#buffy summers you deserved so much better
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raisedbythetv89 · 6 months ago
Willow getting treated with such tenderness and support after losing tara and her “magic addiction” because she committed violence against others vs Buffy who got NOTHING after losing angel twice, her mom, her own life and then life in heaven just to battle severe depression and capitalism as well as demons because the only violence she was committing was against herself with her own self hatred (shown in her relationship w/ both shadows faith and spike) doesn’t at all drive me to the ends of my sanity not even a little 😃👍🏻
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It's actually pretty funny (funny stupid, not funny ha-ha) Giles left Buffy in s6 because he felt she was too dependent on him. As Buffy has shown again and again she already knew how to be independent and self-reliant (Walsh even said it herself), she was just so destroyed emotionally at that point she didn't know who else to turn to.
Oh, it's so much worse than that.
At the beginning of season 4, Giles tells Buffy she's an adult now and needs to be more independent. At the end of that same season, he throws a drunken tantrum because Spike points out that he's not in charge, Buffy is-- particularly pathetic, considering Buffy was calling most of the shots from season 2 at the absolute latest, and Spike at least had to lie to get the two nineteen year olds to act as ridiculous and childish as he did.
In season 5, Giles is thinking about leaving because Buffy doesn't need him anymore, but stays because she asks him to help her train more and go deeper into what being The Slayer really means. Then he does leave when she dies, leaving the Hellmouth and a deeply traumatized fifteen year old girl-- who was also the person Buffy loved most in the world-- to the care of a floundering group of twenty year olds, a lovesick vampire and a robot. But, you know, they can call him if they need him or whatever, and Buffy didn't specifically tell him to be the adult in her absence, so totally not an insanely selfish and irresponsible thing to do!
Then he comes back in season 6 because obviously Buffy will need him after being brought back to life, right? But then apparently she was supposed to stop needing him within just a few months and be not only fully recovered from her own death, but ready to be a completely independent homeowner and single mother to a teenager at twenty years old-- while also slaying and saving the world and all that.
In season 7 he tells her she needs to take charge and be a General-- until he doesn't like her decisions and actively undermines her, then participates in throwing her out of her own house.
This is what I meant by emotional cowardice and immaturity. Rather than face his own mid-life crisis, regrets and feelings of inadequacy, he pushes it all off onto Buffy. He's not running from his problems! Chronically dodging real responsibility? Not wise old Giles! Being a petty little bitch rather than face his emotions? Never! No, no, Buffy is the problem. If she would just find a way to be completely independent but also defer to him at all times, he wouldn't need to do these things.
I don't think I'll ever have it in me to truly dislike Giles as a character, and all this is part of what makes him interesting. He's not inherently good, and also nowhere near as wise or put together as he likes to pretend he is. He's a mess of a man, but he usually comes through in the end anyway, and is ultimately a force for good in the world when he could have just as easily become another Ethan-- and probably a much more effective one.
I do, however, often want to reach through the screen and slap the stupid out of him.
Thanks for the ask!
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coraniaid · 6 months ago
Fuffy + keepsake + tension + quiet
Okay, this ended up being long enough that I should probably put a read-more somewhere...
Faith knows that none of this is real, right from the start.  
That’s something, anyway.  A small kindness on behalf of whatever higher power it is that runs all this.  It means that waking up, when it’s over, won’t hurt quite so much.
In real life, she knows that she’s about a year into a minimum twenty five year sentence.  That right now she must be sleeping fitfully on a hard bed in a gray cell somewhere in Stockton.  In real life she’s exactly where she deserves to be: locked up in a cage, in the dark, somewhere not quite in the ordinary world.  Somewhere she can’t do any more damage.  
Because she did it, all of it, everything they thought to charge her with and more.  She killed a couple of people, hurt plenty more, and she’d have kept going if somebody hadn’t stopped her, one way or another.  She’d enjoyed it – at least at first – and she’d been good at it.  Better than she’d ever been at playing at being some kind of hero. 
For a while, she’d managed to persuade herself that it was what she was born to do.  That she was becoming what she’d always been meant to be.  And then, later, when she’d sunk too deep, it didn’t matter anymore whether she enjoyed it or not.  There was no way out by then except to plunge head down and drown.
In the dream though, she’s back in school and none of that has happened yet.  
This isn’t a school she’d ever been to as a student.  Not one of the several different high schools back in Boston that had passed her back and forth like a particularly unappetizing hot potato before she’d done them all a favor and dropped out.  Not the school her mom had only sometimes remembered she went to, the school where she’d learned that other kids could smell weakness on you like a sickness and if you weren’t rich and smart and popular you were either strong or you were nothing.
This is the school.  Her school.  Sunnydale High.  Not ruined yet, not rubble and debris, but whole and unbroken.
She’s in the library.  Both of them are.  It’s just the two of them, alone in all the world.  Sparring, the way they’d used to back then.  Wondering if the other girl felt the same tension in the air whenever one of them – usually not her, at least the way Faith remembers it – would end up on top of the other at the end of a fight, trying to wrestle the other girl into submission.  Trying to pretend she didn’t notice the way the other Slayer’s tank top would ride up her stomach when she worked out, or the way her skin shone like gold when she started to break a sweat.  Back to working up the courage to ask if, now that Blueberry Muffin Scott was out of the picture, the newly single Buffy Summers could be persuaded to let Faith tag along with her to that Homecoming thing she was so crazy about.
In real life, a part of her remembers, this isn’t exactly how this had played out.  It had been a school day for one thing, at least for everyone but her.  The middle of the afternoon, not hours after midnight.  There had been crowds of kids noisily swarming in the halls outside, talking and laughing and totally oblivious to how important this moment was.  This is different.  Quieter.  Better.  Just her and Buffy.  The Chosen Two.  The way it should have been.
It hurts, reliving this.  Hurts more than she thought it would. But maybe this is also what she deserves.  Maybe she deserves to be punished.
“We never did get to go to that stupid party together, did we?” she says sadly.  “Not really.”
She’d always meant to.ask Buffy, afterwards, when it was too late, if things might have been different if they had.  If Trick’s stupid scheme hadn’t spoiled things.  If Buffy had seen that Faith could get dressed up and sit quietly in a limo like a normal girl; that she could follow the rules and make smalltalk while she waited to be asked to dance.  If she’d seen her standing up for her and putting that asshole Scott in his place.  If Angel hadn’t been back from hell already, already Buffy’s little undead secret, her hidden rival for Buffy’s attention and affection somehow winning without ever realizing he was in a fight.
But she hadn’t really ever been good, had she?  Hadn’t followed the rules.  That’s why she’s rotting in the dark in North California tonight and dreaming empty dreams about the past, not wherever Buffy really is.  Why she’s not where Buffy needs her to be.  That’s why she doesn’t get to ask that kind of question.
And maybe it’s why this dream memory of Buffy doesn’t even deign to answer the question she did ask.  Just smiles at her, politely, slightly puzzled, like what she said didn’t make any sense but it’d be rude to spell that out.
Maybe it didn’t.  Maybe this is one of those nightmares where she can’t even speak.  Where she keeps begging for forgiveness but can’t even get through that that’s what she wants.
Her stomach hurts most of all: an old, familiar ache.  Just nerves, she thinks at first, until she touches the place the pain is worse and feels something wet and hot and sticky.  Sees the dark stain spreading over the library floor where she's been standing.
“Damn,” she says wonderingly, looking down at the blood.  “I thought it had stopped doing that.”
At least the bleeding gets Buffy’s attention.
“Can I…?”
Buffy crouches down in front of her while Faith takes a seat.  Pulls her shirt away from her skin, gingerly.   Runs a finger slowly across her scar.  Gently, thoughtfully, almost fondly.  She doesn’t seem to notice the blood, or the way it stains her.  The way it sticks to her, red and vital and indelible.  Maybe she just doesn’t care anymore.  She looks up at Faith, green eyes wide and trusting.
“Does it hurt?” she asks.
Faith hesitates, but not for long. The bleeding seems to be stopping again anyway.
“Yeah,” she admits, because this is only a dream,  “Sometimes.  A little.”
“That’s good,” Buffy says, voice still gentle.  Expression still calm and innocent.  “You deserved this.”
She says it simply, like it’s just a fact.  Without any malice or anger at all.  And it is a fact, isn’t it?  Faith nods.  She did.  She does.
“Besides,” Buffy says, fingers still resting on Faith’s stomach.  On the place she’d slid the knife in two years ago.  “I think the scar suits you.  Something to remember me by once I’ve moved on.”
There's an echo there, of something Faith had said once herself, a long time ago.  When she was lost and flailing and drowning.  When she thought she was going to … but no, she thinks.  She won’t let herself finish that thought.
“Yeah, well, as keepsakes go I’ve gotta say it’s pretty crappy,” she grumbles.  “You couldn’t leave me one of your old stakes or something?”
Buffy shakes her head, absently wiping her hands clean on one of the books spread out casually on the table her friends all used to pile around for their secret little meetings.  Faith glances around, nervously, half sure that Giles is going to loom out of the shadows and throw a fit when he sees what they’re up to.
“I don’t exactly think they’d let you keep something like that where you are, Faith,” the other Slayer says, a little reprovingly.  Just like she used to do whenever Faith said anything wrong. 
Why can’t you be different? that voice says, even if this Buffy doesn’t.  Why can’t you try harder?  Buffy isn’t like Faith.  Half the time she doesn’t even want to be a Slayer.  She likes listening to her Watcher and worrying about tests and doing what she’s told and she’s never, ever going to joke about giving Faith a weapon again.
“Right,” Faith says, properly abashed.  “I guess I forgot.”
She hadn’t, not really, but it’s easier to pretend.  Not that Buffy seems to care.  She frowns, glances at her stake, suddenly in her hand.  Faith’s sure it wasn’t there a moment ago.
“Besides,” she says, “This one isn’t really mine to give you.”
Faith nods.  It was hers, wasn’t it?  The other one.  The girl who died.  The Slayer who she never met; the one who was supposed to exist between them.  Something had passed from Buffy to her, and then been passed back from her to Buffy.  Leaving Faith cut off, isolated.  A neglected offshoot.  A mistake.
“You never told me about her,” she says.
It’s not quite an accusation.  Not quite a simple statement of fact either.  She only remembers hearing her name said out loud once, in all the time she’d spent in Sunnydale.  Kendra.  Kendra the Vampire Slayer, who’d died less than a year after being Called.  
“You never asked,” Buffy answers quietly, a little uncertainly.  “And it was too …”
“... painful,” Faith finishes for her.  “Yeah.  I get that, now.”
Put like that, she supposes she and Buffy have both had a pretty good run.  Almost a decade, between the two of them.  More than most Slayers get.  More than a lot of ordinary people who don’t even get to enjoy the whole superpowers side of things ever get.  But nothing lasts forever, does it?  All they can do is delay the inevitable.
She has another memory, suddenly.  A moment she’d almost forgotten.  Her first night at Buffy’s place.  Having dinner; the first home cooked meal she’d eaten in God knows how long.  Pretending she couldn’t hear Buffy and her Mom quietly arguing in the kitchen.  That her Slayer senses didn’t let her hear Joyce tell Buffy that she didn’t want her daughter to die, or Buffy’s unwitting admission that she already had.  Remembers locking eyes with Buffy’s kid sister – who hadn’t stopped staring at her with a kind of quiet awe all night – and hoping her ears weren’t so sharp.  Helping herself to some of Buffy’s spare fries and winking at the kid while she did it.  Like they were partners in crime now.  Co-conspirators.
She’s never going to talk to Joyce or Dawn again either, she supposes.  Can’t exactly blame them for that.  Not after what she did.  She hopes they’re both doing okay though, back in Sunnydale.  Hopes that the world’s been kinder to them than she was.  But she guesses that that’s another sort of question she doesn’t have the right to ask Buffy.  Still, she–
A sudden noise surprises her.  A bell ringing, somewhere outside.  Shrill, demanding.  A summoning.  Not for her, of course – hell, Faith doesn’t even go to this school – but for the real Slayer.  For Buffy.
“I have to go,” Buffy tells her, almost like an apology.
Faith has a feeling she’s missing something important.
“To class?” she asks.
It’s the wrong question.  She knows that, even before the other girl shakes her head.  They’re both a little too old for high school, aren’t they?  Neither of them are kids anymore.  And somehow, without Faith noticing, Buffy’s changed out of the clothes she was wearing while they sparred.  Now she’s dressed in white; in an outfit that changes every time Faith looks at it.  First a dress, the sort Faith can imagine her wearing to Prom or to some other kind of high school dance, then a soft white cardigan over comfortable light gray pants like her Mom might have worn once, then a long white jacket stained with dust and ash and soot.  
“If …” Buffy starts, frowns, corrects herself.  “When you meet the new girl,  tell her …” 
The older Slayer shrugs.  Smiles ruefully, a little bit embarrassed.
“I dunno.  I haven’t figured it all out yet.  Just make up something cool.  You were always good at that, right?”
Her tone is more playful than pointed, but Faith can’t help but flinch a little.  Yeah, she’d told all kinds of dumb, bullshit stories when they’d first met, hadn’t she?  Desperate to make everyone think she was fun and exciting and interesting; to make the infamous Buffy Summers think that maybe she was going to have a little competition now.  To make her think she was worthy.  That she deserved to be alive when her Watcher and everyone she’d ever been supposed to protect was dead.  To convince her – convince herself – that they could even begin to be equals.  Of course Buffy had seen through that.  Of course she’d known they weren’t.
“You know me, B,” she says weakly.
She does.  She always has.  That was at least half the problem, wasn’t it?  No matter how cunning she thought she was being, she could never fool Buffy for long.
Now Buffy looks at her, and she sees her – every aspect of her, even the broken and ugly parts, the rotting and wrong parts she’d always thought she was able to hide – and Faith thinks that, in the way she only ever will do in dreams, she accepts her.  The real Buffy would have judged her, again.  Found her wanting. Asked her why she couldn’t just be perfect like Sunndale’s own Little Miss Sunshine.  
But this Buffy is different.  She looks at her, considers. Decides.  Leans forward, slowly, and kisses her gently on the forehead, the way that the real Buffy never did and never would have done.  It’s not forgiveness, exactly.  Faith knows that she doesn’t deserve that; knows that she never will.  Not even from a memory.  Not even in a dream. 
It’s something close though.  Call it acknowledgment, maybe.  Call it recognition.  Understanding.  An admission, finally, that Faith wasn’t crazy to think that they could be the same.  That they could have been the same, if only Faith had–
The bell rings again.  Louder, this time.  More insistent.  Buffy touches Faith’s shoulder, gently, just once.  A parting gesture.  Takes a step back, eyes never leaving hers.
“Be brave, Faith,” she tells her.  “Be better.”
Then she’s gone.  Slipping through the twin library doors like a pale ghost before Faith can respond.  They swing shut behind her, somehow locking closed again as they do.  The sound they make echoes throughout the library, hard and heavy and forever.
When Faith manages to force the doors open and stagger outside – before she even has time to wonder if the library doors always led right to the front of the school like this – she can tell at once that Buffy is gone.  No matter how hard she looks, there’s no sign of the other Slayer.  No flash of blonde hair or white clothing in the distance.  No sign of anybody else at all.  Just clear sidewalks and abandoned cars as far as the eye can see.  Deserted houses and abandoned playgrounds and other quiet, empty places. For the first time in nearly three whole years – for the first time since she was Called – she’s completely and totally alone.  But the sun is creeping over the horizon and the sky is full of birds.
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trealtox · 6 months ago
I hate season 7 of "Buffy the vampire slayer"
Let's get this straight, I like these series. They are fun and entertaining (and I only started watching it because of Spuffy). But I HATE season 7.
First of all, what is the deal with those guys? Out of the blue all characters (Spike excluded. Love him❤️) start doubting Buffy and her leadership. This girl saved all of you hundreds of times, and when the world is on the edge of collapsing, you turn your backs on her?! If she's such a bad leader, then why did you put all the responsibility on her shoulders? Why did you bring her back from heaven? To tell her, that she's not better than you? I'm sorry guys, but your crew is: a whining bitch-boy, magic (read as 'drug') addicted witch, a blorb of energy, a former vengeance demon and a killer watcher. With your list of deeds, I have bad news for you: none of you goes to heaven. NONE. She IS better than you.
Second of all, what is their sudden problem with Spike? In the last season all Scoobies want to kill Spike and say that it's because he's dangerous. Well, he is. Just like all of you. Your killer count talks louder than you (he killed because he was souless and he feeds on blood. You killed because you could. There is difference). They keep saying that he should be taken out because he is dangerous, and yet remind me, who held him by their side while he was useful? And did Scoobies thank him even once? (I actually don't remember. Tell me, if they did) Buffy is the only person who actually tries to be reasonable and accept that Spike has changed. In return she gets a potential slayer,a school headmaster and her own father figure being all mad at her, saying that she is the problem. If you want to kill him so badly, just do it already and stop making Buffy responsible for your own wishes (not like I would forgive them if they did)
Point number 3. Again with the hypocrisy of Scoobies. Faith comes back, sees that girls can't stop complaining and decides to take them out clubbing. Buffy sees that and gets mad (logically). Later on everyone decides that Faith should be the new leader. Why? Why would a former killer and a traitor be a good leader? Because she took a bunch of teens drinking, when you should all be ready to fight? If I recall, it was almost considered a crime for Buffy to rest, when there were better times. Now, when Buffy is tired and stressed from constant responsibility, all the potential slayers say that she's "not cool". Scoobies just can't be more hypocritical. Faith killed people out if her own free will. She teamed up with a villain, and she enjoyed it. Buffy made one mistake of attacking one villain. What do Scoobies get out of that? "Buffy is not better than us. Faith is. 🎶Let's put this guy infront of the crowd🎶". And let's be honest with that: Giles acts petty in here. The only reason he stands against Buffy, is because she got sick of him lying to her and telling her to kill Spike, so she honestly told him that she can't trust any of them. He got offended by her disobedience so much, that he decided to get rid of her. That's not a nice thing to do to a girl who is like a daughter to you.
Btw, Faith deserves a second chance and Spike doesn't? Spike was SOULESS. He wasn't supposed to be good and yet he almost died just to be the better version of himself. At the same time Faith was supposed to be the protector of people, yet she decided to join the homicide. She was creepy enough to SMELL THE KNIFE. And yet we get a whole storyline about "bad Buffy still thinking of her as a killer." The hero we deserve, I suppose? Btw, Faith IS a killer. She enjoyed it. I don't know why Scoobies want to forgive her so badly and give her a bunch of teens, taken away from Buffy, but they don't trust Spike.
And my favourite. The cherry on top. THEY KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. Giles had his own place. Xander has his own place. Willow wasn't homeless before she moved into the Summers's house. And yet, when they needed a place to put all the potential slayers, they took them into Buffy's house. And then they kick her out. The "good guys".
Buffy needs no enemies with friends like that.
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drvcxrys · 11 days ago
hello! i'm a bit late but better late than never so here is my starting call for the event. i'm capping my characters at 3 so if you want a starter just comment over here and i would be happy to write something for you!
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abigail hobbs (0/3) - going solo
she decided to just go to dance to try and distract herself mostly, be social perhaps in a way so here she is with this.
adora (1/3) - going solo catra (thetorturedmusesdept)
adora decided to just go to this ball to have some fun with her friends and just that, nothing much. she loves to be social and hanging around and just making new friends in general.
alice cullen (4/3) blind date with vaggie vaggie (strawbrryrush), edward (grcycosmcs), carlisle cullen (bcrncoldx) emmett (thetorturedmusesdept)
having a good time is what she wanted to have, meet new friends and basically that's why she signed up in this blind date so this could be interesting for her in a way, of course.
alicent hightower (0/3) - blind date with fiyero tiggular
this is very new to her, the whole blind date thing but after working very hard, she deserves some break so that's why she signed up in this blind date, she's not looking for anything, just to have a good time basically.
annabeth chase (0/3) blind date with carlos garcia
annabeth is not someone that enjoys much of dances or something fancy like this but she is just trying something new here and there.
annie cresta (1/3) going with finnick odair verosika mayday (hiddendarkrosesx)
annie is just happy to be here with finnick. annie is not someone that enjoys much a party because it can be a lot for her but if she's with finnick she doesn't care much, she just wants to spend a normal night with him and enjoying the night, trying to be social as well.
beverly marsh (1/3) going with peter hale richie tozier (hiddendarkrosesx)
she's here to just have a very good time with her boyfriend and make some friends along the way too, she loves some dances as well because it is just a very nice thing for her to dress up and having a good time here.
bianca di angelo (0/3) blind date with kat mitchell
this is new for her, but she does like to have some fun here and also make some friend in this place. she's trying to be more social here and just being able to mingle with people.
bree tanner (1/3) - going solo shelly (vcndetta)
this is going to be a challenge for her to be around humans but she's going to try and do her best to be social and stop being that introvert and just start living here.
buffy summers (1/3) going with angel drusilla (bcrncoldx)
having a good time with her boyfriend is something she does enjoy and love having. right now what she wants is to have a normal night, of course she's prepare for everything but she hopes that nothing is going to happen for now.
caroline forbes (0/3) - blind date with jake fitzgerald
doing a blind date is not something caroline usually would do but since she's here, she's trying to do something very new so doing this is a big step, why not, trying to meet new people and trying new things as well.
claudia (0/3) going with sara
after everything that's been going on with her with her memories from her past, she is happy to spend this night with someone that she actually likes so here she is, just to try and have some a good time here.
daenerys targaryen (1/3) - going solo dain aetos (wvsteria)
right now going solo at this party is a good idea in her mind because she's not the most social person but she's trying slowly getting out of her comfort zone just by being here.
daphne bridgerton (3/3) - going solo benedict bridgerton (rainbowmuses) anthony bridgerton (wvsteria) violet (rcvcrics)
she left auggie with the babysitter and since she loves getting dress up and going to balls, this is her scenario but this time she is not with a date because she's a married woman, simon is not here but she can't see herself going with someone else. however, she would love to just spend some time and meet some people as well.
faye chamberlain (1/3) - blind date with bmo luther (misteriios)
blind date? her? she never thought that she was ever going to sign up at this but she did out of curiosity and in this dance she decided to just have a good time, dance and perhaps if there is some chaos be involved as well, she also enjoys a bit of that after all.
ginny miller (1/3) - going with marcus baker georgia miller (vcndetta)
since finally she remembers, she accepted going with marcus because he was familiar and maybe this was a chance to start something new perhaps so this was of course a good thing, just trying to have some fun here.
hanna marin (2/3) - blinde date with zoe rivas spencer hastings (wvsteria) miles hollingsworth (hiddendarkrosesx)
dances, nice dresses...totally her scenario, she loves that. and now here she's just going to have some fun and relax a bit.
heidi volturi (2/3) - going solo didyme (rcvcrics) alec (misteriios)
heidi doesn't like attachments and going with a date in general is not something she enjoys so here she does like to flirt with people and just have some fun, that would be all, that's why she's here basically.
hope mikaelson (1/3) - going with landon kirby hayley marshall (wvsteria)
landon finally remembers and she feels a bit better now that at least he does remember and they can go together here so even if she's not a fan of dances, she decided to go to spend some time with him and just having a good date, hoping that nothing can happen of course.
isabelle lightwood (0/3) - going solo
this is really something she enjoys and she decided to go solo mostly because she is just here to have some fun and meeting people in general but not really to date so blind date is not something she enjoys to do.
jean grey (2/3) - going solo charles xavier (mischiefxmuses) peter (rcvcrics)
jean is very introvert, is not easy for her to do friends but she's doing her best so perhaps this dance might help her out with that.
jessica riley(1/3) - going with mike munroe ashley brown (vcndetta)
jessica loves getting herself pretty and going to a dance and just enjoy herself so basically this is what she wanted to do here.
jill roberts (1/3) - blind date with sibella dracula sibela dracula (thetorturedmusesdept)
her facade is always the same just to pretend to be really nice, sweet because she always does that, unless the other person is like her or she senses that is like her but if she's not, she does like to pretend and that's what she's going to do here basically.
kagome higurashi (0/3) - going with inuyasha
she's very excited because is like a date for them and finally they can do something together like this so she's going to try to enjoy this night with him and hopefully nothing bad is going to happen either.
kang bit na/justitia (0/3) - going solo
she's new here, justitia arrived to this place and she ended up like accepting to go this ball so to her is just interesting how all of this is happening so she's basically going to see more of this place.
kang no eul (0/3) - going solo
no, no eul is not someone that likes parties or anything like that, not since she remembers but she decided to go just mostly because she heard rumors that bad things usually happen in this place.
katara (0/3) - going with zuko
katara is very excited actually to go finally with zuko to some event as a formal in some event and now this is their chance to do something different, she likes that.
kim jun hee (0/3) - going solo
mostly out of curiosity she's here because she just wanted to see what was the deal with this dance, that was all and she had nothing better to do.
kitty song-covey (0/3) - blind date with spencer hastings
she's super excited that she signed up to this blind date and mostly because she just wanted to meet new people and make new friends so she's hoping that everything is going to be alright and this party is going to be perfect for her to be social.
lissa dragomir (1/3) - blind date with gu zi rose hathaway (vcndetta)
she signed up to this blind date for curiosity, she thought it could be interesting to meet new people there, now in this dance she can be social and that's something she just enjoys.
loona (1/3) - blind date with achilles kurt hummel (rainbowmuses)
this is what humans does, their type of parties, she feels intrigued about this so that's why she's here mostly to see what this is about.
lucy gray baird (1/3) blinde date with glinda upland tigris snow (grcycosmcs)
she was never expecting to actually sign up to this blind date but she did because she wanted to try and move on and forget about some things from home and just enjoy herself, make new friends, that's all that she wants at the moment.
mal faery (0/3) going solo
she is not a fan of dresses or dances or anything like that but she's going just because if something bad happens, she prefers to be in the dance and not in her home where she is blind about the whole situation.
mary stuart (2/3) - going solo horatio hornblower (bcrncoldx) kenna de poitiers (vcndetta)
she's not ready to go on a date with anyone, that's why she's here alone but she decided to go because she kind of misses dressing up and just going to a dance so she wanted to go and see how it was going to be.
myrcella baratheon (0/3) - going with baela targaryen
she is very excited to be here with baela and enjoying the night here with her, this is her first real date so this is magical to her. she loves balls, dances, all of it, it reminds her of home, of course and she really enjoys that.
nancy wheeler (1/3) - going with steve harrington. henry creel (mischiefxmuses)
she has been in a ball like this in washington so she knows it is risky to go but she's going to do her best to just go and have some fun but of course always be prepare with everything.
niffty (0/3) - blind date with monkey d. luffy
she's just chaotic but plain and simple chaotic. she just decided to sign for blind date to see if she was going to be paired up with a bad boy just how she likes them and this dance is perfect to create some chaos as well, she's just going to enjoy that.
rapunzel corona (0/3) - going solo
rapunzel decided to go to this dance just to try and have some fun, being social and all of that, she needed that so why not.
samantha carpenter (1/3) - going solo mindy meeks-martin (wvsteria)
sam is here mostly to keep an eye on her sister just to make sure that she's okay, it seems that she didn't remember at all but still, she always is going to take care of her, even if she doesn't remember.
tohru honda (1/3) - going solo oz osbourne (rainbowmuses)
she loves to just meet new friends, have a good time and she was curious about this so tohru decided to just going to this dance to see how it was going to be.
usagi tsukino (0/3) - going solo
she doesn't have her friends or boyfriend here, she does miss them but being the social butterfly that she is, she decided to go here to the dance and just trying to meet new friends and have the best time.
wednesday addams (1/3) - going solo luke patterson (misteriios)
last time she went to a party was with tyler and this time she just went just because she kept hearing that strange and dangerous thing might happen in events like this so in morbid curiosity, she decided to go.
win wanichakarnjonku (0/3) - team siriyothin
date night with his boyfriend it was perfect for him so of course he decided to be here with team, it was just perfect to spend some time together, drink something and snack something as well.
yelena belova (3/3) - going solo loki (mischiefxmuses) natasha romanoff (wvsteria) aelin (rcvcrics)
she decided to go alone and she was very curious to this party so she decided to go. last time she went to a party, she was there working so now is more like a pleasant type of situation.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, December 31, Part II
[Fandom Discussions]
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My Top Fives of 2024 by veronyxk84
Adventdrabbles 2024 — Wrap-Up Masterpost by veronyxk84
2024 Year in Review by [personal profile] veronyxk84
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okay. Finished Buffy. Moving on to the Willow comics and ao3. by oddly-informed-raven
season 6 btvs is actually pretty cathartic to me by rorykillmore
did wesley actually have a job at sunnydale high by officialrapunzelfitzherbert
like if i choose to believe that what happens in the oz and lady werewolf episode by zammis22, lesbianmarrow
thought about how cordelia chase deserved better in the angel series by pinknnight
“Butch Awakening” BTVS Dream Storytime ft. Spike by livelaughlesbian00
While Riley, Xander, and Lindsey all read very much as repressed bisexuals, it’s important to note that they’re all three different flavors of repressed bisexuals. by riley-summers
BTVS RANT!!! by ahsokasrightlightsaber
The fact Buffy had to work her ass off to pay the bills and bring food at home, while Willow and Tara did absolutely nothing to help her (DESPITE LIVING IN THAT HOUSE TOO), will always frustate me. by tvserie-s-world
Kendra the Vampire Slayer by ineffablecho
I know that the idea that Amy Madison is secretly in love with Willow is not canon. by coraniaid
continuing on my ats watch, we got to waiting in the wings, and… y'know, I’m a little bit confused with myself as to why I disliked that episode so much by camellcat
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Why did Giles think it was a good idea to leave Buffy? by BuffyBot22
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Did Buffy actually enjoy it? by FallenAngel00
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What makes a crucifix a crucifix fit to harm vampires? by ChemistAlert9149
Angel isn't much angstier than Spike by brwitch
Thoughts on Season 8? by ATH3NA01
What happen if Riley not go? by FoxIndependent4310
Angel being a doting dad to baby Connor in season three by jdpm1991
Give me something to sing about! by ATH3NA01
Cordelia's worst nightmare! by Intelligent-Day-5954
This scene gets me every time. by Dial_M_Media
When Buffy admitted this in the musical episode was it heart breaking to anyone else? by Femme_fatale83
What is the reason Spike could hit Buffy? by Pitiful-Talk-7798
s1e12 noob question by Parking_Particular48
Favourite line by Unimatrix_Zero_One
Giles and Cordelia had a side friendship that nobody noticed by AmbitiousOutside7498
What’s something you wish had happened on Buffy but didn’t? by shukii89
Angel and Cordelia s4 madness by ProfessionalLake5369
How well would YOU fare in a world without Buffy (or by whose hand/fangs would you die)? by RPGOwl
unironically the most unbearable scenes on the show by thunpnz
The Holy Trilogy of BtVS has to be Hush, The Body, and OMWF, right? by FunetikPrugresiv
What is something in the Buffyverse you feel was a bit of a cop out? by sadhungryandvirgin
Seeing Red- flashbacks by Noillucs
Why did Faith take so long to recover from a coma? by FaveStore_Citadel
Spike's Sensual Dance and Micro Expressions... by Key-Spot2478
What's an important scene in the Buffyverse that absolutely had to happen given the circumstances? by PristineSituation498
who signed off on this? by ParkingComfort1597
Once More with Feeling on cable tv by sj_vandelay
After life by jengafat
When Buffy gets turned into a rat by Familiar_Recover8112
Something I just noticed about Amy by Impossible_Refuse_47
I started reading In Every Generation by Kendare Blake and loving it! by Pitiful-Talk-7798
Disturbing villan here. Always something new and crazy in Buffy by AggressiveBuddy6703
Had one of the Scoobies been sired by a vampire, would Buffy have tried to slay them or restore their souls by dreadful_name
Is there anyone in Buffy verse that can beat Ilyria? by Early_Bar01
How Old Were All the Main Cast Members and Joss When the Show Started? by Traditional-Sort2385
How would the First becoming corporeal work? by Early_Bar01
What should have happened after this scene by shadow_spinner0
Once More With Feeling... by Witty_Queen
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: [PDF download] "A Vast Becoming": Queer Sexualities in Sarah Gailey's Vampire Slayer Comics by Lewis Call in Slayage: The International Journal of Buffy+ 22.1 [59] Summer/Fall 2024
PUBLICATION: [PDF download] From Bloody Bad Poetry to the Duende: William's Transformation in the Buffyverse by Kelly Le in Slayage: The International Journal of Buffy+ 22.1 [59] Summer/Fall 2024
PUBLICATION: [PDF download] “I’ll (Never) Tell”: Emotions, Dance Numbers, and Hidden Truths in “Once More, with Feeling” and “Subspace Rhapsody” by Carey Millsap-Spears in Slayage: The International Journal of Buffy+ 22.1 [59] Summer/Fall 2024
PUBLICATION: [PDF download] Embrasse le bibliothécaire, mais ferme la Bouche de l'Enfer : « une grande histoire d’aspiration » [French translation of the 2001 article Kiss the Librarian, But Close the Hellmouth: “It’s Like a Whole Big Sucking Thing”] by Kevin McNeilly, Christina Sylka, and Susan Fisher in Slayage: The International Journal of Buffy+ 22.1 [59] Summer/Fall 2024
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Join the editor team :)
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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Bangel fans, we want to hear from you! During the run-up to the IWRY Fic Marathon in November, we’ll be getting to know each other through our Meet the Fandom series. Answer the questions here to join in.
What is your name?
Where do you hang out?
Tumblr: @liam-summers
Podcast: Investigating Angel Podcast
Instagram: @investigatingangelpodcast
Do you create any fan works?
I make gifs and I co-host an Angel The Series rewatch podcast called Investigating Angel Podcast (sister pod to Becoming Buffy podcast) 😊
Funniest Bangel/Buffyverse moment?
"I'm a funny guy 😑" and anytime Buffy and Angel put their best bitch faces on to let people know that they don't have time for them 🤭
What Buffyverse opinion would have you chased through the village with pitchforks?
Cordelia is not loved by me 🫣
I don't hate her and I don't love her…I'm mostly indifferent toward her, and at times very annoyed. I will say though, I do feel badly about the way her character was treated and she did deserve a better arc.
Share a headcanon you have about Bangel or the Buffyverse?
That Buffy and Angel sometimes sneak off to see each other at that place in the middle (you know THE place) and they've done it since he left, although not often but when they really need it 💗
How would you have given Buffy and Angel their Happily Ever After?
Post NFA, Angel shows up at Buffy's doorstep in Rome and she takes him in. They get to know each other again, they fall into a comfortable routine of patrolling and training slayers and hanging out with their friends and travelling Europe, they find themselves inevitably drawn to each other but they try to take it slow. That lasts about 2 weeks. They ask Willow to fix the curse. She does. They get all up on each other and live happily ever after. THE END.
Basically, put them in the same city and they’ll end up all up on each other very quickly lol
(Ideally Angel Shanshu's and is human but even if he wasn't, I think they could have some variation of a happy life together for whatever time they have)
Last fic you read?
The Mature Plan by Maren
Slay, Lay, Obey - Cordelia, Spike, Warren?
Slay: Warren because I can't let this man exist in the world. For women ✊🏻
Lay: Spike because what else is he really good for? He's not allowed to talk to me though.
Obey: Cordelia cause she has her shit together but might slay myself if she nags me too much
Fill in the quiz so the fandom can meet you!
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twelverriver · 2 years ago
8 shows to get to know me better tagged by @babygirlgiles
buffy the vampire slayer (everyone who knows me knows how much i am OBSESSED with btvs and buffy summers i bring her up in every conversation <3)
doctor who ( i love this show so much. rewired my brain chemistry. if i ever go a day without saying u know this reminds of something that happened in doctor who and then i proceed to ramble about dw for five to ten minutes know i have been switched out. i feel sooooo normal about this show <3)
angel ( in my actually ats is a great show era. it’s not but i love it so much so that makes up for it right????? it doesnt deserve the brainrot it causes me but WELL. i love it in spite of its creator)
fleabag  ( do i even NEED to say anything about fleabag !!!!!!!!! possibly best show created in the 21st century.) 
succession ( i reference this show every day it’s the thing that consistently makes me feel better without fail every time i feel bad i love this show SO much)  
the good place ( if you haven’t cried out your entire SOUL and every fluid in your body don’t even talk to me)
agent carter (my introduction to marvel!!! peggy carter will forever be my favourite marvel character)
hart of dixie (this show has HEALING powers!!!!!)
precious mention to every sit com ever <3 i love new girl i love you parks & rec i love you modern family i love u b99 etc etc
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unendingwanderlust · 2 months ago
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AO3 Wrapped 2024 (where the only number you'll see is my word count) let's gooooo! Questions from here. Answers and director's commentary below the cut.
Last year's AO3 wrapped here.
Words published this year: 190,435
Most written rating: Explicit
Most written category: a whooping 27 F/M fics, followed by M/M (14), and F/F and Gen (12 each)
Most written fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth
Most written relationships:
Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers (10)
Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife (5) and Thranduil/Original Female Character(s) (4) (Listing them together because they're the same relationship)
Gimli/Legolas, Sigrid/Tauriel, Fingon/Maedhros, Maglor (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s) (3)
I've technically written 11 Buffy/Giles fics this year, if you count this one that was only posted on tumblr.
Top 5 characters written:
Buffy Summers, Original Female Character(s) (12)
Thranduil (11)
Rupert Giles (10)
Maglor, Maedhros, Legolas (9)
Thranduil's Wife (6)
Someone participated in Tolkien OC week and it shows...
Favourite additional tags (eg. hurt/comfort):
Romance (19)
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot (16)
Humor, Fluff (15)
Cunnilingus, Anal Sex (12)
Established Relationship, Vaginal Sex (11)
Greatest Hits (AKA top 5 by Hits):
To Lose Oneself In Elven Song (Gimli/Legolas, E, 42,566 words). Gimli recognizes that Legolas is his One in Rivendell. Cue every stage of grief known to dwarf, man, and elf.
The Red Book (Bilbo/Thorin, E, 4,907 words). Thorin reads Bilbo's account of the quest of Erebor. It's... inaccurate, to say the least. And very spicy.
Above The Clouds (Fingon/Maedhros, E, 1,042 words). Fingon has an oral fixation and a huge crush on Maedhros. It goes exactly the way you'd expect.
These Cravings In The Night (Fingon/Maedhros, E, 1,338 words). Maedhros returns from Angband as a werewolf. Fingon digs that.
4 Expert Tips To Help You Survive Your Boring Family Vacation! (Maedhros/Indis, E, 7,841 words). Maedhros has the hots for his step-grandma. Indis can tell. Features Huan being the best boy, dramatic Maglor, and hungover Celegorm swearing off alcohol forever (or at least for the rest of the century).
Favourite fic you wrote (+why if u want): AKA me crying in the club while I try to choose my 5 favorite children. The rest of my fics look at me judgmentally for not picking them. In no particular order:
Rise To Set The World Aflame (Buffy/Dragon!Giles, E, 434 words). A Medieval Fantasy AU that I really hope to expand in the coming year. Giles is the dragon Buffy was ordered to slay by the Council... but she ended up laying falling in love with him instead.
Fragile (Vampire!Gimli/Legolas, E, 708 words). A hot secret affair develops between Gimli and Legolas during the Quest. However, the cherry on top of all the typical gigolas conflicts is that Gimli is a newly turned vampire and Legolas is the Slayer's son. This is another oneshot I'm hoping to expand on.
Where The Heart Is (Too many relationships to list here, M, WIP). What started as a quick character study for my OC Elvenqueen snowballed way beyond my control. This fic has it all: Fëanorion drama, dark magic used with good intentions, questionable medical practices, exploration of the different cultures of Middle-earth, and quite a bit of criticism of LaCE for a LaCE-compliant fic.
Make me happy (and I again shall be virtuous) (Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife, E, 5,324 words). I just love how my OC for Thranduil's Wife has developed so much that I get to put her in an AU and her characterization makes perfect sense. Also, this fic features Thranduil in skimpy lingerie of his own making.
Gilesbot’s New Feature (Not A Bug!) (Buffybot/Gilesbot, E, 975 words). Buffybot deserved so much better, so she gets a cute bot boyfriend. Their relationship is really fluffy and sweet and I love this for them. Features really corny sexy vampire/Slayer roleplay!
Favourite paragraph(s) you wrote: Legolas and Gimli's first meeting in To Lose Oneself In Elven Song. The entire scene feels kind of fairytale-like to me, but specifically this part:
In the clearing, an elf sat on lush grass with his back propped up against a tree. The entire world around him awakened with the beauty and might in his voice; it filled with color and life. Little birds, squirrels, and rabbits formed a circle around him, a captivated audience to his concert.
And, oh, such beauty! How could one face hold such divinity, as if it were ivory lovingly carved by the hands of Eru Ilúvatar Himself? The elf's hair flowed down his shoulders like mithril and gold, and the radiance of his smile could overpower the sun!
(Gimli doesn't just pine, he's the entire damn forest)
Favourite dialogue snippet you wrote: A tough choice to make because I have many candidates in mind, but whenever I read this from Celegorm's perspective, it makes me giggle (x):
Laergliriel turned towards the cabin’s interior and called, “Míri! Russo peed on the carpet again!”
Celegorm opened and closed his mouth, contemplating his words. After what felt like an eternity of awkward staring at each other in silence, he asked, “I take it that this is a… common behavior for him?”
Just then, Maedhros bolted to her side. “They are not talking about me! Míri just named her new cat Russo because she hates me.”
WIP ideas for next year: Continuing last year's tradition, let's just do a top 5:
Buffy/Giles AU in which they're two regular people living in Sunnydale and all hell breaks loose around them. (The Slayer is Kendra.)
My beloved Gimli/Legolas Silent Hill AU! A preview lives in this tag, and I plan to share more.
Arranged and Rearranged should get a new installment because it's fun. (Any guesses on which Fëanorion Elwing and Eärendil get to bang?)
An in-universe research paper on elven cannibalism in the context of Melkor worship. Yes, you heard that right. Lindaeareth is on nerd duty and Elrond is about to have a terrible time.
A multi-chapter sequel to Glory Days, Long Passed and All The Way From The Start. It's got much more plot than its predecessors, including shy background post-reembodiment Russingon, Gimli charming every elf in sight, Maglor's daughter being the literal devil's advocate... and Thranduil's wife being newly released from prison after serving a 15-year sentence. No one knows what her crime was, and every time someone asks, she gives them something ridiculous ("Break-in at the art museum. No, I didn't want to steal a painting- I just wanted to put a specific one in the storage. It's an eyesore, trust me". "I was a political prisoner because I supported the Gingerbread King during the coup! Oh, the price a lady must pay for sticking to her ideals!". "I stole the cheese factory's entire supply. I'm telling you, my midnight cravings get intense!". "I stabbed the tooth fairy. Stingy bitch only gave me one coin for my tooth when it was clearly worth at least five!"). Thranduil doesn't want to pry. Maglor figures it out in 0.2 seconds.
What you learned from writing this year: Everyone should write something completely self-indulgent and insane. Just for the fun of it. It's so liberating!
BONUS: Updates on last year's WIP list: Find it here.
0 notes
raisedbythetv89 · 3 months ago
I was watching the commentary for “Reptile Boy” and ya know that rare great friendship moment of Willow’s where she yells at Angel and Giles for how they’re treating Buffy?
David Greenwalt said that was actually about Willow being angry Buffy lied to Giles and shirked her responsibilities and wasn’t doing what she was supposed to be doing and so then she also had to lie to giles so it’s not even that she was actually upset on behalf of Buffy that was just a socially acceptable way for her to vent her anger AT BUFFY in that moment when she had finally reached her breaking point
I have never liked willow except for my first watch through until I got to season 6 after seeing how she behaved when Buffy had real needs of her own and couldn’t perform for her and the scoobies anymore it cast all her behavior in a different light and I realized all the early warning signs that were present from the very beginning and while this revelation doesn’t surprise me because it’s extremely on brand for Willow to be a performatively good friend with secret selfish motivations the awareness the writers had of this did surprise me because that means the men like david and joss gave their hero selfish shitty friends very intentionally and knowingly where as I previously believed they weren’t aware and they of course MEANT to give her good friends but them being shitty people weren’t actually capable of doing so consistently and successfully but no. They were in fact completely aware how selfish and self serving willow and xander were the whole time and just kept letting them get away with terrible shit while crucifying Buffy for every little thing.
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coraniaid · 2 years ago
I don't know how it's possible to watch Season 3 of Buffy and not notice that Buffy Summers is  consistently the one character most willing to come to Faith's defense, both before and after Allan Finch dies.
I mean, yes, I understand how in-universe it's possible for Faith to not notice this.  It's very natural that she doesn’t: Faith's a traumatized teenager with literally no support system.  She isn’t used to anybody else believing in her or caring about her. 
She’s somebody who is always willing to believe the worst of others (“all men are beasts”, “nine times out of ten the face [a person] is showing you is not the real one”).  And her own sense of self-worth is very fragile and deeply intertwined with her relationship with Buffy, fluctuating wildly between "I am better than everyone else (because I am a Slayer like Buffy)" and "every parental figure I've ever had has told me I was stupid and worthless and they were right (I will never be as good as Buffy)".  
So it's easy for her to interpret Buffy's overtures of friendship as rejections of a deeper connection, to take her suggestions that they should work together as judgments that Faith isn't good enough on her own and that she needs to act more like Buffy.
(And ... okay, yes, it’s also true that sometimes Buffy does judge Faith, and she does think Faith would be better off being at least a little bit more like her.  I think it’s clear that Buffy does care about Faith, and wants to protect her, but I don't think Buffy's perfect.  She's often afraid to express herself clearly or talk about her feelings, especially after what happened with Angelus in Season 2, and she does have a definite inclination to assume she knows best and that other people should just listen to her without question. She's a traumatized teenager too, even if that's not always quite so obvious.)
And crucially, Faith doesn't get to see Buffy defending her when she isn't around.
But the audience?  We do get to see that.  We see how much Buffy believes in Faith and how her first instinct is almost always to stick up for her.
We see it at the end of the first episode Faith appears in, when Buffy is talking to Giles about their fight with Kakistos.
Buffy: "[Faith] really came through in the end.   She had a lot to deal with, but she did it.  She got it behind her."
-- S3E03 | Faith, Hope & Trick
(This is also, as the episode makes clear, an example of Buffy comparing herself to Faith and deciding that she needs to follow the other Slayer’s example.  Which is something that Faith is convinced never happens.  But it does: when Faith isn’t there to see it.)
And after their fight in Revelations, we see Buffy admitting to Xander and Willow that she worries about Faith and wants to include her in the group more:
Xander: "How come Faith was a no show?"
Buffy: "Couldn't reach her ... again.  She hasn't been hanging out much."
Xander: "I detect worry."
Buffy; "A little bit.  Slaying's a rough gig."
-- S3E09 | The Wish
After Finch dies, Buffy is the one to tell Angel that Faith wants to be helped, and urge him not to give up on her:
Buffy: "How's she doing? ... You'll keep trying, right? ... I'll just go to Faith's and I'll get some of her stuff.  That way she'll see that we're on her side."
Angel: "Look, I don't want to get your hopes up, Buffy.  She may not want us to help her."
Buffy: "She does.  She just doesn't know how to say it."
-- S3E15 | Consequences
And at the end of the same episode, Buffy is again the one to persuade Giles that Faith’s actions in saving her from Trick show she deserves a chance at rehabilitation:
Buffy: "She could have left me there to die, Giles, but she didn't. ... I'm not gonna give up on her."
-- S3E15 | Consequences
And in the following episode, we see Buffy defend Faith to Willow and again talk about how similar they are.
Buffy: "[Faith] had it rough.  Different circumstances, that could be me."
-- S3E16 | Doppelgangland
And a couple of episodes later, when Buffy's attempting to talk herself out of the fear that Angel might be cheating on her with Faith, it's Faith who she tells herself wouldn't betray her, not the vampire she's actually dating.
Buffy: I went to Angel's last night and Faith was there.  They looked sort of intimate.
Willow: No way.  I know what you're thinking and no way.
Buffy:  You're right.  Faith would never do that.
-- S3E17 | Enemies
Even later on in the same episode, when Faith's actual collusion with the Mayor is revealed, Buffy's first reaction is to make excuses for her and then to implore her to listen to her:
Buffy: You don't know what you're doing ... Faith, listen to me ... I never knew you had so much rage in you.
-- S3E17 | Enemies
It's only after all of that that Buffy seems prepared to give up on Faith, and only in Graduation Day when Angel's life is on the line that she's actually willing to hurt her (earlier, in Choices, she’s still talking about ‘capturing’ Faith).  And when she does stab Faith, and Faith falls from the roof, seemingly to her death, it’s obvious from her reaction that Buffy immediately regrets this.  Even if she didn’t think she had any other choice, it isn’t how she wanted things to happen.
So honestly it kind of baffles me when I see people agreeing with the take that Buffy’s focus on how Faith might be feeling, when she hears that she’s woken up in This Year’s Girl, and her apparent hope that Faith might regret her past actions and want to change, is somehow something new.  That it isn’t perfectly in keeping with how Buffy’s always felt about Faith.  Or even that the idea of being willing to give people a second chance is something Buffy had to learn from Angel.
Because no, sorry, that's just totally backwards: Angel himself learned all that from Buffy.  
(Also, just logistically ... how would Buffy have learned anything from Angel at this point in Season 4 that she didn't already know back in Season 3, when – from her point of view, at least – she's barely spoken to him since he broke up with her and left town last season?)
Not just in regards to Faith, either, but the whole idea of needing to keep fighting for people and not give up on them, and how you have to keep doing that every day? Angel's whole mission statement (both the character and the show)? That's literally all taken from a speech Buffy gives Angel in Amends.  The show is very clear on this: it's Buffy who teaches Angel to be a better person, not the other way around.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, August 29
Buffy: I You guys seem down with the slayage, all tricked out with your walkies and everything. Cordelia: Yeah, but the outfits suck. This whole Rambo thing is so over. I'm thinking more sporty, like Hilfiger maybe.
~~Dead Man's Party~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Watching (Angel/Cordelia, G) by Apache Firecat
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Kiss (Buffy/Giles, G) by The_Crazy_Knight
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Those Who Hold With Fire (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Dirtyaim
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Evil Friends, Chapter 2 (Andrew/Warren, M) by JohnnyB
Supporting Loki (And Thor), Chapter 1 (Crossover with Marvel, M) by SomeMeaninglessName
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Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by EnchantedWillow
To All We Guard, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by simmony
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, R) by hydranjenna
Something Lost Something Found, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Safire
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Dungeon Designs and House Keeping, Chapter 40 (Fantasy crossover, FR18) by MistofRainbows
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:The Weight of the World by tmcarlee
Manip:Buffy and Willow Collage by gamerrat_13
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Manip: Collage #109 Song: The Night- Exitmusic by thedecadentraven
Sculpture: [polymer clay sculpture] by simongablelundmark
Artwork: hell's bells - anya deserved so much better i am currently kissing her on the cheek... by mistyintherivers
Artwork: for kairenn-n by magicinavalon
Artwork: The fleet of ships commissioned by a captain with great taste. by lilibethdrawsreylo
Artwork: design for Spike by captain-ghost
Artwork: [ref sheets and designs for cat-ified BTVS characters with more in reblogs and tags] by captain-ghost
Wallpaper: Scooby Gang by revello-drive-1630
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E08 — I Robot... You Jane by nostalgc
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E08 — I Robot... You Jane by nostalgc
Icons: Alyson Hannigan in Buffy - 1x09 (The Puppet Show) by nostalgc
Meme: buffy text posts!! by youhavethesun
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [5/5 Songs] Key - Devics by lovebvffys
Gifset: 7x05 | “Selfless” by clarkgriffon
Gifset:5.15 — "I Was Made to Love You" by dailybtvs
Gifset:buffy & angel + season two part one by ptieuca
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Video: Buffy summers - Figure You Out by juliaroxs241
Video: BUffy Summers - Half Life by juliaroxs241
Video: Buffy and Spike - Hostage By Billie Ellish by Naki-a Littlejohn
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Video: abby ♥ | bed chem! #bangel (mildly NSFW) by lostlcve
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I Robot, You Jane Fashion Part Three by theoverlookedoneedits1997
I Robot, You Jane Fashion Part Four by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Puppet Show Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Puppet Show Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
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Buffy the C̶h̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶P̶r̶e̶d̶a̶t̶o̶r Vampire Slayer | 7x6 "Him" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 7x02 - "Beneath You" REACTION! by Big Time Knights Reacts
Buffy S02E21 "Becoming (Part 1)" Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
Showtime: Buffy 7x11 Reaction by Dakara
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x5 & 4x6 REACTION | Buffy goes Stone Age & Oz meets Trouble! by The Horror Bandwagon
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Podcast: Buffy S7E8: Sleeper by Booze & Buffy
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[Fandom Discussions]
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[found footage episode concept] by elliesgaymachete
[Academic essay: Good Slayers are Powerful in the Streets and not in the Sheets] by secretsofthewilde
[Spike's changes between seasons 5 and 6] by nicollekidman
[Buffy/Angel was NOT forced in 7x21] by zalrb
the very specific flavour of feminism in buffy [and about Xander Harris] by lordsfromelsewhere
the line “i loved him” —past tense lol—and making that the basis of proof [for a ship] by littlenastieswewhispered
[about Tara and Willow but no spoilers past mid S5 for OP] by lesbianmarrow
if season 3 Buffy was just super open and blunt with Faith. by imsorrythatusernameistaken
how angel looks... running a law firm... by figsandfandoms
[discussion of cat-ified BTVS characters with photos of real cats] by uss-genderprise and captain-ghost
... and why did they think that was the best catalyst for Spike seeking out a soul? [Seeing Red - with more in tags and replies] by boogiedown
one thing that bothers me about the sexual assault in seeing red... by suncaptor
Willow getting treated with such tenderness and support... by raisedbythetv89
[how people react to seeing vampires drinking blood] by lesbianmarrow
[podcasts and shipping goggles and show reviews] by lesbianmarrow
sorry sorry sorry but spike's behavior in season 5 so far is sooooo funny by lesbianmarrow
-.- — I could write in my BA paper about how the death of Miss Kitty... by krimreader
and then i glance up and see Buffy reading the card with the flowers from Brian... [The Body - with more in tags and replies] by alchemistc
I love that Willow and Anya end up becoming good friends after starting out disliking each other... by 5bi5
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What If: Faith died? by multiple authors
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Are the quirky, blunt characters on Buffy really just autistic? by multiple authors
Buffy's mates suck by multiple authors
Is season 7 better than season 6? by multiple authors
Am I the only one who was hoping Oz would come back in season 7? by multiple authors
https://www.reddit.com/r/buffy/comments/1f4ciaa/what_exactly_were_they_going_for_with_riley/ by multiple authors
Harmony: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis by multiple authors
Cordelia by multiple authors
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spuffybot · 2 years ago
As a Buffy fan, I’ve enjoyed your blog for a while. Just curious, have you checked out vampire diaries as well? I’ve finally watched it, and it has a lot of similarities to spuffy.
Hi! First of all, thank you so much, this made my day.
Now, have I seen TVD? ABSOLUTELY! Delena is one of my top 5 favorite ships of all time and I agree, there are so many parallels to BTVS.
For me the obvious parallels are Damon = Spike, Stefan = Angel, Caroline = Cordelia, Elena = Buffy, Alaric = Giles, Tyler = Oz, Bonnie = Willow, Jeremy = Dawn, Matt = Xander, Aunt Jenna = Jenny Calendar, and of course, losing your humanity = losing your soul.
Julie Plec was a huge fan and when you combine her love of Buffy with Kevin Williamson’s brilliant knack for teen drama (Scream, Dawsons Creek, I Know What You Did Last Summer, the man is iconic) you get something so addictive and brilliant.
There’s so many storylines inspired by Buffy and even though it can be flawed at times (Bonnie deserved better) that is one of my favorite shows and ultimate comfort shows.
I have a Delena side blog @delena-devoted but I’m terrible about posting there.
Thanks for saying hey 🖤
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xxpinkgalaxykidxx · 3 years ago
My Top 10 ships of 2021
Hi all, I thought I would do one of these again. 2021 has been really awful for me to be honest, and I have taken much solace in these funky little ships. Whether it be fan art or fic, I’ve really appreciated them. I hope you can appreciate me vomiting up this little list.
10. Buffaith (Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Two gorgeous women fighting each other and having a complex homoerotic relationship? You know I’m in.
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9. Alison and Mike (Alison and Mike Cooper from BBC Ghosts)
This show was made for me and these two are made for each other. I have already watched this show 5 times through this year lol. 
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8. Espresseleine (Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom)
My brother got me into this game this year and I love these little jerks. I hope Devsisters makes it canon.
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7. Chillirye (Chilli Pepper Cookie and Rye Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom)
The best Cookie Run ship idc. Enemies to Lovers Excellence
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6. Jonmartin (Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives)
Shhhh I’m not done with Season 4. No spoilers.
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5. 24067 (Kang Sae-byeok and Jiyeong from Squid Game) 
Omg these tragic lesbians.... What do you mean they’re dead?? They are chilling on Jeju Island
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4. Lokius (Loki and Mobius M. Mobius from Loki)
Honestly Loki (and Spiderman) are the only reasons I care about Marvel. And these two are very cute.
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3. Creek (Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak from South Park)
I did not expect this... I thought I was never gonna watch South Park but I saw fanart of these two and thought I “oh I’ll just watch one episode to see this ship” and ofc now I’m binging and hyperfixating on the whole show. 
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2. Janto (Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones from Torchwood)
I finally watched Torchwood this year, and oh my god these two deserved better. Stream Torchwood Serenity for clear skin.
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1. Lumity (Luz Noceda and Amity Blight from the Owl House)
I finally caught up with this show this year and oh my god these funky wlws. It means so much to me to see a canon wlw couple in a kids cartoon. Can’t wait to see more from them!
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firelxdykatara · 3 years ago
Gun to your head, do you ultimately prefer Buffy or Elena?
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gods, ok, if i absolutely 100% had to choose... probably buffy.
both buffy and elena are SO important to me (there's a reason i imprint so heavily on female protagonists who go through extreme trauma and have extensive on-screen depression arcs but ahhhhh let's not unpack THAT right now--but lana lang and emma swan also go in that category, it's basically the easiest way to sell me on a show but let's move ON -cough-) and both of them are treated so unfairly by the writers/showrunners AND by the fandom, but i think at the end of the day i'd have to pick buffy because, overall, btvs is just better, in about every single category.
i never really got the sense, while watching btvs, that the writers disdained me, specifically, for enjoying their show and loving buffy summers. she gets put through SO much shit, and i have so much criticism alongside the love in my heart for how her friends treat her, how her mother treats her, how the writing treats her at points... but ultimately, she's still the focal point of the show. she is the pin on which everything hangs, and without her, it all falls apart. the show cannot exist without buffy summers, and it never tries to.
i may loathe joss whedon on a very personal level these days, but i have to admit that at least he understood that he couldn't carry on the show without buffy summers. his intention may have been to end the show with her death, but once forced to extend it, he brought her back--and that lead to her arc in s6 which is incredibly important to me, and i'm not sure i'd still be here today without it.
(which, again, we can leave packed lmao)
while i love elena gilbert so fucking much i can't breathe sometimes with it (yes i'm dramatic but listen), a lot of that is in spite of the way the narrative clearly wanted me to feel. there is so much scorn and apathy baked into nina's final two seasons on the show, and the fact that it even continued after that point is an insult to the work she put in and the character she played who was the central load-bearing pillar of the entire series.
granted, i got the feeling that the writers and showrunners just quit caring about anything at all with respect to the show, not just about elena, so maybe i'm reading more malice into what was ultimately just a lack of care. it hardly matters, because the result is the same--the series tanked, the two seasons without the main character were terrible, and the show is treated with well-deserved scorn in a way that i don't think btvs ever will be, despite public opinion having long since turned against joss whedon (also deservedly).
but the point here is that while i'm absolutely willing to put in the work to keep loving elena in spite of what the show did with her and her relationships in her last two seasons, that's a whole lot of work i don't have to do for buffy. granted i will still put a lot of time and energy into picking apart things that did not land well--Dead Man's Party and Empty Places, Seeing Red, so much about the way buffy is treated in the final season by her loved ones, ongoing issues with racism and biphobia throughout the series, etc--but it's a bit like the energy i put into atla vs vld. one of them is, overall, an excellent piece of media that didn't always stick the landing but still survives as a cultural icon for a reason, and the other is almost universally derided because everything that had been of value to the narrative was destroyed in universe by its end.
so yeah, i guess, tl;dr: at the end of the day, i'd pick buffy--because she comes from the stronger show, her arc ultimately had a purpose i can still point to even if i don't always agree with the directions the narrative took it, and i don't feel the same sort of enduring bitterness when thinking about her that i do when thinking about the show elena came from that did her so poorly and then ran itself into the ground completely in her absence.
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perceives · 2 years ago
it’s just this meme with questions that seem redundant (on my blog) deleted.
what is their motto? [buffy summers vc] seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead
would they rather lead or follow? she would rather mind her own business
what motivates them? being allowed to mind her own business
are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? it doesn’t matter. overall she’s most likely to start the fight and then get bored 
do they have any pet peeves? yeah that’s what james is for
what do they most regret? running over a cat while driving high. did you expect something sadder
what would they like to improve on? nothing. not because she’s above it, but because she is so type A that she is just constantly working that kind of thing into her routine
do they have any allergies or food intolerances? not physical intolerances. laura intolerances. she is a vegetarian who hates vegetables
their predominant emotion?
[gif of sarah in the return repeatedly saying ‘i don’t feel good’]
someone wrongs them. do they respond with revenge or forgiveness? neither, she’s going to be a huge bitch about it and then probably forget it happened
do they make snap judgments or take time to consider? like, both, but more the latter as she is always reconsidering everything
are they a glass half-full or a glass half-empty kind of person? she would tell you she’s a pessimist --- and she’d mean it --- but she wouldn’t be correct, i don’t think. laura is very much an idealist. everything happens for a reason and all that. the older she gets, the more realistic she gets, and obviously it’s important that she learn that she doesn’t deserve every bad thing that’s ever happened to her, but she still has a way of persisting when other people would just ... not. she isn’t particularly inclined toward misery; it just kind of stalks her. 
do they express themselves through words or deeds? deeds, in the way that’s implied. she’s certainly very CAPABLE of speaking her thoughts, it’s just likely to happen in writing if it’s anything actually personal. 
how often do they lie? not as often as one might think. she’s actually pretty good at avoiding it. ‘avoid’ being the key verb
do they listen to their head or their heart while making a decision? her head, more --- which is not to say her decisions are usually sensible, just that they follow a certain logic to HER. she is also very close with her emotions, but she tends to  repress them somewhat until she can hole away with her sad little book
their views on formal education vs self-education? we’re usually running on the assumption here that she dropped out of high school so i’d think that’s pretty evident tbh! laura’s just not really a friend to ‘formal’ anything
what are their thoughts on animals? better than people
how much do they care what people think about them? if she’s in twin pea/ks it’s honestly more that she cares what her mom hears people say about her, but it’s still a definite issue that Affects Her A Lot. like so goddamn much. if she is elsewhere she does not care. she literally just doesn’t want her mom to be ashamed of her lol [drowning guy emoji]
do they enjoy being the center of attention? why or why not? often --- she is an only child whose parents are performers. she craves validation! but she also wants it on her own terms and that is something she rarely gets. most of the Center of Attention-ness within The Narrative is not ... desirable attention. 
which do they value more: creativity or practicality? practicality, but she is very creative and that’s very significant to her
thoughts on material possessions? she’s very sentimental about things that are, well, sentimental. but otherwise she could take or leave pretty much everything (and often will)
would they rather win an argument or avoid conflict? she will START an argument just to CAUSE conflict if you catch her in the wrong mood
views on people in general? wary, but hopeful
what qualities do they admire in other people? kindness, curiosity, passion, diligence. not being a straight white man
how do they feel about fun? it’s fun. she likes fun. she has as much of it as possible
thoughts on privacy? (are they private or are they “tmi”?) she’s whatever the extreme other pole is to tmi. not dishonest, really --- if you ask the right questions (and it seems safe), you can find out pretty much anything --- but she most likely is not going to offer shit
thoughts on superstitions or the occult? (do they believe, not believe, etc.) both of her parents are literally possessed by demons and it is making her life really hard, okay
what are their religious views? she’s a member of the episcopal church. so. catholic basically. 
how would they describe their family? soooo normal :-)
what was their childhood like? that actually was really normal. borderline idyllic. the only thing about her very early life that you’d probably think is sad was that she didn’t, like, Go Anywhere before she started school --- she was always with her mom, who is agoraphobic. but it largely kind of suited her? and also probably made her more annoying instead of more withdrawn. so, you know. there’s always some, um, background bullshit going on, but she isn’t aware of it or actively harmed by it for quite some time
what did they want to be when they grew up? a teacher, probably. or professional horse girl. 
as a child, what were they most likely to be found doing? doing horse girl things. or boy scout things -- kid knows everything about the woods she grew up in. 
the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them. she’s very good at laughing at herself, so she normally beats everyone to it and just kind of bypasses the emotion. she therefore gives the impression that she can Take A Joke. but if YOU laugh at her, she will not get embarrassed OR join you. she will just get soooo disproportionately furious. 
the best thing that has ever happened to them. her dad committing suicide :-)
which memory stands out most clearly? who even can afford to keep their memories inside their head in this economy ...
do they believe in happy endings? yeah, basically, she just doesn’t believe in them for HER
are they afraid of dying? why or why not? she is (convinced she will go to hell) but she can obviously think of worse things than being murdered, so. it’s complex
do they have any phobias? - cleithrophobia [confinement] And Related Issues (for example, i wouldn’t say she suffers from merinthophobia [restraint] as things like seatbelts don’t bug her, and it’s not a fear that would be aroused for no reason).  - arguably somnophobia [sleep] but it’s so rational in laura’s case that it’s difficult to judge whether it’s A Phobia or just self-preservation to put it off as long as possible
what kind of person are they? she’s a good kid tbh. volatile and generally hard to get along with in a lot of circumstances, but she is very very concerned with the wellbeing of others and will go out of her way to help literally anybody. she’s easy to dislike but very difficult to hate
would they let someone take the blame for something they did? no. she maintains her self-loathing like a little plant
what are they insecure about? her only real complex is about her sexuality / sexual experience
what is one way to earn their trust? believe her lol (it’s pretty impossible to do --- to even get her to where she would feel able to confide in you)
one thing they would hate anyone to know about them. haha well it doesn’t much matter anymore
they have to pick one: to be loved, to be feared, or to be admired. to be loved
have they ever been bullied or teased? outside of like, actual abuse, not really. she’s just some guy. and if she had been, i highly doubt it would have persisted, because she is not nearly afraid enough of anything and it would have been a) a regrettable action or b) completely uninteresting bc she just ignored you
what are they confident about? she’s an only child. i just TOLD you she hasn’t been bullied enough (which is to say, most everything, within reason)
talk about their moral alignment. she’s a pretty straightforward Neutral Good, i don’t really have anything to add
describe their aesthetic. she is probably dressed like an american girl doll describe them in three words. uh. headstrong. paranoid. loving (i could say empathetic, which is definitely her Defining Trait, but it’s not a universally positive one, and i don’t think her compassion is entirely born of it)
what makes them feel safe? i am not even sure that’s possible :-(
favorite color and the reason for it. i doubt she has one, or her room would look a lot less like the rest of her house (i.e. she would not have let her mom so obviously decorate it). she seems to wear mostly earth tones, though. for the straightforward reason that she would rather be in the woods than anywhere else
favorite book genre? memoir / poetry. she does not really indulge a ton of fiction
favorite movie genre? i don’t know but i can tell you with absolute certainty that she and bobby saw ‘stand by me’ in theaters together and cried their fucking eyes out. which is really quite a read
do they have a role model? not outside of like. historical religious figures
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