#build strike exceed galaxy
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✨Depression cured☺️✨
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reversemoon255 · 9 months
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GAT-X105B/EG Build Strike Exceed Galaxy
While I think Metaverse was a perfectly harmless, cute series, that doesn't mean it couldn't be better. I watched the Gridman movie shortly afterward, and that did way more of the crossover stuff you want to see in the same amount of time. As every main character got a new Gunpla, I'd like to take a second to talk about how I'd rather they'd have handled each season's representation in those reviews.
A big misstep with the Fighters cast is their ages. Sei is the same age as Sekai, and considering he wasn't revealed until EP3, finally revealing the version of him teased in Try would have been a great payoff. It's also a bummer how every Fighters universe character besides Fumina doesn't have an Avatar, and they had a bunch of already existing outfits that would be both perfect and great marketing. You give Sei his EP1 Amuro costume, Ral his original series outfit, and you give China, Rinko, and even Gyanko their MS Girl outfits, because there're kits of them and that'd be good marketing.
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Also, not making the characters their proper ages mean they had to omit Reiji's daughter. And how perfect would her inclusion have been? Seeing one of the original characters getting their kid into Gunpla? Maybe when Reiji comes in on the Star Burning Gundam, he's wearing the Beargguy F backpack and she's along with him? It would have been an amazing end cap to Fighters, Try, and Metaverse. Fighters was probably the season that was handled the worst of the four, which is disappointing since it was the first.
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The Kit: Onto the kit, it is the EG Strike Gundam with new armor parts and backpack, but you'd think it was a new mold considering how it has no leftover parts. It has some nice accessories and a lot of hard points for customization. I do worry about longevity, considering my original EG RX-78-2, but other than that I have little issue.
The Details: Quite a bit of black panel lining, as well as some black paint to fill a few small areas. Metallic blue on the peripheral cameras and rifle scope. I also filled in the clear red parts with metallic red where I could to hide the plastic underneath.
Overall, a simple but neat kit with some cool gimmicks. I'd almost recommend getting two just to mess with the customization stuff.
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Hey! Are you interested in Gunpla, but worried about investing money into tools only to not enjoy it? Then try out the Entry Grade line first! It's a line of 1/144 scale kits designed around getting people into Gunpla and they only cost about $10-$15 USD. They don't require tools to assemble and while they may be lacking the accessories of their HG brethren, they come with great color accuracy for their scale and look great out of the box without any extra effort!
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There are currently 3 EG kits available: RX-78-2 Gundam, Strike Gundam and Nu Gundam! And EG kits of the Lah Gundam and Build Strike Exceed Galaxy for the new Gundam Build Metaverse series airing next month will be releasing soon!
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The line is a little small right now, and sadly there aren't any G-Witch options for new fans, but it really is a fantastic and inexpensive first step into the hobby. They're perfect for dipping your toes into the gunpla hobby to see if it's for you or not, without investing more than $30+ on your first kit + tools.
That said, if you did get into Gundam with G-Witch and specifically want to take the plunge with a G-Witch kit first, absolutely nab anything from the line. They're generally easy to build, pretty good with color separation and very accessible! The Gundam Schwarzette or Demi-Barding are definitely my recommendations for an easy to build but great looking kit from the line!
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(Disclaimer: These are my own kits, and I've put a little work into them via panel lining and minor painting.)
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athena-gunpla · 3 months
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EGBM 1/144 Entry Grade Custom GAT-X105B/EG "Build Strike Exceed Galaxy"
Another of the new Entry Grades!! Compared to the Lah Gundam this kit has a much more involved build process. The waist and hip articulation in particular are a considerable improvement and don't leave gaps upon ab-crunching like the EG Lah or RX-78-2. The Strike Exceed Galaxy also has an impressive amount of detail for an EG kit, including two-part hands and even panel lines.
Another draw of this EG over others is the inclusion of UV reactive parts. All of the trans-pink pieces are UV reactive, but so is the green piece used for the eyes. On a kit without stickers this detail gives the eyes an extra bit of brightness usually afforded by the foil stickers, and this was a neat inclusion.
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This kit usually comes with a special beam rifle that can split into a smaller beam gun and a club, but the parts don't look very cool. Luckily this kit also has the original EG strike gun, which I've outfitted it with instead. Included is also a beam blade piece that can attach to both the club and shield, although it looks a lot better on the shield.
The main gimmick of this kit is the presence of several 3mm holes. Just like on 30MM kits these exist to allow for future customisation. The other gimmick is the inclusion of a back mounted core-fighter, the Galaxy Fighter.
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This side-build can also be displayed separately or attached to the main kit as a booster to assist kicks and punches.
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Overall this was a very impressive kit for an EG and I definitely recommend it for anyone looking to get into gunpla!
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butterbuni · 3 years
♥ Chapter 8 ~ Recommendation Entrance Exam P3 ♥
Previous Chapter
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After lunch, we were separated into groups of 10 and were led to different rooms by the number we finished. I waved goodbye to Momo and Inasa as they were led to their rooms with their group.
I walked with the rest of mine into a long hallway with chairs set up against the wall, 5 on each side. Everyone took seats as number 20 went into a room at the end of the hall. This is so nerve-wracking. I don't have any of my new friends here to keep me distracted. I looked around the hall. There were not many students. I looked directly across from me to see Endeavor's son leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed. He's probably sleeping. How could he sleep at such a moment?
When he wasn't being rude, he looked really nice. I couldn't help but admire his features, which makes no sense because I've seen Endeavor, and let me just say the apple fell very far from the tree. (Endeavor slander? Yes.). Even with that huge scar on his face he still manages to be so beautiful. I should probably apologize to him for calling him a lil bitch. I laughed to myself remembering my outburst at him earlier. Star would have given me a lecture for not being respectful.
"Number 21!" A teacher called out as a student left the room.
A student got up and went into the room. Only two more people until my turn. I looked down as I twiddled my thumbs. What kind of questions will they ask? Did I prepare enough? Kean said they change the questions each year, so he wasn't much help. I rolled my eyes remembering when I asked Kean to help me and he shot me down. I picked up my feet pulling it up to my chest wrapping my hands around it. I looked up again and Endeavor's son was still sleeping. I would have to wait till after the interviews to apologize. I rested my head in my knees shutting my eyes. Maybe sleeping won't be so bad.
"Number 24!"
My head shot up from my knees to see Endeavor's son leaving the room. IT WAS MY TURN! I quickly got from my seat fixing myself up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath in and opened the door.
I walked in seeing Principal Nezu sitting at a rather large desk. He looked like a white mouse bear hybrid. Nonetheless, he was adorable I had to keep myself from smiling like a dork at his adorableness. I took a deep bow introducing myself. "Good afternoon Miss L/n. Please take a seat," he said calmly pointing his paws towards a set of seats in front of his desk. I took a seat at one of the seats saying good afternoon.
(For this part I will not be saying "blah blah," He said or she said. Only because it's too much for the amount of talking here. So instead, it will be in Nezu: and Y/N: format. No, they are not texting)
Nezu: Your full name is Y/N M/N L/N. Correct?
Y/N: Correct sir.
Nezu: Are you by chance Kean's younger sibling?
Y/N: Yes sir.
Nezu: No need to be so formal Miss Y/N. Your brother was an exceptional student here at U.A. When I received a letter asking for you to be put in recommendations by him, I couldn't say no. How is the hero Flame doing anyway? I see him on the news quite often.
Y/N: He's doing great actually he got a job as a sidekick to Endeavor a little over a year ago. Although he is busier than he was when he was in U.A but he still has time to train me.
Nezu: Good. Good. So, from the practical exam it looks like your quirk is controlling the elements do you mind explaining it to me.
Y/N: I can manipulate air, water, fire, and earth. So far, I've figured out I can control metal and lightning. I can produce air and fire from my body, but I cannot control the air or fire around me. However, I am immune to burns from my fire. I can't produce earth or water from my body, but I can control the different forms of water and earth around me. Metal bending is when I can sense the fragments can of earth in the metal allowing me to control it. I mostly use it for my shoes. Lighting bending comes from using the energy in me and focusing it outward using my fingertips to aim. Though it takes too much energy for even one strike, so I don't use it.
Nezu writes stuff down on a paper and looks back up at Y/N: And your weakness?
Y/N: Oh! Well, I can't bend pure metal and I can't control the lighting once it leaves my body. I also cannot control all the elements at the same time, I've tried. My biggest weakness is my energy use once I exceed my limit I pass out. However, Kean says if I keep training to the limit I would be able to last longer.
Nezu: Wow! You have such a powerful quirk Miss Y/N. Do you mind if I ask what your parent's quirks are? I understand Kean's quirk is flame and lighting.
Y/N: My mom's quirk is water manipulation, and I don't know what my father's quirk is. I never knew him. Mom just said he disappeared after I was born. I'm guessing his quirk had something to do with the elements. The pictures at home only show Mom and Kean's dad.
Nezu: Why do you want to become a hero Miss L/N
Y/N: Well, I want to create a world where things are fair for everyone. Villains are the ones that are in of the way of achieving of that.
Nezu: You know that, that is naive thinking right?
Y/N: I know i may be naive thinking doesn't mean it's impossible.
Nezu writes more stuff on a paper: So, Miss Y/N why do you want to go to our school?
Y/N: Well, I want to become a hero just like Kean. It's been my dream since I was able to use my quirk. U.A is the best school where the best heroes graduated from. The question should be why I wouldn't want to come to U.A. The answer is no reason by the way.
Nezu laughs at my quip: Good to know. Well, it's been wonderful getting to know you. In about a week you will receive a letter with our decision.
Y/N: It was great getting to know you to Principal Nezu. I'll take my leave now.
Nezu: Please have the man outside call Number 25.
Y/N: Yes sir.
I walked out of the room as the man outside called for number 25. I looked around the hall looking for Endeavor's son to apologize. I sighed. He wasn't there. There goes my chance of redemption. I do hope he doesn't tell Endeavor. Kean will seriously be pissed if I cost him his job.
I walked out of the building looking around. Maybe Momo or Inasa are done with their interview and we could walk home together and exchange numbers. I looked around the front and none of them were there. I looked over at the gate and saw a familiar galaxy haired friend waiting for me.
"STARRRRRR!" I yelled running to him.
He looked up at me his face had a few bandages. He must've gotten hurt during his practical exam. He smiled in my direction waving at me.
"What happened to your face?" I asked as I approached him. "Just a few burns here and there. The bots they used were the size of a full-grown human being and they were fast for big chunks of metal. Do you think you could heal me up when we get to your place? I don't want to ruin my perfect skin," He said as we walked out of the gates.  "I don't know, can I?" I laughed. "Sure, I can heal you up when we get to my house. So how was your practical? Did you only fight bots?" "Yeah, it was just bots. They put a whole bunch of us, maybe 30 or 40, into a look-alike town to fight them. It was timed too. I saw some pretty cool quirks there. One kid sprouted tape from his elbows to destroy the bots.  Another kid was literally surrounded by electricity. It was pretty cool till I acted like you and went close to him while he was emitting electricity. I didn't even get that close till I fell the volts hit my face," he said placing his face in his hand and then winced, "Overall it was pretty easy. I think I racked at least 40 points. And the written exam WAS SO EASY. I'd be surprised if I didn't pass. So, how was your test?"
"Well.......," I scratched my head.  "I panicked just before the written exam. I met a girl, a super smart girl, who helped me prepare for the test. She has a similar quirk to yours actually. Her's is called Creation. The test itself was pretty hard but I think I did okay. I met Endeavor's son but I made a horrible first impression. He had this huge scar on his left eye and I just stared at it with no regard for his feelings. It's not like his attitude was any good but I'm not there yet. I also met Recovery Girl right before the practical. She was nice. The practical was way mor- oh look we're here. I can tell you more over dinner."
I opened the door, and it was very quiet. I sighed Kean and Mom must not be home. It's okay I have Star here with me. "Wash your hands looks like I'm making dinner," I said rolling up my sleeves.
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Gods AU Part 3
Shrines and Temples
Daichi: His shrines are in every court and everyone has to swear on it, the judge and the criminal. If someone refuses they refuse justice and the gods which is a bad idea if you want to live. They are simple and the only thing needed is a piece of stone with his name and a scale or the horn of a capricorn. Every town has at least one temple of him, the priest/ess of the temple is the judge of the court there
Sugawara: His shrines are in most family homes aswell as in hospitals, you pray at them to thank Sugawara for your family and what you have. He also doesn’t need much for a shrine but as he is the god of generosity you have to be generous to receive from him which is why you have to leave/burn some food there (but only if you are in a situation where you can give others food). He has many temples, the priests/priestesses there are blessed to have a big healthy family and often are midwifes and similar jobs.
Asahi: Petkeepers often set a small shrine for him up so the animals are alright no matter what awaits them. Animals are drawn to his shrine and were observed to protect them, they mourn everytime one breaks so you have to make sure the shrines are steady and from a long living material. If you kill an animal around there you are refused Gentleness in your life for a special amount of time. Priests and Priestesses in his temple are liked by animals and have related jobs.
Kyoko: Many young ones set up a shrine for her in their room to pray for beauty or the suffering of their enemy’s which they are often granted aslong as they are respectful people who aren’t sinners or perverts. She only requires offerings if you want to receive something from her (ex. you want to be pretty ? Sacrifice a rose and a bit food and you got it). Her temples are sometimes used to execute sentences and shrines are also set up in prisons to ensure the suffering and make her able to feed of it even better.
Tanaka: Most of his shrines are temporary set up for a nice festival or the need of luck, he requires a Koi or a 4petaled clover and a prayer for luck and a goblet of wine and a long prayer for a successful festival. His temples are set up sparsely but his few priests and priestesses make sure he isn’t forgotten by having huge festivals, the temples are big because that’s where every festival takes place.
Nishinoya: Almost every household has a shrine for him, many are very big to ensure safety for the house and the habitants of former. He doesn’t require much, just a prayer here and there but many people still bring offerings as a thank you. His temples are set up in the center of the city and around it to protect the whole thing. The priests and priestesses are all guards and police officers.
Ennoshita: The god of fellowships symbol is used in teams to strengthen the bond and teamwork between the members. His temples are rare to find as most just at up temporary shrines but if you go in there with a group of people that mean something to you your bond will exceed normal fellowship. Prayers to him will make you a better team player.
Kageyama: His temples and shrines have to be near bodies of water and he requires to have water on it as an offering. Depending on the size of the shrine the amount tends to differ, a normal houseshrine maybe requires 1 cup, The temples have huge pools of water in or around them. You pray at him for protection of hurricanes and floods aswell as talent to strike you, to the latter he barely responds. If you devote your life towards him you are never gonna have to be afraid that you drown.
Hinata: If you want to build a temple for him you need to make sure that as long as its day the sun can strike it. Its tradition to pray at his temple every sunrise to thank him. Once a week on Sundays there's a festival which includes a ceremony of prayers and offerings at his temple. Offering to him are usually symbolic for the sun and therfore often shiny. Hawks will build nests on to of the temple and if you scare them away the sun will burn you. Prayers and offerings will ensure that the sun never burns you so if you see someone with a sunburn you can be sure they refuse the gods.
Tsukishima: Every place of education is a temple to him and the teachers are the priests/priestesses. He requires no offering and will punish you if you try to take money for education. Students often set up shrines in their rooms to study better. Other temples are to be set up where the moon can find them which is often near temples of Hinata. Its usual to pray to him every time the blue hour comes. Devotion and prayers towards him will give you slightly higher intelligence, better nightvision and lesser need for sleep during the night.
Yamaguchi: As he is the god of the stars he always accompanies Tsukishimas which is why their temples are next to each other. He rewards kind people with a mark, the kinder you are the more your pupils look like stars. If you have normal round pupils it's not bad either, just that you are average not exceptionally kind. His priests and priestesses are blessed with stars in their eyes and hair (galaxy style).
Yachi: Her temples are set up sparsely but she has many shrines. Her symbol is often carved in friendship bracelets to ensure it will be a long, good relationship. Exceptionally shy people pray to her almost every day to get enough courage to go through their day. Her priests and priestesses are often social workers. Those who devote themselves to her will always have the courage to fight for themselves and their friends.
Ukai: As one of the rather unpopular his he neither has many shrines nor temples but he won't be forgotten as long as there's one proud human. He fills the people with pride until they realise they don't deserve whatever is wrong. During this riots people draw his symbol on their flag.
Takeda: If he finds what you want is worthy to pursue he will fill you with the ambition you need to go through with it. Like Ukai he is rather forgotten. He works closely with Lev together.
Aoba Josei
Oikawa: His shrines are set up in all homes of royalty, if not he can and will stop giving them his blessing which means they stop being seen as royalty immediately. Priests and priestesses in his temples are only the most determined people, exceptionally graceful persons or royalty. Devotion to him results into being elevated to royalty (extremely rare) of being blessed with his other domains.
Iwaizumi: Some people tend to make themselves shrines for him by tattooing his symbol over their whole back or similar things. A shrine of him can be found in almost every house to strengthen the habitants. Those who devote themselves to him seem to grow a huge strength and a small resistance against fire, as a result of this many of his followers are blacksmith, knights or soldiers.
Kunimi: People often build little shrines for him in their bedrooms to scare away nightmares and insomnia. His temples mostly consist of beds for the homeless and the ones with very bad insomnia. Being a priest/priestess for him can grand you the ability to put others to sleep.
Kindaichi: One of the gods with almost no followers. Holding grudges is considered bad so you pray to him to get rid of grudges rather then holding onto them.
Bokuto: His many shrines and temples are always filled, no matter if laughter or sadness. His priests and priestesses are able to detect and manipulate emotions like no other, a side effect of that are heavy moodswings. Prayers and offerings are often rewarded with control over your own emotions.
Akaashi: One of the most popular gods with many shrines and temples. Every cemetery has a shrine of him where funerals are held, his symbol is traced in every clock and mastering the fine arts is impossible without praying to him. His priests and priestesses are funeral directors and craftsmen of clocks and other fine things (including arts like music or painting). Devotion /prayers to him will give you depending on the prayer mastery if an art or more time. People pray whenever something shall last long or don't last at all.
Kuroo: Being the god of love and passion he has shrines in every home of lovers. Traditional marriage ceremonys are held in his temples and lead by his priests and priestesses. Engagement and wedding rings have his symbol on them to give them a good marriage.
Kenma: Kenma is actually quite popular and has many temples and shrines where people pray to him for higher perception and a restful life. His priests and priestesses often do things where high perception and attention is needed to succeed as they are blessed by him to have those gifts.
Lev: One of the more unpopular gods with few temples but during phases in you life like preparing for tests or for games its not unusual to set up a shrine and pray to him so you can achieve your goal.
Yaku: He is Daichis right hand in court and there to execute the punishment. Temples and shrines of him are a bit rare but he has a small army of priests and priestesses. They are responsible for executing punishment.
Ushijima: His shrines and temples are to be set up near growing plants which makes them grow better. Carving his symbol in something and burying it with seeds will make them grow fast, whatever you used will be entangled in the roots of the plant.
Tendou: He has many followers and many tempels, being the god of so many things makes the designs of his shrines and temples vary very much from region to region. People set them up to pray for the dead and the living in the regions where the focus lies on the underworld domain, in other regions however his temples are often used as creative studios for painting or composing.
Semi: Any sort of competition is held infront of him. He will take care of the fairness in competitions so nobody shuns his domain. Prayers to him will make you competitive which maybe will bring victory.
Goshiki: He has almost no shrines and temples and is often forgotten about. Praying to him will help you in times of desperation.
Sakusa: His temples are hospitals, the doctors and nurses the priests and priestesses of said. He requires his shrines and temples to always be clean. Praying to him and cleaning his shrines and temples will lead you and your loved ones to a long healthy life. His priests and priestesses all studied whether medicine or psychology, their devotion to him helps them during their time in university.
Atsumu: Being the god of mischief he has barely temples but many shrines set up by pranksters who want to achieve perfection which is generally granted but always costs something, Atsumu will pack everyone that gains his attention. Praying to him will result in one heavy pack pulled at you and success in your pranks on others.
Osamu: Most of his shrines are set up in kitchens so the food tastes better. In his temples food is prepared and given out by the priests and priestesses. Devoting yourself to him will give you incredible cooking skills.
Terushima: Parents often set up shrines of him up for their kid to have fun while couples often build one for... Other purposes. The priests and priestesses are blessed with the ability to have fun in all life situations and give it to others.
Natsu: Her shrines are set up in nurserys, kindergartens and elementary school. Her prayers are the first ones children learn because they are very easy. She often comes to the human realm to play with kids.
Aone: While he is not a very popular god Aone still has a few temples and shrines. In his temples it always almost freezing, only his priests and priestesses can stand it without extremely thick clothing. People pray to him in the winter so they won't freeze. Prayers and offerings will get you the ability to stand the cold.
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To preface this: I have not yet physically set foot inside Black Spire Outpost. All thoughts and observations that follow are based on several videos and photos, as well as an understanding of theme park design and first hand experience with all the stateside Disney theme parks.
The inclusion of Galaxy’s Edge/Batuu has forever changed Disneyland, is the short version - and as of yet, with it being brand new, and not having yet explored it in person for myself contrasted with spending the rest of the day at Disneyland classic, I cannot say yet whether those changes will strike me as positive, negative, or neutral. Doubtless though others, like myself, will find the changes impossible to deny in terms of visiting the classic park.
Before I go further, I have to define what Disneyland is in terms of the ‘fantasy’ of it and the flow of themed areas as you visit it. It is defined and anchored in contradiction - a series of ten brisk steps can deliver you from small town America with gas lamps, horse carts and friendly Victorian-esque stores to a tropical jungle, and stepping inside a rather generic building nestled into a fairly faithful (if sanitized) version of old New Orleans brings you to a brick-lined waterway and a nighttime swamp where there should instead be someone’s richly decorated home, perhaps. Disneyland flows based on dream logic - lands crossfade into each other abruptly yet languidly, so you can be at the icy base of the Matterhorn and then with very little travel, be in a shrunken garden that houses pixies. A haunted house sits next to a mountain filled with cartoon singing animals. And it all works - the mesh of fantasy doesn’t need to match, and so it doesn’t, so long as the tone remains even.
Black Spire Outpost does not match with this style of themed design, to put it succinctly. Disneyland of course brims with detail in its’ own way, but for Batuu, the style of design is far more like you are at Animal Kingdom in Florida. People (and aliens, and droids) live there. It is dirty. It’s all one setting with no magical transition, once you are inside. Even though things may be sci-fi in nature, they are still mundane - personal forms of transit abound. It feels and looks old, instead of a newly minted version of something old presented in an idealized way, as is the standard for the rest of Disneyland. It also feels isolated - neutral wooded spaces and transitions under rockwork and train bridges isolate it. There is nothing comparable to seeing Big Thunder from the porch of the Haunted Mansion. In a way, it’s like the design ethic of the 60′s (main Disneyland, gradually modernized but still intact) is being jammed right next to the modern shining example of the field. Both are lovely, and have their own merits and drawbacks, but they do not match when put in the same space. On that face of it, Disneyland now forever is at odds with part of itself - for better or worse.
About Batuu itself - it looks, in a word, stunning. It will change how I visit Disneyland going forward, I have no doubt. I want to get lost in the details and explore it. I am a devotee of Star Wars, and I love how weird, funky, detailed and odd it can be, and has grown not just in the movies, but the new canon books, animated series, and so on. What I look for is that it stands on its own, and shows us new things, not just rehashes the old - there should be new creatures, new droids, new music, new experiences. From what I have seen, I think there are, and I anticipate just spending time there to discover more. What I can say is this - from what I have viewed so far, at a remove - is that this expansion both exceeds and falls short of my expectations. In money and effort spent, details, textures, and making me want to go and just stroll around, have a drink in a shady corner of the land and watch it unfold, document its’ small details, just exist there and discover what it has to offer - it exceeds what I hoped for. In terms of emotionally connecting with it, being awestruck, or feeling like something I longed for came to life - it underwhelms.
Two examples of things that connect with me in that way - Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, as a classic/retro one, speaks to me and compels me, fascinates me, makes me feel at home and comfortable via its design history and tone, the hundreds of small design choices that build up to the whole. Across the country, Maharajah Jungle Trek at Animal Kingdom is the modern example - you, as a visitor to it, feel small yet connected to what unfolds. A series of abandoned temples and human dwellings have gone back to nature, and the animals within captivate me - I feel the connection and fascination for real things, that is achieved through fantasy and design. The flying foxes, the komodo dragon, the tigers - I love them all, and yet visiting them feels not like a rushed series of zoo enclosures, but a adventure of discovery, of entering their habitats, where humans are just another animal. Black Spire Outpost, so far for me, achieves neither one of those connections - yet I very much want to visit it all the same and I cannot deny it looks like a superlative, if cold, example of modern theme park design done right and interestingly.
‘Til the spires.....
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kai-borg · 5 years
VV finds, Ebay grab unboxings, and more bio-related things: Part 3 - Mocs
And now’s where we get into the real meat of these posts. The real filler. That quencher for an appetite I so rarely feed due to my terrible laziness. MOCS!
For the most part the ones in this aren’t that special beyond one who managed to enter my hall of favourite personal mocs. Beyond that they’re just some basic characters, a rather fun little... ‘concept, and a pair managed to spawn a minor joke-’headcanon’ for me.
Firstly I give you, ‘Toa’ Elnas:
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Name: Elnas 
Element: Iron
Gender: Male
Species: ‘Toa’
Kanohi: Kualsi
Weapon/s: Spear
Bio: Elnas is an interesting character for a Toa.  Ancient in build, speech, and what little wisdom he gives, and uncaring, distant, and near disdainful of those around him in personality to a degree even a Toa such as Kopaka would find him... cold. 
Despite this Elnas does still protect those under his watch, mercilessly so.  Any who dare to attack what is ‘his’, to disturb him, quickly find that they will never be able to attempt such again.
Elnas, while a powerful a Toa, is far from one any consider ‘good’, much less a proper Toa.
When Elnas is not patrolling his village he is either studying, or collecting items and materials which he transports... elsewhere. Wherever that may be though is unknown to his wards. Al that is known is that, despite his location while he is there being unknown, it doesn’t mean his sight decreases any.
Or at least, this is the mask he lets others see.
In truth Elnas, a name cleverly come up with due to its meaning, disrupted detection (technically detection disruption (Elda + Felnas), is actually a being disguising himself as a Toa. 
A being better known by the title of, Makuta Avrua, the devourer of knowledge.
While Avrua did take his current form as an attempt to escape from Teridax and his plans, a successful attempt at that, that doesn’t mean he is any better than the conquering betrayer. If anything he is worse.
Avrua, while truthfully similar in goal to Teridax, is also far different. 
Avrua has, since the day of his creation, found himself obsessed with knowledge, with learning all he possibly could, and in particular everything he could find on the Great Beings. Both that about them, and from what they left their creations.
Where Teridax wishes to rule the GSR, to overtake and become one of their creations, Avrua wishes to join them, to gain such knowledge he himself can become a Great Being and do as they once did. And he will do anything it takes to gain their knowledge, and reach his goal.
Next off are these fun little two from Sidorak’s species. A duo of infiltration & elimination class dark hunters. A mated (or whatever word you might use for GSR species marriage/romance/whatever) pair to boot! Also a lil’ joke-’headcanon’ along with ‘em!
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Ok, so first off comes the headcanon.
As you can see Nille (the name I’ve given to my tall, keetongu orange, green, and gold friend) is rather... ‘extravagant’ looking. Especially in comparison to his much smaller, more ‘dulled-down’ mate, Guhra.
At first, this wasn’t really planned, just started building and once I was done I realized how well, like, blatantly different the two were. Combine that with the somewhat more ‘feminine’ styled ‘hair’ I’d given to the second, smaller one of the two, and, well... that section of my brain that keeps spitting out all my weird character ideas, AU’s, and everything related started kicking! And from that emerged my newest ‘headcanon’.
Basically I kinda had this idea that, what if Sidorak’s species were kind of like peacocks, or similar birds. You know, the male’s are real colourful, flamboyant, and flashy. Also typically probably larger than the females (though this does not mean it’s by a high percent, nor that said females are any weaker (if not even stronger)), and typically try to gain a mate through lots of posturing, looks, and giving them random little (and sometimes big) gifts all in an attempt to better curry favour with them.
Heck, this even works with, and honestly kinda makes sense with Sidorak’s own courting attempts towards Roodaka.
Every scene he’s in he’s acting flamboyant in a way. Posturing, speaking, and even moving in ways oh-so purposely done to show himself off. Make him look more impressive. Draw attention to his literally polished looks.
And then there’s his gifts, such as literally giving Roodaka what basically amounted to full control of the Visorak hordes. Sure, she basically already had it, but he actually acknowledge it instead of, y’know, deluding himself that he held the actual power over them.
There’s also his promises, the way he speaks and acts around her, and quite a good bit of other little things. I mean, heck, if I really wanted I could even consider the fact they had some, like, crazy goal or whatever to rule their entire universe/world as a sort of gift to Roodaka. 
Y’know, showing his dedication by literally giving her the entire world as a gift.
Though going by this logic it also means Sidorak himself was kinda gay/bi due to him, you know, going after Roodaka. One of the most bloody extravagant characters out there in the canon bionicle universe. Like, yeesh! Her build, her stance, the aura she projects, even her friggin’ voice all scream ‘extravagance’!
I dunno, I just really liked the idea for some reason once I came up with it, and couldn’t help but keep it. (Though the Sidorak bit also helped said choice. XD)
Name: Guhra
Gender: Female
Species: Steltian
Weapon/s: Dual modifiable-energy launchers
Bio: Guhra’s more the heavy hitter of the team. Surprising to some due to her difference in size to Nille (though far from it for him), though due to her less than noticeable build she does exceed in more visible/crowded infiltration work
Name: Nille
Gender: Male
Species: Steltian
Weapon/s: Hidden Y-blades/shields along his forearms
Bio: Nille, despite colour and size, is the infiltration expert of the team. His looks, and lifetime of cultivating the necessary skills and personality to be as flamboyant a gentleman as possible have lead to him being quite skilled in the necessary etiquette to easily sway higher ranking officials, steer conversations, and easily dismiss suspicions towards himself with but a few touch words, and the proper posturing.
Thirdly you have, while still a Moc, less so one built for the character than to show off an idea/concept. A rather infectious one at that.
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Shown above is an example of an individual infected with a partially developed case of a disease known as the ‘Plagued Vines virus’, or, as it is more commonly referred to as, the ‘Zombie virus’.
The Plagued Vines virus is a highly infectious, fatal, highly adaptable, and near incurable disease. As shown the individual carrying a partially developed case of the ‘Plagued Vines virus’ has suffered multiple physical changes. From heavy growth of a black, oily flesh-like organic material, metallic spikes and claws, the beginnings of various, randomly positioned extra limbs, and the emergence of the virus namesake, pitch black, vine-like veins beginning to emerge from the individuals various facial orifices.
As mentioned above, the vine-like veins that emerge from an infected individuals facial cavities are where the diseases namesake comes from. This is due to them regularly being the first physical changes an infected individuals undergoes, and the full activation of the diseases mental takeover,
A Plagued Vines infection is very difficult to detect before this initial physical development. This causes most cases of it to result in a fatal conclusion even when the rare cure is developed due to the emergence of these ‘vines’ indicating the hosts brain to have already been fully consumed.
Infected individuals show little sapience, but high sentience when alone, or in groups numbering less than 20. Creating crude traps/ambush locations, plans, and being able to track prey for long distances despite attempts to cover its tracks.
In groups of 20 and above it has been noted that infected individuals begin to develop varying degrees of sapience. Allowing for even greater efficiency in gathering food, and infecting others to further increase their packs size.
Fortunately in most cases the elimination of a quarter of the packs is usually enough to highly decrease their collective sapience, and half is enough to fully erase it.
Addendum: A pack of 90 infected individuals was discovered. This pack showed a much higher sapience than even an uninfected’s average, the ability to partially vocalise words, and were developing the materials needed to create various weapons, armours, and traps.
They were quickly eliminated, removing the possibility of further pack, and collective intelligence growth, but during this it was noted near two thirds of the pack had to be eliminated before they began to show a notable decrease in sapience. Fortunately once a loss of 3 quarters was reached a full decrease was noted.
Infected individuals display notable aggression towards others of their kind not in their designated ‘pack’, and a focus more on physical consumption, with a focus on meat and metal, which has been hypothesized as necessary to further the diseases physical growths, than spreading of their infection.
In truth the only reason the infection is as dangerous as it is, having required the destruction of entire galaxies to eliminate outbreaks of it, is because of how quickly it physically overtakes infected individuals that die. Requiring mere minutes to begin physical emergence, and revival of any killed by an infected individual that aren’t quickly burned.
Due to its highly adaptable nature it is nearly impossible to find a universal cure for the virus. The disease practically rewrites its genetic structure for every planet it shows up on.
The Plagued Vines virus is even more so dangerous due to how its outbreaks begin. All of which have been noted to be started soon after a successful meteor strike on the soon after virus ridden plant.
Its origins may be unknown, but the fact that this is a truly alien disease is not, and the danger its form of spreading poses, being near undetectable before outbreak, make it one of the most dangerous viruses out there.
And last, but oh so far from least, my favourite Moc of the bunch (discounting Lhikan’s trio who’ll have their own separate post), Tolzak, ‘skakdi’ of psionics.
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AAAAHHH! I just can’t help but love her so much! Her builds greebles, colours, shaping, even the way her weapons store are all just so... perfect in my mind!
And, what’s even better, is the fact that she lets me use an AU I jokingly came up with a good while back after reading a certain what-if post about swapping species sizes, and took the base concept on my own odd little route.
A little hint right here and early is, as you’ll notice, Tolzak is rather... odd looking for a Skakdi. A bit too tall. A bit too thin. A bit too... colourful. And then there’s here little... additions. Small, heel-esque structures naturally built into her feet, her odd, built in, hair like head adornment.
All things less so found in her species, than in a certain others.
Name:  Tolzak
Element: Psionics
Gender: Female
Species: ‘Skakdi’
Weapon/s: Tonfa style, curved blade, & dual throwing knives
Bio: Tolzak is an outlier for her species.
Where most Skakdi are cruel, violent, and aggressive, Tolzak is surprisingly calm, sociable, and at times even gentle with others around her. This of course doesn’t mean she doesn’t mean she doesn't have, nor show said typical Skakdi attributes. If anything she can at times be even worse than most of her species.
Tolzak typically acts as a sort of... hero in a way, or more-so a mercenary for higher with strict morals, aligned only with the ‘lighter’ end of said compass, and a willingness to both take jobs, and offer a hand in additional tasks she might spot without pay if the reasoning behind such is both reasonable, and honourable enough.
Now, while such may be an odd sight for the denizens of the standard bionicle-universe, for hers it is much less so.
Yes, you’ve read that right. Tolzak is actually a displaced denizen of a different universe, though she herself didn’t know that at first.
The universe Tolzak originally came from is an... odd one. Even for one of any connection to the bio!verse.
In her universe, to put it simply, everything has been reversed in a way. 
Where in the main!verse The GSR is the species home, and Bara-Magna the world they’ve fled from in a way. Where the Great Beings left themselves, and the other inhabitants of their planet to die while their creations lived and traveled. Where the Toa were heroes, the Matoran their ‘universes’ keepers, and the Makuta, and all else villains.
All has been reversed in hers.
The GSR, while existent, was made not to act as a travelling, humanoid ‘ship’ from which their creations could live. No, it was made to preserve them. The Great Beings, the Agori, the Glatorian, any who were fortunate to make it in, while the rest remained upon the devastated planet with the GB’s creations. 
To act as their new world until their old could be rebuilt.
That’s where the GSR’s species came into play. The Makuta to act as rebuilders of the environment, the repopulators of animals, the various other species the more hands on/detail workers, caretakers, and spreaders of the Makuta’s creations. 
They were this universes ‘heroes’.
But this left the Matoran, the Toa and Turaga, the usual heroes requiring new roles. More villainous roles.
They were the keepers of order, those who ensured everything went to the Great Beings plan, and if not, then those who would bring about a reset to it.
The reset is also where another difference between this universe, and the main differs. Where the original has its ‘world’ centered around the Ignika, the Mask of life, as that which keeps it alive, that resets it when needed, her world is centered around the Vahi, the mask of time, as its reset button.
The GB’s, upon the completion of their ‘saviours’, the GSR and their worlds rebuilders, created an additional device which they activated upon their departure.
A large, indestructible machine, hidden behind barriers only their Toa should’ve been able to pass, and designed to use their two strongest masks, the Vahi, and the Ignika, to reset all life, and the world itself back to its ‘original’ (i.e. the time of the machine’s activation) point whenever their creations begin going against their plans, and to add minor... changes to said beings in attempt to gain different results.
During these reiterations a point eventually came where the GB’s creations were made more organic, to a degree they truthfully were not that far from the remaining Agori and Glatorians in their ‘mechanics to organics’ mix.
In fact they were at such a similar level that they gained the genetic functions needed to physically reproduce in but a handful of further reiterations. A useful, and apparently permanent achievement seeing as how the GB truly had no way to otherwise repopulate the species if they died off beyond a full global reset.
But with this newfound ability soon came the possibility of hybrids.
You head that right folks! Hybrids of the various species came into being in this universe, Tolzak being one of them. A Skakdi Vortixx hybrid at that, which does help explain her physical differences in comparison to a ‘proper’ Skakdi.
Tolzak was sent to her current universe, one of the more standard ones during one of the numerous attempts at resistance seemingly every ‘reset’ has happen once the Toa are sent down to begin it.
During her 'generation’, Brutaka, Axonn, and a good number of others had defected from the Order of Mata-Nui (OOMN), the organization now dedictaed to ensuring the Great Beings wills are successfully followed, even if that means they themselves most lose all.
As is to be expected though for such a group, many tend to defect, and resist their will once it comes down to the choice of initiating a reset.
While they failed in their attempts, as was truthfully usual, Brutaka decided to attempt to save at least one member of their resistance, already fatally wounded himself, before the Toa succeeded.
He chose Tolzak. Just barely managing to drop her through a portal into a separate universe as the Toa activated the Great Beings machine. This left her, while physically unchanged beyond some ‘youthening’, mentally muddied. Much of her memories shattered, hazy, and otherwise unrecallable upon her awakening.
This is also why she so readily allowed herself to fall under the moniker of, ‘just an odd Skakdi’. At the time she herself didn’t known otherwise, and while she has regained much of her memory, having pieced together what she could, and slowly been clearing up and recalling the rest, enough to remember she is not a true member of her current universe, and her hybrid status, she still is more than ready to continue carrying said moniker.
It is truly a much easier option than attempting to explain the truth of her origins, and the actual reason behind her physical ‘oddities’.
So far Tolzak’s world has gone through near 500 000 separate reiterations, though she herself came from the 35 372nd reiteration, and upon her ‘escape’ from the world was never reborn.
Also, here’s a little bit of a closer look at her weapon storage, and just why I find it so... perfect.
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I mean, heck! Look at it! Everything's perfectly aligned, her curved blade is stably positioned, and I can even fit its cross axle in right there at the top due to the Metru torso’s build!
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fuzzyg17 · 6 years
Best Lego Star Wars Kits
Invented in 1932 and introduced in the United States in 1962, Lego sets have always been a popular toy for people of any gender and all ages. The famous “6-99” age limit, Lego sets are famous for having the consumer construct a toy. Using different pieces and different ways to construct the toy, each Lego set is unique. The consumer can either build from the guide, or build something straight out of his/her mind. There are very little limits in what you can build with Legos. Personally, I like to build the main item itself out of the guide, then I fix the minor details myself. I end up with a very unique object, that is only out of my mind. Today I am going to talk about the best overall rated Lego Star Wars sets ever made. Using various websites who have made their own lists, I have put together my own list of the top six Lego Star Wars sets.
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 6.  Poe’s X-Wing Starfighter 
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This Lego set includes three Lego mini-figures, one BB-8 Lego figure, a mini shuttle, landing support, and the X-Wing fighter itself. At a respectable 717 pieces, the building time is from 30 minutes to a hour. What this Lego X-Wing has that sets it apart from the other ones is mainly the color and the design. A unique orange on black look, this X-Wing looks striking compared to mostly any other starfighter. Holding the design of a Resistance X-Wing, the look is much more slick, and more modern. An easy pick for the number six spot.
5. Boba Fett’s Slave 1 Ship
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Boba Fett’s Slave 1 ship is probably one of the most well known ships throughout the Star Wars Universe. At 1996 Lego Pieces, this Lego ship is one of the most tallest in the whole collection. This set includes 4 Lego mini-figures, a Han Solo in carbonite stand, and the ship itself. There is no ship in the entire galaxy like it. This ship was feared by the whole galaxy, and the main owner being Boba Fett after he inherited it from his father, Jango Fett, when he died in battle. Working for whoever would pay the most, Bounty Hunters are ruthless, and would get the job done no matter the cost, doing anything for the money. Boba Fett was arguably the most famous of all, carrying out many duties. The best Bounty Hunter, the best ship to get the job done, the perfect duo.
4.  Assault on Hoth 
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The wonderful recreation of the Battle on Hoth, this Lego Set is a pure beauty. With 14 mini-figures, this Lego set does not disappoint. This set includes 2144 pieces, and although it is not one main object, it does take a good amount of time to complete this set. With a Snow speeder, many turrets, the Rebel wall doors, generators, and a medical base, this set is any Lego lover’s dream. One of the best battles in the Star Wars Universe, deserves one of the best Lego sets.
3. Sandcrawler 
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First appearing in “A New Hope”, this set is part of the Legos themed “Hard to Find”. Hence the name, there were limited quantities of the Lego set produced. This Lego set includes seven Lego mini-figures, six droids, a retractable claw, and a mini station post. Used by the native Jawas, the Sandcrawler would scavenge parts and objects across the vast deserts of Tatooine and later sell them to buyers. In this case, the Lego set recreates the scene where Luke and his uncle Owen bought R2-D2 and C-3PO from the Jawas. Having over 3,296 Lego pieces, this Lego set is a must buy for collectors. This Lego Set is also one of the most heaviest and largest on the Lego Star Wars Market.
2. The Death Star 
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Ah yes, the Death Star. The infamous Imperial base/weapon. You knew Lego had to go big if they were to make a Death Star set, and exceed expectations they did.  The set includes 23 mini-figures, the most out of all Star Wars Sets. The Lego Death Star’s insides are exposed, showing the inside rooms. In the rooms, you can put the mini-figures in it, creating many scenarios in it. The set has the second- most pieces out of all on this list, 4016. Lego did release a second Death Star from the movie “Return of the Jedi”, but that Death Star is no match for the first one. The original is always better than the sequels, remember that.
1. Ultimate Millennium Falcon
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The crown jewel of all Lego Star Wars sets, the pride joy, the ultimate collector’s item; The Ultimate Millennium Falcon. With 7541 pieces, this set holds the most pieces on the list. Shown in the picture above compared to a hand, this ship is big. The most iconic Star Wars ship used by Chewbacca and Han Solo, this Lego set never dissapoints. The set has 10 mini-figures, and can be placed inside the ship. The top is retractable, but personally, I would only move it when i have too, to minimize any accidents. The Lego sets with the most pieces are the most delicate ones. The Falcon is known as the “fastest ship in the galaxy”. The greatest ship with the greatest legacy, deserves the best set. Truly, the ship is a living legend.
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Fantasy New Releases: 7 September, 2019
The week’s fantasy new releases feature an ancient mech standing ready for its just as ancient foe, the dread fall of a legion of post-human warriors, and a young radio engineer’s travels in search of an impossible metal hidden in an America that never was, but should have been
Archangel One – Evan Currie
Humanity has reached an uneasy truce with the Empire—but unless the allies bring the fight to the enemy, extinction is all but assured. In preparation for the inevitable next war, Commander Stephen Michaels is at the helm of the Archangel Squadron, and his orders are simple: go rogue.
Disguised as mercenaries, Commander Michaels and the Archangels seek valuable intelligence on their imposing foe. Their mission takes them deep into uncharted territory, where they make inroads with the Empire, fiercely guarding their true identities and purpose. Fighting for the enemy goes against everything they stand for, but these are desperate times.
As their deception increases, so does the risk. With the Empire’s deadliest secrets within reach, Commander Michaels and the Archangels accept a mission that will take them even deeper into the Imperial fold. They know all too well that one wrong step won’t just end their lives—it could end their entire civilization.
The Buried Dagger (The Horus Heresy #54) – James Swallow
The skies darken over Terra as the final battle for the Throne looms ever closer… As the Traitor primarchs muster to the Warmaster’s banner, it is Mortarion who is sent ahead as the vanguard of the Traitor forces.
But as he and his warriors make way, they become lost in the warp and stricken by a terrible plague. Once thought of as unbreakable, the legendary Death Guard are brought to their knees. To save his Legion, Mortarion must strike a most terrible bargain that will damn his sons for eternity.
Meanwhile, in the cloisters of Holy Terra, a plot is afoot to create sedition and carnage in advance of the Horus’s armies. Taking matters into his own hands, Malcador the Sigillite seeks to put a stop to any insurrection but discovers a plot that he will need all of his cunning and battle-craft to overcome.
Engines of Empire (Empire of Machines #1) – Max Carver
The upstart colony Carthage has conquered and dominated most of humanity’s settled planets, including Earth itself, with fleets of autonomous, AI-driven warships and armies of robotic infantry. Freedom from their empire is found only in rough outer worlds on the distant fringes of settled space.
On Galapagos, a free world, newly elected Minister-General Reginald Ellison had hoped he’d seen the end of war. He spent his youth fighting in battles across his planet’s vast oceans and small islands, and his later years working to build a coalition of peace among the world’s fragmented nations. Now the arrival of an unnerving android ambassador from the distant imperial planet of Carthage threatens his world’s hopes for a free and peaceful future.
On Earth, the machines patrol the post-apocalyptic ruins of bombed-out megacities, left over from Earth’s war with Carthage. In the fallen megalopolis of Chicago, a young scavenger makes a discovery that could empower Earthlings to finally fight back, but could also endanger everyone he loves.
On Carthage, the rulers of humanity enjoy extreme wealth and luxury, while machines carry out all forms of labor and provide for their every whim. Audrey Caracala, daughter of Carthage’s top political leader, has led a protected existence, groomed to help her family rule the known galaxy. Now her family’s enemies hunt her as she searches for her missing brother in the dangerous, unfamiliar territory of the Carthaginian underworld, where she begins to face hard truths about the machines and about her own family’s legacy.
Three people, on three very different worlds, must confront alternate faces of the ever-evolving machines, which spin their own designs beyond the vision of their human masters, forging a new kind of empire that will be ruled by no man.
Justified (Saga of the Nano-Templar #1) – Jon Del Arroz
To save a world he must rely on God.
After years of fighting for justice with his deadly nanotech, Templar Drin abandons his post, crash landing on a desert world controlled by a tyrannical alien empire. Its inhabitants are forced into slavery, broken where a once-proud race cultivated its lands.
For the first time in Drin’s life, he has no backup, no support, none of his brothers.
He stands alone against evil.
Drin must face overwhelming odds to liberate millions of slaves from their captors and bring faith to a downtrodden world. But in his way stands the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy.
Can Drin use his Templar training to survive?
The Messenger – J. N. Chaney and Terry Maggert
Dash never asked to be a mech pilot, but fate has other plans.
On the run and out of chances, he guides his ship and crew into the heart of a relic older than the galaxy itself–and finds himself on the edge of an eternal war he never knew existed.
The relic is a mech, lost to history and forgotten by all who remain. Built by an ancient race to be the ultimate weapon, the machine is capable of unspeakable destruction, and its discovery could unhinge the balance of power throughout known space.
Worse still, the A.I. inside the machine speaks of an ancient evil that will soon arrive–a race whose power far exceeds anything humanity has ever witnessed.
Only the Messenger can stand against them, the A.I. tells its new pilot. Only you can do what must be done.
Spartan’s Specialists (Four Horsemen Tales #12) – Alex Rath
Captain Markus ‘Spartan’ Nicolos is one of the Golden Horde’s premier hackers and communication specialists, and a top-tier CASPer pilot. His experimental Hoplite scout CASPer aided significantly in thwarting an attempt by a Besquith general to wipe out the Golden Horde.
Now, while most of the Golden Horde goes out on a major contract, Spartan has been given a small team of less than 30 mercenaries—specialists, all—to teach a race that has just joined the Galactic Union how to defend itself. And, in his spare time, Spartan is to spy on the Merchant Guild.
After arriving in the new system on a ship from the Intergalactic Haulers Mercenary Company, Spartan’s group of specialists begin completing their mission, but things rapidly go downhill when they find out the Omega Wars have begun and Human mercenary companies are being hunted.
Unable to contact his company’s leader, Colonel Sansar Enkh, Spartan is on his own to put the pieces together and figure out a new plan to deal with the changing situation. Can Spartan’s small team of Golden Horde specialists complete their mission and find a way to survive the Omega Wars on their own, or is this Spartan’s last ride?
Worldshift: Virtual Revolution – Scott Straughan
Ethan is young and unemployed. One of the many who fail to find a job and join the elite who run the government and the mega corporations. However, thanks to the economic support everyone gets, he can spend his idle days playing virtual reality games. Online, he can chase thrills and lash out without consequence.
Yet, despite his isolation, Ethan can’t help but feel that something is deeply wrong with society. It reaps the benefit of advanced automation, but forbids further scientific development. That feeling becomes inescapable when he starts playing the latest event in the world’s most popular VR game, Worldshift. Thousands of players are lured into climbing the Tower of Ascension by an incredible prize. Inside, the combat is intense, but nothing is as it seems. The tower is far more than a game. Not only are its rewards very real, but so are its dangers.
Change is coming to a long stagnant world -a virtual revolution- and everything Ethan knows will be threatened.
The Tower of the Bear (Yankee Republic #3) – Fenton Wood
From the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, to the forbidden lands west of the Mississippi, to the shores of a prehistoric inland sea … a young radio engineer enlists the aid of scientists, kings, ancient gods, and mythological beasts, in a search for a super-metal from another universe!
A blend of radio science, alt-history, tall tale, and myth, YANKEE REPUBLIC is an epic like no other.
Fantasy New Releases: 7 September, 2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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Built a Shenlong today 💚 isn’t it so pretty
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boombergnews · 6 years
**Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox on daily basis? Enroll right here.**
On the roster: Nuggets from the passing parade – Centrist Dem: Age of Home management an issue – Audible: want some ice for that burn? – The fox says: 5 stars 
NUGGETS FROM THE PASSING PARADE   We don’t wish to alarm you, however Labor Day is in 17 days. Now take a deep breath and go get some extra candy corn… As you look forward to the water to boil, how about some pre-weekend political nuggets for an appetizer?
– A lot of the overheated evaluation the trial of Paul Manafort on tax evasion and corruption prices has centered on what the potential verdict may imply for the bigger efforts of Particular Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into different Russia-linked skullduggery in American politics. If jurors had been to acquit President Trump’s former marketing campaign chairman on all 18 counts it could actually be a setback for Mueller and would give the president one other speaking level. However a few issues to recollect: The president can end up speaking factors like Dunkin’ does donuts so no matter occurs, he’ll name it a win. And second, Manafort is dealing with probably much more critical peril in his different federal felony trial set to start subsequent month within the District of Columbia. We are saying it so typically that we think about you’re properly and really bored with it, however right here we go once more: Speeding to judgements in issues just like the Mueller probe is strictly a nasty thought. Let the matter play out and do your finest to be fair-minded, skeptical and affected person within the meantime.
– We needed to chortle at phrase that jurors requested to be excused early on Friday from their deliberations as a result of one juror had a earlier engagement. We keep in mind overlaying trials with judges like Jim Stuckey and Irene Berger again in Kanawha County, W. Va. the place such a request in a high-profile trial would have assured the jury a one-way ticket to sequestration for the weekend consuming low cost pizza in a motel room. Sheesh.
– As he left for the weekend, the president appeared fairly happy with what he hath wrought along with his transfer to revoke the safety clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan. And it undoubtedly hits numerous good notes for Trump, because it 1) stokes partisan enmity, 2) causes odd contortions in his detractors and three) offers him a symbolic method to swat on the investigation into his marketing campaign. The query now could be whether or not this shall be like different such Trump gambits, like his ill-fated fee to show proper his declare that he really received the favored vote. On these jobs, Trump does some observe up trolling however principally lets the matter drop. The blowback he’s gotten from critical folks within the intelligence neighborhood would stand as a powerful warning towards additional strikes. One would suppose that the present CIA director and others would reinforce the concept that additional political gamesmanship on nationwide safety is unwelcome.
– Talking of government inspirations that result in administrative hangovers, Trump’s a lot ballyhooed army parade in Washington goes to be postponed till a minimum of subsequent yr citing value overruns. If the Pentagon retains kicking the can on this, they may kick it too near 2020, by which level it could be a $90 million re-election marketing campaign kickoff. The entire enterprise is fairly cringey each time they may do it since there’s no ostensible excuse apart from giving the president the possibility to glory in martial would possibly. However doing so lower than a yr from re-election could be an enormous no-no. 
– A supply mentioned to be near Trump informed the popular vacation spot for White Home whispers, Axios, that Trump’s growing use of government authority isn’t alarming as a result of he’s not inclined “to do something that erodes separation of powers — a minimum of, nothing that exceeds the historic price at which government energy has expanded.” Speak about defining deviancy down for the imperial presidency! That may be like a fats man saying that he received’t eat something to trigger him to realize weight – a minimum of nothing to realize weight quicker than a busload of Weight Watchers refugees at a smorgasbord. If government energy continues to develop on the identical tempo it has for the reason that 1930s, the legislative department shall be a remark field on the finish of the White Home driveway earlier than too lengthy.     – Race watchers say a lot concerning the monitor data of endorsers. Rep. Suzy Creamcheese, D-Pa., misplaced her major in order that should imply that her backer, Sen. Joe Madadatz, exhibits much less clout for 2020 and so forth. And there’s worth in that, to make certain. Plus, candidates can reduce their very own capital by backing losers. Simply take a look at the place the present president has and hasn’t endorsed in latest months. However don’t overlook the true functions of endorsements for the endorsers. First, it may well have constructive clout connotations when proper. It additionally builds a community of allies throughout the nation. However possibly most of all, endorsements ship highly effective messages to activist voters. It could actually communicate far louder than phrases in telling potential supporters who you imply to be. To that finish, we offer you. Sen. Kamala Harris and her choose of Deidre DeJear for Iowa secretary of state. DeJear is African-American, like Harris, sure, however she’s additionally a younger businesswoman. It’s a choose that reinforces Harris’ model but in addition broadens it.  
– Do you keep in mind that time Trump nominated Choose Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court docket? Yeah, the Nats fan. Anywho…  When you’ve been watching all the n-word accusing, clearance stripping, parade cancelling, ostrich jacket photographing, American greatness denying falderal Kavanaugh’s in style help has improved markedly. The newest ballot from Quinnipiac College exhibits help for Kavanaugh’s nomination up 4 factors from final month. A few of that is to be anticipated as Republicans develop extra accustomed to the nominee’s identify, however it’s actually proof that the Democratic effort to color him as some excessive alternative hasn’t drawn a lot water thus far. We’ve mentioned earlier than and say once more: The foremost problem for Democrats shall be discovering a method to climb down from opposition that neither jeopardizes red-state senators nor the ambitions of 2020 aspirants sitting within the Senate now. In baseball, they name it an intentional stroll…
THE RULEBOOK: LOOK AT US NOW “A powerful sense of the worth and blessings of union induced the folks, at a really early interval, to institute a federal authorities to protect and perpetuate it.” – John Jay, Federalist No. 2
TIME OUT: IT’S A GAS Smithsonian: “Armed with the newest expertise of the day and observations made by different Western astrophysicists, [Pierre Jules César Janssen] was decided to pry open the secrets and techniques of the galaxy. On August 18, 1868, Janssen managed to just do that. He turned the primary particular person to watch helium, a component by no means earlier than seen on Earth, within the photo voltaic spectrum. On the time, although, Janssen didn’t know what he’d seen—simply that it was one thing new. The mid-1800s was an thrilling time to see on the heavens. A brand new instrument referred to as a spectroscope was upending the sphere of astronomy. Related in design to a telescope, the spectroscope labored like a super-powered prism, dispersing mild into measurable wavelengths. An early mannequin had allowed physicist Joseph Fraunhofer to watch the solar within the early 1800s, however he was puzzled by black traces interrupting the traditional colours. These black traces had been named for Fraunhofer, regardless that he didn’t perceive what they had been. That information would come a number of many years later, with German researchers Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen.” Flag on the play? – E mail us at [email protected] along with your suggestions, feedback or questions.
SCOREBOARD Trump job efficiency  Common approval: 41.2 % Common disapproval: 52.eight % Internet Rating: -11.6 factors Change from one week in the past: up zero.2 factors [Common consists of: CNN: 44% approve – 53% disapprove; Quinnipiac College: 41% approve – 54% disapprove; Gallup: 39% approve – 56% disapprove; IBD: 41% approve – 50% disapprove; NPR/PBS/Marist: 41% approve – 51% disapprove.]
Management of Home Republican common: 41.four % Democratic common: 48.2 % Benefit: Democrats plus 6.eight factors Change from one week in the past: Democratic benefit up zero.2 factors [Common consists of: CNN: 52% Dems – 41% GOP; Quinnipiac College: 51% Dems – 42% GOP; Pew Analysis Heart: 46% Dems – 39% GOP; IBD: 45% Dems – 45% GOP; NPR/PBS/Marist: 47% Dems – 40% GOP.]
CENTRIST DEM: AGE OF HOUSE LEADERSHIP A PROBLEM Roll Name: “The chairman of the centrist New Democrat Coalition wouldn’t say Friday whether or not he would again Nancy Pelosi for Home Democratic chief however he did vocalize a difficulty with the present management crew. ‘The truth that our high three leaders are of their late 70s — I don’t care who these leaders are — that’s the truth is an issue,’ Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes informed CNN. Pelosi, 78, has mentioned she plans to run for speaker once more if Democrats win the bulk in November. Home Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, 79, and Assistant Democratic Chief James E. Clyburn, 78, are concerned about working for speaker ought to Pelosi fail to get the votes. Himes, 52, who chairs the 68-member New Democrat Coalition, declined to say whether or not he’d help Pelosi for speaker. … Nonetheless, Himes famous that Pelosi has a power that latest Republican audio system, together with Paul D. Ryan and John A. Boehner, haven’t demonstrated — a capability to maintain her caucus collectively and cross main laws such because the 2010 well being care regulation.”
Meet the ‘Trump Democrat’ who’s altering the sport – Fox Information: “A Democrat searching for a U.S. Home seat in deep-red West Virginia payments himself as a ‘Trump Democrat’ — regardless that he has claimed the president ‘hasn’t completed s—,’ backs a pathway to citizenship for unlawful immigrants and opposes a border wall. Richard Ojeda, an Military veteran and state senator who’s been branded as a ‘JFK with tattoos and a bench press,’ initially captured consideration after revealing that he voted for Trump within the 2016 presidential election. He’s now working towards Republican Carol Miller in West Virginia’s third Congressional District, which President Trump received by almost 50 factors within the 2016 presidential election. But a ballot from June signifies that Ojeda’s message of populism – together with help for the coal trade and hopes of seeing Trump succeed because the president – has resonated with potential voters, placing him in a 6-point lead towards Miller.”
Nevada Home race a sizzling one – Roll Name: “Republicans are largely on protection this cycle, however a brand new GOP ballot exhibits they’ve a possible pickup alternative in Nevada’s 4th District. Two former lawmakers are dealing with off for the open seat in suburban Las Vegas: Democrat Steven Horsford and Republican Cresent Hardy. The inner ballot for the Hardy marketing campaign and the Nationwide Republican Congressional Committee confirmed Horsford and Hardy in a lifeless warmth. Each candidates had been tied at 41 %, with 17 % of these surveyed undecided, in response to the polling memo supplied first to Roll Name. The ballot solely examined Hardy and Horsford, and never any of the 4 third- or no-party candidates who shall be on the November poll. Horsford received the newly created seat in 2012, however was unseated by Hardy two years later. Hardy, in flip, additionally solely served a time period earlier than dropping in 2016 to Democrat Ruben Kihuen, who’s retiring amid sexual harassment allegations.” Barr goes on assault as previously protected seat threatened – NYT: “[Andy Barr] finds himself in one of many nation’s best midterm races towards a first-time candidate, Amy McGrath, a Democrat and a former Marine fight aviator whose life story made an on the spot reference to voters. That has remodeled the race right into a tossup in a district that Mr. Barr received by 22 share factors solely two years in the past. The incumbent is, by many measures, a very good match for the state’s Sixth Congressional District, shifting seamlessly among the many nation membership and horse trade elite in Lexington and within the extra rural areas that attain Appalachia. ‘The hallmark of my illustration is accessibility,’ mentioned Mr. Barr, 45. However the darkish tones that promoting within the Lexington media market took on final week attest to a special sort of marketing campaign brewing. The adverts are just like ones Republicans have used round america, attempting to color Ms. McGrath, 43, as ‘too liberal’ for the district and a software of Consultant Nancy Pelosi of California, the Home Democratic chief. Mr. Barr’s advert additionally exhibits Ms. McGrath calling herself a ‘feminist’ and saying that she voted for President Barack Obama.”
PLAY-BY-PLAY California GOP gubernatorial nominee Cox clarifies: Ready in line on the DMV shouldn’t be worse than the Holocaust – KXJC
Michigan Home Democrat apologizes for racist slurs towards rival – Detroit Metro Instances
Je t’aime mon Quebecois! N.Y. GOP buys bus ticket to Montreal for Cuomo – CBS Information
Trump poised so as to add new restrictions on Medicaid – Politico
AUDIBLE: NEED SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN? “We’ve the identical variety of tremendous bowl championships as you.” – Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., responding to Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. Klobuchar tried to mock South Dakota for not having an NFL crew. ANY GIVEN SUNDAY This weekend, Mr. Sunday will sit down with Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., retired Admiral Mike Mullen and White Home Price range Director, Mick Mulvaney. Watch “Fox Information Sunday with Chris Wallace.” Test native listings for broadcast occasions in your space.     #mediabuzz – Host Howard Kurtz has the newest tackle the week’s media protection. Watch #mediabuzz Sundays at 11 a.m. ET.
FROM THE BLEACHERS “I simply don’t perceive how this works and the way you give you these numbers. I discover your outcomes very demoralizing. Why would you like President Trump to look unhealthy? Everybody I do know loves President Trump and likes what he’s doing.  He’s the very best president this nation has had in my lifetime. I’m 72 and have an excellent and lengthy reminiscence. Please clear this up for me. PS. I really like seeing what you must say when you find yourself on Fox.” – Esther Keleman Walsh, Saint Johns, Fla.
[Ed. observe: We actually don’t want to demoralize you or anybody else, Ms. Walsh! And residing in such a nice nook of Florida as you do, I’d think about demoralization could be onerous to come back by. However our job right here is to inform it like it’s, or a minimum of as we see it, with out worry or favor. That is going to be a tough yr for Republicans and it’ll take one thing on the order of a miracle for them to avoid wasting the Home. The Senate appears to be like extra promising in your crew, however total the GOP is in a good spot. Events which have unified management in Washington normally face headwinds, and this yr it’s shaping as much as be fairly a gale. The identical president who evokes such deep affection from you and your mates evokes equally deep antipathy from others. It’s a extremely flamable environment. However I promise that no matter occurs, we are going to try to be clear-eyed and neutral in our telling.]  
“I’m positive you’re conscious, however maybe not everyone seems to be, that John Jay was making reference to Brutus chatting with Cassius from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Act four [Federalist 64 from Wednesday’s note]. The total quote is: ‘There’s a tide within the affairs of males. Which, taken on the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all of the voyage of their life, Is sure in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we should take the present when it serves, Or lose our ventures.’ Brutus is urging Cassius to assault Octavian now whereas their forces are robust, earlier than Octavian can construct up his forces. They waited and finally misplaced to Octavian. Each Brutus and Cassius later dedicated suicide. It’s all the time been one among my favourite Shakespeare quotes. I’m positive there’s a level to be taken right here – I’m simply unsure what it’s.” – Pat Conroy, West Lake Hills, Texas
[Ed. observe: Good present, Mr. Conroy! Perhaps it’s what Geoffrey Chaucer reminded us lengthy earlier than Shakespeare’s day: “Time and tide look forward to no man.”] Share your shade commentary: E mail us at  [email protected] and please ensure to incorporate your identify and hometown. THE FOX SAYS: FIVE STARS  FOX59: “A ‘beloved’ taxidermy fox stolen from a well-liked restaurant in downtown Indianapolis has been returned. Thursday, St. Elmo Steak Home tweeted that Winston the fox arrived alone within the backseat of an Uber, ‘protected and sound!’ Earlier within the night time, the restaurant mentioned the fox was taken from its 1933 Lounge final Friday night time. The restaurant posted surveillance footage that exhibits the perpetrators nabbing the fox. The restaurant even provided a $250 reward card to anybody who supplied data that led to the protected return of the ‘beloved buddy.’ The restaurant mentioned if the perpetrators introduced him again unhurt, no onerous emotions, they’d have a good time his return with a spherical of drinks on the home. Together with surveillance video, St. Elmo additionally jokingly edited a photograph of Winston onto a bottle of its sauce, saying it was ‘actively evaluating all ways’ to help in his protected return.”
AND NOW, A WORD FROM CHARLES… “To be doing on daily basis what you get pleasure from doing is uncommon. Rarer nonetheless is to be doing what you had been meant to do, notably in case you received there by sheer serendipity. Till close to 30, I’d absolutely anticipated to spend my life as a health care provider. My current life was by no means deliberate and even imagined.” – Charles Krauthammer writing within the Nationwide Assessment, December 18, 2009.  
Chris Stirewalt is the politics editor for Fox Information. Brianna McClelland contributed to this report. Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox on daily basis? Enroll right here.
Chris Stirewalt joined Fox Information Channel (FNC) in July of 2010 and serves as politics editor based mostly in Washington, D.C.
The post Nuggets from the passing parade appeared first on BoomBerg News.
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jamessandersweb · 6 years
The Star Wars News Roundup for May 25, 2018
Star Wars news for the week of May 25, 2018
The purpose of this roundup is to put all the Star Wars news from the week of May 25, 2018 in one location. If you read this each week, you should be able to converse fluently with any Star Wars fan on everything from the latest Star Wars developments to the latest toys. And maybe you’ll even share with them something that they might have missed.
Let’s get to it!
Solo: A Star Wars Story News and Rumors
Solo: A Star Wars Story has opened to $14.1M in Thursday evening previews domestically, a Memorial Day record that exceeds the previous $13.2M record held by Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. The third Pirates movie was released in 2007 and posted a 4-day record total of $139.8 million ($153M including Thursday). Internationally, Solo: A Star Wars Story has debuted at #1 in many territories opening with a two-day tally of $11.4M from 43 markets.
Lucasfilm asks court to strike counterclaims in ‘Star Wars’ card game trademark dispute https://t.co/69wrC5NRjF pic.twitter.com/U4dek4Mu2c
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) May 18, 2018
Ready for #solo ? #hongkong is @FanthaTracks #starwars pic.twitter.com/T5G9I3GGew
— Sam Prentice (@SamPrentice) May 19, 2018
Solo stars explain how to speak the Wookiee language https://t.co/Xo1M74IQTE
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 21, 2018
Solo: A Star Wars Story star Thandie Newton talks with The Guardian – https://t.co/v950H9haQW #StarWars @ThandieNewton@guardian pic.twitter.com/PmTytvhvjh
— Fantha Tracks: Star Wars News In A Single File (@FanthaTracks) May 21, 2018
A closer look at the making of Thandie Newton’s action figure gown. https://t.co/mZrsm1Gn8u pic.twitter.com/B5hJzDYTJg
— Dunc (@clubjade) May 21, 2018
✨ @emiliaclarke, @donaldglover and Alden Ehrenreich tell us what they learnt from working with one of their acting heroes on Solo: A @StarWars Story 🙌👇 #HanSolo @StarWarsUK pic.twitter.com/nQK9N9FJo5
— BAFTA Guru (@BAFTAGuru) May 22, 2018
From May 3-25, 2018, @StarWars #ForceForChange U.S. will donate $1 (up to $1 million) to UNICEF USA to be used towards @UNICEF‘s lifesaving work around the world for every like, share or post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using #RoarForChange. pic.twitter.com/ajpRb7f60b
— OtterBox (@OtterBox) May 4, 2018
I love that she is practicing on her own now. Which celebrity do you think would do the best Wookiee impression? @jimmyfallon https://t.co/nHQBSjzVpI pic.twitter.com/vapqYI3LfR
— Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo) May 22, 2018
Good morning! I hope you find time to read my @Variety cover story on #SoloAStarWarsStory, featuring @RealRonHoward, Alden Ehrenreich, @EmiliaClarke and more.
Wait… Solo: A Cover Story?https://t.co/GH8kIG8LHM
— Kristopher Tapley (@kristapley) May 22, 2018
There was a lot of behind-the-scenes pandemonium in #SoloAStarWarsStory for a brand meant to transport viewers to a galaxy far, far away https://t.co/4AUxZgDqZA pic.twitter.com/wDVRKrg6x5
— Variety (@Variety) May 22, 2018
Go behind the scenes of Solo: A Star Wars Story https://t.co/Vkjmd96nL8
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 22, 2018
Discover how Prince, Blondie, and The Clash inspired the style of Solo: A Star Wars Story. #HanSolo https://t.co/xK8sJ5ftuc pic.twitter.com/nT12GdhpAL
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 22, 2018
How real-life Chewbacca tried to save Harrison Ford during his Millennium Falcon accident https://t.co/J2b7LQ8mw2
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 22, 2018
#Solo is reportedly the most expensive #StarWars movie ever https://t.co/nhYDsZPbfo pic.twitter.com/B5ixjLlxaO
— HitFix on UPROXX (@HitFixUPROXX) May 22, 2018
Explore the #MillenniumFalcon with our interactive 360 degree experience! https://t.co/NIuHDfhge3
— Moviebill (@themoviebill) May 22, 2018
The stars of #SoloAStarWarsStory on Harrison Ford’s injury on set: “We were terrified.” Read more: https://t.co/XLxMUVq9ho pic.twitter.com/zz4NVlHC3M
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 22, 2018
“It was agony.” #StarWars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan talks about the “creative differences” that forced the original #Solo directing duo out https://t.co/2hIFxD3iZ2 pic.twitter.com/seb4Ope0f8
— Variety (@Variety) May 22, 2018
Official Solo: A Star Wars Story poster uploaded by artist @Russellwalks https://t.co/r7bt1Crsvw@StarWarsUK @starwars @thandienewton @donaldglover @WoodyHarrelson @JoonasSuotamo pic.twitter.com/LxGUjkgEvk
— PosterSpy (@PosterSpy) May 22, 2018
Watch the cast of Solo: A #StarWars Story answer more @Tumblr fan questions on https://t.co/fYnz9ICuQh! See the film in theaters Friday. Get tickets: https://t.co/hNx4uSWepN #HanSolo pic.twitter.com/DQDqs5iyYc
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 22, 2018
Cover story: After a turbulent takeoff, director Ron Howard brought #SoloAStarWarsStory in for a smooth landing https://t.co/2hIFxD3iZ2 pic.twitter.com/QRYFRY4soM
— Variety (@Variety) May 22, 2018
Open your #GoogleAssistant on Android or via the iOS app and say, “Hey Google, talk to my special guest” to interview Alden Ehrenreich, @emiliaclarke, and Director @RealRonHoward from Solo: A #StarWars Story. #HanSolo pic.twitter.com/IEoMaoWOXO
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 22, 2018
The music of #ChildishGambino gets a #StarWars twist in “Lando Gambino” https://t.co/y86Y1tPtPD #NerdistPresents pic.twitter.com/M2y120jtud
— Nerdist (@nerdist) May 22, 2018
“Do you need anything from the back?” “Yeah, equal rights!” Phoebe Waller-Bridge managed to sneak a brilliant bit of improvisation into her role in Solo: A @starwars Story! pic.twitter.com/pVHCKLFzmZ
— BBC Radio 2 (@BBCRadio2) May 23, 2018
We’re hanging with the cast of Solo: A Star Wars Story to talk flip phones, action figures, Wookiee-speak, and more! It’s The #StarWarsShow! #HanSolo pic.twitter.com/Xn7AwMkXzK
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 23, 2018
Billy Dee Williams — the original Lando — texted @donaldglover after he saw #SoloAStarWarsStory https://t.co/ARFuoZ82TR pic.twitter.com/4fh4uRfnDx
— Variety (@Variety) May 23, 2018
Jack Nicholson’s influence on Alden Ehrenreich’s young Han in Solo: A Star Wars Story https://t.co/xn3jCgOyxc
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 23, 2018
Twitterville: Stop what you’re doing and Go check out my Auto Complete interview with @emiliaclarke #chewbacca #SoloAStarWarsStory https://t.co/q0qC3UwZMR pic.twitter.com/VRAIxcsenU
— Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo) May 23, 2018
Star Wars Solo “Flying Solo” Zavvi UK Exclusive Print by Steve Anderson pic.twitter.com/qaTM1UUyiw
— zavvi (@zavvi) May 24, 2018
Standalone News and Rumors
Exclusive: #StarWars: Boba Fett movie in the works with James Mangold https://t.co/uWZmaPHCLT pic.twitter.com/epWmkC2Egs
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) May 24, 2018
Emilia Clarke: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss Will Make “Star Wars On Acid” – https://t.co/EHm7RL7GDj #StarWars pic.twitter.com/4aCk9sU5G5
— Jedi News (@JediNewsUK) May 24, 2018
Episode IX News and Rumors
Zahn says he has two more Thrawn books on his deal, but they are in limbo as episode 9 gets finalized #CCROnt #StarWars pic.twitter.com/TpaPzQt49D
— Parks And Cons (@ParksAndCons) May 19, 2018
Television News and Rumors
Hera is surprised when Chopper crews the Ghost with two Ewoks in Star Wars #ForcesOfDestiny: “Chopper and Friends.” pic.twitter.com/Sud9d8QUNd
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 21, 2018
Around the Web
One of Jabba’s puppeteers reveals an awkward on-set moment between Princess Leia and the Hutt https://t.co/XodV6gkrkC pic.twitter.com/T1dSGbwdPs
— io9 (@io9) May 18, 2018
My favorite moment comes at around 6:15 when I feed the dog some of my #StarWarsStew, then casually continue eating from the same spoon. (Dog lovers understood.) https://t.co/V1HiQ9JtCX
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) May 21, 2018
Liam Neeson in talks for new Men in Black movie! https://t.co/M8Gc83HOGJ
— ComingSoon.net (@comingsoonnet) May 23, 2018
For the past 6 years, these men have been building a screen-accurate, full-sized Millennium Falcon cockpit. And trust us, it’s pretty impressive https://t.co/qAJgwMFh5v
— WIRED (@WIRED) May 24, 2018
LA peeps! Can finally spill the beans on my first signing for @ABRAMSbooks @AbramsChronicle The Art of #SoloAStarWarsStory: Sunday June 3 at @gallerynucleus with the amazing @PFaulwetter! Be there or be square. #StarWars https://t.co/hDMuikHFtX
— Phil Szostak (@PhilSzostak) May 18, 2018
And this is why it’s hard to trust hearsay tweets… https://t.co/epH70ny1YT
— Dunc (@clubjade) May 22, 2018
‘Star Wars: Beckett’ to Explore Backstory of Woody Harrelson’s ‘Solo’ Character https://t.co/z37RrAnZAd pic.twitter.com/TFmUjsPpMj
— Heat Vision (@HeatVisionBlog) May 22, 2018
Marvel’s In-Canon Star Wars Comics Prove Poe Dameron Is Force Sensitive https://t.co/5hy29EMcpO pic.twitter.com/wBZMJhWWEI
— Comic Book Resources (@CBR) May 21, 2018
Just announced! I’m writing the Star Wars: Poe Dameron Annual #2, out in August! Art by #AndreaBroccardo, covers by @RodReis (see below!) and @Declanshalvey!
I got to play with some fun toys in this one, I hope people enjoy it! #StarWars pic.twitter.com/mmVDNgcH7E
— Jody Houser (@Jody_Houser) May 22, 2018
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation #3 (variant cover art) by Caspar Wijngaard (@Casparnova)#StarWars #comics #art pic.twitter.com/GIJSqoGbT0
— StarWars Art Gallery (@SW_ArtGallery) May 23, 2018
Video Games
Here’s the story behind “I’m Han Solo,” one of the worst pieces of #StarWars licensing ever https://t.co/nwIg8rEI5s pic.twitter.com/wyCOtm8PIe
— The A.V. Club (@TheAVClub) May 23, 2018
Just announced: #StarWars: Galaxy’s Edge will open in summer 2019 at @Disneyland Resort and in late fall 2019 at @WaltDisneyWorld Resort! https://t.co/1h3ksHls5S pic.twitter.com/PzLSbpwU1B
— Disney Parks (@DisneyParks) May 23, 2018
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Panel and other details revealed for #StarWars: Galactic Nights at Disney’s Hollywood Studios on May 27: https://t.co/duRoEMFDYw pic.twitter.com/jWqCgPcsp3
— Disney Parks (@DisneyParks) May 15, 2018
Recently Chewbacca landed at Star Tours – The Adventures Continue in search of a SOLO rider with the knowledge and skills to join him as co-pilot on a special surprise adventure! Catch SOLO: A Star Wars Story in Theaters this Friday! https://t.co/KB2M5LpNbr #HanSolo
— Disney Parks (@DisneyParks) May 23, 2018
You don’t have to go to a galaxy far, far away to have your very own #StarWars adventure. https://t.co/ch2hJFr8tj
— USA TODAY Life (@usatodaylife) May 23, 2018
Po-Zu Han Solo Inspired Sneakers Available Later This Month – https://t.co/nLIpk52BSR #StarWars @Po_Zu #HanSolo pic.twitter.com/ffaJOrAHPl
— Jedi News (@JediNewsUK) May 19, 2018
PHOTOS: Artwork for Canceled K-2SO Disney Infinity Figure Surfaceshttps://t.co/kpDcfpS62f#DisneyInfinity pic.twitter.com/dKOcrxihCq
— WDW News Today (@WDWNT) May 20, 2018
New merchandise items inspired by “Solo: A Star Wars Story” are coming to Disney Parks! Take a look: https://t.co/p3tqPcUjfo pic.twitter.com/nVB4o9OVLO
— Disney Parks (@DisneyParks) May 21, 2018
All the #HanSolo merch you need before you see Solo: A @StarWars Story this weekend: https://t.co/GyjiCqjLyS pic.twitter.com/cfzTKuq0Vf
— Disney D23 (@DisneyD23) May 21, 2018
#HotToys has announced the next figure in their #StarWars #MovieMasterpieceSeries collection. Follow the link below for a full gallery and product specifications for the very cool MMS491 #HanSolo Collectible Figure!https://t.co/o5iOSsT1Vp pic.twitter.com/prVjuuRy2N
— Rebelscum.com (@rebelscumnews) May 24, 2018
#SoloAStarWarsStory is finally out! Commemorate your favourite character from previous movies with a stamp souvenir. https://t.co/JoQISYupzs
— Royal Mail Stamps (@RoyalMailStamps) May 22, 2018
The post The Star Wars News Roundup for May 25, 2018 appeared first on ComingSoon.net.
The Star Wars News Roundup for May 25, 2018 published first on https://filmstreaminghdvf.tumblr.com/
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athena-gunpla · 4 months
Tumblr media
EGBM 1/144 Entry Grade Custom RX-78-lā-III "Lah Gundam"
My first EG in a while!!! Usually I don't bother with EG but the recent Build Metaverse EG kits look a lot better and have significantly better moulding and design than earlier kits such as the EG RX-78-2 that this kit is based on. The EG Build Strike Exceed Galaxy has design features that are almost on par with HG kits! They're really reasonably priced too - I was able to get this kit for $10AUD through my uni's hobby group.
The build is technically identical to the EG RX-78-2, however the plastic is much higher quality, especially in terms of the colour. The kit even comes with beam effects for the beam naginata, while the original EG RX-78-2 notably lacked beam saber effects.
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The beam effect parts are even slightly UV reactive!
I managed to borrow a blue Gundam Marker to add in the sensor colour for the head cameras and the targeting sensor on the beam rifle, and this really elevates the kit to on-par with my HG kits.
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I'm really happy with this EG and very tempted to get the other Build Metaverse EG kit, if for nothing else but customisation. My one complaint is that it has the one-piece EG hands, which look rather cheap and flat, and that the kit lacks any open hand moulds. I've actually borrowed some from other kits for these photos. This isn't really a major issue, however, as many HG kits also lack extra hand moulds.
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Overall, if you're new to gunpla and looking for a good kit to start with, I can't recommend this one enough.
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