#bunnytrick get up…
judasisgayriot · 5 months
Han is currently trying to butcher a whole rabbit that we bought at a market stall (for stew 😋) and I keep being like nooooo bunnytrick speak to me!!
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buildarocketboys · 3 months
can’t stop thinking about bunnytrick… do you think he has a kink for being bred? he wants to fulfill his ‘destiny’ for being knocked up with 8 kits at a time, but of course he can’t get pregnant. he sobs hysterically into his pillow. life is so unfair :(
Ahhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssss
(this is as coherent as I'm capable of being rn)
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floralegia · 6 months
Hello <3 🍄 📚 aaand 🎨
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings HMMM let me think. I'm spinning the giant mental wheel of ships that lives in the back of my head. Uhh... let's go with Steter since I've written them fairly recently. I hc that Peter will not appear to be sick whatsoever until he literally collapses from it--it's one part pride, one part the fact that wolves genuinely don't need to worry about being sick as much as humans do, and one part "never let them see you're weak." After the first time he finally gets so sick that he straight up faints in the entryway and Stiles has to drag him to bed, though, Stiles gets like, hypervigilant about it. He has a spreadsheet he keeps constantly updated with any hints that Peter could possibly be sick, with formulas to let him know when there are too many "coincidental" symptoms and it's time to trick Peter into staying in bed for a while and getting some fluids and etc.
📚 ⇢ what’s the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
My comment on @buildarocketboys' second Bunnytrick fic haha!!! If I notice things during reading a fic that I know I want to comment on, like specific lines or whatever, I usually do that in the notes app since I'm basically always reading on mobile so I can't use the handy dandy browser extensions to help.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Oh god, wow, I have no idea. We'll go with a favorite for sure, just kind of the first that springs to mind... I think about this Steddie art by @mickilljoy a lot because a) the art is completely adorable and b) that is my reaction to that part of War Pigs every single time and if you tell me that's not your reaction to that part of War Pigs I kind of don't believe you. Like, c'mon, be reasonable about it.
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redactedwriting · 2 months
thinking about subby spunktrick again. I think he deserves mommy's strap, if he's good enough for me while I tease him. He'd be so sweet for me while I fuck him, I know it. Also I can't get over the idea of calling him bunny, it is driving me WILD. He's so babyboy bunny I need to bite him. Sorry.
fucjing him with your strap and he’s just sooo pathetic watery eyes, thanking you and hiccuping on moans. maybe you told him to keep his hands by his head and he is Not moving them, he’s being so well behaved. ough. him whimpering “mommy…fill me up so much, love your cock…” mindlesslyyyyyy augh augh augh!!!!
calling him baby bun 🥺 or bunnyboy……ough he’d go crazy
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crisis-aversion · 3 years
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#if we’re being completely honest half the people i see online are the reasons i go online to escape so why the frag am i even still here
My Top Posts in 2021
Me: *shows mom a pic of MCU Zemo* does this man look capable of murder?
Mom: No?
Mom: Yes?
Me: He blew up the UN
Me: That’s Baron Zemo
Mom: Oh! (She knows the name because I talk about my fave villains a lot)
Me: *shows dad the same pic* does this man look capable of murder?
Dad (confidently): Yes.
22 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 23:07:35 GMT
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Art Fight 2021: the first year I really managed to do anything for it
Aka 70 fragging attacks, which was eight over my goal. Plus 26 defenses all of which were awesome
So all in all good fun
Tumblr you fragger stop deleting the credits while I’m trying to type them it’s a lot of work you know (fourth time’s the charm *sighs*)
Ownership credits under the cut if I can get Tumblr to stop being mean
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23 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 16:06:55 GMT
The fact that Lex had to supplement Superman’s dna with his to create a clone is something that isn’t really as utilized design-wise as it should be. It would be infinitely funnier if Conner had Lex’s green eyes
And I don’t mean even just Lex’s already ridiculously bright lime green eyes, I mean neon highlighter pen green, a shade that shouldn’t even be possible as an eye color
It’s not even that funny in his alias bc pretty much everyone knows Superboy 1 is a clone, but in civilian identities? Priceless
Neither Clark Kent nor Lois Lane have green eyes, and I’m pretty sure green eyes aren’t even in the gene pool. Conner is basically just a carbon copy of Clark so it’s fairly obvious that he’s Clark’s “kid”
But upon closer inspection?
Anyone that looks close enough: hey Clark, why does your son have green eyes? Where did he get that from?
Clark: uhhhh
Explain that
24 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 21:45:17 GMT
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I should have been sleeping
28 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 14:10:13 GMT
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I’m gonna finish the shading tomorrow I swear, it’s past 11 now lol
This is for @pastelpaperplanes ‘s dtiys!
Part of my continued experiments in what I’ve dubbed my “I don’t care anymore” style
46 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 04:09:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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buildarocketboys · 5 months
for the fanfic ask! Not sure what you've already received but let's go 3, 13, 23, 29
Thanks Ash!!!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It's from a while ago, but my Downton Abbey Thomas&Anna fic Smoking in the Courtyard, exploring their friendship, is still up there for me. There are things I would do differently/expand upon if I was writing it now, but overall I think it's a really good exploration of the friendship that the show didn't really let us have, and it's one of my fics that I reread most frequently.
From more recently, I'm really proud of how unapologetically horny the bunnytrick series is (lol) as well as my vampire!Pete 16 candles AU ongoing multi-chapter fic, because I think it's a great concept that I've executed decently and I should be on track to finish it!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Answered this already, but - none. Or as little as I can get away with 😅
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
I don't write multi-chapter fics very often, but the two I've got going at the moment have fairly defined chapter structures (one is a 4+1 fic, while the other aforementioned 16 candles AU I actually have a chapter plan for, although it's possible 5 and 6 might end up being morphed together).
I can't decide whether to make my Tangled AU multichapter - I don't really want to tbh, but I'm worried that ~35k is too long for a one shot fic - what do people think, I'm genuinely interested to know?
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
OK so I just got distracted and reread this whole fic lol but here's a bit from a Blam fic which starts off with Sam and Kurt sleeping together after Kurt finds out about Blaine dating Karofsky at the start of season 6. Just posting this bit because I managed to make myself laugh lol:
Sam's pacing back and forth across his family's small lounge, waiting for Kurt to reply to his text.
"Sam," says his dad, who's trying to watch the TV in the same room, "if you're going to pace, can you do it somewhere else?"
"What?" Sam says, his dad's words taking a second to register. "Oh yeah, sorry." He sits down for a moment, looking at the TV screen without taking it in. "Who's playing?" he asks his dad.
His dad gives him a weird look. "This is NCIS."
Sam peers at the screen, which shows a man and a woman in a morgue. "Oh yeah." He closes his eyes and sighs, standing up again. He wonders if it was selfish to text Kurt like that, out of the blue. He and Kurt haven't exactly been close since Sam was in junior year and he had lived with Kurt and Finn - they'd drifted apart after Kurt had graduated, and he'd been closer to Finn anyway - but he thinks they're friends. And he thinks Blaine is out of order for dating Karofsky, and he wants to be there for Kurt. But more than that, he wants to talk to someone who understands what he's going through. Maybe the only other person who understands.
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