5 movies about bullying
Here you can find a list of 5 bullying movies which integrate bullying in their storyline. You might be able to find some of these movies about bullying on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime.
1. The Class (2007)
This Estonian film, originally named “Klass” focuses on school violence and abuse by putting teenager Joosep in the centre of aggressive and repetitive bullying by the entirety of his class. Victim of horrendous acts of beating and humiliation, his sufferings are prolonged throughout the film, only to be revolted against by one classmate named Kaspar who decides to stand aside him and face the brutality of his aggressors. Raw and brutal, it undeniably conveys anger and frustration against these unforgivable adolescent acts that seem to have no ending. Truly shocking, it’ll leave its audience shaken and touched.
2. Bully (2011)
Bullying is an ongoing problem that changes, affects and puts the lives of millions of children in danger. It is a problem for all kinds of individuals but especially kids as these are still at a stage of development and emotional interferences like these will highly influence their feelings of self-worth and identity. This 2011 documentary focuses exactly on these issues that are often given too little importance and which in some cases lead to heartbreaking suicides, as was the case of 11-year-old Ty Smalley and 17-year-old Tyler Long. It follows the lives of 5 students victims of bullying and attempts to shed light onto this matter, which it successfully does as an emotionally grabbing, powerful and sincere documentary.
3. Carrie (1976)
This iconic film of horror and supernatural is based on a Stephen King novel and is the first adaptation to the screen of the many books of his who have come to visual life. It centres around a young teenage girl with telekinetic powers who’s struggle in school comes from the heavy bullying from her classmates, who make fun of her strange and awkward persona. At home things aren’t better either as her mother is a religiously fanatic woman who sabotages the normal education Carrie should receive. Things escalate and come to a gruesome and grisly end for her and the others around her. With great performances and a heavy and impactful storyline, “Carrie” is a classic for the cruel bullying of characters in film.
4. Lord of The Flies (1990)
Based on the classic novel of the same name by William Golding, this story truly represents the cruelty and barbarism of youth and the influence group pressure can have on individuals. When 24 young students from a military school land on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, due to a plane crash, they are left all alone with only one delirious and injured adult by their sides. As they try and organise themselves in order to help each other survive, we notice the birth of a clan with a decisive leader which leads to rivalry and intense bullying between the young teens. A true depiction of what a monster the human being can turn into when norms and values fail to exist within a society containing aggressiveness and power-hunger, and when under the influence of tyrannical and oppressive order.
5. The Mighty (1998)
This film stars Sharon Stone as the mother of a 13-year old, a highly intelligent boy who nevertheless suffers from Morquio syndrome and must therefore walk in crutches. However he soon befriends Max, an oversized but kind-hearted boy and they both form a bond and protect each other from bullies. Although the end is still far the events leading to it reveal important aspects to the characters and as the time advances, so will the audience’s attachment and sympathy. A beautiful story of friendship and impartiality towards the differences of others that encourages the pure and good-natured hearts to overcome the difficulties of life and join together in order to make it as beautiful while it lasts.
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