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bloginnovazione · 2 months ago
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charishvelarde · 4 months ago
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My Insights:
A business model canvas creates a framework or timeline for us to achieve what we want to achieve. The Task Hive business model canvas focuses on helping students by making things more efficient and organized. Through a partnership with educational institutions and some technology providers, Task Hive aims to lessen student stress and make things organized for both academic and extracurricular activities for our "Workerbees"; the students, student leaders, instructors, and institutions. The freemium model, institutional fees, and advertising serve as the revenue stream for this. Meanwhile, the key activities focus on ongoing app development, marketing, partnership development, and support and engagement. Using the Task Hive, an activity organizer website, improves the overall experience of the users that involved any educational staff.
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jemelynmaemoniza · 4 months ago
The making of RutaCDO: Business Model Canvas
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Businesses thrived and succeeded not because of what composed their team, their popularity, and their finances. They thrived and succeeded because of how they addressed their customers' needs and how they kept customers availing themselves of their products and services.
After we determined the customer jobs, pains, and gains, we formulated our VPC, which was a crucial part of establishing a basis for building the BMC, or Business Model Canvas. The Business Model Canvas was composed of nine key considerations, enabling us to assess if our business would serve its purpose, which was to satisfy our customers' needs.
From my interview with Mr. Yui, the pain of traffic was identified as a serious problem, but with RutaCDO, the easy location and access of alternative routes were identified to guide motorists toward less congested options. In our Business Model Canvas, we ensured that all commuters could benefit from the app, employing strategies to effectively reach our customers and gather their feedback to further improve the app’s performance. The overall success would not have been possible without our key partners and resources, who provided essential support in the app’s development and improvement.
As an insight into this activity, the Business Model Canvas (BMC) proved important for startups because it provided a comprehensive, clear structure that aligned every aspect of the business toward meeting customer needs. This underscored the reality that businesses succeed not merely due to their resources, team, or popularity but through their commitment to understanding and addressing what customers truly want. The BMC served as a roadmap, transforming this understanding into action, with its nine components designed to ensure the business delivered value effectively and sustainably.
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precision-in-management · 10 months ago
Reflection of Business Model Development IEN555-O: A Detailed Review
My General Reflection
Upon entering the Business Model Development course, I intended to understand diverse business models and their key elements to success, especially within the customer-centric company I am developing currently.
Having explored the different business model approaches presented in the course and identified the options for positioning my business for competitive advantage, I aligned with two of them, which promise to ensure that our company will launch well and thrive.
The course has meticulously met my initial goals through a structured curriculum emphasizing understanding problems and crafting plausible customer solutions. Every week in the course, the topics set a trajectory for my project, from the importance of strategic research to how technology affects the dynamics of business innovation.
The readings and supplementary materials made an enormous difference in helping me gain a well-rounded perspective on each topic.
Key Learnings from the Course
One of the most enlightening aspects of the course was learning about the principles of Blue Ocean Strategy, Long Tail marketing, and the concept of 'free' as business models. The models were inspirational in showing me the less orthodox but highly effective strategies for carving out a unique space in the market and reaching niche market segments by using free offerings as a part of a more holistic business strategy.
The course also showed that business models are dynamic and can change over the life of a venture. Nowhere did this come out more clearly than in our discussions on how technology is redefining the business landscape and case studies of some companies utilizing new technologies for strategic advantage.
Application of Course Material
From a professional point of view, the kind of knowledge derived from this course is priceless. Since I need to set up a firm that would provide strategic business advisories and fractional CFO services, knowledge from applying these various business models would be helpful. This will increase the ability to examine the customer's specific problem and provide advice on the innovative stream of revenue adaptation and business model changes that are to be made to become technologically flexible and effective. Furthermore, it will allow me to become even more critical and polished in assessing and molding business models against my entrepreneurial ideas.
With the applied frameworks and tools learned, such as the Business Model Canvas, I will be able to verbalize the strategic objectives of my ventures in coherence with the applied operational capability for an integrated approach to achieving sustainable competitive advantage.
Expanding my perspectives through the Business Model Development course tremendously enhanced my entrepreneurial approach and strategic advisories. Additionally, I added the working mechanisms of value creation and delivery as I learned how these can be harnessed to meet customers' needs and ensure the business's success. The subject has further solidified my knowledge base and enhanced my analysis tool, preparing me for the future to carry out my innovative and successful business venture effectively.
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dronacharyacollege · 1 year ago
Organized workshop on ‘Business Model Canvas’ on 2nd February, 2024.
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Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Ministry of Education (MoE) ,Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram organized workshop on ‘Business Model Canvas’ on 2nd February, 2024. The Eminent speaker of the session was Ms. Namrata Arora (Director Business Development) .                        The objective of the workshop was to learn how they can make promise and deliver the values to a particular customer segment for making position of the business in the market by utilizing the resources available in the best possible manner that sustains.                             The workshop was truly informative and it garnered the much-expected enthusiasm to continue the innovative and entrepreneurial activities in the campus.
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acesnws · 1 year ago
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Hello readers!
This week, we will delve deeper into the fascinating concepts of the Business Model Canvas and Revenue Model.
To kick things off, it might be helpful to provide a brief overview of what these terms mean.
The Business Model Canvas is a valuable tool for analyzing and visualizing the essential elements of a business model. It offers a comprehensive framework to comprehend how an organization generates, delivers, and captures value.
On the other hand, the Revenue Model refers to the specific approach or strategy that a business employs to generate revenue and sustain its operations. It outlines the various sources of income and how the company monetizes its products or services.
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The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is like a roadmap that helps us navigate and understand the important aspects of a business model. It is a valuable tool that students can use to visualize and analyze the fundamental elements of a business model. It offers a concise and comprehensive overview of how a business generates value, delivers products or services, and captures the attention of customers.
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The Business Model Canvas consists of nine important components that are essential for creating and assessing a business model. These components include customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure.
The nine components of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) are important for students with startup businesses because these help students like us to structure the business ideas, think strategically, validate the market fit, and make informed decisions. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in shaping the overall business strategy. The canvas encourages a comprehensive and collaborative approach, enabling students to identify gaps, allocate resources effectively, and create value for their target customers. By considering factors like customers, value proposition, channels, and more, students can develop a clear understanding of their business model and increase their chances of success. The BMC guides students in aligning their offerings with market needs, refining their ideas, and building a strong foundation for their startup ventures. By regularly reviewing and adjusting the Business Model Canvas, students can adapt to changing market conditions and enhance their competitiveness in the business world.
Let's move on to the next one!
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A Revenue Model is like a blueprint or a financial roadmap for a business. It outlines the specific strategies and methods a company uses to generate income and sustain its operations. Similar to a blueprint that guides the construction of a building, a revenue model provides a structured plan for generating revenue streams. It identifies the different sources of income and describes how the company monetizes its products or services.
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By following the revenue model, businesses can navigate the financial landscape more effectively and optimize their revenue generation efforts.
To understand revenue models as students, it's crucial to grasp a few key points. Firstly, it's essential to know where a business earns its money, such as through sales, fees, or advertising. Then, the pricing strategy comes into play by deciding how much to charge for products or services based on things like production costs and competition. Thirdly, revenue streams describe the different ways money flows into the business, including one-time sales or recurring income. It's also important to understand the monetization methods employed by the company, whether it's through direct sales, advertising, or other approaches. Lastly, considering the scalability and growth potential of the revenue model helps students assess if it can support future expansion and profitability.
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scholarshipja · 2 years ago
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Are you a female entrepreneur with a brilliant idea and looking for help in building out your business model? Use the Business Model Canvas to help you move your big dreams from just thoughts to reality. Happy Women's History Month! Continue to work hard to break the glass ceiling Source @letsdreambig_ja #businessmodelcanvas #scholarshipjamaica (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBSF8OuLO6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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officialwebsitewale · 7 months ago
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Ready to unlock the secrets of your business model? 🔑 The Lean Canvas is your roadmap to success. 🗺️ In this post, we dive into the heart of your business: revenue streams and cost structure. 💰 By understanding these key elements, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions and drive growth. 🚀 Stay tuned for more insights into this powerful tool! #LeanCanvas #Startup #Entrepreneurship #BusinessPlanning #BusinessStrategy #StartupLife #SmallBusiness #BusinessModel #StartupAdvice #Innovation #BusinessGrowth #Success #Goals #Motivation #Hustle #Grind #EntrepreneurLife #StartupJourney #BusinessDevelopment #BusinessOwner #StartupIdeas #StartupTips #WebsiteWale #BusinessCoaching #BusinessConsulting #FinancialPlanning #BusinessModelCanvas #RevenueModel #CostManagement #Profitability
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Reading is fundamental. Spend your money on things that make you a better person or makes you more money. Spend very little on trivial entertainment until you are where you want to be in life! . . . . #commercialrealestate #miamirealestate #juliesrealtymiami #propertymanagement #iregmiami #covid2020 #miamirealtor #sunnyislesbeach #commercialproperties #listingagent #intracoastalpropertymanagement #industrialproperties #realestateinvestor #investoragent #valuepropositiondesign #businessmodelgeneration #businessmodelcanvas (at Wynwood Walls & Art District, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyLbgUnhat/?igshid=v9cw4g2hi2o9
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bloginnovazione · 2 months ago
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alexander-sattler · 5 years ago
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Business Model Generation Workshop mit Sicht auf 3M. Fun Fact: Das Post It hatte kürzlich 50. Geburtstag. Und agile Methoden haben dem Verkauf von Post Its sicher nicht geschadet. #newwork #agile #postits #stickynotes #3m #businessmodelcanvas #valuepropositioncanvas #agiletransformation powered by #brainbirds #sattlerconsulting (hier: Neuss, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jZ7wcIlxk/?igshid=wvl9gooeas9n
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growthhackingfrance · 6 years ago
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Article : Une politique de prix puissante, pour votre entrepriseBonjour à tous ! Le bénéfice par la tarification permet de mettre en place une stratégie pratique pour la tarification. Ces conseils utilisent des exemples concrets dans le monde des affaires, pour peindre une image complète qui aide à optimiser votre tarification et maximiser vos profits.  => https://tinyurl.com/ArticlePolitiquePrix=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#aarrr #activation #aquisition #betterconsumerengagement #Branding #Business #BusinessAngel #businessinnovation #BusinessInspiration #businessmodelcanvas #clients #contentmarketing #FormationGrowthHacking #customerjourney #GrowthHacking #DataAnalysis #logistique #digitalconsultant #digitalentrepreneur #digitalmarketer #digitalmarketeur #DigitalMarketing #ecommerce #digitalstrategy #digitaltransformation
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collegewebmentor · 6 years ago
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Mentoring @csufmihaylo A brilliant class with Dr. Deb Faber. This weeks class project we worked on a business canvas model for a business the students are developing from the ground up. #business #businessmodelcanvas #csuf #csufullerton @csufmihaylo @csufstudents #csufama @escsuf @csuf_entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #collegewebmentor #collegewebmedia (at California State University, Fullerton) https://www.instagram.com/p/BudRER8B9iJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ix6pl9umqqpc
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przystanekinternet · 3 years ago
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Dzisiaj chciałam Wam przedstawić wspaniałe narzędzie, które pomoże w planowaniu działań i wydatków firmy. Business Model Canvas!🙌 Znacie? Korzystaliście? Jeśli dopiero stoicie przed pomysłem założenia własnej działalności, to jest to bardzo fajny szablon, który może Wam uświadomić, jakie dokładnie czekają Was koszty i jak powinna wyglądać struktura firmy.☝️ W karuzeli opisuję, jak powinniście uzupełnić ten model. Dajcie znać czy kiedyś już to robiliście, albo może macie w planach?🤔 --------------------------------------------- ‣ OBSERWUJ → @przystanekinternet ‣ OBSERWUJ → @przystanekinternet ‣ OBSERWUJ → @przystanekinternet --------------------------------------------- #girlbosspl #planowaniebiznesu #biznes #marketing #sprzedaż #pracazdalna #własnafirma #małybiznes #markaosobista #strategiamarketingowa #businessmodelcanvas #własnybiznes #kobietawbiznesie #modelbiznesowy #planowanie #biznesonline (w: Warszawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZuzTkIKMR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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acesnws · 1 year ago
Creating a Business Model Canvas (BMC) for a brand like Sugar Cosmetics, which specializes in Cosmetics products, requires understanding its key elements. Here's a generic BMC template for Sugar Cosmetics
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