#busters: teaser video
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sunscreenstudies · 1 year ago
10 Simple Study Break Ideas
Take a Nature Stroll: Step outside and walk in the fresh air. The beauty of nature can work wonders for your mood.
Quick Workouts: A few minutes of exercise, like jumping jacks, stretching, or yoga, can boost your energy and clear your mind.
Meditation and Deep Breathing: Find a quiet spot and take a few minutes to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises. It's great for reducing stress.
Mind Puzzles: Solve a crossword, Sudoku, or brain teaser to keep your mind active without the pressure of studying.
Creative Breaks: Doodle, sketch, or write in a journal to express your creativity and unwind.
Mini Dance Party: Blast your favourite music and dance like nobody's watching. It's a fantastic mood-lifter!
Call a Friend: Catch up with a friend for a quick chat to refresh your social connections.
Laugh It Out: Watch a funny video or read jokes for a good laugh. Laughter is the best stress-buster.
Self-Care Rituals: Pamper yourself with a face mask, a hot bath, or your favourite self-care routine.
Listen to Music or a Podcast: Put on your favourite tunes or listen to an interesting podcast that's not related to your studies.
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dominustempori · 1 year ago
Quick thoughts to follow up after my post on the teaser trailer (SPOILER WARNING!) In honor of March the 22nd…I’ll go for 22 observations/opinions.
1. Slimer’s back!
-Definitely a call back to 1) one of the ORIGINAL storyboard designs for the backpack/neutrona wand in the first movie, and 2) the IDW comics when Janine and other “new ‘Busters” take over when the OGs disappear.
3. Definitely another secret society/cult that must’ve worshipped Garraka ( hidden room with the demon’s horns/frozen eyepatch guy that shatters in the supposed flashback scene..?)
4. If that’s Coney Island where the big ice storm is coming ashore…then THAT could very well be a throwback to the RGB episode “Collect Call of Cthulu.”
5. GB’s got a new van! Ecto 1c?
6. Research lab? AWESOME!
7. Big question- what’s the connection between the arrival of Garraka and the red light on the containment unit? Is it coming after GBHQ to get more power (much like Gozer?)
8. OK…James Acaster is NOT a grown Oscar…damn. I’m sure his researcher character is gonna be brilliant though. Poor guy…frostburned hand? Eesh.
9. I REALLY hope they explore more of Callie (and therefore, Egon’s) background story. That scene where Trevor’s in that attic…aw.
10. DRONE TRAP!!! Next level! Fans lost their minds with the RTV…someone will surely try to build a model of a freaking FLYING ghost trap.
11. Modified proton packs? Makes sense now, that thing can FREEZE the positron stream! WHAT!?
12. Grooberson’s driving Ecto 1! F*ck yeah, Paul Rudd!
14. So how does Kumail Nanjiani’s character come into possession of that mysterious golden orb? I’m still thinking it’s his apartment with the secret door.
15. Imagine being an old time NYC firefighter and seeing men frozen to death, in fear. When did NYFD form, I wonder?
16. Patton Oswalt is the new Ray…love it.
17. Bill Murray…still got it, man.
18. Swear to god that’s his old orange jacket from the first movie.
19. OK…on one hand, Gil and Jason are probably not counting the GB Video Game as part of the canon, and yet, the IDW comic universe IS built on some plot points of the game. So…does the PCOC exist in Frozen Empire? Is Peck mayor? Perish the thought?
20. Bring on the mischievous Mini-Pufts! Evidently some survived the “Summerville Massacre.”
21. PLEASE have Egon’s unknown life history be in the story somewhere, PLEASE Gil and Jason! It’s almost 10 years since the world lost Harold Ramis…PLEASE pay his beloved character some more tribute.
22. I have to admit…I do like Annie Potts back with not just her red hair, but those new blue-frame glasses. Good nod to the animated series, I will bow to that piece of fan service, not sorry.
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gonagaiworld · 1 year ago
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Il team creativo di Super Peace Busters si riunisce per il nuovo film anime originale Fureru Svelati il teaser visual e il video per il film dell'autunno 2024 di Tatsuyuki Nagai, Mari Okada e Masayoshi Tanaka. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/il-team-creativo-di-super-peace-busters-si-riunisce-per-il-nuovo-film-anime-originale-fureru/?feed_id=414659&_unique_id=65702098e4eb0 #Anime #Fureru #MariOkada
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 years ago
Meghan and Harry ratioed again shows how the tide has turned. Public opinion is not on their side A listers are not on their side. All the puff pieces in the world can't hide these statistics. by u/Mistressbrindello
Meghan and Harry ratioed *again* shows how the tide has turned. Public opinion is not on their side, A listers are not on their side. All the puff pieces in the world can't hide these statistics. “Ratio” or "ratioed" is used to describe a SM post that generates more negative or critical responses compared to positive engagement and usually indicates dislike by the public."When a post is said to be "ratioed," it means that the comments or replies are filled with criticism, disagreement, or negative feedback, creating an imbalance between the engagement metrics." H&M have now been ratioed with the Heart of Invictus trailer, the promotional material put out for Spotify, Meghan's video of her reading The Bench, her comments on advancing women's equality and every one of the trailers for their Harry & Meghan docudrama on Netflix (among others). What's interesting is that a couple of years ago the ratio might have been fairly bad - say 50% more downvotes than likes - but now the ratio is so, so bad - you rarely see anyone destroyed like this by the ratio 🤣🤣🤣 The first teaser trailer for the H&M whinefest for example has 24,000 likes but 336,000 dislikes! What this tells me is that while a couple of years ago they were disliked, they were also liked. That is, there were always plenty of people who supported them as well. The ratio wasn't as bad and the comments were more mixed. Recently it's overwhelmingly negative. The only people still supporting them come across as a bit bonkers (Shouty Shola??) and are no longer the respected George Clooneys or Obamas or A listers. The Royal Family have survived with their dignity intact while Meghan is reduced to merching stick on stress busters. They need to hide in a hole and lick their wounds; it's over.https://preview.redd.it/s4fl3s9buvjb1.jpg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a5953ca436da7e2f74cd2e4f76b748697b808c​ post link: https://ift.tt/xmFGa7P author: Mistressbrindello submitted: August 23, 2023 at 05:59PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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kpopmultifan · 3 years ago
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BUSTERS has released an individual concept image & video of Yunji for their upcoming 4th single album “Re:Born” which is schedule to be released on April 27th.
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fy-busters · 7 years ago
버스터즈 (Busters) 
포도포도해 (Grapes) MV Teaser #2
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← Back to Butter
Release date: 21st May 2021
Official page
Announcement: Twitter, Weverse, Logo Trailer
Promotional website: bts-butter.com
Promotion Schedule
Photo Sketch (Facebook, Weverse)
EPISODE Shooting Sketch
Naver post about the ARMY pose
[BANGTAN BOMB] Interview Squabble
[BANGTAN BOMB] How ARMY Was Put Together
[BANGTAN BOMB] The Photobomber
Other versions:
Dance Practice
Hotter Remix (Teaser Photo)
Special Performance Video
in 노래방 (karaoke)
Sweeter / Cooler ver. (Teaser Photo)
[BANGTAN BOMB] The 3J Butter Choreography Behind The Scenes
Global Press Conference
Weverse Magazine: ““Butter” through the eyes of the music industry”
Weverse Magazine: “Talking Music with “Butter””
Weverse Magazine: “This is BTS-pop!”
Variety: “BTS’ ‘Butter’: The Origin Story of the Band’s Summer Smash (EXCLUSIVE)”
Genius: “Interview: Songwriter Jenna Andrews Talks About Co-Writing & Vocal Producing BTS’ “Butter””
Special Countdown
Butter Butter Bubutter🧈 on Vlive (now reposted on Weverse)
Show your #SmoothLikeButter moments on TikTok
SNS posts from the boys: Twitter: Jimin, RM, j-hope, Jimin, Jin and Jung Kook, Jimin, j-hope; Instagram: Jimin
Lee Hyun’s video reaction to the MV, with Son Sungdeuk and Pdogg
Outfits and accessories: tweets from Bangtan Style, tweets from BangtanStyling
Concept Clip:
Teaser Poster
Jung Kook, RM
Music used: “2020 (Instrumental Version)” from the album Up The Smoke by IamDayLight (cr.)
Music used: “No Such Thing as Bad Press” by Bunker Buster (cr.)
j-hope, Jimin, V
Music used: “Physalis Peruviana” from the album Solanaceae by Art Against Agony (cr.)
Outfits and accessories
Concerning the music, though they seem to have been created by these artists, they could also be a studio loop bought by both the artists and Big Hit.
Bangtan Style identified some of the outfits here.
As explained in a Korean article, the technique used in those clips has a “camcorder and a projector connected. It makes repeated images of the subject maximizing effect of the subject's actions and giving dreamy vibe. There is no fancy stage but the technique made two members' characters & attractions” (trans by Soo Choi).
Teaser Photo 1:
Jung Kook, RM
j-hope, Jimin, V
Bangtan Style identified some of the outfits here.
Teaser Photo 2:
Jung Kook, RM Jin, SUGA
j-hope, Jimin, V
Official Teaser
(Content on Weverse)
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About the MV
Bangtan Style identified some of the outfits here.
Phoebe (hoseokmymuse) made a thread of lyrics references that can be found in the song.
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Concerning the mugshot numbers (src #1, #2):
Jin: 655212 = random
SUGA: 384627 = random
j-hope: 660660 = 뽀뽀 (kisskiss) in pager number
RM: 201904 =  day they went to grammys
Jimin: 141018 =  date of bts’ first concert
V: 000001 =  Cyworld (sns platform) emotion, means will become #1
Jung Kook: 110604 = first day he entered the dorm
The dance group GANMI participated in the creation of the choreography.
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hyphypmic · 5 years ago
HypMic: Utaites
Anon asked: Kinda weird but! How would the boys be with a Utaite s/o? (In case you don’t know, Utaites are singers who cover Vocaloid or jpop songs, and some even have original works, typically for YouTube or Nico). Like how would they do with concerts, shoots, and all that? Thanks in advance (also your writing is absolutely fantastic~~)
Uwu you make me soft hehe
Hahahah he would really go for it and sing along
Plus he would be so game to cosplay and do covers with you
Like he would also have you guest star in concerts because he is a very out anime fan so we know he is very unashamed with his obsessions
And with your original works, he promotes like crazy and even promotes your teasers and has reaction videos and all that
Plus he nerds out, a lot,,,, so he’s incredibly supportive
Plus, you do do covers of his songs and the buster bros which he finds incredibly adorable and loves you for it
Also a very out and obvious anime fan
So he super duper supports you, though he’s kinda shy to ask Ichiro if you can guest star
But Jiro is really in awe of you and he asks shyly if you can cover some of his favourite songs
And he promotes you too on social media and all that
As for shoots, he’s game to dress up and like help you out
But it’s more of you have fun together rather than actually get any work done
You did his song alone then he insisted you do it with him
So at the time when you cosplayed as Jiro, the internet exploded
Social media god with about three posts on his instagram
He promotes you so well that you see a rise in your followers right away
Plus he’s really good at taking pictures and doing photoshoots
He’s shy at performing with you, but if it’s for an anime he really likes, he goes for it and you love seeing his unfiltered enthusiasm because he’s usually a bit more shy
But yeah, he prefers to be your cameraman and to be fair, he really is good at what he does
He’s shy, but he loved it when you did your own rendition of new star and he’s so soft and uwu he put extra effort into editing that vid
Ah well, he probably heard some of the songs from when Ichiro would fucking blast them on the radio
And he actually likes some of them
So though he isn’t as well-versed as Ichiro, Samatoki would ask if you could play some of the ones he likes and you’re all for it
And he likes what you’re doing so in a very tsundere way he asks you to guest star and sometimes he IG story’s you and all that
And he also takes pics of you for your shoots…. And you managed to convince him once
Oh and of course, you did a cover of his songs while wearing his polo and that made him very happy
He also doesn’t get the anime shit right away
But I’m sure he knows some so he’s into it to some extent
He’s shy to cosplay, but once you convince him it works out miraculously
Plus when you dress up like him he loves to because he’s genuinely so flattered
Secretly an amazing photographer so he’s out there to just help you out
And he does ;et you guest star in concerts and he loves recording your practices for his own personal consumption because he’s a lil selfish like that
Doesn’t get it at first and things that all the shit you do is original
And after you explain it to him he lowkey gets into watching the shows and he asks if you can do some of the ones he likes
And he’s supper supportive in his own stoic way
Like yeah he won’t cosplay with you and yeah he won’t appear in duets with you (unless it’s his song or an MTC one)
But he is a solid presence all the time and you appreciate his effort and kindness
then he always reminds you to rest and not push yourself so that you can be at your 100% all the time, but it’s okay not to be
All the game to dress up and be your fashion desgoiner
He even makes the cosplay clothes for you and makes a version for himself
Actively asks you to duet with him and collaborate on videos and concerts and photoshoots
You also help him with releasing a cosplay line for his clothes line
And anyway, you love him the more for it
So the shoots are beautiful and the social media promo is off the charts because ramada is a god at it
And he’s very enthusiastic about your performances and he sells you really really well
Another behind the scenes kind of guy
You won’t find him in your pictures or in your videos or whatever
But he’s the one giving you tips on your vocals and what not
And also he’s taking your pics and since he’s an artist at heart (but I believe he can’t draw) he takes good pics because he can visualise it in your head
Also when he promotes you, like damn his words are really convincing and everyone just wants to listen to you
Plus when you dressed up as him one time, he felt so soft that he had to take the best pictures of the two of you
Im sure he knows a bit of the anime because sometimes you gotta watch what you can watch
And then he would dress up, but like only ion you force him too
And he pretends he doesn’t like it but he does
And he helps you out like conceptually, meaning finding the best locations for photos
And the one time you dressed up like him and he was starstruck for the longest time like he really wouldn’t stop fanboying
And yes we know he’s a street rat, but he is a very considerate street rat so he’s so incredibly proud of you and actually spends what little he has on buying your songs
Doesn’t really get it at first so he asks you to introduce to him the world
And when he does get it he’s really impressed because it’s not easy being an artist in general
So sometimes he dresses up with you because honestly I know Jakurai is down for anything and everything as long as he gets to see you smile
And when you do covers of his songs and other songs, he helps you out with how you should act and like vocally
He doesn’t do social media very well, but when he does everyone just goes uwu with how proud he is of you and makes you open act MTR sometimes
Oh and when you do covers with him, needless to say the world is in tears
Doesn’t also get you at first
So you explain it to him and he is immediately in awe of you because that shit is hard
And no there is no way you’re going to get him to dress up if you’re gonna ask
But he is proud of you and loves what you’re doing
So all of your songs are saved on his phone and he listens to them in his free time and he lets maternou listen also
And the biggest and happiest moment for him is when you covered his song, like he was super emotional about it because he knew that you didn’t have to but you did anyway because you personally love the song and— yeah he really loves you for it
Is game to dress up with you, to take pictures with you and to do covers with you, anything on camera he is g
Anyway, he really is a smog puppy so sometimes he plays your songs in his club and he goes around saying this is my significant other!@ check out her YT and her Nico!
And then he’s one of the social media gods of hypmic so like…. He promotes you really really well
Plus, he has the perfect spots for all your shoots and MVs
You even did one in his club and another one for when you did his song
Plus he really just wants to be the best supportive boyfriend he can be and there’s nothing you would want more
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ayeonz · 5 years ago
checking out a bunch of releases from the last two weeks or so:
txt - can you see me? the cinematography is amazing! i love the song. the second verse??? what the fuck??? what is going on???? i love it??? im scared????? i can't work out the symbolism but im scared of it. total jam tho, no pun intended
onlyoneof - angel (prod. gray) the mv is really cute and i love the use of neon green. the female actor is cute as hell. this is definitely a gray song. its not soty but this is definitely going on my playlist because i like the vibe.
d-crunch - pierrot the "cliche cliche" line is lowkey funny because this is a very cliche boy group song BUT i am in love with the drop. second verse is really good and i fucking LOVE the dance break instrumental. def a keeper. would've preferred the whole mv was shot with the colourful scenes because the outdoor and white scenes are kinda meh.
day6 - zombie (english version) i think i like the english lyrics better tbh, i guess they're easier for me as an international fan to relate that. totally love it, this is my favourite side of day6
ryu sujeong - tiger eyes i really did not expect this type of solo debut from a lovelyz member but isn't that the whole point of a solo debut anyway? her voice really suits this and she looks gorgeous, i even like the leopard print (but why isn't she wearing tiger print? lmao). it reminds me of billie eilish bad guy a little bit too
secret number - who dis? THIS BEAT!!!! IT'S SO 2015 NUGU!!!! I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!!!!! the main vocalist's tone reminds me of ailee, like the chorus sounds like an old ailee song because of her. the raps are pretty good (kpop standards tho, obviously) also YES JINNY GO JINNY star of the fucking show YES
crush - mayday (feat. joy) oh this music video is hilarious, i love the low budget feel. the lyrics are so relatable lmao. joy looks like a goddess
woo!ah! - woo!ah! the music video is really nice and they're so pretty but i'm not into the chorus much. the post-chorus is slightly better. the styling is gorgeous and the sets are really well designed. "badda badda bing" and "everybody say to us woo!ah!" are my favourite parts!! it's better on the second listen, though, call that the itzy effect.
lay - jade okay there's no mv for this but i really like the song, the incorporation of the traditional instrument with the trap(?) beat is really catchy. i just love lay's solo music tbh, and this totally fits his sound.
nu'est - i'm in trouble i'm ashamed of myself for not listening to this on release because i really loved it from the teasers and this totally lives up to that expectation, sultry and smooth but still catchy
bvndit - jungle not my first listen of this song but ive only heard it once and it was like 7am so I wasn't even awake enough to pay attention. it's definitely really good and totally in line with their previous releases but it's almost... too line. still a solid 8 though and i love the breakdown/dance break, it's the best part imo.
bol4 - hug it's colourful and sweet and super bol4 but it doesn't feel as catchy as her/their older songs
busters - paeonia it's way better than pinky promise. aesthetically it's everything kpop has been lacking this year. kinda sad chaeyeon isn't here though
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innnahas · 2 years ago
Three movie telugu video songs
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#Three movie telugu video songs movie#
#Three movie telugu video songs mp4#
#Three movie telugu video songs download#
Balasubrahmanyam, Anuradha Sriramĥ Cheppamma Cheppamma Sung by K. Video telugu songs mp3 old - Nghe nhc remix, nhc cover hay ht - Nghe Nhc Hay l ni chia s nhng video nhc. Abhiram Daggubati,Geethika Tiwary,Rajat Bedi.
#Three movie telugu video songs movie#
Nandi Award for Best Character Actress - Lakshmiġ Alanati Rama Chandrudu Sung by Jikki, Sunitha, SandhyaĢ Andaanike Aadanive Sung by Shankar MahadevanĤ Bhaama Bhaama Sung by S. Ahimsa Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Ahimsa along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast.
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Nandi Award for Best Feature Film (Silver) is a collection of huge telugu comedians shows,telugu movie comedy videos, comedy clips, telugu movie funny scenes, telugu comedy bits and more. Check out the new Telugu songs and download albums at your Hungama account. The film turned out to be a hit running for 50 days in 50 centres Piracy is widespread across the web & governments are fighting hard to wipe it out from the Internet. The film was remade in Kannada as Gopi with Murali playing the lead role. Teluguwap Download Latest Telugu, Tamil MP3s, HD Video Song, Trailers. The film is considered as one of the classic in Telugu cinema.The film was dubbed into Tamil with the same name due to Sonali Bendre's popularity there. This was the first movie of stunt master Peter Hein, who is the action director for this film. Murari is a 2001 Telugu film directed by Krishna Vamsi, Mahesh Babu and Sonali Bendre are the hero and herione of the film. Get updated Latest News and information from Telugu movie industry by. The first big block buster of the year is Legend,Drusham,Manam and Yevadu Video Songs which are family orinted and youth connected video songs and coming to manam video songs which was a cool family entertainers which one item number is included in that movie that video item number is very nice to watch from telugu film video songs 2014. Telugu Movie News - IndiaGlitz Telugu provides Movie News & cast crew details of Telugu Cinema and Telugu Movie Reviews.
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There were many new movies released in the year 2013 in the Telugu film industry(Tollywood) some big blocks are included in this year 2014 list especially when coming to the music of films which are released for till now this year are very impressive and some of the big musical hits include one nenuokkadiney,manam,Legend are few odf them some of the video songs in this films are already a huge sucess by today one of the best video song till now in the year is manam movie kani penchina mp4 video songs which is nice message and suituvation oriented song.Get most of the Telugu mp4 video songs 2014 if you have IDM already installed in your computer than it is better to download telugu mp4 video songs 2014 for free.the video songs are sorted by the movie and the time of releases according to the months upto now in 2014.
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ssportsnews · 3 years ago
"A pretty girl next to a pretty girl"... Five representative visuals of 'After school excitement'
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MBC's 'After School Excitement' is attracting attention with steady topic and word of mouth. In particular, there is a high interest in visual members who are selected as important elements of girl groups in addition to vocals and dance. Let's take a look at the members who gathered topics by appealing their own charms with self-introduction videos, pictorials, and stages.
First of all, trainee Kim Yu-yeon, who started to secure her fan base with the nicknames of 'goddess of this generation' and 'next generation ending fairy' at the same time as releasing her self-introduction video, boasts fair skin and dense features. In her last midterm evaluation, her skills were pointed out, but she practiced steadily with her evil spirit and passed proudly. She proved her popularity by taking third place in her first online poll.
Trainee Lee Ji-woo, who was chosen as the representative visual of the third year, also stood at the center of the topic as the main character in the teaser for 'After School Excitement'. He said, "I'll wait until you come," and conveyed his excitement, and captivated the classroom teachers with Blackpink's 'Ice Cream' stage at the entrance exam for each grade level. Ock Joo-hyun praised, "I need to go out and shoot an ice cream commercial right now."
Trainee Kim Ri-won made a mark by taking on the center role at the '2021 MBC Gayo Daejejeon', which was held on December 31st last year. With his skills as well as cute visuals, he was called 'Little Boa' and shot the hearts of fans. Gimli One trainee also showed off her popularity by placing her name in 4th place in her first online voting result.
Trainee Minami, who came to Korea to fulfill her dream from Japan, also showed her presence even before the broadcast started. Her proficient Korean skills, as well as her confidence in saying, "She will never go back to Japan until she makes her debut," had reasons. Contrary to her pretty appearance, she is gaining support from fans with her changing expression and eyes when her stage starts.
Finally, trainee Hyung-seo Myung, who once made her debut as a girl group Busters, is robbing her eyes with her gorgeous visuals. After showing IZ*ONE's 'La Vie en Rose' stage in the last broadcast, he filled the stage with skill and skill as if he was a member of a girl group. As the episodes go on, the curiosity rises as to what kind of performance Myeong Hyeong-seo will capture the hearts of fans.
Viewers are watching with interest to see if these 5 members can be included in the final debut group based on their unique visuals and skills.
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carruth00 · 3 years ago
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The Vault - Ambitious Aces by Chris Wood - A Review
(-Plus- a 2nd bonus effect from Mark Lavelle)
Part of the new 'One Shot series'...
This is the Ad Copy:
What you see is what you get!
Welcome to the Murphy's Magic Supplies One Shot series!
Each one-shot download is hand-picked from our amazing At The Table lecture series and features one proven powerhouse magic trick -- all shot in one continuous take.
That's right! No edits, no fancy music or effects -- just awesome real-time magic from our talented artists.
We consider this a one-effect teaser for the entire lecture. We know that, if like what you see, you will definitely want to check out the artist's full At The Table lecture!
On this download, Chris Wood teaches you his impossible Ambitious Aces routine. All four aces are lost in the deck and then rise to the top! He repeats this three times and each time it is more fooling than the last. ultimate challenge Ace routine.
If you love this download, be sure to check out Chris Wood's entire At The Table lecture for an incredible low cost.
My Thoughts:
Chris, headquartered in southern England, is a former Secretary of the society, a director of the Centre of Magic Arts and a gold star member of The Inner Magic Circle. He is an extremely personable guy.. and a pleasure to watch and listen to...
AMBITIOUS ACES is a very familiar effect, performed by magicians around the world. Chris Wood's Ambitious Aces is certainly true to form.. but different in so many ways. Ambitious Aces can be heavy on the sleights, but Chris' version is heavy only on psychological sleights. Don't know what that means? Buy the video.! (I'm not being flippant..)
This is a three phase routine that brings the Aces to the top three different times.. three different ways. Each phase uses a different method.. yet there is only one true sleight employed.. on the third phase. (I will go ahead and tell you it's a John Carney Versa Switch, which is NOT a knuckle-buster.)
The 'sleights' used to accomplish the first two assemblies are both psychological sleights that make the audience believe you're doing something you're not. Chris gives credit for the first two moves to Justin Hines.. from his Non-Automatic Card Tricks booklet. They are slick, no doubt, but probably shouldn't be repeated for the same audience. They are good enough to fool many magicians the first time around.. as Chris uses skillful verbal misdirection to conceal the dirty work.
Chris credits Aaron Fisher and Harry Lorayne, among others, for some of the well-timed moves that serve as real convincers. A Sadowitz move brings everything to a smooth conclusion.
This effect is shot in one continuous video.. thus the name 'One Shot' series. There are NO frills or music.. just the magic and thoughtful instructions. The video and sound are typical Murphy's Magic quality. The video runs 37 minutes, although there is a second bonus effect included by Bro. Gilbert, featuring Mark Lavelle, and titled Number Pick. I'm thinking it was originally featured on Mark's At The Table lecture, but I've been known to be wrong.. once. So.. Ambitious Aces is 25 minutes and Number Pick is 12 minutes. The download itself is 634 MB...
You will have no problem mastering Ambitious Aces.. with a little practice. I would rate this as an advanced beginner level effect. I like this new concept from Murphy's.. and I suspect you will too. For six bucks, you can't afford NOT to buy it. I recommend it to my friends and readers.
$6.00 .. From Murphy's Magic and their Associates.
Review by Rick Carruth
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balwinderthandi · 4 years ago
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Best Laptops For Video Editing Video Editing Laptops
If you’re looking for the best video editing laptops for a reasonable price, the Dell XPS 9570 and the 16-inch MacBook Pro are your best bets. They have beautiful, high-resolution displays that are powered by powerful CPUs and GPUs that can handle most video editing projects you can throw at them. Both laptops have slim aluminum chassis, making them extremely portable.
If you’re looking for a video editing laptop under $1,000, affordable gaming laptops are your best bet. Something like the Dell G5 15 SE (2020), which has an AMD Radeon RX 5600M GPU and a great display, will suffice for some of your more demanding activities. However, if money is no object and you’re a gamer, the Alienware Area-51m is the greatest video editing laptop you can purchase because it has super powerful components, lightning-fast SSDs, and is completely upgrade able.
However, if you are not a gamer and want to focus solely on video editing, consider purchasing a workstation, such as the MSI WS65 9TM, which is one of the best workstations you can buy overall. It's Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000 GPU is geared for applications like video editing, and you’ll be able to watch all of your creative work come to life in front of your eyes owing to its incredibly colorful 4K display.
The best laptops for video editing
1 MacBook Pro 16-inch
Ninth-generation 8-core Intel Core i9 processor
Stunning 16-inch Retina display with True Tone technology
Touch Bar and Touch ID
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M graphics with GDDR6 memory
Ultrafast SSD
Intel UHD Graphics 630
Six-speaker system with force-canceling woofers
+Radically improved Magic Keyboard
+Immersive 16-inch display with slimmer bezels
+Beastly performance
If you prefer to edit on an Apple laptop, the new 16-inch Macbook Pro is difficult to beat. It has a strong AMD Radeon Pro 5500M GPU and a fast Intel Core i9 CPU. In comparison to last year’s model, the 16-inch display is brighter, more vivid, and has much slimmer bezels. I noticed the fine vents on the dirtied Storm Trooper helmets set on spikes while watching a teaser for The Mandalorian.
The Touch Bar adapts to the program you’re using, allowing you to apply filters or scrub through a clip without ever leaving full-screen mode. The 16inchMacBook Pro’s audio is even better than its visuals, weighing only 4.3 pounds and measuring only 0.6 inches thick. Onboard, there’s a 6-speaker audio system with force-canceling woofers. This system also has a half-octave deeper bass that is beefier.
2 Microsoft Surface Book 2 (15-inch)
Processor: 8th Generation Intel Core i7–8650U Processor, Quad-Core, 1.90 GHz
Operating System: Pre-loaded Windows 10 Pro with lifetime validity
Display: 13.5-inch 3000 x 2000 Pixelsense display | Touchscreen enabled
Memory & Storage: 16GB LPDDR3 RAM with Intel HD Graphics 620 integrated GPU Graphics | Storage: 256GB SSD
Design & Battery: Touchscreen 2-in-1 laptop| Laptop weight: 1.642 kg | Average battery life = 17 hours
Warranty: This genuine Microsoft Surface laptop comes with a 1-year limited hardware warranty from Microsoft covering manufacturing defects and not covering physical damage. For more details, see the warranty section
Preinstalled software: Windows 10 Pro with lifetime validity, Microsoft Office 365 30-day trial | In the box: Surface Book 2, Power Supply, Quick Start Guide, Safety and warranty documents
+Detachable screen
+Great pen experience
+Long battery life
The Surface Book 2 is the most versatile notebook you can use to edit video because it’s both a powerful laptop and a portable tablet. It has an exceptionally bright 3240 x 2160 display, as well as a fast 8th Gen Core i7 CPU and discrete Nvidia GTX 1060 GPU. The 3240 x 2160 display on the Surface Book 2 is bright and colorful, making it ideal for painting, video editing, or simply leaning back and watching five or six too many YouTube movies.
On our battery test, it lasted over 12 hours, so you can edit all day without worrying about running out of juice. If the 15-inch model is too huge or pricey for you, a 13.5-inch model is available, but it only has integrated or GTX 1050 graphics.
3 Alienware m15 R3
CPU: Intel Core i7/Core i9
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5500M or Nvidia RTX 2060/2070 Super/2080 Super
RAM: 8GB/16GB/32GB
Storage: 256GB SSD or two 512GB SSD or two 2TB SSDs
The design is stunning.
The 4K OLED display is stunning.
Overall and game performance are excellent.
Strong communicators
It’s a rule of thumb that good things come in threes. The Alienware m15 R3 ($2,379 reviewed, $1,449 beginning) is one such example since it features a strong 10th Gen processor and Nvidia RTX GPU. It also comes with Alienware’s distinctive adjustable lighting and a stunning 4K display. Let’s not forget about the plush keyboard and loudspeakers. The m15 transcoded a 4K to 1080p resolution in 8 minutes and 38 seconds during the Handbrake test.
On a panel capable of reproducing 149.7% of the DCI-P3 color gamut and outputting a brilliant 369 nits of brightness, you can not only game but also video edit. Its battery, on the other hand, lasted only 4 hours and 38 minutes. Overall, the Alienware m15 R3 is a great workhorse that also happens to be a great gaming laptop.
4 Dell Precision 5540
Display: 15.6-inch, 1080p or 4K
CPU: Intel Core i5–9400H to Intel Xeon E-2276M
GPU: Nvidia Quadro T1000 to Quadro T2000
RAM: 16GB to 64GB
Storage: 256GB SSD to 2TB SSD
Battery Life: 6
Weight: 4.4 pounds
Graphics and performance are excellent.
OLED display with 4K resolution
Profile is slim and compact.
The Dell Precision 5540 was created by taking the XPS 15 and stuffing workstation components inside of it. It has an Intel Core i9–9980HK processor, an Nvidia Quadro T2000 graphics card, and 32GB of RAM. The Precision’s MIL-SPEC chassis means you won’t have to worry about it getting scuffed up while you’re on the go. A 15.6-inch 4K OLED panel is also included, which is ideal for video editing. The screen has a brightness of 384 nits and supports 200 percent of the sRGB color spectrum. Finn Hardwood's blue shirt flashed up on the Precision 5540’s screen in the Stranger Things, ahem, Ghost busters: Afterlife teaser. I could see the features of the coffee pots on the counter despite the dark lighting in the brief photo of the eatery.
5 HP Spectre x360
CPU: Intel Core i7GPU: Nvidia MX150/GTX 1050 Ti
Storage: 256GB/512GB/1TB SSD
Display: 15.6-inch (4K)
Size: 14.2 x 9.8 x 0.8 inches
Weight: 4.6 pound
The design is attractive.
Panel with lots of color
Solid performance on a comfortable keyboard
The battery life is excellent.
The HP Spectre x360 is a beautiful machine that takes 10 minutes and 45 seconds to complete the HandBrake benchmark. The 15.6-inch 4K glossy display on the Spectre x360 is a mixed bag. On the one side, it’s insanely vivid and sharp, but on the other, the screen is painfully dark and glare-prone.
The Spectre x360, on the other hand, has a very comfortable keyboard and a battery that can last for up to 8 hours and 9 minutes. Two programmable buttons and 2,048 pressure sensitivity levels are featured in the HP Active Pen. The metal body of the Spectre x360 is finished in a stunning Poseidon Blue that evokes the Greek god himself. Furthermore, the hinges and surrounding area of the chassis are neatly carved, giving the chassis a diamond-like appearance.
6 HP ZBook x2
CPU: Intel Core i5/Core i7
GPU: Intel HD 620 or Nvidia Quadro M620
RAM: 8GB/16GB/32GB
Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB SSD
Display: 14-inch (4K)
Size: 14.4 x 8.9 x 0.8 inches (0.6 tablet)
Weight: 4.9 pounds
Great sense of style.
Excellent use of shortcuts
A keyboard that is easy to use
The HP ZBook x2 is an expensive laptop, but it provides you with a versatile instrument for creative work. You can edit at any resolution on the matte 14-inch 4K display, and you can utilize the shortcut buttons for rapid activities or keep the Bluetooth keyboard handy if you prefer a stylus. Although the Quadro GPU may be better, there are few gadgets that cater so specifically to artists.
Although there are brighter screens available, the ZBook’s 14-inch 4K panel is one of the most vivid we’ve ever seen. It’s also one of the few matte touch displays I’ve seen, with a chemical coating that simulates writing on paper when used with the stylus. The HP ZBook boasts a DreamColor display, which means it can display one billion different colors.
7 Alienware Area-51m
CPU: Intel 8th Gen Core i7/9th Gen Core i7/Core i9GPU: Nvidia RTX 2060/2070/2080RAM: 8GB/16GB/32GB/64GBStorage: 1TB HDD or 512GB/1TB/2TB SSD
Display: 17.3-inch (1080p/4K)
Size: 16.1 x 15.9 x 1.1~1.7 inches
Weight: 8.5 pounds
Stunning space station aesthetic
Excellent graphics and overall performance
Lightning-fast SSDs
All major components are up gradable
Meet one of the greatest laptops for video editing: Alienware is a brand of computer hardware. Area-51m. An overclock able 9th Gen Core i9 desktop processor and the latest RTX 2080 GPU power this kid. It smashed the Hand Brake benchmark, converting a 4K movie to 1080p in less than 6 minutes. You receive the machine’s stunning look and an SSD with a 1,272 Mbps transfer rate, in addition to its enormous, upgrade able power.
On a 17.3-inch 1920 x 1080 monitor, war has never looked so magnificent. Battlefield V was breathtakingly beautiful, from the brown, sun-scorched deserts to the immaculate white snow dunes backbit by the ethereal emerald glow of the aurora arboreal. The Area-51m has a powerful set of speakers hidden beneath a pair of black glossy vents.
8. Dell XPS 15
XPS 15 7590 9th Generation Intel Core i7–9750H (12MB Cache, up to 4.5 GHz, 6 cores)
16GB DDR4–2666MHz, 2x8G, 512GB M.2 PCIe NVMe Solid State Drive, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 4GB GDDR5
Display 15.6" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) OLED InfinityEdge Anti-Reflective Non-Touch 100% DCI-P3 400-Nits
Thunderbolt 3 with power delivery and DisplayPort (4 lanes of PCI Express Gen 3) 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 1 HDMI 2.0 1 3.5mm Headphone/Microphone combination jack, Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650 (2x2), and Bluetooth 5.0 Comes with a 1-year Warranty
+Attractive premium chassis
+Bright, vivid, super high-res display
+Great overall and graphics performance
+Good battery life for a 4K laptop
Aluminum and carbon fiber are a technical match made in heaven. The 3840 x 2400 screen on this baby will take your eyes on a color voyage, covering 132 percent of the sRGB color gamut and blasting 434 nits of brightness. With the XPS 15’s Intel Core i7–10750H processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Max-Q GPU, those stunning visuals are matched by even sharper performance.
The carbon-fiber beauty just corrected its one major flaw on the 2019 model by finally moving the webcam from the bottom to the top bezel. Not to mention that the XPS 15 remains as light as ever, weighing only 4.5 pounds, making it a slim, portable killing machine that easily ranks among the best video editing laptops. If the colors aren’t vibrant enough for you, Dell has preloaded a few applications to help. Premier Color allows you to change the color gamut, temperature, and brightness.
9 Dell G5 15 SE
AMD 4th Generation Ryzen 5 4600H Processor (6-core, 3.0 GHz Up To 4.0 GHz, 8 MB Cache), 8GB DDR4 Memory, 256GB PCIe SSD
15.6-inch FHD (1920 x 1080) Anti-Glare Display, AMD Radeon RX 5600M
10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, 802_11_AC, Bluetooth 4.2, Card Reader, HD Audio with Stereo Speakers, Webcam
1 x USB 3.1 Type-C, 1 x USB 3.2 Type-A, 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x Mini DP, 1 x HDMI, 1 x Headphone/Speaker/Line-Out Jack
Backlit Keyboard, Windows 10 Home 64-bit, 51WHr 3-cell lithium_ion, 5.51lb, Supernova Silver Cover
+Blistering CPU performance
+Strong graphics (compared to budget gaming)
+Great battery life
+Competitive pricing
The Dell G5 15 SE is one of the first gaming laptops to come equipped with all-new AMD hardware. For $1,199, the Dell G5 15 SE with an AMD R7 4800H CPU outperforms its competitors. The G5 15 SE appears to be a steal when paired with a 15.6-inch display that covered 108 percent of the sRGB color gamut and emitted 301 nits of brightness and a battery life that lasted 7 hours and 14 minutes.
On our Hand Brake benchmark, the Dell G5 15 SE transcoded a 4K film to 1080p in 6 minutes and 43 seconds, easily above the mainstream gaming laptop average (10:35). It outperformed not only the Omen 15 (12:34) and Legion Y545 (8:51), but also the Zephyrus G14 (6:59). It’s the best laptop for video editing for novices.
There are some factors to consider while selecting the best video editing laptop for you. The first is your financial situation: how much are you willing to spend? Another question is what you plan to do with it — you’re obviously going to be video editing, but are you just going to be reducing short clips in 720p? Or are you working on large-scale 4K projects? Your response will determine the type of system you require.
We recommend starting with an inexpensive gaming laptop if you want to get into video editing as a hobby. It will provide you with adequate power, and you will be able to determine whether you want to continue with the video editing in the future.
If you’re a professional who requires a top-of-the-line video editing laptop, you’ll need a sharper and brighter display, which will set you back a big coin. So, before you go out and get a video editing laptop, think about how much you really need it.
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kpopmultifan · 3 years ago
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fy-busters · 7 years ago
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brindavan · 4 years ago
What Are The Top 9 Recreational Activities For Senior Citizens?
Retirement homes and Recreational Activities has a key role in the well-being of older adults. It has a crucial part in enhancing their quality of life. These activities are a new step to learn new skills and talents throughout their lifetime. By recreational activities they become socially active and reduce their stress and worries.
Senior citizen homes play a major role to provide recreational activities for the elderly. It is very useful to do interesting tasks during their leisure time. Retirement homes know the importance of such programmes and its impact on the life of elder people.
Let us discuss what are the best recreational activities for Senior Citizen in Retirement homes
Recreational activities in most of the senior citizen homes reduces the stress, depression, Alzheimers  and anxiety in older peoples. They enjoy better mental health than people who are not participating in such refreshment activities. A person’s behavior is molded by the interaction between individual and environmental factors. According to the study if a person is more active, then the problem of violence is very low there. It is really important for older people to stay active and positive after retirement. There are long advantages like Higher fitness levels,  improved health, and social interactions.
One of the easiest and common exercises is walking. Walking through the garden and avail some fresh air is glory. It reduces mental depression and makes you active. Walking with your partner or friends gives extra relaxation. It is perhaps the best workout for every age group. Morning and evening walks give the chance to inhale fresh air and see the greenery, and it also helps to reduce depression and helps maintain emotional well-being.
Most of the Senior citizen homes have a large garden for better walking experience. If you need any support your personal care faculty will assist you. Before going for a walk make sure that you wear a comfortable shoe which will provide high grip and support to your feet from feeling tired. Mainly, carry a stick, it is a good idea if you need to hold on to something. Likewise, carry a bottle of water and it would help to solve the thirst.
Watching different types of Birds
This is mainly for Senior citizens who love nature but due to some health issues cannot go out for walks. They can watch different birds by sitting in their rooms. Most of the old age homes have a garden and if you need you can’t set up a customized garden. You can enjoy your free time by watching and writing some notes about this.
Photography in Retirement homes
If you are interested in taking pictures, you can go with natural photography. You can capture all the good scenery and activities in Senior citizen homes. Facial expressions of your spouse, friends, and the pics of the garden are everything you can capture. If you are creative you can find happiness in each and every photograph. After collecting all the attention holding things, you can make a video or scrapbook. It is your wish and Choice.
Gardening is one of the best choices if you are a nature lover. You can plant varieties of plants and vegetables as your wish in Senior citizen homes. It really helps you to connect with nature. You can also start planning on your balcony or inside the room. If you are new to gardening, you can refer to lots of blogs and Youtube Videos of gardening or else you can seek help for your friends and colleagues. Mainly, note that, evening and morning is the best time for gardening.
If your health is good and you have no problems, then you can opt sports like cricket, football, swimming, hockey, badminton, tennis,  golf , etc. Before starting any sports activities make sure that you got permission from your doctor.
It is the best option for elderly people and Senior citizen homes are regularly following exercise routine in the morning for every member. Exercise really helps to maintain a good Mental and physical health. It is a great practice for a balanced personality.
Yoga and different asanas for senior citizens helps to achieve physical as well as mental fitness. Experts in Retirement homes guide all elderly people how to practice the right posture and its benefits. Yoga is mainly done for elederly people to get a conscious mind. By doing yoga they attain memory power, and lots of other benefits too.
If you are really happy when you draw, do it. It is the best recreational activity for you. People who love to draw find happiness in Arts. Art is a magical world. There they find happiness and get relaxation from a stressful mind.
Mental Exercise
Retirement homes introduce a lot of unique mental exercise games for their members. It includes puzzles like crosswords, brain teasers, Chess, Ludo,and other mathematical games. These enhance their brain power and rescue from Alzheimer‘s disease. These sort of games are very beneficial  for exercising the mind.
All the recreational activities conducted in Senior Citizen homes mainly focus to provide them a sense of fulfilment. Every recreational activity is a new chapter of good memories. Spending their leisure time with older friends, families and playing games altogether is a stress buster. Senior citizen homes provide a space for them to enjoy the most. They can dance, sing, cook or can perform whatever they want. Elder people can explore their creativity here. It is the best time for Senior people to explore their creativity and talent. Most Retirement homes keep them really engaged and they boost their energy level and motivation.
We Brindavan is one of the trusted Senior Citizen homes in Coimbatore providing independent villas and apartments for elderly with very best facilities. Contact us for more Details.
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