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hellmouth · 2 years ago
Okay, so, because I was caught in 4K HD in the tags on @hero-adjacent's post rambling about this theory that I don't think I've heard anyone on the brainwave of before, I figured I'd write the whole thing out. This is probably going to be a goddamn dissertation and I am so sorry. Giving credit where it's due for being the one who first said it, @reetamorgan was the original Oh Shit Oh Fuck mastermind here.
So bare with me here alright, this is off the fucking walls at first but hear me out:
We never get a specific timeline (to my knowledge) of exactly when Angelus was cursed with his soul, only that it happened when he killed a Romani girl (I'm not using the slur, Whedon, get bent) and the Elder of that tribe had him cursed with his soul for the pain and suffering he caused On Purpose like he was some kind of vampire psychological sadist Picasso. Now, here's where we get into the theory at hand: what if that girl was Drusilla?
Dru was sired in the mid-1800s, Darla was the one who hand-picked her for Angelus to bat around like a cat with a mouse, but it was his decision to sire her instead of kill her because he thought she was special (Angel 2x5). Darla was not 100% on board- case in point:
Angelus: "We turn her into one of us. Killing is so merciful, in the end, isn't it? The pain has ended."
Darla: "To make her one of us? She's a lunatic."
Angelus: "Eternal torment."
And he sires her before she can take her vows solely so that he can have the final laugh. Which... is kind of a big fuck you to just have nothing done about it, you know? What sparked the theory itself is a conversation that takes place in BTVS 2x14 Surprise in an exchange between Jenny and her uncle and the very specific language he uses to describe the situation which is as follows:
"...You just forget that he destroyed the most beloved daughter of your tribe? That he killed every man, woman, and child that touched her life? Vengeance demands that his pain be eternal as ours is!"
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Except we do! Because it's my post and I said so and I warned you this might get dissertation length!
So the main reason this made us pause and stare at each other like the slow-pan to look at the camera in The Office after our- what- I think this is our third or fourth rewatch together? Was because he used the word "destroyed". He didn't say killed. And because he used the phrase "eternal pain" directly after this. Obviously that kind of tragedy stick with you for a very long time, but that specific usage very much sounds like something that they are actively still suffering with the consequences of, and not just because Angel is still alive.
We get a little bit of Drusilla's life in Angel the series, granted, with her mother telling her that her visions are an affront to the Lord and a little bit about her sisters, but to my recollection, we don't really get that much about her family life or ties other than this? I would think that it's entirely reasonable to assume that they could be of Romani descent, that her mother may have decided to possibly step away from her family once she was married and embrace a different lifestyle, or one of many different scenarios that would put her and her family slightly out of the frame of that lense, and that the visions Drusilla has could very well be a hereditary thing, something passed down from generation to generation, or possibly one that skips a generation, much like the Elder Woman is mentioned having visions in Surprise when Jenny's uncle tells her that she's seen that Angel's pain is lessening, that her visions are never wrong. This could also be why her mother reacts so aggressively to Drusilla having these visions in the first place, why she was so adamant that only God was supposed to see things before they happened.
Angelus proceeds to kill her entire family in front of her for The Bit, before forcing her to run to a convent to escape him and waits until just before she's about to take her holy vows before he turns her, again, purely for The Bit, and if that shit doesn't get you cursed, especially a curse of that magnitude, I don't know what else says fuck around and find out quite like that does.
I also think that it would be a rather karmic thing if the fate of Angel's soul was quite literally in the hands of the girl he tortured to madness and turned into a vampire, eternally bound to kill to live and still wracked with visions of things to come, whether it be knowing Buffy would become someone that would irrevocably change Spike, the man she herself sired, hence her almost desperation for him to get rid of her when he first comes into contact with her, or even the smaller glimpses at visions she gets throughout the Buffyverse of things that one way or another do come to pass.
It would also serve to tie into the weird connection and mutual trauma that Buffy and Drusilla seem to share, down to the fact that they even share a birthday. That because of Angel and Spike, their lives are always going to be a little bit entwined, they both love Spike in their own unique ways, and they both have a love and loathing for Angel for the attention and love he's given them and for the utter betrayal and frankly sadistic level of malice he has for both of them for making him feel anything for them when he's without his soul, how he's absolutely overtaken by the need to destroy everything that they hold dear, to take every last bit of light in their lives and make them suffer for as long as possible because they made him feel before he kills them or sires them- which I'm entirely convinced that if he got the chance when it came down to it, he'd have tried to turn Buffy too. Because as he said before, death is an end to the suffering. He wants it to last. He wants it to be eternal.
Anyway, that's the Overview of the "what if Drusilla is the reason for Angel's curse" bit that Wills and I have been tossing back and forth like Apollo's prophecy dodgeball. This was way more words than I had originally intended but goddammit I do my research when I have quite literally nothing better to do with my time. This has been Theories With Boofer, thanks for tuning in, that's my time.
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the-undead-poets-society · 2 months ago
Joyce Summers is so teenage girl cuz girl got turned into a teen for a day and immediately tried to fuck Giles
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anghraine · 3 months ago
My best friend J is watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for his girlfriend (his gf is my other best friend and he met her through me). He likes it despite his powerful and justified loathing of Xander, but was just excitedly telling me about how he's now watched three episodes with Faith and how cool she is and how she and Buffy should kiss.
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paleinc · 2 days ago
i'll let everyone in the btvs scooby gang hit the vape EXCEPT xander
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cuntentcreator · 10 months ago
i think willow and cordelia made out in that broom closet
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pugzillarex · 1 year ago
On this Faithiversary, let's remember the moment when Faith stepped into Buffy's life for the first time at the Bronze.
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The song playing during the scene seems to foreshadow their tumultuous journey, its lyrics speaking to Buffy and Faith's shared frustration, disappointment, anguish, and struggle to accept themselves and ultimately each other.
'I've given you every part of me. tried everything I could to make you see, but you don't love yourself, you can't love me or anyone else. Is that why you run? Why you hide?'
The lyrics seem especially relatable to both of them, ringing true to a longing to belong and their different viewpoints on what it means to be a Slayer and the purpose of their Calling; shaping their lives through experiences with self-doubt, rejection, loss and loneliness.
(Not to mention the posion arrow and blood sacrifice/cure thingy later on, talk about a hot mess...)
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aew-regression-cove · 3 months ago
no cos I only jus started a new show and already wanna start another one as well 💀 its a constant cycle-
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hmslusitania · 2 years ago
Me: Riley is a TA at UC Sunnydale but he also claims to be a psych major and lives in a frat and grad students don’t typically refer to their area of study as “majors” and they definitely don’t usually live in frats but in what university are undergrads allowed to be TAs??
Me: I was an undergraduate TA at a state university
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only-one-brain-cell · 2 years ago
Xander: *annoyed that students want to check books out in a school library* (???)
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awesomejustgotawesome · 2 years ago
S02E03's title sounded so dumb for a second, I was like do they mean school is hard or something, but then I quickly realized it must be that they do a Die Hard! But it's still a dumb title like why is it the location? The movie isn't called Tower Hard. Wouldn't "Slay Hard" have been better? Hahaha.
Just thinking if the series was actually named like that. Airport Hard. City Hard with a Vengeance. Live Free or Washington, D.C. Hard.
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hellmouth · 9 months ago
Sometimes you redye your hair blonde and all you can think about is what your life used to be like, who you used to be, the people who used to be around you, the people you loved and the people who loved you, and you simply have to cry into your hands about it!
Anyway, raising a glass of gin & ginger ale to Sunnydale and everything that came with it, vampires included even the ramen-haired one
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the-undead-poets-society · 3 months ago
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
The Latin term for that sentiment is “Carpe Diem.”"
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vixenscratch · 2 months ago
I mean… sometimes they mix it up and we get hot white guys instead. As a treat.
(I was going to say “what about the mantis lady?” then remembered that wasn’t Supernatural, that was Buffy. And then I was going to be like “I hope someone wrote a crossover(ish) fic where young misters Winchester have to deal with a mantis lady monster,” before remembering the whole virgin aspect. I clearly have my evil-exists-and-a-select-few-live-to-hunt-it-down shows straight.)
i will say supernatural’s commitment to make every single fucking thing an uglyish white man is incredible. like the first 2? all right. understandable. theyre just a couple of Guys. batshit powerful billion year old angel of the lord? also some guy. God? some guy. a dragon? ghouls? vampires? the devil? just Some Guys. the monstrous offspring of the devil and a republican? Literally some guy. Supernatural is a show about monsters and magic and whatever but on a realer and deeper level it is about a few uglyish white men standing around talking. No variation on concept whatsoever. Every season is like What if….there was Another Guy……
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briseroyawritingsblog · 6 months ago
𝑯𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚…
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𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓!𝒅𝒂��𝒅𝒚 𝒉𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒙 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
• +18 minors do not interact. unprotected sex, established relationship, age gap, daddy kink, sweet nonsense & fluff.
𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 / 𝒉𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
Snuggling next to your daddy before bed was your favourite since it didn’t happen very often. He spoiled you so much. New pretty dresses and new shoes— it was a good day, you traced his abs with your small fingertips as you watched some tv in his hotel room— the bed was insanely comfortable you nearly passed out on his chest but the movie kept you away and something else too. His cologne danced around your nostrils and you inhaled snuggling close to him “Whatcha up to baby?” Hugh smiles as he curls his buffy arms around you to keep you close to him. “Nothing..” you shy away and kiss his naked shoulder. “Mmm.. there is somethin’ is it?” He tickled your ribs gently making you giggle but hid your face in the crook of his neck making him laugh and squeeze you in his arms before tackling you sweetly so he ended up on top of you. “Been a good girl haven’t you? Gotta spoil my girl even more..” he breathed planting soft kisses on your jawline. You whimpered softly feeling his body pressing you down into the heavenly bed. “Yes daddy..” you breathed running your fingers up and down his perfect back. His muscles flexed and you whimpered again feeling his lips on yours as he pecked them tenderly. His kisses were made from everything what girls dreamed of.
“Daddy-” you breathed feeling him against your clothed heat as he grinded his hips against yours. His mouth travelled on your cheek then it was on your collarbone taking the strap of your tank top down your arm planting kisses on your perky breast. “Fuck- you’ve got a pretty little body baby” he compliments making your tummy seize butterflies and you’re melting away blushing furiously. “Please..” you nodded watching him rip your tank top nearly in half unclamping your bra so effortlessly “some sugar sweetheart, daddy needs some sugar” he hummed peppering kisses all over your tits tugging on your hardened peaks as he slowly kissed his way down to your panties. Electric bolts shot down your spine and your heart raced in your chest. You wore the pink ones which he adored. “Lookatcha being daddy’s little treasure” he smiled licking your abdomen inhaling your scent. He could smell your arousal and his cock strained against his pants. You moaned uncontrollably closing your eyes taking one of his hands in yours sucking his thumb. “Good girl..” sliding your panties down your thighs he licked a slow stripe on your fluttering folds “so sweet.. my sweet girl” he babied you, making you nod quickly “yes daddy.. mmmm.. there” your hand ran itself in his hair as he ate your pussy. His tongue expertly circling your clit before your lustful eyes locked. You felt his need, the way his cock strained against his pants your pussy clenched around nothing before he tested your wetness and you dripped gasping at the sudden filling of his thick fingers stretching your velvety walls clenching around him. You both moaned in unison as he freed his cock, the sight of it caused you to sob. “need it daddy.. right inside” you babbled.
“Yeah? Need daddy’s cock to feel better?” He licked his fingers which were previously inside of you and climbed on top of you again. Grabbing the base of his leaking cock he gave himself a few quick strokes before blindly finding your entrance. “There we go.. atta girl” he smiled against your lips pushing in. Your thighs curled around his waist as he bottomed out within you “so small takin’ daddy’s cock so well huh?” He reminded you and your arms flung themselves around his shoulders. “Can’t help it, need to let daddy have his way with you flower..” he breathed burying his face against your neck snapping his hips into you. Your wetness coated his length giving him that extra lubrication, lustful grunts and moans leaving his lips as he pressed them on your neck. “Ummm.. Ughh.” you opened your legs for him as he thrusted into you feeling him grab and hold your butt in his hands kneading your flesh. The heat in your belly intensified, legs trembled, your breaths and moans increased. Your pussy milked him and soon you were cumming on his cock with a loud cry. “Fuck.. fuck..” he cursed pressing a heavy kiss on your mouth you responded with a broken whimper clawing his back lifting your hips up to meet his thrusts as he quickened snapping his hips pounding into you making you a mess on his cock. His tongue pressed to your own as you kissed feeling him twitch in you as the swollen tip of his cock started to erupt hot strings of cum inside of you. Large hand coming to your cheek his thumb caressing your lower lip as he planted soft kisses on your cheek. “My little girl..”
tags for fun: @sergeantbarnessdoll @thinkinonsense @eccentricallygothic 🩶
a/n: please don’t forget to like, and reblog if you liked it. support your writers.
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mellowwillowy · 1 year ago
It's 12 AM and here I am writing about tits; GN Reader. MDNI.
Yan! Boyfriend has the tits that are equivalent to cushion so why not sleep on top of him? Don't worry, he might not look like it but he is large (buffy) enough to hold your weight!
Yes, you don't get to sleep on anyone's tits. He has the best tits for you so don't even bother eyeing the others.
See? See how there's an imaginary print of your body on his body??? He is made to be your bed, now lay on top of him and get some power nap.
No, do not eye Yan! Girlfriend's tits. Look at his and sleep on his only! Could it be that you like tanned skin more? Should he tan himself so that his tits serve as better option now? (Stop beong delulu pls.)
Yan! Boyfriend will let you suck, bite, twirl his nipples, it almost feels like he's breastfeeding you at this rate! No, he will find a way to make milk comes out so don't go to Yan! Girlfriend.
Yan! Boyfriend who likes it when you sit on his lap, mouthing at his tits while he pleasures you with his hand. He likes to make you accidentally bite him hard by feeling that one spot that turns you into a mess!
Yan! Boyfriend who will babble like baby if you bully his cock while mouthing his tits! What blessing it is to have you feel him completely! Ohhh, look at how tears are forming on his eyes, it seems like he wants to have his turn on your breasts now, get reafy for intense suckings from him!
"Ffffuuuuc...kk.. Blue, slow down!"
Blue shook his head as he greedily palmed your breast, fingers pinching your nipple while his tongue abusing your other nipples, "You've had your sweet time with mine right? Now it's my turn to have yours!"
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spikedru · 2 years ago
buffys most endearing traits are her inability to lie on the spot and her tendency to babble. girl of all time
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