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Chicken and vegetable vendor from Batavia, modern-day Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard, mailed in 1906 to Bussum, Netherlands
#old#postcard#postkaart#modern-day#vendor#java#indonesia#chicken#day#vintage#bussum#briefkaart#postal#ansichtskarte#batavia#ephemera#photography#photo#1906#modern#postkarte#tarjeta#mailed#jakarta#dutch#vegetable#historic#sepia#netherlands#carte postale
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Anton Haakman schreef in het donker
bron beeld: derevisor.nl Dank voor je vriendelijke brief, en vergeef mij de vertraging waarmee ik antwoord. Ik heb wat tijd nodig gehad om mijn gedachten te ordenen. Een ontmoeting wil ik nog even uitstellen. Ik ben nu eenmaal meer een man van het geschreven dan van het gesproken woord. Ik zal proberen uit te leggen waarom. Je vraagt me waarom de nagel van mijn linkerwijsvinger messtal zwart is.…

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#20-ste en 21-ste eeuws#Bussum#cineast#criticus#De Revisor#Italiaanse literatuur#Kort Verhaal#redacteur#schrijver#vertaler
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Prijs: 1750 monthly Appartement omschrijving Midden in het gezellige centrum van Bussum bieden wij u dit ruime 3 kamer appartement te huur aan.Dit appartement is gelegen op de 2e verdieping van een kleinschalig appartementencomplex.De ligging is ideaal te noemen; nabij het marktplein, de wi... voor meer informatie zie Huurstunt.nl Appartement details Woonkamer gedeeld: shared Kamers: 3 Internet: Keuken gedeeld: Douches: Kamergenoten in woning: Toilet: Huisdieren: Makelaar: Bekijk de volledige kamer / woning ---> Bekijk en plan bezichtiging
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I am constantly proselytising the gospel of John (Leech), but didn't notice that John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character vol. 1 on Google Books also has a hilariously Victorian "common terms and phrases" feature:

Statistically, this might be the ultimate John Leech cartoon: "DOOCED GRATIFYING, AIN'T IT CHARLES?"

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Verbeter uw werkplaats met hoogwaardige LED-verlichting
Optimaliseer uw werkplaats met werkplaats verlichting led van Dutch LED Projects. Onze op maat gemaakte oplossingen verhogen de efficiëntie en veiligheid op de werkvloer. Met een eigen montageteam verzorgen wij de installatie door heel Nederland, zonder uw bedrijfsactiviteiten te onderbreken. Profiteer van energiebesparing tot 30% met slimme verlichtingsmodules.
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Karel Thole (Bussum 1914-Cannobio 2000) - Urania - The old man of snakes, 1966
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Carillon at the Bussum city hall, Cornelis Wegener Sleeswijk, 1974
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Cremation in South Bali, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard, mailed to Bussum, Netherlands
#old#postcard#postkaart#indonesia#vintage#bussum#briefkaart#postal#ansichtskarte#ephemera#photography#south#cremation#south bali#photo#bali#postkarte#tarjeta#mailed#dutch#historic#sepia#netherlands#carte postale
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Haakman laat het filmisch leven
Carlos Gardel (1890-1935) wordt in bijgaand fragment genoemd. Gardel is de belichaming van de ziel van de Argentijnse tango, met name die van de hoofdstad Buenos Aires. Gardel componeerde honderden tango-liedjes, die door Alfredo le Pera van teksten werden voorzien. Anton Haakman (1933-2020) was naast schrijver, ook cineast en filmcriticus. Bovendien vertaalde hij, met name Italiaanse…

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#20-ste en 21-ste eeuws#Alfredo le Pera#Argentijns#Bussum#Carlos Gardel#cineast#filmcriticus#Italiaanse literatuur#liedjes#schijn#schrijver#tango#vertaler#werkelijkheid
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Gemeentehuis van Gooise Meren (1958-61) in Bussum, the Netherlands, by Cornelis Wegener Sleeswijk
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Prijs: 1200 monthly Appartement omschrijving Per 1 augustus biedt ******** een mooie bovenwoning (70m2) nabij het centrum van Bussum. Wonen in Bussum betekent wonen in n van de meest gewilde gemeentes van Nederland. Met diverse winkels, caf's en restaurants in de buurt verveel jij je nooit... voor meer informatie zie Huurstunt.nl Appartement details Woonkamer gedeeld: shared Kamers: 2 Internet: Keuken gedeeld: Douches: Kamergenoten in woning: Toilet: Huisdieren: Makelaar: Bekijk de volledige kamer / woning ---> Bekijk en plan bezichtiging
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Wat? Portret van Cornelis Bosman (1913), Portret van Geertje Bosman-de Groot, Portret van Max Liebermann (1904), Portret van prof. dr. Jacobus Cornelis Kapteyn (1918), Portret van prof. dr. Johan Hendrik Caspar Kern (1909) en Portret van Amsir (1922) door Jan Veth
Waar? Tentoonstelling Het oog van Jan Veth in Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht
Wanneer? 26 maart 2023
In 1888 trouwden Jan Veth en Anna Dirks en vestigen zich in Bussum. Zijn richting als kunstenaar werd steeds duidelijker: “Ik wil na heel veel gescharrel eens niets anders dan portretten schilderen.” Naast portretten in opdracht schilderde hij ook de boerenbevolking in het Gooi. Veth groeide uit tot een belangrijk kunstenaar die iedereen kende en portretteerde die ‘er toe deed’: professoren, mensen uit de culturele wereld, succesvolle zakenlui. Twee prachtige werken zijn de portretten van Cornelis Bosman, ondernemer uit Alkmaar en zijn vrouw Geertje Bosman-de Groot. Deze werken tonen aan dat Veth zich de vermaning van zijn oude leermeester Alleb�� om goed waar te nemen danig ter harte had genomen.
Plotseling zie ik tussen de portretten een bekend gezicht. In 2018 bezocht ik Villa Liebermann aan de Wannsee, het voormalige woonhuis van de Duitse impressionist Max Liebermann. Een jaar later zag ik in het Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Keulen een zelfportret van deze schilder en ook toen ik in 2021 het Marie Tak van Poortvlietmuseum in Domburg bezocht, hing daar een getekend zelfportret. Nu ik hier in het museum in Dordrecht rondloop, herken ik het hoofd van Liebermann dan ook onmiddellijk. Veth en Liebermann blijken goed bevriend te zijn geweest en elkaar regelmatig geholpen te hebben.
Vanaf de jaren tachtig werd Veth een veelgevraagd schilder van professorenportretten. De portretten verschillen onderling sterk in stijl: van formeel in toga tot informeel en ontspannen. In 1906 ontving Jan Veth een eredoctoraat van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en mocht hij zichzelf ook ‘professor’ noemen. Later werd hij benoemd hoogleraar aan de Rijksacademie.
In september 1921 maakten Anna en Jan een reis naar Nederlands Indië, waar op dat moment hun dochter en schoonzoon woonden. Ook daar kon hij het werken niet laten. Hij schilderde de Borobudur en tekende portretten van de inheemse bevolking. De Javaanse jongen Amsir werd een van zijn modellen.
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The House of God
Somewhere hidden away there is an island.
Flouting somewhere in an ocean of Black water..
A black water which brings forth within it all possibilities, living chonchis alive aware. The spirit of God it is. All incompasing all seeing all knowing.
In the black waters of all possibilities within it's womb is held the house of God upon the hidden island flouting within the bussum of the Great Spirit of God.
The Gods of Love live there, it is their home
The island hangs there in the womb of God. To look apon it would look like the Viking home land Asgard.
As like in the shape of a diamond 💎.
Apon it's summit an area for which to look upon would look like 100 to 400 acres, but don't let such appearance deserve you.
There upon it you will see a grove of trees, seemingly small yet so thick you won't ever find anywhere around a way to see all the way through, The Empress of Darkness lives, ReBecca Nicole Headley in her domain. If any ever venture within you will never be able to reach the center not without keeping The Empress of Darkness's is sight.
Also apon the island you will see a pond seemingly of only a few acres yet don't ever dare to swim from one side to the direct opposite for you will find yourself quickly out of site of any land what so ever never able to navigate a straight line one side to the other, the middle of which never able to be reached by any. You could find any land mass through out all the cosmos on any planet there if you seek to navigate a nautical voyage.
There all the children Born of The Master of the island play and craft their empires.
No doubt you may notice a great fire burning bright yet somehow with a darkness at its core as like to see a black hole within. That would be the territory of the Master of the land. The Black Dragon, The Gypsy King's domain it is BJ McCray Lord BenJaman Craftswin. All anywhere of the vastness of the void of space within. To venture there you could travel as if to move in Limbo able to go simply by thought. Any idea of any Cosmo which can be thought you will find there. Craft anything of your imagination with the power of your mind be as your own God if you able. Go to anyone's heaven if you wish. Be careful however the vastness of all time and all possibilities of as such is very lonely without the any friends if you r heart is not true. Only those who know love in there hearts will ever be able to have comfort of the company of any other. To set around the fire the warmth will never be too hot for it is a gentle fire warm and bright. Don't worry however food is able to be cooked in the flames if desired. Not any harm ever be able to be felt though any live which touches it shall never feel its burn. Prepared your meat from live stock prior to any attempt to cook it a bit of advice.
More yes there is more
The temple, to look apon it you will see a round building with a dome top. The area of which the size of a grand cathedral approximately 300feet from side to side. Walk on it's floor and it will be so. It's height the same difference up as across. Yet if one be able to fly either by levitation or with wings to travel towards it's center you would find yourself as to be flying amongst the clouds never able to find any middle point. Create vast floating islands there or any kind as long as it hang in the sky there it will stay. Build any vast empire within a light as if the day all around. Never ever would any ever find any darkness. Ever corner every crevice not any darkness can touch. Be mindful what you craft there all and everyone for in the midst of the heavenly light is the domain of The Empress of Light, Kylie Elyse Ehlinger McCray The Gypsy Queen. Do what ye will yetbif she ever find has such she the abilities to reshape it to her will she has.
There is a house yes oh yes there is a house.
A large mansion. To look apon the house you will see tall stone walls three stories tall. The width and depth there of 300 feet. To look over top the house you will see a court yard, each side formed as like to say the wings of a mansion. The thickness of each wing 50 feet from outside wall to inside wall. The courtyard being 200 feet the the length of each enner wall. Yet to walk there of never to find a center. Walk to anywhere there you would be able. Inside the house there are many doors many of which normal looking rooms. You may notice however there be additional halls which branch off of the main halls and to walk down those halls you will quickly find yourself in a maze witch goes on forever more and more doors. In those doors many you will find yourself walking through doors to anywhere to every door which ever exists anywhere. If you wish a map to which door leads where may be possible though I doubt you would ever have a complete map to ever sing door which ever exist. In the main halls walk in each room any you will find rooms as you may think of rooms however if you place a door and a door frame against the wall you will find you able to open the door and whatever your first thought of when first you open the door there what you imagine to be there that be there. A warning however if you imagine a wilderness there you will find a wilderness and any form of life you imagine will be there even your worst nightmares. Be of good cheer for all pure of heart will surely survive yet regardless those things you imagine will test you in every which a way. Of course yes you could simply wish a nice small closet and there be a closet. Three floors high the house look from the outside yes yes yet travel up the stairs and there will never be a top floor. Take a ride on one of the elevators and you will see a key pad witch read + and - and number 0 through 9. There also be a Button G for ground floor. The bottom floor you will find a large setting area at the center of each wing 50 by 50 feet from either side. Each level there is also the same size of room on each level each with stairway. The main entrance is a bit different the ground level the only which have a floor. To look up from the ground floor you will see level apon level never able to see the top floor. If up on any higher floor if ever any fall or jump you will fall faster and faster yet when you reach the bottom a sudden rush of air and you will slow quickly and come to a stop suddenly a few feet from the ground floor then a sudden drop apon the floor as like falling from a short drop. One last thing about the house, somewhere within the main halls there is a room. A good size throne room. A fire on the fare wall brick 5 feet on other side and all the way up the wall above the fireplace. To the right of the room set 3 throne like chairs on the left side a wooded desk. In front of the desk a small black stone table. To look apon the table it would seem blacker then black. Only about 2 feet across the round top and 3 feet tall. If you damage the table in any way the table will quickly return to its original shape. Brake it in half and it will repair itself. Smash it with any item of any kind and shape and the table will return to its original shape.
The lower levels.
The lower levels are not exactly lower levels. Walk down the stairs and you will find vast caves which stretch on forever. The first few floors will seem as normal yet the further you travel downward the more you will see a change. At first it will be like a basement. Then it will seem as a hospital further down a dungeon slowly more and more like caves. The wooden steps on each level slowly turn into stone. The railing slowly vanishes set into the walls. The walls even disappear until you find an areas a deep dark casim. All manor of secrets held within the depths below.
Lastly apon the island there is a little shack.
Only one floor just as like a small cabin. In one of the corner of the cabin a closet. Open the door and you will find it to be a small elevator. Only down it go and only one level. The basement you will find a small area when the doors of the elevator opens and a hallway leading away from the elevator. In those halls you will find areas which look such like one could imagine hell be. Some areas very hot yet other areas very cold. The hallways whichever way you choose to tern slowly open up in to different versions of hellish realms. Be careful down there real dangerous be. All the laws which goven whichever force on our planet we call earth are there. Be it on the surface or beneath the ground. Hurricane forces vast lava flows. The place is as like a mad scientists domain. Be warned you could possibly find Hitler and Saten there. Of course you might also find great engineers there also like Einstein and Tesla. If you brave enough it may be possible to find a nice area for yourself to experiment and craft whatever you wish.
This is the house of God
The house of and land of The Lord of the land.
His hidden heaven. The treasure of his mind.
Of my mind! My name
The author of this writing and many more writings
Author BJ River McCray
Lord BenJaman Craftswin
Been ya man Crafting Wins for All!
Welcome to my mind!
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