#burke X Cristina
swiftlark · 8 months
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meet me in the afterglow.
eliza’s top 100 ships 51/100: cristina yang + preston burke
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huntzbergered · 2 years
Sometimes rewatching shows is such a blessing because it brings you the same comfort and familiarity and excitement and other times it’s like, a fresh hell where you realize things you never noticed in the original allure of it all.
Rewatching Greys Anatomy after all these years is shocking to me. And it’s not like I hadn’t rewatched it before but I guess I hadn’t in many many years and holy hell this show is SOOO fucking messy and juvenile like how are these people adults lmao. I love MerDer with my whole heart and soul and they may have been one of my first married OTPs but what the hell is with their problems?? It’s so stupid and over complicated. Meredith drowning lol and then being like I’m all healed two episodes later without any therapy or actual meditation?? What the fuck LOL. Or Meredith freaking out about asking Derek to move in. Girl, come on? You’re not 18, you guys have been through this dance for five seasons like grow a pair. Also why did Derek even date Rose? Is he good?? Idk why this man pretends he doesn’t know better lol.
I honestly think MerDer in the first 2 seasons had WAY more maturity and progress in their relationship than anything that happened after she drown lol. The show died with her I guess. Meredith was way more mature and actually opened up and understood this was a Real relationship. Then you have Derek walking away at random points after he’s already realized he wants her? Goddamn. Idk I get the love for drama and slow burns but maybe I’m just over it. Their problems are either too over dramatic or too simple lol.
Don’t get me started on how legitimately TOXIC Burke and Christina are. Why the fuck don’t they stage a damn intervention? They have nothing in common, they’re both so pigheaded stubborn and cold in all the wrong ways. They don’t want any of the same things? Did they even talk about KIDS? Like dude. How did we go 3 years with this garbage relationship. Did shonda need an intervention? He literally asked her to marry him after they BOTH thought it was okay to silent treatment each other for like weeks?? Despite burkes health issues?? Ummm?
Also Izzie falling for like George, bruh. Who thought of that? What chemistry were people playing this on?? Pls. Save us.
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tvshowscouples · 23 days
If you love Cristina&Burke (Grey’s Anatomy) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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ninus9607 · 9 days
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Falling for her - Amelia Shepherd
Hey loves
This is my first story, so I'm pretty nervous also I'm sorry about my grammar, English isn't my first language
This story takes place during the second season but there are small changes, like Derek and Addison divorced before Derek came to Seattle so Addison won't be coming to Seattle for Derek because Richard asked her to (it will be important for the plot), lexie. The storyline in my story doesn't match Grey's one.
Amelia will work as an attending with Derek, also she's not the youngest shepherd and she is younger than Derek by only a few years. Derek and Meredith are not dating because of the rule (nobody cared about that but ok
1. New start
There was a voice on the plane telling us to buckle up because we were landing, finally, I thought to myself. Flying more than 6000 km is exhausting. After the plane landed successfully, I put on my backpack and collected my baggage. When I got out of the airport, a cold wind greeted me, it's chilly here, I should take a taxi. There were many taxis on the other side of the road, I took my suitcase and slowly walked to the other side, there were about 5 taxis parked there, which one should I choose? Never mind, I chose the first one I stood by.
"Could you take me to Queen Anne at 303 Comstock Street?"
The taxi driver just nodded, is every American so grumpy? All the way there was silence in the car, but I didn't mind, I was looking out the window and admiring the world around me the whole time. I can't believe it, I'm truly here, Seattle was gorgeous, and there were people all over the place, which was a big difference from my home. When the car stopped on my street, the driver turned to me and in a cold voice said, "It would be $40." I pulled my wallet out of my pocket, full of US dollars, to make sure I had enough money. I must have grabbed a little more than I needed since I could barely close my wallet.
I handed him a $50 bill. "You can ke-" He didn't even let me finish and grabbed it from my hand, then pointed to the door. At that moment, I felt like hitting him. I grabbed my stuff, and as soon as I reached for the door, his car quickly started and sped off.
I looked around to see where I was, and after taking stock of my situation I realized I was lost, fuck, I should have seen what the house looked like before. I mean, what normal person wouldn't look at the house they're buying, yeah, I didn't look. I only have his address. So I'll try to ask someone. The street was quiet, with hardly any people to be seen outside. It was probably because everyone was still at work. However, a woman was walking on the sidewalk. She looked tired, but it seemed like she was my only option.
"Sorry to bother you, miss, but can you tell me where house number 302 is located?"
She looked at me with a surprised smile. "Oh, that's the house right next to mine. You must be my new neighbor. I'm Meredith Grey" She offered me her hand in greeting. Okay, it looks like Americans aren't so bad after all. I shook her hand. "Lena Anderson, nice to meet you" My accent was a bit stronger, I still have to get used to it.
"You're not from here, are you?" I shook my head "No, I just moved here." She looked at me with an even bigger smile. "Cool, come with me. I'll show you where you live."  And with that, she takes my hand. Are Americans always this friendly? We walked for a while and then stopped in front of a pretty big house. Wow, I think I made a good purchase.
"Thank you Meredith for helping me, you saved my life."
"It's okay, I'm glad I met you. Maybe we could hang out sometime, perhaps go to a bar or something?"
"Deal," I said and waved her off, picked up my keys, and opened my new home. Wow, this house is huge!  Large kitchen, beautiful living room, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. This place is amazing! After unpacking and enjoying a warm shower, I settled into the beautifully modern living room, complete with a large TV and a PS5. Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed playing video games. I brought my PS5 here, and it provides great fun while helping me relax from reality. I prepared my favorite fruit tea and turned on the music on the TV. I grabbed my laptop and opened my email to check for any important updates. I was eagerly waiting for news about my job and had also applied for internship programs at hospitals in Seattle. My school grades are excellent, and I have valuable work experience back home in Europe. However, I understand that this may not guarantee anything.
I've got about 30 emails popping up, mostly some ads I should clean up, I started to slowly delete them one by one so I wouldn't accidentally delete something important. until I get an e-mail from Seattle Grace Hospital. I opened it and started reading.
 "You have been accepted into our residency program"
I screamed at the top of my lungs, I couldn't believe it, it's like a miracle, I love my life. In the email, there was additional information, such as salary, hours, and more. I am supposed to start in two days, so I might as well inform Meredith. She could at least assist me in getting oriented here. I changed into something more social, grabbed my keys, and went to see my neighbor.
knock, knock
After a while, some guy opened the door. "Oh, hi? Is Meredith there?" He was a little confused, but he called out to Meredith, who came to the door.
"Hey Meredith, sorry to bother you again, but as you said we could meet sometime. If you don't have plans for tonight, maybe we could hang out?"
"Hey, Len, I was just thinking about you, join us, I'll introduce you to my friends" She led me to her living room, where I saw two other people. They looked nice.
"Everybody, this is Lena, my new neighbor. Lena, these are my friends and roommates. George and Izzie"
"Nice to meet you all." I was a little nervous, but after two hours of talking and drinking, I felt like I had made new friends. Meredith and Izzie were great, funny and George was George. Such a nice guy. But I get the feeling he's secretly in love with Meredith, he looks at her like she's a god. It is very easy to make fun of him but in a good way.
"Where do you work? Your house is huge but it must have cost a lot." George asks me
"Well, actually I bought it before I had a job"
"WHAT? ARE YOU RICH?" Izzie and Meredith shouted at the same time
"Well kind of, but now I got a job in a hospital in their program an-"
"Are you a doctor? and in seattle grace?" George quickly cut me off
"Yeah? What's the problem??"
"We work there too! me, mer, izzie and our other friends like cristina and alex"
"So, Are we colleagues?"
"YES!" Everyone in the room screamed.
"Wow, that's really impressive. Is there a bar where we can celebrate?" I asked
"Let's meet at Joe's Bar tomorrow as we always do after work." Meredith said
"If you show me where it is, we can definitely..."
I stayed at Meredith's place for about an hour and then left to go home. I changed into comfortable pajamas, sat on my bed, and picked up the book. I decided on something a little more interesting: "Haunting Adeline." (😏) I was reading for about two hours before my eyes started to close, so I put the book down, turned off the light, and closed my eyes.
AN: Wow, that was my first chapter. I apologize for every mistake, but I'm trying yk...I'm happy for every response and comment also if you have any questions, just ask. I'd be happy to answer them.
PS: By the way, if you want to read more, you can check out my Wattpad or Ao3, where my story is already uploaded.
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nicollekidman · 2 years
the way they never once gave cristina a good romantic partner outside of meredith 😤😤
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onthwayhome · 1 year
“she was there when you weren’t”
EXACTLY!!! so derek, no, you don’t get to pretend that meredith tells you everything she talks about with her best friend
also cristina leave burke’s ass
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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annie-bby · 2 years
i just finished season 3 of greys anatomy. AND GODDAMN. my face stings (especially my nose) because of crying. so much happened in an hour?? but i can’t get over cristina and burke. they were supposed to be together forever.
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sireditsalot4 · 1 year
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Summary: You have a hard time controlling your emotions and feelings around Cristina. The gang tries to help you but deep down you know you have to do this yourself.
Pairing: Reader x Cristina Yang
You sat down at the table where the gang is and let out a sigh of relief. Due to an illegal race accident, Dr. Shepard had you everyone, testing, doing surgery’s left and right. You were exhausted.
“Woah. What’s the matter with you?” Alex asks.
“I’m not in the mood for you right now.” You warn, pointing your fork at him at the last part. Alex doesn’t light up. “Come on, what is it? I’m your friend. You can tell me anything.” He reassures with that voice that makes your jaw tighten.
“I’m not going to be able to enjoy my meal, am I?” Alex shakes his head. Meredith rolls her eyes. “Leave them alone. They’re going through something right now, something personal,” Meredith adds. You shake your head knowing that won’t be enough. “How come you told them and not me?” Alex says, sounding slightly hurt.
“I didn’t know.” George says looking around the table. A sigh escapes you and you could careless. Any control you had went out the window.
Your beeper goes off and you quickly check it to see it’s Dr. Shepard again. “Come on!” You drop your fork with a piece of lettuce you just stabbed and get up.
Slipping your arm through the white coat, you stop In front of Dr. Shepherd. You see he has a chart full of names unchecked and you can feel yourself collapsing on the inside. “You needed me?” You ask, making eye contact.
“There you are, I need you to check on some patients and then do a rectal exam.” Disgust plasters on your face but you quickly dismiss it. “Yes Doctor.” He hands over a chart and you take it, turning and leaving to begin your new quest.
“I have a hot patient to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me.” Alex gets up. George waits for Alex to be completely gone before asking. “What’s really going on with Y/N?” Meredith and Izzie both look at each other. “You can’t tell him or anyone tho. She made us promise not to tell anyone so you have to not tell, pinky swear.” Izzie holds out her pinky. “I promise. Now what’s going on?”
“Y/N likes Cristina.”
George’s mouth opens in shock. “Wow. I mean, who wouldn’t. Does Cristina know?” Meredith shakes her head. “She’s too scared. Stuff like this is rough, especially for someone young.” All three of them nod.“Remember when I had a crush on you,” Meredith nods. “I remember. It was the cutest I’ve seen you.”
You snap your gloves off and rubs your hands on your coat. “Why is this happening to me?” You whisper to yourself. Looking ahead, you see Cristina talking with Doctor Burke and duck behind a corner. This is so sad. Peaking your head out, you see they are both gone and fully come out and running into Cristina who has a look on her face. You silently scream and place a hand over your chest. “You scared me.”
“You scared me. Who are you hiding from?” Cristina asks, looking around. You freeze looking at her, your mouth opens and close but nothing comes out. “From Dr. Shepherd. He has me every where right now so I’m just hiding,” You take a second to gather yourself, hoping she doesn’t notice.
Cristina eyes you before nodding. “I haven’t seen him down here so he’s probably upstairs. See you.” She says before leaving. You let out a deep breath before heading upstairs for Dr. Shepherd. Way to go.
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peonyblossom · 4 months
Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Ajay Bhandari x m!MC (Matty Wright)
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
Lewyn Junius x m!OC (Jude Junius)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Laws of Attraction
Gabe Ricci x Aislinn Tanaka x nb!MC (Sav Zarza)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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tvshowscouples · 1 month
If you love Cristina&Burke (Grey’s Anatomy) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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ticklishraspberries · 11 months
grey's anatomy headcanons!! ♡
i'm just doing the main 4 interns bc they are the only people i truly, truly care about so far. al*x k*rev will die by my sword so he isn't here. just my 4 baby interns....<333
cristina: very good at pretending that she isn't ticklish at all, and will threaten to kill anyone who tries. she's still not super ticklish, only in certain spots - under her arms, the backs of her knees. mostly hard to reach places, places that only a few people know about. burke knows, and is the only person she would never actually murder for it. meredith knows, too, but almost never does it because cristina screams bloody murder and flails with the intention to hurt. is a cruel, cold, and calculating ler who usually sees tickling as something childish and beneath her, but will do it if provoked.
george: very ticklish, hates being tickled because his brothers used to torture him when he was a child. i think he could be swayed to not mind it with people who are gentle and nice about it. his stomach and sides are his worst spots, and he literally falls to the ground when tickled. his laugh is loud and squeaky and he babbles and curses a lot between giggles. he'd be a gentle but mischevious ler, and very good at verbally teasing. he'd make little comments about your blush, your laugh, all your bad spots and how it makes sense to be ticklish there because of all the bundles of nerves...
izzie: has the cutest, most girly, high-pitched giggle when she gets tickled. also flails a lot, but her intention isn't to hurt anyone, its all involuntary and would be the only person in this show so far that ican imagine finding tickling fun, or at least the only person i could imagine ever admitting it. her neck is super ticklish and she squeals whenever her friends swipe their fingers over it when they pass her in the hallways. is a super playful ler that giggles along with you and calls you adorable the whole time.
meredith: averagely ticklish and has a very neutral view on it. she didn't have a playful relationship with anyone growing up, the only time it really ever happened was accidental brushes during sex. but once she gets into real romantic relationships and has a real tickle fight, she sort of gets the hype. her thighs and feet are her worst spots, and her laugh is actually very soft and breathy. she also kicks, so be careful!!! finds tickling other people fun, especially derek because he breaks so easily. is a quiet but calculated ler, knows everyone's bad spots and has them stored away for future use.
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evansbby · 11 months
✨my grey’s anatomy unpopular opinions✨
some of these may not even be unpopular but anyways
Cristina & Burke >>> Cristina & Owen
Burke wasn’t perfect but at least he realised he couldn’t change Cristina and so he did the best thing for both of them by leaving. Obviously leaving someone on the altar is shitty but like in the long run it’s a good thing.
Apart from that, as a couple they were so sweet like if you just watch old clips of them dancing and just living in their apartment and he’s all neat and she’s all messy but it’s just cute!!!
Owen is literally the worst. I don’t even need to explain this one. There were moments where I felt kind of bad for him but overall he is just the worst.
Teddy and Henry were such a cute couple, their story was so sweet and I wish he would’ve stayed alive so they would’ve been endgame.
The scene where Teddy comes home to find Henry throwing up blood on their sink 🥺🥺 When I tell you I cried so hard!!! To me they were top five couples of Greys idec.
They RUINED Callie’s character! She was so good and badass when she was first introduced and then they gave her the worst exit ever. I loved Callie but her last arc aka the custody battle really made me hate her.
Izzie is overhated! I love Izzie and she’s my fav character. Yes cutting the LVAD wire was wrong but she was desperate and in love.
Katherine Heigl (Izzie) CARRIED the first five seasons of this show especially season 2. Her acting was so brilliant, it’s insane. Actually, Katherine Heigl and Sandra Oh (Cristina) carried, and deservedly won Emmys and Golden Globes for their roles bc they were brilliant.
Izzie x Alex >>> Izzie x Denny. Izzex was THE Grey’s couple in the early seasons after MerDer. She changed him 🥺 he changed for her. Their wedding was beautiful, everything about them was beautiful except how she left him but I sort of understood after everything she’d been through. Just know it wouldn’t have panned out like that in storyline if Shonda didn’t have a problem with Katherine. But they got their happy ending in season 16 which I was SO happy about. My fav couple ever. Like I felt bad he left Jo but HE ALWAYS LOVED IZZIE MORE.
I feel like Lexie is overloved? I mean she was a really nice and funny character and she was lovely but why is she people’s favourite character ranked above Cristina and others??? Lexie’s storylines were never really big or important, why are you liking a character just bc they are nice?? Like Sandra Oh didn’t deliver such AMAZING performances for y’all to pick Lexie over her bc she’s “nice”.
CRISTINA WAS THE HEART OF THE SHOW! Which is why I stopped watching at the end of season 10 the moment she left!!! Her dramatic scenes, her comedy, her everything was perfect.
I honestly feel like the central relationship of the show was the friendship and bond between Meredith and Cristina. It was the crux of the show. It was heartwarming watching them be so close, almost telepathically connected without even saying anything.
George was VERY pick me in the early seasons, but he was a GOOD guy and it showed by his actions. Also the way he was so brave in a quiet way.
The scene with Izzie in her prom dress getting in the elevator and the doors open to reveal George in his army uniform showing he died WAS PEAK CINEMA. I CRIED SO HARD.
Alex was genuinely really mean to George up till George died and for no reason?!? He just didn’t like George at all and bullied him and it was uncomfortable to watch like bro it’s been five seasons WHY DO YOU STILL HATE HIM. Like Alex had started being nice to the girls by that point but he was still horrible to George??? I wish I’d seen their friendship develop.
DEREK was a dick. Like at the beginning. I just didn’t like him at all. He grew on me a bit but I honestly didn’t care that much that he died. He had his good moments but first three seasons he was a dick to both Meredith and Addison. I understand why with Addison bc she cheated on him, but he was so awful to Meredith when she was sleeping around and he basically called her a whore??? BRO YOU ARE THE ONE WHO REJECTED HER AND CHOSE ADDISON?!? Bye lmao
Bailey was SO good in the early-mid seasons. Like just so entertaining to watch and honestly Chandra Wilson is the third person who carried the show along with Katherine and Sandra. But she got annoying in later seasons.
But Bayley and Cristina in the shooting episode was top tier acting. You could FEEL their emotions through the screen.
Grey’s Anatomy doesn’t have the same magic anymore since Cristina left. I really don’t like any of the new characters like Maggie or even Amelia or any of the new guys. And OWEN IS STILL THERE WTF.
Besides that, here are some scenes where I felt like the acting was brilliant:
— When Cristina is performing surgery under gunpoint.
— Izzie when Denny dies. I think the best acting performance of the whole show. “An hour ago he was proposing and now he’s going to the morgue.”
— Cristina when Burke left her on their wedding day, “he’s gone, I’m free”
— Bailey in the shooting episode.
— When George remembers that he slept with Izzie when they were drunk. The scene doesn’t even have any dialogue yall, it’s just their EXPRESSIONS are so good. It’s my favourite scene in the whole show. It’s so emotional and dramatic and only a few seconds long.
— Probably others but I don’t remember.
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Ships that have already qualified (read before submitting):
Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand/Carlos Reyes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Gwen Stacey
Willow Rosenberg/Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Francine Frensky/Muffy Crosswire
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole
Kate Kane (Batwoman)/Renee Montoya
Barry B. Benson/Vanessa Bloome
Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago
Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Jack Zimmermann/Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Justin "Ransom" Oluransi/Adam "Holster" Birkholtz
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan/Jasmine
Kelsey Pokly/Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado
Rebecca Bunch/Audra Levine
Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Rebecca Bunch/Nathaniel Plimpton
Samantha "Sam" Manson/Danniel "Danny" Fenton
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyla (Catwoman)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Barney Guttman/Logan Nguyen
Shay Goldstein/Dominic Yun
Trina/Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Monica Gellar/Chandler Bing
Molly McGee/Libby Stein Torres
Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines
Cristina Yang/Owen Hunt
Cristina Yang/Preston Burke
Levi Schmidt/Nico Kim
Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
James Wilson/Gregory House
The Baker and/The Baker's Wife
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
The Jewish People/The Shabbat Bride
Alec Hardison/Parker
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto)/Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/James "Bucky" Barnes
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Michael Bech
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Hank McCoy (Beast)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)
Layla El Faouly/Mark Spector (Moon Knight)
Matthew Hawk (Two-Gun Kid II)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Betty Brant
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Harry Osborn
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Steve Rogers/Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal
Wanda Maximoff/The Vision
Midge Maisel/Susie Myerson
Hal Emmerich (Otacon)/Solid Snake
Casey Goldberg-Calderon/Lunella Lafayette
Fran Fine/Max Sheffield
Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar
Winston Schmidt/Cece Parekh
David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Seth Cohen/Summer Roberts
Scout Touzani/Elias Wyrick
KJ Brandman/Mac Coyle
Lavinia Asimov/Poison Oak
Phineas Flynn/Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Anon's Mom/Dad
The person reading this & their partner
Jerry Seinfeld/Cosmo Kramer
Simon Lewis/Isabel Lightwood
Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier
Miryem Mandelstam/The Staryk King
David Rose/Patrick Brewer
James T Kirk/S'chn T'gai Spock
Worf Rozhenko/Jadzia Dax
Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Brian Jeeter/Krejjh
Bobby Singer/Rufus Turner
Jonah Simms/Amy Sosa
Reish Lakish/Rabbi Yochanen
King David/Yonatan
Yaakov/The Angel
Rowan Roth/Neil Mcnair
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz
Cecil Palmer/Carlos The Scientist
Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
Little Ash/Uriel
Lucille "Lucy" Kensington/Dr. Edison "Ed" Tucker
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch)/Jericho Drumm
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Shondra Kinsolving
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Ben Grimm (The Thing)/Alicia Masters
Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley/Marcie Fleach
Didi Pickles/Stu Pickles
Velma Dinkley/Coco Diablo
Babushka (Tatiana)/Dedushka (Ivan)
Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin
Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff
Marc Spector (Moon Knight)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
S'chn T'gai Spock/James T Kirk/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Frankie Bergstein/Grace Hanson
Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Maxine Myers/Paula Cohen
Baby Houseman/Johnny Castle
Michael "Mike" Wazowski/Celia Mae
Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
Tim Drake/Kon El (Conner Kent)
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
Reuben Kent/Feliks Kaufmann
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rayland04 · 1 year
Would you guys read a Gray’s Anatomy x Marauders fic?
With plenty of angst, romance, and medical drama? It’ll follow Gray’s Anatomy pretty closely- with the exception of warping the storylines to match with the marauders (like keeping characters that would have left in the show)
Regulus as Meredith
James as Derek
Sirius as Burke
Peter as Mark
Remus as Owen
Barty as Cristina
Evan as George
Pandora as Izzy
I’ll also change the characterization of characters (Remus won’t be a terrible character like Owen is) and I’ll change a few relationships in the fic versus the show (ex: Sirius x Remus will happen)
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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