#but I am a good ra. my residents love me
valerieismss · 11 months
Dr. Semegon (professor I idolize) ended our last meeting with “Oh, Valerie?” And I turned around and she was like “I’m not surprised that you’re a good RA :^)” and that has been replaying in my head over and over again
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
how i met my boyfriend - the designer axe story
as promised, since we have both now graduated the statute of limitations has expired on this story and i can now share it all with you.
some notes: ra is resident assistant and this story occurred in august of 2021. i wrote this all out the day after it happened almost 2 years ago. we did not actually start dating until october 2021 after we both realized we were in love with eachother. yes, we are still together as of may 2023.
without any further ados, the much anticipated designer axe story.
so part of RA training is that we have to make door decorations and bulletin boards for our halls and buildings. i had finished my door decks at 1 am sunday morning and the bulletin boards weren't due until 9 am monday morning. so i had all of sunday to work on it.
my building has no less than seven bulletin boards per floor and an additional 4 on the entrance floor. i dont know who the hell built this building but we need to have a serious talk about when too many bulletin boards is too many fucking bulletin boards.
so i was in charge of three on my floor. one about me, one covid policies and one sloth (his name is sam and i love him). and i am a chronic procrastinator. so i finished my about me and got through about 95% of my covid one by like 9pm and had to go back to the res life office to cut out a few more letters and get some scrapbook paper.
at this point its probably important to know that the only people on campus at this point were the RAs, some students getting mentoring training, and a few random first years here for an early arrival program. plus some staff.
now, i need you all to understand that there are 42 RAs. all of us have the same deadline. all of us had between 2 and 5 bulletin boards to complete. plus door decks. and room condition reports. so we were all moving at literally 600 frames per second, 120 miles per hour, or about as fast as a child does when they are told there's cake.
which is to say, we were all frazzled and stressed out of our minds.
so i open the door to the res life office at around 9 pm to cut out the word "but" in orange construction paper and grab 2 sheets of purple scrapbooking paper. in the office are the four RAs that were on duty that night, plus a good 7 other people are running around asking about glue sticks and construction paper and keys.
i knew that i only had my sloth board left to complete so i decided to take my sweet ass time, knowing that i was in need of a good break (and also im just a procrastinator) so i cut my letters and grabbed my paper and stood at the desk for no less than an hour talking to everyone about things like the fact that i fell out of a suitcase when i was 2 and that tamper proof lids exist because of the chicago poison pill murders and the flagship l.l. bean store in maine. it was very productive.
so i finally slink back to my dorm at around 10pm, very confident that i would finish by midnight and could watch some netflix or something before i went to bed. if only i knew what was in store for me.
i enter my dorm building and walk to the elevators. and then. one of the RAs from the third floor was like "oh saph. [another RA in the building] is looking for you."
and me, of course, didnt bring my phone to the res life office so i didnt know this.
i go up to the second floor and see one of the RAs from the second floor and another from one of the other buildings working on a bulletin board. they say "oh saph. [the same RA in the building] is looking for you."
i run up to my dorm and discover that somehow we missed the bulletin board by the downstairs elevator. seriously there's too fucking many bulletin boards. and they were asking me to do it. because they wanted to put covid policies on it.
and i know i said this story was about axe body spray. and it is. we are getting there.
so panic sets in because its 10pm and i still have two whole bulletin boards to make now. one of which i have nothing planned for. so i threw some soup in the microwave (because i had forgotten that dinner existed) and opened my laptop.
thankfully, i could reuse some of the same stuff from my own covid policies board in my common room. i just had to print it. which meant, yep you guessed it, another trip back to the res life office!!
at this point i think i had taken a grand total of at least 7 trips to the res life office that day alone. its a good 5 minute walk. not terrible, but just annoying enough that you hate yourself a little more every time that you have to do it. and now its 10:30pm. i am starving. i have two boards to complete. it was crunch time.
i make it to the office and this time i had no time to sit around and debate how popular l.l. bean is. i had policies to print and letters to cut.
as im struggling with the printer (because those fucking things can smell fear), someone else in the office starts loudly discussing timothee chalamet.
and now, this is where you want to actually pay attention because this man would be the reason i ended up only getting 4.5 hours of sleep.
said man in question is quite the character. he's in my grade and im pretty sure he's a polisci major (and maybe creative writing? there's some kind of writing) and he plays lacrosse. i dont really know how to describe him other than the fact that the first interaction i ever had with him was two years ago at freshman orientation when he complained to me in the dining hall that there was no milk for his protein powder.
that interaction is in my top 10 favorite interactions ive had in college.
but the one we are about to unpack definitely takes all of the cake.
so here i am, struggling with the printer and my tiny knock off dongle. the other RA on my floor starts discussing timothee chalamet's outfits with the protein powder RA.
and so apparently the protein powder RA worked in some major fashion designer brand corporate something or other thing over the pandemic. he told me which one but i was so shot and only thinking in construction paper and glue and staples that i didnt process any of it. but it was a fancy one. the store that is.
and so here's what happened:
me: "timothee chalamet? isn't he like, 17?"
protein powder RA and the other RA on my floor: "nah he's like 25. ive checked."
yet another RA: "yeah i just googled it."
me, a wimbo: "oh im thinking of finn wolfhard. but i dont think he's 17 either."
listen before you slam me, remember it is like 11pm and i have to still do 2 bulletin boards and we have training at 9am the next morning.
so protein powder RA pulls up some photo of timothee chalamet and starts telling me about all the brands he's wearing and i literally said "i understand all of the words that you're saying separately."
and he said "exactly!! he's just so great that when you put it all together you can't understand it!! he's just too perfect!!"
and the i made a detrimental decision.
there is life before this decision and life after.
i said "well. bring your fashion designer knowledge into the lounge and help me decide what color to cut my letters."
and he said okay.
so after severely debating the different color purples that we had and listening to the finer points of the fashion industry, i noticed something important.
he smelled like axe body spray.
see i bet you thought i forgot the point of the story. i did not.
let it be known that we are juniors in college (that's 20-21 years old if you dont know). axe is very common in middle and high school boys locker rooms. i have vivid memories of avoiding that hallway so i wouldn't be choked.
so im trying not to inhale too deeply because the smell has permeated my mask as i cut my "covid safety" letters in the color this man has dubbed "light lilac" and half listening to him talk about the fashion industry.
but i finish quickly, somehow escape the smell of axe, and grab my laptop and print outs before tagging along with the same protein powder RA and the other lax player RA back to the dorms. its now 11:15 pm. i still have 2 bulletin boards to complete. my soup is sitting in my microwave in my dorm, almost forgotten about.
halfway back from the office i realize that i forgot my dongle. i say so out loud and protein power RA says that he will go back and look because he's just that guy who likes to help. i say okay fine. and i sprint to my dorm building, drop the print outs and letters downstairs for later, and start the sloth board.
several minutes later, my soup has been inhaled, my papers glued, a sloth cut out, and im sitting in a mess of construction paper and staples in the hallway when i get a text from protein powder RA that quite simply said:
"its not there. do you need help with your boards?"
and me, being me, because i am exhausted and in need of company, say "yeah sure."
by the time he finally shows up, he's changed his outfit.
as a side note, every time ive seen this man during the last 5 days of training, he's been wearing a different outfit. oh and he works for lulu lemon. forgot to mention that.
but alas, here he came, holding my papers and reeking of axe as he walked down the hall to me, who is failing to staple a sloth to my bulletin board.
so for the next two hours i did my boards and he sat and talked. he wasn't physically helping me, but he was helping me stay awake, cause this man is a ball of fucking energy, and that was very important.
i only remember about half of what he said but essentially he was talking about how he was trying to be a better person than the one that he was freshman year. which is admirable. but he does still reek of axe.
at around 1 am i finished my last board and went upstairs to clean up. he came with me and sat on the floor and continued to talk while i cleaned up my disaster of paper and staples and glue among other things. at this point i was so relieved that i had finished that i was actually able to engage in the conversation, which was surprisingly deep and interesting.
and then. its about 1:45 am. i am about to wash my dishes so i can shower and go to bed. because remember that i need to be at training at 9 am the next morning.
and he says something about trying to be a better person again. and me, in all my sleep deprived glory, says:
drum roll
"and yet you still wear axe body spray."
and all hell broke loose.
i would like to preface by saying that he freaked out in a very joking matter and was not actually mad at me. but he was definitely disappointed and in shock. the next hour pretty much consisted of:
"are you kidding me? this is prada something something cologne and all these celebrities wear it!! how dare- it could not POSSIBLY SMELL LIKE AXE!!! well i guess its a little dry and axe is kind of dry smelling...bUT I SPENT SO MUCH ON THIS BOTTLE and the lady sold me on the larger one and it was like 150 bucks and UGH i cannot smell like axe! you know i got four compliments on how i smelled today??! and you're telling me i smell like fucking- *sniffs shirt* no! there's no way!! well i mean... no i cannot. i cannot smell like designer axe. damnit saph! im gonna have to sell this whole bottle now cause i can't use it! BUT ITS PRADA!!"
for an hour.
but it was very entertaining.
eventually i dragged him to the common room cause i needed to do my dishes and sleep and he continued ranting about it there, going as far as to call his best friend (who was asleep) and another RA and ask them if he smelled like axe. i meanwhile was laughing my ass off and 12 kinds of tired but couldn't find it in myself to care.
eventually he decided he needed yet another opinion. so he went to find the other RA on my floor, which, if you remember, is the same one who was thirsting over timothee chalamet with him in the res life office all of those fateful hours before. but that RA was nowhere to be found. so he ran down to the common room below us and scared the shit out of three freshmen.
and he asked these freshmen if he smelled like axe.
the answer was yes.
after that he left because it was 2:30 in the morning, and all the while he was yelling about how he was going to come to training tomorrow with different shirts with all his different colognes on them and have me sniff them because he couldn't smell like designer axe.
and i did the only logical thing. went upstairs to my my dorm and made him a door deck that looked like a bottle of axe that had a post it on the front that said "designer."
and so. now you all know not to buy cologne because its expensive because there's a good chance it will just end up smelling like axe.
and i didn't get to smell his other colognes because i almost passed out in training and left to take a nap. but maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
we’ve been dating for a year and seven months and just graduated college :) and in a fun twist of events, prada no longer makes that cologne anymore.
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did-someone-say-aliens · 10 months
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(new!) pinned post bbgs!!
i am unable to donate to any Gaza/genocide campaigns because i’m a minor, but i’m more than willing to reblog and platform campaigns!!
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Dni List: Homophobes, Racists, 18+ content or blogs, Sexists, Fujoshis, MAPs, ableists, proshippers, nsfw agere, Transphobes, TERFS AND RADFEMS >:/
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Accounts: @kinnie-central (i only post on there once in a blue moon) I post kinnie bingos on there. And @gir-parodyaccount where it’s basically just a Gir from invader zim parody account
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Fandoms I rp: I love roleplaying and my dms are always always always open! Absolutely NO nsfw. NONE. The fandoms I rp are right here! ^^
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FANDOMS: (oh boy here we go. I have no life can you tell?)
Splatoon, Vocaloid/Project Sekai, Dayshift at Freddy's, FNAF, Danganronpa, Ghost and Pals, Tangled the Series/Varian and The Sevent Kingdoms, Undertaele/Deltarune, Undertale AUs/Underverse, The sun and moon show, MLP, Yuppie Psycho, Fundamental Paper Education, Cookie Run, Hello Charlotte, Pressure, Doors, Regretevator, It's Not Me It's My Basement, Crowscare, Cemetary Mary, Bungo Stray Dogs, Bigtop Burger, Omori, DDLC, The Future Diary, Twelve Forever, Parappa the Rapper, Inside Job, Gorillaz, Kirby, Over The Garden Wall, OK KO, The Thief and the Cobbler, Night in the Woods, Secret Alliance, LPS, Animal Jam, Star Trek, John Doe, Max and Ruby, Aggretsuko, Ensemble Stars. Bandori, Inanimate Insanity, BURNER, BFDI, hfjone, Powerpuff Girls, Dungeons & Dragons, The Walten Files, The Mandela Catalogue, The Magnus Archives, Welcome to The Night Vale, Camp Here and There, The Lego Movie, Ninjago, Lego Monkie Kid, Lego Batman, Nimona, Watamote, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Tattletail, Critterspace, Pepper's Playhouse, The Muppets, Sesame Street, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Unikitty, Happy Tree Friends, Popee The Performer, Yandere Simulator, Dogman, Captain Underpants, Trolls, Animal Crossing, Wander over Yonder, Your Turn to Die, Ena, Good Omens, Stardew Valley, The Stanley Parable, Strawberry Shortcake, Bluey, Case Study of Vanitas, Genshin Impact, Raggedy Ann, Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda, Sailor Moon, Death Note, Pretty Cure, Hooky, Marionetta, Ghost Eyes, Ace Attorney, Octonauts, Homestuck, Twisted Wonderland, LOTR/The Hobbit, The Owl House, She-Ra (remake and original!), Pokemon, MHA, Avatar the Last Airbender, Spooky Month, Ouran High School Host Club, Dialtown, Blue's Clues, Angel Hare, TMNT/ROTTMNT, Portal (1 & 2), Alice in Wonderland (original, tim burton, and return to madness), Invader Zim, Sanrio, The Amazing World of Gumball, Lalaloopsy, Spiderverse, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Welcome Home, Studio Ghibli, Demon Slayer, Saiki K, Monster High, Sonic, Amphibia, Yo Gabba Gabba, Skullgirls, Gravity Falls, DHMIS, Steve Universe, Ever After High, Wordgirl, Sally Face, Adventure Time, Smile for Me, Shopkins, Lucky Star, K-On!, Angel Beats, Needy Streamer Overload, Lain, Nana, Rumbling Hearts, Resident Evil, Transformers, Moon Phase, Hello Puppets
KIND OF fandoms that I'm in kind of/have been in/am no longer in/know of: TADC, Hazbin/Helluva Boss, Musicals, Arcane league of legends, Encanto, Barbie, SCP, Naruto, Scooby Doo, Animaniacs, Cuphead, Care Bears, Mario, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dragon Ball Z, Dead by daylight, Red dead redemption, Peach Girl
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Other info: Nene Kusanagi and Michael Shelley fictionkin. cat otherkin and dollkin :]
my MAIN pronouns are they/it/he/xyr
extended pronoun list: Bug/clown/alien/cat/paw/kit/aer/elau/delau/cupcake/glitter/snail/rain/plant/dino/worm/dragon/draer/draerself/rocks/xe/xyr/scene/:3/gloo/kandi/honk
emoji pronouns: 👽/👾/🐝/🪱/🐛/🐌/🦕/🪼/🐟/🐳/🍄/🥀/🍮/🎲/♟️/🎥/📼/🎞️/📺/📻🕰️/🗝️/♠️/🍓
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emmatgc · 4 months
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Wonderful World FanFic (Chapter 6)
(This is only for Seon Yul and Soo Hyun shippers, nothing more. This is my own interpretation . This is a sequel to their story. New characters were added. This will be a mini novel for most probably 10 parts. Enjoy and thank you for the few who are supporting this! This is for you who made a request ❤️)
Chapter 6: The Moon is Beautiful 
“He likes you” is on a loop on Soo Hyun’s mind a lot after that fateful night talking to her sister. Seon Yul on the other hand is feeling good. He likes seeing Soo Hyun happy or at ease. He is worried about Yoo Ra but he has always been a very private person and for him she is just a friend, nothing more. She wonders why Soo Hyun brought her up during their time together and it made him smile. Was she jealous? nah , it is impossible, he thought. 
 A lot has happened in 3 months. Soo Hyun managed to get a loan for her staff and the physicians even if those were really volunteers but with her connections, even though she rarely uses it, the orphanage is thriving under her care. It is an exclusive one but one open for an opportunity of a foster home and care if a family fit to be one will adopt a child. Their daily routine was to start their day at 8am, have breakfast at 7am and lunch at 11am and end by 5pm. It is a whole day of work and “Wonderful Smiles” just like Soo Hyun, is a work in progress and like their owner, a very good one. Soo Hyun is not always present everyday at the orphanage for her other duties as an author. She is thinking of coming back to teach in a university should her schedule allow.Seon Yul on the other hand, is present and available to the kids everyday not missing a day or an hour. The children adore him and the staff loves him. From time to time he would do conference calls and talk to his Chief Resident at the hospital. 
One day, he got a call from his best friend , Soo Jin.  “Hey, how is our prodigy doing there?. He replied, “I am just doing fine, thank you for asking”. “Any news to share with me, bro? “Ummm, Nothing that would entertain you, Soo Jin. “You always entertain me, Seon Yul”. They both laughed and shared some hospital stories while Seon Yul was gone and stories from the orphanage. Before their phone conversation ended, Soo jin told Seon Yul that Yoo Ra has been asking about him and Soo Hyun and it is exhausting to constantly reply to her that it is none of her business. “Our pretty friend might have a little crush on you, Seon Yul, better be careful” “You sound like it is a bad thing, Soo Jin”. “Well, love can make pretty girls crazy”. “I'll talk to her when I get back”. “Oh good, are you finally getting back? I was thinking you might live there and give up everything here for your lady love? “ What are you talking about? Seon Yul was puzzled but also smiling. “Seon yul, my man, you are a smart man, don’t go stupid on me now. You are there for her. You liked her, always has been. Your revenge is done and what's left? Love”.  That is impossible Soo Jin, he replied. “Is it really? Impossible? For you, two? I don’t think so but anyways, it's your life and again, I am telling you to be careful always but I also want you to be happy and I hope you are”. “Seon yul nodded and smiled, Soo Jin’s words comforted him and before they finally hung up the phone, he said “I am happy, truly”. 
Soo Hyun and Seon Yul are two people who share the same silence and experiences over the last 10 years. People are baffled why they are almost “in sync” with each other. Even the staff are surprised at how smoothly they work together and it seems that both know each other too well. There was a week when Soo Hyun got sick. Seon Yul, as the Doctor notices Soo Hyun coughing. Typical Soo Hyun just brushed it off as a normal cough until she fainted one afternoon. She had an allergic reaction to a food she had eaten in one of her book tour signing events and it is a good thing they already had a pharmacy in place inside the orphanage. Seon Yul got so worried and acted as her nurse during her recovery stage. Seon Yul realizes he doesn't want Soo Hyun getting hurt or in pain. Soo Hyun was treated at the orphanage for the 1st 2 days and her medical care continued at her house. Seon Yul wanted first hand to take good care of her. He monitored her day and night. 
Soo Hyun woke up late one night and she saw Seon Yul sleeping near her bed, his arm in her bed and his head down on it. She didn't want to wake him up but as soon as she wanted to move or attempt to go down her bed , she was surprised to hear “Don’t you dare get off your bed, Dr. Soo Hyun”. Jumping and acting a little scared, it is actually kinda dark in her room, she replied “I thought you were asleep, you scared me!” “Well, i wasn't really asleep, I was just pretending to be, besides, I know you are stubborn , stubborn enough to get off this bed and go back to work!” Seon Yul was being funny she thought but he aint smiling at all, he was serious. Soo Hyun, being the joker at times said “You sound so serious, it was just a minor thing”. 
“I don't want you getting hurt, alright? I need you to be ok, Soo Hyun”. Soo Hyun was shocked to hear him call her first name for the 1st time ever. I’m sorry, I hope it's ok to call you by your 1st name? Seon Yul was shy and nervous. “I am too old to be called by you by just my 1st name”, she replied. “I don’t care,” he replied almost instantly. Soo Hyun’s chest tightened a little bit. She got butterflies seeing how nervous Seon Yul is and hearing her name that way, is a pleasant but awkward surprise. “I am sorry for making you worry, Seon Yul. I am sorry you had to look after me. I am alright though, no need to check up on me all the time”, she reiterated to him. “Please, let me take care of you, Soo Hyun”. Soo Hyun bursted out laughing and said “are you taking care of your guardian?” He seriously replied, “You are not my guardian anymore remember” Seriously, you’ve got to take good care of yourself. You are not only allergic to some food but you are clearly exhausted. You need to rest and sleep more. I did some laboratory tests on you and it seems you haven’t gone for a regular check up for a year! Soo Hyun is smiling, is he mad at me? She asks herself. He seems so mad at the thought of her neglecting her health and so on and she can’t help it but think, this might be the feeling when somebody is worried about someone, or maybe if her son is old enough to care, if he was alive, and he will tell her this? Soo hyun and her thoughts were shut down when Seon Yul stood up and walked away from her a bit. Why is he acting this way?
“You are not listening to me”, he said. Soo Hyun is grateful , but she is confused as to why Seon Yul is acting so worried and weird at the same time. Seon Yul, Thank you, she replied. “I am listening but I guess I am also still on a high from the painkillers you gave me”. They both smiled. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well. The next day, when Soo Hyun woke up, there were flowers in a vase. Her staff said it was from Seon Yul, that he picked it outdoors while he was jogging early in the morning. Seon yul gave her “Mugunghwa” also known as the rose of Sharon. 
Soo Hyun’s ex husband came to visit her after knowing at her Mom’s house that Soo Hyun is recovering at the orphanage. He brought flowers, too. He brought white lilies. It’s Soo Hyun’s favorites. Both chatted a lot and discussed some “work” related stuff and he opened up about her wanting to teach again. Seon Yul was told by the staff Soo hyun got a visitor and he wanted to check who. He entered her room and saw the two of them laughing at each other. Seon Yul was again, so serious checking up her blood pressure and her IV. He looked at him earnestly and he just smiled and greeted him. He thanked Seon Yul for taking care of his ex wife. “Thank you for taking good care of my ex wife, Dr. Seon Yul”. It is good she listens to you and stays treated here. She can be stubborn, you know. Seon Yul got a bit irritated hearing the words “ex wife” and answered, “I know” and excused himself. 
“Well, somebody’s jealous. Haha” Soo Hyun smacked Su Ho’s hand in return. “You dont have to say that!” He replied, “That you were my ex wife? It's the truth! Haha still laughing at Seon Yul and her. He is so obvious, my goodness, it is so obvious, you two! What is? Soo Hyun asked. “Come on Soo Hyun, the boy gave you “rose of sharon” flowers and I gave you lilies! So? She was confused. Oh my, you don't know what “mungunghwa” means? It is deep affection. Like eternal adoration and devotion or something. That kid is smart. He doesn't do things without thinking about it. Oh, don’t tell me “he just picked it out outside “ hahaha he didnt’ .
The guy was obviously jealous of me and that is why I mentioned you as my “ex wife”. Please leave now So hu, Soo hyun shouted at him embarrassed by what she heard from him. They laughed out loud and just felt warm to be having this conversation with her ex husband. Before So hun left, he told Soo Hyun “I will always have your back, Soo Hyun, you know that right? If he makes you happy, go for it. It's not gonna be easy but hey, nothing is. At least, he is a million times better looking than me” hahaha. So Hun left and again, a lot of feelings are intertwining in Soo Hyun’s thoughts. 
Seon Yul was indeed jealous and he knows it. He shouldn’t be, they are exes, of course he will visit her. His thoughts are running wild. He seems irritated that he didn't know her favorite flowers. He also seemed bothered that they were laughing and they hugged each other, too. Seon Yul has always been an introvert and one thing’s for sure, he has never been in love. So, he doesn't know just yet. He was reading a Japanese book to kill time until he came back to Soo Hyun’s room. He wanted to ask Soo Hyun to eat outside since she is now almost healed and recovered. He had it all planned out with the staff. Together with the flowers in the table, her favorite and allowed foods to eat, Soo Hyun was happy to be asked out since she was dreading staying for a couple days in a room confined and strictly monitored. Under that same moonlight there they were, both sitting and eating casually. He handed her a plate and got her food even if she insisted it was hers to get but Seon Yul won’t let her. They were music sort of and the trees, and the leaves were swaying like in the movies. It was a great ambiance, a romantic one. 
Seon Yul started the after dinner conversation. “ How are you feeling?” I am great, thank you. I have the best Doctor”, she replied. I’m sorry, he said. For what?, she replied. “For not knowing your favorite flowers”. Soo Hyun laughed loudly “hahaha, Oh God, don’t be! I don't even remember anymore. It has been a long time since” He then seriously replied “ But Soo Hu didn’t”. Of course, he was my husband. I would be angry if that detail was left out or erased, she honestly replied. They talked about the orphanage and they talked about her plans to go back to teaching. 
Seon Yul doesn't know what took over him but when Soo Hyun started talking about her plans and the way she smiles, he noticed her eyes lit up, her face blooming and her lips, so soft and all in 1 slow motion. All this pent up emotions for the last 6 years. He doesn't know if he hears everything she is saying, and in that moment he knows. This is the moment he is waiting for. With his heart beating so fast, and another lifeform taking over his body, with a thousand times of confidence and desire,  he held her hand softly and he said the words “The Moon is Beautiful”. 
The feeling of being so close yet so far. Suddenly, there was silence but there was music in the air. They stared for a while, until Soo Hyun finally opened her mouth and said “Are you in love with me?”
(The Moon is Beautiful means “I love you or I am in love with you" in many cultures especially in the Japanese culture. This is an inspiration I got from the Kdrama “Romance is A Bonus Book" which is one of my personal favorites of all time. Chapter 6 is coming up soonest. I am sorry something came up today but I hope I made you smile with this chapter 😘) 
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nazuqi · 1 year
Even If You Become a Stranger, I Will Fall In Love With You Again
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The Countess and Count are so kind. Unlike most nobles, they married for love, which helped create a healthy environment growing up. It’s nice to be complimented, spoiled, and taken care of so attentively by everyone. It makes me wonder how that had gone away through the years. 
To be truthful, even though it’s been just under 10 years, I can’t get used to being “Astelle Belrose”. Even though I’m Astelle, I’m also Qian. Having the knowledge of a teenager as a baby was… quite the experience, to say the least. 
“Aste~lle! Are you there? Is my baby studying?” Countess Hyacinthe Belrose knocked on the door to my study.
I grumbled. “I’m not a baby.” I knew she was affectionate that way, but I really wasn’t a baby. Seventeen and being called a baby? That was too much- although it was hard to blame her, because as Astelle, I’d only been born 10 years ago. 10 year-olds were still babies- although my case was quite odd. 
Learning the basics like walking took up a lot of time and energy, and with a baby’s body, talking was hard. It was easier to go through normal things I’d be able to do as time passed, and being in a 10-year-old’s body isn’t as different as before. It’s changing, slowly. 
“Oh? Them again? I always wonder who they are; I always see you drawing them, and I’ve never seen them before,” she took a closer look at them. “They look very cute~” 
Of course she’d never seen them before. Ra*bits didn’t exist in the Empire, and I’m the only fan of a group that “doesn’t exist”. How could I tell her that? “They’re my characters! They like to be cute and sing and dance for everyone and they’re happy when all of their fans are happy!” I wish I could tell her that- but it wouldn’t be right to call them characters. They’re real to me, the people closest to me. 
“That’s a secret, mama.” I say with a proud look on my face. They respect my privacy, and it’s easy to act when you know they won’t see through you so fast.
“Alright, I look forward to getting to know them~” she giggled. “Anyways, guess what?”
“My best friend is moving to the capital! We’re visiting her next week,” she put her hands to her hips. Countess Hyacinthe’s best friend is Duchess Ariane Lambert- Leveret’s mother. When Duke Lambert had an affair, she’d decided to take her children with her and move to the Capital, far away from the Northern Region where the Lamberts had resided for generations. 
“Oh… do I have to go?” It was risky for me. Leveret was always my favorite character; I’ll get attached far too easily. 
“Of course, silly! You’re shy now? Having friends is good, I promise.”
“But I have friends in the mansion.”
“Have a friend your age! Just try it out, and if you two don’t work out well, then you don’t have to meet them again unless we both end up going to the same event. Is that okay?”
I nodded. I can’t really argue with that. I don’t want to sound like I hate Leveret; I can’t sound like someone who hates someone for no reason. 
Hyacinthe got up from her seat, “We’re meeting your father in a restaurant near the palace tonight for dinner, so get ready, okay?” Oh, the restaurants in the Capital are good, it’s hard to say no to that.
She left to let me get ready with the maids. Needing them to change into a dress for dinner sucks, but the fashion is too difficult for me to get into myself. I let the maids in, and they fixed me up before dinner.
“Eat well, my lady!” I waved to them as I got into the carriage with Hyacinthe. At first, I’d hate being called “my lady”, but it was normal here. Making people bend the normal in their reality to fit my “reality” is too cruel. 
I hate living a lie. If only I could tell the Countess that I wasn’t her daughter, never to begin with, the servants that I was never their lady. I have no choice but to move on; I’m stuck as Astelle as long as I am in this world. 
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rosyfingered-moon · 2 years
2022 roundup
Watched less tv this year than probably any other year in my life because I was mostly pregnant and queasy beyond belief, but here’s a roundup of the stuff I did manage to cram. Not only kdramas, though mostly that. (I’m probably forgetting some but these are all that come to mind rn.)
The Red Sleeve: Didn’t actually finish this because of the pain, but it was so well-made. Ambitious cinematography, great storytelling and acting. Lee Se-young really gave us the range; having only seen her poised and regal in The Crowned Clown before, I loved watching her goof off in between the angsty bits. A serve.
Hyena: I normally dislike law dramas, but the leads are so mesmerizing (and so attractive) that you root for them even when they do objectively evil work. Have never seen such palpable yearning between two characters. Jung Geum-ja is the Most.
Into the Ring: Goo Se-ra my beloved! I want more romances like this: haggard social worker and the social justice gremlin whose daily complaints he has to resolve. Enjoyed every second.
Rewatch of Kingdom and Ashin of the North: Just as brilliant as the first time around. Come on Netflix, now that HBO Max is collapsing in on itself, get with that blood and gore and get to work on season 3 already. I want to see Ashin go apeshit!!
Jodhaa Akbar: Seven months later and I still get tingly thinking about this romance. Akbar dueling Jodhaa to win her back, and showering her with jasmine petals mid-fight. Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai both looking so hot it should be illegal. A soundtrack to make the sun rise even in the bleak midwinter. This was my first visit to Mughal India but not my last! (Thank you @rain-hat for the recs, you are a gift to tumblrkind!)
My Liberation Notes: Okay I was so into the first half that I cannot even tell you. It burrowed into the darkest, weariest part of me and lit a match. But I did not care for Mr. Gu’s backstory and the ensuing foray into the criminal underworld, and somewhere around there it lost its heart.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: Jam packed with tropes. A surprisingly touching and very entertaining fantasy for the Hades/Persephone girlies. Great visuals, too!
Alchemy of Souls: Speaking of great visuals! I will admit that I hop skipped my way through much of part 1. The world-building is claustrophobically boring, which is a shame because it is so charmingly costumed. I adore the premise of a villain body-swapping into a nobody. There is some good acting in this and there is also some very bad acting. I am upset with part 2 for filing the fangs off my darling Naksu, but I do admit that the dark fairytale vibe has got me hooked. (Evil mothers sewing golden thread into the bare skin of their daughters! Our hero tormented by the furies of hell! A marriage of convenience to the resident goth! I am eating it up by the spoonful.)
Stranger Things: I feel like I am in the minority here so this is probably on me, but I thought this was the least scary and also least emotionally engaging season. I think the problem horror-wise was Vecna and that they showed him too soon and too often in his campy monster makeup. All the Russia stuff was boring af, and I didn’t like that the kids were separated all season. Eddie was however a most delightful addition to the gang. Rest in power, babygirl.
First Love/Hatsukoi: I hate amnesia plots, and I don’t understand why the characters deal with it the way they do here, or why it is never resolved or even treated as something in need of resolving. However, the leads are delightful together and their chemistry is out of this world. Would happily have watched many, many more episodes of this. (I ragged on the color-coded families to my husband, before we realized we both wore the exact same shade of burgundy. So now I’ve decided that it’s cute and not weird at all.)
Things I didn’t finish, but might pick back up some day:
Business Proposal: Chaebol heirs are such a turn off that I couldn’t even finish it for my girls.
Bloody Heart: I only saw a few episodes of this because it was so difficult to find a good stream anywhere online. Goddamn Mouse gatekeeping Jang Hyuk from me!!
Under The Queen’s Umbrella: Too many princes.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Trash of Gotham (Rewrite)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/miC8uVh by Fishhfood Cale would love to curse the God of Death right now. Was becoming a slacker too much to ask for? Apparently, It is. As much as I loved reading comics when I was Kim Rok Soo, Why the fuck. Would I want to be here? To make his situation more difficult the white radish is here and planning something. Could this get any worse? ** Aka Cale & The Fam in Batman Comics with some added romance **Rewrite of my first version of this not stolen** Words: 905, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Kiyo’s crossovers Fandoms: 백작가의 망나니가 되었다 - 유려한 | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of the Count's Family - Yulyeohan, DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, White Star | Cale Barrow, Batfamily Members, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Gotham City Residents, Ron Molan Relationships: Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo/Bruce Wayne, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Everyone, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Batfamily, Roan Miru & Batfamily, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Hong & On, Hong & Batfamily, On & Batfamily, Everyone & Everyone Additional Tags: Rewrite of the first attempt bc i hated it and it was too ooc, Everyone Loves Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo Needs a Hug, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily has issues but they love eachother, Everyone Needs A Hug, Does it count as Major character death if its Jason…, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Good Parent Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, Roan and the kids are in this story they come later, Someone help me with ron’s personality pls…, Why Did I Write This?, I dont know to much abt batman i got my knowledge from fanfics, Ron was a assassin for League of assassins, This Is STUPID, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tags Are Hard, cale is pretty tell me otherwise, slowburn? idk if i know how to write slowburn but ill try, Light Angst, bc cale is only there temperally.., Or Is he?, who knows i certainly dont, i wrote this at 1 am read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/miC8uVh
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
"How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do", "Because brick by brick you built us, and I'd fill in the cracks", and "I’ll keep the king, keep him safe at bay" for any F/O!
And I can relate to the writing paragraphs for these ask games thing, sometimes you just get Thoughts and gotta share em all lol
helloooo peyton!! thank you for the asks <3 I have a very bad habit to go on rambles that are like miles long during ask games because I just have waaaay too many thoughts about my f/os lol. But I’ll try to avoid that this time around!! I’ll be answering for my main boys because I am Clinically Unwell over all of them >_<
How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do: What is your favorite little known fact (headcanon or not) about your f/o? What is their favorite little known fact about you?
It’s mentioned a few times that the Ghouls made rare counterfeit cards, and they can be read by the Kaiba Corporation duel disks (as shown by Rishid’s duel with Jou in Battle City when he uses the fake Ra card). While this definitely ventures into headcanon territory and it’s more likely that the Ghouls made the cards themselves, I like thinking that Marik played a key role in designing them and getting them to work, and that he picked up an interest in technological things once he left the tomb his family resided in and such things became more accessible. I think he’d have fun going through the trial and error of getting things to work, considering how many things he can do and/or make with tech ^^ There are all sorts of books and shows that I want to experience, but whenever I actually get the chance to do as such (finding a place to watch said show or buying a hard copy of a book) it usually takes me forever to actually get around to it. My interests aren’t exactly “spontaneous” like Marik’s are, but they’re definitely a bit overly ambitious, and I think he’d relate to that.
It’s mentioned once in canon, but Ryou can cook!! And is actually pretty good at it. This is probably because of him living alone and having to take care of himself on his own, but I think it’s a sort of unexpected skill of him to have, considering his interests don’t seem to align with it all that much (*gestures towards his love for the occult and weird things, and him being an absolute nerd overall*). Him having such a domestic skill is just another little fact reinstating how much of a weird conundrum he is to me <3 Ryou knows that I love engaging in horror media with him, but he also understands that I have my boundaries and limits with it; I think one of his favorite things about me might be how the only times I have had to stop watching a horror movie was when it concerned the injury (or death) of animals. I am a wimp but I think he’s glad that I know what I can and can’t handle.
BAKURA CAN’T READ (hieratic) AND IT’S REALLY FUNNY TO ME AFSJDHD it’s implied (or blatantly stated?? I can’t remember) that Marik had to read the ancient chant out for him when he summoned the Winged Dragon of a Ra during his duel with Yami Marik, and this specific fact stands out to me because, just like with everything else he does, he still manages to find a way to get past this metaphorical boulder in his path to put his plan (or rather dueling strategy) into action. If I get worked up enough about something, or if I’m tired enough, I often start speaking out loud to myself to rationalize or organize my thoughts. Sometimes I’ll even get into little debates or discussions with myself during these times, so if Bakura is ever present he often throws in little questions or comments to get me even more involved with whatever ramble I’m going on about. It’s lowkey really endearing because it gives me a chance to get all my thoughts on something out of my head :)
And lastly but certainly not least, Melvin rebuilt Marik’s deck during the Battle City finals, and I think this is a fact that is often glossed over because it insinuates that Marik has a completely different dueling strategy compared to his darker half. This just further emphasizes my thoughts/suspicions that everything Melvin did during Battle City was to distance himself from and make himself independent of the “main personality”, even if it was done in really drastic ways (or, with just changing his deck, very minimal ways). I also just think it’s a neat little fact that highlights the differences between him and Marik. I tiptoe walk, but it’s not for any particular reason, just out of habit. Melvin thinks it’s “endearing” for… whatever reason >_< but whenever he catches me doing it he usually just presses a hand to my head to push me back onto the flats of my feet lol. I don’t think he likes whenever I try to be at his height >:3
Because brick by brick you built us, and I'd fill in the cracks: Do you think you've grown (confidence, self love, etc) in any way thanks to your f/o's influence?
In a way I think I’ve grown a bit when it comes to self love? But it’s in more of a backwards way… I haven’t ever been with any f/os for this long, let alone over a year, because usually I would’ve moved on to another interest. So considering how long I’ve been with my current f/os, and how much more personal my relationship with them feels… I almost want to say that I’ve learned to love myself more because I genuinely feel that they love me?? Something like that.
They’ve also helped me grow the scope of my interests, as I didn’t even give trading card games a second look before getting into YuGiOh. While I was already a fan of horror before becoming attached to Ryou and Bakura, I think they sort of expanded my interests from silly slashers into more serious psychological horror media and mystery oriented things. I’ve also definitely tried getting into a few RPGs because of them, but none of those have stuck so far ^^;
I’ll keep the king, keep him safe at bay...: Describe and gush about how it feels being held by your f/o.
MARIK IS SO WARM IT’S UPSETTING SGDKDGDJ his hugs are often really firm and enveloping but in a good way; being held by him ironically makes me feel like I can breathe at times when I can’t. Usually he just presses me right up against his chest so I can hear his heartbeat, which still gets me so flustered every single time. Sometimes he lets me trace the scars on his back… he’s literally just a weighted blanket lol <3 On the other hand, Melvin’s hugs are usually looser (unless one of us is upset/feeling down, in which his hugs are more firm like Marik’s), probably because he’s still a little worried about accidentally hurting me… despite this, I think being held by him is a bit more smothering compared to the others, but (again) in a good way. he’s also really warm sgdjdgd they’re both natural heaters
Ryou’s body is sort of lanky but it’s only really noticeable when Bakura is the one in control. They’re also much colder compared to Mariks, but usually after a while of being held by either of them they tend to warm up at least a little bit. Ryou’s hugs fluctuate between being loose and being secure. He usually smells like laundry detergent and his clothes are always really comfortable and often soft, so being held by him feels… homey, almost. Being held by him makes me feel safe and looked after and cared for <3 Bakura’s hugs are the only ones I can truly describe as tight, and I’d almost go as far to say that his are just as, if not more suffocating than Melvin’s. Surprisingly, I think he’s actually the clingiest of the four, so being held by him ranges from randomly getting hugged to actual cuddle sessions (in which he’s busy trying to figure out every possible way to get us tangled up together lol). Sometimes I wonder if he understands what personal space is, but then I remember how he looks when he nuzzles against me, or how his hands feel when they slide into mine, or how his hair sometimes brushes against my face when he’s holding me… and that sort of makes up for it <3
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deyzalee · 2 months
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. I woke up at 1030 AM with the help of my alarm and Mama. Mama complained regarding the electricity here in the condo. There is no electricity since 9AM. So I contacted the property owner and we got a little arguments. I drank my vitamins. I scrolled my social media accounts, chatted my family and friends. Good thing the electricity came back. I prepared myself for our itinerary today. We went to Diwata Pares overload via grab car. We arrived safely. I ate the Fried Siken and pork pares with rice and soft drinks for our brunch. We were not able to have a picture to Diwata because he is asleep. I bought a dirty ice cream and ate it. We had little picture on the area. We rode a taxi going to SM Manila and arrived safely. I bought a luggage, umbrella. We also ate empanada of Ilocos and Bread at bread talk. I also bought RA Lapid’s lechon Laman. We rode a Piagyo going to Binondo Eng Bee tin and arrived safely. We walked going to the main branch. I bought some Hopia Mongo, Yema and Pastillas. I also lined up at the famous Xiao Long Bao and Lava But chi. I think it took 1 hour for me to line. We walked going to the area where Jeepney’s and tricycles ate. We arrived at Green Residences safely. I ate the Xiao long bao, yema and pastillas. We also fixed our luggages. I checked cooking fever and my e-mails. I read few pages of the Bible. I will do my self and skin care routine. I will drink my medicines. Have mercy on us Oh God. Guide us always to the right path. Remove sickness, danger and negative things our life. Answer our prayers in your perfect time. Thank you and I love you God.
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angeliana2023 · 6 months
Author's note: Hello dreamers, and welcome to the official first chapter of Etheria! I recently found out that I have a condition called Maladaptive Daydreaming, (MaDD) and I have SO MUCH in my head, so I decided to turn it into a fanfic! I read about maladaptive daydreamers, so I am writing this story as a love letter to every maladaptive daydreamer out there! So, over the summer I've been reading many different book series, and I finally found a writing style! Instead of first-person P.O.V, I've decided to write in third-person! So, anyway, enjoy! P.S: I've been watching She-Ra on Netflix, and I found out that there is another kingdom called Etheria, but I came up with this name before I watched the show. I actually got it from the word "ethereal" which I learned from a youtube comment.
Characters introduced (or mentioned)
Alessandria (Alessia) (OC)
Morgana (OC)
Aurora Borealis (OC)
Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Megan (OC)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 1: The story of Etheria
There is a special power inside of all of us. You may think I'm talking nonsense when I say this, but there is a power beyond imagination residing in all of our minds, and hearts. Yes, imagination is the keyword, and I'll tell you why. Try to unlock the power right now. Think of what I look like, and you will see that it resides in EVERY living creature. I am a very beautiful woman with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail.
I wear a green, regal gown, covered in precious gems, and I wear a silver crown covered in emeralds. Can you picture me? You probably can, and that means that you are using that power right now. The power of daydreaming. You've probably done it before now, and you know that it can take you places where you never thought you could go. You may think daydreaming is a normal ability, and that it isn't really a power, but I'm here to prove you wrong.
Once there were two tribes. One was the daydreaming tribe, and one was the dreaming tribe. The daydreaming tribe resided in the light of day, and the dreaming tribe utilized the power of night. The daydreamers had a special system, where they would dream of adventures, kingdoms, magic, and love, but they could never will it into existence. That's where the maladaptive daydreamers come in. The daydream tribe had 7 of them. The regular daydreamers of the tribe would go to a MaDD user and request for their daydream to be brought into reality. The maladaptive daydreamers had the power to will ANYTHING into existence, as long as it was used for good purposes, not evil. The MaDD user would then bring it into existence.
The 7th maladaptive daydreamer was the most powerful of them all. Her name was Alessandria, and she was the ruler of the Daydreamer Tribe. She wore a white and pink silk dress covered in feathers, and had extremely long blonde hair, with a golden crown adorning it. The reason she was so powerful was that she wore the ethereal gem. The ethereal gem is a necklace with a rose gold chain and a pink half-heart gem, representing the purest element of them all, and that is love.
Alessia lead the tribe with love and compassion for her people, while only using her immense power for good intentions only. But the opposite tribe, which was the dreamer tribe, used their powers for dark purposes. the nighttime was their playground, and dreams were their specialty. The night dreamers were just like the daydreamers because they could dream anything to their heart's content, but needed someone else to will it into existence. They needed the lucid dreamers, who had the power to bring anything that the night dreamers dreamt of into the real world.
The 7th lucid dreamer was named Morgana, and she was a nasty person, who used the darkness of her own heart to plague the daydreamers with the most horrible of nightmares. She had long, black hair, and a long purple dress, and also wore a dark crown. The reason that these two tribes were in such a bitter feud was because of something called the ancient laws of imagination. Alessia and Morgana were actually twin sisters, and were the first parts of an ancient prophecy called the prophecy of the mind and heart.
The mind and heart work separately in some people, but work in harmony in others, and the 3 worlds of Etheria are the first pieces of the prophecy. First comes the mind, the logical force, which is used rationally and practically. The first world is the world in which we live in called reality. Reality is a place which is logical and down-to-earth, and has hardly any magic. The heart is the second force, and is the part of your soul that is used for romance, emotion, and feelings.
The second world is fiction, which is the world filled up by fictional characters created by other great minds. Any movie, video game, or book character lives in that world, and it is at war with reality, which is always trying to make it logical, and take away the magic and wonder, while the heart is always at war with the mind,
The third world is the most powerful. It is called Etheria, derived from the word ethereal, meaning relating to the regions beyond the earth, or extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. Etheria is comprised of all OCs, mean "original characters" which are characters that we have created in our minds that haven't been published, or made into movies, tv shows, or video games. We sometimes refer to OCs as, "fictional characters in training," because in our hearts we believe that all OCs our on their way to becoming full-fledged fictional characters, up there with some of the greatest.
The three worlds always battled over which is strongest, over which was strongest. Reality believes that they are right in the situation because they are logical and reasonable, while fiction and Etheria disagree, and try to prove that magic, wonder, and imagination are the purest elements. Now, about the prophecy. The prophecy of the mind and heart tells of 2 sisters who will feud with such fury that it will shake the entire earth.
Alessandria and Morgana's parents believed that their daughters would be the ones to fulfill the prophecy, because of one small but important detail. The prophecy foretold that the twin sisters would have special powers of imagination, and the light twin would be born with pink eyes, the color of love, while the dark twin would be born with red eyes, the color of evil. The twins played, laughed, smiled, and learned together, until one fateful day. Alessia was daydreaming in the garden of her villa that day, when she heard footsteps behind her. She went to investigate, and she found out that the thing she was daydreaming about had come into her world!
She started to panic a little bit, but the woman from her daydream calmed her down. She explained that she was from a world called Etheria, and it was a world beyond ours, in our minds. She told Alessia that she had a special power called maladaptive daydreaming, or MaDD for short, and meant that she had the power to create vivid and realistic daydreams, beyond anyone else's. Alessia realized that she needed to name her creation, so she chose Aurora Borealis, after the northern lights. Aurora told Alessia that her daydream power was beyond that of a mere mortal's, and that both she and her sister had power beyond compare.
Aurora explained to Alessia that her power was so strong, that she could daydream about future events and events from the ancient past. In short, she could use her power to go anywhere, anytime. Aurora told her that Morgana also possessed special powers, but could only use them while sleeping. The next evening, Alessia told her sister about Aurora and what she had told her about her powers, and Morgana explained that she had discovered her special powers, too. She told Alessia about the dream she had while napping earlier that afternoon. She was visited by a blonde-headed man, and he told her that he was a fictional character named Dio Brando, and that he was pulled from his world from his own.
Dio explained Morgana's lucid dream powers to her, and told her that she was powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. After Morgana told her story, Alessia knew that something wasn't right about Dio. She put her powers to good use, and daydrempt about Dio and who he was. Her ability showed her the horrifying truth, and she nearly fainted in shock. She screamed in fury at Morgana, fearing for both their lives, because words couldn't even begin to describe the horrible things Dio had done. Their parents ran into the room to see what all the fuss was about, and that's when things went bad. The two girls explained everything to their parents, and as they were talking their father's face got more somber by the second.
He explained the prophecy to the girls. He told them that they would both find out they have special powers at age 8. The prophecy foretold that the dark sister would make friends with a fictional villain, and go against the light sister. Eventually, they would both come of age, and become the leaders of opposite tribes.
After that night, things started to go bad. Alessandria and Morgana's relationship became strained, and Morgana began making friends with more villains, while Alessia stuck to the good side. Things reached their breaking point one day, when Alessia and Morgana got into a fight, which resulted in chaos. Alessia tried to swing at Morgana, but ended up hitting her with a blast of energy, while Morgana tried to take her sister down with pure dark magic. That the point of no return. Alessia created more people with her power, and Morgana did the same. The tribes were formed, and bonds were broken, but their parents did something to assure that it never happened again.
They established the ancient laws of imagination, which protects the worlds of imagination from tragedies such as what happened to Alessia and Morgana.
1. Reality dwellers are not to associate with fictional characters, to keep the worlds in balance and harmony.
2. If a child is born with pink eyes, they are destined to be a good person, and always walk on the light side, just like Alessandria, but if a child is born with red eyes, they are destined to join the dark side, just like Morgana.
3. Always be wary when a child turns 8, because that was the same age that the twins received their powers.
Content with their new laws, and hopeful for the future, the twins' parents passed on in peace. As they slipped away, they cried for their daughters, but smiled for the future...
Aurora became Alessia's most trusted advisor, and Dio became Morgana's. One day, Alessia broke down crying, saddened by what she and her sister's lives had become, so she decided to create one last ray of hope. She used her powers and created a daughter, and embedded her power inside of her. She named her Lily, after her favorite flower, and she also gave her pink eyes. She gave Aurora the duty of raising the child, and told her to pretend to be her mother until she turned 8, and her powers awakened. She couldn't bear to send Lily alone without a companion, so she pulled some strings to send another fictional character with her to be her brother. He would also have knowledge of Lily's bloodline, and would protect her from Morgana, Megan, and Dio.
Morgana had the exact same idea, and created a daughter herself. Hers would be destructive, rambunctious, and mean, and her name would be Megan. Dio would take her to his world, where she would be raised as his sister, and eventually fight Lily.
This is how our story begins, with two sisters who will be the future of everything that we believe in, who will fight each other throughout the multiverse, and make friends and enemies along the way.
So, that was the first chapter in my fanfic! It explored the history of the two sisters,and set up the plot for most of the story! The reason I chose 8 for the coming of age is that I first started thinking of this story at that age exactly, and the reason I chose Megan for Morgana's daughter's name is because of a dream I had one night a long time ago, about me having a new adoptive sister named Megan, who tried to steal my crush from me! Anyway, I'll see you all next time!
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you!
1. My cat, Peeky, is an emotional support animal for me certified by a medical professional, which allows him to stay with me at uni in my dorm. I’m a fifth year student, but I’m a Don (the equivalent of an RA but we don’t call it that for some reason) so I still live in residence and watch over/mentor a group of 42 first-year students. It can get real stressful on top of school and mental health issues so having Peeky there with me makes me so so happy. He’s a baby menace but he’s still a baby!
2. I have a fairly popular series for Bungo Stray Dogs on AO3 and the love and support I get on it when I get the time to update (which is scarce lately I’m so sorry guys) just makes me day. The commenters are so lovely and it just gives me motivation to keep writing. I’m on the third book out of four in the series so I’ll keep on truckin!
3. In the summer I started taking medication for my ADHD and it has made a world of a difference for me. A lot of my mental health issues were secondary symptoms of my ADHD so not only am I happier and less anxious, I’m actually a functioning member of society! For the most part. My family and friends have noticed a difference and I feel like I’ve finally come out of this haze I’ve been in for the better part of a decade and it’s so freeing. I still have bad days obviously but I’m now having more good than bad. And I’m so genuinely happy for the first time in years. I’m proud of myself.
4. It’s my fall reading week so I got to come home and see my Dad, step-mom, and my dog!! I’ve missed them all so much and it’s been so nice just to have some time off of school and work. I didn’t get to see my little sister bc she doesn’t get a fall reading week for some reason but I’ll see her soon I hope!
5. I’ve found communities for my two hyperfixations! I’ve found my MASH peeps here on Tumblr as well as some BSD friends. Most of the BSD community I interact with on Instagram but I’ve been pretty inactive there since I got into MASH. I don’t love BSD any less though! Season 4 and 5 both this year for amazing and I loved every episode. Plus, my sunshine boy got his time in the spotlight so that made it even better!! We love Kenji in this house!! But anyway, the point is that the friends I’ve made through both the MASH and BSD fandoms make me so happy!! Especially the ones I made through having a mutual favourite character in Father Mulcahy and Kenji, respectively. I met y’all either on Tumblr or in AO3 comments since I wrote for both fandoms and you are all just so amazing and I’m so happy to have met you all so just… thank you 💛
Wow that was a rant. Sorry y’all 😅
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don't mind me, just some Valzhang
don't like it? you do you don't attack me
The sun shone with early-morning luminescence. As Apollo, or Ra, or whoever it was, trailed his/her/their blazing glory across the sky, somewhere along the Via Praetoria, in the residence of the praetor of the Twelfth Legion, Frank Zhang awoke.
He blinked slowly, lazily, his vision bleary. He felt the familiar weight pressing along his own body and smiled.
Who'd have ever guessed? He couldn't stand Leo back on the Argo II, what with the whole Frazileo Love Triangle, as Piper and Percy had taken to calling it. Then, Leo died, and something broke inside of Frank—what about this tiny little Latino ensorcelled him so?
He couldn't understand.
Then, Leo came back, and Frank didn't know what to think. Hazel became praetor, and Frank wondered: yes, he loved her. With all his heart. But was it truly a romantic love? She was thirteen, for Olympus's sake. Was it really meant to last?
He'd always known he wasn't straight. Back in Vancouver, in that military school he used to attend, it was just boys. So, yeah, he knew he could be just easily attracted to the same sex as he was to girls.
Or any other gender, really. It just took him a while to get there—the falling-for-them part. He remembered wondering about this aloud back home one day, and Grandmother had said, "Well, then, Fai, go look it up, for Nirvana's sake. We never really thought you were heterosexual anyway."
Firstly, he had been shocked she'd actually unironically said "for Nirvana's sake" to him with a straight face. Then he'd been shocked that she was okay with him not being straight.
He was never really allowed to use the internet—for reasons he only now understood. Had he taken an 'Am I gay?' quiz, he would have been overrun by monsters and no matter how gay he was he'd be dead anyway.
So he asked around, somewhat awkwardly. Weeks after, Emily had asked her son, "So...?" When he looked at her in confusion, she clarified, "We never really thought you were heterosexual anyway," in a pretty good imitation of Grandmother's voice. Frank laughed, and came out as demisexual.
With Hazel as praetor, he began spending a lot of time with her, and they both came to realize: yeah, they'd loved each other like that, once.
They parted amicably, both knowing that they'd rather their first serious relationship was with each other than with anyone else. They remained the best of friends, so when Frank developed a crush on Valdez, he told her first.
"Oh, my gods, Frank," she'd laughed, "for real?"
"...yeah," he said grumpily. He was blushing something nasty.
"Please don't tell me this is a I-love-him-but-I-don't-want-to-be-in-love-with-him situation," said Hazel.
"No, that's not it," he sighed. "I didn't think I'd have a crush on him, if that makes any sense."
"Well, neither did I," she replied. "You two are such assholes to each other."
"Yeah, but ... ever since he came back, and we Iris-Message him from the Waystation, and seeing him so happy made me ... possessive, I guess? And then when Cal broke up with him and it was a mutual thing but he felt like shit anyway I felt like shit too, because he felt like shit, so I began Iris-Messaging him myself to see how he was getting on and we became really good friends ..."
"Oh, so that's why you two seem so close all of a sudden." Hazel nodded to herself. "Thought something was up."
"Yeah, but now I like him, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't, because he's as straight as one can be," Frank concluded.
Hazel snorted. "What?" Frank asked. She kept laughing. "What is it?!" he pressed.
"Oh, it's just," she answered, still kind of laughing, "it's just, it's really funny how you think Valdez is straight."
Frank's stomach performed a somersault. "He ... he isn't?"
"Never seemed to straight to me, and I'm from the '30s, so I automatically assume people are straight until I'm told they're not, no matter how much I hate that train of thought," Hazel told him. "Just tell him. What's the worst that could happen?"
"He could hear me," he replied darkly.
Hazel rolled her eyes. "Boys. I swear. Look, just ... give it time. You're amazing. Amazhang. Why wouldn't he like you?"
"Why would he?" Frank muttered.
She smacked him lightly. "Shut up, Zhang."
He chuckled softly at that. He didn't stop IM-ing Leo, every dam day, and he felt that he was kind of crossing some boundary with himself, allowing himself to fall for someone who most definitely did not like him back, but still being okay with that love being unrequited.
He knew how much Leo had gone through. Maybe he oughtn't tell him. Maybe it would only burden him.
Then came the week Leo decided to visit Camp Jupiter, without telling Frank, to surprise him. During that whole week, Frank found love letters seemingly written on a typewriter, all slipped under his door.
They were quite poetic, actually. He couldn't fathom who would write such wonderful things to him. He kept them, hoping he'd find the person who thought such nice things of him, and secretly hoping they were someone he could fall for.
On Leo's last day at camp, the two were in Frank's rooms, lounging on a sofa. Leo turned to him and said, "Thanks for helping get over the break-up."
"You've said that everyday this week," Frank responded. "You don't have to thank me, Leo."
"I can't believe it's been already so many months since we broke up," he continued. "But ... I'm glad it let me get to know you better."
Frank's heart skipped a beat. "Me too. Not, like, that I like that you've been broken up with, just—"
Leo laughed. "I know, I know."
Frank turned to look at him, this little shit who he had never really liked until said little shit revealed parts of himself previously hidden to Frank, and suddenly the little shit seemed infinitely appealing.
He still didn't know what to make of it.
But he thought, maybe Leo felt it, too. Maybe. Hazel was right. What was the worst that could happen?
"Leo," he began.
"Frank," Leo replied solemnly, then his face broke into a Leo-like smile, which gave Frank the courage to say what he had to say.
"You know, speaking of break-ups ..."
"Is this about Hazel?" Leo asked suddenly, concerned. "I know you've helped me a lot but I haven't really given any support in return ..."
Frank huffed a laugh. "No, idiot. Hazel and I are fine. You needed the support. Don't feel bad because you needed help. It's just ... how long after a break-up do you deem it fit to start another relationship?"
Leo looked a little taken aback, but smiled. "Well, when I find someone else I like, I guess. Why do you ask?" He eyed him cheekily. "Does Iguana Zhang have a wittle crush on somebody that he'd like to share?"
Frank reddened and elbowed him. "Shut up. But, actually, yes." He swallowed. "I ... I like you."
Leo stilled, and paled. "You ... you what?"
Frank felt queasy. He'd messed up. But he'd opened his big fat mouth now, so he might as well plough on. "Look, I—I know you might not be ... into boys like I am, but I just ... wanted you to know."
Leo went even paler. "I ..."
Frank wanted to die on the spot.
Leo took a breath. "I didn't know you weren't straight."
Frank stared. "I'm, uh, demi."
Leo looked at him. "I'm bi."
Frank couldn't stop staring. It wasn't exactly an answer, but it wasn't a rejection, either.
Leo's eyes glistened, and Frank realized that they were filled with unshed tears. "I like you too. But, but, why? Why do you like me?"
Frank felt elated. Then just as quickly felt confused. "Wh-what do you mean, why do I like you? Why wouldn't I?"
"Because!" Leo protested. "You deserve so much more than I can ever give you. You deserve more than a mess."
He couldn't help it; Frank hugged him. Leo melted into the embrace.
"Not really, I don't," he told him. "I like this mess. And I'm not exactly perfect, either. So get that out of your stubborn head. I know ... your fatal flaw is your inferiority complex, but, please, for once, just believe that I like you and want nothing more than to be with you and listen to you whine everyday and help you with your inventions even though I don't understand shit, it's still cool to see you do what you're best at, because it's true, Valdez, so just accept it."
Leo was silent. Frank felt him shaking. He hugged him tighter, and Leo let him.
"Fine," he said at last, his voice muffled against the praetor's shirt. "I—I believe you." (Heartstopper moment.)
"Y-you do?"
"I do. I really do like you. Let's give this a chance." They looked at each other, triumphant. Leo smiled a watery smile and said, "Can I tell you something?"
"You've been receiving letters, haven't you?"
Frank stared. He hadn't told anyone about the love letters.
"Written on a typewriter. Awfully sappy, kind of embarrassing to read."
"They're not embarrassing," Frank felt compelled to correct him, "they're just really painfully honest, and whoever wrote them seems like the most wonderful person, but also seems to be under the mistaken impression that I'm some Prince Charming, so ..."
"They are very honest," Leo agreed quietly, "and they are not under a false impression."
"How do you even know about them?" Frank asked dumbly, knowing the answer as soon as he asked the question.
"I wrote them, dumbass," Leo admitted. "Every single one."
"You did not. You did freaking not."
"Why not?"
"You can't possibly think all that of me ..."
"I do, Koi Fish, all that and more, so just accept it."
Frank smiled to hear him own words repeated back at him by the same person he'd said them to.
"I accept it, then," he said, and Leo kissed him.
Frank blushed so hard he almost turned into a border collie. Leo smiled, eyes still wet.
"Gonna have to work on the pet names, though," Frank said gruffly, and Leo laughed.
Leo stayed beyond the week he was supposed to be there. Hazel looked suspicious, but said nothing. Lavinia was also suspicious, and said a lot.
"He's been here for a month, Fai," she said. "Are you keeping him hostage?"
"Not against his will." He shrugged.
So he awoke that morning, blinking sleep from his eyes while Leo was still asleep, draped across his body like a lion. Frank kissed the curls at the top of his head, and heard him say, "Buenos días, cariño."
"Shoot, did I wake you?" Frank said.
"Nah, was already awake," Leo said sleepily, clearly lying.
"Sure you were," he said knowingly, kissing his hair again.
Leo smiled, and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Just as Frank was about to suggest getting up to have breakfast, Hazel knocked and entered, saying, "Good morning, Frank," looking at him and adding, "Hello, Leo," and was about to say something else when she paused. "Wait. Leo?"
"Hiya," he said sheepishly.
"Why are you in Frank's ..." She looked around Frank accusingly. "You asked him out and didn't tell me?!"
Frank shrugged and did his level best to look guilty.
"Oh my gods, finally," she said. "Valdez, you have no idea how long he's been crushing on you."
"Shut up!" Frank cried, but Leo only laughed.
"Same, honestly," he said and Frank fell back onto the pillows.
"Awwwwhh." Hazel smiled. "Well, that's why you've been here a whole month, huh."
"Mhm." Leo's hand cupped Frank' cheek. Seeing this, Hazel left them in peace, calling, "Don't forget the meeting at nine, Zhang!"
"I won't!" he yelled back, and let Leo caress his face before getting up to make some breakfast.
"Thank the gods we were wearing clothes when she came in," Leo mused.
Frank became flustered and fumbled with the waffle machine. "Why wouldn't we be wearing clothes?!"
Leo only shrugged, and laughed when Frank became visibly more flustered. "Also, what meeting?"
"It's a praetor thing," Frank explained. "Legion duties and stuff."
"I see," said the other, nodding, and sat up as Frank handed him his plate of waffles. He breathed in the heavenly aroma and said dreamily, "You know I love you, right?"
Then he froze when he realised what he'd just said.
They hadn't said those three little words yet. And here he was, saying them somewhat sarcastically in tone.
But wholly truthfully in meaning.
Frank only grinned, flushed. "And you know I love you, too."
And Leo relaxed. They ate their waffles in peace, Leo's head on Frank's shoulder, the way they did almost every morning for the past month.
"We gonna tell people now?" asked the shorter boy.
"If you like," replied the taller. "I mean, Hazel knows. I'll bet she won't tell anyone yet, though. That's Hazel. She'll let us say it ourselves."
"Thank the gods for that." Leo stole one of Frank's waffles. "And thank the gods for you."
"Lavinia won't stop teasing me about this," Frank pondered.
Leo worried. "Would you rather we didn't tell anyone, then?"
"No, no, that's not what I meant. I actually really want people to know. That way they know not to pine after someone already taken." He kissed Leo's forehead. The latter grinned.
"Do you ever think about how, technically, you are dating your ex's ex's great-grandson?" Leo asked.
"STOP GIVING ME EXISTENTIAL CRISIS, JEEZ," pleaded Frank, making Leo laugh.
"But it's true," he protested, giggling.
"I simply must."
"You're lucky I love you."
"I know I am."
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nadiadlc · 3 years
more entrapdak post canon headcanons (what a canon mouthful) part two!
- now that a couple of years have passed after the show, they have all finished repairing etheria, and I mean physically. some people are still stubborn and aren’t the biggest fans of the clones + hordak just wandering around BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY JUST HAVE TO SUCK IT UP BUDDY.
- most of the clones have resided in dryl for the obvious acceptance from entrapta and plus it appearing as a barren queendom.
- and some of the clones just followed hordak there, like little ducklings and now he can’t just get rid of them (much to his distaste and dismay)
- but I figured that entrapta would welcome any clone that would like to even reside the castle (if they would like) since it IS sooo big, so she doesn’t mind as long as they help her with stuff around there
- safe to say there’s like… more than 100 clones running around the castle now, don’t know how, they just appeared and they all have the stupidest cutest names, like the first word they heard after learning they’re free they’re like “that’s me :)”
- safe to say hordak is not as keen as entrapta to spend time with his brothers (he gives the biggest ‘why aren't i an only child?’ vibe) but entrapta eases him into it!
- he has ‘family days’ where he’s forced to have outings with them and entrapta is like “you’re fineee, you’re gonna have funnn!!!” all while kissing his cheek and ushering him out of their sanctum toward the awaiting clone entourage awaiting him
- and yes every time they are out someone always ends up breaking some law and it’s hilarious
- now that the two have finally finished their work, they're so excited to work together officially! without supervision!
- I mean they both worked on things while rebuilding, helping each other but never physically, and they missed each other,
- at first when they started rebuilding plans the rebellion offered entrapta kadroh as a sub lab partner- long story short, hordak was NOT a fan of that idea and as nicely as possible said no
- he was like “oh how UNFORTUNATE, truly unfortunate, but entrapta already HAS a lab partner, ME. And WE really need to get to WORK. SO IF YOU'LL EXCUSE US-'' and just imagine him pushing between kadroh and entrapta while pushing him as far as possible from him and his lady
- I’d like to think entrapta is so excited to finally be back with her lab partner (now turned partner!) that she is up all hours of the night working more then ever just cause she’s so ecstatic !
- it gets to a point where she does not care for herself but do not fret! hordak makes sure she takes care of herself, sometimes he picks her up and while he carries her to bed he talks to her about their work while she slowly knocks out in his arms and it’s just- so soft. so so so soft
- (this isn't rlly my own hc, BUT appreciating another hc i adore, but one where they kinda flirt by improving the others work and how its a game to them, and yknow what i fucking love that for them good for them!!!)
- i also like to think that when they do fight, it's like a old couple, just imagine they don’t agree with an experiment and its results and they'll be talking about it to other people it just goes like;
h: *on a data pad communication w/princesses* ..and when we did do this x happened which means-
e; *in the background* WHICH MEANS YOU DID IT WRONG!!!
h: *turns around violently* NO!! NO I AM NOT, YOU ARE WRONG!!!! I DID THE MATH AND YOU-
(and it goes on like this for hours :) true fun shenanigans)
- sometimes entrapta is just like “ohohoho you wanna kiss me so bad rn, don’t you-“ and HE DOES out of spite
- tell me why they seem like the type of couple where entrapta flirts all the time playfully and hordak flusters easily with her but like on the rare occasion he does initiate flirting entrapta is literally melting
- i feel like after these two FINALLY start dating, entrapta is just so giggly talking about him, soft sighs and flustered checks , it’s like so different to everyone they actually have to take a double take. it’s the cutest thing
- like when they do share about their relationship I feel like a lot of people would object like “he’s manipulating you!!” or “he’s a monster!! he can’t love!!” but everyone just stops just for a moment when they just see him and her being so loving towards each other and how soft they are for each other and it’s just such a shock that they’re like oH
- but like rest assured she's so ready to drop everything and share what she loves about her man BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT SHE JUST HAS SO MUCH TO LOVE.
- entrapta loves to just boop him on the nose randomly when he gets close to her face playfully and he gets all huffy and like >:T
- when they are separated which happens; it doesn't bother them too much like yes they miss each other’s company but when it does get too long one of them does steal an impromptu visit
- and if they aren’t able to do that they literally get so fucking excited to see each other again like entrapta will be all over the place, hair frizzing and bouncy about to reunite with her man or hordak just get impatient and all pushy to get to his partner!!
- imagine them having late night talks, just anywhere. on the throne in dryl, in their sanctum, under the fucking stars!! speaking words of affection. LITERALLY THE SOFTEST ATMOSPHERE.
annnnd that’s it for now! hope y’all enjoyed! ill be back shortly, probably! :)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Trash of Gotham (Rewrite)
by Fishhfood Cale would love to curse the God of Death right now. Was becoming a slacker too much to ask for? Apparently, It is. As much as I loved reading comics when I was Kim Rok Soo, Why the fuck. Would I want to be here? To make his situation more difficult the white radish is here and planning something. Could this get any worse? ** Aka Cale & The Fam in Batman Comics with some added romance **Rewrite of my first version of this not stolen** Words: 905, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Kiyo’s crossovers Fandoms: 백작가의 망나니가 되었다 - 유려한 | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of the Count's Family - Yulyeohan, DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, White Star | Cale Barrow, Batfamily Members, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Gotham City Residents, Ron Molan Relationships: Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo/Bruce Wayne, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Everyone, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Batfamily, Roan Miru & Batfamily, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Hong & On, Hong & Batfamily, On & Batfamily, Everyone & Everyone Additional Tags: Rewrite of the first attempt bc i hated it and it was too ooc, Everyone Loves Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo Needs a Hug, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily has issues but they love eachother, Everyone Needs A Hug, Does it count as Major character death if its Jason…, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Good Parent Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, Roan and the kids are in this story they come later, Someone help me with ron’s personality pls…, Why Did I Write This?, I dont know to much abt batman i got my knowledge from fanfics, Ron was a assassin for League of assassins, This Is STUPID, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tags Are Hard, cale is pretty tell me otherwise, slowburn? idk if i know how to write slowburn but ill try, Light Angst, bc cale is only there temperally.., Or Is he?, who knows i certainly dont, i wrote this at 1 am via https://ift.tt/miC8uVh
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uzumaki-rebellion · 3 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3, Chapter 22″
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"Baby, come to me Let me put my arms around you This was meant to be And I'm, oh so glad, I found you
Need you ev'ry day Gotta have your love around me Baby, always stay 'Cause I can't go back to livin' without you…"
James Ingram and Patti Austin – "Baby Come To Me"
Dear Disa,
Baby, I miss you so much. This officer's training ain't it. I know I called it boot camp, but Officer Training and Development is a lot to take in. Six weeks Disa. Six weeks without you by my side. I miss your cooking. I miss hearing your voice. I miss sleeping with you and waking up with your heart beating against my chest. I haven't been homesick like this since I was fourteen, when I moved to D.C. with Uncle Bakari. It sucks that they have cut down on our use of cell phones here. The military is on high alert with these Atlanteans fucking up military installations in Bahrain and Cyprus. You'd think these niggas would bother shit in the ocean like oil tankers.
Some good news, I'll be able to get some leave in time for carnival in Sao Paulo. We can see Marisol dance as drum queen again in person. I can't wait to take you to meet that side of my family in their hometown. I'll go for my cord and you can see me show out!
Baby, please don't send me any more naked pictures through the mail. You be having me locked up in the head jerking off too much. That last photo with your pussy all open made me nut in my pants. My dick was so hard. Just send nice cute pictures of you at the house. A nigga is tryna survive out here in Rhode Island. This military indoctrination course I'm taking is really messing with my head. These motherfuckers really try to justify their bullshit. I really have to sit on my hands and not go off in class. Naval Warfare is my favorite class. I will spend my last two weeks focusing on leadership training. Special Forces is within my grasp, but I'm keeping my options open. When this gig is up, hopefully, I'll get one of the SEAL Officer candidate slots. Only about 1 in 8 get accepted to train. I expect to get picked or I'm raising hell around here with these lames.
I have to pass a physical assessment test next week. We work on conditioning a lot around here, and they make us run four days a week on top of our normal physical training. Training here is grueling physically and mentally. Some dude was already cut because he can't hack it. They don't fuck around when it comes to choosing the best, which is your man right here! I'll have to do a mini-Bud stint after we get back from Brazil, and if I'm in, I'll go right to SEAL training.
I gotta get ready for chow time. Wanted to sneak a quick letter to you.
Love you always,
My Dearest Erik,
Honey, you look so young with all your hair shaved off! I can't get used to you without your gold slugs, or your braids, and that almost beard (I'm just teasing baby!). I miss you so much too! I'm trying to stay busy.
Still no word from M.I.T. about next term (fuckers). I admit that I am enjoying my free time. I have read all the things and have binged so many TV shows. I'm writing and exercising more to keep my mind occupied. I've always worked or been in school, so it's weird for me to have all this free time for myself. I still do the radio show, but it's on Saturdays now and not Friday. They've started a new format there. I get three hours of spin time instead of two, so that's a plus.
I was part of a Black Futurist panel discussion in Philly last weekend. It was taped and should be available online soon. I know they limit a lot of electronics there, but if you get a chance to get online, check me out. Moor Mother was there doing spoken word with her band, so we got to hang out with them. I took Yamilet and Tatum to see Sun Ra's Arkestra concert at Carnegie Hall the other day. We had a blast. Half the audience was full of old Black men with berets and that old Black Power energy. So cute.
I applied for an artist-in-residence opportunity in Amsterdam. It doesn't take place until next year for six weeks, so we'll see how I do. They are looking for Pee-oh-sees to create housing models and teach a few public lectures. The money is amazing, but I know a ton of people are going to bumrush for it. I sent them my New Orleans wetlands housing project. Crossing my fingers.
God, I miss you, Erik. This separation is harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm excited to see you at your graduation, and I am dancing on the moon to see Marisol and her parents. I love you and pray for you to excel. Enclosed you will find some tasteful pictures of me in our kitchen. With my titties out. Sorry not sorry!
Love you much!
Your Disa, forever.
Dear Disa,
Fuck M.I.T.
I know you were the best candidate. But Yay! Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture! An exhibition of your work is just what you need. And it will show M.I.T. what they passed on. Can't wait to see what you put together. It'll give you a chance to show off your artwork too and not just your models. The best part is that it's a one-woman show. Just you and your creative genius.
For real. Ya killing me. Wait until I see you in person, Ma. I'm tapping that juicy bubble hard as fuck. One of my roommates saw your titties and I know that mofo is spanking his meat when I'm not in the room sleeping. He saw the pictures by accident. I had just opened up your letter and the pictures fell on the floor. Just fat titties and big nipples everywhere. When you come to see me graduate, I'm keeping that nigga away from you. (He's a white boy, but still). I don't think that boy has ever seen perfection like that in his life. He's gonna want a Black woman now after that eye full. That's all your fault. I'ma spank that ass when I see you, D. I was embarrassed and proud. Ole boy been gossiping about you to these other dudes. Shit, them pictures had my mouth watering. No more. You got it? Please. My nuts can't take it anymore. Balls all shriveled up and dried out from overuse. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a drawing of my dick. Old school dick pic! This is what you have reduced me to. My hand itches to spank your cheeks.
Love you,
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Dear Erik,
I turned in my proposal to Schomburg. I'm so excited about everything. I'm also glad that I have plenty of time to put it together. That's only because of you taking care of me back here. You're a great man for this. Truly. I'm actually happy that M.I.T. didn't offer me the job. I don't think I would've been ready, to be honest. This time I have to read, reflect, and indulge in my interests without pressure has been a godsend. Allah may not give you what you want, but he sends you what you need. Inshallah.
Two weeks baby, and you graduate! Congratulations on getting the SEAL training slot. Six months in San Diego!
How does it feel?
I know you have done a lot of reflection, and I know you worry about us and the time that we are apart now, and also the time we will be separated in the future. I'm here for the long haul, Erik. As long as we choose each other, we can survive anything. I've already found a small studio apartment in Point Loma that is furnished. I can move there after we get back from Brazil. I've found renters for the house who are waiting for dorm housing at M.I.T. to open. That'll be a few thousand dollars for the time I'm in San Diego. We can spend weekends together when you have time off during the first phase, then I'll head up to L.A. and stay with my Mom when you go for training in San Clemente. I know you worry that it's a lot of back and forth, but it's worth it to me. Once you become a full-time SEAL, it'll be difficult for us to see one another. Every second of every minute means the world to me, Erik.
Love you, baby. Look at you out here doing the damn thing!
Hugs, kisses, and all my love,
Dear Disa,
Did you get our tickets upgraded? I know you worry about money, but we deserve business class flying to Sao Paulo. We are fucking on that plane and I need legroom, Ma!
Uncle Bakari and Aunt Shavonne will meet you in front of the graduation entrance and you all can walk in together. There's a dinner afterward. I've paid for all of you already, so don't worry about having money.
Marisol will pick us up at the airport when we arrive in Brazil.
I have to warn you, Disa. Sao Paulo is a rough place right now in the favelas. We can't take a cab through there because they barricade the streets to keep outsiders out. There have been many police raids and gang activity. Everyone there is on high alert and strangers are suspect. If we showed up in a cab, we'd probably be shot at before they realized it was me.
My family is highly respected, but there are still some young bucks out there who don't respect the code of the streets. I'm telling you all this because I don't want you to be afraid. I apologize for sounding pissed in my last letter when you told me Marisol was taking us there directly. I had no idea that she had moved back there permanently. I knew she went there occasionally for the samba school practices and everything else for carnival. Living there again, though? Nah. After my mother's death, my godparents and cousins moved out to the middle of the city. It's ironic to think they were safer among the enemy than around their own people. But the cops there are itching to make life miserable for anyone associated with the Sao Paulo 4. That means me and Marisol especially. She knows better than to tempt fate with cops. I planned on taking you for a quick peek, but not the entire time there. She's hardheaded and mouthy. Runs in the family. We have friends there who will look out for her. Marisol can handle herself, but the streets are hot right now. We may have to crash with Soliel and Aunjanue.
I listened to your radio show last night. Your words and music have always helped me put my life into perspective. Before I knew you personally, I would replay your shows and ponder the cosmos. And jerk off! Lol!
Your voice still moves me, Disa. I'm glad they archived your shit because I have worn out the episode where you do the "Commitment" poem. The words, your cadence, the way you breathe life into the meaning is like the North Star. It guides me. Where would I be without you in my life? Would I be this strong? Confident? At peace? If you had chosen Paul over me, I would've died. I swear. Sometimes, I get scared. I get worried that you will leave me if this Navy SEAL life gets hard for you. Don't leave me ever, Disa. I would be so lost without you.
See you soon.
Love, as always,
Dear Erik,
I will treasure these letters when I am an old woman. I'll show our grandchildren how much we were crazy about each other. I think we've written more letters than any humans possible on earth in six weeks.
In a couple of days, I'll watch you in your crisp uniform looking so gorgeous!
I'm not afraid of being in the favelas with you. I know life is rough everywhere for poor Black people, and you've told me enough times about what it's like. If you feel comfortable going there once we arrive, then we'll do it. If you feel it's unsafe, we don't have to be there. As you said, it's the cops that kick up the dirt with raids.
Will we have time to visit your family's terreiro?
Marisol told me she is an initiate, and that you were one too at one time. Is that true? Why did you stop? If it's too personal to talk about, you don't have to tell me anything. I'm curious and wonder about your own spiritual practices. You have been accepting of Islam with my family and I'd like to know about Hoodoo and Candomblé. The fact that you grew up with both is fascinating. Only tell me what you wish to share, baby. I'm here for it all.
I'm counting down the days and hours until I see you. When I hold you in my arms again, then I'll really know you're mine once more. Until then, I will dream about you. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and feel your presence near me. The scent of your cologne. The smell of your skin when you first step out of the shower. I once woke up feeling like you were making love to me here in our bed. My legs were open and everything. I could feel you inside of me, Erik. Crazy, right?
We survived six weeks. Hallelujah!
Packing my bags in the morning. I know it's days in advance, but I'm so ready.
Love and kisses.
See ya soon!
Dear Disa,
We can visit the terreiro if I can get permission. Typically, non-initiates are not allowed inside to witness anything except for on special occasions.
I don't have a problem talking about Hoodoo and Candomble. My great-grandmother is the only one who kept up that part of the family line, but since she's been gone, I haven't kept up with it much except for using Florida water and doing what my Grandpop says. After my parents died, Soliel and my godparents guided me toward Candomblé. I became an initiate when I was thirteen, but I haven't been intentional with it as I probably should've been. Marisol is more hardcore than me. She'll probably become an ialorixás (priestess) one day, but she enjoys running the streets too much. She dropped out of college and the Fam ain't too happy about it. Been running after some gangster down there, so everyone would love for her to go back to the source and leave bum niggas alone. I plan on straightening her out when I get there.
Counting down the time, Disa.
Love you,
Chapter 23 HERE.
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Riverdale Season 6 Trailer Reaction and Theories.
So just saw the new season 6 trailer and I have some thoughts on it, obviously spoilers but also some spoilers for CAOS too as I am going to be mentioning some theories based on that show.
First off this looks really good and I am actually sort of hyped for season 6 now, but I literally have no idea what the hell is going on, what we do know though is its not an AU as RAS recently confirmed it wasn’t which makes it all the more interesting to me.
It looks like they are going full supernatural with all the voodoo dolls and rituals that appear to be going on. There’s also a shot of Cheryl, Toni, Betty and Nana Rose trying to summon spirits, who knows why, but there are also a couple of shots of what look like supernatural creatures. For example this creepy black widow looking figure: 
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My guesses for who she might be is maybe the spirit of Abigail blossom herself? Or maybe Lilith, she did appear as a young teenage in the first episode of CAOS? Or just a random vengeful spirit of a character we haven’t meet yet. I mean there is also this creepy dude who has a similar aesthetic: 
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My best theory is an obvious one, but I reckon that séance scene results in them accidently releasing various spirits or demons into Riverdale who wreck havoc.  
Sticking with the supernatural Veronica tells Reggie that a man is claiming to be the devil, So it looks like maybe lucifer is making an appearance in Riverdale. I do wonder if he will offer Veggie a deal to help them become rich through their business? There is a shot of them getting frisky on a bed of money but then later Veronica is shown throwing something at Reggie, so maybe he makes a deal with the devil and Veronica finds out. I could see the devil just walking around Riverdale offering the residents deals. 
There is this shot of an elaborate box opening:
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 This actually reminds of the Acheron configuration from the first season of CAOS so my theory with this one is that after they accidently release the spirits or demons, whatever they are they then try to capture them in this box.  
Ok so being a barchie shipper naturally I was really excited about all the barchie content in this trailer but I will admit that ‘I want to have your baby’ line had me cackling just because of all the theories that were going around during season 5 about betty being pregnant and now it might actually happen?? To be honest I think I’d be ok with it depending on how it is written and how they go about it. A lil barchie baby would be adorable. However there is this shot where barchie have decided to use the dinner table for something other than eating dinner:
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 At first I thought it was a voodoo doll next to her (in the orange circle) but then I brightened the image and there are actually several other objects around her and the ‘voodoo doll’ to me actually looks more like it could be a mandrake root. For those who might not know mandrake root is traditionally used for fertility purposes, so maybe barchie want a baby but aren’t having much luck conceiving so decides to do a ritual to help the process along. There are five objects on the table which is interesting because there are actually five elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. I think the mandrake root as well as representing fertility also represents earth. In the blue circle just behind betty’s shoulder is what looks like a bowl which I suspect contains water. Water like the mandrake root also represents fertility. Then in the red circle you have the candles representing fire, again fire is symbolic of rebirth but also of passion and love which fits this setting. Then in the light green circle there is a bottle, I suspect its an empty bottle and they are using this to represent air because technically the bottle wouldn’t be empty it is filled with air. Air is symbolic of the breath of life so again also kind of ties into fertility and procreation. Then lastly there is the crown that looks kind of spiky, so maybe this represents spirit and is drawing imagery from the crown of thorns and the holy spirit. I am very curious to know what exactly is going on here, but I am 80% positive that its some kind of fertility ritual.  
It looks like Jabitha are going to be going on some kind of investigation which includes smashing down walls which I’m down for. I do wonder what it is exactly they are investigating. 
It also looks like betty is going to stab... something? There’s a shot with her holding a knife and blood splattered on her face. I mean this could be more dark betty stuff and her finally snapping but to be honest I actually don’t think it will be, I think it is more likely that there will be an episode where all the characters get trapped in a dream or something and this is like her nightmare that she has to face. Or maybe she is just having a nightmare, or killing a supernatural being or making a sacrifice something like that. I mean they like to keep teasing dark betty but they never commit to it so I don’t see them going there in season 6 either. But who knows maybe I’ll be proved wrong. 
There is shot of Cheryl in that crown and red dress from the first season 6 sneak peek where she appears to be sacrificing someone and Archie runs over and begs her not to hurt her which makes me think its Betty on the sacrificial slab so to speak. In regards to Cheryl I am still sticking with my original theory which is that she is actually possessed by the spirit of Abigail and Abigail is the one in control. 
Nana Rose might be in trouble as it looks like she is sick or dying, there is a shot of her lying in bed with Cheryl and I think Sabrina sitting with her, but it also looks like Sabrina and Cheryl are doing some kind of spell, maybe to save Nana Rose’s life?   
Speaking of Sabrina the closing shot of the trailer is of her and Cheryl. This is again why I think it might actually be Abigail’s spirit in Cheryl’s body because Sabrina and Cheryl seem to be familiar with each other. I don’t know what the timeline is between the two shows but as far as I know these characters have never spoken before there’s also that little problem of Sabrina being dead, so I am guessing that Abigail/Cheryl summoned Sabrina’s spirit or resurrected Sabrina somehow and that’s how they know each other, like they met in the afterlife or something, because although she doesn’t look like Abigail she still recognises her spirit/soul.  
Ok that’s all I’ve got for now, what did everyone else think of the trailer? 
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