imjustasugablob · 9 days
does anyone else think Shayne topp from smosh gives leon kennedy energy? He has that re2r golden retriever leon vibe so much it's actually insane. even the hair used to be same a while ago
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imjustasugablob · 1 month
stay in character
tw: alien movie slander, leon fluff, no zombies (??) au
"Will you stop running into me? You're acting like you're drunk."
"Maybe they put a lil something-something in my popcorn, who knows?", you giggled.
You and Leon had just seen the most brainrot alien invasion movie to have ever been created in the history of mankind. The entry of the scantily clad extraterrestrial female was the highlight of the film, but then again, you hadn't seen much of it. Because Leon was sitting next to you. Maybe that's why you were all giddy.
The road was empty and the night was cold. You wrapped your arm around Leons. "I'm not actually drunk, you know."
"You kidding me? You couldn't walk a straight line right now even if you wanted to."
"Oh really, Officer?", you teased. Leon rolled his eyes at that one, but you could see right through how that nickname affected him.
Taking on the challenge, you stepped away from the sidewalk and climbed onto the curb. It was slightly difficult to do in heels, but not impossible. "See? I'm perfectly fine. Maybe it's you who isn't walking straight."
"Oh really? Then why are you holding on to my shoulder? Let go and then we'll know for sure." Well, he wasn't cutting you any slack. So you slowly let go of your hold on his leather jacket, bring your arms out to a T, just in case you fell.
You managed a full 2 steps before stumbling. Luckily, Leon had his arm right behind your waist, without you noticing. He grabbed you before you hobbled off onto to sidewalk and almost collided with his chest. He smelled like cinnamon. What?
"Not so sober, are we now?", Leon commented after a moments pause. You weren't moving. You didn't wanna move. Who would?
You could hear it in his voice, which had dropped in pitch. You could hear his heart steadily thumping beneath his woolean sweater. It felt too real, even though it wasn't.
"Hey." Leon's hand slipped down from your arm to your waist. He didn't say anything except for that word, but he didn't need to. 3 years working for the DSO, you'd seen some shit together, and had to trust him with your life more than once. You knew what he meant by every single sound he made.
His chin came to rest above your head, in a warm embrace. You inched ever so close to his body, hand slipping further inside his coat, seeking his warmth.
It felt like that moment was infinitely long and momentary at the same time, because just then, you flinched. Your hand had encountered cold metal. The hard handle of his gun, tucked inside the back of his pants, where no one in this small quaint town would see it and grow suspicious.
It seemed as if your fantasy had been cut short, and all the facts came flooding back. You were here for a mission, under the cover of being a newly wed couple who just moved here from the big city. You had started the act from your apartment, where your landlady had been visiting. You'd kept the ruse up, right up till now, when you were both alone. You didn't need to anymore. A small voice in the back of your head had said it, too. But you ignored it. And so did Leon.
The gun felt heavier in his holster now. As if it had grown a new chamber, filled with bullets that knew their final place would be inside the bearers heart.
"I see movement at 8 o'clock, suspect left his car running and exited in a hurry", you said in hushed voices as you gently pulled away from him.
The cold wing stinging your face made you numb to the pain, but it physically hurt you to pretend like everything was normal. Like you hadn't had to kill people in cold blood, and even innocents, just on the order of the government. Like you and Leon had an actual shot at living out the rest of your days in peace, just like this.
Leon thought he had come to peace with the reality of his situation. But watching you two come so close just for it to be ripped from his hands was proving to be too much for him.
pt2?? Lmk and pls give feedback babes ❤️❤️❤️
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imjustasugablob · 1 month
How hard is it to not put "smut" tags in your clearly fluff post? It's so annoying for readers to find good content when half their feed is blocked with stuff they never signed up for. creators need to be less thirsty for views and engagement and rather create content for an actually specific demographic.
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