#bullshit card game
super-oddity · 2 years
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Can you tell the brain rot is really getting to me.
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heresronnie21 · 3 months
I hope everyone knows that nico's mythomagic strategy is based around the dionysus card. He shows up at tournaments and everyone thinks his deck is trash but he destroys them, humiliates them, shames their whole bloodline. He's the new york state champion. He's taking on national competitions. He has the blessing of the dionysus but he would win either way.
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formulaonedirection · 9 months
THEY WERE PLAYING CARDS https://twitter.com/miaporada4/status/1744374078973067330
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They should play 1 v 1 strip poker next :)
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fortooate · 1 year
magic the gathering sucks + is bad + is strangerthingscore + fuck wotc + die but i do love to tap a forest pay one green mana cast mystic elf and end my turn
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hrokkall · 1 year
Always good to see you too :D
Did you know that while developing the film Prince of Egypt Dreamworks would punish animators by sending them to work on Shrek instead?
Inscryption is Gamefuna's Shrek
I did know about that! Though with Inscryption being both a cover-up and a fairly isolated project, I'd imagine it would be more of an office rumor rather than an actual NPC designation. Like "You'd better do your job properly; I hear there's a position open in Inscryption" or "Wow, that looks like shit; did you pull it out of Inscyption's asset folder?". On account of the liability, it's more or less just an office in-joke; people don't actually get reassigned there...
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...Most of the time.
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blue-eli · 11 months
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Ink October day ten: Dichotomy
A division into two contrasting things or parts.
The phase of the moon, Mercury, or Venus when half of the disk is illuminated.
Branching characterized by successive forking into two approximately equal divisions.
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intervalart · 11 months
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dravidious · 2 months
Rares aren't exciting because they're super strong they're exciting because they're a place to write the most wacky bullshit off-the-wall lines of rules text possible
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What the fuck kind of text is "Other creatures are Food artifacts" that's so fucking stupid I love it so much. Is it strong? That could not possibly be further from the point. The point is that you see this and say "What the FUCK that's ABSURD!!" and then you try your absolute hardest to make some dumb bullshit combo with it. Whether you succeed or fail is far less important than how many silly interactions you discover during the process
Fucking "Ward - Sacrifice a Food", that's hilarious, this card is amazing
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offaela · 9 months
Literally the game went from dope ass art to a brooklyn99 Christmas episode.
Rip Disco elysium's LGBTQ rep I guess
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delighted to report that one of my all-time favorite pastimes CONTINUES to be nerfing the absolute shit out of lucius and watching him figure out how to win Anyway :)
in related news: four (4) hours of writing time on this random-ass wednesday fixed me, more news at 11
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a-land-lacking-sleep · 11 months
Novembmas Day 1: Sibling Antics
I'm falling behind, so I'll get the first few days out today, and try to keep up on snippets.
The game was the same that the pair always played when they had a third; Bullshit. You get an even amount of cards from the deck in your hands, in this case a third of the deck to both twins and Elio, and you had to empty your hand as quickly as possible, by any means. Honesty held the same weight as deception, and comedy could be a better cover than stoicism.
Emmet was watching Ingo like a hawk as the elder twin put his hand down and placed two cards onto the stack that had formed on his legs. “Two 4s,” Ingo says, his voice flat and his eyes trained on Emmet. “And don’t you da-”
“Bullshit,” Emmet pointedly says, pointing directly down at the pile. “Elio already played a 4. I have one in my hand. You are lying.”
Before he could grab the cards to flip them, however, Ingo swats at his hand. “Hey hey hey! You don’t flip someone’s card before they answer the accusation! I taught you that, little brother.” While Ingo wasn’t smiling or able to move his arm, if he were able to do either he’d be covering his mouth to hide a Skitty Smile.
“I am Emmet, and I’m glad I’m not the older brother,” Emmet says forcefully, glaring at his older brother as Elio leans in over the deck. “If I was, I would be balding, like you!”
Elio lets out a low whistle as Ingo brings his good hand up to his chest in a mock scandal. “I would have you know that this was purposeful, for fashion, little brother!” After a moment, his frown turns slightly upwards. “Besides, your wife loves it.”
“Your girlfriend is biased,” Emmet quips, running his fingers through his hair. “Besides, Elesa loves to style my hair. She says it’s very soft! Meanwhile, your hair migrated to your chin.” 
“And everyone says it makes me refined,” Ingo says, deepening his frown as he reaches over and flips the cards at the top of the pile; 3 of Spades and 4 of Hearts. “I guess you caught me, Emmet.” As he pulls the pile towards himself, Emmet punches the air in victory, and Elio begins to laugh maniacally.
Elio quickly put their final card down. “One 5!” Emmet looks over at the young Trainer, who moments before had 4 cards in their hand. He then looks back at Ingo, who was covering his mouth with his multitude of cards.
“I may have lost, brother,” Ingo says with a laugh barely contained. “But you didn’t win, either. Anything goes, yes?”
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broken-clover · 1 year
Since pride month is (very sadly) ending I wanted to make sure I shared this silly little thing. I found a bunch of fake Pokemon cards at a bootleg toy store a couple of weeks back, I had to keep myself from buying a whole pile of them since they were cheap and looked nice, but I was at least sure to get the most important ones
Fat Gay Pikachu and T4T lesbians
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doodlboy · 4 months
You cant?? Use cheat cards when you bring events back in LD?????? What's the point of them then???
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tenleaguesbeneath · 2 years
Shiara + #15!
#15: In a rush of adrenaline
(kiss prompts)
Shepard takes the cards into her hands and shuffles. The Normandy’s portside lounge is full, with what must be half the ship’s officer compliment circling around the card table. Liara sits on the edge of the sofa, watching them.
After the first few deals, Liara decided the Quarian card game Tali wanted to teach the crew was not for her. It seemed to be part strategy, part reflex, and part deceit, putting your cards onto a pile before anyone else could put theirs, with a bunch of rules about what could be played when that Tali’s first two runs through the explanation only seemed to muddy. It didn’t help matters that half the rules seemed like they only applied if someone caught you before someone else made their play.
Not unlike life, especially in Liara’s more recent line of work.
Then James had the idea to make the game more fun by adding alcohol to it.
Liara has never been much of one for drinking games, especially not since the invasion. James and Ashley could drink each other under the table and as long as they didn’t have a ground mission coming, nothing was lost, but Liara is keenly aware of what a morning of work lost to a hangover costs.
It’s why she had a datapad in her hands and had switched away from liquor after the first drink, even at what was supposed to be, as the human crew called it, R&R.
Shepard takes her turn dealing the cards, and the round is on. Alcohol or no, she has never been one to back down from a challenge. She’s already a few drinks in. The culprit is sitting across from her: Sam Traynor. After fumbling her way through for half of the first deal, she’s turned around and been on a hot streak ever since.
As far as Liara can judge the game, Tali holds a strong third place. Cortez, James, Ashley, and Adams were all in the game more for the camaraderie then for any chance of winning, and the real contest was between Sam and Shepard.
Liara pushes a pang of jealousy down. Sam is her friend, and Shepard has made it clear who her heart belongs to. She knows Shepard to be steadfast, that Shepard is not fickle in her affections, and she knows for sure, from inside Shepard’s mind, that there’s only one person she’s interested in. Liara can let Sam have this.
Calls of “ohhhh!” come from around the table as Shepard lays down the last card she was holding, and grabs a stack of face-down cards from in front of Cortez. Cortez takes his eyes off the table to take a swig of his beer.
“One card, Ash,” Shepard calls.
“It’s fine!”
“And the other one?”
“Ugh, fine,” and Ashley withdraws her cards. Sam immediately slaps down one card, then another, on the pile Ashley withdrew her hand from, then one from Tali. Cortez almost has one, then pulls back. Shepard cuts in, and Sam again. The pace picks up, the table a flurry of hands and cards and calls that someone’s trying some trick. Sam clears her hand and goes for another.
It crescendos. Tali picks up the last of the unclaimed cards sitting on the board. Sam plays another card, and Shepard another two.
They’re both down to their last one.
Shepard’s a tightly-coiled spring. Liara’s seen that look before, in the field, preparing ambushes. Sam, for her part, looks no less ready.
The round goes to the first to spot the right moment.
Shepard slaps her card down on the stack with an audible thump. Sam throws hers down on the table. Same as Shepard’s.
Sam’s saying something that sounds like “well-played,” but Shepard’s already turned away from the table, leaning toward Liara.
Liara smells the liquor on her breath as she comes in, then the smell of soap and sweat. Shepard reaches out for her, pulls her into a kiss, and her lips part by reflex. Shepard is eager, her lips moving against Liara’s, and for a second Liara is too startled to think. She brings her arms up to take Shepard into an embrace, and Shepard responds with an eager swipe of her tongue along Liara’s lips. Liara responds in kind.
She’s startled back to reality by a whistle from James. Liara hears Sam cheering as Shepard pulls away from her. She smiles. Even sitting this game out, she’s still part of it.
“You sure you want to stay, Lola?” James asks. “’Cause it looks like you’d rather be somewhere else.”
“Not a chance, Vega,” Shepard answers. “I can’t let Sam sweep the board every time.”
“Maybe you should take her with you, then.”
Liara barely restrains herself from spitting her drink out over her datapad. She turns away and pretends to be thoroughly engrossed in the report she has open she they can’t see her blush. Shepard seemed to think that was funny, too, and in moments the whole table was laughing.
Shepard brings the table back to business. “Alright, James, your deal.”
Even sitting the game out, knowing that the rest of the crew can joke with her like that is reassuring. She belongs here. She’s not just a recluse in her office who the ship’s Commander cares for, she’s part of something bigger. Part of the ship’s crew.
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icehearts · 9 months
white rose ; a flower of silence .. for a time that silence has bound my muse, and why that is or was.
Silence, huh? Thank you for the ask!
[ floral-inspired questions ]
white rose ; a flower of silence .. for a time that silence has bound my muse, and why that is or was.
Conversation is a dance, and there's no step more important to learn than knowing when to hold one's tongue. This is never more true than in a game of Triple Triad, where silence can apply more pressure than any spoken word. What's that saying about not interfering while your enemy is making a mistake? And, sure, it's just a card game, but it's also a perilous battle of wits, and Esca enjoys the challenge if nothing else.
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