#bullet proof boyscouts
yeonsols-garden · 1 year
Intro: 2 cool 4 skool
Ok the first song in this series is 2 cool 4 skool. This isn't really a song in my opinion because it's so short but the reason I decided to talk about it is because namjoon literally tells us what the goal of BTS. As he says in the only line
We tell our story on behalf of those in their 10s and 20s
This tells us what BTS hopes to accomplish with there music. They want to make music for the younger generation. They want to make music that will impact them and speak to them. I think that this mini song doesn't a good job at giving us an introduction to BTS. I find it interesting and a good way to tell ARMY what they are getting into.
Next up on the list is...
We Are Bulletproof
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juanitasupreme · 2 years
ykw im feeling messy today time to be divisive and rank blackpinks singles best to worst.
1. Du ddu du: best raps, had a atual dance break, the hype during that era was unparalleled this was their first global hit ,basically but them on bullet proof boyscouts level
2.boombayah: the girls had one chance to prove to their company they were the new it girls and they did. lisa's rap outsold. jennies rap outserved. rose was on the sliding on the floor jisoo was a visual all was well. birthed blackpink in your era and i cannot lie "i dont need a boy i need a man" had me gobsmacked
3.So hot remix: technically is a single and not a comeback but i said i was ranking singles so get off my dick. the only reason teddy hasnt given blackpink an actual comeback like this is because he's afraid of success? i guess? has one of the least cringe english raps in their discography. like theyd actually body this. this remix came in the middle of a drought and got more streams than the original song in months. absolutley insane. hell they could probably still release it, just give jisoo lines and add a dance break omg.
4. Sour candy: technically not even blackpinks song but lets be honest it is. well its rose's really and we all know out of the 4 girls rose and lisa are the only ones really trying anymore at this point. once again if bp had a song like this they would devour. it would top the charts (deservingly) the reason its not higher on the ranking is because lady gahgah is on there, sorry ma'am
5.Playing with fire: she gave. everything. choreo was engaging, lyrics were deep. raps were slaying. everyone sounded good and this is the last time all of the members were seen trying during live stages. if bp released a song like this today blinks would cry tears of joy.
6. love sick girls: their last truly amazing song theyve put out to date basically manufactured in a lab to be a hit and it was.
7.whistle: its odd seeing whistle divorced from her sister boombayah but im gonna be honest here she has strong line distribution, good rapping but jennies vocals on the chorus never rlly hit for me. she sounds like shes straining, especially the bridge. honestly in my opinion they shouldve kept the demo version iykyk
8. Stay: i feel like people forgot about her. this is the only time bp released a slow song as a single. its very christian horsegirl music which was perfect for rose. i wonder if bp wouldve been better off releasing songs like this and their regular uptempo dance pop songs so that way they would have more depth as a group. but that would require actual effort from yg. bp has such a obvious formula for a lot of their songs that even when they try to break it it ends up more of the same *see, shutdown*
10. sure thing cover: ok i know im fucking pushing this it wasnt even a single but im putting it here because bp couldve benefitted from having a song like this in their discography
11.forever young: on the technicality forever young was promoted on music shows i will count it as a single. shes ok. i put her over kiss and make up simply because she has a dance break
12. Kiss and make up: technically dula peepas song but bp did good so im keeping it here.
13. Ice cream: npt as bad as people say it is its just painfully basic and selena didnt rlly add much but i digress.
14.pink venom: as soon as i heard it i knew they were going for early 2000s late 90s throwback vibes so i didnt hate it like everyone else what can i say i have the mind of a mastermind it was still a let down after waiting so long for a single though
15.as if its your last: i know the pinks hate this song it was the only new thing they had to perform for like two years.
16.ready for love: whew the hype for this song died so fast. its not even bad just forgettable
17. shut down: i will give the song this, the lyrics actually are catchy. the melody of the chorus was stuck in my head after the 2nd listen which is strange since its a lackluster song. rapper jisoo showed up which was a welcome surprise. the english raps left a lot to be desired.
18. awesome screen awesome camera: yes i put an ad with just lisa and rose here to make the number on the list even, and yes this samsung jingle is still better than kill this loveand hylt
19. kill this love: the first time(and not the last) i remember being truly disappointed by a bp comeback.
20. how you like that: ....
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juliettecxi · 4 years
People say "I'm here for a good time not a long time" which is weird cuz things are going badly for me and this is taking forever.
-Min Yoongi probably
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sabe-e · 4 years
army fucking freaked out after the latest video when jungkook said “i know him” after seeing cameron.
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evangeline4003 · 5 years
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박 지민 Park Jimin Doodle 😊💜
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btswestan · 5 years
Straight into my heart💘
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snail-haus · 5 years
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mono-kookie · 6 years
Here’s a taste of the things I do when I’m bored XD
Credit: @pvrple-kookie
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kaidg-t · 6 years
RM: I'm so pure!~ 💜
also RM: *sings Expensive Girl and Trouble*
the rest of BTS excluding Jin: *showers 7 times in holy water that day when that pre-debut mixtape was released*
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The Tear in my Heart/Chapter 1
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Word count: 2,453
(M) (1) (2)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of multiple ways to die including car accidents, cancer, plane crashes and sinking boats, mentions of a mother dying in childbirth and neglect (please let me know if there’s anything important I missed).
He was still looking at you, eyes still trailing the flow of your hair and the way it cascaded down your back. Just like it is now.
 One way or another, we've all experienced heart break. We give every part of us to the people who we love and the people who love us including our hearts, which is why it hurts so bad when someone who we gave our all leaves us behind in the dust. But what if you lived in a world where you quite literally gave part of your heart to every person you fall in love with? The only way you can die here is by running out of pieces of your heart to give, and each time someone falls for you, you take a piece of their heart.  That may sound like the ideal world to someone who isn't living in it. No death by cancer, being shot in wars, no death by drowning, no death in car crashes, plane crashes, sinking boats and other catastrophic ways to die, but really this is much worse. Love is an emotion no one can control, no one can dull the flame of passion and whether you like it or not, it will rage like a wildfire. It's this that leads to the death of many in the streets. It's a horrifying dystopia, watching people die around you of heartbreak, becoming lifeless shells of the person they used to be before their hearts are broken and their lives are ripped from them. It strikes fear in each and every person's heart, trying to put out the fire before it spreads in hopes of saving the last shard of them that they have left, in hopes of leading a life that means something instead of risking it all chasing after euphoria, a perfect life that doesn't exist.  It's this constant looming fear that has driven thousands of people to wear anything from paper bags over their heads, glasses that block out members of the opposite or same sex to avoid falling in love (which isn't very convenient in any situation considering they can't see the people in front of them in queues at the grocery store, people they need to avoid walking down the street and even their bosses at work. Not to mention some are attracted to all sexes and using glasses to block them out would be a lonely world), some have even resorted to living their life staring at their feet or scratching their eyes out. It's disgusting, but you can fall in love without your eyes, you can fall in love without any sense at all because love is overpowering, all powerful and terrifying in this world. It isn't just romantic love either. Parents fall in love with their children, the very first fragment of someone's heart given to someone who comes into the world comes straight from their parents. This is how mothers die in birth, giving the last fragments of their hearts to their children the moment they are dropped into fragile shaking arms. The life of nurses and doctors is the life of watching it happening from a distance and never being able to do a thing. Friends fall in platonic love, promising never to leave each other's side now that they have a part of each other's heart, but trust me when I say it never works out that way. You would much rather live in another world, but unfortunately you're here, so you've made it your business to never fall in love. History has only ever known two immortals and you are proud to be one of them.  The life of an immortal here is lonely. You have no friends, no family, no one to talk to. You haven't even got a pet to keep you company, knowing full well that you could pass a fragment of your heart to the tiny animal only to watch it die years later and never receive a piece back to replace the empty hole it's passing would create. You've been taught how to avoid love, how to dismiss and diminish emotions by the only person who you ever dared to give a fragment of your heart to.  You were born one hundred and ten years ago and when you were, your mother had died giving you the last piece of her heart. She was a beautiful woman, hair dark as midnight and eyes like burnt chocolate, the soothing soft skin of an angel and from what you heard from your father, the voice of one too. She had fallen in love many times before, having grown up on a farm filled with horses and other animals. She was a kind hearted woman, meaning that every animal she had been given to nurse back to health or every horse she had ridden, every tiny puppy or baby bird she had watched grow had a fragment of her heart. Luckily they were small pieces meaning that she still lived well into her thirties.  She never cared much for men, caring much more for her studies and horse riding. She was strong and independent and everyone who knew her was convinced she would be the one to live the longest out of all of them. She also had a secret knack for sword fighting which she had to kept hidden from her strict parents, stealing her father's clothes that were much too large on her but the only option she had to pose as a man and make it into the underground area where nightly fights would be held. That's where your father had met her.  He had caught her once sneaking out of the underground, cuts and bruises all over her arms and hair drenched from the onslaught of rain. Blood was seeping through her clothes and colouring the white material red. He had watched as she passed out from exhaustion and carried her back to his house, nursing her back to health and walking her home when she had regained consciousness.  You expected your father to hate you and blame you for her death, but rather, he gave you a piece of his heart too, the second last one and dedicated his life to making sure you never fell in love. He didn't want you to meet the same fate that your mother had and he was sure to soon enough as well, raising you to sword fight like he used to when he was younger and teaching you to take control of your emotions. Thus, you are here one hundred and ten years later with every fragment of your fragile heart still there. Unfortunately for you, your father had fallen in love with a woman with piercing blue eyes and the blondest hair you've seen in your life around fifty years ago.  He died giving the last fragment of his heart to her when they married, he had done his best to avoid falling for so long, but he couldn't help but give in then when he heard her name uttered with the last name of his legacy muttered next to it.  Switching off your emotions is a sad way to live. You can't feel a thing aside from the physical pain of getting a paper cut or stubbing your toe but it's the only way to survive. Well, no there is another way to survive, and as was stated before, you are ONE of the immortals.  The other is a man who is about the same age as you. He lived the opposite way to the way you did, raised by parents who were cold and heartless, offering none of their heart to the boy and instead forcing a house maid to raise him to avoid shortening their lives. He was the prince back then and god does he have the looks of one.  He looks no older than twenty for a one hundred and fifteen year old man. Flawless skin and a smile that could kill and has killed, twinkling eyes and the goofiest personality known to man. For a boy raised by a house maid and parents who didn't love him, he was a ball of sunshine, he was and is unstoppable. He's the most handsome man you've ever seen, the way he survives in this world is by making others around him fall in love with him and stealing parts of their hearts to make up for the parts he looses.  He's had thousands of girlfriends and even boyfriends, notorious for stealing hearts. Quite literally. He's your worst enemy, you have never despised anyone as much as you despise the disgusting man who you had been forced to bow to for your entire life. He's nothing but trouble. "Now, I want you to try your best to show some respect."  Your father stood before you dressed in the only pair of 'good clothes' he had. Today was the day of the Gala at the palace, anyone with any power was invited and for some odd reason, that included you. You found the monarchy ridiculous, laughable really, which is why you refused to show respect to them. Just because the prince has the same blood as a ruler from years ago doesn't mean he should be allowed to rule, he's immature and unfit for it.  Which is why you rolled your eyes as soon as your father had turned his back, lifting the bottom of your dress and whining as it dragged along behind you all the way along the walk to the palace.  Thankfully, the Gala wasn't all that bad once you made it there. You couldn't help but admire the high ceilings, the paintings hung on wallpaper covered walls and the live music, loud and lively from the stage. Not to mention, there was a glass of wine in your hand that you forced yourself to hold with both hands to get out of dancing.  It's not that you didn't know how, it's that you didn't want to. Especially when you were asked to dance by... Him. "(Y/N)," Hoseok smiled, white teeth almost blinding in the light of his chandeliers. You choked on the wine you were sipping, glaring up at him and then down at his extended hand before crossing one leg over the other, skirt ruffling as it moved along with the motion. "Do me the honour of dancing with me?" "I'd rather not." "Straight to the point, I can admire that."  Hoseok's smile didn't fade, etching into a closed lip smile as he winked at a group of girls walking through the palace doors. One of the girls-the one with long brown locks of curls trailing behind her-swooned when his eye closed and reopened at her. You found yourself shaking your head, disgusted at the scene before you and the light ray coming from Hoseok's chest. He had stolen a piece of the poor girl's heart.  It seemed that luckily it wasn't the girl's last fragment, though she seemed breathless when she recovered. That had thankfully never happened to you before. You'd been one of the people on the sidelines watching it happen just as you are now. "You disgust me Jung." "Oh my," he sighed, "how rude of you to treat your future king this way. I tried to do this nicely, but seeing as you're refusing me, you no longer have a choice."  Hoseok's gloved hand slipped right into yours, making you flinch and place your glass of wine down on the table beside you (you almost spilled it on your bright white robes purely from the force his hand brought), pulling away abruptly before said velvety hand encircled your wrist. He tugged you out of your chair, much to your dismay and pulled you along the dance floor. You bent down to lift your skirt with your left hand, trying to avoid the ridiculous thing being stamped all over all night before you found your chest pressed against Hoseok's.  Any girl would be dying to be this close to the prince, chest on chest while his hands rubbed circles in the crook of their backs, pulling them in to sniff the perfume on their necks, but you were anything but dying right now (unless it's of disgust), you were revolted and all you wanted to do was go back to sitting down and chatting with the other girls who chose not to dance tonight. He could've picked any of them, but it just HAD to be you. At this you snarled, batting his face away from the spot between your left shoulder and your neck, which his eyes were tracing, lips inches from the sensitive skin. He pulled his head back but encircled your free wrist with his, still holding your right hand in his right hand and moving his left to your hip after placing yours on his shoulder. He smirked at your expression, one that had no emotion written on it, trying to hide your disgust to avoid embarrassing your father any further than you surely have tonight. "Do you want to know why I chose to dance with you?" Hoseok's voice was barely a whisper above the classical music playing behind him, almost so quiet you couldn't hear it over the sound of violin, but his close proximity to your ear made his voice all too easy to hear. It sent chills down your spine, chills you refuse to feel, refuse to acknowledge. "Why?" You bit your tongue. You knew why, you knew what he was going to say, 'because I'm going to make you swoon,' or some other cheesy line that you refuse to fall for. However, curiosity killed the cat and right now curiosity is killing you. Hoseok's feet still moved along with yours, still moving you with his body in circles on the dance floor. You can't deny the man can dance. "Because you are the only woman here who hasn't been caught by my charm," Hoseok's lips brushed the shell of your ear, "you are the forbidden fruit (Y/N), and one of these days I am going to get that heart of yours, one way or another." "I'd like to see you try Jung."  Luckily, it was the last song of the night which had come to an end. Hoseok's hand moved from your hip, fingers untwisting as he took a step back to bow to you. Reluctantly, you curtsied back. "Would you look at that," he smirked, "she has manners." "Fuck you." "Well eventually yes I hope."  Hoseok snickered watching as you sneered and turned, walking away from him as fast as you could only to find yourself throwing a look over your shoulder. He was still looking at you, eyes still trailing the flow of your hair and the way it cascaded down your back. ��Just like it is now.
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baweiii · 6 years
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skyyoongs · 7 years
Can we appreciate Kim Taehyungs gorgeous honey sun kissed skin?
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brokemultidotexe · 7 years
Unexpected Pt. 6
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: You never expected your trip to Seoul to end up like it does. You didn’t expect to step off the plane and have coffee pour down your shirt. You also didn’t expect the guy to offer to show you around the city. You notice things about him that don’t quite make sense, like how he shows interest but will only see you when he has the time which is at random hours during the day and night. Who knew your only friend in Seoul would turn out to be an international star and just how difficult things could get.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: None
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.5 | 
You hadn’t expected to be so bored for two days. You explored more of the city and became a little more familiar and you had visited the Han River on more than one occasion. You went to look at apartments but everything seemed to be out of your price range, it wasn’t that you couldn’t afford it. It was that you didn’t feel like eating just rice for months in your tiny apartment.
You pulled your laptop out and decided to search and see if there were any part-time jobs around the area you were looking to live in. Everything was either full time and you didn’t have the qualifications, or you couldn’t actually do the job. You sighed and pushed it away after closing it, you were definitely about to lose your mind. You lazily flipped through the channels on the TV going from one Korean drama to the next. You never stopped on variety shows because half the time it was about actors or music artists, or idols if what JK told you was true. You found the word so odd, that someone who kings for a living should be considered an idol. There were some things about Korean culture you didn’t get.
You groaned, you really needed to get more friends. JK could only hang out super late at night and had a weird pattern altogether when you thought about it. You couldn’t take the boredom anymore and decided to walk to the nearest Starbucks because you had nothing better to do and nothing is better than coffee when it’s cold outside. You put on your newest jacket over your sweater and put your shoes on.
It didn’t take you long to get there since there happened to be a Starbucks close to your hotel. When you opened the door you were hit with warm air and the aroma of heaven. You had come here yesterday and smiled to yourself by thinking of how you and JK met. You ordered your large coffee and took a seat at the table by the window so you could people watch. You would go between scrolling through Tumblr on your phone and watch people outside.
“Do you mind if I sit here for a minute? I won’t be long.” A deep voice asked from behind you. You turned to see a quite attractive guy standing before you and it looked as if he was trying to juggle a few things.
“Yeah, sure. Do you need some help?” When he nodded you stood up and grabbed a few things from his hands and he set them down on the table and started adjusting the messenger bag he had on his shoulder. You moved your coffee to the side so he could have more room on the table. “Wow, that’s a lot of books.”
He moved things around so he could sit at the table and drink what looked like an Americano. “Yeah, I’m finishing up my finals and graduation and then never looking at a test ever again.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Oh I know the feeling. I recently graduated and I don’t ever want to see a test again, but you’re at the tail end of it. So close.” you tried giving him a pep talk.
“I’ve been up for about twenty-four hours trying to get some last bit of studying in.”
“Look I just met you, but you look like shit and need to sleep.” it came out before you really thought about what you said. You really needed to work on your filter.
His eyes shot up to yours, “Damn, tell me how you really feel.” he laughed.
You grimaced, “Sorry, brain to mouth lacks a filter.”
“Nah, it’s fine. A no bullshit personality is a great one to have,” he smirked at you. You felt a flutter in your stomach and dropped your gaze and took a sip of coffee. “I’m Jackson by the way.” he held his hand out.
You shook his hand, “Y/N”
“You aren’t from here, are you? You’re speaking textbook Korean.” he laughed.
“Yeah, I’m staying here for a few months.”
“That’s awesome. Enjoying it so far?” He took a long sip of his drink.
“Uh, yeah for the most part. Trying to figure out the whole job thing and a place to stay. For Seoul has a whole, yeah I’m enjoying it.” You smiled.
“Well if you ever need anything feel free to call me.” he pulled a piece of paper out and wrote a phone number down. “Whether you need a guide, a friend, or anything really. New place, new people. I know that can be hard.” He gave you a smile that you couldn’t help but return.
“Thank you.”  you took the piece of paper.
“Well I need to get back and study, but it was nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your time here.” He grabbed everything he was juggling before but didn’t have any issues like before after shifting some things around. He gave you one last smile before leaving.
You looked down at the piece of paper with his number on it. You weren’t sure if you wanted to take him up on his offer or not. He seemed nice and you enjoyed talking to him. It wouldn’t hurt to have another friend in the city. You slipped the piece of paper in your back pocket and grabbed your coffee deciding to just go back to the hotel and binge watch Netflix.
You hurried back to the hotel as the wind picked up. You weren’t a fan of winter and you were sure you were going to dislike it even more after living in Seoul. Once you made it inside the hotel you felt the warmth start to seep into your skin and it felt heavenly. Riding the elevator up to your floor you began rubbing your hands against your jeans trying to warm them up. Once the doors opened you walked down the hall and faltered when you saw a body leaning up against one of the doors. You soon realized that the person was laying back against your door.
They had their hood up with a hat and you couldn’t see their face. You nudged them with your foot trying to get their attention. The person’s head snapped up and you instantly recognized the masked face. “JK!” A huge grin graced your features.
“Hey Y/N.” He sounded mildly groggy like he had been sleeping.
You frowned, “How long have you been sitting out here.”
“Umm…” He checked his phone, “Fifteen minutes, give or take.”
“I’m sorry. I went out for coffee and ended up getting caught up talking to someone.” you bit your lip. You felt bad about him having to sit out in the hall. It was moments like this that you wish the two of you could exchange numbers. You still didn’t get why you couldn’t but you gave up questioning every little thing about him that didn’t make sense.
“Ah, making more friends?” He pushed himself off the floor and straightened his clothes.
You nodded, “I guess so. He’s a college student about to graduate, it wasn’t some crazy conversation or anything but he gave me his number in case I want to hang out with him.”
He raised his head quickly to look at you, “Really?” you nodded, “Are you gonna call him?”
You shrugged, “I’m not sure, but I’ll keep the number just in case. If I do decide to then you don’t have to worry about hanging out with me all the time. I know you’re busy.”
He stood there looking at you, not moving. You shifted on your weight from one foot to the other feeling mildly awkward. “Why don’t we go inside?” He tilted his head towards your room door. You nodded and pulled the card out and put it in the door and pushed it open. You stripped off your jacket and slipped out of your shoes. When you turned around JK was already on the bed resting his back against the headboard.
“So how was the last two days?” You walked over and climbed into the bed and sat beside him.
“Good, but I’m exhausted.” his head was tilted back against the headboard looking up with his eyes closed.
You lightly hit his arm, “Then go home and sleep.”
“No, I wanted to come see you.” he turned his head to look at you. He looked incredibly exhausted, he had dark circles under his eyes and it looked as if it was taking all his strength to keep his eyes opened.
“JK, you’re exhausted and you look like you’re about to fall over. Go home. We can hang out tomorrow.” Part of you was flattered that he would come see you when he was this exhausted, but the other was wanting to scold him for being stubborn.
“In a little bit. What did you do the last few days?” he looked at you with half-lidded eyes.
You sighed at his stubbornness and looked up, “Looked around Seoul, still trying to find my way around. I looked at possible jobs, well sorta. I started to look at apartments but honestly, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. What about you?”
You waited for his answer but after a moment you looked over at him and he was sitting against the headboard with his eyes closed, “JK?” you put your hand on his shoulder and shook it. You tried again when he didn’t move. After saying his name multiple times and trying to wake him up you decided to just let him sleep. You figured you could just take a nap yourself so you laid down beside him but leaving enough space between the two of you. Your eyes fluttered shut and fell asleep.
You heard something going off in the room and you pried your eyes open with every bit of motivation you had. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes trying to find the source of that god awful noise. You glanced over and saw a phone on the bed glowing and ringing incessantly. You grabbed the phone and silenced it but sat it back down beside JK. You glanced down and saw that his screen said he had five missed calls. That was enough to warrant another attempt to try and wake him up.
“JK.” you grabbed a hold of his hoodie and shook him a little bit. He apparently slept like the dead and the only reason you were sure he wasn’t actually dead was the fact he made a tiny noise. His phone started going off again so you grabbed it and put it right up to his ear and said his name loudly and shook his shoulder.
His eyes peeled open and you couldn’t help but notice that a partially sleepy JK was one hell of an attractive JK. “JK your phone has been going off like crazy.”
That seemed to get his attention and he sat up and took the phone from your hand, “Did you answer it?”
“Of course not.” You sat back and he visibly relaxed, “But you have like five missed calls or something like that. So you should probably call them back.”
He was already looking through his phone and his eyes widened, “How long did I sleep for?”
You shrugged, “I’m not sure, I decided to take a nap while you slept.”
He quickly got off the bed and put his shoes on, “I have to go.”
“Uh…okay?” you were taken aback by his sudden departure.
He came around the bed and put his hands on your shoulders and made sure you were looking at him, “I just need to take care of some things, but would you want to meet me later?”
“JK if you’re busy it’s fine, you don’t have to–”
“I want to, okay? Just please bear with me. I promise I won’t leave until you want me to, so please?” You nodded slowly while eyeing him and he smiled. You didn’t understand why he was so adamant to spend time with you when he was obviously busy. “I’ll call you.” With one last smile, he grabbed the rest of his stuff and was out the door.
You were becoming more and more confused with JK. He would call and want to hang out at random times, especially super late. You enjoyed your time with him and you really did like him, more than you probably should for only knowing him for a week. You wanted to ask him about everything but you were sure he would stonewall you and you’d be left with even more questions. You were trying to be patient like he asked, but it was getting more difficult. You kept telling yourself that it was all about whatever his job was, but he wouldn’t really talk about that either. You sighed and decided to give your curiosity a rest for the night and would visit it later that day and decide if you wanted to ask JK what was going on.
AN: So first, sorry I’m late on posting this and honestly this is probably a shit chapter and I’m sorry. I had issues with the ending but I’m hoping I can save it with the next chapter. a few things, 1) Jackson will not be GOT7 2) There will be a time jump in an upcoming chapter 3) I will mostly follow the order of how things went for BTS, but some will be out of order. I hope you guys enjoyed this, MERRY CHRISTMAS lovelies. 
*requests are OPEN*
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cypherwives-blog · 7 years
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btswestan · 6 years
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I have way too many feels for this man and it's starting to hurt❤💞
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