eee-hutu · 11 months
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uncle-cucky · 2 years
I wanna get into dragon quest, any game suggestions to try out? :> I like the kinda quirky writing in builders2 and the idea of befriending monsters but idk if the others have something like that haha!
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yexak · 3 years
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Empezando nuevo juegazo, ¡gracias Game Pass! #xbox #xboxgamepass #xboxone #xbox1 #gamepass #dragonquestbuilders2 #dragonquest #dragonquestbuilders #builders #builders2 #videogames #sandbox #squareenix #omegaforce #koei #koeitecmo #gamers #screenshot #xboxnetwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1N5zCjJ8l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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habitaciongamer · 5 years
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☻ Dragon Quest "Builders 2" PS4 nuevo sellado de fábrica oficial ya disponible!! ☻ Compralo o pide información aquí: m.me/HabitacionGamer #DragonQuest #XboxOneX #Playstation #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Xbox #Oferta #PS4 #Builders2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0d83vcpNgb/?igshid=159c4f58fjz6o
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almasgeeks · 5 years
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Dragon Quest Builders 2 | E3 2019. #dragonquest #dragonquestbuilders2 #builders2 #e3 #E32019 #playstation #ps4 #gamer #console #videogame #videojuegos #pty #panama🇵🇦 #ig #poster (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BykIbVihZNF/?igshid=1fni52fki7xf5
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eyebros · 6 years
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ninnifer · 4 years
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I remember seeing a comment on one of my Malroth pictures where someone wanted to see more of my builder, or know more about her? So... here she is! Unfortunately, there isn’t much about her to tell. I don’t know a lot about the DragonQuest games, so I don’t know the lore or anything beyond what is told in Builders2. Since she is supposed to, of course, be ME in the game, I will say that she can be quite wrathful lol.. and of course she has the feels for Malroth... I mean.. how could you not? He’s delightful lol
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sahasrahla · 4 years
playing builders2 with frisk & chara energy
Train, who has played the game once: I wonder what the Japanese dialogue is for when you spare the monsters at the Sinister Shrine in Khrumbul-Dun Me, playing the game for the 6th time: wait you can spare them
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sugarkittea · 5 years
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Me n my partner were super excited for dq builders2!! u w u
its a lot of fun so far, if ur thinking about playing it, u should!! 🌸
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I am a fan of the Dragon Quest franchise but I never played the builders ones. I just finished XI and it was a WHOLE lot of fun. I heard you say nice things about Builders2 on twitter and I was wondering if you would want to talk about it? I'm all ears! Like I know you liked the story but what about the gameplay? What kinda game is it? How about the characters? Please, share your knowledge (if you want of course) ! I wanna get excited about a new game! Also have a great day ❤
Ooh I’m taking this as permission to ramble. So Long Post Ahead!
I’ve just finished the XI demo! I’m thinking about getting the full game soon ‘cause the demo alone took me like 8 hours to get through, and I’m the kind of person who’s just like Story? Story? Story? So the more content, the better!
The only other Dragon Quest game aside from the Builders series was IX, the one with the Celestrians, and that was great, haha! I really like the character customisation aspect there. The series as a whole has some interesting lore!
But anyway! Dragon Quest Builders 1 & 2 are like... fusion sandbox building/rpg games? There’s not really the same method of stat progression as the main games - you expand your health bar & you make better clothes/weapons and that’s mostly it - and fighting isn’t turn-based. It’s just like, Press A Button To Hit.
On the whole though you’re not there to fight - you’re there to Build Things. It’s kinda like Minecraft, in that there are blocks and materials and crafting! It’s all easy enough to pick up on, and there’s stuff for collectors/completionists to busy themselves with, too!
You get specific things to build for the story quests, but other than that you’re pretty much free to do literally whatever you want given you have all the materials to do it with, haha!
Both games are set sort of as... not quite parallels of the main series game line, but they’re both inspired by the story of the corresponding main series game as if something different had happened! And you’re basically going around and helping out rebuild the buildings (and as a result the communities) there.
Builders 1 happens in an alternate Alefgard that fell into ruin after the original hero from the first DQ game sided with the villain. It’s a pretty linear game with four set levels of areas you have to rebuild. You can’t return to any of the areas after you’ve completed them. (Or rather, you absolutely CAN, but if you go back to a level you’re either restarting it, or popping in at just the point before the level’s big Boss Fight.
It was really fun! It has the cute art style and the cheeky humour & punniness inherent to the series, with the gut-punching story twists you usually don’t see coming. I’m still reeling from a twist that was pulled in the second level and it was a couple years ago by now!
The characters in DQB1 probably weren’t the most in-depth? Like, there were definitely some that were better than others and I greatly enjoyed some of the ones that were there! But the only characters that were present through all 4 levels are the Hero/ine and the goddess Rubiss, who speaks to you in your head sometimes but doesn’t make any physical appearances. So while you may grow attached to some characters, you don’t have as much opportunity to grow attached to them!
DQB2 split off from DQ2 after the protagonists defeated the dragon-like god of Destruction and his most devoted priest, Hargon. See, DQB2 suggests that Something Happened when they died/discorporated... The particulars of that are a little spoilery but it’s pretty easy to begin Suspicions early on in the game thanks to foreshadowing.
You can go back to most of the other places in the game even if you’ve completed the story there, too! The tools - there are more of them beyond just the hammer seen in the first game, and they’re easier to use!
DQB2 is like, all the good parts of the previous game BOOSTED! There’s a lot more Story, you get to see a lot more of the characters you meet, and you can return to most of the places you’ve been to, as well!
The characters are typically what I find the most interesting part of any story and I really did enjoy the ones in DQB2! The characters are way more developed than in DQB1 - especially Malroth, who remains your partner for the vast majority of the game! He has a lot of personality and I adore him!
Now that I think of it, all of the notable Islands have female ‘lead’ characters, actually... Lulu, Rosie, Babs, Molly, Anessa, Hellen, Gillian... And they’re all pretty different! It’s refreshing!
And there’s LOADS of monsters who are actually characters that can live with your human characters this time ‘round! Pastor Al, Goldirox, Arisplotle, Gottfried, Gremville, Jules, Captain Whitebones... The list goes on!
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theoddkpopgamer · 5 years
like shit i dont got money to buy another and i dont want to go without my switch bc i wanna play builders2 but the fuck
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johnnygreenfarm · 3 years
2010 at IVLP in Washington DC 
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  Down >>>  2010 - USA Nebraska Grand Island: IVLP 01   
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2013 – Juba South Sudan: Teacher with Peace Builders2   
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2010 - USA Los Angeles: IVLP Teacher Certificate Award 3
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 Down >>> 2016:– South Korea Peace Builder Rotary4   
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2016: South Korea Rotarian with Peace Builders5 
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2013 Juba South Sudan: Teacher with Governance US Personnel60
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 Up>>à 2010 – USA Florida IVLP Teacher 7          
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         2010 – USA Nebraska CCC IVLP Teacher 8        
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 2011 – Sudan Khartoum :Teacher 9   5
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 Up>>à  2010- USA Nebraska ; IVLP Teacher 10   
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2010 – USA Indiana IVLP Teacher 11  
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      2016  South Korea, with  US Rotarian  At f Rotary Service 
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Up>>à 2017 – USA NEW YORK: Peace Action Member 13   
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2010 – USA Florida: IVLP Teacher AWARDING Certificate 
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<-Up 14  2021 – JUBA S. Sudan: With ROTARY 15
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   2017   Atlanta Georgia USA   
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                            2012 Teacher in Khartoum Sudan
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antenna82102 · 3 years
ドラゴンクエスト ビルダーズ 2 の感想
オススメしてもらってプレイしたらめちゃくちゃ面白くて、これは全人類向けゲームだ!!と思ったので感想を書きました! 核心のネタバレはしないので、これを読んだ未プレイの人は今すぐプレイしよう!
公式 : http://www.dragonquest.jp/builders2/ ネタバレのあるラスボス戦以降のリアルタイム感想はこっち : https://fusetter.com/tw/6bdcyZgx#all
全体的な印象として、とにかくあらゆるところがユーザーフレンドリーで、すごく丁寧なゲームだなと思いました。 ストーリーは王道だけど、丁寧に描写してくれるので感情移入できるし、ゲームシステムも不便なところがほとんどなかったです。 (たまに謎のカメラ視点になることがあるけど、仕方ないだろうな~と思えるので個人的には許容範囲) 常におともしてくれるシドーくんが強いので戦闘難易度もそんなに高くなく、ストーリーだけ追いたい人もそこまで困らないんじゃないかな~と思った。敵と遭遇すると、シドーくんが急いで駆け寄ってきてくれて、あっという間に倒してくれるの頼もしいよね…。
マインクラフトからの流れで出てきたゲームなのかな~と思うのですが、自分は『材料は揃えましたよ、好きに遊んでね!』というゲームは割とすぐ飽きてしまうタイプなので、メインストーリーがありながらも、ある程度自由な裁量があるという案配がとても良かったなと思いました。 建築センスマジでない!けど、美的センス関係なく指定の要素を揃えるだけでOKなのはかなり気が楽でした。もちろん凝りたい人は凝れると思うし…。掲示板のユーザー作品すごいよね~。 後半は住人達が建築してくれるけど、設計図通りに並べていくと大型の建築物が完成するのとか結構楽しかったですね。プラモデル組み立てるのとか割と好きだし…。
前述の通り、ストーリー自体はそこまで奇をてらったものではないと思いますが、全体的な価値観が自分に合っていたと思います。 人間だから正しくて、モンスターだから悪!と決めつけるのではなく、その人(モンスターは人じゃないけど…)個人と向き合う姿勢が、自分はめちゃくちゃ好きでした。破壊=悪としないところも好きだな。 中盤以降、プレイヤーにストレスをかけるような展開はあるけど、話の積み立てがとても丁寧なので、そんなに酷い結末にはならないはずだ!!と信じて進めることができたなと思います。
プレイヤーが能動的に選択したことや、偶然起こった出来事の積み重ねといった要素によって、主体的に物語に参加していくところにゲームという媒体の面白さがあると私は思っているのですが、ビルダーズ2はそういったゲーム体験が存分に味わえるゲームだなと強く思いました。 ゲームという媒体じゃないと、この物語にはならないと断言できる。
“破壊と創造”という物語上のテーマと、実際にブロックを破壊して建築(創造)するというシステムが密接に絡み合っているのが本当に素晴らしい。プレイヤーが物語に入り込むのにかなり貢献していると思いました。 実際に終盤、主人公が「こんなの作りたくね~~~~~!」という気持ちになる(と私は思いましたが…)展開があるのですが、これが漫画やアニメみたいな媒体で描写されていたら、「辛いだろうな…」と他人事としてしか感じられなかっただろうなと思います。 実際はめちゃくちゃ感情移入していたので暴れていました。
というかシドーくんが本当にめちゃくちゃ最高カワイイ相棒なのでみんなプレイしてね!これが言いたかっただけです!! DLCでおさかなつり出来るらしいので後でやります!楽しみだな~。
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thehealingplum · 3 years
i was gonna livestream playing dragon quest 11 because its my first dragon quest game (besides builders2 but thats a side game) but apparently its not allowed on twitch if u have the music going or w/e
some arbitrary streaming rules
makes me angry
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proypirin · 3 years
เกม Dragon Quest Builders 2 บนเครื่องเล่น และ PC
แต่ก่อนในเกม Dragon Quest จะเป็นเกมแนว RPG แต่ในตัวเกมภาคนี้จะเป็นเกมที่ให้เราได้ทำการสร้างเมืองหรือว่าสร้างสิ่งต่างๆได้อย่างอิสระ
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nemunet · 4 years
tags   ※wip
#skyrim (skyrimSE) #FF14 #Minecraft #Dragon Quest Builders2 #Black Desert #Life is strange #RCT3 ( Rollercoaster Tycoon 3) #Planet coaster #terraria #NirR Automata #witcher3 #undertale
#Animal Crossing #Sterdew Valley 
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