#burning till you're cold
twistedshipper · 3 months
Did you share anything about "Burning Till You're Cold"? Because if not, I want to hear! :)
Thank you, Jacquelyn! I'm so excited that you asked me about this fic, as it's one that's been simmering in the back of my mind for a long time now (and one I hope to focus on once I finish SL).
The idea for the fic is actually older than SL and, unlike the other wips I have, is set in the verse of spn but without anything overtly supernatural; it's just the characters facing their real world struggles.
The fic is about Dean in his early twenties trying to look out after Sam and himself after the difficult upbringing they've had under John's roof since their mother died.
I'm not sure about much of the plot but I have the first chapter written. In it Dean takes a drive out of Lawrence to clear his head and winds up at a dive called Harvelle's (which is located closer to Lawrence than in the show), where he meets Jo, who likewise, has her own fair share of struggles (similar to the show she dropped out of school because she didn't belong there and is helping her mom out at the bar), and the two hit it off.
Other things about the fic is that Sam (like in s7) is a psych ward patient (and is inpatient at the start of the fic), going in and out of the hospital ever since his first psychotic break while he was away at school at Stanford (which I'm very attached to as an idea as it's inspired from the show as much as my own experiences).
There's also this dark undercurrent in the fic that deals with themes of abuse which would be a major spoiler to share here so I won't. Instead I'll leave some snippets from the first chapter:
It was his first time getting wasted (publicly, that was, and without company) and it was his first time at this bar, located at the outskirts of his hometown of Lawrence, Kansas, dead set in the middle of the U.S. Why he came here as opposed to his usual haunts, he didn’t really know, other than that creeping feeling on his skin that told him he wanted the hell out of home and anything that reminded him of the stench and stain of that old house, its memories: the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of it.  He so desperately wanted out, that in a flash of recklessness, one would call impulse, he stole his father’s keys as he lay passed out on the couch senseless and took his wheels, telling himself to keep on driving until he crossed the city limits.
Well, he didn’t get that far. He saw the flickering neon lights beckoning out to him from the roadside and on another whim, thought he’d pull in for a drink. He certainly deserved one after the last few days, even though a part of him felt guilty for the indulgence, knowing full well that his kid brother wasn’t flying so high and free.
Not that Dean was either; if anything, he was running, running from his family, his problems, his responsibilities, that weight he carried inside himself, pressing hazardously into his chest. Was it too much to ask for one night just to lose himself?  Like all those nights his father lost himself in drink?  A part of him felt hesitant, afraid even to become the man, but well, these were desperate times, times that called for desperate measures.  So going on nothing but gut, as he ever did, he pulled into the lot, parked, and pushed his way through the double doors into a haze of smoke and sorrows potentially worse than his own.
And here's an interaction between Dean and Jo (because I love them so much):
“What about you?” she asked after a pause.  “Why are you here on a cold Thursday night in November?”
“Ahh,” he began fumbling for words.  “You really don’t want to know.”
“Try me,” she said. 
He bit his lip.  “Well, it’s a tough situation,” he said, repeating her choice of word.  “You see my brother…” he suddenly stopped himself, shook his head.  “I don’t know if I should tell you this, but, um, he’s…” he turned away then, scared that he might just break down and cry in front of her, this girl he only just met.  He had to gather himself and quickly. 
“He’s okay, right?” he heard her ask, from where she stood, huddled in his jacket that dwarfed her.
“Yeah,” he said turning back to face her.  “Of course, he’s fine.  Totally.  But you know, it’s my responsibility to look out for him, and sometimes that’s hard.”
He stopped himself and caught her watching him with a look all her own.  “What?” he said.
“It’s nothing,” she said.  “Just…”
She was about to speak when suddenly an old pickup pulled up, bathing the two of them with its headlights. 
“Is that…?” she asked instead.
“Yeah, that’s him,” Dean said with an awkward wave towards Bobby who looked miffed in the driver’s seat. 
“Here, let me give you this back,” she said quickly, taking off the jacket and handing it to him.
He took it from her gently and she went back to crossing her arms, to protect herself from the cold.  “Thanks,” he said.  “You better get back inside.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling slightly, “and you better not keep him waiting.”
“Right,” he said, and turned to hop in the passenger seat.
“Oh, and Dean?”
He dropped his hand from the latch, turning back to face her.  “Yeah?”
“Take care of yourself, won’t you?”
He nodded.  In the moment it was all that he could do.
Bobby beeped the horn.
And the moment, whatever it was between them, was over.  He opened the truck door and shuffled in, and in the span of time it took him to fasten his seatbelt, she was already slipping through the front doors of the bar, as a pair of men came stumbling out.  A part of him, however drunk and senseless, hoped she would turn back and wave at him, but the door shut behind her and she was safe inside and warm.
So much for that, he thought.  Now it was time to face the situation at hand and he expected Bobby to smack him upside the head and yell at him for taking his dad’s car all the way out in the middle of nowhere only to get smashed stupid.
But Bobby didn’t speak right away as they pulled out of Harvelle’s Roadhouse and onto the road and that’s when Dean looking back at the old dive noticed that a light snow had begun to fall, each flake glittering under the streetlamps like a tiny iridescent star.
Thank you again for asking me about this fic. (I was hoping someone would.) You've reignited my interest in it and now I'm just craving to write it, haha. ❤
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marvelstan0905 · 3 months
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Random Kenji Sato Boyfriend Headcanons:
TW : fluffy/slight angst/ idk what else lmao
©all rights reserved. the modification, translation, and plagiarism of my work is strictly prohibited.
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"Small Gestures"
Kenji is the king of small gestures. This man be peeling your oranges. Feeding you. If you have your menstrual days, Kenji keeps a stack of pads, wet wipes, tampons and clean menstrual cups everywhere and in the car. Kenji is the type to keep notifications on when you have your days or when your ovulating [do with that information what you will😈]
We all know what happened in the movie. We all know that Kenji rarely cries and he holds in his feelings till eventually he kinda bursts. With you, yes you, the best partner, you'd kinda have to coax it out of him. Get him to tell you what's bothering or what's wrong. It would take a lot of patient and understanding. Kenji would really try is damndest to communicate despite his habits.
Kenji would be really patient and understanding when it comes to sex and intimacy. The man would praise and worship you all night. We all know this man would be the type to pin your hands above your head and make you look into his eyes. I definetly feel like a Kenji is a hard dom/brat tamer kinda guy. I can definetly see the daddy kink coming. He's definetly an equal giver and receiver. Man's is definetly kinky and I definetly feel like he'd very open to try anything, long as he's in control. And his aftercare is top tier. The hot bath and cuddles with loving affirmations.
"Love & Marriage"
Don't know why, Kenji gives off 'dating to marry' vibes. The man's been distant with everybody, keeping people away at an arm's leg but after finally finding that perfect person. Kenji is all the way. He's commited. Forever. As in you won't shake him off ,even if you try [you wont😑]. He's the most loyal sweetheart and baby ever. Hurting our man here is like killing a puppy. Don't do it. I feel like he'd dead deadass get a tattoo with your name and the date of your birthday. That's how commited he is.
I'm talking opening doors, sliding out chairs. Kenji will hold your hand when you go down the stairs and when you're sitting down just to make sure you're safe and make sure you sit nicely. If you wear a skirt and it's cold, he'll lay his jacket on your legs. If you're cold in general his jacket is yours. His arms are yours. He just wants to make sure you're warm and happy. God forbid, it rains. Kenji won't even allow you outside because he doesn't want you to get cold but if you were already outside. You'd have most of the umbrella.
"Clinginess & Attention"
Clingy. He'll never ever let you go. Once you're his, you're trapped and commited [a dream ,really😌] Kenji would always find some time of way to be touching you. Somehow. His pinkies linked with yours or you're feet are touching. He just needs the contact. He's a clingy, baby. He needs your attention and love. He's been deprived🥺 give him the attention he deserves.
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-What do you guys think? I've decided to open up requests but they'll be open starting 26 June at 5PM [MT ] up until 28th June 1PM [MT].I don't want to be overwhelmed or swapped!I've been feeling a little burned out nowadays hehe so I need to recuperate! Speaking of requests, If I don't feel like I can do it or it's just something I'm not comfortable with ,I will delete your ask! I'm sorry! Thank you so much for the love and support!
Gif credit @soranatus
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ivyluvsyouu · 3 months
how are the anemo boys when there sick?
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑨𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊, 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐, 𝑲𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂, 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒛𝒐𝒖, 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒓
𝑻𝒘: 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆! 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
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Since he's constantly traveling it makes sense that he'd eventually catch some kind of illness from somewhere. When he's sick not much really changes for him. He keeps going with his journey and you're the one who has to remind him that he's sick and he needs to rest. He doesn't argue or protest with you when you tell him to rest, "Alright I'll rest but you need to rest with me"
He thought he'd be better after he rested for a little while, but he woke up feeling worse and you could tell even if he didn't say it. Usually, he's a pretty independent partner but he gets super clingy whenever he's sick. The whole day he was laying on your shoulder and falling asleep whenever he was laying on you and whenever you would ask him if he was okay, he would just respond with a weak "Yeah...I'm fine I just need a minute" you ended up convincing him to take a break and stay a few nights in his teapot with you.
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"Y/nnn I think I'm dying" Your boyfriend complained as he put a hand over his forehead. "Venti, you have a cold..." you responded. He's a COMPLAINER. He has a pretty good immune system, so he doesn't get sick often so when he does, he thinks he's dying.
He's so clingy whenever he's sick. You had to go out for your commissions, and he acted like you were leaving him and never coming back. "Y/n!? You're leaving me here all alone when I'm ill like this!?" He said sounding quite offended. "Venti, I'll be back in an hour..." You responded kissing him on the cheek. "The betrayal!!" he said as he looks away from you. You did feel bad having to leave for a little while when he was sick so when you go home you made sure to give him lots of cuddles and kisses.
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Whenever he's sick, it doesn't matter how bad he feels or how sick he is. He doesn't let it get in the way of his adeptus duties. You practically had to beg him to get some rest and even then, he assured you he was fine. It wasn't till he passed out from exhaustion and overexerting his sick body was when he finally agreed to rest and let you take care of him.
Even while he was resting and letting you take care of him; he would still deny being as sick as he was. "You don't need to do all this for me, I'm fine" He didn't like asking things of you and he felt guilty having you take care of him, it made him feel weak. You however assured him that you didn't mind at all and wanted to make sure he was okay. After you assured him, he felt a little better when you assured him, but it still made him feel weak and like he couldn't take care of himself.
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Whenever he's sick, he usually just sleeps it off and spends most of his time resting. You and Kazuha had been on Beidou's ship for a week or so and your boyfriend started to feel sick last night. You woke up with him laying on your check looking extremely pale. You felt his forehead and he was burning up. You left him alone and let him sleep and he slept half of the day and when he woke up, he woke up with a pounding headache.
He went to go find you and you were sitting on the ship looking out at the ocean. He sat next to you and laid on your shoulder. "Still not feeling well?" you said as you wrapped your arm around him. He shook his head "No.." he mumbled. You frowned and nuzzled your face into his hair. "You should go back to sleep..." you said softly. He nodded and fell asleep on your shoulder.
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He doesn't get sick often so when he does, he usually just takes some time off of work and spends some time at home with his beloved s/o. He drinks a lot of tea to help his throat and he sleeps most of the day until he's feeling better. "I'm gonna go back to bed, babe I love you"
He's pretty normal when he's sick, he's not a big complainer and he can take care of himself for the most part. "No no it's okay I can make dinner, love don't worry" He's back to normal within in a few days and as soon as he feels better, he returns to work.
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Another complainer, He's so grumpy and whiny whenever he's sick. "Y/n..My head hurts..." He's really distant and he mostly just stays in your shared room while he's sick. He enjoys your company of course even if he doesn't admit it, but he doesn't want to see anyone else.
He puts everything he's doing on pause when he's sick. Ever since he left the fatui he's been working on taking care of himself more, and even if he is really grumpy and whiny when he's sick, there is a really gentle and clingy side of him when he's sick. "Y/n..do you wanna go take a nap?"
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈! 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆<𝟑
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lookingformoondrop · 10 months
could i request a boyfriend!andrew graves x reader headcannons or scenarios? i LOVE TCOAAL🫶🫶
Boyfriend! Andrew Graves x Reader - Headcanons
TW: Andy has a foul mouth, reader gets groped, Andy is a little possessive, a tiny bit of violence (-is always the answer)
♥︎Notes: I'm kind of an idiot so if you notice something is spelled incorrectly, feel free to send me a dm so i can fix it (totally not at all referring to my first Yandere!Andy x Reader post where I spelled dark as darmfk ;-;). Also this is kind of short because so many people requested for Andy x Reader, so I didn't want to pull out all the stops. I hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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The first thing you gotta to know about dating Andy, is that he's very touch starved.
I can just headcanon that due to his aloof personality and very broody behavior, he doesn't get many hugs...
So when you enter his life, best believe that Andy shows you this completely different side of him!
I'm talking.... Cuddling in the mornings till the point where you're almost late for work because he refuses to let you go.
I'm talking.... Andy being able to sense when you're about to go into the shower. His spidey-senses tingles, and the moment you're about to hop in, he's right there already getting his hair wet.
I'm talking.... Trapping you with his kisses when you're making food, definitely not noticing that he's causing you to burn dinner.
And no amount of protest can deter this man either.
Speaking of making food... Andrew is the master-chef of the house!
Now he's no Gorden Ramsey (as he likes to tell you whenever he makes you a sandwich), but everyone knows that one bite of his food is enough to make a sailor come back to the land.
So it's very nifty when you're sick and at home, in need to have someone take care of you.
The first time you ever got sick was when you and Andy were still living separately.
It was a Friday night, and it was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary with Andy. Unfortunately, due to some unhygienic biotch at the office, you caught a cold and had to cancel.
At first Andy didn't respond, instead leaving you on read. You felt bad, figuring that he was mad at you for canceling.
But lo' and behold, exactly 10 minutes later, that was a frantic sound of keys jiggling into the your front door.
You had gotten up from your couch-potato position to see the person who wanted to rush into your home so badly, when it occurred to you;
Andrew is the only one with another set of keys...
And with that realization, Andy burst through the door with a pharmacy store bag in one hand, and a grocery store bag in another.
In an instant, Andy made you take a disgusting amount of cold medicine, and blessed your cold home with the warmth and smell of spices and herbs (likely all from the soup).
When the food was ready, he sat you up with a pillow and hand-fed you soup for the rest of the night. You felt so bad for ruining your anniversary, but everytime you tried to apologize for it, Andrew would stuff your mouth with more soup and would say;
"I don't care about that romance and anniversary shit. We don't need to go to a fancy restaurant or an expensive place just to feel like we're honoring an important date. That date is important because it is our date. We don't need to one-up that memorable time just to remind everyone of how special it is... Y/N, you're crying into the soup."
Needless to say, you cried.
But Andrew doesn't just take care of you...You best believe he also protects.
Well, sorta.
You could be in a grocery store, at a Boba shop, in the mall, getting new shoes, it wouldn't matter, Andrew would always have his hand on your waist.
Be it because he saw someone look at you, doesn't matter who or how old they are, he'll always wrap his arms around you and whisper ever so softly, "You're mine..."
It has definitely given you some weird looks over the years, but you know he means well.
And if anyone ever actually looks at you funny? It's over for them.
Andrew will make it VERY clear that you're not to be messed with.
For example, a couple of months into your relationship, you were riding the train. Enjoying a simple conversation about suspicious neighbors and whatnot, when all of the sudden some guy came up behind you and tried groping you discreetly.
Andy noticed very quickly that all the blood drained from your face. He looked behind you and noticed the old geezer trying to get a hand full of someone way younger than them, and Andrew could feel every restraint in his body snap.
In an act of "self-defense" as told to the cops later on, Andrew punched the living daylights of the guy and sent him flying into a pole.
You fussed over Andy's fist for awhile, completely forgetting about how you felt. But the only thing Andy could think about was how he should've hit that guy harder.
When you guys were finally walking home, hand in hand, you leaned on Andrew.
"I'm sorry about today Andy... I didn't mean for you to get all banged up."
Andrew snorted, "My knuckle is a little scratched up, so what? That perverted asshole had it coming for him."
You kissed Andy's cheek, which granted you a dark blush from Andy, and a grin from you.
"Thank you Aaandy~" You brushed his hand with your thumb,
Being in a relationship with Andy is a little messy, and yes sometimes a little crazy. But no matter what happens, Andy will always stick by your side.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Andy squeezed your hand in return.
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Thank you for the ask<3
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chlorinecake · 5 months
heyyy, could I ask for a soft fic like jay your fiancé wakes up to you squirming so much and whimpering cause of DAMN CRAMPSS na the doesn't know about your period till it leaks on your guys's bedd. then he tries to take care of it when you're asleep and when you wake up you get all embarrassed (lmao that's how I feel) but he insists on helping you and thought out the day he learns that you his fiancé has bad cramps, lower back pain, nausea, gets cold, often hot flashes and gets dizzy a lot basically bed ridden, can I be
🪻anon thanksskskksks
✿ — let me take care of you | p.js
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pairing. 𓏌 fiancé jay x fem. reader 𓏌 contains. just jay being a super affectionate and caring fiancé, mentions of blood, some cuddling, kisses, pure fluff �� word count. 0.7k 🖱 ⑅ path to the bookshelf ◍
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"mmm," you whined in your sleep, tossing and turning to the point that you woke up your fiancé who was sleeping next to you.
he cradled you from behind, hands covering your stomach as your hands squeezed over his.
"what's wrong baby," he pouted, warm face nuzzling in the crook of your shoulder as he soothed you.
still stuck in your slumber, all you did was whine in response, curling over his hands as the pain in your abdomen increase with a sharpness.
"____?" he whispered groggily, worried that you might be having a nightmare.
the softness of his voice somehow reeled you from your sleep, your eyes creaking open like an old door.
"can you just hold me like this for a little longer... please?"
"of course, baby, im right here..." he smiled, kissing your sweaty temple while his soothing hand caressed your figure.
jay couldn't shake how troubled you seemed in this moment, so he tried his best to stay still until you fell back to sleep instead of questioning what was really going on with you.
letting a few drowsy moments pass, he finally heard the sound of your purr-like breaths against the pillow, your body falling fast to sleep as your body grew warmer.
"ohh, you're burning up,” jay exclaimed, not sure if you could hear him as he said, “let me get you a cold towel."
he shimmied from behind you, pulling the covers back so the cool air from the ceiling fan could hit you.
that's when he saw a splotchy patch of scarlet-red blood right beneath where your hips were resting in the mattress, a bit of it having smeared from the sheets onto your legs.
with this, jay immediately knew what the source of your restless pain was now.
he sighed in relief, thankful that it had nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with your body naturally functioning, just as it should.
as your fiancé, jay understood that it was his duty to help you when he could, and the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and have to deal with this mess yourself.
he went to the bathroom to warm up a towel with soapy water, wiping at the blood on your legs.
suddenly, your skin sprouted with goosebumps.
"poor baby... now you're cold, too?”
tossing the blood-stained towel which was meant to land at the edge of your shared bed, it accidentally collided with a bottle of soap in the dresser, the heavy container falling to the ground with a loud thud.
the sound was loud enough to wake you back up again.
“j-jay, what’re you doing,” you asked with weak eyes, feeling his large hand smooth out the bumps on your cold skin.
“you got your period last night, ____,” he said with a smile, but you only groaned at his words, turning to see the blood only to crumble inside, "easy now, baby."
"no jay, get away from me, I don't wanna get you dirty," you protested, turning over to move his hands just to end up feeling dizzy.
and nauseous.
"sweetheart, there's nothing dirty about this, i'm here to help you," he replied, your flushed face making his heart swell.
"but I need to clean this up myself- OH gosh, there's even more blood over here," you whined dramatically, groaning out loud before burying your face in your hands.
"don't worry about it, love. you can stay here while I run you a bath, okay?" jay offered kindly, not been able to hold back the chuckle in his throat thanks to your exaggerated reaction right now.
"no, no, I got it-"
"____, it'll give me time to get the sheets washed while you soak in the tub," he interrupted your rambling softly before kissing you. "I'll be back with your clothes and a towel once you get out..."
you let out a submissive sigh, not being able to fight against him anymore after he just kissed you...
besides, he really was only trying to help you, despite how embarrassed it made you feel.
"okay then," you nodded, crawling out of the bed with his hand in yours, both your engagement bands sliding over each other. "oh, and jay...?"
"can you bring me a pad, please?... one of the bigger ones from the shelf downstairs."
he smiled at how cute you were in this moment, already feeling more comfortable with him being involved in this candid part of your life.
"gotchya, princess," he said with a smirk, taking the sheets and pillowcases off of the bed before going you in the restroom where he would soon run your warm and bubbly soak.
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𓏌 Thank you all so much for reading this fic, and apologies to the original anon for me taking so long to get to this ;-;
𓏌 — tags: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @bachuya
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glossysoap · 30 days
professional ice hocky player. that’s the whole thought (i’m going to an ice skating class to home my skills tonight (i’ve been ice skating once but roller skating many many times) and also have seen tiktok’s of my city’s team and oof 🤤)
nah bc imagine hockey + poly 141 😵‍💫
tw: 18+, afab reader but not gendered, called pretty probably. sub reader, johnny and gaz. dom price and simon. soapgaz moment.
them all coming home after a grueling match, all sweaty and frustrated. esp frustrated if they’ve lost the match for whatever reason. let’s say for rambling sake, it’s because they were too busy thinking of fucking you in order to focus properly.
you already know what to expect by two things.
1, some texts you receive when they’re on their way home. the most notable ones read:
>> kg. have the door unlocked for us.
>> sr. you’re in for it tonight.
>> jm. wear some panties you don’t care about
>> jp. scratch that. go without.
2, their expressions as they climbed out of price’s truck after pulling in.
all gruff and eyes dark as they zeroed in on you and your scantily clad form. you had enough sense to only wear a a loose t-shirt (usually paired with underwear but. due to price’s text you opted to go without).
their eyes drank you in shamelessly. skirting over your tits and zeroing in on the way your nipples peddled from the cold air as you met them outside that night.
then you felt their eyes burning into you as you scurried inside the house again, them hot on your heels.
the second everyone stepped foot into the house and the door was locked behind them, they made their way to the living room where you no doubt sat.
the second they saw you, they started unbuckling their belts and pulling themselves out of their boxers.
you didn’t bother acting surprised when price had you bent over the arm rest of the couch, with the side of your face pressed into the couch cushions and your ass up for him and his boys. you knew what you were in for.
price yanked your shirt up till the hem was up by your shoulders, exposing your ass and cunt to them all. as the oldest of them all and the captain of the hockey team, john gets first dibs to your cunt - especially when he needs to get his frustration out.
he guides his already chubbing up cock to rub against your ass, ordering both kyle and johnny to get on their knees next to him and get you prepped.
"get 'em all slick for me, lads." john murmured behind you, ordering them both.
they all heard your muffled moans into the couch cushion as tongues prodded at your cunt, pushing past the seam of your slit and then licking stripes along your cunt. you didn't know if it was kyle's or johnny's tongue that was lapping at your juices, or both, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
simon is the only one left, with his thick heavy cock hanging over his waistband and drooling a string of pre onto the fabric. he took his spot next to the couch, standing directly next to your limp form so his cock would be within reaching distance.
you didn't need to be told even once, let alone twice. you brought your hand up to gather the slick dripping from his tip and using it to stroke his cock.
simon laughed as he looked down at you, seeing your face all mushed up against the cushion, your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. his laugh was cut short as your hand kept moving on his cock, still working to get him off even when you're blissed out. perfect, sweet thing.
between your's and price's thighs, kyle and johnny are nestled. their tongues are lapping at your cunt, grunting and groaning into your cunt as if they're starving men and you're their first bite of food. their tongues brush against each other and they moan into your cunt. you whine, slightly muffled from the cushion as you feel the vibrations flare between your thighs from their moans.
at some point they start making out instead of just eating you out. at that point, you're well and thoroughly soaked, from both your own slick and their spit. they let their tongues slip out of their mingling mouths to tease at your cunt.
john was looking down at the two men the whole time, watching as they lapped at your cunt and sucked on your clit. his grin shifted into a smirk when he saw his men becoming increasingly desperate, kissing each other in between licks to your cunt. he swore they were bucking their hips against nothing, trying to get any friction on their cocks. he knew full well their cocks were weeping in their pants.
he glanced at where simon stood next to your head and the smirk remained etched on the captain's face as he sees your hand fisting simon's cock. setting a steady rhythm and building a strong pace. he watched as you palmed the head of his cock and pulled a hiss from simon, making the blond mans hips stutter.
john's eyes darted to your limp form as he heard your moans pick up. he knew you were damn well prepped and ready for a few rounds, and himself? he was growing impatient and even more hard. painfully so.
he swatted at johnny and kyle's heads, shooing him away from your cunt, his cunt. "go on, get." he said with very little bite or venom when soap gave a whine, not wanting to be pulled away from your cunt. still, the two men got up on their feet and got to palming their cocks through their pants as they watched the scene continue.
when you whined from the emptiness, from the lack of any tongues in your cunt, john grabbed a handful of your ass with a croon. he squeezed the plush skin, rubbing his thumb along a stretch mark with all the softness in the world. no matter how calloused his hands were.
"sh, sh, sh. don't you worry, i'm here now." he cooed as he guided his cock to slide along your slit, groaning at your wetness. "i know you're close, you'll get what you need."
when he sinks himself in, inch by inch, he hears you gasp and mewl from the stretch. he himself hisses and lets his head fall back a bit at how tight you are. no matter how many times he's fucked your sweet cunt, no matter how wet and slick you were, it was always an adjustment. a sweet, sweet adjustment.
"oh, god, fuck-," you moan out as he bottoms out, filling you to the brim so fucking perfectly. your hand falters on simon's cock for a moment from all the stimulation, your mind fuzzy. a swat on your ass from price is what it takes for you to pick up the slack and resume your pace again.
"good, good. makin' us all feel good." john murmurs lowly as he starts a rhythm of his own. your cunt practically sucks him in as he thrusts in and out, heavy balls slapping against your clit with each time he bottoms out. the head of his cock teased at your g-spot with each thrust. the moans the entire room was letting out (price from bullying his cock into your cunt, simon from your hand fisting his cock, and kyle and soap palming themselves through their pants) started mixing with the wet sounds made by your cunt. you were so fucking soaked by your slick and the leftover spit from kyle and soap, and not john's pre was added to the mix.
you were hugging him so fucking tight, practically milking him dry. he could tell you were close.
in one fell swoop, he leaned forward and grabbed your neck in one hand, and held your stomach in the other. then he pulled you back up with him, yanking you back even deeper on his cock. you choked out a gargled moan, so broken and pathetic from the new angle.
john pays no mind to simon, who now has to stroke himself for a change, and instead works on getting you to gush your first orgasm of many. he ruts into your cunt, smirking at every choke and cry that falls from your lips. then he moves his hand down your stomach, between your thighs and all the way to your throbbing clit.
when you wailed with your first orgasm of many, you creamed all over his cock and fluttered around him. your ears rang a bit but you heard the ghost of price's chuckle against your ear, and simon's laugh that mirrored john's. you heard kyle and johnny's whines at the sight, wanting to clean up your juices.
"we're not done yet, not by a long shot."
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: Oh Look a mate(s)
Chapter 3
Fandom: obey me
Pairing: demon brother's x male reader
Warnings: omega verse, nsfw, male reader, gay, smut, attempted assassination, drugging, biting, torture
It was tomorrow.
The wedding was tomorrow.
(Name) Was quiet as he waited in the altar room, candles circling the room as marble carved murals surrounded him, the ceiling glass and the moon directly above him.
He sat in silence as the moon reached its peak before shadows flooded around him, a cold smoke that strangely didn't strike him with fear but instead filled him with warmth and safety. "Good Omega" one of the voices whispered as shadowy hands grabbed at him, gently touching and smoothing over the linen nightgown he wore before a long finger sliced it down the middle "Shhh" he could hear Satan's voice whisper in his ear as the seven men materialized and kissed various parts of his now exposed flesh "beautiful..." Mammon whispered breathlessly before biting into (name) 's flesh, the others doing the same.
Each scent gland was claimed as a tattoo manifested onto their soulmate tattoos, the demons licking and kissing their soulmate marks "You're bonded to us forever... Whenever you need us, call for us..." Beelzebub said as his blackened eyes gently kissed (name) 's lips as the fire of the candles burned brighter "Alphas...." (Name) Babbled as he leaned into someone's shoulders, Levi he believed... "So beautiful..." Asmodeus whispered as his hand crept down to the other's abdomen and began whispering enchantments, hand glowing as a tattoo formed on his stomach "Your first heat will be in less than 24 hours, this will help keep it from hurting so badly"
Never would he be denied a heat again.
The men scented and kissed (name), they could smell the slick flowing from him but knew better and to wait, wait till it was time.
When morning came, (name) was kept from his alphas all morning as he was polished to perfection, traditional white robes and gold accessories set aside as they painted swirls on his body, apparently matching the marks that would be on his alphas.
He looked at himself in the mirror, the makeup, the paint, and the clothes... He hardly recognized himself.
But it was him.
All him.
Lucifer made sure the guards were on high alert as he and his brothers got dressed, in their traditional robes that were the color of their omegas eyes, as is tradition in the kingdom, they already had two people sneak in after all.
"Your Majesty?" A meek voice spoke out as the demon turned to see an Omega maid look nervous, his eyes sharp and calculating "What is it?" He said simply and the maid straightened her back a bit before speaking once more "His Highness... He's extremely stressed and I thought it would be best if one of his--" Lucifer was already darting out of the room for his mate, he didn't care if he wasn't supposed to see him till the wedding.
His mate needed him.
(Name) Was freaking out as his omega decided Kw was an excellent time to freak out over the lack of alphas.
To be fair he got scented every morning but today, was a very high-stress day.
"My, aren't you beautiful" (name) snapped his head up as the maids left the room with haste and (name) whined and ran towards him, shoving his face into the alpha's chest and whining "My, can't go a day without your alphas?" He teased and lifted (name) 's face to look at it "None of that, you will ruin your pretty makeup" he was only soft for his omega, gentle kisses "We have a wedding, right? We will dance and party and then when the moon is high we will take you back here" he promised and kissed (name), scenting him lovingly.
"Now be good for alpha" he commanded, a slight alpha tone that they found calms (name). He liked not being in control all the time, instinctually.
"Ok alpha" he whispered hazily as the maids came back in and Lucifer left to finish getting ready, confident that he calmed his mate.
(Name) Looked nervous as he was ushered into a beautiful fabric and mahogany palanquin, the finest silks used for it "To walk you to the temple, your Highness" a soldier said calmly and (name) nodded as the soldiers in celebratory costume lifted it and (name) tried not to yelp.
He walked through the city, a grand parade to show the people the next queen, and (name) shyly waved at them as the people cheered in joy and some looked in envy at him. He could hear screaming in the distance, too focused on the slight shake with each step the guards took and the loud sounds around him to figure out what direction it came from exactly but the bullet that flew past his nose as a man was pinned down by guards have his answer, the omegas palanquin lowering as the guards checked on him "oh thank goodness... Are you alright your Highness?" The general that was a bit ahead rushed to check on him and (name) though stunned and Shellshocked, nodded slowly the Alpha nodded with a sigh of relief "We will get there soon your Highness"
The parade continued and (name) tried to regulate his breathing as he lifted his sleeves and took in the smell of Lucifer that clung to him, too close to his heat to be able to properly handle this.
God, he was so tired...
"We're here your Highness" Had that much time passed?
(Name) Was helped out by his maids, dressed in floral traditional outfits, darker colors as to highlight (name) 's snow white robes that dragged behind him, gold accents matching his accessories "You got this, your Highness" (name) 's closest maid, the one in charge of his maids smiled and (name) nodded before walking up the steps of the temple as people cheered.
Traditional fan dancers danced in front of him, a beautiful display as the guests of the wedding sat and watched in awe as (name) locked eyes with his alphas and had to suppress a chirp. The dancers moved their fans away to make an entrance for (name) to walk closer to them, Asmodeus taking his hands and kissing them gently as the others looked fond at the sight of their beloved, even Belphegor awake and focused on (name).
(Name) Looked at the guests, from countless kingdoms the Royals down to the mayors from cities including the village he was from, and looked in awe at the realization of how large this temple was, it seemed so small in the darkness.
(Name) Barely focused on the priestess as he looked at his mates, shadowy magic binding them together as (name) agreed to the contract of marriage "bound by the fates and the demon king himself, his Highness (name) Morningstar is granted a gift from his majesty of immortality, may his heart beat so long as his alphas" the demon king sat in the distance, watching his younger sons fondly, leaving hell to witness such an event as a red-haired demon stood beside him while staring intently.
(Name) Felt warm as he was brought close by his alphas and danced with them, a grand party that was sure to go on for the next week as guests watched and the city partied and after brought around to be introduced to guests "This is our elder brother, the next king" Lucifer introduced the Omega to his elder brother, next king of hell and intimidating to say the least but the large grin that broke out on his face said otherwise "my, a pleasure to meet you! My apologies that it took me so long to be able to meet you! Let me know if they act up all right. It will be nice to not have a little brother that will get on my nerves!" He teased as he hugged (name) and seemed so warm and understanding to him.
"My mate couldn't make it sadly, they're too far along to make the trip but hopefully after you two can meet!" Lucifer felt warm that his elder brother and a mate got along so well as the other brothers were dragged to talk to guests and eventually Lucifer and (name) went to speak to others, the Omega passed from alpha to alpha to not hog.
"An hour and you don't greet your parents?" (Name) Froze under Asmodeus' gentle hold as he turned to see the mayor of his village and his parents... And sister.
How did they get here?
"Not even an invite, thankfully our dear mayor invited us as his plus ones as his wife and sons couldn't make it," she said casually as his sister altered between glaring at him and swooning over Asmodeus, the beta looking flirty and showing her bust at him but the demon didn't even acknowledge her as he tilted his head at his mate's parents with a cold smile (name) didn't recognize but the gentle thumb rubbing his hip told him he was safe "my~ isn't this a surprise, (name) darling... Why don't you go make sure Beelzie doesn't eat everything, yes?" He urged his hesitant Omega who looked so precious and watched him walk away.
"E-excuse me!" The dad tried barking out and Asmodeus smiled coldly, a beta demanding not just an alpha but a supernatural alpha. Laughable really "I will allow you to continue to enjoy this celebration but if I hear even a whisper of my mate's name from any of your lips that isn't shining adoration I will remind you of your place," Asmodeus said barely above a whisper as he towered over the stumpy beta and his family, he read the letter.
All seven brothers read the letter.
And despite not being wrath, Asmodeus was the most upset.
No flirting, no banter.
Just a thinly veiled threat.
"Now you best behave"
You would think this Would deter (sister), make her behave... But no no.
She was hell-bent on having them.
Breaking this farce is a marriage.
It was expensive getting rut enhancer drugs but it was worth it in her eyes she looked around and saw that (name) was moved to Belphegor who sat in a corner quietly and (name) said worthless words to him and saw that Beelzebub was enjoying his food.
The drug was a fine powder, easy to mask on the powdered cream puffs that the demon was gorging on, slipping past when he went for some ribs and sprinkling on.
She just had to be available when the drugs kicked in.
It was not too long before the demon returned his attention to the cream puffs... But other people took them as well.
Like servants bringing them to their kings.
Oh well, she thought as she focused on Beelzebub and deemed everyone else as a stepping stone to her happiness.
Beelzebub froze after ten minutes, eyes dilating as he stood and looked around "Are you alright?" She tried to seduce the Alpha, pressing against him but like her brother, she didn't quite understand how mating worked and believed he would go to the first willing hole.
But in reality, he sought out (name) who was talking to Diavolos butler, the two fondly chatting about something or another.
"Move," he said coldly as he locked onto (name) marched to him, and lifted him, the other brothers looked concerned as Diavolo decided to start a ring dance and nodded at Lucifer, they all seemed to understand what was happening. (Name) Was confused as he was held close by his alpha who left the temple gardens and spread his wings before taking off, (name) shoving his face in Beelzebub's neck and that's when he smelt the rut. He couldn't help but whine, he was trying so hard not to go into heat but fuck...
He closed his eyes and felt himself sink further, sounds distorting and he felt his clothes removed carefully as voices spoke around him "he will be upset if we ruin this" Asmodeus...? Or is that Satan? "Alpha?" He slurred as the alphas kissed his flesh, cold to the touch and he felt something hard press against his back before he was pushed into his back, he couldn't even formulate a feeling of shame or worry as Belphegor traced the body paint that was on (name)s flesh "pretty..." The sleep demon murmured as he touched the womb tattoo a wave of pleasure washed through (name) and a low moan broke through him "Any pain he feels will feel like absolute pleasure... We may be dealing with a very horny Omega" Asmodeus teased, they didn't have an incantation to make him feel no pain during heat or pregnancy so it was the best option.
Especially because he kept moaning and crying, without it he would be writhing in pain.
"Why don't you spread your legs for us? Hmm? Show us how an Omega presents?" Lucifer spoke low and deep to the Omega who spread his legs on the bed and yelped when Beelzebub shoved his face between his legs and gave a long lick, pushing his legs over his shoulders as half his body was pulled nearly off the bed, Beelzebub on his knees before the bed. "O-oh! Alpha!" He cried out as Beelzebub ate his ass, licking around the rim before pushing in ever so slightly as the smell of slick was heavy in the room "wanna make alpha feel good? Why don't you show Levi here how much you want his cock?" Asmodeus took the initiative with getting (name) to pleasure them as they pleasured him, the Omega opening his mouth so prettily as the shy alpha fed him his cock, (name) licking the underside as he sucked. "H-how did he get so good?!" Levi gasped as he felt (name) hollow his cheeks with a vice force "I have been teaching him how to be a good little cock whore~" Asmodeus teased as Belphegor sucked on one of (name)s nipples as Asmodeus and Lucifer got hand jobs, the two assisting (name) a bit as his body shook.
Satan kissed his navel before moving to the omegas cock and sucking on it, the pre-cum leaking like crazy as (name) struggled to comprehend all the pleasure he felt, hips being held down as Beelzebub inserted a finger, curving it upwards against his prostate as he ate his ass like a final meal and added another finger "you're gonna be-- fuck! Taking a lot tonight baby ~" Asmodeus stammered as Levi came down (name)s throat, the Omega choking slightly but managing "fuck..? Shit.." Levi was already babbling as (name) 's body shook and a climax rolled through, Satan drinking it all "You want more?" Lucifer asked the Omega who whined "Nest!" Beelzebub wasting no time, feral and horny As the other alphas slowly went into a rut from being around a heat-stricken Omega, their demon forms were on full display. (Name) Was settled into his nest as they let Beelzebub enter first his large and heavy cock pressing against (name)s ass as (name) made out with Lucifer, pretty little sounds as Beelzebub pushed in slowly.
Each inch made for louder and prettier sounds from (name) as his body glistened with sweat, another climax rolling through him as Beelzebub was halfway through bottoming out before his hips snapped forward and his pelvic bone was pressed against (name)s ass cheeks "oh! Big...!" He cried out and pushed against him as Belphegor went behind him and held him up, kissing his neck as the others watched hungrily.
Beelzebub wasted no time pistoning his hips as (name) clawed at his skin, body shaking and writhing in pleasure as he poured slick "puppy up!" He cried out as he begged to be bread, owned and full... Belphegor moved around to Sroke (name)s cock and kiss his neck before biting into its neck watching (name) unfold as Beelzebub rolled his hips at the tightness and his grip so tight it was going to leave dark bruises on his hips come morning.
"Please please! Pup!" (Name) Begged for cum, pulling Beelzebub for a kiss and tasting his slick as the alpha's hips slammed one last time and cum poured into him, hot and sticky.
Beelzebub felt some sanity return to him as he looked at a fucked out (name) who couldn't even form words but babbled nonsense as Belphegor kissed him and coddled him "Let's get water and food into him then the next round starts" Lucifer instructed as they already prepared the necessary things that morning, food tested by the demons along with the water before feeding it to (name).
(Name) May have immortality but they still didn't want anything to happen to him.
Though poison pains right now would probably give him six earth-shattering orgasms.
No! No! Bad!
They washed the sweat and paint off his body as (name) recovered slightly but soon grew whiny as he was placed on top of Asmodeus, cock pushing in with ease and crying as Asmodeus gave harsh and slow thrusts.
"Come now, you got more to take ~"
Mammon was furious, absolutely livid as he slammed his fist against the assassin's skull, not wanting this vermin alive as his mate struggled with his heat and six cocks currently "You are taking my precious time with my mate, who the fuck sent you?" He was bordering feral as the assassin finally gave in "The sister! She wanted him dead!"
Mammon left swiftly, telling the guards to find her, she couldn't have gotten far after all.
For now, the greedy demon needed to sink his cock into (name)s cute little ass.
And maybe bite it.
Bite it.
When he walked into the heated room, already nude he was met with (name) being railed by Asmodeus and Satan, cocks moving in his hole at vigorous paces as (name) sucked Lucifer's cock like he would die "(name), look whose here" Lucifer pulled him off his cock to look at mammon and the whine and moan that left his lips as he cried for the silver-haired demon, hands reaching for him, and who was mammon to deny something like this?
Mammon shoved his tongue in (name) 's mouth and relished as the Omega tugged at his hair "Wanna make me feel good?" He didn't even have to show his erect cock as (name) moved and took it in his mouth, mammon sighing at the tightness of his throat "he's a natural" Satan slapped (name)s ass as he pounded as Asmodeus sucked on his chest, the omegas hands going back to work as everyone slowly found a spot for them, the Omega cumming again in the process.
(Name) Was unconscious with Belphegor, needing a heavy rest before the next wave and thoroughly fucked out, the other alphas getting their turns after as Mammon reported findings and what the assassin admitted "She most definitely drugged Bee, our ruts not till winter" Asmodeus said thoughtfully, he should have just let Satan do what he originally wanted to do but that was (name)s choice, not theirs.
But now it was treason that they were talking about.
An attempted assassination against (name).
You see when Diavolo was the next king of hell, they were given rule of the overworld and essentially made (name) queen as they were to be overworld kings come coronation granted by their eldest brother.
And after this, (name) would be carrying their heir.
God, they were half erect at the thought of (name) pregnant.
"I have a manhunt for them, a bounty will be put up as well"
For now, they would care for (name).
When (name) woke, he couldn't feel his legs and his head felt foggy as he was placed into a warm bath "Good morning, lamb" Satan caressed his cheek "Alpha?" He said weakly, voice hoarse from their activities as Mammon gently massaged oils into him, the alphas already washing the cum and sweat off him "Hello pretty baby~ you took us so well, we are so proud of you" (name) chirped at the praise as he received loving kisses "after this was gonna feed you" Lucifer promised and (name) felt a slight sense of clarity "cuddle? Before heat comes back?" He asked as the others smiled, unable to resist the request.
(Name) Was naked and dried off as he cuddled the others who doted on him "You did so well, absolutely beautiful my love" Asmodeus cooed, and (name) let him kiss and love him "My garden?" He asked softly, why that was his worry beyond anyone but Lucifer eased his worries with the promise of the gardeners taking care of it.
For now, he was to relax.
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bluejeanstrash · 1 year
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it’s 1:23 am when seungcheol realises you’re no longer in bed with him. even though he’s got his back turned to you, there’s this gnawing feeling of something missing that stirs him awake.
he turns to see the empty space; sheets still warm with traces of you. he then turns back around to check what the time is, feeling his eyelids go heavy as he dozes off, phone still in hand.
it’s 2:02 am when seungcheol wakes up again, the phone falling from his grip, hitting the carpeted floor. he jolts awake, sitting up to see you’re still gone.
‘babe?’ he calls out to a silent apartment. he tries your name next to no answer. he’s worried now — a growing anxiety fills his chest as he rushes out of bed.
‘baby?’ he checks the bathrooms first. then the other bedroom. the kitchen next. and as he’s walking across the living room, he sees your silhouette on the couch.
he rushes over, turning on the lamp behind you as a soft orange hue illuminates the room and your face along with it. you look awful. the colour’s drained from your face and your hair’s all matted — sticking to your forehead, and somehow you’re sweating and shivering all at once.
‘what the..’ he brings the back of his hand to your forehead, gently pressing it to your skin. he checks your cheeks next, and finally your throbbing neck ‘you’re burning!’
‘why didn’t you wake me up!’
‘you have schedule’ you mumble as he frowns, getting upset.
‘that doesn’t matter. don’t do that again’ he scolds, immediately softening his tone when you let out a weak cough.
‘have you taken your temperature yet?’ you nod, turning your head to the digital thermometer sitting on the table.
‘okay. let me take it again’ he gives the thermometer a shake before wiping it down.
you open your mouth as he places it under your tongue seeing the temperature rise till it finally stops at a worrying 101°F.
‘hmmn..’ he chews on his lower lip ‘we’ll keep an eye on it’
what felt warm a second ago is now cold as you shiver, feeling a sudden chill. seungcheol pulls the blanket up, tucking in your sweaty body tighter.
‘what about medicine? did you take anything?’ his one hand now tenderly stroking your hair as you shake your head no.
you had tried but looking for medicine was a pretty heavy ask when the room was spinning with every step so you decided to just lie down instead.
‘okay!’ he gets up with a determined sigh, any sleepiness long gone. now seungcheol’s in complete caretaker mode with his only objective to make you feel better.
through the haze of the fever, you can hear him pottering around, moving from room to room — there are sounds of water being poured and drawers being opened, rummaged through, and shut.
he returns around 5 minutes later, hands full.
‘you need to take medicine, okay? wait, baby, have you eaten?’ you shake your head again.
‘no, you need to eat something first’
‘i’m too tired’
he insists on something small, disappearing into the kitchen and coming back with a pack of biscuits — not the good kind, but the boring digestive ones that will fill you up a little more.
‘come on, let’s sit up’ you groan, feeling the room spin as he helps you up.
‘two biscuits. that’s it. open’
you open your mouth letting him feed it to you.
‘bite’ and you do — crumbs falling on your blanket which he promptly brushes away. ‘one more bite’ and you follow the instructions till two are done and dusted away.
‘one more’
‘i already had two!’
‘and now we’ll have one more’
you groan a no.
‘come on. just one more. for me’ you let him have his way, too tired to fight, falling back down immediately as you take the last bite.
‘now medicine’ he pulls you back up, handing over a pill and glass of water as you take it through half-shut eyes, resting against his body for a second.
‘good job. now we can lie down again'
after you're tucked back in, he sits on the floor next to you, wringing and then bringing a cool damp cloth to your burning forehead.
‘that feels nice’ it does. like a cool breeze on a hot day.
‘yeah? good’ he smiles, one hand gently stroking your hair back.
‘go to sleep’ you mumble ‘i’ll be fine. thank you’
‘i’ll sleep once you do’ he says firmly, hand still on your hair.
you're still dizzy but the steady strokes of seungcheol’s hand on you is a constant comfort. it takes around 10 minutes till you’re asleep.
he finally gets up, kissing his fingers and then planting that kiss to your forehead.
he heads into the bedroom, grabbing his stuff to come lay down on the floor beside you.
it’s 3:07 am when seungcheol falls back asleep, making sure he’s right where he belongs — next to you.
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rklve · 1 year
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summary: your life choices left not only yours, but jeon jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around you forever.
➣ genre/au: exes to lovers; angst; slow burn; fluff; smut.
➣ pairing: chef!jk x veterinarian!reader
➣ 8.9k words
warnings: e2l. oc broke koo's heart :( but she did not mean it. they both overthink too much. jk is such a pet dad (BAM IS HERE YAY). oc is a mess. mutual pining. a lot of angst (sorry!). jungkook is a simp, head over hells crazy about oc. fluff bc why not. drinking. jk has a big dick. teasing. cursing. orgasm denial. fingering. breast play (jungkook is weak for tits). clit play. squirting. multiple orgams. hand kink. choking kink. oc loves tattoos, oral (f. receiving). unprotected sex (don't!!!). spitting. lots of prasing. confused feelings.
I can feel your touch, I remember your kiss, 그 말은 아팠지 and I miss you
part one | part two | drabble one
You run to the car once he gets inside and unlocks the door. Immediately you turn on the heater and the radio at the same time. It all feels natural, like riding a bike. The start might feel rusty, but once you get your feet on the pedal, your brain will take you to memory lane. It’s like you’ve always been there. Like you’ve never left.
Jungkook just stares, and then you realize what you’ve just done. “I-I’m sorry. Just thought you’d be freezing. And… old habits.” you stumble over the words and looks straight ahead with your eyes growing bigger from embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”
“‘S’fine.” Jungkook cuts you off before you start babbling again. Won’t admit he wanted you to do that. This is one of the things he misses the most. Ordinary stuff. You, taking care of him. You, choosing one of your favorite Justin Bieber's songs on his playlist so you two can sing it all loud on the way home. Just you. Being there.
“I’m at my parents tonight, by the way.” His stomach drops. he expected it, but it still hurts. It’s a bad sign. You’re leaving again soon. Just like you did on Christmas last year. Spent 3 days with your family and went back to Australia like nothing happened. At least that’s what he heard from Taehyung, ‘cause he wasn’t here to witness it. He had travelled with his parents back then. But now he‘s here, and he can hear his heart start cracking again just by the thought of it. He’s dumb. So fucking dumb.
“That’s the reason I didn’t want to bother you.” you sigh “I wanted to surprise them but they went to my aunt’s today. Some family celebration I’m not aware of.” you continue as you look past the car window “I found out when I got there and everything was locked up. So I decided to go to Lola’s but found out she was out with Jin for the weekend too. So I just left my baggage at her door and came to the cafe to spare some time ‘till my parents get b— I’m sorry, I’m just babbling shit as usual”
“Just go on, I’m listening” he says. Usually he’s the one talking thru his elbows but knows you do that when you’re nervous too. 
“Right. So, you can drop me off at my parents and I’ll get my stuff tomorrow at Lola’s, if that’s okay.” you look back at him now “I’ll wait till they come back home.”
“Have you lost your mind back in Melbourne?” he says looking at the road with a big frown displayed “Not gonna leave you alone by your parents door. In this fucking weather. I’d never do that.” he sighs “You know me better than that, Bee.”
You freeze as you hear him calling you that. Just like he did minutes ago when you called him by his nickname. It’s bellow the belt and he knows it. Probably the reason he said it at the first place. Or not. Maybe it’s just force of habit and he doesn’t even care about that nickname anymore.
“We’ll get your baggage and head to mine. You can stay and call your parents. Wait ‘till the rain calms down and I can take you there.” he says and waits to hear a no from you. But you stay quiet. “Or you can call an uber. Whatever you want. Okay?”
“Okay.” you say, still a little bit unsure. Doesn’t want to bother him. Mess with his plans for a friday night. Your parents house is kinda far from here. You say nothing anyway, ‘cause you also think it’s the safer way out of this situation right now.
He helps you pick up your stuff at Lola’s and head to the other apartment complex two streets away. The ride back to his house is quick and calm. It’s a one-song-away route. A route that is very known by you. You’ve been there so many times, it’s tattoed in your brain. Think you could find your way back there even if you’re blindfolded. 
Finally the two of you reach to his door, and you can already hear some sniffing on the other side. A few more seconds and an aggressive scratching follows. Jungkook opens the door and gets in with your bags. 
“Hey, buddy. Dad’s home.” You see the now giant dog lick his owners hand, then he looks at you and it’s pure euphoria. He runs fast and puts his big paws in front of you. The next thing you know you’re with your ass on the floor, feeling how much he missed you as he continually licks all over your face swaying his tail from side to side.
“I know baby, I know.” you giggle “I missed you too!” 
“Bam! Behave” Jungkook says startled by the way the puppy reacted to you. Quickly leave your bags on the corner of the living room and comes to your rescue. “You can’t just hoop on people like that, man. You’re too big!”
“It’s okay, he’s just a giant baby.” you say as you get up again and start caressing his plain caramel fur. 
“You okay?” he asks looking you up and down to see if you hurt yourself.
“Jungkook, I’m fine. You know I deal with animals all the time.”
He softly nods. Yeah, of course he knows. It’s the whole reason you left him anyways. For a fucking job offer. At some big ass veterinary hospital five thousand miles away. Out of the blue. Like he meant nothing to you. And just like that, everything goes back to him and he gulps away his anger. Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable right now. You just got here. Can’t be okay with the idea of you leaving already.
So he just calls Bam and leads him to his separated room, where his food and little house are, alongside all of his toys. “Stay here a little bit, buddy. I’ll bring you out later okay?” 
It’s like Bam understand every word he says, as he goes inside his little house and lays down “Good boy.”
Jungkook decides to put some dry clothes before he goes back to you. Takes a little while to choose one, but denies it’s because he wants to make a good impression. Ends up with a plain black t-shirt anyways.
He’s back to the living room and sees you looking around the house with curiosity. It is quite different, you think. Not in a bad way. It’s more sophisticated. The new furniture gives that vibe. All grey-ish. You like it. Matches him and his Chef persona. His kitchen is gorgeous as well. So many more pans that before. One of each size. You still don’t know the bare minimum about it. They all do the cooking and that’s all.
“You hungry?” he asks, realizing you stopped your inspection at the kitchen but never left.
“Kinda.” you say, and right away your stomach growls loud and calls you by your lie. “Okay, very hungry.”
You both laugh and Jungkook starts to pick up his utensils. One of his biggest pans. A big ass spoon. A cutting board. You lost count of how many things he puts on the table.
“Need a hand?” you say, just to be sure. You both know you’re terrible at the kitchen. But you’re at least able to cut some vegetables.
“‘S’fine. You’re probably tired from the flight. Go take a rest.” he says already on multiple duties over the kitchen. You have no idea what he’s cooking, but trust him anyway. He knows what you enjoy like the back of his hand. Knows what you love to eat, and knows you love his food more than anything else in the world. 
So you just hum, silently agreeing with him.
You sit up at the couch, and realize it’s a new one too. It’s a big one, and still has that smell like a recently unfolded present. You turn on Netflix. Wonder if you’re too comfortable at this house when you shouldn’t. Are you two going to be friends now? Did he forgive you? Or is he just being kind? 
Trying to clean your head for a little bit you pick up your favorite tv show: School of Chocolate. It’s kinda addicting. You know Jungkook claims to hate it but secretly loves it. He always used to argue when you put it in and ended up seated alongside you mesmerized with those big ass sculptures. 
“Fuckin’ waste of chocolate.” he suddenly says back in the kitchen. He is able to see the tv from there as well, but he’s concentrated on cutting some bacon anyways. “And some of them can’t even do the easiest tasks. Ends up looking like dog’s poop”
“Are you spoiling me? I didn’t watch this episode yet!” you scream looking back at him “Can’t believe you watched it before me” you giggle “I’m probably the biggest fan of the show.”
“It came out yesterday” he quickly replies “you’re such a fake fan.”
You just puff, feeling insulted by his words.
“Just admit you only watch it ‘cause you think the Chef’s hot”
“Amaury is not my type” you pan back instantly but quickly regret it. What the fuck are you thinking, flirting with him? God, you’re so stupid. He must hate you right now. Definitely will kick you out hungry and cold on the street at any minute now. But Jungkook doesn’t say anything. Maybe he didn’t hear it. If he did, he just plays dumb. Continues to prepare whatever he is cooking and leave you to watch it.
On the kitchen, Jungkook’s heart is beating thru his ears. Can’t believe he heard you. Heard you flirting. If it was a year ago, he would drop the dinner and go towards you. Kiss your smart mouth and laugh with you. Say you better not adore any Chef more than you adore him. Pull you back to the sofa. Kiss your pretty waist and take dessert before dinner is even served. 
But he can’t do that. ‘Cause you’re not his anymore. You’re not part of this reality anymore. His reality. You live in a whole new country now and he wouldn’t survive letting you in again knowing you’d leave him anytime soon. So he just shuts it down. Pretends he didn’t hear anything, ‘cause it’s better this way.
A couple of minutes later dinner is ready. He made your favorite dish. Coincidentally he had some vegetable broth ready-made in the refrigerator from Wednesday and the idea came up in his mind. He’s finishing the details and hears you entering the kitchen.
“Where do you put the plates now?” you softly say looking up at him.
“Above you, on your left.” he points out and you go for it right away. Picks up the cutlery and puts everything on the dinner table. His chest pangs, ‘cause it’s just like old times. You used to do this a lot together. Almost every weekend. Or whenever you crashed up at his. He loves to spoil you with his food. Kinda his love language, he figures now. 
He grabs the wine from the refrigerator. One of your favorites. He remembers this too. You’re not a big fan of wine but this one is so sweet you can’t refuse. You’re a sweet tooth after all.
“Mmm. Red wine. The sweet one. What are we celebrating?” you play around as you sit. Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. Won’t admit he bought it thinking about you. Thought he would drink a whole bottle and you’d disappear from his mind like magic.
You didn’t.
“This one was sitting for a while here, gotta get rid of it. Swear nobody likes this shit but you, Bee.”
You try to ignore the nickname again. Tell yourself he only said it as a joke. The wine is sweet. You like sugar. You’re like an annoying bee. Everyone gets it. You’re just like any other bee. Not his Bee.
“Right. I’ll take this one with me then” you giggle softly.
Jungkook now is back with the huge pan and puts it in the middle of the table. By the smell of it, you’re guessing what it is. Your stomach too, as it growls again even louder than before.
“Are you starving yourself?” Jungkook jokes when he hears your hungry system.
“Haven’t eaten properly since I left home.” you giggle a little embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to care much. Every once in a while you just forget to eat. You know it’s a bad habit and you’re trying to change that. Jungkook used to be your reminder. You used to eat so well when the two of you were together. Your rough routine made you have cookies for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Quick things to match up with your quick schedule. But Jungkook took care of you. Sent messages thru the day reminding you to buy something. Drink water. Often sent food to your job. Sometimes he would cook himself and leave on the refrigerator so you could take it with you on the next day. You miss being taken care of. You miss being with him.
“You mean you haven’t eaten real food for more than 15 hours?” he says, now upset. “For God’s sake, Bee. You can’t do that.” 
You could get sick. Could pass out in the middle of the street. Could hurt yourself. He can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt, and it really upsets him.
You sense the change in his aura so you quickly change de subject. “Fuck off! you made risotto?”
Jungkook just hums, pouty. Still angry at your self-destruction actions. Angry he can’t do anything about it. Puts a good portion for you and for him in the plates. Beautifully arranged just like he does at the restaurant. Knows you like to take pictures so he follows your concept blindly. Guess you’d like to save in the memory lane.
And he guessed it right. You grab your phone instantly and take a couple of pics, but you won’t post it. Will keep it just for you.
“Where’s your glass?” you say after observing he only brought one glass to the table.
“I said I would take you to your parents, dummie.” he plays around, but he’s serious. He won’t drink and drive. His mom would cut his balls out. Your father too.
“Shut up, I can take an uber later. Get yourself one.”
“No, I really don’t mind.” he says stubbornly.
“If you don’t drink, I won’t drink either.” you pouty say and he wonders. Flips his piercing with his tongue for a second. Doesn’t want you to go home with an uber late at night. He will figure something about later. Maybe he can drink half of a glass and then sober up so he can drive you. Just know he can’t resist that face of yours right now, so he gives in a heartbeat.
“You’re the devil.” he chuckles and grabs a glass for himself. Pours a little bit for the two of you. “You’re lucky I like this wine with risotto.”
Then you two start eating. You make your silly little dance with your shoulders. Always do that when you enjoy the food. Jungkook thinks it’s the cutest thing in the word. Best reward he could ever get. Would cook every day and every night to see you this happy.
“This is so good.” you hum away “you’re the best of the bests. The most talented chef in the world. You’re gonna be a superstar someday.”
“Ani.. Stop it!” Jungkook shyly says, his two hands on his face hiding the bunny smile you know he’s carrying. 
“I mean it. You will be.” you take a sip of the wine and continues. You know he likes to downplay himself. “I’m talking 3 Michelin stars restaurant.”
“One sip and you’re already talking nonsense.” he giggles. Knows it’s your way of thanking him for the meal but he just can’t take complements like a normal person. Is too shy, even with you. 
“Shut up. I’m a big girl now. I could drink this bottle up and still rap to an Eminem song.” You laugh away and Jungkook just follows. Both of you know it’s bullshit. You’re a terrible drinker. Two glasses in and you would be giggling every 3 seconds. 
The two of you just stay like this. Talking nonsense. Bickering. Laughing away. Jungkook doesn’t know what time is it, but the rain is still pouring outside. A little bit less angry now, but still. The bottle is almost empty. He doesn’t know when you both stoped counting how many glasses you’ve drank. Doesn’t care anyway. Just wants to spend more time with you like this. Like there’s no real life outside that door. Like you’ve never left. Like you never will.
Eventually Jungkook takes the now empty pan and the two glasses to the sink. Hears you picking up the plates and seconds later you’re by the sink as well. He goes out to pick up the empty bottle of wine to throw it in the trash. When he comes back to the kitchen, you’re already washing the dishes; Drunk and hapilly humming the song you eventually put in between the dinner. Swaying away your perfect molded hips. Jungkook’s mind is fuzzy. Can’t think straight. But he knows damn well he can’t blame it on the wine. He would be like this even if he had no alcohol. You’re the one intoxicating him.
“What are you doing?” he murmurs softly behind you, just above your ear. You can feel his hot breathing and it makes your skin instantly hot too. The damn butterflies you feel every time he’s near are awake again. They’re anxious. Excited. 
You turn half of your face to him and say “I’m helping you, silly. I know you hate this part.” 
Jungkook gets a little bit closer. Doesn’t touch you, but he can smell your perfume more clearly now. Takes another step and he is able to smell your shampoo too. Strawberries. He loves it so much. Always have.
He can’t hold you, otherwise he won’t be able to let go. So he puts his hands around you, grabbing the corner of the sink. “You don’t have to, baby” he husks “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
You’ve got goosebumps, but you pretend. Pretend hearing him call you that didn’t almost give you a heart attack. Pretend you did not listen to his complains too, and keep washing everything. You’re almost finished. Then you can sit down. Maybe talk. Tell him everything you couldn’t a year ago. Tell him everything you need to tell him now.
But then, you feel his nose on your hair. Caressing throught it. It’s an old habit of his. You know he likes your shampoo, and you’ve never changed it. 
“You smell so good, Bee.” your mind is going wild. Don’t know what you should do. You can’t fake it anymore. Blame it on the wine, but the last thing you want to do is to have a conversation right now.
You finish the dishes. Clean your hands and tries to think straight. Gives up.
“Jungkook…” you softly say.
And just like that, he comes a little bit closer. His buffed chest on your back now. “Mmm?”
He can’t hold it back. He misses you like a fucking junkie and you are the drug on display. Right at his face. 
Meanwhile, you lean into his body. Your eyes are closed like you’re trying to get out of your foggy mind. Trying to do the right thing. He thinks this is the right thing. Does not care about breaking his heart tomorrow. He can deal with it later. His heart needs you now. He can just pretend for a little and everything will be fine.
So he closes the little gap that still exited between the two of you. Grabs you by the waist and looks down at your face. Waits for you response. You open your eyes instantly, and all he sees is red. Lust. Passion. Need. He knows those eyes. And he knows that’s what you’re feeling, ‘cause he feels it too.
But he’s still careful. His hands roam all over your body when he kisses your cheek softly. Feels his lips tingling with the sensation. Takes it to your neck. Knows exactly where your sweet spot is, and that’s what he aims. Takes a little while there now. Sucks a little bit. Your skin feeling hot under his lips. He drags his tongue slowly over the same spot. Hears you hissing and feels proud. Feels his cock throbbing too, happy with the sounds you make.
Jungkook softy turns your head and your lips are almost touching. You’re so close you can feel his breath like it’s your own. Your lips are begging you to go forward, but you’re scared to screw things up. So you bite your lip back.
“Fuck it.” he says and takes the first step. Holds your face with his palm and crash your lips together. It’s like you’re both starving for years as you sigh relived when your tongues meet. The kiss is passionate. Your lips molding each other, dancing together like they’ve never stopped. Like they’ve always done. Like you’re made for each other. You can’t get enough of him. He can’t get enough of you. So many feelings flowing thru a simple kiss. So you just go on and on and on. Deepens it, if it’s possible. Arms wrap around his neck, your fingers lost on his soft locks. Want him to know how much you care about him. How sorry you are. How much you miss him.
And he gives back. Kisses you like it’s his final act on earth. Kisses you like a starved man. Kisses you like you’re everything to him until he feels his lungs failing him, so he backs up a little to catch a breath.
“I think—“ you start saying, but suddenly you stop. His tattooed hand grabs your throat. Doesn’t strangle you, just puts it there. Caresses it. Let you know that he has made up his mind. That he knows all your weaknesses — that being one of them. He knows how to make you feel good and he’s silently now begging you to give in too.
“Don’t.” he husks and now squeezes your neck. Just enough to make that little spot in your brain tell you’re pleasured by the action. You gasp and let out a broken moan as he continues, now adding little love bites on your shoulder. His bulge growing behind you. So you finally do what you’ve been craving for the whole night.
Jungkook feels you start to rub your ass on his crotch slowly, but firmly. “Shit, baby.” He moans. Feels so fucking horny. Can’t remember the last time he was this hard. Thinks he will nut his pants like a fucking virgin if you keep this up. But he doesn’t care. Wants more. Wants you. So he starts to roll his hips too, meeting you halfway.
“Jungkook” you say with that pretty tone of yours. He knows you. Knows what you want, but he needs to hear it.
“What is it, baby?” he whispers against your ear now. The hand that was in your throat now travels south. It teases you. Goes around your breast. Acts like he will, but does not touch it. He wants you needing. Wants you begging.
“Please.” you say unquiet.
“Use your big girl words, Bee.” he plays around. Sucks your ear lobe. “Say it.”
“Want you to touch me.” you finally say.
“Good girl.” he husks, then turns you over. Grabs you by your waist and sits you on the counter. Puts himself between your thighs. Pulls you closer. Looks at you with his pretty big eyes. Wanting. Expecting.
“Kiss me.” you say and he wastes no time to do so. Kisses you again. Even more fervently than before. Wants you to remember. Bites your lower lip and sucks your tongue. Knows it drives you crazy. You moan into the kiss and he mirrors you. Feels pleasure seeing you this turn on. Wants to keep doing it till he’s fucking six feet under. Feels so blessed seeing you like this after all this time.
You grab his thick hair, pining it like you know he enjoys and he hisses into your mouth. His fingers dig deeper on your skin and you know it’s gonna leave marks.
“You drive me fucking insane.” he says as you pull away, looking at you with half his eyes open, lust exhales from all his pores. You give him a little smirk in return. Loves seeing him like this. All needy. All yours.
He takes back the control. Now he’s the one pulling your hair and you let out a loud moan from the pleasure. You love this. Your core is aching, pussy clenching around nothing trying to get some relief, so you know your body loves it too;
His mouth quickly follows your now exposed throat and kisses it. Sucks. Bites. Leaves tiny nips all over. Does whatever he wants with it, ‘cause he knows it gets you soaked up. Just thinking about it makes him needier so he starts to unbutton your pants, looking back at you to make sure you’re okay with this and you give him silent nods with that pretty little smile on you face.
He wants this moment to last forever, so he takes his time. Looks down on you ‘cause it feels like forever since he last saw you like this. You’re wearing a pretty lacy pink underwear. It’s like you want him dead. “Fuck you.” he says, still looking at your covered pussy with the cute underwear. You giggle a little bit. Knows he loves pink on you, says it enhances your skin color.
The hand that was on your hair starts to explore, travels across your throat and gives one final squeeze as he kisses your lips, bites it down, lick the swollen lip as the hand continues to go down. Takes a little step back and pulls up your shirt. Quickly gets back where he belongs and his lips are on you chest. Little pecks all over it. Teasing. Savoring. Jungkook claims himself a butt guy, but he swears he could happily die between those tits.
Both of his hands are on your covered breasts now. He cups them and starts to salivate with the view. Needs to suck it or he will die. So he takes off your matching bra and instantly puts his lips around your nipple. Sucks it like an obsessed man. Growls as he feels it harden against his tongue so he bites it. Wants to hear you scream from pleasure and so you do.
“Jungkook! Fuck!” you say as you arch your back, giving him more access to your tits. One of your hands grab the corner of the sink for support, the other is pinning his dark locks like your life depends on it. With his right hand Jungkook rubs the neglected breast. Slaps it and pinches the hard nipple across his thumbs. You let another loud moan and you can feel your pink underwear sticking. “Koo..”
And then he looses it. Can’t hear you all needy, calling him that. Does something to his mind and his dick. Knows it is rock hard under his pants right now. He has to do something about it, but the only thing he can think of is you. Giving you pleasure. Make sure you remember how good he is to you. Make you never want to leave again.
So with that in mind he kisses his way down. Kisses your pretty belly. Get on his knees and open your legs. Kisses your inner thighs. Looks over and you’re biting down your lips, looking like a fucking sex goddess. He’s crazy about you. Thinks he might as well fucking die if he can’t get this view for the rest of his life.
He goes a little further, aiming to the sweet spot between your legs. Put his nose on it so he can smell you. “Fuck. Missed this pussy so much.”
You whine at his words. You missed having him like this too. Heart thrums against your ribs when you sense his face closer into the warm of your cunt. He puts the underwear aside and licks your dripping folds just once. Slowly. Wants to savor you like fine wine. Groans when it hits his taste buds. “Swear this is the sweetest thing i’ve ever put my mouth on.”
You giggle, ‘cause you know he’s exaggerating. Such a Jungkook thing to do. “That’s big coming from you, Chef.” he looks back at you and smirks. “You don’t believe me” he leaves one bite on your thigh as a retaliation for not believing his words. Then gets up again. Grabs the back of your head and kisses you. It’s all messy. Wants to show you how sweet you are on his tongue. How addicting it is.
Suddenly he breaks the kiss and looks at you. Puts his fingers on your lips. “Open.”
You love his dom persona, so you obey immediately. Take his fingers like you know will get him imagining things. Licks it, slowly. Shows him what you could be doing on another part of his body. He takes this as a challenge. “You’re a tease, aren’t you?”
He won’t let you get away, tho. Finally strips you out of the underwear and takes his wet fingers down your cunt. Presses your swollen clit, rubbing his thumb over it painfully slow and suddenly you don’t feel like playing anymore. “Jungkook, don’t tease me.”
And for once he does as you ask without second thoughts. Puts his fingers inside your tight pussy and starts pumping inside you. You meow like the pretty kitty you are. “S-shit.. so good…”
He takes his pace, goes faster and his dick twists on his sweatpants with the sloppy sounds the movements take out of your pussy. His fingers are soaked up as he feels you start to milk them, chasing your high.
“P-please don’t stop. Oh my g-good!”
And then he does. Kinda feels wicked when you open your now teary eyes as he pulls out but he swears he will make it up to you. “I hate you.”
He just giggles and gets on his knees again.
“Want my dessert now.” he huskily whispers.
Before you notice, your thighs are on his shoulders and his face is on your pussy again. He’s eating you out like a literal dessert. Licks your folds with his hungry tongue and gets you moaning like crazy. “Could eat this pussy every fucking day.” he says, then puts his tongue flat on you clit. You know the drill. Have done this so many times before and just the thought of if gets you dripping even more. “Ride my face, baby.”
And so you do. Grab his hair with both of your hands and hold him on the perfect spot. He starts to move the tip of his tongue on your nub and you match his movements with your hips. Both of you get more and more turned on as you grind yourself further into his face.
“So good, baby. Shit…” you whimper and he moans into your clit when he hears your words. Puts his lips around it. Bites it. Suckes like his life depends on it. You don’t stop your hips from chasing your high, nudging at his nose and it’s the final act for you to come undone. “Jungkook, fuuuck!” you scream and pulls his hair tight when the pleasure wave washes you. You keep riding his face slowly and he gives your pussy kitty licks prolonging your high. You sigh relieved. He keeps drinking your sweet slickness till the last drop. Moans tasting your juice like it's the very first time. Takes his face back and he’s all covered in you, from his nose to his chin. It’s the hottest thing in the world.
He cleans himself with the back of his hand and suddenly picks you up bridal style, heading to his bedroom. You're taken by surprise, but you love when he manhandles you.
"What are you doing?" you ask still a little big foggy with the afterglow.
"Taking you to inaugurate my new bed" he giggles a little bit.
"Jungkook! That's disgusting!"
"I want your smell on it, what’s wrong?" he says naturally, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You don't want to get your hopes up 'cause you still haven't talked, but he's not making it easy for you.
You look up at him and just can't hold your stupid smile back. He's so gorgeous. The most beautiful man you've ever seen. His pretty little dimples are peeking 'cause he has a little smile on his face too. You realize you love every little detail there is about Jungkook. His beautiful moles; the one on his chin, on his neck, on his cheek. The tiny scar he got from a silly fight with his brother. His bunny teeth. His big, beautiful starry brown eyes. Yeah, you're never getting over this goof. It's humanly impossible.
So you just accept your fate. Whatever this night might bring, you’ll go for it. Heartbreak or healing. There’s no going back now.
Jungkook puts you down on his bed and just stares at you by the end of it. Still fully clothed, also wears that silly smile on his face. Gosh, he’s so fucking perfect.
You just grab him by his t-shirt and pull him closer. He almost falls over you but uses his arms to hold his weight. Towers over you but keeps staring. The previous smile washed away from his face now, and you’re scared he’s already regretting everything.
It’s intense, the way he looks at you. Got you curling your toes in excitement. In fear. In anticipation.
So you just avert your eyes to his pretty pillowy pink lips. Specifically to the mole under it, and you feel like kissing it like you used to.
In the meantime he starts undressing. Takes off his t-shirt and you gasp as you realize he has some new tattoos. One on his chest and more on his shoulder. All of the old ones are colored too. More alive. It’s so pretty.
“You colored them.” you say softly, letting your fingers go across all of them.
“Needed to put some color in my life somehow.” he responds quietly. Like he wanted to say more, but choose to hold it down.
You look back at him and the atmosphere is fuzzy again. There’s no going back from this, really. Not when he’s this close to you. Not when you feel your heart thrumming so fast it might explode. Not when you’re back here again, in his arms.
So wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. You need to be sure. “Do you want me?”
You’re so close you can feel his broke sigh when he says, “More than anything.” And then kisses you.
Not like a hungry man now.
Worst, like a man in love.
Kisses you awfully slow, twisting his tongue perfectly with yours. Sucks the life out of you. Got you moaning when he pulls out and licks your under lip as well. He grabs the back of your head and guides you into delicious positions for the kiss. It’s dreamy. It’s fulfilling. It’s everything you missed.
Jungkook can’t take it anymore, so he pulls himself down on you. Instantly feels your excitement wetting his sweatpants and his dick throbs for more of it.
He starts to grind against your fully naked pussy and you meow into the kiss, still feeling sensitive. Feels so good tho, so you start grinding back on him. What’s left of your cum mixing with arousal, making it even more satisfying for the both of you.
“So greedy…” he husks “Can never get enough, can you?”
You just nod, biting your lips. Feeling even more turned on by his low voice talking shit right now. You need him as soon as possible. So you keep going. Your both taking a pace now. “For god’s sake, take these off”
Jungkook feels his cock aching, burning, wanting. His balls might be petrified right now. Need you or he might die. So he just obeys. Backs off and throws it all away. Goes back to you instantly.
Starts to kiss you again, ‘cause he can never get enough of that sweet taste of yours. It’s like heaven on earth. His body grows hot and electrified as he feels your pussy clenching when he puts his hard dick between your folds. Keeps teasing, just cause he can. Wants to make you suffer a little bit more.
You break the kiss and whine into his ear. “Don’t be mean.”
He giggles and bites down on your left shoulder.
“I won’t, baby.”
His body says otherwise tho, as he slowly eases into you and and stops with just the tip inside. The feeling of his dick intruding your small hole is enough to make goosebumps rise all over his body and his breath to falter “Shit.”
“Patience is a virtue, y’know.” he says, trying to command his heart to function like a normal person’s organ again.
“I don’t care about virtues right now, nerd” you joke and hear him tsc.
“You’ll never learn to not be sassy when you’re under me, will you?”
He doesn’t wait for your answer, though. Fills you up abruptly and you gasp with surprise. It’s so fucking delicious that got both of you moaning in sync.
“Fuck, you’re just as tight as I remember” he says “You okay?”
“Yes,” you say desperately with a broken voice. You need him to move.
And so he does. Suddenly picks up his pace and starts to bottom you out. Fill you up. Repeat. His big dick stretching you out deliciously even better than you remember it did. Your mind did no justice to his talent at all. It’s like he was made for you. Understands your body and soul perfectly. Fits you perfectly. Makes you want more and more and more.
He grabs one of your legs and puts it over his shoulder, getting both of you in a nasty position that got him growling and you drooling.
Oh, he knows perfectly where your sweet spot is.
“Fuck, that’s it, Jungkook.” He smirks when he sees you loosing your mind. Knows it won’t take a while for you to come undone since he’s hitting your most sensitive point right now. With his other hand he puts a hand on your throat and squeezes it. Feels you milking his dick and moaning low.
“My baby likes to be strangled, huh?” he murmurs “Such a dirty girl”
You moan even louder as you feel him going faster. His endurance is crazy and you know it. Got you crawling up the walls every time.
“Tell me,” he says in between the thrusts “Tell me how good it is, Bee.”
“So fucking good, baby” you pan back, completely lost in pleasure right now. Your eyes are closed, all you see is the red starts he makes you see with every sweet thrust in your throbbing cunt.
He let down your leg and comes closer to you. Gives your neck little pecks and goes back to face you.
“Look at me.”
And so you open your eyes. He’s looking at you that same way. The loving way.
You can’t take this. Your heart can’t take this. Him, looking at you like that. Him, being the most precious human being there is. Him, being the greatest decision you’ve ever done. ‘Cause that just reminds you how you’ve ruined everything.
It’s like he feels your swipe of feelings so he slows the movements and gives you one sweet kiss before pulling out. Grabs you by the hips, putting you on top of him. You’re on charge again. It’s your decision, he’s silently saying.
With both of your thighs strangling his body and your hands around his neck you stop in front of him. Don’t do anything. Just admire him. Want to keep this moment bottled in your brain forever. His sweet, loving eyes. His pretty dimples. His chin’s mole—your favorite mole. Every detail there is about him.
Your pull him closer and slowly go for your aim. Put your lips on the pretty mole like you wanted to since you first saw him tonight. Keeps it there and sense his broke sigh. You sigh back. Your chest pangs. Your throat hurts and it’s not in a good way. Your start to feel your eyes watering and pulls back.
“Baby…” he says softly, looking at you with slightly frowned eyebrows, stroking your hips with his fingers.
You know he wants to say something. Something important. Probably something that you two should’ve said before any other thing that happened tonight. But you don’t want to ruin this moment. Not now. Not ever.
So you just shut him up with your lips. Savor him one last time before everything breaks down. Kiss him as if his taste is the oxygen you need to survive.
And he gives it to you right back. Almost as he’s fearing the same thing too. Almost like he doesn’t want to ever let go.
So you just climb up and position your needy pussy above his dick with his help. Delicately easing him into you, stretching you open deliciously till he’s bottomed you up and you can feel how good it is to wrap yourself around him.
“Shit” you moan, feeling so good after good knows how long. “You fill me up so good.”
You start moving up and down, feeling everything there is to feel, giving yourself up to him.
“Pussy was made for me.” he whispers to your lips. “Just for me.”
He moans when your walls clench around his dick, dripping arousal with his words.
“Fuck.” he husks “That’s it, baby.”
You do it again, now on purpose ‘cause you know it makes him insane. You need him like that.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Jungkook holds you in place and starts bulking his hips up, cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Mmm, too good…” you whimper when he begins a pace that has you seeing stars.
He sighs when he looks at you. His dick is socked with your arousal. Fills you up perfectly, like his body was designed to connect with yours this way. The way it goes in and out drives him mad; but when he looks up at you, closed eyes, full lips trapped between your teeth, hands squeezing those perfect tits. Got him gooshing. Got him head over heals all over again. Got him fucking screwed.
“Fucking perfect.” he moans “Look fucking perfect being dicked down by me”
He feels your walls tighten even more so he slows it down. Wants to make this last more. Wants to make you feel more. That’s not enough, can’t be enough.
So he stops his pumps and holds you down. Just like second nature, your arms wrap around his neck again and you start moving towards him, now rubbing your pussy in sweet movements that he knows will treat your swollen clit well. Knows you love this position, so he helps you out. Spits on one of his fingers and drags it down to your sweet bud. Massages it. Pinches. Makes you whimper, just ‘cause he likes the sound of it.
“Shit, shit, shit, Jungkook!” you say as your hips follow your needs, bulking against his pelvis now. It’s so delicious you think you might go crazy. His dick rubs the perfect spot inside you as your clit gets the perfect friction to set you off.
Jungkook pulls your hair to guarantee his access to your neck, leave tiny love marks all over it. Got you hissing against his shoulder.
“I got you, Bee.” he husks softly.
It’s frightening how fast your climax approaches. You feel the hot waves coming back, building up that frizzing feeling again.
Goosebumps all over your body, you back up to look at him.
You both stare at each other, hips trying to meet the perfect pace now. A sweet pace that has you two building it up together. Feeling together. Giving in together.
His hands are on your ass cheeks, guiding your deep movements, making your cunt take his dick just the way he likes, too. He feels you milking his cock with your walls and his eyelids are tattooed with stars.
“Shit, Bee.” he whimpers “Swear I could die right here and now.”
You giggle and just continue the intense pace. It’s inevitable, to not get emotional. ‘Cause you know you could have this forever. You’ve had everything you could’ve ever wanted. Yet, you let it go.
He opens his eyes again and you’re there. Looking at him with big doe eyes. Loving eyes. Teary eyes. Realizes he loves the shit out of you and cannot think about letting you go again. He will do any fucking thing. Go thru long distance. Take how many flights there is to take. Move to fuckass Australia. Whatever it takes. Just knows you two can’t be separated again.
So he makes love to you. Wants you to remember how it is to be loved. To be loved by him. Tries to show how electrified he feels right now. Needs you to feel the same way.
He guides your hips to continuously make those movements that got him curling his tip toes. One of his hands goes down to you clit again to make it even better for you. Knows it will get you cumming in a heartbeat.
“Ah, fuck!” you moan when he intensifies the rubbing on your harden button. “M’gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, baby.” he husks teasingly. That’s all he wants right now. You, coming undone because of him. The thought itself makes his own climax approach as well, mixed with you cunt stimulations and the sweet sounds you make: that’s the perfect receipt for —his— disaster.
Your body seems to obey him, as he starts to give in and the electric feeling of the orgasm tingles from you head to toe. “Koo, fuck!” you scream, eyes rolling backwards so hard you don’t think you’ll be able to see anything but starts for days.
Jungkook tries to prolong your feeling as he turns you over. Spits directly on your cunt, fucks you rough thru your climax.
“Koo, it’s too much.” you meow, eyes closed with goosebumps all over your body.
“No baby,” he whispers “Just one more, you can take it.”
So he starts the circled rubbing on your clit again. Grabs your hip firmly in a position that got you curling your tip toes.
“Be a good girl and cum for me again, pretty baby.”
Tears rolling down your cheeks, you feel everything amplified right now. It’s like you’ve been electrocuted all of the sudden. It’s like you need to cum or you will die.
Jungkook feels your dripping walls throbbing around his dick again and increases his pace, getting himself there too. “Fuck, that’s it, Bee.” he moans. Keeps rubbing your clit meanly till he feels his hand muscles hurt. “Gonna cum on this pretty pussy.”
“Koo…” you whisper and he feels your final spasms. Suddenly his dick and his hands are washed with your squirt. You fucking squirted on him. Jesus. He can’t hold himself back anymore.
“Fuck baby, fuck!” he says and increases the pace. The new wave of climax seems to be just what he needed to fuse his own orgasm. Everything that was building up now crumbles down when you spasm from your head to toe, body shaking and pussy as tight as ever, making him spill hot shots of cum all over your walls, filling you up, finally staying where it belongs.
He slows the movements now, pumping his every seed inside of you. Needs every part of him on you. His body, mind and soul are yours.
"So pretty dripping with my cum." he smirks.
You whimper with the nastiness of it all. You love it, and he knows it.
He gives you one last peck and eventually crumbles down next to you. Your heart is in a race, thrumming so hard you think it might break your bones now. You don’t know what to do. What’s next. Where this got you two.
Jungkook’s in no better place. The wave of afterglow is slowly fading and his mind is everywhere. He looks at his bedroom ceiling. Wants to say the right thing. Nothing comes to mind. So he turns sideways. Looks at you. Finds the courage he needs when he sees those pretty eyes.
“Bee.” he whispers. Comes closer to you, like he’s about to tell a secret. Keeps a little distance tho, just enough to look at your eyes. Wants to see your reaction. Wants to see the true feelings in them when he says, “Don’t leave me again.”
Your gasp is audible, eyes two sizes bigger as the tears you’ve been holding back all night now roll down your cheeks.
“Please” he says, voice cracking too as if he’s expecting the worst. Expecting you to make the wrong choice again.
“Jungkook—“ you whisper, trying to find the right words.
“Baby, I’ll do anything.” he nervously says “We can try long distance. I have enough money to travel at least once a month.” he starts babbling out.
“O-or if it’s to hard for us, I’ll try to find a restaurant in Australia. I’ll move out with you.” he says with his chest hurting, seeing you taken aback again. He can’t loose you. “Fuck, I’ll literally drop anything there is for you.”
He closes his eyes now. Turns over again. Doesn’t want to see the rejection in your eyes. Doesn’t want you to see the tears on his. He’s too weak for you. Too weak for his own good.
“But I understand i-if..” his voice trails off in hurt, his throat tightening “I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore.”
“Koo…” you softly say, giggling with teary eyes. You climb up on him. He keeps his eyes closed like he’s scared of the world outside his eyelids. “Look at me.”
He slowly does, and the trapped little tears fall over, his perfect nose is pinkish, and you just want to melt away.
“I’m not leaving.” you softly say, wiping out his beautiful cheeks.
“W-what?” he stumbles over his words. He can’t believe he heard you right. That can’t be.
“I’m not leaving. I came this time to stay.”
“Are you fucking with me, Bee?” he abruptly stands up and almost got you falling off the bed. He holds you tight on his lap, tho. “Be serious right now.”
You laugh out loud now. Can’t believe this is happening. Can’t believe he wants you after all this time. After everything that’s been thru.
“Jeon Jungkook. I swear on Bam’s life” you say with a bright smile on your face.
“Hey! Don’t swear on Bam’s life!”
Like he was waiting for the perfect time, the puppy shows up by the end of the bed, swiping happily his tail with his big eyes looking at both of you.
“Nobody called you here, man.” Jungkook jokily says. Wants to have his private time with you now, and knows Bam will be all over both of you if he stays. “Go back to your room, big boy.”
The puppy stubbornly stays. Looks at you, like he wants the words to come from you now.
“Go, Bamie. We’ll play with you later.”
And so he does, like that’s all he needed to hear to obey.
“Fucking joke.” Jungkook cuffs “Even the dog is head over hells for you.”
"So..." you say with a stupid grin all over your face you might as well apply for a role as the joker. "You're head over hells for me, hm?"
"So..." he immitates you. Knows it tickles the shit out of you. Bickering with you is his love language, too. "You're not going back to Australia?"
"Uh-hum." you giggle, playing with his dark locks.
"What happened? Kangaroo kicked your head over there?"
"Missed my Koogaroo" you pan right back.
"Oh, shut up." He lets out one laud laugh and turns you over in bed, tickles all over your body until your crying.
You both just stare at each other, big smiles spread out in your faces. Happinees flowing thru and between you. That's it. That's where you belong.
"I really missed this." you say softly.
Jungkook towers over you again. Kisses your lips softly. "Missed," your nose. "You," your forehead. "So much." all of your face.
"I love you, Koo." you say softly, staring at him. Staring at his soul. Hoping he believes you. Believes you never stoped loving him, not now, not ever.
"I love you too, Bee."
AND THAT WAS IT! what do you guys think? I struggled so much on the smut parts wtffff why is it so hard hahaha
I was thinking about doing some drabbles of the story since I loved the couple sm! they're so sweet, right? also thought about developing her friendship with tae, maybe after jk/oc are back together, his reaction and apologies ??? or maybe the background of oc/jk's f2l, the day she left aahhh there's so much i could do!
again, i'm sorry if there are any typos! please leave comments if you like the story, i'll accept requests too <3 promise i'll come back soon
taglist: @kooliv @serendipity713 @5seos @pointofviewyugyeom @glitterybreadtimemachine @olimpiiaa @kooklovee @coffeewkth @valwnn @tae-hibiscus @skzthinker @lazyyhooman @sharkipoonis @kiylasstuff @kissyfacekoo @spicxbnny @cookysstuff
tysm for supporting my ff, i hope you enjoy :) xx
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bitchimasnake-sss · 10 months
hello oml i luv ur writing, i’m feeling kind of angsty tonight so i wanted to request a monster trio and fem reader where they get caught cheating and then like beg for her (love when men beg!) but the reader doesn’t take them back >:0
it's the way i know these men will never cheat so i had such a hard fucking time writing this out (hence its trash) but ask and it shall be delivered (can you tell im a people pkeaser? yes or yes?)
also, so sorry it took me forever to write this out!!!
"i wish i never met you" ft. the monster trio!
ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
set-up: angst, thats it thankyou (thanks to anon for the idea!!)
warnings: i tried writing angst (and miserably failed), 'nuff said; also loads and loads of cursing im sorry (also couldn't write anything for sanji im so sorry)
- "luffy?" your voice comes out as a meek whisper, blending into the night air as you see your boyfriend kissing another woman's neck in the middle of the bar - to be fair, you were on a break. you had asked him for some space but that was less than 24 hours ago and now you saw the captain of your crew entertaining a woman in his lap - "yn?" his eyes dart over to you and there's heavy guilt in his voice but you're turning away, walking away from the man you had come to win back he's running after you, his hands outstretched to catch you in your stride - "yn" he says again as he turns you to face him - a faint humming and thumping ran rampant against your cranium, visioning blurring, throat constricting till every breath felt like concrete against your burning chest - he looked guilty. the usually happy-go-lucky man seemed as though he was about to fall apart. his eyes were wide, laced with vague uncertainty and fear; his voice trembled, words faltering at the tip of his tongue as if a cursed melody - "i cannot believe you, luffy" your voice kissed your ears in a tremble as you're surprised that you can still speak, "fuck, i mean i thought you fucking loved me?" "it's not what- i do. i do, i love you." he sucks in a breath, eyes closing with great strain, "yn, its not. it's ussop, he suggested-" - ussop "suggested"???? "are you for real?" you scoff and feel the soft tears cascade down your cheeks, "ussop said shit and you decided to go fuck some random fucking woman?" - you're turning your back at him again but he pulls you towards him till your face is against his chest and his fingers interweave with your hair; you shouldn't like this. you shouldn't relish in his familiar warmth and smell and you shouldn't want to hug him when he presses a chaste kiss against your temple. you shouldn't listen to him when he says "trust me, i love you so much please" - he cheated on you, godfuckingdammit. - and he saw no problems with it till you showed up and caught him in his little fucking act. - he doesn't get to cheat on you a day after you guys went on break and then fucking have the audacity to hold you close to him as if the blood wasn't on his hands, as if he wasn't the one ruining it all. - as if he wasn't the one planning to fuck a woman tonight and return to your warm embrace tomorrow as if it never happened. - "let me go" your voice was eerily calm against his futile apologies "what? yn, no, it was a kiss i promise just one fucking ki-" "luffy, let go." - so he did - your vision blurred, your breath hitched and you walked away. you walked away from arms that had been your home on cold mornings, from eyes that traced over your face with love, from that faint smell of coconuts and a bright smile. - how can you be homesick when he was the one who wrecked it all? - but he let you go, so, you walked away.
- somehow, you saw it all play out and now here you were, looking like the fool - fuck, how naïve were you? didn't you notice it when his touches became faint, his hands only finding yours if he had to fuck out some frustrations; his smiles became a rare occurrence. didn't you notice when he relied more on a bottle of sake than you? so fucking naïve. - you couldn't stand this party. all your friends were busy mingling with the other pirate fleet and your boyfriend had disappeared an hour into this stupid event (maybe he was passed out somewhere after drinking too much), so what were you to do except escaping into your room and spending the night away all alone? - but you could hear moaning from outside the door, faint screeches and curses. but most importantly, you could hear your own boyfriend's voice repeating the same phrases so sacred to you - opening the door with the key you had, you walked into the scene - the blood rushed into your ear and suddenly every little jolt of the sunny made you feel like you would throw up. the world swayed under your feet as you took in the tangle of limbs that lay in front of you - "zo? zoro?" "yn- fuck, what the fuck" he was frozen, the other woman covering herself in your sheets, snuggling against your boyfriend in your room. - you were gonna be fucking sick. - "yn, what are you- doing here, i-" his voice trembled, eyes darting between you and the floor, avoiding your scorching gaze. - "are you fucking kidding me?" to your surprise, a small laugh escaped you despite the shock and the dew clinging onto your lashline. you repeated, as if unaware you had already spoken once, "you have to be fuckin' kidding me, fucking christ zoro." "i can expain, ple-" he got off the bed, putting on his pants and the other woman used the opportunity to pick up her dress and slip out "explain? explain to me how you fucked that woman?" you seethed, the words lingering on your tongue like a bitter aftertaste. - his hands over his eyes, he paced around, "yn just lis-" "no fucking go ahead." the tear streaks glided past your cheek, burning as they dripped off your chin and onto the hardware flooring, "explain to me how you fucked her, did you do it the same way you fuck me? was it good? did she-" - his tone shifted, as if resentment deep within boiled to the surface, "why do you fucking care now? huh?" "why dO I CARE? ZORO CAN YOU HEAR YOURSELF? YOU FUCKED ANOTHER WOMAN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND-" "AND WHAT?" his voice softened when you flinched at the sudden high tone, "and fucking what yn? i've been nothing but fucking miserable and you could barely notice" "I DID NOTICE. I DID FUCKING NOTICE AND WH-what- i tried everything. i tried to make you happy but you being miserable was enough reason for you to ch- fucking cheat on me?" your voice trembled, tears pouring down and chest heaving. - as if the gravity of the situation weighed in on his all at once, his face contorted till all he could display was sheer, stark guilt "i- fuck" he took a step towards you, arm outstretched as if to pull you towards him - but you took a step back - "yn" he whispered, "i dont know why i- fuck, why did i fucking do that? im sorry, listen to me im sorry-" "you're sorry?" you scoffed, "take that sorry and shove it up your fucking ass" - with that, you were gone. finding yourself back at the party, gulping down pint after pint of booze till you woke up with a hammering headache and a pair of foreign arms wrapped around your torso - and when you turned to look at it, you missed the familiar green locks of hair - but fuck roronoa zoro, right?
- im so so so so so sorry but i cannot write anything for this man. if he's with you, he's down bad.
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getodrools · 6 months
໒꒰ྀ ྀིᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ PERVY! CHEF DE CUISINE! SUKUNA…
ᯓ★ warnings. mdni | f! reader | pwp, cunnilingus, fingering, size difference, overstimulation, forced orgasm ( ‘cause he's annoyed ), slight knife play, squirting, have you've ever been swalloweeed up?? ᡣ 𐭩 ( wc. 1.0k + )
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TO BE REMINDED, HE’S uptight and doesn't have an ounce of empathy to care for others' plates besides his — and he will always, without fail, let you know how awful yours tastes because you forgot an ounce of ingredients… Reminding you constantly how pitiful you are at serving an actual dish and how much of an embarrassment you make him out to be as your culinary instructor...
Yet… Sukuna, the head chef of exquisite taste, seemed to have been feasting with this particular plate... It was the first time you've ever seen him actually try what you've served— No! Even take a damn double look! With this, his eyes held an eccentric sunken gaze and were threaded with scarlet so densely that they appeared pink as he ogled at the perfect view of a plate he'd happily comply with.
“Tastes… marvelous,” He’s never cared to take a whiff from anything you've served, let alone delve his whole face in! With this, his sticky tongue was lapping at every corner, searching for more to savor. “So… so appetizing.” This was his favorite.
His first and only favorite you've served.
Your pretty ass was perked up on a silver platter; legs spread wide with a small knobble as the eagle view of your cunt made you timid. But the liking he applied and scavenged for forced them wider… Well, the sinister thought whispering at the shell of your ear helped too, letting this chance of the chef to finally take pleasure in a meal you could serve swelled at a sort of sick pride…
Now it feels like you're a real damn chef!
To seek for the savors he drooled for, Sukuna spread you open with two strong arms as the third scissors between that sappy slit oozing for temptation; thick digits thump in and out with haste, drawing circles up and between folds to apply sweet pressure.
Dancing along the puffiness with dexterous ease, you swear the whole kitchen could hear the sloppy slosh your pussy gushes with at each curving juncture of another finger popping in… But, the focus on the fourth, lithe hand working along your body, he held a tight grip around a blade…
The very blade he'd draw clean lines to bring beauty in food — as if each plate were a love-inspired work of artistry, now using that tool as if you were one yourself, a very dish he was cutting open… Sliding the cold steel between the valley of your breast, it tickles with the chills bumping across ridden flesh. It nipped and pinched, either the chilly steel was too frigid or the blade was turning and swiping down too fast.
Settling at the pit of your tummy, you went to stroke that threatening hand covered in burns and callouses in search of a safe haven, but quick in motions, it stabs right beside you – swift with ease; the loud crunching of the cutting board splitting makes you flinch.
“Food doesn't move.” Oh. Right.
No matter how much he smothered his lips against sensitive ones, he was still that crude, egotistical chef with a snappy attitude… “Food stays put and looks pretty on a plate waiting,” Sukuna’s hold wrapped around the plush of your thighs tightend. Squeezing so hard, swelling of flesh bent inward and snapped through his grip like ropes around ham.
“… Waiting to be savaged.”
A loftier squeak dribbled out of you, not from the vice strangling your lower half still—simply too dazed on the slime running a thick trail down and between your knobbly legs to worry about those blossoming bruises... Only wrecked thoughts mush around the wry tongue and thick digits spearing through you into close stupors.
Your boss mushes down hard; kissing at the length of you in lewd pleasure, spitting and slurping you up ‘till soft, pert petals glisten. Slickening more – totally more from those quick laps, few rolls, and rapid flicks, all motions swirling from his wet muscles left your mouth hanging in pure ecstasy.
Sucking in wanton moans, your lips swell, but lose frivolity to the ones between limp limbs… The suction bullying an overstimulation out of your clit was throbbing a new pulse to pop up. Even the barreling of his middle fingers adds too; pushing through you and only hooking up once all knuckles bend into your pelvis. Clingy walls curve in as he pushes in every inch— as much more as you could take!
Purposely scraping the pads of his two and three at perk and sensitive bits ‘till you were reamed out. Until those pantings of shakey breaths turned into an onslaught of cries while he was forcing a geyser to shine down the point of his chin. Sukuna pulls back – even with the filthy help from tight walls squeezing him out as you convulsed. The twisting pressure of your high splatters out and down his kitchen's floors… He hums.
Fucked out body twitching, the chef swipes clear sap off the corner of his lip, “Two in one. A meal and a beverage. Sweet, but messy.” Strong arms finally release you, letting you fall breathless… Now handling his own hips as the others waved around once he looked down at his apron, “Annoyingly messy.” He pats at your bottom, catching how you even shined his hanging silverware.
You hiccup, “Thank you, chef. Sorry, chef.” That was at least something for once…
Hearing a brute scoff growl above you, he couldn't leave and just let you feel that good… Sheathing the blade out right beside you, “And clean this up! No good chef leaves a mess.” Sukuna’s deep rumble always left you to quaver anyways, “Yes… chef...”
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tomriddleslove · 12 days
61 letters.
✩ Mattheo x Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hopefully this says i'm back with a bang? There are some TW but I don't want to spoil anything, so please scroll down to the bottom if you want to see those first.
Songs: Strangers - Ethel Cain
inspiration came to me from reading @dylsluvrs so please go read!!
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The warmth from the fireplace crackled soothingly; a barely noticeable rhythm that lulled you to sleep as you leisurely turned the pages of your book, your free hand carding through Mattheo’s hair.
The distinctive smell of sandalwood and cigarettes came second to the scent of burning wood and old books - so hauntingly comfortable.
“Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” He rasps, eyes also shut. It seemed he too was seconds away from falling asleep, his head resting in your lap. 
It was perhaps the only time he could properly fall asleep. With you, that is. Sure, the fireplace was cosy, and the sofa was nice and comfortable, but even the finest of beds and the warmest of rooms could not send Mattheo into a peaceful slumber. It was who he was with that mattered, and to him that was you.
Why? Because you were his everything - it was as simple as that. He didn’t have to think twice to know that you were the breath that sustained him, the blood that coursed through his veins and the light that shone into his eyes.
You were the sun and he was merely your shadow, drawn to your light and lost in your absence.
So yes - you were his everything. But he was just your friend. Mattheo didn't know what would hurt more, being a stranger to you or knowing he was close enough to know you but too far to have you. He was accustomed to the latter, and he could only pray he’d never have to experience the former.
No, he couldn’t experience the former, because life was no longer his life without you in it.
“Probably not. I’ve got to turn in that astronomy report.” You hum back, peering down at Mattheo, his eyes still shut.
You admire the delicate curve of his long lashes, and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
You watch him with a soft smile, feeling the familiar pang in your chest that always comes when you're with him. He looks so peaceful, so at ease in your lap, as if this is where he truly belongs. A sigh escapes your lips, and you want nothing more than to gently trace a finger along the line of his jaw, committing every detail of his face to memory. You want to hold onto these moments forever, to keep them safe in the corners of your heart where no one else can touch them.
It's funny, you think, how life has a way of sneaking up on you. How someone like Mattheo, with his rough edges and restless spirit, could become such a constant in your life. He’s unpredictable and chaotic, a storm that never quite settles, yet with him, you feel a sense of belonging you’ve never found anywhere else. 
He stirs, turning onto his side as a small sigh escapes his lips. His voice is more of a murmur than anything, a quiet “please?” whispered.
“We’re off for summer tomorrow, it's probably the last time I’ll-” He starts, a lump forming in his throat as he falls silent. He won't see you during the summer, because he’s back at the Riddle manor. A thought he's tried to avoid greatly till now.
“I know Mattheo, but it’s not as though you'll go completely cold. You’ll still write to me, won't you?” You say, shutting your book completely.
He opens his eyes, looking up at you, and there’s a flicker of something vulnerable, something raw. “Of course, I will,” he replies, his voice firmer now. “I don’t think I could go that long without hearing from you.”
You nod, a warmth spreading through you. “Then it’s settled. We’ll write, and it won’t be so bad.”
You know it’s not the same, that letters are a poor substitute for being here, together, but it’s something. It’s a promise, a thread that will keep you connected even when you’re apart.
Mattheo couldn't possibly not write to you - you grew up in silence, being neglected and ignored. Silence was everything to you, and in the worst way possible. It was part of the reason Mattheo was so dear to you - he was everything the people in your life couldn't be. He was always there for you, he’d never once dismiss or abandon you. It was unnerving at first, having someone's full undivided attention, but Mattheo taught you that it was something you were owed, something you'd deserved because nobody should ever be ignored. And god be damned if Mattheo ever did anything similar to that, no.
Hell would have to freeze over before Mattheo could ever hurt you like that.
Summer arrived with the scent of blooming flowers and the soft hum of distant laughter, leaving memories of Hogwarts feeling like a distant past. From the day that you bid farewell to Mattheo on the express, the gnawing sensation of grief ate away at your insides till you were reduced to an anxious wreck.
 It felt oddly empty. You found yourself listening for the sound of Mattheo’s voice in every breeze, waiting for the familiar swoop of an owl delivering his letters. Each morning, you’d check the window, hoping to see a note from him, a line of messy handwriting that would make you smile.
His murmured promises echoed in your ears tauntingly - like an alarm that pierced through the devastating silence, each as worse as the other. 
You told yourself he was busy - You knew what it was like at the Riddle manor. Amongst a murderous psychopath as a father and an equally (if not crazier) and crueller mother, Mattheo would not be granted a single moment of respite. Yet somehow, even if it felt selfish, you still felt angry. You knew Mattheo. He had promised he’d write, knowing how much it meant to you. He knew how important communication was to you, how being left in the dark made you feel. How every moment of silence cut deeper than you wanted to admit.
Mattheo knew about your childhood, how you were left alone in that big, empty house while your parents lived their lives. He knew about the cold dinners, the quiet nights, the way you had to fend for yourself because no one else would. How you craved connection, the reassurance that you weren’t alone. It was why he promised to write, why he promised to always be there. But now, with each day that passed without a letter, it felt like those promises were empty.
The silence was more than just an absence. It was a reminder of every time you had been forgotten, every time you had been left behind. It was the echo of your parents' indifference, now mirrored by the one person you thought would never do that to you.
The days blurred into one another, each one a monotonous stretch of time that seemed to go on forever. You wandered through the house aimlessly, your mind numb with boredom. Books that once brought you joy now lay forgotten, and even the sunny garden outside held no appeal. The silence was all-consuming, wrapping around you like a heavy blanket, smothering every spark of energy or hope.
Just before you were ready to do something—anything—to break free from the oppressive quiet, the sound of scratching broke through your thoughts. An owl, clawing at the window. The sound startled you, and for a moment, you stood frozen, heart pounding. Then, you all but scrambled out of the bed to unlock the window, nearly knocking the owl off its perch as you did so. It hooted in annoyance, ruffling its feathers, its eyes glaring at you as if to say, "Be careful!"
"Sorry," you muttered, but your hands were already reaching for the letter tied to its leg, a sense of urgency driving you. You snatched the letter from its claws, your fingers trembling as you tore it open. The seal wasn't Mattheo's, but at this point, you didn't care. It was a letter. It was something. You unfolded the parchment, your eyes quickly scanning the familiar handwriting.
Hey [name],
Hope you’re doing well. Summer can be kind of a drag, right? All this quiet after the chaos of school—it gets old fast. Anyway, I’ve been keeping in touch with Mattheo. He’s been writing a lot, actually. Seems like he’s pretty caught up in things over at the manor. Typical Mattheo, you know? Always juggling a hundred things at once. I guess you’ve been hearing from him too?
I’ve been wondering what you’ve been up to. We didn’t get much of a chance to hang out at the end of term, and I thought it might be fun to catch up. Maybe we could meet up sometime, get out of the house for a bit. I know a few good spots—quiet, away from everything. We could just hang out, talk, or not talk. Whatever you feel like. No pressure. Just thought it’d be nice to see you.
Let me know if you’re up for it. Would be great to catch up.
Take care,
You read the letter once, then twice, then once more, to make sure you were reading it correctly. Mattheo had been writing, but not to you.
He was ignoring you.
The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, the ache in your chest growing sharper, more painful.
Why hadn’t Mattheo written? Had you done something wrong? 
The pit in your stomach could only feel deeper as your mind mulls over every possible thing you could have done to get Mattheo mad at you. Nothing came to mind. He had been the same Mattheo, resting his head in your lap, his voice soft and sleepy as he asked if you were going to Hogsmeade. There had been no tension, no argument. Just the usual comfort and ease that came with being around each other.
What was it about you that made people leave? Your parents, distant and cold, always too busy for you. And now Mattheo, the one person who made you feel like you mattered, was doing the same. The familiar sting of rejection clawed at your heart, a wound that never seemed to heal.
You reach for a piece of parchment, blinking back the tears that cloud your eyes as you begin to write back.
Hi Theo,
Summers been…. Alright, i guess. I hope you've been keeping well, though knowing you i'm sure you've been up to something interesting. I haven't actually-
He hasn’t-
Is Mattheo-
I’d love to see you some time. We really don't see each other that often. Would this Thursday work? I'll bring some pastries with me :)
Your fingers tremble as you attach  the letter to the (rather agitated) owl. He pecks at your finger in rebuttal, but you pay it no mind as you watch him soar off. It was something - having someone to speak to you, even if it wasn't Mattheo. You couldn't bear to confront the idea that Mattheo was purposefully not writing to you,  that he was ignoring you. You swallow the lump that forms in your throat, letting out a shaky breath as you try to look forward to the prospect of seeing Theo on Thursday.
But every time you closed your eyes, all you saw was Mattheo.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced through the leaves of the old oak trees. The park was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant laughter of children playing. You walked beside Theo, your footsteps muffled by the soft grass beneath. The warmth of the late afternoon sun kissed your skin, but it did little to thaw the cold ache that had settled in your chest.
“.... and that's why I told her to piss off, I couldn’t stand the old sod nagging at me about the history of ancient faeries any longer.” He mutters, a small huff of amusement escaping his lips.
A small smile tugs at your lips, barely there. You wanted to enjoy yourself, you really did - but you wore your heart on your sleeve, and every second that you felt like you could finally breathe again, the image of Mattheo flashes back into your mind and you're back drowning in your sorrows once more.
Theo’s voice cuts through your thoughts, gentle but probing. “You’ve been really quiet lately, [name]. Are you alright?”
You glanced at him, his concerned expression making your chest tighten. You shrugged, trying to mask the hurt that you felt. “I’m fine, just... thinking, I guess.”
Theo stopped walking, turning to face you fully. His eyes were soft, searching your face as if trying to read the thoughts you kept hidden. “Is it about Mattheo?” he asked softly.
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mattheo’s name. You had been trying so hard to avoid thinking about him, to not let the silence drive you mad. “I... yeah, I guess so. I haven’t heard from him all summer. It’s not like him to just disappear like that. Do you think he’s... okay?”
Theo’s expression flickered, just for a moment, before he forced a smile. “He’s fine,” he said, too quickly. “I mean, I’ve been hearing from him. He’s been writing to me.”
A pang of something sharp and bitter shot through you. “Oh,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “What’s he been saying?”
Theo hesitated, as if he hadn’t expected you to ask. “Just... stuff. You know how he is. He’s been busy, I guess. Hanging out with new people. He mentioned some girl, but I don’t think it’s anything serious.”
Your heart sank at his words. Some girl. The phrase echoed in your mind, a painful reminder of every fear you’d tried to suppress. “Did he say why he hasn’t written to me?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Theo looked at you, his eyes filled with what seemed like genuine sympathy. “He didn’t mention it, no,” he said quietly. “But I’m sure he’s just been distracted. You know how Mattheo is. He doesn’t always think about how his actions affect others.”
His words were meant to be comforting, but they only deepened the ache in your chest. You had always known Mattheo was reckless, impulsive, but not to you - never to you. But that’s how it always was, wasn’t it. Everyone thinks they’re the exception.
Were you really that foolish?
“Maybe you should write to him,” Theo suggested, his tone light, almost casual. “I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.”
You nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah, maybe I will.” But even as you said the words, you knew you wouldn’t. The thought of reaching out, of writing a letter that might go unanswered, was too painful to bear.
As you walked with Theo, his presence a comfort, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. The park around you was filled with the sounds of summer, the laughter of children, the chirping of birds and yet, with all that - 
all you could hear was the silence from Mattheo.
The Hogwarts Express puffed out clouds of white steam as it pulled into Hogsmeade station, the sound of the whistle cutting through the cool autumn air. Students poured out of the train, chattering excitedly, their voices blending into an unintelligible yet comforting background noise. You stepped off the train with Theo by your side, the familiarity of the scene bringing a small smile to your face. Despite everything, Hogwarts was a home to you, and it was nice to finally be back.
Theo’s arm brushed against yours as you walked, his presence a now familiar and comforting thing. Summer had been unexpectedly pleasant with him, his letters and company filling the void that Mattheo’s silence had left. He had taken you to the local fair, where you’d ridden the Ferris wheel and eaten too much cotton candy - holding onto his hand as you stumbled back home having indulged in one too many treats. For a while, you’d almost forgotten the ache in your heart, but it never truly went away - rather it mellowed down into a gentle throb, just about there. But when the sun was shining, and you could hear Theodore's laughter in the background as the evening’s breeze began to settle, it disappeared.
Even if only for a moment, it disappears.
“Excited to be back?” Theo asked, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.
You nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah, it’s good to be back. I missed this place.”
“You mean you missed me, right?” He grinned, nudging your shoulder playfully.
You laughed, the sound a little forced. “Of course, Theo. Who else would I have missed?”
You settle into a light conversation with him, answering without your mind even registering what you were responding. The towering silhouette of Hogwarts castle came into view as you rounded the final corner of the path. The sight of the familiar stone walls sent a wave of mixed emotions crashing over you—nostalgia, warmth, and a painful reminder of who you hadn’t seen yet.
Friends gather in the great hall, conversations of far gone reunions and sordid summer holidays drowning everything out. It was alot - almost too much. Theodore had just gone to greet his friends, promising to meet you in your room after. 
You nodded, giving him a half-hearted wave, but as soon as he disappeared into the crowd, an overwhelming sense of exhaustion washed over you. It wasn’t just physical, though your body certainly felt the weight of the long journey back to Hogwarts. No, it was deeper than that—a bone-deep weariness, a numbness that had taken root over the summer and never quite left.
You just wanted to be alone. Away from the noise, away from the chaos, away from the confusing mess of emotions that had plagued you all summer long.
With a quiet sigh, you slipped out of the Great Hall. Your feet carried you automatically toward the Ravenclaw Tower, the promise of peace and -most importantly- silence pulling you forward. You could practically feel the soft duvet of your bed calling you, a safe place to curl up and shut out the world.
But just as you turned the corner, your entire world came crashing to a halt.
Mattheo was there, standing at the bottom of the staircase. He wasn’t just waiting—he was pacing, his expression frantic, as though he had been searching for you for hours. His dishevelled appearance and the wild look in his eyes took you by surprise, and before you could even react, he rushed toward you, almost slamming into you as his hands grabbed your arms.
“[name]” he breathed, his voice raw, like he hadn’t spoken in days. “Thank Merlin. Are you okay? I’ve been going mad, I—why didn’t you answer? What happened?”
His words hit you like a slap in the face. The sight of him, so frantic, so genuine, only made your heart twist painfully inside your chest. For a second—just a second—you wanted to melt into his arms, to let the relief wash over you because finally, here he was, the Mattheo you had been waiting for. But then the summer flashed through your mind, the days of silence, waiting by the window for letters that never came.
Theo’s voice echoed in your head, reminding you of the late nights spent wondering if you ever truly mattered to Mattheo at all. He’d mentioned Mattheo being distracted, writing to someone else. It had hurt more than you wanted to admit.
You wrenched yourself free from his grasp, your voice colder than you’d ever intended. “What do you mean, what happened? I’ve been waiting for you, Mattheo! You’re the one who disappeared!”
His face fell, confusion flashing in his eyes. “What? No—I’ve been writing to you. Every week! I—I don’t understand.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it. “Don’t lie to me, Mattheo.” You stepped back, putting distance between you as anger bubbled up inside. “I didn’t get a single letter from you all summer. Not one. And you expect me to believe you’ve been writing?”
For a moment, he looked completely lost, his face contorting into an expression of confusion. “[name], I swear. I’ve sent you letters, I’ve been trying to—” He ran a hand through his hair, visibly struggling to make sense of it all. “I’ve been so worried. When I didn’t hear back, I thought... I thought something happened to you.”
You could see the panic in his eyes, the way his hands shook slightly as he reached out for you again, but the doubts were already there. How could he be telling the truth? Theo hadn’t mentioned Mattheo writing to you at all—just someone else. And now Mattheo stood before you, claiming he had? Why wouldn’t Theo have told you?
“You’re lying,” you whispered, and the words tasted like poison. “You’ve always been so good at making me believe you cared.”
“Lying?” His voice cracked as he took a step forward, but you recoiled, the hurt too deep, too fresh.
“Don’t.” Your voice broke, your throat tightening as the tears threatened to spill. “You left me, Mattheo. You didn’t write. You didn’t care.”
“I do care!” He was desperate now, his eyes pleading as if he could pull you back with his words alone. “I’ve always cared. I’ve been going insane not hearing from you, thinking something was wrong—”
“Then why did Theo get letters from you?” The words slipped out before you could stop them. “Why did he know what was going on while I didn’t hear a thing? You’re telling me you wrote to me, but Theo told me you’ve been busy all summer—writing to someone else.”
 “I don’t know why you didn’t get my letters. I don’t—Theo told you what?” Mattheo’s face went pale, his jaw clenching as he tried to find the words
You shook your head, the ache in your chest becoming unbearable. “I waited for you, Mattheo. Every single day. I waited for you to care, but you didn’t. You weren’t there for me.”
His hands dropped to his sides, his shoulders slumping as though the weight of your words had physically struck him. He looked at you like you’d just shattered something inside him, but no words came. For a moment, you thought he was going to say something, but his mouth remained open, silent, as if he couldn’t bring himself to explain.
The silence was deafening, and it felt like your heart was being crushed in your chest. You couldn’t bear to stand there any longer, not with him looking at you like that, not with your emotions tearing you apart. It would be better if you had just hit him - perhaps then the look of hurt on his face wouldn’t have killed you.
“I thought you were different, Mattheo,” you whispered, barely able to hold yourself together as you took a step back. “But I was wrong. You’re just like them - you’re everything they said you were.” 
Your words break him, crushing his heart till he can’t speak - all he can do is stare. If he calls for you, you don’t hear it. Your ears are ringing, tears blurring your vision as you stumble away from him, running up the stairs to your dorm.
The ache in your chest felt unbearable, an emptiness that consumed every part of you. You had wanted to believe Mattheo cared, that you meant something to him. But now - now it felt like all of that was a lie.
The door to your dorm creaked open, and Theo stepped inside, his face softening as soon as he saw you. He knelt besides you, pulling you into his chest without second thought. The smell of sandalwood and cigarettes consumed your senses - so similar to Mattheo yet indescribably different.
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
But you couldn’t answer. You buried your face in his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt as the sobs wracked your body. You didn’t even have the energy to question why Mattheo hadn’t fought harder, why he hadn’t explained. All you knew was that he hadn’t been there when you needed him most, and now… now it was too late.
Theo’s arms tightened around you, his hand stroking your hair. “You don’t need him,” he murmured. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
And for the first time all summer, you didn’t pull away from the comfort he offered.
As the weeks passed, Hogwarts seemed to return to its usual rhythm—students bustled between classes, the crisp autumn air rolled in, and laughter echoed in the common rooms. But for you, things were far from normal.
Mattheo had all but disappeared. He no longer showed up at meals. When you did catch a glimpse of him, it was fleeting—just the ghost of the boy you once knew. His skin looked pale, as if he hadn't slept in days, and his eyes were hollow, dark shadows etched beneath them like bruises. 
Every time you saw him, your heart clenched painfully. There was a gnawing ache in your chest, an almost instinctual pull that made you want to go to him, to ask what was wrong, to demand why he had let everything fall apart between you. You thought of all the times he'd been there for you, all the whispered promises that felt so real - so fucking real.
But just as you would muster the courage to go to him, to ask what was happening, Theodore would appear.
It was always so sudden. As if he could sense your hesitation, your uncertainty. He would sidle up to you in the corridors, flash you that easy, comforting smile, and all the questions you wanted to ask Mattheo would slip away. Theo felt like a warm, familiar blanket, pulling you away from the confusion and the hurt. His arm would wrap around your shoulder casually, steering you in the opposite direction, and somehow you would find yourself walking away—again.
"Come on, " Theo would say softly, his voice gentle and soothing. "Let's grab something to eat. I could use the company."
And you'd follow him. Without protest, without a second thought. Every time.
Each time it happened, it left a bitter taste in your mouth. Guilt, confusion, frustration—they tangled up inside you, twisting like a knot that was getting harder and harder to untangle. You knew you were avoiding Mattheo, and deep down, you hated yourself for it. But the hurt was still raw, and every time Theo was there to distract you, it felt easier to run away from it. You’d rather live in your ignorance, than face the closure of knowing Mattheo truly didn’t care.
And so, when you saw Mattheo the next day, looking sicker, more broken than ever, you swallowed the urge to reach out to him. You turned your head and pretended not to notice.
Theo would be there soon, anyway.
If you had told your 1st year self that you'd be here, moving in to your first apartment mere years after graduating from Hogwarts, you wouldn't have believed it. Having graduated top of the class you scored yourself an apprenticeship with one of the finest potion masters in all of the wizarding world, working tirelessly under their watch. It was strenuous - yes- but coming back home, your home, made it all worth it.
The apartment was beautiful. It felt like a perfect blend of you—bookish Ravenclaw touches scattered throughout, with shelves brimming with weathered novels, delicate blue curtains draping from the windows, and the familiar scent of parchment and ink lingering in the air. And yet, there were still signs of him everywhere—Slytherin green woven into the decor, trophies, and accolades displayed with quiet pride. It was a home, not just a place to live, but a space you had both created together.
You smiled softly to yourself as you glanced around. It had been a long journey to get here— but now everything was in its place, as it should be. 
As if on cue, you heard the door click open behind you, and a smile tugged at your lips before you even turned around. The sound of his footsteps was unmistakable, steady and familiar. It had become part of your routine—this quiet comfort, this gentle rhythm of life. You hadn’t expected it, not after everything that had happened, but it had worked out. You had worked it out.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling you into a warm embrace as a soft kiss pressed against the side of your neck. You closed your eyes, leaning back into the comfort of his hold, letting the world fall away for just a moment.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice low and soothing, sending a familiar warmth through your chest. His breath brushed against your skin.
The faint smell of cigarettes clings to him, and the routine is as comforting as it is repetitive.
A small exasperated sigh escaped your lips, though it was betrayed by the soft smile that followed. “What did I tell you about smoking? You’re going to ruin your lungs.”
"Old habits die hard," he chuckled lightly, his voice filled with that casual ease you had come to love.
You shook your head playfully, turning slightly in his arms to look up at him. “Oh, come on, Theo. I’ve been hearing that for ages.” You grinned, swatting at his chest lightly as you pulled away to busy yourself with tidying the room.
Everything was ok.
Life had settled into something comfortable, predictable even—like the rhythm of waves softly lapping against the shore.
One Sunday morning, the sunlight filtered softly through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over the room. You were curled up in bed with a book resting on your knees, enjoying the slow, peaceful quiet. Theo was still beside you, his arm draped lazily across your waist as he dozed off again, looking utterly relaxed.
You turned the page, the sound of the paper rustling softly, when the familiar tapping of an owl at the window caught your attention. Before you could even react, Theo was already stirring, groggily pushing himself up from the bed. "I’ll get it," he mumbled, stumbling toward the window.
The owl hooted impatiently as Theo untied the letter from its leg, his brow furrowing as he glanced at the unfamiliar seal. He tossed the envelope onto the bed beside you without much thought, his hand brushing through his dishevelled hair.
"Mail for you," he murmured, flopping back down onto the mattress.
You smiled absentmindedly, still engrossed in your book as you reached for the letter, but the moment your eyes landed on the seal, your heart sank.
It was a formal letter, the type you never want to see.
With a sense of dread curling in your chest, you tore it open, your fingers shaking slightly. The words on the parchment swam before your eyes, but as they slowly came into focus, the world seemed to tilt on its axis.
Mattheo Riddle….. Condolences….. Dead…… Ongoing investigation…… Suspected…..
4 letters. One word, four letters. Did you know the English alphabet can produce endless combinations of words? But this—this was the only combination that mattered. Four letters that changed everything. Four letters that turned your world inside out.
Your mind went blank. The rest of the letter became a blur, the details escaping your grasp. Everything around you seemed to dissolve as if the air had been sucked out of the room.
Your heart raced, pounding against your chest so violently it hurt. The word echoed inside your mind, repeating over and over like a broken record. You read it again, hoping—no, praying—that you had misunderstood.
But there it was, clear as day.
Mattheo Riddle was dead.
The room seemed to close in on you, the walls pressing down as your world collapsed in on itself. The edges of your vision blurred, and your breath came in shallow, jagged gasps.
"Hey... what is it?" Theo’s voice felt distant, like it was coming from another world. His arms wrapped around you, his warmth pressing against you, but you couldn’t feel it. You couldn’t feel anything but the gaping void that was swallowing you whole.
The tears wouldn’t come. It was as if your body had shut down, refusing to process the enormity of what you’d just learned.
Theo’s hands were on your shoulders now, his voice full of concern as he pulled you into his arms. "What happened?" he asked, his voice soft but filled with urgency. "Talk to me."
But you couldn’t. You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t breathe. The room spun, and the only word you could focus on was that single, damning word.
You don't remember the next few weeks after that.
The numbness that plagued you back in your final year of Hogwarts - the one that settled and almost disappeared, hit with a force so strong you cannot remember a single thing since the day you found out.
You thought - you really thought you were over him. You thought that you were happy with Theodore now, so desperate to believe the delusion that you didn't realise you sought him out in every breath you took, every dream you followed.
It was for him - it was always him.
And now that you knew he was gone, really gone, there was no more pretending. 
It was a quiet Sunday morning when you found yourself moving almost instinctively, your body on autopilot. Theodore was gone, at work as usual, and the emptiness of the apartment echoed around you, too loud in its silence. You wandered from room to room, searching, but for what? You didn’t know. Something—anything—that could pull you out of this suffocating fog, something that could make the world feel real again.
Your feet carried you to the attic. You weren’t sure what you were looking for. Maybe an old photograph, a piece of parchment with his handwriting on it—something that could remind you of what once was. Something that could bring you back to him, even for just a moment.
You started going through one of the boxes, its contents an odd collection of mementos from school—quills, ink bottles, a stack of old essays, and a few scattered photographs from your Hogwarts years. Your hands moved mechanically, sorting through the mess, but your heart wasn’t in it.
Then, something caught your eye—a wooden panel in the wall, slightly crooked. It didn’t fit with the rest of the smooth, untouched surface of the attic. Your curiosity piqued, and with a frown, you crawled over to it. You tugged on the panel gently at first, then harder, until it came loose with a soft creak.
Behind it was a box, hastily stashed away, hidden so well that you never would’ve found it if you hadn’t noticed the crooked panel. The box was small, nondescript, but as you pulled it out, you felt a strange sense of foreboding settle over you.
It was heavy, heavier than you expected.
Your heart raced as you carefully set it down in front of you, fingers trembling slightly as you pried it open. Inside, the contents were a chaotic mess—parchments, crumpled and folded haphazardly, stacked one on top of another. 
You cursed yourself for knowing him. For knowing him so well - you didn’t need to see the inside. The handwriting alone was enough to tell you- 
The world around you seemed to stop.
Dear [name],
It’s so strange not being able to talk to you every day. I know it’s only been a week since the summer holidays started, but I can’t help missing you already. The manor feels empty, as always, but it’s worse this time. I keep thinking about you—about what you’re doing right now. Are you relaxing, reading? I bet you’re buried in some book I’ve never heard of. Probably something that would go completely over my head if I tried to read it.
Anyway, I just wanted to check in. I know you’re probably busy settling in, but if you get the chance, write me back. It doesn’t have to be long or anything, just a quick hello would be enough. I miss our talks. I miss you.
I’ve been practising the spell we were working on before break—you know, the one that had me nearly blowing my hand off every time? Yeah, that one. Still haven’t gotten it right, but I’ll figure it out eventually. Maybe you can show me what I’m doing wrong when we get back.
Take care of yourself, okay? Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours, Mattheo
Dear [name],
It’s been nearly two weeks, and I haven’t heard from you. I’m starting to get a little worried. Did something happen? 
I keep telling myself you’re just caught up in everything, and that’s fine. I know how it gets with your parents. But... I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid. You know how I can get sometimes—overthinking every little thing.
Still, if you get the chance, just drop me a quick note. Let me know you’re okay. I keep checking for owls like a madman every morning, and I’ve started to get weird looks from the house elves. It’s embarrassing.
I miss you. A lot more than I expected, if I’m honest. Write soon, alright?
It’s been almost a month now, and I’m starting to lose it. I don’t know what’s happening, and no one’s telling me anything. Are you okay? Did something happen? If you’re in trouble—if someone hurt you—tell me. I’ll come find you, wherever you are. You know I would. You know I’d drop everything if you just said the word.
But I don’t know if you even want that. I don’t know if you hate me, or if something worse is happening that I can’t see. It’s like I’m blind, walking through this fog, and I can’t find my way out. Not without you.
I keep telling myself you’ll write back tomorrow, that this is just some horrible mistake. But tomorrow comes, and it’s the same damn silence. It’s driving me mad. Please, for the love of Merlin, just write to me.
Tell me you’re okay. Tell me you don’t hate me. Tell me anything.
I love yo-
Yours, always, Mattheo.
I can’t. I'm going fucking crazy - I can't. I need to hear from you, something. Anything, Tell me to piss off, tell me you hate me, tell me I'm terrible. I just need to know you’re ok.
I don’t care if you never want to see me again, if you hate me—I just need to know you’re okay. I can’t sleep anymore. I can’t eat. Every time I close my eyes, I see you, and then I remember that I haven’t heard from you in over a month and it makes me sick. I feel like I’m drowning, like I’m losing my mind, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
I don’t know if I can handle this anymore. Not without you.
You were always the one good thing in my life, the one thing that made sense in all this chaos. I need you to tell me you’re okay, [name]. Please.
I’m running out of ways to ask.
I’m running out of hope.
Grief - grief was a scary thing. Grief had no mercy, no, she was merciless. She lingered - she hid behind you and never really let go. Every time you though you were ok she'd re-emerge for a bit, just to remind you she was there.
Now? Now she was suffocating you, clawing at your throat. She was tearing you apart, her claws digging into your skin, ripping lawyer by layer till there was nothing left. She was consuming you - and The harder you fought, the deeper she sank her teeth in.
The apartments a mess. A nearby shelf—one that held neatly arranged books and trinkets from your shared life with Theodore—was what you first noticed. Shattered on the floor, like a beacon amongst shattered glass and wooden splinters.
Mattheo had died believing you hated him, that you had abandoned him, and all this time, Theo—
The realization hit you like a second wave, colder, sharper. Your heart lurched violently in your chest, and your rage found a new target. You grabbed a vase from the table and hurled it across the room, watching it smash against the wall as a fresh sob escaped from your lips.
You didn’t hear the front door open, or the sound of Theodore’s footsteps hurrying toward you. He was suddenly just there, eyes wide, filled with confusion and concern.
“[name]? What—what’s going on?!” he demanded, rushing forward to catch your arm, trying to stop you from doing more damage. “What are you doing? Calm down—”
But his words only fuelled your fury. You ripped your arm away from him, turning on him with sheer devastation. “You! You did this!” you screamed, your voice hoarse from crying. “You took them—you took everything from me!”
Theodore’s face paled, his mouth opening as if to argue, but no sound came out. His silence was an admission, and it broke something deep inside you. You launched yourself at him, fists pounding against his chest, though your strength wavered with each hit. “You lied! You ruined everything! Mattheo—he—”
You couldn’t even finish the sentence before you collapsed into sobs, your knees giving way beneath you. Theodore tried to catch you, but you shoved him back, crumbling onto the floor as your body heaved with uncontrollable sobs. You buried your face in your hands, pulling at your hair, wishing you could rip the pain from your very skin.
Theo crouched beside you, his hands hovering near your trembling form, unsure if he should touch you or keep his distance. “Please—” he started, his voice low, pleading. “I didn’t mean for it to happen like this. I thought—”
“Don’t you dare!” You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face
“Don’t you dare try to explain this away. You stole from me. You stole him from me!” Your voice cracked, and your chest tightened painfully as another sob wracked your body. “He’s dead, Theo. And I—I never got to—”
The rest of your words were swallowed by the weight of your grief. You clutched the letters, crumpling them in your fists as if they could somehow fix everything, as if holding them tighter would bring Mattheo back.
Theodore reached out to touch your arm, but you flinched, pulling away from him like his touch burned. “Don’t touch me,” you hissed, your voice broken and trembling. “You… you did this.”
For the first time, Theo didn’t argue. He didn’t try to defend himself. 
“Please. Please - God please. Please bring him back. Please let me - Please,” You break down, clutching the letters to your chest as though you wanted to piece them together, to draw the essence of Mattheo that lingered in every word, in every drop of ink. 
 and maybe—just maybe—you could bring him back through the agony of your grief.
But no matter how tightly you held on, no matter how many times you begged- 
he wasn’t coming back.
My Dearest [name],
I love you. I regret not saying it every second, of every day. I regret not saying it once in any one of my letters. 61 - one for each day of the summer. And I couldn’t say it.
Every heartbeat chants your name, every breath whispers your presence, for you are the pulse of my existence.
I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember - it would be impossible not to when I only really started living the second I met you. 
God, you’re everything. You really are. I cant- I don’t know what I’d do without you. I haven't really done anything - not since the day you told me you hated me.
They wanted me to kill you. I’d have always known you'd do so well, securing a potionsmaster apprenticeship. It was everything we spoke about.
I couldnt be there too.
Leave it to you and your stubborn, infuriating little mind to show it to the whole world. You knew - you'd always known the risks of so openly opposing my side the wrong side. And you still did.
Giving everyone hope, as you always do. You’re truly an angel.
Trading my life for yours? It wasn't even a question.
I don’t know how to put this into words without breaking, but I need to. You’ve been the best part of me, the only part that ever felt real. I still remember the first time you looked at me—really looked at me, not the boy people whispered about, but me. The way your eyes found mine, and it was like you saw through every single layer I’d spent years building around myself. You made me feel like I was someone worth being seen. And for that, for everything you are, I’ll always be grateful.
You were the best thing that ever happened to me, [Name]. You let me have moments of you, of your warmth, and I think that’s what made me believe - just for a second- that I could be better. That I could be something with you.
If I could go back and change it, I would. I’d rewrite every moment, every mistake. I’d fight for us harder. I'd say it when you'd run your fingers through my hair, reading your books as you always do. I'd say it every morning; make it the mantra that I mutter before we'd I'd go to bed. I’d tell you I loved you every single day, so you never had to doubt it, never had to wonder if you meant the world to me.
Because you do. You always have.
Even now, when everything’s falling apart, you’re still the best part of me.
You always will be.
With all the love I never got to give you, Mattheo.
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TW: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Manipulative relationships, no HEA.
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vivian-pascal · 7 months
Snap out of it
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dom!joel x sub!reader
summary: You weren't in the best mood and you give Joel a little attitude, he doesn't like it when you're being a brat, so he teaches you some manners.
warnings: slight choking, man handling, rope involvement, degradation, tied sex,piv(wrap it up), oral f!receiving, edging, aftercare, slight m!masturbation, some nipple sucking
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You've been dramatic all day. Waking up with a stitch in your neck since you had rough night with Joel, burning your hand whilst making your morning coffee, your car not starting and almost causing you to be late for work. It was going to be a shit day and you knew it.
Joel knew too. You'd yelled at him earlier for not making breakfast at the right time. He told you he was sorry but you simply just left and didn't say a word after. Not a call, not a text. Nothing.
He hoped your attitude would get better through out the day but it seems as though it had only gotten worse.
You were sat at your office when you phone dinged. You picked it up and saw that it was Joel. You opened the message and instantly replied.
Hey baby, want something for dinner tonight?
No, thanks. I'll just have something quick at the office.
Ya sure? You don't want me to make some of my homemade pasta? I know ya love it.
No Joel. Let me work.
You slammed your phone down on your desk and went back to typing on your laptop. You sipped from your 'too cold' coffee mug and grimaced at the taste.
Noon. Only five more hours till you got home and had to deal with your Joel. It's not that you wanted to hurt him in any way, just he was on your nerves and didn't want to be disturbed any more than you already were.
"Hey! How are you holding up?" Margaret. The office gossip. She was very snoopy about you and Joel and she would always ask how things are. "Hi Marge, i'm okay, how are you?" You didn't look up from your screen as you talked with her, she wasn't worth your time. "Oh, you know, same old same old." You look up at her and give a faint smile.
"Everything alright with Joel?" Your smile instantly fades as you look down at your computer. You give her a quick nod as you begin typing once more. "Yes, everything is fine with Joel Margaret."
She makes a low whistling noise as she walks away.
A couple hours pass when you get another text from Joel.
Hey sugar, how's work?
You don't seem alright, what's wrong honey?
Nothing Joel, I said I was fine.
Ya sure?
I said I was fucking fine Joel, go back to work.
Joel was fuming. First the yelling, then the attitude, now this? Oh he was going to put you in your place as soon as you opened that front door. He packed up his things and darted straight for home.
Finally, your work day has ended and you can go home and relax. You put your laptop in your bag and pull it over your shoulder. You've been in this damn office for far too long and you just wanted to get home as fast as you could.
You go to your car and start the engine. Backing out of the parking lot you take a deep breath and head for home. When you arrive, you park your car next to Joel's truck.
When you open the door your body is instantly hit with the wall. A giant hand on your neck grips tighter as It pushes you further up the wall. "J-Joel?" You choke out as your bag drops onto the floor and your hands try to pry his arm off of you.
"So ya wanna be like that now sugar? All confused huh." He pushes your cheeks together with his other hand while you whine and begin to kick your legs as to try and hit him in the crotch. "What happened to that little attitude of yours missy?" You grab onto his arm and successfully kick him in the dick.
He stops moving and looks down at where your leg meets his crotch. When he looks back up at you, his eyes are black. He lets go of your neck and you reach down to take a breath.
He forcefully grabs onto your arm and yanks you from the wall. "If that's how ya wanna be then so be it." He drags you upstairs as you try and pry his hand off your arm. "Joel let me go!" You scream as he throws you onto the bed. He silently begins to remove his shirt as he walks over to the night stand and throws his top onto the ground.
He looks over at you and grits his teeth. "Take that damn shirt off right now." He points his finger in your direction and you instantly remove it as well as your bra.
He unbuttons the top of his jeans as he pulls an object from the drawer. Your heart instantly drops when you see what he's holding. "Joel please, I'm sorry okay? I've just had a shit day, there's no need for this Joel please." He looks over at you and looks down at the thing in his hand. He shakes his head as he walks over to where your sat in he middle of the bed.
He sits down next to you and pats your leg. "Well sugar, your pleadin and beggin won't do you any good, too late for all that." He begins to pull the bottom of your pant leg up and grabs the top of your sock and slowly removes it.
He beckons for your hands and you pull back and curl into a ball. "Now darlin, don't be like that, if you would've told me what was wrong then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?" You slowly nod your head as you hand him your wrists.
He smiles at you as he picks up the object. You grimace at seeing the rough rope as it begins to touch your skin. He ties it around your wrists and tightens it when he's done. He slowly runs his hand along his work and tries to soothe the sore skin. "Good girl."
"Lie back f'me." You gently lay down and look up at the ceiling. You hear the bed creaking as he slowly crawls on top of you. He comes up to your face and gives you a subtle kiss on your nose. He moves down to your neck then your stomach.
You close your eyes as you feel his finger tips lightly graze the inside of your thigh. You moan aloud when you feel his hot breath directly on your covered pussy. He pushes his nose against the fabric and breaths in. He groans at your scent and pulls the fabric of your panties up. The pressure on your clit makes you arch your back and open your mouth.
He removes your underwear and licks a stripe up your pussy. He swipes his tongue softly along your folds as you try and reach for his hair. "Joel." You whine when he begins to circle his finger along your hole.
He brings his mouth back down and begins to lap at your cunt. He shakes his head side to side while pushing his tongue through your weeping hole. You look down at him and see that he's watching every reaction he makes of you. He closes his eyes as he begins to grind his cock along the mattress.
You moan aloud when you feel your orgasm coming on quickly. You writhe as he moves his tongue faster and you groan when he prods his finger along your nub. You feel the tingly feeling at the pit of your stomach. You arch your back as your about to come but, he stops.
You cry out as you try to reach for that electric feeling but it's gone. You hear a soft chuckle coming from the man before you as he licks his lips. "Good girls don't get to come remember?" You dare look him in the eyes. You whine and try to kick him off of you.
He crawls on top once more and grabs your face. "Do that one more time and you won't ever feel that sensation again." He looks you dead in the eyes. You can smell yourself from his lips as your eyes widen. "That's what I fucking thought you whore." He lets go of your face as he removes his pants and boxers.
You can see his cock, it's right there. You just wish you could reach out and grab onto it. It's leaking precum and just begging to be touched.
You whine as he begins to jack himself off. He tugs at his cock forcefully as he makes eye contact with you. He groans when you try to reach for him. He softly laughs and lets go of his rock hard dick.
"No honey, none for you." He crawls over you once more and lines his tip with your entrance. "You're gonna take what I give you okay? If I hear any of your whinin i'm pullin right out." You nod your head frankly as you can't wait any longer without him inside you.
He slowly inserts his tip and you moan at the sensation. You think he's gonna move but he just stays still. "Joel move." You beg as you try and untie the rope. He shakes his head and grits his teeth.
He finally inserts his whole cock and you whine at the feeling. He begins to thrust his hips at a painstakingly slow pace. "Joel please, i-i can't." When he hears your little voice, he gives in straight away. He hates seeing you like this but it needs to be done.
He begins to roughly impale you with his cock. You arch your back as he hits almost every spot inside of you. He brings his hand to your tied hands and pulls them over your head. He latches his mouth onto your nipple and you moan at the feeling. "Oh God Joel."
Your eyes roll back as he hits the tip of your cervix. He groans as you squeeze him and shuts his eyes. The bed creaks as he moves his hips faster. You can feel your orgasm as he begins to rub your clit. You arch your back further as you grind on his hand. You squeeze harshly around him as he whimpers at the feeling. "I hear ya baby cmon, your so close." His praise sends you over the edge.
You cry out as white fills your vision and your back is fully off of the bed. His thrusts speed up as he tries to meet you. When you come back to reality, you look into his eyes and bring your tied hands to his face. You gentle stroke his cheek as he thrusts faster. "Come for me daddy."
He comes instantly. His warm, hot, seed spurts inside your cunt. Filling you to the brim as it slowly pours out of you. He collapses and groans when he pulls out. He pushes his fingers back into your pussy as to keep his come inside.
He grabs your hands and unties them. He throws the rope to the ground and climbs back up to you. He lies with his head on your stomach as you cover both of you in the blanket. You gently stroke his hair with your nails and he groans at the feeling.
"Ya okay?" You hear him mumble from where he's laying. You smile gently and nod. "Yes Joel, and i'm sorry for today." He looks up at you and rests his chin on your belly. 'That's alright darlin, kinda liked it, means I get to do this more often." He smirks as you burst out laughing.
"You wish Miller."
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@iamsherlocked @pinkcrystal44 @heartpascalispunk @amyispxnk @livingonthehems @ursagittariusgirlfriend  @simplewanderer @tupelomiss  @heartramen @kotourasan123
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madamechrissy · 2 months
Toji Fushiguro x Reader (Your dad's best friend comes for spring break and breaks you)
mdni - spitting, fingersucking, dirty talk, pussy eating, overstim, age gap, (He's 39 you're 21) virgin fem reader
Full chapter
“Want me to eat that little pussy out, doll?” He’s kissing you, so fucking sloppy, as you helplessly grind against his fingers, gasping when he slides one in, so goddamn thick it hits some spot that makes you nearly black out. He groans. “So goddamn tight, this little cunt just screaming for Toji.”
“How… in a pool… eat…” He chuckles at your helplessness, crooking that thick long finger in your dripping cunt, walls tightening around the invasion, and he begins to fuck you with it, in and out, till your mouth is dropped open.
“Not in the pool, doll. C’mon.” He’s hoisting you up on the pool wall then, and you nervously look at his gorgeous muscular body, dripping with all the pool water falling in rivulets. He grins, that scar making him look even hotter. Your cunt is pathetically wet from him.
“T-Toji…” You whisper.
“T-Toji…” He mocks, and you glare, standing on shaky legs, backing up, but he follows you, wet body dripping onto the concrete beneath you, until he’s got you picked up, your cold, wet skin against his somehow burning skin.
“We’ll get caught, idiot!” You hiss, and he just grins, picking you up, grabbing your ass and wrapping your thighs around his hips.
“Keep that mouth quiet. Not gonna fuck you… yet. Just eat this little pussy out, make ya cum all over my face.” He’s got you in your room way too quickly, and he’s stripped your bathing suit top, untying it, tits bouncing out to his hungry eyes. He moans at the sight.
“Toji…” You cover yourself for a minute, then he yanks your hands down, cupping your lush breasts in his big fucking hands.
“Perfect fucking tits. So fucking perfect.” He moans, shoving you on your childhood bed then, it creaks as he does with the springs bouncing you, and his mouth is trailing down your still damp tits, lavishing a nipple with a hot kiss.
“Fuck!” You cry out, gripping his damp hair, and he looks up at you, as he’s swirling his tongue around one of your peaks.
“Need ya to shut up, doll, don’t need your dad seeing you like this.” You flush at the thought, biting your lower lip to suppress a moan as he sucks on your other nipple now. “Mmm, would love to hear ya call me daddy.”
“You’re nasty as fuck, old man.” He growls then, sliding a hand up your throat then, taking two fingers and opening your lips wide.
“Nasty huh? Was being sweet with ya. I’ll show ya a little nasty then, pretty little fucking slut.” You gasp, but then he’s spitting in your mouth, his handsome face in a stupidly happy grin, and you stay there, mouth wide open. “Swallow that, doll.”
You stay there, stupidly open, but then he shoves your mouth closed, and his fingers open your mouth again, repeating, all while his other hand slides to your cunt, dripping wet and sticky against your bikini. You cry out, and he’s spitting in your mouth, dragging it along your lips, before shoving his fingers in, nearly choking you as they shove down your throat.
“Suck these, little girl.” He’s licking his lips as you do, gripping his wrist, swirling your tongue along his thick digits and bobbing your mouth up and down. “Good girl, such a good girl f’me.”
“Mmmnh…” You moan around his fingers, as his words make it worse, then he’s got your bottoms off in one quick motion, down your trembling thighs, and he’s shoved those two fingers you sucked in deep, making you scream.
“Shut the fuck up, doll.” He orders, and you cover your mouth, struggling as he’s scissoring you with his fingers, scooching you up the bed, until he’s between your thighs, spreading them, salivating. “Jesus fucking… got the most perfect little fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.”
“You… hmm… like? I…” You can’t fathom a word, and he grins, kissing the insides of your thighs, spreading 'em, dark eyes drinking in your pussy, spreading the puffy lips wide and spitting on her, landing on your clit.
“Such a perfect little pussy, doll. So fuckin’ pretty. Look at this…” He spreads his spit all around your clit, moaning, and your hips buck up at the sensation, as he bends down, licking the flat of his tongue up your aching slit, making you scream then. “Taste so fuckin’ good, girl.”
“T-Toji!” You can’t keep quiet, you just hope your dad is knocked the fuck out, you’ve never felt anything like this, like his tongue as he digs it in deeper, now finding your clit and flicking it, you’re gushing all over his face. “S’good, s’good…”
He’s moaning against it, grabbing the fat of your ass and dragging your cunt up higher to his hungry mouth, then he’s just.. Fucking devouring you. There’s no other word for it. He’s lapping all your wetness up, as you soak him, more and more, burying his whole face in your cunt, and you’re throbbing inside, pressure in your tummy clenching, till you can’t take it.
“Fuck… cumming, cumming!” You whisper, as quiet as you can, and he moans, easing up and grinning at you, his face glistening with you.
“So easy for me, girl? Can’t put up a fuckin fight?” You scowl, but he’s fingering you now, and your eyes roll back, drool pooling out the side of your face as he’s sucking your puffy clit now, shooting pleasure so hard you can’t see.
“Toji! Toji!” He moans, leaning up, looking at you, though it’s hard to see him with your tits in the fucking way. He grins, white teeth glinting, inky black hair falling in front of his forehead.
“Call me daddy when you fuckin cum.”
“Then don’t cum, fuckin brat.” He slides his fingers out and you start to cry, tears down your cheeks. “Do it, girl.”
“You’re… awful.” You huff, but then he eases his head up, and you yank it back down, shoving your hips up. “Make me cum, please…”
“Got something to say, doll? Say it.” He spits on you again, and then smacks your cunt, making your hips snap up, shocking you. “Fuckin like that, don’t you? Gonna be a slut just for me.”
“Fucking hell. Get me off, Daddy please.” You whisper, then his eyes look fucking drunk, sexy lips parted.
“Anything for ya, little doll.” He’s down there again, tongue sliding inside your cunt as his big hands spread your thighs, fucking you with his tongue as his fingers grip your legs brutally. You’re shoving your hands on your face, screaming into them, as you pulse around his tongue, then he slips it back to your clit. “So fuckin wet, want your daddy to drink ya?”
Fuck he’s awful.
He’s so good.
New fic hehe (gonna be a smut ficc)
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nhaaauyen · 1 month
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨ The Ghost of You ୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
"This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong // To love that well which thou must leave ere long." -William Shakespeare (Sonnet 73)
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zombie apocalypse sevika x reader au!: sevika was the super soldier; a killing machine driven solely by survival. you were nomadic, constantly searching for something in whatever was left of the world—till you met her.
series masterpost: part I // part III // part IV // part V // part V
wc: 7.1k author's note: ahhh tysm to everyone reading!!! your comments literally make my day and the taglist DAMN!! seriously I'm so grateful <3 also i apologize for this chapter being so long, i tried to stfu but it still ended up being 7k
One thing you should've realized sooner was that nothing escapes Sevika's notice in Zaun. 
You were barely a week into your new routine, legs burning as you struggled through your morning run. The only sound you could hear was of blood pounding in your ear—and the addition of a rumbling engine approaching from behind.  
You whip your head back, unsure if your ears were deceiving you but there it was, a truck filled with Sevika's scavenging team catching up, with Sevika herself leaning out the passenger window.
"Pick up the pace, pantry girl!" she shouted, her voice laden with amusement. "At this rate, you'll be old and gray before you join my team!"
Her crew howled with laughter as they sped by, leaving you red-faced and fuming in a cloud of dust.
Now, weeks later, you collapse onto the grass beside Caitlyn, both of you panting heavily after finishing your lap around the neighborhood. The memory of Sevika's taunts still burns, spurring you to push yourself harder during training.
Just as you're about to ask if you should do another lap, something ice-cold presses against your neck. You yelp, jerking upright in surprise.
A dark-haired woman hovers over you, a familiar smirk playing on her lips and a frosty water bottle in her hand. "Still jumping at shadows, I see," she teases. "I'm not sure I can use someone so easily startled on my team."
You glare up at her. "That's rich, coming from you," you retort. "Your late-night victory parties make it impossible to get a good night's sleep around here."
"Feeling left out? The invitations open, you know. Just bring your own drink."
"How about an invitation to join your team instead?"  You counter.
Sevika laughs, the sound was simultaneously frustrating and oddly captivating. "Maybe focus on not tripping over your own feet first, pantry girl."
After you finish your training for the day, you take a quick shower and make your way to the pantry for your shift. But as you approach, you notice something odd - your name isn't on the schedule. Again.
"That's the third time this week," you mutter.
Caitlyn notices your confusion. "Maybe they're cutting back on hours?" she suggests, but her tone is uncertain.
With your unexpected free time, you find yourself spending more time with your makeshift family. Family dinners were something you always had, but for the first time you didn’t have to worry about where or what your next meal would be.
Powder chatters animatedly about her latest inventions, while Caitlyn asks questions that make the kid’s eyes go wild with excitement. Vi listens with a mix of amusement and pride, occasionally ruffling her sister's hair.
Vander sits at the head of the table and he interjects with the occasional piece of wisdom that makes Vi interrupt to remind him that they were too old for lectures or dad jokes, drawing laughter from the group.
As plates are cleared and the conversation winds down, Powder asks to star gaze again, which Vander wants to say no to when everyone has work tomorrow. But then he looks outside and he’s reminded that things weren’t the same, you could afford the leisure to enjoy the skies now.
So you all move to the roof, continuing your evening under the stars. Powder points out constellations, making up stories for each one. Vi playfully argues with her interpretations, while Caitlyn offers more scientific explanations. You lean back, taking in the moment, feeling truly at peace for the first time in a long while.
As the night deepens, drowsiness sets in. One by one, you bid each other goodnight and retreat to your beds.
Morning arrives sooner than you'd like and you meet Caitlyn early, both of you squinting against the bright sunlight as you make your way to the training grounds. The morning sun warms your face as you and Caitlyn wait on the grass for Grayson to arrive with your sparring partner. You're chatting idly, speculating about who it might be when you hear approaching footsteps.
Your eyes widen as you see Grayson walking towards you, but it's the figure beside her that makes your breath catch. Sevika strides across the field, her presence somehow always able to steal your attention. She's wearing dark wash jeans that hug her legs and a sleeveless, tight black tee that shows off her toned arms with her usual red shawl draping over her left side.
Grayson offers an apologetic smile as they reach you. "Sorry we're late. There was a situation to handle."
Sevika merely grunts, barely acknowledging you and Caitlyn. Your heart races—if she was here to watch you were so screwed, there was no way Sevika would let you have a match without her snarky comments. 
"Marcus was supposed to be here today," Grayson explains, "but it seems he's... incapacitated."
You and Caitlyn exchange knowing looks. It's not the first time Marcus has been too drunk to show up, and frankly, you're relieved. Even when sober, he's a total ass.
"So... who are we sparring with?" you ask, though you have a sinking feeling you already know the answer.
Grayson gestures to Sevika. "Someone owes me a favor."
Sevika rubs her head, clearly annoyed. "Can we get this over with?" she grumbles.
Grayson chuckles. "She's just grumpy because she's hungover," she explains to you, then turns to Sevika with a raised eyebrow. "Which you wouldn't be if you didn't drink like it's water."
Sevika scowls, softly as she crosses her arms. "It's my day off," she retorts. "You never come to my parties."
"I drink on my own time," Grayson replies primly, adjusting her stance.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes," Sevika snorts, rolling her eyes.
You and Caitlyn look at each other in shock, from the fact that the two captains are bickering like siblings and they’re going to be sparring with Sevika. 
"Sevika?" Caitlyn sputters. "You want us to spar Sevika?"
"It's better practice for you two - Sevika has years of fighting experience. You can learn some new techniques today,"  She reassures. "So, who's first?"
"I'll get it over with," Caitlyn acquiesced, her voice steady despite the nerves you can see in her eyes.
As Caitlyn approaches the sparring area, Sevika reaches for her shawl. In one swift motion, she removes it, and your eyes widen in shock. Where you expected to see flesh and bone, there's instead a gleaming bionic arm. 
Intricate gears and pistons are visible beneath panels of transparent material, offering glimpses of the arm's inner workings. As Sevika flexes her fingers, you can see these components whirring and sliding with precision, each movement accompanied by a soft, almost musical hum.
Sevika doesn't react to the stares, her face stony as if this reveal is inconsequential. You feel a pang of guilt for gawking, but you can't help wondering - was this a war injury, or a result of the walkers? 
Caitlyn recovers from her shock like you do, now both of you feeling more intimidated by the strength and skills of the woman before you.  You watch as Sevika easily deflects Caitlyn's first attack, countering with a move so fast you barely see it. Caitlyn hits the ground hard, she barely has any time to react when Sevika strikes again.
"Come on, cupcake," Sevika taunts, using Vi's nickname for Caitlyn. 
The use of the nickname catches both you and Caitlyn off guard and she narrowly dodges a punch.  You had no idea how much Sevika had been paying attention to your group.
"Is that all you've got?" The captain says smugly.
As the sparring continues, you find yourself studying Sevika's every move. The way she anticipates Caitlyn's attacks, the efficiency of her counterstrikes, the subtle shifts in her stance.  
But it's more than just her fighting skills that captivate you. It's the fierce concentration in her eyes, the slight smirk that plays on her lips when she lands a particularly good hit. It's the way her muscles flex as she moves, the sheen of sweat that forms on her skin under the hot sun.
You're so lost in your observations that you almost miss when Grayson calls an end to the match. Caitlyn is panting, bruised but not beaten, while Sevika looks barely winded.
"Your turn, rookie," Sevika calls out, her eyes locking with yours.
Sevika takes a menacing stance, her bionic arm whirring softly as she flexes her fingers. You try to quell your nerves, reminding yourself of all your training.
The match begins, and Sevika doesn't hold back. She lunges forward with a quick jab that you barely dodge. Her follow-up kick catches you in the side, and you stumble back.
"With those sparring skills, you'll be dead by now," Sevika taunts, circling you like a predator.
You regain your footing, countering with a series of quick strikes that force Sevika to step back. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't think any walkers would be punching me back anytime soon," you retort.
Sevika smirks, effortlessly blocking your attacks. "There are still survivors out there, some who might not be as merciful as me." she says, suddenly dropping low and sweeping your legs out from under you.
You hit the ground hard but roll quickly, narrowly avoiding Sevika's follow-up strike. "I’m only alive because you needed the meds.”
“But you’re alive regardless?” She counters.
“Urgh, you're the worst, you know that? You just like watching me suffer-"
Your words are cut off as Sevika charges forward. You manage to sidestep, grabbing her arm and using her momentum to throw her off balance. For a moment, you have the upper hand, landing a solid hit to her midsection.
Sevika grunts, a flash of surprise in her eyes. "Well, it's not a bad view," she quips, her voice slightly breathless.
You're holding your own better than you expected, your training with Grayson evident in your improved technique. You even manage to land a few solid hits, each one making you more hopeful that you could finally prove yourself to the captain.
But Sevika is still Sevika. Just when you think you might have a chance, she changes tactics. As she unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, you are able to block the first few, but the last one catches you off guard, sending you stumbling back.
Before you can recover, Sevika is on you. With a move so smooth it seems almost effortless, she sweeps your legs again and follows you down. You’re on the ground immediately, the air knocked from your lungs, and suddenly Sevika is on top of you, pinning you down.
Her face is inches from yours, her breath hot on your cheek. "There's always next time, pantry girl," she says, her voice laced with arrogance.
Fury and frustration surge through you—at the nickname, at losing, but most of all at yourself for the way your heart races at her proximity. You struggle against her hold, but it's futile—you lost and couldn’t prove you were ready. 
The days blur into a haze of relentless training after the match, your body pushed to its limits.  Yet despite your efforts, something feels off. Each time you miss a target or fumble a move, Sevika's face flashes in your mind. Your focus wavers, distracted by unnameable thoughts that surface whenever you recall her challenging gaze or the smugness in her voice. 
The sharp crack of gunfire echoes across the makeshift shooting range. You squeeze the trigger, watching as your shot goes wide, missing the target by a good margin. Expaseration bubbles up inside you for missing yet again.
Next to you, Caitlyn's sniper barks and the center of her target explodes. Again. You can't help but feel a twinge of envy at her precision.
"Excellent shot, Caitlyn," Grayson praises, her eyes gleaming with approval. "I think I’m looking at my newest sniper."
Caitlyn beams at the compliment.
Grayson turns to you, her expression apprehensive. "Something on your mind? You seem distracted today."
"No, I'm fine," you mutter, trying to focus on the target in front of you.
Grayson raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Well, if you keep shooting like you did today, you can expect another month before Sevika would even consider accepting you on her team."
At the mention of Sevika's name, you can't help but frown. Grayson catches it immediately.
"What's wrong?" she probes, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.
You hesitate, then the words tumble out. "I just... I don't get her. I don't know how to convince her I deserve that spot on the team when she's so infuriating and stubborn."
To your surprise, Grayson laughs, a warm, rich sound. "She hasn't changed since we were deployed together, then."
Your ears perk up at this. "You were deployed with Sevika? Can you tell me about it?"
Grayson shrugs. "What is there to tell? We were in the military together for 10 years and she's a brilliant soldier."
"That's all to her?" you press, not satisfied with such a simple answer.
Grayson gives you a long, appraising look. "What is it that you really want to know about her?"
The question catches you off guard. You open your mouth to respond, then close it again. What do you want to know? But more importantly, why do you want to know? You realize you don't have an answer, and the realization unsettles you.
Seeing your confusion, Grayson's expression softens. "Sevika is not the best fighter," she says quietly.
Grayson chuckles at your expression. "Don't get me wrong, she's an advanced and skilled fighter. But she's not unbeatable." She pauses, her eyes distant as if recalling memories from long ago. "What makes her different... She is loyal and fierce. That woman fights till her very last breath. If she's going to hell, she'll drag you down with her."
Your mind whirs at this information. Who is Sevika beyond the soldier everyone knows her as? You find yourself hungry for more details, more glimpses into the woman behind the tough exterior.
Then you catch yourself, anger flaring up. Why do you care? Why does it matter who Sevika really is? She's just the leader of the scavenging team, nothing more.
You shake your head, trying to clear these thoughts. "Thanks, Grayson," you mutter, turning back to the target.
As you raise your gun again, you can feel Grayson's knowing gaze on you. You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the target. But in your mind's eye, all you can see is Sevika—her cocky grin, her ruthless determination, the mystery that surrounds her.
You squeeze the trigger, and this time, your shot flies true, hitting just off-center. Progress, but not perfection. Much like your understanding of Sevika, you realize. You're getting closer, but there's still so much more to uncover.
A slight breeze rustles the leaves as you wait by the usual tree, checking your watch. Caitlyn's late, which isn't like her.   You’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already and this was the Caitlyn, the one who’s never even been late to a shift at the pantry.  
You’re about to turn back to the house when suddenly you hear shouting from the road a few blocks away. Without thinking, you immediately sprint towards the commotion.
When you arrived, the scene before you was the last thing you would expect—Caitlyn and Vi were in each other's faces, their voices rising with each exchange. A burly guy from Sevika's crew is half-heartedly trying to separate them.
"You fucking liar!" Caitlyn screams, her face flushed with anger. "Why would you join without telling me?"  
You momentarily pause from trying to pull the fighting couple apart, in all the years you knew Caitlyn she had hardly cursed; Vi must’ve fucked up, bad.
Vi's stance is defensive, her hands raised. "It's safer for you this way!"
"Safer?" Caitlyn's laugh is bitter. "I didn't ask for a white knight, I asked for a partner that's honest!"
The guy from Sevika's crew steps between them. "Come on, ladies, this ain't the place-"
Caitlyn whirls on him. "How could you let her in Sevika’s group like this?"
He backs up, hands raised. “Listen, I had no part in this. Vi was the one who asked, and Sevika accepted her."
Caitlyn's face contorts with anger, and she lunges forward. You jump in, grabbing her arms. "Cait, stop!"
But as you hold her back, his words sink in. "Wait, WHAT?" You turn to Vi, shock evident on your face. "She accepted you to join her scavenging and not me?"
Vi looks away, guilt written across her features. Your blood boils. You release Caitlyn and round on the guy. "Where the HELL is she?"
He crosses his arms, defiant. "I don't have to answer to you."
You step closer, your voice low and dangerous. "Oh, trust me. You want to tell me."
He hesitates, then sighs. "Fine, but it's your funeral. She's in her garage."
Without another word, you turn on your heel and march away, leaving Caitlyn and Vi to their argument. You had your own annoying, lying woman to deal with.
The garage comes into view, its large door open. As you approach, you catch sight of Sevika bent over a motorcycle. Her back muscles flex as she works, visible beneath a black sports bra. Her jeans hang low on her hips, revealing the band of her boxers. For a moment, you were unable to comprehend the sight of Sevika in clothes that weren't military green. 
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before addressing her. "Vi and Caitlyn are out there fighting. I thought you should know."
She turns, surprise briefly flickering across her features before her trademark nonchalance slides back into place. "And that concerns me... how exactly?" she questions, wiping her hand with a rag. "Last I checked, I wasn't running a relationship counseling service."
"Because of all the bullshit you gave about me not being ready? Why won't you let me on the team?" you demand, your voice cracking with desperation. "You let Vi join. What makes her so special?"
"You don't know what you're asking for."
"Then tell me!" you shout, stepping closer. "I'm sick of your cryptic bullshit, Sevika. I deserve to know!"
Something in Sevika snaps—Her composure shatters, replaced by a raw, barely contained fury. "Fine? You want to know why?" She grabs your arm, her grip tight enough to bruise. "Let's go."
She drags you out of the garage, marching through the community with large strides. You struggle to keep up, confused and a little scared by this sudden change in her demeanor.
As you reach the outskirts of the settlement, Sevika slows down. You follow her gaze and feel your blood run cold. Wooden crosses stretch out before you, maybe 20 to 25 of them, each marking a grave.
"This is why," Sevika grits.
You stand there, frozen, as Sevika turns to face you. Her eyes are blazing, but there's something else there too - something melancholic you've never seen before.
"Do you know how many empty graves we have?" she asks, gesturing to the crosses. "It's a fortune if you're able to bring a body home, or if you can spend someone's last moments together."
She walks among the graves, her fingers trailing over the rough wood of a cross. "This is the type of thing we have to deal with. Every time we go out there, we risk not coming back. And if we don't come back, this is what's left of us. A wooden cross and a memory."
"I've had to bury too many people. I've had to tell too many families that their loved ones aren't coming home. And sometimes, I couldn't even give them that closure."
She turns back to you, her eyes now hard, and gone was the brief moment of vulnerability you saw before. "This is why I won't let you on the team. Because I can't... I won't add another cross to this field."
The weight of her words hits you like a physical blow. But instead of understanding, you feel a surge of anger.
"So what?" you snap, surprising both yourself and Sevika. "You keep me locked away like I'm Rapunzel in a tower? Look around, Sevika!" You gesture wildly at the desolate landscape beyond the settlement. "There is nothing left to lose. The world is gone!"
For a moment, she's silent, and you think you might have finally gotten through to her. But then her expression hardens, a bitter smile twisting her lips.
"You can say that," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "until you have the world in your hand and it's ripped away from you."
The words hang in the air between you, heavy with meaning. You see a flash of something in Sevika's eyes - a deep, soul-crushing resignation that makes your anger falter.
"There is always something to lose," she continues. "And every time you think you have nothing left to lose, life finds a way to prove you wrong."
She steps closer to you. "You think you're ready to face what's out there? You think you have nothing to lose? Trust me, pantry girl, you have no idea what loss really is."
"What are you living for if you're constantly scared of losing?" you challenge, your voice rising. "This isn't living, Sevika. It's just... existing."
Sevika's eyes flash dangerously. "You don't understand-"
"No, you don't understand!" you interrupted, shoving her back. "We're all going to die—But I'd rather die out there, trying to do something I wanted, rather than rot away in here!"
You’re angry and you know you just provoked her but you can’t help but shove her back again, frustrated at her but, even more so at yourself.  You were terrified, of fucking course you were—but who wasn’t in the world you were living in? 
With a growl, she lunges forward, shoving you hard. You stumble back, shock and anger coursing through you. Without thinking, you retaliate, pushing Sevika with all your might.
The two of you grapple, a tangle of limbs and fury. Grass and dirt kick up around you as you roll on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. Sevika's bionic arm hisses as she tries to pin you down, but you're quicker, fueled by frustration and pent-up emotion.
With a burst of strength, you manage to flip Sevika onto her back. You straddle her waist, pinning her arms to her sides, which fall limp immediately. Both of you are panting heavily, faces flushed and hair disheveled.
"I won," you gasp out, your chest heaving. "You promised. If I could beat you, you'd let me join."
Sevika looks up at you, her expression unreadable. "When will you learn patience?" 
The proximity is intoxicating, and for a moment, you're distracted by the feeling of Sevika beneath you, the rise and fall of her chest, the intensity in her eyes. 
"You can't expect me to live like this," you insist, your voice softer now but no less passionate. "What are you living for if you're constantly scared of losing?"
Something flickers in Sevika's eyes—pain, fear, or something else entirely. Without warning, she bucks her hips, throwing you off balance. In one smooth motion, she shoves you away and stands up.
You scramble to your feet, ready to continue the fight, but Sevika's next move stops you cold. 
"Sevika!" you call out, your voice cracking. "Don't you walk away from me!"
But she doesn't stop, doesn't even look back. 
You're left standing there, alone among silent tombstones and empty graves, watching her retreating figure disappear into the gathering dusk.
The weight of defeat settles heavily on your shoulders as you stumble into your room. You collapse onto your bed, fully clothed, as the scene replays in your mind. Sevika's face haunts you - not her usual cocky smirk or searching gaze, but that fleeting expression of raw pain you glimpsed just before she walked away.
There's something deeper, a hollowness in your chest you can't quite name. It's more than just the sting of losing an argument or watching her retreat. 
There was something else in her eyes that truly unsettled you—that flash of fear when she looked at you, as if dreading you might become another one of those wooden crosses she would have to mark.
Just as you're about to drift off, a sudden burst of loud music jolts you awake. Shouts and laughter follow, unmistakably coming from a few blocks down—right where Sevika's house is located.
You groan, pressing your pillow over your head. Of course, another one of her infamous parties. But as you lie there, listening to the distant sounds of celebration, a part of you can't help but wonder what Sevika looks like when she's relaxed, surrounded by her team. 
After an hour of futile attempts to sleep, frustration wins out.  You sit up, running a hand through your hair in annoyance. You throw on a hoodie and stomp towards the door, grabbing the nearest pair of slippers without looking.  
The cool night air does little to calm your irritation as you march down the street. You pound on the door, ready to give her a piece of your mind.
To your surprise, it's Sevika herself who answers. Her usual scowl morphs into a grimace as she recognizes you, a lit cigarette dangling from her lips. The sight of her throws you off balance—her gray wife beater clings to her frame, and her cargo pants are smeared with what you hope is just mud. Despite the mess, she looks... good. Annoyingly so.
"Do you know what time it is?" you demand, trying to focus on your anger.
Sevika takes a long drag of her cigarette and then blows the smoke out slowly. Her eyes drift downward. "I like your slippers," she remarks.
You glance down, mortification washing over you as you realize you're wearing Powder's pink bunny slippers. "Shit," you mutter, but quickly shake it off. "Why do you have to be so loud? This might come as a surprise but some people are trying to sleep!"
"Worried you won't get enough sleep to organize properly tomorrow?" Sevika taunts, leaning against the doorframe. "Make sure you don't mix up the soup and fruit cocktail cans."
Her dismissive attitude ignites your temper. "Fine, whatever. You're acting like a complete ass," you spit out.
Sevika's eyebrow raises slightly. "Is that all? Because if so, I've got a party to get back to."
You're about to retort when you catch a glimpse of the interior of her house. It's a mess—empty bottles strewn about, gear haphazardly tossed in corners. 
"What?" Sevika's voice snaps you back to reality.
"I... nothing," you stammer, taking a step back. "Just turn the music down, okay?"
Sevika studies you for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, without a word, she turns and disappears into the house. A few seconds later, the volume of the music noticeably decreases.  Sevika.. Was being obedient? 
She reappears at the door, taking another drag of her cigarette. "Anything else?" 
You open your mouth, then close it again. What else is there to say? That her apparent disregard for what you want infuriates you? That her words about from earlier today won’t leave your mind? That despite everything, you find yourself drawn to her in a way you can't explain?
Instead, you just shake your head. "No. That's... that's all. Thanks."
As you turn to leave, Sevika's voice stops you. "Wait."
You pause, looking back at her expectantly.  You notice that there is a hesitancy to her this time, like you were fragile and if she got too close you might shatter.
"Wear proper attire tomorrow, okay?" she says, her tone businesslike. "And check in at the armory with Vi."
You blink, confused. "Vi? What does she-"
Sevika cuts you off with an exasperated sigh. "Do I really have to explain it to you, rookie?"
"Yeah, cause I don't get it," you retort.
"You're on the team."
For a moment, you just stare at her, unable to process what you've heard. Sevika refuses to meet your gaze, suddenly finding the wall very interesting.
As realization dawns, a wide grin breaks out across your face. Sevika immediately cuts in, "Don't think I'm going soft on you and giving you anything you want. This is an easy spot, but-"
You can't help the shit-eating grin that spreads even wider. "Thank you," you say, your voice sincere despite your obvious excitement.
Sevika just nods, her expression carefully neutral. "Yeah, okay. Now get out of here before I change my mind."
You nod enthusiastically. "Right. Yes. Thank you again. Good night!"
You turn and walk away, trying desperately to keep your cool. But as soon as you think Sevika has fully closed her door, you can't contain yourself anymore. You do a little excited jump right there in the street, pumping your fist in the air. Then, grinning like a fool, you take off running towards home.
What you don't see is Sevika, still standing in her doorway. She watches your celebratory dance with a mixture of disbelief and something akin to fondness. Shaking her head, she finally closes the door, a small, bemused smile playing at the corners of her lips.
The early morning sun casts a golden glow over the farm as your team arrives. The dilapidated barn looms ahead, its red paint peeling and faded. Overgrown fields stretch out to your right, while a rickety fence encloses what must have once been a thriving chicken coop.
Sevika's voice rings out across the coop.  "Alright, gather the chickens."
You blink, certain you've misheard. "Wait, what?"  
You weren’t expecting your first mission to be on a farm, much less to gather the animals. But your confusion is quickly overwhelmed by the sight of your teammates scattering, chasing after a flock of very startled, very loud chickens.  
"How do you expect us to get food?" Sevika asks, her tone matter-of-fact.
You turn to her, eyebrow raised. "Why aren't you helping?"
The air seems to still as everyone freezes, shocked by your boldness. Sevika's eyes narrow dangerously.
"I'm your captain," she states, as if that explains everything.
A reckless grin spreads across your face. "What? Afraid you can't catch a single chicken in front of your people?"
Sevika's jaw clenches, and for a moment, you wonder if you've pushed too far. Then, to everyone's surprise, she vaults over the fence and into the coop.
"You have a mouth on you," she growls, eyeing a particularly plump hen. "That's going to get you in trouble one day."
You hop in after her, heart racing at how she easily accepted your challenge. "Only if I'm caught," you quip back.
The two of you circle the hen, which clucks nervously. You lunge forward, but the bird darts away.
"You're scaring it!" Sevika snaps.
"Me?!" you retort. "You're practically harassing the thing!"
As you both scan the coop for a chicken that wasn’t running like it had its head chopped off, a voice pipes up from outside the fence. "They’re bickering like an old couple!"
In perfect unison, you and Sevika whip around, shouting, "Don't you dare say that!"
The moment the words leave your mouth, you freeze, looking at each other in shock, and then it’s replaced quickly with a scowl as the determination to capture the chicken sets back in.
Okay, so barreling at full force towards the animal was not the way to go considering everyone was already filling their cages.  You mentally devise a plan to corner the chicken, gesturing for Sevika to move to the right while you go left. But as you both rush forward, the hen squawks indignantly and darts between you in a perfect straight line.
Unable to stop your momentum, you and Sevika collide, tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. You find yourself pinned beneath her, acutely aware of her weight, her warmth, the scent of her body wash and gunpowder that clings to her skin.
Sevika pushes herself up slightly, her face inches from yours. "This is dumb," she mutters. "I don't need to prove anything."
"Mhmm," you manage, your brain short-circuiting from the proximity.
She grunts, rolling off you and standing up. "There's one last chicken," she says, brushing dirt from her clothes. "We better get it."
You turn your attention back to the task at hand, scanning the coop for that last elusive hen. The last hen clucks nervously, darting between the wooden beams of the coop. You and Sevika exchange a quick nod, wordlessly agreeing on a strategy.
Sevika crouches low, her movements slow and deliberate as she inches towards the left side of the coop. You mirror her actions on the right, creating a human barrier. The hen's beady eyes dart between you, sensing the trap.  
"Easy now," Sevika murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. 
The hen makes a break for it, but you're ready. You lunge forward, herding it back towards Sevika. She reaches out, her fingers just brushing the chicken's feathers—
A deep rumble suddenly echoes across the farm, stopping you both in your tracks. You both freeze, exchanging a brief, confused glance. In that instant, the barn door explodes outward with a deafening crash. Splinters of wood fly through the air, unleashing a horde of walkers that stumble and lurch towards you.
"Fuck! Run!" someone screams, and chaos erupts.
Your teammates scramble to grab their chicken cages, but you're transfixed by the sight of Sevika, who's inexplicably clutching the chicken she just caught to her chest with her left arm. Without thinking, you grab her right hand and bolt, pulling her along.
As you run, weaving between broken fences and overgrown crops, the absurdity of the situation hits you. Here you are, fleeing from a walkers horde, hand-in-hand with your usually stoic captain who was so dead set on capturing a single chicken she risked a few minutes just to get it. Suddenly, Sevika bursts out laughing, a rich, genuine sound you've never heard before.
"This is so fucking stupid," she gasps between chuckles.
Her laughter is infectious, and soon you're both giggling like maniacs as you sprint towards the getaway car. The wind whips through your hair, you look over at her and see her tiny ponytail bouncing, her eyes sparkling with unadulterated joy.
As you approach the car, you see one of your teammates dancing in the driver's seat, bobbing their head to music that was loud enough you could hear it from a distance.
Sevika's eyes widened in disbelief. "What is that moron doing?"
"Start the car!" you yell in unison with Sevika.
"Start the fucking car!" echoes from all directions as your team converges on the vehicle.
In a mad scramble, you and Sevika end up diving into the trunk together, barely missing from crashing into each other. The car peels out, tires kicking up dust as you make your escape. You twist around to look back, seeing the walkers crest the hill behind you, their grotesque forms looking like ants as you get further away from the farm.
As the adrenaline starts to fade, you become acutely aware that you're still clutching Sevika's hand. You both look down at your intertwined fingers and quickly release a faint blush coloring your cheeks. 
You glance at Sevika and are struck by the sight of her wide grin, revealing the charming tooth gap from the first time you met her. She looks lighter somehow, the usual weight of responsibility temporarily lifted from her shoulders.
"Maybe you should put the chicken in the cage," you suggest, nodding towards the bird still tucked under her arm.
"Right," Sevika says, quickly stuffing the bewildered chicken into a nearby cage.
Free of your feathered companion, you lean out of the trunk slightly, letting the wind rush through your hair. The music from the car's speakers drifts back to you, and you close your eyes for a moment, savoring the smell of the woods and the high from the adrenaline rush.
When you open your eyes and turn back, you catch Sevika staring at you. She's not looking at the receding farmland or checking for pursuing walkers. Her eyes are fixed solely on you, an unreadable expression on her face. In this moment, bathed in sunlight and the afterglow of survival, she looks different. Softer. There was no reminiscent of the super soldier you knew her as.
As your eyes meet, Sevika doesn't look away. Instead, her grin softens into something more intimate, more real. You feel a warmth bloom in your chest, a feeling you can't quite name but don't want to let go of.
The car hits a bump, jolting you both and breaking the moment. Sevika clears her throat and turns to secure the chicken cage, you weren’t sure if had imagined the smile or not.
As you return to Zaun, the adrenaline from your narrow escape fades into a collective sense of relief and camaraderie. The team works together to unload the chickens, and despite the close call, everyone seems to be in high spirits.
"Hey, how about another bonfire party?" someone suggests, and a chorus of agreement follows.
To your surprise, Sevika turns to you. "You should come," she says gruffly. "You’re part of the team now."
"Yeah, sure," you reply, fighting to keep the eagerness out of your voice.
As the team disperses to prepare, you notice Vi sprinting towards a certain someone waiting for her at the entrance. "Caitlyn!" Vi shouts, throwing herself into Caitlyn's arms and kissing her passionately.
You raise an eyebrow. "Well, those two made up fast," you mutter to yourself.
Later that evening, you find yourself seated on the cool ground in front of a roaring bonfire. The flames dance hypnotically, casting flickering shadows across the faces of your teammates. The air is filled with laughter, the clink of bottles, and the rich aroma of smoke and grilled food.
You're nursing a beer, listening intently as the others regale you with stories from previous hunts. Sevika sits not far from you, perched regally on a lawn chair. She's quieter than the others, but you notice her lips quirk up occasionally at particularly funny or outrageous parts of the stories.
As the night wears on, a cool breeze picks up. You shiver involuntarily, the chill seeping through your thin shirt. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sevika glance your way. Without a word, she shrugs off her shawl and leans forward, draping it over your shoulders.
The gesture catches you off guard. You want to thank her, but something in her posture tells you she'd rather not draw attention to the act of kindness. No one else seems to have noticed, and you wonder if this is just how Sevika takes care of her team—quietly, without fuss or expectation of gratitude.
You pull the shawl tighter around you, inhaling the faint scent of cigarettes and gunpowder that clings to it. 
The conversation lulls for a moment, and then someone pipes up, "Hey, remember that time at the hospital in Piltover when we-"
"Uh," another teammate interrupts, glancing nervously at Sevika. "Sevika’s here."
All eyes turn to your captain. Sevika just grunts, taking a long swig from her bottle. You can't tell if it's approval or indifference, but the storyteller takes it as permission to continue.
The crackling fire seems to dim as the storyteller begins, his voice low and reverent. "It was before Zaun was established. Sevika, Silco, Grayson, and some of us old veterans had been cooped up in the hospital for weeks. But it was time we got out, find new people and a place to stay."
You lean in, curious, sneaking glances at Sevika, whose face remains impassive.
"The hospital was completely surrounded," the storyteller continues. "But we had weapons and vehicles. Silco had this completely badass idea to add extra defenses to the ambulance in the garage."
A chorus of whoops erupts from the group, and you see a flicker of pride in Sevika's eyes.
"The plan was to pile as many people as possible into the ambulance. But in the garage," The storyteller's voice drops. "There must've been an opening or something. Somehow, those bastards found their way in."
You find yourself holding your breath while Sevika's face is impassive, but you notice her grip tightening on her bottle.
"It happened so fast. One second Silco was up, the next he was down, a walker lunging for his throat. And Sevika," He shakes his head in awe. "She didn't hesitate. She threw herself between them."
All eyes turn to Sevika. You glance at Sevika, trying to imagine her and the emotions in that moment. 
"Go on," she says. "Finish it."
The storyteller hesitates, unsure. "We had to go back in. We cleared the area, but the walker's teeth sank into her arm instead of Silco's neck." the storyteller says softly. "Even then, she didn't stop fighting. She bashed its skull in with her free hand, then turned and took out two more, saving a few more of us.  But the bite meant she was infected…"
There's a collective intake of breath around the fire. You feel a chill that has nothing to do with the night air.
His voice trails off, and Sevika finishes for him. "So Silco ended up amputating my arm," she states.
"When I die, I'll die on my own accord.  Not because some mindless corpse decided it was my time."
The silence that follows is profound. You see a mix of awe, respect, and a hint of fear on the faces around you as Sevika's words hang in the air.
Then, as if a spell is broken, cheers erupt. "Fuck yeah, boss!" someone shouts, and others join in.
Sevika just grins as she stubs out her cigarette and stands.  “I’m calling it a night, try not to have too much fun."
You remain rooted to the spot even though you know you should go give the shawl that's still draped around your shoulders back.  
As you’re watching Sevika’s retreating form, you're struck once again by how little you truly understand her. Just when you think you've got her figured out, she does something that shatters your assumptions. Her rare, genuine smile from moments ago was like a crack in her armor, offering a glimpse of something you're not sure you were meant to see.
You recall Grayson's comment; If she's going to hell, she'll drag you down with her. But Sevika isn’t just dragging anyone down—she's fighting, clawing her way up. She’ll endure whatever comes, as long as she’s the one who gets to forge her own path.
Sevika faced death itself, and she emerged victorious.
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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kylians sick, and only you can make him feel better
word count - 1.1 k+
watch it - pure fluff ^^
kylian feels like shit. a pile of straight garbage. what he thought was a small headache and stuffy nose has snowballed full force into the worst cold he’s had since he was like 5. at least he hopes it’s just a cold. 
his eyes droop wet and cloudy with the tears that he keeps blinking away. he desperately wants to go to sleep but the constant leaking of his nose and the feeling of being permanently submerged in water from his ears down is making that impossible. his left ear hurts with each movement of his head, god forbid he yaws, not only does it send a shock wave of pain to his ear but also makes the swelling of his sore throat that much more apparent. 
his head pounds, phone long forgotten somewhere tossed on the floor. and to top it all off he thinks he’s running a fever. it’s so cold, no matter how hard he tries to sink deeper into his mattress, hugging his comforter tighter, he can’t fight the constant chill that creeps up his spine. 
it’s around 2 am last time he checked. god fucking dammit he just needs to go to bed. he so desperately wishes you were here, to kiss away his frustrated tears, tuck him into bed properly, make him feel better. but he doesn’t want to bother you. especially not at this time. he can power through this, he knows he can.
hours pass by in agony. the sweat has pooled in his sheets, sticking it to him and permanently settling in a cold he can’t shake off. it’s shit. he feels like shit. he probably smells like it too. And to make everything so much fucking better training is first thing tomorrow morning. Shit shit shit shit. 
why does this always happen to him at the most inconvenient of times. what it the hair he didn’t dry off before bed 2 days ago? the coat he didn’t wear when taking the trash out? ice water he drank after practice? holy fucking shit, he writhes in his sheets and comforters again, silently praying to any entity out there to end this suffering. 
the pain and exhaustion is what knocks him out. for better or worse. 
kylian eyes open blearily, blinking away harsh rays of sunlight and crusties from the restless night. when he wakes he realizes one of two things, 1) it’s way, way, past training, and 2) he feels impossibly worse. 
he doesn’t get out of bed, mainly because he just can’t. the pain has immobilized him, fearing if he so much as moves an inch it’ll sink him further into helpless suffering. 
so he whines pitifully and closes his eyes tight. 
he’s woken up again, but not by the sun, or pain. it’s the sound of his door opening that startles him awake. lovely, absolutely marvelous. he’s fucking bed ridden and about to be robbed. what a time to be alive. 
the footsteps don’t sound like an intruders, soft and gentle as they pad around his apartment. kylian waits in silence. what if it’s someone sent to check on him? hakimi most likely.
when the door to his room opens he’s never been happier to be wrong. 
it’s you, standing in his hoodie, wrapped in one of the blankets he leaves on the couch. a god send. 
you take one look at his feeble state and frown. 
all he can do is manage a garbled response, more of a pitiful whine. 
you rush over, kicking the blanket off and rushing up to cup his face in your hands. 
“my sweet baby, are you sick?” you murmur. 
a weak nod. 
“shit you're burning up, hold on.”  
you come back with a thermometer, gently opening his mouth and setting it under his tongue. 
“hold still baby.” you whisper, hand holding his jaw in place, he almost melts into your touch.
he waits for what feels like hours, till the little beeps go off and you gently remove the plastic from his mouth. 
“you have a fever all right. i prescribe to you bed rest, lots of fluids, and tylenol for the pain. “ 
he blinks sleepy and you take that as an answer. 
you get to work tidying up his room for him while he blinky sleepily as you.
"just rest, I'll call the team for you."
he goes back to the safety of sleep the moment you finish your sentence. 
when he wakes out yet again, its to you at the foot of his bed, and a bowl of spoop in hand.
he grimaces at the thought but you shake your head, "you gotta eat baby."
he all but sobs trying to get up to eat properly, but you make it work. gently spooning the hot soup into his mouth. 
it takes a little while but the soup is half done when he calls it quits. flopping back into his expanse of pillows and blankets. 
he makes a noise and you feel his hand desperately reaching for you, as meek as can be. you give it to him, gently swiping your thumb over his. 
bed time proves to be a hassle as all he can do is groan in pain, begging for you to join him in the very few words he can croak out. 
“if i get sick, who will take care of you? “ 
he stays silent, out of spite or inability remains a mystery as you tuck him into bed properly and take your things to the guest room. 
thankfully, it is just a cold and he’s back to his usual self in no more than 3 days. all thanks to you. 
he’s a quiet type of thanker, thanks lies in his actions and eyes rather than words. 
the gentle hand that rests on the small of your back, picking you up even if its just a 5 minute drive. he gets you flowers, and even takes you out to dinner. 
your smiles the whole way and it makes him beyond happy.
he finally gets those kisses he wanted to bad, easy and smooth against his skin.
"thank you darling." he hums, hands on your waist, bringing you close. 
you smile against his lips, melting into them once more. you sit on his lap at the edge of his bed. at the edge of the world you feel sometimes.
"come to the match?" he almost begs.
"I have a jersey I want to see you in." he plays with the hem of your shirt.
"when do you not want to see me in your jersey?" you playfully roll your eyes. 
he snorts, flipping you into your back, mercilessly attacking your sides with tickles as you burst at the seams.
you laugh till you cant breath, and he's enjoying this all too much. collapsing into you when he's had enough. 
"your heavy." you squeak.
he pretends not to listen, you resort to kicking him off.
"wheres this jersey ?" 
he immediately jumps at this, taking your hand in his to lead you to your 50th jersey of his at this point. you don't mind, if anything it fills you with pride and joy to wear his jerseys. always his.
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