#buff orpington rooster
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Me and the mutuals perching side by side in the coop (sleeping)
#talking to myself#shitpost#chickenposting#i’m so tired#mutuals what breed of chicken would you be?#my old time fav is silver laced wyandottes#also buff orpingtons#I’d probably be a bantam hybrid of some sort#rooster not because I’m sort of a dude but because bantie roosters have attitude problems lmao
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got chicks for the year today :) and i’m trying turkeys too!

#5 buff orpingtons 3 silver lace wyandottes 3 blue plymouth rock and 2 heritage turkeys!!!#3 made it from last years batch unfortunately :( i had a lot of problems with predators#some got out and my dog ate them#raccoons got their hands through the slats of the hutch and got a few#one died of stress after the raccoons#and a weasel just got 1 of them recently after a several months#it was my first time ever having chickens so i’m glad some of them lived#and i’m really glad my rooster made it through he is so sweet#cbb.txt#cbb.png
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Jubilee Orpington: The Remarkable and Delightful Flock Addition
“Jubilee Orpington: The Majestic, Friendly Addition to Your Flock” The jubilee Orpington is one of the beautiful chickens breeds that many fancy. It looks royal, comfortably social, and it lays many eggs. For this reason, it is perfect whether you are a new or veteran chicken owner. In this article, readers will learn about the Jubilee Orpington’s origin, characteristics, and demands toward…
#buff orpington hen#chicken breed orpington#english jubilee#english jubilee orpington#english orpingtons#jubilee#jubilee orpington#jubilee orpington bantams#jubilee orpington chicken#jubilee orpington chickens#jubilee orpington rooster#jubilee orpingtons#orpington#orpington (animal breed)#orpington chicken#orpington chicken breed#orpington chickens#orpington chicks#orpington hens#orpington info#orpington rooster#orpingtoni#orpingtons
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When your discord friends give you a ridiculous idea, you just have to roll with it. @mothballmilkshake
Alastor’s flock was a small, odd collection of hens. There was Charlie, the head hen, a plucky little Buff Orpington, and Vaggie, the Barred Rock that always followed her around. Niffty, the tiny Bantam Red Cochin who always followed Alastor around, Angel, a Silke, and her friend Husk, the grumpy Black Copper Marans. Finally, there was Penni and Cherri, the pair of ridiculous Polishes that Alastor had to pay close attention to, since their crests made them more vulnerable.
Alastor may have been considered an odd rooster, thanks to his lack of interest in actually breeding the hens, but none of them had complained.
Alastor hopped up on the fence, threw back his head, and crowed, reminding the yard of his presence. The hens shuffled around, scratching in the dirt. Penni wandered too close to Vaggie, and received a sharp peck on the head from Charlie. A petty squabble that Alastor left them to sort out themselves.
He spied a dish of corn, and strutted over to it. He put out a wing, dancing around it and clucking at his flock, making sure they knew he’d found them a tasty treat. They obediently scurried over. He waited until the flock had eaten before pecking a few kernels up for himself, whilst keeping an eye out for threats.
The threat came in the form of a White Leghorn strutting through the gate like he owned the place. Alastor’s feathers bristled. The other rooster made his way through the yard, clucking to the hens as he passed. Alastor expected his head hen to shoo the interloper away, but she simply watched him. The white rooster scratched around a tomato plant, plucking a fat hornworm free. He dropped it at Charlie’s feet, clucking excitedly.
Charlie eagerly accepted the worm, slapping it on the ground to kill it, before swallowing it whole.
Alastor flew at him. This was his flock, and this newcomer would not be tolerated.
The white rooster met him in a flurry of feathers and spurs. They clashed with brutal kicks and pecks, until Charlie got fed up and pecked both of them into submission.
The red rooster kept a sharp eye on the other male, but he seemed subdued after Charlie’s show of authority. As Alastor watched, he found another hornworm. He plucked it from the leaf it clung to, and shuffled over to Alastor.
Lucifer dropped the worm near Alastor, put out a wing, and tidbitted for him. Ordinarily Alastor would’ve called one of the hens to accept the treat, but the other rooster had brought it to him. He was still tidbitting around. Alastor slapped the worm on a rock, once, twice, three times, until it broke in two. He gulped down half, then clucked at the other male.
He wouldn’t be tidbitting back or submitting to the white rooster, but he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to share.
Alastor’s flock was a small, odd collection of hens. There was Charlie, the head hen, a plucky little Buff Orpington, and Vaggie, the Barred Rock that always followed her around. Niffty, the tiny Bantam Red Cochin, and her friend Husk, the grumpy Black Copper Marans. Finally, there was Penni and Cherri, the pair of ridiculous Polishes that Alastor had to pay close attention to, since their crests made them more vulnerable.
Alastor may have been considered an odd rooster, thanks to his lack of interest in actually breeding the hens, but none of them had complained.
Alastor hopped up on the fence, threw back his head, and crowed, reminding the yard of his presence. The hens shuffled around, scratching in the dirt. Penni wandered too close to Vaggie, and received a sharp peck on the head from Charlie. A petty squabble that Alastor left them to sort out themselves.
He spied a dish of corn, and strutted over to it. He put out a wing, dancing around it and clucking at his flock, making sure they knew he’d found them a tasty treat. They obediently scurried over. He waited until the flock had eaten before pecking a few kernels up for himself, whilst keeping an eye out for threats.
The threat came in the form of a White Leghorn strutting through the gate like he owned the place. Alastor’s feathers bristled. The other rooster made his way through the yard, clucking to the hens as he passed. Alastor expected his head hen to shoo the interloper away, but she simply watched him. The white rooster scratched around a tomato plant, plucking a fat hornworm free. He dropped it at Charlie’s feet, clucking excitedly.
Charlie eagerly accepted the worm, slapping it on the ground to kill it, before swallowing it whole.
Alastor flew at him. This was his flock, and this newcomer would not be tolerated.
The white rooster met him in a flurry of feathers and spurs. They clashed with brutal kicks and pecks, until Charlie got fed up and pecked both of them into submission.
The red rooster kept a sharp eye on the other male, but he seemed subdued after Charlie’s show of authority. As Alastor watched, he found another hornworm. He plucked it from the leaf it clung to, and shuffled over to Alastor.
Lucifer dropped the worm near Alastor, put out a wing, and tidbitted for him. Ordinarily Alastor would’ve called one of the hens to accept the treat, but the other rooster had brought it to him. He was still tidbitting around. Alastor slapped the worm on a rock, once, twice, three times, until it broke in two. He gulped down half, then clucked at the other male.
He wouldn’t be tidbitting back or submitting to the white rooster, but he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to share.









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I suck at journaling, but having chickens is actually steadily changing that.
We have decided on a name for one of the three hens, so folks may I introduce you to Goldfish.

She is a young buff orpington hen. Her head is still a little rough from her previous home's rooster. She is by far the easiest hen to photograph. When we first moved her out onto grass she stood at the doorway of the coop for like 20 minutes in utter bewilderment. It took her two tries to go all the way down the ramp and into the grass. I need to clip her legband soon.
And here's the other two gals:

^ This one is my favorite photo of all three of them currently.
They don't have names yet but we're narrowing it down. We are thinking maybe Dragon for the lavender orpington, and Diamond for the speckled sussex.

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Yyyyeeeee, the babies are growing! So fun to see them bouncing around inside the eggs already 🥰 hoping to get at least 4 or 5 out of the bunch. All 8 would be awesome, tho! @dotteddottiedot
I have two roosters, an Australorp and a Wyandotte. The Wyandotte is the boss buuuuut sometimes Pretty Boy sneaks a few hits on the ladies lol
As for hens, I have an Easter Egger, 3 California Whites, a Buff Orpington/Wyandotte, a Leghorn/Silkie Bantam, an Australorp, and a Buff Orpington/Easter Egger(from when we had an EE rooster).
So these babies can be a mix of anything essentially lol
Also, this is a super neat incubator I got off Amazon. It keeps it humid, temperature controlled, and even turns the eggs!
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Toad is growing a white booty feather! Not sure why, he’s buff orpington and Rhode Island red and being a rooster his feathers back there’s really shouldn’t have any white
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so we've been having trouble with hawks getting our hens for a while. I insist my mom get a rooster for protection, but she HATES roosters. A few weeks ago one of our favorites were killed and I insist again. She admits I'm probably right.
Well, it happened. She got a rehomed buff orpington rooster
And he's the wettest, saddest looking beast I've ever seen

#yaps#he's not aggressive towards people at all and he squeaks to crow#i keep looking at his sad little tail feather and losing it. he's perfect
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I LOVE YOUR CHICKENS!!! I'm a big chicken lover too!! What breeds are they? Do they have names?
YEAHHH SO DO I <33 Ohh boy here we go...
Our head rooster is Shmuel, and he's a rhode island red brahma mix! Then we have his son, Santa, who's mom was an olive egger! Then we have Rocket, the swedish flower hen rooster!
We have Big Red and Mavis, the rhode island reds, Janet the easter egger, Helen and Athena the olive eggers, Three ISA browns we can't tell apart so they're just the ISA browns-- Then we have Mama Karen the black jersey giant, Wendy and Odette the silver laced wyandottes, Annie and Rat Bird the blue stars, and my favorite girl Pumpkin who we dont know the breed of-- We also have Dweeb and Goldie the buff orpingtons.
Then we have Mulberry and Morrow--the first two we hatched ourselves. And we also have Cheese and Crackers, who are identical, but Cheese is a barred rock and Crackers is Mama Karens and Shmuels daughter. We also have two unnamed DweebxShmuel babies that we can't tell apart so we call them the Dweeblings.
Finally, we have Corn, the bantam silkie rooster, and his bantam silkie hens: Batman, Fifi, and Beans. (we also have Rampage the drake, and Momo and Elon Muscovy the duck hens) All my beloved creatures <3
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I don’t know what happened, but we’re becoming farm people. I just spent 20 minutes comparing different kids of manure.
Yesterday I saw that my favorite farm stand had opened for the season and I squealed and Justin was like why don’t I build you a fenced in garden and you just grow your own? A bit later I was talking about quail for their tiny adorable speckled eggs and getting a rabbit just to use its droppings in the garden and Justin asked “why are you talking about quail and a rabbit? Our next animals are goats.”
So that’s what we’re doing, living out our farm fantasy hahaha. Justin discovered that goats eat poison oak and that people pay big money to rent them out to eat excess vegetation and Justin is sold. I’m not ready for goats, seems like a big responsibility, but apparently sometime soon. And apparently their droppings are more beneficial than rabbit droppings, but so are chickens if you compost them right.
Why am I this way? What happened to me? Instagram? I had chickens in Texas and I loved my girls, but I wasn’t this level of obsessed with them. But now I see all these different breeds and characteristics and egg colors and I have become a chicken hoarder. I had to stop going to my favorite tractor supply because I became friends with the manager and he kept getting me to take his store’s injured birds home. So far we have rehomed 4 aggressive roosters (but kept our sweetheart silkie roo) and have 18 total. Three starlight eggers, three buff orpingtons, three mystic marans, two Easter eggers, two silkies, two booted bantams, a leghorn, a rhode island red, and a silver-laced sebright. We’ll get medium green eggs, light green eggs, maybe some blue if we’re lucky. And lighter brown, medium brown, and dark dark brown from the marans. And smaller cream colored ones from the bantam ladies. And the leghorn will lay the standard white you’re used to from the store, fun fact I hatched fertilized eggs from the store once and leghorns are what hatched!
I saw some reel that said that chickens are the gateway farm animal and ding ding ding. Once you have chickens you start looking up guard animals and then you want a goose. Then you go to a feed store and see that they have turkens (naked neck chickens that are social/sweet and are so ugly they’re cute), turkeys, ducks, and quails. I mean ducks are stinky and messy but I’ll take the rest please, thank you.
My grandma was an animal hoarder, is this genetic? She had an actual aviary and llamas and cats. We had animals growing up but I remember begging forever for a Guinea pig, it’s not like we had a farm. But at one point I was breeding Guinea pigs and fish. And incubating chicken eggs. So maybe it is in my genetics. A 10 year old asking for fish breeding supplies is not on my radar, what kid does that? Maybe this side of me has lied dormant under some depression fog. I don’t know.
Justin being on board is dangerous though. He didn’t even say anything when he came home from his work trip to 6 new chickens living in his office. He wasn’t as pleased about my “pointless” fish though, but I am loving my little aquarium. It’s next to my aerogarden and it’s such a happy little corner.
We need to push back the retaining wall in the backyard. Well *need* might be a little strong. But the wood panels are rotted out and need to be replaced. Right now it’s 2.5 high and the field of poison oak beyond is starting to travel down and I am so severely allergic my arms are constantly covered is weeping wounds. We’re going to push it back til it’s at 4 ft and then build the chicken run, originally it was supposed to be 10 by 8, but now I’m thinking it needs to be 12 by 8 minimum.
We’ve been chipping away at excavating ourselves but with between the kids, the boulders, and my rash reaction it’s just not worth it, we need someone with a machine so we hired someone to come excavate it next week. With the space, our backyard will eventually be dining area w pergola, chicken run/coop, fenced in garden area, swing set and jungle gym for the kids, goat shed/area, then Justin’s big shed that he hopes to break ground on this summer. When we’re done with that we’re going to build steps up to access our side yard, clear and level the clearing, and then put pavers or bricks down for a fire pit area.
I am absolutely obsessed with our property. I want to utilize as much of it as we can, and I never want to take for granted that we are lucky to have land and live somewhere breathtakingly beautiful. Life isn’t perfect by any means, but I still feel like I’m living the dream.
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How many chickens do you currently have? From the posts I have seen there are at least 4 I think
i have nine!
we just sold two of ours, bacardi and indica. we wanted to keep indica but i have a very hard time separating pairs of chickens because i genuinely feel bad about it :( so if i have a rooster, i almost always send him off with a hen he's attached to.
so that means our current flock is: dream (chicken) and clovis who are salmon faverolles, ginger the buff orpington, felony who we think is a dutch bantam, creature, harlow the partridge silkie, george and tax evasion the polish, and misdemeanor the opal legbar.
#i can't count so if the number is wrong RIP#i just know them by name not number sdlkfjdskj#loyal answers things
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@rembrandtswife (I can't tag you for some reason)
But here are my current loves. They were hatched out just this spring. The rooster is inventively named "Dude" and his sisters don't have names. Although they do have fancy anklets so I can tell them apart from their mother, who didn't run outside for treats like these two did.
These are asils, which is a breed originally bred for naked heel fighting in southeast Asia and India (these particular ones being more of the Indian type, Rajah asil). They don't fight - at least not intentionally. Dude had four brothers but one day they all chose violence and on that day I was very glad I was home, as I separated them before they could do much damage. His brothers went to my father's house where they enjoy separate pens, and my father has sold two of them to other fanciers. They are a difficult breed to manage because of how early they decide to fight and how serious and to-the-death they are when that kicks in.
But they are gentle and charming with people, less prone to manfighting than other breeds, and they tend to live a long time. My last one, Sunny, had a respiratory disease from the day I got him at the age of 6 months and died of it finally 8 years later. I am hoping Little Dude makes it past 10 years.
My dad has a lot of strains of game chickens. He fought them when he was younger (and so did I, we're talking decades ago), but now that he's in his age he enjoys raising them and selling them to people. They're very pretty.
I currently have Dude, his three sisters, his mother, a roundhead hen named Legolas (or Leggy-lass, or optionally 'Butthole Woman' because she was very mean to the other chickens but now that the asils are older she is okay with them), and a buff orpington named Buffy, whom Dude has decided is too big and threatening and he has tried to kill her even though he was raised with her, so I have her in a separate pen and put one or two of the asil girls in with her from time to time as company.
Buffy is entirely innocent in this and has done nothing to deserve his aggression. She's going on four years, which for her breed is fairly old, so I'll just keep her until she passes rather than try to find a different situation for her. I have two pens, both with runs like you see in the background of the picture. So I keep Dude in one and her in the other.
Next month most likely the asil girls will go to my father's. That will be for the breeding season. Dude doesn't need to get it on with his sisters and mom. I will then just have Dude, Legolas, and Buffy, so maybe I'll pick up a hen or two. My dad has a couple of truly ancient asil hens I might take on if they can be safely integrated. He doesn't tend to keep them if he's not able to use them in breeding, but I have them entirely as pets so I don't care if they don't lay anymore.
I could go on and on about chickens but this is enough.
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I can't put this into tags I have too many animals. I live on a farm and also have a lot of pets. I apologize in advance.
Snakes: Pepper (Male Axanthic Hognose), Sriracha (Female Albino Conda Hognose), Eddie Spaghetti (Male Leopard Lemon Blast Ball Python)
Dogs: Kodiak/Kodi (Anatolian Shepherd mix), Pixel (Dalmatian/Lab)
Cats: Dusty (Gray tabby), Hunter (Same), Jake (Orange pied), Marceline (Mackerel pied), Cookie (Calico and mostly feral but warming up to us)
Non-Poultry birds: Piper (White faced cockatiel)
Miniature Horses: Pitch (Black gelding), Melody (Black mare, Pitch's daughter)
Miniature Goats (Nigerian dwarf + Nubian/Nigerian mixes): Misty, Luna, Clover (all grey does of Misty's progeny);
Ginger, Isabelle, Snowball, Miss Moustache/Handlebar (white does with brown and black spots and some without horns, Ginger's progeny)
Ashe, Jack (brown and black wethers, Ginger's sons)
Chickens: (Hoo boy here we go, only the current named ones we have 19 new babies that need names still)
Roosters: Prince (Light brahma rooster), Stinky (Black silkie rooster)
Hens: Bella (Black sex-link), Daisy (One-eyed buff Orpington), Jazz (Ancona/Ameraucana), Robin (Ameraucana), Roxy (Barred rock), Penelope (White rock), Foxglove (Mahogany Orloff)
Bantam hens: Lil Bit (Belgian D'anvers), PeeBee (White Serama), Silver (White splashed blue-ish Serama), Goshawk (Watermaal)
.............and finally yes. Loki. She's a modern game bantam and bantam sumatra mix. She came to me with that name and she really fits it. I tried to put her to bed in the coop when she didn't want to sleep there and she literally leapt out into the darkness of night when I tried to give her enough light to find a perch by. She had her wings clipped because she keeps getting out of the run. It did not stop her.
hey if you have a pet or pets you need to reblog this rn and tell me in the tags what their names are. bonus points for including what kind of animal.
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So yesterday I got my new hens.
I got a Speckled Sussex, which is the breed I really really really wanted, and I love her. She acts so clever and haughty and I love the way she walks. She is such a dinosaur. She is also the most talkative of the three.
Then I also got a buff orpington. She is quickly sorting out to be the bottom of the pecking order because she is a soft scaredy baby.
And I also got a lavender orpington, which I didn't know was a thing until recently. She is SO INCREDIBLY SOFT. Like a warm thundercloud that can be held. She is very bossy towards the other hens.
I've gotten all of them to eat out of my hands, so I think the taming process is gonna be smooth!
Also, my speckled sussex laid an egg while in the kennel. All the hens were in with roosters before I bought them, so I'm gonna let them keep this first batch of eggs and see if anything happens, but I highly doubt it will. They're all pretty young hens.
Tomorrow I will have the wheels properly affixed to the coop, and they shall be wheeled onto green grass!
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Rest in Peace, Jamal
September 22nd, 2017—October 15th, 2022

Jamal's entire life was defined by defying the odds. Both of his parents had died before he hatched from his egg. His parents, Georgia and Arizona, both died after a predator broke into their pen. In my grief after that happened, I realized that I had two eggs from them that were almost certainly fertilized, and that it might be nice to carry on their legacy through their children. Mykerion, a bantam hen who was Georgia's child with another hen, had just gone broody, so I gave both eggs to Mykerion and waited. 21 days later, one of the eggs hatched, and baby Jamal entered the world.

Jamal and Mykerion adored each other, and I loved watching them interact with each other. I know the two of them probably had no way of knowing that they were half-siblings, but to me, it was really sweet to know that Jamal still had family, even if his parents were gone. And Mykerion immediately took Jamal in as her own, seeming to fully believe that she was his mother.

I spent the first five or six weeks of Jamal's life desperately hoping that he was female, as I really didn't have any more room for roosters. But, alas, fate loves to cause me trouble when it comes specifically to chickens, and it quickly became apparent that Jamal was, in fact, male.

Being a standard-sized chicken, and Mykerion being a bantam, Jamal very quickly caught up to Mykerion in size, even while he was very young. It was hilarious to see him following her around and acting like a young chick while he was nearly as big as her.

He also insisted on sleeping under Mykerion's belly for a long time... even once Mykerion decided to stop sleeping in their nest and start sleeping on the roost pole again. He would fly up and still get underneath her while they were both on the pole.

Jamal had to be separated from his birth flock when he was four months old. He was much bigger than his bantam family at that point, and he was beginning to pick fights with JD, the rooster. I decided to get some hens for Jamal to start his own flock with. I moved Jamal to his own pen and got four hens to live with him. He was elated, and he got to work being the best flock leader he could be. He was a natural at protecting his flock. Jamal seemed to love all of the hens, but he was particularly close to Henrietta, a gentle buff Orpington.

He was also gentle with people for several years, keeping a watchful eye on me when I entered their pen, but never causing me any trouble. At the time, I was incredibly grateful for that. Jamal's father, Georgia, was the most aggressive rooster I've ever met or heard of. I always hoped that Jamal wouldn't take after his dad in that way, and for a long time, he didn't.

Jamal went on to face loss and tragedy in his life. Two of the hens in his first flock died after one was attacked by a predator, and the other suffered some unknown internal complication. Not long after, he lost the remaining two hens to two separate predator attacks. The night that the unknown predator came back for the last hen, it was clear that Jamal would have given his life for her. In the aftermath of it all in the morning, I found him with bloody wounds and missing feathers, but with all the strength and determination in the world.

I built a new, safer pen, and then moved Jamal into that. I decided to get a new flock of five chickens to keep him company. Five turned into two, as one pullet passed away shortly after, and two birds revealed themselves to actually be cockerels. Still, Jamal loved his new companions Jesse and Miah, and the three of them were a close flock for the rest of their lives.

For some unknown reason, after being very sweet for his entire life up until that point, Jamal became aggressive with people. He began attacking me in the same way his father did. Though I was no longer able to hold him or sit with him, he was still a really wonderful rooster. He wouldn't eat a single bite of anything until his hens were completely done eating. He immediately called an alarm any time he heard a strange sound or saw a bird of prey fly above the yard.

Jamal served his hens well, but sadly, both Jesse and Miah passed away within a few months of each other. Due to life circumstances, I was unable to get any more chickens, so I couldn't get new hens for Jamal. He was visited daily by multiple people, and he was within sight of the bantam flock that he grew up with, throughout the rest of his life, until he passed away unexpectedly from an unknown cause towards the end of 2022.

I admire Jamal deeply and honor his memory as one of the bravest roosters I've ever known, rivaled only by his father.
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