two-k · 6 months
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I don't support Wilbur
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elliot0091 · 1 year
BURVERSE - Chapter 7
"Troubled Bur."
A/N: It's back!! I'm sorry I was gone for so long. School has started and I'm working on other projects as well, such as a Jubilee fanfic-not shipping, all angst-and some other stuff I probably won't post due to it being personal.
I hope you understand.
Now, onto the story!!
All angst.
New line for you!
There he was. Vilbur.
Why was he tied to a chair?
His wrists and ankles were bound to a chair.
After a few moments, his eyes twitched open, and he started thrashing and screaming.
"LET ME OUT!" Vilbur yelled, his voice already hoarse as he struggled against his restraints.
What the fuck did they do to him?
There he was, and he looked horrible. It was like they kept him prisoner and tortured him.
What the fuck was wrong with the people? They had to be crazy, right? Surely.
"What the fuck.." Revivedbur breathed out. He took a step forward, but Phantombur gave him a look.
"What are you doing? Don't you know he's dangerous?" Phantombur whispered, like something bad would happen if Vilbur heard.
"I know what I'm doing." Revivedbur said at a normal volume, stepping forward.
"wait-!" Ghostbur began, but it was too late, Revivedbur was already on his way down the hall.
Vilbur thrashed around. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
Revivedbur stepped forward.
Revivedbur could now clearly see just how terrible of a condition he was in.
He had messy, knotted hair and dark bags under his eyes. He was sweating and you could tell he had been crying because of his puffy red eyes.
It looked like he hadn't slept in years.
Then, out of nowhere, the memories resurfaced.
He remembered himself falling asleep with tears in his eyes. Those were the days he couldn't bother to get out of bed at all and the nights he had breakdowns because he knew no one trusted nor cared about him.
A tear fell down Revivedburs cheek.
That's the worst part, it's no different here. No one trusted Vilbur, no one cared.
Most people probably didn't even know he existed.
They probably thought he was dead.
But he was here, alone. Crying his eyes out every night.
He couldn't help but feel empathy for the man.
He leaned down and took Vilbur's hands. "It's okay. I trust you."
Vilbur's eyes widened at this, like he was a puppy who had a treat held in front of him.
Yet his eyes were still dull. "Who.. brought you here..?" He whispered, like he couldn't let anyone hear him, or he would be beat to death.
"I brought myself here, or planned to anyway. Ghostbur and his buddy brought me here."
"Are you actually here to help?" Vilbur asked.
Revivedbur nodded.
Vilbur's eyes glowed, and he smiled. Revivedbur smiled back.
But the moment was short-lived.
He saw Vilbur's expression change as he looked past him. Like he had been defeated, and everything he hoped for had crumbled down.
Because it did.
He barely had enough time to turn around before he heard a familiar voice yell out.
It was ARGbur.
How'd you like the angst? I hope you enjoyed it! It was short lived hurt comfort, and it's a cliffhanger.
I hope you enjoyed chapter seven.
Eight will be out tomorrow.
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pinkbur · 1 year
because with god as my witness you corporate fucking prick i did not become a doctor just to suck the devils DICK
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utahlive · 1 year
Are you livin' the dream?
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Thank you for the question, elliots-burverse!
[transcript below]
Caller elliots-burverse:
Are you livin' the dream?
Wilbur Soot:
Im livin’ A dream, I'm just not sure which one.
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solargeist · 9 months
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wisebilly · 2 years
underverse but it's just. the variants of -bur. underburs. burverse
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divinemackerel · 3 years
If you openly rag on sootbur/burverse you are unbased
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two-k · 6 months
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Something for a friend again
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two-k · 6 months
I love to draw for friends
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two-k · 6 months
I was drawing for friend yesterday
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elliot0091 · 1 year
BURVERSE // Intermission one // "Pogbur"
I don't feel like this is long enough to be a chapter, so I'm making it an intermission.
"We have arrived at Brienville. Next stop, Dashville."
It had seemed like hours of torture before they arrived and departed off the train, luckily, they were off now.
After a bit of what seemed to Revivedbur like aimless wandering towards the outskirts of town, the trio walked into an alleyway.
"This is kinda sketchy.." Revivedbur murmured.
"Do you have it?" Phantombur said, ignoring him.
"of course I have it." ghostbur whispered back, almost harshly.
It was different than how he saw ghostbur than he presented himself this morning. He seemed cold, like anything could happen at any second.
He took a key ring from his pocket, and held out a black key. It was such a dark black, it looked like coal, or maybe solid charcoal.
Maybe it was just the lack of lighting.
Revivedbur could barely see what was in front of him, but apparently ghostbur could because in a few seconds he could hear a "click" and a door creaked open.
Phantombur flicked a switch and dim lights flickered on overhead.
It was a long room with faded beige walls and at the end of the hall was a chair.
In that chair chained a man.
End intermission
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elliot0091 · 1 year
Burverse || Chapter Six - "Jubilee Station."
A/N: nothing really happens this chapter so feel free to skip it.
"I can't go back in there." Revivedbur panicked.
"Back? You've been there before?" Phantombur asked.
Ghostbur realized what was going on. "it's not limbo, i promise." He explained. "that was in your story. this is real life."
Revivedbur took a couple deeps breaths to stabilize himself as ghostbur continued.
"plus you aren't dead!"
"It'll be fine." Phantombur said, although he had no clue what either of them were talking about.
Revivedbur sighed. "You're right."
Then they walked in.
It seemed busy, that's for sure. Black figures floating along the ground in and out of trains.
They walked up to the desk.
"When is the next train available?" Revivedbur asked.
"Three minutes." A greyscale bur replied.
This bur had pale almost blue skin, a darker pale blue for his hair, bright neon red eyes, a black sweater and a khaki coat. You couldn't see his pants because the desk was tall.
"Okay, are there any tickets available for that train?"
Revivedbur didn't know a lot about trains, but he did know they required tickets. He also knew the closest train probably had sold all its tickets, but it was worth asking.
"You don't need tickets in Burverse. Just board the train." The greyscaled bur answered.
They did exactly that.
Not long after the three boarded, two other burs entered the train.
One of them was wearing a white button up and slacks while the other was wearing skinny jeans and a rather lewd hoodie.
They sat in the seat across from the three.
After a bit of whispering sweet and flirty things to each other, the one in the collared shirt gasped.
"I love you!" He giggled.
"I love you too!" Said the one in the hoodie.
Revivedbur sighed, looking away.
Love is gross. Love is gross in general. All around gross. But self-love is important, and technically this was self love, right?
Whatever. Love who you love.
"our next stop is brienville!" Ghostbur whisper yelled.
The two unidentified burs were now making out rather aggressively.
"Oh-" Phantombur noticed them. "Hello Simpbur, Softbur."
That broke them out of their spell.
"Phantombur!!" The one in the collared shirt squealed. "Please marry me!!"
"Ignore him," the other said, "he's-"
"Silly and desperate I know." Phantombur finished.
"am i silly?" Ghostbur asked, not wanting people to forget he was there.
"Yes dear, very silly" Phantombur cooed
That's suspicious, that's weird.
"We have arrived in Cornerstone City. Next stop, Brienville"
Just a bit longer.
End chapter six.
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elliot0091 · 1 year
Burverse || Chapter 5.5
ARGbur was getting ready for bed, he walked into the bedroom on second floor, and got ready for bed.
"Wait WHAT???" He heard from the distance outside his window.
That wasn't Ghostbur or Phantombur, so who could it be? Even if it was Phantombur or Ghostbur, it's still fucken cold and dark, and they could get hurt.
He turned on the light and looked out his window, but the snow around his house was thick and he couldn't see much out of it.
"What the fuck..?" He murmered as he saw three figures. He turned off the light and headed downstairs.
Once he got to the front door, he opened it.
"Run!!" He heard another version of him yell.
He grabbed a flashlight conveniently placed by the front door in case L'Manbur snuck out to work or something, and closed the door.
"Hello??" He called as he ran out.
He chased after the three figures, one picked up another and the third kept running by himself, alongside the others.
Eventually the third slowed down, but then the first-who was carrying the second-grabbed his hand, startling him and dropping something.
He stopped in front of it, looking at the other three as they ran over a train track. Dumb idea because a train could've ran them over.
Either way they're gone, so it's over.
However.. they did leave something important behind, so it wasn't all a waste.
He picked it up. It was a miniature backpack.
He set the backpack on the table. "Look what I found."
"What's that?" L'Manbur asked.
"It's a backpack, dumbass." ARGbur replied.
"Well no shit sherlock. Who's is it?" L'Manbur asked again.
"Don't know, a group of burs dropped it while running away from me." ARGbur answered.
"Okay, so open it." L'Manbur ordered.
So he opened it, found some bananas and toast.
"That's not helpful, how are we gonna return it?" L'Manbur asked.
"We don't, this group was suspicious."
"Or scared."
ARGbur sighed. "If you really want to return it, this will help." He dug into the bag and pulled out a wallet, sliding it over to L'Manbur.
"It's the new Soot's." L'Manbur said.
"Well, we can always go to his house tomorrow."
End chapter 5.5
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elliot0091 · 1 year
Burverse || Chapter Five: "A Short Run"
"train platform."
"Wait, what!?" Revivedbur exclaimed before a hand got slapped over his mouth by Phantombur.
"Shh! Do you WANT to die??" Phantombur whispered harshly.
"Oh please, we're out in the middle of the woods, who the fuck is gonna hear us?" Revivedbur whispered back just as harsh.
Suddenly, a light turned on in the distance.
"Please tell me that was your house." Revivedbur whispered. Phantombur shook his head. "Who the hell is that then??" He whisper-yelled
"argbur." Ghostbur said.
"Run!" Phantombur yelled.
And they did in fact run. However, Ghostbur was slower than the others, probably because he melts in the snow, so Phantombur scooped him up bridal style and kept on running.
"Hello?" A voice called in the distance.
There was no response.
Man, if Tommy were here, he would've cursed ARGbur the fuck out!
He could hear his voice.
"Fuck you bitch!!" He would scream.
He missed Tommy..
No. He had to focus on running right now.
Running from another strange version of himself.
If the strange him was following.
What a strange dream..
Was he dreaming?
Surely not.
But what if-
Phantombur grabbed his hand. "Come on!" They jumped over a train track. Just before a train came.
"did we lose him?" Ghostbur asked after a couple minutes.
"I think so.." Phantombur huffed.
"Good." Revivedbur made sure his backpack was still on him.
It wasn't.
"Fuck!" He kicked a rock next to him.
"what's wrong?" Ghostbur asked.
"I dropped my backpack. Now we don't have food." He explained.
"I'm sure we'll find stuff on the way." Phantombur reassured. "Either way, we're here."
Revivedbur looked up. There was a neon red text on a pale blue background. It read.
End chapter five
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elliot0091 · 1 year
BURVERSE || Chapter 4 "Explanation."
AU: Technically this is a double post-
"so who exactly are you looking for?" Ghostbur asked.
Revivedbur sighed. "Promise you won't freak out?"
"promise!" Ghostbur swore.
Revivedbur took a deep breath. "Pogbur."
"Wait, what!?" Phantombur did in fact, freak out.
To be fair, he didn't say anything about not doing so.
"alivebur? why?" Ghostbur asked.
"Because I wanna see what he's like." Revivedbur answered.
"You do realize he's insane, right?" Phantombur scoffed. "You're asking for a death wish."
"He's probably just misunderstood."
"And how do you know that?" Phantombur pushed.
"Because he was me." Revivedbur was trying to stay calm, but it was becoming increasingly harder.
He took a deep breath to ground himself.
"It's not fair how people took one look at him and decided he was troubled." He explained.
"Is he not?" Phantombur asked.
"No." And he started to remember. "After he lost the land he loved, the land he worked so hard for to keep everyone safe from the tyrants and bigots of the DreamSMP, he thought he lost everything."
The others stood and listened as he continued
"He thought it was all his fault for not signing that god-awful book before talking to Q. He thought that if he could choose who would be the downfall of his nation, it should be himself, not that fuckin dictator. That people deserved to hate him." He stared off
"So he wanted it all to be over.." Phantombur said.
"He had a lot of weight on his shoulders despite not being president anymore." Revivedbur replied.
"and after phil found him..?" Ghostbur asked.
"He got caught, and realized he could be ratted out. That's when he decided, if his nation was going down, he would go down with it." Revivedbur answered.
"It was assisted suicide.." Phantombur realized.
Revivedbur nodded.
"The point is, he isn't troubled, he's traumatized."
"here, have some blue, calm yourself." Ghostbur gave Revivedbur a peice of blue whenever he realized a stray tear was rolling down his dirty face.
Despite the grossness (Is that a word? It's a word now) of the blue, he took it.
"Ghostbur," Phantombur started, "you're part of the project. Where do we find him?"
Ghostbur said two words. A place Revivedbur never wanted to be a second time. "Train platform."
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elliot0091 · 1 year
Burverse || Chapter Three
The alarm goes off.
"Ugh" Revivedbur groaned.
He didn't want to, but he had to wake up.
He had a mission.
He picked up a bag, grabbed some bananas, toast, then some toast, put the toast in the bag, and head off.
Ghostbur was watching a horror movie with his friend.
He didn't like horror very much
He hid under the covers and jumped whenever something sudden happened, like a jumpscare. When one particular happened a clown jumped onto the screen, he jumped and cuddled further into his friend, whining.
"Why are you scared?" He asked
"because it's scary!!" Ghostbur whined, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh please, it's so cheesy." His friend replied
Ghostbur just whined.
Suddenly, there were leaves crunching outside. It was getting closer.
"Wh-what was that?" Ghostbur stammered
"I'll go check."
Revivesbur was walking down a path. He didn't know exactly where he was going, but he had a feeling he knew his way around. Like he had been here before.
Suddenly the air got colder around him. It was chilling.
Suddenly. A figure appeared in front of him.
It was dark, although he could see neon green dots.
"Hello?" Revivedbur initiated conversation
He didn't bring his sword. Fuck.
"Hello." A voice replied.
A door creaked opened, but it was still too dark.
"hello..?" Another voice said.
"Go back inside Ghostbur." The first said
"but Phantombur!! what if there's a scary monster in the house??" Ghostbur whined.
"Wait, Ghostbur?" Revivedbur asked.
"revivedbur?" Ghostbur answered.
"Wait. You KNOW this guy??" Phantombur said.
"of course!! i met him this morning!!" Ghostbur happily explained.
"Okay, Revivedbur." Phantombur spat. "Why are you out this late?"
"Well, Phantombur," Revivedbur said in an equal tone, "I'm looking for someone."
"are you lost?" Ghostbur asked.
"No." Revivedbur answered.
"Who are you looking for?" Phantombur asked.
"oh come on! we'll help you!!" Ghostbur offered.
"We? Who said I'm coming?" Phantombur asked.
"i'm sure you'll want to come with, i don't want to be all alone." Ghostbur pouted.
"...Fine. you emotional manipulator." Phantombur said halfheartedly, giving in.
"great!" Ghostbur cheered.
"Let's go then." Revivedbur said.
And they were off.
"Wait- not yet." Phantombur said.
"Hm?" Revivedbur hummed.
"We gotta pack!" Phantombur answered.
Ghostbur nodded "Plus turn the movie off."
"Oh, okay."
After they packed, and the movie was off, they set sail- er, left the house!
End chapter three.
I'm crying, this chapter is shit.
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