agentaly · 2 years
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Property Analysis Buy Sell or Own Property Check All Positives and Negative Looking for Pre Token Guidence Pre Property Purchase Overall Analysis https://wa.me/p/5341665649215790/919538351721 Regarding property purchase basically Just by Location. Pre Advance or Pre Purchase Save your Time Money. 1. Colour Zone based on Cdp 2. Village map survey details 3. Rajakaluves 4. Lake Bed 5. Buffer Zone 6. Basic Details on RTC , Mutation, Records 7. Last 20 Years History Of Property location 8. Sea Level of Property 9. Over View & Risk involved. Search for AGENTALY in YouTube Https://wa.me/919538351721 #legal #bbmp #rajakaluves #bufferzone #lake #lakebed #property #propertyadvise #realesate #advisor https://www.instagram.com/p/Cml1InSPJgC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Our airport services did not want to let his companion on board the plane, supposedly for no reason at all. Sober, with documents. In this situation, Usyk refused to board and was detained. What a shame! I know A. Usyk well, personally, always top elegant and respectful of the law!
An this is by the oldest and biggest polish boxing promotional group.
Handcuffed by several people in uniform like a terrorist for seemingly no reason at all.
Thankfully, Ze and diplomats intervened fast and nothing else happened but, I have SO MANY questions...
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wolven91 · 7 months
Humans and Empathy
Soldiers die, it was a fact of life.
The canid huffed; everyone dies eventually.  Their shoulders sagged dramatically.
So why were they so focused on their packmate? The canids lived for battle, as did Omayta, she was like all the other canids in all things. She'd wet her claws and proved her teeth. She revelled in the thrill of the fight, feeling as if she belonged in the madness and chaos. But this was the first time one of her pack had returned without on of their own.
It was expected. One went into a fight, knowing that one might not return.
Why couldn't she stop thinking about it?
Maybe she could have handled things differently? If she had been facing their direction, she might have pulled them down? To safety?
The canid jumped violently, pulled from deep thought. She painfully banging her knee against the metal safety rail causing a resounding 'clang' and almost falling between the spaces. Two tiny hands grabbed her pelt and pulled, but she stopped herself with her own hands and arms.
Glancing back, the human let go and put their hands up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean..."
"It's fine. I didn't expect anyone to come up here." Omayta replied. They were on a catwalk, far above the station. It was meant for the engineering crew, but the door lock was busted, and it wasn't widely known about. Omayta had been coming up here during her downtimes since she was a pup. She hadn't known the station had gained a human. Without further comment, she turned back and rested her huge head against the safety rail. It was designed to be held by the engineers, but it was the perfect height to sit down and rest against, dangling one's feet over the edge so it appeared as if one was floating.
The human paused, Omayta's ears were turned in their direction, but the canid attempted to ignore them.
"Can I... sit here?"
The canid  grunted, still trying to get the human to leave her alone.
"It's a free station." She growled when it was clear the human wouldn't get the hint. It was true, despite being in a off limits area, the whole point to the fighting had been to ensure the separatist colonies didn't advance any further. To create a bufferzone so their attacks wouldn't reach the actual GC territories. All so humans could sit wherever they liked, next to whoever they chose...
"A bad day?"
"A bad week?"
"Damn... that bad?"
The canid glanced to the side and tried to recall if the humans were like the esquinines, telep-tele-... Mind readers...? She was certain they weren't, yet this tiny thing knew that Omayta was having a rough time? Nah, had to be a guess. She wasn't that predictable.
"Look... I'm... None of your canid friends know you're here. Certainly no one knows I'm here... Why not share? No one will know." The tiny fleshy thing said, shuffling to the edge at an alarming rate. Omayta reached out a dinnerplate sized paw and placed it against the human's front.
"There's close enough. One gust and you're liable to go flying. " She growled, still trying to keep the prickly exterior whilst ensuring the small creature was safe. Why did she want it to be safe?!
Omayta sighed.
"I lost a friend the other day."
"Plasma round cooked his face. Dead on impact."
"That's gotta' be hard... I'm so so-"
"No it isn't! It's meant to be easy!"
The human looked taken aback, but shook their head.
"No it's not. It never is, not when we lose friends... Lose those we care about. We might put on a mask, pretend it doesn't bother us, but it still hurts..."
"What do you know about it?"
"I lost my family... My friends... I come up here to hide. To pretend it didn't happen... I get it..." The human replied quietly. There wasn't accusation or a tone that would put guilt on the canid. It was matter-of-fact.
"It's frustrating." They said.
Omayta had to agree there... cutting through the noise, the canid could definitely feel frustration was the largest part of her emotions.
"Could I have done anything differently? Shoulda', Woulda', Coulda'. You'd feel that regardless."
The words were odd, but the concept was clear.
"You mean... Even if it was different. If it were someone else... I'd still... believe I could have done something different."
"Spot on."
Omayta rested her head against the metal rail. The cool metal heating beneath her. A small hand touched against and into her thick pelt along her arm. Not even her packmates had shown such a display. The human's hand. It was nice... it wasn't her friend... but it felt as if she wasn't alone anymore.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Mark Wauck
Aug 21, 2024
First, just to let readers know what’s up with light posting. In a little less than a month my wife will be having hip replacement surgery. We have a variety of things to do to be ready for that. In addition, some dental work for my wife has come to the fore, so we’re trying to get that done before the surgery. I’m not great at juggling things, multi-tasking, so I can only do my best at keeping up.
Now, today, after the grampa stuff I mentioned (very rewarding), I listened to a couple of Danny Davis videos—who’s on fire after his vacation. Both videos are highly recommended. One was with Doug Macgregor:
Col Douglas Macgregor Ukraine BufferZone in Kursk Disaster Awaits
Macgregor made no bones about what he thought of the Kursk incursion by Ukraine. He termed it a complete disaster. He stated that as many as 12k troops may have been sent into the the Kursk region, but that the Russians have already killed about 4k. The rest are largely cut off from resupply, have no effective defensive positions, have lost most of their heavy equipment, and are now being hammered with everything Russia can throw at them—including things like fuel air explosives. He adds that he has heard that as many as 2k of those troops were foreigners. This was a true NATO invasion, and Russians are enraged. They want their army to go all the way west.
Davis and Macgregor also discussed the Middle East. Macgregor repeated his view that Netanyahu is calling the shots, and that this places the US in a precarious position. If Netanyahu’s plan for a major regional war—including Iran—comes to fruition, thousands of US personnel will be at high risk. Macgregor emphasized that US actions in Ukraine give Russia every reason to supply a variety of Middle East actors who are hostile to the US with top flight Russian weapons systems. That means missiles, for the most part. Missiles that can get through to US bases and US ships. In Iran’s case, of course, it also means air defense equipment.
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reachartwork · 1 year
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Rose Lalonde in the style of Masahiro Ito-sensei (Silent Hill series, Acid Bufferzone)
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I know this suggestion sounds baffling, but I’ve been around online long enough to see the need for this. If you are someone who wants to make it big online and actually be a sort of celebrity? As soon as you start to take off, hire an agent. I’m not kidding, you need a bufferzone between you and your fans. You need a PR team that can help you avoid putting your foot in your mouth. If you DON’T want to be an online celeb, then try your hardest to minimize any sort of fan interaction. Don’t have a discord server, don’t get involved in your own fanclub. Stay a ghost, because that will save your arse from a lot. In general, do NOT have a discord server for your fans where YOU are present.
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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This morning, UNFICYP's Force Commander, Major General Ingrid Gjerde welcomed The Princess Royal to the UN Protected Area in Nicosia. During the day, Her Royal Highness also met with some of our peacekeepers from the UK 🇬🇧 based at Ledra Palace Hotel in the bufferzone.
@UN_CYPRUS | 11 January 2023
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Terry and y/n go furniture shopping for their new house 🏠 👀
Is it reasonable to think Terry Silver would be the type to commemorate a new chapter in his life with a brand new house?
Yes, it is, as I see him as the type who owns many houses, retreats, mansions, estates, condos, overseas villas and lofts for many occasions and with so many facets to his character and interests, it is quite literally difficult or damn near impossible to fit all that Terry is or tries to be into just one building, no matter how lush or spacious. So, many are needed, and he does have many. Some less used, some more used, some never used. Some used only once and never again. A beach-side Malibu mansion for Malibu Terrence? His daunting, colossal 80's Mayan style temple for a man who thought he can rule the world? A more discreet, secluded manor that houses his more honest hobbies and interests, from his collection of Japanese Samurai swords down to the most priceless paintings and even the brief time he pretended he lived in the old Cobra Kai dojo in the process of being remodelled in order to trick Daniel? --- all here to showcase an image who he really is, or an image he wants to paint in order to cast a specific illusion. I think every piece of revenue and house holds up a mirror to a certain aspect of Terry or rather, who he wants to broadcast himself as at any given moment, marking certain epochs, certain eras, attitudes, decisions --- and hey, even relationships. In nature, a chameleon matches his current environment, his scales shifting colors depending of the hue of the soil, grass, sand and rocks it slithers on.
He changes identities like clothes sometimes.
Who is to say he would match his 'clothes' to his homes?
In this case, not entirely hard to believe Terry gets a home he exclusively considers a 'matrimonial home' in case he's getting married, or a 'love nest' if he's only just getting there, in the process of, as it were.
And this love nest, well, reflects its intended purpose, aesthetically and where ambience is concerned; dim lights, romantic, saccharine, intimate, all velvets and silks, expensive thick carpets and decorative, antique holders to light candles in, draped curtains, opulence, jacuzzi tubs, king sized beds with four posters and all the security in the world, because the only person who comes here is Terry and the only person who frequents visits is Terry, and when he is away, he wants to know who, when, how and why anyone would even dare mingle anywhere near his kept woman's or kept man's apartment, even from afar. Naturally, the furniture was handpicked, ordered, paid for and arranged by Terry Silver, but this love nest is a bufferzone not before long replaced because Terry is also territorial, greedy, needy and requires beloved close, at all times, always, and so this separate apartment just won't do, replaced quickly by the charms of conjoint living. The furniture again, according to the fine art of Feng Shui, reflects its purpose, now picked together, or maybe even put together in such a sense where it accommodates beloved's tastes because this is a golden love cage, and Terry's birdie might as well choose well, with great detail, what it will contain, like a canvas being re-painted in new colors, because they'll stay here forever. Might as well stay in a place they adore, filled with trinkets they like.
He absolutely insists they be the one who picks.
Encourages it, in fact.
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thiziri · 2 years
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11 January 2023
This morning, #UNFICYP's Force Commander, Major General @GjerdeIngrid, welcomed The Princess Royal to the @UN Protected Area in Nicosia. During the day, Her Royal Highness also met with some of our #peacekeepers from the #UK 🇬🇧 based @ Ledra Palace Hotel in the #bufferzone.
@UN Cyprus
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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11 January 2023 This morning, #UNFICYP's Force Commander, Major General Ingrid Gjerde, welcomed The Princess Royal to the United Nations Protected Area in Nicosia. Major Gjerde briefed her on the Mission's peace efforts on the island. During the day, Her Royal Highness also met with some of our #peacekeepers from the #UK 🇬🇧 from the Commander The Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment based in Ledra Palace Hotel in the #bufferzone. 📸 UNFICYP/Marek Kóša, Yogal Rana Magar & Prasanna Gurung — UNFICYP
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fransopdefiets · 3 months
15-6 Kløfta
Gisterenmiddag at ik op de camping fish and chips en een waffel met ijs toe. Dat was best goed gedaan, het enige dat mijn eetplezier bedierf, was de snoeiharde tweederangs popmuziek op het terras. Je hoort hier overal (bij de receptie, in de douches en WC’s, bij het café) slechte versies van bekende nummers zoals een galmende Bridge over troubled water gezongen door iemand die denkt dat ie Pavarotti is met een keiharde beat eronder. Waarom? En die muziek was nergens voor nodig, want er zaten misschien drie mensen te eten. Waarschijnlijk was het drukker geweest, als ze de muziek zachter hadden gezet of vervangen hadden door “Aangenaam klassiek” of zoiets.
Het heeft de hele nacht zachtjes geregend, maar vanaf een uur of acht is het droog. Ik voer deze ochtend niet zoveel uit, ik laat de tent drogen, lees wat en eet wat. Om half twaalf fiets ik weg van de camping, het is fris maar niet onbehaaglijk. Na een heerlijke afdaling van drie kilometer sta ik opeens voor een koffiebranderij met koffiebar. Ha, tijd voor koffie! Als je van lekkere koffie houd, is Oslo je stad. Overal zitten koffiezaakjes met een ruime keuze aan roasts. En ze houden hier van sterkere koffie dan bij ons. Ik heb hier aan één cappuccino per dag genoeg.
Maar daarna begint het. Ik fiets de hele middag langs snelwegen en door aaneengegroeide stadskernen met shoppingmalls als bufferzones om uit Oslo te komen. Daarbij moet ik voortdurend steile hellingen beklimmen, die het tempo enorm drukken. Ik ben wel heel content met mijn besluit om deze tocht gewoon in Zaandijk te beginnen, want anders had ik het hier na tien kilometer beslist opgegeven. En evengoed voel ik mijn spieren en scharnieren. Ik klim telkens een stuk, daal dan wat, klim weer een stuk etc. Van het romantische Noorwegen krijg ik voorlopig niks te zien.
Als ik aankom bij mijn Airbnb in Kløfta, blijkt dat een appartementje in een nieuwbouwwijk te zijn. Niet onaardig, maar volgens mij is dit een gevalletje misbruik sociale huur. Aangezien de gastvrouw me aanraadde om mijn fiets goed op slot te zetten, besluit ik om die maar naar boven te sjouwen en op het balkon te stallen.
Ik kijk nog even naar de weersvoorspellingen op de Noorse app YR, die best nauwkeurig zijn en grafisch heel knap worden weergegeven. Het nadeel daarvan is dat als er regen voorspeld wordt, je het water al langs je nek omlaag voelt sijpelen.
Afstand: 42,5 km
Tijd: 4 uur
Afstand tot de Noordkaap langs de meridiaan: 1.393 kmp
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agentaly · 2 years
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Property Analysis Buy Sell or Own Property Check All Positives and Negative Looking for Pre Token Guidence Pre Property Purchase Overall Analysis https://wa.me/p/5341665649215790/919538351721 Regarding property purchase basically Just by Location. Pre Advance or Pre Purchase Save your Time Money. 1. Colour Zone based on Cdp 2. Village map survey details 3. Rajakaluves 4. Lake Bed 5. Buffer Zone 6. Basic Details on RTC , Mutation, Records 7. Last 20 Years History Of Property location 8. Sea Level of Property 9. Over View & Risk involved. Search for AGENTALY in YouTube Https://wa.me/919538351721 #legal #bbmp #rajakaluves #bufferzone #lake #lakebed #property #propertyadvise #realesate #advisor https://www.instagram.com/p/Cml1AF_vtAK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keynewssuriname · 4 months
OW Bouwcommissie verwelkomt 2 nieuwe leden
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De Bouwcommissie van het ministerie van Openbare werken heeft twee nieuwe leden, Dynaida Baptist en Karansing Gena erbij, die met hun uitgebreide ervaring en toewijding een waardevolle aanvulling vormen voor het team. De toevoeging van deze leden is het resultaat van een expliciet verzoek aan de minister van Openbare Werken. De Bouwcommissie, onder leiding van voorzitter Indersing Gangabisoensingh, is sinds haar installatie actief bezig met het verbeteren van de regelgeving in de bouwsector. Eén van de prioriteiten is de uitbreiding van de bufferzone. Daarnaast werkt de bouwcommissie aan het updaten van de regelgeving om aan de hedendaagse uitdagingen te voldoen. “Hoewel de regels helder en duidelijk zijn, begrijpen we dat ze moeten evolueren met de tijd. We streven ernaar om regelgeving te creëren die relevant en effectief is, in de snel veranderende omgeving van de bouwsector”, aldus de voorzitter. Minister Riad Nurmohamed benadrukt het belang van de Bouwcommissie en kondigt aan dat er binnenkort een speciaal bouwloket zal worden geopend binnen het ministerie van Openbare Werken. Dit loket zal een centrale plek bieden waar burgers alle relevante regelgeving kunnen raadplegen en vragen kunnen stellen over bouwgerelateerde zaken. Suriname, met zijn diverse culturele en etnische achtergronden, vereist een aanpak die rekening houdt met de unieke behoeften van de gemeenschap. We kijken ernaar uit om samen te werken aan een bloeiende bouwsector voor de toekomst van Suriname. Read the full article
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govindhtech · 4 months
Intel Lunar Lake CPU: Powering Next-Gen Copilot+ PCs
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Intel Lunar Lake CPU
Intel’s next generation of client CPUs, code-named Intel Lunar Lake, will power over 80 new laptop designs from over 20 OEMs starting in Q3 2024, just in time for the holidays. These processors will deliver AI performance on a worldwide scale for Copilot+ PCs. As soon as an upgrade is released, Intel Lunar Lake will receive the Copilot+ experiences, such as Recall. With Intel Lunar Lake added, and building on the popularity of Intel Core Ultra processors, Intel expects to ship over 40 million AI PC chips this year.
Lunar Lake Intel
Intel Lunar Lake and Copilot+, together with the industry’s largest library of software enablement for the CPU, GPU, and NPU, and with x86 architecture’s dependable compatibility, promise to give the most competitive joint client hardware and software offering in Intel’s history
What an AI computer
A neural processing unit (NPU), graphic processing unit (GPU), and central processing unit (CPU) are the three components of an AI PC, and each one has unique AI acceleration capabilities. Rather of transferring data to be processed on the cloud, an NPU is a specialised accelerator that effectively tackles AI and machine learning (ML) activities immediately on your PC. The need for AI PCs is growing as the desire to automate, optimise, and streamline PC processes increases.
Use Intel Core Ultra Processors on your PC to experience the power of AI. You could be able to increase your creativity, productivity, and security with the AI PC. Intel is transferring AI apps from the cloud to PCs, enhancing privacy and lowering reliance on pricey data centres, all while being inspired by market trends. Because Intel simplifies AI software development, you can focus on what counts.
The AI PC Era
The advent of the AI PC marks a turning moment in the history of the PC industry, a time when software improved by ML and AI algorithms is becoming more widely available. These apps enable users to produce music, create art, combine knowledge, and work more efficiently. With strong architectures for the neural processing unit (NPU), graphics processing unit (GPU), and central processing unit (CPU) to maximise the speed and power efficiency of AI applications, Intel is leading this shift.
Improving Computer Experiences
Through the AI PC Acceleration programme, access to Intel’s vast bench of technical expertise will be made possible for focused software optimisations and tuning based on go-to-market prospects, ISV demands, and core development tools and software developer kits like OpenVINO.
Intel will improve PC audio effects, content creation, gaming, security, streaming, video collaboration, and more by working with over 100 ISVs on over 300 AI-accelerated features, including Adobe, Audacity, BlackMagic, BufferZone, CyberLink, DeepRender, Fortemedia, MAGIX, Rewind AI, Skylum, Topaz, VideoCom, Webex, Wondershare Filmora, XSplit, and
The Reason It Is Important
With over three times the AI performance of the previous generation, Intel Lunar Lake is anticipated to be a revolutionary mobile CPU for AI PCs. Intel’s next generation CPUs, with around 40 NPU tera operations per second (TOPS), will have the power to provide Copilot+ experiences when they hit the market. Apart from the enhanced NPU performance, Intel Lunar Lake will be furnished with more than 60 GPU TOPS that will yield over 100 platform TOPS.
Intel extensive co-engineering cooperation will allow Intel Lunar Lake to boost security, battery life, and more. According to Microsoft corporate vice president of Windows + Devices Pavan Davuluri, “Intel is excited to see Lunar Lake come to market with a 40+ TOPS NPU which will deliver Microsoft’s Copilot+ experiences at scale when available.”
In addition to innovative technology, a strong software enablement infrastructure is necessary for a comprehensive approach to AI. Intel is collaborating with over 100 independent software providers as part of the AI PC Acceleration Programme to improve AI PC experiences for personal assistants, audio effects, content production, gaming, security, streaming, and video collaboration, among other uses.
The Operation of AI Models
One of the many crucial tiers in the software stack that affects an AI-driven application’s final performance, stability, and capabilities is its AI model. AI models are taught to examine vast amounts of data, make judgements, and act on those conclusions. These models can be used and expanded upon by developers working on new AI PC features. More AI PC functionalities are activated in proportion to the number of AI models.
AI models are capable of acting on speech, text, audio, images, and other PC-related audiovisual sources. Artificial intelligence (AI) models serve as the basis for AI-enhanced features that are created for the benefit of users, like text summarization that occurs automatically, teleconferencing that uses less energy, and picture editing that eliminates undesired items. In order to optimise for Intel Core Ultra, OpenVINO compresses the models for efficient AI PC operation, load-balances across all compute units, and optimises the runtime to utilise Intel Core Ultra’s memory bandwidth and core architecture.
Constant work to enable an unparalleled collection of high-performance models on Intel Core Ultra opens up a world of possibilities for software developers and streamlines user delivery of AI PC features and applications.
Intel Lunar Lake Release Date
The official announcement from Intel was that Lunar Lake chips will be available in Q3 2024, or perhaps in July and September of this year. There may be a limited launch at first, and in 2025, broader availability is anticipated.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Col Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine BufferZone in Kursk? Disaster Awaits
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive
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babyawacs · 4 months
  #independent #notmywar #on #russia_acceptable #putin_back_from_china  .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc @profklau sschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradi o4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@en ergy‎ ‎.@ukraine .@rosatom .@rosatomglobal .@kremli nrussia .@kremlinrussia_e .@potus @potus .@vp @vp .@trt .@nato @otan .@snowden .@msc @msc  .@eu_commission @eu_commission .@eucouncil @eucouncil .@euparl_en @euparl_dk .@poland .@gchq .@nsagov .@rosatom .@joebiden .@gop .@dnc ‎ #keypoint the core of russias actions are an upvalued own role of the whole securitystructure of europe while all its zones of s uccumb bufferzones try to desperatelyescape russias control. the line russia can accept is anything eu as weak flimsy blob that brings money and possibilities. what russia cannot accept is nato and the security aspect west brings. because it is about con trol and the own gardens of blood and power.
#independent #notmywar #on #russia_acceptable #putin_back_from_china .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc @profklausschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy‎ ‎.@ukraine .@rosatom .@rosatomglobal .@kremlinrussia .@kremlinrussia_e .@potus @potus…
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