#but I also really miss the ocean so possibly going in like two or three weeks
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raeathnos · 17 days ago
#I may have overdone it today but it’s okay cause I had a really fun day#I did the most walking since surgery today and I spent most of it doubled over laughing#ran into my one friend at community day and once again we are a menace together#I think I’m struggling a bit because I usually do 20000 to 25000 steps a day on average at my job and I’m lugging around heavy shit#and like im just not good at sitting still and recovering#I did a little under 9000 steps today and oooof I’m sore now#I’ve been off the pain meds since a week after surgery but I had to take one#my weight lifting restriction is nothing heavier than a gallon of milk#which I googled and is 8lbs#I miss being able to pick up my cat#but I had my post op a few days back and the doctor says Im healing really well and bounced back fast considering how bad the endo was#but idk… going a little insane still I guess#like I have chronic fatigue so and I’m used to being tired all the time and just powering through it#but healing is a different sort of tired and this has a long ass recovery period#normally I take a day trip to the beach for my birthday but I didn’t think I was up for it yet#really glad I didn’t I think I’d be dying right about now#but I also really miss the ocean so possibly going in like two or three weeks#someone yeet me into the sea that’ll fix everything#lol I’m rambling#it’s time for bed I say when I know full well I’m going to be up for like 3 more hours#if you see me online no u didn’t
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ninikrumbs · 15 days ago
Invisible strings part 2
pairing: suguru geto x fem reader. mostly fluff. angst if you squint. A/N: sorry it took awhile for part 2, I procrastinate a lot. I also wrote this sleepy so this might not be worth the wait. This was oirginally a muti jjk men drabble but I thought it would fit suguru best. part 1
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The sound of clinking glasses irritates your ears, the lack of sleep finally catching up to you. Its not like you weren’t sleeping, you just weren’t sleeping well. Memories or should you say dreams of kind eyes and strong arms still haunt you every night, making you toss and turn in frustration.
It was strange yearning for a man you’ve never met or quite possibly doesn’t exist. You started researching about dreams, soulmates and red strings. Even your friends have noticed your sometimes vacant eyes, so lost in your daydreams. They assumed it was man, and they weren’t exactly wrong, but you didn’t know how to explain without seeming like a complete delusional lunatic.
So here you were, making polite conversation with strangers in a fancy new museum opening that one of your friends invited you to. They were getting worried that you were hung up about some guy, so you said yes to appease them. And to be honest it was a bit nice to go out, getting all dolled up in a fancy dress, makeup completely flawless. Who knows, maybe this time you’d meet a man that wasn’t a figment of your imagination. Yet you doubt anyone could ever compare to the man that lingers at the back of your head.
You practically zone out of the conversation, only hearing bits and pieces as you nod along, pretending to listen. It wasn’t until Miwa nudges you with her elbow that you everything comes to focus again.
“What is it?” You whisper.
“Are you okay? You’ve been zoning out for the last 10 minutes.”
A blush creeps on your cheeks as you smile sheepishly, “I’m fine, just a bit tired.”
“We can go home.” She offers, but you don’t miss the way her eyes quickly glance to the cute guy with a top knot.
You smile knowingly, squeezing one of her hands, “No, you stay. I can go home first.”
“Are you sure?” Her filled face with worry,
“Positive.” You smile reassuringly. You’ve been here for two hours, you have proven that you were a stable human being capable of going out and socialize. Now your bored and wanna go home to mope about a guy conjured up by your lonely heart.
She stares at your face, trying to discern if you were lying before she sighs, “Let me at least walk you to the entrance.”
You take her up on her offer, linking your arms together as you said your goodbyes to the group.
“I wonder where Shoko is?” Miwa pondered as you walk to the door. The three of you came together and you lost her during the first hour.
You smirked, “Oh probably shame smoking out-”
A hard shoulder bumped into yours making you stumble back, if it wasn’t for your linked arms you would’ve fallen on your butt. Did this person not have eyes? The again you also weren’t looking, but that is beside the point. Also, were they made of stone? It felt like the almost dislocated you shoulder.
Irritated, you whip your head back to give the culprit a piece of your mind.
“Do you not have-
“My apologies, I-
The both of you came to halt, eyes widening as you take in each other. You were rendered speechless, your brain short circuiting at the sight of the man who lived rent free in your head for the past few weeks.
“I-” He opens his mouth to say something before closing it again, his amethyst eyes tracing your face.
He was at loss for words and you wondered why. Did he recognize you too? But that would be impossible. right?
“Hey, man! You made it!” An arm wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him away. In a matter of seconds he was surrounded by a group of people, slowly drowning him in an ocean of fancy gowns and well pressed suits. His distraught eyes catches yours before he disappears from your sight completely.
Oh, my god.
Did that really happen? Were you hallucinating? did you drink to much champagne? or did you think about him too much that you conjured him into existence? You could feel your heart thudding wildly in you chest as you spiraled.
He was right in front of you, in his three piece suit and perfectly styled raven locks. Gazing at you with those somber eyes. Looking so solid and tangible. Real.
A tug on your arm brought you back from your thoughts, Miwa’s confused face mirrored yours,“Did you know that guy?”
Good question. “I-um..”
What were you suppose to say? Yeah, I see him almost every night in my dreams.
You pursed you lips before shaking your head, “Honestly, I’m not sure. I feel like I’ve seen him before.”
“How can you forget someone that hot?,”Miwa asks, genuinely baffled. She looks behind me and grins, " and apparently very popular.”
You look back and surely the crowd had grown. Some were even taking professional photographs. Damn, who was this guy? A sudden realization came over you making you excitement drop.
Sighing, you start walking towards the entrance again, “Its doesn’t matter. Lets just go.”It didn’t matter. He was obviously some well known hot shot in the business world. Maybe you just saw his face somewhere; in a magazine or an online post. You probably forgot but your subconscious brain didn’t and it decided to make him the star of every single dream. That made the most logical sense, rather than some red string of fate binding you two together, making you destined to meet. That was sounding more ridiculous by the second and you felt absolutely stupid.
Stupid, yet your feet were glued to the marble floors the moment you reached the entrance, unable to move. Doubt and uncertainty clawed at your pounding heart. Were you really gonna leave? You felt like the moment you step out to the sidewalk, your were walking away forever. From what? You don’t know, but you do know that there’s some sort of gravitational pull that’s stopping you from taking another step, unless its what you truly want.
You were scared. This could end up with you on the first page news as some psycho stalker trying to hit on some rich dude. And it almost makes you give in, to walk away, to not take the risk and choose to stay in your safe bubble of ignorance and bliss. But could really live your whole life with regrets and what ifs? You were walking around feeling so empty because of this stranger, and maybe this way you’ll get some answers and if your really just delusional then at least you’ll be able to try and move on.
And if you were right, well.. you didn’t wanna get your hopes up just yet.
“Miwa, Ill be right back.” The last things your hear is here calling out to you as you practically sprint away from her, trying to make your way through the crowd to the direction where you saw him last.
The crowd was suffocating and you were feeling a bit over stimulated as you quickly look around, trying to find that familiar head of hair. To your disappointment, all you could see were snobby socialites and art buffs. You let out a heavy sigh, heart falling to your feet. Were you too late?
You took a step to fast and a waiter almost crashes into you with his tray of champagne glasses, you swerve and successfully avoid him but it throws you off balance, your high heel clad feet stumbles over each other.
It probably wasn’t time for you to make a fool of yourself today because before you could fall on your butt again, a big warm hand grips your waist and steadies you. Thank the heavens. You look up and smile to thank your savior. “Gosh, thank you so-”
The words disappear from your tongue, lips parting a fraction as you gaze into soft violet eyes. A small reserved smile curved at the corner of his lips, his voice deep and honeyed as he spoke. “Were you looking for me?”
“What?” You were taken aback, how could he have possibly known that.
Seeing your surprised face, he chuckles. The sound makes your heart stumble like your feet did. After a moment, his hand left your waist, but you didn’t have the time to get disappointed as his fingers trace down your arm, before reaching your fingers. He gently holds your hand up to his lips, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your knuckles. You feel you neck and cheeks heat up. The gesture was too intimate to come from a stranger.
His amethyst gaze flits to yours, poring over you so intensely that it makes your hold your breath in anticipation. “Because I’ve been looking for you.”
You scoff in disbelief at his words. “You know who I am?”
For a second, he stares at your joint hands almost wistfully, “I couldn’t forget even if I tried.”
You stared at him incredulously, still unbelieving that this was happening. Expecting to wake up in your bedroom at any moment. Yet so much seconds pass and all you feel is his warm hand in yours as he gazes at you with too much fondness and familiarity from someone you just met. His smile was small and hopeful, almost desperate, as if trying to stop you from denying whatever this was.
You thought this was gonna be the end, but it seems like this was just the beginning.
taglist: @vveils @sa4vvyyt
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wolftarotcrafts · 2 months ago
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What is coming towards you in love? Let's find out! Soon I will post another tarot reading on how your relationship may deepen for those in relationships already.
I also just want to say thank you for the support on my other tarot readings I have posted on here. It means a lot to see that my readings have resonated with people. And if you missed those readings and want to check them out, you can go to my page, and I will link them at the end.
I also have started setting up my Ko-Fi, so I will make a separate post on that if anyone is curious about personal readings. Please enjoy the readings.
Pile One:
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Oooooooh, pile one. You have got some good things coming in. In terms of what you can expect, I see you meeting the one who you will get married to and start a life with. This is the person who is going to commit to you. I see you guys have kissed frogs and have been patiently waiting for your person. I see that the patience is finally going to pay off because on the horizon I see them arriving. I see you have been focused on yourself and really taking time for you. You are ready to receive what you want. I see it's just within reach. I see some of you are powerful manifesters and may have manifested your person with a spell or vision board. I say refresh the manifestation and make another little list of the qualities and traits you want your person to have and be specific. Use your power pile one and get ready because they are coming. 
Signs: Colored hair, Pink, Red, Purple, Black hair, Straight hair, Ocean, boats, Port, Fall, Seattle, Movie-10 Things I Hate About You, Seattle, Sunrise, Tomorrow-Annie, sunshine, light-hearted, Manifestation, Vision board, Songs, Winter, Dec, 18, In a few months, In a few days, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, 1212, Leap of faith, Jack, Fernanda, Ashly, Laura.
Pile Two:
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Hey pile two. I feel you guys are kind of in your own world. Many of you are young, like in high school, or just really carefree and youthful. I see you guys are just having fun and living the best life you can. I see there are two possible situations. I see that some people may have a crush on you, and you don't even know it. I see them admiring from afar. I see them finally gaining the courage to talk to you and ask you out. I also see another situation where some of you like someone, and you are observing them, and they are mirroring you and doing the same with another person. I then see you guys somehow come together and start liking each other. 
Signs: 6, 12, 19, 22, 26, 29, Aries, Aquarius, Brown hair, Orange, Tattoos, Smart, May, Asia, "Hi," Isaac, Swimming, Messages, hanging out with friends, Daylight Harry Styles, Hold On, We're Going Home- Drake,
Pile Three:
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Hey pile three. I am sending you good vibes and all the love. Pile three I am not going to lie. There are some bad vibes here. Make sure you are careful with who you surround yourself with and who you tell your secrets to. I see there are some snakes around you. I see there is going to be some conflict, and you might get heartbroken, and there might be some deception going on. Some of you might know who I am talking about and just ignore the red flags, but listen, it's only going to hurt you in the end. Do not ignore the red flags. Pay attention to your surroundings and who you are with. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Just guard yourself a little pile three. I know this was supposed to be about love, so one of your friends may take your crush or something like that to hurt you, but again be on the lookout. I'm sending you hugs, pile three.🫂❤️‍🩹
Signs: 18, C, A, I Sneaky, Secrets, Drama, Backstabber, Gossip, Gemini, Sagittarius, "Friends," Alex, Alexander, Adam, Andrea, Cassandra, Cassie, July, Sad songs Wildflower-Billie Eilish
I have started working on my Ko-Fi, so more news on that is coming. Disregard the Etsy link.
Other Tarot Readings
Future Spouse PAC (Appearance)
Future Spouse PAC (Personality)
Advice-What you need to hear
Spirit Guide Reading
Again, thank you for the support!
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arminsumi · 2 years ago
五夏 ⋅ reader
PART OF THE 2k SPECIAL: ur fave duos!!
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NOTE: yuh this hurt to write 🥹 was solely inspired by that one abba song i'm ngl i listened to it one night and related it to satosugu and cried like a bitch
SUMMARY — You, Suguru and Satoru shared one summer of bliss before everything fell apart
WARNINGS — fluff to angst 👍, love triangle, i think it's gn reader but lmk if there's something not gn thank u!!
PLAY ME ♪ Our Last Summer
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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It had been a blisteringly hot summer. Sweat beaded at Suguru’s forehead. The sun forced Satoru’s eyes into a perpetual squint. And you took shelter in the shade of a palm tree – the two boys met you there, when they too decided to take shelter in the shade. The chemistry between you three was explosive, truly chemical; that one of a kind, once in a lifetime kind of friendship that blooms instantly like a timelapse of a flower, that artists and poets try their hand at capturing but mostly fail.
Beach walks were impossible at midday – the sand was so hot that it burned the soles of your feet. If you were riskily treading barefoot, then the boys would take turns carrying you. Satoru carried you bridal style. Suguru carried you on his back. The prior liked to pretend that he was going to throw you into the ocean (and he did a few times…) and the latter liked to steal romantic glances at you.
Come night, you three crammed together in one hotel room. Conversations, debates, arguments, flirting… those all easily carried past the midnight hour. Satoru was the first to pass out, but Suguru being the insomniac of the group managed to stay awake even longer with you. Usually, you fell asleep in the middle of expressing a thought to Suguru, and then woke up the next morning to two bleary blue eyes blinking awake on your left and abyssal black eyes blinking awake on your right. Satoru rolled on top of you and refused to let you leave bed. Suguru smiled and told him to stop crushing you to death.
Breakfasts were met with late attendance – thanks to Satoru taking his sweet time in the bathroom getting ready. Plates piled and spilled with hotel buffet food; Satoru’s plate consisted solely of sweet pastries. The custard Danishes were his favourite. The three of you broke down laughing at your inside joke about him being the custard Danish robber; the three of you couldn’t catch your breaths from how hard you laughed at your own stupid jokes. “He’s at it again!” Suguru snorted, body falling into yours, eyes reduced to strips of pure joy.
Butterflies liked Suguru for some reason. It was awful for him – he was terrified of butterflies, they really creeped him out. During walks around Okinawa, you struggled to keep up with the two giants; Satoru never missed a beat when walking in sync with his best friend. And he also never missed the opportunity to pick on your slowness or size. Suguru would patch up your bruised ego with a well-timed compliment.
When your holiday in Okinawa was drawing to a close, you three decided to cram as much exploration as possible into those three last days. Pulling all-nighters, stargazing, joking around, sharing secrets, kissing as friends until those kisses became something more. The final day of your holiday was spent ascending a hill that overlooked the glittering beaches. Such a picturesque view. One you didn’t dare to capture in a photograph, because that felt disrespectful. It was a beautiful landscape that deserved to live only in the rich world of your memories.
On that grassy hill, in that briny wind, you three thought that the present moment would never end. You held hands. You kissed. Your hands felt warm. Your lips felt tingly. They both looked at you meaningfully.
“Come back to Jujutsu High with us.” You didn’t hesitate to agree, a sparkle in your eyes. No one in your life had ever accepted you as a sorcerer until they came along.
Summer ended…
And the school year began.
In the far future, when you and Satoru would reminisce together as old Jujutsu High teachers to your students, you two would summarize your high school days with very specific memories.
“Remember when we always got caught making out in the classroom, and Yaga chased us down the corridors?”
“ – and we’d loiter around the vending machines. You know, Yuji, Satoru had such a bad sweet tooth even back then. And! He! Stole! My! Lunches! He was a menace!! Don’t deny it, Satoru.”
“What I stole from you in food I repaid in saving your ass. Remember when you almost died? No joke, Megumi, Y/n almost died during that Alleyway Incident – you know that one we talked about? Yeah, that was Y/n. Suguru and I were stronger than Y/n so we always helped – heyyy! I’m just telling the truth!”
“Who was Suguru?”
The smiles dropped from yours and Satoru’s faces. The color drained out of them, too. Just one little name, six little letters, devastated the atmosphere. That’s when the reminiscing ceased abruptly, and Satoru stood up and excused himself to a quiet place. You and him never cried together, only separately – except for on that day.
That day was the first and only day you and Satoru broke down sobbing into each other. Snot dribbled out of your noses. Your eyes puffed up. Your faces felt tightened with the dried tears.
“Suguru, don’t leave. Come back with us to Jujutsu High, we can sort all of this out.”
But he turned and walked away from you and Satoru, disappearing into the crowd of people. You yelled so loudly that you hurt your lungs, “Did our last summer mean nothing to you! What about the memories we’ve made at school together?! Suguru, don’t you walk away from us! Don’t – leave us behind, S-Suguru did it all mean nothing to you?!”
Just like that, three reduced to two. Just you and Satoru. Sat on the steps in heavy, impenetrable silence. Faces planted into your palms. Back curved because you had no energy to sit up straight after such an exhausting cry. You never thought you’d look into Satoru’s eyes and see no light. Over the years, he lightened up – especially when he became a teacher. But you could tell he masked his true expression; a deadpan. The real emotions were forcefully forgotten.
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b0nten · 1 year ago
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 albeit rarely, rindou overthinks, and frequently, ran doesn’t think too much.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 this is like the “backstory” for the ring. MAYBE i’ll turn it into a multiple part. i also put it in the timeline where everyone is happy because i really love everyone being friends. wrote it because rays’s version destroyed me !!!!!!!!!!!
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he spins the ring on his finger. he slides it off. he looks at it. he lets it hang from his neck, on the chain. he sighs.
“now what the hell is up with you?” barging in, ran asks. “who shat in your cereal every morning for the past two weeks?” he says, opening the kitchen cupboard to take — funny enough — some cereal out.
“i’m not in the mood, ran.” his younger brother spits back, head falling against the wooden table.
“hey now, there’s something really wrong with you if you’re acting like .. this.” pointing at him, he sits down, fat bowl of cereal clashing against the dark block, spilling some milk onto it. “now, spill.” with mouth full, he tries to choke out the words, spoon in his brothers face the moment he gulps down the first mouthful.
“you’re gross sometimes.” rindou just sighs, looking away.
“what’s with the ring?” ignoring the insult, the lanky haitani just continues his questioning. “by the way, the blue doesn’t look that bad on you.”
“it’s mine, and i got a matching one for y/n.” the other explains, “thanks, by the way. it was her idea to dye it like this.”
“you wanna propose to her?” his older brother asks, chewing loudly. “y’know we’re still just teenagers?”
“no shit, big head.” rolling his eyes, rindou feels the exasperation dig its roots deeper into his brain. “i’m not proposing. yet. but i don’t know if i should give it to her.” he finally says, letting ran in on his worries.
“and why not? what’s that? cartier, right?”
“no brand can escape your gaze, you’re really unbelievable.”
“thanks, bro, love you too.” as he swallows his last spoonful, ran winks.
“not in a good way.” the younger sibling announces, earning a displeased look from his brother.
“now you’re the annoying one. fuck’s going with you two?” ran finally snaps, trying not look worried. after all, he loves his brother, but they don’t do that kind of talking.
“she’s leaving next week” rindou finally manages to choke out.
“what? what do you mean?” his brother asks, taken aback by the sudden information.
“her student visa’s expired. she’s gotta go back home until gets it renewed.”
it pains him to even think about it. he hasn’t eaten in almost fourteen days, ever since he found out. but what pains him even more is how excited you are about going back home. about going away from him.
he thinks it’s selfish, because he knows how much you’ve missed your parents and how much you’ve waited for a holiday that’s long enough to return.
“if the flights take four days in total and i want to stay for two weeks, then i’d rather not go anymore.” you always said. “i want to spend as much time as possible, without having to rush anything, y’know?
but maybe sometimes love is all about being selfish, loving someone with your whole heart. maybe he wants to never let you leave without him. maybe he can’t let you leave without him because he can’t stand not being an 8 minute subway ride away from you.
“don’t tell me you got some of those control issues, the pretty tiktok girls say they’re not cute at all…” ran comments, dodging an uppercut by a mere second.
“can you take me seriously for once? i think she wants to break up with me, she called me over today saying we have to talk.” rin frowns, blond-blue bangs covering his tired eyes. “i shouldn’t have believed that tiktok reading that said good news are coming my way.”
“you’re so fucking dumb, lord have mercy.”
“excuse me, ran?”
“you’re excused. let’s get this straight: does it really matter to you wether she’s oceans away or in meguro? what do you think she’s gonna do, break up with you only to return in three months and see you everywhere? do you really think y/n’s that kind of girlfriend? throw away three years BECAUSE OF A VISA?! fuck outta here with that insecure crap, rin. i raised you better than that.”
on the inside, ran smiles. oh, how he loves knocking sense into his younger brother. truly the best activity.
“now go and talk to her.”
rindou hesitates.
“i won’t say it nicely the second time around.” the older one threatens, and rindou jolts up from his chair and bolts through the door, house slippers still on, door wide open. before ran can say anything else, rindou’s voice echoes from the staircase into the kitchen:
“i’ll buy a new pair when i get back, don’t start bitching, please! i’ve got a girl i have to convince not to break up with me!”
his older brother laughs as he pulls out his phone.
sister in law
(16:22) he’s on his way.
then, a ping fills the empty space.
sister in law
(16:23) already talked to mikey. everything’s going great.
(16:23) love you, big head
maybe ran’s not gonna tell you the reason rindou is running like a maniac through minato ward right now.
ugh, is his head really that big?
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tagging: @h4nman BECAUSE YOU MADE ME CRY😡😡😡 ; @sirachano0dles <3 i might start a taglist if i make this into a multiple part fic?!?
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formulaforza · 2 years ago
miss americana & the heartbreak prince masterlist
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charles leclerc x female oc —what's the point of it all if you're not going to fall madly in into love?
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—00. prologue
playlist social media au teaser orange show speedway
—01. all american girl
"“Because.” He doesn’t really know why he can’t land on a message, why everything he types sounds entirely too casual or formal or nothing at all like what he would say to another human being. This isn’t a problem that he’s used to having. It’s the in-person flirting that fucks him up, not the texts and DMs and comments. She was just… he doesn’t know what she was. She was just. End of sentence."
—01.5 hey google, who is christyn elliott?
—02. over the ocean call
"Chris has one student, Quinn, whose family can’t afford reduced lunch prices but also won’t request for Quinn to qualify for the free lunch. She thinks it’s an ego thing, that Quinn’s mom just isn’t able to accept that the family needs help. It’s a single parent household and the mom works two full-time jobs to try and make ends meet. After a newsletter was sent home in need of parent signatures at the beginning of the year and returned with Mama written in sloppy green crayon, Chris learned that Quinn was living a relatively self-sufficient life. As self-sufficient as a five-year-old can be." 
—02.5 like real people do
—03. i think i fell in love today
"If there wasn’t something weird in the air before, there certainly is now. A new weird. A good weird. An implication of something in the air, weird. It’s out there now, just hanging above them. I want to kiss you. You can kiss me. Now all that’s left is for one of them to make the move."
—03.5 do the girls back home touch you like i do?
—04. every finger, every sigh
"She can feel eyes on her. Charles, she hopes. Charles, she can’t find in the chaos. When she does spot him, half-dead sparkler still in his hand, head drunkenly bobbing along to the beat, he’s looking right at her, grins a stupid grin and winks."
—05. monte carlo ave
"He shakes his head. “You don’t understand.” She can’t possibly understand it because he doesn’t even properly understand it, the way he feels about her. The fear he feels about losing all the indecipherable feelings. It’s just good, everything about her, about being near her. It’s all so sweet and nice and good and he really, really doesn’t want to screw it up."
—05.5 still so much I have yet to know
—06. quarter of the way
"As soon as they reach the cover of the trees, Chris is telling Hannah everything. Everything. She tells her about Austin, about how she met a guy who was just too charming to not get her number. About every nervous text and hours long FaceTime call and every picture and every conversation. She tells her about how crazy she feels, how insane she felt agreeing to fly across the world— “Wait,” Hannah questions. “You flew across the world?”"
—06.5 you're invited! welcome to dawsonville!
—07. homegrown
"It’s a twenty-three minute drive to Pig’n’Chik Barbeque in Northern Atlanta. Charles is visibly apprehensive of the little red building and the parking lot filled with the aroma of southern barbeque, but he keeps his commentary to himself. Chris knows it’s probably a little overkill, the hole-in-the wall joint being even a little too gimmicky for her taste, but that’s the whole point."
—08. it's so sweet
“I’ll be right back,” she says hurriedly, over her shoulder, letting the little girl pull her away. Charles nods and flashes her a quick wink before she’s properly whisked away, leaving him with nothing better to do than shove his hands deep in his pockets and analyze the artwork of primary school students. 
—08.5 so american!
—09. sweet nothing
"In a pause in the conversation, he wonders if she’s ever been more her than she is right now. At home, with her family, a never-ending well of love and laughter and beauty. He almost wishes that he could just observe her and all that she is, admire the woman he gets to love." 
—10. i saw the end
coming soon
—11. the bees envy me
coming soon
—12. if i tremble
coming soon
—13. see the world
coming soon
—14. yours to keep
coming soon
—15. yours to lose
coming soon
—16. the view between villages
coming soon
—17. heaven in your eyes
coming soon
—epilogue. for the worms to eat
coming soon
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softboo · 1 year ago
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love me, ever so gently - part II
pairing: austin x reader
summary: you recently moved to a new apartment, making some new eccentric friends along the way. but what you didn't expect was falling in love with a stranger. a stranger you somehow couldn't stop thinking about
words: 2.8k
warnings: more hints of domestic abuse, dark themes in relationships
author's note: soo i made a part II and i made it so quickly that it kinda blended into part III. i also want to say thank you to everyone who read part I because my heart melted. like i was already excited when it hit more than zero lol. but wow thank you so much!! it truly means the world :3 i hope you like this next part heh c:
previous part // next part
part II
you piled the books onto the cart, the last group needed for organizing before the store closed. today was pretty slow as customers came and went, but your thoughts were somewhere else. on someone else rather.
it's been almost a week since the fair and this stranger was eating away in your head. maybe some part of you wished you would see him again. but what were the odds of that happening? the days started to blend into each other and you were so afraid that if you stopped thinking about him, just even for a little bit, the memory would disappear.
the more time that passed, the less you thought he would show up again.
but you missed seeing him. you wished for anything just to talk to him just a little bit longer than the last. you felt crazy for feeling so attached to him, but there was something so pulling about him. the way he would listen to you talk about the stories you loved and hated. the way his eyes would just gaze right through you, like you were someone he had missed seeing.
oceans filled your head, the calm waters flowing through your heart. but knowing it was going to disappear just as quickly as it came.
because he was only temporary. the waters weren't yours to stay in.
the backdoor swung open and you heard george hobbling over at you, almost tipping you both off balance as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"look who it is! my favorite girl!" he smiled, completely disrupting your last task before you had to close the store. he flashed a toothy grin as cassandra appeared right behind him.
"george please, you're going to fall on the poor girl." her tone annoyed, but with a hint of concern. "do me a favor and go to the storage room to get the books for the events before i throw something at you."
she shot him a glare before he waved goodbye to the both of you. cassandra came towards you, picking up a few of the novels on the cart to help you finish.
"you're still thinking about him, dear?"
you quickly turned your head to look at her, eyes widening at the sudden accusation.
"how did—?"
"sweetie, it's written all over your face. and you've had that same expression since the fair. i'm not clueless."
you gave her a weak smile, confirming exactly what she thought. you couldn't look at her now though, feeling as if she could see right through you if you did.
"am i crazy cassie?"
she let out a small chuckle, settling the last book down on its appropriate shelf. she shook her head.
"no, you're just being young. and there's nothing wrong with that." she reassured you, not realizing that she completely finished organizing the rest of your books.
"if he ever decides to show up again, then you'll have another chance with him. if not, then you learn to move on."
that last sentence was something a part of you didn't really want to accept. your heart was still holding on to that possibility. but the more days that passed since the fair, the more you wavered on your certainty.
~ ~
"there's only two new neighbors cassie... why did we make three welcome gifts?" evelyn stated, all four of you were now squeezed into your apartment, staring at the gifts on the kitchen counter.
"because the other one is for our favorite girl!" george exclaimed, jumping up to give you the last gift. cassandra swatted at his arm, glaring at him.
"you ruined the surprise." cassandra remarked, as you gave them a weak smile.
it's been almost a month now and the thought of you ever seeing him again was fading even more. you reassured them that you appreciated the surprise anyway and george pulled you into a hug.
"if i only knew it was for her, i would've baked more cookies." evelyn stated, but you truly did appreciate the gesture regardless. they all knew something was wrong for awhile, but cassandra was the only one that knew why.
"it's okay, thank you. really. i love the gift."
cassandra caressed your cheek again as evelyn added, "if anything, i can bake more tonight and stop by to drop them off."
you smiled and nodded. "i would love that."
evelyn gave you a warm smile with her rosy little cheeks. she loved cooking for all of you, even remembering the first time she gave you your personal welcome gift when you moved in. and you remember it vividly because george ate half of those cookies.
"alright let's go drop off these gifts," cassandra stated, "george and i will go downstairs. you two will go to the one across the hall."
you all held your respective gifts and walked to where you needed to go. you and evelyn approached the apartment, evelyn knocking on the door as you held onto the gift.
you could even smell the cookies inside as it fogged a bit of the plastic, knowing how much hard work evelyn put in them. george made the little welcome sign, cassandra wrote the card with all the events planned for the year, and you placed two books. each from the ones that the store no longer needed.
it took a while for someone to answer, evelyn had to knock a few times but soon enough, the door swung open and suddenly something caught in your throat.
there she was. the same dark haired woman from a month ago. you couldn't believe it, the fact that she was your new neighbor. the fact that you saw her a month later instead of him.
and the fact that she stood there, her eyes in flames as you both somehow were at fault for knocking on her door.
"how can i help you?"
her tone was dark, it almost felt like she spat at you. evelyn noticed the slight negative connotation in her voice and opened her mouth to speak, but you came in first.
"we just wanted to drop off a gift to welcome you to the building." you gritted through a fake smile and evelyn saw you tense up. she just couldn't figure out if it was from annoyance or something else.
"oh how thoughtful," her voice was so empty. there was nothing behind it other than wanting to push you both out of her apartment.
"we also added a list of events that happen in the building like a cooking class, taught by—"
"my boyfriend and i are not interested thank you."
she cut you off again and you felt that spark of a flame growing right inside your heart.
"i'll take the gift though," and the woman snatched the beautiful piece from your hands. "austin loves this kind of thing."
she gave you a big toothy grin, something that vaguely made you uneasy but also reminded you of a poorly painted clown. she didn't even say thank you before shutting the door on your faces.
you couldn't even fathom any words, just blankly stared at the closed door. you glanced over at evelyn who was as shocked as you, opening her mouth to speak.
"what a bitch."
~ ~
your mind was racing as you ate your dinner, your favorite tv show playing in the background. the thought of austin's girlfriend being your new neighbor placed a sour taste in your mouth. like you couldn't catch a breathe as the whole situation wrapped around your throat. you had no idea if austin was living with her, but if he was, you weren't sure if you could face him with her breathing down your neck.
or if she'd even allow him to be in the same vicinity as anyone else but her.
the things you saw during the fair flashed in your head, the bruise on his hand. the tight grip of her arm around his. you shook your head, doubting that that possibility could be even true.
but if it was...? you weren't sure how you would react.
a sudden knock on your door broke you from your thoughts as you slowly got up from your chair to check who it was. as you looked through the peephole, you didn't see anyone.
you hesitated for a moment before opening the door, to find something that shattered your heart into a million pieces.
your welcome gift was staring back at you from the floor. the plastic wrap was ruined and the sign was ripped. the card splattered with wine stains and the cookies looked like they were stepped on. the only thing that was missing were the books and the event page.
you had no idea what to do, all of your hard work. everyone's hard work was ruined. a kind gesture completely taken advantage of and it was fueling your hatred even more.
you tossed it to the side, gently placing as much of the gift together as you could before closing the door. you wondered if austin took those missing things. if he knew how badly his girlfriend was treating other people and if he was even aware of the hold she had on him.
maybe that part of you was right.
~ ~
you sat in your assigned seat, the second table from the center. evelyn was busy up in the front, preparing her demonstration table full of ingredients. the kitchen right behind her with all the other food items needed for their meal. you could see how nervous she was with the way she kept fidgeting the same utensils and pans, making sure it was facing a certain way.
george appeared from the kitchen entrance, carrying supply bags out so it was easier for the class to get what they needed. he was beyond ecstatic for this as he was not only going to see a huge turnout of people again, but he was excited for the secret batch of food evelyn promised she would make for them when this was over.
you noticed cassandra passing through, a sign up sheet in her hand and you noticed a compile of names, each having their own seat and assigned table.
"so why can't i look at the list of names?" you asked her when she passed your table. all she did was smile as she handed you your name tag.
"cassie, he's not going to come." you remarked and she shook her head at your negativity.
you weren't able to tell anyone about your suspicious, thinking it probably wasn't your place to begin with. it wasn't until evelyn talked about "the dark red haired bitch from 4B" that cassandra started to connect the dots.
you just weren't sure if they were connecting all the dots.
weeks passed since the incident and each passing event with him not being present made it harder to stop thinking about him. even so when he would put his name and not show up.
this was yet, another one of those times, which was why you were doubting cassandra's optimism.
"we'll see. you never know dear," she let out a soft smile, "but if he does, give him his name tag for me?"
she handed you the tag with austin written on it, just like she did for all the other events. and yet each time, your heart skyrocketed in hopes that he was actually going to show up.
soon enough, the class started and evelyn began her introduction. the turnout was quite a lot; families, some friend groups, a few couples, an empty table in the back, and you.
with one empty seat next to yours.
~ ~
you were halfway through rolling the dough when you heard the main entrance door open. you didn't really have time to look because your stupid dough wasn't flat enough.
but it wasn't until you heard the footsteps and the water that followed suit from the rain that your now empty seat was occupied.
and your heart stopped.
"hi i'm so sorry i'm late. i'm usually not like this," his voice wavered, he sounded so flustered and embarrassed. so different from when you first met him.
you finally had the courage to look at him and you saw those same calm waters in his eyes, except they weren't as blue anymore. it was muted, like a greyness overshadowing its true color.
he had a hat on that covered his wavy blonde hair and some kind of shadow near his eyes, but he no longer had a mask and you could've sworn you heard your heart beating against your ears.
you were so overwhelmed by who he actually was that no words came out so you could respond to him. a part of you was so grateful he didn't see you as he was so preoccupied with his mistake of being late.
and when he finally settled into his seat and placed his things down, he looked at the nametag you placed on his side of the table. he quickly pinned it on his sweater to hopefully catch up on what he missed.
"i'm austin," he introduced himself, hoping you would say something to him. anything.
your voice was so meek compared to his, even when he was the one all flustered.
"how much did i miss?" his was soft, and somehow sounded like he was comforting you.
"oh um... just the mixing part. i have the dough ready, but i can't seem to..."
you stopped as you noticed yourself ramble, completely avoiding his gaze as you looked right at the roller and your very stubborn piece of dough.
you heard him chuckle and it made your heart flutter slightly.
"can i?"
you just nodded as he placed the dough in front of him, taking the roller to knead the whole piece out. it wasn't long until he flattened it to the perfect shape that he gave you a small smile. he even followed the next few instructions from evelyn, placing the dough into a pie crust pan.
"have you cooked before?" you asked him, as he noticed the way you looked extremely impressed. and something about your expression made him flustered all over again.
"not really, but i do love cooking. i even thought about becoming a chef."
"yeah," he let out the softest little laugh, pressing against the dough to form the crust, "that's why i moved here. i wanted to take a break for awhile and learn about the things i love to do... like cooking."
"you live here?"
a part of you wished he wasn't going to say it, but you already knew his answer.
"yeah on the 4th floor, apartment 4B."
and your heart sank to the ground.
"do you live around the area too?" he asked curiously and you nodded absentmindedly.
"yeah, i think we're neighbors. i'm 4A."
and you could've sworn you saw the blueness come back in those storm covered oceans.
"yeah..." you hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not you should say the next part, "my friend and i actually dropped off a welcome gift for you."
and the blueness left as fast as it came.
you bit your lip, scared he might react a certain way. you started to doubt yourself. what if he was the one that ruined the gift, not the girlfriend.
he paused for a moment, going quiet as he finished mending the dough in place.
and you panicked.
"i totally understand if you didn't like the gift."
"no i liked it... i liked it a lot actually."
there was something hanging in the air now and you felt this immense guilt that you ruined the whole thing. you've thought about meeting him again for months and now that the chance arose itself, it felt like you were sabatoging everything you ever wanted.
"whenever you're both done filling your pie and adding the top crust, you can go to the kitchen and place it in the oven," evelyn instructed, smiling at the both of you as she passed your table. she cut the tension between you two for just a moment before it all came crashing back again.
you filled the pie pan and topped everything with another dough crust. the silence wrapped around you two as you finished the pie completely.
"i'll put it in the oven," austin offered, but as he got up, he winced in pain, clutching at his torso.
and that was all the confirmation you needed.
"let me, it's okay."
you took the pie from him, his body settling down on the seat again. he seemed so exhausted all of a sudden, like he no longer had the energy to put up a front anymore.
and it killed you on the inside that you had to sit there and watch.
when you came back from the kitchen, you noticed he took off his hat to fix his hair.
and that's when you saw his eyes. just above his eyebrow was a bruise and few cuts, a small bandaid on his upper temple, right where the brim of the hat would be.
but what broke your heart was the way he no longer had those lights in his eyes anymore. he rubbed his face for just a moment and you saw something else stain his hands.
it was makeup.
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kay9leo · 4 months ago
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Share a snippet from whatever you’re currently working on, and then tag 5 people.
@myokk tagged me and seeing how I needed something to get me back into the writing world again after a hiatus, this seems like a good way to get back in 🤗
So while not a "true" WIP, it's an idea stuck in my head since in my original WIP (written and hidden in my computer files) of where Iñaki Martinez Cariaga (or MC) is used, I have Hogwarts Legacy take place in the late 2000s...but what if Iñaki's Ancient magic takes her back in time...to the year 1890? As a play on the name of a title of a famous Mark Twain book, I present a small snidget of an idea that's been flying circles in my head:
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A New York Yankee in Hogwarts' Courtyard, 1890
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Iñaki walked around Hogsmeade, trying to reconcile the past with the future wizarding village that she remembered before she was sent back in time over more than a hundred years ago.
Hogsmeade was still Hogsmeade with its quint shops, townhouses and stone ruins nearby its town entrance, but it was also different from how she remembered back in 2008.
For one, the MCC or the Muggleborn Cultural Center hasn't been made yet, a place where all muggleborns would go to get a taste of home away from home (even though it wasn't truly a taste of home for her, with her home being an ocean away in New York). Two, the Shrieking Shack building didn't exist yet and three, there was no Tim Howards Coffee Shops yet - the only American magical coffee shop chain that somehow made it across the pond.
If you think about it, I might be able to run into Tim Howards when he's still a baby in this time period. He doesn't become a famous Quidditch player until the 1920s. Iñaki frowned at that thought.
"So, what do you think? Is Hogsmeade up to your standing Yank?"
Iñaki blinked out of her thoughts and looked over to her right to see a brown haired boy, Sebastian Sallow giving her a confident smile despite the nervous look in his eyes. He was currently giving her the grand tour of the place. To her surprise, Sebastian wasn't the cocky boy he made himself out to be before the duel that he lost in DADA class. The entire walk, Sebastian was friendly, jolly and curious about her homelife back in America, never once meeting a Yankee. Soon that became her nickname when he saw how it made her smile as he asked questions to get to know about her a bit more.
It was hard to be tight lipped about her homeland. Especially as far as he and everyone but Professor Fig knew, she was just another girl from their era and out of her element because she was the new kid in a new country and NOT being stuck in the wrong time period. She had to be careful about what she said, to reveal little about the future as possible like Professor Fig and all those time traveling books and movies taught her before.
While she ran into some more recognizable names - Weasleys were a dime a dozens, Prewett was an extinct family name in her time period with their remaining line married into one of the Weasleys' family branches and Gaunt was the original family name of the founder of Ilvermorny- there were a few she didn't recognized.
Onai was one. So was Sweeting. And then there was Sallow.
Sebastian Sallow was a name that rang a small bell in her head, but she couldn't remember for what reason it was for as she smiled at its owner with a light smile as she pulled up a half lie.
"I think it's cute, like it's from a storybook. It reminds me of another wizarding village I visited in the past at home..." Or was it future? It didn't matter, it's in my past now... Iñaki thought with a small painful smile as she looked over the smaller village in this era.
"You really miss home, don't you Iñaki?" Sebastian said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Iñaki looked up to him with a tight smile, fighting back tears that suddenly appeared in her eyes.
"Who me?" Iñaki chuckled, waving her hand off playfully as if she could physically fight off the emotional pains that came every time she thought about the new country she found herself in due to her dad's new job, the time period that she didn't belong to or the possible reality she might be stuck here for good and might never see her parents, family, friends or even her neighbor's pet dog ever again.
Heck, she might be in the history books of another country and her loved ones would never know what happened to her.
And if she let one tear escape, the whole dam would break and she wasn't certain if she would survive the floods of her emotional pain since she woke up in 1890 after accidentally tampering with a magical place she thought nothing of. It wasn't like it was a time turner. Just a bunch of standing stones that reminded her of Stonehenge that stood in up in a forest nearby Feldcroft that called to her for some reason when she was flying around, trying to free up her mind from the thoughts of being homesick.
She was really far from home this time around.
"Yes you. You seem to keep your distance from everyone you know? We don't bite." Sebastian smiled at her. "Take it from someone that had to move before, you'll find yourself fitting in sooner than later. Natty practically befriend you -"
True...Iñaki thought.
" -Ominis seems relaxed and happy to be around you since you met him your first night-"
It probably helps that my first thought of his surname that I told him was that one of his ancestors rejected her family's prejudicial pureblood beliefs and founded Ilvermorny and not of his infamous descendent that is Tim Riddler...or what ever his name was.
" -in the Slytherin Common Room-"
I was a Gryffindor in my time period.
"-and I do need a dueling partner in Crossed Wands." Sebastian winked at her. "Yeah." Her voice croaked. That's what it seemed it was good at doing since she moved to London for her Dad's work. "I-" She cleared her throat with a smile. "-I DO like dueling."
Dueling made it easy to forget, to not remember that she was no longer home. That there was no DeLorean or ruby heels she can tap together three times to bring her back to her time period, to her world.
It wasn't until the Troll fight she had with Sebastian that she thought, maybe she didn't need a time traveling car or magical red heels to go home. Not when she felt that same magical force that brought her to this time period flow out of her when she defeated -no vanquished- the troll.
If Ancient Magic brought me back to the past, I'm going to find a way to use it to get back to my own time with no problem. Iñaki thought with a smug smile as she helped repair the town back, unaware of the only flaw in her plan as Sebastian Sallow gathered her for a quick drink at the Three Broomsticks on him.
And never once did she notice the awe in his eyes as he looked at her or the growing heart he wore on his sleeve for her the longer she remained stuck in the past. She would have noticed it if she looked back, but the only flaw in that was this:
Iñaki was too busy looking forward to finally go back home, back to the future where she belonged.
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No Pressure Tags: @theladyofshalott1989 @ps-cactus and whoever sees this and is interested in writing as well/needs a small push to return to the writing world 😁
Thank you @myokk for tagging me and helping me to slowly return to the writing world for a bit after the hiatus I took💖🥰💖
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sungjinhos · 9 months ago
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✷ There is a before and after you when the subject is Seokmin.
✷ genre: Angst, Break Up. Non-Linear Narrative. sad and angry
✷ word count: 4716
✷ featuring: Yoon Jeonghan, one (1) Hoshi mention, two (2) Jeon wonwoo mention, two (2) seungcheol mention, three (3) vernon mention
✷ thea’s note: hey y'all i've been m.i.a. because 1 - phd is kicking my ass but i am pretty sure now I can conduct a poli sci experiment, and 2 - i've been having the time of my life writing a book with an actual plot (i cried this week because of it)(i wrote this fic in 4 hours because i've been writing this book for months and i needed to end something). but yeah!! pretty great!!! here is some heartbreaking fic for you!!!  Also go listen to Niki - oceans and engenes while reading this ♥
Saturday sunset We're lying on my bed with five hours to go Fingers entwined and so were our minds
[Year one]
Saturdays were your new holy days.
If you started a new religion, Saturdays would be the day that would be saved and cherished. All because Saturdays started and ender in Seokmin’s arms.
It was like a clockwork. After your last Friday class – which happened to be a whole 2hours on Justice and a senior professor babbling about John Rawls when you much preferred Iris Young and her feminist critic, you would walk for thirty minutes in the outskirts of your campus until you reached your boyfriend's tiny apartment. He shared with three other dudes – Mingyu, Minghao, and Vernon. He got the smallest room, yet, in that cubicle was perfect.
“What are you thinking?” His hoarse voice rang in your ears, he drank too much (it was Jeonghan’s birthday, weird it would be if he didn’t drink his weight in alcohol) and was one step away from reaching REM sleep.
“Nothing,” you say, your fingers reaching his hair while his face is tucked on your neck.
“It doesn’t sound like nothing,” Seokmin grumbles, with every breath and every word his lips brush against your neck.
“I just really like Saturdays,” you want to say I like our Saturdays, I like spending all day with you, I hope we could spend all days like we spend our Saturdays.
“Me too,” he says hugging your tightly on his arms, and you hope he is saying he too want to spend all days with you.
Crying, I don't want you to go You wiped away tears But not fears under the still and clear indigo You said: Baby, don't cry, we'll be fine
[Year four]
“Why are you crying?” Seokmin asks with a smile so bright on his face that it hurts on your ribcage.
“Because this sucks,” being away from you sucks, it is what you want to say but the guilty is something that doesn’t go well with your boyfriend.
“Baby,” Seokmin almost laughs, “it is just three hours on a train.” He says, his fingertips brushing away your tears, “We can handle that, just three hours away.”
He says and you want to believe him, but when his voice shakes you just hold him closer, your grip tight on his white shirt and you almost want to crawl under it. Living under his ribcage is the only way possible. To share the same air, is the only way you know how to live.
“You are acting like you don’t believe me,” he says, his arms around you, “should I be worried that my girlfriend is acting like we are on the verge of a breakup?”
Yes is the word that gets stuck in your throat.
“We talked about that, come on, we even got into the masters we wanted, this is the best-case scenario. It is just a four-hour trip we can take turns and all that.”
“Four hours,” you repeat more to you than to him, in a way trying to understand why he is so calm and collected about not spending his hours with you. Four hours. Four hours seems like a whole life away. Four hours you could cross the earth in four hours.
You're the one thing I swear I can't outgrow My mother said the younger me was a pretending prodigy Well, nothing then much has changed
[Year one]
You don’t know how you met Seokmin. Really, the memory is just not there. You don’t know who is the missing link, it must be Jeonghan because Jeonghan knows everyone. You were a humanities girly you don’t know why you are in the company of biology undergraduates and people who want to be doctors.
“So, that’s the plan,” Seokmin says with a bright smile on his face, “I think working in the Intensive Care Unit would be a blast you know, I thought about working with kids but that just breaks my heart.”
“And ICU doesn’t break your heart?” You ask taking a sip of your mocha, you two have been studying in the library for the past four hours you need a sugar pick-up.
“It kinda does,” his smiles falter, “but like, people in the ICU need someone to look after them you know, too much time in that bed, and people who don’t breathe on their own need special care.”
“Well,” you take another sip of your mocha and you almost spit the coffee when you finally notice Seokmin’s big eyes on you, “I think you can do it, you would be great at it.”
“Really?” his sounds so hopeful you want to say to him that yes, you can do everything you set your mind in to, you are that special.
“Yes, I think you would be great,” you will be great at everything, “besides, dealing with kid is fine but dealing with their parents sounds like a nightmare,” you groan.
Seokmin laughs so loud you swear it fills all the empty space in the café, there is no corner where he isn’t. There is no place in your soul he hasn’t touched. You are so doomed, that this crush will kill you.
'Cause while you're wolfing down liquor My soul, it gets sicker But I'm sticking to the screenplay Gotta say I'm okay
[Year six]
You try one more time. Your dial the number again hoping your boyfriend picks up because it is fucking cold outside and because you are afraid he is fucking dead in a ditch somewhere.
After the third ring a voice that is very much not your boyfriend’s pick up.
“Hey,” Jeonghan says and he sounds so fucking guilty you don’t know how to make up your mind.
“Something happened?”
“Jeonghan what is going on?”
“Nothing happened?” You look around the train station, and it is almost empty.
“I mean your boyfriend is wasted and can’t pick up his phone and this call woke me up and I was having a great night of sleep you know how I am I don’t get enough sleep so nothing beyond that I don’t even know why his phone is so loud-“
“Because he was supposed to pick me up,” you say breathing loudly holding your backpack up and walking towards the nearest exit.
“Pick you up?“
“Yes, it is my week, but I guess he can’t pick me up so if you just stay awake until I arrive it would be great, or hide the keys somewhere I don’t know.”
“Shit,” Jeonghan mumbles and you can hear that he is moving around, “do you want me to wake him up?”
“No,” you say already singling for a taxi. It feels like you just ate a bone that is now sitting in your throat, “no, don’t wake him up, I just don’t have anywhere else to go so-“
“No, of course, I will wait for you don’t worry.”
But answer this, babe
How is it now that somehow you're a strangеr? You were mine just yеsterday
[Year eight]
It is Jeonghan’s birthday.
It is Jeonghan’s birthday and you are in town because there is this global climate event in the same week. It is Jeonghan’s birthday and he knows you are in town because you are one of the panelists and the event shared a post on your Instagram. It is Jeonghan’s birthday and you are entering his birthday party and you can feel your brain almost leak through your ears.
And like fate is against you – because it is, fate hates you – you see Seokmin before you ever see Jeonghan. His eyes meet yours and he almost doubles check, and before he pretends you are a ghost of his past life Jeonghan screams your name and makes you enter the restaurant when you want to just walk through the door.
“You really came,” Jeonghan says, “I was about to crash your event and say fossil fuel is a good thing until they let me talk to you.”
“Yeah,” you say making yourself smile, “that’s why I came I don’t think someone claiming to be a nepo baby with Shell company trust fund in his name would help my career.”
“A man needs to do what he needs to do to make a woman appear,” Jeonghan says wisely.
Jeonghan introduces you to his friends, a few new ones that you have no idea where they met – a weird guy named Hoshi, a tall lanky guy in black who goes by Wonwoo, a broad guy with dimples that is complaining about the restaurant service that is named Seungcheol. A few old ones that you once knew, Vernon still the same you think – sometimes too lost in himself, but always too sweet, Seokmin – not the same you think, Seokmin is the one on this table that you don’t have idea who this person is. Seokmin, you think, is a stranger to you now, after a year or two, you no nothing about him. You don’t know his schedule, you don’t know about the last restaurant he got addicted to, you don’t know what is going on his life.
I prayed the block in my airway dissipates And instead deters your airplane's way But heaven denied Destiny decried Something beautiful died Too soon
[Year Six]
“It is really important to me,” Seokmin says his voice muffled on the phone. You stare at his picture on the screen – his big smile, his eyes scrunched, his hair all over the place.
“So you are not coming this week?”
“Can we skip? I can go in two weeks so you don’t have to come I know how much you hate the train.”
“I don’t hate the train,” you grumble, “is just the hours don’t match up so I have to wait for the last train, and then is not always great to get a taxi at three am when all the taxi drivers might be potential fuckers.”
“I am sorry ok?” Seokmin breathes and you almost bite your own tongue, “why can’t you let it go?”
Because I am still angry, you want to say but you are so fucking tired of those fights, maybe that’s why you are still angry because it is always over the phone, never in person, he never sees the aftermath of it. He never sees you suffering.
“I mean, whatever works for you, really, this week, in two weeks, if you don’t want to come this month it is also great like it is already august maybe we should save it till Christmas, it is not a big deal.”
You leash it out before you hang up on his face.
But I'm letting go I'm giving up the ghost But don't get me wrong I'll always love you
[Year one]
It is your third or fourth time on Seokmin’s bed, under his sheets. There is a layer of sweat between your body but is not like you two care. Your fingers drawn little constellations in his skin, trailing against his spots. One in the middle of his chest, one in his ribs, one in his collar bones. You want to know every single one, you want to create a path – a route. Thinking that maybe, if you remember every single one of them, if you know where to turn, you will always find home. Home, the one on his cheeks, your favorite one.
“You know I love you right?” Seokmin asks his hand on your nape.
Your breath hitches. Stuck on your lungs. Yes, you think. And I love you just as much, I love you so much that the mere idea of not loving you seems unfathomable, I love you so much that I forgot who I was before loving you. But kissing him is easier, and when his lips are on yours you pray for all the gods to make him understand every unspoken word.
That's why I wrote you this very last song I guess this is where we say goodbye I know I'll be alright Someday I'll be fine But just not tonight (oh)
[Year two]
“You know you are my favorite person in the world, right?” You ask your boyfriend who just gives you a bright smile.
He is sitting by your side in the living room of his shared apartment, it is February and it is the middle of the semester, and yet, Seokmin proudly told you that he got his greatest gift ever – a weekend without his roommates and a week off dishes duty. There is a cake – small, strawberry, with candles on it, on the table and you two are waiting for the clock to hit twelve o’clock so you two can celebrate his birth.
“No,” he says, a pout on his face, “I really have no idea, you don’t tell me enough.”
“That’s not the truth,” you grumble, and you think it might be the truth because you are not really good with words but you are sure that your boyfriend is just overreacting.
“Come on, tell me.” He says while he kisses your cheeks, “it is my birthday you can’t tell me no.”
“It is not your birthday yet.”
“Come on,” he pouts again, “please? As a birthday gift.”
“I already brought your gift and it is better than this.”
“Nothing is better than hearing you saying I am your favorite person ever,” he says his hands on your waist, his leg flushed on your back when he sits facing the side of your face.
He sounds so earnest that you give him what he wants, just because it is his birthday, just because it is a special day. “I love you, you are the most special person ever, every day I thank your mother before I go to bed because she put the most special guy in the world and even though it is your birthday I am the one that received the most special gift that is sharing my life with you, and every day is a bless with you baby,” you say watching his smile grows bigger, “happy?”
“The happiest,” he tells you.
“Come on, we need to light the candles,” you say watching the clock hit.
Plunging into all kinds of diversions Like blush wine and sonorous soirées But even with gin and surgin' adrenaline I see you're all that can intoxicate
[Year seven]
“It is weird, isn’t it?” Seokmin’s voice rings in your ears while you look through the window of the restaurant, watching the car dance on the street under the moonlight.
“What?” You ask and it sounds inaudible even to your own ears, your voice small like you are hoping he is not talking to you.
“Us,” Seokmin says like he still believes in this world there is an us, “in the same place like this, is weird, I don’t even know what to say to you.”
“Hm”, you hum trying to say something and not being incredibly bitchy about everything because you are the one that doesn’t belong, Seokmin is always here, you are the one who isn’t. Jeonghan is more his friend than yours, “I think it is bound to be weird, I think it would be worse if we acted like nothing happened.”
“Right,” he says taking one more sip of his beer.
You almost laugh. Maybe you still know Seokmin because when his eyes lock in yours again you know that you said the very same thing he didn’t want to hear.
It feels like you are polar opposites.
Oceans and engines You're skilled at infringin' on great love affairs 'Cause now my heart's home All I've known is long gone and ten thousand miles away And I'm not okay
[Year six]
When your phone rings for the third time Seokmin’s photo lights up the whole room. Your tears feel cold against your face. And you take another sip of your cheap and all not that great wine. It has been three days since you spoke with Seokmin, but it is the first day that you can cry and break down and suffer.
It was a dick fucking move. He broke up with you over a phone call. Dick move. Worse, he broke up with you over a phone call in the worst week ever – finals week. You had three articles due – one on authoritarian governments, one on gender studies and political participation of women, and one on fossil fuel and climate policies. You had already brought a train ticket. You have already chosen a restaurant to celebrate surviving the first year of going long distance.
You gulp down another sip of your wine, maybe you should drink from the bottle.
You told him that going long distance was insane. You told him it would never work out. It was a three hours train ride he said. You two could make it work he said, you two could conquer all he said. And he broke up with you over a phone call – not even a video call, a phone call like people did in the 90s. A phone call to tell you that it was too hard, that it was too complicated, that he was tired and you too were fighting too much.
A phone call to tell you that maybe this isn’t working.
But I'm letting go I'm giving up the ghost But don't get me wrong I'll always love you that's why I wrote you this very last song I guess this is where we say goodbye I know I'll be alright But just not
[Year seven]
You are explaining Wonwoo – a soon-to-be cardiologist, and Vernon – still unsure about his future but maybe psychiatry, what a carbon footprint is. And how capitalism will lead the earth to its collapse. Small talk. Seungcheol don’t really knows how the world will work if capitalism is dethroned as the only one system in the world that even worked – according to himself. Everything is ok. Is not at all great because you can physically feel Seokmin’s eyes on you, until he gets up the table and acts like he is not interrupting the table’s conversation;
“Hey, can we talk?”
You look around waiting for someone say sure and get up the table until every eye is on you. No, we can’t fucking talk, you want to bite. No, I don’t ever want to talk to you, I actually prefer smack my head against every surface on this place before talking to you, you want to say. But instead, you just say “Sure.”  
You follow Seokmin’s steps until the two of you cross the streets and sit in a bench. He sits staring at the sea, his shoes on the sand and you ask yourself if you want to get your shoes full of sand or ruin them. The answer is no. But facing the opposite way – the streets, the restaurant, facing Jeonghan sitting in the restaurant with his neck strained to watch your every move is not an option. So you take your shoes off before sitting on his side.
“What are we doing?” Seokmin asks when you finally sit. He is still looking forward, and you don’t know if it is the moon, if it is longing, if it still the love buried under your chest, but he still looks good. His nose still big and straight, his lips still full, his eyes so clear.
“I don’t know,” you tell him.
“No, really what we are doing?” He asks you finally looking at you and it hits you like a truck.
“I really don’t know Seokmin,” You tell him, “I don’t have a fucking clue, for the past year or so I don’t know what I am doing with my own life, let alone what I am doing right now, talking with my fucking ex on a fucking beach in a city we have never been on,” you say and you know you sound bitter but with the years you learned it was always better to tell him everything than to bite down your tongue.
“That bad hun?” He says taking a sip of his bear.
“The worst,” you look at him again, his eyes on the sea.
“It hadn’t been great either,” he says blinking slowly, his eyes still bright as the moon, “I mean, on my side, it hadn’t been great either.”
“I am sorry,” it is your time to look at the sea – so vast, so big, so dark, “I am really sorry, but half of it might be my prayers to the gods.”
You hear Seokmin chuckle, it is bitter and you hate it. You miss him so much that you will pray for the gods again – to erase him from your mind, to make your heart go back to its normal state and size, to make you go to yourself before Seokmin has laid his finger on you.
“Well,” Seokmin offers you his beer, “I can’t say I wasn’t angry either, we are a piece of work, aren’t we?”
We, it rings on your ears, we, us, does these pronouns even make sense to be used when the subject is Seokmin and you? In your vain hope, you say it doesn’t you say it can’t be used. You want to make a new grammar rule. You want to create an exception. When, Seokmin and you, are in the picture the pronouns we and us cannot be used, and if you are being bitter mine and my as well as ours are forbidden.
But you are afraid that will always be something you used to share in this life.
“What the fuck are we doing right now Seokmin?” Is your time to ask.
“I don’t have a fucking idea,” he says, “I just hate how things end up with us I guess, I really thought we were it you know,” his feet press on the sand making the tip of his shoes go under it, “I really thought we would make it through everything, and I hate myself that we didn’t, and this past year has been hell.” He chuckles the bitter sound again, how can a laugh be so fucking humorless?
“It was me,” he looks at you face all serious, stern, all hard angles and pointy shapes, “it was me who saw that you would be in town, I have been keeping tabs, fuck I even call your mom every week and I’m pretty sure she pitties me which is fucking insane because she could just tell me not to call but she tells me what is going on, she sent me pics of your brother’s kid and I know he would be pissed at that because I know he hates my guts,” when you feel the tears drip down your chest you know it is too late.
Tonight was the first time I stared into seas of beguiling sepia two years ago And the first time I learned real world superpowers lived in three words, they revitalize my fraying bones Now what do you do when your pillar crumbled down You've lost all solid ground Both dreams and demons drowned
[Year three]
“We can pick the same schools,” Seokmin says while doing the only thing you hate – chewing his food way too loudly.
“Right, because our dream programs happen to be in the same university,” you say picking up a new slice of your side of the pizza – chicken, he hates it. Seokmin’s half is pepperoni, which you always steal a slice because you love pepperoni, and you love chicken, you love all types of pizza that don’t include fruit.
“I mean,” he puts down his slice when he opens his mouth to have another bite when you give him the most furious look ever. “Sorry,” he says his voice small, “We can try all the universities in the region?  Of course, we have our dream picks, and okay we don’t really need to give up on that if we get in, but we can try more options just to be sure and try to get into programs in the same regions?”
“What if we get into our number one pick and we are like ten hours away?” You ask breathing deeply. It hurts just to think about it. It feels like the ceiling is too low and it is crushing your spine.
“A lot of phone calls,” Seokmin says, mouth fool of pizza again, “I think we can ask Jeonghan a loan or two. He can be our Shark, his interest rates might include a lung or a kidney, he may ask for a brain to train for his surgeries, but I mean it will be worth it.”
And this void's all you've found And doubts light it aglow I have so many questions But I'm pouring them into the ocean And I'm starting up my engine
[Year one]
The first time Seokmin kissed you was in Jeonghan’s kitchen.
You think the sink is full, and there are more cups on the kitchen table than people in his house, but nothing really matters when Seokmin’s lips find yours and you can feel his lips stretching out on a smile.
“Can we get the hell out of here?” Seokmin asks, his body pressing yours against a wall, his hand on your waist and neck and why you want to ask him, why you want to leave? Right here is perfect there is no other place I rather be.
“We can go to my place,” he says, his lips kissing the skin where your neck and shoulder met, “I mean all the boys are right here so we can have the apartment to ourselves.”
“Right now?” You ask but really what you want to say is Right now? Move? Getting out of your embrace? Stopping this?
“Yeah, it is like three blocks away,” Seokmin chuckles and you ask yourself if you said all that out loud.
“Okay,” you say, your hand getting under the collar of his shirt and touching his back – your hand trying to touch more of his skin, maybe if you spread your fingers you can touch more of his.
And I'm letting go I'm givin' up your ghost It's come to a close I marked the end with this last song I wrote I'm letting go This is the last falsetto I'll ever sing to you My great lost love
[Year seven]
You know it is a mistake.
And you know you would do this mistake over and over again when you smell his sheets. He still uses the same fabric softener. He still uses the same cologne. He still is the Seokmin that you used to know, the Seokmin you once loved. He is still the same.
The problem is that you don’t know if you are.
You don’t know if you are the same person that he once loved.
“What are you thinking?” He asks in your ear, low. You love his voice, still the same. His thumb traces over your lips.
You trace his mole with your finger – heart, ribcage, collarbones. Home. How can home be so far away? How can be home a place you cannot return?
“What is going on in your mind?” He asks again, his legs interwind with yours, his hand splayed on your back.
That we fucked up, you want to say, that we shouldn’t have done this, is the other option, that I will cry all over again, that I will ache in all the places that I thought I’ve healed, that I will miss you all the same, that I am back on square one. That I don’t know if I can ever love someone like I loved you, like I still love you, like I will love you. That I will carry this love till I die because you were once a part of my life and it will always have a before and after you in my life. That now I am thinking about taking you to meet my niece, I want to see her grow on your side, I want you in my life and this last year has been unbearable, I think death will be kinder and softer than this year has been. You want to say all that but you don’t think you can do so without crying.
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viviettezheart · 6 months ago
{3} Ghost - Yato
Note! Smut, ghost!fem!reader, blowjob, not proofread…
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: a god meets a ghost…what could possibly go wrong. One cannot die the other one is already dead…
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: sorry for not being on time with the dates i was like really motivated but now i kinda lost motivation to write…
Laying on your own grave in the cemetery was a weird feeling. You’re only 22 years old but died last year unfortunately because of a drunk truck driver who hit you as you were walking across the pedestrian path. The last thing you saw was your best friend waiting on the other side for you.
Its been now a year but no one visits your grave, not even your parents nor your best friend who saw you die in front of her eyes.
It made you sad as you saw all the other graves being visited from the family members while you visit your own grave in your ghost body. As you were laying there with your eyes closed until suddenly you felt the sun disappear…weird so you open your eyes only to be meet with a pair of ocean blue eyes. “Wa-Who are you?!” You asked, eyes widen as you noticed he could see you.
A human? Seeing a ghost? I don’t thinks so. “Or what are you?…”
“Name’s Yato!” He said enthusiastically with a big grin and hold his hand out for you. Does he not realize you’re a ghost. Ghosts can’t teach human but as you streched out your hand to shake it, you’re hand didn’t seep through it. “Are you human? Or also a ghost?” “No sweetheart i’m a god!” “A god?! “yes a god!” “…Oh god am i dreaming?” “Nope its all real…” “what is a god like you doing here at this cemetery?…” “your friend Maria prayed to me so i thought i could meet you in person and tell you her prayers!” The god spoke almost happily. How could he be so happy. Does he do things like that all the time…so many questions began to pop up in your head but you brushed them aside.
“What did she say?…” you gulped and looked up at him. “Dear y/n i hope you forgive me for that i couldn’t visit you…i deeply apologize and i miss you…i wish i could talk to you in person again…” He quoted. Tears began to escape your empty and hurt eyes. The god’s happy façade faded into a soft and empathetic expression. Thumb sliding along your lips as you turned your gaze away from the other graves and into his blue eyes.
“Don’t cry name your to pretty to cry…” yato bends down and smashes his soft lips against your cold ones. It took you by surprise as you hesitated to kiss him back but you felt like you could trust him so you kissed him back. It didn’t take long for him to pick you up and walk you bride style into his shrine…where you then meet Yukine.
Its been months now since you meet the god yato and his shinki Yukine. You three are basically like best friends except for the fact that yato and you are a thing. Yukine knows it but pretends to not know it. You were sitting with yukine at yato’s old shrine at the table on the floor when the door suddenly got slammed open making you two shriek. “Hello my two favorite people!” He said enthusiastically like always but this time it made you giggle. You actually found some people who visit you by being by your side 24/7.
You three have been sitting on the floor for a while now, watching a movie on the small tv that he found on the streets. It was a boring rom-com where you can’t really tell who loves who so when Yukine has fallen asleep with his head on the small desk on the floor you both decide it was a good idea to have some intimacy.
Quietly you sat yourself on his lap, facing him while wrapping your arms around his neck. One of his arms sneaked itself around your waist while the other one held your your underthigh as you were only hovering over his lap instead of fully straddling him. Sliding your hands down his torso to meet his crotch only to feel him already getting hard from nothing, you were only looking into his eyes but you guess your looks are this seductive to get him hard without even having to kiss or touch each other.
Yato began to blush a bit as you slide your body down while also sliding his pants with his boxers down. Freeing his hard cock. Your eyes widen a bit at the sight, licking your pink lips and stroking his dick. Yatos head falls back. Blue eyes staring at the run down ceiling but once you put your mouth on it his head falls forward, staring down at your innocent smiling face staring up at him. Yukine was still sleeping head down, deep in his slumber.
The tip of your tongue grazed his pink tip, licking the pre cum away and using is as lub for your hands to stroke the rest of his cock which wasn’t in your mouth. Moaning with him as yato whimpers almost whines as his hups buck up to meet your up and down bobbing head.
After a few minutes of him grabbing your hair and pushing your head up and down…helping you. Yato came inside your mouth and being the innocent girl you were you looked up at him again while opening your mouth, showing him the white cum his white cum just sitting in your tongue waiting to be swallowed which you did after giggling when yato blushed again…
“Thanks for the meal…” you kissed yatos lips as yukine slowly woke up at the same time as the movie ended.
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dsireland86 · 4 months ago
Oooh can i have a Craig Reynolds x fem reader request inspired by the song Take my Breath away by Berlin? I just watched Top Gun again and it's been stuck in my head for days!
I absolutely love Top Gun!! And the song! I have two other Craig requests, so I'm tying all three of them into one. Since the song is about love with so much different emotion, I figured it would work. Hope you enjoy 😉 😊
Take My Breath Away
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Tag list:
@philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @thisbicc @lma1986 @dominuslunae @shayzillaaaa @mrsnoahsebastian @flowery-mess @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @stardustsirenmelody @romanreigns-supreme @anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @rumoured-whispers @myownthoughts12 @sister-sebastian @nyxthedestroyerofworlds-deactiv @missduffsblog @bngurngheart  @somebodyllelse @xxkittenkissesxx @fadingangelwisp @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard
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"Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game/ On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame/ Turning and returning to some secret place inside/ Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say...
Take my breath away"
She came out of nowhere, coming at him like a tidal wave. She was a summer storm, determined to wreck his life in the most beautiful way possible. Craig knew it wasn’t permanent; nothing that good could ever be. But he didn't care. It was a chance he was willing to take. He was caught up in a whirlwind of emotions that was bound to flood the entire world around him. But it was worth it. All of it. Even if it broke him.
"Bloody hell, mother, " "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you!" "You can't fix spilled coffee on a shirt and a pair of pants now, can you? This shit is pretty much fucked now."
Craig was pissed, but the moment he raised his eyes and looked at the reason for his demise, all of the anger and frustration faded. She was a pretty little thing. Short and small, with reddish brown hair and the cutest button nose. The moment his eyes met her bright blue ones, he knew he was done for. His breath was absolutely taken away.
"Are you alright?" American. Figured. "Yeah, I mean no, but I will be. I can fix this," Craig stammered, pointing to his clothes. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to run into you, honestly. I was trying to find my way to the train before it left and was more worried about missing it than looking where I was going."
Craig could tell she was nervous and was possibly on the verge of tears. Now, he felt like the biggest asshole ever. "Hey, it's alright, love," he said gently, caressing the side of her shoulder. The way she smiled up at him softened the hardened parts of his heart, making him realize there was no possible way she could walk out of his life now.
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Six Months Later
The sounds of their lovemaking could be heard across the hall. Almost every morning for the last four and half months, the sounds had been the same; y/n's cries and Craig's curses.
The pounding on the apartment door made them both snicker, leaving Craig no other choice but to leave the body beneath him and answer it.
"What?" "Don't “what” me Craig." "I am "whating" you, Jackie. You're in my business again." Craig's thick arm was pressed against the door, tattoos on full display for Jackie to see. He was also still naked.
"Well, maybe if you didn't make your business known to the entire building." "Fuck off, Jackie," Craig mumbled, about to close the door, but she threw her arm out in time to catch it. "You two are serious?"
The disappointed look on Jackie's face pierced Craig's heart a little. But the warm feeling of y/n's hand sliding around his waist brushed the feeling away. He looked over his shoulder only to find her wrapped up in the white bed sheet, peering around his shoulder. Daggers were shooting out of y/n's eyes "Very," he stated factually. Jackie nodded, glaring back at y/n before walking off.
Craig closed the door and then turned around to face y/n. "Do you always have to stare at Jackie like you're about to bloody fucking murder her?" Y/n remained quiet. Craig huffed, walking past her. "I don't like the way she looks at you, like she's about to consume you or something.' Craig slipped his boxers on, rolling his eyes.
"Please, you don't have to always feel insecure around her. She's just an ex-girlfriend." He finished getting dressed before heading into the bathroom. Y/n followed. "An ex that eye fucks you every time she sees you." Craig glared at her. "To be fair, she was glaring at me, too. I know she doesn't like me." Craig's face softened a little. Y/n was right; Jackie hated her for no other reason than she was with him.
Staring at y/n still wearing the signs of a woman properly fucked, he melted for the way she took his breath away, made his heart skip beats, and his mind forget even his own name. She consumed him, and if he was being honest, her jealousy was kind of hot.
"Why are we fighting?" Y/N shrugged. "You started it," she muttered, peering up at him. Craig fought the urge to smile. "Oh I did, did I?"
He walked up to her, towering a good foot over her small frame, looking down at her menacingly. Grabbing the front of the sheet she was clutching in her fist, he gently pulled it off of her, revealing her nakedness to his eyes only. Lifting her up, y/n wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Craig, allowing him to carry her back over to the bed.
"Well, love, I'm going to start something else and won't stop until I'm finished. Do you think you can handle that?" He crawled over top her, forcing y/n back into the softness of the mattress beneath her as he kissed her, devouring her lips.
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He was inside her before he even got his pants all the way off. With their lips attached fully, Craig slammed the apartment door closed, locking it behind him just as y/n undid her jeans, pushing them down and off as quickly as she could. It was only moments before they were both completely naked, shirts scattered on the floor.
Craig had his hands fully in her hair, yanking and tangling themselves around the reddish brown locks. He laid her out on the bed, eyes drinking in the color of her skin, the perkiness of her nipples, the pinkness of her pussy, as hers drank in the ink covering his skin and the way his dick moved along her thigh as he moved around on her.
With each arm locked around her head, Craig stared down at y/n, so angry at her he never wanted to speak to her again, yet so in love with her that just the thought of her ever leaving him, paralyzed him completely. Once again, she took his breath away, not just from love but from pain, too.
"I'm fucking pissed at you." "I know you are." "What the fuck were you thinking?" "I wasn't." "Obviously." "Why are you so mean to me?" "Why are you such a bitch to me?" "Maybe if you weren't so mean, I wouldn't be such a bitch." Y/n bit her lip turning her face away from him, but Craig grabbed it, locking it between his fingers and thumb. "Don't you dare look away from me." His smoldering stare made her whimper.
Sitting up on his knees, he pulled her up, holding her by the wrists while pulling her hair and yanking her head back. "You want to go and be in another man's bed then go fucking do it. But just know that tonight, I'm going engrave my cock into the walls of your sweet little cunt so even when he's fucking you all you’re going to remember is the way my cock feels inside of you."
Craig slammed his lips on hers then turned her around, and forced her lovingly on her stomach, hiking her ass up by her hips. "Tell me what you what, baby," he demanded, his tone dropping. His words were laced with painful frustration, a challenge y/n might not have been ready for, yet took it anyway.
"You, Craig," she replied through a sniffle. He knew she was crying, but she deserved it. She hurt him, embarrassed him tonight, letting herself get intoxicated and ending up on the lap of a man she didn't even know. When he confronted her, she told him to fuck off, that he didn't own her. That's when Craig lost it, vowing to himself to prove to her that he actually did.
"I want you, Craig." "Good answer. Nowm spit," he ordered, holding his hand out to her, and she willingly obeyed. He used it as the lubricant needed to slam his cock into her, causing her to scream out.
"That's right, fucking take it, baby. Take all of this thick hard cock." Craig was huge, making y/n scream louder with each thrust he made up into her. Her hands clenched the bed sheets as he fucked her, his large hands gripping her hips firmly, guiding her moves.
"Craig," she breathed, unable to speak much. "Yeah, baby, you like this? You like me filling your tight little cunt with my cock, fucking it harder than I ever have before?" "Yeah," was all she could muster to say. "Fuck yeah you do. Such a fucking good girl, letting me take you take you from behind like this. Fuck!"
The sound of skin slapping together filled the room. Craig pulled her head back, wrapping his hand around her throat possessively. The grip was both thrilling yet terrifying as he continued fucking her that way for a few minutes before releasing her and placing his big tattooed hands over her breasts, squeezing them tightly.
"Fuck Craig," she cried shoving her ass back into him. He smiled at the feeling and placed his hand on her spine, guiding it up to the back of her neck. Gripping it tightly, Craig ruthlessly fuck her until she screamed that she was about to cum, begging him not stop.
"Craig fuck, please! I'm gonna cum." He groaned, throwing his head back, fucking her harder and faster. "Do it, baby, please. Be a good fucking girl and cum on my cock," he panted. That's all it took for y/n's pussy to instantly tighten around him, making her cum.
"Jesus, baby you feel so fucking good," Craig moaned breathlessly before, filling her with his own release. He continued rocking his hips against her, riding them both through their highs, until he thought he might explode. Collapsing over top of her, forcing y/n into the mattress, he pulled out and rolled over onto his back. He was exhausted and completely out of breath.
Y/n laid there, completely wrecked physically, mentally, and emotionally. She felt fulfilled sexually, yet even though they were lovers on an endless ocean that knew no shame, she felt completely used and mistreated emotionally. This was what she had been fearing for a while. This was the beginning of the end of them.
The flowers came to the apartment once a week. Craig did all that he could to make her feel emotionally connected to him once again, but it was no use. As if watching in slow motion, y/n was slipping away from him quietly; even on their date nights, during their lovemaking, but especially in their time apart.
The things they used to love doing together soon became something of the past that they'd talk about in passing. The things that made y/n laugh and light up with joy now only made her grin now. It was hopeless.
They waited, anticipating love from the other when they needed it, but it always returned to some secret place to hide, always hesitating until it was becoming a foolish lover's game.
The mirror would crash soon. Then what?
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"You don't hate me as much as you pretend you do, y/n. If you want me on my knees, then just tell me."
Craig followed her as she moved around the bedroom, pulling out drawers and taking out every piece of clothing from inside them. Y/n was fighting back the tears as she packed, knowing that what she was doing was for the best.
"Will you please fucking talk to me!"
Craig grabbed y/n's arm and turned her around to face him. His lips were a mere inch or two from hers, and she could feel the warmth of his breath on them. She was aching to kiss him, to feel him on her, in her, just all over her, really.
"There's nothing to say, Craig," was all she could say." "What do you mean there's nothing to say?" His face was twisted in confusion. "Why are you doing this? Why are you leaving me?" "Just stop, okay," y/n begged, throwing her hand up to her forehand. "No! I won't stop. Not until you tell me," "Because sometimes letting go is the best way to say "I love you"!"
Her words came out faster than she meant them too. Craig's jaw tightened and he let her go immediately. "Letting go?" He took a step back, squeezing his eyes shut then opening them quickly as his brows knitted together.
Y/n's eyes flooded with tears. She dropped her face into her hands, her shoulders shaking from crying. "Y/n, baby, I don't understand. I thought we were, I mean I thought things were okay for us," Craig stammered.
She shook her head slowly. "No, you've known, Craig, just like I have," she sniffed, wiping her face. "This, between us," she said, swiping her finger back and forth between the two of them, "it's not working, it's not fitting anymore, Craig. I want you to be happy because you deserve it and seeing you happy makes me happy, but be honest," she paused, shaking her head, "I haven't made you happy in a long time, and you know it."
Craig could only gawk at her, shocked, but if he was being honest with himself, not surprised. She was right.
"So, this is good-bye?" Y/n shook her head. "Good-bye is like I'll see you again when I'm ready to commit and so are you. I'm letting go, Craig."
"Letting go, what the fuck," he stammered again, throwing his hands up and running them over his hair. His heart was pounding so hard against his chest he thought his chest would burst.
"Yeah, letting go, meaning, I'll miss you, but I've realized you were never meant to be mine. I don't want to let you go, Craig. But through the hourglass, as time has gone by, I've watched you slip away, and every time it takes my breath away. I love you so fucking much," she cried, "but deep down in my heart I know it's the best for both of us."
They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until finally, y/n grabbed her bag. She kissed Craig's cheek for the last time, took one more look around the apartment, and left without speaking one more word.
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The notion that their love was in flames haunted Craig for months. He was a shell of himself, going through the motions only. Just the thought of y/n and everything they had for almost a year brought him to a painful place every time, making even getting out of bed a task he never wanted to complete.
It was over. Y/n was gone and as months passed she and their love became a ghost, a simple figment of his memory. It was better that way. But every now and then a memory would flutter back, bringing with it a pain that would take his breath away, forcing Craig to drink the pain away. He channeled that pain, putting it to good use. He created something that took his mind off of the past when he wasn't involved with Stray. "The Downbeat Podcast" became his baby. It became his work outside of work and he was damn good at it, too. For six years he's managed it, pouring so much of himself into it, making it his life. And he liked it that way, because it never broke his heart.
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bigbrotherlouis · 3 months ago
top books of 2024!
i’ve been doing a lot more reading and i love talking about it so here are my faves. i tried to narrow it down to 5 and then went “well, i can’t leave THAT one off the list!” so ten fiction and five nonfiction recs for you:
1. nettle and bone by t. kingfisher - i’m a sucker for a fairytale and this was a good one. felt very familiar and still very new all at the same time. t. kingfisher was a new to me author this year and her horror didn’t hit but all her fairytales did. this one was very good, and a princess nun on a witchy endeavor was a fun time.
2. burial rites by hannah kent - i read this in one sitting because i couldn’t put it down, and i’m still thinking about it almost a year later. the way kent changes your opinion on the characters is so skillfully done and i liked it a lot.
3. the library at mount char by scott hawkins - this is not a book for everyone but i do love a plot that makes me go “HOW did you even THINK of that?!” what WOULD you do if god went missing?? massive trigger warnings but oh so good.
4. the alice network by kate quinn - kate is my holiday read author of choice and i read this in poland in the summer and it was perfect. the rose code is still my favourite book of hers but this one ranked up there. love a good spy network.
5. beartown by fredrick backman - i loved this one but i think i would’ve loved it more if i had not read the other two. good, but after three books of that length it does drag. masterful control of perspective and of plot weaving, plus some great ruminations on hockey.
6. the six deaths of the saint by alix e. harrow - i am overjoyed that harrow is (allegedly) making this into a longer novel because i LOVED IT. the visceralness of it. the cyclical nature. the horror when you realise what’s happening. perfect.
7. when among crows by veronica roth - i’m a slut for slavic folklore and this has such a sense of both history and place that really draws you in. i cannot stop thinking about the spine sword. i wish it had been longer just to stay in the world more.
8. the english understand wool by helen dewitt- i know it’s three novellas in a row but they were GOOD!! this one was an amazing length and just a fascinating almost oceans eleven-esque unraveling of a story. i gasped.
9. normal people by sally rooney - i know I KNOW. but i went to school on the emerald isle and it just resonated in lots of ways. i fell in love with the characters and honestly? might reread this winter bc i loved the atmosphere.
10. penance by eliza clark - god. this book. brutal in the worst ways and such an insightful commentary on, well, a lot of things. true crime culture, online communities, parasocial relationships, the weirdness of girl friendships as teens. also a potential reread!
1. red valkyries by kristen ghodsee - probably my favourite book i’ve read this year, just because i learned SO much!! i read it in one sitting because i was just so fascinated by these amazing women, and i walked away with a more nuanced, more positive view of lenin than before.
2. the quiet damage by jesselyn cook - possibly the best nonfiction book i have ever read? i couldn’t put it down. heartbreaking and tough to read but i think very necessary in these days.
3. war is a force that gives us meaning by chris hedges - this is very good with a disclaimer. i agreed with a lot of his overarching philosophies but i didn’t agree with his examples. it has some pitfalls, but! parts of it are essential reading for peacebuilders. if anyone wants to chat abt this one please text
4. in the dream house by carmen maria machado - this was a very good memoir and very innovative in form. i liked that part a lot but i couldn’t quite shake the feeling that this was not written for me. that’s okay! i could still see how it might be impactful and, again, i liked the playing with tropes, but didn’t hit me the way i expected after seeing other people’s reactions.
5. the sunflower by simon wiesenthal - i tell everyone to read this book if they are interested in peacebuilding at all. it’s a good commentary on forgiveness. not much else to say except it’s fascinating.
and that’s all for now! i read 62 books and am trying to read 100 in the upcoming year (about 8 a month). my personal goal is at least one nonfiction a month, but my secret goal is two with one being more memoir and one being more informative. it was fun rediscovering how to read again and i’m hoping to continue that in 2025 :)
also for the record the worst book i read this year is the idea of you which is the one that anne hathaway starred in an adaptation of. absolutely terrible.
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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Have Researchers Found Amelia Earhart’s Long-Lost Plane?
A new sonar image shows an airplane-shaped object resting on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, not far from where Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, went missing in 1937.
On July 2, 1937, pioneering pilot Amelia Earhart vanished somewhere over the Pacific Ocean near the end of her historic around-the-world flight. For decades, her mysterious disappearance has perplexed explorers, who have spent millions of dollars trying to find her missing Lockheed 10-E Electra plane.
Now, a possible new clue has emerged in the case: A sonar image captured during an expedition last fall shows an airplane-shaped object sitting on the ocean floor, not far from where experts believe Earhart likely crashed, reports the Wall Street Journal’s Nidhi Subbaraman.
The blurred object is far from definitive proof, but Dorothy Cochrane, an aeronautics curator at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, tells Smithsonian magazine it’s “an intriguing image” that warrants a second look.
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The expedition was led by Tony Romeo, who is a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Air Force, a pilot and a commercial real estate investor from South Carolina. In 2021, he sold his real estate properties and spent $11 million to fund the trip, including buying high-tech equipment to aid in the search.
“This has been a story that’s always intrigued me, and all the things in my life kind of collided at the right moment,” Romeo tells Business Insider’s Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert and Rebecca Rommen. “I was getting out of real estate and looking for a new project, so even though I really started about 18 months ago, this was something I’ve been thinking and researching for a long time.”
Last September, a team from the exploration company Deep Sea Vision, which Romeo founded, departed from Tarawa, Kiribati, in the South Pacific aboard a research vessel. Working in 36-hour shifts, the 16-person crew used an underwater autonomous vehicle equipped with sonar to scour the sea floor, scanning roughly 5,200 total square miles.
About 90 days into the trip, the team was reviewing sonar images and noticed something unusual in the data from some 60 days prior. The mysterious object looked to be about the same shape and size as an aircraft, and it was identified roughly 100 miles from Howland Island, which is within the region where experts think Earhart’s plane went down. The object is around 16,400 feet below the water’s surface.
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By then, however, the crew had determined it was too late to return to the site for a closer look. The camera on the underwater vehicle was also broken, which meant they wouldn’t be able to see anything if they did circle back, reports the Post and Courier’s Tony Bartelme.
But Romeo is undeterred and hopes to revisit the area in the future.
“This is maybe the most exciting thing I’ll ever do in my life,” he tells the Wall Street Journal. “I feel like a 10-year-old going on a treasure hunt.”
In the meantime, the sonar image is not detailed enough for experts to draw any definitive conclusions.
“It definitely appears to be an aircraft of some sort,” David Jourdan, who has searched three times for Earhart’s missing plane and is the co-founder and president of the ocean exploration company Nauticos, tells the Post and Courier. “It has aircraft-like features. But sound is funny. It can mislead you. We can’t say it’s her plane until you put a camera on it.”
To truly identify the object, future missions would ideally capture detailed images that contain the registration number of the plane, says Cochrane. Or, at the very least, they might more clearly show the submerged object’s dimensions and shape to see if it matches the model of Earhart’s vehicle.
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“It really requires further research,” says Cochrane. “Finding something that’s really worth investigating further is step one. Verifying it’s the actual craft is step two. And step three becomes: Is it possible to recover this or not, or should it just be left where it is?”
At the time of her disappearance, Earhart was a global celebrity—speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Romeo likens her to Taylor Swift today. In June 1928, Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (as a passenger of pilots Wilmer Stultz and Lou Gordon), a feat that propelled her to international stardom.
Nearly four years later, in May 1932, she made history again by becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Later that year, she became the first woman to fly solo across North America and back. And in 1935, she became the first person, regardless of gender, to fly solo from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California.
In the summer of 1936, the renowned pilot began to plan her most ambitious trip yet: a circumnavigation of the globe. On May 20, 1937, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, departed from Oakland for the first leg of the trip. They flew nearly 22,000 miles, making stops in Miami, South America, Africa and India along their eastward route.
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By late June, they had made it to Lae, Papua New Guinea. After a few days’ rest, they departed for Howland Island, a small, uninhabited outcrop in the Pacific where a refueling station had been built for their journey. The U.S. Coast Guard had a vessel, the Itasca, stationed nearby to help with the landing.
Operators aboard the Itasca heard Earhart’s radio messages as she got closer and closer to the island. But eventually, they lost contact. Earhart and Noonan were never seen or heard from again.
The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard spent 16 days searching for the missing duo without success. About one and a half years later, on January 5, 1939, Earhart was declared dead.
Theories abound about her mysterious disappearance—some onlookers have speculated that she was a spy or that she was captured by a foreign military. But Cochrane believes the simplest explanation is the most plausible: that Earhart and Noonan ran out of fuel near Howland Island.
“She’s got to be around there somewhere,” she adds.
By Sarah Kuta.
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brynnterpretations · 8 months ago
I hope you feel better soon! 💙 Thank you for all that you do for the fandom! I especially love your headcanons!
Would it be alright to request a The Boys ship? I'm a bi girl with blue hair, blue eyes, freckles, and im covered in tattoos. I love reading and writing (like so much lol), I bake, swim and listen to all genres of music (and sing along horribly!). I'm in school studying to be an English teacher and I'd love to be a writer on the side. I'm really shy and quiet, I try to be as kind as possible, though I come off sarcastic/use sarcasm as flirting. I try to be as optimistic as possible too. I adore horror movies and carry at least two books with me wherever I go. I could go on forever about my favorites. The beach is my happy place and I hope to move closer to the ocean after I graduate! My favorite colors are blue and yellow and green. I love studying languages and am trying to learn as many as possible (I speak three and im studying two more). I live for poetry tho I am awful as writing it. I'm a Ravenclaw and my intelligence is really important to me :) I love learning so much, I have such a great passion for it!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 💙 Again I hope you feel better soon!!!
Blue heart anon! I totally forgot to mention I would like to be shipped with a guy from The Boys. My apologies! So sorry about that! 💙
Thank you so, so much for the kind words and well wishes! This brought a smile to my face, and you seem like an absolute sweetheart. Also... we have a lot in common, so DM me if you'd ever want to be mutuals (hope that's not weird). I hope you like this and thank you for the request!
I ship you with...
Frenchie ♡
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GIF Source: @vcugifs ★ (link)
You and Frenchie meet in line at the Jitter Bean near the hideout. He strikes a conversation with you because you seem interesting — the guy loves tattoos, both for the artistry and what people usually do to get them, and when he spots a book in your bag, he gets pretty curious.
After you both order your coffee and head over to the pick-up counter (bro's not going to slow down the line), he starts a conversation with you, asking you about the meaning of one of your tattoos.
Through that, you two have a pretty good conversation, where he's able to glean what books you like and dislike. From that, he very smoothly asks if you'd like to go out to a nearby secondhand bookstore around the corner once the weekend swings by.
After that, he gets your number — he typically has a policy of "ask for date first, then number" — and then takes you on a date to the secondhand bookstore. Through that, you learn about each other's tastes, and he falls even harder, especially because of your taste in poetry. He's mostly a Neruda, Mistral, and Huidobro guy, and whether you share the same tastes, he'll love getting to know your style.
He'll sneak-buy you a book (as well as paying for anything you choose, because he's a gentleman), and throughout the talking stage and dates, would surprise you with books you like or have mentioned getting.
Frenchie likes horror, but is pretty limited in his tastes; mostly, he likes the old-school stuff (he's a huge fan of Alfred Hitchcock's more suspenseful work, even if it's not up to today's horror standards) so he gets a far more expansive
While the dude would be shell-shocked at first, because even if he's seen his fair share of violence IRL, seeing it on the screen would be a lot (like, people do this for fun?)... he'd start to really, really love it, especially because you're able to explain what makes you passionate about it and any plot points/motifs/etc. he missed.
But... he'd grow to love it. He'd definitely become one of those people who shout "you're an idiot, don't go in there/do that!" in any films you watch (in a French accent, of course).
Absolutely adores your sense of humor, especially because it allows him to banter, and the guy loves banter.
After six or more dates, he'd ask you to be official upfront, likely over a meal cooked by him and a well-worded talk about how much he values you, your kindness, and your intelligence in his life. And, when you say yes?
Expect queen treatment.
He's a very physical person, so he'll always have an arm around you or a hand in yours, as long as you're comfortable with it.
Loves, loves, loves your freckles, calling them "petites constellations" and kissing them, no matter how cheesy it is.
Loves picking up things for you that remind him of you, whether big or small, particularly seashells that they sell at those hippie nature stores (he goes to them to stock up on incense) and, as mentioned, books.
I'll be honest: Frenchie is actually really, really scared of the ocean (I mentioned this in another ship, but it's because the expansiveness freaks him out), but he'd try his best to get over it — or at least reduce it — for you. On special occasions, he'd take you to the NYC beaches, and while... a bit awkward... he'd put on ocean documentaries and the like since you're a very intellectual person.
Is insanely into you learning other languages, and would love to sit by your side when you learn them. Also would 100% encourage you to learn French, even if you only learned a couple phrases.
And, on that note: does not care if you sing songs "badly", the guy thinks it's the cutest, most beautiful thing ever. If there are any
Frenchie doesn't have any tattoos due to not really having the time to get them, and would very curiously ask you about yours. He loves how they look, and based on your advice on the best tattoo shops, would get one as long as you were by his side.
Also mentioned in a lot of ships and also his dating HCs is his complete openness about The Boys. He'd introduce you to them once you became official and bring you around as much as he could, as long as it didn't put you in any danger.
That brings us to...
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @homielander ★ (link)
Kimiko loves you (and I was really, really close to shipping y'all until I got the second message). She thinks you are the sweetest person, and, like Frenchie, digs that you know multiple other languages.
She's not that judgmental of a person, IMO, and would teach you as many signs as she could, and wordlessly, kindly adjust anything you did wrong.
Kimiko doesn't have much interest in horror movies, mainly because she's seen enough of it herself, but really, really loves novels, and horror novels in particular. She'd seek out a lot of recommendations in you and recommend you some herself; she's a big fan of Stephen King, particularly Pet Sematary.
And, unlike Frenchie? The woman loves the ocean, and would 100% go there with you as much as she could to have picnics with you.
Butcher loves you (platonically), particularly because of your sense of humor. He really enjoys people who are sarcastic and hardworking — it's how he and M.M. bonded in the first place, even though they have disagreements now that both have started pretty different lives — and loves to banter with you.
And, like Kimiko, will seek recommendations from you (except for movies, not books)... and, when you give them to him, he will turn them off, and wonder what on Earth is going on in your brain.
While the man faces a lot of horrors IRL, they are real, and not... that... so he'd definitely be confused, but would have a lot of respect for you, because... what the fuck. Not a lot of people can make him think that, at least in a "they're a good person, but what did I just get myself into" way, opposed to "they're a bad person, and what did I just get myself into". Butcher likes that. When you're dealing with Homelander, that is refreshing.
He wouldn't ask you to hang out outside when you visit The Boys, but if you ever stayed over while Frenchie was working on a recipe, he'd go out of his way to talk to you.
Annie struggles a lot with writing — she's well-spoken, but not well-worded, if that makes sense — so she'd start talking to you more intentionally once she became in charge of the Starlight Foundation. Of course, she would introduce herself to you upfront, but she's a busy woman, and wouldn't have a lot of time to talk to you one-on-one.
Through that, you two would become close. Both platonically and romantically (purely platonic for you), she has a thing for artsy types, and would think you're the most genuine, sweet person ever. Like Kimiko, she'd make a constant effort to hang out with you, mostly at coffee shops or, during late nights, at the Starlight Foundation, where she'd order takeout on her just to talk.
She really clicks with her sense of humor, particularly because she can sense the vibe of you being a sweet personat heart, and would also be another to banter with you.
(And, on one night where she had a bit too much to drink, even as a Midwesterner, would confide in you her fears about going to college and seek advice. She'd apologize to you the day after, but feel proud that the woman confided something to you that she had't even confided in Hughie).
Hughie would have more free-time with you, and would like you a lot (especially with Annie talking you up, which she does 24/7 — that woman would die for you). Unlike the others, while Hughie would respect your interests, he's terrified of horror (he caught a glimpse of "Alien: Resurrection" when he was young and it really, really scared him, to the point he can't engage in horror-SciFi, or even horror in general) so he wouldn't engage... but he would love to hear your recommendations for books, and would essentially start a "The Boys Book Club" with you.
He's really, really not a reader, but he wants to be, and he'll take your advice like Jesus'.
M.M. would start out pretty reserved, but would open up to you a lot more the more you swung around, mainly because he needs familiarity before he really opens up, but would become a friend after a good month or two.
He wouldn't be as close of a friend as Kimiko or Annie, but he'd be a friend, for sure. He really, really loves your kind nature — it's a refreshing change of pace in "The Boys" Universe — and, as a huge reader, would love to hear your taste in books and any recommendations.
M.M. is also an extremely well-regarded and popular user on Goodreads, so if you have it, he would follow you, promote you, and constantly interact with your posts.
All in all: Frenchie loves you, and so do the rest of The Boys. Keep being you.
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fablecore · 2 years ago
out of curiosity, what are your favorite One Piece theories?? doesnt have to mean youll add them to Sophie's story or that you even believe theyll happen/accept them as hc, it cant be but you dont have to take it like that; i was just curious! spoilers are fine as far as im concerned, but feel free to do the Spoiler Warning thing for other people if you feel so inclined ✌️
blackbeard has three souls! that's why he doesn't need to sleep and can eat two devil fruits, and he's going to eat a third one at some point. probably a zoan since he already has a logia and paramecia. luffy isn't safe :-) ok listen i would root for luffy in this fight but a villain pushing the narrative trajectory forward through sheer force of will is so appealing 💖 also the more people call him ugly the fonder i become. he's ugly and so what?? people will blog about their ugly slimy sexymen every day, but god forbid someone is fat with missing teeth. let's be honest with ourselves. if blackbeard looked like law, a significant portion of the fandom would be super into reforming/redeeming him. i, on the other hand, don't need him to look like law to— (i'm kidding. or am i)
i enjoy the tashigi is kuina theory. or at least the tashigi has some connection to wano theory. i enjoy it so much i wrote a oneshot about it. i also wrote a different oneshot where tashigi killed mihawk and became the real final boss in zoro's story. she's MY neurodivergent low-vision failgirl and i WILL make her thematically relevant
the red line will be destroyed and the oceans will merge, creating all blue. i wonder if this could mean the red line was artificially constructed, and a long time ago all blue was just the world ocean
we're going to meet someone who the previous user of law's fruit turned immortal
the davy back fight did something significant in the past and it'll come back in the future
shakky being a former kuja empress is a confirmed theory that i really liked. except oda revealed it in the most boring way possible and we didn't even get to see her fight to protect her homeland. this is a crime that cannot be forgiven
shanks makino baby. but i'm so over the trope of absent fathers sailing off to adventure while their wives/maternal figures raise their kid for them. just bring them with you! there is nowhere safer in the world than on an emperor's ship. however... i Am into the characterization of shanks where he isn't a good father and isn't 100% faithful to makino. a shanks who tells her "i can't bring you along for your own safety" and goes off partying while makino is breastfeeding and changing diapers at home. he's a slutty emperor who's a horrible boyfriend who's luffy's hero figure who's guilt-ridden every time he thinks about makino who he loves but he also loves the ocean and freedom and his own power. the implications compel me
hmm that's all the theories i like! i think these are pretty common and most people have heard of them. let me know if i missed any good ones 🙆‍♀️
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radishhqueen · 3 months ago
2024 Writing Roundup!
tagged by @bobtheacorn <3
Words Posted:
about 40k, give or take! ao3 says 75k but i think it's counting all of the ol' switcheroo, half of which was published in 2023.
Additional Words Written:
guh. listen. half of my active wip documents were created before 2021. there's words in there. idk when they're from <3 but probably add about 40k, that feels right.
Rise of the TMNT
Pokemon Legends: Arceus
guys i am not beating the "interests of a 12yo boy" allegations 😔
Highest kudos + Highest Hit One-Shot:
probably just by virtue of being the most populous fandom on the above list (Batman), my one-shot Twice Over won both of those categories despite only being published in November lol
New Things I Tried:
well first of all, i published fic that wasn't TMNT. 💀 even though i have been writing pretty consistently since like, at least 2018, most of what i wrote was centered on my dnd campaigns or other roleplays i was in.
i wrote and published some flash fiction, even though that hasn't historically been my jam!
Fic I Spent The Most Time On:
the ol switcheroo....... the back half of that fic kicked my entire ass. much emotional processing had to happen. i love it dearly and i'm so so so glad i'm done writing it <3
Fic I Spent The Least Time On:
Not 100% sure on this one, since I actually published a couple short fics this year, but my guess is Freaky Friday. i had a pretty clear image going into it, and I'm pretty sure I hammered it out in like 30-45 min.
Favourite Thing I Wrote:
ok i know i just said that the ol switcheroo haunts my nightmares but it is also definitely my favorite thing I wrote in 2024. I haven't been delving much into rottmnt fics this past year, but I feel like I was able to convey a fresh look on a F!Leo comes back to the past AU.
i struggled a lot to write the ending, but i am very happy with how it came out! i think it tied up all the loose ends nicely, while not minimizing Casey's grief or his recovery process :)
Favourite Thing(s) I Read:
I tend to be pretty stingy with my AO3 bookmarks, but there are two fics I read in 2024 that really stood out.
Creation of a Philosopher's Stone by @ocean-ignition (Rise of the TMNT) - IT COUNTS BC IT COMPLETED JAN 3 2024. Draxum has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Such a good character study on a guy that doesn't usually get character studies. Also all the alchemy bits are so stylistically fun. i am binding my own hardcopy version of this (very slowly)(right angles are intimidating)
The Long Way Home by itsnathalie (Batman) - i tend to dip out of fics somewhere after 60k; my attention span isn't quite long enough. however. I stayed up and read all 111k of this fic in one night on a work night and absolutely obliterated my sleep schedule. Jason and Tim get stuck in a horrible labyrinth that is trying to kill them. Every time a question gets answered, you walk away with three more questions about the lore. I need to go back and reread it with a highlighter and a notebook. It's so good it makes me wanna do analysis.
Writing Goals for 2025:
i want to do another longfic, bc i miss it. being more consistent about writing, even just small amounts daily. however, I am a hobby juggler at heart, so I try not to be too down on myself when my word count drops bc I'm too busy knitting or w/e
New Works:
speaking of longfic! Worrying About the Check is a Batman fic i just started. eyeballing 30k-ish, but everyone knows how good i am at estimating word count.
if the tmnt bug catches me again, i've got a pretty decent outline for mean teen fighting machine's EPF induced camping trip, so that's also possibly on the docket. :)
also I've had this Raph&Casey sickfic in my wips for like 6 months i really need to get that one out of there.
Tagging: @witchofthemoss @uncannyalien @......bro idk who else is writing rn. trying not to double tag people. if you wanna fill this out then by all means <3
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