#burning heart to heart (shadowmaru)
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transformiing · 11 months ago
would anyone like to explain to me why they made him so pretty
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cyberghost-scout · 4 years ago
(Ugh, I'm sorry, Au mas, my beloved. But I have strong urges to share shit)
The Brave Au (and it's not angst this time!)
Ghosty's time with the Braves has helped her come out of her shell over time. She's more honest with her emotions. She said things should and should not please everyone (even if some days are more complex than others). However, she's still trying to get over her anxiety attacks when it comes to higher-ups getting angry. It's a big hurdle for her to overcome. Luckily no one is that mean to her when a prank war happens. It's heart-wrenching to see this robot coming comfortable with herself and everyone, alone by herself in the room, shaking uncontrollably with pure terror and anxiety, trying to fix something desperately before a perceived blow-up happens. It takes her time to calm down after that, even if everyone takes her to a quiet place and assures her it's alright, but she looks so emotionally drained. The team couldn't imagine how bad it was for her to be around Wolfbitch, as her creation, but when witnessing her having a breakdown-- that fills in some blanks. Anyone who attempts to hurt Ghostwire like that deliberately will earn everyone's hatred and disrespect. 
The girls and her get along nicely, of course. It's nice that she and the others can have some bonding time. As Ghostwire realized not all women were like Wolfbitch(Evermore), the girls enjoyed seeing a new perspective with a female super AI. So it's enjoyable when they want girl time. And maybe Ghostwrite uses the information to get back at some of the guys. Watch out, boys~!
The day she discovered plush toys and aquariums is both the team's entertainment and headache. As she will kick somebody's shin if they try to take the plush away or tease her about it, and the other one is, she will try to dunk her head in the SALT water tank cause the sharks to look so cool! They still support her interests, despite being weird about it. 
Her expertise during the job is undercover stings, like Shadowmaru's job but less secret spy stuff and more, surviving the area and finding out the remote locations in public places. Then she comes back and complies with the information with the team, but mostly Shadowmaru, given their jobs overlap with each other the most. 
Then, of course, with her strength, she mainly helps with training, and sparing with the others, despite most times they'll end up being head-locked, but this is helpful for the braves. It helps find out some places that needed some repairs, testing out new techniques, entertainment, and burn out extra energy/anger. Then there's interrogation, but she prefers that as a last resort (stays the hell from that same room if humanly possible); she always feels unnerved with how her temperament turns cold, calculating-- and emotionless.
Sometimes Drillboy uses Ghostwire as a shield from Powerjoe and Gunmax if they're about to do mean big brother things to him. Those two have learned early that it's best to leave him when he takes cover behind Ghostwire or become a temporary wall decoration. Drillboy taught this trick to Bishop later on. 
Polaris and Oberon are in this verse, but they're organic. Cause I thought that super cute that an AI adopts some cute cats. Of course, the humans would help, btw. (This alone is super cute that I want to delve into this later on). And yes, Polaris is still that bad bitch; she will put others in their place except for Ghostwire and her baby. Even ancient spirits, Zonders, Gods, and everything between will shake in fear before this 8-pound black cat with cute white round eyebrows. I'll let you guys think of who Polaris hates the most. Amuse me.
Ghostwire, having a different chip and system to keep her memory and said super chip running from the rest of the braves, is easily more resistant to virus or what makes her team vulnerable, brain cells included. But it's a double-edged sword. Her resilience makes it more challenging for her to get diagnosed. She can't combine into a more prominent form/trump card. Tune-ups take some patience and experienced workers needed for repairs than the rest. So her repairs or check-ups take longer not to cause more irreversible harm to her. 
It might lead to the discovery of Fedelis and Flow thanks to one part that's desperately needed a replacement, or she's stuck in the short form for a year. For this plot thingy for the truth of Phantasma along with Fedelis and Flow, that would be angst with a fluff ending kind of thread; as well established, Ghostwire does not like looking back in her past: out of fear it will not give her closer or peace. However, the rest are not having this; they do want to respect her wishes of leaving her past behind, but not this time; she is needed and can't let her be in a defenseless form any longer. Let along a YEAR. So the stakes and emotional tension are high between the team and Ghostwire. Maybe the two (Fedelis and Flow) would be around more after all of the angst. That'll be cute.
Now, something cheeky with (causes @braveggg-hq. And I thought it would be funny.) Now by the time, the GGG started to appear around the corner. Ghostwire was curious and suspicious of some hidden secrets going around. She's quick about finding details and started to snoop around, which may or may not be discovering the GGG gang's, minus the kiddos, existence faster than the other AI's and Yuuta. The GGG group may not know she found them (Volfogg might suspect something, thanks to sensing her signature. However, that was put on hold as Ghostwire quickly disappeared), but now she knew they exist, and she's getting answers. 
Now, you can imagine Saejima, Azuma, and Toudou keep the GGG as a surprise secret. Everything is going fine, only for Ghostwire giving the poor three older men a heart attack by phasing through a wall, cornering the three, and confronting them about the GGG. Poor Saejima, too spook to think straight, eventually told her the truth but begged her not to spoil the surprise. Maybe help them keep the rest from going too far if they wanted to pick a fight! She eventually obliges with the idea after hearing the explanation. Better to supervise the known trouble makers. But deep down, she was excited and curious about the new faces.
Mostly seeing more femme AIs; that's something fun to try to make friends! She's tired of the Smurfette deal in terms of the ai side of the team. She loves them, but sometimes, *gestures a strangling motion*. 
We all know how the rest reacted, but luckily Ghostwire managed to lessen the fight's severity. After the petty battle, Volfogg realized his suspicions were correct; the energy signature- Ghostwire did indeed found them first. "WAIT! You knew and didn't tell us!?" From a disappointed, pouting Drillboy. While she dryly answers yes to the young mech's puppy eyes and baby pout. 
Sure, the GGG AIs are going to be super cautious of Ghostwire at first. Maybe some might say something unintentionally offensive about her past, but they'll warm up to her after she clears the air, maybe after giving the bot who said the insensitive thing a good karma reward. And yes, the GGG do know of Fedelis. How could they not know of the blunt legend himself?
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Shadowmaru and Azuki - "cooking"
"No no, that's not right."
"Hmm? How you figure?"
Shadowmaru was offering to help with dinner that night, back at the brave police station. Drillboy had somehow convinced everyone to join together for some grub. Thanks to Saejima, the braves were ACTUALLY able to eat. Ever since the said upgrade (for those of you who were asking, they convert the food to fuel. Unfortunately it doesn't last very long, but helped in an emergency), they had been fascinated with food. Shadowmaru, not so much with consumption of food (though his particular favorite was kitsune soba), but more the creation of it, was helping Azuki cook while everyone was partying outside. It was a lot more quiet, but there was some controlled chaos here. There were veggies aplenty, meat, fish, dough, spices, boiling water, all types of things going this way and that. It was confusing to keep track of it all, but Shadowmaru was putting an effort, not wanting to have poor Azuki do everything by herself. Though, he was struggling far more than she was. If you can call her constant instructions struggling.
"To fry the eggplant, you gotta coat it in flour first, then the eggs, THEN the panko crumbs."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to try again."
It was difficult enough he was trying this in his full robot size, but trying to remember the order of things was a bit out of his league. She was so patient however, he didn't feel too bad for his mistakes. She smiled at any chance she could, and gave him a round of applause anytime he did something right. He  felt coddled, but flattered. He tried a new piece of eggplant (which she had sliced and cut into flower shapes), coated it in flour, egg, then the crumbs. She put the potato that she was peeling down, giving him a round of applause.
"That's wonderful! Now do the rest the exact same way, and put them on that plate, I'll fry them up."
"Do you mind if I try? You already have the oil going."
"Normally I'd say yes, but Yuuta is VERY picky about how he has his eggplant, and...well, no offense to you, the oil tastes differently once it's burned."
"Why do you assume I'll burn it?"
"Well, remember who was the one who saved the cookies."
He chuckled. So he was still new to the whole cooking and baking thing. With a teacher like her, he'd be a master in no time at all, he was certain of that. There was a pause as they worked, before he broke it.
"Thank you, by the way."
"It's no problem. I'd hate for the oven to catch on fire because of them, I-"
"No, not the cookies. Though, that was appreciated. I meant to say thank you for allowing me to help you. I know I'm still in need of teaching, and this might be slowing dinner down considerably, but I enjoy this."
"Oh you're treating yourself like a beast of burden. Cooking is more fun when it's with others. And it tastes much better with the more loved worked into it. With your help, there will be more flavor in it more than ever. So thank you."
"...I see. So things taste better when done together?"
Shadowmaru chuckled. He, for once, wished Kagero was here, in a matter that was not mournfully. He wished he was here, just to meet Azuki. He'd like her. He finished coating the rest of the eggplant, and helped her peel the rest of the potatoes (though he had to use his own blade. He couldn't get a good grip on the peeler). He watched her fry the eggplant as he went on, and couldn't help but feel fuzzy. There was something...so kind about her smile. Something so peaceful. Something about it, made him realize this was one of those things that his brother meant. The goods of the world, ripe for the picking. All held in those soft lips.
"What's your favorite food?"
"Sakuramochi. Particularly the ones from the shop downtown. They're a little out of budget for me, so I only really get them on my birthday. Why?"
"I'm just curious."
Shadowmaru said nothing else as they cooked on. Thanks to her, dinner was a success. The little boss was particularly pleased. So much so, that Deckerd had to carefully drive him home as he slept soundly. Shadowmaru cleaned that night, allowing the rest of the braves to slumber. He wasn't doing this just to be nice however. He had a reason.
The next morning, Azuki walked into her kitchen, about ready to make a Saturday morning breakfast. That was when she noticed the box on the counter. Neatly wrapped. She raised a brow, before pulling the top off. Sakuramochi. The EXACT same one from the shop downtown. She couldn't help but smile, having a sneaking suspicion of just who it was from.
"When you gonna sleep with that robot guy?"
She nearly jumped out of her jammies, almost dropping her gift. Karumi was standing there, hands on her hips and smirking.
"Karumi! Language!"
"What? He's INTO you! Robots are the hottest things nowadays, I'd jump on the bandwagon before someone else snatches him from you."
She grinned, digging into the fridge for some juice. Karumi looked at the box, only to sigh. Regardless of her word's vulgarity, she had a point. She should say something. Perhaps make him some cookies. And in cute little heart shapes. For no reason whatsoever.
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gaogaigar-the-king · 8 years ago
Title: Dragon Police Ch 4: Burning Heart To Heart Rating: Teen and up. Fandoms: Brave Police J Decker, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Sariel needs driving lessons. The Brave Police need dragon fighting lessons. Shadowmaru gets out-ninja’d in a ninja battle.
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transformiing · 1 year ago
tag dump
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