#bugs bunny birthday wish
tenjad129 · 2 months
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It was 84 years ago today, on July 27, 1940, that we are truly introduced, through A Wild Hare, to a rascally and then-new kind of trickster hero: Bugs Bunny of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies fame!
And so, here's my birthday message to Bugs Bunny, King of All Rascals and Tricksters in all the Cartoon Lands after all these years:
May the world of Ten'Jad, Planet of the Toons, and also An American Tail and An American Tail: Fievel Goes West's cute but adventurous and heroic cartoon mouse hero Fievel Mousekewitz, and even Fievel's big sister Tanya Mousekewitz, too, wish you, Bugs Bunny of Looney Tunes fame, a VERY Happy Birthday, especially in that BIG somewhere out there!
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celebratedaily · 2 months
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Happy very birthday Bugs Bunny!!!!
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shybunnie20 · 6 months
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BFF!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
friends to lovers
★Locations ★My Masterlist
Summary: Eddie calls on you to help him plan his first date, and you wish that you were the one going on it with him.
Author's Note: This isn't quite as polished as I'd like it to be. But, I'm pushing through my last few weeks of college, so I'm working with the few brain cells I've got left lol. I still love how it turned out and the ending is worth all of the self-loathing, I promise.
No use of Y/N, est. friendship, ages aren’t specified but E & R are approx. in their early twenties & it’s an early 90s AU, Reader has never been asked on a date before. Mild angst with happy ending!
Word count: 8.9k
Warnings: Reader dwells on poor self-worth & feels undesirable, acts of eating and multiple mentions of food, includes swearing.
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Nestled in the quaint corner of Campbell Ave and 2nd Street, you’re engrossed in a call with a customer, jotting down an order for two bouquets consisting of pink-white lilies and snapdragons. Your eyes follow the effortless glide of your glitter gel pen across the paper, detailing their contact information.
Similarly to Goldilocks, you’ve found a place of employment where the pace is just right. You can handle whatever tasks Joan, the owner, asks of you. Sweeping the wood floors with a stiff-bristled broom, tending to the plants, and arranging flowers adorned with decorative ribbon and crisp paper are all within your grasp.
This place gets steady business, but the concept of a lunch or dinner rush is nonexistent. However, you do face a unique kind of rush occasionally. Now and then, a frantic lover bursts through the doors, bug-eyed, having realized they’ve forgotten a special anniversary or birthday at the very last minute. 
As you recite the customer’s order and callback number into the phone’s receiver, their confirmational “uh huhs” cut through the buzz of the line. Suddenly, your attention is diverted by the sight of a van pulling into the parking spot out front, slightly askew. A small smile teases the corners of your mouth as you make a conscious effort to refocus on closing the conversation at hand.
The plastic shell of the phone clacks as you hang up, and you watch Eddie hop out of his van, and round the front of it with an unusual pep in his step—more than you’d see his best days.
“What’s up, buttercup?” Eddie’s voice carries across the room, accompanied by a genuine smile that lights up his face. He strides to the register counter you’re currently manning, wearing a vermillion polo shirt embellished with the neatly embroidered String and Strum shop logo on the breast. His hair is pushed back from his face with a black bandana, resembling a biker-like edge, tied firmly to ensure no stray curls disrupt his work as he repairs guitars and sells instruments for commission.
In seconds flat, he’s already scrunching his nose like a bunny, sensing a sneeze on the horizon. Being in a room packed with fresh plants is nothing short of hell, but he’s willing to endure it for the sake of seeing you. While he can handle flowers in small quantities, the confined space never fails to tickle his system like nobody’s business.
Vision blurring with mild irritation, Eddie blinks hard to disperse it. “Hey, how’s today going?”
You shrug, suppressing a giggle at the wiggle of his nose. “As good as it can, I guess. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”
Eddie sets a grease-stained paper bag on the counter that separates you, along with a cup of soda. “Figured you could use a midday pick-me-up.”
“Must be my lucky day because I overslept and didn’t have time to pack a lunch. Well, that and I found a penny on the sidewalk.”
Eddie crosses his arms and tilts his head. “Don’t give luck all the credit. I have instinctual powers, y’know. My Munson senses were tingling and I knew you were in need.”
“My hero,” You exclaim, clasping your hands and swinging them to the side like a swooning princess. 
Eddie chuckles with you, watching as you wipe your palms on your apron and eagerly dig into the bag, pulling out a foam to-go box. As you promptly open it and take a bite of your lunch, you can’t help but groan and throw your head back in satisfaction. Your eyes meet his thereafter, causing him to twist his mouth to the side and momentarily look away.
“How much do I owe you?” You ask, your words slightly muffled as you continue to chew.
Minnie, Joan’s cat, gracefully leaps onto the counter to greet Eddie. She perches herself beside the cash register, allowing him to scratch under her chin. “Nothin, consider it a favor,” He says with a wet sniffle, the tingling in his nose unrelenting.
The silence that falls is comfortable for you, but he’s seemingly lost in his thoughts as he continues to pet Minnie. Then, he looks at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Speaking of which, I just so happen to know a way that you can return the favor.”
Having taken a sip from your drink and another bite of your food, the inflection of Eddie’s voice causes you to slow your chewing. “And what might that be?”
“Come over later to find out.”
Your shoulders slump, eyes widened with mock defeat. “No! I can’t stand here and wonder all day. I'll die. The suspense will kill me.”
Eddie pouts mockingly, his sweet honey eyes betraying his faux-frown. “Then I'll be sure to have the prettiest floral arrangement for your funeral. Only the best for you.”
Your brows knit together in an authentic pouting. The irony of needing to meet an untimely demise to receive flowers from a guy isn’t lost on you.
He motions toward the untrimmed bundle of carnations on the workbench behind you. “Actually, if you’re not too busy,” Eddie smirks. “Could you string those up for me quick so they’re ready to go for your wake?”
“Ha-ha,” you leer, taking the next bite of your food rather aggressively. “You’re cruel, you know that?”
“I beg to differ since I surprised you with your favorite from Val’s and all,” Eddie retorts, biting the inside of his cheek.
You grumble, “Yeah, and it’s fucking delicious.”
Eddie checks his watch and huffs, “Alright, I’ve gotta get goin’,” he says, rapping his knuckles on the countertop and beginning to walk backward. “See you later tonight,” He points at you before spinning on his heel and exiting the shop.
The bulky keyring on Eddie’s jeans jingles loudly as he steps onto the sidewalk. Abruptly, he stops in his tracks. For a moment he’s frozen, and then he braces himself against the nearby lamppost. It hits him like a brick wall and he sneezes mightily. 
Heads of nearby passersby turn in his direction, startled by the noise. As he straightens his posture, Eddie remains still, trying to find his center of gravity and regain his composure.
“You good?” You call out, your voice just barely reaching him through the propped-open doors. Taking a casual sip of your drink, you watch as Eddie steadies himself. Still clutching the street lamp with one hand, he manages to stick his other arm out and give a thumbs-up.
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True to your word, you arrive at Eddie’s place straight after work. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow through the patio door onto the walls of the living room. The apartment is in its usual state of disarray, expectedly so, since it’s home to three guys who aren’t particularly concerned with tidiness.
Toeing off your shoes, you’re unphased by the subtle smell of dust in the air. What strikes you as odd is how quiet it is. Typically, at least one roommate is home, blasting the TV in the living room or music from their respective bedrooms. But the only sound permeating the silence is the erratic thumping and screech of the water pipes behind the paper-thin walls of the bathroom.  
As you snoop around the kitchen, hoping to find a box of saltine crackers or really anything to stop the gurgling in your belly. Having come up empty-handed, you turn your attention to the resilient plant that you challenged Eddie to care for—Keanu Leaves, as he so proudly named it. 
Finished with your fruitless search of the kitchen, you make your way into Eddie’s bedroom to settle comfortably into the chair that only you sit in; it’s your spot. While you get cozy, the beans rattle as they perfectly mold to your figure. You knock on the wall beside you, signaling your arrival to Eddie.
You resume the magazine left sitting open on the page you stopped on. You occupy yourself in the article about predicted spring fashion trends as you wait. After a minute or two, the pipes go quiet from the shower being turned off.
Eddie strolls into the room wearing nothing more than a clean pair of boxers. Droplets of water trickle down his toned and tatted chest. Harshly ruffling his curls with a bath towel, he smirks at you. “If it isn’t Little Miss Zombie, back from the dead.”
“Less than alive and in the flesh,” you reply, your annoyance at being made to wait all day still evident. You hold grudges better than anyone he knows, and Eddie is well aware that he’s not immune to being subject to it.
Your tummy rumbles loudly, the discomfort only emphasizing the sharpness of your tone. “When was the last time you got groceries? I didn’t see any preserved brains I could help myself to.”
“I’m definitely due for a restock,” Eddie says as he drapes his wet towel over the back of his desk chair. Then, he grabs the bottle of mousse from his dresser and dispenses a foamy dollop into his palm. “Funny you should ask, though. That’s sorta why you’re here.”
You flip the page of your magazine, not pulling your eyes from the glossy print. “You told me to come over to go grocery shopping?”
Eddie rubs his palms together to spread the product and then runs his fingers through his curls. “Not quite,” he starts, his tone cryptic. “I’ve been tasked with providing a meal, of sorts.” 
Finally, you look up at him. Watching him scrunch his damp hair with the remainder of the product that’s making his palms go tacky, you wait for him to elaborate.
Eddie’s eyes flit to the other side of the room, rather than meeting your awaiting gaze. “I have a date.”
You stare blankly at the back of his head, as still as a statue while your blinking intensifies. Dumbfounded, you struggle to survive the bombshell he just dropped on you. It’s as if a nuclear explosion has shattered your eardrums, leaving his continued words to sound muffled through the high-pitched ringing.
A million and one questions swirl in your mind, only adding to the disorienting whirlwind of emotions. Since when is he dating? Why all of a sudden? As you try to piece everything together, you note that he hasn’t had any recent romantic interactions, at least none that you’re aware of.
You always thought he’d confide in you if he was seeing someone, but now you’re not so sure; especially since you’re only finding out about this now. Without a doubt, Eddie has never had trouble attracting attention. But he’s always seemed so content with the ways things are. So why now?
Eddie turns to face you, a splash of desperation in his eyes. “I feel like doing this is the best way to know if she likes me back.”
Your mouth has gone dry, and you try to sound more curious than interrogative, but it doesn’t quite come off that way. “Who is this mystery woman, anyway?” A couple of names come to mind, some of the most beautiful girls in town—none of whom you hold a candle to.
His side of the room falls quiet when he’s hit with your question. Eddie’s eyes drop to the carpet. While it might seem like he’s lost in thought, it’s actually a glaring sign of evasion. You can’t help but feel a little hurt by his reluctance to tell you who it is.
A small smile forms as he leans back against his dresser, as though he can’t keep himself upright during his current daydream. Folding his arms across his pecs and rubbing his jaw, eyes still downcast, Eddie begins to gush about her. “She’s just- god, she’s something else. The way she laughs, it’s like... the sun coming out after a storm.”
“Sounds like quite the catch,” you mutter, trying to keep your tone neutral. You watch closely as blush tints Eddie’s cheeks and his smile threatens to grow. Without saying another word, Eddie walks out and returns to the bathroom.
You’re quick to follow, hopping up from your chair. “Do I know her?”
“Technically, yeah,” Eddie answers. Standing in front of the foggy mirror, he wipes it with the back of his forearm. Then, he starts rummaging through the counter drawer for his pair of shears.
You stand just outside the open door, the lingering humidity from his scorching hot shower kissing your skin as it disperses into the hallway. Leaning back against the wall, you cross your arms like he did moments ago, albeit far more tensely. Technically? It must be one of your ex-friends, then. That would explain why he’s been keeping you in the dark.
It’s your duty to be supportive, but right now, you could hurl. The thick nausea swirling deep in your gut is a storm raging within, overpowering your ability to stay present.
While trimming his bangs over the basin, the shears glint in the hushed light of the wall sconce. Eddie steals a glance in your direction, but his eyes dart back to his reflection too quickly to catch the discomfort etched on your face. “So you’ll help me, right?”
As you watch yourself anxiously wiggling your toes inside your sock, you mumble, “I can't if you won’t tell me who it is.“
“Sure you can, you’re a girl. You know how this stuff works.”
You scoff, your brows shooting up as your head jerks back. You open your mouth to object, but he promptly cuts you off.
“Ah, ah! Slow your roll,” Eddie cautions, pointing the shears in your direction. “I’m not saying you’re all the same, but there’s gotta be some common ground of expectations, right?”
You don’t have the strength to argue, so you reluctantly allow for his generalization. “I guess so.”
“Like yeah, I could just study one of those lady magazines you’re always reading. But then I wouldn’t have a way of knowing what is and isn’t bullshit,” Eddie explains, his tone half-joking. “That’s why I’m going straight to the source, oh, wise one.”
Far too consumed with trying to narrow down who the chick could possibly be, you can’t be bothered to give him a huff of amusement through your nose. “Can I at least have a hint?”
“Nope,” The shears hit the countertop, their metallic resonance echoing against the porcelain. He pivots to face you, hands resting on his hips. “Alright, Sherlock. How about you quit trying to crack the case and help me pick out a tie.”
“A what now?” You squawk, eyes widening in disbelief.
Eddie chuckles softly and rinses the hair trimmings down the drain, then flicks off the bathroom light. “I have to dress for the occasion. This is a big deal for me,” he elaborates as he strides back into his room. “For her and me.”
Once again, you find yourself on his tail, trailing close behind back into his bedroom. You unfold your arms and instead, start to rub the inside of your wrist with your opposite thumb. “Yeah, I get that. Just seems a bit out of character for you.”
Rifling through his closet, Eddie pulls out a hanger with a navy button-up shirt and nonchalantly tosses it onto the end of his bed. “Maybe, but at least she’ll know I’m taking this seriously,” Eddie says while reaching for the high shelf to retrieve a tattered shoebox. Lifting the lid, he presents it to you. “Here’s what we’re working with.”
You step closer, your fingers deftly plucking out the rolled ties one by one, laying them flat beside the slightly wrinkled shirt. Side by side, your shoulders nearly brush. Meticulously comparing the patterns and colors, neither of you seems drawn to any particular one.
“Here, maybe it’s better to do it this way,” Eddie suggests, picking up and beginning to slip into the shirt. His thick fingers falter as he attempts to maneuver each small white button through its corresponding hole. Once halfway dressed—having tastefully paired his plaid boxers with a dress shirt—he smooths out the material from his chest to his belly.
Eddie reaches for the nearest tie and lays it against his shoulder. He faces you expectantly, anticipation evident in his gaze, awaiting your feedback.
Your eyes flit between the tie he’s holding, the array laid out on the bed, and the hopefulness in his round eyes. “These are easily the three ugliest ties I've ever seen. No offense.”
He blows a playful raspberry at your harsh criticism and shakes his head. “None taken, they’re not mine. But Wayne might be a little hurt when I call him next and tell him you said that.”
Shooting him a pointed look, your brows furrow in skepticism. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I just might,” Eddie teases with a smile before turning his attention back to the bed. He tosses the first tie aside and reaches for the mustard paisley one. “What about this one, does it compliment my eyes?” He bats his dark brown lashes.
You clutch your chin in contemplation, carefully assessing the combination of hues. However, the richness of his chocolate irises captures you. You wade in their depths. The hot flash that envelops your body is enough to break the trance he inadvertently put you under. With a disapproving shake of your head, you dismiss this tie as well. “Nope, next.”
Eddie looks at you for a moment longer, even though you’re not doing the same. A faint frown creases his features as he tosses the vetoed tie aside, forming a rejection pile.
You pick up the remaining tie and drape it over his shoulder, admiring the harmonious pairing of the navy in the tie with the shirt, accentuated by its white and black diagonal stripes. While you ponder, Eddie watches your face intently, holding his breath.
You nod, a trace of delighted approval in your expression. “We have a winner.”
“Hell yeah, blue on blue it is,” Eddie exclaims. He wraps the tie around the back of his neck but struggles to recall the proper technique for tying it. Attempting a few different nonsensical loopings, he groans, his determination waning. “Stupid son of a bitch, wouldya just-”
“Don’t hurt yourself. Let me do it," You offer. Not receiving protest, you step closer to him.
Eddie uses one hand to gather his product-enhanced curls into a makeshift ball, allowing you to access the collar of his shirt. He juts out his freshly shaved chin, granting you ample room to work. Standing this closely, you catch the clean scent of shaving cream lingering on his skin.
You begin to effortlessly tie the knot. Without pausing to consider what you’re about to say, the words spill from your lips, “Why’re you asking for my opinion on stuff like this, anyway? You should be doing what you think she’ll like, not me.”
“You always know best,” Eddie’s expression softens to something more vulnerable. “When you’re taking the next step in a relationship, you want everything to be as perfect as it can be, y’know?”
It’s common sense to him. No one understands him like you do, making you the perfect person for navigating this nerve-wracking experience. But for you, it’s perplexing. You’ve never been on a proper, formal date. The idea of one remains an unfulfilled pipe dream. Yet, here you are, agreeing to help Eddie plan his.
Your only frame of reference comes from romance movies and horror stories of dates gone wrong recounted by your girlfriends. Of all the things you could be in the world, you find yourself an unassuming tree. Sturdy and dependable, sure. You serve your purpose. But you don’t captivate onlookers with blooming petals like flowers do. Instead, you take pride in your intricately branched personality, valuing it as your true strength that often goes overlooked.
Even so, it feels as though your traits fail to enchant others regardless; nobody seems willing. You go unnoticed, and you’ve come to terms with that.
Beautiful wildflowers get plucked from the ground and carried away to be cherished. Meanwhile, you simply exist, rooted in no man’s land, devoid of admirers. You may stand tall, but you’re easily overshadowed by what other women have to offer.
Perhaps this is why you like working at the flower shop. It’s somewhat cathartic to witness the delicate petals fall from time to time. It brings you a strange sense of satisfaction to hack away at their stems. The best part, though? While it’s a little twisted, you know that those flowers that dazzle in their pristine state are destined to wilt. They’ll shrivel and brown.
Whilst among your shared group of friends in public, you’ve witnessed Eddie getting nudged by one of the guys to direct his attention to a smoke show walking by. You watched as they bit their knuckles and exaggeratedly gawked. You don’t compare, it’s not even apples to oranges. It’s like… apples to rocks. A delicious, shiny fruit compared to you, mere clunky chunks of earth.
If life were an album, you’re the track that everyone skips within seconds of hearing the intro. Except for those rare moments when someone half-listens by accident and they resonate with you—that’s how you and Eddie became friends. He’d stumbled upon his new favorite song, one worth revisiting. What he sees in you is what everyone else overlooks.
Eddie is the only man on the face of the earth who treats you like you’re worth being around. Only an oddball would prefer to spend time lounging beneath the shade of a crooked tree instead of homing a rose in a crystal vase. That’s one thing you love about your best friend; he doesn’t make you feel like you fade into the background.
All fairytale cliché bullshit included, you want to be sought out in a crowd. You want to light up the room for someone. Much to your dismay, that can happen platonically too, and it has in this case.
If Eddie only knew how much the little moments matter to you—the ones where he makes you feel prioritized and valued. You know you’re not anything close to special or remarkable, but he always made you second guess that thought.
Obviously, you hadn’t meant to fall for him. It was kind of like catching a cold; one day, there was a tickle in the back of your throat that you didn’t usually feel. Unsuspecting, the days went on, and that sensation only worsened. You started to panic a little but ultimately continued to deny your worst thoughts.
Before you knew it, you were bedridden, bitten by the love bug. You didn’t go down without a fight. You thought that you could be strong and deny it access to your heart, but it had already invaded. So, all you could do was wait it out.
You tried to distance yourself, hoping to recover and act like nothing ever changed inside of you. But Eddie didn’t let you get too far away.
It wasn’t love at first sight, rather, a creeping plague. There was no swooning and giggling, no struggling to keep your hands to yourself. The change was undetectable. You were a frog in boiling water, unaware of the gradually rising temperature until it was far too late.
It wasn’t until your chest started to ache every time you said goodbye at the end of spending time together that you realized you were in too deep. You genuinely debated going to the doctor to get the pang checked out, but luckily you didn’t. Otherwise, you’d have wasted a good chunk of money to find out that you’re a lovesick idiot.
Unfortunately, this is an illness you’ve been stuck with since, and you’ve at least learned how to distract yourself from it. But when you fail to do so, your imagination wanders. Naturally, you’ve wondered if pressing a mere kiss to his cheek would burn everything to the ground.
The forbidden territory beckons, tempting you to envision breaking those unspoken agreed-upon rules that forbid things like hand-holding and cuddling. The two of you uphold mutual respect, adhering to the expectations of friendship. Both of you reserve that level of touch for expressions of romantic affection. Actions such as those have no place in a true friendship.
That’s the most confusing part of this for you. How did you manage to catch such strong feelings for him when you’ve not crossed any lines? Sure, he’s a tactile person; maybe that has something to do with it. Eddie makes physical contact with those he trusts, but it’s not like he’s hanging off of you at any given moment. You receive the same treatment as the others in his inner circle: a hand on the shoulder, a pat on the back, and a brief gripping of the forearm to get your attention.
You’re not supposed to want the touches to be more frequent, much less of a different nature. The line has to be drawn somewhere, and it’s been plainly drawn in the sand. You understand and accept that. But why, of all lines in the world, does it have to be this one that you want to cross so badly?
Most of your days aren’t all that miserable. But there are those days that are more difficult than the rest, though it’s not his fault. Last weekend, the two of you were at a mall, and some chick waved at him flirtily. He returned it immediately, though playfully enough that it was almost mocking. He was fucking around and had no intention of entertaining the idea of approaching her. Regardless, it was humbling for you, to say the least.
In that moment, the world reminded you that there’s a reason you walk at his side at a respectable distance, not tucked under his arm. If anything, it’s for the best. There’s a sense of liberation in admiring him without the burden of articulating your feelings. There’s no pressure to meet a girlfriend quota or live up to a higher standard. What Eddie expects of you now is what you’re capable of, and clearly, all that you’re good for. You’re good for filling the void, but apparently not so much anymore.
You’re not lustrous and aching to jump his bones, and you’re certainly not desperate enough to kiss him on a whim by not allowing yourself to overthink it. But perhaps you are just desperate enough that a man simply paying your emotions, interests, and existence of any mind can shackle you to him. That has to be what’s done you in; Eddie gives a shit about you.
In reality, there’s more to it than that. Eddie is selective about who and what he lets in. He doesn’t care for conformity and lack of individuality. The idea of blending in with the majority of society repulses him. You find the flawed aspects of the Munson doctrine fascinating and raw. He’s not perfect and Eddie doesn’t care what others think of him, to a degree.
Not unlike you, he’s complex. Eddie is anti-establishment but still prefers a bit of structure over chaos in his day-to-day life. He’s independent and cynical as hell, but he’s also appreciative of his support systems and isn’t ashamed to rely on them. He’s not much of a rule breaker nor is he rebellious, but he’ll happily stir up a little trouble in good fun if given the opportunity.
Eddie is a hypocrite in some ways and a walking contradiction in others. You love that he’s unapologetic about being that way. He owns it for the most part, and you admire that.
His presence overstays its welcome in your thoughts. You’ve often yearned for him to call you in the dead of night, admitting that he can’t sleep without the sound of your voice. Many times, you’ve fought the urge to do that. He owes you sleep, countless nights of it. It’s a debt that will never be repaid, an outstanding balance.
Despite the attempts at trying to talk yourself out of it, you still can’t bring yourself to stop loving him. Even as he’s actively pursuing someone else, you’re unable to shake this. You could be paralyzed from head to toe, and you’d still feel the love you have for him in your bones.
Once Eddie is officially with someone, he won’t have much time or energy left for you. The anticipation of being thrown aside for something new and far prettier has shattered your heart before any changes have occurred. Yet, any fragment of his presence surpasses total absence. The greed isn’t worth it, and you know you should be grateful for getting any piece of him at all.
The phrase fizzles on the tip of your tongue like a smoldering ember, threatening to sear through the muscle… I’m happy for you.
You should say it, but you can’t. Because if you did, that would be a blatant lie. It’s not even possessiveness that has you so bitter, it’s envy. You wish you were in her place.
“There,” you adjust the knot with a delicate tug, ensuring its tightness before letting the material slip through your fingers. Unable to meet his appreciative gaze, you offer a sad smile and take a half-step backward.
Your sigh, cleverly concealed as a deep breath, escapes as you settle back into your chair with a plop. “So, um,” you begin, picking at your cuticles absentmindedly. “Where are you taking her? Somewhere fancy?”
“Nah,” Eddie meticulously revamps his curls one final time in the mirror, wanting them to fall just right. Then, with great care, he tames his bangs to lay perfectly in place. “She’s gonna come over here. I thought it’d be more intimate. Besides, I can’t exactly swing a reservation right now. I’ve been tight on cash this week.”
Your fingers come to a halt, the stinging sensation apparent. Looking over at him, your eyes meet his in the reflection. “Ya big dummy, you shouldn’t have bought me lunch when that money could’ve gone toward buying her a nice dinner.”
“Don’t start with that shit,” Eddie warns as he digs through his dresser in search of pants to wear. “I’m happy to do that for you,” He adds, pulling a pair of dark jeans from the bottom drawer.
“It really did make my day, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Having donned his pants, he nears his desk where his black grommet belt lies on the floor. Eddie threads his belt through the loops of his jeans, the buckle jingling before he secures it in place. “I felt better knowing you were taken care of.”
It’s only now occurring to you what he’s implied, and you think how absurd it is for him to host a dinner when he’s culinarily challenged. “Wait, since when do you cook?”
“Oh, I don’t. But you do.”
“Hardly,” you scoff, downplaying your abilities. Placing your magazine back in your lap, you flip the page despite not having read it. Unexpectedly, you feel the urge to quell his enthusiasm, to set him up for failure by trying to poke holes in his plan. “I mean, food is one thing, but atmosphere is another. Aren’t the guys going to be here?”
Eddie moves the clutter on his desk around in a quest to find something. “I kicked them out for the night.”
Like a spear plunged into your chest, you swallow hard. Not only is he having a girl over for dinner, but he’s gone out of his way to guarantee privacy because he’s hoping to get lucky too. More than likely right there, on that very bed, feet away from you. The cramped twin-sized mattress, where they’ll inevitably be body to body.
He turns to you after locating what he was searching for, fastening the slightly fancier watch around his wrist; it only supersedes his casio due to it being analog, as opposed to digital. “I’ve been wanting to try that dish you keep raving about. You can teach me how to make it. Two birds, one stone.”
“It’s not difficult, you could handle the recipe,” You shrug away the opportunity to cook with him because the domesticity of it would more than likely kill you.
“I wanna do it together,” his voice softens, genuinely asking as nicely as he’s capable. “Please.”
“Sure, yeah,” you maintain your downcast gaze and slump back in the chair, wishing for a black hole to open and swallow you up. “What if she doesn’t like it, or what if you don’t?”
“If you like it then it has to be good.”
Eddie’s seemingly endless compliments cause no sense of flattery. Instead, you’re consumed with persisting nausea as you envision a stunning girl seated across from him while they share laughter and partake in unspeakable activities in this very room.
Abruptly, a wave of heat washes over you, causing the soles of your feet and your palms to grow clammy. The scent of newly sprayed Old Spice floods the room and you’re overwhelmed by it, struggling to draw a breath. “I’ll be right back,” You all but choke on your words, swiftly rising to your feet and hastily leaving. Eddie watches curiously as you do.
In the living room, you push the heavy sliding door aside, stepping out onto the balcony to catch your breath. You inhale as deep as physically possible, and the stirring evening breeze cools the hot tears gathered along your lash line. Cars pass by, and you distract yourself by watching a person leisurely walking their dog. You do everything in your power to divert your thoughts away from him and the impending date.
A few minutes later, Eddie emerges from his room and slides open the door to the balcony, poking his head out to check on you. “Y’ready to go?” The shift in your energy is immediately evident to him, though he can’t quite pinpoint what’s amiss. He figures you’ve had a long day and you’re tired from your shift. Maybe you’re a little hangry, too.
With your arms folded on the balcony rail, you continue to look out into the neighborhood. “Go where?” 
“The store, duh. We’ve gotta get ingredients, do we not?” He says to the back of your head.
You nod meekly before turning to face him. “Right. Yeah, I’m ready.”
Eddie flashes a warm smile before sliding the door open wide enough for you to pass through. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand then, hot stuff. We’re losing daylight,” He says, striding toward the front door.
Arguably, you’re not losing daylight fast enough. You wish the sun would fall from the sky. That way, it would always be dark and you could hide in the shadows forever. You follow him inside and slide the closed with a subdued thud.
His car keys drag and jingle while he swipes them off of the counter. Once he reaches the entryway, Eddie drops the keys on the floor beside him as he kneels to put on his sneakers. A few seconds later, you’ve joined him to do the same. Eddie glances at you as he feels the evening breeze that slipped in finally reaching this side of the room. “It’s a little chilly out, wanna borrow a hoodie or something?”
Quickly tying your shoes to avoid prolonged eye contact, you get to your feet, hugging yourself as you do. “No, I’ll be fine.”
Eddie snorts and stands, his shoes now tied as well. “I’m getting you one,” He insists and heads to his room, gesturing for you to follow.
“I said I’ll be fine without one,” You opt not to follow, instead calling out to him to compensate for the distance and his half-open door.
“Shut up, I’m getting you one and you’re gonna wear it ‘cause I said so,” his tone drips with feigned amusement at your stubbornness. “Come in here.”
As you step into the room, Eddie offers you the hoodie, watching as you just stare at it. “Sweetheart, put it on. You’re gonna freeze to death if you don’t. Then, I’ll have no choice but to cancel my super hot date because I’ll be too busy defrosting my ice sculpture of a best friend with a blow drier. You want me to blow you all night? I know you-”
“Okay, okay! I’ll put the damn thing on,” you say, begrudgingly taking it from him. “Happy?”
“Try elated,” Eddie smiles from ear to ear and winks at you, content that you’re allowing him to do what he deems best for you, knowing you’re too stubborn to do so for yourself. He’s got your back, always. Even if it means enduring a bit of attitude in the process. Eddie likes that about you, he always has. With a final glance, he leaves the room, flicking off the light switch.
Left standing in the dark bedroom, you blindly navigate the article of clothing to locate the opening. However, as soon as you go to put it on, it occurs to you that this hoodie is not fresh out of the wash.
The distant floral scent left behind by dryer sheets mingles with his natural aroma, enveloping you as you pull the sweatshirt over your head. He grabbed whatever was at hand, inadvertently submerging you back into the very sensory experience you fled from. The spicy notes from his cologne turn you into a human lava lamp, effectively melting you on the inside.
The mingling of Old Spice, tobacco smoke, his unique essence, and a hint of spring meadow flood your mind. You consider the idea of keeping the hoodie. You could tell him that you forgot to return it, and he’ll forget about it. Eddie can afford to lose one hoodie, he’d survive.
“Let’s go!” He barks, impatience peaking as nerves gnaw at him with each passing minute bringing him closer to the dinner.
Exiting his bedroom, you find Eddie stationed at the front door, propping it open with his foot. Once within his view, you extend your arms and twist your expression to emphasize your annoyed compliance.
“One last thing,” Eddie withdraws his foot, causing the door to slam shut, its latch clanging twice against the wood from the force. He reaches out and pulls the hood up, adjusting it to cover most of your head. “There.”
You stick your tongue out at him, your grin eliciting one from him in return. “Alright, let’s-” He begins, but instead of turning, he fakes you out and grabs both drawstrings. Eddie tugs them, causing the hood to cinch tightly around your face.
“You’re an ass,” You whine.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie turns around to leave this time and holds the front door open for you. “You’re stuck with me.”
With a narrowed glare, you fix the hood and your hair on your way out of the apartment. Eddie is close behind, closing the door and locking it. You take the opportunity to collect yourself and adopt a supportive, cheerful demeanor.
These are gonna be the longest two hours of your life.
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You can’t fucking believe it. You’re preparing a meal for another woman, and doing so willingly. You tried to guide him through the prep process, but he grew frustrated. Now, he’s on dish duty, conquering the mountain of dirty dishes piled up on the counter. 
She may be getting a delicious and intimate dinner, but at least you get moments like these. But soon enough, she’ll have them too. If everything goes to plan, the memories of these moments will be all you have left of Eddie. As you lose yourself in the sound of his voice, the ramblings about a sale he made at work eventually circle back to the topic of his evening.
As he excitedly goes on, his voice carries a boyish enthusiasm. Unseen by you, Eddie bounces on the balls of his feet while standing at the sink. Ten minutes seem to fly by unnoticed as you both focus on your tasks.
After taking the food out of the oven, his demeanor flips like a switch. “Oh, it’s time for me to leave apparently,” you acknowledge, barely having the chance to take off the oven mitt all the way before he’s practically pushing you out of the apartment. “Be sure to heat it up at 375 degrees,” You suggest as you struggle to put on your shoes fast enough.
“Sure thing,” Eddie confirms, “I’ll let you know how it goes!”
“Looking forward to it,” You lie. Eddie waves you off before closing the front door. Left standing alone in the eerily quiet hallway, you feel foolish.
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Finally arriving home, you crawl onto your bed. The weight of reality crashes down upon you, and you physically collapse under the weight of your emotions. The pain in your chest burns up the back of your throat as you sob. This was a harsh wake-up call, but it’s what you needed to finally confront yourself.
It’s better this way. Not having to reject you outright or politely turn you down, Eddie doesn’t have to hurt simply because you are. This is best because Eddie doesn’t have to feel guilty or pity you. Just as you’ve loved him in silence, you can grieve the loss of him in it too.
Ten minutes pass and just as you’re starting to drift asleep from exhaustion, your telephone rings. The ringing in the kitchen pulls you from your room. You drag your feet on the way there, clearing your throat and taking a deep breath before answering the phone.
“Hey, uh,” Eddie sounds panicked, “Can you come back over? I forgot the most important fucking thing and-”
You cut him off, “Relax, I’ll be there in twelve,” Abruptly ending the call without another word, you rub your sore eyes, blow your stuffy nose, and splash your face with warm water. The last thing he needs is for his night to be ruined because he notices how hard you’ve been crying. If your feelings get in the way of him having a good time with the girl he’s head over heels for, then you don’t deserve his friendship.
Entering the building and letting yourself back into his apartment, you’re caught off guard by how different the space looks. He worked his butt off to tidy the living room and make certain that everything is presentable. Besides being notably neater, you also notice the faint smell of air freshener.
The apartment is blanketed in darkness, illuminated only by the flickering flames of candles and the light from the table lamp in the living room. Hushed music emanates from the record player in his room. It’s a genre you wouldn’t have expected him to own, because of how slow and romantic it sounds. You wonder whether he bought it specifically for this occasion.
Upon hearing the front door creak open, Eddie halts his pacing in the living room. “Thank god, you’re here.”
You teeter on the heels of your feet, feeling out of place in the carefully arranged setting that isn’t meant for you. “I really shouldn’t be. It’s quarter to seven, she’ll show up any minute now.”
Eddie makes his way over to you, rounding the dinner table and draping his arm along the back of the dining chair farthest from where you stand. “No, no. Don’t worry about that, she’s already here.”
Your eyes flit towards the bathroom, expecting to see a sliver of light escaping from beneath the door, yet the hallway is pitch black. There’s no dolled-up gal standing in his room either. You look back at him with a furrowed brow, confusion etched on your face. “Where, exactly?”
He can’t think of a time he’s ever had to remind himself how to breathe correctly. Eddie holds his hand out to you, his anxiety mounting. With hesitation, you extend your hand and place it in his. He wraps his trembling fingers around yours.
Rarely have you been in this position, and in those instances, it was never an act with deeper meaning. It’s only ever happened in urgent moments, like darting across a bustling street to avoid being separated—a mere safety measure.
Eddie’s attention fixates on your hands, willing them to respond to his touch. Then he notices your puffy, reddened eyes. “What’s the matter?” He asks, instinctively squeezing your joined hands.
“It’s stupid,” You pull away from him, retracting your hand to wipe away the smeared mascara beneath your eyes.
Rather than forcibly turning you to face him, Eddie gracefully moves around to stand in front of you once more. “I bet it’s not,” he says softly, his compassionate expression tinged with concern. He reaches for both of your hands this time, praying you can’t feel his pounding pulse through the contact.
Eddie delicately lifts your hands and peppers velvety kisses across the tops of your knuckles. The warmth of your skin against his lips sends a shiver shooting through his core, goosebumps rising across his body.
You emit a wet giggle from the shock, uncertainty, and embarrassment bubbling within you. “What the hell are you doing?”
He chuckles a little too, his eyes sparkling as they reflect the dancing flames behind you. “What’s it look like? This is all for you,” Eddie presses one more featherlight kiss to your hands before lowering them, but he doesn’t let go, keeping them securely in his own. “It’s our first date.”
You’re the prettiest little package of unusual. From the moment he first heard your song, he couldn’t shake you. Eddie couldn’t get your tune out of his system, but it’s not like he wanted to. Never before had anyone shown him such unconditional care; no one had ever gone out of their way to get to know him like you did. You’re the safest thing he’s ever known, but you’re also the scariest, in the best ways possible.
The thought of confessing how you make him complete, unlike anything he’s ever experienced, is nothing short of terrifying. Yet, the fear of not seizing the opportunity to love you outweighs the fear of rejection. There’s no turning back now.
Your eyes wander to the table, taking in the details: the thoughtfully arranged mismatched plates and silverware, the glasses filled with expensive wine. At the end of the kitchen island sits a teddy bear beside a bouquet. In addition to the flower petals, there are red, white, and pink balloons scattered across the floor.
You turn away before he can see your face contort, biting your lip harshly to suppress the sob rising in your throat. It’s all useless, though. A broken cry escapes your lips.
Eddie’s stomach lurches and pressure builds behind his own eyes. The change he just caused is palpable, the damage has been done. He releases both of your hands and plants his on the sides of his head, stepping away. “Shit, shit, shit. I’m such a fucking idiot. I read this all wrong, I thought-”
“You’re not and you didn’t,” you choke out. “They’re happy tears now.”
His frantic expression mellows out, his arms drop to his sides, and the tension in his body gradually dissipates. “Happy tears?”
You respond with a soft hum and nod, a grin forming as you admire the table setting and gifts once more before looking back at Eddie.
“Oh,” he chirps, wearing a cheek-splitting smile as he brings his palms to your face. He wipes away your fallen tears with his thumbs. Eddie studies your expression intently. “I didn’t mean to make you cry sad ones.”
“It’s not your fault,” You close your eyes, relishing the sensation of his fingers calmingly swiping along the apples of your cheeks.
“It is and I’m sorry,” Eddie inches closer, his toes now touching yours. “I wanted it to be a surprise ‘cause I thought spontaneity would make it more memorable.”
You look at him questioningly. “It’s not exactly spontaneous when you had me cook my own dinner.”
“Fair enough. You’ve got me there,” Eddie thought it was a foolproof plan. If you made the food, there was no chance that you’d hate it. “I went about this all wrong, huh? I should scrap the whole thing and start from scratch,” He becomes distracted, his train of thought shifting to how he’s going to clean this up and figure out a different approach.
“Don’t do that. Just ask me,” you grasp his forearm to regain his attention. “Ask me out and maybe I'll say yes.”
“Maybe?” Eddie scoffs airily, unsure if you’re teasing or genuinely undecided. He clears his throat and theatrically composes himself, gesturing with a downward motion of his hand in front of his face. “Okay, uh, would you like to have dinner with me?”
Eddie’s mouth falls open.
“I’m fucking with you,” You smile devilishly and wrap your arms around his middle.
Finally, he can hug you the way he’s always wanted. Eddie brings you in close and tight, his arms encircling your head. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” He murmurs into your hair, inhaling deeply to indulge in every aspect of you he can.
“A little,” You laugh. You remain in each other’s embrace for a moment longer before easing apart, though still connected by your pairs of lassoed arms.
Eddie’s laughter melds with yours, the relief in his tone evident. “Now that the cat's outta the bag, I can finally tell you that I absolutely love when you’re a crybaby.”
You pull a comical expression, raising your eyebrows and widening your eyes. “What, why?” You take in the scattering of freckles across his T-zone while he responds.
“Honest to god, it’s mesmerizing to watch you experience things so intensely. It’s fucking beautiful,” With nothing but adoration in his eyes, Eddie strokes your hair, relishing the way it feels against his skin. “Can I call you my crybaby?”
“No, you cannot!” You swat at his chest and attempt to push him away, but he laughs smugly and brings you back in close. Your hands find purchase on his biceps, surrendering to him entirely. Locked in each other’s gaze, time seems to crawl.
Eddie’s hands, having made their way down to caress your hips, settle on the small of your back. “How about just baby?” he nudges the tip of his nose against yours, his voice taking on an almost sultry tone. “You like the way that sounds?”
All you can do is nod dumbly, watching his eyes fall to your lips.
Eddie mumbles, “Me too,” His hands flex where they lay, tugging you slightly so that your bodies are flush and you have no choice but to lean against him. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Eddie licks his lips, his eyes finding yours again, the chocolate pools of his irises swirling.
You nod, slide your hands up his shoulders, and wrap them around his neck. The air was stolen from your lungs, rendering your voice a ghost. Eddie leans in and his lips hover over yours, your eyes fluttering closed in time with his. Then, you feel the gentle pressure of his lips against your own.
For a few moments, you’re out of sync, a mere beat behind due to nerves. But after taking a brief breath, you find each other without trouble. When you slot your lip between his, it’s as though there’s a sunrise in his veins; a new dawn spreads through his body. You tug a fistful of curls at the nape of his neck, your lips clicking wetly with one another, chests heaving in unison.
When the two of you finally have to part to breathe, Eddie whispers, “Holy shit.”
“You can say that again,” You exhale, releasing the grip you have on his hair and soothingly scratching the area with your nails.
“I mean I could,” Eddie borderline purrs, tightening his arms around your waist. “But I’d much rather keep kissing you.”
“Hard to argue with that,” you smile against his lips and give him a quick peck, which he happily returns. Then, your mind begins to wander. “You got me flowers?”
He can’t discern if there’s a trace of disdain or disbelief in your tone. Eddie knows that you consider flowers cliché and overrated; after all, you deal with them all day. But just because you see them that way doesn’t mean he does.
Eddie pulls away slightly to get a good look at you, “Yeah, of course I got flowers for my flower. How could I not?”
Truthfully, he’s bummed about not being able to find a bouquet as exceptional as you. You’re unlike anything from this world, resembling something from his cherished sci-fi novels. You’re resilient, showing up any old rose or daisy. You unfurled your petals solely for Eddie and allowed him to see you bloom. Nothing on earth compares to you. So, a regular bouquet would have to do.
You comment with a slightly teasing tone, “I had no idea you’re a hopeless romantic.”
“Too much?” Eddie bites his lower lip, afraid that you’re offended.
“No, not too much,” you remove your one hand from his hair and rest it on his chest, drawing mindless shapes while you avoid eye contact. “Far more than I deserve though,” You’re slightly taken aback when Eddie cups your face without hesitation, forcing you to look at him. Despite his assertiveness, his touch is tender.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie’s eyes carry an intensity you’ve never seen, brimming with affection and sincerity. “You deserve everything good that this world has to offer. I can’t give you that, but I can give you all of me. That much I can promise.”
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Reblogs are greatly encouraged and appreciated! ♡
★My Masterlist
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ducktoonsfanart · 1 year
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Duckverse and Looney Tiny Toons - Huey, Dewey and Louie and Daffy Duck Birthday Easter Party
If you know from my previous drawings, in order not to have the same theme, and judging by the previous vote from the Ducklooney blog, I decided to draw more Duckverse drawings with various crossovers, so I started with Warner Bros. primarily with Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons.
Yes, since I'm not just drawing about Disney, here's something outside of that and about three events. First, Easter which was currently, secondly Huey, Dewey and Louie's birthday which is celebrated on April 15th and thirdly, Daffy Duck's birthday which is celebrated on April 17th. Everyone celebrates holidays and birthdays together. Yes, I wanted to add more characters, but unfortunately not all of them would fit in this drawing. So I drew a fusion of the classic Disney universe (Mickey and friends) with the Looney Tunes gang plus Tiny Toons. Besides Huey, Dewey and Louie and Daffy, there are also Donald and Daisy Duck, Melissa Duck (Daffy's girlfriend), Plucky Duck (Daffy's student and partly Daffy's nephew (according to my headcanon)), Shirley the Loon, April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces, drawn after Dutch comics), Buster Bunny, Babs Bunny, Max Goof, Hampton J. Pig (Porky's student), Porky Pig, Goofy, Lola Bunny and Bugs Bunny. And Daffy saw a golden egg on the cake, which means wealth and money. Except he didn't go on the attack right away! XD
I hope you like this crossover and once again I wish everyone a Happy Easter and a Happy Birthday to both Donald's nephews and Daffy Duck. Yes, Daffy is the best duck for me, along with Donald! And a happy belated Chinese New Year, and this year is the year of the rabbit! And yes, happy 100th anniversary to both Warner Bros and Disney!
And there will be more surprises!
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openheartfanfics · 5 months
Newly Added Fics
April 27 - May 3, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
Stickler For The Rules - @potionsprefect ☁
Date night looks a little different for Ethan and Victoria.
Rafael x F!MC
Baby’s First Lovey - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey spots a bunny lovey that she just falls in love with for Florence.
Double Lunch Date - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey gets dressed up as she & Raf go for lunch with Sienna & Lucas.
Hello Third Trimester - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey celebrates reaching her third trimester with an amusing post.
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 38: Dancing With My Eyes Closed
CH 39: Grieving
On A Bug Hunt - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey takes Lucy & Enrique out for a walk to search for bugs whilst Raf & Tori have a nap.
Strawberry (Milkshake) Dreams - @rafasgirl23415 📸
As the weather heats up Raf makes Casey a strawberry milkshake to cool off.
Teddy Bear’s Picnic - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey puts on a teddy bear’s picnic to cheer up Lucy.
The Big Name Search - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey & Raf struggle to find the perfect name for their unborn baby girl.
Sienna x M!OC
Indulging Obsessions - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna can’t stop herself when she comes across sleepsuits with dolphins on the front for her baby boys.
Prangry Sienna - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna is struggling to be happy as she struggles with her pregnancy hunger and raging hormones.
Sienna’s Worries - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna is becoming nervous that something could go wrong in her last weeks of pregnancy.
Wishing For Comfy Clothes - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna pines for her old clothes.
Tobias x F!MC
Mostly Pleasant Surprises - @jerzwriter 📚
[mini: wip] It's been months since the chemical attack. But when a series of events threatens to come between Tobias and Casey, how do they find their way back together?
Part 1: Birthday Presence
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bryan360 · 1 year
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
“Day 1: Looney 🐰🔨”
Welcome to my next chapter of 🎃Inktober 2023! Sorry for keeping you waiting that I’m still working through some of them left before the next day comes. Let’s just say not everything is perfect, but as long I’m still in the game without losing tracks. At least I still got plenty of few completed Inktober artworks from past months. That sure keep it busy while hoping to get though others before this month ends.
Anyways, here’s the first one for this squirrel boy’s Inktober appearance. Despite being a “shyful” bushy tailed friend who won’t hurt a fly, but why not letting him doing some slapstick tricks in his sleeves? Make that wearing his rabbit-like sleeves and went hammering this pumpkin at night.
🥜Brown: Just wanted to have this as a tribute for CN’s 31st birthday/anniversary moments. I’m supposed to be like Bugs Bunny and ran with it. At least I didn’t get to hurt no one, but at the pumpkin patch said otherwise. Priceless? Yeah. Ruining someone’s patch? Yikes. 😬 Do hope no one caught me after this.
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BTW, I also had my list written and a new themed logo ready. Though through 20th to 30th remains a mystery due to not decision yet. I tried my best as we’re going forward til October is over. Wish me luck for this year if I’m having “other tasks” to cover up as well.
Brown (in his rabbit suit) (not the only one) created by me: BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
What are your OC's wishes in the star-sending?
Grit is still underdeveloped, so I don't know about him. But for the rest... Billy: I wish I could get get a pink bunny for my birthday! ^^ Elias: I wish I could get a chance to direct my own show for the first time! Reno: I wish I could win every single game I play this year...without cheatin'. James: I wish I could finally get one over on that BLASTED Matthew Satyr...! Smitty: I wish James would stop obsessing over that... James: WHAT?! Smitty: Nothing. Maelstrom: (secretly wishing he could visit an art museum) ...I don't have any wishes. Wishes are stupid. Theodore: (secretly wishing he could find a way to get into a different school) Same. Nakoda: Well. I'M going to wish I could get Jamil in bed...(shivers happily and hugs himself) Oooooh...jussst once, PLEASE...that'sss all I need... (licks lips) All: ............................................... Nako: (blinks at them all) ...What? Reno: Snake Eyes, you have issues. Nako: Bite me, Bug Baby. Reno: ...Are you insultin' me or ASKIN' me? Nakoda: Mmmm...yesss. Reno: (facepalms)
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ananicoleta · 2 years
Elmer Fudd shares his birthday with Porky Pig (something which I admit I didn't know until reciently). Until now, I have encountered many posts that wish happy birthday to Porky, as well as even showing a brief history of the character (which I'm glad to see!), but none for the poor nimrod. Therefore I decided I'll do it, albiet lately. Here's a short history of Elmer Fudd and how he evolved to be the character that we all know and love:
Although Elmer's official appearance is considered to be in Elmer's Candid Camera (2 March 1940), his origins date much further that that.
Many people think that it all started with Egghead, a dim-witted human-like cartoon character, with a bulbous nose and an egg-shaped head, who later evolved into Elmer Fudd but that aspect is somehow debated by cartoon historians.
The true very early version of Elmer Fudd appeared in Little Red Walking Hood (1937). Here, he had a derby hat, small squinty eyes, big reddish noise, a high collar around his neck, a green long sleeve shirt, green pants, and a bald circle-like human head.
After that, he appeared in more shorts throughout the late 30s. In the 1939 cartoon, Dangerous Dan Mac Foo, a new actor, Arthur Q. Brian, voiced Elmer and gave him his well-known speech impediment.
His official first appearance was in Elmer's Candid Camera (2 March 1940), alongside an early version of Bugs Bunny.
In his early cartoons Elmer alternates between being a hunter, like in A Wild Hare (1940), or a mild-mannered fellow who "wikes wabbits" and wants to adopt or take pictures of them, before Bugs drives him insane (Elmyra Duff, his counterpart in Tiny Toon Adventures, might be inspired by this version of him).
For a short period of time, between 1941-42, Elmer Fudd was given a new design, making him a heavy-set, beer-bellied character, patterned after Arthur Q. Bryan's real-life appearance, and still chasing Bugs (or vice versa). The audiences didn't like him however, so the slimmer version of the toon returned for good.
In the 50s, three gems of cartoons came out today known as the Hunting Trilogy: Rabbit Fire (1951), Rabbit Seasoning (1952), Duck! Rabbit, Duck! (1953). These cartoons solidified Elmer's reputation as a hunter and his dynamic with Bugs and Daffy
Elmer's official role became the one of a hunter and foil for Bugs Bunny. Even today Elmer Fudd is considered to be Bugs' classic nemesis, despite the fact that the wabbit has had many more enemys throught history (such as Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, Marvin the Martian or Taz). Traits of his character solidified such as his gulibillity, short attention span, short temper and mild manners. The duo is such a classic that in the late 1950s cartoon, Bugs' Bonnets, in which the two of them try on different hats. This leads to a mayhem that ends with matrimony.
The only time Elmer won against Bugs was in Hare Bush (1956), where they swich roles
Elmer also played other roles such as Cupid in The Stupid Cupid (1944), which also starred Daffy Duck
He appeared in the 1990s series, Tiny Toon Adventures as Elmyra's mentor and a teacher at Acme Looniversity
He didn't play a huge role in either Baby Looney Tunes (2002) or The Looney Tunes Show (2011), but he did appear in a lot of episodes in Looney Tunes Cartoons (2020) as one of Bugs' main antagonists. This time however, he doesn't have his usual shotgun, due to the increase in gun violence in America.
So... as I was saying, HAPPY 83rd BIRTHDAY ELMER FUDD!!!!<33
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teacherintransition · 6 months
Chunk: A Dream Come True
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How often does a real personal dream come to realization?
I’m a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons; old school …Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, Super friends, etc. etc.. All of these cartoons had the stereotypical bulldog cartoon rendition : gray or white fur, scrunched face, pointy ears and a scowl, I loved it! Whenever I would see a picture of a bulldog or if the god of dogs granted me the blessing of actually seeing one, my heart would melt. I’m a dog guy from the start. I loved them all whether if they are a beagle, chihuahua, terrier what have you, I loved them. But an English bulldog? It was a dream. I learned how expensive they could be and how problematic their health often is and discovered the expense was going to be a wall I couldn’t get over. I could do problematic all day long …I’m a teacher for goodness sake. I resigned myself to admiring them from afar.
I’m a grown man nursing my father while he is fighting a fourteen year battle with cancer. Dad was raised in poverty in the mountains of Georgia trying to eke out a living as a sharecropper farming family. My kids were in FFA as I was in school and the farm mentality was strong with us. Most people who farm for a living all pretty much have the same view of having pets …don’t. This obviously wasn’t a steadfast rule, but if you raise animals they are for profit or sustenance; it didn’t pay to get attached …too attached to farm animals or any domesticated animal. This was dad, except …for big slobbery, English bulldogs, it was the only time he ever mentioned wanting a pet. Since dad was a child of the depression, any expenditure on dogs or cats was deemed unnecessary. He’d bring up the bulldog longing and I would reply, “ dad, just get one.” “NAAAAHHHHH, don’t need to spend the money,” he would respond. Same old dad.
In 1998, dad got cancer for the first of three times and it was as rough as you could imagine. It’s a common reaction to know something a cancer patient really wants and wanting to get it for them, because, you know. In early 2012, dad got his last cancer diagnosis and by September, his struggle would end. I kept thinking about our mutual love of bullies and set about locating and …um, purchasing a bullie for me to raise and give dad a much needed boost to his mood. I looked and the average $2000 asking price was too much.
Serendipity happens. A good family friend’s mother was a breeder of beautiful English bulldogs. I lamented to them my inability to afford a registered bullie and my friend asked, “are you wanting one to raise for breeding or just to have as a pet?” “Pet,” was my reply. They then informed that they sell one year olds that were spayed or neutered for a couple of hundred dollars. It was on. Within a couple of days we were at his mom’s house shopping for bulldogs and I found “Fancy.” I was in love with the dog, but I couldn’t own a bulldog with a name like Fancy. When she came home, our home, I renamed her “Chunky.” It seemed more appropriate for their slobbery, chubby, funny demeanor of bulldogs and I had my dream come true.
Dad had returned to the hospital the day after Labor Day after getting to hold his great granddaughter for the first time. I got Chunk on September 12th, and dad’s condition worsened. I just knew that if he got to go home and meet Chunk, he’d be ok for a while. My father passed away on September 17th never having to experience the dream of having the dog in his family. It was my dream as well, but the additional heartbreak of dad not getting to love on Chunk made her so much more special to me and my family. I just wished dad could’ve held her once.
The average lifespan of an English bulldog is 8.5 years, due to their many health issues. In January, my Chunk celebrated her thirteen birthday. Every day that my lovable buddy greets me by putting her chin on my lap is an additional blessing for us. She is my shadow, she doesn’t let me get out of sight, she just wants to sit beside me and have her head scritched …not scratched. She travels with us all over the country and tolerates two yapping Pomeranians and is true, blue loyal and loving. It’s been heartbreaking to see her age and start moving slower and slower. Five years beyond her average and it’s been wonderful to have her every day. I hear her breathing get ragged at night. I see her sleep most of the day. I see her just stop and stare into space. I notice that she doesn’t seem to hear me as well. I can see her slowing down.
This draws my memories back to seeing my dad slow down. It’s terrifying to be aware of this slowly aging soulmate show her age; just an ominous as it was seeing dad …
It does little to assuage my sadness to realize that I’ve had her five years longer than average. I want my Chunky forever, but miracles and having dreams don’t always come together. It was special enough that I got to have her as my friend. How much longer? No way of knowing; no one has that special knowledge about anybody or anything. I had to tell myself that I have her today. Slower, achey, aging but I have her to love today. I’ve experienced the loss of many close canine, leporine (rabbit), hirsine (goat), friends throughout my life and my connection to and love for animals makes the loss excruciating. Retrospection helps me realize that our lives were immeasurably better for having them with us. Chunk carries a little more of an emotional connection. The inevitable will happen one day, but today isn’t that day. I get to live the dream a little longer and get to love my buddy another day. Tomorrow? Who knows? Who knows about anything tomorrow. All I know is I’m going to go sit in the backyard with my Chunk …and think about dad a little.
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suckitsurveys · 7 months
Do you have a fan/air conditioning on right now? Nope but the window is cracked. It’s in the low 50Fs right now.
When was the last time you sang along with a song? Which one was it? Pink Pony Club by Chappell Roan.
Are you currently wearing any hair accessories? Which ones? I have a hair tie in my hair and two on my wrist.
Have you ever wished you had a different name? Which name would you choose? When I was a kid I wanted to be named Josie.
Do you often press the wrong keys on the keyboard? Yeah.
Have you ever customised an item of clothing? What did you do to it? I’ve painted on tshirts before.
When was the last time you got a splinter stuck in you? D: It’s been a bit.
Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? Painting.
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? Just in general and also saving up some spending money for NYC in May.
Are you any good at playing pinball? I am.
Do you own any figurines? Of what? Yeah, I have a few panda ones I’ve collected over the years from birthday and christmas gifts.
If you have any siblings, how much rivalry is between you all? I have an older sister and there isn’t much rivalry but we have moments.
When did you last have itchy eyes? Yesterday.
If forced to go camping, would you rather sleep in a tent or a caravan? You wouldn’t have to force me and I’d gladly sleep either place.
Is it dark outside right now? Nope, it’s 1pm.
How often do you get jealous of other people? What is it usually about? Eh.
Do you prefer framed photos or just sticking photos straight onto walls? Either.
What’s your favourite type of cake? Carrot, unless you count cheesecake as cake and not pie.
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? Oh yes.
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Earlier this morning.
How tired are you right now? Very.
When was the last time you had an argument with someone? What was it about? I avoid those at all costs.
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? I can sleep.
How long have you gone without sleep? 48 hours because my teenage brain was dumb.
Can you drive yet? How good are you at it? Yes and I manage as a Chicago driver lol.
Do you prefer traveling alone or with people? I like road trips with people. I’ve never flown with anyone else so I don’t know how I’d do with that lol.
Did you listen to the radio today? I listened to spotify in my car if that counts.
What was the last baby animal you saw? I’m not sure. Probably a bunny.
Generally speaking, is it warmer or colder in your house than outside? It’s generally the opposite of whatever it is outside.
When was the last time you threw up? Right before Christmas thanks to waking up with a migraine..
Do you give people high fives or hugs more often? High fives.
Have you ever tie-dyed something? Yes.
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now: Oh god, so many things.
How long does it usually take you to get to sleep? I usually fall asleep pretty quickly.
When did you last get a papercut? No idea.
Which do you prefer: Blackboards or whiteboards? Whiteboards.
What sort of things do you have bookmarked in your internet browser? I never really bookmark things on my browser anymore.
Are / were you spoilt? Would others agree or disagree with you? To an extent, in the sense that I grew up comfortably, but I wasn’t a shitty little brat about it.
What are you wearing right now? Hoodie and jeans.
What was the last book you read? I haven’t read in a while.
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ladyscroogeblr · 7 months
A cold, hot flashes and anxiety,
Never have experienced anything like this before! With the cold, there's a bug going around work and I now have this cold thanks to that! Until I feel better I'll wear a mask. Just to be on the safe side. Will see my doctor about the hot flashes and the night sweats I'm having thanks to menopause. I developed a hernia like 6 or 7 years ago. Hasn't bothered me until recently. Been realizing its affecting my abdominal issues and maybe contributing to my anxiety attacks. If repairing my hernia and getting my menopause under control, doesn't help with my anxiety, I'll try and find a hypothesis to help me. I still don't know why I have focused on Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa! Their marriage looks solid and last year in an interview he said it was! I know, from social media, they aren't always able to attend events together. From time to time Elsa or Chris are spotted without each other. Else usually will have her girlfriends with her. Chris mostly with some of his friends or sometimes with one or both brothers. On Valentine's Day Chris posted, on social media, of him swimming with Elsa. It was funny and shows they do love each other. Elsa's post was a selfie of her and Chris from Limitless. Episode 6 when Elsa's surprised Chris looking 50 yrs older! The caption said "All these years together, my love, and we are still the same!" Chris had a goofy face on in the photo!,too! I've know forever about Chris's sense of humor but in the past year I have found out Elsa has a funny sense of humor! In Chris's family, I found out his brothers, Luke and Liam, have similar humors! I know both are busy people with their careers and spend a lot of quantity time with their three kids. Twice this year, already, the family has gone on two snowboarding/skiing trips and seen surfing! All 5 surf which is pretty cool! Chris got invited to this years NYC Met Gala and to be a co chairman with Zendaya, JLO and Bad Bunny ( that is a funny stage nane)! The theme is garden party. I'm looking forward to see what Chris's suit will look like and I hope Elsa will be able c to attend, too! It's in early May and a lot of the outfits get pretty flamboyant! Especially with the wonen! Liam and Luke's new movie, also starring Russell Crowe, comes out today. The Land of Bad. It is being released in theaters. Other things bothering me, is I am invited to a birthday party. A surprise 40's birthday party next weekend! I hope my emotions are in control and my hot flashes aren't bad(right now they are horrible and so are my night sweats!) The current US Congress is pathetic, idiotic, useless and big joke! The MAGA Republicans are sucking up to Trump! Trump and his followers are tearing down President Biden! Saying he is has declined cognitively so bad he can't talk or do anything else unless he's drugged up! That bothers me, too! Trump gets Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley confused. He says Obama is President not Biden! Babbles like a raging lunatic! Sometimes he makes no sense at all! I could go on! I wish all these subjects I could talk to my friends and family! Not! Glad I at least gave this blog!
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fawnaura · 11 months
Hi lovely! I miss you ♥️🐈‍⬛⭐️Tulip, locust, azalea!
yay! one of my fav humans 🥹💜 miss you always too 🫶🏼 thank you for taking pity on me & asking some questions, heh. I just realised I probably shouldn't have been so desperate (I was bored & sleepy & the questions are cute) but now I'm realising I need to actually think about the answers, lol. Also being the annoying person that I am my answers to things change all the time, but anyway
Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? Hmm, maybe red velvet with cream cheese icing! 😋
Locust: What was your favorite book as a child? I didn't really have an all time fav book as a kid! But I did like the ones with pretty illustrations (ofc). There was one where fairies had a sleepover & they all slept in different flowers. I remember a book where a fairy slept in a spider web in the forest (but it was really pretty and glittery) & a different book with bunnies & lady bugs (it was a collection of different stories) and a lady bug mama was granted a wish from a fairy & she wished her food cupboard to magically refill whenever it was empty! Very long description, I just remember liking ones with bunnies & fairies 🐇🧚‍♀️ Beatrix Potter was always a hit. But now I really love Wind in the Willows, it calms me every time.
Azalea: What’s a movie you cried while watching? So many! But the last one I cried watching was Dumplin, lol. It was just heart warming
Love you @sea-wolfe ❤️
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worldrandom · 1 year
Willis day, Day of trees, eeyores birthday, independent bookstore day, national kiss of hope day, national peace rose day, national pool opening day, national rebuilding, world veterinary day, work wish day
Day of child, hair style, appreciation day, healthy kids day, honesty day, international jazz day, mother father, deaf day, national adopt a shelter pet day, national Bugs Bunny day, national Mr. potato head day, national oatmeal cookie day, national pet parents day, national tie-dye day 
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heavenboy09 · 2 years
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To 1 Of The Greatest  Athletes and one of the greatest basketball players of all times
He is an American businessman and former professional basketball player. His biography on the official National Basketball Association (NBA) website states: "By acclamation, He is the greatest basketball player of all time." He played fifteen seasons in the NBA, winning six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls. He is the principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets of the NBA and of 23XI Racing in the NASCAR Cup Series. He was integral in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s, becoming a global cultural icon in the process.
He played college basketball for three seasons under coach Dean Smith with the North Carolina Tar Heels. As a freshman, he was a member of the Tar Heels' national championship team in 1982. He joined the Bulls in 1984 as the third overall draft pick, and quickly emerged as a league star, entertaining crowds with his prolific scoring while gaining a reputation as one of the game's best defensive players. His leaping ability, demonstrated by performing slam dunks from the free-throw line in Slam Dunk Contests, earned him the nicknames "Air Jordan" and "His Airness".
In 1996 After The Height Of His Career
He Came Back To Basketball 🏀 1 Last Time
To Star In The Greatest Basketball Movie Ever Told
From Warner Bros Pictures Presents
The 1st Live Action Movie with Cartoons present
Please Wish The G.O.A.T A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳
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toddstool · 2 years
okay back story cuz im sure most of u dont know this but i need to get my thoughts out: I wanted an outdoor garden area for my rabbit to be able to safely play in that also wasn't covered in chicken shit, so my dad fenced off a section of the yard for me to work with. this area was on the side of the house in between the fence and the wall of the house like this:
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(aerial view) which was nice but the sun could only get to it around noon for like an hour, the soil was very high in clay, and it's part of the area of the yard that's covered in rocks. I went to work on it before he set the fence up by removing the top layer of rocks, getting rid of the plastic sheet underneath, and trying to till the soil, but that didn't help with the high clay content so growing stuff was unlikely. and whatever did start to grow eventually died because of the lack of sunlight. I spent like a couple years slowly working on it to try to change the soil with my complete lack of resources and i kinda made a difference but not much :/ it's always been hard to start any outdoor project because my dad immediately shuts down any ideas that i have because i want a flourishing garden full of all kinds of untamed plants, while he likes the straight forward grass and rocks suburban stuff 😐 it always frustrated me as a kid but as i get older i realize that he's defensive of his "yard" probably cuz he grew up in rural poverty and having a nice grass yard was a luxury. I just wish he would fuvking liiiStTennn to mmmMmMeeEEE. he won't let me start a compost pile either. and like I try to bring up changing the soil texture by removing some of the clay and adding sand, and then adding organic material to bring the soil to life. but NOoOOoOo. bugs bad, weeds bad, anything not completely controlled and uniform: BAD.
but anyway! the whole reason im bring this up is because, since i haven't been using that area like i said i would (because he won't let me change the fucking soil 😐 like dude what am I gonna do with a mud patch) he decided that we're gonna move the fence line up and then use that area for another shed and more storage. which I agree with. i didn't like that spot because of what i said early but also because that's where a pipe access is. so i had to work around a main water line lol. so i asked if i could have a DIFFERENT area and i think he agreed to that. he said technically that "we'll find you another spot" and i have my fucking spot picked so :>. it's in the right corner of our yard and i already have an idea for my fence and spacing.
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im excited cuz it's totally out of the way, it gets good sun, and it's a larger space to work with. its the same ground type as the other spot but if I can guilt trip my dad into helping me I should be able to get it done quickly. I just need help buying and transporting sand bags and also with building the fence. i think i want to completely section it off like from top to bottom with a mesh cloth to help with bugs during the summer when im out there with my rabbit. maybe with a detachable ability so that the plants in there can be pollinated and whatnot. so the ONLY THINGS he would need to do is: help with getting and transporting the material (wood for fence and sand and compost bags), and then helping put the fence together. the terraforming and plants I can do by myself. my birthday is coming up so i think I'll bring this up to him and ask to start it after we get the main yard fence situation all done. cuz i really think this will help with my depression. I've said it before but living in suburbia in a desert is absolutely awful. i can never go outside during growing season. and winter only last a couple months here and is basically just fall for other places. ugh :( i hope he listens. i want my bunny to be able to enjoy going outside before she passes away. and i want a nice garden for myself.
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meloneta · 3 years
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[ID: The Bugs Bunny "pleasant evening" meme. Bugs Bunny stands to the right wearing a tuxedo. Text to the left of him reads: "I wish all trees a very happy birthday." End ID]
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