#bulby oc
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frostios · 9 months ago
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first half of the main cast for a story ive had kicking around my head for a bit :]
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shadria-anarchy · 1 year ago
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Pikmin art dump:) featuring Snarkles the blue pikmin, Dwayne the rock min, and Cassanova the winged min.
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bear-boi-5 · 1 year ago
How would olimar's family react to the Pikmin and moss?
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Sage is geeking out (he's just like his dad), Lia found her new bestie, Matilda is highly concerned and Bulbie doesn't know if Moss is a new friend or she wants to crush him into a fine powder
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year ago
Quest for the giant Pokémon curse page 42-45
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o3ovan · 7 months ago
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i like never post here anymore sob
take my joker oc, Bulby
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nordlichtkunst · 1 year ago
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Another OC 'mon! Though for a different thing than like, 99% of the rest xD Bulby doesn't have a name yet, but their human is named Alice; they're her starter, and quite shy, because their former trainer wanted them to be a Cool Show Pokémon and bulbasaur just, was not up for that. Suits Alice, though, she's used to not being able to fulfill expectations, so she figures they got something in common.
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sephis-kastle · 2 years ago
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Welcome Home - OC
ROSE FRIETZ is the Local Florist, you wont see her smile since she is always depressed. 🌼
She have a crush in one of the residents, but it seems he dont catch her advances of love. ❤️
Therefore, she still does her best to give flowers to the other villagers to see them happy.
Bezzy-Bulby is her loyal BEE friend, helping her with the garden care and trying to cheer her up, she likes to hide in Rose pocket.
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dawhsaraproject · 1 year ago
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(OC) Vidit Oris Bulbi aka Saw Mouth Bulb
Up to 9,000lbs
8ft circumference
12ft tall
Thoughts? 🧐🤔
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fryriree · 4 years ago
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wr0ngwarp · 5 years ago
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(date: 1/8/2020)
john and bulby from my pokepasta Fond forgotten
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year ago
Quest for the giant Pokémon curse page 34-36
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petz5 · 8 years ago
I made my mobile theme edgy
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years ago
Will the Bell Ring? Pt. 7
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[Erik Killmonger x Black!OC]
Word Count: 5.5K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Nine Years Ago
Kimara stares at T’Challa blankly, digesting his words until they make a little more sense.  Kimara sits up straight on the couch, putting her face in her hands.
“Do you understand what I am saying now?”  T’Challa says.quietly across from her.
She pulls her hands down, shaking her head.  “No.  He isn’t like that.  Who would do something like that?.”
“I cannot let you think that with all the lives I have lost under his reign.  This is serious,”  T’Challa says sternly.
Kimara denies it.  “I know this is a serious allegation but he couldn’t have done this on his own, why is he getting all the blame!?”
T’Challa sighs.  “This was his mission of revenge, and he wanted all of the glory.  There is no way he could do all he wanted with a team, he was bloodthirsty.”
Kimara stands feeling her blood boiling.  “You need to get out, I can’t take this right now.”
T’Challa steps up to her, pleading, “It would be best if-”
“Can I ACTUALLY do what’s best for me!  He doesn’t know, and neither do you!  Let him figure this out on his own, how dare he try and ask for me to-” 
Before she could finish her sentence she bends over feeling herself cramp up in her abdomen.   She was acting up too hard.  The pain is so swift and sharp, she gags from the pressure she is under.  
“Kimara, are you alright?”  T’Challa takes you under the arm to hold you up. She gets the urge to cry from his compassion, but holds out.
“I’m fine.  Just leave me alone.”
T’Challa stands Kimara up straight looking at her in her eyes powerfully.  She gazes back at him, taking in his presence for once.  His features aren’t very close to Erik’s but his handsomeness is unique in his own right with an unblinking gaze that manufactures authentic confidence in anything he says.
“He almost died at my own hand, Kimara.  During a time when I lost family, I gained another and had to fight him to the death.  I have been riddled with worry and guilt over how I could’ve handled things differently but I was forced to act quickly as he grew stronger.  While he is recovering, he has asked for you several times under anesthesia and since he is now stable, we think it is best he sees a familiar face, if you can do it.”
Kimara lowers her head, feeling her ferocity break at the thought of Erik laid up in pain in a foreign land.  It’s not fair.  This time was hers to have.  When she wanted him with her, he didn’t have time, but now she is supposed to jump?
Kimara nods.  “But how will I get there?  I don’t have plane ticket money.”
T’Challa puts a hand to his heart.  “I will take care of everything.  You go ahead and pack some things.  I can take you whenever you are ready.”
Kimara tells him to give her a couple days to get some things together to go.  She hadn’t been feeling well at all and had to cancel her rehearsals to accommodate this trip.  Miraculously, her symptoms subsided substantially with a couple prescribed pain pills as she drug her luggage out to T’Challa’s car.  He opens the door for her in the early morning hours.
“You pack with preparedness, eh?”  he says with snide humor.  Kimara ignores the remark as she gets into the passenger side and he loads her baggage in.  
T’Challa drives them up to an open field and parks, turning off the engine.  He leans back in his seat, looking out at the horizon.  She looks from him to the open area with confusion.
“Aren’t we going to an airport, or-”
“Isn’t this a beautiful sunrise, Kimara?  The colors being a bright orange and yellow ombre to greet us today.”  Kimara sits still, staring at the sky herself.  The colors are just as he described:  so richly beautiful but also blinding in spite.
“It is, T’Challa.  But what are we doing here?”
He grips the steering wheel tightly, making the leather squeak under his palms.  “This gift is something you can only experience here on Earth.  And it can be taken from us without much effort, so quickly.  There is no price you can pay to get something like this, and yet my god provides it daily whenever they see fit.  How can anyone want more?”
You look over the sun’s rays peeking out and stretching across the sky.  “The world isn’t built to appreciate this.  People will always want more because life requires more thanks to capitalism.  I shame people who say that the world is yours and hold it for themselves and make you feel small for trying to get a little bit to survive.  It’s gaslighting 101.”
When she looks at T’Challa, he is already looking at her intently, listening to her words.  A sound in the distance breaks their conversation as an aircraft lowers out of thin air in the middle of the field.  
“That’s why I am glad you are here, Kimara,”  T’Challa says, getting out of the car and leading you to your ride in the sky.
On board, Kimara buckles herself in tightly in your seat and keeps her eyes closed for the ride.  T’Challa sits next to her.  
“You know, turbulence is not an issue with us here.  If something rattles, it means we are under an attack.”
Kimara groans, feeling her stomach churn with the vision.  “Our Father, who art in heaven…”
T’Challa chuckles as you finish praying.  “I apologize if that made you more uncomfortable.  The aircraft is cloaked.  Invisible.  No attack will see our way either.  We are almost there.  I am surprised you didn’t say you get sick in the air.”
Kimara grips her armrests, feeling sweat bead around her forehead.  “I am a silent sufferer.  Not until it absolutely cannot stay in, will I let people know that.”
T’Challa tuts at her.  “That is not healthy.  You should be more vocal.”
“Yeah, well I’m saying it now so…”  she laughs nervously feeling a slight descent that makes her belly button tingle.  “What’s that?  Are we landing?  Are we there?”
T’Challa steps over to a nearby window.  “It appears we have made it.  You are robbing yourself of the visions outside.”
“I am saving myself some misery and you some clean up if I make a mess, so you’re welcome.”
As the aircraft lands, the thud of wheels to earth gives her some peace as she opens her eyes to see T’Challa speaking to a warrior looking woman in the corner.  T’Challa turns to Kimara, motioning her to follow him out of the aircraft.
“Your bags will be put into a room for you but as of right now, you can follow me to the medical chamber where Erik is.”
“Is he ok?”  she asks.
“He is awake,”  T’Challa says curtly.
As they descend in the elevator, they are greeted by a guard who leads them outside of a room with more guards out front.  
“These are the Dora Milaje.  They are my guard here in Wakanda, trust them with your life.  I am keeping my distance from Erik for now as he stabilizes but they will be here if you need any help.”
Kimara thanks T’Challa as he dismisses himself, signaling to his guard.  They step aside from the entrance, her leeway to step in.  Kimara gets nervous, wondering what she may find him like, if he is conscious.
As she walks in, her breath hitches as she sees him lying still with an oxygen apparatus and a large patch over his chest.  His marks along his body is something she hasn’t gotten used to yet as he lays shirtless.  Kimara walks up to him, grazing her fingertips along each soft, bulby keloid along his arm.  She wished she could make them go away.  Each tear that came from the strike of the blade that did this to him, to the hold in his chest.  It didn’t have to be this hard for him, why would he choose this?
Erik’s eyes flutter open, seeing Kimara, he takes a sharp breath before coughing harshly.  Kimara grabs his hand, feeling him squeeze hers so strongly makes her feel secure.
“Hey baby, take your time.  Don’t talk too much.”
Erik looks around the room. “Why you here?”
She smirks, running her fingers over his locs.  “I had to come see you.  I don’t want to talk about it now, but after what I heard, I couldn’t stay away.”
Erik tries to sit up, speaking with labored effort, “You shouldn’t have...came.”
Kimara lets loose his hand.  “Erik, you almost died.  Should I stay away from your funeral too?”
“If I died...you never would’ve known.  No one knows I’m here...How did you get here?  You hate flying.”
Kimara shrugs.  “I mean, in an emergency I will.  Your cousin offered.  Just met him.”
Erik glares at her.  “You shouldn’t be around him.”
“Trust me, I didn’t want to but-”
“Did he force you here?  Are you safe?”  He coughs, speaking too fast.
“Erik, stop getting upset, I’m fine...for the most part.”
Erik looks you over and at the door where the Dora stands.  “Ok...But when I have my shit together, I’m gettin the fuck out of here...You should leave now.”
Kimara scoffs at the thought.  “Not so fast, you got stabbed after all.”
“It’s fine.  They healing me the regular way cuz they don’t want to heal me the Panther way.  Took my power and everything.”
“Power?”  she asks.
“You shoulda seen me.”  Erik falls back looking at the ceiling.  “I was fucking superman.  You don’t know how good my body felt, indestructible.  It’s what I always wanted that feeling, chased for I don’t know how long.”
“Is that why you got mixed in with the special forces?  You wasting your brain being in that.  They turned you into a human pin cushion with all these marks.”
Erik stares at her blankly.  “You always saying that.”
“Making me feel dumb for doing the military.  Acting like I’m nothing but a test dummy.”
Kimara motions to him laying there.  “Did it not get you here?  This ain’t even something you get a medal for?  You down here for a personal vendetta instead of real shit!”
“Real shit?  Hell, I didn’t know saving my father’s legacy wasn’t real shit to you.  Plus that military training gave me insight for what this world had coming at me.  Once I had people on my side that taught me what I could have?  What I could take back?  All I needed was to go get it.”
“And you lost it in the end Erik.  It wasn’t worth it.”
“I made my damn point.  Even if I died, I would’ve left my mark.”
“Stop talking about that.”
“About what, Mara?”
“Dying!  Why you so ready to die all of a sudden?  Why you want to act like it’s you against the world?  Erik, I wanted you to stay safe with me.  There was no reason to go except your pride.”
“Mara, we weren’t…”  Erik’s voice trails off.
Kimara feels her heart sink as silence wades between them both.  “We weren’t what?”
Erik doesn’t look at her, licking his lips and thinking on his next words.  “Kimara, I wanted you to let me go.  You didn’t like me in the military and shit, so I wanted to say goodbye, make it easy for the both of us.”
“I didn’t get a goodbye that night, Erik.”
“I know cuz it was hard to go and of course, I cared about you.”
“That fucked me up Erik.  You know that?”
Erik shrugs.  “I know.  It wasn’t easy for me either.”
Kimara’s emotions flood over.  “No Erik, it wasn’t just…”  she holds her face and takes a step back.  
Erik looks uncomfortable, fidgeting with his oxygen mask under his chin.  “Kimara.  It’s fine, don’t do that.”
“It’s not!  You just go and do whatever you wanna do when you feel like it.  Now you tellin me that we didn’t have nothing in the first place?  You ready to die for a cause that only affects you and it will die with you!”
“You know what this was all about Kimara, I told you.  That don’t mean nothing?”
“Of course it means something!  But how can you come here and get people killed and yourself killed and consider it a good job!  That’s more evil than I ever thought you could be.”
“Yeah, I’m bad then, so?  You knew my bad shit before you came here, why did you come?  What good is you coming here, if I can’t be helped?”
Kimara shakes her head, feeling tired.  “I never said that.  I wanted to make sure you were alright.  I couldn’t have you here alone and you hurt, on my conscience.  But you right, I probably extend too much of myself for you instead of thinking of me first.  I’m tired of doing that.”  Kimara turns to walk out.
Erik calls after her.  “You should do more for yourself.  You act like I left yesterday.  Don’t worry about me no more, Kimara.”
As she stormed out his room, Kimara berrates herself for ever coming here.  Erik doesn’t know a thing about what it means to care for someone, he can’t see anything past what he is going through.  She is tired of trying to convince him that he is worthy and loved because that is all she ever has done, and it’s exhausting.  He can’t say the same for her.
Kimara in her sorrowful state is escorted outside for some air.  Kimara takes in the fresh breeze deep into her lungs and breathes out looking across her new surroundings.   In the distance , she sees farmers in decorated shawls herding rhinos of all things.  Further beyond is the bustling city, filled with patrons and shops and buildings.  
“Would you like to go there?”  T’Challa asks, coming up beside her out of the blue.  
Kimara is too excited for the invitation to question him being there, eagerly agreeing to the tour.
T’Challa takes Kimara all along Wakanda’s city streets, offering her samples of eats that pleased her nose and clothes that made her hands extend involuntarily to feel the handmade material for herself.  
“I can’t take this for free, T’Challa!”  she says.
“It is a royal discount.”  T’Challa speaks to the shopkeep in his native tongue, making their face light up ecstatically, filling a bag with a few pieces of jewelry and clothing..
Kimara shakes her head.  “I wasn’t even looking at that!”
T’Challa takes two bags and hands her the lighter one.  “I know.  This one is yours.”  
She dips her head in shame but humbly takes the bag, finding a couple scarves that she looked at before.
“Thank you, this is way too nice of you.”
T’Challa smiles to himself, looking straight ahead.  “It is only right to offer my cousin’s love gifts of encouragement.”
Her grip on the bag loosens as she bites her lip.  T’Challa notices her silence.  “Is something wrong?”
She hesitates to answer.  “I...wouldn’t call what we have as a love relationship.  I thought it was at one point but I think he just needed support with benefits.”
They reach the outskirts of the city that grow quieter and more rural.  T’Challa takes a minute to pause.
“He never gave indication that he wanted anyone but you and seeing as you aren’t a relative, I assumed-”
“You assumed.”  Kimara says curtly.  “Once again, when there is a mess, I am there.  But when I have one, it’s all on me.”
“Speak on it,”  T’Challa says.  His eyes stare straight into her and he stands so still as if nothing could move him beyond waiting for her words to form.  It takes a lot of digging but eventually, he learns the truth.
“Why can’t you share that with him?  He would listen if you said.”
Kimara shakes her head.  “No way.  He would probably blame it on me too, like I already do.  Why did I let him in?  Why did I love him without clear reciprocation?  I totally thought that because he shows up, that must mean he wants me!  No man comes around that doesn’t want you.”
“You are right.”
Kimara laughs.  “Then we must be both foolish, because a man can want your time but not you all in the same situation.”
T’Challa gives a small chuckle.  “I understand.  But he seeks you out for support because he knows your worth.  He just isn’t mature enough to realize that love can come out of it in the end as well, especially if he could leave your bed without notice.  He wasn’t ready.”
“He still isn’t.  And I hope you aren’t asking me to wait on him, because…”  Kimara holds her hands up, tossing the notion away to the heavens.
“Don’t wait for him, no.  But I am holding out hope of his recovery and learning how special you are.  He will realize it soon.”
Kimara rolls her eyes, landing her gaze on T’Challa’s sack.  “So what are those things for anyway?  They don’t look like your style, green on green.”
T’Challa purses his mouth, looking down.  “I...uh...am expecting someone later and wanted to come prepared with gifts.”
“Is it a date thing, or…”
“A courtship, yes.  Hoping the second time's the charm.”
Kimara brings her arms through T’Challa’s, completely overwhelmed by this new information.
“Oh, see you been in my business, it’s time to get in yours!  Who is she and what does she look like?  Is she one of these red chicks, cuz they are fly as hell, I wouldn’t blame you!”
The next evening, Kimara walks the halls of the main floor, enjoying some kebab-like snack from a vendor she got.  She didn’t visit Erik, but she heard that he was recovering speedily, starting to take supervised walks.  She was thankful but not ready to see for herself.  There was an open cliff on one side of the mountain that she wanted to explore on her own, especially at night so she could bank on being alone.  When she got there however, someone was standing there.  
Chewing on a bite of her kebab, she recognizes T’Challa’s stance, head hung low.  She contemplated imposing on his alone time or walking away.
“Kimara, how are you?”
She jumps out her skin, wondering how he knew she was even there.  
“I’m good.  Full,”  she says, swallowing her half chewed last piece, playing with the stick in her hands as she walked up to him.  
He waits for you before pointing below.  “That’s her, Nakia.”  She squints a little, seeing a little figure wearing green walking off by a river.  
“Nakia?  She seems cute.  Did it go well with your gifts.”  
T’Challa sighs.  “It seems the gifts were a bit overboard.  She felt as if I was bribing her or thinking that was all she wants which I know is not true.”
“How long have you been dating?”
“Only a few months, but she is quite busy so time together has been short.  We grew up together.”
“Aww!  That’s nice, so you’re already friends.  That’s the best!”
T’Challa sighs quietly.  “It is.  She understands me more than most, challenges me.  But she worries our dynamic will change as a couple and she doesn’t want to be stunted with royal duties.”
“Does she have to do queen shit if you marry?’
“For her to be with me, she can do whatever her heart calls her to do, I will not stop her.  But she thinks otherwise, or that I will change.”
Kimara pities T’Challa’s forlorn face as he watches Nakia walk further away.  “Maybe space is all you guys need.  She obviously doesn’t like pressure.  Give it time.”
“I do, and I will continue to do so.  It’s just hard to understand when she will be ready.”
“Don’t even think about it.  Having her in your life is most important, that’s what you said.  And someone also said that once they mature, they will find room for love, so…” Kimara puts her arm through his.  “Don’t wait, but be open.  Enjoy what you have now.” 
T’Challa looks down at Kimara, smiling softly, giving her hand a light tap.  “Smart words.”
She shrugs.  “Eh, they aight.”
Back at her room, when she opens the door, Erik is sitting in a chair watching the stars outside a window.
“Erik, what are you doing here?  Are you even supposed to be?”
Erik gets up, walking up to her.  “Why are you scared?”
She scoffs.  “Hardly ever.  You know I can beat your ass.  I don’t care how many muscles you got now.”
He rolls his eyes.  “Put me in one headlock that I tapped out for your benefit and now you a WWE champion, ok.”
They stand there silent.
“So what is it?”  Kimara asks.
Erik speaks slowly, “I’m… getting better.”
Kimara nods.  “Good, I heard.  So your wound is healing and your lung and heart is stronger.”
“Yeah, amazing what vibranium can do.  Look.”  He goes to lift his shirt but winces.
“Uh uh, don’t exert yourself, just let me.”  She lifts his shirt just enough to see the wounded area.  It’s bruised but sealed with barely any scarring, feels warm under her touch.  She lays her hand on it, feeling his heart rate pulse hard.  All that lying in bed and he lost not an ounce of muscle.
Kimara looks up to him, seeing his eyes get glassy.  “I’m glad you’re ok.”
Erik blinks a couple times, clearing his throat.  “Yeah, I am too.”
She lets his shirt down, walking further into the room.  “So, what’s up?”
Erik follows behind.  “I wanted to ask you something.”
Kimara turns to him, waiting.
Erik stammers.  “So...h-how you been doing?”
Kimara laughs.  “For real?”
Erik shrugs.  “Yeah.”
Kimara looks at him suspiciously.  “Fine, thanks.”
Erik nods.  “Good.  I don’t believe you though.”
“Well that’s all I got to say.”
Erik, gives a humble smirk.  “You can always say more Kimara, that’s what it is about you.  You’re too observant, opinionated to not.”
Kimara puts a hand on one hip, rubbing her forehead with the other.  “I don’t understand.”
Erik closes the space between them.  “Something happened.  And I never want someone to do shit to you and cause you pain.  But that was me.  I did it.  I know we probably shouldn’t have had sex before I left but I couldn’t not be with you.  Shit feels like home when I’m with you and it’s not that I wanted to just release and leave, I swear.”
“It felt like you did.”
“Do you remember it that way or was that just after I left.”
“Does it matter?  You leaving tainted that.”
“You remember me saying I love you?”
“Guys will say the pledge of allegiance in some pussy, please!”
“Mara stop!  I mean it, I said it, then you said it.  That was real.”
“And then you left for a murder mission!  You still don’t get that you left me cold.  Love?  You said you loved me, and what did you do!?  Decide to die because apparently no one did!”
“I know....I know…”
Kimara couldn’t believe it.  He isn’t defending himself?  He looks at her wearily and that makes her worried for his condition.
“Sit, sit.”   Kimara leads him to the couch.  “Why are you saying this now?”
“I’m fine, it’s just...I got a real chance at something here.  This is giving me a second chance at living a normal life, with-with love and real happiness.  I thought what I was doing made me happy, but of course it just made me get deeper into a dark side.  I know you, you the most consistent person in my life, Mara and I gotta do better to you for having my back.”
Kimara is speechless, hovering over the direction of this conversation and the complete 180 Erik has exhibited.  
“I know, it’s gonna take time but I want to rebuild us, square one.  Like college again..”  He holds a hand out to shake and she takes it.  “Now we on level footing.  All problems out in the open, all we can do is go up.”
Kimara holds his hand tightly, feeling her body pull her in multiple directions, mind racing down a hall with multiple exits, but only one seemed clearest.  
“I don’t know if I can do this again.”
Present Day
Erik holds Kimara in his arms as the warm water wraps around them in a cocoon of comfort.  Kimara takes the bubbles up over her body to her chin before reaching for her bottle of essential oil to add soothing fragrance to the bath. 
Erik takes a drag, holding it in as he passes to Kimara, letting the smoke loose in a seductive pace.
Kimara takes her turn, feeling herself become light as the bubbles suspended on the water.  
“That shit smell nice.  I like that one,” Erik says.
Kimara passes it back to him, laying into him comfortably, closing her eyes.  “That’s that peppermint ande eucalyptus.  It’s the same one from before, but I think it wasn’t all the way real.  This time I got the good stuff.”
Erik takes a pull, exhaling,  resting his palm under her breast, rubbing along her nipple.  “Cool.”
He kisses the side of her face, finishing his smoke.  Some nights are like this:  little talk and all lazy.  Don’t worry about dinner or what happened earlier in the day, just a quick run to the dispensary and they know what time it is.
“I love you, Erik.  You know that?”  Kimara says.
Erik chuckles.  “I hoped you would.”
“For real, I do.  I love you.”
“I love you too, Mara.  You know you my world.”
“Even if it’s just us two?”
Erik leans to put out his smoke, and holds her closer, turning her face towards his.  “Til death baby girl.  Nothing about it says anything about anyone but us.”
“For real?”  Kimara says, poking out a lip, feeling sentimental.
Erik pokes it.  “You been too hard on yourself.  And I have too, on me and you.  I get it’s been hard but I don’t want us to have a baby like this.  I want one but-”
“Right, without pressure and busy shit,” Kimara adds.
Erik motions affirmatively.  “Right!  And listen, with your tour and everything, you should do it.”
Kimara shakes her head, going back to playing with the bubbles, blowing them in her hand.  “I think you might be too high.”
Erik slaps the bubbles flat in her hand, holding it.  Kimara looks back at him.
“I believe in you.  I can’t stand us fighting like this, we fight more since we been married than we ever did.”
“I know,”  Kimara mumbles.
“So let’s just do the shit we gotta do.  Before the baby, let’s go ahead and knock out our solo projects, see how they go and then plan, right?  Your ovaries ain’t goin nowhere.”
“And neither are your balls!  It’s perfect!”
“Bet!  But you know my Boeing thing is about to close out and shit anyway.”
Kimara rubs his knee.  “I know, and sorry it’s not working the way you hoped.”
Erik shrugs.  “I’m over it.  It’s practically theirs anyway.  So many flaws in the shit, I tried to tell them but they don’t wanna listen, it’s only about money.  Just sign these papers, cut me my check and they can put their name on whatever.  It won’t be good in the long run.”
Kimara tugs his chin.  “I’m glad you taking it well, baby.”
“Yeah, I may move on completely.  There’s a medical company I been looking into but I gotta talk to some people I know over there.”
Erik so damn smart, he can pass any entrance exam on a whim, and perfect it with a weekend of study.  “I wish you luck, Erik.  Then I’m glad the trip is happening this weekend so we can celebrate for real.”
“Hell yeah, you right.  Gorgeous beach, drinks all around.  Seeing your pretty ass struttin around in a two piece…”
“Ugh, if I can fit my two piece.”
“Oh, it’ll fit.  The more hanging out, the better for me!”
Erik attacks her with kisses, feeling her body under the water, making her splash at his every touch.
“Ok, ok!  Damn!  Now I gotta lay a towel down with this mess.”
Erik relaxes again, leaning back.  Kimara sits up, looking back at Erik, chest studded and splayed out, arms relaxed but permanently flexed from his muscle build.  He doesn’t have a scar where he once got stabbed, thanks to Wakandan medical advancements, but the scars that were there are missing from being healed.  All his scars could be taken away if he wanted, but he refused, opting for a reminder of what he once was and what he doesn’t want to be again.
Kimara sighs, feeling a familiar guilt that gnawed numbly at her heart.  “Baby, we should talk about something.”
Erik waves his hands around happily, “Let me know what’s good!”
Kimara looks off, feeling colder.  “I had an abortion.”
Erik looks up, eyes heavy but focused.  “When?”
Kimara can’t look at him but says, “Way back, before we were together.”
She hears the water shift as Erik sits up, laying a hand on her back.  “Why you sayin this?  If it wasn’t mine, I don’t have any issue with what you did, if you had to.”
Kimara bites her lip, feeling her throat become uncooperative as she sobs a little.
“Mara, is that why you changed so much now, since we started trying?  Don’t blame yourself for that, we will have our baby when God says it’s gonna happen.  If you got pregnant before, that’s kind of a relief.  At least we know-”
Kimara sobs, some more.  Erik tries to hug her but she moves away.
“I’m sorry, I just wish I could earn your pity.”
“Mara, you got my heart, my sympathy, but not pity.  Don’t feel bad!”
“Even if it was yours?”
Erik is quiet.
“How...was it mine if we weren’t together?”
Mara takes some water over her face, holding it until her body gives leeway for her to speak clearly.  “That first time we were together?  Before you left for Wakanda?  I got pregnant then.”
Erik is speechless, holding the sides of the tub to ground himself.  She felt worse and worse each second he was silent.
“Say something.”
“Shiiiit.  You know you should’ve told me.”
Kimara can’t believe this.  “Should I have?  After you almost died and you were beating yourself up about not being your best for me and being alone?  I wanted to hate you for so long but then I saw you in that bed recovering and you still on about your dad and family and T’Challa, I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Do that to me?  Wow, Mara, I left you almost a single mom.  You did what to me?  But shit, knowing me then, I probably woulda said to leave me alone for good.”
“Cuz, if I really lost my chance at a family and you didn’t take me back, it would’ve been too much, honestly.  But you shoulda said something Mara, even after!”
Mara tuts at him, pushing the bubbles around her.  “I couldn’t.  It was done, why discuss it?”
“You speak your mind on everything else, Mara.  Why is this different?  Honestly?  That mouth pretty damn selective.”
Mara shrugs.  “It was a new thing.  I didn’t know how to process it.  And when you came back and everything I just couldn’t believe, wow.  If I waited like a week or two, this coulda been the best thing you ever wanted.  We’d have a fucking 10 year old around here.”
Erik rests his chin in his hands.  “It all happens for a reason.  We wasn’t ready for a kid.”
“We would’ve made it work.”
Erik holds her close.  “Don’t matter.  We will work it out now.”
“I wish I was as sure.”
“You gotta be.  You lose soon as you feel defeated.  Like we said, we gonna work on our career shit, and one day, we will go back to it, see the doctors and make it happen.”
Erik takes his fingers to her temples.  “Focus on today.  Past is the past.  I love you.”
Kimara feels herself relax, like a rubber band snapped back to its normal form.  All these years, and it was this easy?  Maybe it was good to wait though, he was more ready now than he could’ve then.  
“I love you too, big head.”
“My Mara, My Mara…”
“Never goin farther.”
“...and she finna give me a daughter,”  Erik snickers, biting her ear.
“Uh uh!  Not no spoiled little girl!”
“Oh, look at you.  Already upset over competition.”
@chaneajoyyy @sarcastic-sunshines @muse-of-mbaku@dameshaemonique  @fonville-designs@destinio1@bakarisange l@wakanda-inspired @klaine15689 @savageiz @nickidub718@yoyolovesbucky @alexundefined @forbeautyandlife​ @bakarisangel
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angelbittyabuse · 4 years ago
The shiny bittys are all reserved.
Bulbi to Alice.
Eban to Wildbittyring.
(I will answer you once it's your turn. I answer two RP a day.)
Please note that they aren't a specie. They are OC adoptables, their breed is marked down on their character sheets. That's why there is only 1x of them and it's first come, first served.
I have more planned and drawn. Will put them for adoption ASAP.
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stephanweaverofworlds · 5 years ago
Don’t Starve Oc Dialogue Lines
@faridahmalik @jesting-mime
I got the thingies ready! B1rd13 definitely knows what this is about, and Void... well you’ll be in for a nice surprise. Figured this was the easiest way to share this nonsense. What is says on the tin. 
Please do not use my characters without permission!
Pine Tree- "Could make for a decent shelter." Stump- "Makes for a good table or chair." Burning- "I wanted a fire but that shits dangerous."/"It'll burn down the whole forest!" Pinecone- "I can give back to nature if I plant this."
Grass- "Might be useful for something..." Tuft- "Looks like is been mowed down already." Berry Bush- "I'm hungry... but am I desperate enough to tempt fate just yet?" Berries- "Makes for a good snack." Rabbit- "I want to eat that." Bird- "...birdie bur... I want to touch it..."
Grave- "I wish you could've met a better end than this place. You're gone, but not forgotten [name]." Ghost- "Hello my friend! *smiling*" Life Amulet- "It has a heartbeat inside it..." Gears- "They're not rusty?" Gold- "Shiny... but useless."
Flowers- "They're very pretty, but not good for eating."/"A garden... the thought lifts my spirits." Evil Flowers- "They make me feel dizzy and give me nightmares when I touch them." Butterfly- "...Pretty fluttery-flee. Come 'ere!"/"*cat chittering/meowing*"
Ghost Blossom- "So warm and soothing... they have a magic to them." Skeleton (Wini's)- "...!!! Ah!! I don't want to remember!! No!!!"
Ghost Aloe- "The insides soothe pain and bad dreams." Ghost Fern- "Makes the nightmares and people go away if I eat it... tastes funny though." Ghost Snapdragon- "Tastes like sunshine. Sunshine banishes the nightmares." Ghost Violet- "Maybe... I can use this in a spell?"
Sleep Syrup- "This will knock me out for the night."/"Brings good dreams and a sweet taste." Sleep Sap- "This will knock me out for a few days if I'm not careful..." Dream Dust- "A substitute for blood. Good source of power."
Bees- "Buzz..."/"I don't want to get stung." Killer Bees- "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Bee Hive- "Don't want to mess with them." Bee Box- "...did a beekeeper get stuck out here too??" Honey- "Honey kills germs right??"/"Its a once-in-a-while treat."
Hiveblood- "A comfortable weight to bear. Makes me hurt less."/"I'm all sticky now :/" Sigil (activated)- "The nightmares can't touch me now." Sigil (incomplete/broken)- "That's not good." Campfire- "Warm..."/"It keeps the darkness at bay."
Science Machine- "What is this gobbledygook??" Alchemy Engine- "It helps me remember old ideas." Crockpot- "I could make stew in this."
Straw Roll- "...almost better than the ground." Fur Roll- "Soft..."/"I feel cozy now." Tent- "Feels safer for sleeping." Rough Branch Shelter- "Not a lot of space. Better than being outside." Yurt- "Big and warm and perfect for winter."/"Everyone can fit in here."
Winifreds Blade- "Good for skinning rabbits."/"More useful than scissors."/"With this I can combat the nightmares." Winifreds Cloak- "Like armor; keeps me safe."/"I can hide in here from bad things." Winifreds Glasses- "I can't hardly see without them." Bulby- "Shaped like a friend."/"Helps me feel less anxious."/"With Bulby at my side I'm hardly alone."
Wally's Goggles- "Like aviator sunglasses."/"Better get these back to Wally." Wally's Gloves- "Thick and heavy and heatproof..." Wally's Prosthetic- "A marvel of its time... such a clever child."/"I'd better get this back to Wally."
Charlie- "Scratching biting beast of the dark..."/"Fuck off!"/"*inarticulate furious screaming*" Chester- "Chessie!"/"Helpful little beast."/"Good boy! The goodest boy!"/"Sorry... this thing is kinda gross."
Them/Shadow Monsters- "Fuck off!"/"Foolish... you really think you can take me? Well, then, HAVE AT THEE!!"/"*sobbing*"
Pine Tree- "Hello..."/"Thank you..." Stump- "I'm sorry..." Burning- "*dismayed gasp*"/"Oh no..." Pinecone- "I'll plant this soon enough..."
Grass- "Its taller than I am!" Tuft- "Maybe it'll grow back..." Berry Bush- "...can I eat this...?" Berries- "Tastes like jam without sugar." Rabbit- "A jackalope!"/"Its soft..."/"This will make for a big meal!" Bird- "Wonder what I can make from the feathers..."/"Will you lay eggs? Like a chicken?"/"Could always cook it..."
Grave- "Oh... were there others here?" Ghost- "Ahh! Please! Leave me alone! I'm sorry!" Life Amulet- "I can feel a pulse..." Gears- "*delighted trill* I could make all kinds of things with these!" Gold- "Soft and malleable, perfect for crafting clockwork creations!"
Flowers- "You're a good friend."/"Would this make a good tea?" Evil Flowers- "Feel off touching them without my gloves..."/"A kettle full of these would make for some bad dreams." Butterfly- "Pretty fluttery..."/"That's an odd moth."
Ghost Blossom- "Soft and soothing and warm... like a hug." Skeleton (Wini's)- "How morbid... but the plants grown are useful."
Ghost Aloe- "Sticky inside... tastes good." Ghost Fern- "Tastes kinda funny."/"! The shadows are gone!" Ghost Snapdragon- "Sweet and soothing..."/"Makes for a good tea."/"It glows at night..." Ghost Violet- "Miss Winifred says they're full of powerful magic..."/"It glows at night..."
Sleep Syrup- "Heals things faster than honey can."/"A drop for a couple hours sweet dreams." Sleep Sap- "Soothes pain."/"Might turn you into Sleeping Beauty if you eat too much." Dream Dust- "Miss Winifred says it functions like her blood..."
Bees- "Hello little friend(s)! :D" Killer Bees- "Mm... you're angrier than the others." Bee Hive- "My friends live in there." Bee Box- "A house I made for my friends." Honey- "Its a medicine and a treat all in one."
Hiveblood- "Warm and soothing and magical..." Sigil (activated)- "Feels safe inside it. Warmer too." Sigil (incomplete)- "Better finish that." Sigil (broken)- "Thats worrisome..." Campfire- "Bright and warm and crackles merrily."
Science Machine- "With this I can craft things without tools!" Alchemy Engine- "Works even better than the Science Machine." Crockpot- "Its not a kettle but it works well enough."/"...so much food..."
Straw Roll- "Itchy...better than the dirt." Fur Roll- "Comfy and soft..." Tent- "Keeps the rain off and warmth in." Rough Branch Shelter- "Not a lot of space, but better than the rain..." Yurt- "Big enough for everyone! Warm and safe from the cold."
Winifreds Blade- "Its sharp and silver..." Winifreds Cloak- "I don't think this is made of fur..." Winifreds Glasses- "I'd better give this back to her.' Bulby- "Its looking at me..."/"What sort of creature are you?"/"Feels calmer when I hold them."/"They're too prickly to hug."
Wally's Goggles- "Dims the blinding light." Wally's Gloves- "Equals out my hands."/"I can handle the heat with my gloves on." Wally's Prosthetic- "I made it myself!"/"Hurts to wear right now."/"This doesn't do well in water."
Charlie- "Smells like flowers... dangerous flowers..."/"Offered me a deal..." Chester- "Chester! :D"/"A good friend in a place like this."/"Be careful with my prosthetic boy..." Them/Shadow Monsters- "*crying*"/"I have the fire! Go away!"
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agatharights · 6 years ago
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Overwatch more like....OCverwatch! Some quick concept doodles of Overwatch OCs. They’re still being developed and whatnot but...I liked the concepts.
Up top is Pit-Stop! A champion Rocket Derby girl- rocket derby being basically the same as roller derby, except you play it in low earth orbit. Not particularly safe! Or, uh, legal in some areas.I love her bulby suit, the projected emoji faces on it move around as she looks around from inside. It also displays scores, words, and advertisements of her sponsors.
Middle is FAU-N, or Forecast Alteration Unit - N, a weather-manipulating Omnic designed to help in restoring the environment of ravaged areas by seeding clouds and working as part of a larger team to alter conditions. She’s a long spooky deer lady with lightening, what else could you need in life?
Third is Gud Dawg, which is really a placeholder name because I haven’t figured out a good name for them. People have suggested “Reverse Wrecking Ball” and “Ofurwatch” and they’re not really wrong? But anyways- why hire a boring old mercenary when you can get a HUGE ROBOT WOLF? Bonus: Inside is a Secret Furry!
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