common in the show.
example two: in s3e1, the opposite happens. everyone in the party except dustin is wearing a combination of blue and/or yellow. dustin is wearing primarily green, which i will explain the meaning of in another post. all i'll say about it now is that the color green most likely has to do with being comfortable or confident in your own identity.
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will, however, is a special case, because he was actually not wearing yellow in that scene, only blue and a stripe of red. personally, i thought it was to set up how will's growth that season wasn't completely about societal expectations regarding romantic relationships like the rest of his season group. his character arc was much more about having to grow up and understand change when he doesn't want to because of the trauma he'd experienced the previous seasons. this is actually also reflected in his clothes - will is the only one that season to not wear any new colors (he only wears the three primary colors -> red, blue and yellow) while the rest of the party got to wear both secondary and primary colors (mike wore teal, el and max wore many different colors, lucas wore purple, and dustin wore green + orange).
back to the party - in that scene, the couples also match each others outfits. mike and el's have the same color scheme, being mainly blues with a small hint of yellow, and lumax having the perfect blend of yellow and blue together. this may be a stretch, but its a possible hint to show that lumax fit together, while mike and el don't.
the party members that were dating each other wearing yellow that season was to show their attempts to act normal via relationships. season 3 was also the one that the duffers kept referencing as the summer of love, despite all the couples that season being dysfunctional.
examples three and four: now, we're at the section of mike wheeler, my favorite closet case. he is the main reason as to why i noticed that there was a small pattern with the color yellow being used in the party's wardrobe.
i think we've all noticed that mike has a tendency to act very... straight when he's wearing the color yellow as his main color. this can be seen in both s3 and s4, especially during the episodes where mike is hyperfocused on his relationship with el.
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when mike was wearing the first outfit in s3, he was searching for a way to make it up to el because he lied to her. though he was trying to act normal or learn to be normal for their relationship, he wasn't doing a great job of it. during that entire section, mike was going through the motions of learning how a straight man is supposed to act, with lucas by his side giving constant straight man advice. he was also not getting it.
now, onto what is possibly my favorite outfit in the entire series - mike's s4e2 outfit. first of all, he's wearing a yellow shirt over a purple undershirt, presumably for el because that's her favorite colors apparently. obviously, mike is not himself in this outfit, but he's trying to fit into this california tourist look for his girlfriend.
in this outfit, mike was trying extremely hard to only focus on being el's boyfriend and not will's best friend. we know how that went, and this outfit helped us realize how badly mike was doing trying to follow that mindset.
before s4, we were never given any indication that mike's style would be like this. michael wheeler should not be wearing an outfit that has a yellow hawaiian shirt, the color purple, a visor and sunglasses, and flip flops to top it all off. it doesn't fit his normal style that he's normally been shown wearing throughout the show, being button ups, polos, and for that season, black jeans and chuck taylors.
he was intentionally put in an outfit that did not follow his true identity. the shirt, thus the outfit and the het identity that mike was attempting to fit into, was literally called a "shitty knockoff" by argyle.
i'm positive there are way more examples that can be used, but these are the ones that stuck out to me the most. i'll leave off with some ending thoughts:
we as bylers have always considered will's main color to be yellow, but from what i've noticed in each season, the majority of his outfits have blue, same as mike (matching couple's colors)! in fact, s4 was the first time where the majority of the season had will wearing yellow, probably because of how he was dealing with his crush on mike at the time. i'd like to point out that the main colors that lucas and max wear are also the same, being red.
i'd love to do another one of these, the next one probably being about the color green because i think i have a grasp on the reasoning behind that color. other than that, i still really need to analyze the colors of their outfits again because i think the party's clothes specifically are most indicative of their behavior. since they are the youngest group, they are the ones who are the most volatile and it's reflected in everything, especially their clothes!
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izunias-meme-hole · 30 days
Since you've been rebloging this clown like crazy, who are your favorite Jokers?
Oh no... how could I ever choose?
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Number 10. 1966/Caesar Romero - He's the most iconic of the purely campy Jokers, and honestly he's just fun. I know that's not a heavy reason to like this iteration of the character, but it's true.
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Number 9. Gotham - The Valeska Twins share a spot, purely because Cameron Monaghan's performance as them was so great. First there was Jerome, who was originally supposed to be a one-off possible Joker, and remained that way throughout the entire show even as he became somewhat of a Proto-Joker that was simultaneously heinous and fun. Though near the end of the show's 4th season, Jerome dies, but his twin brother Jeremiah ends up getting infected with an insanity gas that his brother cooked up, turning Jeremiah into a Golden Age inspired Proto-Joker who slowly evolves into the clown that we're more familiar with.
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Number 8. The Batman 2004 - This clown offers almost everything you'd want, but they're all packed within an extremely different exterior! His bare feet, dreads that resemble a jesters hat, Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him, and just how athletic and animalistic he is make this Joker unique, even if what he brings to the table is still pure fun mixed with genuine heinousness and a bat obsession.
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Number 7. Arthur Fleck - I gave my thoughts on poor Arthur already, but if you want the short version, Arthur is a paradox. His dynamic with Batman is a "brothers reborn on the same day" type of deal, he's a lot more of a pathetic guy you'd see on the street, his appearance is different, and overall he's not the Clown Prince of Crime that we're used to at all (which is why the incels ignore his worst bits and praise him). Yet at the same time, he's got the laugh, he gained the confidence, he's got the mindset, he's got levels of uncertainty about his own history, the belief of life being one big joke, Phoenix's entire physique and his performance in the latter half of the film, and overall he's just undeniably Joker on some levels. He's never gonna be my all-time favorite, but he's at least on this list at a decent spot.
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Number 6. Arkhamverse - Despite having that shit final boss and his bad habit of constantly overshadowing other villains, Joker in these games is an absolute blast to see and hear. Doesn't matter that he's a big bad, a secondary antagonist, or just "flirting with Batsy", he's great. It also helps that both Mark Hamill and Troy Baker do a phenomenal job at bringing him to life.
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Number 5. Golden Age - Ah, Original!Joker my beloved. A scary as shit cunning sociopath with a haunting grin, clownish exterior, and a nice purple suit who just came outta nowhere. Plain, simple, yet very effective at the time.
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Number 4. Batman 1989/Jack Nicholson - Perfect casting, perfect costume, feels like he leapt straight outta the comics and onto the big screen, and he has a near perfect origin. If only he wasn't responsible for the death of the Waynes. Still he's a phenomenal Joker and an ICON.
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Number 3. Nolanverse/Heath Ledger - I swear to god Heath Ledger's take on Joker is the definition of "don't judge a book by its cover" because while he kinda spawned more cringeworthy and edgier Jokers (Lookin' at the New 52 & Leto), he also manages to distill the essence of the character perfectly. He's colorful yet subtle, funny yet terrifying, arrogant yet self-deprecating, brilliant yet insane, motivated to cause chaos yet feeling the need to justify that chaos to the rest of the world, hates Batman yet loves him, and he just simply exists.
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Number 2. BTAS/DCAU - Forever the definitive Joker adaptation. Mark Hamill's voice was perfect for the clown, his designs are iconic, his origin being a perfect blend between "we know what he's about" and "we don't know shit," he's still funny yet terrifying, he's a chaotic artist, his toxic dynamic with Harley Quinn was perfect (which is funny since Quinn was invented FOR BTAS), his death and actual defeat were cathartic, and overall this was the Definitive Joker.
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Number 1. Post-Crisis Comics - We got Joker's Five-Way Revenge, Laughing Fish, Dreadful Birthday Joker, The Killing Joke, and A Death In The Family out of this iteration of the character, all of which pretty much came to define The Joker in one way or another, for better or worse. Out of all of the reboots of DC's universe, Post-Crisis had the best Comic!Joker, and in all honestly just the best Joker in general.
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pinktie · 12 days
If there is anything about Kaito you feel like geeking out about, I'm all ears (eyes)!
Thank you! I've been waiting for this.
Where do I even begin, Kaito KID is such a cool character. I think ever since I saw him, most of my favs have some of his traits. He's responsible for my obsession with chaotic good characters. Bonus points if they also have that Non-binary/Gender-fluid energy or are just simply unafraid to be any gender.
There's something funny about an almost adult guy who's proudly being called KID and enjoying being a kid. The exact opposite of his rival, who doesn't like being seen as a child. Which is ironic. I used to think that it was intentional.
In DC, my favorite type of KID is from episode 76 to movie 3. This doesn't mean I don't love the current Kaito. Is just that his writing was more serious before, and his character is more interesting.
In MK, I like the era where while KID is doing heists, he's also helping people with their problems and making them happy (which is from chapters 19-26). I wish it was kept like that for longer.
I love it when fans alter some of his features to make him slightly different from Shinichi. Like changing his eye color (either a different type of blue or they're purple) or giving him a little bow on his hat.
Again, thanks for asking. I love to talk about Kaito.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
For multiverse monday can I request soulmate au with victim reader and spencer meeting for the first time during a case?
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
It happens so quickly you barely even notice it. You're more focused on the pain in your abdomen than you are the burst of color through your eyes, and you wish you could relish meeting your soulmate more thoroughly in the moment.
There's hands pressing to your side, a creamy peach color. And there's a purple sweater vest overtop of his chest, scratching at your arms with itchy wool. Then a tie against the sweater; blue.
There's a man in your face now, not the same that's putting pressure on your wound. He's got a stern frown on his face, and you feel scrutinized even though you're the victim.
"What color was the car that he took?"
"I- I don't.. I don't know," You stammer, breathing heavily as the hands around your waist tighten, "I don't see.. color. But your hair," You turn back to the man holding you, seeing pink lips, brown eyes, and a barely-tanned complexion, "Your hair is brown."
"Your shirt is green." The man observes, rosy lips flattening out and curving up ever so slightly at their ends. You nod, glancing down at the red splotches that mar it. The sight of your own crimson blood sends your tummy twisting, and the man holding you seems to notice the cave of your throat.
"You can take my jacket," He offers, leaning back to untie a coat from around his waist while still keeping one hand against your cut, "It's.. it's brown."
"Yeah," You breathe, fingers grazing the soft fabric, "Brown. Like your hair. And your eyes."
"And your shoes," He glances at your sandals.
"I'm Spencer."
You hear the agents around you disperse, mumbling into comms and barking orders. But everyone leaves you two alone, and you're thankful for the solace it brings.
"You need an ambulance." Spencer states, and you nod. You hear the sirens outside, know they're waiting for you, but you can't bring yourself to leave his arms.
"I could walk you there?" He suggests, brown eyebrows raising in question.
"That would be nice." You nod, voice weak as red blood still stains your side.
When Spencer leads you out of the building, you're met with blue sky, green grass, grey roads, and a black SUV. The red-and-white ambulance is to your right, and Spencer's brown shoes veer that way to lead you there. The stretcher is blue, and you let them ease you onto a white pillow.
"I'll visit you." Spencer blurts, bringing a hand up to scratch at the baby blue shirt collar beneath his sweater vest, "I.. I know we should talk more. I'm sorry that we met this way."
"Me too." You let out as much of a laugh as you can, though it aches in your chest, "I hope you guys catch him."
"We will." Spencer nods, eyes twinkling in a sweetly reassuring manner, "Do you.. do you have a favorite color yet?"
Your eyes drop to the lavender tones of his sweater vest, and you nod, "Purple."
He nods with that sweet, barely-there awkward smile of his, and three days later, he shows up to your hospital room with a handful of lilacs.
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adobe-outdesign · 8 months
thoughts on the wretched wocky? (some of the unconverted ones like the darigan wocky look so good but that blank unappealing not-quite-smile of the regular wockies makes me so, so angry for some reason. theyre looking at me the wrong way and im taking it personally)
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I feel like Wockies have always had a bit of a problem standing out, as they are very plain Neopets—they don't really have a unique "hook". Dozens of Neopets have manes and fluffy tails, and Aishas have you covered if you're looking for something cat-like.
That said, I would argue that Wockies at least stand out in their stocky, incredibly fluffy body shape. If Aishas are house cats, then Wockies are basically Pallas Cats, only they hate the world slightly less. (They're also the most huggable Neopet, and I stand by this.)
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Visually, they're super simple; just a chunky body with a mane to break things up a bit. I do have to state that I really don't care for the pink manes on the base colors though—I guess they were trying to match the ears/nose, but it looks a bit clashy (especially on red Wockies) and the brown eyes only worsen this. I think a darker/lighter tint of the base color or a neutral would've worked better there. Thankfully this is solely a problem with the base colors though, as most paint jobs have a more fitting mane color.
Of course, I can't talk about Wockies without talking about customization:
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I'd argue that Wockies were one of the worst species conversions out there. At a glance, they look similar—until you notice that, inexplicable, the entire face completely changed. The rectangular eyes and awful thick eyebrows look so much worse than the original design. (Also, the feet are too pronounced on the converted design, but that's beside the point.) And what's weird is that there was literally no reason for this change, and it in no way relates to the actual conversion requirements—the artist seemingly just woke up one day and decided that they really, really hated Wockies. An absolute shame.
Favorite Colors:
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Elderly: This color combo literally just came out last month, but it's already a standout for me. These guys have a really charming elderly cat look, complete with slightly ruffled fur, Siamese and tabby markings respectively, and a folded ear on the males. The clothes are also, for the most part, nice neutral colors (though I find the female's hair curlers jarring, especially due to how the eyebrows clip over them. They can be removed though so no worries there). What's also great is that the base colors are lovely in and of themselves if the clothing doesn't do it for you.
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Darigan: I have to give the Darigan Wocky points for one simple reason: it's one of the only converted Wocky colors that fixes the godforsaken rectangle eyes, which already makes it look better than a lot of Wockies. Beyond that though it's also a pretty solid color all around. I'm usually more of a purple Darigan person, but the red does work here, the giant horns are fun, and the mottled markings a nice touch. The UC has a wonderfully grumpy personality, but the converted version sticks to the design pretty perfectly otherwise.
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Plushie: I feel like Plushie Wockies manage to make the original pink manes work, mostly because they're using a nice salmon pink combined with a more neutral blue, and they also made the eyes pink instead of having them be brown for no reason. The UC has a super cute body shape, but even the converted version still retains some very nice colors and patterns (though it does low-key bug me that the stitch line isn't properly centered on the face). Good stuff!
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oscconfessions · 3 months
i wonder what algebraliens taste like
i'd imagine depending on who/what they are they'd taste different
four most likely tastes really gamey because he most definitely is a wild animal. if we go on the headcanon that algebraliens are more animal-like than other objects, it's possible he'd taste like venison (deer), because i see him as thin and gangly but still has enough muscle on him for meat.
x is probably mostly fatty. say what you want to say, but his shape even in canon, is, for lack of a better term, rounded. it's not worth it to eat x unless you want to fry him up like chicharonnes (fried pork skins[god i am hoping i spelled that correctly i am a hopeless gringo i apologize]). otherwise if you cook him normally he'd taste like rabbit but there'd be little to no meat on this dude. personally i think of him like this because x is passive and would need a thick blubber layer (like a real life whale, the animal, no i am not calling fat people whales, even if i was i would be calling myself a whale because i AM fat fuck you) to protect himself. i mean how else does this little guy take a beating from others? additionally, i think x is really fuzzy, maybe he's like a seal??????? do people eat seals?????
2. what does two taste like. personally i think they're different from the other algebraliens in makeup- they have an affinity for cake and other sweet foods, so maybe their diet consists of sugars, not too unlike some insects. maybe they're insect-like? bee? bee. that being said, they wouldn't have too much flavor on their own. say if you fried them up like a cricket, and put some seasonings on him, you could get something that tastes good.
yes i am continuing with xfohv algebraliens.
seven and one (what we have seen of one at least) i think follows two in 'is insect' category. mayyyybe 14 is also insect? but i also don't wanna find out what 14 tastes like. i really don't.
six and nine both inexplicably taste of mint toothpaste and wintergreens respectively. that being said, i am allergic to mint toothpaste, so six is safe from being eaten by me.
8 tastes like tofu. following six and nine, idk how this would happen, but 8 probably would be good in a stew or soup. miso soup
i don't wanna find out what five tastes like. i know they're probably meaty but the purple color reminds me too much of grape flavored candies and i'd be too disgusted. also i don't think 5 has ever taken a shower
i would never eat 10. never in a million years. i like 10 wayyy too much. but if i absolutely had to guess what 10 tastes like, i think 10 is the porky-mutton contender. probably leans more towards a rack of lamb. i say this with the most absolute affection. 10 is my favorite idk why
15 tastes like 15. if we are talking fusion 15, mint overload, i am not touching it. if we are talking red 15, they taste like beef. and the number 15. you take a bite and you see the number 15 appear before your eyes before you swallow. i guess
does 3 exist? idk
i think this is the end of the algebraliens- no wait i gotta do exclamation mark who i will shorten the name to ! bc i am not typing that over and over again
! unlike 5 has a lighter lavender color. since they exist in a different universe and is much more kooky than beefydie algebraliens, i think they'd exist on a different logic. ! probably tastes whatever that juice tastes like, and i think that juice is probably really herbal tasting, with mostly floral lavender notes. what i am saying is ! tastes like if you were to eat a spa. i do not want to eat a spa.
this has been; super technical analysis of what numbers and variables and punctuation tastes like
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: A New Beginning (X-Men #1-3)
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The true beginning of Rogue and Gambit's story really comes with the new and somewhat iconic era of X-Men. X-Men: The Animated Series drew its inspiration from the relaunch designs, and for someone who grew up with this era, it feels nostalgic as well as historic. Rogue looks and sounds like the character I grew up with. Gambit being crucial to the line up and no longer an afterthought feels pivotal. I feel like we've finally arrived.
And while I know this era isn't void of problems -- believe me, I know... I kind of enjoy this early Rogue and Gambit dynamic. It's fun and flirty and has a little bit of an edge to it. And the angst. So. Much. Delicious. Angst.
The funny part is... there really isn't a whole lot of it in these first few issues. Things don't really heat up until issue #4. Not only that, I'm gonna have to bring up Rogneto again... I'm so sorry, guys. Blame Chris Claremont.
Alright, let's dig in...
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X-Men #1
Rogue in her now iconic new uniform -- this is going to be a standard for quite awhile. Get ready to see this pose a lot - Jim Lee, and artists after him, really like to do the whole one leg up, one fist out thing. Anyway, despite the fact that I (shockingly) don't like that much yellow on her - she's so pretty. I've always loved this era's hair.
Anyway, you want plot details you say?? This is Chris Claremont's last hurrah on his initial, epic 17 year run with the X-Men. And of course you can expect two things -- space shenanigans and coming full circle with Magneto as the villain. The crux of it is about Magneto possibly being a threat, despite the fact that he wants to be left alone, and of course, the X-Men get sucked into the drama.
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X-Men #1
Gambit's redesign - which uses his initial costuming but man does he look so much better. He looks 'cool' in the way that all the X-Men look cool in this era. The dude can pull off the color fuchsia. That isn't easy to do. I do like, however, in color theory that the pinks and purples of Gambit goes well with the greens of Rogue's coloring. But more to the point - Gambit is pretty now, which is what we're all really here for. ;)
Anyway - because this is a relaunch, after our initial Magneto based prologue, we get a (re-)introduction to the entire team in one of my absolute favorite sequences of X-Men comics. The teams will eventually be divided into two groups; the Blue Team -- Cyclops, Beast, Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, Psylocke, and Jubilee and the Gold Team -- Storm, Jean Grey, Iceman, Angel, Forge, and Colossus, but for now, they're one happy family doing a classic danger room sequence as designed by Charles Xavier.
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X-Men #1
The whole sequence is really pretty awesome, but it leads to one of my favorite comic book moments -- where Gambit just goes for it and kisses Jean. It's a fake, robot Jean, but it's a bold move. And leads to Cyclops wanting to drop a truck on him. It's such a classic moment and I love it.
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X-Men #1
Our first Rogue and Gambit panel happens right after Wolverine wins the whole training sequence (because of course he does). (Also - Claremont can't quite resist and we get a final 'bang, you dead' moment.) Meanwhile, Rogue and Gambit still haven't spoken to each other - but at least they know the other one exists. Progress, right?
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X-Men #1
I really need to take a moment and appreciate the fact that most of the time during this era, when Gambit isn't in his uniform, he's running around half naked.
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X-Men #1
Ug, alright, let's talk about Magneto again. This whole arc is about Magneto kind of having an existential crisis (which, you know, happens when they need to reset you to villain again). And, unfortunately, we'll get a few of these moments scattered throughout these issues of Rogue trying to talk sense and reason into him due to their 'spark' in the Savage Land. I get that someone should be a reasonable voice -- especially when the rest of the X-Men are attacking the guy before any kind of provocation. But I'm still rolling my eyes that it's Rogue. Notice he calls her 'child' during this? He'll do that throughout. Eesh.
Magneto claims that he has no beef with them and offers them all safe haven on his floating asteroid base -- Asteroid M. And guess who doesn't join him? That's right - Rogue at least has enough sense to stick with the family she knows and cares about over a possible, not really fling. Btw - I hadn't mentioned it back when I was talking about the Savage Land, but there was nothing to suggest Magneto can actually touch her. (I think that might be an Age of Apocalypse thing?)
Also, in case you think any of this sounds familiar - pretty sure X-Men '97 drew heavily from this arc for their Season 1.
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X-Men #1
The first time either of them mentions the other one, and it's Gambit being sassy about whether or not Rogue should be a considered a lady. I kind of love it, actually. And love that Beast is like -- oooh, you're playing with fire on that one.
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X-Men #2
They're getting more on panel togetherness! Granted it's group shots and they're taking down Magneto, but I'm taking all the scraps!
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X-Men #2
Alright, well as much as I'm not a fan of the Rogue/Magneto dynamic, I'm still going to be fair and talk about it. Because it is part of Rogue's development. The key thing here though is that Rogue isn't going to compromise her values and beliefs because she may feel something for Magneto. And this will continue to ring through always through the comics. Of course, how nice of Magneto to swat her away like an annoying fly. Romance for the ages, guys.
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X-Men #2
More on panel time! They're really going for all the group shots these days - probably to milk sales. But I mean, Rogue and Gambit look good just standing next to each other, so who am I to complain?
So, back to the plot... Magneto is getting pissy because the world governments are seeing him as a threat. He kidnaps Moira MacTaggart and berates her and blames her for all of his issues (because, you know, she messed with his genetics after he was de-aged, in an attempt to make him /not/ a villain). It was... a whole thing don't worry about it.
Anyway, he has Moira (somehow) brainwash the Blue Team into joining Magneto's side. Because they can't otherwise be convinced. Which, oh my gosh - what's with all the brainwashing lately?? Of course, this means it's Gold Team to the rescue...
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X-Men #3
I'm going to try to document every time they're on the same cover. Also, it isn't X-Men unless there's at least an X vs X brawl every other month.
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X-Men #3
Another group shot with Magneto in between them?? What can this mean??? Actually, nothing, I think it's just a coincidence. But - I really like the art here.
But.. you guys! YOU GUYS! We get our first real Romy moment in this issue! Granted - they're still brainwashed! But it's another first! Here we go...
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X-Men #3
So, they're all hanging out on Asteroid M, taking it easy because - apparently that's what you do when you're a brainwashed Magneto fan. I love that Cyclops is still in his full uniform while Gambit has managed to strip down to his undies. I'm sure we can all tell who is the real fun one of the group.
You know what I like about this exchange, though? Gambit was casually complementing her diving skills and Rogue is the one who decides to get flirty about it. Of course, Gambit's going to push it further - see how far she wants to really go, and that'll cause her to run -- a dynamic that we're going to see a ton of as we go through all of this early stuff.
But for all that Gambit's going to push - it's not completely unwarranted or completely out of nowhere. Yeah, he gets flirty with the ladies on principal. Yeah, he went for kissing (fake robot) Jean unprompted because he thought he could. I won't defend some of the ickier aspects of these comics.
But... I'm fascinated by the idea of - what if she could touch? Would it still be a game to him? Would she have let it continue? Would they just have had a little fling right off the bat? Are her powers what really pushes them to have a deeper relationship than what they might have had? Just all the thoughts I'm throwing out there.
I also like that, that little moment of humor, where she knocks him into the pool, is so genuine it shakes her out of her mind control.
I also like that Gambit's genuine concern for her stops his playfulness.
It's such a tease of some great stuff coming up, and I am here for it.
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X-Men #3
And that's really all we get guys. The Gold Team shows up to save the day but not before some X-Men fighting amongst each other. Magneto monologues for a while. Charles tries to get him to see reason. The people of Earth try to nuke Asteroid M and everyone gets outta there while Magneto decides to go down with the proverbial ship.
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X-Men #3
This is in the closing moments of the issue - and I'm putting it here because it is Rogue talking about Magneto again -- but kind of seeing reason and how their ideologies do not work. She's trying to get Xavier to see this, and it's funny that Xavier is having a very hard time trying to let his old 'friend' go. Rogue, however, is fine. Maybe there had been a small, romantic spark of being caught up in close quarters in a shared moment. But that was all it was.
There is more to a longer lasting romance than fleeting moments due to circumstances. ;)
The X-Men take off leaving Magneto and his real followers to their fates. Of course... we know that it's never the real end of Magneto. Asteroid M may blow up, but he'll be fine.
However, I'll take a moment say that it's a poetic ending. Chris Claremont closes it out with a sort of goodbye. His tenure on X-Men is now complete, and we've fully stepped into a bright, new era!
X-Men #4 is gonna bring it. Let's do it! ;)
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General Dethklok/Managerial Headcanons :3
A/N: this may or may not be dry asf i'm writing b4 the hcs so i don't forget😭😭
this is NOT proofread
Nathan Explosion :
i think he's like 6'5
its just this weird hunch i have
definitely somewhere from 28-35
i don't make the rules man😔
obviously Native American from the whole bloodlines episode
i can't remember what it's called for the life of me😭
i don't have any other nationality hcs for him
i think the show does it well enough
has gauges idc
they probably aren't hella big, but they're there
maybe an industrial or some kind of cartilage piercing
i think his favorite song they've made is Mutilation on a Saturday Night
it makes him think of early dethklok without the prophecies and shit
favorite album is the Dethalbum
probably has a bias bc it's the first project they did (totally not projecting rn😭)
song that makes me think of him is Ugly Model Mannequin by Cane Hill
idk why, it just does
Skwisgaar Skwigelf :
he's 6'10 NO ONE can convince me otherwise
his tagline isn't "taller than a tree" for nothing man
i saw someone say that Brendon himself said Nathan and Skwisgaar are the same age, so i'm not touching on that
biggest Swede ever man
like he quite literally had the Swedish flag on his belt buckle in Doomstar Requiem
go look it up i'm not joking
but maybe his dad is from like Switzerland to make him a slight bit more interesting
i doubt that he'd have any piercings
maybe his ears but that's it
i just cant see him with anything crazy
someone mentioned an elf ear body mod for him
makes sense that fairy
that last one was uncalled for hold on😭😭
this guys favorite song is awaken
he just loves the instrumentals
the little do-do-do-do do do do do do they do
idk how to explain it just go give it a listen😭
favorite album is the Dethalbum III
i think he likes how all the songs sound similar, so it isn't hard to remember the riffs (don't mention my terminology i am the farthest thing from a guitarist😭)
song that reminds me of him is Viking by Slaughter to Prevail
i just think he relates to the whole viking lineage thing
also the breakdown goes HARDDD
Toki Wartooth :
maybe like 6'1
this is going off gut feeling, not anything related to the show
i think he's like 25
he didn't look that old in Doomstar Requiem
the type of guy to sneak in like 20 cats and give them treats to not make noise
i think he regresses to like 6-7
idk why i just think yk
i think he also has gagues
they're probably white
he totally has an eyebrow piercing that pickles did in like 1900 BC that he didn't want anymore so he just let that hoe close
i think with the way his family is he would just be 100% Norwegian
no ifs not buts
might know some Latin
probably just prayers and shit like that
his favorite song they've made is Dethharmonic
or the Deththeme
for Dethharmonic he likes the orchestral elements
for the Deththeme he just likes that his name is first😭
i'd say his favorite album is the second one
just bc the album cover is purple, literally no other reason
probably bc it stands out from all other death metal albums
purple probably isn't considered a "metal" color (it should be though)
a song that reminds me of him is Summer Breeze by Type O Negative
i think he'd appreciate how chill it is
Pickles the Drummer :
bro easily 5'6-5'8
he's a short king
Wisconsin 100% his family is from no where else
like the drummer family goes back to the 13 colonies
obviously he has four piercings
those eyebrow ones
i think he has some on his ears
cartilage but not industrial
his favorite song they've made is Hatredcopter
he just loves how he sounded and the drums (based)
i forgot to say how old he is
he's the oldest, so i'd say like 39
they're not allowed to be 40 bc i said so
i think his favorite album is Dethalbum IV
it just makes him proud to see how far they've come since Dethalbum I
a song that makes me think of him is Wrong Way by Sublime
and Your Mama Won't Know by Pretty Boy Floyd
he's most definitely taunting TF out of the band with that "mom" shit
"go get mommy a bottle" "give mommy the remote"
he's insufferable (i would be too)
William Murderface :
he's 5'10 and i HAVE to be firm on that
probably like 30
MAYBEEE 33 if i feel generous
he hates pickles
the food, not the drummer
along with Toki, he also loves Christmas
it just "isn't brutal" so he won't admit it
he's like a 5 year old when that shit rolls around
that's why he wanted that special so damn bad
his favorite album is also Dethalbum IV
he just loves the new sound
a song that reminds me of him is Subliminal by Suicidal Tendencies
i feel like he'd like their whole self titled and Lights... Camera... Revolution
i cant speak for all of Freedumb, bc i only listen to Cyco Vision, but he'd like that song too
i get a big Murderface vibe from them
maybe it's the whole punk thing
and Murderface being a Nihilist
it just ties it all together with a nice big blood red bow
i think hes latino like i've seen everyone say
he can probably speak Spanish well
speaks the Spain dialect (i'm not very educated about this tell me all abt it in either reblogs or comments)
Charles Offdensen :
he's like 6'2 or 6'3
i cant decide
i think it would be so funny if he was like 40 and the band made him seem 56
in reality he's probably like 42
that seems right to me
went to some high end law school
i'm pretty sure that's when they said he jousted
idk i just remember he can do it
i like to think he's wasian
Korean and Swiss if we wanna be specific
he grew up in American bc i love my country✊🏻😔😔
anyway, i say wasian bc he has a monolid i think
at least it looks like it to me
maybe it's just his glasses hiding it who knows
probably from the middle of buttfuck nowhere
like some place in Oregon
his favorite album is the Doomstar Requiem soundtrack
i think he likes how fun it is
and is very cocky about how good his parts are
his favorite song tho is Poisoned by Food
the opening scream is his shit
a song that reminds me of him is Visage by LANDMVRKS
it's kind of quiet at the beginning which helps him lock in for the rest of the song and all the songs after it
probably listens to metal all day, then goes to bed and listens to some goth shit
maybe even classical if he's feeling posh
wasn't raised religious, but still celebrated the holidays
the christian ones specifically
a canon fidgeter
in Dethdinner he was wiggling his fingers
thank you to that one charles lover with the spreadsheet of his behaviors i forget their handle
they pointed it out and i've geeked abt it ever since
Abigail Remedlindrinc :
don't quote me on her last name i cant spell that fuckin thing😭
i think she's like 5'8 easily
probably 34
not much older than Murderface but definitely not younger
shes probably from somewhere normal like Pittsburgh
ofc i say where i'm from for normal
anyway she's definitely not from PA idk what i was on abt
i cant think of a specific place she'd be from
i feel bad i don't have much for her i love her sm
she probably still has Nathan's number saved
in my heart they're still best friends
in canon god does she hate him
she's just so amazing i love her
Dick Knubbler :
this man omfg
he's like 5'10 too
maybe 5'11 on a good day
he looks old
maybe like 40
up there with charles 100%
hes such a goofy mf i hate him
but like i hate him lightheartedly
my dad loves him he thinks he's funny
he looks like the type of mf to talk in his sleep
he definitely rolls around a lot too
has to have a big ass bed or his frail ass will fall off
i think of him when i hear any pop song from the 80s
like Taylor Dayne, and Prince even though i think he was 90s
idk man i wasn't alive😭
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synergysilhouette · 4 months
Changes I'd make to Tim Drake (Warning: may be controversial)
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As my favorite Robin, I've needed to make this post for a long time. I know my opinions may not be agreed upon, but I hope my dedication is still appreciated, nonetheless.
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He isn't dragged for his superhero goals--Any poor mistake that DC makes, they decide to pin it on him having poor judgement, which is really unfair. As many things that get ignored/retconned (even if they arguably shouldn't be, depending on the subject), it feels bizarre to drag Tim for things like his ill-fated "Drake" costume and era, especially when it was walked back on so quickly. On top of this, people seem to look down on him for genuinely enjoying being Robin. Robin wasn't always a "move on" position, per se; Dick had been Robin for consecutive decades before deciding he wanted something different, while Jason was murdered and became someone else as a reflection of this. Tim became Robin because he saw that Batman NEEDED him, and deduced Batman and the previous Robin's identities on his own. If he wants to do stop being Batman's partner (or sidekick, depending on perspective), it should be his own choice, not everyone else saying "this was a temp job and you're out."
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He has his own unique color, costume, and maybe even codename--Even if he remains by Batman's side, Tim deserves to be distinct; his codename and color scheme are shared with all his brothers, and it doesn't do much for him. I'd definitely prefer a cowless take on his Savior costume (unsure about the codename; it feels a bit too on-the-nose, but it also feels like it represents his need to help others) or bring back his N52 Red Robin suit WITH the wings as well as making him the brother in purple, which goes well with the Batfamily's aesthetic as well as signifying his romance with Stephanie and friendship with Bunker.
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He's going for a psyche major--I feel like this fits so well with his motivations. It's weird that the Batfamily doesn't put more stock in studying psychology outside of Harley (who rarely uses this skill, much to my chagrin). Tim wants what's best for everyone, and became a hero in order to help people. He isn't simply trying to stop problems, but prevent them and make Gotham a better place for everyone. While he can still go for a cyber-related degree (I don't remember his exact major), I'd prefer he also go for a degree that furthers his desire to understand and improve others, plus it's good to help him better understand himself as well. Definitely would've made this something he furthered in "Heroes in Crisis" (which I should make an post about another time).
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He isn't bi--Hate me if you must. I'm a gay guy, and I just didn't vibe with this reveal. During the mid-2000s, it was stated by one of his artists that he and the writers kind of already saw Tim as bi, though DC never made this canon until 2021. As far as I know (as a 2010s comic person), it never seemed like DC was keen to lean into LGBT sexuality for Tim, and given that they've been treating him poorly post-N52, it feels like this was a random "let's find a way to make Tim as popular as his brothers" by making him stand out in a way that they didn't. I know this is a bold claim, but this is a feeling I've had for a while now, especially since his personal life now mainly revolves around Bernard (personal bias, but I'm usually not a fan of heroes dating non-heroes; I'd prefer him with Bunker--or Connor, if he's romantically into guys). And they haven't done him many favors since; DC infamously described him as the "always-online bisexual" in a now deleted tweet that embodies my concern that they're just defining him by his sexuality now, as well as a solo comic with horrendous art for most of the run. If Jason or Damian were depicted as bi (with the latter being the least controversial choice, imo, given his younger tenure in comics and romantic life not as fleshed out), I'm almost sure they'd be better handled, probably because they've been better handled as characters in recent years. Overall, I found Tim's retcon of sexuality unnecessary (yet we have bi characters such as Ghostmaker who were LGBT from the get-go and don't get nearly as much attention) and overall used as a metaphor for his "indecisiveness" at making decisions that DC forced onto him.
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He still has a (biological) family and life--A big problem with writers and artists is that they sometimes have a problem with trying to make the 4 Robins identical in appearance and lives. Unlike Jason and Dick, Tim wasn't an orphan adopted by Bruce, not originally anyway. He had his own life and chose to be part of Bruce's world, and the need to make him an orphan with pretty much nothing going on in his civilian life was disrespectful (is he still an Olympic-level gymnast? Kinda love the idea that he takes time off for "me time" here and there and that's when Damian or another Batfam member jumps in). Let him have friends and family as Tim Drake, not just as Robin. Let Bruce be his dad without killing off his biological one. Let Tim have autonomy and individuality!
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More A-list connections--This is being petty, but most of his friends are next-gen heroes with no major stuff going on for themselves, just like him. Surrounding yourself with important people can help you become important, too. I'm not telling friends to drop his friend groups (him and Conner have one of the best male homosocial relationships in comics and it sucks how they got overshadowed by Damian and Jon), but giving him more relationships with well-known characters could help his status. Plus maybe involve him in more teams outside of Teen Titans and the Batfamily; it's not good that he jumps between being an underrated member amongst iconic characters and a leader of underrated people. Just make sure he's not trading positions to become another hero's apprentice--there was once plans for him to be the next Blue Beetle as well as a temporary Nightwing, neither of which would be good for him, tbh. I have similar feelings for Starfire (we need more of her friendship and Superman; plus I'd love another underrated TT team led by Tim, perhaps with Ryand'r).
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Never lose sight of who he is--The idea with Tim (at least from what I've absorbed) is that he's the most optimistic, maybe even naive, version of Dick, committed to wanting to help people and support them, and not one to brush them off of devalue them. He's got a heart, not just a brain, and I like to consider him one of the glue sticks that holds the family together. He doesn't need to be edgy or cool in the way that Damian and Jason are, nor should he be reduced to a sex object like Dick (which is another post entirely).
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frango-maconheiro · 1 year
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Welcome Home
Wally Darling x GN!reader
part one ! part two
☆ My sandwich lover crush (part three) ☆
𑁍𖹭 Thank you all for the support and silly comments. You guys are awesome! 𖹭𑁍
☆ I appreciate criticism, ideas, and your opinions. ☆
Trigger Warning: none
🪼 when you woke up, you were laying in a really green grass. where are you? you look around to see that you're in the middle of a forest, a weird one that is, all trees got different colors on the leaves, like, there was literally some with purple leaves, you've never heard about a forest like this.
🪼 you look into your arms to see that your sandwich is still there and in good condition. feeling happy that at least you have a sandwich, you give it a little kiss and proceed to take a bite out of it.
🪼 you stretch yourself and get up. You don't really feel anything wrong with your body, but you still check yourself for anything weird and find nothing wrong. that's good.
🪼 "This makes no sense." You think to yourself. Why would someone kidnap you in the middle of the night, not really harm you, and bring you to the middle of the woods? maybe you were gonna be used as a sacrifice, but they didn't really like you, so they just dumped you to die here? you don't really wanna know.
🪼 you put your hand on your pocket to grab your phone just to feel nothing. Oh yeah, you forgot that you had put it to charge. Well, there's nothing you can really do about it. It's not like you knew you would need it. At least you have your precious emotional support sandwich.
🪼 you've been walking in a straight line all this time, enough time for you to realize that you're not dreaming and that this is probably some kind of wonderland because you've encountered all kinds of insects and they were all squishy, cartoon like, shiny, colorful, cute lil guys with big silly eyes, its like they all came out of a children's book!
🪼 your favorite one yet is this big rhinoceros beetle you found! it walked so silly, and it started following you after you gave it a piece of your sandwich, so you decided to take it with you.
🪼 finally, after so much time of walking without any trace of civilization, you heard it, voices coming from further away. you start walking a little faster, not running, you don't want to leave your little beetle friend behind.
🪼 finally, you get close enough. you hide in the shadows behind some trees, taking a peek at those who are making all these noises. you clear your vision to look again. It can't be. These aren't people. They're puppets!
🪼 specifically the puppets from that show you were watching yesterday. y'know the one with the silly cast where that silly puppet with big eyes, banana skin, and deep blue cotton candy hair tried talking with you, and you changed the channel on his face? yes, yes, that one.
🪼 you're not really that shocked. You've encountered enough silly bugs to collect your sanity back together. besides, you're pretty sure you could beat the shit out of them if you wanted. like, why would most of them actually know how to fight?
🪼 you find it quite interesting that they look more like the art version that you saw in the countdown screen than actual puppets.
🪼 it was starting to get so boring to watch them play and have a nice picnic that you began to notice that someone was missing. It was Wally, Wally was missing.
🪼 "Where the fuck did Wally went???" you swear you had just saw him minutes ago, you search around to find nothing, he's gone.
🪼 you feel your beetle bonking its head on your right leg, glancing at it, you watch as it points toward something - no, someone. squinting your eyes a little, you see Wally, who stopped walking when you finally noticed his presence.
🪼 he was looking directly into your eyes with that smile of his. he waves at you. "Hello, are you new here?" He gets closer, "What's your name? I could show you around." he says, perking up a little at the offer he made.
🪼 he looks shady, but you're starving, and you're practically homeless now. "Sure, buddy, lead the way." You tell him. his smiles get wider, and his pupils expand. It reminds you of a cat. If you couldn't feel his excitement before, now you could. "Wonderful! I gotta introduce you to everyone first."
🪼 He runs into your direction, practically jumping. He holds your wrist and drags you toward the others. he is so excited that you can't help but giggle. if this continues, this man will grow into your heart in no time.
🪼 at the same time you found it cute you also took a notice at how Wally's grip is fucking strong, and he doesn't seem to be even gripping your wrist that hard. He could probably snap your wrist if he wanted.
🪼 Everyone seemed confused by Wally running until they saw you, who was trying your best not to fall while running alongside Wally.
🪼 "Hey Wally, who's that behind you?" The orange dude asked, you forgot his name. "This, my friends, is our new neighbor! their name is.." Wally turns his head to look at you. "Oh yeah, you never told me your name."
🪼 "My name -" but as you were about to answer, a cute puppet with little horns runs up to you with another cute puppet by their side. "Hiii!!! my name's Julie!!" Julie tells you enthusiastically, "And he's Frank!!" she points at the guy by their side. "Hello." Frank greets you with a small wave. "Hii, it's nice to meet you two." You greet them back. they seemed nice.
🪼 "Well, now could you tell us your-" now Wally is the one interrupted. "Hi, new neighbor. Welcome to the neighborhood. Do you want some cake? I'm Howdy." Howdy extends one of his hands with a plate with a very good-looking cake. "Oh, thank you, Howdy!" You shake his hand, sitting on the grass with them. someone taps on your should, and you look to see that orange guy. "Nice to meet you, neighbor. I'm Eddie, the mailman. " You greet him and give him a little wave of your free hand.
🪼 you grab a spoon, taking a bite out of the cake that was given to you. this cake is really good. Whoever made this could make your birthday cake at any time. although you were really enjoying your time, you couldn't shake of the stare you were getting.
🪼 you look to your side to see who was staring so much at you only to be met with Wally's expended pupils. his stare is so intense, it's like he's in a trance, it's kinda creepy, but it also reminds you of a cat. You wonder if he would slap your hand if you tried to pet his hair.
🪼 "neighbor, tell me your name." he whispered, it sounded almost like a command. "Sure, but only if you let me pet your hair." you whispered back. he tilted his head a little to the side, "What do you mean?" he doesn't know what petting is? now that's surprising.
🪼 "Well, it's when someone does this, see?" You extend your arm to pet his hair. His hair is so fuzzy and soft. it seems like he liked it because he eventually started closing his eyes, leaning into your touch.
🪼 It's been ten minutes, and you thought you petted his hair long enough, but when he didn't feel anymore petting and opened his eyes to see your hand leaving, he immediately grabbed it. "What are you doing, neighbor? Pet me more."
🪼 now you're stuck with petting Wally's hair and eating cake. you don't mind, but he seems very comfortable, too comfortable, I mean, he literally put his head on your lap so you could pet him more. silly cat man.
🪼 for now, you're just sticking with these guys until you can find a way to get out, to eat your sandwiches.
☆ what do you guys think? ☆
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