#buffy tvs season 5
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ceruleanrainblues · 11 months ago
Spike the true tortured poet
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S05E07: Fool for love S05E22: The Gift
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stormcided · 28 days ago
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"blood ties" S5 E13
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nostalgc · 3 months ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Season Five.
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screensland · 6 days ago
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BUFFY SUMMERS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S05E01, — "Buffy vs Dracula".
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 1 month ago
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screenshothaven · 7 months ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy Summers)
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girl4music · 1 year ago
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I wouldn’t say it was just Anya’s plan but she was a significant part of it for sure. Had she had not made the suggestions she did, it’s doubtful they would have won that battle. She was pivotal.
They all contributed in one way or another and that’s what I really love about this finale.
It was a true team effort.
Willow and Tara’s magical abilities and power
Spike’s muscle and determination
Anya’s out of the box thinking and bravery
Xander’s construction expertise and bravery
Giles’ insistence to do what the other’s could not
And of course Buffy’s heroism and sacrifice.
It’s just such a majestic finale in this way. And the fact that there was only one casualty was very much a triumph. Of course - we the fans - would see it differently. But in the actuality of things - they really did WIN that battle as a team.
Hell, even if she doesn’t have her own consciousness and autonomy - I would still give credit to Buffybot as well. She also was needed. I really loved how they turned what was a selfish, disgusting and absolutely vile choice into a very positive, appropriate and beneficial one. They found a use for her that wasn’t sexual and emotional gratification. I really love that.
And it’s really poignant after what we see in ‘I Was Made To Love You’. You could essentially say that was April’s justice. See it all connects.
This entire season is just exceptionally written and it all connects and contributes to give us a truly outstanding and unmatched season finale. I have never come across another TV show in my life with a season that’s this damn good as far as consistency goes in its writing. Connecting all the dots together. I would say maybe Season 3 of Xena (which I adore with everything in me) but even that pales in comparison. Season 5 of Buffy is THAT standard of TV show art/entertainment storytelling that can never be outdone. I fucking love it to pieces. Everything it represents, every bit of character representation and development, every bit of plot/storyline/narrative arc cohesiveness and consistency. It’s just fucking A++
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bookhouseboy1980-blog · 10 months ago
Buffy Season 5: Best and Worst Episodes + Season MVP's
Sub to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RevisitingTheBuffyverse-yp3ey/videos
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loverhymeswith · 2 years ago
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wikiangela · 2 years ago
ngl I could see Fred with Spike before I'd even wanna look in the direction of Fred with Wesley lmao
like, I don't think I ship it, but Fred and Spike are having some moments rn and arguably having more natural chemistry than Wes and Fred ever had sns
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stormcided · 18 days ago
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"Doppelgangland" S3 E16 + "Checkpoint" S5 E12
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kurtcore · 1 year ago
i keep forgetting to go on tumblr bc i spend all my free time watchung buffy. anyways i love spike and tara and anya <3
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spuffybot · 10 months ago
Someone asked me why Buffy is my favorite show and I had to stop myself from writing more than this but this is what I said…
1. Despite its complicated history (the creator turned out to be an abusive asshole) it’s one of the first mainstream successful examples of smart feminist genre tv and it laid the groundwork for everything that has happened since.
2. The show is brilliantly written and uses metaphor so successfully they teach college classes on it. Every episode / monster / dilemma Buffy and her friends face are a parallel for the real life struggles of teenagers.
3. Sarah Michelle Gellars performance across the 7 seasons of the show is a masterclass in acting.
4. It featured one of the first truly fleshed out lesbian relationships on network tv in the US and THE first wlw kiss between committed partners on prime time network TV. I remember the news covering it right after it aired.
5. Season 6 is to date the best depiction of depression I’ve ever seen in any media ever. It’s unflinching, raw, uncomfortable and hard to watch. And having that to watch when I was 13 was really crucial.
6. The way the show built pop culture references into its DNA had such a cultural impact that it’s responsible for turning “google” into a verb.
7. The makeup, fashion, and hair was simultaneously trend setting and a deliberate part of the story telling. You know what’s happening with certain characters based on the colors they are wearing for example.
8. The musical episode was one of the most successful musical episodes of a tv show at the time and it started a trend that tv shows still follow today.
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lesbianaang · 11 months ago
iwtv season 2 screening talk-back highlights:
- everyone playing “let’s embarass jacob anderson with compliments”
- rolin had jacob read a half in character as santino message from ben daniels to the audience
- assad saying his favorite part of the dubai scenes were the “looks” between him and eric
-armand blender shoutout!
- sam reid #1 lestat fan and going strong. when asked how he makes lestat someone we want to root for despite being kinda horrible he essentially said “i understand him. i root for him”
- sam and jacob playfully bristling at each other’s descriptions of their characters and where the “truth” lies for them lol
-for a question about a fun behind the scenes moment, sam and jacob proceed to look directly at each other, burst into laughter for the next 30 seconds, and then refuse to tell us an anecdote?????
-eric saying that Sam and jacob follow each other around on set like no other actors he’s worked with previously and play around “like puppies” lol
-assad describing armand when he meets louis as “lost” and putting on a performance of confidence and power that isn’t fully real
- jacob sent an email to assad calling him “the big VA” in season 1
-eric complimenting the writing of the show again and talking abt how thankful he is to do intense, subtle, emotionally difficult work on this show that he’s never had an opportunity to do before in his career (since he’s usually just the “angry” guy when cast)
-delainey saying that claudia would be the type of girl to go to sephora and shoplift even though she doesn’t need to in modern day
-rolin confirming material being used in the season from tvl, queen of the damned, tale of the body theif, tva, and prince lestat
-episode 3 will be the armand flashbacks to meeting lestat and theatre performer lestat
-episode five is the original interview flashback. according to rolin, episode 5 is where we understand why the second interview needed to happen for one character, and episode 8 we unveil why it needed to happen for another 👀
- in response to what tv show would your character binge: armand -> buffy the vampire slayer; daniel -> breaking bad; claudia -> the oa; and lestat and louis watch real housewives together (this is canon to me now btw)
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 11 days ago
I know it's a small thing that shouldn't bother me, but...The cats in Seasons 10 and 11 are Spike and Xander's, not Spike and Buffy's.
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I'm a Spuffy shipper, but the cats aren't theirs. I see this a lot on Twitter. Spuffy fans who haven't read the comics got this misconception that the cats are Buffy and Spike's, but really they are Spike and Xander's, and this is important to acknowledge. Buffy pets the cats once in a while and is cool with the cats cuddling with Spike in their bed, but she never cares for the cats, barely interacts with them, and would likely not view them as hers in any way (like with Miss Kitty Fantastico - that was Tara and Willow's cat).
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The cats being Spike and Xander's thing is so important, especially for Spike's character growth. In the TV series, we see that Spike is constantly living his life and creating himself and his persona after whatever woman is in his life and takes center stage in his eyes, whether that is with his familial love for his mother or the more romance focused love and relationships that he has with characters like Drusilla and Buffy. Harmony is a female character that Spike ends up with during very transitional times for himself:
Season 4 & Early Season 5 - when his character is very lost and trying to find a place now with the chip in his head.
Angel Season 5 - the brief fling that we see him have with Harmony after he comes back to a solid state of being.
Basically, Spike is a male character that has a very long and storied history with women and especially Buffy. So much of Spike's character is tied to Buffy and to the passion of lust and romance. A key element of TV show Spike's character is him being Love's Bitch. A lot of people love his speech in Season 3's Lovers Walk, and I do understand and get why, but I also feel like his perspective on romance and love is actually rather immature and shallow - a juvenile take that speaks to his issues with codependency.
We see Buffy and Spike move into a healthier direction in Season 7 of the TV show, but Spike's (and Buffy's) codependency is still a problem that needs to be worked through and overcome. Over the course of Angel Season 5 and the comics, we see Spike finally reaching a place where his sense of self and identity isn't completely tied to the women in his life.
Over the course of the TV show we also see that Spike doesn't seem to bond easily with other men (he has Clem and the other demon guys he plays kitten poker with, but that's not quite the same and doesn't really apply to the other human men in the show like Xander or Giles). But, by the end of Season 10 we see Spike having a stronger bond with both Xander and Giles (I'm not even going to bring up Angel here, because that is a whole different post). This is a long journey that Spike has been on since Season 4, when we first see him living with and co-existing with the male characters like Giles and Xander. The Xander and Spike roommate situation is very important, because we see an evolution of it that reflects the growth of both Spike and Xander over the course of the series as a whole.
In Season 4, Xander and Spike are in very transitional phases of their lives and Spike living with Xander is forced upon them both. The place they are living in is a temporary and transitional space that doesn't belong to either of them (Xander's parents basement). There is animosity and resentment. It's funny, but also awkward, and the bad blood is still strong.
In Season 7, we have Xander in more of a position of power over Spike, not only because Spike is staying in a place that Xander pays for, but also because Spike is in a bad place. He is still not fully in his right mind because of The First and his newly acquired soul, and Spike is still adjusting to having a soul. He's still very unsure of himself and his place. There is some bad blood still, but it is more subdued and both Spike and Xander keep more to themselves rather than antagonizing each other. We've seen Xander understanding Spike a bit more over the years, but with the fall out from Season 6, Spike wouldn't be considered a friend or part of his circle still. Spike is a necessary ally in a fight that involves something bigger than all of them. Still, we see Xander not automatically jumping to the worse conclusion with the whole Sleeper situation with Spike and there has been obvious growth with both Xander and Spike as individual characters and as a pair.
In Season 10, Spike has lived his life away from the Scoobies for a number of years and Xander has moved on from Buffy. They are both older and more mature as individual characters, and they understand themselves better. Spike is more self-aware of his flaws when it comes to himself and women and his own lack of self-worth, while Xander is actively going through therapy and working on himself. They both get an apartment together and are sharing the costs together. Spike ends up in a slightly better state (at least mentally speaking) than Xander in Season 10, but there isn't the same power imbalance and the bad blood is mostly gone. They still have their little disagreements, but by Season 10 Spike is considered part of the Scoobies and Xander would likely view him as a friend.
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And this is where the cats come in. They are a gift from Spike to Xander, specifically, and they are dependent beings that Spike and Xander raise together. In Season 11 we even see them talking about who is watching the cats like the cat dads that they are together.
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The cats are theirs and specific to their bond. The cats bring Spike and Xander closer as friends and, though I don't have any love for Season 12, the cats are likely a big part of what make it so that Spike is a welcomed guest in Xander's own home. Even after Spike and Buffy are no longer dating (on a break, however you want to view their situation in Season 12, lol). Spike no longer needs a direct connection to Buffy in order to be a part of the group, because in the comics we see him building and having friendships and bonds outside of Buffy and Dawn.
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He isn't the a co-dependent Love's Bitch anymore. He's still Spike and he still loves deeply and passionately. He still cares about those around him and wears his heart on his sleeve, but he also has a better and more rounded understanding of himself and is able to function and exist outside of a romantic relationship (or outside of having a crush/a rebound relationship/etc.). The reason for that is largely due to things like the Spander Cats.
I love Spike, I love Buffy, I love Spuffy, and I love the way their relationship grows and evolves and changes over time...But not everything involving Spike or Buffy is specifically tied to or about Spuffy.
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nakedinm4nhattan · 2 months ago
Here’s some lesser known sapphic tv shows that I recommend
Yellowjackets — only two canon lesbians and a gay man but in my opinion like half of them are lesbians, they get stranded in canada because of their plane crashing and eventually resort to cannibalism. Season three comes premiers on valentines day.
Teenage Bounty Hunters— one lesbian and one bisexual, they go to a religious school. Enemies to lovers, show ends on a cliffhanger
Bodkin— Irish journalist lesbian returns to Ireland because her boss sent her there due to complications involving a guy who killed himself, along with two other people to do a Podcast. The girl she kisses only has like 5 minutes of screen time and they don’t end up in a relationship. Hasn’t been cancelled or renewed for another season.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer— no lesbianism until season 4, this show is especially good if u love the whimsigoth aesthetic. Theres a really popular ship involving Buffy and Faith, unfortunately the writers didn’t make them canon. But there’s two canon witch lesbians.
Dare Me— so underrated, two canon lesbian cheerleaders. Very homoretic friendship, they kiss once. It’s like Jackieshauna but more toxic. There’s definitely some dark themes, unfortunately it was cancelled. But it’s still worth the watch in my opinion.
The Boys— this show is definitely really known, but most people don’t know that there is in fact a sapphic relationship in the show involving one of the main characters. Shes bisexual and her girlfriend or situationship is lesbian. They get a happy ending, at least so far. Theres another season coming so I can’t be sure.
The Fall of the House of Usher— a variety of queer characters, only two have canon sexualities. One of the main characters, Madeline Usher kisses a girl. She sees that girl everywhere as her brother’s kids start dying quickly. The only canon sexualities is her brother’s kid, shes a lesbian and has a wife. Definitely check out Mike Flanagan’s other shows, almost all have some sort of sapphic rep.
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