#bugs in amber
forestkodama · 11 months
Entomologists have been dealing with bug misidentification for as long as we've induldged the brain's drive to make nice neat categories for things. Some of the oldest misidentifications are still on record from antiquity (think "bees" and rotting flesh), which still happen to this day. So many flies, beetles, hell even a few moths, get mistaken for bees and other wasps. This is pretty much what evolution selected for anyway: Big lumbering mammals with nimble grubbing digits learned pretty quick that the black and yellow stripey flying things can pack a punch if threatened, and sure enough, despite not being equiped to also pack said punch other black and yellow stripey flying things also didn't die as frequently, though very far in relation to wasps. So it is a commong and easy sort of astonishment to provide laypeople with knowledge that not everything that is black and yellow striped is in fact a wasp, and it is always hilarious to find mistakes in news articles and picture books of "bees" that are, in fact, flies.
Another common misidentification is dragonflies and antlions. A lot of people only encounter antlions in their larval stage, as sort of Sarlacc-beasts hiding at the bottom of the sand pit. If you grew up with sandy soil or someplace like, you might have passed some time in childhood throwing ants into the pit to watch the antlion jaws snap them up. The adults, however, look much like giant lacewings (which to the same order they belong). They often don't fly about unless they must, which their long membraneous wings folded back over their long slender abdomen. Their wings often have hairs (like moths, which they are somewhat closely related) and are sometimes pointed, with the hindwings just slightly different shaped, with the hingwing smaller than the forewing. However, when put in a collection, their wings are often spread, and they superficially look very similar to dragonflies (whose wings are always spread open, the hindwing often larger than the forewing) or danselflies (whose wings are [almost] always closed like a book and similiar sized). The easy give away are the antennae though: Dragonfly antennae are pretty small, while antlions are long and distinct.
A lot of art confuses antlions for dragonflies, possibly because they have an aesthetic slenderness to them while also possessing the visible antennae, while most people know insects should have. I see antlions declared dragonflies in home decor and tattoos, which never fails to make me giggle.
This time now, I was struck unawares. I was completely unprepared for it.
I'm home sick with COVID, indulging in some Doctor Who fanfiction aka Outlander, and as I start the thrid season, the "dragonfly in amber" comes back around for the plot point it is.
Except it's not a dragonfly.
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It's a fucking antlion.
The hilarity of it temporarily cured my COVID.
It does not matter, necessarily, to the plot, what kind of bug it is. Once could argue that this old bug trapped in amber is symbolism for time travel, and a migratory, far-flying dragonfly would better represent the journies of the protagonists in their drives to always find each other, for which a fairly sessile antlion would undermine a bit. Dragonflies, too, are sometimes considered to be human souls off to their afterlife, and as far as I know, no such similar belief are attached to antlions.
I find it more amusing, however, how much identification of wild plants was relied upon for various plots, and this was such an easy misidentification to make.
Anyway that is your friendly neighborhood bug lady's COVID induced info dump for the day.
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7yearsago · 1 year
The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.
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pien-art · 5 days
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together forever :)
what if we were little bugs holding hands encased in amber forever and ever :))))
prints available here :p
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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Amber Arctiid moth, Dasysphinx volatilis, Erebidae
Found in Central America
Photos 1-2 by annikaml, 3 by kingfisher12400, 4 by vilseskog, 5 by evahedstrom, 6 by lauramjik, and 7 by nysnej
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angremlin · 10 months
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I think Chapter 33 of Amber Skies in its entirety out of context might be one of the best pitches I could make for @cryptotheism's Amber Skies
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promniight · 5 months
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Amber Sugar and Sugar Glass stills for the upcoming bug update for Pastrydash….who want bugsh🐝ts 😛😛😛
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knightforflowers · 5 months
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—and then the three of you see immediately overhead, the Coriolis, in freefall, above you.
Part one of like, a dozen infinite clam redraws I want to draw as I relisten to this arc!!
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mysillycomics · 2 years
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Bohug but he's a Mesolithic bear carved out of amber (feat. little bug) 🧡💛🧡
inspired by this gummy bear lookin guy
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astralbulldragon13 · 29 days
So, this is an idea I got from a conversation on the Bug Army Discord server:
Amber runs up to your Bug, her arms gangling with enough necklaces for every Bug in the Hive.
“Hey!” she calls out to you, handing you one of the pendants, it was shaped like your favorite insect and carved from your favorite gemstone. “I made these for all of us. With so many hunters hanging around the Hive, I know it’s only a matter of time until someone gets in trouble, so if you’re ever in danger, and too far away, just smack this really hard on your hand or the ground. Watch.” She took a pendant of her own, a firefly made of Moss Agate from around her neck and smacked it against a tree, summoning a swarm of fireflies.
“The fireflies will lead us right to you. I… I hope you like it!”
Describe your Bug’s pendant, their reaction upon receiving it, and maybe a scenario where they need to use the pendant!
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @little tlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia
@recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats
@lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @not-5-rats @astralbulldragon13
@ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @megapugman
@reefhastoomanyaccs @kaydenskiwi @greaysharkboi @itzscribz @blingzyya
@atonalasmr @headstrashdump @gatorboys22
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zerotwoooo · 2 months
Meta! Meta! There will be a little surprise on you way to the Iceberg castle :))) beware
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"We have no choice then, but to continue onward."
"Uhh... yeah cause that totally doesn't sound like a trap"
"Trap or not, if we do not proceed this will never be resolved"
"Brrrrr.... I always forget how cold it is here..."
"I don't think it's you forgetting... it's definitely colder"
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evolutionsvoid · 7 days
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Bone-bile constructs were once seen as a breakthrough in these lands, an invention like no other seen before. A simple combination of Black Bile and bone, cobbled together into a living shape and given purpose. There had been other living creations born before their arrival, but these had always been resource heavy to build and required vast amounts of energeiai to activate. Comparatively, the bone-bile constructs are far easier to craft, as cheap bone is plentiful for those not worried about appearances. The hardest part is finding one who can weave Black Bile and inscribe it with the purpose that will drive it. When this method was discovered, folk wondered if this was the end of the hard times. A life of hard labor was no longer needed for any human, as these automatons would take these backbreaking roles and perform them with ease. Tales and fantasies dreamed of a time when the people could kick back and enjoy the pleasures of life while artificial men of bone and bile did all the work for them. A wondrous dream, but sadly one that never came to be.
Once the luster and wonder had time to fade, folks began to see the flaws within the constructs. They were not just simple in design, but in mind as well. They required incredibly precise orders and inscribings to do their job, and anything outside of that was impossible. Poor wording led to disasters, too strict of wording made them useless at the slightest hiccup. While experience eventually led to people better understanding these limitations and how to properly use them, the frustrations born from these issues ultimately spelled the end of this automation dream. Folks grew tired of having to hang around these constructs like vultures, making sure there weren't issues or misinterpreted orders. Their age faded to the classic "no don't do that! That's all wrong! Ugh! Let ME do it!"
And as the decades passed, research would birth new constructs and finer automatons. What the Academy produced and the Church raised made bone-bile constructs look like children's toys. Stronger, smarter and better in every way. Some would look at these achievements and wonder why these old school constructs were even around anymore. Their time had long passed, their strengths now overshadowed, and their reputation now of stupidity and cheapness. Surely they would not be long for this world.
Yet, the bone-bile constructs have stuck around, with some pointing out that their numbers are even greater than before. These automatons are indeed simple to their competitors, but simplicity is flexible and can be used in a myriad of ways. While the strengths of other constructs forced them into specific roles, the blank slate of these machines meant that imagination was the only limit. And one must remember their easy creation, especially compared to the others that may use divine corpse wax or guarded verdigris to build. One is always tempted to glorify the finest specimens and believe them to always be the best, but never forget that "basic" tends to become the norm for a reason and for a lot of folk "good enough" is, indeed, good enough. Bone-bile constructs became the automaton of the working man, an ally of the common people. Their variety and simple nature far more accessible to the lower classes than any other machine.
While the limits still remain, folk have been learning over the years on ways to augment these bland automatons. Easy tweaks and tricks that can make the cheap and crude shine like polished ivory. Better ways to inscribe the Black Bile that fuels them, sleeker designs and smarter bone forging to make them function better. Some people would claim that time and patience is key to unlocking their true potential, as they believe the Black Bile within them stores far more than one would think. Villages who have had their singular construct for decades swear that they are smarter and more capable than any freshly forged machine. An idea that they learn over time and begin to form their own tasks and actions, resulting in them acting more human than machine. Many outside of these small settlements scoff at the idea, blaming these thoughts on blind fondness for their free worker. Instead, they would say that another piece is needed to refine this crude machine, that Black Bile and bone need something more to truly make them sing. There is argument over what that is exactly, but one avenue that has shown up more and more over the years is Amber.
A liquid said to be a "false humor," though many would call that title over dramatic. Amber is born of plants, inherently making it inferior to the wondrous marvels of the flesh. Yet, its properties cannot be ignored. Amber is capable of being solidified in a way that can entomb the living and keep them in a strange stasis. For the people who believe in the cycle of life and regeneration, it is a terrifying thought. To be sealed in a everlasting Amber cocoon, forced to remain whole and untouched, unable to return to the great cycle. It is a fate worse than death, which makes it unsurprising that Amber is used to imprison vile criminals and traitors, robbing them of rebirth while also displaying them like morbid trophies. But the uses don't end there. While trapped within, their mind is not fully asleep, and it has been found that one can tap into this dormant psyche. It is here where Amber has come into play with these constructs, as folk figure if their minds are too barren than why not plug in a better one?
From this has come constructs with Amber heads and sleeping hearts, driven by the creature held within this orange shell. By driving needles of Black Bile into the Amber and into its prisoner, they can access the mind held inside and connect it to the bony frame. So while the being dreams in this frozen sleep, this artificial body shall serve as vessel to these slumbering fantasies. With the right prodding and inscription of Black Bile, they can be forced to accept a purpose, to follow a false thought. These are used to set them on tasks and augment them for the role that is needed. Make a sealed beast believe it is hungry, and its ivory shell shall live to track and hunt. Due to the ghastly nature of this fate, it is forbidden to use humans in this way, thus people turn to animals to serve as sacrifice. They may not be smart as man, but they certainly can be smarter than a construct, and better adapted to certain jobs.
Amber drones are one of these constructs, built of simple frame yet piloted by slumbering Amber. They can come in different sizes and forms, but the most common form is a ball of bladed tendrils that houses an Amber core. Inside this egg is usually a basic critter of predatory nature, the needles of bile driven in to trigger their need to hunt and fight. With the right inscription, these small creatures can be held in a dream that makes them excellent at stalking and guarding. Their instincts and tactics now infused with a body of greater strength and deadliness. These drones act as guard dogs and stealthy hunters, tasked with taking down foes and keeping the unwelcome from entering. Bony claws and amber blades are common weapons, as anything more complicated will confuse the dreamer. While larger frames and greater bulk would make for better fighters, folk prefer the smaller forms for their insidious and stealthy work. While these machines surpass the basic bone-biles in these departments, there is a weakness to them. Their Amber cores make obvious targets, and smashing them brings the automaton to a quick demise. Getting these cores is also more difficult and expensive than basic bile and bone, which is why they are found in the hands of richer folk. And, of course, one must remember that what pilot these machines is a creature that once lived, having its own wants and fears. Memories of their past or particular instincts may flare up in their duties, reacting to stimuli in unfavorable ways. A dreaming spider that once feared the birds above may create a guard dog who shrinks away from winged foes.
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gemknightau · 7 months
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As Papyrus promised, they went to the library to find out more about bugs.
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resident-silly · 21 days
alight motion test ^_^
Song: The Mind Electric - Chonny Jash
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thetalkingcow · 1 month
this is too much in my hands
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kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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Prelim Poll 22
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Propaganda here
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