#bulma x 18
nectarine-pit · 1 month
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Sparring Sessions is here and the colors turned out SO fun!! Excited to have it at Flamecon M136 this weekend, then at AnimeNYC K30, SPX J6, and my webshop in the fall!✨In the meantime, lmk if there’s anything from the table of contents you want to see a preview panel from!!
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r0bins-repert0ire · 7 months
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who else up posting bul18? from this pic
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dalekofchaos · 6 months
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 year
Dragon Ball Couples as Gifs 🐉❤️
Goku & Chichi
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Bulma & Vegeta
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Krillin & 18
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Gohan & Videl
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Bardock & Gine
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tightjacketkidda · 3 months
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New month same team
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spilledbeans116 · 1 year
Perhaps I’ll write a one-shot to celebrate >:)
If ya’ll have requests or ideas for it MY INBOX IS OPEN I don’t bite I promise!!!!!
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What my summer gonna be lookin like
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gummslime · 1 year
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Android 18
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Dragonball High (ft Goku)
It's the first day at a new high school. I wasn't really nervous, I loved meeting new people plus my friends Bulma and Krillin were there. We've been friends my whole life. I put on my uniform, the classic white shirt, black pants and red tie. I gotta say I don't like formal wear so I put my jacket over it since I didn't have a blazer.
"Goku, hurry up its time to go!"
Master Roshi is calling. I better hurry, can't wait to see the strongest kids there and take them on.
I grabbed my stuff and ran out my room. I grabbed my giant lunch from the kitchen before saying bye to Roshi and flying off Capsule High. The first high school that let aliens and anyone else that wasn't human learn on Earth.
I landed outside the school gate. Half monsters, animal people, aliens and humans all together. It was a beautiful site. If only the rest of world was this accepting.
Next to me pulled up a nice, blue Capsule Corp brand car. Immediately I knew. She stepped out of the car dressed in her white shirt, blue skirt, wearing a signature brown glove, red Capsule Corp jersey and pink sneakers.
Looks like i wasn't the only one changing up the uniform.
"Hey Goku."she said. "Its been so long. How you been?"
"I'm good Bulma. So you finally got that drivers licence huh?"I asked, practically stating the obvious.
"Yep and my dad and I made this beauty. Now its perfect by my standards and full of surprises."she said confidently. "So you ready for your first day?"
"Yeah and I can't wait to join the martial arts team I've been hearing about and fight the strongest fighters here."I said, hitting my fist in my palm in excitement.
"Typical Goku."she sighed. Though Bulma does know how I get. "Though there is this guy who just transferred here a few weeks ago and he's a Saiyan too."
"Really? Another Saiyan!?"I exclaimed. Great. He must be strong.
"Yeah but he's a real meanie though."she sighed. "Anyway let me show you around." She led me inside and showed me around the school. Man was it huge. But anything sponsored by Capsule Corp should be.
The tour ended at my locker which was across from hers. She said I'd probably lose the key or forget the combination so she made me a fingerprint scanner on my locker. She knew me so well.
"Hey Goku!!"I turned away from Bulma to see my old buddy, Krillin, running towards us. He hasn't changed at all besides the fact that he grew hair.
"Yo, Krillin."I said waving to my shorter friend. "So whats new? Are you in the Super MMA team I've heard so much about?"
He expression changed after I said that, like he was angry and disappointed. He looked down in disappointment, his fists clenched.
"What happened buddy?"I asked.
"Well...its just..."
"He didn't make it."Bulma said, cutting him off.
"It wasn't my fault!"he exclaimed. "If it wasn't for Vegeta..." He was so mad, I've never seen Krillin this way. What did this guy do?
"Woah wait, who's this Vegeta?"I asked. They both just stood there in silence for a moment.
"Vegeta is the other Saiyan I was telling you about."Bulma said. "And he's not exactly Mr. Popular more like Mr Thinks-he's-high-and-mighty."she said sarcastically. "He's tormented a lot of people since he got here."
"That bad huh?"
"Yep and he's one of the strongest on the team, he's beaten everyone."she stated.
"Well in that case, how bout I teach him a lesson for bullying?"I asked. "Just lead me to him Bulma."
"Hold up. I can't, Goku, class is about to start and you can't just punch a guy you barely know in the face."Bulma said stopping me in my tracks.
"Wait, are you defending him Bulma?",Krillin asked accusingly. He folded his arms and glared at her. She immediately just laughed it off as a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. "What....no, how could you even think that. Hehehe."
As if on cue, the bell rang. Karma taking Bulma's side once again. "Oh look the bell, lets head to homeroom Goku.",Bulma said, she grabbed my wrist and practically pulled me to class. I was actually unable to keep up and almost stumbled twice. Boy, was she in a hurry.
We entered our homeroom and immediately people started acting buddy-buddy with Bulma. She's probably the most popular in this school.
The teacher introduced me to the class before I went to sit by Bulma, Krillin and their friends.
I sat on an empty seat next to Krillin by the window. Bulma introduced me to their friends.
Tien, a triclops, I had to try so hard to stop myself from touching his 3rd eye.
Yamcha, Bulma's ex boyfriend, I'm pretty sure she's the one that gave him those scars as a warning to other guys below her standards.
18, she's apperently an android. And I caught Krillin looking at her funny. Whats all that about?
Apparently they're all part of Super MMA team too. But not Krillin, what the heck? He totally deserves to be on the team.
We were all talking for a while till the teacher started calling names. I was too distracted, thinking about the Super MMA team to notice the teacher calling my name three times.
"Goku!"everyone shouted causing me to fall off my chair in surprise.
"Ow.",I whispered. "Oh sorry Mrs...uh whatever your name is. Here." I nervously said.
"Goku, her name is literally engraved on the front of her desk.",Bulma stated. I scratched the back of my head and chuckled. "Sorry I cannot English today."
"Boy you're hopeless."
I sat back down as the teacher called Vegeta's name. I searched the room for him but he wasn't there.
"Vegeta?",the teacher called again.
"Calm down I'm here.",a voice said. I glanced at the door to see a spiky haired dude leaning against it. He was wearing a grey denim jacket over his shirt, no tie and black fingerless gloves. So that's Vegeta.
Everyone just stared in silence, some kid even stopped breathing once he saw Vegeta. Even the teacher looked nervous.
He walked past us and gave Krillin a glare. Poor guy almost fell off his seat. I'm pretty sure that amused Vegeta because he just chuckled then glanced at Bulma. A grin appeared on his face to which Bulma responded with sticking out her tongue. After seeing this he slowly licked his lips, which made Bulma blush and look away. He saw me staring at him and gave me a dirty look then sat in his seat at the back. This guy practically took the whole back row.
I was about to get up and talk to Vegeta when a black haired girl stumbled in. She was wearing the same uniform except with red fingerless fighting gloves and red sneakers.
"Chi Chi you're-"
"Yeah sorry I'm late Mrs...uhm...ms...sorry ma'am.",she stammered. Looks like I'm not the only one who forgot the teachers name. She looked familiar and I feel like I've heard that name before.
She glanced at me. I immediately sat back down, feeling a little weird. She came up to us.
"Hey guys.",she greeted.
"Hey Chi Chi."
She looked back at me. Her eyes hungrily stared at me like I was a piece of steak.
"Hello Goku.",she said softly. "Never thought I'd see you again."
What? How'd she know who I was and where have we met before? Well she looks like a fighter, maybe we met at a tournament. But I just stared in confusion.
"Uh. Do I know you?",I asked nervously. Everyone just fell to the ground. Chi Chi's eyes which were filled with what seemed like adoration changed to pure rage. I could literally see flames.
"Why you!",she started. "Bastard!" Woah, language.
"I can't believe you don't remember me!"she said as she punched me in the chest. It really hurt, I couldn't help but smile. Boy, she was strong, beautiful and fiesty. I just wish I could remember where we met.
"Hey sorry, its not my fault.",I said defensively.
"Yeah Goku fell on the head as a child and ever since then he'd sometimes have the memory of a goldfish.",Krillin said, stepping in between us.
She just huffed and sat on the chair next to Bulma, her arms folded.
The bell rang and we proceeded to head to our classes. Krillin and I had most of the same classes. Though I did see Vegeta a lot but he kept to himself unless he was terrorizing students.
It was lunch time and me and the gang headed to the cafeteria where I met some of their other friends. Puar, Oolong, Chiaotzu.
I left my table to get my food, the cafeteria food smelled delicious. Another perk of having rich people sponsor the school. I filled my plate but the lunch lady stopped me before i could finish everything. She even took five burgers off my tray. Aw man, now I was left with four burgers, two small bowls of noodles, 3 cupcakes, 7 apples and 1 pudding cup. I'm not gonna survive on this.
I sat back down in disappointment and everyone was staring at me.
"I forgot that Goku loved to eat." Krillin laughed. "Well I didn't, thats why I sent Roshi those lunch boxes as a welcoming gift for Goku.",Bulma said.
I immediately remembered the lunch boxes Roshi gave me today.
"Oh my lunch boxes. Almost forgot."I cheerfully said. Now I can snack after MMA tryouts. "Thanks Bulma!"
Suddenly I saw a hand snatch three of my burgers as fast as lightning.
"Thanks for the lunch, you fool."
I looked up to see Vegeta staring at me for a moment. Like he was observing me. Like he knew something about me that I didn't.
"Hey you!",Bulma shouted. "If it won't trouble your inconsiderate, annoying, high-and-mighty ass, we'd like to get back to our lunch."
He glared at her, he was really pissed, guess he wasn't use to someone speaking to him like that. Everyone in the cafeteria was soon staring at our table. Vegeta turned around, his eyes travelled around the room. The whole cafeteria bowed down to avoid his glare.
"Oh and keep the lunch. I know you don't get fed decent food and you're probably tired of eating out of the dumpster you call a home." Oh snap! Everyone lost it. The rich, preppy prodigy dissed the Great Vegeta.
"Why you little-",he started. I stood up in front of him so he wouldn't get any closer to Bulma. I knew she could handle herself but I really just wanted to see this guy fight.
"So I hear you're the king bee of this school, huh?"
"You could say that."
"Well I got a question for ya'.",I said. He grunted in response. "How 'bout we take this outside."
He smiled and followed me outside. Soon half the school was surrounding us.
I got in my fighting stance. "So Bulma tells me you're a Saiyan and that you're really strong.",I said.
"Oh she did, did she?" He glanced over at Bulma for a moment.
"Hey don't get any ideas!!"she shouted at Vegeta. He frowned and turned back to me.
"Lets see what you've got.",he said, getting into position. We both just stood their for a moment till Vegeta came at me with a punch. I blocked it then hit him in the jaw, sending him back.
"Not bad, for a peasant."he said. Wow he really does think he's high and mighty.
We went at each other with everything, well I was. I don't know if he was doing the same.
"Get him Goku!",Yamcha shouted.
"Yeah, punch that smirk off his face!",Bulma added.
Vegeta's foot aimed at my ribs but he got distracted by Bulma's words. That was my chance. I grabbed his leg and swung him around a few times before releasing him into a wall.
"Grrr...Kakarot.",he mumbled.
I looked at him confused. "What about a carrot?"
With no response he tackled me to the ground and punched me repeatedly, barely giving me a chance to block.
"Goku!" That voice. Chi Chi?
"Goku get up and crush this dweeb. Make him suffer!" Why do I feel like I've heard all that before?
"You dweeb, I'm gonna crush you."she said after trying to kick me in the face. I dodged it and tackled her.
"Do you give?",I asked, satisfied with her defeat. I held her arm tight and gropped her waist with her other arm in mine. Preventing any escape.
"Never!",she said. She stomped on my foot, making me release her arm as I winced in pain. "I'm going to make you suffer." She jabbed her elbow in my stomach. I coughed, clutching my stomach and chuckled.
"My you're strong. I've never met someone like you before."I, stated, still in a little pain. She positioned herself in her stance and smiled.
"Thats because there's only one of me."
Chi Chi, I remember now. I snapped out of it after hearing Tien.
"Shouldn't we help him?"
"Yeah, I say lets do it."Yamcha agreed.
"Guys wait Goku will be-"Bulma said. "Yeah, we should help him, Goku's my friend."Krillin said cutting her off.
Vegeta sent a ball of energy towards them before they could reach me. Guess, he didn't want any interruptions. I could hear their screams but knew they'd be fine.
Now's my chance. I punched him in the face and kicked him off me. I started forming my Kamehameha in the palms of my hand. Vegeta immediately followed with his own. We just stood there, balls of energy growing in our hands.
"Stop!",a stern female voice made everyone freeze on the spot. Even Vegeta.
"Oh shxt its the Principal.",said someone in the crowd. I glanced over to the light purple woman, she had pointy ears and small white horns on her head, she wore a white suit, white heel boots and her light lavender hair was tied into a cute messy top bun.
She actually didn't look bad. Looked like she trains...wait the principal is an alien too!?
There were a bunch of guys in black suits behind her. Some alien, some human. Next to one of the guards stood a green dude in our uniform but with his sleeves torn, showing of his ripped muscles. He had pointy ears too and antennas on his forehead. He didn't look quite happy to be here.
The Principal glanced over at Vegeta. He tried to look tough but I could sense he was getting nervous.
"Vegeta.",she said.
"Yes I know ma'am, wont happen again."he said, his voice lowered a bit out of embarrassment.
"Hmp." She turned to me. "I assume you're the new student, Goku." It wasn't a question. She already knew.
"Uhm, yes and you're the principal right?"I asked. I lent out my hand hoping for a handshake but as soon as I did everyone gasped. She glanced at my hand and back at me.
"I'm Principal Toriyama. Goku, Bulma says you're close friends and she's convinced me to enroll you in our school.",she said leaving me hanging. "I hope I didn't make a mistake."
I frantically waved my hands in the air. "Uh no, no, ma'am, I promise it won't ha-happen again."I said.
"Good because I've requested Sensei to add you to the Super MMA team."
"What!!",Vegeta and I screeched in unison. But for completely different reasons.
"Yes, we'll be battling students from across the galaxy and we could use someone like you.",she said. "So, I assume thats a yes." I glanced over at my best friend for a minute.
"Only if my friend Krillin can join too."
"Really Goku!?",Krillin asked with hope I'm his eyes.
"Yeah you're my best friend, I'd be crazy to leave you behind."
"Well I was planning on filling that spot with Piccolo over here.",she said pointing at the green dude, who's arms were folded, still didn't look happy to be here. "But I suppose we have room for one more."
"Yes!",I shouted.
"No!",Vegeta retaliated.
"What was that Vegeta?"the principal asked. "I could easily give away your spot."
"Then its settled. Now-",she said. She snapped her fingers and a bunch of guys in suits came with a toolbox, a bunch of flowers, paint supplies, shovels, bricks and cement, a wheelbarrow. "-you three are going to clean up this mess and fix what you broke."
"Three?",I asked.
"Yes, you, Vegeta and Piccolo. Piccolo destroyed a few things too, earlier today."she clarified. After all this, her expression never changed. It was still cold and emotionless.
The bell rang and the principal cleared her throat. "Get to work you three. As for everyone else, head to class. Now."she ordered. "Oh, and stop calling me ma'am, makes me feel old."
"Umm, Principal Toriyama.",I heard Krillin say. "Can I help them?"
"Me too."Bulma raised her hand. "And us." The whole gang offered to help. Good 'cause I dont think it'd be a good idea to leave me alone with Vegeta and some grumpy looking green guy I've never met before.
"Sure, I don't care as long as everything is clean."she said blandly. She then left us there, with the men in suits following her.
"Aw, thanks guys."I said. Vegeta just scoffed, grabbed a shovel and began filling the crater we made, alone. I grabbed one too and went over to help him.
"I don't need you're help."he growled.
"Would you just get off your high horse and let us help."Bulma said. Vegeta just grunted and continued.
Boy does she have a way with him. If I said that I'd probably get punched in the face.
Everyone started working. Vegeta and I were filling the crater. Tien and Yamcha were fixing the wall. Krillin was fixing and repainting some benches and poles we broke. Chi Chi, Puar and Oolong tended to the flowers and plants. 18 was helping Bulma fix the wires Vegeta blasted when he tried to hit Krillin, Yamcha, 18 and Tien. Piccolo was fixing the fountain by himself, he enjoys his own company.
"Hey Piccolo."I called out.
"What?" He sounded almost annoyed.
"I'm excited to have you on our team. You must be really strong if they added you.",I said cheerfully.
He smirked and went back to working on the fountain. New school, new friends, new partners and a chance to fight the best fighters across the universe.
Yep, I'm gonna love it here at Capsule High.
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pitchouna · 4 months
helloo, I will leave a request over here ♡ What about a Jealous Goku? Ty.
Jealous Goku x Reader!!
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Goku is irritated. And when I say irritated, I mean very irritated. Earlier, while training, he decided he'll surprise you with an unexpected visit he actually wanted to cuddle with you so bad, but when he was home, he did not see you. And he looked everywhere. Checking if you were cooking, were having a bath, or just napping. He even checked in the toilets!! Not finding you made him grumpy. As he ran onto his son, Goten. "Oh! Dad! Aren't you training?" Goten asked him with his usually high-pitched voice. Goku just shook his head as he immediately wanted to ask him where you were. "Hey Goten, where's your mom? I don't see her anywhere!!" Goku spoke in an annoyed tone. "Oh mom? She went shopping with Bulma and C-18!" Goten answered earning a pat from his dad. "Thank you Goten. I owe you one! See ya!" Goku waved as he teleported living a confused Goten. "Why did he wanted to see mom?... Have I done something wrong?" Poor Goten started worrying hoping he won't get yelled at later. Even if he didn't do anything, we never know with you.
"KYAAAAAA!! WHAT THE FUCK !!??" You've screamed earning the attention of Bulma and C-18. They ran towards you and opened the curtain hiding you changing. And they see you, and Goku in a weird and tight position making both of the women yell. "What the fuck?? Care To explain Goku?!" Bulma yelled. Making Goku chuckle. "Yo ! Wanted to see Y/n for a moment!!"Goku explained. Not noticing you being choked in his chest due to the lack of space. "We don't care just release her look she's not breathing" C-18 said. "O-oops. Sorry Y/n hehe..." Goku chuckled getting out of the changing room which made other people seeing you half naked. You immediately closed the curtains, grateful only Women where in this shop. "Can't you warn when you'll join!!?" You've yelled behind the curtains, embatssed that Goku spawned while you were changing. And that some girls you don't know saw your body. "Hehe... Sorry Y/n... But I wanted to see you right now!! I just could not wait anymore!!" Goku explained to you making you sigh in irritation as you open the curtains now fullyclothed. "Well as you can see right now I'm not free to spend time with you. It has been a long time since I saw Bulma and C-18 because of me taking care of your ass." You spoke bluntly making some of the women laugh since they can hear your conversation. "Anyways you should go, this is a shop only allowed to Women. If you don't go away I'll call the security!" You've said wanting him to go as soon as possible. "This isn't kind Y/n!! It makes me feel you don't love me anymore.." He pouted, making his cute sad puppy eyes, that he used when he desperately wanted something. It always works.
"O-ouch that hurts Y/n!!" Goku whine as you drag his ear to the exit of the shop, and throw him outside. "See you this evening." You've said as you walk away, not giving him a chance to say anything. Goku just sighed, disappointed he didn't get to spend time with you right now. "her problem.. I won't allow her leaving the bed tonight.." Goku pouted irritated flying back home. "Hey Y/n... Wasn't that a little too harsh?" C-18 asked you, making both you and Bulma shocked. "What the hell? You're even worse than me and Y/n reunited when it come to Krillin!!" Bulma explained, making C-18 annoyed. "Me and Krillin is another story. Plus I didn't asked you." C-18 said making Bulma irritated as she was about to explode before you interrupted them. "Oh my god shut the fuck up girls!! Look how cute this top is!!" You've said as sparkles appear in your eyes, as you show them this crismon red Henley top, making them gasp. "Oh my god Y/n !!! Are there other colors??! I need it in purple!!" C-18 said in awe "I want it in blue too!!" Bulma exclaimed. "Yup, there are some right there!" You've pointed towards a cute special stand where there was a lot of cute tops and jeans, and Bulma and C-18 both saw the one they've searched for. "Wahhhh!! I'm in love with them! You have such a good eye when it comes to fashion Y/n!!" Bulma said making you Huff in pride. "Hehe now let's go try them on girls!!" C-18 said like a little child, making you both happy and giggling like teenage girls.
At the same time, a bored Saiyan was rolling over your shared King sized bed, whining non-stop about how he's bored. "How could Y/n do this to meee??.... For once I want to spend time with her and she doesn't want to!! Then I'll bet she'll complain when I'll just focus on training again!" Goku's making a fuss to himself like a big ass baby. "What do I do now?... Y/n will probably finish in some hours... But training do not excite me anymore right now..." Goku whines as he get off of the bed, going downstairs, making his way towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he sighs as he sees it's dead empty, and there's just one tomato left in there. "Pff...there's nothing else to eat too... I think I'll just nap right now..." Goku gave up searching something to do. Until an idea popped on his head. "Wooh! I bet Y/n won't be able to refuse my deal!! But I need to get money to do this... And Bulma will probably say no..." Goku started to think for the first time in his whole life. And he thought too much his head started burning, making smoke. "Oh!! Right! I still have some left over Zenis I've gained when I worked as a farmer!!" Goku exclaimed proud of his amazing idea, getting ready.
As Goku prepared to put his plan into action, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside of him. For once, he would be the one in control in their relationship. He quickly got dressed and slipped on his casual clothes for once because he knows it makes you weak, feeling more confident than ever. As he stepped outside, he couldn't help but imagine the look of surprise and excitement that would undoubtedly appear on your face when you saw him. Now, it was his turn to make you feel happy. With a determined smile on his face, he teleported towards you, eager to start making his plan come to life. "Yo!" Goku said behind you which startled you. "Wahhhh!! Goku I've told you to warn me before appearing!! You scare me every damn time.." You've scolded him once again as he chuckled playfully. But something was off. You looked at him up and down and after 5 minutes of thinking you've realized he was in casual clothes. Which was very rare of him to drop his iconic orange gi.
"Oh? Is today a special day Goku? Why are you dressed like this??" You've asked curious which made Goku smile mischievously. "Since you didn't want to spend time with me earlier, I'm kidnapping you with me on a date!!" Goku said this with pride, which was very cute to see. "So... You're the one paying?" You've asked him smirking. And he nodded. "Alright !! I'll get ready!!" You've exclaimed excited to show him the new dress you bought with your girls earlier. "When do we go? And where do we join?" You've asked Goku which made him frown. "Huh? Why would you want to know that? We're going together right?" Goku said as confusion ran into his non-existant brain. "I want you to see me at the very last moment!! I'll be so gorgeous you'll fall in love with me once more." You've said confidently. "But I'm calling in love with you more everyday already?" Goku said so innocently that almost made you giggle and kicking your feet. But you were not a teenager any more, so you've controlled yourself and only blushed. "W-well it won't stop you to fall in love again." You've said not looking in his onyx eyes. Worried to show your teenager girl side that desperately wants to manifest itself. "Hehe. Fine! But you better be breath-taking!!" Goku smirked challenging you. "Oh yeah?! Challenge accepted!!" And with that, Goku gave you the hour and the place you both will meet up.
When the sun disappeared and the moon appeared, you were surprised to see what Goku has planned was a cute little picnic near a clear lake filled with petals of roses. There he was standing in what seemed a suit, he really wanted to impress you on this one. And it did. The sight was so breath-taking. The way his hair flowed through the wind, the sweet aroma of the roses mixed with the fresh scent of nature, and just the way the candles perfectly lit up the place was perfect. Goku sensed your presence and turned towards you "You're finally here Y/n! I was waiting for-" Goku just stopped talking. You looked ethereal. The way your hair was tied up in a side bun, with a rose to perfectly match your crismon red semi-long dress that flowed through the wind. The last time you saw Goku looking at you this way was the day of your wedding. "Woah.. Y/n.. You look so.. Gorgeous.." Goku struggled to find the perfect words to describe you as he walked towards you, helping you sit down the picnic mat. "So... Did I succeed making you fall in love with me once-more?" You've asked your husband who just responded you by cupping your cheek with a sweet and loving kiss, then saying "Is it possible to marry someone once more time?" he asked innocently making you laugh. "I wish it was. But it's not." You've answered making him pout. "Let's just start eating I'm hungry anyways.." He said. "What did you bring?" You've asked him, curious "I've brought sweets!! But we can always go somewhere else if you want to go-" You've just shushed him with your fingers, enjoying the moment you're both sharing.
On the way home, you've decided to walk around the city a little before just flying back home so the moment will last a little longer. But you both did not expected that this would ruin this perfect date. "Excuse me miss!! May I have a picture with you? You're just so beautiful!!" A child made it's way towards you and politely asked making you melt as you accepted. Goku feeling the warmth of your hand gone, as you had to stop holding his hand to take the picture, made him pout... But that was just the beginning. Immediately when you came back, you were interrupted again. "Hello!! May I ask where you bought your dress? It's beautiful!!" A woman younger than you asked so nicely that you forgot to take Goku's hand. "Of course!! Here I've bought it at "_____" The woman thanked you and made her way towards the shop as you waved her. You've turned towards Goku and spoke. "So what were we talking about-" This time, it was a little girl who interrupted you. She just poked your side shyly and it made you melt once more. "H-here.. Take this rose... It's as beautiful as you..." The little girl shyly said making you blush... "Thank you little one!! That's very cute of you!!" You've thanked her taking the rose in your hands enjoying the nice scent of it. Her mother took her and apologized for her interruption and you've just brushed it off saying it was alright. But it wasn't, for the Saiyan that is starting to get irritated. Pouting and tapping his feet as he's waiting for you to get finished. Just as you were about to come back, other people gave you flowers, coupons for free food at restaurants, (which Goku did not really mind tbh) some asked you how are you so beautiful, and some asked you to join a model agency!
Goku watched as you received flowers, coupons, and compliments left and right. He couldn't help but pout and tap his feet impatiently as he waited for you to finish talking to the people around you. But as soon as he heard you say, "I accept," his heart sank. He knew you had always wanted to be a model, but the thought of you being approached by other men with ulterior motives bothered him. Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy and possessiveness wash over him. He wanted to keep you all to himself and protect you from any potential threats. "Okay now that's enough.." Goku growled but you didn't hear it. You've finally walked back towards Goku, carrying the flowers and coupons in hand. But before you could say anything, Goku spoke up, his voice filled with irritation. "I can't believe you just accepted to become a model! Did you even think about me? I don't want those men to just ogle at your beautiful body all day!" Goku exclaimed. You tried to reassure him that it was just a one-time opportunity, but Goku just couldn't help but get even more jealous. "I don't care if it's just for one day!" Goku snapped back at you. "I don't want to risk it. I don't want those men looking at your body." Goku started grumbling, crossing his arms. You've sighed, trying to calm him down. "Goku, please understand. This is a one-time opportunity. It's not like I'm going to be a model permanently. And besides, I'd be paid well and we could use the extra money!" You've tried to reason with him, but to no avail. Goku just couldn't shake off his feelings of jealousy. Goku continued grumbling, clearly not happy with the situation. "But what if those men try to make a move on you? What if they try to take advantage of you? I don't want anyone else touching you but me." Goku couldn't help but voice out his insecurities and fears.
You've finally had enough of his possessiveness and jealous behavior. "Goku, enough!! I can take care of myself! Do you really have so little faith in me? Don't you trust me to handle myself in this situation?" You've confronted him, your patience running thin. Goku was taken aback by your reaction. He did trust you, but his jealousy was getting the better of him. "I do trust you, Y/n. But I can't help but feel protective of you. I don't want anyone else touching your body but me." Goku admitted, his possessiveness creeping in again. You've let out a frustrated sigh, feeling overwhelmed by his possessive behavior. "Goku, this is really getting too much. I'm a grown woman and I can handle myself. You need to stop being so possessive and jealous. It's not healthy for our relationship." You've tried to reason with him, hoping he would understand and control his emotions. Despite your attempts to reason with Goku, he refused to listen to reason. His possessive behavior and jealousy continued to take over, making it impossible for him to see things from your perspective. You felt more frustrated and hopeless with every attempt to make him understand, and it seemed like there was no way out of this cycle of jealousy and possessiveness. "Ugh!! I'm done!" You've said walking away making Goku worried "Hey! Where are you going?" Goku asked curiously. "I'll sleep at Bulma's this night. You've pissed me." You've said until you took a Taxi, leaving an irritated Saiyan all alone. He just decided to leave you be, thinking that you're the stubborn one here. He just kept mumbling on his way home that this night was near perfect until strangers ruined it.
The same night, he just couldn't sleep at all. The bed felt empty without your presence. Usually it doesn't mind him when it happens, when he goes training for a long time or just when you go to sleepovers with your friends, but this time? It was... Not the same. It felt cold empty and he hated it. He hated how bitter this night became. So without a second thought, he sensed your Ki, and teleported at Bulma's, in the room she gave you to sleep in. He looked at you, sleeping calmly, as if nothing happened. And as of you do not miss Goku's presence while he did missed yours. "Gosh... How can she acts as if nothing ha happened?.." Goku complained joining you into the bed and taking you in his arms and nuzzled in your neck. With you in his arms, he fell asleeo with ease and looked like a big fat ass baby. He also kept mumbling in his sleep things like" You're mine" "There's no way I'm meeting you go there." "No photoshoots we'll stay together today." He's the cutest. But won't hesitate to take advantage of his strength to lock you in his arms so you won't leave him.
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Bitch sorry for randomly disappearing I just forgot this account existed tbh but anyways I'm back!! I have a lot of requests too but I'm super busy sorry y'all will have to wait.. Anyways I love u guys Take care!! <33
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nectarine-pit · 1 year
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still chewing on bulma x 18 in a lost future timeline… I can make it worse
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r0bins-repert0ire · 6 months
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Went and redid This Drawing I did of This Photo because I wasn't too thrilled with the outcome and I'm happy to say I'm much happier with this one!
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blossombriefs · 8 months
Agora Hills | A Goku OneShot [NSFW]
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Authors note: hey guys! Be sure to drop a follow and a like! The support goes a long way! I'm also happy to take requests - please be following me and shoot me a message. I can work of prompts such as songs, locations, colours, scents. Give me a brief description and the characters you'd like. This also has potential for a fully smutty part 2 so if that's something you'd want to see let me know! Prompt: Doja Cat's song 'Agora Hills' "who's that man with the big strong hands?" "You're the one you're the only man, me and you on my OnlyFans" Summary: The reader is an OnlyFans model and after being threatened at a party has to come clean to her boyfriend, Goku Content: afab!reader x Goku, mature themes, blackmail and drama (Vegeta being a total asshole), mentions and details of anxiety, story heavy, soft smut near the end Word Count: 2836 words
Times had been a bit financially straining on you since you tried to settle down with Goku. You both shared a lovely home and with plans to start a family together, you needed to find a source of income to start planning ahead. Goku was constantly off either fighting insane battles on faraway planets or was off training with his friends. Sure, you could have just looked for something in your local area like in a store or on a farm, but when Bulma encouraged you to look into the site OnlyFans, it piqued your interest. Bulma is the best source of motivation you have. You were a little unsure about it but with her lovely compliments toward your appearance, you couldn't help but try it.
You had set up a tripod with a ring light in the corner of your spare room to get the perfect shots, using your phone to capture so many pictures of you in cute lingerie sets you had. You also used a couple of your boyfriend's t-shirts for a baggier look on your body. Your income was plentiful as your platform grew and grew. It covered bills, put food on the table and even left some over for you to treat yourself and Goku. However, one question always lingered in the back of your mind.
"How long can I keep this hidden from him?"
You hated keeping secrets from Goku, transparency was such a huge foundation your relationship was built on. He was always honest with you, would this hurt his feelings?
On one of the evenings he had free, Goku had invited you along to a gathering at Krillin and Android 18's home. Everyone was going to be there and you could tell from his eagerness that he was excited for you to finally meet the rest of his friends. You felt that it had been a long time coming and you put so much effort into how you looked while Goku sported his traditional orange gi. Hopping onto the nimbus cloud, he held you tightly as it whisked you toward the Kame House. As you approached your destination, you were both greeted by waves as everyone gathered outside on the beach. You nervously held onto your boyfriend's arms as he waved gleefully to them all, keeping the same wave and smile through your descent. You both bounced off together, greeting everyone. Going around everyone, you were introduced to his friends one by one.
"Y/N this is Krillin and 18," he extended his hand toward a slender, tall blonde woman and her opposing counterpart. You smile as you shake their hands and introduce yourself. Gradually he made his way around the rest of his friends; Master Roshi, Piccolo, and Yamcha were part of the introductions. Finally, your attention was directed to Bulma and her partner, who you hadn't yet met. He stood beside her with his arms folded over a buttoned up blue shirt, his aura nothing short of intimidating.
"Y/N, you haven't met my husband Vegeta yet have you!" Bulma chirped, taking his arm and yanking him toward you and Goku. You smiled at him timidly, admitting you were kinda afraid of him wouldn't have been the best first impression in your mind. You could sense him looking you up and down, choosing to address you with a scoff.
"So this is Kakarot's harlot, yes?"
You looked to Bulma in disbelief as her hand slapped his shoulder harshly. Goku was quick to wrap his hand around your waist as he spoke up, "Hey, c'mon Vegeta you know that's not very nice!"
He simply huffed in your direction as he followed the rest of the group inside, Bulma not far behind screaming an earful toward him. You felt uneasy, Goku rubbed your arm to try and ease you. You weren't someone to take comments like that to heart but something just didn't feel right. You all took your seats in the living room and for the most part the evening was going well. You all shared some drinks, had a laugh, shared some food. You hit it off so well with everyone that you felt like you were part of the family... all besides one person.
Crossing paths in the kitchen, Vegeta glared you down as you look a fresh glass from the cupboard. When you sat it down again to pour another drink you glanced back in his direction, "Can I help you?"
"Don't think I don't know your secrets," he slowly walked toward you, you felt as if he hadn't uncrossed his arms from your initial introduction. If looks could kill Vegeta would've buried you 100ft underground. "You know your vulgar acts aren't suited to him, that clown deserves a woman with a bit more self respect."
"What the hell are you talking about?" you retort. Your hands shaking as you unscrew the lid from the top of the bottle. Deep down you knew what he was referring to but how did he know?
"That woman runs her mouth to me about everything," his reply was cold. He turned his back to you and began walking toward the door that led to everyone else. "You tell him or I will."
A shudder ran down your spine. The tension left behind lingered with his words. Your heart raced, the weight of your secret growing heavier on your shoulders. You took a moment to collect yourself as you decided Vegeta couldn't be the one to tell Goku. Just as he was about to reach the doorway, you spoke up and the tone in your voice was full of determination.
"Wait, Vegeta please." you plead as you set the bottle down. He turned to look back in your direction with his arms still crossed and his expression staying cold. You look to your feet, "I'll tell him but please could we continue this conversation outside."
Vegeta continued to eye you for a moment, his pride more than evident, but eventually he nodded. Hoping you had cracked him he turned away and led you out the back door to the beach, the soundtrack to your serious conversation being the crashing waves of the sea. You lowered your voice and spoke soft, revealing your own vulnerability beneath what you were portraying as tough, "I never intended on keeping anything from Goku. It's just complicated and I never knew how to bring it up."
His response was a shake of his head and a scoff as he stared you down intensely, "He deserves to know what kind of person he's with, that woman refuses to tell him. I don't even understand what it is you're up to! Y-you're lewd-"
"I have an OnlyFans account," you confess with a deep breath. "It's just a way to bring in some money for us and I just didn't want him to worry about our future. I never intended on disrespecting him I-"
As his scowl deepened and his silence remained, you could tell he was taking in what you were telling him. Wether he'd allow you to tell him yourself or not was on the table was another story. He grunted and without allowing another word to leave your lips, he turned and walked back inside with you close on his heels. Your heart felt heavy with what could follow. You didn't know what would be said. You reentered the living room, Goku glanced at you with a sweet smile, blissfully unaware about the conversation you had just had as you took your seat beside him.
The living room buzzed with conversation and laughter but as you cuddled into Goku's strong arm the weight of the conversation with Vegeta was weighing on your mind, you could feel his intense gaze follow you from the other side of the room as you tried to settle in. A silent threat that you had to tell him sooner rather than later.
As the evening continued, you'd engage in small talk with the others to try and keep your composure but what made your heart feel warm was seeing how happy Goku was. He's an incredibly social person, much more than your average person, and was more than happy being in the company of his friends. After a while, Bulma pulled you into the kitchen. She had noticed how reserved you had become throughout the night and was growing concerned, "Is everything okay?"
You nodded with a forced smile, "Just a little burned out and tired, that's all."
She looked at you with sympathy, placing her reassuring hand on your shoulder, "You sure? You know you can tell me anything, right? If it's because of Vegeta's comment earlier I can always talk to him?"
You shook your head and smiled gently, "Thank you Bulma, honestly, but it's fine! I didn't take it to heart."
You lied through your teeth but she bought it, patting your back as she left you alone with your thoughts. Your anxiety was gnawing at you, you knew what loomed ahead.
As the night gradually wound down, Goku yawned and stretched as he turned to the remaining few people left. With a thankful smile he suggested that you both head home. He stood up, spinning you in his arms to face him. "You look beautiful. You're perfect. Your dress you picked is so beautiful I just can't wait to get back home."
You beamed looking up at him, placing a delicate kiss on his lips. He smiled as he kissed you back in return. However, your loving moment was interrupted by none other than Vegeta.
"I bet you won't be the only man to see what's under that dress tonight, Kakarot," he smirked.
You looked up, witnessing the glee in your boyfriend's face shift into shock. The panic surged through your body as you clung to him tighter, Vegeta's words hanging in the air. You looked towards him with a disapproving look but Vegeta remained totally unfazed, his arms crossed and a sly grin plastered on his face.
"What are you talking about, Vegeta?" Goku furrowed his brows, his hands slipping from your waist.
His response was sharp, leaning in with a wicked glint in his eyes, "Oh, nothing, Kakarot. Just saying that some things... or some people... aren't as pure or nice as they appear."
The air was heavy with tension, your throat was running dry as tears began filling your eyes. Bulma stepped in between the two men swiftly, placing a hand on her husband's chest, "Vegeta enough. Stop it! There's no need for this you're making the poor girl cry!"
Goku's face was still taken over with confusion, turning his attention from Vegeta to you. You could hear his own worry take over, his eyes like a puppy's, "Baby what's going on? What does he mean?"
You were hesitant and unable to string your words together. Again, stealing your opportunity, was Vegeta, "Ask your precious partner about her little online endeavors. She's not as innocent as she appears."
You sigh, placing a hand gently against his chest as you look up towards him. Taking a deep breath and your voice was trembling, "Can we talk when we're home about this Goku, please."
The arrogant Saiyan prince wasn't done. It wasn't good enough for him. Purely with a sarcastic tone he chimed in once more, "Oh, how touching. Wanting to keep things private now? The woman who claims she loves you oh so much is selling herself online for a few extra zenies! Showing herself off to other men, tarnishing your trust."
Unable to process what he was being told, he hung his head as he let go of you entirely. Your arms dropped from his shoulders. He sighed gently, "I'll be outside Y/N. When you want to come home come meet me. We'll talk about this at home."
"Goku plea-" your words couldn't stop him from leaving, slamming the door behind him. You couldn't do anything but tremble. You knew why Vegeta did this, he loved seeing Goku weak or vulnerable. You also knew Bulma wouldn't let him live this down. You smiled sadly in her direction and thanked your hosts, leaving behind a now perplexed group of friends. Sat in the sand outside, creating little patterns in the sand with his finger, was your boyfriend who sat in an overwhelmed silence. You took a deep breath, shuffling in the sand beside him which left your dress covered. The beach was serene at night, the waves crashing against the shore heavy at the other side. "Please, let me explain,"
He sat in an almost child-like silence, his eyes fixated on the shapes he had drawn. The gentle sea breeze carried your tension and sadness. You had never seen him so hurt, it was all your fault. He looked up at you with tears starting to form in his eyes, "I can't believe you'd cheat on me with Vegeta..."
"Goku what?" you said, shocked. "I just met him today?"
"Look, Y/N, I love you. I don't want to lose you. If you've been chatting with him online and-"
This is where everything clicked, Goku had no idea about OnlyFans and what the site was. He took Vegeta's words at face value. You shook your head and cupped his face in your sandy hands. "Baby no, it's not that. I have an account on this website where I sell some pictures of myself and it brings us in lots of money."
Goku wiped his eyes, blinking back anything else that could spill. "What do you mean?"
"These men that buy these pictures don't see me in person. They don't touch me. We don't have sex. It was just an easy solution to our money problem and I'm sorry I wasn't honest. Vegeta knew because Bulma told him. I can't be angry at her for that..."
"So-so you're not sleeping with other people. He made it sound so filthy."
"I can show you what I do when we're home." you reassure him. His face softened as the weight of the misunderstanding started to lift from his shoulders.
"I should've trusted you, I'm sorry." he whispered. You held him close to you, you thought through that night you could've lost him.
"I should've been honest from the start, I just didn't want you to worry. I'd never have wanted to have hurt you."
As he gently pulled back from you he summoned his nimbus cloud. Kissing your forehead gently he softly spoke, "I just want to understand everything. We can move forward together afterwards can't we?"
You nodded gratefully at his understanding words. Together, you climbed aboard your transport home. You could tell from the way he held you that he was still skeptical and his emotions were mixed. You wanted to do your best to help him understand.
Once you arrived back to your house, hand in hand you led Goku upstairs to show him the tripod and ring light set up in your spare bedroom. Sitting him down on the bed, you ran through how the site worked. He nodded along taking in every drop of information. You shown him how much income you brough in each day and explained what everything went to. Finally, you handed him your phone to look through the photos. His eyes widened in a gleeful way as he began to flick through them.
"Babe, you look smoking hot in these!" he beamed. You could feel the negative tension lift off your relationship and a new tension start to brew. Looking up with a smirk, "Can I help sometime?"
"You wanna help?" you gently smile. He nodded his head fast. His hands wandered to the front of your strappy dress, carefully slipping it down to reveal your bouncy, perky tits to him. You flushed red a little. Once your phone was propped up on the tripod, you posed for a few photos with your ever supportive boyfriend. You tried letting him control the ideas, however his Saiyan instincts were close to kicking in and wouldn't leave much time for many pictures. He stayed behind you in most of the shots, cupping your breasts with his big, strong, calloused hands or encouraging them down to play with your pussy. You hadn't done anything sexual on your account yet and allowed him to assist with teasy photos. His hands grabbing your ass, his hands squeezing your thighs. He was giving you the content that could only grow your platform more.
He gently left little bites and bruises on top of your breasts, neck and shoulders. With a cocky grin and a chuckle, he whispered in your ear, “Now they’ll know you belong to me.”
Finally, he took some of you sitting on top of him. You gently straddled him as he slipped his fingers in your mouth for the final shots, your spit dripping down his hand as he looked up at you in pure amazement.
"That's my girl," he said with a gently slap to your ass. You tilted your head gently as you looked down at your strong, sexy boyfriend pinned under your thighs.
"Do you have any other questions?"
"When can I fuck you for all your fans to see?"
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
Hello! I could go for some NSFW poly Vegeta x reader x Bulma 👀 maybe a one shot where the reader is a bit insecure about her looks compared to Bulma (bc let’s be honest she’s super hot)? Thank you 😁
I've been wanting to respond to this one for a while //sobs But work training has been kicking my ass lol (Imagine going from potato lifestyle to immediate athletics work + kids)
So I'm still a bit tired so I can't do a full one shot story style, but I WILL do my usual headcannon style!
NSFW under the cut so MINORS DNI - 18+
•°• VEGETA x Insecure!Reader x BULMA •°•
+ Imagine you all had gone to a beach trip the week before. You were ready to stun your two lovers in the new swimsuit you picked out. But all that confidence went out the window when Bulma came out in her bikini looking absolutely gorgeous.
+ Ever since the trip you got a bit distant and it was starting to show little by little. Bulma and Vegeta had not a single clue why you would be upset, especially after such a nice vacation. It wasn't until they notice you staring solemnly at your reflection in a full body mirror that Bulma got a hint. Vegeta on the other hand needed some explaining.
+ Bulma would slip into the room behind you, wrapping her arms lovingly around your body. "What's with the sad face? You're looking at such a beautiful figure~ What is there to frown about?"
+ At first you tried to jokingly brush it off and tell her you were fine, but Bulma has her ways of getting the answers she wants. It wasn't long before you admitted to her how you felt...lacking in comparison. Bulma was both flattered and upset when hearing this. She was happy you felt so highly about her physique, but not if it meant shaming your own figure.
+ A small smirk appeared on Bulma's face as she hatched an idea. Her hands began to roam over your body. "I think all of you is stunning...your legs...your hips...I especially love these" As the words trailed from her lips, her hands traveled underneath the fabric of your top and began to massage your breasts.
+ You moaned and squirmed as she worked your breast with one hand as the other began to slip downward into your panties. "I think this part of you is quite beautiful too..." She purred before slipping her fingers between your folds.
+ Bulma would then turned you to face Vegeta (Which caught you off guard, how long had he been standing there??) tugging your clothes out of the way so she could put you on display for the prince. "Anything you'd like to say to our beautiful lover??" Vegeta just let out a grunt in response as he stepped forward. He definitely was not the type to show his affection with words, but he had other ways of showing it.
+ You were perfectly sandwiched between the two of them. Vegeta had captured your mouth in an intense make-out session and had wedged his thick thigh between your legs to grind on. Meanwhile Bulma was continuing her ministrations with your breast with one hand and toying with your clit in the other as she nibbled on your neck.
+ It didn't take long before your orgasm hit you hard, causing your body to shudder between the two of them as you rode it out. Vegeta gave you a smug look as he tilted your chin up at him. "Don't think we are done just yet..." You heard Bulma chuckle behind you as she leaned her head on your shoulder. "Oh definitely not...We are going to show you how much we love this body of yours...even if it takes all night~"
+ Prepare for a night of body worship and a LOT of orgasms.
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beneathstarryskies · 2 years
I just want your innocence (vegeta x fem!reader)
Word Count: 2,105
Summary: After discovering Vegeta is a virgin, you decide to make a move.
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, loss of virginity
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The conversation arose one day when you were hanging out at Bulma’s house. Somewhere along the line, Krillin began talking about a horrible date he’d been on recently. Everyone had laughed about that, and swapped stories about their times in the dating world. It had been Bulma who mentioned the milestone of losing one’s virginity.
You remember your first time with semi-fondness. It had been a sweet teen fling, but of course it hadn’t been all that satisfying with all the fumbling hands and worried questions. An awkward silence hung in the air as everyone relived their first time in their minds. Bulma seemed to be the only exception, as she batted her eyelashes at Yamcha and bragged about how sweet he was to her. You’d faked a gagging motion, while Krillin teased Yamcha over his romantic nature. 
“How old were we then, Yamcha? 18? 19?” 
Yamcha scratched the back of his head nervously and chuckled, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bulma. I was definitely younger than that.” 
“How? You couldn’t even look at me when we first met!” Bulma chastised him, and Krillin laughs too before turning to fill you in on how hopeless Yamcha was with girls. 
It was then Vegeta made his untimely entrance, freshly showered after a long day of training in the gravity chamber. A towel was wrapped around his waist, and his mouth opened to ask Bulma about more clothes. Before a word could come from his mouth, Bulma is turning to him with such a mischievous smirk he seemed to be mortified in anticipation of what was to come next. 
“What about you, Vegeta?” she ask, “Who was the unlucky lady or guy who took your v-card?” 
“My-WHAT?” Vegeta’s brow twitched and you swear the vein in his forehead is becoming visible. 
“Your virginity, duh,” Yamcha added, never missing the chance to one-up Vegeta. Although you felt it was a cheap shot to do so when Vegeta was faced with earthly terms he obviously wouldn’t know. 
You hadn’t expected Vegeta’s reaction. All the color seemed to drain from his face, and his shoulders went slack as he tried to fumble for an answer. His angry facade returns quickly. 
“And who are you to ask something so intimate of the prince of all-”
“Virgin,” Krillin chortled. 
“Excuse me?” Vegeta’s voice booms through the living room. “A prince does not kiss and tell!” 
“Definite virgin,” Bulma agrees. “Nothing to be ashamed of, Vegeta! You’ll meet the right person when the time comes.” 
Still, she leans into Yamcha and giggles against his shoulder. Your brows furrow as everyone continues having a good laugh over Vegeta’s predicament. The prince himself is so stunned his jaw hangs open and his face is beet red. You gently kick Bulma under the table, raising your brows so she’ll cut it out. Her face is red, but she’s trying not to giggle anymore. You know she’s had something of a fixation on Vegeta since he moved here, and they’ve certainly butted heads. Still, treating him this way was wrong. 
“Vegeta, you don’t have to say anything,” you say finally. 
“Tch! I know that, woman!” 
He stomps off, mumbling something under his breath. You watch with a sinking feeling in your stomach. When you consider how Vegeta had spent most of his life under Frieza’s thumb, it’s really not all that surprising he hasn’t experienced intimacy. It was nothing to be ashamed of, but the rest of the group began to laugh among themselves as soon as he was gone. 
“Maybe if he cracked a smile every once in a while,” Yamcha chuckled. 
“He doesn’t even have to smile,” Bulma sighs. “If he’d just be a little nicer.”
Finally, you excuse yourself from the group. They all try to call for you, trying to get you to stay. You find Vegeta’s room and knock shyly on the door. At first, he doesn’t answer, but when you knock again he sighs softly and tells you to come in. 
He’s surprised to see you of all people opening his door shyly. He’s still wearing only a towel and in your presence, he straightens his previously defeated demeanor. You close the door behind you before flicking the lock and smile at him softly. 
“I’m sorry about them,” you say as you walk across the room. You sit down on the bed beside him. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” you sigh softly. “I understand if you’re angry with me-” 
“You didn’t do anything,” Vegeta sighs. 
“I know, but…It still wasn’t right for them to say those things.” 
You reach over to take his hand, trying to get up the nerve to say more. Vegeta scoffs and pulls his hand away from you. Your heart hurts, but you scoot a little closer. 
“Vegeta, can I ask…why?” 
“Ugh, ‘why’ what? Don’t be so vague, woman!” 
You sigh and roll your eyes, “You could try not yelling at me. Plus, y’know I have a name.” 
“Whatever,” he growls. “Just get to the point.” 
“Fine,” you huff. “Why are you still a virgin?” 
“Tch. That’s a stupid question,” he rolls his eyes. “I just never had time. There’s no time for silly romance when you’re taking over planets.” 
“So? You’ve been on earth for a while now.” 
He looks away, “That doesn’t mean I’m just going to fuck anyone who spreads their legs.” 
“Ah, so you are romantic! Is there someone you like?” 
His cheeks heat up and suddenly he can’t even look at you. Of course, you of all people would ask him that. He does find it sort of cute that you’re so oblivious. You scoot closer to him, your eyes trailing down his chiseled profile to settle on his lips. 
“You can tell me,” you say. “I won’t tell anyone.” 
“Is that so?” he chuckles. 
“Yeah! I promise. I’ll keep it a secret!” 
Vegeta doesn’t answer. Instead, he turns to you quickly and presses a rough, slightly clumsy kiss on your lips. You gasp softly, the knowledge settling over you suddenly that you must be the one he likes. You giggle before leaning in to kiss him again. Your fingers run through the tufts of dark hair spiking out from the nape of his neck. Vegeta shudders from the affection. It’s so unknown and foreign to him, but he can’t get enough. He leans forward, effectively pushing you back until you hit the bed, and then he’s hovering over you. Soft, wet lips eagerly find yours again. His hands cautiously rest on your waist, just below the curve of your tits. 
He growls softly when your tongue drags against his bottom lip, quietly asking for permission. His lips part and his tongue meets yours in a sensual caress. As soon as he feels that, his mind goes to incredibly lewd places about where else your soft, warm mouth would feel so good. His cock hardens almost instantly, and he presses his hips against yours. He relishes the sweet little moan you let roll through your throat when you feel his cock pressed against you. You both are flustered with your lips swollen from heated kisses and hearts pounding. 
“I could be your first. If you’d like…” you trail off shyly when you spot the smirk on Vegeta’s face. He kisses your lips quickly before moving along your jawline. 
“Naughty little thing,” he whispers. “You came here just to be the first to have the mighty prince between your legs.” 
You try to protest, but you know his words ring true. You wanted him, but you didn’t want it to seem like sympathy sex. You’d been interested in Vegeta for a while. Somehow knowing of his inexperience almost made him seem more approachable to you. Although if you’d known the truth of his feelings, you would’ve made a move much sooner. 
For all of his big talk, Vegeta begins to feel nervous as he sits up on the bed and begins to undress you. You help him when he fumbles, which to most would be comforting but only hurts his pride even more. He doesn’t even know how to properly undress a woman, how is he ever going to pleasure you like a prince should? He can’t help noticing how your excitement never wavers even when you have to take off your own bra. Instead, once you’re nude you seem to hunger even more for his touch. You pull him close again for another sloppy, excited kiss. Your hands are all over him, taking in every dip and curve of his muscular physique. He grunts when you near the base of his back where that small tuft of fur is all that remains of his tail. He shudders as your fingers run through the fur. 
“Don’t touch me there,” he growls. 
“Sorry,” you pull your hand away. “I didn’t know.” 
Vegeta scoffs quietly but returns to his previous mission of kissing every inch from your neck to your chest. You moan softly, making his heart feel like it’s going to pound right through his chest. He’s not sure he can take it slow any longer. He rips the towel from his waist and tosses it aside. You spread your thighs for him to slot between. 
“I’m going to do it now,” he says awkwardly. You stifle a giggle.
“Okay, uhm, do you need me to help?” 
“No! I know how to do it, woman!” 
You arch your brow at him, but maybe he does know. He does have access to a computer here, after all. You wouldn’t doubt if he’s watched some porn in the dead of night. He presses his cockhead to your slit and rubs it between your folds. Your arousal makes his cock feel slick. Every time he hits your clit, you’re more and more excited to feel him inside of you. You pretend not to notice him look down to make sure he has the right hole before pushing the tip into you. Just from that, his head is spinning. 
By the time the head pushes through the tight ring of your entrance, his balls feel so unbearably tight he wonders if he should stop. His head falls forward, just barely missing yours, and he pants heavily. His grip on you is so hard you’re sure to have bruises. He’s tense above you. 
“Are you okay, Vegeta?” you ask as you stroke his cheek. He can’t even answer. 
He just nods before pushing the rest of his cock into your warm, wet walls. He can’t believe how good it feels as you squeeze so snugly around him. His cock is already throbbing. He doesn’t know if he can stand to move an inch. Yet you’re lying there, so expectantly. Your fingers run through his hair, and your eyes are so heavy with lust as you look up at him. 
He thrusts once, twice, then stops. His heart is racing and his cheeks are burning. Your walls flutter so well around him, he feels like a blubbering fool. You reach down to grab his ass, gently nudging him to keep going. He growls as he thrusts two more times. On the fifth thrust, he cries out and his body curls into yours. He holds you close as he sloppily thrusts thick shots of cum into you. The pleasure of his orgasm is more intense than anything he’d ever felt before and more satisfying than any battle he’s ever fought. 
It’s only when he comes down from his high, that’s he absolutely mortified by what he’s done. He growls as he pulls out of you, and recedes completely. He covers up with a blanket, too embarrassed by the sight of his half-hard cock still leaking with the remnants of his arousal to keep it revealed for your eyes. After all of his bragging, and he didn’t even make you finish. He’s quite sure he didn’t even get you close. He feels like a joke. 
“Damnit, woman!” he growls. “Why didn’t you tell me…?” 
“Tell you what?” you giggle softly before crawling over to him, pressing tentative kisses on his shoulder. 
“That it would feel so good! A warning would’ve been nice.” 
You roll your eyes before pressing his hand to your pussy, still leaking with his seed, “Yeah, I could say the same.” 
He scoffs, but can’t completely pull his hand away. He finds himself pushing the cum back into you with his fingers almost by instinct. You kiss his shoulder again, then bravely kiss his lips. 
“The good news, is that we can do it again.”
Vegeta softens up. He certainly likes the sound of that.
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dbzshipbracket · 1 year
Round 2
VegeBul vs K18
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
how would you rank the canon dbz ships? we all know your number one lol, but what about the others? owo
Easy. Just note I’m only adding actual couples and/or couples with romantic tension from Dragon Ball, so I won’t be including fan ships like Trunks x Goten or Piccolo x Janet (even though I do love them both)
1) Vegeta x Bulma ✨
2) Bardock x Gine
3) Broly x Cheelai (yes, I’m counting them too)
4) Krillin x Android 18
5) Goku x Chichi
6) Tien x Launch
7) Gohan x Videl
8) Yamcha x Vidro
9) Android 17 x Unnamed Wife (idc if we’ve never seen his wife, I’m getting good vibes from them)
10) Goten x Valese (they went on a date so I’m counting them)
11) Tarble x Gure
12) Dr Breifs x Panchy (I have nothing against them, they’re just not interesting)
13) Krillin x Maron (fyi Maron is his ex, Marron w/ 2 R’s is his daughter)
14) Yamcha x Bulma
15) Beerus x Cheelai
16) Future Trunks x Future Mai (sir, she is not as old as you think she is)
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