#but! y'know. still a regional bird
front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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c00kietin · 6 months
It's the 17th of March, so y'know what that means-
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Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you all! I know the majority of you probably don't celebrate, which is fair, BUT I decided I wanted to talk a little more about the country I was born and raised in- the Emerald Isles of Ireland!! :D
If you're just here for the art, well here ya go! However, if you want to learn more in a VERY long post:
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Just to start off, here's the Irish flag and the Ivory Coast flag! Wanted to add this because they can get easily mixed up (I got them muddled up a LOT when I was younger-)
Since it is Saint Patrick's Day, I should probably elaborate what that's about- what I've been taught in school is that Saint Patrick preached the Gospel to the Irish, one method including the shamrock to represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Of course, and the whole "he drove the snakes out of Ireland" but don't worry. There are still snakes in Ireland. And I'm pretty sure "snakes" is a metaphor anyway. And, turns out, he wasn't even originally from Ireland- he was British! Oh yeah, and he was kidnapped by pirates to become a slave when he was a teenager for 6 year s -
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Here are some stereotypes or the first things that pop into your mind when you think of "Ireland"- leprechauns, short gingers, "Top of the mornin' to ya" and our love for spuds and beer. And, to tell you some stuff about them too!
Leprechauns originally wore red! They pop up in fairy tales quite often too.
Ireland is second when it comes to having the highest percentage of gingers with 10%, with Scotland having 13%. As for being short, I reassure you, there are plenty of tall and/or lanky people around. (A lot of my teachers are like this-)
I've heard no one say this as a greeting. The only Irish person I can think of who does is Jacksepticeye. You might be more likely to hear "How's it going?" or "What's the crack?"
As for loving beer, we are one of the highest consumers for it, but there are many other higher consumers! Also, I don't know if this is a thing in America or not, but we tend to call them pubs. Bars are a bit more...fancy? I don't know how to describe the difference.
And for loving potatoes? Okay. This is probably true lol. Almost everyone I know likes potatoes (with some exceptions). And, of course, who can forget the Great Famine when blight destroyed the potato crop and killed around a million people- spuds were a huge source of food back then.
And now, for language! Here are some I'm used to hearing quite regularly (and use often, too!)
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Another two that I want to add are more Cork exclusive, but saying "boy/girl" at the end of sentences and using "like" a lot is quite common (especially the like one- I say "like" all the time ;v;).
And now, Irish itself! Now, I'm not going to tell you anything major (I'm not a teacher) but I will try my best to explain a little!
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Irish is not the main language of Ireland but in some particular areas (shown in the right image) there are regions called Gaeltacht districts which predominantly speak Irish. Their Irish would be a lot better than my school-knowledge based Irish :'D Another thing to add is that different provinces (the provinces shown in the middle image) have different versions, or pronunciations of some words. Being from the province of Munster, I've been taught the "Munster" pronunciations and words.
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So..."Tá mé éan sásta" would mean "I am a happy bird" :D
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I apologise for how messy my writing looks-
OKAY. ONE MORE THING I WANTED TO COVER IN THE IRISH LANGUAGE IS THE NAMES, because I've seen plenty of people online and in real life joking lightheartedly how hard Irish names are pronounced. So here are some Irish names!!
Saoirse - this one is brought up quite a bit- It can either be pronounced as "seer-sha" or "sair-sha"!
Róisín - "roh-sheen" !
Eoin - even I had a hard time pronouncing this when I was younger- it's pronounced as "owe-in" like "owing" but without the g!
Fódhla - I remember this appeared in the newspaper once and a family member was baffled by it- it's said as "foh-la" :]
Another I want to mention is Eilish- you probably know it thanks to Billie Eilish, which is pronounced as "eye-lish"- but it can also be pronounced as "eye-leesh"!
Last one, Sinéad- you may have seen this one once or twice as is pronounced "shin-aid" :D
And now, some more quick stuff!!
Musicians from Ireland!!
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On the left you have Hozier (love his music!! :D) and the right is the Cranberries!!
Some other Irish artists you may be familiar with are U2, Thin Lizzy, Westlife and Sinéad O' Connor!
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Some popular Irish snacks!!
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crisps/chips!! (I love em both dearly)
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of course, how can I not bring up Irish bread: soda bread and blaas :D
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Hot chicken rolls!! (seriously how are these not more popular elsewhere-) and spice bags!! (chips with spices, peppers. maybe chicken)
Animal wise, we haven't got anything too crazy, but we do have one of the largest breeds of dog, the Irish greyhound and the now extinct largest deer, the elk.
I think I'm beginning to run low on space, so I'll end it there!! If you're also Irish, free to add on facts/words!!
I don't usually say this but I would kinda appreciate reblogs since I felt like I put a bit more effort into this ;v;
So uh, yeah- Happy Saint Patrick's Day!! :D
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hi rosie!! its good to see your requests r open!! i would like to request some kazuha headcanons with a little kid reader, if possible, y'know, reader is a kid who's part of beidous crew, and they took a liking to kazuha ever since he became a part of that crew, and because of that, they always follow him around even when he leaves the boat to go on his own adventures and trips, y'know, just a fluff all around, i need a father figure in my life </3 thanks again, rosie! feel free to deny and remember to take care of yourself
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Genshin Impact
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Character(s): Kazuha
Genre: Fluff + Comfort
Type: Headcanon
Description: Father figure Kazuha? More likely than you think-
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader, Child Reader, Familial, Minor Injuries(Scraped Hands)
Hi, hi, anon!! Thank you so, so much for sending this in it's literally so cute sslxndk (and the need for a father figure is very much felt-)
I hope you like it! Remember to take care of yourself too <33
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You became his shadow for a short while, stepping in the shoe prints he left in the sand whenever he ventured from the Crux and bumping into the back of his legs when he stopped walking. Kazuha always knew you were following him so he'd purposely choose the safest paths - well, inherently safe paths. He hadn't thought you'd trip trying to catch up to him after getting distracted by a bird
He was by your side in an instant, however, reaching you before a tear even had the chance to fall. His hands were careful in holding your wrists and lifting your palms from the ground
"Hey...it's alright." The softness of his voice as he guided you to a nearby body of water soothed you and hushed your wails. He dipped a handkerchief in the cold water and dabbed it against your hands, washing the small pebbles and dirt from the throbbing scrapes
He carried you back after that, telling stories in an attempt to occupy your mind. Which worked to an extent. Tears still fell and the stinging of your skin remained present, but you were able to ask questions about each story without sobbing
After that, he began telling you stories to ease you into the gentle arms of sleep. Kazuha would visit every few nights and before, as well as after, his personal travels. Most of the time, the stories he told were made up, but he would still sprinkle some true events in every once in a while without telling you. Like how the protagonist in his Starborne Traveler tale played the zither with a man who followed the breezing wind and how another protag fled from his home to be free
Speaking of his travels...he always made sure to bring something back for you. Whether that was a flower he hand pressed or a book that could only be found in the region he went to. He'd bring back new bedtime stories too! Like this one about a group of new friends and three islands
During celebrations, he tends to be by your side or taking you ashore to experience it all. When it's the lantern rite, both him and Beidou head into Liyue city with you holding their hands between them! If it's a feast aboard the Crux, he'll eat near, and with, you and play some games as well
Over time, he genuinely feels like your caretaker; your father
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
The Pokémon au, or, "in which "human" actually means "human" this time"
For context: the Dark Warrior Program in this au was an experiment by Praxis, boss of Team Krimzon, to create a psychic link between trainers and Pokémon that he chose, by force if necessary. Jak had only been on his Pokémon journey for a month when he and his Eevee got snatched. Sig, an agent of the Wastelands Region posing as a social worker, helped Jak and Daxter beat Kor (a Bug-type gym boss who was struggling with Team Krimzon for control of Haven City). He smuggles them to a military base in the Spargus region, and the boys are separated for check-ups. (Warning for implied past experimentation)
Just another sterile, white room. Another cold metal examination table. No electrodes clamped to his head this time, but what was the difference? He could still feel the Pokémon restlessly moving in their pokéballs. He could sense that...thing Errol had made out of that poor Pyukumuku. The thing Praxis forced him to train, no matter how much it tried to kill him. He could sense its pain, its anger.
Jak glowered at the black and yellow Ultra Ball. I have to feel your pain, the least you could do is stop ignoring mine!
The Type: Null was silent, save for an aura that Jak had come to associate with snarling. In his arms, Vivi raised her hackles and growled in warning at the Ultra Ball resting on the counter. She hadn't battled until her legs gave out just to let some stranger's Pokémon push her Trainer around.
I am never taking you out of that pokéball again, Jak thought, feeling a little vindictive.
The doctors came back into the room with the uniformed man Sig had been talking to. Jak didn’t recognize the rank insignia on his lapel, but he could tell it was higher than Errol. There was a Baile Oricorio running back and forth across his shoulders, chirping in alarm the second it spotted the Umbreon in Jak’s arms. The man raised a finger to stroke the little bird's head soothingly.
"Overall, he's in better condition than we'd initially suspected," said the doctor with the ice cold hands. "He's just below the fifth percentile right now for overall weight, and I am seeing evidence of poor nutrition, so I'm referring him to a nutritionist. Personally, I recommend giving him a snack locker for his room, y'know, personally. Something he has control over."
The doctor with the gloves -- or was she a Professor? -- nodded in agreement. "His Pokémon are in excellent condition, aside from the Umbreon's scar, given the circumstances. I believe he was giving them his own food."
The stern man frowned. He took the clipboard from the Cold Hands Doctor and leafed through the pages.
"And these scars on his temples? Do there appear to be any lasting effects from them?"
"We don't know yet, sir." The doctor shook her head. "Please, let us know if he suffers any headaches, dizziness, or anything else you think could be related to his time in the Haven region."
She opened a cabinet and sighed.
"He...seems to have become acclimated to using potions to treat himself. As if he were a Pokémon. They're not as effective on humans, sir. I'm prescribing a multivitamin at a higher dose than usual, and a probiotic for some gut health issues his friend mentioned. You may have some difficulty getting him to take them. He seems to have a very good reason to distrust medical care."
Jak hugged Vivi closer and glared at the doctor and the strange man. Why wasn't Sig here? Sig had said he was going to take Jak to the place he used to live before Thin Man took him out of his yard and Mr. Hagai took him to Sandover Town. Who was this guy? Why would they have someone in charge looking over the doctor's findings?
Vivi hissed at the man as he took hold of the doctor's rolling chair and dragged it over to sit in front of the table. At a single hand signal from him, the doctor and professor left the room. Jak stared at him, and he stared back.
"Do you remember me?" the man asked quietly.
"I don't remember a lot of things," Jak answered shortly. "Where's Daxter?"
"Two examination rooms down," the man answered. "His new foster family will be taking him home shortly, but if it would help, I can arrange for them to say hello before they leave."
Panic flooded Jak, and he felt the Umbreon settle her full weight onto his legs, grounding him.
"You're separating us?!"
The man raised his hands placatingly. "Calm yourself, little one. He's only going to live fifteen minutes from us."
"Us?! What do you mean us?!" Jak recoiled until he felt cold plaster against his bare back.
The intimidating man rubbed his face as if he were exhausted.
"You're coming with me," he explained. "You're. You're coming home, Jak."
"How'd you even know who I was?" Jak demanded.
Several muted emotions flickered across the man's face, and the Baile Oricorio settled against his stubbly cheek with a comforting trill. He let out a long breath.
"My name is Damas. Ruler and Field Marshall of Spargus, and the entire Almia region. The...the missing posters Sig showed you? The ones going back ten years? I commissioned those."
He swallowed thickly and looked away.
"I...understand that you don't- you don't remember me. Although I hope one day you will. But I-"
His voice caught.
"I'm your father, Jak. And we've been looking for you and your Eevee for a long, long time."
He blinked, swift and hard, and his next words were almost inaudible.
"I've missed you so much."
Two Weeks Later
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"Ah! It's working, holy crap!"
"Daxter!" Jak squinted at the phone. "I thought the internet wasn't set up in your housing unit yet!"
"Yeah," his best friend shrugged on the webcam. "But Osmo got bumped up in line for dealing with those leftover Shadow Beedrills that tried to nest in the hangar."
Jak settled into the kitchen chair cross-legged. "Oh yeah. That makes sense, I guess. How...is the Drawers family? Everything still okay there?"
"Still the best foster-family I've had, bar none. Osmo let me put a picture of Mr. Hagai on Ximon's dart board, and he doesn't even tell me to "make myself useful" or whatever. And the mom, Xandra? She let my Pokémon sit at the table with me and everything. How's the weirdo they sent you to live with?"
Jak shrugged. "Gone a lot. Government meetings or something- by the way Sig is 100% not a real social worker, you were right. He's a secret agent for my...I guess he's my dad?"
"Told ya. No way a real Haven social worker would get us out of that city."
"Oh. And I have a little brother. Or half-brother? I'm not sure. He's three and he's staring at me while eating a ketchup sandwich. Just. Just ketchup and bread. Geez, that's creepy looking- Dude your face looks like a crime scene."
"Want some?"
"Uh...no, no thanks."
Jak made a face at the phone. "The kid has a Totodile, too, and it ate one of my shoes. Damas got real embarrassed and promised to buy more shoes? Which is nice I guess? And he and his wife -- I don't know if she's my mom yet or not -- said they'd let me paint my room- Dax, Vivi and I have our own room. It's weird not bunking with you."
The Umbreon nudged at his hand insistently, hearing her name. She could hear Daxter's voice, and was peering under chairs as if she might find him there.
"Ugh, same. I share a room with Ximon and he snores, but he always falls asleep on the couch playing video games so I kinda have my own room? It is weird though. Junior keeps opening drawers and peeking around the door. I think he's looking for Vivi?"
Mar tugged Jak's sleeve. "Big Kid."
"It's Jak."
"Jak big kid, da schoo' bus is here."
"Crap. Gotta go, Dax. See you in class?"
"Maybe? I don't have my schedule yet-" a muffled voice interrupted from somewhere outside the door, causing Daxter's Pawmo to leap up into his hair to hide. Daxter rolled his eyes. "I'm COMING, Ximon! See ya, Jak!"
The bright red backpack didn't really feel like his yet. He didn't know what any of the books inside were, and honestly he didn't care. All he cared about was that Damas and Phobos had promised that the teachers would allow Vivi to stay out of her pokéball. Jak grumbled under his breath and slung the bag over his shoulder. First day at Cooper Memorial Middle School. Two weeks until they got out for summer. He could survive that, provided the Type: Null stayed in its ball.
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Okay, but you gotta admit that the Hermit Thrush for us Vermonters is the supreme choice. Heard those lovely flute tones in the woods behind my house all summer growing up. (But if you have any Vermont birds you'd want to see as the state bird you have my open mind...)
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Y'know, funnily enough @fantasticallyfelix...I don't actually have a definitive answer to this outside of the Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus). It's genuinely an excellent choice for a State Bird for Vermont. It's iconic (in sound), it breeds in the state, it represents the high-altitude forests of the state (to a certain degree, anyway), it's a good pick. I'll fully flesh this out when I get to Vermont in my posts (state number 14), but it'll be hard to dethrone the Hermit Thrush, or even propose alternatives. But not...impossible.
A State Bird of Vermont needs to represent some of the predominant habitats in the state, and could also be a species of some conservation concern. The most predominant habitat is the New England Acadian forest, part of a network of temperate deciduous forest and mixed deciduous and coniferous forest. This is also higher in altitude in many areas of the state, especially the Green Mountain area. So, if you have a bird species thriving in those areas, you're golden. And...yeah, Hermit Thrush still fits. But...
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I mean, the Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) also fits those qualities, and it's pretty iconic to me. But I'm a birder, and I know how to find these guys pretty easily, so I'm a little biased. Still, it's probably about as easy to find as the Hermit Thrush, and the two coexist throughout their range in Vermont. Plus, the Black-throated Blue is way less spread out in North America than the Hermit Thrush, making it a bit more dependent on its Vermont population. This was also Cornell University's choice for a new State Bird for Vermont, so allow me to throw other possibilities in the pile.
There's the Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens), which has similar benefits to the Black-throated Blue, if a bit more spread out. There's the Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata), which barely breeds in the United States, but does breed throughout the Green Mountains from north to south in Vermont, and also has an interesting conservation story. There's the Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorous), which...yeah, OK, probably not that one, but a major center of Bobolink research is found in Vermont. In fact, if you're interested, check out the Vermont Center of Ecostudies if you're interested in conservation in Vermont, because they focus heavily on the boreal songbird species found in VT, as well as several other habitats and species in the region! Seriously, check it out.
But honestly...yeah, I dunno. Hermit Thrush is hard to beat. Maybe I'll change my mind once I get to Vermont in general, and we'll see what others think via poll, but...whoof. It's a hard fight, that one.
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the-larxist-manifesto · 3 months
GameGirl36 ~ Kanto Pokémon League HALL OF FAME
My Pokémon Yellow journey is finally over! I flew, biked, and meandered at a reasonable pace, with DUCKIE and her all-yellow team, all the way through the Kanto region. Having bounced from gym to gym for the final six badges, DUCKIE was finally permitted to traverse the caves of Victory road and then stand proud atop the Indigo plateau. There, she faced the Elite 4 trainers of the entire region, and finally, the Pokémon league champion!!
Well, as it turns out, BOSER got there before us, so we just had to stomp him and his team one more time. That'll teach him who trained the better Sandslash! >:D
(For the record, in the final battle against BOSER, my team was almost 20 levels behind his and we STILL handed his shorts to him)
To commemorate the achievement of beating a generation 1 Pokémon game for the first time, I present to you... a hand-drawn collage of my final team, each performing their signature move!
Welcome to the hall of fame, lil buddies!
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SONG the Pikachu ~ Never was the strongest, but followed loyally right beside DUCKIE the whole way
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WOMP RAT the Sandslash ~ Wins the award for most intimidating-looking Pokémon that only stands at 3 feet tall
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MARYPLANT the Victreebell ~ Named after the great swampy U.S. state itself, it ended up being the strongest member of the team
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RUY LOPEZ the Hypno ~ This creep is only here because I couldn't evolve Kadabra into Alakazam (affectionate)
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JINXIE the Ninetales ~ Rescued from captivity in Rocket's casino and rocking the flaming mohawk, it was born to be a champion
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GROOVY the Omastar ~ Integral to DUCKIE's final stretch towards championship... though only revived from a fossil in the very last hours of the adventure
And so, the chapter closes on what will perhaps be the longest endeavor of the entire GameGirl challenge. I enjoyed it, despite all of Yellow's shortcomings and limitations. The game delivered on a sense of fun and discovery and triumph that I can see why it was so popular in its time. It genuinely recaptured a bit of that Pokémon magic for me; I've been seriously considering picking up one of the Switch games just to explore the worlds and meet the lil critters they have to offer.
As far as Pokémon Yellow, though... how good is it, actually? It's primitive; it sets the precedent for all games to come, while also lacking many of the defining features we've come to know the games for. No physical/special split for moves, several types missing, no gender (arguably pretty woke :3), no running, tiny inventory, no post-game content, very limited color and sound design, and some questionable requirement for progressing. Dealing with the whole mess of closed roads to Saffron and also being forced to scour the Safari zone, of all places, to find a necessary Hidden machine... it began to feel like an arbitrary fetch quest to actually get anywhere. My game was also made harder by the fact that there are no yellow birds in this game to Fly with (not counting Zapdos, I also restricted myself from using legendaries :p). Overall, I had fun, but it was ridden with plenty of visual and gameplay monotony and soooo many vague game mechanics. Every single entry after this one improves upon it. Yellow feels like a beta version of Pokémon... but not bad for a first try!
Do I recommend it? Only if you're already a Pokémon fan. Otherwise, just play one of the remakes or, y'know, any other Pokémon game
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Welp... that's enough Pokémon for a while! In fact, it's time for a short break from the GameBoy! I think I'll post once more about the row in its entirety, soon. Otherwise, I've got some other games in the queue that I'll use to take a load off.
I hope you enjoyed the art! ^w^
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
I don't know what to really ask but just give me some assassin's creed content El. Headcanons, Fic, whatever you want just give me some content, pls.
Modern Day Assassin's Creed Headcanons
These are some very general AC headcanons, talking about the modern day characters because gd, I actually like them fight me.
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Modern day assassin's go about things in a simultaneously traditional way and more modern way. So, training is a lot of the core tenants mixed with more modern elements.
Modern assassins don't actually weak the garb from the past unless it's like, a super special ceremony. They dress just like we do because come on. Come on. There's a reason Torres said "the costume made infamous by your secret organization."
I feel like all assassins are huge intersectional feminists. I'm not taking questions on that.
Assassins also have localized mentors. So, y'know, Midwestern assassins have a league of mentors that specialize by sector. There's so many assassins now that it just makes sense?
The way ranks work now is relatively the same? They kept a lot of old tradition.
There are assassins that aren't in the field. Researchers, data retrieval, not all of them are physical soldiers, BUT, all of them know how to fight should they absolutely need to.
Parkour is still essential to the assassin training core. Modern day assassins actually tend to forget about parkour because everyone wants to fight instead.
Freerunning styles actually differ by region! Western European styles drip with style and show where as North American freerunning is filled with showmanship and a little messy!
The traditions of different brotherhoods drip into their assassins. Where as the West Indies Assassins may enjoy one method of assassination, the SEAsian Assassins will enjoy something else and will often default to that as well.
Assassins have different nicknames and are often bonded by the brotherhood they come from.
There's a weird rivalry between the Midwestern Assassins and the New England Assassins. No one knows why, but it's existed for decades. All friendly, of course.
Hell even by country the assassin brotherhoods will differ. The culture is blanketed the same, but varies WILDLY by the society they exist in. The Bolivian brotherhood is leagues different than the Nepal brotherhood. That's just how it is.
Each brotherhood has the universal traditions mixed in with their own that get passed down from generation to generation of assassin. Some of these traditions are centuries old (looking at Altair's home).
Assassins are literally everywhere. They are a global unit, and they are well known within the "secret organization" world.
The Templars are no different.
This is essentially a war that will never end due to human stubbornness and a general lack of not being able to communicate.
It confuses the assassins wildly why Abstergo, a Templar company, would make games and media based off of Assassin history.
Assassins are nomadic by nature.
While it was never Aya and Bayek's intent for the Hidden Ones to become figureheads in their own community, there's a lot of lessons to be learned from those who came before. Aya, who became Amunet, is one of the most celebrated and beloved assassins in all history. It's why there was a tomb hidden away for her in Italy.
All of the greats get remembered in ways they never really expected, and of course, there are jokes surrounding their lives that exist to this day.
It's funny to call each other novices, but no one knows why. Mailk
Some inside jokes are only understood by a singular brotherhood.
Modern day assassins are also extremely well rounded individuals. They know a plethora of skills to blend in with whatever their situation calls for given their missions and the calls of their mentors.
The brotherhood will also pay off college debts/put you through college. They value their assassins to be educated in a plethora of things, college/university being one of them.
Literally there's a place for everyone in the brotherhood. Whether it be in the field, or archiving data, there is always somewhere for you in the brotherhood.
It's not uncommon for older, but not mentor assassins to take in younger/less experienced assassins and train them as well.
Look, camaraderie is a big thing and always will be.
Assassins that are more nomadic than others tend to live in groups, like what Rebecca, Shaun and Desmond were doing.
Groups are deeply personal.
Idk why they made the animus like, a VR headset at one point but I like to think it's not entirely like that???
Yes, you can check out your ancestors in the animus.
Most assassins can speak multiple languages and are versed in some type of sign language.
Assassins are more often than not a heritage thing, but they accept people whenever.
The bleeding effect is still very much a thing. Sometimes, that's how novices will work in a bind.
Sometimes, saying "requiescat in pace" is a bit of a joke in their circles.
You do not badmouth the legends of the past.
Sometimes, assassins will go a little rogue and work with Templars for the greater good. This happens more often than not, and when it does, it has to be extremely hush hush.
Modern assassins and Templars are more willing to talk about things than their predecessors.
Birds are still a big thing with the creed. More often than not, assassins are taught falconry.
You can't have a fear of birds lmfao.
Some assassins have parrots. African Greys, Cockatoos, macaws, stuff like that! Some have crows, ravens, hawks, it goes on. Birds are integral to the creed.
Assassins have like, safe houses and stuff, some more showy than others and grand. There are hidden statues around of different mentors in accordance with what they did in life. In the rafters, windowsills, it's kinda fun. Like an easter egg.
Layla Hassan was super interesting for the time she was part of the assassins and many are still torn on how to feel about her. Shaun and Rebecca especially.
Modern assassins are often more stuck in history than they would like to admit.
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tiredspacedragon · 3 years
Y'know, as aggravating as it would be to get yet another Pokémon game set in Kanto, if we were to get another Legends game, and it was set in Kanto, I would be freaking ecstatic.
Because the thing about Kanto is that its entire theme is urbanization and the advancement of technology. Human progress encroaching on nature. And because of that, Kanto lacks a lot of what makes other regions so vibrant and interesting. It lacks iconic and stunning geography and vibrant local culture, partly because of the limitations of the Game Boy, but also because what Kanto had in place of all that was its densely packed cities and infrastructure. It's nostalgic, sure, but when you really look at it, it's pretty boring. Grassy route, town, grassy route, forest, town, grassy route, town, grassy route, cave, grassy route, town, etc. When Pokémon has gone on to make an identity for itself with its rich culturally-inspired aesthetics and lore, Kanto feels like a letdown even compared to its immediate successor. Johto isn't that much more geographically interesting than Kanto, but it has so much more going on in terms of its mythos and culture that it feels more mysterious and interesting as a result.
Which is all to say that if Pokémon were to try to make a Legends game set in Kanto, the result would be fascinating because they'd essentially be working with a blank canvas. What is Kanto without the cities that define it? What used to be there before it was so heavily urbanized that the only legends left were the Legendary Birds? What other kinds of Pokémon used to call Kanto their home? What is Kanto's great secret, the reason it's so important that we keep coming back to it over and over again, despite the fact that on the surface, it's as plain as can be? What's buried beneath the surface, forgotten by time but perhaps still sleeping there even in modern day? What is it about this region that makes it deserving of being the home of the first generation? I'd love to have those questions answered. I'd love to see a version of Kanto that made it interesting.
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
Hi there!Hope you are feeling good y'know?If not, them hope you get better then!! :))💖
But can i ask(If it's not problem) for Jason Voorhes with an S/O who is a Brazilian Girl?like, She got an accent And Brazilian features?And he get flustered with her flirting with him in Brazilian like.. "você e muito gostoso 😎"="you are really hot 😎" but when he try to flirt back she's shy?it's ok If you don't want to!! (Sorry for Bad english, not my main language ^°^)
I feel pretty stressed but that's alright, so here you go, hope you are doing wonderful <3
Also, your English is really good!
Jason Vorhees with a female, Brazilian significant other:
AN: I took the Portuguese from Google translate, I am very sorry if it's incorrect. I'll gladly change it if it'swrong.
(Also I hope you don't mind that it's a tiny story instead of headcanons, I felt inspired to write something more self-indulgent.)
Warnings: None :)
Wordcount: 625 words
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The forest was unusually quiet. In fall, all the birds disappeared into warmer regions, leaving the woods with silence. You understand why, you too fear the cold, harsh winter out here at the lake. Jason always seems to be immune to it, running around in his usual clothing, fishing, hunting, as if the temperature isn't cold enough to make one die from it.
You already look forward to the spring, when all the sounds and flowers will return to the surroundings.
The tranquility of it all does add wonderfully to the mystical ambiance though. Sometimes, especially in the winter, the lake and the woods look like a fairytale. The trees covered with snow, the lake frozen, and the bright winter sun scorching down, making it all glitter.
You sigh and tear your gaze from the small window and back to the dishes you're washing. Jason cooked dinner for you today, one of the many adorable little things he loves to do. He once told you that he loves the way your eyes sparkle when he does nice things for you. That it makes his heart swell with pride.
You chuckle to yourself as you finish the last plate, drying your hands with the towel next to the sink. Your hands fly to unwrap the apron you are still wearing.
Behind you, a door opens. Smiling, you turn around, already knowing who just walked in.
You're correct, it's Jason who softly steps inside, his body seems huge compared to the small room. His eyes light up a bit when he spots you, standing next to the counter.
"Hello, querido.", you call out and open your arms, a huge smile on your features. Jason smiles as well and steps forward, wrapping his arms around your frame as a greeting.
"I finished cleaning up." you tell him, still smiling, as he steps away, "Are you ready to go?"
The two of you planned to walk a little. The sun is about to set and you don't want to miss it.
Jason nods as he takes your hand, leading the both of you out of the door.
Soon, you're strolling along the lake, setting sun painting the surroundings in orange and red. Jason stops every now and then, checking a trap he set to see if it's still functional.
You can't help but admire his body every time he does that, muscles flexing beneath the shirt he's wearing, tall body deliciously muscular.
Right now he's fixing a trap next to the water, the sun illuminating his kneeling body like a halo. You squint your eyes as you look at him, smiling when he stands up and walks back to you.
"You look good like this.", you coo as soon as he's close enough to hear you, "Gostoso."
Jason lifts an eyebrow, obviously not understanding the word. Smiling cheekily, you take one of his hands in both of yours.
"Hot.", you explain, a little blush taking over your cheeks, "It means hot."
Jason grins widely at your sweet words and, though he's blushing, quickly pulls his hands from your grasp so he can sign.
'You look fabulous too.', his fingers move fastly. You're about to thank him as he interrupts you with another movement of his hands, 'Hot.'
You freeze as your cheeks slowly turn a darker shade. Jason smirks and then starts laughing at the blush on your face. His arms wrap around your middle and pull you to his chest, your face still painted in pink.
You recover, hands punching him lightly as you bury your head in his chest.
"You can't just say that.. without a warning!", you scold. Your voice is muffled against his shirt and he laughs again, the sound vibrating deeply in his chest.
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Three fan-made Pokemon made to resemble the northern cardinal bird, one of which is presented as two sexually dimorphic individuals.
The first Pokemon is a young bird with yellow feathers, tipped red-orange at the wings and on the tail. It has a small rounded blue beak, blue legs, and big dark blue eyes. It has its wings tucked against its body and is looking to the left of the image as it faces the right. The feathers on its head stick up to imply the beginning of a crest. Light blue text to the right of the image reads "Cardling".
The second Pokemon is a juvenile bird with tan feathers on its body and red feathers on its wings and tail. It has a blue beak and legs and light blue markings around its dark blue eyes. Feathers on its head stick up in a crest. Its legs are pulled up against its body and its wings are outstretched in flight. Light blue text to the right of the image reads "Purdinal".
The third Pokemon are two adult birds with large three-feathered head crests, maroon beaks and legs, blue facial markings, dark blue eyes, and turquoise talons resembling icicles. The individual on the left is a little larger and has bright red plumage with blue tipped wings and tail, while the individual on the right is a little smaller and has dull tan plumage with bright red belly, wingtips, and tail. Their wings are tucked up to their bodies and they are positioned to that their bodies are facing each other, while their heads are facing away. Turquoise text outlined in light blue to the right of the image reads "Frostinal", while smaller text in the same colors reads "male" and "female", indicating the larger red individual is a male and the smaller tan individual is female.
End ID.]
Cardling - Chick Pokemon | flying While Cardling are capable of flight a lot earlier in life than some bird Pokemon, they are almost incapable of dealing with the cold until maturing. They tend to become quite close to their parents while they can before they make the trip back north. / Cardling are very susceptible to frigid temperatures, and as such their parents must nest much further south than the typical location of their home. They feast upon a wide variety of berries several times a day in order to build their strength.
Purdinal - Fledgling Pokemon | flying They are capable of fluffing up their down undercoat in order to provide some better cold resistance than they previously could. They seem to be quite fond of Snover berries, but their opportunities to taste them are quite rare. / Beginning to develop some mild cold resistance, Purdinal sometimes travel further up north than they could as Cardling. They are still not fully capable of living in cold climates, merely visiting to briefly reunite with parents while they are still fairly young.
Frostinal - Cardinal Pokemon | ice/flying It lives in the northernmost parts of Cantessy, except for during breeding season when mated pairs will travel south to raise their less resilient young. Males can be seen feeding females berries plucked from Snover during courtship. / Its talons are as cold as the snowy north it calls home. A mated pair will fly south to warmer climates during breeding season as their young cannot withstand the cold very well until fully grown.
I know the tradition with Fakemon stuff is to introduce all the starters and their evos together, but I wanted to post the full evo lines for my starters pretty close to posting people who would reasonably use them, ie. the player(s) and the rival characters. So we're gonna wait a bit on Calflame's evos for now and instead focus on Cantessy's "Route 1 bird": Cardling! And of course its evolutions Purdinal and Frostinal! Compared to the origins of the starters' inspirations, the Route 1 bird was fairly simple to figure out. I knew when I was figuring things out that I wanted my Route 1 bird to be based on Kentucky's state bird, the northern cardinal. I see 'em all over the place here, and they're really not hard to spot, especially the bright red males for which the species gets its name. (fun fact, when I first learned about catholic cardinals I thought they were named after the birds, luckily I was old enough to have the critical thinking to realize it was probably the other way around pretty quick on my own hehe) So Cardling are based on a mix of the babies and fledglings, Purdinal on the juveniles, and Frostinal obviously on the adults. This is going to be the only Cantessy Pokemon to have a gender difference, as I wanted to reference how the females are closer to olive drab rather than that iconic vibrant red. Better egg camouflage, y'know?
Thanks to my buddy Tav for suggesting the final stage of this evolution line gain the ice type! This was the only major hang-up I had with this line at any point, tbh. I knew I wanted it to gain a secondary type, but I didn't want to just play into the red coloration and make it fire type, and becoming fire would also make it too similar to Talonflame with fancy colors. They suggested ice, and I was reminded of all those winter images and holiday cards that have cardinals on them, not to mention the red plumage would artistically stand out against a snowy scene in a really lovely way. (come to think of it, that's probably why cardinals are used in those images hehe) And speaking of ice-type cardinal Pokemon, please check out the Pokemon Cardinal series on YouTube! It's a really cool Fakemon series and I think y'all would liiiike it O:
Also if anyone wants to suggest other moves for these guys to learn and some physical stats (ie. height and weight, idk much about scaling hehe), feel free to throw ‘em at me :3 Links to their info pages will be provided in the replies!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Cardling, Purdinal, Frostinal, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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honyakuninakunaru · 4 years
Support Found Amidst The Sky // Murr SSR Card Story
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Akira: "...My, it's already this late. I still haven't adapted to the way things are here, have I? A day goes by in the blink of an eye! I faced a lot of things today too. It's kind of a fresh experience though. The wizards are all very unique, but I've come to love them because of that, and I want to become dear friends with all of them."
???: "Knock-knock!"
Akira: "Hm?"
Akira: ("Is that supposed to be...the sound of knocking? They're vocalizing it though...")
Akira: "Is someone there?"
Murr: "Good evening, Master Sage!"
Akira: "Murr? What's up?"
Murr: "With me? A lot! Something's always up with me!"
Akira: "That's not what I meant... Let me rephrase that. Did something troublesome happen to you?"
Murr: "Mhm! Just now, Shylock and I were playing tag!"
Akira: "Tag?"
Murr: "Yep! He might find me soon, so will ya let me hide here for a while? Or would you rather join us instead? Wanna run from Shylock together?"
Akira: ("Now's my chance to get closer with Murr... But it's so late...")
Akira: "...Yawn."
Murr: "Oh?"
Akira: ("Oops...")
Murr: "That was a bi~g yawn just now! Are ya feelin' sleepy?"
Akira: "S-sorry. I was actually about to go to bed..."
Murr: "You're gonna sleep even if the moon is so pretty tonight? What a waste~ If I were you I'd stay up until the sun rises, y'know?"
Akira: "Until sunrise...? You sure are passionate, Murr..."
Murr: "Ahaha! Your eyelids are looking kinda heavy. If today won't do, then we're gonna play next time, when your eyes are properly open!"
Shylock: "Just when I was wondering where you could've gone."
Akira: "Shylock?"
Murr: "Shoot! He found me!"
Shylock: "Pardon the interruption, Master Sage. I will be retrieving this straggling cat, so please rest assured."
Murr: "Bye-bye, Master Sage! See ya tomorrow!"
(The next day) (Courtyard)
Akira: ("...Morning already? It's always so bright in this room...")
Murr: "Morning, Master Sage!"
Rutile: "Good morning!"
Akira: “Whoa! 
Akira: ("W-why are these two the first thing I see...and so up close!? Moreover, where...")
Murr: "You finally woke up!"
Akira: "G-good morning. Um...Why am I in the courtyard...?"
Murr: "I told ya we were gonna play today, yeah? That's why I carried ya over while you were asleep!"
Akira: "Did Murr invite you too, Rutile...?"
Rutile: "Yes. This morning, Murr came up to me and asked me if I wanted to play with you two."
Murr: "He taught me a game from the Southern Country!"
Akira: "A game from the South?"
Murr: "Yup! I'm gathering games from different countries and studying their regional differences! The games from every country should differ at least a little, right? Just like the taste of fruits and songs alter depending on the area. Or they might be all the same!"
Akira: "I see...! What kind of games are common in the South, Rutile?"
Rutile: "Well, games for wizards tend to be a bit extreme in general."
Akira: ("Extreme!?")
Murr: "Ahaha! Master Sage, excitement is written all over your face! Will ya join us?"
Akira: "I'll try to keep up...!"
Akira: ("I'm getting the same feeling right before a ride on a roller coaster at an amusement park...")
Rutile: "There's this game from my childhood that I really liked... First, you draw several circles on the ground. Then, you jump through each one, and whoever runs through all of them and reaches the end, wins."
Murr: "And if ya lose?"
Rutile: "There's a punishment game!"
Akira: ("Huh, that sounds very similar to hopscotch.")
Akira: "There's a game just like this in my world, too."
Rutile: "Is that so? Then you should know how to play!"
Murr: "Hey, don'tcha think it will be more fun if we do it like this? <Eanul Lambru>!"
Akira: "Whoa...!"
Akira: ("The circles started floating...!")
Murr: "It's boring if you can only run on land!"
Akira: ("Mid-air hopscotch... Now that's pretty extreme!")
Rutile: "...All clear!"
Murr: "Ta-dah! I'm done, too!"
Akira: ("Wow, these two ran past me with such ease...")
Murr: "You're next, Master Sage!"
Akira: "A-alright!"
Akira: ("I've ridden on a broom before, but this is a bit too high... Just gotta make sure not to look down!")
Akira: "Here we go! ...Whoa!"
Akira: ("The difference in size and height of the circles makes it difficult to jump from one to another...!")
Akira: "And another one! ...A?"
Akira: ("Shit...! I'm falling!")
Murr: "<Eanul Lambru>!"
Rutile: "<Ortonik Setomaoje>! A-are you alright?"
Murr: "Your eyes are all wide!"
Akira: "...Pff...Ahaha!"
Rutile: "Master Sage?"
Akira: "I'm sorry. I ended up laughing at how scared I got just now."
Murr: "Did ya have fun?"
Akira: "Yeah, lots! Thank you for inviting me."
Murr: "There's another game in line, the fun's just starting!"
Rutile: "Another game?"
Murr: "Yep, yep! It’s the loser's punishment game!"
Akira: "...Is this really a punishment game?"
Murr: "It is! You gotta take a stroll around the sky on my broom!"
Rutile: "I'm very happy to fly side by side with you, Master Sage."
Akira: ("...I was prepared for something more intense, but this will do.")
Murr: "Look! Over there! A flock of migrating birds!"
Rutile: "Ah, you're right. I wonder where are they headed."
Murr: "We're gonna find out if we follow em! Let's go!"
Rutile: "While we're at it, how about we make it a race, Mister Murr? Let’s see who will catch up to the flock first."
Murr: "Sounds good! We're starting right now!"
Rutile: "Okay!"
Akira: "Wait─!"
Akira: ("T-the pace picked up all of a sudden!")
Rutile: "As expected of Mister Murr! But I won't lose─!"
Murr: "Ahaha! Faster, faster!"
Akira: ("Too fast, too fast...! How many kilometres per hour are we hitting?")
Murr: "Closing your eyes is a no-go, Master Sage! It's too early to be sleeping!"
Akira: ("Ah, he got me... No can do. I'll open them just a little...")
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Akira: ("Whoa! Such a beautiful sunset...!")
Rutile: "Pretty, isn't it. It's as if the sky was set ablaze."
Akira: "Yeah... The whole city is bathed in orange hues, and it feels like you can touch the sun!"
Akira: ("So that's what a sunset looks like from the sky...")
Murr: "This is miles different from when you first rode on my broom, right, Master Sage? This time, we're having fun!"
Akira: ("He's right... Everything was a bit scary at the beginning. But now, I have trust in Murr and everyone else, because we are friends.")
Murr: "Hey, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Yes?"
Murr: "...Are you glad that you became friends with us?"
Akira: "Murr..."
Akira: ("Did he invite me because he noticed I wanted to become closer with everyone...?")
Rutile: "Come and hop on my broom next time, Master Sage!"
Akira: "Yes, by all means!"
Murr: "Let's see, who can I get to teach me new games tomorrow?"
Rutile: "Oh, how about the Northern Wizards? You might discover some interesting ones if you do!"
Murr: "I will! Sounds like fun!"
Akira: ("G-games of the North... Now those might be extreme...")
Murr: "Were ya nervous, back then, Master Sage? Or were ya excited?"
Akira: "Umm... Both, maybe?"
Murr: "Ahaha! That's the bestest feeling in the world!"
Anticipation and uneasiness link hands and dance wildly in my chest. I have a feeling that my days will continue with this everlasting touch of excitement.
No, I'm sure there will be more unusual affairs and wonderful events in the future. This feeling firmly settled within me, as I basked in the setting sun.
Relevant Conditions // Card Episode Story
(Murr's Room)
Akira: "Murr, what would you say is the best way to get along with you?"
Murr: "Do ya wanna be buddies, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Mhm. That's why I'd like to know if there's anything I can do..."
Murr: "I see. Then, I'll tell you!"
Akira: "I’m all ears!"
Murr: "The first thing you can do to get along with me, is play games! Games with me will get you super-duper excited! The more excited you are, the more we'll get along!"
Akira: "I see... Anything else?"
Murr: "You gotta know interesting stuff that I don't know of! If you have any stories about foreign games or strange creatures, I'd love to listen! Your world sounds like it's lots of fun!"
Akira: "Does that make you 'super-duper excited' as well?"
Murr: "You got it! I love that feeling!"
Akira: "Thank you, Murr, I'll keep that in mind."
Murr: "Ah! I forgot a real important thing!"
Akira: "Important?"
Murr: "Don't go imitating others! The way you are right now is best! That's the best way to become my friend. Don't forget that, Master Sage."
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jeontaeh · 3 years
✫  ✬  ✭  ✬  ✫
Anyways so Jungkook and Taehyung were dropped off on the planet. "We're gonna go chill up in the orbit because the oxygen here is ruining our engine fumes. Bye!" Namjoon said before they pulled the ship back up.
Apparently there was some technology that Hoseok found onboard. Some kind of device that makes you transport from wherever you are to the ship if the person transporting you is also in the ship. So they wanted to try that out too.
But anyways this was definitely the weirdest planet they'd been to so far, because there was no one. It was far stretched land of what looked like marble. The land was made of marble, slong with marble mountains and rocks in the distance.
There was a silence between Jungkook and Taehyung, but Taehyung broke it. "Let's set up a station somewhere to find out stuff about this place." Taehyung said, and Jungkook didn't reply, just nodded.
They walked on the marble path, seeing weird trees on the side which grew some kind of white cotton, and streams going past with black water inside. The sky was pink. Everything was weird.
"Are there any entities at this planet? Jeez it's barren- maybe we landed ourselves in a desert or something-"
"Taehyung stop talking. Your voice is annoying as fuck," Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung paused.
Jungkook kept walking in anger, and Taehyung frowned a little to himself. "Um.. okay." Taehyung mumbled, and then kept walking.
Taehyung noticed how Jungkook's dark pink hair seemed darker than usual, tan skin flaring under the blue (?) sun. "Are you mad because of the brownie thing? Don't worry- I think we can control it somehow. Maybe if we just resist the urge.. or drink some water or something-"
"No I'm mad because it's hot- of course I'm mad because of the stupid brownie thing! Now I'm gonna have to fuck you, and I don't even want to!" Jungkook snapped harshly, and Taehyung pursed his lips.
"I'm not going to force you into something you don't want to do-"
Jungkook scoffed. "Right. Like you haven't already forced me to spent time with you right now." Jungkook snarked. "I get it, you want my dick. Can you just fuck off?"
Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "Jungkook you're being a real asshole, you know? I'm not even saying anything- why the fuck are you so angry?" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook looked at him with darkened eyes, stepping towards him.
"What? Are you gonna talk shit about me again and break my other arm too? Fuck. Off. Your face is pissing me off." Jungkook growled, and Taehyung gulped and took a step back, turning away.
Taehyung walked a few steps away, seeing a big rock under a mountainous region. He walked over to there and then looked over it. This seemed like a good place for a station.
"Jungkook we can set the station up here," Taehyung said, waving over at him. Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked over to him.
Taehyung set down the suitcase and pulled it open to reveal the computer inside. He pressed some buttons and some radars stuck out, and numbers began appearing on screen.
"This-" Taehyung said, pointing at the top of the screen. "Indicated the oxygen levels of the planet. And below that is that-"
"I know what it is, Taehyung. I'm not a dumbass," Jungkook cut him off, and Taehyung nodded quickly, not wanting to piss him off even more. Jungkook looked at it for a few seconds, and then stood up straight.
"You don't know what it is, do you?"
"No." Jungkook mumbled in embarrassment, and Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook glared at him.
"Don't need to laugh at me, don't be a piece of shit as always." Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung's smile left, and he nodded, leaning over to look at the screen.
"Y-yeah- that's the gravitational level. It's changing constantly, for some reason. I don't know why, though.. that's odd." Taehyung mumbled to himself, and Jungkook moved around the rock, kicking a smaller stone away.
"I'm bored." Jungkook commented, and Taehyung looked at him. "I'm guessing the brownie thing was fake. Thank god," Jungkook snickered, and Taehyung looked at him with worry.
"You don't have to be mean, Jungkook. I get you're not interested in me, trust me I'm not either- but let's just be civilised-"
"Stop fucking lecturing me all the goddamn time! I literally did not ask for your input at all. Just shut up and do all that nerd shit you always do." Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung sighed, walking over to him.
"Okay, that's it. You're pissing me off now. I'm tired of you talking to me like crap- I apologised a million times, and now you're just being a bitch about it." Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at him angrily.
"I don't care that you apologised, you hear me? You guys all think I'm dumb as shit- and you broke my fucking arm or whatever the fuck. So just shut the fuck up!" Jungkook shouted, and Taehyung frowned.
"You're way too angry, Kook. You need to relax-" Taehyung started, and then Jungkook shoved him with one hand.
"Say one more word to me and I'll break your hand next, got it?" Jungkook growled lowly, and Taehyung gulped, looking at him in confusion.
"O-okay-" Taehyung stammered, and then Jungkook pushed past him and walked away somewhere.
Taehyung gulped to himself, feeling stupid and weak, and he doesn't like feeling weak. It doesn't feel right. He went back over to the computer to check on how the stuff was going. He didn't feel anything in his body so far, which was good.
Maybe the brownies didn't take effect after all.
20 minutes passed, Jungkook was sitting under a tree, and Taehyung in front of the computer, wildly confused at why the numbers kept changing. Weird fucking planet..
Suddenly, a wild animal ran through the path, it looked like a mix between a lion and a bird. It scared Jungkook and Taehyung, and Jungkook quickly got up and rushed over to Taehyung.
"What the fuck was that?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know. It's gone now, I think."
Jungkook sighed, and then gave him a look with his eyebrows dark, face firm. "You feel anything yet?"
Taehyung shook his head. Jungkook looked away. "I kinda do. Feels like my dick's growing in size." Jungkook said, and Taehyung stilled.
Oh. Taehyung sighed, looking back at the computer. "Just saying, if things get worse, just bend over for me quick, will you? It'll be a good way to take my anger out, too," Jungkook said, leaning his elbows onto the marble rock.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, typing something onto the computer. "Sure." Taehyung said sarcastically, and Jungkook snickered, staring off at the planet and how weird it was.
"You're such a pussy. I can't even imagine you topping." Jungkook said, and Taehyung ignored the comments because they pissed him off, and instead tried checking the timing and axis of this planet. "Even Jimin would top you. And that says something," Jungkook snickered loudly, and Taehyung kept pressing buttons on the computer.
"You really had me convinced you were dominant, too. Bullshit. You're bullshit, y'know that?" Jungkook said, and Taehyung sighed. "You probably take it up the ass every time but tried to change shit for once just to fuck with me." Jungkook laughed.
"I mean, I'd fuck the shit out of you, and show you how-" Jungkook started, and then paused.
Taehyung looked at him, confused as to why he shut up. Taehyung stood up to see what Jungkook was looking at. Maybe it was an alien or another animal. He stepped closer to Jungkook, until Jungkook's back was touching his front.
Jungkook was still frozen still, eyes wide. Taehyung frowned. "Kook, you okay?"
Jungkook was, in fact, not okay.
While talking shit about Taehyung right in front of his face, it's like karma came in riding a horse and stabbed him in the face with a sword. For the moment the last word slipped out of his tongue. He felt it.
A warm, wet sensation drip down his ass.
And after that it felt like utter chaos inside of him. It felt like fire in his lower stomach, his fingers turned nimble, an ache between his legs until- until he realised he was hard. His mind began cluttering, thoughts became fragmented and began moving further apart.
The brownies were in effect.
And the one with the nut had to take it too.
"Why're you sweating? Jungkook, what's going on?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook's eyes felt glassy, lips needing to be licked. His body burned all over, and his thighs felt ready to give out.
"Are you sick? Oh god-" Taehyung let out, placing his hand on Jungkook's waist. And just that small gesture sent a gush of... wetness down Jungkook's thighs. Oh my god. Jungkook whimpered.
Taehyung paused himself.
"Tae-" Jungkook let out, and Taehyung left his hold on him. "T-Taehyung-"
Taehyung's eyes widened at the wet patch on Jungkook's pants. There was a silence.
And then,
"Dude did you piss yourself?"
"No!" Jungkook cried, weak, fingers gripping onto the marble rock. "I-I don't know what's g-going on! T-Tae-" Jungkook said, and Taehyung frowned.
Taehyung gripped Jungkook's waist and turned him around, and Jungkook gasped at that, and Taehyung pressed him against a wall, and Jungkook let out a weak whimper. More gush of slick went down his hole.
Taehyung's eyes widened. "Bro are these the fucking brownies-"
Jungkook nodded weakly, hurriedly. "Y-yes! Do- do something- p-please-" Jungkook stammered, and Taehyung gulped.
"Does it hurt?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook nodded. "Jesus- you ate like 20 of those things. Wait, does this mean I'll get.... a bigger dick?!" Taehyung gasped, and Jungkook's hands fell to his side, a pitched moan leaving his lips.
"Ah- i- it hurts!" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung gulped. "Oh god.. I don't know what to do.. okay- um- wait-" Taehyung mumbled, and then gripped Jungkook's red trousers.
Taehyung pulled them down slowly, and Jungkook felt a flush spread across his cheeks, turning redder than he was already. Taehyung looked down at him. "Your dick looks fine," Taehyung said, and then turned Jungkook around and pressed his front against the marble. Jungkook whimpered at how the cool smooth stone felt against his hard cock.
Taehyung's eyes widened from where he was stood behind Jungkook. "Holy fuck- you're wet." Taehyung whispered, and then looked at Jungkook wearily, but then took two fingers, and slid them between his ass, feeling up his hole. Jungkook gasped at that, and Taehyung looked at his fingers, and gasped himself.
It was... glittery? Jesus fucking Christ. "You're.. wet... like a girl. You're producing slick, Kook- I-I don't know how this is happening-" Taehyung mumbled, and then brought the fingers to himself, and then got a whiff of it.
That set Taehyung's brownie alarms going.
The smell of it felt like a jab to his mind, and Taehyung's silver eyes darkened, turning dark grey. "Fuck," Taehyung let out, and then got down on his knees instantly.
Jungkook gulped, feeling so embarrassed- but when Taehyung pulled at his cheeks and lapped his tongue down his entrance, Jungkook let go of that embarrassment.
"Fuck!" Jungkook let out, eyes widening. "Fuck fuck- your tongue is in my ass-" Jungkook continued, and Taehyung gripped his ass tighter and began lapping up all the slick wetness he was producing.
Taehyung pulled away, lips glistening. "I'm trying to help you, will you shut up?" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook whimpered at the way Taehyung raised his voice, and instantly produced more slick.
It felt like the lube got splattered onto Taehyung's face, and he groaned, taking it with his hand and wiping it off. "Fuck. This isn't gonna stop, is it?" Taehyung grumbled, and then stood up straight, turning Jungkook around.
Jungkook looked red and hot all over, and Taehyung sighed. "God Namjoon's gonna kill us," Taehyung mumbled to himself, and then pulled Jungkook's red shirt right off.
Jungkook stood there naked, and wobbled forward, gripping Taehyung's shoulders. "I need- I-I think I- I don't know what's happening- I'm going fucking crazy please-" Jungkook breathed, his lips red and hair redder.
Taehyung stood there, emotionless look on his face. "I need- I need-"
"What do you need?" Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook gripped Taehyung's silver clothes arms.
"I think- I think I n-need you t-to- ah- I can't say it!" Jungkook let out, his eyes suddenly glistening. Taehyung didn't respond. He stood still.
"Please, T-Taehyung-" Jungkook cried out, and then felt more of the wetness drip down his thighs, feeling so uncomfortable between his legs he had to widen his legs. His cock was so painfully hard.
Taehyung looked down at his cock. "Doesn't seem to have grown any bigger," Taehyung commented, and then looked up at Jungkook, whose cheeks were pink.
Jungkook whimpered, and Taehyung looked a little confused, but then Jungkook closed his eyes tightly an came instantly.
Taehyung's eyes widened. "Jesus fuck those brownies sure are working, aren't they?" Taehyung let out, and Jungkook felt a tear roll down his cheek. He stumbled forward, grabbing Taehyung's shirt, and then slid down to his knees in front of him.
"Please, please, please Taehyung- p-please-" Jungkook whimpered, fingers fumbling with Taehyung's pants because Jungkook could see Taehyung's boner beneath it.
Jungkook pulled Taehyung pants down a little, and his dick literally jumper out. Jungkook almost screamed.
"Holy crap!" Jungkook let out, staring with his eyes huge at Taehyung's dick.
Massive, Monstrous, Monumental. It was so fucking big.
"Oh god what the fuck-" Taehyung let out, looking at his dick. "Ohhh I don't like that. That's too big, that's kind of scary. Fuck." Taehyung said in worry, but Jungkook moved back, until his back hit the rock.
Jungkook sat down on the marble walkway, and then spread his legs instantly, lifting them up. Taehyung just looked at him.
"Say it."
Jungkook stayed silent.
"Say it."
Jungkook shook his head. "Jungkook, if you don't say it, I won't do it."
Jungkook groaned in annoyance, and then looked away, building up the courage, and then looking back at Taehyung with courage. "Kim Taehyung." Jungkook said, and Taehyung nodded.
"I need your dick inside me." Jungkook let out, and then closed his eyes tightly. "Please."
Taehyung smirked, and then got down on the floor himself. He gathered up the slick at Jungkook's hole, making the younger squeak in surprise, and then lathered his behemothic cock with it.
"Want me to fuck you, Kookie?" Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook nodded eagerly. "Want my cock, do you?"
Jungkook nodded even harder. "But wasn't I a pussy?" Taehyung said, tilting his head. Jungkook gulped. Taehyung took his fingers and pushed them into Jungkook's leaking entrance.
"Couldn't see me topping?" Fingers dragged up his wet walls until they found his prostate, and Jungkook let out a cry. "I couldn't be dominant?"
"I-I'm sorry! Please Taehyungie- your- your dick. In me. Want. Now." Jungkook blabbered, and Taehyung pushed Jungkook's legs up until his knees were against his chest.
"You were a real dickhead to me, you know that right?" Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook nodded. "And you treated me like shit even though I apologised to you?"
Jungkook nodded harder. "Do you deserve my cock?"
Jungkook shook his head. And before Taehyung could speak, Jungkook did.
"No. But I'm your little bitch and you'll give it to me anyways." Jungkook whispered back, doe eyes blinking.
Jungkook smiled at how Taehyung gulped. "Fuckin' hell- yeah you are. Fuck, god those goddamn brownies-"
✫  ✬  ✭  ✬  ✫
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. Green deltas are for requested prompts, which is none rn, as my inbox is empty.)
"Let the adults take care of it," he said.
"Comatose" is a weird prompt, and yet I somehow came up with two prompts. One of them was Hop-centric and I'm absolutely gonna write it one of these days, but I wasn't sure if it fitted that well. The second one is, well, this. It came to me shortly after figthing Eternatus, when Hop says this in the hotel: "And still Lee's... well, he's being Lee. Insisting on having a Championship Match with you today. It's a bit much, isn't it? You're sure you're up for it? I'm not even too sure about him. He was out cold and hurt pretty badly himself during all that mess". So this focuses on a weird interpretation of the prompt, but considering I do focus on a comatose state here, just from weird POVs, I think it counts. It was really fun to write from the perspective of Gloria and especially Hop. I'm absolutely self-indulgent in making some edits in there to what's actually happened in canon. I like having some wiggle room to work with, y'know?
Calm After the Storm
Summary: After the adrenaline and dopamine that come with winning a battle, comes dealing with some immediate casualties. It turns out that, sometimes, adults can't take care of everything. Gloria and Hop learn their lesson on the field, in an elevator, a corridor, a hotel bedroom. (Or: a self-indulgent depiction of a scene Hop alludes to before your battle against Leon).
Fandom: Pokémon Sword & Shield
Wordcount: 3.1K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo​.
AO3 version available here.
Sighing in relief, Gloria picks up the still-smoking ball she’s thrown onto Eternatus. Who knows what could have happened to the people of Galar if they had failed to defeat it… But that was her fear, an anxiety that didn’t get to become real thanks to their combined efforts, and now, she gets to smile with Hop and thank from the bottom of her heart the Sword and Shield from the legend who came to save their region. They’ve done most of the job, after all; and if she had a way to truly thank them, she’d have absolutely gone to the end of the world to do so.
Still, Zacian and Zamazenta leave shortly thereafter, forgetting to take the sword and shield they got invoked by. Hop grins wider than he’s ever had despite the dark rings under his shining eyes and messy hair strands, and she can’t be much more different than him at the moment. She puts away Eternatus’s ball in her bag and goes to hug her best friend as tightly as possible. In the ruin-like top of the tallest building of Hammerlocke, they forget about the darkness that almost engulfed them and everyone they’ve ever cared about and those they know only from view or say. They’ve made it, they’re both safe, and they can now go sleep for three days…
 Hop, whose expression suddenly drops, lets go of her as he notices Charizard flying towards them. If they’re both washed over by flows and flows of relief, his brother’s most famous partner really isn’t, draconic features frowned. The poor guy, who still bears some bruises and scratches from weakening Eternatus with the rest of his team, is trying to tell them something.
“I think we’re forgetting something,” Hop tells her, worry rapidly painting all over his face. “We got so caught up in that fight that…”
“Now that you mention it, I do have that feeling too… Wait!”
That Charizard is…
 Hop rushes in the opposite direction to Charizard, pushing on his legs as if they had never experienced the raw power of Eternatus looming over the entire region. Gloria follows suite, her heart skipping a bit as she ignores the pain in her feet, the purple half of the Master Ball Leon tried to throw before crackling under her sole.
When she stops, she sees her friend shaking his brother laying face-first on the floor. It seems like either Hop or Charizard has dragged him there in a hurry after Eternatus broke out of his attempt at catching it, leaving him in quite a pitiful state. There’s quite an heartache to have over seeing the Champion in such a disgraceful, painful-looking pose; and yet nothing beats the cries of urgency breaking out of Hop’s throat.
 “Lee, answer me!”
Gloria kneels to her friend’s level, making sure she isn’t accidentally stomping on anyone’s limbs. For a moment, the only sounds are Charizard’s wings flapping, Hop catching his breath and the peaceful wind blowing the dark red clouds away.
“He’s not waking up!” He says as he looks at her, restless and breathless, before going back to looking at his brother. “Lee, dammit, stop sleepin’ like that you big Slowpoke!!”
 In silence, she starts inspecting Leon. He’s got bruises all over his limbs from what she can see, cuts and scratches that sometimes are decorated with dried blood, and she doesn’t dare point out how… exhausted he seems. They all are, truth be told, but there’s something about seeing such an energic grown-up lying on the floor unable to wake up and get on with his day, that simply aches.
 Watching Hop trash around like that pains her just as much. The relief and joy they felt until they remembered about the third party who tried saving Galar before they had even gotten there in the first place is now gone, eaten away by brotherly instincts. She grabs him by the sleeve, shaking her head, as he stars at her, helpless.
“I don’t think he’s going to wake up anytime soon, Hop.”
“W-what are you…”
“We can’t do anything about it ourselves, can we? Let’s just bring him to someone who can.” She tries smiling to ease the distress in his eyes. “I’m certain the Champion’s just as tired as we are.”
Gloria knows that isn’t entirely true. Leon didn’t just fall asleep when all of this mess was going down, as he couldn’t have with how noisy and adrenaline-inducing Eternatus’ appearance was. However, this alone doesn’t give her the impulse to straight-up tell Hop about it. Nobody is going to leave this world today, she knows it, but in the meantime, can she really blame a boy for being worried about his sibling?
 “Yeah, you’re right,” he finally says as he gives his Dubwool a Repel and summons it out of his ball again. He smacks his cheeks and tries smiling. “Mind giving me a hand? Lee’s kinda too heavy for me to lift on my own…”
“No problem.”
She calls for her Cinderace to help them out, entrusting her first companion with being delicate when handling their Champion.
Going down from the top floor of the tower is slow. Neither of them is speaking: they’re both too tired and too speechless for that. Gloria doesn’t even know if her words would make things better or worse: what is she supposed to say, in that kind of situation? Instead, she just stands her, fumbling with her
Hop’s eyes never leave his brother, even when he blinks, lying on his Dubwool who shows little signs of still being amongst them aside from his chest rising and falling. Dubwool himself is very static: it may be the fatigue of the wild day they’ve all experience, it may be the worry of his Trainer transmitting itself to him, it may be something else.
 There is no Macro Cosmos employee to fight against them and no music in the lift that people she had never met before were praising to them something like an hour ago. She glances, from time to time, to Dubwool, to Leon, to Hop, and everything else feels too silent now that tension has died down. If there was too much noise before, there is now too little left of it.
Yet, Gloria prevents herself from humming to pass the time. It just doesn’t feel right to suddenly break into a song when there is so much on all of their hearts, even if it’s to alleviate that weight, so she remains silent. She doesn’t like any single bit of the aura of mourning this gives to the situation, the heaviness of the air, the tapping of their feet echoing as they impatiently wait for the elevator to go down. Nothing about this feels right.
 It should’ve been a time to celebrate. They should’ve been chattering away like birds, discussing the tournament, the Gym Challenge, stuff kids are supposed to be hyped about, right? They’ve just saved the world. They should feel nothing but relief and happiness; and yet, she can only see Hop ball up his fists in his pants’ pockets, silent, head hanging down with his eyes fixated on one person.
If she was trying to convince herself earlier that Leon may have fainted, but could have just fallen back asleep when they were fighting Eternatus (that barely makes sense, but she supposed that, if you were tired and a heavy sleeper enough…), the fact he’s reacted to nothing until now, not even the monstrous cries of Eternatus, the vigour of Zacian and Zamazenta, the frantic screams of his brother or being moved around, can only tell her he’s comatose.
And that word stings her tongue.
 “Y’know, that’s kinda stupid, when I think about it.” Hop suddenly says, trying to draw a smirk on his face.
“What do you mean?”
“I know Lee’s gonna be alright. He’s always been alright, even if he’s scared Mom and Dad before. I’m sure he gave Sonia heart attacks while on their Gym Challenge. There’s no reason he won’t be now, right?”
“Lee’s the undefeated Champion of Galar, and yet, I’m scared for him and all… That’s dumb, I know it, but… But I can’t not worry! He should’ve woken up by now, right?”
She doesn’t know quite to respond. Mom often says fear can be an irrational feeling or reaction… but it doesn’t sound like a rightful explanation.
 “He’ll be fine, sure, but when?”
Gloria doesn’t have an answer to give him, or, at least, no answer that’d sound truthful yet optimistic. Hop shakes his head and goes back to being silent, putting the hat falling out of his brother’s head back on top of it. Over and over again.
 When the elevator’s doors open, she lets go of a breath she’s held for too long.
 Truth be told, Sonia didn’t plan on watching the championship unless Hop or Gloria made it to the finals. She was somewhat blissfully unaware of the surprise cancellation, only learning it when she saw the two kids running past her and into the Slumbering Weald, barely getting an explanation on the situation from them. Thus, she only flew to the bubbling, buzzling Wyndon when learning about what had happened with Eternatus and the Chairman and all that jazz. It’d still serve as study material, even if she had other reasons to attend…
A surprise was waiting for her there and, like most surprises in her life, it wouldn’t be a good one.
 What she finds in Wyndon is people stuck between shock and relief and an aura of worry. People speak amongst them, some recognize her, and she tries her best to sneak her way into the hotel where Nessa told her to go. Her friend was fairly vague in her wording, mentioning she could be interested in what had unfolded for her research. Her voice sounded less confident than usual and she could hear, from the other side of the line, the discussions amongst themselves of other familiar voices, mostly Leaders’. The only thing she was able to clearly distinguish was, however, Milo asking Nessa if she wanted a drink. How mindful of him.
That’s only the first layer: she’s allowed into the hotel fairly easily for being the new regional professor, much to her wallet’s relief considering how pricy and luxurious this hotel seems to be, and plans on heading to the floor Nessa told her the number of. However, instead of going through with it, her eye immediately spots Hop on an inferior floor, pacing in the corridor, taping his foot whenever he stops, hands deep inside his pockets.
 When she engages the conversation, he seems far less optimistic than she’s mostly seen him be. He seems somewhat evasive, trying to escape a conversation, as if time’s running out. She can only point that out.
“You look like you’re in a hurry, Hop, what’s wrong?”
“Lee’s not waking up.”
The sentence pinches something inside of her.
“You can’t possibly mean this man is sleeping peacefully when he’s meant to battle Gloria as soon as possible, right?”
“That’s because he’s not sleepin’.”
 Before Hop can add anything, Sonia opens the door behind him, an alarm ringing in her head with a bloodcurdling shrill. That’s what was giving her the weird feeling about this entire situation! Of course he’d have called to tell her how excited he was about this entire thing, he’d have posted about it on his social media, and if not him, then it’d have been Hop.
Sonia doesn’t remember having ever seen Leon comatose, or having to worry about that before, so she busts open the door and gets her fears confirmed in an explosion of silence.
Hop’s sitting on a chair, waiting. He got tired of pacing, and so did the hotel staff, so instead he’s sitting on a chair next to a bed. At some point, there was Sonia with him, before she had to go do something else. At another, there was Raihan pretending not to care (and really being bad at it). At yet another, there was Gloria yawning her jaw out. Time’s been slow. He knows these people were there for less than an hour each.
Actually, it’s only been something like three hours at most. Time’s just been really, really slow. He fiddles with Dubwool’s Ball in the meantime, ears wide open for the smallest sound, fingers impatient. It’s night outside, which he sees through the mostly-closed curtains to the black sky and little yellow dots from the never-sleeping Wyndor.
 His eyes flutter with the wind. It’s hard to stay awake now that the fatigue of the past few days settles down and the adrenaline of saving Galar is fading away. It’s too calm to stimulate him and yet, clutching on the hope that his brother really is sleeping, he doesn’t want to disturb his rest. He hopes Gloria has managed to find a way to fall asleep and that she’s having some beautiful dreams while he stays here, as a vigil.
He puts away Dubwool’s Ball for a bit and just stares at his brother. Lee looks oddly peaceful, lying like this in a comfortable and silky-soft bed, despite the circumstances he’s found himself in and the crease his eyebrows are making. It’s odd to see him without his signature hat, or his cape, or even just being the Champion. It’s weird seeing him that way after spending so much years only seeing him through the screen of the telly. For once, he feels like the stronger sibling.
That should’ve satisfied him, or at least given him some joy, but all he can think about is how wrong it’s rubbing him. It’s not meant to be. Not that way, at least.
He yawns like a Snorlax, sustaining his head up with faulting elbows. He can’t exactly see Lee’s little injuries here and there as most of his body is covered by a blanket, even if the band-aid on his cheek already says a lot; and so does seeing his uniform displayed on hangers in the room and his cap neatly put on a bedside table, untouched, its crown pattern hidden in the shadows. He can’t turn on the lights more than just the lamp on the table in case Lee opens his eyes and gets blinded by the brighter ones of the ceiling. The darkness doesn’t help him stay awake, but it just has to be that way.
He’s no Champion of Galar, and he may never become one unlike what he’s promised to himself ever since Lee became the undefeatable; yet it’s like he’s the one in charge tonight.
 A gentle shake on his shoulder makes him slowly open his eyes, clarity coming to him in a burst. It takes a while for him to truly come back to the surface, as if his sense were numb with tiredess. Finally creaking an eyelid open, he notices there’s someone else awake, lit by the gentle morning sky seeping through the curtains..
He releases a sigh of relief. That’s finally something good and worth rejoicing over.
 “Lee?! Since when have you been awake?”
His brother looks a little confused, and the dark rings and bruises haven’t entirely disappeared, but nonetheless, he smiles.
“Not much… You should go to bed, Hop, it’s late.”
His yawn gets interrupted by Lee getting back on his arms, exposing a couple bandages on his forearms in the process. He jumps wide awake, as if he had never felt comatose in the first place.
“What are you doing?!”
“I’m gonna go on with my day,” he visibly winces when tucking away the strands of hair that have stuck themselves all over his face. “I’ve slept for long enough.”
“W-wait, don’t get up!”
 It’s the pain in his bandaged shoulder, of which he can see a bit of under the right sleeve of the sleepwear they gave him, that actually makes Lee lie back down, not his words, and he knows that.
“You’ve been out cold for a while, and you’re hurt and stuff, you shouldn’t be moving!”
“I didn’t know you became a doctor while I wasn’t looking, Hop”, his brother laughs as he scratches his head.
“Very funny, Lee,” he laughs back, “but that’s what the doctors said while you were knocked out. You’ve really made us worry!”
“Hah… I passed out before Gloria and you saved the day, right?”
 The tone drops in mood. It’s like rubbing salt in a wound he thought was closed.
“…Yeah. Charizard dragged you to safety after he protected us. I guess you really saw nothing of that…”
“I haven’t, I’m sorry. I should’ve taken care of it myself.”
“I was terrified to see you get knocked out like that… And you wouldn’t wake up! It’s like you didn’t react to anything around you!”
Lee scoffs. “I really was out cold, huh… Well, don’t worry, it’s all good now. Gloria and you have saved Galar and everything’s back to normal, right?”
He nods.
“Good. It’d have been terrible if either of you had gotten injured. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he tries getting up again, slower, gentler, and it’s still not okay because he’s still wincing at each move he makes, “I have a match to dispute against this year’s challenger…”
“You’re not in a condition to have a battle, Lee!”
 His brother stares at him for a few moments, silent, before smiling again.
“If I stay here, will you go get breakfast?”
“For you too or just –”
“For you. You’re tired, go back to sleep.”
Hop can’t prevent himself from proving the point by yawning. He’s sore from the weird position he’s fallen asleep in…
“Okay, okay; but you stay here, right? Otherwise I’m gonna send you Sonia or Raihan!”
Another chuckle ensues.
“Wouldn’t want to be scolded at by Sonia, I must have scared her us enough. See ya later.”
“See ya, Lee,” he says as he gets up, almost falls from how wobbly his legs are, and gets out of the room.
 There’s undeniable irony in the fact that, right before leaving the room, he notices Lee has fallen back asleep. Seems like the comatose state didn’t constitute as proper rest. Better get some food and sleep before he follows.
On the way out, he spots Sonia, who enters the room right afterwards. Passing by her, then in the corridors, he stops in front of a window giving onto the busy streets of the city. The heart more at peace, he finds that the sun has never shone this bright in Galar.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Flying Type
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Moving on, next up is the Flying type. Flying type is a type that I feel like should be right up my alley, since that's where almost all the birds are. (Of course worth mentioning Flying type was almost called the Bird type.) But Flying as a concept is perhaps on the underwhelming side. It mostly gets treated as an add-on to airborne Pokemon that don't already have a secondary Typing.
I do like a number of the Pokemon in the Flying type of course, but not necessarily because they're Flying type, y'know? It's a lot like Normal in that it's a fairly non-descript type by concept since a number of Pokemon could be “Flying”. I'd personally rather have a more traditional Wind element, which despite Pokemon's leaning on Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors, “Wind” by name is absent despite having Water, Fire, “Nature”, Ice, and so-on present.
And obviously Flying does occasionally get treated like a “Wind” type, all the moves that are big gusts of wind get to be Flying type, but Flying also gets very specific bird-like actions as moves. Pecking, Flying dive-bombs, and even something as specific as parroting someone else's action gets to be Flying type.
That said, I’m not sure if Flying can really get retooled into a “Wind” type at this point. It’s a little too integrated into the current Pokemon sphere that most things that float off the ground have the valuable immunity to Ground type. If we were to change Flying to Wind and chop Flying off of anything that would pass as mono-type since it’s not heavily associated with wind, could you reasonably expect them to ALL sacrifice their own abilities in favor of Levitate? Hmmm.
The typing can occasionally get some neat uses, but other than that, I tend to like its Pokemon more than the type itself, really.
Top 10 Favorite Flying Types:
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Bottom 10 Least Favorite Flying Types:
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The Cutest:
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The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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The Spookiest:
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Weirdest/Most Unique:
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Most Inventive Use of the Type:
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More like... which ones among this type full of birds and winged insects aren't either of those things? There IS Hawlucha but it's easily the most inventive in terms of BEING a bird.
NOTE: These Type Wishlists were written out before any news on new Pokemon from Sword and Shield. The Pokemon revealed over time will not affect these wishlists. Just to present them unaltered despite spoilers and in the interest of getting the wishlist out there, and to see which items on said wishlists get fulfilled by Sword and Shield!
I'm just gonna shove all my favorite birds that aren't in Pokemon yet here k thanks.
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A proper Cardinal:
Yes, we got some easy cardinal stand-ins thanks to Fletchinder, so it doesn't hurt too much to not have them present just yet.
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A Hummingbird:
How have we not gotten one of these yet?! Especially since they'd be a shoe-in for the Fairy type!
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A Raven:
I know Ravens are aesthetically very similar to crows, and we already got one of those. But I'd still say it'd be really neat to have one of the spookier birds out there as a neat Ghost/Flying type perhaps. I just feel like they aughta avoid Dark. We already got the niche of black Dark/Flying bird filled with Murkrow, and Fakemon (Mine that I made 10 years ago include) are ALWAYS making their ravens Dark type.
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Blue Jay:
Bonus points if they go for an asshole with a heart of gold angle with them. Blue Jays often get a bad rap for being loud, obnoxious, and ill-mannered birds. But in actuality, Blue Jays (though possibly inadvertently) will warn smaller birds and other Blue Jays with their loud call that predators like cats and birds of prey are around. They'll even mob these predators to keep them away from feeding areas! Yeah, they're still being huge jerks to the predators, but they're sticking up for the smaller, more vulnerable birds!
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If they're going after meme animals lately, Potoo is PRIME Pokemoning potential.
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A Peacock:
Yet another one that I'm surprised hasn't happened yet. I can only hope it's because they just have too many ideas for what a neat peacockmon would look like and can't decide. Because I certainly know that feeling.
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A Flamingo:
These lovable little weirdos are up there with peacocks for one of the more requested birds to be made into Pokemon. And I personally would find it hilarious if they played the tacky flamingo lawn ornament into their look somehow.
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Secretary Bird:
Now here's a bird with some kick to it! This bird's unique in that its primary method of attack is delivering some swift kicks to prey. A good candidate for the Flying/Fighting type!
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Nicobar Pigeon:
And while we're getting on more exotic birds, let's take a look at the poor Dodo's closest living relative, which is this fabulous looking long-hair-having pigeon. Just imagine all the ridiculously flamboyant Pokemon you could make out of this thing alone.
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Sure, let's stick a flightless bird in there because I wouldn't know where else to put it. I've always loved these Cassowary weirdos because, even minding modern science has taught us birds are the modern evolution of dinosaurs, the Cassowary just straight up looks like a still-living dinosaur. With that wicked bony head crest and those big T-Rex-like legs it has. Whenever we get around to finally having an Australian-based region, I'm definitely crossing my fingers for one of these!
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dietaku · 5 years
Amazing Quest 2: Chapter 3
Things get a little Down Under
Chapter 3: Fatal Feathery Fowl Fearsome Four-way Fight!
The camera pans down with Dood and company laying in a smoldering crater. Suddenly, some tiny, yellow birds scurry over to them.
Kiwi: Ah. Hey bru. Ya 'kay bru?
Genki: Oui, missour. We appear to have landed on something soft.
Kylie: And full of organs. Dood: Mrf. Kiwi: You fell from the sky. You wus hoigh az, bru!
Dood: I. Um. Yes. That. What you said.
Kiwi: I saw you fall, and there was a bug explosion! So I had to see what it was, bru. Scared our kuds, right out, it did.
Dood and the party get up.
Dood: Sorry, we didn't mean to scare any cuds. We were thrown by accident.
Kiwi: Well, no harm done, bru. Do ya need anything?
Dood: Maybe just some directions to town.
Kiwi: Oh, that's easy, bru! Follow me!
The Kiwi hurries off-screen and we're allowed to begin exploring the new area. You can still encounter some monsters, as this area is shared to a dungeon area we'll explore later, so just hurry to the side to reach the overworld and not far away is the Kiwi Village. Here, we can get the Kiwi Set of gear for everyone, including the memetic KiwiDrss for the ladies, except Dood won't get any weapons here, oddly enough. The inn holds an amusing timesink card game Dood plays against a kiwi wearing a sun visor, which has very unclear rules, and the town square holds a statue which tells, in laborious detail, the tale of The Great Emu War, where Kiwis and Kangaroos joined together against a vile avian threat. It is worth reading. In the same area, there's a sad-looking kiwi. You can tell she is sad by the fact she has large, watery eyes.
Kiwi: Oh! A-bloo-bloo-boo! I'm sad, bru!
Dood: What's wrong? Is it something I can help with?
Kiwi: My kud, bru! Those dirty ostriches! They kudnapped 'er!
Dood: I'm sorry? Kiwi: They broke into the village a few nights ago! They grabbed 'er right out of 'er bed, bru!
Dood: … I'm struggling to understand.
Deliost: Surprising no one.
Kylie: Dood, she's saying her child was abducted by the ostrich tribe!
Dood: Oh! Why didn't she just say so? Geez.
Kiwi: Oh! They want 50,000 lobsters for 'er and the other kuds!
Dood: Uh. Translation? Kylie: Sorry, even I'm off the menu on this one.
Kiwi: Y'know! A million clams! Dood: I had no idea ostriches were so big on seafood.
Genki: Ah, she means that they are held for a great ransom. Not food, money.
Dood: Oh! Man, I am learning so much about culture today. Money, of course! Kiwi: Whazza matter there, sonny?
Dood: What? I said “money”.
Kiwi: Yes, what's wrong with it?
Dood: … Huh? Kiwi: Ya knee. You keep talkin' 'bout yer knee.
Dood: …
Genki: Err-hem. Let us focus now.
Kylie: Where are the ku-- err-- kids, being held.
Deliost: Did you almost say it too? Kylie: No! … Yes.
Kiwi: The ostriches have a large base sex mulls south of here. They took over a castle there. See, it's an instunct thing for them – ostriches are fated rivals for well-to-do nobles.
Dood: I see. That makes perfect sense! Deliost: It... does?
Genki: Pardon moi, but how far is sex mulls?
Kiwi: Ye don't know mulls, bru? Almost tin kays.
Dood: Tin kays. I fully understand!
Genki: You do? Dood: Yes! Let's go save the cud from the cows! Deliost: Ostriches.
Dood: Poh-tay-toe, pah-taw-toh.
Genki: I 'ave literally never heard anyone call it a “pah-taw-toh”.
So, now we can leave town and head south, which follows a small stream down to a large castle. If you go here, an amusing cutscene plays, as this is actually not the castle we need. At the door, we meet emus.
Emu: G'day, mate. Can I help you? Dood: Are you a cow? Emu: No, 'fraid not.
Dood: Are you a dragon? Deliost: DOOD! Dood: I'm just asking!!!
Genki: That's racist!
Emu: Sorry, cobber?
Deliost: We're looking for the ostriches.
Emu: Oh! Ya must'a come from the kiwis. Silly buggers. The ostrich fort is six miles from here. Ya only come six kays.
Dood: Ooooh!
Emu: Strewth, you guys have no clue, do ya? 'Ere, 'ave a tinny and let an old codger you 'bout the war!
Dood: Cool!
Deliost: Sorry to take up your time, sirs, we really need to get a move-on. Thank you!
Here, we can actually go inside anyway despite what the guards say. Once inside, we can find a set of item shops that don't sell anything the kiwis didn't, but it doubles as a rest stop. If we go to the throne room, we can begin an optional side quest. There's an emu here rushing back and forth frantically. Speak to him.
Emu: Oh? G'day, mates. I'm sorry, I didn't even hear ya come in. What can I do fer ya?
Dood: You look worried about something.
Emu: Oh, too roight. Hm. You don't really care 'bout that, though, do ya? H-how about a tour of our beloved EmuFort?
You can then pick from a Yes/No prompt.
-If you pick Yes-
Emu: Good! Great, even! Follow me!
He then takes you into the, uh, only other available room in EmuFort, the town square.
Emu: Now, see... we have, uh, item shops! They're great. … I like them.
Genki: Is this entire town three item shops that all sell the same items and an inn? And your throne room? Emu: … Tour's over, mates! Please, come and see me again!
-If you pick No-
Emu: No? But I have some great item shops I can show ya...
Deliost: What's the matter, sir?
Emu: Ah, it's a bother, I reckon, but if ya must know... I'm the prince here. Soon to be the King even.
Kylie: That sounds like a good thing, though.
Emu: Ah, it would be. But, uh, I've a small problem on my wingtips and I just don't know how to start with it.
Dood: I can help you! It never hurts to meddle in other peoples' affairs!
Emu: … Alright, I'll tell ya. But this stays between us, mates. See, I have fallen for a fair maiden.
Kylie: A love story?! Oh, how wonderful~!
Emu: Roight, well, turns out that the sheila who stole my 'eart there was the Princess of the Ostriches.
Genki: Oh my.
Emu: So you see how I got a problem now. Can't go near the place without hearing the blighters shouting jokes about me mum, let alone get inside to see 'er. Apples it ain't. She waits for me, though. She's a 'opeless romantic, she is.
Genki: Ah, a forbidden romance. Je suis monte~!
Dood: We're going there anyway. We can just take a letter for you.
Emu: I wish it were that easy, mate, I really do. Problem is the ostriches up and moved 'er into the tower out to the east of 'ere.
Dood: We can still go there. Even if it's guarded, we'll get in there!
Emu: Ya'll take a letter for me?
Dood: I'll do you one better! I'll break her out and bring her here to you!
Emu: That's roight mad, you realize? Dood: No, I'm happy!
Kylie: He was... probably dropped on his head as a child. Please forgive my ward...
Emu: Well, if'n ya can manage it, I'd be eternally grateful. But please, don't put yourselves in unnecessary danger on my account.
Dood: We won't! We'll just bust her out of the tower! Let's go, mates!
So, with quest in hand, we can now move east out of town to cross the bridge there (which would've remained off-limits had we not spoken to the prince) and head towards the tower there. Here, you'll have to force your way in past some Ostrich Knights, which are hearty HP-wise, but only pose a threat to those woefully under-powered for this stretch. Inside, they'll continue as random encounters, which is annoying as the staircase to the room above is long and arduous and the door at the one-third, half, and two-thirds marks are blocked by lazy ostrich guards. They won't fight you, but ask for arbitrary food items, which they explain can be found in the hold in the basement. Well, that's not as easy as it sounds, as you find the basement itself is a maze-like series of hallways, with certain ones ending at different mini-boss fights. The first guard wants a Roach Roast, which you have to battle a giant roach for. The second asks for a Cicada Shake, which mandates a dance-off minigame with the Cicada King, done in the style of a DDR game using the control pad. And the last requests a Grass Wrap (Weed Gyro in PAL regions), which you can get by fighting the Burrito Bison that appears in the deepest hallway. The guards, once bribed, step aside and fall asleep, allowing you access to the princess' chamber. Dood heroically throws the door open.
Ostrich: Oh my! Are you here to kidnap me?! Again? I am overdue...
Dood: Um. I mean, kind of? Is it kidnapping if we kidnap someone from being kidnapped? Maybe THAT'S what “cudnapping” is!!
Deliost: Facepalm
Genki: Mademoiselle, we have come to free you at your beloved Prince's request!
Ostrich: Oh! You're heroes here to liberate me!
Dood: Yeah, that!
Genki: Speaking of, have you any valuables to... liberate?
Ostrich: Well, not really. But the big guard who patrols the stairwell might!
Kylie: Wait, we bribed the guards in the stairwell.
Ostrich: Yes, but did you bribe the big one?
Dood: Which one's the big one?
The area shakes briefly, then stops. Then once again.
Genki: Que?
Deliost: Wait, that's not even--
The wall blows open as a colossal gorilla clad in ornate, the stone armor blows surrounding area down.
Gorilla: HUZZAH!!!
Dood: Oh. THAT one is the big one!
-Boss Fight!-
Gorillian Horse-Powered Gorilla
LP: 5800
MP: 0
Gas Tank (Hidden)
LP: 1200
MP: 0
This massive monkey is all about power and his individual blows are devastatingly strong, none moreso than his “Lance out for Cranbe” attack where he spins in circles, dealing medium physical damage across the party line. If you want to go toe-to-toe with him, by all means, have it. He barely has more HP than the chapter boss from the previous story segment and we're much more powerful now. However, there is a way to cheese him. By using Genki's “Look! An eagle!” technique, Gorillian will become stunned and turn his back to you, revealing the gas tank on his back. If you attack it a few times, it'll ignite and blow Gorillian clear out the opposite wall, immediately defeating him in just a few turns!
-Boss Fight!-
Dood: Yay!
Deliost: That was non-sequitur.
Genki: Oui-oui.
Ostrich: You agree emphatically?
Genki: Non. I need to use the lady's room.
At this point, we can freely leave and the dungeon as a whole ceases being accessible as most of it is now rubble. If we try to leave now, a giant, sentient block will inform you the princess takes priority--
Block: Princess Priority pretty much prompts protagonists to proceed plot-wise plodding platitudes.
Kylie: I zoned out half way through that.
Dood: Peh pehpeh pehpeh pehpehpehpeh.
Genki: Oui, missiour, now you are speaking my language!
Dood: What language is that, Genki? Genki: Sometimes I lay awake at night and stare at the ceiling, wondering that. … What is a language? Is there a God? Dood: … Do you need a hug?
Genki: Badly.
--And force you back to EmuFort. Go to the throne room to run into the Emu Prince.
Emu: Ah! Y'all're back. Yah alroight, mates?
Ostrich: My love~!
The Ostrich Princess rushes the Emu Prince, easily pinning him to the wall.
Emu: BARF!
Kylie: Y'know it dons on me only now just how much bigger she is than him...
Emu: My dear princess! You're safe!
Ostrich: I am! Thanks to our strange, featherless friends! We must reward them, darling, somehow!
Emu: I agree! Unto you, I will bestow the Four Legendary Treasures of the Southwest!
Genki's eyes become a dollar and a yen sign, respectively.
Genki: Oui, your generosity knows no bounds~!
Emu: Here, sport.
The Emu prince approaches Dood and Dood gets the KiwiSwrd, OstrSwrd, KngaSwrd, and EmuSwrd, completely replacing his old set of weapons. These not only bolster his attack and defense but also bumps up his speed. This set became quite popular, to the point where in AQ6: Puddingnomicon, this was the first set of weapons Dood can unlock after his default.
Dood: Thank you sir! I will be sure to use this as responsibly as I possibly can!
Deliost: Which, based on our efforts at the Ostrich Tower, likely mean they'll be shattered within a week.
Emu: Ehh. Whatcha gonna do, I mean, really? G'luck to ya now, mates.
Now we can head south again. Now we can actually get to the Ostrich Fort in the south – presumably tin kays worth. If you go to the grotto on the right, you can get the much-loved Kangaroo, Kangaroo, and Kangaroo genes for Kylie (one for each part of her body) for her Aussie Form, which can learn “BoxJly Psn”, “FnlWeb Slw”, “Taipn Strk”, and “Daytime Drnk”, the most potent status-ailment dealers we can get at this point in the game and for some time after. Afterward, approach the gate of the fort, and you get a mini-cutscene as Dood and co. approach the ostrich guards.
Dood: Hello!
Ostrich: Um. Hi.
Dood: Can we go in? Ostrich: Um. No can do, kid. If we just let you in, we'd be setting a precedent.
Genki: Come now, Herr Ostrich, can you not make the tiniest exception on... our part?
Genki leans over, revealing yet more of her sizable chest.
Ostrich: Um. I'm sure that's supposed to be impressive, but I'm a bird. Genki: Oh. So you are.
Dood: Um, it's just, we want to save the... cows.
Deliost: Kids. Also, are you sure you want to just be saying that to the ones who kidnapped them?
Ostrich: Oh, I wish you hadn't gone and said that.
Dood: Why? Ostrich: 'cuz now we have to kill you.
The ostrich guards rush forward, hurling the party through the air to the map.
Genki: Mein Gott! Such rude little bird-brains!!
Kylie: Yeah, that wasn't super smart, Dood.
Dood: I'll show them! I'll build my own fort! And it'll be cooler than theirs! And they won't be invited to come in either!!
Deliost: Dood, focus! We need to save the children!
Dood: Yeah! That too!
Kylie: Yeah, but how do we do that...?
Now back on the overworld, a robed figure appears off to the side. Speak to him.
Dood: Hi.
Man: You... you have an interesting aura about you.
Dood: Genki says I'm a tent.
Man: Good for you! Say, are you trying to get into Ostrich Fort?
Deliost: We are. How did you know that? Man: As luck should have it, I was just happening by when those muscle-headed guards sent you sailing through the air. More airtime than they ever had, nyuknyuk.
Deliost: Do you... know a way inside? Man: I do, as a matter of fact. See, the race relations around here are a little unstable, due to the Great Emu War. The Kiwis and Kangaroos battled the Ostriches and the Emus... many lives were lost.
Dood: Really?! Man: Well, no. It was a humiliating and crushing defeat. BUT! I have a means by which you can turn this historical failure into your trump card!
Kylie: What's that? Man: See, in a nearby grotto, kangaroos live freely. All you need do is distract a mama kangaroo, and nab her joey. Take it and run for the fort full-speed! In no time, you'll all be inside and victorious!
Dood: That makes sense.
Deliost: It's a scary place in your mind, Dood.
Dood: Says the one who continued calling me “Dudu” well after the first chapter ended.
Deliost: Did... did you just hold a grudge? Dood: I like pie.
Deliost: …
So, we return to the grotto. During this event, we cannot get the Kanga-genes. We'd have to come back after the fact – which there is no point in doing otherwise – and thus these tend to get missed a lot by newcomers. Head inside and you'll need to find a Kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. When you inspect her, you'll get a small battle with a Wild Kanga & Joey monster, which functions as one unit. When you defeat her, you'll get the message “Better move fast!” as you return to control. All the kangaroos, joey or no, will aggro on you and you need to be in motion if you don't want to spend the next 45 minutes of your life fighting your way through them all. Rush back to the overworld and then to Ostrich Fort. When you do, Dood slides in and pitches the joey baseball-style into the fort's open doors.
Ostrich: Pardon?
The Kangaroos rush onto the map.
Kangaroo: Blimey, mates, the ostriches are taking pages from the Emu's playbook! Time to show them what-for, gents!!
The kangaroos suddenly don green helmets and open fire with their massive, mounted machine guns. The ostriches laugh hysterically and rush inside their fort as the kangaroos continue firing. If you speak to them, they mention how they'll not suffer another loss to flightless birds, or how they'll not continue to maintain a 1000:1 ratio of ammo expended vs. targets eliminated. However, the door is left open and we're allowed to get inside. Inside, we find the internal layout is just a series of hallways, dotted by ostrich soldiers. If you head left, then up, then left again, you'll find an ostrich in a lone bedroom, staring a poster.
Ostrich: I really admire Soggy Teacher's style!
Dood: Kay!
This baffled fans for years, up until the era of the internet, when we learned a bit more about Mrs. Hironbu Sakaki, or as the ostrich says in Japanese, “Sakaki-sensei”. Reports indicate when this blunder was shown to Sakaki herself, she actually had her drink spray from her nose.
Anyways, the remainder of this dungeon is very droll and shares its tileset with the Ostrich Tower, meaning this is going to look awful same-y. If you explore towards the right-hand side in the second stretch, you can find a jail. Go ahead and let the people inside out (this'll pay off later in the game). And for a bit of an Easter Egg – the last one you let out is a tall, buff guy who thanks you quietly and departs. This guy is actually a shout-out to the side manga, Orange Ravine: it's Fellow G. Individual! Though nothing in the game mentions his name, JeffCom+DTK has admitted that it's him. In the GBA re-release, you get a scene with him later in the game, though, which is nice. If you press on past the third area, we'll get to the proper boss: the Ostrich King.
King: I see... since you're here, I have to accept that you're here! Dood: … Wow, that didn't even make sense to me...
King: You're here to avenge those damn marsupials! Well, you shall not do that which you came to accomplish!
Kylie: … Um?
King: Now, let us engage in our fight of battle!!
-Boss Fight!-
Ostrich King
LP: 6000
MP: 3000
Ostrich Vizier
LP: 3000
MP: 6000
The King comes at you with his adviser, the Ostrich Vizier, in tow. The King is a raw physical attacker and has the ability to buff his attack and debuff yours. The Vizier is much more crafty, being a mage, and can inflict mute and red on the party with his all-hitting “Ostrich Feather Storm” technique. Since he can also heal, it's prudent to remove the Vizier as quickly as you can.
-Boss Fight!-
King: Ah... the irony is overwhelmingly ironic. A king meets his death by regicide...
Dood: You talk funny.
The scene dims slightly as the Ostrich King rushes forward, trying to run Dood through with his talons, but as he does so (and his party shouts out his name), Dood vanishes from sight, then reappears on the other side of the King.
King: I... I...
Dood: No, no, no. Wait for it. Waaaaaaaaaait for iiiiiiiiiiit...
The King is suddenly rendered de-feathered as his cartoonishly naked form sheepishly covers his crotch and he hurries out the door.
Dood: And that's the end of my attack!
Genki: Mon cheri, that was incroyable!
Dood: Sometimes I just do in-crawfish-able things. I'm cool like that.
Kylie: I think, strictly speaking, that shouldn't have been something a normal person could do!
Dood: So, where's the cud?
Kylie That's true... we haven't seen them so far, have we?
Dood walks over to the wall and opens a door, as he's buried in an avalanche of tiny, adorable, yellow fluffy chicks.
Dood: MRF!
Chicks: Bru? Bru! Bru... Bru!
Deliost: I guess that answers that...
The scene will resume at Kiwi Town, now with the parents reunited with their children.
Kiwi: Well, look at you, lil' bru! Ya brought our kuds right home! How can we ever thank you?
Dood: Aww, we just wanted to help out!
Kiwi: Well, you brus will always be welcomed az!
Dood: Heh-heh~!
We can now leave, as a new bridge has appeared south of the now-ransacked Ostrich Fort. This will actually take us to the next town: Flounder, and the next coliseum, as we were promised - Southfort Monster Girl Monster Association! When you approach the coliseum at the far north end, Kylie breaks off from the party to admire a poster.
Kylie: “For all Monster Girl Battle Maniacs – are you a bad enough dude to beat the competition and reach the All-Star Special?” But THAT spells out--
???: Ballzy!!
Kylie: Oh, crap!
The camera pans over as we see Balzac and his Cat-oblepas walking towards the door.
Cat-oblepas: Ballzy! I'm tired! Balzac: We're here. Once we rest up, we'll win for sure and--
Balzac gestures wildly.
Cat-oblepas: WHAT?! You have another monster girl?! Balzac: I DO! Meet... Dog-maggeddon!
A girl with floppy, dog ears and a tired expression walks up.
Dog-maggeddon: Woof woof, barf barf barf.
Cat-oblepas: FSSSH!!!
Cat-oblepas frizzes up and leaps atop Balzac, causing a cartoonish cloud of smoke and dust as she beats the stuffing out of him, then flees from the scene, allowing Balzac to collapse where he stood. We then regain control. We can even speak to Dog-maggeddon.
Dog-maggeddon: That Cat-monster got scared and ran off. But not before she pummeled our master. That was ruff.
Dog-maggeddon: Dog gone it, how long is that cat going to hide in that tree?
Dog-maggeddon: Gives you paws for thought, doesn't it?
At this point, we're supposed to go over to the tree and speak to Cat-oblepas.
Cat-oblepas: No way! I'm not coming down!
Dood: But why? Cat-oblepas: I don't know if you noticed or not, but that thing is from the dog tribe! Dood: And? Cat-oblepas: I don't exactly get along with dogs, obviously!
Dood: But why? Cat-oblepas: … Am I going to just be stuck here with you asking me dumb questions the entire time? Deliost: Yeah, probably.
Cat-oblepas: Okay, I'm coming down.
The party returns.
Balzac: Hmph! I suppose I owe you a tiny debt of gratitude, but I will not be going easy on you! We shall meet in the ring again! Dood: I like him. He has spirit.
Kylie: That's one way to put it...
Inside, we get to register at the counter, and we'll get to pick one additional party member plus Kylie. This cues up the chapter boss battle.
-Boss Fight!-
LP: 7500
MP: 5000
LP: 8500
MP: 3500
These two are a formidable battle indeed. Cat retains all her moves from the previous encounter, but now also gains WafleIrn as a follow-up, and a move that inflicts sleep called “Hypnotic Butt Wiggle”. Dog, meanwhile, uses support abilities in addition to pretty strong normal attack. I prefer using Dood and Kylie for this match and try to run them down quickly, but try what works best for you.
-Boss Fight!-
0 notes