#but I also don’t wanna be stuck as a supervisor
My supervisor’s retiring in 3 years and management wants me to take over as supervisor when she leaves so that means I have 3 years to find a new job :(
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zoldyckd · 9 months
need therapy again.
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gurugirl · 4 months
I’ve been going through this for almost a year now and idk if i’m just being dramatic or something I should report to HR or the police. Here’s goes:
I’ve been working at my job for almost 2 years now and 1yr ago we had a new hire. I talked with him the first day and he kinda just felt off? Like I had a weird vibe about him but I didn’t know him so I didnt wanna judge him so quickly. Our first interaction was mostly him asking me where I’m from and trying to get to know me. Anyways I kept my distance from him but he became close friends with my work crush.. who I also was best friends with
It became kinda awkward because anytime I was around that guy he made me feel uncomfortable so I started being distant from my work crush as well. My work crush liked me too and we were kinda in a friends with benefits relationship which is where this all gets bad.
The guy ends up finding out because my work crush would usually drive me home and one day I had company over so we did our #business🫡 in the car. And he was following behind us in his car and saw
Then we had a break from work, about 2 weeks for Christmas/New Years and that’s when I found out that he’s been stalking me. He’ll sit in his car outside my house for about 5 mins during the day and then around 2-3am he’ll come back and stay there for an hour. I noticed because he has a really loud car engine so I started looking into ring cameras. Then when I came back from the break he randomly told me how my brother is really tall? which confused me because my brother only visited me during the holidays and i haven’t seen him all year which confirmed that was his car watching me. So I got ring cameras and I still see his car everyday around 2-3am watching me.
Then my work crush left to finish college. So I started taking the bus again. And He would wait in the parking lot after work to try and get me in his car even after I repeatedly told him no. When I come into work he’ll try forcing himself on me for hugs or trying to hold my hand and when I tell him to stop he’ll get mad and start calling me names. Or shove/push me, trip me, etc. 
But one day I was stuck and it was raining and he “just happened to be in my area” and offered me a ride which I felt like I shouldn’t but did anyway.. He explained to me how he liked me since the first day we met and how he stays awake at night thinking of me. How i’m so important to him that he’ll drop/leave anyone to spend time with me. How many times he’ll count the times he sees my name in one day.. and then talks about how he loves how “innocent” I look. Which made me uncomfortable I’m 21 but I do look and sound really young that people always think i’m around 15-16 and he’s older than me.
Anyways throughout that car ride he talked about the weapons he has in his house and how he thought about using them on my work crush. asking what I see in him and if we’re dating. Then he told me about how many times he thought about kidnapping me.. and then when I finally got to my house and he kept stalling to let me leave the car and i panicked because the door wasn’t opening he just laughed and said how “todays not the day don’t worry” and I went home and cried. Then I realized that I never even had to tell him my address which shows he does stalk me.
idk if i’m being dramatic because after every weird encounter he’ll brush it off and tell me “i’m just kidding, you have to relax” I even talked with my work crush about how he makes me uncomfortable since they’re friends and he said that he knows he likes me and he’ll talk to him about giving me space. then once i told my work crush about how he’s being more mean. Like this once time he grabbed on me and bruised my arm bc I wasn’t talking to him and my work crush just said to “try and be patient bc he wasn’t having a good day” I started not like him after that because idk how to take the fact that he could be friends with someone like that and make excuses for him.
I did talk with my supervisor about it but not in depth and she said that she’ll make sure we’re in separate spaces but he still always follows me like I physically feel like i can’t breathe because every time i’m going somewhere he’s there or right behind me always trying to talk with me. And i try to be friendly bc if i don’t he starts getting aggressive. And he’ll tell me how talking with me and seeing me is the only thing that makes him happy. So I started ignoring him more and I don’t care about being nice to him anymore and now he’s playing victim and saying how he feels like end!ng his life because i’m ignoring him..
there’s a lot more but sorry for the long rant. It’s been ongoing and idk what to do because he’s friends with my friends and if I do something about it then everyone’s going to blame me and think I was overreacting. I’ve talked with multiple people but no one thinks it’s that serious. So now idk what to think.
First of all I just need to say I’m surprised no one is taking your account of this seriously. If you have a ring camera you can like record with that right? So you’d have proof to anyone doubting you that the man is crazy enough to be sitting outside of your house at 2 am just to look at your house. Also his words “today’s not the day don’t worry” are creepy af and I’m terrified for you.
He’s also trying to gaslight you by telling you he’s joking to make you feel like you’re being silly or something but he’s proven he’s not joking already. This man is dangerous.
Is the job one you need to keep or do you think you can quit and go somewhere else? But then there’s the fact that he knows where you live. Do you live with your parents or roommates? Tell whoever you live with about this man and tell them in detail how he’s threatened you and make it clear that you’re scared of him.
I do think you should go to HR but your boss’s response is concerning but maybe tell them again with more details and proof if you have it. Please get as much proof as you can bc, even in 2024 women are brushed off as being dramatic and attention seeking which is why men get away with horrific things (it’s happened to me even and I’m not going into detail here but let’s just say the guy barely got a slap on the wrist while I still have the occasional nightmare almost a decade later).
HR could be helpful but it depends on your work environment. Would you trust them? Once I went to hr about our company’s IT guy (this was some years ago) and showed them emails he sent me - super inappropriate and clearly making lewd comments about me that escalated to him texting me on the weekends and I lost my job two weeks later for “over staffing” while that IT guy works at that company still to this day. He never did the kinds of things that you’re describing tho so I never heard from him again once I was fired.
I’m not saying that to scare you, just to inform you that you may need to look elsewhere for support. Maybe even the police would be helpful in this situation but they’ll want proof.
Babe… I’m worried about this situation and it’s bringing up all kinds of scary feelings in my gut and you’re going to be your best advocate. Buy pepper spray or something, anything to defend yourself. Take self defense classes and learn how to fight back. Tell everyone you can about this guy and tell them his name anything you can about him (if you have his address, what kind of car he drives, etc).
Please don’t let your guard down around him. You’re right to be scared. Listen to your gut. Please please be safe and look for any back up you can for rides to and from work if the bus isn’t running. Never get back into that car with him again.
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bl6ckr0s3 · 1 year
Back To My Roots
As soon as some bids came out, I put in 3 bids on tour 3. 2 are working at the dock, and one is working around the automation machine. Yes, I h8 automation, but hopefully this job won’t be as bad as coming in on graveyards working on the same shitty robot. I wish I was able to spend all evening separating and unsleeving the trays of 3 digit and 5 digit mail. Such an easy job and it keeps me busy in 1 spot. When Shea is my supervisor, he allows me to do that which is smart. Sadly, Tim and Jamie ain’t the same way. I remember when Jamie was asking him something about what he was or wasn’t aware of then I remember Tim was responding back to him like he thought he knew something, then he said he must’ve been tired. Lol. All I know is I just need to get back to my old tour, because 1 is definitely not working out for me since I got here. I rather be doing something different on my preferred schedule than what I am currently stuck doing right now.
I haven’t called back the court yet about being able to have a conference call during the hearing. I just haven’t made any time to do it because as much as I should be there present, I rather avoid dealing with my son’s father as much as possible. If I have to deal with the child support bullshit again with the father, then that will be handled next time the same way with a mediator.
I had been calling off work more than I should’ve since I been here. Hopefully, I will still have my job until I am able to bid out then hopefully I can do better with my attendance and fix it on my preferred shift. Tour 1 really has fucked up my sleep. I am honestly not really worried about being writtened up either because I got many other issues to deal with and I don’t have time for anybody’s bullshit whether they care or not.
Evertime me and Joshua are out doing runs on Uber deliveries, I miss the times I am able to eat out, go to shows, do all the things I was able to do and still had some money to myself. I really am sad that I had it better back in the older days when I was financially stable. I took a lot of those times for granted, but at the same time I know I had it better back then even when I had my own place in San Bernardino. Everything got all fucked up ever since Covid19 hit the world. As we are driving around thru all these nice neighborhoods with big beautiful homes and a lot of yard space, I feel sad that I may take a long ass time before we may possibly have anything like that in the future. Even just to have a small house will make me happy. No more renting apartments, being able to even rent a home would be a blessing to just have all the space we need for our things rather than to spend extra money on storage. My photography won’t be able to expand anytime soon. I been wanting to get a 2nd job, but Joshua wants us doing the Uber deliveries together which hasn’t been a consistent thing with our schedules, and the amount of rides that come thru the app ranges because if you are wanting to work in a certain nice rich area that’s clean and has no drug addicts and a lot of homeless roaming around, we are less likely to run into accidents.
We have witnessed a shooting at the front of some guy’s front yard with some psychotic chick in her big red pick up truck yelling at his ass when he was busy talking to another female outside his home. Next thing you know, we were hearing gun shots from that lady trying to shoot up the guy. We didn’t stick around to see what happens because we didn’t wanna get shot. We have witnessed a couple of bad accidents including a huge group of a motorcycle crew that we’re doing a bunch of stupid stunts on the road and riding on sidewalks then we saw a car got into a wreck with one of them. The car’s front end was pretty much done and there was so much leakage coming from the vehicle from the crash. We just choose to avoid the ghetto parts of Nashville. Doing deliveries around apartments is also a pain in the ass especially if you are having to hunt down their place instead of the person coming outside to meet you to get their order which makes the delivery a lot easy and less time consuming. With the nice areas, we just deliver to houses which are easier to locate and find.
Joshua has been having conversations with his friend William (who helped produce his “Peacemaker” song) of him joining Royalty Kult and possibly writing and recording music together. He lives in. N. Carolina. They have plans on just doing Skype or zoom meetings to write their material and when there is an opportunity to do mini tours next year, hopefully they will be able to get a full band together by then. All they need is a drummer and a 2nd guitarist. Mike from BIAS may be joining his project because things doesn’t seem to be working out with them in the long run. He also has plans to move to N. Carolina because his dad lives there.
From what I been hearing and seeing on social media, seems like more people are planning on leaving California.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Ok i got an monster tom x scientist reader au universe thing and no it does not take place in the red army base
Reader is a scientist and is asked to run some tests on a new specimen/monster they found, and when reader sees the specimen/monster they actually think it's kinda cute but then some other scientists shock him and even stick some needles in him and reader just feels bad for the specimen/monster at this point so nighttime rolls around and they hack into the cameras to shut them off and wear a mask so they won't get caught and go to the main room where the specimen/monster is they the reader introduces themselves to the monster the monster, thinking they're gonna hurt them, immediately backs off obviously scared and reader convinces the monster that they're not gonna hurt them and the monster shrinks as he's mostly human and says "your not gonna hurt me?" And they reassure him that they're not gonna hurt him and they sneak into the readers car and drives off the lab that the monster was in and reader asks what the "monsters" name is and says their name is "tom". Then reader makes a pit stop to a store real quick to get tom some clothes and then reader drives to they're home and introduces tom to their room and asks if they want some food/ take out or not an he says yes and they get some chinese food and watch some TV, after eating they both go to bed and reader suddenly finds themselves in Toms arms whimpering a little, and reader just kinda decides to pet his hair and rub his horns a little bit which make him purr then tom wraps his tail around reader and asks them to do it more and they do do that untill they notice that he's asleep then they both fall asleep.
Whew, I enjoyed writing this one ^^
Summary: Reader, a scientist, rescues Monster Tom from the lab that experimented on him and brings him home
"Dr. [L/n], I'll let you oversee today's tests on TR-03."
"Alright, chief." You smiled awkwardly as your supervisor handed you the clipboard. It contained the subject's information: a one-eyed horned monster of an unknown species, though your colleagues have theorized it to be a demon. "What kind of tests are we running on it?"
"Resistance to electric shocks. There's evidence of uranium possibly circulating in its blood, so you'll be watching them extract samples as well."
As he explained, your smile gradually dropped as you looked over the information, seeing a ton of redacted information, including several incidents of the destruction it caused prior to its capture.
"So it's gonna be shocked and stuck with needles? Sounds painful."
"Its armor is thick, so it shouldn't feel a thing. Besides...I don't think you need to worry about whether it'll be painful for it." Your supervisor spoke in a rather condescending tone. "After all it's just an animal."
"I...yes, sir. I'll go oversee the tests right away." Not wanting to argue further, you just left his office and wandered through the building.
You were eager yet anxious to meet this monster.
Eventually you reached the area where the creature was being held, climbing up the stairs that led to the skybridge so you could look down into its holding chambers.
It was a massive dark purple creature, with two bright violet horns and a single black eye. Surprisingly it was allowed full movement, though judging from the many claw marks on the walls...it wouldn't surprise you if one day it was chained up to restrict such behavior.
You actually thought it was..kind of cute? It looked scary in pictures, but up-close it didn't seem as terrifying.
That only made you feel more pity for it as other scientists entered the chamber, clad in protective suits, with electric prongs and needles.
Almost immediately the monster seemed aware of what they were going to do, its eye widening as it stood on both feet and cowered in the corner. It growled in warning, only for a scientist to jab its leg with a prong in response, eliciting a roar of pain.
You physically flinched, feeling bad for the creature. But you took notes on its response to electric shocks.
Subject recognized equipment immediately, perceiving them as danger. Responded painfully to electricity.
Soon after being tortured, the monster seemed dazed, allowing another scientist in a hazmat suit to approach it and stick a needle into its hip. The vial of blood collected turned out to be red, with a glowing green aura.
As you took more notes, you heard a small whimper and looked down, seeing that the monster wasn't putting up a fight.
Instead it was...crying?
Sure enough, tears leaked from its eye as more of its blood was drawn, being electrocuted as some sick form of "sedation". It was hard to tell whether the people inside felt any sort of sympathy, but they just took their leave without saying a word to each other. Only a mere nod.
You didn't want to be here any longer than you needed to, so you finished your report and began heading back to your office.
Though you noticed the monster looking up at you, and you couldn't help but frown and murmur a simple:
"I'm sorry."
After your shift was over, normally you'd go home for the night.
But on the ride home...you kept thinking of TR-03 and couldn't shake the images and sounds of its pain.
The way it responded to just seeing the prongs, and the way it looked at you as though it was begging for help, seemed far too human for it to be just a mindless animal.
Of course, you never questioned the secrets this lab kept--not wanting to be fired. But they seemed to be hiding a lot of stuff about this specimen, never speaking about its origins or even what it was capable of.
You may have only seen it for the first time today, but you wanted to know more about it. And you had a feeling that you won't get the answers you wanted by asking around.
Oh no..you were going to free it in order to find out the truth.
Not just to satisfy your own curiosity, but also because...the way it was being treated was far too cruel. To the point where it was crying.
You couldn't stand for this unethical treatment any longer. You had to do something..and be smart about it lest you got killed or worse.
After making a quick stop at a store, you found a mask and changed your clothes, completely disguising yourself. Then you got back in your car and returned to the lab, parking it somewhere far away so that you can sneak inside.
Fortunately you had security access in case any of the specimen breached their chambers. Thanks to your hacking skills you were able to disable every security camera you could find, putting them all on timers so they'd turn on later in the morning. You didn't want to rouse any suspicion.
That was the easy part.
The most important and difficult task lied ahead.
As soon as you entered the monster's chamber, it woke up and grumbled with annoyance. Clearly it didn't like its rest being disturbed.
Though upon seeing you and the mask you wore, it tilted its head. "Grrrah..?"
"Shhh, it's okay." You whispered, removing the mask so it could see your face. While you were awestruck to actually see it up close and personal, you knew you had to keep calm.
But that might've been a mistake as it seemed to recognize you--the one who was watching it earlier today. It immediately backed into a corner, terrified as its chest began heaving with anxiety.
You couldn't blame it for its reaction, though your gently put your hands up and hushed it. "Please don't panic. I'm not here to hurt you. I wanna get you out of here."
"Mhm." Smiling, you just pretended you could understand it. "I don't like how they treat you here. They call you an animal but..I know you're more than that."
The monster calmed down a little, before glancing up to the opposite corner. He made a noise of confusion upon seeing that the security camera's annoying red light wasn't blinking.
"I shut that off so nobody can hear or see us."
You blinked, surprised that it could speak some English, but the fact it wasn't cowering like before was a sign it was trusting you. "Yep, I hacked the whole security complex. Now's our chance to escape, but..ah shit."
Suddenly, it never occurred to you: your mission was focused on getting to the monster, but you never considered how you'll get out with the monster.
"Damn..I'm not sure how we'll sneak you out without...." However, you trailed off as you saw it changing into a smaller form.
But it wasn't just shrinking, it was actually turning partially human.
How curious, nobody told you about that. Maybe that was part of the redacted information.
The monster turned out to be a human male, who still retained his horns, tail, and dark scales and fur, which covered his body. His brown hair was messy and spiky, and interestingly enough he had two black eyes.
He didn't have any clothes, obviously, so you took off your coat and put it around him. "So you're human, huh?"
"Your stupid friends' experiments wouldn't let me turn back for a while..." He grumbled in a slight British accent. "You sure you're not gonna hurt me?"
Understandably he got defensive, knowing you were working for the people who tortured him. But you shook your head. "No, I won't. I'm quitting this shithole and I'll take you with me." You took his hand reassuringly, noting that it was still clawed.
He gave you the tiniest of smiles in return. "Heh, glad we're both in agreement."
Soon you both quickly made your escape, luckily not running into any trouble. Your car was still parked right where you left it, so you got in and drove off.
You definitely won't miss working for that lab.
The roads were mostly empty at this time of night, so you were able to breathe easy knowing nobody's gonna chase you. Now seemed to be the best time to talk with the monster.
"So uh..do you have a name?" You spoke up. "I know they call you TR-03 but it doesn't feel right to call you that anymore."
"Tom." He answered as he looked out the window. "My name's Tom Ridges."
'Huh, that explains his code name.'
"I'm [y/n]." After noticing a nearby plaza, you saw a clothing store and decided to make a quick stop there. Tom seemed to be confused, and a bit worried when you left him in the car all alone, though you reassured him you were just buying some clothes for him.
He waited, trying to keep himself out-of-view in case any strangers got too nosy. But before long you were back, opening the driver's side as you peered in and sighed with relief, seeing him halfway out of the chair.
"Jeez, you scared me..thought somebody got you." You sighed, shaking your head.
"S-Sorry, not trying to get any unwanted attention. It's the last thing I need.." He sat upright, though he was surprised when you handed him a bag. Inside was a blue hoodie, boxers, and gray sweatpants. "Oh, cool."
'That's all he has to say?' His reaction was a bit underwhelming. 'Then again..maybe he hasn't processed that he's never going back to that hell chamber yet.'
You just shut the door and waited for him to get dressed, and when he tapped on the window you got back into the car. He definitely looked more comfortable now.
After giving him a smile, you continued on your way home, feeling glad that you rescued him from that place. You had no idea if he had any place to go, granted you don't recall seeing any information on his address nor any relationships.
So he'll stay with you.
"Luckily I got a spare room. Excuse the mess." You chuckled as you showed Tom the extra room in your house, turning on the light. "You can stay here for as long as you'd like."
He nodded as he looked around, before feeling his stomach grumble. In embarrassment he put a hand over it, glancing at you. "Sorry..the food they had was shitty, I'm sure you knew."
"Yeah...you want takeout?" You took out your phone. "I don't feel like cooking tonight so I was gonna order some anyway."
"Sounds good."
"Alrighty, I'll call in the order. We can go watch TV while we wait."
Once more Tom nodded, following you into the living room space where you both sat down on the sofa. He sighed and leaned back, turning on the TV while you ordered some Chinese food.
This situation felt so...comforting and familiar..
For a moment he gazed at you, seeing you look through the menu.
He knew he wasn't the only prisoner back in that lab. So he couldn't understand why you'd choose him, of everyone you could've helped, but...he considered himself lucky.
For once he felt like he could let his guard down a little.
Some time later the food arrived to your house, and you both ate it while watching various TV programs. You asked Tom a bit more about his home life, though he didn't have much to talk about.
Whether he didn't want to say anything or forgot it thanks to the experiments was a mystery, but you wouldn't pry. You'll get your answers sooner or later, though not tonight.
Tonight you both deserved a good rest.
Afterwards you headed off to your own room, letting him know that he can knock on your door if he ever needed anything.
You got into your pajamas and crawled into bed, yawning.
It had definitely been an eventful day. You were eager to sleep in, knowing that you won't ever go back to your boring (and unethical) job.
But just as you had turned off the lights and dozed off, you heard your door creak open. With a slightly annoyed sigh, you sat up and turned on the lamp beside you, before seeing it was Tom.
"Tom? Your room is..."
Though you fell silent when you heard him...whimper? His eyes were white, indicating he was in some kind of distress.
But he crawled onto your bed, practically situating himself in your arms while making sure he didn't jab you with his horns. You were perplexed by his actions, though you finally realized..
He was just scared.
You held him in your arms, rubbing his horns soothingly and petting his hair, murmuring promises that he was safe. In response he nuzzled up to you, tail wrapping around your body as you both laid down.
You only stopped for a moment as he started purring, which made you chuckle softly. "Purring, huh? That's new."
"Can you keep doing that?" He grumbled, closing his eyes. "It was nice till you stopped."
"O-Oh right, sorry." You continued the previous motions, deciding to hum a small song as well to help him sleep.
Eventually you stopped once he dozed off completely, and your cheeks felt warm upon seeing how adorable he looked. 'And to think I was afraid of this guy?' You mused, before turning off the lamp light.
Soon enough you fell asleep as well.
If this is how Tom expressed his thanks...you'll take it.
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scrubs - 7.
PAIRING: doctor!sebastian stan x biomedical scientist!reader
A/N: have fun everybody xx
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She was stubborn. She’d always been stubborn from the moment he’d first seen her a few years ago and while he knew so many staff over his very long period at the hospital which had seen him do his own residency, he could not forget the first time he saw her. The first thought that popped into his mind was how cute she was in a clearly oversized lab coat as she followed her supervisor around carrying some stock. He’d offered to help her out yet she merely looked him up and down with a sarcastic smile before telling him she didn’t need his help. The exact same sarcastic smile she was wearing right now. 
Time had barely weighed on her, after all, it hadn’t been that long ago and while her hair had changed, her defiance had remained. There weren’t a lot of people who defied doctors or even nurses, they had this sort of mystical tsar like dominance inside hospital walls yet not only she defied him, but she also had almost always the upper hand. 
     - Why would I do that? - she cocked her head to the side, eyebrow raised up as she taunted him. 
     - Because ... - he stood close to him, way too close for her to feel his breathe on her face. His finger traced the side of her jaw, slowly and with torturous intent before he leaned down to her ear. - You really get keyed up when I’m not inside you, doll.
Y/N’s cheeks heated up but she remained her composure, studying her opononent as if this was a chess match. Her eyes looked up at him, a small smile on her lips before she leaned in to kiss him. He melted into her kiss, pressing her against the wall as it became more intimate and lustful, yet it wasn’t messy. She was merely pressed against that wall, his lips molding with hers as his hands rested on her waist. Her hands rubbed up and down his chest, one of them resting upon the hard on visible from his scrubs. She squeezed his through his scrubs as her kisses leaned down from his lips to his jaw and neck, leaving enough lipstick marks to have people wonder. 
    - I guess I’m gonna be keyed up ... - she stopped the kiss before slipping from under him, her hand resting on the knob. - Knock yourself off, Dr. Stan. 
Sebastian remained speechless as he watched her leave. Oh, oh she was wanting to be chased? He smirked to himself, grabbing his jacket before looking down at his erection. That was going to be a fun lunch break, he thought to himself. He allowed her to remain in his mind through his whole shift yet not on the way it usually remained. He wasn’t annoyed at her, it was something else. Maybe he did have an idea of what to do. 
She on the other hand was busy dealing with her ever rushing thoughts about the doctor. She had a bright smile on her face every once in a while every time she thought about what she’d done. Sure, she knew she’d probably deal with the consequences of it the next time they spoke or when HR found out she kissed him in the middle of the reception hall but that was a future problem. She continued with that little smile even as she grabbed her bag, walking down the stairs down to her car, only to find the same man on her mind sat on the boot.
   - Dr. Stan, you do realise you have to enter the car to actually drive it, correct?
   - You are the most difficult woman I’ve ever met. 
   - I didn’t realise we were still fighting over the obvious. - she fished her purse for her keys. 
   - Let’s go on a date. - he jumped off the car. - Hopefully, you’ll end up in my bed as well. 
   - A date? Doctor Stan, the only thing I want to do is get takeaway from the little Italian restaurant next to my house and watch Netflix.
   - Come on, doll. You gave me blue balls the whole day, least thing you can do is have a bite with me. 
She poundered over the question for a little bit. Surely she wouldn’t want this going around the hospital or she would lose the little credibility she had in those halls yet, at the same time, she did enjoy her time with him no matter how much he attempted to get on her last nerve. She lowered her shoulder, letting out a sigh before holding up her keys in her fingers. 
  - You’re driving. 
  - I can’t drive such a tiny car. - he pointed at her baby blue Fiat 500, the very first car she’d ever bought and the only car she’ll ever have for all she cared. 
   - They say men with big cars are compensating for something. Got anything to hide, Dr. Stan? - she smirked as she opened her passenger door. 
  - You would know, wouldn’t you doll? - he caught the keys from her, pushing the driver’s seat back before closing the door. - Damn, this is a tiny car.
  - You’re a tiny car.
  - Is that all you have? I expected a better come back from you.
  - Like you expected me to make you cum earlier? 
He smiled to himself as he started the car. Sebastian honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d driven with someone by his side, much less a woman whom he wasn’t related to. Her car had such an aura to it, the aura of who she was outside of work. He’d never stopped to wonder who she was off work, what she liked, what she disliked; however, her playlist gave a quick peak into a bit of her tastes, a mix between musical theatre, sad pop music, c;assic music and Britney Spears. It made her rounded, more than the woman she was at the laboratory, more than the supervisor Y/N he was so used to have petty fights with. Everything in the car just yelled out who she was, from the little vanilla scent dangling off the mirror, the lipgloss on the side, a few books in the backseat and the car itself. He thought his car was so dull compared to hers, always so unlived in. 
   - Are we going to sit in silence or ... ?  -  she leaned against the head rest.
   - Oh no, doll. I like not talking to you, you normally end up kissing me out of the blue. I could get used to that. 
   - That happened because you were a dick to me. 
   - That happened because you were jealous. Admit it, you like me. 
She remained silent, looking at him through the corner of her eye with a childish smile. He drove past her favourite Italian, getting her reserved order before deciding to take them to his apartment. Sebastian was sure she wouldn’t want him in her flat, no one had really been there. She was a quiet person outside of her job, no one really knew what she exactly did or what she liked. He wondered what type of person she was outside of work but he could only imagine she had that same spark. That little thing which just made her the person he knew.She was always too big for that little hospital.
  - You passed my street.
  - I know. We’re going to my place. I know you’re a private person. 
  - Oh ... - she bite the inside of her lip, looking out the window. - That’s awfully thoughtful of you.
  - Everything ok? - he asked but she merely nodded, leaning on her own hand yet the answer didn’t satisfy him. - You can talk to me, you know? I’m not all bad. 
  - I didn’t know you were a psychologist. 
  - Do you even have anyone to talk to? - he questioned, more in a joking manner than in a serious manner yet her face dropped. Her eyes darting to look out the window as she forced laughter. - C’mon people talk on dates.
  - I have my parents but they’re not in the country. - she answered, pulling at the edge of her cuffs. - It’s only glamorous to work in a hospital if you’re a white male doctor. 
  - Something happened?
  - Not important. - she changed the topic. - Pay attention to the road before you wreck my car. 
Sebastian wanted to ask her, he really did, yet he doubtted she would open up to him. Maybe for good reason, after all, their relationship had been, somewhat, strictly professional for years. Nevertheless, it still tugged at the back of his mind even as he parked. Sebastian existed the car, carrying whatever it was she had ordered before opening the door for her. 
Maybe it was the fact she had been extremely drunk the last time or that she was much more focused on getting him to fuck her but the view from his penthouse flat was something breath taking. She took small steps towards the balcony, holding out the rail as she looked up the city from the top. Everything looked so small, like her own personal sky full of stars. She could just look at it for hours and forget everything.
   - Do you wanna eat out the packaging or do you want me to plate it? - he spoke to her from the kitchen. - Y/N?
   - Whatever’s better for you. - she looked out her shoulder before returning to look at the city. Sebastian dropped the plates onto the marble countertops, abandoning his task to go and join her. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, as if questioning what he was doing by her side. 
   - What’s bothering you? 
   - Nothing’s bothering me.
   - You haven’t bullied me yet. You’re either really trying to get into my pants which is not hard at all, really just need to ask or you’re upset. Either way, I wanna help.
    - You wouldn’t understand. - she leaned her arms on the railing. 
    - I don’t need to understand, I just wanna be there for you.
    - So you wanna be my therapist? - she dryly chuckled. - I’ve just been hating my job.
    - Everyone hates their job.
    - I was the first in the family to go to university, the smart kid. I always did my best, gave up on a regular growing up because I needed to be the best to merely get the opportunities other people had. I worked hard, graduated top of my class and when I got this job I was so happy. - she shakily sighed. - But now I just hate it. I do everything I can, I do the best and beyond, edit company SOPs and training forms and I’m still treated like scum. I just thought that with a degree I would do what I like but instead I’m stuck in that job, unable to do what I like because it doesn’t pay the bills. I interview all the time and it’s always a no. I’m just unhappy, alone and lonely.
  - You’re not alone. You have that friend ... what’s her name? 
  - Miriam? Try being friends with someone who’s recently engaged.
  - I’m sorry. - he scratched the back of his neck. - I didn’t know you felt that way, Y/N. That’s awful. 
  - Thanks, Dr. Stan. I appreciate it. - she saluted him sarcastically. 
  - You need to let people in. 
  - I’ve already let you in. 
  - Not like that. - he chuckled. - You’re always so uptight. Don’t get me wrong, I love it but other people don’t.
  - I don’t really care if people like me. I’m used to it. 
  - Thank god I like you then. - he kissed her shoulder. - And not just when you’re naked and under me. I like talking to you, baby doll. You should quit that job. 
  - And you’d pay for my tiny flat?
  - No. You’d move here and walk around naked with your glasses talking to me about how dumb I am about microbiology.
  - Is that what turns you on?
  - You’ll be ok. I promise you. - he pulled her close to him. - Besides, if anyone ever treats you like scum, you let me know and I will make their life very hard. I can be a nuissance. 
  - I know. - she leaned her head against his shoulder. - It’s a date now.
taglist: @rebekahdawkins​
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http-skzhyuns · 3 years
apologies | changbin - angst
requested, changbin x y/n [angst + fluff] 
word count: 1.8k+  warnings: explicit description of anxiety, breakdowns — please tell me if i forgot to add anything in the warnings.  a/n: to the one who requested, i’m not sure how long ago you made the request bec i rarely check my tumblr. i’m so sorry but here it is. :) i haven’t written in so long. thank you for making the request. also, i think i got carried away with the angst, i hope the short fluff at the end was what you’re looking for. :< i didn’t proofread this and before we start, just wanna thank u all for the 100 followers!! stay safe :) start. 
you could see the stars shining from where you are sat, moving in a new country with an entirely different culture has made you anxious. but this, the view in your apartment is your favorite. it’s enough to take away the need to fiddle with your hands and to unconsciously tap your feet whenever you get the chance. the autumn breeze is cold but it’s bearable, nonetheless, you find yourself wrapping your cardigan tightly around your torso, trying to soak in the extra warmth that the fabric can provide.  a sudden shrill of ringtone startled you away from your lingering thoughts. smiling at the nickname displayed in your screen, you swiped to answer the call.  “y/n! hello baby,” changbin’s face appeared in your screen, smiling widely at you. you chuckled at his overt enthusiasm, “hello there, love.”  “are you settled in? do you need anything?” your smile faltered for a few seconds but changbin didn’t seem to notice. “nothing, love. i’m all good. don’t worry.”  “i’m sorry i can’t drop by there tonight,” you can hear the rustle on his end and the muted screams of jisung in the background.  “got stuck on a melody?” you asked softly. there’s a long sigh on his end before he answered, “yeah. it’s not working out as smoothly as we expected.”  “don’t worry about it, bin. i’m fine here, i’m good for a few days so you don’t need to worry about me. just do your thing, it’ll come to you, guys. give it time, i just know it’s going to be a great song once it’s done,” you attempted to lift his spirits up, but you genuinely believe it’s going to work out in the end.  your words were met with silence, concern started to grow until you hear him clear his throat. 
“... i love you,” he whispered. you smiled, “i love you too, now, go back there. don’t forget to get some rest even just for a bit, tell the boys the same thing too, okay? have a good night, binnie.” you saw him nod, a sign that he heard you, he waved and you waved goodnight.  the screen turned black signaling that the call ended. you sighed, putting your phone down beside you before pulling your legs up to your chest before resting your arms around them.  “it’s okay, he’ll be home soon.”
day four, no signs of activity. you begrudgingly dragged yourself out of the bed. another work day, another day to make sure you don’t get in other people’s way. you sipped from your cup of coffee while checking your phone for any message from changbin.
“good morning, y/n.”
it was simple, straightforward and you shook off the crawling feeling on your skin. it’s okay.
you texted back a good morning before picking your things up to actually get ready for the day.
“y/n! come over here,” your supervisor called. you resisted the urge to curl your fingers into your palm, digging into the skin as you nervously walked over to her desk.
“y/n, did you check this over before you submitted?” she started and you can feel a thousand scenarios running through your head and you find yourself picking it all apart, wondering if you really did check it over or there’s a lapse in your memory.
after careful consideration, you answered, “yes, ma’am.” she sighed, before carefully pulling you over. she showed her file before patiently pointing out the mistakes in the report you turned over.
there’s a momentary relief that coursed through you after you closed the door to her office. you find yourself dragging your feet as you walk back to your desk.
“tough day?” your co-worker asked when he noticed the sluggish movement you’ve been making.
you sheepishly shook your head, “i’m alright.” he looked at you for a second longer before nodding to himself.
when the night time comes, you absentmindedly hid your shoes inside the cabinet by the door of your apartment. you briefly glanced at your window to see that the sky is pitch dark and devoid of the shining stars you love so much.
another sigh. 10PM. a groan left your mouth.
you covered your face with your hands, roughly running them through your hair out of frustration.
the sound of keys started growing louder before your door opened. in comes, seo changbin, walking in with his backpack, clad in a black hoodie and a sweatpants. however, you remained seated in the small couch.
“y/n? are you home?” he asked. you grunted in reply but you doubt he would have heard it.
“there you are, i missed you,” he went for a hug but you narrowly dodged his attempt.
his brows furrowed in confusion, “hey? you’re okay?”
you nodded, looking down before standing up and going straight to the bathroom.
there’s a heaviness in the air, changbin isn’t sure what it is and what’s wrong. he was so sure you were okay. you were okay through your messages for the past few days.
whatever it is, he’ll let you come to him when you’re ready. and so, he got started on making dinner. he was about to put the food into a plate and set the table when he heard a hard thud from the bathroom, followed by clanking of several things — what he assumed to be toiletries on your counter.
rushing over, he quickly turned off the stove and went to knock on your door.
“y/n? baby?” nobody answered. he knocked for the second time, more insistent.
“y/n? is everything okay?” silence filled the space… until he heard a faint rustling on the other side and the soft click of the door met his ears.
the sight of you nearly broke him to pieces. for some reason, he didn’t notice how off you’ve been feeling the last few days because you were so good at maintaining your composure in front of other people.
but, you, standing there in front of him. your shoulders hunched while you’re covered by your bathrobe— there’s a sense of emptiness in your eyes. his eyes flicked back in forth between you and the mess behind you— just as he guessed, your toiletries clattered on the floor.
“i’m sorry,” you apologized, looking at him straight in the eye.
changbin inhaled sharply, wondering what’s the reason for your apologies. “what happened? were you hurt?” he asked, gently coaxing you into his arms.
you buried your head in his chest, tightly clinging onto his shirt as the first sob tore through your throat. changbin can feel the rising panic in him because he can’t still pinpoint the reason and the situation that just took place in the bathroom. despite all this, he tightened his arms around you, keeping you enclosed in his body as he run his hands through your damp hair.
“what’s wrong? why are you sorry?” he asked, calmly. the second sob came followed by a third, until you’re full-on weeping in his arms, softly muttering a series of “i’m sorry”.
after a while, you whispered,“i’ll clean it up, i’m fine now. thank you.” you loosened your grip on his hoodie but he tightened his hold on you. “come here,” he said and pulled you to the adjacent kitchen area. he made you sit on a stool before looking straight in your eye.
“you’re not okay…” he whispered. “i can see that you’re not okay. so please, quit telling yourself that you are. i’m here, aren’t i? what’s wrong?” there’s warmth in his eyes and you feel an onslaught of tears for the second time today, just by the sight of it.
“i-“ you stuttered. “i’m s—“ changbin held his finger up, shushing you. “don’t apologize. if you’re apologizing for not being okay. please, i don’t want to hear it, love. you don’t have to apologize for that.” you fiddled with your hands in nervousness.
“…there’s a lot…” you breathed in, trying to work through the tears and the anxiety, “there’s so many things happening, so many people to get accustomed to…” you faltered, trying to smile at him to ease the heaviness of your words. “it’s so hard,” you looked down, finally allowing the tears to copiously fall.
in the years you’ve been together, changbin have always admired you for being able to hold down your fort. you were calm and grounded, even at the most toughest times. but he knows, deep down the ‘strength’ was something that you developed because of expectation. because people expected you to be strong and they needed you to be.
changbin placed his hands on your cheeks, making you lift your head up to him before placing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
“stop,” he smiled at you. “it’s okay to stop being strong, you know? it’s okay to stop taking the weight of everything and telling yourself that you can take it.” you shook your head, ready to disagree.
“it wasn’t a good week, there’s a lot of things going wrong, i wasn’t adjusting as well as i thought i would. i turned in an incorrect report today,” you babbled, spilling everything that happened for the past few days you didn’t get to see him.
“…i’m just so tired,” you looked at him, frowning from the heaviness in your chest.
“… and that’s okay,” he whispered. “baby, it’s okay to let things go. there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you can’t take it, that you’re not okay.”
“but, i didn’t want to be a burden…” you whispered. and for the second time that night, changbin felt his heart constrict at the words that left your mouth.
“baby, you’re not a burden. don’t ever think that you are,” he firmly replied, prompting you to look him in the eye, making sure you understand what he’s saying. you nodded and he smiled, satisfied before peppering your face with kisses.
“the next time you start feeling like this, can you please tell me? i want to know so i can help, in whatever way i can, okay? don’t take it on to yourself and try to sweep it under a rug.” you nodded and he went for another hug before letting you go, “go and get changed. you’re practically dry now. i’ll pick up your things in the bathroom,” you looked at him grateful for his help and comfort.
“have i ever told you how much i love you?” you softly asked. he smiled, “not enough times today, i think.”
“we have to rectify that, don’t we?” you joked.
“yeah, because i need my love to be reciprocated or else, i won’t give you the food i cooked,” he let out a boisterous laugh.
“… binnie, i love you. thank you,” you walked over to his place, pulling him for a kiss.
“always here for you, baby. i love you too. now go get changed, the food’s cold,” he went for another chaste kiss before waving you away.
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tatsumology · 3 years
1-cm High World
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Location: Seisou Hall Courtyard
Mitsuru: Sniff sniff… Just as I thought, the scent of bread is coming from over here!
They gotta be sweet buns~☆ It smells like the ones you can get at the supermarket!
Ah, found it! So it really was here!
But why is it hanging from a tree branch? It kinda looks like a bread-snatching race.[1] Hmm?
Well, anyway. The bread will go bad if it stays here. I should bring this to the dorm supervisor[2] right away! Dash dash, ju~mp!
Uwaah!? I got stuck in a net and now I’m hanging in the air!
So basically, this is a trap someone set up? Maybe it was the mischievous Hinata-chan? Or could this have been one of Shinobu-chan’s ninjutsu tricks?
When I move my body it feels like I'm shaking like a yoyo, it's fun! Bounce Bou~nce♪
Kohaku: ...It actually caught him.
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Mitsuru: Ah, Koha-chan. Hello!
Kohaku: Though this isn’t a situation to be greetin’ each other so casually…. Good day.
Ya certainly look like you’re utterly hog-tied. I'll get ya down, so don't move.
Mitsuru: Okay! I'm bad at staying still, but I'll control myself♪
Kohaku: (Even in such a situation he’s not fazed in the slightest... sorta like Madara-han.)
(Although we’re doin’ activities together as Double Face an’ I know about the ”Mikejima” name, I still don’t know Madara-han’s true self real well.)
(Even if it’s just for a short while, I feel mighty anxious bein’ in the care of someone like him.)
(I was tryin’ ta figure out one or two weaknesses o’ his, an’ then I pieced together that I needed ta go to the Track & Field Club.)
(In order to not stir up any unnecessary trouble, I can’t touch Narukami-han, who’s real close ta bon[3]. An’ as fer Otogari-han...I can’t quite grasp his physical strength just yet.)
(Rulin’ those out, I had ta choose Tenma-han.)
(Although ‘t was me who set the trap, I didn’t think he would come. Yer run-of-the-mill folks wouldn’t get caught up in such an obvious trap, right?)
(Just how much does this dude like bread?)
(Well anyhow, it’s all dandy that I’ve been able ta get him while Madara-han ain’t around.)
…. Now yer loose. ‘M sorry that I set out a trap like this, but there’s just somethin’ I hafta ask ya.
Mitsuru: Not at all! It felt like an amusement park ride, so it was fun! I’d welcome a trap like this any time!
Kohaku: I- is that so? Well, nothin’ better than a good mood right? Here, have some bread as an apology.
Mitsuru: Yaay, I scored another piece of bread! Yesyes~!☆
Munch munch…. So, what was it that you wanted to ask me?
Kohaku: Y’see.. Y’know Madara-han? The one from the Mikejima household? I pretty much only know ‘bout how he is as an idol.
Tenma-han is also in the Track & Field Club with him, right? Can’t ya teach me what kind of person he is?
Mitsuru: I got you! Then let’s change into our tracksuits and meet up in 5 minutes!
Kohaku: Thanks a lot, ya really saved me there~
…. Eh, tracksuits?
5 minutes later
Mitsuru: Okay, first of all, let’s have a match! Get ready to dash! ☆
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Kohaku: (So basically, we’re gonna run? I haven’t got a clue what this has gotta do with Madara-han, though.)
(In order ta gain his trust, it’s best ta just go along with him.)
Mitsuru: Dash dash~!
Kohaku: Hollup, how far are ya plannin’ on goin’?!
Mitsuru: Thanks to the bread I’ve just eaten, I’m all fired up! It’s just so much fun to run!
It’s the first time that I’m running together with Koha-chan. You’ve gotta show how much you can run!
I’ve become a proper oniichan now that I’m in my second year. I’m not a child that you can just baby all the time!
Kohaku: Haaa… huff..
Mitsuru: Koha-chan, are you okay? Please eat some bread and jazz up!
Kohaku: Are ya serious?! If I were to get anythin’ in my stomach right now, I’d totally throw it all up.
Mitsuru: It’s gonna be fine if it’s bread! I have some …
Huh, I don’t have any bread on me?!
Let’s go to a bakery to get some! So dash dash with all I got~!
….Not with all I’ve got. I should match up to Koha-chan’s pace, then dash dash at half power~☆
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Location: Time Street
Mitsuru: Munch munch… Bread is super duper tasty when you eat it after running!
Kohaku: Yer right...it’s tastin’ better than usual ‘cause we just worked up a sweat.
Mitsuru: ....
Kohaku: ? What’s the matter? Yer starin’ like a rock...
Mitsuru: I just always got the idea that you practically don’t have any friends, so I’m happy that we’re hanging out together! Ehehe♪
Kohaku: “Practically don’t have any friends”...you don’t beat around the bush, huh. Compared ta you, I don’t have heaps, but I do have some.
(‘s all well. Although Tenma-han looks like he’s got his head in the clouds all the time, he’s real aware of his surroundings. It’s kinda surprisin’.)
(.... This ain’t the time for admirin’! I totally forgot about my objective.)
(I could keep goin’ along with him, but with bread and dashin’ I won’t make any progress. Let’s cut to the chase now.)
Tenma-han. This is about Madara-han, I don’t really understand what all this runnin’ around has got to do with him. Could ya explain it so that even I can understand?
Mitsuru: Okey-dokey! Up you go~☆
Kohaku: Waah?! What are ya doin’! Don’t carry me on yer shoulders! Egh, I can’t get down if ya grab me so tightly!
Mitsuru: Mike-chan-senpai loves festivals! He carries me like a mikoshi[4]— gives me a ride on his shoulders and all. He’s a super nice person!
Whenever I’m in a fix, he helps me out. He’s a good guy. But I’ve also become bigger too, I'm already a second year!
I wanna go from being helped to being someone who helps out others!
So if you’re ever troubled about anything, Koha-chan can also come to me for advice!
Kohaku: …. Right. If I’m in a pinch, I’ll count on ya.
(His eyes are sparklin’ when he’s talkin’ ‘bout Madara-han.)
(“A super nice person” huh … So he appears like that to a kid who knows nothin’ of the face beneath the mask.)
(Though I didn’t quite get the information I was hopin’ for, I still spent a meaningful day like this.)
Mitsuru: Sniff sniff … I can smell freshly baked bread!
It’s coming from that bakery! Dash da~sh … ☆
Kohaku: Whaah?! Put me down first~!
JP: Anonymous
EN: Amagiiz
Translation Notes
A bread-snatching race in Japan is mainly done during school events. Bread is hung on a string, then children need to grab it with their mouths and carry it over a course to the finish line. You can see an example of this in Mitsuru’s bloomed 2015 Sports Festival 4* card ↩︎
The dorm supervisor is Keito. ↩︎
This is how Kohaku refers to Tsukasa. ↩︎
A Mikoshi is a Japanese portable festival shrine that you carry on your shoulders. ↩︎
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Hi, so I was stuck in one of those Eye/Buried domains that was just a thinly veiled metaphore for the crushing weight of academia? Yeah, I just wanna say some things to my supervisor. 
First of all fuck you, I saw that it was you that was distributing the papers we were quite literally choking down on, but also thanks for making me realize I don't wanna get that degree after all.
Don't expect me back in your lectures anytime soon. 
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 years
Hiya! I have a request for an x reader songfic. Snap out of it by the Arctic monkeys gives me so many 2012 Donnie vibes. Maybe one where the reader is in love with Donnie but he likes April and the reader wants Donnie to, you know, "snap out of it" and notice that maybe April isn't the best person towards him. It can end in unrequited love or with a happy ending, that's for you to decide but I just really want to see this concept. Thanks! :>
(feel free to ignore this request if you want 👁️👁️)
Oh, I’m not about to turn away a chance to be pushed out into foreign territory. I admittedly hadn’t known what a songfic was until wikipedia and @kunimikat saved my ass, so this was fun-- and a bit scary-- to write. I hope you like it, even if it might not have been exactly what you were expecting.
April was your friend. She had been for a while, now, since she had moved to NYC. The two of you had come even closer after her kidnapping and initiation into the “Hamato Clusterfuck” as you had affectionately called it at first—you had wisely made a conscious effort to only get involved with them as far as you could throw them, sticking solidly to offering emotional support and half-decent food. At the beginning, you had, on multiple occasions, even begged her to stay out of it, trying to reason with her that getting herself killed by a psychotic armored man with an axe to grind for the crime of hanging out with four teenage shut-ins was an incredibly bad idea. When your logical arguments fell on deaf ears—her owing them apparently being her ball and chain—you had designated yourself as her supervisor to make sure she did not do something overly impulsive. She was reckless, overly trusting, immature, but you loved her like a sister. You balanced each other out.
One of the benefits of knowing someone for so long is that you learn things about them that they do not know about themselves. In April’s case, it had been that she was terrible at making up her mind
 What's been happenin' in your world?
You had borne witness to the love triangle transpiring between Donatello Hamato, Casey Jones and her for the better part of a year now. You were relieved that the two boys had backed off each other’s throats somewhat over the period, but it was as infuriating as it was fascinating to watch them fight over her like a chew toy. Of course, April had her preference between the two, favoring the hockey player mainly for his general normalcy, which was a decision you could approve of, but she had hesitated until recently to make that obvious to the other point because, in her words, “The last thing I want is to deal with is all of that awkwardness.” You could hardly blame her for her hesitation, but you thought it almost cruel not to make her feelings apparent to her lovestruck puppy.
 What have you been up to?
Donnie was the most tolerable of the five, the most normal in your opinion. He was an infatuated, insecure teenage boy with more an affinity towards machines and, best of all, seemed concerned for your friend, all things that you could get on board with. In your opinion, overbearingness is preferable to negligence in this case, and you were just happy that someone physically capable had her back. As such, when you were stuck at the lair for hours waiting for her lessons with Splinter to be over—you were her ride—you found yourself spending the most time around him, and as time went on, you started going out of your way to do so.
Seeing as April and Casey were your only other friends, it was natural you would get romantically attached. They—a couple by high school standards—approved of your crush, and all you told your guardian(s) was that they were smart, fit, and financially responsible, so they asked few questions.
You knew, logically, this was not a competition and that April had little interest in him.
But something about the way he gazed at her made you burn green with envy.
 I heard that you fell in love, or near enough.
His eyes were just so… wistfully longing. He watched as the redhead and her boyfriend played against Michelangelo and Raphael in a game of charades. His expression was just so soft, lips pursing and popping silently as he grieved from his seat in his lab.
It had been a downhill spiral on your end from there, and as your own attachment grew for him, his own depression worsened. Your eyes drifted from your friend as you tried to make him see that, no, the world was not ending because his first crush did not like him back. You would make subtle comments about how happy his brothers were, how happy she and Casey were together, how smart he was and how many people would die for a kind, loving, smart guy to come around and sweep them off their feet. This, again, fell on deaf ears; he would always comment on how, if he were such a catch, April would not have chosen Casey, like It is his fault for her having more of a taste in cocky, fun-loving guys than intelligent ones. Half of it was probably your lack of experience in subtlety, but no matter what you would try to say, whenever romance came up in conversation, his words turned sharp and bitter.
On that day, you just cracked.
 I gotta tell you the truth.
You walked over to the lab door, closing it in a single fluid motion. ‘I’m better at being blunt, anyways.’
He blinked; his trance was interrupted by the small slam.
“She’s not into you.”
You crossed the room and placed your hand on the desk, expression stern and stone cold. “April,” you repeat. “She’s not interested.”
He did not meet your gaze. “You don’t know that.”
“I do, actually.” You leaned down to look him in the eye. “You aren’t her type. You’re supposed to be smart.” You placed the other on the back of his chair, arms cagging him in, almost. “ She has a boyfriend,” you continued, softer. “You know that, right?”
“I do.” He tapped the side of his thumb against the table absently, throat tight. “But what else do you suppose I do? Submit to the fact that I’ll be alone forever?” He looked up at you. “I know this may be hard for you to believe,” he continued, easily slipping out from under your arms, “but I don’t exactly have a ton of options. She’s the only person who’s ever looked at me like that; how am I supposed to move on from the only person who’s ever even given me a chance?”
 I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby.
 You rolled your eyes, turning to watch him as he crossed to the other side of the room. “That is some blatant bullshit,” you glared curtly.
“Is it, though?” His back was to you as he crouched down in front of his centrifuge, fiddling with it. “As someone who’s never—”
“So help me, if you go off about me not understanding being rejected and feeling like they’d die alone, I’ll rip your tongue out.” You stood back up properly.
“What would you know about it?” He followed suit, eyes locking on yours. “You have other people to choose from.”
“And you don’t?” You crossed your arms, smiling incredulously. “How do we differ, exactly?”
“Besides the obvious?”
You scoffed. “You’ve seen your brothers. Never stopped them.”
“And I’m happy for them, that they’re so charismatic as to be able to find partners so easily.” You could taste the bitterness in his words. “But I’m not them, in case you didn’t notice. That girl out there?” He pointed to the door. “She’s the first and only person in the universe who’s ever given me a second glance.”
“So you’re just fucking blind, now?” You heard your voice rise without your input.
“What’re you talking about?” His voice grew with yours.
“You’re lovesick,” you spat. “Snap out of it.”
 Snap out of it.
You ran your fingers through your hair. “Or maybe you’re just dense.” You felt a laugh rise in your throat. “I mean,” you gestured, “clearly picking up on verbal subtext isn’t your forte.”
You gave him five seconds. “What,” you continued, rubbing your face with your hands, “Are you—” You stopped. “You are, aren’t you?”
You took a slow breath, hearing your heartbeat in your ears. “Let me put it in simple, plain English for you.”
 I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby—
 “As her friend? You’re a fucking creep.” You crossed your arms across your chest. “Following her the way you did—wait your turn—” A finger interrupted his defense. “Following her the way you did? Objectively creepy. Staring at her all the time? Also fucking creepy.” You felt your nails dig into your skin. “Any person would call it as it is.”
He opened his mouth again to argue. You did not interrupt him this time, but he did not argue, the silence falling like a weighted blanket over the two of you.
“As your friend,” you continued, voice lowered, “as someone who cares about you, I know April, and she can’t give you what you want. It’s not her; she needs to be free, and I love her, but you’re looking for something that’s just not there.” Your voice was certain. “You’re looking for someone to spend your life with. I’m right, aren’t I?”
 Snap out of it.
 He was still for a moment, looking off into the ether. He nodded, face melancholy.
You walked over, resting a hand on his shoulder tentatively. “I’m not saying it’s stupid of you to not be over her. Again, I love her to bits, so I see the appeal.” You broke eye contact, trying to articulate exactly what you meant. “But I’m worried,” you explained slowly, “you’re only hung up on her because you’re scared of being alone. That’s not fair to her or yourself.”
“Do you know that?”
“No,” you admitted easily, “but you and I are the same way, and trust me, I’ve been around the heartbreak block.” You smiled, trying to relieve the tension.
That earned a chuckle. A small one, but a chuckle none the less.
You reached up, cupping his cheek in your hand. “There are seven billion people on this planet. Any one of them—myself included—would be lucky to have a life with you.”
 If that watch don’t continue to swing—
 A pause.
“Do you honestly believe that?”
You nodded, your thumb running along the line of his eye socket. “I do.”
 —or the fat lady fancies havin' a sing—
 You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his cheek gently.
 —I'll be here, waitin' ever so patiently—
 “Y/N!” You pulled back as you heard April calling your name. “We need a moderator!”
You started back towards the door, waving gently. “I wish you good tidings, Donatello.” You smiled quietly, serenity itself standing in the doorway. “May whoever is fortunate enough to call you their own bring you happiness. You deserve it.” You slipped out of his lab, running over to break them up.
Donatello rested his fingers on where your mouth had lit his skin. He felt a bittersweet smile fade onto his face.
—for you to snap out of it.
And that was when it began.
List of Works
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Lunch Break
Summary: Tohru skips lunch to avoid being an inconvenience. Thankfully, she has a loving huband to set her straight. 
Rating: G
Also found on AO3 and FF.net
Inspired by a RL situation with a friend of mine. 
The store was busy today. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast and she was starting to get hungry. They had just finished with the last customer in line. 
“Hey, Tohru-kun,” Her supervisor got her attention, “I know it’s kinda late, but did you wanna take your lunch break?”
“Yes,” she sighed in relief. “Thank you, Kaori-san.”
She opened the mini fridge and felt her heart skip a beat. It was empty...She thought back to when she had left this morning and rested her head on the counter, groaning. She must’ve forgotten it in the fridge this morning.
“What’s wrong?” Kaori-san asked. 
“I was in such a rush this morning I forgot my lunch,” she admitted shamefully. 
“Oh, well that’s no big deal! Just go to the cafe around the corner. Kenji-kun is working and he likes me so just tell him I sent you and he’ll make whatever you want for free.”
“I can’t do that!” 
“Eh? Why? Will your husband get jealous? He doesn’t have to know.”
She shook her head. “Kenji-kun is always working so hard I can’t trouble him like that!”
“Trouble him?” Kaori-san laughed. “Man, you’re really funny sometimes, Tohru-kun.” She frowned. She was sure Kaori-san didn’t mean anything by it, but sometimes it felt like she was a small child being dismissed even though they were close to the same age. She didn’t really like it...
“Oh! Good afternoon!” Kaori-san greeted as the bell rung. 
Well...her shift was over soon anyway. Might as well just hold out until she got home. She would be fine.
She wasn’t fine. It had been a rough day. She ended up having to stay three hours later than initially planned due to a coworker calling off sick. She clenched her stomach. She was so hungry! 
On shaky legs, she managed to let herself into their apartment. Thankfully, her and Kyo-kun had gone grocery shopping yesterday so there was enough there to make something easy. 
Just the thought of eating made her stomach yowl in protest. 
She set up two boiling pots of water, one for rice, the other for the potatoes. 
She mustered up whatever energy she could to start peeling the potatoes, arms heavy with fatigue. She was really tired. Hopefully Kyo-kun wouldn’t be too disappointed if she tucked in early after dinner. 
She heard the creak of the door. “Tohru?” Oh, so he was home already. 
“Kyo-kun!” she jumped up from the table, apparently too fast as it made her woozy, and tried to run to greet her husband but ended up tripping on the way, strong arms keeping her afloat from under her shoulders. 
“Whoa! Clumsier than usual, huh?”
This would normally be the time when she would defend herself, but her tongue was...stuck. 
Kyo-kun, always so perceptive, cocked his head in concern. “Tohru, are you okay?” he stroked her cheek. “You look pale.”
Say something. “I-I’m fine, Kyo-kun.”
He wasn’t convinced. “You don’t really look fine.” He put a warm hand on her forehead, brow furrowed. “You don’t have a fever..”
She pulled away, careful not to be too abrupt. “I’m fine, really! I just feel a bit faint. Once I get something to eat, I’m sure I’ll be right as rain!”
“What, did you take your lunch break really early today or something?”
She giggled nervously. “Yeah, something like that.”
“What time did you eat?”
She froze, blanching. She was never a very good liar, and with the way he was staring at her now, she knew she wasn’t getting anything past him. 
“Before I left,” she mumbled.
She cleared her throat. “Last time I ate was...before I left.”
Kyo-kun gave her a steady look. “That was over 11 hours ago.”
She averted her eyes shamefully. His fingers crooked her chin up so they were facing each other. “Tohru, why would you not eat?”
“I-um-” she floundered, “I was in a rush this morning and I completely forgot to pack my lunch and I didn’t realize it until I was already there.”
“There’s a cafe down the street from you. Why didn’t you just order from them?”
“W-well, I-I thought about it but I didn’t really have time to go pick anything up.”
“So have someone else do it. You could’ve called me and I would’ve brought you something.”
She waved her hands. “Well, everyone was really busy and I didn’t wanna bother them and have them make food for me. It’s my own fault I forgot my lunch, not theirs and-”
He groaned, “Tohru, you’re not bothering anyone, that’s literally their job. They get paid to make food for people. Including you.”
She knew that. Of course she knew that. She’d been kicking herself for it all day. “By the time I had time for a break, I was already almost off anyway, so I figured I would just wait til I got home.”
He cupped her cheeks. “You should’ve eaten something sooner, a pack of crackers, anything. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
She jerked away. “I’m fine, really!” And then she swayed and soon enough she was in the air, tossed over her husband's shoulder like a sack. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” he asked nonchalantly, not even grunting with the effort of carrying her at all, which she vowed to file away for future use. “I’m taking my wife to bed.” Almost married for a year now and she still felt a tingle in her chest when he called her that.
“What?! But- but dinner!-”
“I’ll finish it.” And then he gently tossed her on their bed. “Last thing we need is for you to pass out while cooking.”
She wanted to argue, to protest, but the longer she sat, the more the energy left her. And all that was left...was shame. Shame at herself for not eating over something so silly, shame that Kyo-kun had to come home from a long day just to worry about her...Her throat got choked up and she felt her eyes go misty.
“Tohru?” He asked softly. He was always so kind, so much kinder than she ever deserved. Long fingers fanned her cheeks, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes and he was kneeling in front of her now at eye level. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m always being stupid and making you worry about me.”
“You’re not stupid and if I don’t worry about you, then who will?” She didn’t have much of an answer to that. “I’m not mad at you,” he sighed out, “And I don’t mind taking care of you. If you don’t want me to worry, then you should be better at taking care of yourself once in a while.”
She sniffed, nodding. “Right. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” He grabbed something out of his pocket. “Here.” 
She scrunched her eyebrow at the wrapped snack. “A granola bar?”
“You need something in your system before dinner. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
He was always so rational. She smiled softly. “Thank you.”
He hummed in response, pushing her hair back to kiss her forehead. “I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready. Just sit here and relax for a bit.”
And then he was gone. 
She obediently opened her granola bar, chewing in slow, careful bites. She really would have to be more careful, wouldn’t she? It wasn’t like Kyo-kun could trail her around to make sure she wasn’t hurting. She smiled at that visual image. Cute. 
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, sinking into the mattress, slowly getting through her granola. 
“Oi,” she got a light bonk on the head and she jolted. 
“Oh, Kyo-kun! You’re back already?”
He raised an eyebrow and then burst into chuckles. 
“I’ve never seen someone space out while eating a granola bar.” he stroked her hair. “You’re really adorable sometimes.”
She blushed and he just laughed some more and she felt her breath leave her a bit. He really was beautiful, wasn’t he?
“C’mon, come eat with me. I’ve missed you.” She knew he meant it. Kyo-kun didn’t just say things to butter her up. Before she could respond though, she was being hoisted from under her knees into the air. 
She squeaked in surprise and wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck. “Kyo-kun, I can walk on my own,” she protested weakly. 
He shrugged, smirking. “It’s more fun this way.”
He started walking out, effortlessly. Did she weigh anything to him at all?
“Nah, you’re pretty light.” he responded, and she stiffened as she realized she said that out loud. 
“Am I?” She’d always thought she was pretty average sized. 
“I’ve held kittens heavier than you,” he drawled. 
She pouted, huffing, “Now you’re just bullying me.”
He snorted. “You love it though, don’t you?”
Well, two could play at that game. “Of course!” she chirped innocently, “I love everything about you.” And then she kissed his jawline sweetly and watched with delight as his cheeks turned pink and his grip slackened enough that she could slide down to the floor gently. 
She saw the spread on the table and clapped her hands together. “Wow, Kyo-kun! It looks so good!” Then she grinned at him. “You’re so amazing!” 
His face almost matched his hair now. “It’s not a big deal,” he mumbled, “It’s just dinner.”
They’ve known each other for almost half a decade now and he still got so bashful over the smallest things. 
She threaded her fingers through his. “Thank you.”
The shy smile he gave her made it all worth it. 
“Hey, Tohru?” he asked as she sat down to eat. She looked up at him curiously. “Please don’t do this to yourself again. Just call next time. You’re never a bother. Not to me.”
Of course she knew that. It had been clear to her for a long time, but it didn't stop her eyes from getting watery. Her traitorous brain still sometimes told her she wasn't worth it, and here he was to tell her otherwise. She wondered if she'd ever get used to it. 
"Oi, don't get all weepy on me now," he scolded gently. "You need to eat." 
She rubbed her eyes. "Right." 
It’d been over two weeks since that incident and she’d been extra diligent to make sure she brought her lunch with her every day.
Kyo-kun had said she could call him if she needed to, but she still wanted to avoid doing that if she could. 
She felt the rumble of her stomach. She had finished with wiping the counters, cleaning the windows, and organizing the snack areas. She should ask Kaori-san for a break soon…
"Hey, Tohru-kun," oh! And there she was! "There's a super hot guy over there checking you out! I know you're married so you want me to send him away?" 
She scrunched her brow. Super hot…? She looked where Kaori-san was pointing and her eyes widened at the familiar copper hair. 
"Kyo-kun!" She gasped. 
"Wait, you know him?" But she was already running from behind the counter, only vaguely registering Kaori-san calling her. 
She only had eyes for the man in front of her, still in his gi and looking so effortlessly handsome. 
"Kyo-kun!" She grabbed his sleeve.
He smiled at her. "Oh, hey. That was quick." 
"Wh-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the dojo?" 
"I'm on lunch. I wanted to see you. Have you taken your break yet?" 
"Uhh, no, I was just about to…"
"Take it now." He nodded towards the counter where Kaori-san was watching them with rapt attention. "That's your supervisor?" 
"Want me to tell her?" The woman in question narrowed her eyes. 
"No, that's okay!" She waved her hands. "I've gotten a lot done already so I'm sure she won't mind! I can..ask her." 
"Alright, I'll wait here then." 
His eyes lingered on her as she carefully made her way behind the counter to grab her lunch. 
"Sorry for the short notice, Kaori-san, but I wanted to take my break now if you don't mind." 
"Just a minute, Tohru-kun," Kaori-san stopped her in her tracks. And then she lowered her voice. "Who is that guy?" 
"Eh? He's my husband!" 
"Him?" Then she put her chin in her hands. "Wow, no wonder you're always talking about him. You hit the jackpot, didn’t you?" 
Tohru felt something warm in her chest and she whispered fondly, "Yeah, I did." 
"Does he have a twin by any chance? Brother, sister, it doesn't matter to me." 
"Sorry, Kaori-san," she said sheepishly, "he's one of a kind." And he’s mine, a tiny, possessive part of her brain whispered. "I'm going on break now so I'll see you later." 
And she left before Kaori-san could give a proper response. In the past, she would be worried about coming off rude and she would probably apologize later, but she had a wonderful husband waiting for her and he was first priority. 
And as they walked out hand in hand, she was reminded not for the first time and certainly not the last, how blessed she was to have him.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - June 16th
Reader Insert
Word Count: 521
Contents: Wonwoo being minorly angsty
You just managed to look up from where you were sat, cleaning off the canoe in the grass when a cascade of condoms landed on you.
“Did you have to throw them at me?” You snorted.
“Please, I gently tossed them,” Wonwoo rolled his eyes. “Now you can be safe in your exploits.”
“I have been safe anyway- what is that look for?” You caught the grimace on his face.
“I’m not interested in the details,” he said flatly.
“Then I won’t tell you,” you chuckled. “Now, are you going to tell me where you got these?”
“Are you going to need more than that?” He questioned, plopping down next to you in the grass.
“I don’t know yet, this isn’t really a planned thing, you know?”
“I don’t know but I would believe that.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “I think it would be weird if I did plan it, anyway, tell me.”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I kinda wanna keep my secrets.”
“What do you need them for?” You questioned.
A smirk tugged at your lips as his cheeks flushed. “H-Hey, you don’t know.”
“You’re trying to tell me you’ve been sleeping with someone?”
“M-Maybe,” he mumbled unconvincingly.
“Mhm, sure. Dude you realize you’re always either in the cabin, in the studio, or here with me, right?”
“I- yeah…”
“I mean unless you’re telling me it’s Jihoon.”
“I-I no, I mean Jihoon is great but no that’s, I’m not- uh…”
“Seeing anyone?”
“Y-Yeah, no.” He mumbled.
“That’s what I thought,” you hummed.
“I could,” he muttered.
“Oh you’re handsome enough,” you grinned as he blushed again, looking up at you from where he was playing with his fingers. “But that requires you actually asking someone to sleep with you.”
“I could do it,” he huffed, slumping against the side of the canoe.
“Who initiated first in your last relationship?”
“... They did.”
“And who initiated most times after that?”
“Okay, fine I see your point. I’m too awkward for this.” He grumbled.
“Dude, the option is out there if you want it. You just need some more confidence and comfort in your approach. You’re likable but you kinda hide that.”
He shrugged. “It’s easier.”
“It’s also lonelier,” you pointed out.
“Look, I’m going to the stupid bingo night on Saturday, aren’t I? I’m not a total hermit, okay?”
You patted him on the shoulder. “And they like you. It’s almost as if you are fun to be around when you get to know people,” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes again but couldn’t fully fight back the smile spreading across his face. “Yeah whatever. I’m still not convinced all this trying to get to know everyone isn’t a waste of my energy but maybe I’ll get to see you make fools of yourselves so at least there’s that.”
“That’s the spirit!” You smiled. “We are bound to be entertained by it all. It’s good, stupid fun.”
“So long as I don’t have to do anything stupid.”
“You better hope Jihoon hasn’t submitted anything for you then,” you chuckled at the look that came over his face.
Bingo Night
An annual event done by the programming staff. Each team gets a “bingo board” full of items to complete (similar to a scavenger hunt). The items have been submitted by other staff and approved by their immediate supervisor (head coach or counselor). They have from 8pm until midnight to complete as many as they can. Marks will then be given and the winner is announced the next day.
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 9
Tumblr media
Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:1-4: Road work ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does. 
Warnings: Curse words, jokes about committing crimes
Words: 4.3k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
Waking up to a banging at your door only encouraged you to commit a crime. You had finally gotten an hour of sleep once someone began to bang at your door, and you had to go check it or else you would never be able to know who to put blame onto. Grim was also kicking you once you woke up, taking up the middle of the bed, mumbling something about the ghosts. You left the cat to nap upstairs if it meant he wouldn’t have to annoy you.
And going downstairs and walking to the door to hear the oh-so-arrogant Ace pleading to let him in made your day,  “ It’s me, Ace… Can you let me in for a bit?”
You opened the door to find Ace standing there with a large collar around his neck which was something you’d never thought you would see, but here you are. And you can’t thank all of the fanfiction that led you to this moment because it did not prepare you for this.
“Ace,” You yawned at him, “It’s like three in the morning. What the fuck are you doing here?”
The male had more spunk than you and declared, “I’m never returning to Heartslabyul. I’m gonna be a member of this dorm from here on!”
You sighed and pointed to the couch, “Okay, the couch is yours.”
Ace paused for a second, “You're not gonna ask why. Aren’t you concerned?”
“As I have said before, it is three in the morning, and you just interrupted the only hour of sleep I have gotten in the last 36 hours about. Either you shut up and sleep on the couch, and I’ll deal with it in the morning or you leave and sleep outside.” All of this drama was giving you a headache so you rubbed your head to get it to go away while motioning to Ace to sleep on the sofa.
Ace got situated on the sofa and thanked you, “I owe you one, supervisor.”  Within the minute he passed out.
You headed back upstairs to see Grim still in the middle of the bed, and you just fell into the chair trying to go back to sleep.
You never did.
Once the sun came up at maybe seven o’clock, you got out of the chair to go downstairs. Grim woke up once he saw you move and made grabby hands for you to pick him up while he yawned. You ran to the bathroom once you had Grim in your arms and placed Grim down on the countertop of the bathroom so that you could put back on your cloak and brush your teeth (there was a toothbrush in the bag of food that the Headmaster gave you). You spit out the toothpaste and gazed in the mirror to find your hair a little less of a mess than before but your face worse; the dark circles and maybe even acne could maybe be considered trendy and so you just went with it.
You grabbed Grim and trudged downstairs to find Ace still asleep on the sofa with a towel thrown over him.
You turned on all the lights and sweetly ripped the towel off him to persuade him to wake up which did not work, so you pulled his hair. That did the trick in five seconds with him moaning and groaning about how you should be kind to your oh-so fragile friend.
You slumped into the chair with Grim laying on your legs across from Ace staring at him as Ace rubbed his eyes and yawned while sitting up.
“So why did you get kicked out?” You asked.
Ace pulled on the collar, “I ate a tart.”
“Okay… what kind?” You probed.
“Strawberry.” His gaze shifted down before it flew back up, “Wait, why is that important?”
“I don’t know. Was just curious.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Whatever,“ Ace shook his head, “But that’s all that I did!  Only that! I got hungry, so I went to the dorm’s kitchen. The tart was just sittin’ right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That’s why…”
~~~~ A good old flashback montage was set up with Ace in a kitchen with no lights on:
Ace was mumbling to himself, “ It’s only the first day and I’m so tired~ I missed dinner, so I’m very hungry. Wonder if there’s anythin’ in the fridge... Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~!There’s a lot, so I’m not sure if I can finish it all Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It’s so good!”
He ended up eating the entire thing.
“Of course, it would be delicious. After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite.” A new voice emerged belonging to a short, young man.
“Nah, man, this is something else! It’s better than the ones at the shops…” Ace nodded his head before his eyes widened while he spun around, “Wha– Prefect?!”
The short male pulled out a pen from his pocket, “Quite the boldness you have there for touching something that belongs to me. Queen of Hearts Rule #89: ‘You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her.’ Larceny of the Queen’s tarts is a capital crime!” He pointed it at Ace and yelled, “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!”
“AHHHHHHHH!” Ace now had a collar around his neck making his head weigh more than it normally would which is still too much for a normal head. ~~~
“And that’s what happened…” Ace turns to you with a look of defeat.
You pause thinking of the correct words to say when Grim jumps on the table.
“You’ve only got yourself to blame,” He wagged his finger at Ace.
You rolled your eyes, “Honestly-”
“But ain’t it overreacting to seal my magic just ’cause I ate his tart?!” Ace interrupted you, “It’s practically the same as tying my hands and my feet! Plus, there were three whole ones! He can’t possibly finish all of those! There’s a limit to how heartless he can be!”
You put your hand up flat in Ace’s view, “Dude, for one thing, rude. Don’t interrupt me. Next, both of you are at fault. He can’t be an asshole and take away your magic for this, but you also shouldn’t have taken his food. I would have smacked ya if you had taken mine.”
“But..” Ace turned to Grim.
Grim placed his hand on his chin if that’s what you would call it, “Ah! Wait a second... If there were three whole tarts, they might’ve been prepared for the party, yanno? Like for someone’s birthday? Man, I’m such a great detective, huh!“
“Birthday?” Ace tilted his head.
You responded, “Maybe not even a birthday, but a welcome party. Something that would open up the school year. Eating an entire cake for that is kinda bad, dude.”
Ace pouted, “uh... I came here thinking that you’d agree with me about the Prefect being a little tyrant…”
“I mean, he is. But you aren’t exactly a rule follower either. Neither of you are fully at fault and neither of you are out of blame.” You motioned to him.
Grim agreed, “You are at fault for eatin’ his food.”
You shrugged, “We can try and apologize, but the best action would be to get him another tart. He is the dorm leader, so you should probably try and suck up to him.”
“Grudges over food are scary. Ah! Speaking of which, I still haven’t received my canned tuna from the Headmaster!” Grim turned to you and began tugging on your cloak repeatedly.
Ace scowled at Grim and you, “I get it. I just have to apologize, right? You suggested it, so you better come with me, Prefect…”
You rolled your eyes and nodded at him.
Grim started another opinion, “Were you here-”
Until a knock on the door interrupted him.
Ace jumped up and ran to the door while dodging dust that was falling from the ceiling shaking, “What the, who the hell’s pounding on the door so early in the morning? Ugh...! This dorm’s seriously raining dust! Got it, got it! I’ll open the door, so don’t break it!”  
A laugh burst from your lips, “Imagine having to live in it.”
Ace made it to the door right before another knock caused the house to shake and more dust to fall.
“Shut up!” Ace yanked the door open, “Deuce! What are you doing here?!”
Hearing Ace’s reaction to who was at the door you stood up and dragged yourself over to him, “Deuce can’t possibly be here at this hour-” And standing right in front of Ace was a perfect uniform Deuce with no problems besides slightly red cheeks and heavy breathing.
Deuce straightened himself up when he met your eyes but then, turned to look at the kid next to you, “I knew I would find you here.”
“Deuce??” Both you and Ace were clearly lost.
“I heard about the situation from our roommates. You ate the Prefect’s tart, so now you’ve got that collar on, haven’t you? You’re an outright idiot.” Deuce’s lecture was not helping at all by the looks of Ace curling both his hands into fists trying not to punch him.
Ace snapped, "Shut it! I don’t wanna hear that from you!” He shrunk back soon enough, “ So... Is the Prefect still mad at me..?”
Deuce shook his head, “Not completely. He’s in an irritated mood and about three people who didn’t follow the waking up routine suffered the same fate as you.”
“‘Not completely,’ my ass! He’s totally mad!” Ace whirled to you, “Prefect, can’t you please come and help me. He can’t get mad at you.” He stuck his bottom lip out and fluttered his eyelashes.
You grinned at him, “You aren’t getting out of this you big baby I won’t help you at all, but I’ll be there for moral support.”
Ace sighed, and that began the journey for you three to go to the dorm with Hearts in its name because you really don’t know the name.
You three were on the same street where Grim almost blew up a statue by the time a new conversation started.
Grim had decided to not latch onto you like a leech and instead walk by himself in front of you announcing that, “Hey! Make way, make way! I, a full-fledged Night Raven College student, is passing through!” and pulling at his collar, “Look at my collar! My collar is totally awesome compared to yours!” and then, turning to Ace to boast, “And you can’t use your magic now, can you? Guess I can have you cleaning the schools as part of your chores or something? Nyaha, this feels so good.”
“I love being surrounded by assholes.” Your eyes did not reflect the smile on your face instead they seemed to be empty and hollow.
Ace puffed out his chest, “You better remember this when I get my magic back.”
Deuce shook his head, “The Headmaster just scolded you for a ruckus you caused yesterday, remember? In any case, you won’t be able to attend classes since your magic has been sealed. How about you go and apologize to Prefect Roseheart so he can take that off?”
You nodded, grabbing Ace’s collar, “That's exactly what we were doing. Isn’t that right, dumbass number two?”
“You have me numbered?!” Ace shook to get out of your grip but you just smiled and tightened it while many other students who were passing by observed your group.
Grim voiced his thoughts, “I mean. We still have time before the next class. Plus, I’m interested in the other dorms. Let’s go observe while we watch Ace apologize.”
Ace pulled on your hands while using his legs to try and kick Grim who just chuckled and backed away, “I’m not some kinda exhibit, damn it!”
The three of you continued with Ace being dragged behind you to the ‘Mirror Chamber’ or something as Deuce said.
It was the wack place with seven large mirror gateways or something. Deuce headed to one that was slightly in the middle with a plaque shaped like a heart with a crown on top. Deuce motioned to that gate with his eyes on you as if he wanted some praise. You used your hand to ruffle his hair and then pat his head while he tilted his head further down and fidgeted with his hands.
He faced the gate and began to walk through. You followed him with Grim and Ace behind you.
Grim leaped in front of you to gape in awe of the dorm, “Whoa~! This is super fancy! It’s completely different from our dorm!”
You nodded, “It looks like it does not violate any health codes.”
A voice gulped from the maze of roses, “Oh, no. I gotta hurry and paint these roses red.”
“Oh, someone’s over there.” Grim pointed to the exact place you heard the voice.
The three of you walked until you found a male with a bucket of paint at his feet and a ladder to the left of him….. or right- directions were never your forte. The male was around average build and height with neck-length light orange hair, some pulled back. He also had earrings on, giving you somewhat e-boy vibes but not all the way. There was also a little diamond on his left cheek. There is definitely a word to describe his aesthetic, but you cannot put your tongue on it. (He gives you the vibe that he would get a tongue piercing for fun (or that he already has one))
He didn’t notice you until Grim tripped over a bucket of paint, causing you three to scramble to clean up his mess.
The male spun around to stare at the four of you trying to clean up the paint off the grass, “Hm? Did you guys need something?” Certainly seeing two teenagers one with a cloak and a rat’s nest and another who looked very similar to a mix of a delinquent and a perfect student scooping up paint would put anyone through a state of shock.
You had let go of Ace when you fell to the ground to clean up the paint, letting him sit criss cross style right behind you and Deuce so that he could be the calm one to ask, “What’re you doin’?”
The male motions at the bush, “This?” He then places one hand on his hip and the other grabs the magic pen from his blazer pocket, “As you can see, I’m painting the roses red.” He winked in the direction of your group.
You paused picking up the goopy paint to gaze incredulously at the male, “wHO the fuck paints roses? Isn’t that like not good for plants?” However, a memory was pulled from your mind from the movie Alice in Wonderland where the cards were singing a song about painting the roses red, and you could only compare the movie to this and find that there is a connection between both. You even thought back to the moments when Ace was describing the ‘Great Seven’ or whatever and mentioned the Queen of Hearts.
Deuce knocked you out of your gorgeous analytical skills, “Yeah! Why do such a thing?”
“Hm~ Your reactions are so fresh it’s kinda cute~!” The male observed all four of you and continued, “Now that I look at you closely, you guys are the freshies who totally wrecked the 10mil chandelier and caused a ruckus yesterday.”
Ace pouted behind you, “I feel like they won’t let the chandelier thing go until we graduate.”
You nodded at him, “Def.”
The male snapped his finger then pointed at Ace, “Ah, and you’re the super sinful kid who stole the Prefect’s tart! I’m so lucky to meet the rumored freshies so early in the morning~♪”
You chuckled at Ace, “It seems that what you did might be more of a concern.”
The male pulled the three of you up and fished a phone out from somewhere in his blazer, “Hey, hey~! Let’s take a pic together!” He situated the three of you in a line where he then grabbed Grim and placed him in your arms. He put the phone on camera and flipped it so it was aiming toward you five. Even though nobody was ready besides him he still snapped several pictures before letting you four go, “Yay~! Hey, can I upload this? I wanna put hashtags so tell me your names.” The male did not even give you time to consent to this picture, but he also did not seem like the type to take ‘no’.
Deuce spoke out first, “I’m Deuce Spade.”
Ace went next, “Ace.”
Grim who was still in your arms because of the male announced his name, “I’m Grim and that’s my follower,” He didn’t even state your name.
You just sighed and told the orange haired male your name, and then apologized for all of the problems your little group has caused.
The male was just fidgeting with his phone not even paying any attention to you, but once a noise came from his phone he looked up at all of you, “Alright, upload done~♪ Oh, I’m Cater Diamond, a 3rd year. That makes me your senior~ Call me Cater-kun, okay? Cate’s fine, too~♡ Heya, heya”
You just wanted to get this whole experience over with, “Sure, senior-dude.”  
Cat turned to you and tried to start a decent conversation, “Oh, you’re the new prefect for Ramshackle Dorm! I’m surprised you can live in a place like that~! It’s so dark, and I feel like something’s gonna pop out~ I feel for ya”
“I don’t need your pity but thanks.” You smiled at the male holding back your urge to leave the conversation.
Grim crossed his arms, “This guy’s being pretty rude.”
“Oh, I shouldn’t be standing here and talking! The party’s the day after tomorrow. It’s off with my head if I’m late.” Cat walked in the direction of the flowers he was working on before everyone entered, “Hey, hey, freshies~ Can you help me with painting the flowers?”
Ace shook his head, “Why’re you doing somethin’ so strange?”
“And why do we have to help anyway.”  You were getting a headache from this conversation alone.
“I mean, won’t it be more photogenic if the roses were red for the party~?” The orange head leaned back with his hands behind his neck while whistling, “I’m really busy because I’m also in charge of coloring the flamingos for the croquet match~”
Grim barked, “Dying the flamingos?! That’s a pretty weird job.”
“So, the tarts that Ace ate were to be used for the Prefect’s birthday party? I see now.” Deuced muttered out to himself in realization, “So that’s why he was so mad…”
“What?” Cat made an ‘X’ sign with his two arms, “That’s not it.”
Ace interrogated the senior, “It ain’t?! Then whose birthday is it?”
Cat shook his head, “It’s no one’s birthday. The day after tomorrow is our Dorm’s legendary Unbirthday Party. It’s a tea party that the Prefect felt like doing, so he chose a day that doesn’t fall on anyone’s birthday.” The male grabbed his pen and began to mumble something before a light came out of the pen which he then flicked onto the roses.
Ace did not want to finish the conversation, “The hell’s that?”
“In any case the reason can wait.” He waved his hand back and forth motioning to your group to join him, “You just have to help me paint the roses!” He turned his vision away from what he was doing to look at your group, “Deuce-chan and Grim-chan can use magic, right? Ace-chan and Prefect can’t use magic, so here’s a paintbrush~” He pulled two paintbrushes out of nowhere and gave them to you and Ace
Deuce and Grim started panicking and asking Cat all sorts of questions about magic and changing the color of a rose, but you just gazed at the paintbrush in absolute confusion.
“Wait, where is my consent in this?” It seemed no one would ever listen to you.
A song filled the air once the three with magic got to work, causing you to twist your head in every direction to find where it was coming from. It did not affect any of the others as they were still working on painting the roses. The four even had at least two different conversations about the roses to the beat of the music where the music would quiet and slow down for them. This further confused you until Cat yelled at you to “Get to work because I am not getting younger here.” So you lept to work and ended up only painting one still in pure shock from the fact that only you can hear the music.
Once the music stopped and Grim tugged your arm to get you to move to a certain section of the mush where he announced his accomplishments, “Behold! I made them all red this time!”
You clapped and snorted out, “Congrats, oh, Great Grim.” However, it didn’t really seem to offend him even with your blandness as he just skipped over to join Ace and Deuce to get back to work.
The music returned after that.
The three troublemakers of your group were in a conversation with the senior talking about “tradition” or something like that. You just tried to get another rose painted before school started.
You finished the rose and joined the part of the conversation when Ace asked Cat, “Oh, that’s right. I don’t have the time to be standing here. I got something to discuss with the Dorm Head. Is he still inside?”
You slapped your forehead and muttered, “Of course, we forgot that.”
“Hm? I think he should still be there…” Cat put his chin in the middle of his thumb and pointer finger, and then he made a finger gun motion to Ace, “By the way, Acey who stole the Prefect’s tart~ Have you brought some tarts to make up for what you took~?”
“Eh? I came straight here, so I got nothing…” Ace even pulled his pockets inside out to emphasize that he has nothing.
“Oh, man~ Izzat so? Then, since Rule #53 of the Queen of Hearts states that “You have to replace things that you stole.” I can’t let you back in the dorm.” Suddenly, a glare was on Cat’s face as he grabbed his magic pen.
A bolt of lightning struck the ground next to Ace’s feet. “Huh?! What the heck?!” Ace jumped back to join your group who were all slowly walking away from this situation.
Cater twirled his pen in his hand, “You have to follow the rules if you’re staying in this dorm. If I let it slide, then it’s off with my head, too. Sorry, but I’ll have you leave before Riddle-kun notices.” The pen was now pointing at your group.
Ace stepped behind you, “Wha—He looks totally serious…! You guys, do something!”
“Why me?” Deuce looked flabbergasted at the male.
Ace connected his hands and fluttered his eyelashes in Deuce’s direction, “I’m begging you! I can’t use magic right now–!”
“Fine, fine, fine. You just owe me one.” You threw your hands up in the air in defeat just wanting to get this over with.
“Ah, here he comes!” Ace bellowed out.
The battle commenced between Deuce, Cater, and Grim, but your idiots seemed to be losing. While their attacks were hitting Cater, he popped back up almost as quickly as he fell. The three were slowly pushed back and back into the hedge behind all of you, shoving you up against it while Ace was right in front of you.
You solved him off, “Get off! We aren’t gonna win, so let’s get out!”
The three heard you, nodded, and followed swiftly behind you.
Ace grumbled, “What’s with that guy?” He shook his head while all three of you walked out of the rose maze.
Deuce tilted his head, “He came standing back up no matter how much we hit him. Is it illusory magic, I wonder…?” He raised one of his eyebrows because shaking his head.
“Maybe he’s just trying to be an ass,” You just giggled from where you were walking behind the two idiots while Grim was on your shoulder. Both of them were lowkey panicking from what you could tell.
Ace stomped his feet and threw his hands up in exasperation, “I can’t get back in without a tart, right? I’ve been empty-handed since forever, man. He kicked us out after he made us help with the flowers, too!”
“I’m disappointed.” Grim crossed his arms while he was on your shoulder.
You narrowed your eyes, “In who, Grim?”
“Then, we’ll have to prepare some tarts to make up for it. After school would be” Deuce clenched his fist, but then looked at his watch and screamed, “—Ah!!!! This is bad!!!!”
“Huh?” You and Grim were puzzled by the boy’s sharp and erratic movements.
He grabbed your hand and started to jog while staring at his watch, “This is bad, it’s way past call time! We’re going to be late!”
“It's not the end of the world” You brushed your hand through your hair.
Grim jumped off your shoulder and started to run in front of you, “Uwah! The first day of my shining school life will be tarnished! Let’s hurry to the classroom! Come on!” He pulled on your cloak to get you moving.
“Oh, no late on the first day.” You placed both of your hands around your mouth as if you were making a surprised or scared face, “At least I showed up to class.” You rolled your eyes.
“Speaking of, what’s your class?” Ace faced you questioning, “You’re a 1st year, right?”
Grim nodded his head, “The Headmaster said we’re in Class 1-A!” He smirked at you.
“Wait, when did he say that?” Your eyes widened and you halted your step. “Did he ever say that?”
“Right after he gave you the ghost camera thing,” Grim shook his head.
Deuce hit his open palm with his fist, “Oh, then we’re in the same class.” He took out his schedule, “First period is all about Magical Alchemy.”
Grim pumped up his fists, “Yahoo! That sounds fun!”
“I can't use magic, remember? Am I gonna be okay…?” Ace whined while biting his thumb’s nail.
“Definitely. It’s probably just syllabus week anyway.” You shrugged your shoulders, “Also what’s magical alchemy?” You hope it's something that makes explosions.
And the three of you were off to your homeroom of the day, starting your high school career at Twisted Wonderland with these idiots.
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stan-joonies · 4 years
Mine, Mine, Mine
Requested! Prompt:
26: "You're mine, i don't share,"
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The girl grinned up at Sweet Pea when he threw a lazy arm carelessly around her shoulders. He was tapping something on his phone, playing with a piece of gum with his tongue. His hair curled across his tanned forehead and his towering frame covering her in warmth.
Toni rolled her eyes.
"Absolutely sickly. You're a bunch of lovesick puppies,"
She smirked.
"At least we haven't been caught licking at eachothers--"
"Woah, imma stop you there, mutt," Toni hissed, glaring up at her. She ignored it and just smirked.
"What? It's just me and you," she shoved a thumb back into her boyfriends chest. "Ever since he got the new phone he's been completely unresponsive," to prove her point, she dragged sharp nails from his chest down to his pelvis, then back up, a gesture that would usually make Sweet Pea shiver and drag her away, or at least blush. His eyes stuck glued to the screen, however, not even humming in acknowledgement .
"Bet you're regretting that purchase, aint you?"
Y/N shrugged. In all honesty, she didn't mind. Sweet Pea had originally had a flip phone, used only to take and recieve calls. Even then the only contacts was some of the serpent elders, Toni, Fangs, her and Jughead, albeit reluctantly. Sweet Pea claimed it didn't bother him, he barely used the internet anyway, but Y/N caught the longing glances Sweet Pea sent when they past electronic or apple stores. Y/N also noticed Sweet Pea's reluctance to pull out his phone infront of anyone. He always walked out the room or hid the phone, even when taking a text. So, Y/N worked hard leading up to his birthday and managed to buy him an iphone. It wasn't the newest model, but it wasn't in bad condition and it was brand new. Now, with more storage, he had flooded his phone with games and apps and pictures and videos. He was in love with that phone.
"Not really," she sighed, smiling up at him. "Love you, Pea,"
His eyes immediately broke away from the screen, blinking rapidly. He smirked, squeezing her closer and bowing his lips to the shell of her ear.
"Love you, too,"
The bell chose that moment to screech into their ears that it was time for class, with a kiss goodbye and a skip in her step, Y/N made her way to art, smiling happily.
Y/N preferred to sit near the back of the classroom because there was a window right next to her with the prettiest view. Trees and flowers swaying in the breeze, a couple leaves floating delicately down to the ground.
Today, though, someone sat in the seat next to her, which she found relatively odd. Most people tended to avoid her, terrified of her boyfriends famous temper.
When she walked up to the table, the boy smiled at her.
"You're Y/N?"
She hummed lightly, smiling back at him.
"Great! I'm Joseph, i just changed schools recently. Apparently you're the person to go to if i need help adjusting,"
Y/N inwardly sighed. At the beginning of her years at highschool, her goody-two-shoes self had sign up as a future "Hallway buddy". A job that basically allowed teachers to abandon their jobs as supervisors and shove it into the hands of willing, gullible new students.
She had tried to get out of it once she had to show a boy around, one who was more interested in picking up girls than the classrooms he needed to be in.
It was only then that the school informed her that if she wanted the extra credit, she had to continue into graduation. It was frustrating but she wasn't exactly the smartest so she needed it.
"That's me, nice to meet you," they shook hands, Joseph holding on slightly after she let go.
"Great, I'm not very socially...Im not very good with people so I'm glad you seem nice."
Y/N hummed in understanding.
"There are some annoying people you shouldn't get involved with. But I'm not gonna tell you who to and not to get involved with." She sat down next to him. "I just ask you don't believe everything you hear,"
"What? About the Serpents and the fact they're this cruel, bloodthirsty gang of emos?"
Y/N glared quickly.
"One of those serpents happens to be my boyfriend,"
Joseph tensed, straightening his back.
"Right, sorry,"
The lesson was spent in silence after that, Y/N focusing on the outside window.
When the bell announced their next lesson, she hurriedly collected her things, intent to leave before deflating.
She would have to show Joseph around either way, best get it over with.
She waited at the door, watching his glum face light up when he caught sight of her.
"Thank god," he sighed, smiling. "I was terrified I'd have to navigate the halls alone, worst fear."
She hummed, quickly manoeuvring through halls.
Joseph looked at her, tapping her meekly on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry, about what i said about the Slytherins, i just...i normally stick with the crowd,"
"First off, they're called the Serpents, and if you actually wanna make friends...maybe you shouldn't just 'stick with the crowd'."
Joseph huffed, flushing.
"Right. And sorry, i had a harry Potter marathon last night."
Her eyebrow raised at the mention of her favourite movie.
"We might become really good friends," she muttered.
When it came to Lunch, Y/N took him to the cafeteria where they got their food. When they turned around, Y/N immediately caught sight of the group of leather clad teens. She was about to go towards them but stopped when she saw Joseph's ashen face.
"Joseph?" She questioned, noticing the hands clenching fearfully at the side of his tray.
"Sorry...i just...god..." he looked away.
Y/N groaned. Joseph had yet to make friends and so it was clear he was totally uncomfortable and self concious. She felt the weight of a familiar gaze on her and she looked away from Joseph to see Sweet Pea staring at her, brow raised, earning a decisive shrug in return .
Making up her mind, she balanced her tray with one hand, considerably harder than she thought before taking hold of Joseph's sweater.
"Come with me,"
They made their way to the Serpents, some glancing at her when she brought a random into the group.
"Hey, Toni, Fangs, Jug, Pea," she smiled down at them, smiling thankfully when Fangs took her tray and placed it near Sweet Pea,whom, once again, was concentrated on his phone. She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, him humming slightly before he began to tap furiously at his phone. "This is Joseph, he's new. I was showing him around and thought it'd be nice for you all to meet him," she sat down, shoving Sweet Pea further up the table so Joseph had enough room to sit. Sweet Pea just grunted.
Joseph sat down stiffly, nodding at them all.
He recieved echos of greeting. Y/N had a slight suspicion he wasn't just introverted. He seemed quite outgoing around her alone, waving his hand furiously and voice occasionally increasing past normal range. Yet as soon as they entered a classroom, all the colour he gained on his face was drained and he became unfortunately meek and cowered into himself.
"Joseph," Y/N muttered, wanting to vocalise her concerns "Do you have..."
"Social anxiety? Yeah," he laughed. "Really bad too. That's why i was so glad to be paired with you.
Sweet Pea's furious tapping stopped.
"Paired?" Toni questioned.
Joseph grinned.
"I'm paired up with her in art and we discovered we have pretty much every class together,"
Sweet Pea's eyes rose from the screen.
"It was a relief honestly! I would be completely lost otherwise!" The blonde scratched the back of his neck, a nervous habit her picked up as a child. "She practically had to lead me by the hand, i looked quite pathetic, honestly!"
Sweet Pea slid his phone into his pocket.
"I'm sure you would've of been just fine, you're a lovely boy, Joseph. People will be eating you up--"
Suddenly, a heavy weight pressed down her shoulders and she found herself squished into Sweet Pea's side, his mouth kissing the crown of her head.
"Sweet Pea?" She looked up at him, frowning at the swirl of emotions peeking out behind dark clouds of brown. The table was completely forgotten. Y/N trusted Toni to pick up the conversation from there.
"Hmm," he burried his face into her neck, taking a deep breath in, tensing when he smelt deodorant. "What? Why do you smell of mint?" He wouldn't admit he missed the flowery, sweet scent she was usually accompanied with.
"Oh! Joseph let me borrow his, turns out we have PE together too! I ran out of mine last week," she flashed a grin.
"You could've told me, i would've brought you some more. They're only cheap," he mumbled into her ear, growling when Y/N laughed lightly.
"You don't need to get Jealous, Pea. Honest. I like the tall, dark and handsome type anyway,"
His lips came brushed against her ear slowly, kissing it gently.
"You're mine, i don't share,"
"And you don't, I'm yours just like you're mine,"
Sweet Pea growled playfully, biting her neck briefly
"Who said i was yours?"
Y/N scowled, her hand coming up to rest at his throat, forcing his head down so her mouth was at his jaw. She bit lightly at the skin, a difficult task.
"I said so, big boy,"
She squeezed his throat lightly, Sweet Pea shivering, before turning back to the table, taking notice that Sweet Pea didn't reach for his phone once.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Deuce Spade・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines
Star Send-Off Garments event card
Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “An honors student needs to be able to balance both their studies and their club activities.”
Groovy “It’s nice to have friends where you both can lift each other up.”
Home Setting “I’m going to be an honors student.”
Home Transitions “Even now, there are times when I still can’t believe I’m a student at the prestigious Night Raven College.”
“It’s not that I hate the uniforms. It’s just that, uh... in the past, I used to rip my clothes a lot, so wearing them the way they’re supposed to be worn feels uncomfortable.”
“What class do you have next? I’m not that good at doing work... but I try my best because of that.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Are you ready? We’ll be in trouble if the teachers notice we’re late.”
Home Taps “If you haven’t gotten any food yet, want to go together? I recommend getting the cafeteria’s fluffy omelettes.”
“My dream...? Someday I want to become a powerful mage. That’s why I’ve got to study my hardest now.”
“It might seem daunting being in a place you’re not familiar with, but as long as you set your mind to it, things should turn out okay. It’s an experience.”
“Ace ran off somewhere skipping out on his class duties, huh? ...He really is a handful.”
“Stop it, I don’t like being prodded at so much. ...Hey, are you sure you heard me?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I feel really sure about my strength. If you don’t believe me, wanna test it out?”
Groovy “You can’t be a mage unless you’ve got muscles! ...That’s what Coach Vargas told us.”
Home Setting “I gotta show off the best sides of me.”
Home Transitions “Moving around feels so nice. I also like that you don’t have to think too hard about it.”
“I heard that Jack hates hanging out with people. He never talks during club meetings either, but... weirdly, we hit it off.”
“Flying is actually pretty hard. I thought it’d be something more like riding a Magical Wheel.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you wanna go for a run together? Alright. I’ll wait here; you can go get changed.”
Home Taps “You’re bored? Then let’s go on a Magical Wheel ride somewhere... er, I forgot we’d need permission to go off-campus.”
“I was in charge of setting up our landline back home. I hope my mom hasn’t been having trouble with it...”
“Coach Vargas is the supervisor of the Track & Field club. Usually he’s a very passionate, respectable teacher, but when he gets started talking about muscles, he’s kind of...”
“Mud stains usually won’t come off on their own, so you need to hand-wash them before putting them in the washing machine. ...Everyone knows this kind of stuff, right?”
“...Hey! You don’t have to keep poking me; if there’s somewhere you wanna go, I’ll come with you.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “There’s a lot of things I don’t know yet. I’m going to learn everything I can little by little.”
Groovy “I’ve made more progress since yesterday! ...I think.”
Home Setting “Alright. I’m gonna put in all I’ve got!”
Home Transitions “The stench of this potion I messed up won’t come off me... I smell like I just stepped out of a medicine box.”
“Diamond saw the grade I got on my test earlier. He wouldn’t stop laughing at it...”
“How is Grim able to hold that thin test tube with his paws? It’s a mystery.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, glad you’re here. I was just thinking I’d like to take a break for a while. Want to walk with me to the Botanical Garden?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I’m not good at studying. I wouldn’t want to do it if I had the option, but... I can’t run away. I’ve made up my mind.”
Home Taps “It’s nice there’s always something new to learn in our classes. ‘Cause when I was in middle school, I, uh... was absent a lot... ‘cause of this and that...”
“I promise I’m not that awkward, but when people are saying so many things at once, I start freaking out.”
“The best thing I can cook are fried eggs. They can be really complex if you’re picky about them. I like mine over-easy.”
“If you’re stuck on a problem, you should ask Professor Crewel for help. He’ll explain it to you for hours until you completely understand it.”
“Huh?! Did I say something wrong!? ...Oh, it’s nothing? Don’t scare me like that.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Listen to this! I got some nice feedback on my test just now! It’s thanks to you studying with me earlier.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “I can’t afford to look away. ‘Cause I’m going to become a powerful mage!”
Groovy “This is the pride of a student of Night Raven College.”
Home Setting “You want to hang out with me? You’ve got a good eye.”
Home Transitions “This academy is way too big! It’d be so much easier if we could move between classrooms through a mirror like how we get to our dorms.”
“Where are you going? Seriously... A teacher will yell at you again if you just wander off for no reason.”
“I’m going to study lots of things, and memorize lots of spells, and then someday I’ll... Ah, it’s exciting, isn’t it?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Every time I wear these ceremony robes, I think about the entrance ceremony, and how nervou——er, ahem!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Hey, could we take a picture together? I think it’d put my mom at ease too if she saw I made a friend.”
Home Taps “Night Raven College is a prestigious school anyone would kill to get into. The fact that I’m here is a huge honor.”
“Clover knows so much about everything, and he’s so dependable... I want to be like that someday too.”
“The ceremony robes represent this school. It makes sense that they added this classy embroidering so that other schools can’t make light of us.”
“People say that the amount of magic power you can have is determined at birth. But you wouldn’t have any at all without working hard for it in the first place.”
“Hey, don’t get a single speck on these clothes, alright? My ceremony robes are important to me.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “When I see you, someone who can’t even use magic, trying your best at this academy... it makes me not want to lose either.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ll become a committed man, just like a card soldier. That’s what I made up my mind to do.”
“Common sense doesn’t work at our dorm. You need to be prepared.”
Groovy “I would never abandon my friends. You can count on me!”
Home Setting “How are you? Have you gotten a little more adjusted here?”
Home Transitions “Does this outfit look good on me? I’ve never worn something like this before, so I feel a little awkward.”
“Just between you and me... I still feel kinda uncomfortable with the dorm’s tea parties. I’m not used to fancy things like that.”
“Trust me with playing croquet! So you just swing as hard as you can, right?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Be careful not to break any of the Queen of Hearts’ rules. Especially not when you’re on Heartslabyul.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Isn’t it lonely being at the Ramshackle Dorm by yourself? ...Huh? Oh, my bad. By yourself with one animal.”
Home Taps “Heartslabyul’s rules are strict, but a lot of them really do benefit you. ...Probably.”
“I swear my loyalty to this dorm, just like a card soldier. ...That’s what this button is supposed to mean. It’d be bad if I lost it, huh?”
“That force Dorm Leader Rosehearts has when he gets angry...! He’s a dorm leader alright—he’s not like anyone else.”
“Ace always cheats me when we play card games together, so they’re not fun. If I could just see through his trick...”
“Oh, actually, I’m in the mood to just go off and something too. Let’s go conquer the rose maze!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “If you were in Heartslabyul, it’d be a lot more... Nevermind. The Ramshackle Dorm really does suit you well, though. Haha...”
Duo Magic Deuce: “Ace! We’re gonna teach these guys a lesson!” Ace: “There it is—Deuce’s tough guy talk!”
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Tutorial “Now, it’s starting.”
Lv Up “Alright, I think I did well.”
“Yeah, I feel like I got something.”
“I don’t wanna lose to anyone.”
Max Lv Up “I’ve never had anyone join me for intensive training as persistently as you have. I feel like I’ve been steadily making progress ever since I met you.”
Episode Lv Up “Heh... You and I are BFFs. ...Huh? ‘What does BFF mean’? You don’t know? Um... b... best friends, like... really close friends... Nevermind!”
Magic Lv Up “Heh... Maybe a day will come soon where I can start summoning something other than cauldrons.”
Limit Break “It’ll reflect badly on my role as a honor student if I don’t live up to your expectations.”
Groovy “My power is surging through my whole body. This is what it feels like to advance, huh?”
Lesson Select “You’re going to class, right? Let me know if you need anything. I don’t know if I’d be able to help you with your work, though...”
“C’mon, if you take your time choosing, you’ll be late to class. Let’s hurry to the classroom.”
“You just have to jump in and give it your all for whichever class you take. Make sure you’re ready for them.”
Lesson Start “Alright, let’s get started!”
Lesson End “It’s finally over. There’s a lot we have to remember.”
Battle Start “I’ll take you on all at once!”
Battle End “You see? This is the difference between our resolves.”
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Profile Quote “Today we’re having an Unbirthday Party. It’ll be off with our heads if we’re late.”
January 2020 Trailer “Hurry up and get over here. If you’re late to the tea party, you’ll lose your head.”
Countdown Poster “I’ll become a committed man, just like a card soldier. That’s what I made up my mind to do.”
Login Bonus “It’s important to just put in a little effort everyday. You know what they say—from little acorns mighty oaks grow.”
Player Birthday Wish “Oi, I heard it’s your birthday today. Don’t be a stranger; you should just tell me. I want to give my friends a huge celebration for their birthdays. Come on, I’ll get you something from the cafeteria.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Friend, Thank you for the present. You surprised me a bit with that since we don’t often get chances to give our classmates gifts. I’m so happy! Today is going to be a great day. I’ll thank you again when I see you in class later!
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heiress - 4
pairing: bucky barnes x oc!reader
a/n: based of today’s wandavision episode i’m bringing you the flashback part of this series. also i no longer know if this is gonna be a four part series or how many parts theres gonna be so we’ll see. hope you enjoy xx
“letters strewn across your bedroom floor. such beautiful words but you can’t remember who they’re for“
“if i had only felt the warmth within your touch. if i had only seen how you smile when you blush or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough i would have known what i was living for all along”
previous chapter
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The soldier held her hand as they rushed through the dark halls, trying to make the least silence as possible. A black duffle bag hanged from her shoulder, gun holstered to her thigh with one of his knives. The plan was simple enough; the soldier had discovered a plan from one of the girls in the Red Room to escape along with one of the protectors, Alexei, and instead of busting it, he bargained a deal to take her with them. She was good, too good and in no time they were gonna snatch her way from him and make her prove her worth, make her prove to them she is ready to leave the Red Room and become one of their operatives and he would not allow that. He wouldn’t allow them to force her to kill someone; no, she was too good and if there was any good he could do it would be to protect her own goodness. It was simple enough, simple enough had it not been ...
     - Find her now. She can’t be far. - he could hear Madam B barking orders from further up the hallway, following my an inundation of steps. The soldier grabbed the girl by his side, pushing her against the wall.
    - You have to go, Daisy. - he whispered. - Now.
    - I’m not leaving you here. I promised you I wouldn’t. - she held his hand in hers, squeezing it tightly to calm down her own problems.
    - Listen to me, doll ... - he cupped her face in his hands, appreciating every single detail of her face from the colour of her eyes, to the warmth of her skin. He wanted to look at her one last time before he forgot what she looked like, before he forgot she ever existed. - You have to go have a life, okay? A good one, do something else, not this. You can do so much more.
    - I am living my life and I am definitely not gonna go and start a new one at your expense. We can do this. 
    - No, we can’t. The longer they take to find you the most likely they’ll find me and make me hurt you and I don’t want to hurt you. - he took his own gun from his holster handing it to her. - You gotta shot me. They can’t force me to go after you if I’m wounded.
   - No. - she moved her head side to side, stepping away from him, gun lowered to the ground. 
    - GO GET THE ASSET. SHE’S NOT LEAVING THIS FACILITY. - one of the Red Room protectors shouted.
Y/N looked around her surroundings, she had been trained for this, she should be able to get out of situations like these but on one side was Alexei waiting for them to make a move and on the other side the Red Room operatives were on the move for her and the soldier. Bucky watched her internal struggle, that tinge of doing what’s right, the spark which ensured she would have a good life. He had no internal struggle, he knew what he had to do. He put the gun barrel against the limit between his skin and the metal of his arm before pulling her flush against him.
     - I will find you, I promise. 
     - No ... we can go some other time. It’s fine. - she tried to reassure him, but her words seemed to reassure. her more than him. She could buy them more time, she could do something, she had to do  something.
     - I love you, Daisy. - he brushed her hair which had flown from her red hair tie away from her face, leaning down too kiss her one last time. Y/N made sure to make it last as soon as she could, maybe they could get caught, maybe they could have more time, maybe they could do  something. He had a different idea and took her distraction to push her finger against the trigger, causing the bullet to go through his shoulder. She pushed back trying to hold him as his muscles relaxed and contracted due to the pain. - GO!
    - No!
    - We have to go. - Alexei looked over the hall but Y/N remained static, looking at the soldier pressed against the wall. - We’re running out of time. 
    - Go, Daisy. Right now. 
    - I’m not leaving you here, I’m not gonna let them hurt you. - the tears started forming on the corner of her eyes. - Please, we can figure something out.
    - Go. It’s only for a bit, I’ll find you. I promise you, I’ll find you.
    - Y/N. - she held his hand in hers for the last time. - That’s my name, okay? I’m gonna be waiting for you.  You better show up.
She stared at him with lips half opened as her ears filled with static noise sound. It was as if the walls were closing in on her and she could no longer breathe. She had always known what to do since she left the Red Room, she had prepared for everything, she knew how to act in every situation but this? This she did not know how to act in. 
     - Y/N. - she looked over Bucky’s shoulder to see Wanda standing in the kitchen. - Calm down.
Y/N looked over at her hand glowing white mist. She relaxed her hands, the mist disappearing within her skin. Bucky stood there waiting for the answer, not having even noticed her powers, he just noticed her. Maybe he was too naive to expect an answer as once Wanda walked towards her and placed her hand on her shoulder, escorting her out the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder, looking at him as Wanda took her away. She didn’t know if to thank Wanda or not for saving her from that moment. What she knew was that whatever the soul stone had given her manifested when he asked that and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him again. Wanda led her into one of the control rooms within the hex, closing the door behind her before leaning against it. 
    -  Now, if Monica asks I never deleted anything but ... -  she pressed one of the keyboard keys, the screens lighting up with footage from the recent Red Room mission. She watched as the old cameras recorded the moment, the white beam of light expanded from her and made every object that it touched disappear. - As someone whose powers get stronger when life decides to fuck me up, I thought you might need that hidden. 
    - He knows, Wanda. - she sat on one of the conference tables’s chairs. - He knows and he asked me if I loved him and I couldn’t even answer.
    - I think Agatha got to him ... whenever I try to get into his mind it feels exactly like it did when I tried getting to hers. Y/N, she’s trying to see what you can do under pressure and as long as he’s here, the more uncontrollable it’s gonna become.
     - What do you suggest? It’s not like element control is that great for world domination so whatever she wants is to use me to get to you most likely.
     - I might not know as much as Agatha thinks she knows but there’s chaos, destruction and creation and both of us seem to fit nicely in the three categories. I don’t want you to make same mistakes I did, Y/N.
   - What? Create a Bewitched-themed like reality where I’m married to him? Because you know, my father much like Endora would not like it. I don’t think I can do that. 
   - We don’t know what you can do. I think we should try and ... train you.
   - Wanda, you barely know how you did this and I don’t even know how I did that or what it is inside of me for that matter. - Y/N sighed, looking at the paused video on the screen. - It has only happened one time before. 
   - It has happened before? - the Scarlet Witch cocked her brow, sitting in the chair close to her. - When? There’s no report of it and you know Hayward, he would’ve definitely used it to his advantage.
   - Red Room. - she mumbled. - I don’t really wanna talk about it.
   - Do you want to show me? - Wanda rose her palm up. She had been working on allowing other people to show her select memories. So far she had gotten Billy and Tommy to show her their first memory of her and had even gotten Yelena to show her some memories too. - You don’t have to.
Y/N rose her hand up to Wanda’s and reality melt away to show the dorm where she used to sleep. Things were so different from what she remembered, the room was smaller than she remembered and even she was different from what she remembered in her dark leggings and shirt issued to her by the supervisors. She was sat on her bed, hands on top of her mattress as her eyes looked to the door every second, waiting for the soldier to come fetch her. Back then, she didn’t know his name; his handler called him the asset but she hated that name so she called him soldier or Winter. 
The clock kept ticking and ticking - one hour, two hours past the time he told her he had told her he’d come fetch her. As the third hour approached, she gave up her wait and grabbed her bag from under the bed.  He was never late, he was as precise as time itself. If he wasn’t here it had to be because of something else and she did not like it one bit. The halls were dark with flickering fluorescent lights as a much younger version of herself passed down the hall, towards what she could still remember as his own quarters. It was nothing special, in all honesty it was even worse than the girls’ quarters; metal bed, thin mattress and old grey sheets. Peeking inside he wasn’t there, there was no sign of him, just the jacket he had left lingering on the floor. She grabbed it, searching for any indication he had gotten hurt. She would soon get her answer when she heard screaming coming from down the hall. She holstered the jacket over her shoulder before running down the hall to find those screams came from one of the medical bay. 
They had him shackled to a chair like an animal, mouth guard stuck in his mouth which prevented which screaming from being louder as a head cage like structure shocked his head. Her hearing ceased as all she heard was static noise and the further voices of the doctors and guards were mere echoes.
      - Get away from him! - she yelled out, her eyes glowing white as the guards. pointed their guns at her. - Please, you’re hurting him.
A white beam surrounded her and expanded throughout the whole room. The static sound returned but she ignored it, running over to the soldier whose shackles had disappeared. He looked at his own wrists, wondering if this was a case of his own hallucinations but no, she was there. Everything was gone, everything was gone but him and her, but it didn’t matter, she stood there in front of him, duffel bag over his shoulder.
      - Y/N. - Wanda pulled her own hand towards her, removing both of them from the memory she had hidden from the front of her mind for so long. - What happened to those people?
      - I don’t know. I tried tracking them using SWORDs data after I escaped but they have never showed up again. - she sighed. - Whatever I am, Agatha knows. 
      - You’re not suggesting dwindling with Agatha, are you?
      - I don’t know, Wanda. What I do know is that right now I’m a danger for everyone and that Buck ... - she stopped herself before she could say anything she would regret sharing. - Agatha knows more about this than we do.
     - Let me try and help you, Y/N. Let me try. I know what you’re going through but if you ask Agatha for a favour she will use your own pain against you, she will make you a means to an end.
     -  You’re the Scarlet Witch, Wanda ... - Y/N got up from her chair and walked to the door, stopping to collect her own thoughts. - I’m just my father’s project gone wrong. 
It was late and she didn’t want to think anymore so she just left; after all, she was very good at leaving, leaving Bucky, leaving Wanda. Yet what could she do? It wasn’t like she had a magic mirror which she could ask what she could do or what she controlled or manipulated. She barely even knew who she was outside of who she had been so far. She knew her Red Room file, she knew her SWORD file, she knew her birth certificate but outside of that who was she? She wasn’t really anything outside of that and her bedroom was the picture perfect definition of that. No photos on the walls, no photographs, just a standard bedroom. Except for one thing ... 
She knelled by her bed, pushing a large black box from under her bed with her initials monogramed on gold on top of it. Most of her memories were there; from the photo of her and Monica’s class at SWORD, the first Christmas with the twins outside of Westview,  a group photo of everyone after a successful mission to the jacket she had kept from Bucky on the night she escaped. The leather was still almost as shiny as it was when she first saw him in it; however, his scent had long faded away from nightmare filled nights, his soldier number ripped from the tag. She watched herself in the mirror, caged by the ghosts of her own repressed memories and so she made a decision. She grabbed the jacket from the box and yanked his dog tags from her neck, exiting her room and walking towards the west wing. She knocked on his door, a sleepy Bucky opened the door followed by whining from Sam and she lost her courage.
    - I just wanted to give you this. - she extended his jacket and dog tags towards him. Sure, that won’t make you look weird or anything. Bucky rubbed the sleep off his eyes, taking the jacket and his tags from her. - Huh, yeah. Uhm, if you want we have a laundry service so you can get that properly washed.
    - Is that all? 
    - Yeah. - she scratched the back of her neck turning on her heels to return to her bedroom before she stopped dead in her tracks. - Sergeant Barnes ...
     - Yes?
     - About what you asked me later ... - she stared at the hall in front of her. Somehow, she could do this when she wasn’t staring at him. - She did love you. I don’t think she ever stopped.
Bucky’s mouth dropped open as he tried to find the words he so certainly had prepared to say the moment he asked her that question; yet now she had the upper hand. Yet again he shouldn’t have been surprised, Y/N had always had the upper hand even when he thought he did. She was a smart girl, too smart for her own good. Before he could even collect himself to say something other than mindless mumbling, she was already gone. He looked around like a crazy fool, wondering where she could’ve gone.
She, as per usual, had taken to go to the outside swing Vision had tried to set for the twins and ended up giving up on it leaving it for Wanda to try. The twins rather play with their own new found abilities rather than a swing; yet Y/N particularly enjoyed it. It stood near the limit of the hex, giving the outside world a blurry sort of glow. It was peaceful, at least it was peaceful enough for her. It meant while she was inside the hex, nothing could harm her. She couldn’t particularly blame Wanda for Westview, were she to be able to do that, she would’ve done it the minute she left the Red Room. Despite Agatha having put a version of Bucky she had never met in Westview, the emotions and the experience of having him at home with her as if they were a regular couple in suburbia. 
   - I’m starting to think I taught you too well. -  she turned her head to the side to see Bucky sat on the swing next to her, jacket in his hand. - I thought to bring the jacket if you were cold. 
   - I’m fine. - she held onto the rope. - It never gets too cold inside the hex. 
   - So ... what is this thing we’re in?
   - An alternate reality within our reality. Wanda can warp everything she wants into anything she wants. The only thing she can’t do is bring people back from the dead in our own reality. 
   - What can you do?
   - Element control mostly and the rest I don’t know. Turns out HYDRA does not give you an instruction manual after they’ve experimented on you as a baby. - she chuckled dryly. 
   - I owe you an apology, Y/N. I prom...
   - Please do not apologise to me about that. - she interrupted him. - You don’t even know the half of it.
taglist: @lookiamtrying​
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