#but 1-4 actually makes *more* sense if they actually kind of knew each other
iridescentoracle · 4 months
so over the last month i have watched a playthrough of the entire ace attorney series (including the first three games twice bc i got to the end of T&T and was immediately like. okay so many things have just happened, i need to get a better handle on The Everything before i continue) and even now The Rest Of The Games Later i'm still thinking about how the benefit of context/hindsight makes everything even better right off the bat, even in ways the developers absolutely could not have intended/been thinking about
like. the first time through, the quiz at the beginning of the first case is just part of the tutorial given a light veneer of characterization. however having watched T&T i feel like "your conduct during this trial will determine the fate of your client, please prove that you know what's going on" is actually pretty reasonable to ask a guy you once saw eat a glass necklace to destroy evidence his girlfriend committed the murder he was on trial for. the judge could really have asked more questions actually i'm not sure this pop quiz is really covering all the bases. if anything i think he earned a lot more doubt actually. like yeah okay do you know the name of the victim and the cause of death but more importantly do you know that you cannot eat evidence to try to get your client off the hook
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alistairsmonstercafe · 9 months
NSFW How to Gain the trust of a Dragon in the Dragons Den, Guide 02
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART ?
NOTICE; TOP/SWITCH Male Hybrid Reader
CW; Threesome, slight choking? Hella horny dragon, body worship, praise, face sitting, fingering, ass eating, cock suckin' shit like that.
ADDITIONAL; I don't mind Fem/Fem aligned readers reading but don't feel insulted/complain that I strictly don't do Fem reader, not my cuppa tea mate.
INSPIRATION; @/Bluegiragi Monster AU on Twt and Tumblr & @/thegnomelord for the scale idea on tumblr.
NOTE; Accidentally posted the draft... | This will be a mini series staring our favorite little hybrids. Part ? Will be a poll of a repeat character or a non 141 character.
As Price paced outside the office, the temptation to peek behind that imposing door grew stronger. His hybrid instincts nudged him toward curiosity, but his rationality warned against it. He wasn't your mate. Not Soap's either. He'd be a prick if he suddenly barged in purely because he was a horny dragon, he hasn't felt the urge for a proper mate for years, but it was uncommon for species to crossbreed, or to even have packs, or other mates then one that weren't of the same species.
Yet, there was something magnetic about the possibility—a pull he couldn't quite resist. The thought flickered in his mind like a distant flame, leaving him torn between his innate curiosity and the risk.
And despite the gentle reach of his claw near the door, he didn't. He was old. Older then most of you, who would dare date a dragon of his age? Even people of his kind preferred dragons who could keep up with them, not groan at a sudden back pain or a weak knee. Nor the crowfeet on his eyes, signs of age in his face. His body was not as strong as in his younger days, and well, his stomach. It had a lot more pudge to it, something he'd never openly admit.
The following day, despite his position as captain, Price found himself stealing more glances at you and Soap, your little cuddles during lunch, or the way your tails intertwined. The soft cooing and purrs left to each other left him with want, tugging at the fringes of his thoughts. He couldn't shake off the inexplicable allure it held, even though he knew his authority wouldn't grant him it.
As he maneuvered through his duties, his mind kept circling back to you. He questioned his own reluctance to simply talk to you, push the conversation open. It wasn't about rules or permissions; it was a deeper, primal restraint holding him back, a fear of the unknown that clashed with his innate curiosity.
Yet, when he came back to his desk later that evening, he saw a small pile of, to what to most, would seem as mindless trinkets, was actually an abundance of jewels, some of his favorite coffee, tea, and a make shift.. Scale? No. That wouldn't make sense. He could recognize it as yours and Soap's fur. In the shape of a scale.
Were you lads trying to court him? A deep rumble erupted from his chest as he gently held up the item to his nose, his wings relaxing at the mixed scent. The scent of a mate, his instincts whispered. And he couldn't help but agree.
Tucking away the items he placed them in a small box on his shelf full of items he hoarded before. He couldn't have a huge hoard, so he did what he could. And turned the scale shaped fur, into a necklace he could wear on his chest. Closest to his heart. For he knew they had won it already.
It was the next day where you and Soap were idly chatting, he sat down infront of you, and slid over a scale cut perfectly down the middle for you two. You both easily looked up in shock, mouths open. "Wha- Cap'n- Does this mean-" Soap sputtered, and you were still quiet with your jaw still wide open.
"It does. Means it quite bloody clearly, Soap." He replies almost shyly, his firm voice is softened with love and affection as he smiles. Those beautiful crow lines appear once more and the sight of both of your tails swaying happily is a tell-tale sign hes done the right choice.
He's quick to get back up, walking to the door before stopping and turning back to say; "My room, at nine exactly. Alright?"
You're both quick to say yes and despite his cool demeanor as he leaves, Price feels hard as a rock as the first blooms of heat start back in his stomach. A feeling he hasn't felt in ages, but that can wait for later tonight. He wouldn't be a captain without all that self-discipline, after all.
So its when Price comes to the dark of his room, a little worn out, he surprised to suddenly see a nest, and you and Soap sitting on his bed with only the moon light to illuminate your features. And coo he does because he melts at the sight that you both waited for him.
You're the first to pull him in with a grin, your tail wrapping around his waist as you and Soap are quick to strip him down until hes left in a shirt and boxers. But hes quick to push you down onto your back in the nest as he sits on your lap, Soap he behind Price, kissing down his back as his tail wags.
But as you look up at Price, he looks like a beauty, and your hand gently traces down from his chin, to his toned yet supple and beautifuy scared chest, to his stomach, caressing the pudge as you whisper praise. And it. Makes Prices face burn with pride at the fact someone accepts him and his appearance, something he didn't think he'd be self conscious on.
Soap continues quick and sloppy kisses up his back, leaving soft nips and bites on him, leaving it mostly betweem you and Price. He loves both of you but you had both discussed the idea before. You wanted to pamper Price, and make him feel higher then cloud 9.
And you did, each kiss, and bite, began to switch as Price was switched around by Soap. And you easily pulled Price's hips towards you and kissed his ass, making Price groan in response. The sound cut short as Soap began to kiss him, stroking your cock in the meantime to keep you satisfied as well. It was his turn to assist.
"Fuck- Price- So fuckin' pretty for us." Soap groans out to price, and you can only agree, pressing kisses up his neck as his tail makes soft noises against the nest as it wags aggressively against it.
Price only moans a little, his hips still bucking into your mouth as your tongue is quick, and perfectly long enough to reach deep into him inside, his dragoh tail is quick to curl around your neck and slightly squeeze lovingly. The way you and Soap praise Price and his body makes him melt. Hes an old lad, scales of iron from how the world has hardened him and yet you make him so soft.
So loved.
So accepted.
He thought he was content with 141 but knowing that two of the members in it are his mates? He can only purr.
Its when Soap slides down and suck off Price whilst hes still sitting on your face does he lose it. Not knowing where to buck his hips either back and forth, and instead sways them. His claws tugging at Soaps hair and your hands wrapped tightly on his hips, bits of blood is evident from your claws but neither notice.
Its when you suddenly slide in a finger that Price goes almost limp, his tail squeezes a little tighter and his moans get louder. Damn the thin walls because tonight he knows hes going to be fucked well in his nest.
And in his eyes thats a night well spent.
Aftermath; By morning Gaz is the first of the 141 to complain. Small eyebags under his eyes as he stares at you, Soap, and Price.
"Fucked real good huh? Give me some earplugs next time alright?" He remarks, drinking some coffee, Ghost watches but said nothing. But theres something about the way his smoke slides up his arm at the words 'fucked', before sliding back down, gives you slight curiosity.
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Peril x Turtle imo is like the second worst relatively popular Wings of Fire ship that isn’t full on incestuous or edophilic(even then it’s partly pedophilic)
Peril is much older than Turtle, and the two very much are just friends in how they talk and interact with each pthed(like, I’m not accusing Pertle fans of not having many friends, BUT I’m not accusing them of not not having many friends) which is also way better than them being in a relationship! those two need friends. especially Peril
also second rant I feel most of the argument against Clay x Peril falls apart when you remember
1:Peril loved Clay even before she knew he could touch her
2:Clay actually wasn’t the first person to be nice to Peril, that was Osprey. so it’s not just her misunderstanding her feelings
3:Peril loved Clay even AFTER she got more friends, which just seems to get ignored by a lot of people
4:Clay very much sees Peril more than just a friend, he just doesn’t seem to realize it at first, as he’s shown to always feel happier when she’s around. Darkstalker also literally says he has “very kind” thoughts about certain dragons(which went as far as to make Clay feel embarrassed), and like who do they think he was talking about, Winter???
5:Clay and Peril both get each other on the sense of both being treated and told they’re monster(side note, if anything Clay learning he wasn’t a monster just reinforces what he talked about with Peril about how they can be beyond just labels like “monster”)
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icepoptroll · 25 days
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@rtcpickyourpoison day 4: Ricky - Karaoke/Drag Night
I've seen a lot of art of Ricky and Noel being the perfect drag queen duo and I'm in total agreement. Their fabulous costume changes and wildly imaginative songs in canon are proof enough for me that these two would absolutely kill it in a drag performance, ignoring the haters and putting on a great show!! Starrypoet is such an awesome but oft-forgotten ship.
I felt like doing something with Ricky's love for who he is, his creative endeavors, and his bright spirit. Noel was also fun to explore here in that he's both very loving and very firey. I imagine that, after reaching adulthood, Ricky would become a comic book writer/illustrator and Noel would work in a drag bar, and they'd both take great interest in each other's work. It's bring your boyfriend to work night at the club!! hehe
Image description under the cut.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Shown is Ricky and Noel's reflections in a lighted mirror. The adjacent wall is made of bricks and there is a garment rack with various dresses hanging on it in the background of their reflection. There is a long, wavy, pink and purple wig hanging on the mirror. Ricky is smiling a bit shyly, wearing a voluminous, long purple wig with bangs. He has on pink cat ears, a sparkly silver necklace, a black leather strap wrapped around his arm and a pink bodysuit with black tiger stripes. His makeup is hot pink and bright purple with purple false lashes, glitter along his cheekbones and black tiger stripes painted on the sides of his face. Noel is wearing a dark bob wig, a sparkly dark purple gown, and four strings of pearls around his neck. He is wearing sparkly purple eyeshadow, glitter on his face and body, and dark red lipstick. He is leaning over and kissing Ricky on the head, saying, "Ugh, Ricky darling, you look absolutely sickening!!" Ricky's narration explains, "I knew that, in the context of a drag culture colloquialism, Noel meant "sickening" as a compliment.
Panel 2: Ricky's narration continues, "But I don't think I was meant to take what this other performer said as a compliment." Noel is in the background walking past, now with long, dark, violet gloves on, as a drag queen in a curled blonde wig, pearl jewelry, a black and white polka dot dress with red frills and red high heels walks by Ricky, who is sitting in his wheelchair, smiling and waving, wearing silvery fingerless gloves of uneven lengths. The drag queen says, "Okay, I'll bite. Who invited the make-a-wish kid?" Ricky goes on to explain, sarcastically, "Oh yeah, she got me. That was so funny that last time I heard it I laughed so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur."
Page 2:
Panel 1: Ricky continues, "She went for the low-hanging fruit. Noel went to bat for me." Noel comes up, pointing to himself. He says, "Uh. That would be ME. Got a fucking problem?"
Panel 2: The other drag queen gestures to Ricky, who looks on, bemused and annoyed. She says, "Monique. Honey. Baby girl. Look at him, I mean, seriously? Do I even have to say it?" The dressing room mirrors are in the background.
Panel 3: Closeup of Noel's face. He looks angry as he says, "Ha! After your shit performance tonight I wouldn't bother saying ANYTHING more about him. Save yourself any further embarrassment." Ricky explains, "I didn't mind the comments all that much."
Panel 4: Noel is getting up in the other queen's face, pointing an accusatory finger up at her as she crosses her arms defensively. He says ". . . Aaaand another thing!!" Ricky continues, "Noel did warn me some of his colleagues could be kind of mean sometimes. And, as he would say, I looked "fierce," and I knew it."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Ricky's narration continues, "And, I guess you could say Noel actually sort of WAS granting me a wish." HE propels away to go do his own thing, looking back with a sense of concern and weird curiosity as the other two argue. Noel says, "I can't even, you're just mad that Ricky is a cute young thing, and underneath your makeup YOU look like the damn crypt keeper!" She replies, "Crypt keeper??? Oh, you little. . . "
Panel 2: Ricky continues to explain, "Noel works as a performer at a drag bar and he told me about lip-syncing being a big part of drag shows. While I am unable to sing, I've always loved lip-syncing to my favorite songs." Noel continues to yell, "This is some shady shit. Even for YOU."
Panel 3: Ricky is surrounded by drag queens against a sparkly hot pink background. His narration continues, "So I told him I would love to try it, and he brought me to work with him, did my makeup, and gave me some tips. We even developed a persona for me: Savannah, with the Fiercest Smize. To 'smize,' I'm told, means to smile with only your eyes. I was so excited, though, I wound up smiling with my whole face." A queen with light skin in a sparkly green dress, big wavy brown wig, and floral accents stands in front of Ricky, a hand laid over her chest. She says, "I LOVE silent acts. So mysterious!" A queen with tan skin and dark hair in a high bun dressed in a sharp gold dress and matching jewelry says "Her hair is EVERYTHING!" as she examines Ricky's wig and looks up at her friend, a tall chubby queen with dark skin and a purple afro, with purple jewelry and a sparkly purple body suit. She smiles and nods approvingly. Ricky goes on, "No one else seemed to mind my being there. In fact, people liked Savannah."
Page 4:
Panel 1: Noel and Ricky hug. Noel says, "No one will EVER dull your shine, love. You're beautiful and you know it. Let's get to work, okay?" Ricky says, "I knew."
Panel 2: Ricky and Noel are performing. Noel is dancing at Ricky's side. Ricky is lip syncing, holding a microphone and leaning back, his other arm spread out. The song he is lip syncing to is True Colors by the Studio Killers:
Show me your true colors
In their blinding brightness
Show me your true colors
Like they glow in the night when you are dreaming
Forget about the others
The unbearable lightness of our being
Even spy satellites won't see this coming
Our love that's hiding in the dark
Reach out and I promise you soon we'll be lovers
'Cause it's our true color
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
what is something u came to learn abt each skz member that really did surprise u or that u might not have thought abt if u were just observing them as a fan?
I def want to answer that again in the future when i have done more readings on them but for now its this:
1. how easy going I.N is. Tbh i though he's pretty stuck up and kind of a snob😅
2. how sneaky felix is. He seems like an innocent sunshine but i think he has a very different side to him that otherwise stays very well hidden.
3. how girlypop chan is. He has a more of a daddy/therapist perona within the fandom and other than that seems very serious and workaholic so i thought his energy would a very "no bullshit" kinda energy but he's very very cool and as i said gives me "girly pop, tea" typa energy.
4. how stuck up hyunjin is. Tbh i did sense that already when watching 2 kids room but i thought its just a small part of him, as we see so much of his fun creative side, but after doing multiple readings on him i believe he's a VERY difficult person to have an relationship with (platonic/romantic whatever, just very difficult)
5. how family oriented seungmin is. Very very mature. If tomorrow news cane out if him having a wife and a 3 year old child, with another in the way - i wouldn't be surprised AT ALL!!!
6. han being much more stable than i thought. Honestly i thought he's a mess and definitely has big problems mentally - doesn't seem like that at all tho in my readings. Gives off a pretty stable energy at least comparing to what i thought before.
7. for leeknow i dont have much as he seems pretty similar to what I've picked up on him beforehand - aside from the fact i thought he's way spicier than he actually is. Now it makes total sense to me, and i actually see where that come sfrom through his behaviour in interviews and more insight that we've gotten about his prsonal life etc, but somehow back then i still thought he would be spicier, being a double scorpio (or scorpio gemini) and all.
8. for changbin theres nothing that surprised me as I've picked up on his energy soooo strongly from the moment i started stanning the group. He's actually the reason i started using tarot, because through him i found out i actually have a gift for things like that. Like i would be cooking(or doing something), and suddenly i get a weird urge to like vent and ramble(with like really specific details), and feel so annoyed and hurt and i keep seeing him and like getting an urge to be held - even tho I have never had thought and feelings of that kind before. Idk how to explain it - u just know its not yours. And i endure it for a few 10-20 minutes, and it doesn't go and suddenly i decide to look if something's happened and then i see a certain live or a video or whatever and everything I've been feeling and hearing suddenly makes perfekt sense. Also had periods of times where he's in my dreams, but disguised and its like really intense. But yeah anyways I've went into too much detail😂 basically everything I've found out about him through tarot, i already knew before. I became interested in tarot primarily because of him and the intense energy I was CONSTANTLY picking up on.
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PAC: What are you right about?
What are you right about?
Giving you your “I knew it” moment. You’re welcome.
Please choose a number between 1 to 4. You can use your intuition, or pick one of these charms from left to right.
1 is the letter z, 2 is the plant, 3 is the Christmas stamp, 4 is the cup
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Five of wands, King of wands, Queen of chalices
If you’ve been thinking someone is competitive with you, you’re right. This could be a male in your life, or someone who gives familial/sibling rivalry vibes. Could literally be someone's brother here (which can be common).. 
I’m seeing different settings, for some it’s school, for some, it’s in the online community you hang around. Not exclusively, but those are what I’m seeing especially.
Those 2 court cards are such different characters, this person might be so different to you and maybe you’ve never gelled. You might have the perspective that this person is a bit full of themselves. Someone in this situation may have a birthday during winter time. Someone here could be a water sign or fire sign particularly. I feel like from the 5 of wands, you may have always bumped heads and other people tend to notice that too. Even if you agree on something, anything - even that isn’t the most harmonious interaction.
I feel the need to let you know that actually, deep down this person can be very loving and warm. Maybe not to you lol, but they’re capable of it. Maybe you’re the more empathetic, social or kind character here and you wonder why they can’t be tactful or more humble.
I’m seeing traits of organization and creativity that there may be a bit of jealousy over. I would say in this competitive situation, take care not to take too much to heart because I think the other person is just competitive in nature anyway. So to them, I don’t think it’s super deep. They can just be a bit smug. I think there may be some jealousy or competitiveness over the way you are able to present yourself too. Whether that’s the way you talk to people or the way you look. They are probably not able to carry that off themselves.
That’s what I see, hope it made sense.
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The greenman in reverse, 2 of wands, 7 of swords
So a project or new start maybe didn’t give you a good feeling that it would hit off, and you’re right, the 2 of wands talks about a new career/business venture.7 of swords shows a need to adapt and change the scheme. There is just something that is unfeasible in the current plan, or about the current idea/product.
If there is a business partnership then one of the 2 doesn’t share the same intentions, whether that’s through miscommunication or taking advantage. If you are in a partnership like that, then please ensure you get full truthful communication out of the other person and ensure you have a clear business plan. If this is a new potential job or placement, this is an employer who may be looking to get more out of the agreement than the employee. This could even be practical issues making a situation unfeasible, such as being unable to travel to a workplace each day.
I see frustration about this situation and a real need to have a new start. Maybe currently there is a situation of unemployment or really needing another kind of income. This isn’t to say it isn’t possible, just that you’re right that the current idea, venture or opportunity isn’t going to really take off like someone would of course hope. This may not be yours, it may be a loved one and you’re thinking hmm, maybe not.
Whoever this is, there’s a level of idealism and a new plan needs to be made. I also feel like maybe there were a couple of people who encouraged this person and told them to go for it even though they had no experience in the subject themselves. 
Hope that made sense for ya, if it’s you wanting to take on something new I wish you luck with any revised plans
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Four of wands, five of wands, Nature
There are a few meanings for this one.
If you’ve been thinking you have some kind of pest in your house but you’ve not been 100% this might be confirmation.
If you have been thinking a family member or roommate has been doing something not entirely moral or kind, you’re right. Something is definitely going on. I’m seeing specifically as well if you think someone is playing around with more than one person.
If someone you live with has been really strange or angry or different lately, you’re right that there is more going on for them in their inner lives. They may need help.
Something that was once harmonious is no longer. It seems to have turned argumentative and then even more negative. I’m sorry to see this. You’re right that this isn’t normal. Someone isn’t themselves.
If you have been feeling like something is off at work, it is because people are having more disagreements and issues with one another.
I’m seeing someone here who is creative. No matter how competitive it seems out there, please do continue with your art or creative projects - you have talent. I think deep down you know you have something.
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Nine of wands, The horned God, Seven of swords
You’re right to be wary or on defense right now. Someone might have warned you or you might have overheard something. You might have just simply had an intuitive whisper.
If you have a suspicion what’s wrong with an item as well, you’re on the right track. (for anyone trying to fix furniture or tech).
If you have been on the defense or feel off about someone who is a leader, employer, boss, teacher, father figure etc you’re right. Even your perspective of a local politician - if you feel something isn’t going to help you as a resident, that’s valid.
There is someone who might be trying to appear like they’re on your side, or if you vote/help them or stand with them that they will help you or you will get some kind of benefit. They are only thinking about themselves.
For a few, this could be a love interest that might be acting like they are more mature, paternal or protective than they actually are and you have been right to hold off and wait to see who they are. 
You have definitely been skeptical of someone here and you are completely right. I really strongly get the idea they act like they can offer you so much, but you’re remembering you’re good. You’re independent and you have things that you have earned for yourself. Never let someone trick you into thinking you need them. I’m sorry, this person stinks lol.
For a small number, this person you’re skeptical of can honestly be leading a double life, they are going off to someone/something else behind the scenes. They are so vague as well, you can never be sure what they’ve been doing. I don’t like this person. I'm sorry.
You seem wise to it anyway so I’m not worried, you’ve got this.
Hope it made sense to you see yaaaa
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createdbytragedy · 4 months
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୨୧A/N: Okay, I was suppose to post this first instead of the (3) one because basically, this is the (3) but I got it messed up and accidentally posted that one first so I guess this'll be number (4. )
(lol, this didn't make sense)
୨୧ (3),(2),(1)
୨୧Pairing: Choi Beomgyu X raeder
୨୧Genre: Fluff
"Come on, they would really love you......" Beomgyu said, looking up at you with his adorable eyes. You chuckled, patting his head that rested on your lap.
"You think so?" you asked. He nodded, beaming up at you," I know so. Who in their right mind could not love? you're so pretty and kind and patient. I literally feel so lucky I even met you." his words made you smile, a blush forming on how genuine he sounded.
"Are you bribing me with your compliments?" you teases, brushing away strands of hair from his forehead. God, you loved your boyfriend like this. Bare faced with no make up on, wearing worn out t shirts and looking just a little bit less than perfect. It was a side only you get to see and it somewhat felt privileged knowing that.
"Mmmm, maybe, but no. You really are awesome, (y/n)," he grinned, just staring at your eyes like he sees the universe in it, like he was lost in your consuming beauty. You were too. Watching the way his eyes squint into crescents and the curve of his lips.
"So are you, baby." you placed a kiss on his nose that had him giggling. "Hey, you're distracting me from the conversation!" he playfully pouts, pinching your belly softly as a punishment.
"Why do we need to make it public, baby? Aren't happy with the secret rendezvous?" you playfully remarked. Beomgyu shook his head, lips puckered out slightly in a pout as he played with strands of your hair that fell on his face.
"I just wanna tell the world that you're mine." He whispered. You giggled, placing another kiss on his nose. That instantly lifted his mood, pointing and puckering up his lips for more kisses. You happily gave it to them, smiling and giggling between each other's lips.
"That's it!" he exclaimed, startling you a bit when he abruptly got up from your lap, " I wanna kiss you on live baby. I wanna take you to public places and kiss you IN public because people would be SOOO jealous and I'LL BE LIKE ," HA! LOOK WHAT A CUTE FACE I'M KISSING!!" I wanna take you everywhere. Our concerts, tours, fan meetings-- I wanna spoil you and do cute things together, you know, like, matching fits, making one of those cringey couple videos with you. I wanna show you off to the world and share rides, food, sunsets and drinks. I would place cute lil kisses on your nose and take secret pictures of you. OR we could go to aquariums and one of those dolphin shows you're always on about. I just wanna hold your hand and kiss you beautiful face, you know. Just because I can. " You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips by watching the way his face gleamed, ranting about the things he wanted to do with you.
It sounded so pure and it almost made you tear up, watching him wave his hands around, blabbering on and on like he knew there will be a future for you both. Like, he wanted to make a future for you both. It was unreal. The way Beomgyu made you feel so loved and secure.
"But if people don't know about us, we would have to be out in public with those ugly, black sunglasses and face mask and sweaty, smelly caps and have to act like we're spies on a mission," you continued to watch him, unaware of the smile that stretched across as your face as you do so," but if we public our relationship, we could actually enjoy all those things without looking at our back all the freaking time. Great idea, don't you agree?" he grinned proudly and you smiled, ruffling his hair that was already disheveled.
"You're so cute, Gyu. Its hard to say no to you sometimes."
"Does that mean I can post our picture of tonight?" he asks, tone full of joy. You contemplated. The action was precarious and you weren't certain if the outcome would be necessarily positive. +But you knew that Beomgyu would be there for you when things go downhill. He would be there to console you and make things right. So, maybe, it didn't hurt t
"With all that lipstick stain?" you snickered, shades of red painted on his handsome face.
"Hell, yeah, they should know my girlfriend has the best taste in lipstick shade!!"
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indigos-stardust · 1 month
Violet and Blue Bruises: Bitterness (aka the lead up to their fight)
Part 1 / Part 2 /part 3/ part 4(click to open the links)
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Blue has issues. He knows that he does. He knew he could come off as a jerk. Blue is from the protective and defensive side of Link. The part who flared up his ego and rebutted against his dad to protect vulnerable insecurity filled storm inside. The part that decided if anyone was gonna mess with Zelda, that he'd be the one to deal with 'em. And the rage, the type you get when you try to explain and you try your best but everyone assumes the worst of you. *cough autistic cough*
Red was the one that stopped the worst of it though. Humbled him, really. Blue was stupid and brash and shoved everything in him telling him he had to go back and kept going. Until he got frozen anyways. He spent a long time like that, utterly helpless and realizing all his regrets in the magical ice. Red saved him, with his cheeky mischievous little grin. He'd protect that. Even if Red would occasionally joke that the incident was "what cooled him down" he figured that just made them even.
Then the temple happened. Where he and Red were alone, they were tricked by the darkness to believe that Green and Vio were dead. Where Red lost all hope. And Blue was the one to keep him going, even if it was just for themselves, because they were still alive. He very "lovingly" snapped Red into reality. Red might still have nightmares about Blue being swallowed alive.
So yeah, Blue, if there's one thing he's doing right, its protecting his family! Even if he kinda has to look like the angry stupid problematic bad unwanted one sometimes. And well, okay maybe he is still bad at expressing his emotions and definitely blows up sometimes-
(He doesn't hit anymore though... he hates that he ever did but its so hard to stop it he just can't he tries so hard and-)
But Red and Blue support each other. Blue keeps Red from letting his kindness hurt him (AKA being too kind with second chances and gullible, and taking every single bit of criticism and judgment of strangers to heart) while Red helps Blue learn nuance in conversations, how to express his feelings in a way that doesn't sounds accusatory, and even how to be a bit more vulnerable. It's good. They work well together.
Red's a teaser and and sweetheart and the strongest person Blue's ever known.
Green's great. Sure, he was kinda annoyed at him at first but you know what? Green actually is a lot better at leading them than Blue would've ever been. He's honestly glad, he'd take the quiet protector role over "leader of the rainbow circus" anyday. Sure the dudes actually come out to be a little weird- Okay, "passionate" he can use nice words! He challenges Blue! Descretely punches him to shut him up, (its their love language.) Makes the most heinous dad jokes and puns he'd ever heard. Their dad loves them. They knit together, its cool. They're cool.
But then there's the nerd. Vio.
He doesn't know what's up with that guy! "oH bUt YU UsEd To Be ThE sAmE pErsOn" Yeah no. That guy is a little freaky???
He always acts like he's SO PERFECT, just being sarcastic and reading and getting ON HIS NERVES ALL THE TIME?! His stupid sly comments always make his blood boil. He'd never admit how much they got under his skin. The smug bastard's "logic" didn't even make sense.
Vio did a bunch of stupid idiotic heart attacking including crap on their adventure and he's supposed to be the smart one?! He's terrible at any organization and cleanliness TOO. He just knows Vio does it on purpose to rile him up and get him mad too! He keeps poking and prodding and making all those stupid little digs all the time and when Blue blows up he's the one who gets in trouble every time! He acts so condescending afterwards too!
Then. The worst thing of all?His ROOM. It's Blue's actual worst nightmare. He can't even look, the glimpses of the ink puddle, the papers and trash, the mugs and mugs of filthy drying teas and thrown laundry wrinkling in the corner with shelves of dust and- uengh-
Everything about them clashes. Their logic, their perspectives. Their fighting styles even. Maybe even worse than his room though, is when Vio is Right. Vio is just-
He's warmed up to the weird little nerd. He sees how Vio's joked with the others and always had a soft spot to Red, letting Red's overwhelming presence be excused in his space. You cna't be that bad of a person if you have a soft spot for Red.
But still... he's so cold. And confusing. Sorta like the Ice. But then... Over time? During the rebuilding of Hyrule he became... colder and colder. More a douche. The sarcasm starts to cut deeper. Less and less warm. Unforgiving and solid. Pragmatic. Distant.
Vio starts snapping back at him. He starts snapping back harder. Joking rude banter becomes petty arguments and disagreements full of blame. Resentment, dripping down into a dam that threatens to break. Drip by drip. Those arguments never get resolved either, there is no flow and tide of in and out. Just more and more until the damn bursts.
Green tried to get them to "understand each other."
It went just about as well as the monster hunting mission that ended up with them stranded for nearly a week. They found them covered in mud and glaring daggers into the other. Sure, it hadn't necessarily escalated, but it only drove them further apart no matter how hard Green tried to push them together.
Blue doesn't know what Red sees in Vio. Red's so sensitive to fights, so he tries to keep as much as the bitterness away from him as possible.
Blue doesn't realize that Vio seems him in a very similar light. They encounter an issue, they try to solve it their ways, it backfires and it gets worse. That's their pathetic tango. And then at home its just petty spat over petty spat about chores and the others intelligence or abilities.
Then it escalates.
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loustat-0 · 8 months
Here's the reasons why I don't connect well with Loumand in the book :
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So one of them is because Louis never even once admitted to Lestat or Claudia so ruthlessly that he loved Lestat and suddenly with Armand he became more free in love & more open , I don't think it was because Armand listened to him or understood him better because there are some parts of iwtv book where Lestat was capable of those yet Louis thought it was manipulation 🙄 . Why didn't he ever think the same about Armand ? 😏 The answer is simple because Armand didn't exactly shown his mind powers to Louis yet . And even when he told Louis he did that & he used it on Louis to make him turn Madeline Louis still forgave him ??? And just asked not to do it again ! And Armand didn't do it ? 😏 What makes us sure he didn't ? Cause there are two sentences which showed he most probably did use it again . 1. " Go to sleep Louis " after Louis burnt the theater & wanted to escape Paris & 2. When he admitted that when he heard Lestat survived he said this :
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While it is true that Armand might have kept the fact that Lestat was alive from Louis to protect him it is also worth mentioning Armand does many manipulative things to help the people he loved too . Armand is able to read anyone's mind & if he had read Louis's he must've known if Lestat being alive will make Louis feel anything or not , right ? And why didn't he tell Lestat about Louis being alive ? 😏 What was he protecting Lestat from ? Other than the fact that if he knew he would probably do whatever he could to find Louis again & talk to him & they would probably leave Armand again & get back together ? 😬 So no it wasn't all about protecting Louis from himself or anyone it was for himself too .
All I can think of is how numb Louis became when Claudia died & Armand & Louis kinda fell apart & just lived together because there were no other vampires who would accept them & they were both afraid of being alone & not finding anyone who could love them again as they once loved each other . In my opinion they practically stayed together out of desperation for not being alone & for Louis because he didn't have anyone else to lean on as powerful as Armand . And Armand was emotionally so obsessed with Louis & he couldn't end it easily.
Armand tried to make Louis separated with Claudia a lot he wanted Louis for himself & he didn't want to share him which in the book Lestat never tried to do . And then he orchestrated a whole show to get rid of Claudia & make Louis believe Lestat was responsible for her doom 🙄 although poor Claudia was already doomed because of Lestat's selfishness of making someone so young but let's not forget that they punished her for killing her maker & one of their kind . Another attempt of Armand to separate Louis & Lestat & let's not forget did Louis ever actually ask himself if Lestat was still in the theater or not when he burnt it down ? Yes He didn't even care at that moment he was angry & he was mourning & that can make you not think of whatever you're doing at that moment . Because later when Louis said this :
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Doesn't this indicate that Louis cared who was burnt in that theater ? He said I didn't really care I hadn't thought of Lestat at all the night I torched the theater . Isn't it weird to you that he thought of Santiago & Celeste but didn't really care about Lestat ? 🤔 And if he didn't then why did he burn Lestat with them ? He said he didn't hate him for Claudia's death . Don't you sense some mind power here ? 👀
And look what Louis said about Lestat being alive : I cannot convey to you the feeling that came over me when I heard this .
I mean what does that say ? Why does Louis say this ?
And one more thing if Lestat had escaped the theater who helped him escape ? He didn't escape in fact Armand had taken him again to the tower 😏 .
4. Finally this is why I don't like book Loumand . No hate on AMC Loumand what so ever because I haven't seen anything from them but if the show runners want to do the books they have to at least notice one of these flaws & voids in Louis & Armand's relationship as much as they did in Louis & Lestat's relationship . 😉
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nofomogirl · 8 months
What we know and don't know after Good Omens S2
Honestly, it's mostly what we don't know.
This was originally meant to be an intro to Before the Beginning (part 1.5.) - a post in my series of posts discussing what we learn from the opening scene of S2 - but I've decided to make it its own thing after all.
I just enjoy reminding myself and others what we know for sure and what is just a theory or a headcanon. So here I go.
#1 The Fall
I've already written about the Fall shortly after S2 aired: Implications of Metatron's offer
My points still stand, except now that I think about it I might have put too much stock in Metatron's words. I think they prove less than I was willing to believe back then, as it's not difficult to imagine they might have all been a bluff.
In short: we don't know what the Fall is and how it actually works.
All that we know is that it happened once, and in the process, part of the angels were transformed and became demons.
The rest is just a long list of questions.
#2 Crowley's Fall
We're not much wiser when it comes to the circumstances of one specific Anthony J. Crowley's Fall.
Let's look at the very few facts we have:
In S1 Crowley claims that "he didn't really fall, he just sauntered vaguely downwards", "he only ever asked questions [and] it was all it took to be a demon", and "he didn't mean to fall, he just hung around the wrong people".
Neil Gaiman suggested more than once that Crowley isn't the most reliable narrator when it comes to his own Fall, and while he's not as bad as Heaven believes, he's also not as good as he thinks.
In Job's minisode, when Aziraphale is on the brink of questioning God's sense of justice ("Yes. But..."), Crowley tells him that was how it started for him too.
We learned from Furfur that Crowley actively took part in the dubious battle on the plains of Heaven just before the Fall.
In the finale, Metatron isn't the slightest bit surprised Crowley didn't take his offer and comments he "always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions too."
What does it all tell us? Nothing specific, except that perhaps we were a bit too quick to take Crowley's word that he hasn't done anything that would warrant any kind of punishment.
Questioning God's way of doing things was just how it STARTED for him. Asking damn fool questions was something he did TOO.
In short - we have no idea what really happened.
#3 Memory erasure
It's one of those popular headcanons that have been around at least since S1 and got canonically confirmed in S2.
We now know it's something that exists.
And that's where our knowledge ends.
Everything we really saw in the show was Gabriel getting sentenced to having his memories of being Gabriel removed. Then he very quickly moved his whole self to the fly to save it and we don't actually get to see what the result would be if Heaven did it. Would he be the same returned-to-factory-settings goofball or would he be given some memories to fill the blank spaces?
Is it actually possible to plant false memories in someone's head or can you only delete them?
Are memories really erased or just made inaccessible? Gabriel could still force himself to access some of his old memories. Was it because that's how it works and everybody could do it theoretically or was it because the memory-erasing procedure wasn't performed properly in his case?
We know it can be done remotely, but what is the range?
How precise and selective can it be? Gabriel was meant to forget everything. Perhaps that's the only way and you cannot pick and choose what one remembers or not.
We do not know.
#4 Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship
In S2 we have learned that they knew each other before the Fall. But all we saw was one meeting that appeared to be the first one to boot, judging by the fact that Aziraphale introduced himself.
We don't really know if they met again after that, how well they got to know each other, and how close they became.
It's not impossible, that when Aziraphale insists he knew the angel Crowley was, he's not even right about that...
#5 Aziraphale's and Crowley's memories
Last but not least, whatever Aziraphale and Crowley knew initially and whatever events they were part of or witnessed, we have no way of knowing what memories they've kept AND if they're even aware one or both of them might be missing something.
There may be important things that only one of them remembers but since I doubt they've ever compared notes, he operates under the wrong assumption that the other is aware of it too.
Anything is possible, really.
I've seen many convincing theories regarding all of the above and plenty of delightful headcanons. I'm just listing it to keep in mind all the questions remain open.
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2 (Next Part) | Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8| Part 9 | Part 10
Steve Harrington just up and disappeared the summer of 84’.
He wasn’t seen around town, and he didn’t talk to any of his old friends. No one knew what happened to him. But the thing was Steve hadn’t actually -gone- anywhere. He was still around, still shopping for groceries and driving the kids around, because even though he wasn’t involved in their end of things the first go around, Steve was instantly protective of the shitheads.
Steve had just stopped looking like Steve.
Him and Nancy had ended up breaking up after all was said and done and he’d gone in a bit of a bender after school had let out for the year. Getting lost in the streets of Indianapolis and trying to figure out who he was, who he wanted to be.
That’s when he’d stumbled upon the punk scene and everything sort of changed for him. He didn’t -want- to be King Steve, had never wanted to be him in the first fucking place but it was the only way he knew to keep himself safe in high-school. He’d gone along with it because he wasn’t really a fighter and he knew if he was bottom of the food chain, he wouldn’t have survived. But the punk scene, the punk scene was everything he never knew he needed, and the kind people he’d met behind the hard edges that dressed with had helped him find a way to express himself and protect himself.
So he’d shaved the sides of his head, pierced his lip and eyebrow, and bought enough black and pastel clothing to crop and cut and mix and match till it fit his feelings of the day.
And so King Steve died and Steve was born from his ashes or something poetic like that and Steve felt more himself then he’d ever had before. He even learned about the queer community that intermingled with the punks and metal heads he spent his time with, and discovered you -can- in fact like both babes and boys and he’d been slowly setting into that part of his identity over the summer as well.
It nearly made him laugh out loud when he’d walked into Hawkins High on his first day of senior year and everyone’s jaws seemed to drop in unison when they took him in. Charcoal smoked around his eyes and mesh top covered by his black denim vest covered in patches and pins. The old “Harrington” cut off the back of his lettermen jacket and sewn onto the back of the vest, effectively cutting off every rumor about him ‘running off with that Buckley girl he knocked up.’ His arm was draped casually across said girls shoulders, the pink streaks she’d added to her hair standing in stark contrast to his black clothes.
“People are staring.” Robins whispered words tickled his ear as she leaned into his space, shying away from the eyes on them.
“Let em’ look Buck. Who gives a shit what they think, that’s what Hellen told us right?” He smiled softly down at her. She’d come a long way since the first time they’d run into each-other at one of the only queer clubs in the city, but she was still working on the whole aloof part of the punk roll she was falling into with him. Her outfit more subdued with spikes and patches on her jacket being the most she felt comfortable with in her new fashion. She still wasn’t sure she was totally into the punk look, so she’d taken her favorite parts and found ways to incorporate them into her usual fashion sense.
“Is that Steve Harrington?” Tommy’s voice suddenly rings across the halls and breaks them from their little bubble. Robin pulling her head off his arm and squaring her shoulders.
“Hagen.” He nods, the piercings in his face glittering slightly under the schools florescence. He debates internally if he should go on the defensive or just simply stay aloof, when Eddie Munson rounds the corner making a strange, loud, startled sound so loudly it pulls Tommy’s attention from Steve completely. Eddie’s stumbling to pick up the books he’s dropped eyes glued directly to Steve as a sharp red blush coats his cheeks.
“Fucking freak.” Tommy spits, and Steve sighs, defensive and aloof are officially off the table now, offense becoming his first priority.
Steve and Eddie had never interacted outside of Tommy’s hazing and Steve standing off to the side, trying to not to draw attention to himself. But when Steve had decided to finally be true to himself, he’d also discovered his unwavering desire to protect others, channeling his inner mean girl to punch up instead of down. And Eddie Munson was someone he seems to have deemed in that moment, under his protection.
“Lay off Hagen.” He snaps. Keeping his demeanor indifferent and bored as his ex friend whips around to glare. There’s a startled strangled sound slightly down the hall and Steve’s eyes meet Eddie’s, offering him a small smile and slight nod when he notices Eddie’s eyes are still glued to him.
“Oh sorry I forgot you’re a freak now too huh Harrington?” He growls, stalking towards Steve and stumbling his steps slightly when he realizes Steve stands a few inches taller then him now. His eyes shoot down glancing at Steve’s slightly platformed combat boots.
“They’re called shit kickers.” Steve offers, catching his gaze. “Wanna find out why?”
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2 (Next Part)| Part 3| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8| Part 9 | Part 10
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ninadove · 5 months
Hi Nina! Why transmask Felix and not transfem? Or you are fine with transfem too?
Hi Anon! Hope you’re having a wonderful day! 💖
I do like transfem Felix! In fact, I originally leaned more towards this option. The Senti-lore is extremely queer by nature, and I think it’s wonderful so many people can see themselves in the kids.
Really, it comes down to personal interpretation. Some notes below:
1. Colt Fathom is a massive douchebag.
Nothing groundbreaking here. We been knew. At first glance, you’d assume he would want a male heir for Toxic Masculinity Reasons™; but I think he would prefer a daughter, also for Toxic Masculinity Reasons™.
Colt is the kind of person who wants to elevate his own status in the world, and the solution he resorted to is marriage. This kind of alliances is frequent in the spheres he navigates, as seen in S5 with the Adrigami plot: as such, he would likely see his child not as an heir, like the GDV lineage would, but rather as something he could trade for even more power. A daughter of noble pedigree and born into considerable wealth would undoubtedly be a catch, and give him a leg up in his race against other rich jerks.
Additionally, we’ve seen how he acts around Felix — how he perceives him as a threat and a reminder of his own mortality. Peacock curse or not, asking for a son would have forced him to face the prospect of eventually being overpowered by his own progeniture every single day; but a little girl? Surely, there’s no threat there, right?
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2. Felix’s first appearance gives us lots to think about.
Firstly, when it comes to Adrien’s reaction. When Amelie explains that she decided to drop by “so [they] could all be together” on the anniversary of Emilie’s fridging, this is the (adorable) face he makes:
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Because he understands! If his aunt is here, surely his cousin must be here too. “All together” means all together.
Yet, when Felix actually appears, draped in dramatic lighting like the theatre kid he is, Adrien still looks strangely surprised:
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Which Amelie immediately follows up by highlighting that they look “just like twins”. The characters should not need this comment — they were here the whole time the kids were growing up! Of course, there’s a doylist explanation to this line: we, the public, must understand that Identity Shenanigans Will Ensue (and they did). But what could this mean in-world?
I propose that the cousins did not always look exactly like each other — that they were perfect twins as young kids, but became more and more different as time went by. Perhaps one developed more feminine features, while the other grew up to look more masculine. If the Agrestes did not witness the early stages of Felix’s transition (probably started right after Colt’s death, so only a few months before canon), it makes sense they would be taken aback by the newly recovered resemblance between the kids.
And, of course, it adds some depth to the Identity Shenanigans. Especially if you read Adrien as genderqueer or transfem.
3. Felix exhibits stereotypically masculine behaviours every chance he gets.
This goes from wearing what is basically the Official Rich Boy Uniform (waistcoat, tie, black and white palette):
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To certain mannerisms, like putting his feet on Gabriel’s desk to assert dominance against the guy who could literally snap him out of existence:
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To the way he perceives himself: a cursed prince from a twisted fairytale, who systematically places himself in the role of the protector (even if it’s not always appreciated by the people in his life).
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To me, this sliiightly over-the-top behaviour is very reminiscent of a child who just figured out something huge about their identity and is exploring it to the fullest — to find out what it truly means to them, and which aspects they want to incorporate into their life.
Which leads me to the most important point:
4. The Peacock Miraculous! 💜🦚
Deeply associated with Felix’s reclamation of his safety, freedom and bodily autonomy. And when we think about peacocks, what do we think about?
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Colourful feathers. Panache. Ostentation (this is literally what groups of peafowls are called). A conception of masculinity that is different from social standards in most of the Western world, but is there and bold and unapologetic.
We don’t get to see Felix using the brooch for the first time — even his mum, who he trusts with everything, is absent. He needs this privacy to come to terms with his powers and make them his.
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But then, when we do get to see him transform — everybody else witnesses it too. Felix goes from hiding behind Adrien’s face, ergo disguising as someone he is not, to revealing his identity to both the audience and the entirety of Paris.
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This is Argos embracing who he truly is, even if the world might call him monstrous.
And finally, one more point:
5. Why would Tomoe prefer a model over a quasi-prince as a potential match for her daughter?
I get it — she has a partnership going on with Gabriel. But the woman is leagues smarter than him (What? Like it’s hard?) and could most likely find another way to turn the world into her own little dystopian dream, should she want to. Not to mention, even if Adrien is a catch by most people’s standards, he is still the bane of the GDV lineage.
Felix is the heir. Felix is just as wealthy, if not wealthier than the Agrestes. Felix is the best at everything he does (chess, horse-riding, karate) and as such should be a perfect fit for Kagami, even by Tomoe’s insanely high standards.
Yet, she keeps referring to him as this corrupting influence: not because he is a supervillain (she hangs out with them on the regular), but because he might whisper dangerous ideas about ✨ freedom ✨ and ✨ bodily autonomy ✨ in her sweet daughter’s ear while they make out dressed as Adrien’s parents. We know how important femininity is to the Tsurugi lineage: Duusu forbid this monster talks Kagami into rejecting it in any form.
So, there you have it, Anon. I’m sure there’s a lot of evidence to support other interpretations, but this is the one that resonates most with my brain! 💜🦚🏳️‍⚧️
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Can’t believe I almost forgot:
“Felix” literally means happiness and luck: a weird choice from Colt, and it’s unlikely Amelie had any say in the matter. So when Argos says:
“Isn’t it great? We have everything we need to be happy!”
It very much sounds like his first name could be a conscious reclamation on his end!
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talxns · 14 days
Some brudick questions 😊
1. Who fell in love first?
2. What physical traits does Dick like about Bruce?
3. What’s something that Dick does that makes Bruce get flustered?
4. Who’s more romantic?
5. If you could compare their relationship to another couple that’s not from DC, who would it be?
yesss thank you thank you for this ask i am rubbing my hands together eaglerly !!!
in a romantic sense, dick fell first, absolutely no question about that. i headcanon that dick crushes on bruce very early on. but i also think, in a way that is not technically romantic, bruce felt a bone deep love for dick the night he saw him, and that never went away and will never go away. he loved dick before he even really knew dick. it is this kind of self recognition through the other that helps recontextualize bruce's life and purpose, and also allows him to love himself, indirectly.
THIS IS HARD. its extremely subjective since dick, in canon, has certain physical attribute preferences that are hammered in that bruce just doesn't meet (e.g. women. redheads). so anything i think dick would like doesn't really come from anything based in canon given how straight & into redheads that dick is written... that being said the dick in my head likes bruce's hands and back and chest and shoulders and arms and stomach and nose and jaw and eyes and--
EASY. when dick eats his ass. :]
BRUCE is more romantic, for sure. he is extremely sentimental and thoughtful and just. such a cheeseball sometimes. he'll send dick flowers with specific meanings, he'll remember little tiny details from years and years ago, his gifts are always extremely considerate. and he actually does like going on dates (not because he wants to be seen in public but because they are a formality and a romantic tradition that bruce honors). i think he'd like taking drives with dick, choosing a car that has some good memories attached to it from their younger days, parking somewhere remote so they can make out, etc... dick thinks its so silly that he is getting this treatment from bruce but he loves him for it because it is all still very Bruce.
HONESTLY i cannot think of a similar dynamic in anything else... bruce and dick have such a complex history and relationship with each other that i don't know if there is anything similar. mentor/mentee best friends partners brothers father-son etc etc. maybe like whatever obi wan and anakin have going on.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
hello followers, and welcome to another episode of 'on a scale of 1 to 8' bro code edition. In which I rank the Bridgerton men from to absolutely worst bro to best bro ever. here it goes
8) Benedict: when it comes to Sophie, This dude breaks all the rules of the bro code, he is totally a) willing to throw other bros under the bus if he can spend time with her b) failing at wingman duty c) willing to withhold sensitive information from the bros if it means he gets to keep Sophie a secret and I don't know, in AOFAG He just gives off that kind of vibes, that not only would he be willing to date a bro's ex GF, if that GF was Sophie, he'd be the one causing the breakup in the first place.
7) Simon: self explanatory, he hooked up with his bro's little sister, which is totally against the bro code, he's putting Daphne before ANY bro night out and refusing to defend any of his bros if their significant others are attacking them. Simon, however, would not date a bro's ex GF, which makes him a little better than Benedict. He wouldn't even hook up with Sienna. so he gets bro points for that. Also, we all know Simon is also capable of stealing other people's GF, just because he's never done it doesn't mean the rest of his bros are okay with leaving their GF alone while he's in attendance.
6) Anthony: Like all Bridertons, exept Benedict, he IS an excellent wingman, and can keep the secrets of a bro. BUT he's a coward when it comes to his wife, so he would totally throw a bro under the bus if it got him out of trouble with Kate and we all know it. Does NOT believe in bros before girls, does NOT believe in defending bros. But he will bail a bro (most likely Gregory) out of jail while lecturing that they deserved it. When it comes to dating, the only help the bros get from Anthony is a list of who are the crazies that need to be avoided, on everything else, except parenting advice, the bros are on their own.
5) Gregory: I feel like Gregory should be higher up this list because he's just so wholesome, he's one of the nicest bro's in the game, he's a good wingman, he's good keeping his brothers secrets, he helps his bros out of sticky situations. And then I remember that Gregory, (for all his wholesomeness as a bro), has a thing for unavailable women, and has probably tried proposing to Kate and Penelope at least 3 times before they got married to his brothers. And he actually did end up stealing someone else's bride. Haselby may not have been his 'bro' in the strict sense of the word, but they still knew each other and went to school together. Gregory had his reasons, but he was not above breaking the bro code in a spectacular way
4) Gareth: I don't have anything against Gareth, but he kinda does give off the vibe that he can't keep anything from Hyacinth, so no bro would trust him with sensitive information, and he absolutely ditches wingman duty if it's way more trouble than it's worth. I can imagine Gareth being Gregory's wingman with Hermione and failing so badly at it, that he indirectly becomes the reason Lucy has to step up. But he's the sort of bro that gets points for trying at least, and we should respect that. Gareth would never date a bro's little sister, or ex, he'd never leave a bro alone to face the cops, he's a moderately good middle ground.
3) Colin: best wingman in the Bridgerton series, the only reason he's not #1, is because Colin would never sacrifice as much as Phillip and Michael did for the sake of a bro. But in everything else, he's your man, Colin will keep a bro's secrets, he will get the bro together with his girl, he will go above and beyond in the friendship department, hype up his men with super supportive speeches. On the other hand... He would still date his bro's best friend if Eloise had been born a guy. That's the only strike against him, and also that he's okay with throwing Anthony under the bus for his own amusement. Not all his bros, just Anthony. And only when he deserves it. Which is always.
2) Phillip: Was willing to enter a loveless marriage just to honor the memory of a bro. The extent of respect Phillip had for George, led him to marry Marina. And it was a large part on why he took care of her for so long. Phillip is willing to get beaten up by the bros to fit in, he's the guy who went trough every hazing ritual in the frat house and came out all the more manly for it. Also, out of all the bros, he's the one with the third highest alcohol tolerance meter, after Anthony and Michael. So it's very hard to beat him at drinking games. Phillip is just one of those bro guys okay. He does believe in the bros before girls thing, he'd never chose a girl over a bro, so much his bros had to practically beg him to just chose the girl, because they wanted Eloise out of their house. Still, he would never abandon a bro. the downside of this hyper wholesome bro...is that he does not know how to talk to girls
1) Michael: Out #1 best boy. Michael Striling, the man with enough self control to not seduce his bro's wife, even when he was dying inside. This man took being true to a bro's memory to a higher level than Phillip did. Because he actually LIKED his bro's widow. And never made a move until another bro practically pushed him towards it (see, Colin does have his uses) Michael may be the merry rake but this man would never touch someone else's girl, or ex girl, or their sister, or their bestie. he goes after merry widows and courtesans for a reason. Michael is a ride or die bro, so much even girls want him to be their bro. He will not throw a bro under the bus, ever, he will be there for every bro that needs him, even if it means leaving Francesca alone for a few hours. This man is so confident in his masculinity he's probably the one who organizes boys night out whenever he's in town. Because he just knows his bros need to unwind away from their wives. He's right. And we love him
but what do you guys think. Did I rank them correctly. Am I being too hard on Benedict and too soft on Michael? tell me.
because that's the tea for today
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greenerteacups · 9 months
hihi i saw you were semi-active on tumblr and figured i would ask if you'd be willing to elaborate a bit on the whole push/pull relationship theo and daphne have in lionheart? i've done a couple rereads but i still can't quite figure out how they feel about one another.
hope you're having a great christmas gt <3
i've got good news and bad news. the good news: you've read it perfectly well, because "can't figure out how they feel about one another" is exactly what's going on with them at any given moment. so this is greatly vindicating for both you as reader and myself as author. the bad news: you have just given me license to talk about theodore nott and daphne greengrass, a dynamic that gets an understandably small amount of attention and yet consumes large volumes of my headspace. so. spoilers ahead!
daphne and theo break my heart, because they're a story in wasted potential. theo and pansy are obviously old childhood friends, but i think daphne is just someone who knew them socially and only really got close to them at school — cf. her conversation with draco at the yule ball — because first year forced theo to make friends who weren't pansy for the first time, and daphne finally had a chance to socialize without her parents coddling her. they get along like a house on fire, pansy rocks up to join them in second year, and this is the cute little nega-Trio draco meets in book 2. it's a fashionable nucleus of dry humor and ferocious mutual protectiveness, which theo demonstrates especially in the hospital wing at the end of book 3.
but theo continues to suffer the chronic condition of Being Theodore Nott, and so when the plot comes knocking, things go south for him expeditiously, especially his personal relationships. daphne develops a crush on him as early as book 3, and being daphne, she's incredibly obvious about it, but being (1) a teenage boy and also (2) an incipient domestic terrorist, he naturally avoids dwelling on it — and then maybe-kind-of-starts-to-reciprocate, because hey huh wait a second you sure do care about this girl a lot, don't you, theodore? — but by that point the war's started revving up in the background and he has Other Shit To Deal With.
it doesn't help that the two of them are being drawn in radically different political directions, partly because of her friendship with draco, but also because of her own choices. theo's mistake here isn't malicious, but he really does ice daphne out (as he does everyone but pansy, pretty much, in fairness) for most of book 4, and by the time he realizes that he could actually lose her, it's too late. probably he doesn't realize how far she's migrating once she drifts out of his influence — daphne is incredibly susceptible to suggestion and is deeply influenced by those around her, which becomes clear once she's transplanted into gryffindor and discovers this much kinder, more chivalrous side of her nature. given that chameleon-quality of hers, it's understandable for theo to be shocked when she pivots away from him and pansy the space of less than a year. but also, I think it's telling that he's that surprised, since daphne hasn't been in good with the rest of slytherin for months at this point. and in turn, this surprise angers her, because like — dude, seriously? forget the romantic stuff; you're supposed to be her best friend, and you couldn't tell that she was doing a Character Arc behind your back? (strains of this feeling heavily inform what she says to draco during the Yule Ball, especially re: theo and pansy being each other's platonic soulmates. she feels locked out, in every sense: from slytherin, from her friends, from her parents, from everything. she wants in on something, and it drives her to do something pretty callous to draco and hermione, as she realizes and regrets. daphne is not always a kind person, even when she's a nice one.)
that anger, and theo's unfortunate failure to do anything useful about it whatsoever — slytherins! purebloods! low EQ! not great at the whole making-amends thing! — is what makes it possible for her to sever ties with slytherin completely, effectively terminating the close friendship she had with him and pansy (who's slightly less reconciled to that separation, but pansy is also much less politically involved than theo both philosophically and functionally, so it's easier for her to double-dip). it's my headcanon that if theo had even 15% less to worry about, he'd be making more of an effort to revive that relationship, but kid is in hardcore Survival Mode for most of book 4, and just knowing that daphne's not in immediate physical danger has to be enough for him. meanwhile, upstairs, daphne is discovering the Life-Changing Magic of Real Friendship, and like, it's kind of a blast? and lavender and parvati are really cool? and gosh now that theo isn't the center of her living universe, isn't it funny how all these tall good-looking boys are wandering around? funny, that!!
this isn't to say that their story is finished — it isn't! there's still a lot of gas left in this tank, and many, many things these two have left to say to each other — but that's where the story leaves us. they were close; there was a real possibility of something, and likely some degree of mutual interest; but the timing was never right, and it's not going to get any easier if things keep going in the direction they are now. (but who knows?)
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jojameswinter · 4 months
Omg I love that you are here with some analysis r.e. kook year and making up with the pogues!
My take is that JJ doesn’t seem to have super high demands or expectations on his friends. I think he’s not bothered by being treated badly after maybe a day or two of stewing. He also seems perfectly happy to flirt with Sarah in S1, so I doubt he knows what went down. I bet he and JB would forgive early and not even need an explanation, although they both still seem a bit touchy about it in early season 1. Some of JJ’s jabs are a bit pointed still. Pope’s character needs to understand and agree more than the two of them do, which makes the Kie and Pope dock conversation make a lot of sense.
Also Kiara and JJ obviously seem to flirt and have a bit of an antagonistic fun mutual attraction thing going on in S1, but they don’t seem as soft or close with each other. Maybe a keeping at arm’s length kind of thing. Kiara needed to see him vulnerable to be softer with him (ie hot tub scene). They start to get softer as the seasons go on, but I didn’t get an impression of super closeness pre-canon.
Love hearing people’s takes on this!
I definitely see what you mean about JJ taking what he can get kind of thing, which is so 😭 He is hot-headed though and can lash out, but at the end of the day, loyalty is the most important thing to him and the Pogues are the Pogues. He's gonna be there for them.
INTERESTING....I did not see JJ's behavior S1 as flirting with Sarah but almost like snarky and antagonistic. I actually interpreted that as a sort of defense, bc although he might not have known exactly what happened with her and Kie, he knows shit went down and he's taking Kie's side, always. Also, he just despises kooks LMAO
As for jiara seeing each other's softer sides, that's so interesting to think about!!!! I think they're very similar that way, having more difficulty being truly vulnerable. Their tendencies are to lash out more than break down, but JJ just couldn't help it in that moment 😭 You can feel his exhaustion of keeping it all together finally releasing. I don't read this as the very first time jiara has been soft with each other but maybe about this particular situation bc JJ seems to hide a lot from them. Kiara instantly knew how to be there for him whereas it took Pope a minute to catch up. I think this was a particular moment where JJ let Kiara be there for him. I see what you mean though, and in terms of just growing up, stakes being raised, etc., they're learning how to be there for each other even more openly and honestly. And part of that journey is realizing they're each other's person outside of the Pogues.
WOO a kook a year discussion in the year of season 4 LET'S GO!!!❤️
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