#but !! yea pierres a loser
penguin--person · 1 year
i dont know how profound their romance is in the musical or whatever but in the book pierre meets natasha when she’s like 13 or something and then for the rest of the book it’s just like bruhhhh h h h . Russian novel moment ! this always happens. so i cant take them seriously really but maybe in the musical it’s normal . maybe
iim gonna be honest with you dude i didnt even know they were romantic when i first listened to it:( i thought it was like a found family moment. and yea he says "i have known her since she was a child and long carried affection for her" pierre FAIL moment but 'affection' isnt inherently romantic ! and. mannn i misread some moments so bad. after anatole fails to steal natasha away and her reputation is ruined, pierre goes to her and sees how messed up her situation is. how sad she is. and he goes "if i were not ugly and stupid and dumb but someone cool and awesome. id get down on my knees this minute and ask you for your hand and for your love" but i thought that was just like fuckinggg. "its not over for you. youre still young. if i could id restore your honour, but i cannot, but there will be someone out there that can, youre not over, you still have so much life left to live. id help you if i could but i rlly cant. youre going to be okay." and not. as genuine as it turned out to be. hes a poet and shit right hes a philosopher. i thought he was just being all cool and stuff with his words for no reason . pierre fail moment. poor natasha... auughhh
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battinscn · 3 years
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WINTER WONDERLAND — draco malfoy x slytherin! f! reader
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CONTENT WARNING: smut but not implicitly written mdni
SUMMARY: you thought you would be spending christmas alone at hogwarts, but little did you know that your boyfriend was cheekier than you thought he was.
WC/ AVG. READING TIME: 6319 words/ 30 minutes
return to the draco masterlist here
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"EXCELLENT WORK MS Y/L/N!" professor mcgonagoll praised as you successfully transfigured a toad into a toadstool.
you thanked the professor with a grin and you admired your work.
"bloody hell, how'd you do it?" draco groaned frustratedly as he bore a hole into the toad ribbiting in front of him.
"brilliant!" you clasped your hands.
"class," draco raised his eyebrows in amusement, "thank you," he thanked for your help.
"your welcome, now you owe me one." you cheesed while biting the tip of your tongue.
the blonde boy bent down and placed a kiss on your forehead, "that better?" he asked.
"much." you hummed gleefully.
"uck, get a room would you?" blaise fake gagged from his seat behind the both of you.
"of course. you can join too babe." you turned behind to wink at the boy.
"oh mate, malfoy! get your mrs away from me!" blaise slapped his hands over his eyes to block your wink.
"she's not wrong. you're welcome to join anytime." draco shrugged as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, a smirk on his face.
"oh nelly i'm going to throw up." blaise rolled his eyes at his two best friends.
it was a common occurrence for the three to make jokes like these. the couple and their friend knew it was all just banter and nothing should be taken too seriously.
"now that all of you are done with your practicals, i will assign you homework over the chirstmas holidays." professor mcgonagall announced from the teacher's table.
groans and sulks erupted from the slytherin and ravenclaw students.
"silence," the professor tapped her wand on the tabletop, "i would like an essay on the summary of chapter twelve of your textbooks. 12 inches, no less."
the students started packing their quills and parchments into their bags and pushing in their chairs.
"happy holidays year sevens!" professor mcgonagoll dismissed the class.
"finally, the last lesson of the year's over." you sighed happily as you let your hair loose from its ponytail, "just two more terms left till we graduate!"
"it also means we're five months away from newts." blaise reminded as you walked to the great hall for dinner.
"way to ruin the mood you bellend." you punched the side of the boy's arm jokingly.
"hello losers!" pansy joined the trio, coming from her herbology lesson.
she linked her arms with yours and you sat in your usual seats on the slytherin table.
"are yous excited to go back for christmas?" blaise asked.
"i know i am, mum's been to paris to buy pierre and i presents," pansy sipped from her goblet.
"father's been on my arse about newts next year, i'm definitely not looking forward to seeing him," draco grimaced at the thought of his father.
"what about you y/n?" blaise directed his question to you, causing draco and pansy to look at you with curious eyes.
"uh...yea i'm excited," you gave a tight-lipped smile to their prying faces and they seemed to have been satisfied with your reply.
professor dumbledore repeated the same speech he would say every year before the christmas holidays and dismissed you back to your rooms.
the four of you returned to the slytherin common room and sat on the leather sofas, chatting about nonsense.
you bid goodnight to draco with a kiss on the lips and you and pansy returned to your dorm.
"hi girls," daphne greeted as she walked into the room not long after, millicent behind her.
the three other girls were frantically stuffing their belongings into the trunk, knickers and bras flying across the room, 'are these mine?'s and 'no i think they're yours' being spoken.
you laid against your headboard, a muggle book in your hands while you sat with your legs stretched out, feet crossing at the end.
"why aren't you packing your things y/n?" pansy questioned with a frown on her face.
"oh, i got sent a letter last week. mum said her and dad are visiting family in greenland and i can't go. i'm staying here for the holidays." you peered up from your book.
"oh. i'm sorry." the girl's face softened, millicent and daphne giving you sorry looks as well.
the three slytherins squished onto your bed, crowding around you.
"i demand a group hug!" daphne was the first to wrap her arms around you and the other two girls followed suit.
"it's quite alright y'aknow, i'll be fine. i can get a bit of studying in and the library will be quiet for once." you tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle.
"does draco know?" pansy asked.
"no," you shook your head, "you know what that bloke's like. if he found out i was staying, he would too. and i can't be the reason he doesn't spend christmas with his family, i'd feel terrible. don't tell him about it, please?"
"we won't," pansy assured with a pat on your shoulder, all of them nodding their heads.
they returned to packing their things and you soon tucked yourselves into bed for the night.
you unknowingly woke up a few hours later, unable to fall back asleep. you reached for your wristwatch on your nightstand and saw that it was nearly half past five. you decided there was no point in trying to go back to sleep and swung your legs over your bed.
you ran your hands over face and tip-toed to the bathroom.
you took a warm shower and prepared for the day. you dried your hair with a spell and stepped out back into the room.
by then the other three girls were starting to stir awake, hoping to catch the first train back to king's cross.
with your book in your hands, you trudged down the dormitory steps into the common room and nestled yourself on the cushions.
as the morning progressed, slytherin students walked past you and out of the dungeon's entrance.
a familiar patch of blonde hair walked down the boy's dorms steps from the corner of your eye and you set your book down.
"good morning sweetheart," draco kissed the crown of your head as you wrapped your arms around his torso.
he set his trunk down and combed your hair with his hands, "where's your trunk?"
"er, i'm taking the later train," you chewed on the inside of your cheek and looked everywhere except your boyfriend's eyes.
"do you want me to take it with you? i'm apparating home anyway so it wouldn't be much of a bother."
"no!" you quickly shooked your head, draco jumped slightly at the raising of your voice.
"sorry. i mean no, it's alright. ride with pansy and blaise. i'll be fine, really." you assured while resting your hand on his cheek.
"are you sure?"
"i'm positive." you pecked him on the lips.
"you lot ready?" blaise asked with pansy next to him.
"i am, y/n's taking the later train." draco informed.
"i'm gonna miss you," pansy embraced you tightly, which you proceeded to tell her that you would to.
"you sure you'll be alright?" she whispered so only you could hear.
"i will pans, i promise." you whispered back.
"c'mere y/n," blaise opened his arms so you could hug him.
blaise was a huge hugger, he loved to give and recieve them. the hug lasted rather long and he squished you even more.
"hand on bum. zabini your bum's touching my hand!" you wiggled out of his grasp and scrunched your face in disgust, wiping your hand on draco.
"i'll write to you everyday and we can meet on christmas eve?" draco suggested.
"i don't know if i'll be able to too, but i'll try," you pouted and draco kissed it away, "i love you."
"i love you more." he picked up his trunk and the three slytherins left the common room, pansy flashing you a comforting smile before she slipped out.
you sighed and returned to your spot on the sofa, kicking your feet on the coffee table, and continued reading your book.
it was soon breakfast time and you returned to your dorm to return your book. you slipped on a slytherin green jumper and tied your hair up. you pinned your head girl badge on the collar of shirt since robes were not a must.
the uniform dress code during the holidays was more laxed than usual. as long as you wore something school-related, it was allowed.
you made your way to the great hall and immediately noticed the shift in the atmosphere from most mornings.
the usual chatters from the various house tables were now gone and barely ten students combined were scattered around the room.
you sat by the slytherin tables, across from a first year.
"good morning christian." you greeted to the boy buttering his toast.
"g-good morning ms y/l/n." he stuttered.
"christian, i've already told you, you can just call me y/n." you smiled and reached forward to ruffle his hair, finding the fact that the boy was clearly initmidated by the head girl rather amusing.
"yes y/n," he nodded and took a bite out of his toast.
you and him conversed in small talk, answering all of christian's questions about hogwarts. he shared how he too, hoped to be a prefect when he reached his fifth year.
you soon felt a weight rest on the top of your head and a kiss was pressed to it. christian's eyes widened at the figure behind you.
you quickly turned your body around and was met with none other than the likes of draco malfoy.
"draco?" you exclaimed as he dropped onto the bench next to you.
christian's posture immediately straightened at the sight of the strict head boy.
"w-what are you doing here?" your brows came to a furrow.
"babe, i've known you for ages. i think i can tell when you're lying. you're usually ecstatic to go home, but you've been in the downs all week. why didn't you just tell me you were staying?"
"because you'd just want to stay back with me and you'll miss christmas with your parents," you explained.
"as if i'd ever let you spend christmas alone. no way y/l/n. you're stuck with me this year." he wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
"i adore you so much." you simpered as draco hummed in reply.
"good morning mr malfoy," christian greeted.
"morning bole," draco replied, placing a fried egg on his plate.
the previously chatty christian was now silent as he scranned his food and quickly scrambled out the great hall after waving a small goodbye to you.
"all the lower years are beyond terrified of you," you raised your brow.
"that's how discipline works no? i'm head boy, they have to be afraid of me. you on the other hand, my head girl, are way too nice to them."
"well, i think we make a perfect balance. and i would much prefer to chat up with them than have them duck behind corridors just to avoid me." you tapped the tip of draco's nose.
he scrunched it up and swatted your hand away, both of you finishing your breakfast.
you and draco were one of the last few students to leave the great hall.
"are you sure you want to stay? you still have time to catch the last train back." you squeezed draco's hand which you were holding and asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"y/n, my love, don't get me wrong i love you, but if you ask me that one more time i just might have to jinx you," draco joked.
"right, sorry. i just don't want you to regret it."
"hey," he lifted your chin with his hand to look at him, "i would never regret spending christmas with the girl i love most in the whole world."
you decided there was no point persuading your persistent boyfriend and thought you should just enjoy the extra time you got to spend with him.
"godric, you make me heart turn mushy," you blushed, "what'd you want to do then?"
"i figured we could go back to the common room and read a book by the fire." draco answered after pondering for a moment.
"sounds perfect." you beamed.
draco sat on a leather armchair in the common room.
"i'll be right back," you skipped up the steps to your dorm, grabbing your book off the dresser you had place it on earlier that morning and walked back down the steps.
you settled yourself comfortably on draco's lap with the side of your body pressed up to him and your head resting on his chest.
"jane eyre?" draco asked looking at the worn out cover of the paperback.
"i just started this morning, so you won't miss much of the plot."
the two of you spent the rest of the morning snuggling up by the warm fire, your noses stuck in the classic english novel.
it was now lunch time and you got up from draco's lap, stretching your arms out, placing the book on the coffee table.
"come on then, i fancy a cup of warm tea and some chicken," you pulled draco onto his feet.
you hugged draco's left arm and the two of you walked through hogwarts to the entrance hall.
"d'know, there's a unknown saying that the head girl and head boy of each year end up falling in love and getting married when they graudate?" you looked up to draco.
"now where'd you heard that from?"
"potter's parents, they were head boy and girl. percy weasley and clearwater, they got married last year." you pointed out.
"well i am awfully sorry to tell you that i fell in love with you since i first laid eyes on you in first year."
"i know that...i dunno it's just a silly saying." you leaned your head against the tall boy's arm.
there were more students in the great hall than during lunch, and you and draco decided to sit at the hufflepuff table with your friend, and fellow prefect, ernie macmillan.
"ah, my favourite hogwarts couple." ernie smiled at you and draco.
"you flatter us too much ernie," you shook your head with a chuckle and slid onto the bench across the hufflepuff.
"the whole school worships you two, i've seen first years purposefully try and get detention just to spend time with the both of you."
"their head boy's giving them out left and right so i don't see why they'd have to try." you nodded your head to draco next to you.
"it's called-"
"showing authority and establishing discipline," you and ernie finished his sentence simultaneously.
it was something draco would end off every prefects meeting with.
"there ya go! i told you it would catch on!" draco grinned and the three finished up their lunches.
you waved goodbye to the blonde boy and he returned to his common room by the kitchens.
"y/n!" you heard someone call for you and you saw christian at the end of the halls.
he jogged up to you with a toothy grin, you let go of draco's hand and met him in the middle.
"hello christian, did you need anything?"
"i was hoping to try out for the quidditch team and i was wondering if you had any advice."
"oh, well as much as i loved to help, i can't seem to ride a broom for my dear life."
"oh." the boy's face fell.
"but i'm sure the slytherin captain would be more than happy to help," you pointed behind you to draco, who was staring intently at one of the portraits on the wall.
"u-uh it's alright then," christian declined the offer.
"head boy'd be honoured to give you some mentoring christian, he seems strict but i promise you he's a really nice lad."
"well you have to say that, he's your boyfriend!"
you had to bite back to laugh that threatened to escape, "just ask him nicely, i'm sure he'll say yes."
"if you say so..."
christian nervously walked up to draco, fidgeting with the hem of his school robes.
"mr malfoy?"
draco peeled his eyes from the portrait to the little boy.
draco's piercing blue eyes stared into christian and the boy gulped.
"i-i i wanted to try out for the quidditch team, and i-i was hoping you'd give me some advice so i make it."
draco looked over christian's shoulder to see your pleading puppy dog eyes, knowing your boyfriend adored you too sickeningly much to ever say no to you.
the blonde head boy let out a sigh, "do you know how to ride a broom?"
"yes, my brother lucian taught me."
"your brother was a brilliant player. quite a tough name to live up to. you good as him?"
"h-he's marvelous on the pitch, i'd never play as well as him."
"first rule about quidditch, never doubt your abilities. lacking confidence is a weakness that your opponent will use against you." draco started walking towards the entrance to the quidditch pitch.
"so you'll help me?" christian looked up with hopeful eyes.
"walk and talk bole, walk and talk."
chrisitan squealed gleefully as he ran to catch up to draco's long strides.
draco looked over his shoulder to see you following after the two boys.
"thank you," you mouthed to him.
"only because i love you," he mouthed back.
draco unlocked the equipment room door with a charm and pulled out his broom, handing christian an old broom from a few years ago.
the captain did not quite trust the first year with the nimbus 3000s, that his father had bought the team, just yet.
with a peck on your forehead, draco left you to the stands while him and christian stood by the fieldlines.
you watched as draco explained different moves to the young boy and soon enough they were in the air.
when lucian got a taste of the large pitch, draco flew back to the ground and released the quaffle into the air.
christian attempted to get it into the hoops, draco defending it.
the younger bole looked like he was about to give up when you cheered him on from where you were sat.
that seemed to have given him a boost in confidence and the quaffle flew past draco and into the hoop.
"atta boy!" you cupped your hands over you mouth.
lucian and draco met you by the slytherin changing room tent.
"keep up the standard and you just might earn yourself a spot as our newest chaser," draco clapped christian's shoulder.
"thank you mr malfoy." he thanked gratefully.
"draco. you can call me draco."
"t-thank you draco," christian tried to contain his excitement from the acceptance of his head boy, he was sure to write to all his friends to boast about it, "a-and thank you y/n". he then ran off back into the castle.
"you've gone all soft on him, my sweet." you said in sing-song voice as you helped him lock the equipment back in the room.
"he's a good player, with more training he might play even better than me." draco shook his head and walked over to you to place his hands on your waist.
"you're sweaty," your face contoured in disgust.
"that'd be a fantastic reason to pay a visit to the prefects bathroom." draco said with a smirk, his hands lower to give your bum a squeeze.
you practically dragged draco through the castle, up the marble staircase to the fifth floor.
"pine-fresh," you said the password and entered with draco behind you.
"as much as you look dashingly handsome in what you're wearing now, you'd look even better with them on the floor." you bit your lip teasingly while turning the tap to the tub on.
draco flicked his wand around you and your clothes were immediately stripped off your body and folded neatly on the floor, you left in only your shoes and your underwear.
"i could say the same about you," he replied.
you kicked off your trainers and peeled your socks off.
draco admired your body from afar, mouth drooling.
"clothes off malfoy," you instructed and he did as told.
he shook off his trousers and unbuttoned his shirt, leaving him in just his pants.
you were about to reach behind to unclip your bra when draco pulled your hands away.
"that's my job," he frowned and stared at your chest as they were released from the piece of fabric.
draco licked his lips, "eyes up here pretty boy," you grabbed draco's chin and pulled him in for a kiss, both of you removing the last of your undergarments in the process.
you were the first to step into the warm water, draco following after you.
your tense muscles relaxed and you leaned against the edge of the pool-like bath, draco next to you.
your eyes were closed as your let out a relieved breath you did not know you were holding in.
draco stared at you with heart eyes, his heart swelling.
"have i ever told you just how much i love you?" draco asked, causing you to open your eyes to look at him.
"every waking moment of every day." you leaned you head forward and draco attached his lips to yours, you smiling into the kiss.
draco pulled your legs over his so you straddled him and he deepend the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth.
your hands instinctively gripped onto the back of his head, pulling at the hairs on his neck. your other hand was on his jaw, cupping it.
with the hands on your waist, draco lifted you up slightly to fill you up.
you gasped against his lips and let out a small whimper.
"y-you can move now," you whispered and reattached your lips to his.
you threw your head back in pleasure when you reached your climax, draco finishing not long after.
your rest your forehead on draco's shoulder, catching your breath.
"you, draco malfoy, are absolutely captivating." you breathed out, lifting your head from his shoulder.
"i thank salazar every day that you're mine." he peppered kisses all over your face.
"all yours," you smiled sweetly.
you and draco took turns to shampoo each others hair. with a wave of your wands to 'scourgify' your clothes clean, you and draco put your clothes back on.
you did not forget to place a cleaning charm on the tub as well.
by now it was dinner time and the both of you walked back down the marble staircase to the great hall.
anthony goldstein, the seventh year ravenclaw prefect called you two over to the ravenclaw table, ernie already sitting next to him.
"hello anth, ernie," you greeted.
"not spending christmas at home goldstein?" draco asked.
"my mum and dad went to bora bora for their anniversary and i wanted nothing to do with that." anthony chuckled, not wanting to even think about what his parents were possibly doing right now.
you and draco decided it was a good time to discuss with the two prefects your plans for the new term, and took their feedback for any measures that needed amending while having dinner.
as much as you and draco liked to play silly buggers, the two of you took your appointments extremely seriously. your upmost importance, other than each other's, was the welfare of your students.
under your leaderships, fewer students stayed out past curfew and lesser students were written up for detentions.
you realised that other than being strict, you also needed to communicate well with the students body. that was why you and draco were the perfect pair.
anthony mentioned that the ravenclaw students were in need of new chairs in their common room and you made a mental note to bring it up to professor dumbledore when school were to begin again.
"i am exhausted," you slumped onto the leather sofa in the slytherin common room.
"you should sleep early tonight, it is christmas tomorrow afterall." draco pushed your head to rest on his shoulder as you stared at the decorated christmas tree.
"but i want to stay here with you, you're very lovely to snuggle with," your voice muffled by draco's clothes, your knees pulled to your chest.
"you can have my jumper?" he offered.
"yes please," your eyes glistened.
draco pulled his jumper over his lean body and passed it, as well as your book from arlier that morning, to you as he walked you to the stairwell to the girl dorms.
"goodnight my beautiful girl," draco caressed your cheek with the back of your hand.
even after so long, draco still managed to make your stomach erupt in butterflies. he was the only one to ever make you blush.
"goodnight baby boy," you tiptoed to place a kiss on his lips, "i love you," you mumbled against them after pulling away.
"i know," draco grinned cheekily and you rolled your eyes, making your way back to your dorm.
you woke up on christmas day to a knocking on your dorm door.
you forced yourself out of bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, turning the bronze doorknob.
"sorry to bother you y/n, headboy had me call you down to the common room," a third year informed.
"no need to apologise cassandra, i'm sorry draco had bothered you. please let him know i'll be down soon," you smiled courteously.
"i will, happy christmas!"
"happy christmas!" you closed the door once you saw cassandra walk down the steps.
you got ready for the day and decided that you would stay in your christmas pyjamas and throw draco's quidditch jumper he had lent you yesterday.
and so with your red father christmas patterned bottoms and fluffy slippers, you ran down the steps to see draco sitting on the floor by the tree.
"happy christmas my sweet boy," you opened your arms inviting draco to a hug.
he picked himself off the floor and spun you around, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "happy christmas my love."
"your presents are under the tree," you pulled draco to sit and he placed you on his lap, your back against his chest.
"it's a star map of the constellations on the very day that we met," you explained when draco peeled the wrapping paper.
draco thanked you with a kiss on the back of your shoulder.
the second gift was a picture of you. it may have seemed a little odd, but draco had requested colin give him the picture the fourth year took of you. but colin had given it to you instead just last week after you bumped into the gryffindor in the corridors.
the last present was a rather expensive one. you had saved up all your pocket money for the year just to purchase it.
it was a nimbus 3001. you had seen an advertisement for it earlier in the year in witch weekly, announcing that the sales of it would start in november.
"y/n," draco looked at you sternly, "this must've cost a fortune."
"it was nothing," you smiled sheepishly at him.
"my father could've gotten me one, you didn't have to."
"i know, but i wanted to be the one to buy it. that way you'd always have a piece of me whenever you're on the pitch."
"i always have a piece of you with me," draco reached for you hand and placed it over his heart, "in here."
"oh merlin," you buried your face in the crook of his neck, hiding your blush.
"thank you for the presents my princess," draco pecked your lips, "i wasn't expecting to celebrate christmas here so your gift's at the manor. i'm sorry."
"no no, it's okay. having you with me, right here, right now, is the best christmas gift a girl could ever receive." you combed your hands through his hair.
"what did i do to deserve someone like you?" draco tucked a stray hair behind your ear.
"you were you draco. i fell in love with all of you." you kissed the side of his mouth, "let's get to the great hall, they're serving a full english today."
as you were walking out the great hall after breakfast, you noticed a blanket of snow that had encompassed the courtyard.
"draco! babe! it's snowing!" you ran out into the courtyard to pick it up, "look!" you showed it to your blonde boyfriend proudly.
worried you would catch a cold, he charmed you a thicker coat and proper shoes. he then did the same for himself.
you ran further into the courtyard and started forming a large ball, "i'm making a snowperson! help me?"
draco crouched down and formed a medium-sized ball.
soon enough your snow person was finished. it had stone eyes and a crooked smile, a blade of grass for its nose.
when draco was busy fixing its face, you sneakily formed a small snowball and threw it at him.
"y/n y/l/n!" draco gasped, "it is on."
draco smirked as he packed snow into his hands and threw it at you, hitting you right in the face.
draco's eyes widened at the sight of the flakes of snow on your face, your reddened cheeks, and teary eyes. a visible pout to go with the frowning of your brows.
"my baby, i'm so sorry," draco ran up to you and was about to comfort you when his eyes changed from worry to horror when he saw the mischievous grin on your face.
before he could react, a snowball you had conjured with wandless magic hit him in the back.
you quickly ducked behind the snowman forming more snowballs and throwing them at draco.
soon enough the two of you were in a fit of giggles, draco hovering over you.
"achoo," you sneezed, scrunching your red nose.
"let's get you warmed up," draco helped your shivering body up and he cast a warming charm on your body.
draco kept you close to his body as you made the walk to the dungeons.
the common room was littered with five or more students, ranging different ages but a majority were lower years.
"i'll be right back," you pecked draco on the lip as you hurried up to your dorm and came back down with a paper bag.
when your mum had written to you to tell you you were to stay at hogwarts during christmas, you had went to hogsmeade over the weekend to purchase a few small gifts for the rest of the students staying as well.
you felt awful that these students had to spend the holidays away from their families and thought that you would try and add some festive cheer to their day.
"happy christmas cassandra!" you smiled at the third year as you handed her the bag of sweets.
the bag was filled with chocolate frogs, bertie bott's every flavour beans, liquorice wands, cauldron cakes, jelly slugs, and practically every treat they sold at the sweets shop in hogsmeade.
you also had handwritten individual cards on the inside.
"merlin! thank you y/n! you're the best head girl and my favourite prefect ever!" she grinned, looking through the clear bag of sweets.
"your welcome cassandra," you chuckled at the excited girl.
"but shh, don't let headboy know i'm your favourite prefect, he might throw a jealous hissy fit later." you pointed to draco who was sitting on the sofa.
"don't worry, it'll be our little secret." cassandra giggled.
draco noticed that the two of you were looking in his direction and squinted his eyes at you two.
"are the two of you chatting shit?" he eyed.
"nope!" you and cassandra smiled sheepishly.
by the time you finished giving out the presents, it was midday and you had christmas lunch in the great hall. dumbledore announced that the christmas feast was to commence at half-past five.
you and draco spent the afternoon with cups of hot chocolate you had gotten from the kitchens and sat by a table in the common room, planning and discussing prefect related things.
dumbledore had also informed the students that they were required to be in formal clothes during the christmas dinner.
and so you walked down the dorm steps dressed in a black minidress that hugged your curves perfectly. you had used beauty charms on your face and hair to doll yourself up. you also had on a pair of black strappy heels.
"you look beautiful," draco kisses the top of your head.
"as do you," you straightened the tie of his full black suit.
the house tables had been pushed to the side of the wall and there was a round table in the great hall that fit 12, just enough for all the students that had stayed for the christmas holidays. 12 grand christmas trees lined the room, decorated in various red, green, blue, and yellow baubles.
you sat in between draco and ernie, conversing in small talk.
it was time to open the christmas crackers and you cross your arms, each hand holding onto one cracker.
"3...2...1..." the table counted down together.
you tugged on the crackers and were left with the ends of both.
"we'll that's a stinker," you groaned, draco waving the two christmas crackers in his hands in your face.
draco ended up giving you one of his and you put the green paper crown on.
with a wave of professor dumbledore's wand, a large roast turkey landed on the middle of the table, smaller plates of potatoes, chipolatas, greens, and yorkshire puddings.
when dinner plates had been cleared, pudding was served. you dropped the sickles you had found hidden within the pudding into draco's jacket pocket.
you hugged ernie goodnight, wishing him a happy christmas.
draco suggested that the two of you could walk around the castle for a bit before going back to the common room and you agreed.
you somehow found yourself by the doors of the astronomy tower.
"alohomora" draco waved his wand and the door clicked open.
"draco!" you gasped at the boy.
"well, you can't really give head boy detention now can you?" he smirked, "come on then love, up you go."
you pushed the door open further to let yourself in and your heels clicked against thestone tiles of the staircase.
the two of you reached the top of the tower and you stared in awe at the night sky.
you gripped onto the railings of the balcony, leaning forward slightly as you tried to recall your astronomy lessons from fourth year.
a cold gust of wind blew past you and you felt a shiver down your spine, goosebumps forming over your body.
you felt a kiss on the back of your shoulder and a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
"you cold?"
you nodded your head with a small hum and felt draco pull away from you.
he then pulled his coat over your shoulders and you slipped your arms into the sleeves to put it on proper.
from the corner of your eye, you saw something flash in the sky.
"it's a shooting star!" you cheered, "baby look!" you turned to the side in search of your blonde boyfriend but he was not there.
"babe?" you turned your body around fully and saw draco on one knee, holding a ring box in his hand.
"draco i-"
"y/n y/l/n, i never knew love till you opened your heart to me. i've always fancied you, even since we were first years, i always thought it was a silly crush that i'd get over but the more i got to know you, i found myself falling deeper in love with you. it feels as if our souls are intwertwined, and i can never see myself with anybody else. it has always been and always be you. i know we've still got a whole life ahead of us to live, but i don't wish to live it if it isn't right by your side. and so y/n y/l/n, will you do me the absolutely honour of making me the luckiest and most blessed man in the universe and marry me?"
"oh you soppy twat," you wiped the tears off your face with the back of your hand, fanning your face i hopes of drying your eyes, "y-yes, yes i'll marry you."
you stuck your hand out for draco to slip the glittering diamond ring on.
"d'you like it?" draco got up from his knees and pulled you to his chest.
"i...i love it..." you managed to stutter out through your cries.
you reached up to cup draco's cheek, wiping the stray tear on his cheek.
you chuckled at the fact that the two of you were now just crying messes.
"we look bloody stupid right now," draco sniffed, looking up in hopes to stop the tears.
"if it means i get to spend the rest of my life with you, i couldn't care less." you mumbled against draco's lips and smiled into the kiss.
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whointhehellisbucky · 4 years
8th race takeaways: italian GP (monza)
really upset about max but we got THIS podium so it levels out
fr tho what was his mechanical issue? they really glazed over max’s retirement
remember austria when lewis and alex touched and alex called him a sore loser? and now today lewis scootering to the stewards office and whining on team radio when he got a fairly earned penalty? yea
dont get me wrong, i really like and support lewis, but i dont fuck with how sour his behavior is whenever he isnt in the position he wants
the team radios to claire from george and nicky deadass making me cry. she made history and im so fucking sad to see her go. wishing her and the future of williams the absolute fucking best
sebby :(((
i said this in an earlier post but ill still add it here, im glad charles is ok from that crash
would’ve preferred lando on the podium today, but fighting off botas for like over 10 laps? hell yea
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ebenaceae · 7 years
"actually someone send asks to me about my Stardew headcanons i have v important ones about sam sebastian and abigail my favs" I am trash for these three, please tell me everything. Especially any Sam/Seb headcanons.
Oh hey :0 love ur work it’s good to talk to you
Alright right now my most important idea is for Sebastian… I’ve always liked the idea of him being half Korean from Robin’s previous marriage, but I’ve started to toy around with him being adopted from Robin’s previous marriage.> My thinking behind this is that, I mean, cross cultural adoption can be really hard, especially for the kid, and maybe it would have been better back before the divorce, but after it and after Demetrius and Maru, Sebastian just felt so alone. >There would be more reason behind the alienation between him and his stepdad and half-sister, Maru is their biological child, they have a relation that Sebastian feels he missed out on, he feels Different and not really part of the Family, he ruminates on knowing that he was adopted, not even his biological parents wanted him. (which ofc wasn’t the case, circumstances and all that, but its likely something Sebastian might imagine to be true) 
My important headcanon for Sam besides the stuff about Judaism I rambled about, is that his last name is Aronowitz. I really. Really love that name for their family. But also, I think it’s significant as well… I’ve had this scene in my head for the longest time, and idk when I’d ever be able to put it in a fic, of Sam kind of teasing to the farmer or Seb or whoever that, “Aronowitz is so dorky, you know?” Or him introducing himself to the farmer and just being like, “Yeah my name is Sam… Sam Aarons…” Jodi would overhear this and would be so offended >“Aronowitz is a good name. It’s a strong name. It’s survived a lot and you should understand how important it is.” >“…………sorry mom”
Abigail is my perfect queen and I love her dearly. That is all. jk i have a lot of HCs for her like her getting into magic, bc I am 100% on board with her being the wizard’s daughter, and just causing perfect havoc everywhere.I also like her not being… not so skinny yunno? Like, I’m not skinny, I’ve got thighs and a stomach, and so does Abby. But she’s 100% cool with it, she likes how she looks, she looks punk as hell and that’s all she really cares about. Being like Abigail is my goal.Abigail can’t sing. She just can’t. Sam can sing of course, Sebastian can technically sing, but she cannot.MOST IMPORTANTLY… another surname headcanon, I love the name Noelle for her, because…. Pierre Noelle…. 8′D PUNS Nothing deep like Sam just straight up Father Christmas. Abby hates that joke so much. 
I don’t know if I have so much defined HCs about Sam and Seb… I just love them in every situation how can I not… but I definitely know… that contrary to canon, Sam is quite shorter than Sebastian, who is a Very Tall Boy. Some very good height difference. Also, midnight bike rides is a common thing for them.
I know that poly Sam/Seb/Abby is sort of a thing in the fandom, but I’m not much of a fan. I’m in a poly relationship myself and I’m just kind of eh on Abby being in on it. She’s on the sidelines wondering how the hell are those two losers real? …as she macks on my female farmer of course :DD 
those are some HCs I have hell yea feel free to share yours
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