#but Grillby doesn't rush him
hhhhleb · 2 months
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based on this concept they got soul bond and sans can feel when smth wrong with papyrus
good thing that sans didn't see the actual injury.. grillby knew that would greatly upset sans, so that's why he pushed him away. it also could have trigger some really bad memories for Sans..so grillby did good job x2 (more thoughts in tags)
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks again :0000 🎄🎄🎄
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Never??? What part of my content ever suggested that I would ever draw anything like that??
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The snowy forests they tend to camp in are actually the forests attached to Snowdin :0 They tend to end up there a lot <XD No ones found them out there before so they've deemed Snowdin forests a safe camping spot..
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I'm not sure what you mean by a cliffhanger. My Octonauts stuff wasn't following a timeline or anything. I was just goofing around and drawing what ever I felt like.
If you're talking about the crab comic? I abandoned that comic on a cliff hanger because I didn't like how I wrote the comic and I didn't feel like re-writing it. :/ The Captain ends up totally fine in the end so its ok-
(Also thank you! :} )
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Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!! :DDDD 💖🎄💖
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It kind'a depends.. what really exhausts him is making multiple mirrors back to back that all lead to different places. And how long he holds them open is also a factor..
Maybe a good guestimate is.. about 5? Maybe if he makes 5 mirrors in less than 3 days that would be enough to completely wipe him out. Maybe even knock him unconscious..
But its okay, the group usually is good at avoiding that scenario. Usually they jump into an AU and stay there for a few days before jumping into a new one. That way Jevil has time to rest and recover.
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:DD Thank you! We wish the same to you as well! :}} 🎄💖🔥
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Oh yeah, very protective I imagine XD He wouldn't put him down or let him out of his sight for even a second.
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I'd like to think he kept it and hung it on his bedroom wall yeah. But Knowing Peso and how much of a sweetheart he is.. I can totally see him giving it to Pinto for a keepsake/to show it off to his friends :}
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Only when they're using their magic in someway yeah. :0 The more magic they're using/the more they're straining, the more visible their pupil becomes.
And it can extend to their emotions. The more mentally unstable/emotional/afraid the cat is.. the more cracked and deformed their pupil can become..
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Shellington got some angry cousins frfr XDDD
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(Post in question)
Ehh.. not exactly.. that situation with that Papyrus ended up getting really dangerous, and really scary, really fast.. They end up fleeing that AU and leave that Papyrus behind.. :(
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@fallingbones (post in question)
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That's because I was gonna draw a comic revealing her new name but I never got around to it.. 💔
(Still keeping it a secret in case I change my mind lol-)
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ACTUALLY! I had an idea that if Jevil rushes a mirror, he just has less control over it and will have no idea where the mirror will end up. And one time Jevil hastily made a mirror and when they jumped though.. they all got dumped into a river 😬 which is very bad for nearly everyone involved-
Seam's chains got caught on a branch and he got stuck while everyone else got swept down stream. He was able to just barely get his chains free and drag himself onto land.
Grillby doesn't die or anything, but boy is it incredibly painful. Thankfully he's able to scramble out of the water rather quickly and collapse on land..
Spamton has a phobia of water so by the time him and Jevil are able to get out he's breaking down from a panic attack :'(
Goner kid cant really swim but she was very lucky and was able to grab onto some branches and scramble out of the water.
Asgore wasn't really in any danger but he did struggle to get out of the water. He was eventually able to latch onto a branch as well and pull himself out.
The group recollected and probably camped out in the nearby forest for a few days to mentally and physically recover from that ordeal-
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Upon Googling it, it appears to be a fangame about the yellow soul..? I also saw "Undertale yellow controversy" uh oh- I'm not sure what I think about it <XD
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Although I've never played/seen a playthrough of Resident Evil.. this sounds right up my ally! XD
Also thank you! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :DD 🎄🎉
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XD Yes! I also have these two but they're not as cool/polished/original to me as the other 7 are-
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
And as for a sequel? I'm not sure if they'll make one.. if they do, I kind'a hope it'll be about the second game and they'll up the horror a bit more this time 👀
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waaa thank you!! :DD
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I'm not sure.. I imagined Bibi likes the stuff I make, simply because I made it. I'm not sure what the rest of them would think.. :0
Although the 20k comic was a biggie. They all thought that project was cool XD
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I did! It seemed fitting for him. Also it helps visually distinguish him from Glamrock Freddy :00
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XD She has that effect on people
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When the when When?
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That's just how I draw skeletons that don't look really creepy :( 💔
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
Could I maybe request some yandere skeletons with reader (poly prefred but I'll take any, love your writting) - 🦢
Absolutely swan!! I hope you're doing okay! Tw for kidnapping and stalking, the normal yandere stuff
You seemed to attract skeletons. Which would sound like you were a serial killer, but thankfully all the skeletons were monsters, and not dead humans.
There were a few who were regulars at your job at Grillby's speakeasy, a couple who frequented the same stores as you, and one who even took the same bus home that you did. It was like you were a skele-magnet!
All of them were very handsome, you had to admit, but you were way too awkward to make a move on any of them. Although a few of them seemed to try to make a move on you.
"heya doll~" Speak of the devil. "can ya get me the usual?"
You smiled at Butch. "Of course! Anything else?"
"depends, are you on the menu?~"
Despite the fact that he had used that line dozens of times, you felt your face light up a bit. "I-I'll get you that burger." You walked away as quick as you could, trying to ignore the amused chuckle from behind you.
Though the attention was nice, you didn't want to get involved with Butch, since he was a famous mobster. You were pretty sure the other skeletons were in the mafia as well, but just because someone dresses nice doesn't mean they're a criminal! Thankfully, you only had about twenty minutes left on your shift, so you wouldn't have to deal with these conflicted feelings for much longer.
You continued to wait on the other customers, before noticing that there were a few other skeletons sitting at the bar. Sans and Slim, two other regulars, waved you over.
"hey honey," Slim grinned. The cigarette in his mouth gave off a surprisingly nice smell. "how's it goin?"
"Okay," you admitted. "I'm going home soon, so that's good. Can I get you anything?"
"ketchup," Sans requested. "do ya need someone to walk ya home?"
Although Sans was probably the dorkiest and friendliest looking monster you'd ever met, you never took him up on the offer. Though it was scary going home alone at night, it was scarier to have a barely-acquaintance knowing where you lived. "No thank you," you turned him down as politely as you could. "I'm a big kid, I can make it home myself."
Sans chuckled at the joke. "suit yourself." At the words, he tugged at his lapel, making sure you knew it was a pun.
You covered your mouth to hide your laugh as Slim groaned. "I'll get that ketchup for you."
As you went back to the bar, you didn't notice the three skeletons exchanging knowing looks. By the time you returned, they were back to their normal, flirty, punning selves.
Before you knew it, your shift was over, and you began the long journey home. Even though Grillby's was a far distance from your apartment (and technically illegal), it paid very well, and the customers were surprisingly more polite than at a less shady establishment.
You hopped on the bus, relieved to finally be off your feet after a long day. As usual, there was a skeleton sitting a few seats away from you. You didn't know his name, but he had bright blue eyelights, and almost looked like Sans. He gave you a friendly smile before turning back to his book.
The bus ride was uneventful, as usual. You yawned, exhausted. After a moment, you let your eyes drift shut, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
You woke suddenly to a strong hand gently shaking your shoulder. "EXCUSE ME?" You yelped and turned to whoever was shaking you. It was the skeleton. "ISN'T THIS YOUR STOP?"
You whipped around and jumped when you realized you had slept through the whole bus ride. "Shit, yes it is! Thank you so much!" You leapt out of your seat and stumbled off the bus. In your rush, you didn't notice the skeleton getting off the bus after you.
Thank goodness that skeleton was so kind, if you had to walk an extra fifteen minutes you would have been furious. You relaxed as your apartment came closer. Your feet seemed to guide themselves along your familiar route, and you let your mind drift off. Thanks to that, you didn't even notice the shadowy figures waiting in the alley ahead.
As you passed the alley, a hand shot out and grabbed you by the wrist. You tried to scream, but you didn't even get a peep out before you were silenced by a rag pressed over your mouth and nose. You could feel your attacker's claws pressing into your cheeks.
"Just Relax." A strangely familiar voice purred into your ear. "We Won't Hurt You."
Like hell you were going to relax! You flailed your arms and legs as hard as you could and held your breath in order to not breathe in the whatever-the-hell was on the rag.
Out of nowhere, a few other hands grabbed your limbs. The only thing you could move was your eyes. You were finally forced to breathe, and to your horror, your eyes became heavy. As you slowly lost consciousness, you vaguely recognized the blue eyes of the skeleton from the bus.
The thing that woke you up was a pounding headache. You winced and rolled over further into your pillow. You breathed in the smell of fabric softener and-
That wasn't the right smell.
This wasn't your pillow.
Immediately, the memories came flooding back. You sat up as fast as you could, despite the pain behind your eyes.
You frantically looked around the room. Yup, this definitely wasn't your room. It was way bigger than your room, was lavishly decorated, and had bars over the windows. Oh yeah, and there was a skeleton sitting in the corner.
"Relax," the skeleton said softly. He stood up, raising his hands to show he wasn't armed. "You're Safe Here. Are You Okay?"
You winced, finally recognizing the skeleton. "P-Papyrus?" He was another skeleton that you knew from work. "You're the one that kidnapped me??"
"Well, Kind Of? Not Really?" Papyrus winced, clearly not happy with the way his words were coming out. "Me And My Family Took You."
Before you could make your brain work enough to ask one of the many questions running through your mind, the door opened. "Are They Awake?" You had noticed this skeleton at your local grocery store, just as sharp looking as Butch, but with purple eyes.
Papyrus nodded, and the skeleton stepped into the room. After him, more and more came in. You shrunk further into the bed, as if the blankets would protect you from your kidnappers. To your horror, you recognized every single one of them. From Butch to Sans to the skeleton from the bus, to some you had just seen around town.
"W-what's going on?" You tried to sound demanding, but it came out as weak and trembling.
"we love you," Sans said simply. He said it so casually, it was like he had just ordered his usual bottle of ketchup at Grillby's.
Your jaw fell open. "What?"
"We Love You," the purple skeleton said. He rolled his eyes. "How Hard Is It To Understand?"
"leave 'em alone bro," the lanky skeleton frowned. "they're confused, and too sweet to assume somethin' like that!"
"WE'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME." Another tall skeleton said. You glanced down and noticed in horror that he had sharp claws, just like the one who had drugged you. "AND WE HAVE FINALLY TAKEN ACTION."
Butch approached and sat on the side of the bed. You whimpered as he stroked your hair. "we're...dangerous, doll. we knew ya'd never be with us normally, so..." He shrugged, as if kidnapping you was an obvious solution.
"You won't get away with this," you glared. "Someone will notice I'm gone! Grillby, o-or one of my friends-"
"paid off," Slim interrupted. "or blackmailed."
"We Own The Cops," the blue eyed skeleton from the bus grinned.
"face it," Sans grinned. If it weren't for your horrifying situation, his casual smile and body language would have been relaxing. Right now, though, it was chilling. "ya ain't gettin' out of here." His eyes suddenly changed into hearts. "you're ours now. and we're never gonna let you go."
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Undertale characters slip on ice and break their butts/tail bone.
Undertale Sans - He immediately knows it and stays on his back, refusing to move. He then picks his phone and calls Papyrus to ask for help lol. Papyrus can't believe he broke his butt. He doesn't even know how to explain it to the doctors.
Undertale Papyrus - He stands up anyway and limps home, half crying on the way back. He then throws himself in his couch and tries to heal himself. Too bad Sans calls Toriel for help and now he can't move of his couch for two weeks. That's only two days and Papyrus feels like he's going to die if he can't move soon.
Undertale Toriel - After the shock, she growls in pain. She uses her healing magic to put the bones in place, half crying doing so, then limps to work anyway because she can't just give up on her class. All the teachers block her in a corner in break time to convince her to go home because it's quite obvious she's in pain. She's not too happy about this but accepts...
Undertale Asgore - He lets go a silent "Ow". He tries to stand up, but slips again and falls back on his broken tail bone. Welp, that's embarrassing. He thinks for a moment about who could possibly help him up and, in a resigned sigh, calls Undyne for help. He knows she's going to laugh about it for months.
Undertale Undyne - No pain, only RAGE. She starts to yell insults in the middle of the street while throwing angry spears onto the floor. That doesn't help her to stand up though. Urgh. Once she's done yelling at the clouds, she calls Papyrus for help and threatens to destroy him if he dares even say something about this. The first thing Papyrus says seeing her is a tailbone pun, smiling viciously. She stares in shock before attacking him, or, well, attempts to. Papyrus is just laughing.
Undertale Alphys - Well, her tail is an important part of her body, as it helps her maintain her balance. She is quite in agony right now, crying in pain as she desperately tries to stand up. She calls Undyne for help. Undyne only hears her crying and that's enough for her to rush home with half of the royal guard. Undyne freezes when she sees she just broke her butt. Oh. Well that's embarrassing.
Undertale Frisk - They both cry and laugh, not sure if they found it funny or if it hurts as hell. They limp home to tell Toriel they broke their butt. Toriel stares at them in disbelief, not sure if they're messing with her.
Undertale Chara - That's fine. Who needs legs to walk anyway? They are fine sitting on the floor. They try to look natural as Frisk passes next to them, confused. Chara then tries to stand up, and regrets it immediately. They sit back and whines, frustrated. Welp. They picks a book from their bag and starts to read here until someone notices they're stuck.
Undertale Mettaton - He plays WilhelmScream.exe at full volume. A few neighbors come out from their house, wondering the hell is happening. They found Mettaton lying dramatically, begging them to remember him once he'll be gone. Everyone roll their eyes.
Undertale Gaster - Why does the universe hate him? He has only a few bones still intact in his body, the others merged with good. His tailbone was one of them. Before he can do anything, his goop absorbs the broken part of his tailbone. It's gone forever now, like his middle finger Sans bit off and threw in Snowdin when he was six years old because Gaster said no to have nice cream. He feels naked.
Undertale Grillby - Well he wanted to stay discreet about this but that's not possible. He is steaming and making a "PSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH" noise that won't go away before a few hours. His butt hurts as well. That's not his best day. Why did he think it was a good idea to leave in an icy land being a fire elemental again?
Undertale Muffet - She screeches so hard it breaks two windows. All the spiders hiding in her hair run away in fear, screaming like it's the apocalypse. Muffet is not pleased. The price of her pastries will double today to cover this.
Undertale Burgerpants - He stays silent. Before slowly turning to the building to his right. Where Mettaton is waving at him, a camera pointed to him. He takes a deep breath and then smiles. That's it, he is dead inside. No thoughts, no pain, nothing. He's going to make that stupid robot eat his freakin camera. He doesn't care if he ends on the news tonight.
Undertale Flowey - He doesn't have a butt but he's for sure the reason why Sans broke his tailbone.
Undertale Gerson - Welp. He has a deja vu sensation. He's on his shell, stuck, the phone far away, and Undyne coming to diner. Weird how things keeps repeating. He's bracing himself for Undyne's lecture. Again.
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tooti-fruiti · 6 months
Hii ^~^ new follower here!
I was just wondering if (and you can ignore this if you want) you can do the UT gang reacting to U saying "you, me, dinner at 8. wear something pretty" then turn & walk away from them?
Please and thank you! ^^
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Toriel would be quite shocked and confused.
Dinner at 8?
What should she wear?
Why did you just leave after?
Why did you talk to her like that?
After thinking about it for a few minutes, she just decided to not overthink it and just do as you asked.
She'll wear a cute dress and ask you where dinner is through text.
Once you answer, she'll leave amd show up at the date at exactly 8 o'clock.
"That was...quite strange, (Y/n). Why did you talk to me like that?"
Sans would shrug and not ask any questions.
He does as you ask and just texts you where to go.
He'll put on a t-shirt tuxedo and teleport to where dinner is at 8.
"alright bet."
Papyrus would be utterly confused and end up stressing about his outfit for the next 45 minutes.
Why the rush?
Where would dinner be?
Is it spaghetti?
If it's not, why is it not spaghetti?
Are you going to propose to him?
Should he wear a tuxedo?
Should he wear his battle body?
Should he wear a sweater?
After calming down, he settles on a nice sweater and his scarf.
He waits for dinner at his house until 8:15
Because you didn't tell him where dinner was, so he just assumes it's at his house.
After 8:15, he asks if you're coming. That's when you tell him where dinner is and he immediately rushes out the door.
Undyne would try to ask you questions, but you leave before she cam.
So she spams you instead.
And she will spam you until you give her the answers she wants.
Once she has all the information she needs, she'll do as you ask.
She put on a really badass outfit and show up at 7:55.
Alphys is freaking out.
She takes the quick leave the wrong way and thinks you're going to break up with her.
She starts to overthink and wonders what she could have possibly done to upset you.
Then she wears a nice dress and asks where dinner is.
Once you tell her, she'll accidentally show up half an hour early.
Which will have her sitting in her own anxiety for 30 minutes until you show up.
When you do, she plays with her thumbs and asks if you're going to break up with her.
You tell her no and she starts crying from relief.
You two leave the restaurant very early because of this.
"I-I-I thought you were g-going to br-break up with me!"
Mettaton is used to people talking to him like this so he accepts without any questions. (Except for where dinner is)
He'll put on a black sparkly tuxedo and his own brand of beauty products
Then he'll show up to dinner with a bouquet of your favorite flowers at 7:55.
Like Alphys, Asgore is confused and is worried that you plan on breaking up with him.
He'll put on a nice outfit and ask where dinner is.
He shows up to dinner at 7:50 but doesn't ask if you're going to break up with him until the day after.
He had a nice time at dinner though.
"You're not going to break up with me...right?"
Muffet just assumes you were in a hurry and accepts.
She's the same way sometimes.
She wears a cute new dress and cute bows in her hair to match.
Then she asks where dinner is and shows up exactly on time.
"Good evening, dearie!"
Grillby drags you back.
He hates it when people talk to him like that and he won't tolerate that from you.
He asks you to tell him where dinner is and tells you that the way you spoke to him was disrespectful in his eyes.
After you apologized and tell him where dinner is, he forgives you and gives you a kiss on the cheek before you leave.
He'll put on a nice suit and show up to dinner at 8 exactly.
"...please don't talk to me like that."
He stares at you bewildered.
Why did you talk to him like that?
He does as you ask but he plans on confronting you at dinner.
He puts on his favorite trench coat and asks where dinner is through text.
Once he shows up, he'll sit across from you and ask why you talked to him like that.
"☟︎♏︎●︎●︎□︎, ⬥︎♒︎⍓︎ ♎︎♓︎♎︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⧫︎♋︎●︎🙵 ⧫︎□︎ ❍︎♏︎ ●︎♓︎🙵♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎?"
[Translation: Hello, why did you talk to me like that?]
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
[And thank you for the request!]
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Rushing things: Chapter one
(since the vast majority of you voted for it, here's the first + second episodes of my smut/domestic fluff papyton fanfic! the rest of it is on Ao3 if you wanna read ahead ^^)
The 3-part movie saga
A year... It has already been a year since Frisk freed the monsters from the underground.
It has been a year that Frisk has been going left and right (with the help of their friends), signing papers and going to meetings, so that a peace treaty could be put in place.
so that monsters could live with humans in harmony.
Of course, there's still some jackasses around that doesn't like the fact that times are changing, but a surprising amount of humans accepted monsters as their own.
Toriel and Undyne became teachers at the local elementary school, Toriel teaching science and Undyne being the PE coach. Meanwhile Grillby, Muffet, Temmie, and all the other merchants set up shop around the city, being more or less successful. Asgore and Alphys had time to reconnect and hang out. Sans, well, didn't changed much, still getting caught slacking all the time, but at least he's supposed to have a job at Grillby's. And Frisk, despite being the ambassador of monsters, still went to school, and was generally a normal kid.
So, here we are, in a warm beach city, in the middle of March, and a trying-to-be-silent hype was rumbling throughout the city: a three-part movie saga featuring loved human actors and the newest star from the underground, Mettaton, was rumoured to come out in a few weeks. Humans never heard of this man, but according to the few dozen monsters that had seen his movies, he was really good at it. And Papyrus, being his number 1 fan was stoked, having already pre-ordered tickets to all three movies and waiting impatiently for the release.
Well, the actor, meanwhile... WAS SHAKING IN HIS HIGH HEEL BOOTS. OMG, BEING A HUMAN STAR IS SO MUCH MORE STRESSFUL THAN HE HAD THOUGHT! Of course, he still had fun, y'know? He got to travel to wonderful places and meet renowned actors, but it wasn't done in an instant. He thought he was so shiny, but human stars shone 100 times as bright, so he had to fight for his career. And Well... it did pay off, with the whole 3-part saga and all that, but.... The part he was given was humiliating, the plot was based on an overused trope, and in the long run, said plot didn't even make sense anymore. And the "main character" was an asshole, who you were supposed to simply forgive because "TrAgIc BaCkStOrY". In the very few scenes where Mettaton actually showed up, it simply was the worst: because, of course, it happened in a fuCKING STRIP CLUB. THAT'S RIGHT, METTATON'S PART WAS BEING A ✨ROBOT STRIPPER✨ GREAT. AWESOME. AMAZING METTATON'S FIRST BIG ROLE IN A HUMAN MOVIE AND HE ALREADY RUINED HIS WHOLE IMAGE. So, here he was, watching the final cuts of the filming with the other actors before it was sent out to the editor, and he was on the verge of tears. THIS is how humans are gonna remember him: as the actor who played that stupid blocky robot exotic dancer that turns against the MC and gets killed off like nothing just to show how strong the MC was. At least, the good part of all this is that Napstablook worked on the soundtrack, and they fully agree with Mettaton: This whole saga is a trash heap.
He only stayed for filming for a few weeks but it felt like it was years since he last saw Alphys, so, as soon as he wasn't needed anymore, he immediately took the first train back to that little beach city on the western coast, to see his friend.
When Mettaton showed up to her door, Alphys nearly choked on her soda and apologised profusely for not wearing anything other that a loose t-shirt and pink boxers. When MTT came inside the apartment, she was now apologising for the mess, but he didn't mind in the slightest: after spending so much time cooped up in a 5 stars hotel on the other side of the country, Alphys and Undyne's place was a very welcome mess, and he knows she'll never judge him for unwinding.
So he did just that: he took off his heels and made himself comfy on the large couch in the main room. Seeing the robot sigh dramatically as he spread himself on the sofa, Alphys asked: 《- R-rough filming session, buddy? - It's not that, Alphys darling, it's just that I might as well quit the movie-making business right now after THAT FIASCO! - H-HUH? W-what happened?? - Oh I don't wanna bore you with it... (please insist on hearing it Alphy.) - *sigh* Mettaton, can you please tell me what happen- - IT WAS HORRIBLE, HONEY, HORRIBLE ! THAT MOVIE IS GARBAGE, AND I'M NOT EVEN ON THE COVER ART OR EVEN THE TRAILER ! yelled Mettaton while wildly shaking Alphys. - WhOoAAAH METTA CALM DOWN !! Pleaded the reptile as she felt the motion sickness kicking in. I'm sure it's not THAT bad!!》 All it needed was Mettaton showing her the early release version of the first movie (that the producer oh-so-kindly gifted him with a weird flirty wink) for Alphys to look at MTT with pity in her eyes. 《- damn. It IS that bad. - I KNOOOOW!!! He cried out, while dark oily tears were streaming down his midi-pad-shaped face. - I'm s-sorry man, i-i can't do anything about that, I don't have the power to just, delete a movie from existence (because if I did, I already would've done it the moment the main character stole that precious locket without feeling any kind of remorse, and not giving it back, and not having any kind of redemption for it.) - I know. Said Mettaton between two sobs. My career in the human has barely took off, and it's already going down in flames... - Metta, said Alphys, picking her words carefully, that movie may be absolute trash but not only is it your very first movie on the surface but just because you had one bad performance d-doesn't mean you're not gonna have more chances later.》 And she got up to fetch tissues for him.
While she was gone, Mettaton reflected on those words, but they didn't sooth his worries, because he KNOWS he will be disappointing his long-term fans AND painting a very ugly image of monsters for all humans to see.
Half an hour later, the floor was already littered in crumpled oily tissues as MTT was venting to Alphys. Seeing him like this, made Alphys think about the ghost inside the robot. A dissatisfied little ghost who's biggest dream was to be a star. "No, it WILL NOT end like that, Alphys thought to herself, I'll tell that producer to cancel that movie!.. or w-well ask someone to do it... it's so crazy it might just work!.. or it's just straight up crazy and it will end in a disaster- NO stop thinking like that Alphys!" 《-Metta! - hmm?! Yes? Asked MTT slightly startled by the sudden raise of volume. - I'll get that movie cancelled!! I-if you want it to be... - Alphys, darling, I appreciate the gesture but there's no way in hell that you have enough influence to pull this off. - Well, I'll try anyway! M-maybe if I show how bad this movie is to our friends, they would back us up! She added, trying her best to sound confident. - mmm... perhaps... Replied the robot. But I'm still sceptical about this plan, honey. - D-don't worry! I know exactly who to text! Your number 1 fan!》 And Alphys bolted to her room to get her phone.
"Huh, my number 1 fan? MTT said in the back of his mind. And Alphys knows them close enough to have their number? Who could that possibly be??" When Alphys came back, her phone texting app was open to a chat titled "Papyrus"
Papyrus... The name alone didn't mean anything to Mettaton. However, when he saw the profile picture of the person Alphys was texting ("pretty awkwardly and overly apologetic" he thought) it finally clicked: That wacky skeleton he saw a year prior, just before they exited the underground... He was his biggest fan..? Seriously?
《- Hey, Alphys dear, how do you know this guy? - O-oh, he's Undyne best friend. He sometimes comes here. They both like to "cook" together. And by "cook" I mean that they like to destroy ingredients with their fists and almost burn down the apartment complex. - Sounds like my kind of cooking~♡ - why do you think you've never been in the same room as them-
A-anyways, he's still a pretty cool dude, he has a heart of gold under all his goofiness... I actually think you two could be friends. - Yeah yeah yeah right, gimme that phone Alphys, you're taking ages. Stated Mettaton impatiently as he snatched the cute pink phone from her chubby clawed hands.》
Stood fully upright with his new legs, Mettaton was a good few feet taller than Alphys and he fully used that to keep the phone out of her reach as he texted Papyrus himself:
Mettaton here, hello darling, I have a problem with the upcoming movie saga, would you like to help me?
...Well, it's true that in a situation like that, where you're chatting with your friend and all of a second, your favourite celebrity texts you via the same chat, it's understandable to think they're messing with you, but Mettaton was too impatient to care, and instead went into face-time.
Papyrus's reaction to seeing him face to face surely was something: He was whisper-screaming as quiet as he could while wildly shaking and waving the hand he wasn't using to hold his phone. His excitement was barely contained, and, honestly, that was the cutest reaction Mettaton had ever seen.
As soon as Papyrus managed to calm down a bit, the robot started to explain the situation to him. The skeleton was eagerly listening to Mettaton, until his face fell when MTT told him how awful the upcoming saga was. 《- WAIT, IS IT REALLY THAT BAD? - Yes, darling, so if I were you, I'd ask for a refund on my ticket preorder. - BUT I WANTED TO SEE HOW GREAT YOUR NEXT MOVIE WAS GONNA BE... said Papyrus sadly. For some reason, seeing this man sad was unbearable for MTT, so he quickly added - W-well how about, you get a refund, and I'll simply come to see you in person to cheer you up? His face instantly lit up again at the suggestion. -REALLY?? Papyrus said, his voice rising a few octaves. Y-YOU'D DO THAT? FOR ME?? - Of course, honey, I'm very generous! (Meanwhile in his mind, Mettaton was screaming and melting over this cutie before him.) - OK, SO IS TOMORROW AROUND 11:00 AM ALRIGHT? I HAVE TO DROP OFF FRISK TO SCHOOL AT 8:30, BUT AFTER THAT I'M COMPLETELY FREE! AND IF YOU WANT YOU COULD ALSO STICK AROUND FOR LUNCH! Suggested Papyrus without catching his breath. - Oh uhhh... T-that sounds perfect! And, since I don't have anything else to do, I'll gladly stay for lunch! - GREAT! I'LL BE EXPECTING YOU AT 11:00! OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN PERSON! SEE YOU, METTATON! - oh, see you too darling!》 And he hung up.
Chapter two:
The first hangout.
Whu- What just happened?
They called Mettaton's biggest fan to tell him to back him up to get the movie saga cancelled... and then... he managed to plan to hang out with a guy he met only once..?
Mettaton had completely forgotten about the plan when talking to Papyrus, and only remembered it when Alphys pointed it out.
Welp, at least they could ask other fans and friends to help them get the movies cancelled, and that's what they did: the two friends spent the rest of the evening calling and texting friends and family to tell them about the issue. Of course it still wasn't nearly enough, and Mettaton was aware of that, but... he had trouble focusing on the task at hand when he had that meeting with that skeleton tomorrow. And then, tomorrow came.
Mettaton woke up to the official poster of the saga literally EVERYWHERE: on billboards, as paper posters glued on the street, as side ads on every websites he checked... it was a nightmare. But thankfully his friends responded to the texts saying that will be backing him up 100%! What a relief- wait.
What time is it? 10:47 AM, motherfucker~ <3 F u c k
Mettaton ran to his wardrobe to take the outfit he prepared, flipped his switch in a hurry and dressed up as quickly as he could (while also trying to not wrinkle the pretty red suit he picked)
Mmm... should he take the prerelease movie CD with him?... Probably... since he still needs to get Papyrus on board with the plan, and showing just how God awful this movie is would be a great way to convince him (in theory).
As soon as he was fully dressed, MTT took the CD case and ran to his car, when it hit him that he didn't know where Papyrus lived, so he had to call Alphys to ask her, which took longer than he wanted because Alphys refused to pick up, so he had to TEXT her, which got an answer much quicker but now Mettaton only had 6 minutes to get there on time. (When I tell you that MTT's car FLEW over the highway-)
At least he wasn't TOO late, only a few minutes but he still got there around the time he was asked to come. After parking his car not too far from the building Papyrus lived in, Mettaton walked toward the front door before noticing that the skeleton was standing there, waiting. When their eyes met, Papyrus's whole face lit up and he ran up to Mettaton.
Before he knew it, the robot was tackled in a tight hug, so earnest and warm, as if they've known each other since childhood, then Papyrus pulled back his head and looked up at Mettaton with his eyes sparkling with excitement, before letting go. That passionate welcome was unexpected (and it wrinkled Mettaton's suit a bit) but he didn't mind, it made his cheeks and chest feel so warm... Why was he here again?.. Oh right, the plan! The plan to ask the director to cancel the movie! MTT was about to bring it up, when Papyrus spoke up: 《- SO, METTATON, DO YOU WANNA COME IN? - Oh yes, we should probably get inside to... do whatever to pass the time I guess... - WELL I PREPARED A LITTLE SOMETHING, I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT!》
Papyrus and Sans's apartment was pretty humble, but it had a certain coziness to it, and, unlike Undyne and Alphys's, it was tidy. As soon as they entered, Papyrus dashed to his room, telling Mettaton to make himself at home. So he sat down on the couch and waited for the homeowner to come back, while using that time to fix his suit.
But when Papyrus came back, that nice red suit was clearly overkill, as he was in a comfy bunny onesie, carrying a few fluffy blankets and pillows over his shoulder, and holding dvd cases in his free hand.
....a sleepover??...
This man had the unique opportunity to spend time with his favourite celebrity... and he planed a SLEEPOVER??? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY??
...Mettaton had to admit to himself that it was a pretty ballsy move, and Papyrus was clearly fully confident doing it, so he had to appreciate his boldness.
Anyway, Papyrus was setting down the blankets and pillows on the couch (that he deployed in bed mode) while his guest was watching, feeling overdressed for this whole charade. However, the skeleton did not appear to mind in the slightest that Mettaton was dressed so formal for such a casual occasion, instead he asked him to choose what movie he wanted to watch while he went in the kitchen to grab some snacks.
The movie selection was... original: "Peekaboo with a fluffy bunny: the movie", "little kitty discovers the world", "Dr funkenstein", "the upside-down river"... Yup, all of these were children's movies.
In the end, Mettaton chose the last one, as it seemed to be the least childish, and as Papyrus came back with multiple bags of chips and a bottle of unnaturally purple soda, he confessed that "THAT MOVIE ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY..."
Curtains were drawn and blinds were closed, the skeleton made himself comfy on the couch, and finally pressed "play" on the remote. Actually, that movie was much more enticing than MTT had first thought, and soon enough, he understood why it made Papyrus cry every time, as he was tearing up himself. During a particularly heartbreaking scene, Mettaton swore he felt the skeleton, who was also crying heavily, getting closer to him and resting his head on his shoulder.
"Oh. Oh my..." He thought, as he felt the heat rising to his cheeks and his mechanical heart pounding in his chest.
At first, Mettaton was unsure about it, but right at that moment, it was... nice. Watching this bittersweet children's movie, gorging on chips and soda, while laying on a comfy couch filled with pillows and blankets... and with such good company too... And the end of the movie came, and the curtains and blinds were opened once more, letting the blinding midday light in. (Now that they could see eachothers faces, both of them had puffy, red eyes and humid cheeks from crying so much.)
Well it was now 13:30, guess Mettaton did stay until lunch.
《- HEY METTATON, DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME COOK? Asked Papyrus while cleaning up the chips packets. - Gladly! Answered the robot, chipper.》
After Papyrus went in his room to change back to his main outfit, the two started cooking spaghetti, the skeleton's self-proclaimed specialty, however it quickly dawned on MTT that he wasn't... that great of a chef. Lots of rookie mistakes that made him cringe inside. Every time the host made a mistake, Mettaton tried his best to gently tell him he was messing up, to Papyrus's surprise.
After an hour of trial and error (and wasted spaghetti, r.i.p) they managed to make the best spaghetti both of them ever made, and, much to Mettaton's shock, the only spaghetti that Papyrus ACTUALLY ATE IN HIS LIFE.
Afterwards, Mettaton realised he stayed for over 3 hours, and didn't even bring up the plan, so, he mentioned it -more awkwardly than he would've wanted- and added that he brought the first movie of the saga.
《- WOWIE,BUT I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO WATCH IT? - W-well it is trash. But would you like to see just HOW TRASH that movie is? Asked Mettaton with a tone of challenge. - ...I'LL GO GET MY ONESIE. responded Papyrus with determined smirk.》
Back on the couch, back his bunny onesie, and this time, Mettaton also being in a onesie (a grey tabby cat one that Papyrus lended him), they started the film... and the skeleton immediately fell asleep once it was clear that Mettaton wouldn't appear in the rest of the movie, and, of course, he fell asleep on the robot himself, who's body temp rose like Jesus on the third day.
It was hard focusing on the movie when this lovable dork was snoozing so cutely in the crook of his armpit.
But Mettaton came to a realisation while watching this movie for the god-knows-what time: Maybe Alphys was right, this movie is pretty bad, and the other two are no better, but they are just that... bad, boring movies. Maybe Mettaton was overreacting...
He looked at his phone, and at all his friends, family and fans who are willing to back him up... And at the trailer ads for the saga on his socials...
Maybe he should just let this movie come out and let people see how bad it is... And before he knew it, he fell asleep as well, holding Papyrus close...
(what even is pacing lmao)
anyway, tell me if you want to see more, or simply if you liked it! seeing nice little things being said about my creations always makes me happy ^^
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tainted-by-skeletons · 4 months
Reader X Sans X Grillby (Part 4)
NSFW Warning
What's getting him horny now?! Is he a sadist?! Oh God. This was a huge mistake. A sadist and a monster is a very terrifying mix!
I wasn't wanting to get beat up that night, but Sans wasn't very powerful. If he wanted to hurt me he'd have to put in a lot of effort. So the fear wasn't overpowered by my lust.
“Hey. Grillby. I think he's had enough.” Sans told us suddenly.
No! You choose now to be a wet blanket again?!
“Ohhh…” Grillby sighed. “Do you think I'm being too hard on your friend?”
“Nah. It's not that. I just think you should take off his shirt now. And maybe we can make him sit with us like that for a while.”
“Ooohhh Saaans~ You're finally joining the fun. I'm so happy.” Grillby said as he slid his hands up my hips and took hold of my shirt.
He pulled up on the shirt with such force I couldn't keep my arms down. And he successfully undressed me. I was now standing in only my underwear, socks and shoes. Sans made an expression of slight interest at the sight of my naked chest, and casually put an arm on the bar and leaned over a bit. Still very obviously checking me out.
“Wha-ha-ah! W-what’s the deal with you?! Why are you- l… looking at me like that…” I asked shyly.
“What. Have a problem with it? I can stop and you can put your clothes back on. Maybe I was right. Maybe we shouldn't try to force anybody tonight.”
“Rrrr! If you think you're getting revenge or somethi- Hey!”
I forgot Grillby was behind me. He picked me up easily and sat me down on one of the bar stools.
“Now be a good boy. Maybe Sans will strip down too.” Grillby offered.
“Yeah. Tell me you want to see me naked and I'll do it.” Sans told me.
“What?! You're kidding.”
I knew he just wanted to see me squirm. And I knew I couldn't muster the courage to say it without faltering. I had to choose between my pride and my penis. The correct choice was obvious to me.
“C-can I- er. Uh… I really want to see you naked. Sa… p-please.” I whispered.
“Oooh. What was that? Were you wanting to say my name?”
“Uh!” I quickly turned back to my drink. The condensation dripping down the glass reminded me it was nice and cold. So I took a sip to cool my hot and bothered body.
“Do it. Say my name.”
“S…sans…” I murmured, eyes still fixed on my drink.
A flash of blue light appeared on my left side. Before I could figure out what it was, my chair gave out from under me somehow. I fell onto the floor.
“Look at me and say it.”
I looked up and Sans hooked his pink slipper under my chin. Forcing my head up at an uncomfortable angle.
“Sans!” I panted.
Sans and I turned to see Grillby leaned against the counter tripping over himself doing… something. Sans looked over and I stood up to see what it was. Grillby ran to the back of the bar behind a wall. Sitting on the bar was a small blob of something orange-ish red and kinda black. I reached over to touch it and...
“Don't. That's magma. Heheh. I guess Grillby was drooling. Like… literally drooling at us.”
I snickered at that just as Grillby rushed back into the room with a large silvery towel. He put it over the magma as a small fire had started on the table.
“Rraaagghhhh.” Grillby growled.
I had never seen him so mad. Before that night I hadn't seen Grillby showing much emotion at all really.
“You're really fired up today.” I accidentally joked.
“Pftt Hahahaha! Nice one man!”
“Ah shit. Heheh. I didn't mean to make a pun.”
Sans was far from his sadistic, horny mood now. I wasn't getting anything else out of him. I sighed and turned to Grillby. He looked furious. He pointed to Sans and said,
“You. Strip. Now.” In a terrifyingly demanding voice.
Sans simply shrugged.
“Eh. I don't like to break promises. Guess this might as well happen tonight. Sorry Y/N. Hope this doesn't make things awkward.”
Sans hopped off the bar stool and slid off his jacket.
“Heheh. Don't worry. You can go back to your own place after this and drink until you forget it.” I offered.
“And what about you?” Sans asked as he pulled up his shirt. Showcasing a set of thick ivory ribs and… a blue jello-y looking torso underneath it?
“Hey. Don't get all flustered yet. I haven't even gotten to the good part.”
“Wh- uh.”
I was shocked to hear that Sans had confidence in his package. He slid off his pants and showed me exactly why. Underneath his pants were no underwear. Which I didn't understand since he had a somewhat normal body, but he was also sporting a mostly erect penis.
Aggghhh! He's huge! That's not fair! I can't believe of all people he'd be the guy with a big dick!
Sans' member looked about five inches. Which isn't impressive, but the girth was insane. I could tell he was still not fully up yet either. So it had to be six or seven inches at most.
“Oh God…” I muttered without thinking.
Sans' penis twitched at my accidental compliment.
“Aw Jeez. You're makin’ me blush.”
“Errr uhhh. I just uhhh- I didn't know skeletons would have those.”
“Yup. You look like you don't believe it. Are you wanting to come make sure it's real?”
“Well now that you say that~ I'm almost convinced it is fake! I better check.” I said, nodding.
“You might have to get in line. I think it's only fair if Grillby checks first. You okay Grillbz?”
Grillby was standing dead still, staring at Sans. He didn't seem like he had that much alcohol before, but he was clearly plastered. I couldn't think of any other reason he would be acting so differently that night.
“Um…” Grillby shook his head and looked up at Sans’ face. “Yes. Sorry. You're just so… captivating.”
Now a compliment like that got Sans going. He stuttered nonsense and looked down to the floor. Only to quickly notice that his dick had swelled in appreciation of the compliment.
Good to know. Sans has a bit of a praise kink. I wouldn't expect such a laid back, lazy, kinda sloppy guy to be a sadist with a thing for praise. I'd expect that from Mettaton or something.
Grillby passed me and took hold of Sans' shoulders. He slowly slid his fingers down Sans' arms, down his blue jelly torso, and paused just above his dick. Knelt on the floor, Grillby started gently running his fingers up and down the thick shaft.
“I can't believe you've been hiding this from everyone. Scared you're gonna break somebody with it?”
“Mnn…Heheh. It can't be that big.”
Sans was maintaining his confidence, but it wouldn't last very long.
“Oh that's riight~ My little skeleton has never seen a pussy before.”
“Hey. Don't call me-”
“Pft. Wait, really? You've never seen one at all?” I interrupted.
“Hey! It's not like I could have just-*gasp* G-Grillby! Aaahhh~”
And Sans was interrupted once again by Grillby now putting his mouth around Sans' cock and slowly sliding forward towards his ecto-torso. Sans stumbled backwards but Grillby quickly put his arms around his ass, holding him up. Sans yelped softly as his bright blue butt was suddenly squeezed and rendered immobile. The expression on Sans' face was so passionate I could only assume he had never received a blow job before. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I went up to the two, and moved next to Sans. He watched me with a mix of fear and embarrassment on his face. That expression only became more apparent when I put a hand on his cheek and turned his face towards mine. I wanted to see how he'd react before I did anything.
“W-w-wai- aaah!~ Y/N. Ah! Grillby!~ Haaahhh-mmn?!”
And then I leaned in and kissed him.
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jack-nasty · 1 year
BBB Chapter 11:
"Party Preparation"
ears continue to flow down my cheeks as I storm down the stairs in a hurry. I don't have a clear idea of where I'll go, but I have a sense of security in the name that had just been thrown around. He still crosses my mind even still knowing he couldn't give me what I truly yearn for. I look up once I see my two feet hit the gravel of the apartment's lot. Like destiny, my wishes for saving come true when I see Grillby's blue car still parked, and himself patiently sitting with his window rolled down, as if he was waiting for me to join him. I quickly approach his car and I hear its doors unlock as I near the passenger side.           "Hey," Grillby speaks and my body unravels as I sit down and close the door. I don't reply to his greeting with words but with a sniff, as I attempt to catch my breath. He takes out a handkerchief, but instead of handing it to me he gently uses it to brush away my tears and snot. He directs me to slow my breathing and eventually, I do.           "I'm sorry if I caused all that noise."           "No..." I manage to get out, "That was not your fault, he can just be like that after a long day."           "I don't think you should allow him to get like that. His 'long day' ruins yours. It's not fair to you to have to put up with his attitude."           "I know how to handle him. You just have to let him win sometimes."           "Listen... you shouldn't be taking his heat, at least not in this instance. I—" He pauses briefly, considering his next words, "I didn't just overhear loud voices. Your window was open and I heard every line perfectly. Look—I'm sorry if you feel the same way about me as you do with him. I never meant to boss you around or take you from more important things in your life. I don't want to be the reason you miss out on opportunities for success. I really enjoy your company and love having you be a part of my life, but I can't be the cause of why a family is falling apart."  Grillby turns away, his hands still holding onto me, still comforting me. This reoccurring rush of guilt comes back.          "Grillbs, no—" I grab at his wide shoulders and tears surge through my sockets once my eyes move against the air. "You might've been our topic of discussion but fights like these happen all the time. It truly does not involve you. I can't imagine trying to survive without your support. You've been such a good help to me these past months but Papyrus doesn't see that. He doesn't understand what good you're doing because I don't show him my bad." These three words slip through my teeth and there's no withdrawing them after this moment full of intense emotion: "I need you." It comes out sounding desperate as more tears push through my skull. Grillby turns back to me with a soft yet eager smile. I wrap around him and we hug for a strong few seconds. I gasp for air because the dramatic occurrence brought more emotion into my sensitive state. I shift my body back into my seat and look at him closely. I rest my face onto his and they press into a kiss which turns into a few soft—but passionate—minutes of our lips latching onto each other.
Grillby consoled me. He had a few hours before he had to go to work but he told me he had a couple stops to make before heading back to his apartment where he requested I stay at. For the past few weeks, we invited some of our friends to his place and have sort of an opening party to celebrate Grillby's new and improved apartment—but mostly it was a way for us to make up for the times we had to miss out on social events to straighten out the house. I didn't mention it to Papyrus but it'd be a good place for him to understand me and Grillby's relationship. Maybe if he comes around in the next 24 hours I can convince him to show up, but I don't know if I'll be back home before the party starts tomorrow. 
Grillby unlocks the door to his apartment, he steps in after me. We put down a few bags with our decorations for the party. I'd begin decorating his place while he worked his shift. Once he left I started to hang fairy lights and paper garlands. I stepped off the stool I used to reach where the wall met the ceiling; my phone buzzed just then. It was Cole.
COLE: hey man!!! COLE: syd  and i are so stoked for tmmr
SANS: Hi Cole! I'm glad you're both able to hang out!! SANS: It's gonna be SOOO much fun :D
COLE: yea! COLE: i cant wait to see the happy couple heh...
COLE: haha, u and grillby dude! COLE: hes been talking about you nonstop to me and the other cousins COLE: im happy you two are back at it bc you both seem happier with each other around
I freeze, unsure of how to respond. Does Grillby really talk about me to his family? And so highly? 
SANS: You really think so? I guess I haven't thought about it xD
COLE: totally man ;) COLE: see ya
I exit our chat and see my most recent texts. I look at Papyrus' unread message from a few days ago, asking me if I had a class then. I debate texting him "Hey," or something just to start a conversation that might lead to an apology, but my plans were cut short when he sent "sans i'm sorry." I stare at the screen in shock at how he was able to text me right I open our messages. I respond with a short "Me too."
PAPS: sorry i got all pissed off about grillby. PAPS: he's an alright guy, i think i just used him as an excuse to get mad, and that's not fair to either of you.
SANS: No, it's okay! It's understandable. SANS: You thought I was skipping class and you probably had a rough day anyways... we were just the first people you came in contact with to let it out on. SANS: Neither of us blame you, I just hope you can forgive me for messing up so much! SANS: Take as much time as you need, I'll always be your bro :)
PAPS: of course i forgive you. PAPS: i just want you back home, i'm already missing you.
SANS: Oh, I'd love to be back home but tonight I'll be busy helping Grillby set up for this party we're throwing tomorrow. SANS: And it would be REEEEEEEEALLY awesome if you'd show up!
PAPS: i dunno... i'm not a big party monster.
SANS: If you don't show than you won't see me for a whole other day :( SANS: And you said you already miss me SOOO much...
PAPS: well i don't know if i miss you SOOO much...
SANS: But maybe enough to stop by tomorrow? ;)
PAPS: if that's what it takes :)
SANS: HEHE!!! Love you, Paps! <3 SANS: Don't worry, it'll be a lot of fun!!
PAPS: i'll hold you to it.
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Wild West AU
Welcome to Littleton, a tiny little town on the frontier. Our biggest draw here is all the skeletons! We've got skeletons out the wazoo, and they're all too handsome for their own good! Come on along, stranger, and I'll introduce ya!
Sans and Papyrus -- they run a local cattle ranch. Well, Papyrus runs it. Sans mostly hangs around at Grillby's. Everybody knows Pap can't get him to do a lick of work around the place. Lazy bones! Papyrus is a real fine fella, though. He's got a way with his animals, and he's real friendly. He'd love to help out the sheriff, but we only need one deputy in town.
Blue and Stretch - Blue is our beloved school teacher! Mister Blue is a real gentleman, and he loves all the kids in town. He can ride real well, even if he is from back east, and there's rumors that he's a crack shot with a pistol, but ain't nobody ever seen him even touch a gun! His brother is still a working cowboy and he tends to come and go with the cattle drives. He's got a real way with words when he is around. Everybody loves to hear him spin a tale.
Red and Boss - These two drifted into town a while back. Red works in the local mine and Boss is the new deputy. Boss takes his job real serious, but there are rumors that they used to be bandits before they came here, and that the real reason Red is a miner is because he's looking for a spot to hide their big score.
Black and Rus - Black is the local sheriff. Rus was his deputy, but somethin' happened with some outlaws on the edge of town and now Rus mostly just does odd jobs around town. His brother's real protective of him.
Sansy and Sweets - No one knows much about these two loners. They live up the mountain all on their own. They come down every few months to buy and sell things, and they always have a good harvest in the fall, but no one knows what all they do up there. Must get mighty lonely...Sweets is always the one to come down and deal things. Sansy sometimes comes with him to help lift stuff, but he's awful quiet...
Bones and Lucky - Bones runs the general store and his brother is the local banker. They're two of the richest men in town. Lucky plays piano down at the casino some nights.
Smiley and Grim - They own the town casino. Grillby's might be the best place in town to go and get a drink, but if you want to play poker for more than dog treats, you go to the casino. Some people were real upset when these two came into town, but it seems a bit of money crossed the right palms and Smiley turned on that charm of his, and now nobody pays 'em no mind.
G and Aster - G is another one who doesn't seem to actually do anything around here! He's always in Grillby's, crackin' jokes and drinkin' and playin' poker with the dogs, but when anybody asks him what his job is, he don't answer! His brother is the local doctor and he takes real good care of everybody.
Comet and Captain - Our local blacksmiths! They're also inventors (so they say) but nobody knows what they're inventing. We just hear loud bangs and clangs from their workshop...Comet's also got the nicest garden in town. We keep askin' for his secret but he just gets all embarrassed and won't tell.
Break and Tango - They run the stagecoach! They've got all kinds of stories about their travels around the territory, and Tango sure knows how to dance! There's always a party when they come back into town. Break is a shy fella, but if you believe his brother's stories, he's the one who does most of the defendin' when the coach gets in trouble! Another one who's said to be a real good shot, though we ain't seen him do it.
This was so fun to come up with!! I actually got all of this done in August, in one sitting, in one glorious rush of inspiration! I hope you like it as much as I do. Feel free to send questions!
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burrowingdweller · 4 years
I've mentioned headcanon that I love very much in one of my asks, so I want to share it now...
It's post-SoL hc, where Sans and Frisk have known each other for a few months already, but they either don't have romantic relationships yet or they've just started to actually date each other. The point is that pretty much time have passed, but Frisk doesn't seem to rush it and Sans doesn't dare to hurry either.
And while he treats her better and better, I think it's natural that all his agression he took out on her earlier he would now direct on himself. Cause his negative emotions can't just disappear. Actually his behavior was kinda self-destructive at least since his teens when as we know he was a junkie. In SoL we don't see a lot of self-hatred moments - until that scene with Grillby, where Sans gets really pity for himself. But basically we can see clearly that he tries not to think much about his own disadvantages - and that doesn't mean he doesn't know about them. He's clever boy after all, but remembering all the traumas he went through - no wonder he uses his power and agression just in order to not to feel helpless and pathetic again, also he's inclined to alcohol and drug addiction just to think less and not to feel stressed.
So, when he forces himself to respect Frisk and her opinion, the only option to let the anger out is self-hatred and self-reproach. He starts to think that it would be better for Frisk if she never met him in her life, he tries his best for her and yet thinks it's not enough, he blames himself for all his mistakes, and all that really bothers him. Not just bothers - it's as unhealthy as his close-to-abusive treatment at the very start (don't look at me like that, yes, the way he treats her in the story IS unhealthy, yet I think he doesn't mean that - just has no other option since he was surrounded by hatred almost since he was baby-bones. But I think cause of his mother, cause of friends like Tops, cause of his brothers - he's not completely lost). The only difference is he does no harm to Frisk anymore, but he just can't feel happy. He literally breaks himself as he is in the story to become... not a completely new person, I think, but someone close to that kid he was back then, when his mother was still alive.
And I believe Frisk would help him to get through this. She shows him that he's doing right, supports him, makes him feel that he actually can be kind and patient and strong (not physically) - the opposite things he thinks of himself.
Ugh, sorry for my English, I hope I made myself clear enough...
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Prompt: Frisk buying Grillby snacks to try on the Surface. He doesn't have the heart to tell 'em he doesn't like most of it.
This is probably one of the most wholesome prompts I’ve ever gotten regarding Undertale. I hope I did good! Here you go!
I Love the Taste of Ash! Warnings: throwing up, sort of? It’s implied a bit near the end. Word Count: 973 Summary: Grillby forces himself to participate in a taste test.
Grillby liked slow afternoons. Business was business, however it was nice to have some time to clean up after the lunch rush and make sure he was prepared for dinner. On weekdays, he tended to have plenty of time in the afternoon, seeing as most monsters were still at work, just getting back from work, or picking their children up from school.
Speaking of children…
Grillby heard the door to his bar open and set down the pan he’d been cleaning (by sterilizing it with fire magic, of course. He’d wash them with soap and water, but he never touched the stuff). When he went into the dining room, he smiled, immediately going behind the bar and pouring a glass of apple juice for one of his favorite regulars. “Hello, Frisk,” the fire monster greeted kindly, “How was school today?”
Frisk hopped up on a barstool with a serious expression, tossing their backpack on the bar counter. “No time to talk about that,” they declared. “We need to have a serious discussion.”
“Oh?” Grillby was worried as he set the juice in front of Frisk. Did something happen at school? Was Toriel unhappy that Frisk stopped by in the afternoons? She’d seemed perfectly fine with it so far.
“I need you to answer a question.” Frisk folded their arms, locking eyes with the bartender. “Have you. Ever tried. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.”
Grillby paused. That… was not what he’d been expecting. When he finally spoke, his answer left Frisk absolutely appalled.
“What… is a Cheeto?”
That was all the prompting Frisk needed to open their backpack, spreading several bags of chips out on the bar and ignoring Grillby’s mumbled comment about how he didn’t allow outside food. In the human’s opinion, Grillby was the best cook in the whole Underground, and now that monsters were free, he’d become one of the best cooks in the WORLD! It was an absolute travesty that he still hadn’t tried some of the greatest, messiest, and unhealthiest junk food that the surface had to offer! They told him as much as they gestured to the wide selection of brightly colored bags in front of them.
“Did you spend your whole weekly allowance on this?” Grillby asked, though looking at the sheer number of chip options made the question mostly rhetorical.
“Nevermind that!” Frisk picked up a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos from the pile and opened it for him, thrusting the bag towards him insistently. “Look, these ones even have ‘flame’ and ‘hot’ in the name. You have to try them.”
Now, Grillby had tried human food once since he’d been on the surface. Sans had taken him to a human diner where they ordered a pizza to share. The bartender had enjoyed the atmosphere of the place, but when the pizza arrived, he discovered (rather unpleasently) that human food had a fault that made it impossible for the fire monster to enjoy. Remembering the evening made Grillby understandably hesitant to try the snacks Frisk was offering him. But…
Frisk looked so hopeful, eyes glittering with excitement as they awaited Grillby’s reaction. The thought of disappointing the little human made the bartender sigh. He was going to regret this later.
Reaching into the bag, he took out one of the oddly-shaped chips(??). “Why are they dusty?” he asked with a hint of skeptasim, the powder somehow already all over Grillby’s hand.
“It’s part of the experience,” Frisk insisted. “Besides, the powder is the good part. It’s what makes them spicy!”
“Spicy. Right.” Grillby eyed the snack for a moment, then glanced at Frisk again, who nodded encouragingly. Well… no backing out now. The bartender braced himself, then put the Cheeto in his mouth.
As soon as Grillby closed his mouth around the chip, the searing hot flames that made up his body turned it to ash in his mouth. Monster food was usually infused with magic, which protected it from some of the odd properties of a monster’s body while they ate. Human food didn’t have any magic in it, and the fire inside Grillby’s body wasn’t the same as the fire that made up the outside of his body. He could be touched without burning the person touching him, but if they (for some reason) but their hand in his mouth, they’d pull it out with third degree burns. Cheetos and chips in general were already dry. Putting one in his mouth, Grillby was pretty sure he would rather eat a mouthful of sand.
Determined not to fail Frisk’s expectations, Grillby pretended to chew and then forced himself to swallow. It took everything in him not to gag, and he couldn’t help the small cough that escaped him. He managed a weak smile when he looked back at the human. “Y-you’re right, it’s a little spicy,” he managed.
“But how did you like it?” Frisk asked, scooting forward on their barstool.
Oh, the things Grillby did for this child. He gave them an awkward thumbs up, which seemed to satisfy Frisk. They cheered, reaching for another bag. “Okay, if you liked those, Takis have to be next!”
Later that evening, Grillby would find himself coughing up ash in one of the toilet stalls of the bar while Sans rubbed his back, mumbling something about how he should probably close early. The bartender would have to agree, but he didn’t regret his choices. One night of stomach pain was worth it, to make Frisk happy. Still… He made a mental note to come up with some evasive excuses to save himself if the human ever asked him to do something like that again.
Thanks for reading! I hope this was good and lived up to your expectations.
If anyone wants to send me a writing prompt, asks are open! Leave me a comment if you wanted to be added to my tag list for Undertale related writing!
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gastertalks · 3 years
[ Pines rolled their eyes into the back of their head before facing forward with a huff, shuddering at the new atmosphere of the impressively warm restaurant.
They glanced around a bit at all the monsters in the small building, easing into the warmth of it all quite quickly. They were still shaking, maybe even more than before, but their crying had halted for the time being.
*"..Thank you again, Dr. Gaster. I'm sorry for..being such a hassle."*
They were still unable to move forward because of the blue magic engulfing their soul, but they could atleast let their tails move around.. ]
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// * doesn't add text like a badass
[ " So.. why. Did we come here?" ]
There is no need to thank me. You are nothing close to a hassle. I… owe you everything. And we came here because… Well, I used to come here sometimes. Grillby is a healer, perhaps he’d be willing to offer you some help.
[The atmosphere was friendly and mellow, and there were several other monsters seated at the tables and the bar, enjoying their drinks over idle chatter. Gaster ignored them, though, rushing towards Grillby with a pleading look. Grillby glanced up and raised an eyebrow in question.]
Look, I know you don’t know me. Or — remember me. Regardless, we need your help, they… I need you to heal them. I’ll pay you whatever you wish.
[It did not take much persuasion before Grillby ushered them into the back and closed the door behind him. Gaster lowered Pines to the floor, the blue glow in his hands fading. For the sake of comfort, Gaster moved his coat from Pines to beneath his head; a makeshift pillow. Silently, Grillby kneeled down and checked Pines.]
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
The Grillbys' s/o wakes up with two odd lumps on their back and at first they think it's cancer so they kind of have a breakdown. Turns out it isn't cancer but the s/o still doesn't know what it is, and like a week later the Grillbys find their s/o in their room, in immense pain and covered in blood with two large angel wings sticking out of their back, also covered in blood. Reactions?
He’s holding you tightly while you have a break down. He doesn’t say anything and just lets you sob. It hurts a bit but he doesn’t mind. When you find out that it isn’t cancer he’s relieved. It has to be something harmless right? When he comes home a week later he hears you crying and he’s rushing toward you. He freezes when he sees you with two angel wings completely awestruck. No wonders you’re crying you just sprouted wings for pete’s sake. He comes over to you and picks you up gingerly. He takes you to the bathroom and starts cleaning you up. He’s got a rag and is very careful not to hurt himself and you while he cleans up the blood.
He’s trying to calm you down and telling you it probably isn’t cancer. When he turns out to be right he’s kind of shocked but he doesn’t know what this means. It’s good it isn’t cancer but???? You’re back to not knowing what it is. A week passes and he came home from getting a few groceries. He drops them when he finds you and rushes over to you. He’s using the weak healing magic he knows to fix you up. He expends a lot of energy trying to heal you and soon as you’re not bleeding or crying he’s passing out.
He’s scared. He’s very gentle when he looks at them for himself, touching them gently. He’s trying so hard not to burn you. You end up a little red but it fades. When you find out it’s not cancer he’s so relieved. Maybe they’re just knots in your back? He suggests. A week later when he comes home from the café he finds you crying and he gives a light gasp. Your feathers are covered in blood and he can see how much pain you’re in. He quickly rushes to the fridge and pulls out some monster food and is feeding you it. You stop bleeding and he’s urging you to go clean up.
He’s pretty sure it isn’t cancer. What else could it be? Well. Not cancer. He’s in denial that it is. It’s an unusual spot he thinks and there’s two bumps not one. That seems odd to him. He’s relieved that he was actually right when you find that it isn’t cancer. The doctor gives a few shots in the dark as to what they could be but isn’t much help. He doesn’t care he just knows you won’t suffer like you would for cancer. A week later he comes home early from the store and when he hears your soft and pained cries of agony, he’s running. He doesn’t pay much mind to the wings, he’s pulling you into his lap and doing his best to heal the wounds with his magic. He doesn’t care why this happened he just wants you to feel better, to stop crying. It hurts when your tears hit him, but it hurts more to see you so pained. When he’s done you’ll see he’s crying, and he’s not going to let you go for a while.
He’s just as scared as you are. He’s shaking but he’s holding you anyways. You’ll both figure this out. You can do this, it’ll be okay. He cries tears of relief when you find out that it isn’t cancer. He’s already always so very sick he doesn’t want you to be the same way. When a week passes and he comes home aching a little more than usual he hears you’re crying. He’s ignoring his own pain to find you and he sees all the blood. The wings. He’s crying as he comes over to you trembling and holding you. He’s calling Axe, looking for a quick remedy to care for you and kill the pain. Axe brings some monster food over and Smores feeds you it. You heal up and the two of you work together to get you cleaned up.
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Of the skellies who has the biggest sweet tooth/ weakness for sugary stuff?
Undertale Sans - As long as it's edible... He still prefers salty food though. Sans is not very difficult, he likes everything and doesn't complain. He used to live so much time without eating properly that he cherishes any kind of food, really. Except lettuce. He hates lettuce. Grillby sometimes put some in his burger to cut him off lol.
Undertale Papyrus - He likes sugary stuff a lot more than he pretends to. He still tries to have a good diet, but ok, he might have night craves sometimes. He even let Toriel scold Frisk once for the disappearance of her cinnamon butterscotch pie. He can't help it. He's very selective with what he's eating though.
Underswap Sans - He's pretty normal about this, but he tends to avoid sugary stuff because his job requires a good diet so he keeps being. This and because he gets easily excited and he doesn't like it when he's in a sugar rush.
Underswap Papyrus - He would be fine eating only cakes, honey and chocolate for his entire life. Blue said he has a sugar addiction, but Honey answered back that since it's coming from childhood, it's not his fault but his, which efficiently shuts Blue's mouth up.
Underfell Sans - Meh. He's doesn't really have a sweet tooth. He doesn't hate sugary stuff, but he loves spicy things too much to feel anything for them.
Underfell Papyrus - He hates sugar (and spicy) food as well. He prefers salty normal food, that he cooks from home, with lots of vegetables. He despises his brother's food habits and refuses to be like him.
Horrortale Sans - He doesn't care, he likes everything. Losing the ability to eat what you want for 16 years kinda helped with that. As long as it's food, he's happy.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's not difficult either, but yeah, he still has a strong sweet tooth. He loves to bake cakes after difficult tasks or gift himself some nice expensive chocolate. He missed all of this way too much Underground.
Swapfell Sans - He's hiding it very well but he has a huge love for sugary stuff, to the point he has a hiding place in his room full of candy and chocolate bars. He's craving for it, but tries to hide it to everyone. Only a few know.
Swapfell Papyrus - Nah, he likes very spicy food, the kind of food that after you eat it, you can't feel anything anymore. That's his kind of food (with chicken McNuggets, of course). He doesn't like sweet things.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't hate sweet things, but it's not his favorite. He still eats some with Coffee once in a while, but only a little. Too much gives him nausea.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He loves hot chocolate and will give you puppy eyes every time you're making one. He could die for hot chocolate with marshmallows every day. He loves chocolate in general and will never say no to some.
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crappyartforyou · 7 years
Scenario: (this for early in the relationship) the character doesn't think that they're good enough for their s/o, so they try to push them away, meaning ignoring them and not hanging out as much, but not considering s/o's feelings Possible quote: "Would you please just shut up for one second/once in your *curse word* life and listen to me?!" (cursing isn't mandatory); "If you cares so much about me, you'd let me make my own *curse word* decisions like the adult that I am./!"
:)  This reminded me of Sans idk why.
Let me know if it made you cry, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
You had done something wrong you knew it.  Sans hasn’t even looked you in the eyes for weeks.  He made every excuse to avoid you even going so far as lying to you.  It seemed that every time he talked to you lately he was lying.
You had cried yourself to sleep again last night.  You couldn’t help it you had so much pain inside.  Who knew that you would ever feel so much for someone?  What would you have done the first time you saw him if you knew that this would be what happened?  
After a few minutes of thinking you decide that you wouldn’t have changed a thing.  No matter how badly this hurt there had been so many good times.  You were convinced you had true love.  Even if it was just for a short time.
But the time was over.  There was no need to drag it out so painfully.  You were going to find Sans and end this.  You walked around town for a while.  It was a small town and you found him sitting in Grillby’s.  You walked over and sat down on the stool next to him.  As soon as you were comfortable Sans got up without looking at you and began to walk out the door.
“Sans.”  You reach out and grab his sleeve, “sit down we need to talk.”
Sans sat down without a word.  He stared at the counter in front of him.
“So. . .,”  you couldn’t do it, even after all the pain he put you through.  Sitting beside him now, you just couldn’t tell him to get lost.  “That is a really interesting counter there, huh?”
“Yep,”  Sans got up again this time you didn’t stop him.  “I have to go.  I love ya, babe.”  
He started walking away and you couldn’t help the next words that came out of your mouth.  “Do you really?”  Once the words were out you regretted them.  You started something you couldn’t fix.  But maybe you started something that he could fix.
“Why’d you say that.”  He was still facing away from you so you couldn’t see his face but he had stopped moving towards the door.
“Because, Sans, you haven’t been around, you lied to me, you keep walking out on me.  What else am I supposed to think except that you are done with me?  You got what you wanted and now you are leaving me behind!  What else can I think except that you don’t love me anymore!  Maybe you never did-”
"Would you please just shut up for one fucking second and listen to me?!"  Sans voice had cut you off and you were actually happy for that.  Your words had flowed out of you and you never meant to say that much.  Sans turned around and you could see how heartbroken he was.  “I stayed away so that you would leave.  You’re right about that.  But it was never because I didn’t love you.  I love you, I truly do.  But you are- you’re too good.  You are going to do great things one day and I- I’m just going to drag you down.  Even now I’m hurting you aren’t I?”  
You could feel the tears on your own face.  You weren’t sure when they started but they were so hot they burned, you could feel every tear track they made as they fell down your face, and you couldn’t see much more than a blurry mess.  But that wasn't important, he loved you!  He wanted to be with you.  But he had made the decision to push you away.
"If you cared so much about me, you'd let me make my own damn decisions like the adult that I am!”  Sans looked shocked that you had yelled, hell even you were shocked you yelled.  You took a breath and continued, “I love you, Sans.  If you do this to me now, where ever you think I’m going I won’t be able to get there.  Because I’ll be stuck here.  I’ll be stuck waiting for you to come back so that I can tell you that I still love you.  Because I will never stop loving you.”
He just stared at you and you just stared back.  You had said all that you could, you had poured your heart out and now you felt vulnerable and scared.  You noticed all the monsters in the bar that had been watching you.  But when you looked back at Sans you forgot all of them.  He held out his hand to you and smiled.  Not a fake smile that he normally used, but a real one.  You rushed to him letting him pull you into a hug and wrapping your arms around him.
“I’m so sorry, babe.  I love you.”  In that moment everything was right, everything was perfect, and the thing was you would do it all over.  A hundred times if you needed to, because this is home and this is always where you will need to be.
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