#burpees for seniors
karenbentley · 2 months
Build Mental Toughness & Improve Fitness With Crawl-thru Burpees: A Begi... Hey, I’m 74.  If I can do a burpee, you can too.  Check out this video.   #karenbentley #warriortraining #burpees #burpeesforbeginners #burpeesforseniors #seniorfitness
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crazylittlejester · 15 days
I had cheer tonight and yesterday and tomorrow so my brain has figured out what type of position in stunts the LU boys would be if they were cheerleaders :)
also for the sake of this, I'm saying that Wind is on a junior(U16) team, and the others are senior(U18(like me)) or open
(Also this is not just them on a team as athlete wise their'd be only seven of them, and the minimum amount of athletes on a team is twelve)
Time: Man's the stricter coach. You drop a stunt, the entire team does bear crawls or burpees. If it's only him coaching that day, you can bet your ass that you're running stairs or doing a snake for warmup(I couldn't breath and then my chest hurt for the rest of that practice oof). Although he can be fun on travel comps and otherwise.
Warriors: The fun coach. He definitely makes his athletes run lines for warmup and is the one to threaten with jump conditioning(ugh, my legs). He definitely has some of the athletes on instagram. He makes jokes and sarcastic comments while coaching, but can still be serious.
Twilight: The rancher is 100% a backspot(like meeeee). He's tall, and he can easily catch his flyer if they fall. He's be really nice about it all. I can also see him being a CIT(Coach in Training) for a mini(U8) or youth(U12) team. He's the favorite 'coach'.
Sky: I would make a joke about him being a flyer, but man's defo a base. I can see him pulling two mans or one mans easily. He definitely has jerked away from his flyer in a stunt multiple times in order to avoid being stepped on by accident though.
Legend: There is bothing stopping me from throwing this man in the air. He's a flyer, change my mind. He's literally got a fucking cheerleader outfit, he's the star flyer of the team. Man's got the best facials and has amazing air positions with no sweat.
Four: Despite his height, there is no way I am throwing him in the air. He's to strong and sturdy to be a flyer. Man's 100% a base. He doesn't break a sweat.
Wild: Genuinely rotates between all three positions. One stunt he's flying in the three mans, one stunt he's backspotting the elites, and the next thing you know is that he's basing in the pyramid. He's a jack of all trades
Wind: My boy's a base or backspot. Or both. He's just got that 'tall for a teen' vibe to him that makes me want him to backspot cause I'm the same way, but he could probably base as well. He has definitely already had a flyer fall on him from extension at least once though.
Hyrule: My man's a frontspot. He's too short to backspot, doesn't understand the bases grips, and of you put him in the air he's immediately fall out of the stunt. Or he's doing a tumbling pass in the front or doing motions or smth. I dunno either works
Also before you ask, I know all this because I've been doing competetive cheerleading for 11 years now :)
ooooh okay, interesting! (i know nothin about cheer but this is cool and all of these make sense)
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octuscle · 1 year
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The camera always adds 20 kilograms to your weight, Martin thought, as he looked at the new pictures on his employer's homepage. He had been proud to finally become a senior partner for business law at the firm at the age of 46. But it would make him even prouder if everyone who searched his name on Google didn't see pictures of a fat pig. Well, maybe that was the motivation he needed to finally do something for his health….
Currently, Martin was working four days a week on a project in Paris. His French was moderately good. Just like the English of the other employees in the project was moderate. Maybe it was quite a good idea to go to a gym where he was very likely to have to speak French. Not the gym at the hotel, not a big chain, he was looking for something smaller. And in the evening on the way to the hotel, a neon "Gym" sign caught his eye. Next to it, it went down a few steps. Why not, Martin thought. At least I'm unlikely to run into a customer or a colleague here.
When Martin opened the door, a gush of humid air hit him. It reeked of sweat. The air was filled with the groans of men lifting tons of iron, the slaps of gloves on sandbags, and a murmur of voices that was probably French but could have been anything else. He was appropriately nervous when he approached the young man at the bar, which Martin assumed was the reception desk. It was a difficult communication with hands and feet, but after a few minutes Martin had signed a contract. The young man, who obviously spent a lot of time on the training floor, asked if Martin wanted to start trial training right away. As best he could, Martin was about to counter that he didn't have any clothes to change into, when a training bag was held out to him. From a customer who had stopped paying his fees and whose locker we had to break open, said the young man, who introduced himself as Georgi. Well then, said Martin, and followed Georgi into the locker rooms.
Changing clothes was a challenge. Around him were only naked men whose bodies varied between wiry, sinewy and muscular. And each one was hung like a stud. With his head red, Martin undressed and put on shorts and tank top from his gym bag. He looked ridiculous. Everything clearly too tight. Only the shoes and the socks, whose stench almost took his breath away, fit to some extent. Georgi grinned cheekily and said that Martin would already grow into the clothes. The two went to the training area, where Georgi had Martin do a few burpees first. It only took five minutes before Martin was completely drenched in sweat. The sweat-soaked, tight-to-the-body clothes looked ridiculous, but in fact none of the other gym-goers showed any disdain or anything like that. Probably everyone is too focused on training, Martin thought, and without thinking, took a sip from the water bottle in his training bag. The drink tasted bitter but was refreshing. And immediately began to take its effect on Martin's body. With every minute he trained, he became a month younger and at the same time had one more month behind him of training eight hours a day. And the effect was evident after just a few minutes: The fat melted away, his endurance got better and better. And when Georgi went to the punching bag with Martin after half an hour of fitness training, his punches were powerful and precise. Only when sparring with Georgi, Martin clearly drew the short straw and had to concede a few blows. Georgi was not free of hits either.
When Martin went into the shower drenched in sweat after 90 minutes of hard training, the most he had to be ashamed of was his relatively puny dick. He had the body of a 38-year-old who had already been training hard for almost eight years. The effects were more than obvious: Martin looked like a heavyweight boxer. Surprisingly, this did not surprise Martin, not Georgi, and apparently no one else. Most of the men Martin met knew him and he knew them. And the language barrier had also disappeared. Like most visitors to the gym, Martin spoke fluent French, using slang dyed by the gutter. There was no longer a suit hanging in Martin's locker… After he had started boxing, Martin had quit after a short time and had set up shop as a lawyer in the neighborhood of the gym. And thanks to his contacts in the boxing environment, he had won some lucrative mandates from the demimonde. And this work didn't require a suit. He put on his track pants, T-shirt and leather jacket, picked up his bag, exchanged a ghetto fist with some of the guys and went to the bistro around the corner for dinner and a few rounds of billiards.
With great aplomb, Martin got up at 06:00 the next morning, put on his workout clothes, still drenched in sweat from the day before, and before getting ready for the office, ran around the park for an hour in the drizzle. Georgi would have hated it if Martin had come today without the obligatory conditioning workout. The day at the office dragged on, some of his clients had tax problems, and the tax office was an opponent that others had cut their teeth on. But he didn't get 500 euros an hour, because he himself would go down on his knees in front of such an opponent… But so it was already almost 10:00 p.m. when Martin arrived at the gym. Georgi was not available for sparring, so Martin concentrated on weight training and pressed weights today. When he was one of the last visitors to take a shower at 11:00 p.m., he was 33 years old and had been a professional boxer since he was 21. He had dropped out of law school after a visit to Paris, where he had met Georgi by chance, and had immersed himself in a world he had never known before. Since then, he had won a number of fights, even bigger ones, invested the money well, and also trained a few younger up-and-coming talents from his club. And occasionally, like tonight, he was a bouncer at a gay club, which usually brought quite good tips and usually some ass to fuck.
The next morning, Martin woke up in an apartment that was far too elegant for his liking. Next to him lay a well-built man in his mid-fifties. Martin knew Igor well. One of the most sought-after stallions in town. Stone-rich exiled Russian, boxing promoter and a grenade in bed. Martin's watch already showed 07:00, but he always had time for a quick fuck. For that, even the morning run was allowed to be skipped once in a while. While walking, Igor slipped Martin a few 200-euro notes, slapped him on the ass and said goodbye to the bathroom. Was Martin a hooker? He didn't care, he would even pay for a night with Igor. It was 09:00 when Martin arrived at the gym. Georgi greeted him at the counter and announced two customers for boxing training starting at 11:00 and 14:00. In between, Martin had plenty of time to do paperwork in the back of his small office and check on the teenage punks who were here skipping school in the morning to train for the next street fight. If that happened too often, Martin threw the guys out and demanded proof of a successfully passed exam before the next training session. But from the guys who trained today, he knew they were reasonably stable in school, so he gave a few tips and corrected mistakes in punching technique. It was 5:00 p.m. when he called it a day and worked out himself. Good time, it didn't get crowded for another hour, so he had the evening free to go around the houses himself. After an hour of sparring with Georgi, Martin was done too. He was 28, in the shape of his life. At the age of eleven, his father had taken him first to judo and then to boxing. And today he was technically perfect as a boxer. After being extremely disciplined in the last few days, he now allowed himself some time off. Alcohol and cigarettes were of course taboo for him as an athlete, but fucking his way through Paris' darkrooms was no problem. And it passed for cardio training.
It was Thursday morning and Martin had slept in his clothes. His tank top reeked of sweat, beer, piss and cum. He took a deep breath and his hard-on was already standing out clearly in his leather jeans. Martin opened his pants, freed his cock from the soiled and encrusted jockstrap and began to knead his tits with one hand and his boner with the other. And it wasn't long before he was spurting an impressive load onto his chest. Now it was 06:30. At 09:00 he had a client for a personal training session. And he knew there would be an extra tip if he didn't change. So for the run, Martin just swapped his leather pants for workout pants and his boots for his running shoes and headed out for his run. Just before he reached the gym at 08:30, he got caught in a downpour. Soaking wet, he walked past a grinning Georgi and grabbed a towel. Martin tossed his tank top over the ropes of the nearest boxing ring to dry, rubbed off rain, sweat and bodily fluids from the previous night with the towel and took a swig from his water bottle, which Georgi refilled for him fresh each morning. He rounded out his morning workout with fifteen minutes of jumping rope. When his client came into the gym, Martin took a quick look in the mirror before putting on his shirt, which still was wet and smelled like an beast. He liked what he saw: a nearly 6-foot-3 Teutonic man of just over 26 who had spent almost all of his free time in gyms shortly after starting school.
The mixture of fresh sweat and the stench of the previous night had exactly the desired effect on his customer. Even during the warm-up, he had a massive boner that he could barely control during the sit-ups. There was nothing going on in the gym at this time of night, so Martin unabashedly took his cock out of his pants and started jerking off while his customer completed burpees. Martin liked the combination of pain and desire on his client's face. He made him stop, pulled him to him and pressed his face into the sultriness of his own armpit. With his other hand, he made himself cum, then his client. As if collecting trophies in it, Martin rubbed his own and his client's juices into his shirt and, as if nothing had happened, began sparring. His drink was still working. Combined with the training, he was losing minute after minute of his life time. And moved the moment of his birth closer and closer to the moment when his new life was forked from his old biography. And then came the moment when his lifetime was cut exactly in half.
For a brief moment, he felt as if he had been struck by a blow. And with the blow, everything changed. Born in Sofia to a truck driver and a hairdresser. At the age of four, he moved to Birmingham, where his father had built up a small freight forwarding business and his mother had her own salon. During the financial crisis, his father went bankrupt, became an alcoholic and died in a car accident. At ten, Wanja thus became his mother's protector and worked off his aggression in the boxing ring. When he was 16, his mother married his boxing instructor. Unlike his mother, however, Wanja never took British citizenship and left England after Brexit. His stepfather put him in touch with Georgi, who took Wanja under his wing and groomed him to become a hopeful boxing pro… Bang! His client took advantage of the second of confusion and hit Wanja right in the face. Professional that he was, Wanja gathered himself in a split second and parried the blow. Well dosed, so as not to hurt a paying customer. But strong enough to make clear who was the champion in the ring.
Big thanks to @hotfighter! Without you this story would not have been written!
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lgcseojin · 2 years
✱  TRACK 008
Dear journal. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
It’s already been a bit since all the trainees were given these tasks to do and I’m still not sure how to take all of this in. I think looking back on it, this will be good for everyone in the long run, so I guess it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It feels very much like being in the military again... All that was missing was the drill sergeant yelling at us and the itchy soap.
I’m sure the seniors in DBSD know about this well. I think I served the same time as me for a few months. They were coming in the same year I was going to be discharged. Isn’t that kinda weird? I didn’t see James, Minwoo, or Hankyung so I guess they were in another unit from me. Can you imagine that... being a rank above my own sunbaenim and hyungnim? No way could I have ordered them around in good conscience. 
Anyway, I half expected that we would start doing laps around the building. In the winter when I served, a guy in my unit kept his phone after the time we’re supposed to give them back and we had to do burpees in the snow. ( Ah, do I talk too much about those years? Maybe I really am becoming an old man. ) I suppose this is way better! I’m actually looking forward to working in the kitchen and helping give back to people in need. We should do that more often, honestly.
I’ve given years of my life to training and honing my skills so I can debut and fulfill my dream of being a recognized singer, acknowledged for my skills. This will be a good team building exercise and I hope that we can bond through this but I’m still sorely disappointed that it had to be this way. 
I would like to strive to be a good example and good role model for the younger trainees. I am the oldest guy here and it’s about time I step it up and prove myself to be reliable. I need to be someone to look up to and that they can come to if they’re facing any problems or needing any advice. I want to become a good leader for them so this sort of thing does not have to happen. Also, I want to be a singer who is reliable, treats staff well, and is someone others can expect to do well. It is expected of us that we have to present a better self the next time.
I have been meaning to learn more about the senior artists in the company. My good friends in V&A have helped my pay attention so far but I want to learn more. Most of all, I will strive to be as skilled and respected as a vocalist in a group as Lee Shinhae and Ji Sungwook are... As for the songs, I’m learning them slowly but surely. It’s a lot to take in. Pop music isn’t exactly where most of my knowledge is but if, in the future, I have to cover or make reference to my seniors, I should do well to remember them. Ah... but I already knew BLAZing’s songs, so there’s that. Are you surprised about that fact? I am.
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emerald-bijou · 6 years
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Zack and Burpee
💕By request for @zigortega4life 💕
Tagging: @littlegreenmoo @vickypoochoices @zigortega4life @nobounderiesplease @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @cora-nova @the-soot-sprite @greeneggsandsam-choices
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antman028 · 5 years
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Reposted from @mrjames_cpt - There’s a first time for everything! 💪🏽 🎶: @lilduval & @tydollasign @worldstar @barstoolsports @uninterrupted #mondaymotivation #nevergiveup #inspiration #fitnessjourney #beastmode #savage #physicaltherapy #rehab #core #fitnesslifestyle #personaltraining #underarmourwomen #reebok #calisthenics #bodyweightworkout #burpees #tires #ropes #fitnessgirl #senior #athlete #progress #stamford #connecticut #fitover40 #72yearsyoung #fitnessmodel #brandambassador #influencer #laurenbruzzone https://www.instagram.com/antman0082/p/BwY-ZFgHf3w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7gds1xuk1tlu
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hey so i want to start dancing, and have been starting to, but any tips for beginners? like good stretches to do idk. you clearly know about this stuff lmao
okay so this is a little difficult cause i started so young so im not really sure what would be the best advice for an absolute beginner who isnt a toddler but i can tell you useful basic stuff that every dancer should have in their bag of tricks
1. spotting
spotting is an essential skill for literally any kind of dance ever. for those of you who dont know, spotting is a technique used when turning to make you less dizzy and help you turn more. essentially you keep your head in one spot for as long as you can before flipping it really fast to look back at that same spot (hence the word spotting)
if you’re still confused, here’s a gif of michael dameski’s spotting in sieze the day:
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see how his head is snapping around and moving differently than his body? thats spotting
as a bonus here’s one of sky doing it too
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spotting is something you can definitely practice at home (you literally dont even have to turn, just pick a spot to stare at on the wall and stare at it for as long as possible before flipping around and continuing to stare at that spot) and it makes turning so much easier if you’ve mastered it.
also tip form my senior year ballet teacher: think of lengthening your neck when you turn because it will help you spot and turn better
2. plié
you might remember my post yesterday about skys plié. having a good second position plié makes dancing (esp contemporary) like a Whole Lot Easier. essentially its just strength to be able to stay in that position for long amounts of time so that you feel comfortable enough to stay low while you’re dancing. would recommend doing things like jump squats, burpees, and those obnoxious things in every jazz warm up where you stand in a second position plié turned out, as low as you possibly can, and pulse very very minutely so that you’re forcing yourself to go down lower. also just doing plain old releves (calf raises) either turned out or parallel. single leg or double leg. like 100. in a row.
having a good deep plié also helps with landing jumps and stuff.
3. core strength
no matter what kind of dance you do you need to have a Really Good Core because well, thats just how it is. i have a whole plethora of core exercises/ ab workouts (and if anyone really wants a step by step i could give like 20 different ones) but just regular crunches (again like 100) or planks (at least 30 seconds) word great
4. endurance
dance literally Is at its core a stamina work out. and you have to have the stamina to do it. this can be achieved by running (which isnt my personal cup of tea but if you like it hey you do you) or just regular old cardio (literally you could jump around in your room for 5 minutes straight) 
5. flexibility
flexibility is something that a lit of people think is Essential to be a dancer, and in a sense, it is, but its not like The Most Important Thing. but it does help. i would suggest doing splits (left right and center) for at least a minute each day. if you’re not all the way down in your left and right ones stack up some books or if you have yoga blocks use those to put under your hands so you’re not reaching for the floor, it’ll help you get all the way down quicker. and in the center split the most effective way to gain flexibility is to either lay with your back on the floor and your legs up against the wall and open them all the way, letting gravity pull them down (and stay there for as long as you can bear) or do This Thing:
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but like put your hands on the floor instead of in the air 
also know that unless your hips are Really Open you will never get completely down in a center split cause of genetics and stuff.
6. cross train
cross training is the easiest way to gain strength and once you have strength controlling your movement becomes easier. cross training i think is more common with male dancers because they are often forced to have a lot of upper body strength (for lifting girls in ballets) and esp if there contemporary dancers (cause they often support their weight on their hands) but i know a handful of female dancers who also cross train and it is very helpful. cross training allows the building of endurance and also strength more quickly than you would get in class
hope this helps !!
EDIT: just throw yourself into things!! if you have the opportunity to take class a level ahead of where you are or take like a combined level class do it!! its always really motivating to take class with people better than you cause you can watch them and learn from them and it also forces you try hard to not be the worst in the class (thats how i learned how to tap dance)
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miafic · 4 years
FNL AU (Part 2)
Part 1
“Fourteen! Twelve! Thirty-six! Twenty-five!” Lucas barks half an hour later. “Get in!” 
Fourteen, thirty-six, and twenty-five immediately jog out to the forty yard line, swapping out with other kids, but twelve doesn’t make an appearance. Lucas glances around; the trainer had given Lucas the all-clear on Harrison ten minutes ago.
“Harrison!” one of the sophomores calls. The crowd of high school boys parts, and Lucas can see Harrison sitting on the bench.
“Let’s go,” Lucas says to him. “Your team’s waiting.”
Harrison shakes his head.
“Yes. Come on.”
“Fuck you,” Harrison says calmly, and there’s an immediate, hushed, “Ohhhh,” from the kids who were close enough to pick it up. “I’m not playing.”
“Locker room,” Lucas orders, jabbing his finger at the building. “Right now." He turns to the crowd of teenagers. “Forty-seven! You’re in.”
“Yes, Coach!”
Lucas glances back to see Harrison’s shoulder pads retreating, and he shakes his head. They’re down by 3; he doesn’t have time for this shit.
Lucas keeps his speech at the the halftime meeting short. He dismisses the kids to their other coaches before walking around the side of the group, motioning for Harrison to join him, and heading out of the gym. 
Harrison, whose pads have all been removed and who’s now wearing a pair of athletic shorts, jogs after him but keeps a few paces behind. Lucas knows that he expects to get his ass whipped. And normally, he would, but this time is different. 
They sit down on a three-foot tall brick wall outside of the gym. Harrison immediately starts to speak. “I’m not playing tonight. I shouldn’t have cussed at you, but I’m not playing. I’m sorry. I talked to my mom, and she says I don’t have to. My-” 
Lucas holds his hand up. “You’re not playing more, no.” 
Harrison looks confused. 
“Not tonight, at least. You’re off the hook.” He gives Harrison a look. “You’re on the hook for swearing.” 
Harrison’s eyes go to the ground.
“But not for being scared.”
His eyes come right back up. “I’m not scared!” he snaps. 
“It’s okay.”
“I’m not scared, Coach!”
Lucas shakes his head and sighs. He keeps his gaze far away from the player beside him. “I’ve seen torn ligaments and broken bones,” he states, “but I’ve never seen one of you boys in pain like that.” 
There’s a long, heavy silence. Harrison is still. He doesn’t talk back, doesn’t argue. Lucas wonders what he’s thinking. 
“I’m sorry that happened,” Lucas finally says. “I should have asked you if you wanted back in. I shouldn’t have assumed.” 
“I should’ve just gone,” Harrison grumbles. 
“No, hey. This isn’t about you putting on some show of bravery or strength. I’m talking man to man here, okay?” Lucas says, even though the kid he’s talking to is barely seventeen. “It’s okay to be scared. And it’s okay to say no. I don’t want you to ever forget that.” 
“Yeah,” Harrison mutters dismissively. 
Lucas’ tone is aggressive as he says, “I mean it. I’m not just talking about football. You’re not ready, you don’t jump in. You got a bad feeling, you listen to that.” 
“I didn’t have a bad feeling,” Harrison tells him softly. “I just didn’t want to.” 
Harrison shrugs. 
“Well... I tell you what. If you get spooked like that, or you go through pain like that, you earn a break. Okay?” 
That pulls a nod out of Harrison. 
“Good. We’ll get back to it on Monday,” Lucas declares as he starts to stand.  
Lucas sits back down. “What’s up?” 
Harrison takes a moment, swallows. “What if I don’t want to play anymore?” 
“Then we’ll get back to it on Tuesday. You’ll miss it on Monday when I make you sit your ass on the bench during practice.” 
“No, I mean it. I think I’m done.” 
Lucas gave him a look. “This is your last season. Maybe ever.” He points in the direction of the football field where a pop song from eight years earlier is playing over crappy speakers. “You gonna let two minutes stop you? One cramp?” 
Harrison shrugs. “Yeah, maybe.” 
With a gentle laugh, Lucas lets a breath out through his nose. “Then you’re not who I thought you were.” He does stand up then. “And, you know, I also thought we were going to the championship this year, but maybe not. Maybe not.” Slowly, he walks away, back toward the gym. 
Seconds later, he hears cleats catching up to him. “Wait, Coach...” 
Lucas turns back. 
“You still gonna make me run in P.E.?” 
Lucas holds his arms out to the sides. “What do you think, twelve?” 
Harrison sighs dramatically, and Lucas has to stifle a chuckle. The coach keeps his voice emotionless, though. 
“I’ll make you run just like everybody else, and then when it’s time for something fun, I’ll make you sit out. How’s that?” 
He’s teasing, and Harrison knows it. Harrison tries to scowl at Lucas, but he’s smiling just enough. 
Lucas turns and resumes walking. “Make you sit out just like you sit out at football. No fun. No work, no play. You gotta earn your spot on my team, senior or not.” 
Harrison catches up to him again. “Seriously, though, I don’t know if I wanna play anymore.” 
“Alright, well, we’ll tackle that later. But either way, you owe me a whole bunch of suicides between now and graduation.” 
“Noooooo,” Harrison groans, and he starts dragging his feet. Lucas can hear them literally scraping along the sidewalk. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want burpees instead?” 
“No, sir,” Harrison says immediately. 
Lucas gives his elbow a light punch. “Alright. That’s what I thought.” 
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187days · 5 years
Day Seventy
This morning I had my APUSGOV students read up on the federal budget process. This is something none of them had learned about before, so they had so many questions. In fact, they had so many more questions than I’d thought they would! I’d allotted a good twenty-five minutes for them to ask me anything, and I still ran out of time. I’m feeling pretty badass for answering all the questions I did have time for, though, because this is not a subject that comes as easily to me as others do. 
I’ll take the remaining questions next week, see if my badassery holds.
In World/English, Mrs. T gave a quick grammar quiz, and then students resumed work on their research projects. Some students actually finished taking notes and started designing their presentations, and others needed help staying on task and on track to meet the first deadline (notes must be done by Tuesday). Mrs. T spent most of her time helping the students who were ahead, and I spent most of mine walking around, redirecting students as needed, answering questions, and so on. It’s a good division of labor. 
We both spent our prep time grading book papers, which are excellent. Students really put time and effort into the revision process, and turned in detailed and insightful work. We’re so pleased with what we’ve read so far. And this was not an easy paper- I mean, students had to read a whole book to write it, and some of them hadn’t done that in years- so it feels really good read what they’ve written and know we’ve helped them achieve something difficult.
At the end of the block, just before the afternoon bell, I went down to see The Principal to ask him to send a mass email to all of our seniors to remind them about MfoL’s voter registration drive next week. When I walked into his office- because it was the end of the day on a Friday- he jokingly tried to hide, and I pulled my most dramatically offended face, reminded him that I never cause problems, I’m a good kid, etc, etc... It was all a bit silly. He did send the email, though, so yay. 
After talking to him, I dashed down to practice and led the sprinters through the workout that earned me the nickname “Satan.” Four sets of hallway sprints, with 20-rep exercises in between (things like sit-ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, burpees...). It’s a wicked hard workout, but it’s a good one, and now they’ve got the weekend to recover.
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deanssweetheart23 · 6 years
Happy New Year; my best wishes (and an explanation)
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My dear friends and wonderful followers,
How are you all? I’ve missed you so, so much. I know I disappeared. Again. Without a warning this time. And for far too long. And I really am very sorry for going incommunicado out of the blue, and making people worry and not reading your beautiful words or posting any new stories, but, please let me tell you.
These past few months have been freaking wild.
Disclaimer: The story under the cut is long. Feel free to ignore it, but, please, let me tell you I am not leaving Tumblr and will write everything I have promised in time. 
I’m a senior at college this year, so as you can understand, my college life is just one big project after the other. In the past two months, I had to submit four different papers, attend two different workshops as well as a bunch of make-up classes at widely inconvenient hours and I already have two more literary essays to work on along with a literary presentation on Jean Rhys. And because, obviously, I don’t know when or how to stop I am also currently attending eight different online classes because they seemed cool and I really wanted to add them to my CV *rolls eyes at herself*
I also doubled my hours at the gym. I followed a specific medical treatment that made me gain weight last year, and I’m trying to get my butt back into shape now that I’m meds free. And I love it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a bumpy journey filled with burpees and hours spent on the treadmill (I literally run for an hour nonstop,even my CrossFit instructor is impressed, lol), and painful training sessions at CrossFit and Aerobics class, but it has paid off. I’m definitely getting back to my old self and I’ve made so many good friends over these past few months. It’s a win, isn’t it?
Next on the list: Driving lessons. I’ve been putting this off for a long time (I used to be terrified of getting behind a wheel, to be honest) and I started this September. Granted, my classes are done, but there’s been a strike for the past four months, so I can’t seat the practical exams to get my driving license. Talk about bad timing. *sigh* I think I have mostly forgotten everything I learnt. Anyway, I’m hoping the exams will open sometime in January and I will be able to schedule an examination sometime in April (because there are currently 50000 more people waiting for the exams to restart just like me). Keep your fingers crossed for me, wil you?
A lowkey crush (*spoiler alert* it didn’t end well but I honestly don’t even mind) and the never-ending preparations of traveling to the US because --guess what-- I am visiting my sunflower @trexrambling this April took a bunch of my time and energy (no regrets though, I get to hug Jess again *runs around in circles*)
And most importantly. I had to figure out what I’d do with my future. Like I said, I’m finishing off college this year, so I needed to think, long and hard, what direction I wanted to take with my master’s program and whether I’d travel abroad to study starting September 2019 or in 2020. After many anxiously sleepless nights and hours spent researching different academic programs, I think I have a concrete plan of what I will be doing next and I really, really love it. Wish me luck?  
Still, as busy as these past few months have been, I am happier than I have been in a while.
I feel so active, so present in everything that is happening in my life and it’s just heartbreakingly beautiful. I know many of you know I went through a rough patch this autumn (I still can’t thank everyone who reached out enough), but I think I went through what I went through for a good reason. I’m doing good now, I’m going out a lot (I’m feeling such wanderlust, it’s ridiculous) and I smile and laugh even more than I used to. I’m more than okay with that.
However, I do miss writing. A lot.
So, no. I am not going away or giving up Tumblr or anything. I know lots of things have changed since the last time I posted here (Tumblr’s guidelines being one of them), but my intend to share my words with you is the same. 
As promised, I will finish my series rewrite, Against All Odds (it’s actually written, I just have to make some small adjustions) and write the epilogue to Somewhere Only We Know. 
I will write the AU about Italy that’s been in my mind forever. The college AU fake-dating fic based on Take My Hand will also happen as well, but I will have to adjust my outline since it can’t be a Christmas story anymore for *coughs* obvious reasons. Since these two stories will be long, these are my writing plans for now, but I have some more ideas I’m hoping I’ll be able to put into actual words eventually.
And, of course, I want to get back to reading your stories and interacting with all of you. All I’m asking you is to, please, be patient with me. It’s going to take me a while to balance everything, and I still might fall a little behind here, but I will be around. I can’t give up on you, guys.
Anyway. This is what I had to say. To the ones who read all of this, thank you. You have shown me so much love and appreciation and have given me so much joy over these past couple of years I could never, ever thank you enough. 
Here’s to a brilliant,. healthy and wholesome 2019, filled with endless moments of pure joy, infinite happiness and unconditional love.
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Tags:  @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @torn-and-frayed @atwistoffate @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @princess-shurii @lipstickandwhiskey @sunlightdances @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ravengirl94 @hannahindie @escabell @kathaswings @dreamingdean @becs-bunker @wordstothewisereaders @imagining-supernatural @sgarrett49 @iwriteaboutdean @mogaruke @spngeronimo @ruprecht0420 @captainemwinchester @pickupthatamulet @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @wellthatsrandomkek @winchestersnco @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @akshi8278 @persephone-divine @tiny-friggin-human @keepcalmandcarryondean @becominglionhearted @polina-93 @mandilion76 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @atc74 @dancingalone21 @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @juanitadiann @yourvoiceislikearose @sinistersaltqueen @carryonmyswansong-archive @emoryhemsworth @superapplepie @princess-of-erebor1992 @bebravekeeponfighting @carryonmywaywardcaptain @sebastianshoe @kleinkariertebetrachter @stellaa33 @samisimportant-blog @jessilliam-caronday @shutupiminlooove @annoyingpeople-postingthings @waywardlodging @caitthejourno @no-shit-sherl0ck @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @superflurry @mrswhozeewhatsis @starry-chaos @rlawson418 @novaddictx  @caeruli @itssmallerontheoutside-13 @may-darling @jerkbitchidjitassbutt  @adoptdontshoppets @jessikared97
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integrationslady · 6 years
Disney Workout Challenge Day 3 - Up!
I see where we were going with all the jumping and going UP and down, but I did the jumping jacks and my ankle was screaming at me. So I modified/substituted on most of the rest. Instead of squat jumps I did a variety of different squats (legs apart, together, step to the side and squat, basic, etc.). I replaced the burpees with reverse sit ups. And instead of jump rope I put on Cupid Shuffle and danced around my room while my cat looked at me like I’m crazy.
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(Humph, she’s the one laying on the dresser.) And then I did the push ups and moved on with my life.
I don’t know if I’d use the word “mentor”, but I was a high school teacher for a few years in an entirely different lifetime, so I suppose it’s fair to assume I’ve influenced some kid’s life at some point. Now at work I’m our senior most employee aside from our CEO, and since I’m almost 40 and work in tech I’m also quite a bit older than our average employee age. So while they aren’t kids per say, I have guided a few young folk through getting to know the company (and in some cases the town).
As far as the activities, I walk a dog every day!
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This is Eowyn, and since we live in an apartment building with a shared yard, and since her Great Pyrenees half makes her pretty protective of that yard even against other residents of our building, we walk 3-4 times a day. It’s usually about three miles total. Right now she’s looking at me with annoyance because her bedtime walk typically takes place about half an hour ago, but dinner took normal than expected to finish cooking so we’re behind schedule.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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I’ve been feeling a little meh about my blog and everything lately, though that might just be another result of me being very stressed out these days. It’s less than two weeks until my prom. Oh, yeah, here in my country we usually have senior proms during months from October to February. Mine is in the beginning of November. I’m actually going to some of my former classmates’ proms as well, this Saturday and then in December, and who knows, I might throw some more in. My anxious ass will hate me for this when the date comes closer. I apparently like to suffer.
I’m also going to an eye doctor tomorrow and I’m a little scared. I haven’t been there for a while and I think my eyesight got worse. But hey, whether it actually got worse or not, I’ll have new glasses. That’s good. I need new ones.
As for the blog, I’ve been slowly but surely working on Roses again. Gen 6. It’s kind of a lot at the moment but I’m just out of practice, I guess. There’s too many sims in the household. The high school story, well...chapter three is coming soon and I’d like to get two more out until the end of 2018. Not sure if I’ll be able to do that after all but I’ll try. I care about that story and its characters way more than I should but what else is new. I know that for you, it’s probably not the most exciting thing ever but listen...some of the dialogues are my best work, okay? Give it a try.
calm down ron
Replies now.
melien replied to your photoset “In attempts of being a little more like her “superhuman friend”...”
Tag yourself I'm Val
Honestly who isn’t on this website? I feel like most of us need more sleep, correct me if I’m wrong lmao
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “You don’t get it, Jordan. I love you a lot, but we’re over....”
I kinda agree that Jordan deserves better lmao
If I remember correctly, MCCC made him go and have a child with one of Ross’s ex-lovers. Later on, Jordan went and married another one of Ross’s ex-lovers. He’s not the only one though, more of them did the same thing. The family trees in this save are messed up, everyone is related to everyone in some way. It’s a small world. *shrugs*
jackssims replied to your photo “I’m slowly losing my mind. Long story short: I’m drowning in homework....”
Omg if they get together I’ll probably scream into the void
Never say never
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Marika? I haven’t seen her for months. And is that a…does she have a...”
Ohhh yeahh
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “This legacy has seriously been blessed with some Good Genes.”
She's a cutie!
She is! I can’t help but compare kids from this legacy to kids from my other sims 4 legacy. Here, they’re almost perfect the way they’re born. Truth to be told, in my Raven Legacy, I had to edit everyone a lot before showing them to the world. If I had said something else, I probably lied.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
they look gooood
Also happy birthday to them:3
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
They came out really nice! Especially Bianca!
melien replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
Love them! Caleb may be my fav
Thanks guys! They might not be 100% accurate but I still somehow get the right vibes from them, which is more than enough for me. Honestly I’m surprised I have never done this before.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Hi Zoey, what do you want?” “Hi Bianca. Hi…um…you.” “Sharon,” she...”
"I hate running." - honestly me too Zoey
I love working out but every time we have to run in P.E. I want to die. Also burpees. Burpees and running are my two worst enemies.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I felt it from the bottom of my heart. I knew I had the potential to...”
Or... To travel between the worlds!
Yeah, Bianca is pretty badass, even though most of her badass-ness was lost in the original legacy because she wasn’t around. I’m glad I can somehow fix it here.
melien replied to your photoset “Hey LMAO!” “That’s new. What do you want, Rosie?” “Will you take...”
This totally made my day thank you I'm living
You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see this scene happen but I didn’t have enough motivation to do the whole chapter. It was killing me. But hey, here we are, six months later.
melien replied to your photoset “There’s no point in trying to argue with him, seriously. But I swear...”
I actually have a few ideas for you Jacob
Do I wanna know
melien replied to your photoset “He’s been playing with me this whole time…ever since…ever since I...”
I kinda feel like Tyler and Ross would have been besties
I was thinking about this a lot because they’re similar in many ways but...I’m not sure. Tyler is just messing with his friends. He likes joking around. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, actually I think this is very insensitive and selfish of him. I can’t stand him in this chapter. Anyway, he’s just kidding. He kind of counts on the fact that no one takes him seriously because he’s been the “class clown” ever since he can remember and so he can do whatever he wants (breaking news Tyler, you can’t). He would never ever actually cheat on anyone though.
Ross on the other hand...he was cheating on everyone and he knew it and he didn’t feel bad about it - for most of the time, at least. I’m not trying to make excuses for Tyler, he is an ass, I’m not gonna say he’s not, but compared to Ross, he’s just a goof who doesn’t think about consequences of his dumb jokes.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Just to explain what is going on,” Thomas said. “I’m willing to give...”
Was that an indirect comment on My First Pet stuff? Made me chuckle xD
It was! I wrote this chapter around the time My First Pet stuff was released...which explains everything haha. This joke would’ve been funnier if I had taken pictures for this chapter in spring. I mean, the hatred for that stuff pack is kinda dead now, isn’t it? At least I don’t care about it as much anymore.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Marika, long time no see! So you’re a mum now? How long has it...”
Here we goooo
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Well, yeah, but I also don’t need a child in my life and you’re...”
Y’know I’m not the biggest fan of Marika, but she’s got some really valid points here
Yeah. Yeah I can’t argue with that. She’s not the best person but neither is Ross
I swear I wanted to reply with something that was really good in my head, I just can’t remember what it is right now. It’s 11 pm and I’m tired. Sorry
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “I can’t take care of a baby!” Marika: “Well, you’ll have to...”
Okay I still don't like Marika overall but this whole interaction has warmed me up to her a little
I hate her for this, actually. She could’ve handled it as an adult, tell him when she found out she was pregnant, instead she did this. Though, again, she had a good point with “Ross being Sunset’s parent too”.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey Stella! Yes, the dumb fuck knows now and he took it well. You...”
Omg I love this
Not gonna lie I might like Stella and Val’s friendship more than I love Ross and Caleb’s friendship
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ATTN: Beginner Challenge Day 1
Daily Cardio
Run/Walk 1 Mile
One Song Workout (pick any of your favorite workout songs approx. 4 min 20 sec)
30 sec. Jumping Jacks
30 sec. Burpees
30 sec. Plank Jacks
30 sec. High Knees
20 sec. Rest
30 sec. Russian Twists
30 sec. Plank
30 sec. Mountain Climbers
30 sec. Jumping Jacks
Rest & Drink Water before starting another song
(Note: Take as long as you need & don’t be ashamed if you have to pause the song! There’s a reason everyone hates cardio lol)
Freshman = 2 Songs
Sophomore = 3 Songs
Junior = 4 Songs
Senior = 5 Songs
Daily Workout-Day 1-Abs
10 Min. Ab Sculpting Workout to Burn Belly Fat
Freshman = 1 rounds
Sophomore = 2 rounds
Junior = 3 rounds
Senior = 4 rounds
Until I make gifs of the moves for my own workouts, I’ll be using links to my favorite YouTubers & maybe Pinterest graphics so everyone to have a proper visual of the form!
Same goes for the song workout, if you need to pause, do it!
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Good luck today 👊🏽😁
@mmadamebutterflyy @mermaidofbeaconhills
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louisecairns · 6 years
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(Having a few technical issues uploading photos so just a couple for this post. I’ll try and add some more photos later.)
Lhasa literally translates as "holy place" or "place of God". It has the most holy temple in all of Tibet (Jokhang Temple) and people come on a pilgrimage to Lhasa. It is split into "old" and "new" parts and we stayed in the old part near the major sites. The old part has a lot more character and was full of traditional Tibetan buildings. Tibetan people were also extremely friendly calling out hello to us (not to mention all the photos taken of our group), without trying to sell us something.
The highlight for me was the Potala Palace, which is where all of the Dalai Lamas have lived until 1959 (cultural revolution.) The Palace itself was built in the seventh century (with some eighteenth century additions), perched high on a hill overlooking Lhasa. There are 2,000 rooms in the Palace and 365 steps to the top (at an altitude of 3,650 metres, it was hard going). There's incense burning everywhere and lots of chanting monks. It is a bit incongruous seeing monks in their saffron robes whip out their mobile phones to take a photo and one of the monks I passed was sipping from a Hello Kitty flask.
I don't have any photos from inside (it wasn't allowed) but it was pretty amazing. We saw the Dalai Lama's audience room and study area, plus the stupa in which the seventh Dalai Lama is buried. Hundreds of kilograms of gold and precious stones were used to make the stupa, and it's filled with things the Dalai Lama will need in the next life (a bit like the Egyptians). His body is mummified with him sitting cross legged and praying in the very top bit of the stupa (it's about 9 metres tall.) Apparently it was pretty common in times gone by for the Dalai Lama to be knocked off by his "counsellors" in a power struggle, hence quite a few of them died at ages like 8, 12 and 20. The current Dalai Lama is a healthy 83, and there's talk of him possibly ceasing the reincarnation system.
Jokhang Temple is the holiest temple in Tibet because it has one of the original Buddha statues which (mostly) survived the cultural revolution intact. In the morning, incense is burned in big pots all around the temple, and pilgrims perform their protestations (a bit like a slow motion burpee where the hands are raised above the head but in prayer, the person then lies down and brings their hands in front of them and then stands up). The idea is to do a thousand protestations to achieve good karma for the next life. Apparently some people really take it to heart and do protestations all the way for the 3,000 km journey from Beijing to Lhasa. We walked around the temple (clockwise) a couple of times, joining in the masses doing the same thing. Inside the temple it was a bit hot and oppressive in the enclosed spaces with incense burning everywhere and thousands of butter candles burning.
We also visited the Sera monastery where the highlight was watching the monks "debating." This involved a more senior monk asking a trainee monk a question which he had to answer, in preparation for monk exams. This took place in a shady courtyard, with the novice monks sitting on cushions and the questioner violently throwing down the question to them. (That might sound a little weird, but the question technique involved the more senior monk stepping forward and bringing down his up stretched arm and whipping his beads about - it looked a little intimidating.)
While in Lhasa I decided to support a company that trains blind people to give massages, by having one. I figured the masseuse would be finely attuned to all of the knots in my back. Sadly, it was very painful, and not in a good way. I was pummelled for an hour by an incredibly rough guy who was kneading me so violently that I was rocking on the table and he was breathing so hard it was as if he were running a marathon. The breathing wasn't too bad when I was on my stomach, but when I had to roll over and he was exhaling all over my face, I can't honestly say it was very pleasant :(
Lhasa physically sits in a valley, surrounded by tall mountains. It makes walking around the city stunning as everywhere you look, there are mountains peeking out behind the buildings. The weather in Lhasa is a bit like Melbourne - four seasons in one day. You need a warm jumper and rain jacket at all times, in addition to slathering on the sunscreen. The weather changes quickly, going from sunny and warm to a thunderstorm with rain. The altitude also makes the sun's intensity greater. The forecast might be 17 degrees, but it feels like 27 and despite wearing lots of sunscreen, I've been burnt most days.
Our guide explained the people in Lhasa live in small apartments, with 30 - 40 families living around one courtyard. There's a shared toilet on each floor of the building for residents to use, but running water is only available in the outside courtyard so all washing has to be done out there. It's a much more communal set up.
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fitsocial · 4 years
How can regular exercise improve your health
There is no doubt, the secret to better health is of course regular exercise. Most people overlook exercise as a weight loss program, but actually there are myriad benefits with regular exercise. Moreover, from each new research, experts are discovering amazing advantages from regular exercise.
Did you know exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day adds more healthy years to your life? Also, one who exercises regularly is less prone to chronic diseases, strokes, and depression. It promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being. Thus results of regular exercise or physical activity are always beyond what you see. It helps teens and kids to grow stronger, adults to promote their overall life and seniors to stay young.
As there are many awesome health benefits with regular exercise, it doesn’t mean you should need to go to the gym or join an online yoga class to exercise. You could do it at your living room, home gym or even on your way to the office or in the office(we’ll get into that in a couple of seconds). In fact, your regular exercise need not necessarily be a perfect schedule with strict timings, it can be a part of your daily integral routine like brushing and eating.
But however, every exercise session should consist of 5 elements including warm-up, aerobic fitness, resistance or strength training, flexibility stretches and cool down. Following this proper order not only gives you the best results but also prevents you from injuries and overburns. So, before you expect any results make sure your exercise routine consists of these five components. Now, let’s see how an exercise plan contributes to your good health and blesses you with amazing benefits. But before that let’s see the advantages of regular exercise quickly.
Benefits of regular exercise
Increases lifespan
Strengthens muscles
Helps in weight loss
Fights chronic diseases
Improves heart functioning
Increases bone strength
Boosts immunity
Provides mobility & flexibility
Promotes memory
Lowers stress
Improves cognitive ability
Balances blood pressure
Flushes out toxins from the body
Clears your skin through sweat
Pushes your energy levels up
Improves sleep
And the list goes on
Now that you know what are the health benefits of doing regular exercise. So, let’s get into how a daily fitness routine at the gym or workout at home can boost your health.
Warm-up exercises such as walking, low-intensity jogging, slow biking etc. increase your blood flow and heart rate up. You can either prefer outdoor walking and jogging or walking on a treadmill and exercising on a stationary bike. This makes you ready for the actual exercise and reduces the risk of injury.
Aerobic workouts
Aerobic exercises involve cardiovascular workouts such as swimming, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing fitness, running, squats, jumping jacks, burpees, HIIT, and so on. These help you fight obesity, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, strokes, few types of cancer, high blood pressure etc.
You can either do these exercises at home for 30 minutes a day with low to moderate intensities or at least 10 minutes with high-intensity.
In case if you run short of time for working out, then try cycling to your office, or do burpees while you watch TV or take stairs instead of the lift. Thus you can at least give some physical activity to your body and keep it active.
Resistance or strength training
Strength training makes you stronger, cuts fat, and improves your muscle mass and bone health. You can workout for 15-45 minutes twice a week with weight bars, dumbbells, and resistance bands to improve your core strength.
Flexibility exercises
Practicing flexibility exercises after strength training helps your muscles to relax as you stretch them. These help in preventing stiffness in joints, injuries and even eases back pain. You can perform yoga, tai chi or normal stretches holding each pose for 10 seconds. The stretching workouts improve the mobility and flexibility of your body.
Finish your regular workout session with a cool down. You do not need to pay too much attention to it, you can just repeat the exercises you did for the warm-up. But still, the cooldown is important as it is important to bring your heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure to normal.
Bottom Line
Thus, in a nutshell, regular exercises not only help you to achieve your fitness goals but also improve your physical and mental health amazingly. Eat the right food, drink plenty of water, keep exercising regularly, and you will gradually see a sparkle within you. As exercise not only changes your body and mind, it also changes your attitude and mood.
Meta title: How regular fitness training adds more healthy years in your lifespan? Meta title new: Workout from home- How Regular Exercise improves your Health-Fitsocial Meta title new 2: Workout from home- How Regular fitness training adds more healthy years? Meta description:There are more secret benefits of regular fitness practices.One who exercises regularly is less prone to deadly diseases, cardiac disease, strokes, and depression
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