imperatorrrrr · 1 month
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new article/q&a about Nico Hischier just dropped.
best tidbits below:
Q: What moment in your life would you like to experience again? A: The moment when I stepped onto the ice before my first NHL game.
Q: Common misconception about hockey players? A: That goalies are a bit crazy for standing in goal and letting pucks get shot at them.
Q: Which sports star's training would you like to follow? A: I would be interested to know how Roger Federer trains.
Q: What title would you give your biography? A: From Little Valais to Big New York
Q: Last time you cried? A: After the World Cup final there were emotional moments and some tears were shed. I had never played in a final before, now I know what it feels like. And when you lose, the motivation for the next time is even greater so that you don't experience that feeling again.
Q: What didn't you eat as a child that you like to eat now? A: Onions! As a child I hated them, my mother was not allowed to cook anything with onions. And today I love them.
Q: Most emotional locker room moment? A: Difficult, because there were a few. Emotionally, it's not easy when players are traded during the season or coaches who have been with the club for a long time have to leave. These are not pleasant conversations as a team. In contrast, the moment when the playoffs are clinched, for example, is very special. That's why there is no one moment; in the locker room it's a rollercoaster of emotions.
Q: What advice do you give to young players who dream of the NHL? A: Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because you learn from them. Go your own way, have fun in training and in games.
Q: Are you afraid of getting older? A: No, I try to have the attitude of looking forward to what is still to come.
Q: Four weeks in a monastery or in prison – what would you choose? A: To the monastery, of course
Q: What could you never be persuaded to do? A: A dance competition
Q: What household chore do you put off the longest? A: Vacuuming
Q: What prank have your teammates played on you? A: In the locker room, your helmet is always on the top shelf. They put a cup of water underneath it. If you take your helmet off the shelf, you pour the water on your face. I found out a few years ago that this is a popular joke.
Q: When can you laugh at yourself? A: When I’m in a good mood I can always laugh at myself
Q: What are women better at than men? A: Oh, in many things. They are better at coordinating things, they can absorb a lot of information better and faster. Luckily there are women.
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chaoticarson16 · 8 months
May we please have Loui, NY, and TX hc’s? 👁️👁️
*not forcing*
Of course you may!
• He’s a literal sweetheart that gets along with everyone. Like, he knows everyone and everyone knows him
• He will drop whatever he’s doing to help one of his friends. Doing the dishes? Not anymore. Eating lunch? He says he ate enough. Self care? You need it more than I do! Therapy? He’ll be your therapist.
• He very rarely cusses. Every now and then he’ll cuss in French but he rarely cusses in English. When he does this everyone goes quiet cause he’s either in a lot of pain, very upset, or MAJORLY pissed.
• Him and California are the only two not allowed to be ANYWHERE near guns. (With the Wild West and the Black Panther group, please don’t quote me on this, California would be able to shoot guns frighteningly well. I also believe Loui would be extremely good at shooting guns, like, completely incapacitate someone but still keep them alive. Everyone believes they’d be way too dangerous with a gun. Even Florida won’t give them a gun….sometimes)
• Him and Florida have a pet alligator that they’ve named Kitten. She’s around 8 feet and is the biggest softie ever. When the others hear they’ve got a pet named Kitten, they assume they have a cat and weren’t very creative with the name. They are wrong. Florida and Loui laugh every time they agree to meet Kitten and she’s a big ass gator. Govs the only one who got used to her (surprisingly) cause when they got married (pushing my Flouigov agenda) Kitten would constantly follow Florida or Loui and she eventually started following Gov too since he was there more then the other states and she now sees his as a family member.
New York:
• He LOVES to draw. Like, this man always has a sketchbook on him. Any chance he gets he buys a new one (literally me tho) but they don’t last cause he’s always drawing.
• He’s got hella tattoos. Him and California have the most tattoos out of anyone else in the statehouse. Most of the states believed New York had the most tattoos until there was a pool party at the statehouse and they saw Californias.
• Him and Colorado are surprisingly friends. They’re hiking buddies and like to go exploring together. New York likes hiking with Colorado cause he’s allowed to climb pretty much everything. Colorado likes hiking with York cause he’s one of the only people who can keep up with him.
• Him and Jersey like to act like they hate each other, but they’re actually twins and they’re really close. They created different signals (hand placement, facial expressions, pencil/pen placement) to have silent conversations in the middle of a meeting. They’ve started randomly laughing while Gov or one of the other states were talking and had to leave the room to stop. Everyone was very confused.
• Begged Illinois to go see the Chicago rat hole and when Illinois finally agreed he was super excited. He took so many pictures and even left some money there. He cried when he found out someone filled it.
• Him and California have a black oriental cat that they’ve named Gremlin. He’s so stupid and they love him very much.
• Him, Jersey, and North Dakota all garden and they love to go to one of their houses and plant new plants that they bought while shopping alone cause they have no self control- (Jersey is the garden state and North Dakota is the peace garden state)
• He has a red dun quarter horse with white blaze and sock markings (yes I looked it up cause I had a very specific image in my head) named Janie. He likes go horseback riding a lot since it calms it down.
• He’s also got an Australian shepherd named Buck (I know so original) but the funny part is she’s a girl. She learned to nip at people’s feet when they call her a he and Texas finds that hilarious. When he says she has an attitude, he means it. She’s also like an emotional support dog for him which honestly he needs. This boy got hella trauma-
• This man is deathly terrified of big crowds. If he can’t easily get to an exit he starts to panic. And when I say panic I mean p a n i c. He started crying and having a panic attack after a meeting cause he was too tired to teleport and everyone kinda crowded around the door to talk. It was made even worse when they started crowding him to make sure he was ok. Buck ended up not leaving his side for a while after that, even going to meetings. If she saw people crowding the door she’d go up to them and bark till they left.
Sorry this is a bit late! My teacher threw a random test at us and I still haven’t finish it💀
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bigsnzstanacct · 4 months
since people are asking about some of your old characters it got me thinking
what's Michelle up to these days? Has she gotten any better at holding back her monster sneezes? Did she wind up with that guy in the end? I imagine it would be a great match, having them both help tend to each other's noses when a big one is coming. Speaking of characters thought about often, I always am thinking about how valiantly she tried to hold back her sneezes not to ruin his show.
Anon you inspired me to read that story for the first time in ages and wow that shit is HOT lmao. Idk if I have another Really Epic Buildup story like that, tho I do them fairly often in RPs (shameless plug?) Anyway hmmmmm I imagine Michelle and Tim are still together probably? I can’t imagine either of them letting the other go, given that neither has ever met anyone with ginormous sneezes other than themselves. A bit of a trauma bond I suppose. I imagine Michelle has become a video editor. That seems like a good gig for her. Work from home, they probably live in a place in New Jersey kinda in the middle of nowhere (Tim had a bit part in a Ma/rvel movie, natch.) All the furniture’s bolted down, and they have a cool home automation thing (put together by Tim’s nerdy buddy and former roommate in their struggling young actor days and like from time to time there’s MMF threesomes what who said that) where like they can press a button or call A/lexa to open the windows and they try to stick their heads out of a window to sneeze, when they can. Tim and Michelle have gotten *really* good at helping each other hold back and maybe the nerdy ex-roommate who is totally not a fetishist and who they definitely don’t have very hot threesomes with is also pretty good at helping with holding back, which is the only way Michelle makes it through Tim’s plays without a repeat of the disaster chronicled in the original story.
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pangolin-404 · 3 years
Henlo I'm also super into scc so allow me to share a few hcs: Sweet is all bark and no bite, but k_k is all bite and no bark. If you hurt his buddies he'll absolutely drop kick you into next week
Cap'n usually hides behind k_k or runs when in danger. K_k has a really high-pitched voice, Cap'n has a new jersey accent, and Sweet sounds like Marvin the martian
it's always so so neat seeing how other people interpret the lads!!
I absolutely love the thought of K_K picking up. idk Spamton and punting him like the kickoff at the premier league. They've got legs and they know how to use them!!
To me Cap'n seems like the all bark and no bite type, but that being said he won't back down as long as the other person keeps going. not as confrontational as he used to be, but insult his friends and he will not be nice. but I can also see their bravado faltering in a conflict,, ur brain is huge
I still cannot settle on what Sweet would be for that scale. are they all bark and no bite? jus a small lad who stares into your soul and roasts your taste in music?? or will they go straight for the ankles?? knee-height 2-cubes-stacked-on-top-of-each-other chihuahua??? but also the thought of them climbing onto their stand and flying above any danger as soon as it seems like it's going to get physical is very funny to me
to me K_K seems very monotone/softspoken, also on the lighter side of things. a lot of people seemed to go with that sort of tone for them which I find interesting. I can definitely see new jersey accent cap'n!! MARVIN THE MARTIAN SWEET THO. MAN I LOVE THAT. hearing all the voiceclaims/voice actors' impressions of them is always a delight, esp since I myself am horrible at imagining their voices and putting a name or accent to them
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
aoba johsai’s sport’s journalist (h/c’s)
just crack+ fluff + platonic-ish relationship (gn!y/n) (w: language!) a/n: this has been bugging me for awhile now since i havent seen headcanons of this yet (if their are do send them on my ask box) and since im on a slump, i decided to write this down. this is completely fun, easy-going, and self-indulgent, really perfect for someone stuck on a slump ksks. idk if i should make some for the other schools but oh welp enjoy! happy 900 btw werkwerk uwu so weird to reach this when im not even very active.
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Now let’s be honest here, it’s no surprise that the volleyball team of aoba johsai has their own sports journalist. Like, c’mon, they’re one of the best in the prefecture.
But let’s start with the basics here, shall we? Let’s start with you, how this all goes through, and how you got into this heaping pile of mess.
Yep, you.
There you were in high hopes to get into journalism for college so what better way was it than to apply for the school paper? It would definitely look good and pretty in those college applications *chef’s kiss* you’re a second year btw idk if that matters but yeah..
Much to your surprise no one was applying for the news section which was kind of sad since you wanted a buddy there.
but-but it turns out though everyone was applying for the sports section completely understandable, next to feature, it was the most exciting thing to write because there was going to be a special section and writer for the volleyball team.
You knew that volleyball was kind of a big thing around your school?? you just didn’t expect it to amass like that much people.
The editor in chief is obviously surprised, you were the first person on that day to come in there and actually apply for something else.
and guess where that led you to?
Yep, the sport’s section, specifically the volleyball team’s personal sports journalist. Your brain goes brrt brrt because you were not a sports writer at all and you were, ironically, scared of ball games.
Your editor in chief laughs it off and says, “you’ll do fine… its like news bUT SPORTS! IT’LL DEFINITELY LOOK GOOD IN YOUR APPLICATIONS!”
You’re not sure if you should be terrified or terrified?
It doesn’t help that on the first day when you enter the gym you look terribly constipated and panicking a lot because of all the stray balls being spiked and tossed around.
It also didn’t help that you crash course the terminologies and the member’s name a night before and you were just running on iced coffee that day.
Yeah, way to make a first impression, huh?
When you approach the coach, you’re not exactly sure what to say and you were this close to chickening out until you saw one of the players come up to you and ask if you were alright and if you wanted to talk to oikawa.
you’re loading for a second there.
and the poor guy who asks you if you were alright, starts looking actually worried because you weren’t responding at all.
the guy literally looks very confused?? because what kind of rock were you living under that you didn’t know Oikawa???
so you go ahead and introduce yourself and say that your name was Y/N and you were the new sports journalist for the team.
“....soooo you write?”
at this point on, you’re also confused too
and idk man, first impressions do indeed last because you ended up (unknowingly) sharing the same brain cell with Matsukawa Issei.
you both were just confused there, straight up looking like two kids who got left behind by their mom in the grocery check-out line.
He tells you the team’s pretty chill and you should stop looking like they spiked a ball on your puppy or something.
Basically introduces you to the whole team after, 
no questions asked, just go with the flow.
You basically just click and vibe???
Not only because you crash coursed and related to whatever they said, 
you literally all shared the same brain cell together.
Kentaro was another story though, kid basically hated your guts at first, it felt like if you were to say one sentence to him that day, he’d literally spike a ball at your direction.
“we’re basically the same year tho :(” -Y/N
“lmao well do i’ve got news for you, y/n-chan.” - Oikawa and basically everyone on the team.
you gradually start to understand the coolness of the sport since you had to incorporate visiting them once or twice a week during practice.
but suddenly it becomes almost a daily routine after a month because they’re just really friendly people??
like wow, they’re all friendly giants.
You’re literally just there to write about them but they’re really patient and kind, they even invite you to practice games so that you could practice out your skills in writing since you mentioned that you’ve never written for sports yet.
they even give you some added key terms that aren’t found in books and online.
you’re def closest to iwaizumi and matsukawa.
iwaizumi because he makes really funny fish jokes about oikawa (yes you arent supposed to be laughing but man theyre funny af, oikawa would usually call you and iwa corny because the jokes aren’t even that funny) and yes its canon that whenever iwaizumi sees an oikawa fish in textbooks, he starts laughing and joking about it.
no explanation needed why you ended up being close to matsukawa.
its obvious after that first meeting ya both would be besties.
same brain cell bros go brrt brrt.
incredibly!! supportive!! I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH
like when you release a new write up about them, Oikawa would usually go, “It’s such an honor to be apart of your first steps, can you sign this?”
dramatic but hella supportive, we stan the gr8 king
“oh, wow, i thought you said you didn’t write before? how come you sound like a professional already?” - Hanamaki 
another dramatic best boi.
akira + kindaichi getting shy because they’ve never experienced this yet. So whenever you try to interview them about stats or something for a special issue, they usually end up a stuttering mess
“w-well, L/N-san...”
kentaro slowly warming up to you but still looks like he wants to spike a volleyball at your face 90% of the time but unlike before you’re used to his whole thing already.
“Move, extra.”
“You were great, by the way. That was a powerful spike!”
you may or may not be included in random ramen nights with the team
yes, oikawa buys you your own bowl of ramen
he doesn’t mind tho, he really loves how you write them. 
so its sort of a thank you for giving the team justice when you write about them.
team says you’re technically part of the team so they make you your own jersey. Now when you watch your games people ask if you’re like the manager or smthng.
“ no :’) “
When they lost against shiratorizawa and karasuno, you were bawling too like you were apart of the team.
this pretty much cheered everyone up despite the loss because your crying face was apparently very funny and memable.
oh right, your article was passed on to the town’s newspaper
it was literally like 7 am on a saturday and your notifs went zoop.
they added you to their group chat and spammed you with pictures of the articles that you wrote.
“we didn’t even win the tournament but we still get a feature?? thats so cool?? holy shit?? CONGRATS KSKSKS” -matsukawa
lmao idk matsukawa looks like a keyboard smasher tbh idk why
pretty much its normal for you to even start hanging out already outside of the court and after practice to get steam buns.
more chaotic mess and clumsy you running around.
your volleyball sports writing experience wouldn’t be complete until someone accidentally spikes a ball at the back of your head amaright?
ironically, it’s yahaba who does that to you. poor smoll bean.
“wow, you’re dumb.” -kentaro says to you
“ :’)” -you.
overall, you found yourself in a safe haven with the volleyball team and yes, you also cried when the third years graduated. 
the third years have a picture with everyone on the team + you with a very red face from all the crying?? once again, you’ve proven yourself to be a meme.
continued to write for them up until graduation.
and its def obvious you kept in touch with all of them after, duh.
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zorraansiando · 3 years
thank you so much for tagging me lovely @twofirefighterdads mwah <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14! and about another half a dozen on various google docs too
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
uhhhhh 6 in terms of published fic - Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Man From UNCLE (2015), Leverage, Star Wars
4. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
this handmade heaven (it's paradise) - 1124 kudos!! (TW, steterek)
(won't you) lay your healing hands on my chest (SW, obikin)
Different Path (SW, obikin)
blessed with beauty & rage (SW, obikin sith AU)
Jackson Learns About Family (TW, Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
a VERY old Sirius/James oneshot that ended with Harry appearing in the past to break them up
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
basically all the others? I'm especially fond of hang stuff anyway (the leverage ot3) tho
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest you've written?
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written a LITTLE BIT (blessed with beauty & rage), but mostly much more kinky undertones in stuff tbh
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
sure do! I cherish them all <3
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have not, although in my old ff.net days I was criticised for using the word feminist in a Hobbit fic bc it was 'unrealistic' for the 'time period'.....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, would love to tho
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
in the slow process of one now with beloved @vice-versa-vane (Black Sails folks where y'all at!)
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
uhhhhh next question please? at the moment it's probably the loveable idiots Buddie (9-1-1) but I have MANY
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
An American and His Russian (TMFU, napollya) however I AM working on a new chapter as we speak ;)
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh fluff, maybe? check out my ao3 and you tell me!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
TITLES CLEARLY, sometimes finding the voice of certain characters
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I mean I have written dialogue with Star Wars/Tolkien languages? but its gross to fetishise other languages unnecessarily...
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
it very well could be Dramione from ancient ff.net days tbh
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
it would have to be blessed with beauty & rage (SW, obikin sith AU), with we should get jerseys ('cause we make a good team) (TW, steterek) as a close second
tagging @vice-versa-vane @justcourbeau @maryroyale @fantasyxswap @jaynovz bc they're all wonderful amazing writers <3 (who don't have to do this but DO have to know I appreciate them v much)
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Sweater weather chat #12 part 2
Hi all!!! 
As promised - here’s part two to chat #12!
First of all - massive thanks to @lumosinlove for giving us this world! 
Also thanks to @frombeauxbatons for giving me ideas, support and just generally letting me vent and rant <3 
the amazing @paulian03 cleverly came up with Sirius giving the boys the nickname O’Knutzy in the story and that features both in this chat and the next. :) 
link to part 1 here :) 
Sirius is hiding in a closet. Remus is sarcastic. Kris is worried. So much love for single dad Kris <3. Dumo wants to call PETA. Blizzard doesn't judge. Olli has opinions. Olli is the best. Timmy is offended. Alice is a boss. Finn has ideas. They involve glitter and rainbows. Mental health awareness is important! Natalie is precious. We establish that consent is EVERYTHING! 
Sweater weather chat #12 part 2
Tuesday 2.54 pm 
Sirius <3: re!!!!!! Help. I’m in the green closet. 
Remus ❤️: I’m not gonna make a joke. But. It’s right there. Which green closet? I lost you around the beds. Thought you were behind me. How’re you sneaking away so quietly? 
Sirius <3: someone put it on Twitter. That I’m here. These ladies followed me. Hat to throw my hat down on the floor as a way to distract them. Never seeing that again 😭 
Remus ❤️: sneaky....... you could just sign their bras and get on with your life.
Sirius <3: really? Sarcasm. I was being hunted by cougars re. It’s scary. Help me.
Remus ❤️: alright. Send me a pic. 
Sirius <3: *pic* 
Remus ❤️: I sent you to get a lamp. You ended up on the first floor somehow? In the kids section. And no we’re not buying that massive shark. 
Sirius <3: it’s for Ava. 🥺
Remus ❤️: really? 
Sirius <3: she told me Jackie is her favorite (I assume Jackie is Nado?) and I need to be the favorite. Logan already beat me with the Dumais’ kids. I need to win somewhere. 
Remus ❤️: and bribing her is the way?
Sirius <3: of course it is. How else? Can’t dazzle her with my hockey or money or fame. Need some real firepower and a big shark is a winner. 
Remus ❤️: I’m here now. Which closet are you in? 
Tuesday 4.31 pm
Nadotheman: guess who’s trending on twitter for hooking up in Ikea.
Blizzard: my first guess is always you? But as you’re texting you’re either oddly proud or it’s not you. Kuny? 
RussianGod: not me 
Timmyforrealz: @blizzard you’re not even thinking about me? Could totally have been me. Nado not the only one who’s got crazy girl skills. 
Ollibear: skills? Buddy you’ve had a three month drought. 
Timmyforrealz: DONT listen to Olli. He’s a baby. He’s still a little virgin. 
Ollibear: first of all. There’s nothing wrong with not being into sex. Asexuality is a valid thing. Also I’m not a Virgin. I just prefer a partner who either has no idea who I am or likes me for me. 
Ollibear: also, the three of you are easy @russiangod @nadotheman @timmyforrealz. You literally sell out for a pat on the ass and a wink. I could get with either of you with very little effort. 
Nadotheman: oi! I’m not easy. I have an acquired taste. 
Talkiewalkie: acquired taste = anything human with a pulse and the ability to consent. Literally. I’ve watched you pick up. 
RussianGod: as long as consent. What’s big deal? They say yes it’s ok. 
Prongstar: I JUST SAW THE PIC WTF?????
Prongstar: also, Olli? That’s the spirit. 
LeWilliam: cap?!!???? 
Logantremblayzzz: whattttt 
CarbO’Hara: damn!!! I was gonna say that 
Newt-leo: I said it first. You just type like a madman.
Krisvolley: is that the shark you dropped off for Ava? 
DumoDad: better call peta. Poor shark. 
Siriusly: it’s not whAt it looks like. Someone tweeted I was in there and the cougars descended upon me. I had to hide. Someone actually ripped my shirt and Remus was gone to look at pillows. I had to hide. It was scary. 
Blizzard: so you didn’t do a quickie in Ikea with a plushie shark watching? 
Siriusly: no. We didn’t, also, sirius had to put his shirt back on in a Hurry. Someone did rip it (re here) 
Blizzard: I’m not judging. Whatever makes your skates fly cap. Never had Re as an exhibitionist tho . 
Siriusly: he’s not. We didn’t do anything. Some lady ripped my shirt and I hid in the closet while the nice Ikea girl distracted them with some sort of family offer I think or free ice cream whatever. But they’d actually ripped my shirt. Re helped me put it back on... you guys are idiots. 
Logantremblayzzz: heheheh whatever you say. 
Krisvolley: so you didn’t do nasty things to or near the shark my daughter is now refusing to give up? She’s named it fluffy. I’m worried. She said it’s just smiling? Should I be worried? 
Siriusly: ew no of course not. Promise. 
Nadotheman: sure. Also I see what you’re doing cap. I’m favorite. Back off.😫
Siriusly: no idea what you mean. JACKIE 
Blizzard: Jackie? That’s cute. How’re you today Jackie? 😘
Nadotheman: shut up kasey. Or I’m gonna spank youuuu 
Krisvolley: you guys do realize she’s literally calling whoever gives in to her whims and tantrums her favorite right? Also I’m her dad. I’ll always be her number 1! ❤️
Nadotheman: awww we know. Best single dad!!! 
Siriusly: we’re not trying to steal her kris! You’re doing amazing! 
Ollibear: yeah man she’s so lucky she’s got you!!! 
Blizzard: we love you kris 💖💖💖
Wednesday 1.33
Alice: alright. Ikea confirmed that there was a situation involving fans and we were able to mostly control the narrative. You have to prepare for some chirps and a few memes. 
Sirius: what’s a meme? 
Alice: I swear to god sometimes you’re a grandpa stuck in a young man’s body. Ask the rookies. 
Sirius: you’re really mean. 
Alice: I’m also really good at my job. So suck it up captain. You’re a hockey god. I’m a PR god. We work together and magic happens.
Sirius: I’d think that was flirting but I’ve seen you make heart eyes at frank. So. We’re good right? I swear I won’t roll my eyes for the next, like, three interviews 
Alice: you better not love. And yes, frank is rather into me, isn’t he? Time I put him out of his misery, I think. 
Sirius: good luck! (To frank) 
Alice: I’ll tell him 😜
Finn: hey Alice!! 
Alice: O’Hara, how can I help? 
Finn: I just had an idea ok? 
Alice: I hope it’s better than take your dog to work day. 
Finn: that was a great idea. Not my fault that skates and jersey are easily confused for chew toys. 
Finn: but I thought we could do a charity skate or something? (Need your brain here) so all Star was a massive success so maybe we could do like a charity thing soon and get money for like lgbt+ mental health awareness right? Like. Cap is of course new to this but I can speak up, my brother is happy to support too and I bet the team would too! We could invite young people on the ice and do like a you can play thing? I know it’s not pride but like. We could wear rainbows and glitttee and????  I really wanna support cap!! 
Alice: I like your enthusiasm and the idea. Give me a few days with my team and we can work on something? I also believe congratulations are in order? For your and your boys? 
Alice: also. you typed about 100 “like” in there. I’m worried about the state of the American school system. You're a Harvard graduate.... 
Finn: I love you! I’m terrified of you but I also love you and thanks. I want to get us jerseys saying O’Knutzy? That’s cute right. 
Alice: it’s easy to make happen but Finn, maybe sit down with your boys and heather first ok? Maybe cap too. Coming out is a lot and I want to make sure you’re okay with the consequences. There’s a lot of bigoted people out there and it breaks my heart I can’t protect you better than I do! 
Finn; hey we know you’ve got our back! 
Alice: I’ll see what I can do. Is the team ok with this? 
Finn: yeah most of them I’ve asked and the rest will follow I’m sure. 😀
Alice: you’re a good kid! I’ll do my best! 
Finn: 😘😘😘
Alice: I’d say that’s inappropriate but I know you mean well! 
Finn: NAT!!! She said she’ll look into it! 
Nat: I love you finn and we’re gonna make this event explode in a shower of glitter, love and rainbows. 
Finn: 💖🏳️‍🌈💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Nat: 😘 also sent you some stuff on email about poly. 
Finn: wait? You and kasey???
Nat: No but I’m a musician baby, me being in a het relationship is the weird thing in our community 😜
Finn: maybe I hang with the wrong crowds. 
Nat: hopeless hockey boys ❤️
Finn: you’re dating one. 
Nat: I know. And I ship your poly arrangement harder than fangirls on tumblr. If anyone says anything tell me and I’ll relieve them of their knee caps
Finn: I get why you and kasey works. His threats are also oddly specific. He made the Boston rat cry when he detailed his imminent death via goalie pads. It was eerie. 
Nat: that’s my man 😍
Finn: weirdos. I’ll let you know when Alice is back ❤️
Nat: 😜🏳️‍🌈💖🙏🏻🌍😇
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Chap 14
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/59619589 Taglist: ASK AND YOU SHALL BE PUT ON~~!!!!
Ok, so here’s the next chap! Sorry about the wait, life got....interesting to say the least. At long last tho, we have Mari n Co heading to Gotham finally! Cant wait for the small reunion later this chap!! I FORGOT THE TWEETS AGAIN DAMNIT!!!!!! I am SOOOO sorry i WILL remember to keep addin them on at the ends!!!
“Your brother wants me and Lana to what?” Alya asked looking over at Dick tired.
“Stay put. Easy!” Dick replied and Alya glared at him.
“Uh, huh. He wants, me a Detective to not leave the precinct, and Lana, a college student to not move even tho she has cleanses to go to?” she repeated and Dick pressed his lips together.
“Ok, when you put it like that-” he started but got cut off by Alya putting her hand over Dick’s.
“Damian isn’t even here. Why does he care what we do since your his brother who should get his butt over to the airport since his flight should be landing in 20 or so minutes and its already 9:50. Get your ass over to that airport to give your brother a hug,” Alya said glaring and Dick yelped. “Ya, give a call when your getting back since well, you’ll see,” she said gripping his shirt and pulling him close and DIck swallowed the lump in his throat, “that Babs ain’t the only one to kick your ass into shape.”
A smirk grew on Dick’s face at that. “Is that a promise?” he teased and Alya scoffed pushing him back.
“You had your chance buddy. Now get outta here before I make you regret being late to seeing Damian arrive,” she said and Dick gave a mock salute before scurrying off, grabbing his keys as he ran while their fellow cops laugh around them.
“Did he really have a chance?” A British African American FBI agent asked as he watched Dick leave, his accent still going strong even tho he’s been in New Jersey for the last 5 years.
“Eh, possibly, Xavier. I do have eyes you know,” she said and Xavier snorted as he straightened his stack of papers. “Once maybe, until you realize he’ll only have eyes for Babs,” she continued and Xavier nodded.
“You’ll find love, I’m sure of it. If Shrek can find love as an Ogre, so can you,” Xavier said and Alya made a fake offended sound in response.
“Are you saying I look like an Ogre?” she asked and Xavier raised his hands in defense. “Not at all!” he said and some people hummed at that.
“It really sounded like it~!” the precincts secretary, Mira, hummed out with a smirk and Xavier glared over at her.
“Don’t anger the Goddess! She’ll rain down on you the wrath of almighty Zeus himself!” a different cop, Sarah she thought, shouted causing Alya to snort.
“I ain’t no Goddess, silly!” she shouted over to them. The cop in question, it was Sarah she can recognize that golden blonde ponytail anywhere, stuck her head out the break room with a look.
“No, you are a Goddess. Especially in that flowing dress, you wore for the Halloween party Dick threw,” she called and Alya rolled her eyes as some nodded agreement.
“You guys are ridiculous, get back to work,” she called and that had everyone nodding agreement while Alya chuckled to herself as she went to her desk. Xavier followed and leaned against the desk with his hip.
“Sticking a pin in that ‘Is Alya Grayson a Goddess or Not’ conversation,” he said chuckling softly, “I do hope whatever it is Dick’s brother has planned for you is nice,” he said and Alya smiled at him while nodding slowly.
“So do I. Now, isn’t Agent Fornell waiting for those documents your holding?” she asked and Xavier nodded with a smile.
“That he is. Talk to you later then. Goodbye!” he said beaming as he walked backward, waving to everyone who returned it before he left the precinct.
Alya shook her head as she pulled her phone out and texted Lana: Als: Heads up, Damian apparently wants you and I to stay put where we r
Eagle-eye: whys that???? We rnt the closest
Als: who knows. Dick was just sending the message. idk, maybe Mari wants to hug us when she arrives?
Eagle-eye: maybe. I dont got time to theorize, got a test to do
Als: GL!!
Mari was bouncing between Damian and Xander as they boarded the plane finally after waiting for so long. They had to deal with morning traffic which took forever it felt like before they arrived an hour and a half arrive before their flight left making sure they didn’t have to worry about security taking forever. And the whole time Mari stared at the desk with her leg bouncing.
With 30 minutes to spare, Ms. Bustier arrived, the last one too. The other students had converged in the gate slowly at different times but with enough time to not worry. But Ms. Bustier arrived with less than 30 minutes to spare causing her class to worry.
Which to say the least?
Was awkward.
Alya and the others that didn’t know sat at one side of the gate looking at Mari and the people that knew awkwardly. They felt bad but knew they messed up.
BIG time.
Like MEGA BIG TIME that a simple apology wouldn’t work. It didn’t help that Mari’s friends didn’t let them thru. Kim, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, Max, Lila, Xan, and Adrien all glared at them while Damian focused on Mari. Meanwhile, Alya, Alix, Mylene, Ivan, and Rose all tried figuring out what they could do to earn favor back from Mari. Juleka was the only one in the pure neutral middle ground. She skimmed the email and knew a movie was being filmed.
But didn’t know Lila was lying for sure.
She could guess. When Mari tried saying that and the disagreed she figured she’d stay quiet. She didn’t need anyone else trying to make her life hell. So Mari was neutral toward the girl as she hasn’t been present at that moment. So she was silently supporting the group and offering tidbits to help them realize that they need to change themselves before trying to regain Mari’s trust and friendship.
Only Time Will Tell.
They boarded the plane and sat back for the long flight. Most of them slept during the trip. Mari and Lila included. The two leaned against each other while Xan and Damian talked. Well, Damian talked. Which was odd. But it distracted Xan from the anxiety pooling in his gut as they flew.
After some time, and some crackers, the dread settled down. Damian told him everything that’s happened in Gotham since he left. Some he didn’t like hearing. But as Damian reminded him, everything was ok. No one is hurt.
Soon after Damian finished, Mari and Lila woke up. Lila smiled as she and Damian switched seats and she took Xan’s hand into hers. “It’ll be fine. They’re going to be so happy to see you,” she said quietly and Xan nodded.
“Even knowing what happened?” he asked and Lila hummed, tracing a finger along the back of his hand in nonsensical patterns.
“Ya, I think so. I think that they’re just going to be so happy that you survived everything and came back to them. From what it sounds like, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here today,” Lila whispered leaning her head against his shoulder. In return, Xan lightly leaned his head against her head with a sigh.
“Ya, that’s what Damian said too. I know it’s true, but my head just keeps pushing all these doubts,” he mumbled.
“That’s fair. It’s been 8 years since you’ve seen them. Lana watched you get hit. And then, seemingly right before her eyes, you disappear. People change with time. But, those bonds? They don’t typically change. I bet they still miss you as if it was just yesterday,” she replied and Xan nodded slowly, placing his other hand over their hands, squeezing her hands.
“Thank you,” he whispered as they relaxed in their seats and played a movie for the rest of the flight.
“I hope they enjoy the surprise,” Mari whispered and Damian gave a small nod at that.
“I have no doubt that they’ll love it,” he said and Mari smiled softly at that.
“Ya, and they have you to thank for that,” she said and Damian gave a shrug.
“You did most of the work and helped him get better,” he pointed out and Mari smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, a faint blush on her cheeks from doing that, not seeing Damian’s faint blush either.
“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to help if you hadn’t helped him escape. You may not have stayed, but you certainly did help,” she said softly and Damian nodded slowly at that. He remembered it clearly. Even tho it happened over a year ago, it was clear to him.
Damian had turned the GPS off the batjet and flew to Nanda Parbat. He remembered the boy that his mother kidnapped and brought back to life. He remembered training with him a couple of times to let him know he wouldn’t tolerate anything but perfection. He didn’t know what happened to the boy older than him when he left. But then he learned and regretted everything.
Xander was the little brother to Dick’s partner Alya who disappeared. He learned from Issi that Xan, or better known as Whisper in the League, was alive still and there. She had wanted to help get him out since she helped care for him, but she couldn’t without getting caught or killed for real. But now he’d fix the mistake he made.
It was quite easy to sneak into the building. He made his way to where he remembered his bedroom was. He knocked out any guard he saw and pounded on the door. Xan was wearing his training gear when he opened the door. He didn’t recognize Damian as the angry 9-year-old that beat him up when he first arrived. He was wearing all black with a hood and mask on to hide his identity. “W-who are you?” Xan asked suspiciously as he picked up the sword he kept next to the door.
“Do you want to stay here?” Damian asked and Xan looked at him confused.
“Do you want to stay here or escape? I can get you out,” he said and Xan glanced around before nodding slowly.
“I want to go back home,” he said and Damian nodded as he then started tugging Xan out. Damian was shocked he was still able to recognize Xan after all this time and all the changes. He wasn’t the same short, scrawny 11-year-old. He had filled out and was taller than Damian by quite a few inches.
“I’ll get you home then,” he said leading them out. As they ran out in the snow, Damian was behind Xan making sure he didn’t get hit. Which was a miracle in the storm, slipping on hidden ice as they ran. But he had been. So the best bet was to get him to Mari and Fu who would help him heal. So when he reached the outskirts of Paris, he cloaked and flew to an alley near the fight and helped Xan out. “This is as far as I can get you. I’m sorry,” he whispered as Xan gripped his head falling to the ground with his backed pressed to the wall.
“I just wish I could have brought him home all the way,” he whispered and Mari took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.
“You did what you could, Dami. He was hurt and needed help. If he had been taken directly to Gotham, who knows what would have happened,” she argued and Damian nodded slowly.
“Yes, I know. I just....when he recognized me when I saw the tat on his back. I....I wasn’t prepared to see the tat on his back and I forgot he was there still. So much happened since I got him out, I forgot he was with you. And he didn’t remember me helping him out. And I told him and he was happy. Even thou I didn’t get him out safely, he was happy,” he said at length and Mari once more squeezed his hand. “Well, that’s probably because he knew you did your best. You went back to get him out of that place unprompted. You could have left him there, but you didn’t. You got him out with only a head injury that made everything fuzzy. Give yourself credit, Dami,” Mari said and Damian gave her a small smile at the end of her little speech.
“Thank you,” he whispered and Mari beamed at him.
After some time, the plane landed and they went thru the sequence to leave. Mari smiled as she watched Dick hug Damian with his brothers behind him smirking at his mock displeasure. When Xan appeared talking to Lila, the entire Wayne Family froze in shock. “Y-you-!” Jason started shocked.
“Xander?” Dick asked, a heartbroken tone in his voice. Xan froze where he was and looked up at the family. He didn’t seem to be breathing as he nodded slowly. “Your alive,” he breathed out before making his way over and setting his hands on Xan’s shoulders. Dick started looking him over while the other two made their way over. He then pulled Xan in for a bone-crushing hug causing a surprise sound to leave Xan. “I’m so glad your alive,” he continued.
“Man, this is your surprise, Pixiepop?” Jason asked and Mari nodded with a smile. “They’re going to love it,” he said messing up both Xan’s and Mari’s hair.
“I hope so,” Mari said and Tim gave Mari a reassuring look.
“Mari, they are going to love this. Dont doubt yourself, you’ll see,” Tim said as the rest of the class left the plane.
“You got him?” Mari asked and the boys nodded as they followed everyone to baggage claim.
“Ya, just meet us at the precinct in 20 minutes. I wouldn’t want you to miss the surprise,” Dick replied and Mari smiled with a nod.
Mari-aculous @MDC_Designs The BIG SURPRISE is in 20 minutes~!! Cant wait to see their faces!!! #soexcited #sosoon #almostthere #surprises Dick @ FlyingGrayson Theyre going to LOVE it! Be prepared for lots of hugs Mari!!!
Ok, so here it is!!! The next chap!!! So this was takin while to push out that I decided I wanted to give the reunion scene a proper thing by giving it its own chap. Next chap we will see the Grayson Reunion!!!!! I cant wait for you guys to see it!!! until next time!! ~Love Willa<3<3<3
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jamesvanriemsdyk · 4 years
50 questions ask game
thank u @girouxes for tagging me ily
1. What is the color of your hair brush?
it’s blue and white i think?
2. Name a food you never eat?
im literally not picky at all except with textures so like. i couldnt tell u rn but if i ate something i didnt like youd know immediately
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
i am always freezing fucking cold and i love it this way
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
swinging i think
5. Whats your favorite candy bar?
3 musketeers lmao
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
oh god yes lmao like. several. hockey and woso and basketball and baseball too
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
“he’s just an idiot little rat boy” about remy one of my guinea pigs
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
strawberry cheesecake specifically ben and jerry’s
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
10. Do you like your wallet?\
yeah its fine? i probably need a new one soon tho this one has kinda been through it
11. What was the last thing you ate?
some goldfish
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
no. god i wish tho. still recovering from the mold thing lmao i have like. nothing
13. What was the last sporting event you watched?
stars vs bolts game 3 but i didnt finish it. game 7 vs the isles was the last one i watched all the way through
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
salt and light butter lmao
15. Who was the last person you sent a text to?
16. Ever go camping?
no actually although we do go to the mountains a lot
17. Do you take your vitamins?
yes because my body needs all the fucking help it can get
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship?
19. Do you have a tan?
yeah i spent a lot of time outside this summer so im still tan from that
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
chinese just because theres more variety
21. Do you drink soda through a straw?
no what the fuck
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
i dont usually wear socks but if i am theres literally no consistency
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
oh constantly lol oops
24. What terrifies you?
oh buddy. everything lmao.
25. Look to the left, what do you see?
my nolan jersey and my yellow corner table
26. What chore do you hate doing the most?
the fucking dishes
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
uh?? steve irwin tbh lmao that man had such an impact on my childhood
28. What’s your favorite soda?
i dont really drink soda? but sprite i guess
29. Do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?
i do mobile orders lmao i dont wanna talk to ANYONE
30. What is your favorite number?
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
like. in person? my father. but over text kait again lmao
32. Favorite cut of beef?
i dont have an opinion on this?
33. Last song you listened too?
currently listening to peace by tswift
34. Last book you read?
red white and royal blue babey
35. Favorite day of the week?
sunday because the vibes are always immaculate. no i will not elaborate
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
yeah if i like put thought into it
37. How do you like your coffee?
i dont drink coffee any more lmao but i take my tea unsweetened
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
my sparkly shoes!!!!
39. Time you normally get up?
5am on the fucking dot lmao
40. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
sunrise because i like new beginnings
41. Describe your kitchen plates?
theyre like. cream colored with a gray ring around the edge
42. How many blankets on your bed?
including the sheet i have three (sheet, comforter, flyers blanket)
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment?
always messy and always full of dishes to do
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
yeah lmao literally any wine or cider. i love fruit
45. Do you play cards?
my plans for the rest of the night are to play solitaire and watch jatp again lmao
46. What color is your car?
“ice blue”
47. Can you change a tire?
in theory lmao
48. Favorite state?
ive only ever lived in delaware lmao but probably pennsylvania for some reason
49. Favorite job you’ve ever had?
the one i have now tbh. i fucking HATE my bosses but i love my coworkers and i love my kids a lot and im super passionate about what i do so
50. Tagging: @softgrantaire @pattersonluke and @farfrombucky
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itsmrvlxh50 · 4 years
Ka ho'iho'i (the return)
Part 2
Danny arrives at the airport,gets on the first flight to New Jersey and he leaves.At ten thirty at night he arrives outside the room Steve and Catherine were staying.He knocks on the door,Catherine opens and he rushes inside.He says ''hey,any news?'' and Catherine says ''no,nothing,I'm really worried right now'' and Danny says ''me too,have you contacted the police?'' and Catherine says ''yes but you know it is too soon for them to do something.''Danny says ''I asked Grace tocall everyone I know here in Jersey while I was in the flight,I told Steve everyone of them before he leaves Hawaii,she called me on my way to the hotel,she told me that no one has seen him but I told him two places I liked to go when I was here,you go to the first,I go to the second,get a cab,you'll get lost.''Catherine says ''okay,those are the keys of our rental,get them.''He gets them and they leave.Danny starts driving so fast and after seven minutes he arrives at a park.He sees Steve sitting on a bench.He runs towards him and he says''Steve,Steve'',Steve turns around,he sees Danny and he says ''hey buddy,what are you doing here?''and Danny says ''what do you mean,what are you doing here?what's the matter with you?why didn't you return to the hotel last night?''Steve says ''I don't know,I sat here after my run,I saw this view and I lost track of time'',Danny says ''it's been a whole day,have you eaten or drunk anything?what about your phone?''Steve gets his phone,tries to open it,he sees it doesn't opens and he says ''it closed,probably the battery died'',Danny says ''I'm calling Catherine and we go back at the hotel'',Steve agrees and Danny calls.He says ''Catherine I found him,he's fine,we're coming back at the hotel,meet you there'',Catherine says ''okay'' and they close.Danny says ''come here,we're going back.''Steve gets up,they go to the car,he goes to get into the driver's seat and Danny stops him and says ''wait,wait,what are you doing?you haven't eaten or slept,you're dehydrated,I cam't let you drive'',he gets into the driver's seat and Steve into passenger's and they leave.They arrive at the hotel,they get infront of the room's door.Catherine opens up.She sees Steve,she hugs him and they kiss.After that Danny says''he's dehydrated,hasn't eaten or slept,Steve drink some water and go to bed'',Steve says ''okay'',he drinks some water and he goes to sleep.Catherine says ''Danny you're tired too,you were in a twelve hour flight and then you were driving.I suggest you should go to sleep too,I'll call Grace to tell her that you're both okay.''Danny says ''thanks'',he goes to the couch and Catherine says'' hey go to sleep with Steve on the bed,I'll get the couch,you need rest',Danny says ''but...'' but Catherine says ''no buts,I insist,go'',he gets up,he goes and gets ready and he goes to sleep next to Steve on the big bed.Catherine calls Grace,she picks up,she says 'hey Catherine did you found uncle Steve?how's my dad?''and Catherine answers ''we found him,they're both fine.I want you to do me a favour.I'm bringing him back,he's not good here,he misses Hawaii and your father and even tho he thought that if he would go away he would have find what he was looking for,he was wrong.I want you to to get everyone at the house when we'll land,he needs to see his ohana'' and Grace says ''of course,call me when you'll leave so I can get everyone here.''Catherine says ''okay,goodnight'' and Grace says ''goodnight'' and they close.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#8)
I don’t trust the McCoys or tyras cowboy!!! or: 3x08 - 3x09
-Katie McCoy needs to get her ass out of Tami and Eric’s business, this whole thing with the overpriced house feels sus.
-Lol Tim looks so strange in New York City
-I hate Buddy so much, he really at this coach’s bedside one second and then a SECOND LATER is harassing Eric about having JD’s personal coach hired to replace him. The audacity!!!!
“Welcome to New York City, son.” Yepppp Jason needed a little dose of reality actually. Sorry babe. Also lol they clearly only filmed in Times Square or within like three blocks from Penn Station.
-Y E S to Tim being so hype about going to see a broadway show
-Eric is just as sus of Katie McCoy as I am.
-Riggins thinking of a plan to try to help Jason! Oh that’s pure. In his Sherpa jacket. We stan.
They’re cute!!
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-Cash said “I’m gonna try my best to be faithful to you.” Really?? ugh Tyra you should not have taken that call before this college interview. But you can do this still gurl!!!
-wait how is Tim here with Jason and not at football practice? Didn’t he just decide last episode to try to go to college for football?
-omg i love this dinner scene at the Taylor house! Eric x Tami and Matt x Julie at the dinner table is already an amazing dynamic but while Matt and Julie have their wide receiver agenda and Eric and Tami are in a fight about this house?! I’m dead! Amazing!
Just this entire scene was magic:
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-ewww no tyra’s gonna go with Cash just bc the interviewer didn’t like, rave about her to Tami? Nooooo I just know this will not end well.
-omg Jason rehearsing what he’s gonna say to Erin in the back of a cab with Riggs roleplaying for Erin, what a good friend
-oh this is so New Jersey. I wonder where they filmed. Aww Jason has a little family! That’s wholesome.
-can’t get enough of Tim in this Sherpa jacket. Anddd oh wow can’t believe Billy and Mindy’s engagement after five weeks of dating didn’t end well?!?!
-Tami, you look so hot!!! What you talkin bout feelin old on your bday? We stan you at any age
-oh boy nationally televised playoff game is a greattttt set up for an episode let’s fucking go
-lmao @ the student council girls coming to Landry and Julie’s lunch table threatening to pick a winter formal theme without Tyra
-wowwww this fight between Grandma Saracen and Matt’s mom! Too real. Poor Matt in the middle.
“So the angle I’m gonna for is it’s really just about climate change.” YES Julie YES i dont even need to know the context, you are correct
-omfg Tim is not taking a shot before going to talk to this college recruiter while his girlfriend is outside trying to give him a ride!
-Lyla is right to call him out for not taking it seriously 🤷🏻‍♀️ tho damn she’s cold for kicking him out of the car. “Well you’re drunk so you’ll be warm.” Oh boy I couldn’t do it, riggins looks too cute on the side of the road complaining about how cold it is.
-oh Tyra come home! This man is the worst!
-yesss Lyla and Mindy bonding over the riggins boys being idiots. We stan but we’ll stan more if their next scene passes the Bechdel test...I know it won’t
-omg yes to Lorraine and Matt’s mom immediately getting excited together when they see on screen that Matt’s being put in the game and racing to get to the stadium!! We love love
-life’s too short for Tyra to be stuck in some dingy bar drinking a beer while her scummy cowboy boyfriend gambles
-Omgggg Cash did NOT just say this to Tyra: “Sit down, I didn’t say get up!” YESSS she’s finally getting up to leave, please gurl! You deserve better than this!
-awww I love that Eric knew Tami well enough to know “the only birthday party she could have ever wanted” is alone in a hotel room with him
-oh no Tyra the timing is terrible :( oh but she needs help :( ohhhhhh so many emotions
-lol Tami still grabbing the champagne and chocolate on her way out the hotel room to pick up Tyra on her big bday night really sums up why she’s an amazing character
-lol Lyla and Mindy drunk together is funny but also Lyla chill you and Tim just had a fight, you didn’t break up
-Lmaoooo and then Mindy goes right back to Billy when he shows up. Classic.
-Tami and Eric are out here literally rescuing Tyra from an abusive cowboy! #texas #inventedmarriage
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
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(or it was at any rate, it took me Some Time to get this all typed up because holy fuck it’s long. looks like i’ve got Some Feelings about The Winter Soldier. WHO KNEW)
ANYWAY, if you’re wondering what the hell this is all about i’ve been rewatching all the marvel movies (and commentating on them) in preparation for Avengers: Endgame and NOW IT IS TIME FOR MY FAVORITE ONE
Day 912: i still miss the old marvel logo
“~on your left ;)~” honestly? iconic.
God Bless Steven Grant Rogers and his Smedium Shirts.
Steve, known bisexual disaster, is hitting on Sam here. this isn’t even in question, right? Sam’s quip about “making me look good to the girl at the front desk” was a soft rejection and Steve takes it like a champ.
Important to note: the black widow uses emojis in her text messages. 
Also important to note: Sam Wilson hits on the Black Widow because he flies into combat at 100 miles per hour wearing a tee-shirt and dad jeans he fears nothing not even death itself
also also important to note that The Roommate went to see this movie by herself, low key cosplaying as Fem!Cap. she did this in part because I had gone to see it first (i was in the UK at the time, and it came out over there before it came out in the US. ~IRONY~) and as soon as I got back from seeing it (i had low-key cosplayed as fem!Hawkeye. it’s a long story) I emailed her and was like O HAI U SEEN DIS? U WILL LIKE IT. ~and she dii-iiiiiid.~
every time i see this scene now, i hear that bit from the gag real.
cevans: Kill the engines. wait for instructions. *whining and stamping his foot* cuz i’m in chaaaaaaaarge.
Being asked about your dating life and then immediately jumping out of an airplane is a Big Mood
I would like us all to appreciate that steve put a nice matte stealth finish on his patriotic dinner plate, special for this mission. 
Also, we’re all agreed that Steve kills at pool, yeah? Give me Steve being a pool shark at the local watering hole plz n thank.
Steve: *punches a guy through the shield*
The Roommate: but why does he punch that guy through the shield?
Me, having a Terrible Thought: Maybe one time he accidentally punched through a guy’s face and ever since then he uses the shield as, like, a buffer when he wants to take people alive.
~Hey Sailor ;)~
that one guy working for Batroc really needs to lay off the steroids, or whatever is giving him this Unnecessary Rage. You know the guy I mean.
love how batroc is jchilling and then WHAM! IT IS I! AMERICA!
did he learn this from Dernier? he learned this from Dernier.
The Gal Pal: that is a ridiculously huge flash drive
Me, Just Now: overcompensate much?
Nat’s little eyeroll after Steve says “you’re damn right”
The Roommate: Nat is So Tired of Steve’s Drama™. And now she’s going to have to deal with his cold shoulder the whole flight back, and she’s going to have no one to talk to but Rumlow and uggghhhhhh
Steve comes into Fury's office and Damn. Dat Ass.
The Roommate: They know what they're doing here.
eyyyyyy tony’s in this movie (kinda)
I love that Steve just like, drives around with the shield on his back. 
Enter The Smithsonian.
The Roommate: I! LOVE! THIS! SO! MUUUUUUCH!!!
Me: Gee sure would be nice to be able to go to a smithsonian right now.
*american sobbing intensifies*
The Roommate: what is the timeline here? does he come straight back from the mission into yelling at fury? and then straight here?? Is Steve just like “oop time to go look at my old stuff and Emote”? Is this his routine??
listen yall know the extent of my BuckRogers feels but every time they pull out that compass i develop a terrible case of The Steggies.
“It’s just not the same” ha ha kill me.
~So Dramatic ;)~
Fury’s Computer:
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At This Juncture The Commentators Would Like It Noted That It Has Been 23 Solid Minutes of Stuff We 1000% L O V E and everyone’s favorite brainwashee has not even appeared yet.
but he’s coming
s o o n
Also, we all hate Alexander Pierce but he is a great villain and also Robert Redford might be an older fella but he can definitely still get it heyooo
Steve is so awkward here. But like, imagine him actually going to one of these VA things, like everyone’s all “ied this, helicopter that” and steve’s just like “so one time in ‘44 i punched my way into a panzer”
at this moment, the DC driving types lost their goddamn minds.
“You wanna see my lease?” i c o n i c. 
Did you know that SLJ was an actual Black Panther? I did not know this, but as soon as the Gal Pal told me, i was like “oh yeah that checks out.”
meanwhile, the couch based road rage continued all around me.
“Traffic alert? on the Roosevelt Bridge? Yeah in other news WATER IS WET.”
“wait is he getting on 66? ARE YOU GETTING ON 66?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???”
“Have you ever even been on 495?????”
just like, damn gurl, u make that highway ur catwalk. 
Me: What the hell kind of laser pointer do you have there, Nick?
The Gal Pal & The Roommate: It’s A Lightsaber.
The Roommate: So is this just like? An Average Day In The Life Of Captain Rogers? Get up, go for a run, annoy a veteran, fly to the other side of the world, kick ass, fly home, talk back to a superior officer, drop my priceless shield off at home, go emote at a smithsonian exhibit, have my heart ripped out by my nonagenarian ex, go flirt with annoy a veteran (part two, now with added Feelings™) go home, get rejected by my neighbor, CHASE A FUGITIVE.
honestly his neighbors must hate him
that’s why Sharon’s his neighbor, everyone else LEFT.
The Biggest Flash Drive
Let’s Not Forget, that because she is undercover as a nurse, Sharon probably just kicked that door down with crocs.
let’s appreciate that the Soldier’s theme music is just SCREAMING and also you should know that every time it comes on, the Gal Pal and I start SCREAMING. not, like, in an “oh we’re excited” way, just, like, the way you sing along to the theme song of your favorite TV show, you know?
The Roommate: good job with your eyeliner there, buddy. You Did Your Best.
The Gal Pal: That Is Dupont Circle and Steve is Extremely Gay. 
(yes, we know he’s bi.)
Natasha really should know better than to believe that Nick is dead.
The Gal Pal: genuinely, it’s such a bad hiding place it stresses me out.
The Roommate: Yeah, what was he thinking? I mean, was his logic just that no one likes that gross bubblegum?
The Roommate: ... yeah but it’s the gross bubblegum flavor?
At this point we lost a few minutes to divide into Pro and Anti Bubblegum Camps and then had to run the movie back because we missed:
~Neighbor ;)~
i c o n i c
The Roommate: Sir. Stop Having That Face. That is Illegal.
(she is having A Difficulty. The Difficulty is cevans’ jawline)
But seriously: What actually happens in this scene? We are all Steve and we all want to punch our way out of this confusing conversation.
God that face/those tits/that ass tho
Young Man. You Stop That.
THE ELEVATOR SCENE. I mean how many movies can say that some of their best scenes happen in an elevator? That alone is a real accomplishment.
They’re all ~soooo casual~ and then there’s rollins, who isn’t even trying. “records.” These WWE wrestlers are not going to records, come on.
at this point we stopped commentating except in inarticulate whoops of delight and shrieks of glee. except for one brief aside
Me: This scene is so sexy, but like, not in a sexy way? Like, the fighting style isn’t that “oooo I’m fighting in a sexy way” it’s just, it’s so...!
The Roommate: Primal?
and I regret to inform you all that yes, she is 100% Correct, it is indeed sexy in a primal way.
“whoa big guy”
i just.
that’s all i got on that
tiny turtle of freedom
we had the subtitles on, and it just says “woman screams” Screams in what? JOY? 
It’s raining men! Hallelujah!
“Stand down, Captain Rogers! Stand! Down!
Captain Rogers: *accelerates*
They’re being made to watch social media so what I want to know is which poor SHIELD guy got stuck monitoring tumblr?
“oh we’re getting all kinds of hits but uhhhhhhhhh they’re not......... pertinent..............”
why doesn’t The Biggest Flash Drive have a cap? it is now full of crumbs. it’s full of crumbs, guys. if it’s going to be that big it should at least be one of those cool slider ones.
“Are you calling for my resignation? do you know who i am? Bitch I Am Robert Redford.”
Apple Store Aaron. “hey guys why’s your flash drive so big??”
“yeeeah. we’re getting married.”
Honeymoon destinations -- where are you going?
Steve: (without thinking, reads the first thing he sees) New Jersey
Steve: *dies a little inside*
Steve: *forgive me bucky for i have sinned*
I love that they’re coming out and Steve is 100% tactical brain and then Nat’s just like “put your arm around me and laugh” and when it works Steve just looks back over his shoulder like:
oh my god it worked???
sPyING is WitCHCraFT?????
“was that your first kiss since 1945?”
“That was not my first kiss since 1945,” said Steven Grant Rogers, Who Is Definitely Lying, and Furthermore, Is Fooling Exactly No One.
Sidenote: Ship and let ship, obviously and always, but I love Steve and Nat as BROS too much to ever see them romantically, The Bromance Is Strong With Them.
it’s been said before, but it’s worth saying again
Steve: kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience.
Bucky, ten minutes later, wearing bondage gear: HELLO IT IS I
of course he memorized the army regulations.
Listen. The cell phone trick Bugs Me™ and the only thing that lets me get through it is the idea that they cleverly cut around natasha standing there for 40 minutes trying out every possible permutation of those numbers, with possible duplications.
I like the idea that Computer!Zola has been building this little fanvideo since the mid-seventies and he’s just! so excited! to show it to someone!
Steve punching the screen is another Big Mood.
“even captain america and the black widow can’t survive a missile Directly To The Face” BITCH U THOUGHT
it’s nice that they give bucko a kirk light here
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~u want some milk? ;)~
honestly, what the fuck even is that line.
they made Robert Redford say that line.
what does it mean
altho tbh i want a slightly grubby Steve in a tank top to give me a pep talk, like, every day. that would be fine.
The Gal Pal, A Curly Haired Individual: hhhhhhhow did Natasha straighten her hair. This makes me So Angry.
Me: I mean, I like to imagine her with Sam’s Iron and ironing board, just like *mimes frantically ironing hair with a Very Soviet Expression*
Fort Meade is the best scene that isn’t in the movie.
Aw Gary Shandling’s here. Awwwww Gary Shandling...
Sam, are you intimidating this guy or flirting with him?
To Those who remember the Potato/Gremlin Scale, I propose a third option, a kind of venn diagram situation going on, where the third option is Fey Creature. Sam is neither Potato nor gremlin, but he might be a Fey Creature.
God I love this scene.
LOOK AT SAM HERE: No armor, no flightsuit, no fucking knee pads no goddamn helmet just Casual Dad Falcon, Suns Out Guns Out.
Steve: What the fuck’s an SAT.
he’s coming.
he’s here.
is it murder or is he modeling?? “you got this Soldier, make ‘em wait for it... Boom.”
this is the greatest fight scene of all time, honestly. This and then the fight scene in the first RDJ holmes movie are the Only fight scenes i can even remotely stand to watch. Except maybe some of the bending battles in ATLA. but this scene. this is top of the list. it’s just. *kissy chef fingers*
Soldier strolling along not firing his weapon because he has no shot and he is a Child of the Depression who don’t waste no bullets.
only loses his cool when Widow Breaks his stuff.
Sam Wilson: Brings a pocket knife to an automatic rifle fight and wins.
“go, I got this!”
aw yeah you do
Soldier strolling along the street. so bored. could be home watching project runway.
That thing Soldier does with the arm Does Things to me for reasons that I choose not to examine too closely
“who the hell is bucky” wow there Soldier you went from Full Russian to American Accented English awfully quick I Wonder Why
Soldier’s reaction to confusion is to Immediately Shoot and honestly that’s a Big Mood.
We are all agreed that the only reason SHIELD succeeds in taking Steve in is because
look at that face
steve’s not here right now, please leave a message.
natasha y r u surprised that Fury is alive?
oh noooooooooooo it’s time for this scene
Robert Redford to James Buchanan Barnes: You are a literal treasure.
The Roommate: yeahhhhh this was maybe an. inappropriate scene for me to have to see in a theater. alone.
I love that while they’re making this ridiculous plan (yeah it’s ridiculous, i don’t care) Fury has to check in with Sam (WHO HE HAS LITERALLY NEVER MET BEFORE) presumably to just touch base and be like “Is this White Nonsense™?”
spoiler alert it is not White Nonsense™, but it definitely is Extra™
DAT JAWLINE THO. of course he’s giving the orders, LOOK AT THAT JAWLINE
I’m with you to the end of the line.
what kind of marriage vow nonsense is that
This is the second secure government facility that they have broken into. Possibly the third, depending whether you count the bunker.
Dem Asses. Seriously. Everyone in this shot has an enviable ass. *distinguished golf clapping* bravo
“~Excuse us~” i c o n i c
God, Steve gives this speech and then we get sam’s reaction and you can physically see him having a sexual identity crisis and honestly BIG MOOD THERE, SAM
I have questions about the effect of this on the potomac river which has already had a hard enough time and does not deserve this Supervillain Nonsense.
you are ON FOOT steven. it is a FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER and you are ON! FOOT!
i’m so mad that it works too
mad, but like, also turned on. duh.
what’s cap’s true superpower? DRAMA
The saddest thing in this movie is that Jenny Agutter is Scarlet Johansson
don’t get me wrong, i like scarjo but this movie would’ve been even better if it wasn’t the black widow and was just a badass old british lady.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the sane one.
Me: He flies into combat at 100 miles per hour with a jet pack and a tee shirt he is not the sane one.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the emotionally balanced one?
Me: given the aforementioned armorless airborne combat situation that is highly fucking debatable my dude.
let’s appreciate that Bucky is definitely flying this quinjet with a dead guy that he just murdered as his copilot.
i don’t know why that is so badass to me but it is
again, we don’t have time to unpack all of that, moving on.
sidenote: i’m gonna really enjoy coming back to this movie after Captain Marvel. I can just feel it.
Maria is so casual about this. And that is an extremely sexy thing. I’m not sorry.
“Hey Sam, I’m gonna need a ride.”
Sam is still learning Rogersese and does not know that this means “I ALREADY DID THE STUPID THING PLEASE COME GET ME.”
Bucky ripping the wings off a beautiful butterfly
because Sam IS a beautiful butterfly.
except now his knees and legs and ankles are all broken because That’s How Bones Work.
he’s here
lol of course he’s got a knife.
I just love the sounds the arm makes.
the slide Bucky does here, this isn’t combat this is voguing.
Steve fights like the world is his barroom, bucky fights like the world is his catwalk.
what’s the found family version of a BroTP? I have that for Dad!Nick and Adopted!Soviet!Assassin!Daughter!Natasha.
found familotp? FFOTP? no, that sounds like some kind of tactical asset. “LAUNCH THE FFOTP”
anyway, get on this tumblr, i want at least 10 options on my desk by monday.
This Extra. He could honestly make a living playing Confederates and Klansmen, you know which extra I mean.
“wHere ahre the tahrgets?”
the targets... is we.
A DC Local Aside: Everyone on 495 is So Tired of this nonsense. I sincerely hope they all remembered to pee before they left work. I hope they have snacks and water in their cars. because they now live on 495.
this shitshow is gonna fuck up our already extremely fucked up traffic patterns for yeeeeaaaaarrrrrssssss
Sam’s a born quipper, so i really like it when he sees the helicarrier coming down and just fucking bolts. NO TIME FOR SASS WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE
“Got a location on Rogers?”
Don’t know where he is, but he’s doing something stupid, i Guarantee It.
“you know me.”
“nNOo I dOn’T!”
Oh Steve. You put that shield down So Often. And you keep having to fucking pick it up a-fucking-gain.
And This Was The Moment When We All Realized That We Were In Trouble.
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Big Mood, Bucky. Big Mood.
Sam wasn’t on the approved visitor’s list or anything, he just winked at one (1) nurse and they let him in.
i know just what to say it’ll annoy him so fucking much. “on your left.”
“Why haven’t we heard from Captain Rogers?”
Because he is taking a damn nap.
no but seriously, because if we put him in front of a camera right now, you will get the Talking To of the Century.
*eight hours later, congress is crying, hydra has surrendered, fox news is shutting down, steve rogers is still going strong* “AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON STUDENT DEBT!”
~cool guys don’t look at congressional meltdowns. They drop the mic and they walk away~
(they did film some in DC, obviously, but also cleveland.
*emoting at exhibits intensifies*
in sum i have been typing for Too Long and I’m going to hit post so i can Go To Bed but there may need to be Corrections in the morning who tf knows
113 notes · View notes
britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock ep 2 the blind banker livewatch
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we’re returning to baker street for another livewatch! i only saw half of this ep before yeeting sherlock away, so this is a neat mix of re-watch and new-watch :D
ooh pretty flute playing :)
the tea lady has a british and asian accent at the same time how cool :D
the guy talking to her almost looks like a young sherlock!
guy: “do you want to have a drink? not tea, obviously...” lol
oof the lady rejected him with a ‘please stop asking’ POLITE BUT STINGING
uh oh something ominous is going on...
lady: is there security?” obviously not since you’re hearing ominous things!
this isn’t gonna end well...
ooh where she is almost looks like she’s in the tunnels from the sherlock netflix pic!
the intro is so dramatic :D
yo are john and sherlock at the grocery store
JOHN AT THE STORE HOW DOMESTIC!!! (hello fellow isfj!)
yo why is sherlock fencing
lol what a contrast :D
john’s card isn’t authorized is he my dad lol :D
aww sherlock straightens his suit after murdering a mannequin ;)
eyyy the guy in the ad’s name is john ;) (they ‘moved around a lot’ and chose az why)
sherlock wants john to take his card aww :)
john: “why don’t you go out and do it?” yeah LOCKIE GO OUT YOURSELF SOMETIME
oh no vietnam flashback :o
what book is sherlock reading ‘ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN’ OR ‘VALLEY OF FEAR’ PERHAPS???
wait do the sherlock books exist in this universe?
and he guessed the password oh sherlock :D
there’s a cop car outside HMMM is that a redrum i hear??
sherlock: “i need to go to the bank” for john’s money problem OR THE REDRUMM!!!!!
wow it sure is cloudy
cool revolving door :D
what’s sherlock cooking in that brain of his
yo some guy just came outta nowhere after sherlock introduced himself to the bank teller :o
sherlock: “this is john watson, my friend” OMG FRIEND!!!! :D
john: “colleague.” boiiiii
the sebastian guy just nods and says ‘right’ HE KNOWS!!!
wowza he flew around the world twice in a year coolio :D
he’s making fun of sherlock’s observations DON’T DO THAT AND CALL IT A ‘TRICK’ IT’S HIS THING
ooh the portrait with the yellow line on the eyes is one of the show runners i think :D
sebastian: “there’s a hole in our security” UGH WHY
wait was the tea lady at a museum or the bank?? or does london just have shoddy security
woah clues floating around lockie :o
and the music fem the beginning is playing hmmm
ha ha he popped up on the screen :D
everyone’s like ‘what are you doing?’
did he just take a directory sign???
HOLD UP two trips around the world in a month??? :o
john and sherlock are elevator pals :D
sherlock says ‘TAXI!’ and disappears when the taxi rushes by how cool :D
sherlock: “just moved in. he has a new label.” john: “he could’ve replaced it.” sherlock: “nobody ever does that”
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his smile!!! :D
sherlock: “i just locked my keys in my flat! could i come on? ...oh and can i use your balcony?” lady: “...what?” lol same :D
i thought i saw half of this ep yet i only remember the bank part SO I ONLY SAW 12 MINUTES OF IT! :o this is truly a new-watch!
the guy in the apartment has a lot of books!
why didn’t john follow sherlock in the room? maybe sherlock needed 'SOME ROOM’
john: “sherlock! are you okay?” awww :)
aaand there’s a dead guy! fun! :D
sherlock: “maybe they wanted to communicate without using email” what a 21st century thought
sherlock: “you follow?” john: “nnnnope!” lol :D
sherlock just called a guy ‘sargent’ IS HE SGT. PEPPER???
sgt not pepper: “don’t tamper with the evidence” yeah sherlock WEAR GLOVES NEXT TIME DUH!!!!!
lestrade is busy so this guy’s barging in! and he’s DETECTIVE inspector woahhhh
detective inspector dimmock more like detective inspector BISH
lol sherlock moved around while saying ‘caused a bit of contortion’
detective bish: “what are the chances of that?” ugh he sounds so stupidly mean!
oof sherlock telling sebastian about the murder while he’s having dinner? that food’s not gonna go down well with that sadness...
sherlock: “will scotland yard suit?” OHHHH THAT’S A BOOK REFERENCE!!!!
sebastian’s at the sink ARE THEY TALKING IN THE RESTROOM YO???
it’s echoey like a bathroom IS IT THO???
is sebastian’s boss detective bish
john called them ‘heartless bastards’ YES EXACTLY!
also they are in a bathroom gross :(
some guy’s running with serious shaky cam!
the lady in the ad said ‘save me some cheddar!’ is that money slang?
the lady is soo lin cool she’s korean! :D
ooh is this a london chinatown?
does she really need to live in a chinatown tho
is john applying for another job?
john: “mundane works.” except with sherlock! :D
john played the clarinet in school HIM AND SHERLOCK SHOULD START A BAND!!! :D is a violin and clarinet a band?
sherlock: “can you pass me a pen?” john: “when did you need one?” sherlock: “about an hour ago” lol :D
the website on the laptop is ‘online news’ lol :D
ooh revolving sign!
the guy murdered was a freelance writer is it tied to the banker thing?
detective bish: “you’re serious? like spiderman?” or spiderpig ;)
sherlock and john ran up the escalator what a hurry!
john: “why did they die, sherlock?” sherlock: “only the cipher can tell us” ooh trailer moment! :D
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hey bus! :D
sherlock: “ciphers are all around us john” woah :o
they’re going to an art museum for advice cool :D
the ‘expert’ is a graffiti artist banksy who
he just throws his paint can at john lol :D
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woah is sherlock’s phone a blackberry with a touchscreen???? truly 2010!
cop: “OY!!!” oh how british! :D
plz don’t arrest john
andy: “she came to this country on her own!” ooh cool :D
sherlock: “you’ve been a while” john: “well, you know how it is” did he get arrested for that lol???
sherlock just says ‘good, fine.’ wow lockie
john just gave a little ‘oy!’ as sherlock shoved him out of the flat how british!
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cute sunset peeking out! ♥
detective bish just called sherlock ‘an arrogant sort’ YO DON’T YOU CALL LOCKIE THAT!!!
lady: "the only things he bought had big price tags” sherlock: “like that hand cream he bought you?” lady: *shoves those receipts underneath the others* lol :D
the lady just said ‘west end’ are they in new york lol :D
sherlock just said ‘piccadilly’ THAT’S A LONDON REFERENCE! :D
we’re back in chinatown with music that feels stereotypical!
lady: “you want lucky cat?” this feels even more stereotypical why :(
lady: “i think your wife, she will like!” idk if john’s wife will like it... ;)
john just mutters a bit lol :D
it’s called ‘hang zhu’ and it’s chinese i wonder if ivy from ag knows it! :D (it would’ve been great in ‘puzzie of the paper daughter’)
john and sherlock are at a restaurant but it’s not queerbaiting awkward this time yay! :D
we just have the stereotyping awkward to deal with this time...
the guys who were murdered returned from china cool :D
sherlock: “when was the last time it rained?” ooh clue! :o
they just leave their food behind ll :D
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it’s been there since monday and i think it was stated earlier that it’s thursday awww poor yellow pages :(
sherlock just jumped and pulled the ladder down how cool! :D
someone knocked over a vase just like sherlock just did oohhhhh
john: “you think you can let me in this time?” lol :D
john: “can you not keep doing this, please?” ha ha lol :D
why is sherlock not letting john in
the shoes in the apartment are size 8 that’s 9 in us cool :D
sherlock: “stupid stupid obvious... he’s still here” DUN DUN DUNN!!!!!!
john: “any time you want to include me...” NO YOU DON’T WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS BUDDY
john: “i’m sherlock holmes and i work alone because no one can compete with my massive intellect” lol sick burn! :D
too bad he had to say that AS SHERLOCK IS POSSIBLY DYING
jk he survived somehow
and he’s totally fine after that
john: “you’ve gone all croaky are you getting a cold?” lol it’s not that exactly...
hmm maybe the soo lady is actually the chinese name of su thus connecting her to the other murders and THUS the murderer potentially doesn’t like chinese people or people coming from china thus... possibly racist?
what if it’s detective bish HE’S ALREADY SUCH A JERK so him being racist wouldn’t be surprising in the least
any time the lady or china is mentioned that music plays WHY
teen in the background: “DAANG that was rad” DAAANG THAT WAS FLIPPING HILARIOUS OMG :D
john has a lot of cool transition scenes :D
OMG what if the graffiti guy
sherlock just grabbed john’s face and told him to close his eyes to remember AND JOHN’S VOICE KEEPS CRACKING :D
also the johnlock shippers probably went WILD with that one
su lin yao is her name and that’s a real doctor in new jersey cool! :D
how will the chinese things and bank connect i wonder?
there’s more of that music again...
did sherlock just say ‘fancy a biscuit?’
oh no someone’s coming for su lin! :o
she met the mystery guy when she was a girl in china maybe it’s not detective bish after all?
ooh sherlock knows ancient crime stuff :D
su lin was a smuggler as a teen wowza! :o
they’re called ‘black lotus’ is that stereotypical?
on wikipedia i found out that subservient ‘lotus blossom babies’ are a stereotype and that sounds a lot like the black lotus thing...
poor su lin! :(
sherlock to the shooting guy: “be careful! some of those are over two thousand years old HAVE A BIT OF RESPECT!” lol and YEAH SHOW SOME RESPECT GUY!!!
it’s quiet he’s respecting
john said ‘oh my god’ this isn’t good!
rip su lin 1980-2010 probably :(
sherlock: “digesting slows me down” that’s so sherlock! (and it explains why he doesn’t eat in restaurant scenes)
sherlock: “we’re just interested in seeing the feet” don’t let dan schneider hear you...
she thinks the books are for charity awww :)
the code is in the books cool!
sebastian: “anything i can do to assist you?” sherlock: “some silence right now would be marvelous!” lol :D
when sherlock said ‘cigarette’ i intantly thought of that nicotine ad with the shark on the guy’s arm lol :D
onto part 2!
the book code is time consuming yet really cool! :D
wowza have they been on it all night?
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awww he’s sleeping on the job how cute! :)
john: “i thought i had more patients to see” lady: “i did one or two. ...or five or six.” lol :D
sherlock’s still hard at work and not tired what a guy!
sherlock: “we’re going out tonight” john: “and i’m going out on a date” sherlock: “what?” john: “it’s where two people who like each other go out and have fun?” sherlock: “that’s what i was suggesting” JOHNLOCK SHIPPERS GO SQUEEEEE
john just said ‘i hope not’ BOI
sherlock said the cinema is ‘dull boring and predictable’ lol :D
john doesn’t want dating advice from sherlock yet he does on the circus date he suggested ;)
lady: “they’re probably from china!” ooohhhh ties in with the case!!!!
this is gonna have ‘george harrison and pattie boyd go on a date with eppy accompanying them’ vibes huh
sherlock doesn’t care about the romance he’s so aromantic (maybe even asexual) and i’m here for it :D
john; “i can’t find a killer while i’m... trying to get off with sarah!” *sees sarah* “eyyyy you ready?” lol :D
they’re in a fancy place and john says it’s clearly not a circus WHAT DID YOU DO SHERLOCK???
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woah is this a chinese thing? it’s cool and connects to the case!
this music is traditional yet sounds stereotypical :(
john looked at sherlock like ‘?’ but oh lockie knows ;)
woah they’re locking a warrior up hmmm...
aww sarah was startled by the cymbal! :D
sherlock is explaining the act before it happens PLZ SHERLOCK LET US WATCH WITH UNKNOWING
come on warrior YOU CAN GET FREE!
wait where did sherlock go?
the deadly chinese bird spider what :o
john to sarah: “did you see that?” i think we all did john ;)
and now he’s being attacked IS THE BROTHER IN THE SHOW TO KILL THE ACTORS????
ooh this is why sherlock took fencing in the beginning!
man the bro is good :D
maybe the things the guys stole is being used in the show!
ugh stupid detective bish doesn’t want a bill for overtime HE NEEDS A BILL FOR BEING A JERK >:(
sarah said ‘is anyone else starving?’ and john said ‘oh god...’ PLZ NO SARAH
sarah: “what are these squiggles?” sherlock: “ancient chinese numbers” sarah: “oh right i should’ve known that” sarcastic much?
and john called her a saint ^_^
su lin began to translate the code awwww! :D
sherlock knocked something out of a guy’s hand while calling for a taxi lol :D
yo is he with german guys
why did the scene suddenly cut to john and sarah didn’t they follow sherlock?
yo there’s treasure involved?
one of the code phrases is ‘dragon den’ siiiiigggghhhhh
did they take john to the tunnels?
is the lady the main one from the show?
she’s questioning the debit card and tickets being sold in sherlock’s name and because of the ‘massive intellect’ joke they think john is sherlock WOAHHH!!!!
shan keeps thinking john is sherlock
man this is a movie villain thing huh
she’s presenting it like this is a show
john: “I’M NOT SHERLOCK HOLMES!!!” shan: “i don’t believe you!” sherlock: “you should, you know!” YAY LOCKIE’S HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!!! :D
sherlock: “how would you describe me, john? resourceful? dynamic? enigmatic?” john: “late?” OHHHH!!! lol :D
he doesn’t want her to shoot because of bullet physics YET SHE SHOOTS ANYWAYS
OMG the brother died by bullet physics YAS!!!! :D
aww sherlock’s comforting su lin! ♥
john: “don’t worry, the next day won’t be like this” good today was crazy! :o
the pan shot of them in the apartment is cool :D
awww that hand cream was a present to say sorry :)
why is sebastian surprised that sherlock was on the balcony THIS IS SHERLOCK HOLMES WE’RE TALKING ABOUT
aww sarah is so surprised of the treasure’s worth and she’s like “OH MY GOD!!! :o” and sherlock’s just like
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he’s laughing awww!!!! :D
wait is shan messaging mycroft or moiarty or whoever the bad guy is?
and that’s the end!
...wait THAT’S the end????? :o
i wish i had stuck around past 12 minutes in 2017 because this was such an exciting and captivating ep! (despite the cringeworthy stereotypes) i can’t wait to see how s1 ends :D
0 notes
The Winning Team
AN; #1 Hi! This wasn’t even close to being done, but I read something with a ‘poc!reader’ that pissed me off so much I hurried to finish so excuse the mistake. #2 This was supposed to be two separate things fuck that shit tho. #3 I couldn't remember if peeps wanted to be tagged in this so my B.
Summary: Bucky wants you on the winning team!!!
Words: I have no idea.
Part 1 / Part 3
Bucky x Black!Reader
“Mommy, dad says Aunty Nat needs you at the tower. That’s it. Got it?”
“Got it!” And with that his over excited son was off like a rocket to find you and relay his dad’s very important message.
You could hear the sound of feet thundering closer and closer to you as you sat on the couch finishing up the last few twist in your hair as you watched some Investigation Discovery show. The sound of Dominic sliding on the wooden floor in the hallway makes you turn your head to him.
“Mommy!” He says as he runs around the corner into the living room.
“Um, um, um.” He’s hopping from foot to foot in front of you.
“In and out baby.” You said as you watched him try and catch his breath.
He takes a deep breath in and a slow one out before he starts. “Daddy says um.” He looked like he was deep in concentration trying to remember the message. His thick eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. His bottom lip sticking out just a little bit. 
“Um i’ll be back!” and then he was off again.
Bucky knew his son wouldn’t remember and he didn’t blame him, his brain was always on other things, What new toys uncle Tony would have when he visited the tower, What kind of cool things Uncle Clint would show him with his bow and arrow, the cookies you hid in the top shelf that he would let him sneak late at night when he was supposed to be in bed. Too many things going on in his tiny baby boy’s head. So when he ran back in the room Bucky was in he just stood up and followed him to the hallway.
“I messed up and forgot.” He said looking up at Bucky with big water brown eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay I’ll stand right behind here and if you forget just look at me and I’ll help you. Got it?”
“Got it.” He said as he went back to find you still on the couch now completely done with your hair and the TV totally forgotten about.
“Daddy says that um…” he looks behind you and towards where Bucky is silently pleading for help and Bucky doesn’t miss a beat and holds up a picture of Dominic and Natasha.
“Aunty Nat!” He yells in excitement.
“Dad says that Aunty Nat um she…” and then he’s looking back at Bucky again. Bucky runs to his son’s room and grabs his toy replica of the avengers tower.
“The tower! Aunty Nat needs you at the tower mommy.”
“And would you be going to the tower with me?”
“Um I think that…” He looks back at Bucky because that wasn’t a part of the previous conversation. He could see that his son really wanted to go to the tower by the way his brown eyes sparkled but Bucky need his help today so he shock his head no.
“No mommy.” He said shaking his head and running off to Bucky.
“Did I do good?”He practically yelled as they made their way down the hall.
“You did so good.” He whispers and holds his hand out for a high-five.
“Can I pick the song?” Sam asked as he scrolled through buck’s iPod.
“No.” Buck replied not really focused on the man but instead on the clothes around him and his son. He hated clothes shopping with a god damned passion but this was important and he and his son had to look nice. So here he was looking at one of the tiniest button up shirts he’d seen in his life.
“Dude, I guarantee it’s gonna be perfect. She’ll love it.” Sam responded as he kept searching the iPod for the song he had in mind. He knew it was in there somewhere he’d put it on the damn thing.
“What you think bud?” He looked to where his son sat cross legged on the floor with a bag of blueberries in front of him.
“More berries.” He says and Bucky watches as blueberry juice drips out of his mouth and all over his shirt.
“Yep that’s about what I expected out of you.” He looks towards Sam who looks very very hopeful that bucky will say yes.
“Fine,” Sam cheers loudly about to open his mouth to reply to bucky when bucky cuts him off, “But if I don’t like i’m picking my song got it?”
“Got it!” Dom cheered from his spot next to Sam.
“So let me guess you’re my distraction right?” You asked laying across Natasha bed you were incredibly sleepy and could barely keep your eyes open.
“And why would you think such an obviously correct thing?” She said as she finished painting her fingers a deep red.
“Because I was told you needed me here and we’ve done nothing at all for the last hour and a half.” She didn’t say anything back to that only smiled at you and kept doing her nails.
“Let me guess again, since I’m so good. There’s a dress or something here that i’m supposed to somehow squeeze into before I go home?”
“You’re really good.” She says as she takes a qtip with nail polish remover on it and fixes the tiny mistakes on her skin.“ And if it makes you feel any better it’s really pretty and needs hardly any squeezing.”
“Haha.” You roll your eyes at her.
“Let the man enjoy this. He’s trying to surprise you. Act surprised”
“It’s just really hard when hes so bad at planning surprises. This past Christmas he tried to surprise Dom with one of those giant indoor trampolines but he got so excited he gave it to him an hour and a half after he got home with it.” You said as you recalled Bucky practically bouncing in his seat as he tried to keep the excitement off his face.
“It’s his first kid of course he’s excited can you blame him?” The way she said first kid made your stomach tickle and you suppressed the urge to rub at it. It had been two weeks since you found out you were expecting baby number two and the thought of telling Bucky made you feel sick.
You must have been staring off into space because the sound of Natasha clearing her throat brought you back.
“It wasn’t even December yet.” You smiled hopping right back into the conversation and ignoring her questioning gaze at all costs.
When he finally gets back to the house he is immediately greeted by Steve, who had spent the better part of his day running from flower shop to flower shop looking for these damn flowers that he just had to have.
“The living room should be all good to go.” He said as he got up from his kneeling position by the coffee table placing the last of the few white flowers he had just gotten.  
“Thanks … Get out.” Bucky says as he goes to put the few bags he has in Dom’s room.
“I really can’t stay and watch, I’m your best friend?” Steve says with full offense evident in his voice as he watches Bucky scurry around the apartment.
“Don’t care. Lock the door on your way out.” He says as he pulls out an all black jersey with bold silver letters, alongside the outfit that Dom would be wearing for the night. A white button up shirt a new pair of jeans that they had just bought earlier that day a pair of black and white converse and a black bow tie to top it all off.
“I bet she would want me to stay and watch.” Steve whined as he twirled one of the many flowers he had bought that day between his fingers. Steve loved you and Dom just as much ( maybe a little less, but only a very little) as bucky. He loved you for helping his best friend have as normal of a life as possible, for giving him the family Bucky had always wanted. For giving Bucky the son he had told Steve he had dreamed about having for years. He loved you like the sister he had always wanted.
“Too bad she’s not here huh?” Bucky asked as he comes back into the living room.
“Fine i’ll leave,” Steve begins as he walks towards the front door, “but you better ask me to be your best man.”
“Tony already called dibs. Sorry buddy.” Bucky yelled after Steve as he walked out of the door.
“WHAT THE FU-” Steve turned on his heel to look at Bucky but was met with the front door being closed in his face.
Bucky let out howl after howl of laughter as he heard his best friend grumble loudly behind the closed door. Steve had to know he was kidding but his reaction none the less was glorious.
“C’mon buddy bath time.” Bucky walked out of the hallway and further into the apartment back to Dom’s room.
“Do I have to get a bath daddy?” Dom asked around a mouth full of blueberries.
“Yes you have to.” Bucky yelled from his son’s room as he got all of the stuff for his bath ready.
“But I don’t wanna.” He said in a sing song like voice and Bucky mentally snorted. He waited to hear  the telltale sound of him getting up from his play table and chair and following him to his room.
“But you have to.” Bucky said in a matching singy song voice.
“Why?” He asked as he shoved more blueberries in his mouth.
“Because it’ll make me happy.” That was a good reason right? To make his dad happy.
“Because it’ll make mommy happy.” if making Bucky wasn’t a good enough reason surely making you happy was.
Oh god. Normally Bucky would find this funny when it happened to you. One thing would happen that lead dom down a steep slope of ‘mommy whys’ ‘mommy why are blueberries blue? mommy why don’t we have a dog? mommy why?’ and Bucky would encourage it no matter how many times you told him not to because he loved to watch you explain why. The way your brown eyes would light up at every curious question Dom had. The way you tried not to smiled as you talked about why having a puppy was hard work even though deep down you wanted one too. The way your curls bounced when you laughed as you explained why he couldn’t have pancakes for every meal. He would always laugh and tell you how adorable it was to watch you two together. But now he’s regretting all the times he had told his son to ask you a question because it’s blowing up in his face and he can’t get mad because it’s his very own fault.
“Because if you don’t I’m gonna have to call the Captain on you.”
“No Uncle Steve only gets the bad guys! I’m not the bad guy daddy!”
“Bad guys don’t take baths and you don’t wanna take a bath.” Bucky says nonchalantly as he walks to the bathroom to start the water.
Dominic sits on his bed and thinks about it for a long while before he finally walks into the bathroom with his arms in the air ready for Bucky to take his shirt off.
“Fine.” he grumbles out.
The bath took far longer than Buck had anticipated it too. Dominic insisting the entire time that he could wash himself and for buck not to help him. So bucky was resigned to making sure he got every bit of himself clean without touching his son only pointing a finger here and there as he ever so slowly washed his entire body from head to toe. What felt like an hour of sitting on the hard bathroom floor later Bucky heard his son finally drop the wash rag into the water.
“All done?” He asked.
“Yes.” Dom said as he stretched out his arms for bucky.
Bucky grabbed the big fluffy purple towel from doms bathroom drawer and held it out so he could wrap his son and take him to his room to get dressed.
He grabbed the chair, a hard hair brush, 2 scrunchies and the bottle of leave in conditioner you always used when you did your sons hair and set them down fully ready to take this battle head on. He had done Dom’s hair a good 5 times maybe and every time you told him he did a fantastic job, but you weren’t here now.
“Let’s do this son.” Bucky grabbed a single latex glove to put on his left hand just so the hair wouldn’t get caught between the metal plates of his hand and tug at the curly hair. He took a t-shirt and tossed it on his son’s head to make sure his hair was mostly dry.
It takes a good 25 minutes to brush through all of Dom’s hair making sure and sure again that there are no surprise knots anywhere.
“What are we doing today up or down?”
“Um.” He hums thinking for a few second about what his answer should be and then with the biggest smile he could give he told Buck exactly what he wanted.
You’re in the middle of taking down the last few twists you have left when Natasha’s voice draws your attention. When you turn to look at her she’s staring directly at you.
“You have a secret.” She says as she watches you for any inclination that you do have a secret to tell her.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talkin’ about.” You turn your attention back to your hair and away from the redhead before she draws any information out of you.
“I think you do know and if I tried hard enough I bet I could get it out of you.” She gets up and stalks towards you fully ready to find out the secret she’s sure you have. There’s a beat and then she’s standing right behind you.
“You can try as hard as you want but there’s no secret to get out of me.” You turn to look at her dead in the eyes because fuck that. She isn’t getting a damn thing out of you and if you have to stand there and look at her for 3 days straight you damn sure will. Screw her.
“Barnes teach you to lie like that? It’s almost convincing.” She says as stares intensely into your deep brown eyes hoping for a spark or hint of anything but comes back empty handed. She stares at you, all of you to see if there a twitch to your eye, a quiver of your bottom lip, a clenched fist anything. But you’re stone like and unrelentingly.
“It must be a good secret.” She says as she hands you the tiny rat-tail comb off of the counter  you use to fluff your hair out.
“There’s no secret so it can’t be good.” You turn away from her to finish putting the last bit of oil in your hair but you can still feel her eyes on you. Your heart is pounding and you know it’s loud can hear and feel it in your ears.
When you make it home the first thing you notice as you walk closer to your door is that all the lights in the living room are on. Which is unusual for a multitude of reasons but mostly because whenever Bucky and Dom are home alone they tend to spend their time in your room. The next thing is the small curly head peeking behind the blinds. You keep making your way towards your door when you hear your favorite voice.
“I can’t reach it!” You hear Dom yell and then you hear the sound of what you can only assume is Bucky running to help him open it.
“Thank you daddy.”
“Sshh.” Bucky tries to whisper.
“Oh!” You can almost picture the way your son nods his head vigorously. Then you hear Bucky’s feet retreating back to where he was to begin with and the door squeaks open.
When the door opens you look down too see your son standing there and your heart melts. His hair is brushed back and into a low puffy bun almost identical to the ones Bucky constantly has, he’s wearing a white button down long sleeve shirt with a tiny black bow tie and jeans. He is damn adorable and it takes a lot out of you to not cry at the sight.
“You looks so handsome son.”
“Thank you mommy, follow me please.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the odd politeness he was showing. He was being a tiny little gentleman.
You could just about make out the sound of music from the living room. It was low and smooth and the closer you got to the living room you started to recognize the song more and more until you finally go there and knew the song immediately.
See first of all I know these so-called playas wouldn’t tell you this But I'ma be real and say what’s on my heart Let’s take this chance and make this love feel relevant Didn’t you know I loved you from the start, yeah
The room was covered from top to bottom in purple roses. There was only a small path on the floor that didn’t have roses on it that lead to the center of the room. So you followed it.
When I think about all these years we put in this relationship Who knew we’d make it this far? When I think about where we would I be if we were to just fall apart And I just can’t stand the thought of leaving you
You don’t hear his footsteps walk towards you. You never do and it’s always annoying how such a large person can walk so quietly. So when you hear him clear his throat you jump almost a full 2 feet in the air.
“Did I scare you?” He asked as he tried his hardest to cover up his laugh with a cough.
“You always do!!” You should be used to it but you aren’t and it sucks every single time.
“So what’s all of this about?” You knew. The song, the flowers, the way Dom was dressed, you would have to be a literal fucking peanut to not know what was happening.
“Well, I figured since you were out numbered you’d wanna join the winning team.” He said with the biggest grin on his face.
“The winning team?” You cocked your head to look at him. One hand your hip waiting for an answer.
“DADDY! I’M STUCK!!” You heard your son frantically yell before bucky could answer you.
“Do you need help baby?” You asked but before you could go and check Bucky was already heading to get him.
“Stay absolutely stil-” Bucky was cut off before he could finish his sentence by aloud bump followed by a soft ‘ow’ and you couldn’t help but let out a snort. Bucky smiled at you before he jogged off to help Dom.
You were about to take a step forward to follow but he quickly put a stop to that idea
“Nope. I’ll be right back.” And then he was gone.
You paced the floor knowing what he was gonna ask when he came back and you were beyond nervous. You could feel your stomach twist in every direction the more you thought about telling Bucky you were pregnant. A far away part of you knew he was gonna be happy and excited about having a baby. But you couldn’t help but feel nervous. What if he just outright didn’t want them? How would you explain to Dom why you and bucky weren’t together anymore if he didn’t want them? If he didn’t want you all?
“Okay doll ask again.” Bucky said as he jogged from the back room back to you.
“What?” You were pulled from your thoughts so suddenly you forgot what was happening.
“Ask about the winning team one more time.” He could practically hear the grin on his face. He was such a doof, but you loved him. God did you love him
“What winning team honey?” You couldn’t help but smile at how excited he was. Even if on the inside you were practically dying.
“TEAM BARNES!” You heard your son yell as he rushed from out of his room. He was wearing an all black jersey with ‘TEAM BARNES’ in giant letters on the back.
“I knew I wanted to marry you since the night you gave birth to Dominic.” Oh god! You weren’t ready to hear him say these things. “I knew when I first heard you laugh I would want to hear it for the rest of my life.” He was just a little behind you and you knew that if you turned around completely you wouldn’t be able to keep your cool, but you never really could around him. “I knew it when I had my first nightmare in front of you and you just held me against you. Even though you were 8 months pregnant and could barely move, you held me as close as you could with your big belly and whispered that I wasn’t alone anymore, that I had you and the baby with me always, that I didn’t have to deal with this by myself anymore.” God dammit Barnes!
You couldn’t bring yourself to focus on the rest of his speech to focused on the ‘what ifs’ your brain wouldn’t stop firing off. What if he thought all the things HYDRA did to him was too much for two kids. What if being an Avenger was already too much with just Dom. It wasn’t fair to put him in a situation like that.You had to give him the opportunity to back out if he wanted to. Sure he had said many times that Dom was one of the best things in his life, but what if he changed his mind after you said you were pregnant with a second baby.
Meet me in the altar in your white dress We ain’t gettin no younger, we might as well do it been feeling all the while girl I must confess Girl let’s just get married I just wanna get married.
“Will you marry me?” He asked as he dropped down to one knee.
You wanted to tell him sooner rather than later. Before you were too big to hide, before you were supposed to squeeze into a dress, before… before you forced him into something you weren’t sure he wanted.
“Of course Buck!” It came out too easy too fast. But you loved the idea of having Bucky as a fiancee as a husband. So much so that it distracted you briefly from the wagging war inside your own head. When you turned around the rest of the way Dom was jumping up and down in excitement and Bucky was eye level with your belly.
He slowly slides the polished silver ring onto your finger. You are both shaking  messes so it takes a good minute for him to finally get it on and when it finally makes it to the base of your finger you can’t help but stare at it and how it glows against your brown complexion.
“Buck…” Your voice is watery and not because of how stunning the ring is. As soon as the word leaves your lips he’s wrapped around you in a second hugging you and kissing your cheeks.
“You’re gonna look so beautiful in a wedding dress doll.”
It was your engagement party with the team a full 2 weeks after Bucky had proposed to you and you still hadn’t told him yet. The time just never seemed right. The night he proposed you were both to caught up in the excitement of it all and it didn’t seem right. You had just wanted to spend your time together before too many people were in your face.. Then you had flown back home to celebrate the engagement with your family and the time still didn’t seem right. There was always someone around when you wanted to tell him. You loved your family too the moon and back but that week you wanted nothing more then to have lasers beams shoot from your eyes when ever they interrupted you.
You are standing by one of the many bars Tony has at the tower sipping on a virgin pink panther. There aren’t many people here which you are incredibly thankful for. Knowing Tony and parties you had expected there to people from floor to ceiling. Luckily somebody, maybe Pepper or Steve, had talked him into only having just the avengers and a few of the agents you and Bucky were particularly close to.
“No alcohol for you tonight?” Natasha asked as she approached you sipping ever so subtly at her clear drink.
“You never know when my kid is gonna come runnin’ up and steal a sip. Gotta be prepared.”
“Well if you can’t have your own you can always have a sip of mine.” She said as she moved the strong liquor closer to you. It smelled horrid and made your already nausea stomach even worse.
She watched you with an arched eyebrow as you pushed her glass away from you.
“No thanks I’ve never really been a vodka kinda girl..” You took a sip of your overly pink drink to try and calm your stomach.
“Well if mine won’t do how about,” You watched as she looked around the room for something and then her eyes lit up, “How about Thor’s drink?” and then she was motioning for the asgardian to come over to you.
“Hello!” His booming voice shouted as he got closer to you both.
“Hey Thor, Y/N here can’t have a proper alcoholic drink with Dom running around trying to have a sip,” She began to explain and the more she talked the more aware of her plans you became, “So we were wondering if she could have a sip of yours?”
“Certainly!” He shouted as he moved his glass of almost pitch black liquor directly into your chest. It smelled like paint thinner and gasoline. The second after you smelled the drink you made a break for the nearest room with a bathroom to let everything go.
“I fucking knew it you liar!” Natasha shouted through gritted teeth as she helped you up from the bathroom floor so you could walk to the bed just a short distance away.
“Natasha.”  You whined as you laid on the bed in the spare room clutching your aching stomach.
“Shouldn’t you be all excited for the new baby and your engagement? You’ve been moping around for weeks.”
“What if he doesn’t want it though?” You asked solemnly.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“What if one kid is enough for him? One kid that he’s taking care of that he didn’t even help create? What if he’s only helping me out with Dom because he felt  sorry for me?” You were going to have a panic attack or throw up you couldn’t really be sure but you felt something coming up.
“So the way he acts with Dom doesn’t show you he would want another one?” She was rubbing your back at this point. Her way of apologizing for making you puke you guessed. You couldn’t really be sure she was hard to read.
“It’s different he knew going into this I was pregnant with Dominic already. There were no surprises.”
“So you think he didn’t know you would get pregnant when he came inside of you.”
“That sounds disgusting don’t say it like that i’m gonna throw up.” You turned your head further into the soft pillow trying to distract yourself from what she was saying
“Barnes came, nutted, finished, dumped his load, busted, planted his seed, creamed, ejaculated,  inside of you.” She said as she watched you and full belly laughs.
Hearing her say all that made your stomach turn and you made a beeline for the bathroom again.
“I’m gonna get you water don’t move.” She yelled to you from behind the bathroom door.
“I know you’re going to get Bucky don’t lie to me.” You yelled over the sound of the toilet flushing.
“You lied to me it’s only fair.” And then she was gone.
You splashed cold water on your face once you heard her leave the room and put your curls up into a bun at the top of your head. It was far from perfect you had curls falling out from every side but it didn’t matter your mouth tasted disgusting and you need to brush your teeth.
When you were done and didn’t taste like your breakfast and lunch mixed together you made your way back into the spare the bedroom and sat crossed legged on the bed waiting. Waiting to get sick again, waiting for bucky to finally show up. Just waiting.
You were startled when you heard the sound of heavy feet making their way closer to the room you were in. You knew it was Bucky so you weren’t scared that they were gonna get hurt.
“Doll?” Bucky asked as he came in the room with a bottle of water.
“I… I mean we…” You hadn’t even looked up at him yet but you were already stumbling over your words trying to explain it to him. Where the hell did you start when you were telling your fiancee something that you were sure would ruin everything.
“Doll please talk to me,” He started, “Natasha said it was important if you don't… if you don’t wanna get married that’s okay. I understand if I’m no-”
“No I wanna get married … To you I mean. I wanna marry you.”
“Then tell me what’s goin’ on doll.” He kneeled in front of holding your hands in his. Twisting your engagement ring ever so slightly
“I… We uh…” How they hell did so many people do this every single day.
“I have never had to do this before and it’s a little nerve wracking.” You let out a water laugh that was mostly tears.
“Doll?” He squeezed your hand
You took a shaky deep breath before you finally just let it out.
“I’m pregnant buck.” When you were pregnant with dom you only had to tell your family that you were pregnant. So now having to tell buck that you were expecting was unimaginably difficult.“I’m so sor-”
“WERE HAVING A BABY!?” He shot up from his position in front of you.
“Do you know what this means?” He asks as he paced the floor.
“You … you aren’t mad?” You asked after doing s double take.
“Why would I be? Doll this is one of the best days of my life.”
You couldn’t help the wet sobs that came from you. “I thought you wouldn’t want … because Dom and…” you couldn’t even get all the words out.
“Doll, I love you. I love Dom. If I didn’t I wouldn’t I would have been long gone by now. I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me if I didn’t love you both. I’m so lucky to have met you and even lucky to have had the opportunity to help you raise our wonderful son.”
Why you had ever thought he would be mad is beyond you so you would chalk that up to raging pregnancy hormones.
“Oh no.”
“What Buck?” You asked as your heart dropped a little.
“What if the baby is a girl? She’s gonna look just like you. Her hair is gonna be just as bouncy and curly. Her eyes are gonna be just as deep and mesmerizing. God she’ll probably have your laugh. I’m gonna have to fight off so many people that wanna date her! Doll I’m a hundred years old I can’t take this.”
“You’ll be fine.” You told him as you pushed him down to lay on the bed with you.
It was quite as you both laid in silence. Buckys hand occasionally drawing stars on your stomach and you humming a tune that you weren’t even sure you really knew, but you were happy and content to just lay in bed and to finally be able to bask in the excitement of being engaged and pregnant.
“What if it’s twins?!” He asked as his arm wrapped tighter around you.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 7 years
taz liveshow liveblog :D
i cannot believe i downloaded an rss feed reader specifically for the purpose of knowing when taz updates only for it to not work, smh. at least i didn't see any spoilers lol. here we go! :D
i still really need to listen to commitment...
hells yeah, another liveshow on the 28th :D
"don't naruto shame them" pfff
"i am prepared and a good good dnd boy!" ilu travis
this is just the "and ___ walks over to ___" scene from the finale all over again, poor griffin lol
the story hasn’t even started and already i’m feeling super nostalgic... i wanna do a fourth re-listen so bad, fuuuck
"the THREE OF YoOoU" griffin is so salty already this is gonna be good
i like crush already 
fantasy burt bacharach lol
"sleeveless tuxedo" MAGGIE
"tuxedo sleeves!" M E R L E
merle the beach dwarf in his swimmy trunks :')
he sounds like gundren omfg
"played by al pachino" B)
"it's a little assertive" pfff
i love the idea of lup and taako both studying transmutation together as lil kids and lup just being like "nah, this can be your thing koko i'll be over here blowing shit up"
"greg FUCKIN grimauldes" ilu lup 
"my moral guide, merle highchurch" merle continuing to be the dad of ipre
so we're looking at a null suit situation here, cool, cool
this raises so many questions though, like... could they visit other planes that got fucked over by the hunger? like the animal kingdom? taz knights? legato? would those planes have heard the story and song broadcast since they were inside the hunger at the time, or no? are they still super fucked up or are they just plugging along like they would have been otherwise? because the set up for this show implies time has passed in their home planar system after the hunger disappeared and jeffandrew put everything back in order, and that lup somehow knows that this has happened in their absence... has she used the belt before, and that’s how she knows? are the planes where they escaped with the light (fungsten, the beach, tessaralia, etc.) accessible too, or did they just get left behind in the multiverse after the hunger passed over them? i'm assuming lucas made the belts (or probably a combo of lucas and barry? planar studies nerd buddies), so how do they work? magic? bonds? what would happen if they broke mid-use? would they be stuck in their old plane with no way to get back? this is such a weird but good setup and it makes for a shit ton of fic possibilities
i have no idea what that means but it sounds bad
oh nooo, maggie, oh nooooo
"well... slam" griffin what is it with these names
aww, crush :(
i ship crush and slam
magnus what the fuck
i can't wait to see how that table flip works later lol
"NINETEEN!" aww travis i love you
ewwwww, this is worse than the beach episode :(((
"old blue eyes...?" griffin said that with that 'are you sure?’ dm voice and that makes me super nervous
"i don't know 'cause i wasn't expecting him this early" i'm calling it know, griffin's either gonna do his super gruff gundren voice or his bad new jersey accent marvey voice
NAT 20!!! :D
they never would have thought to do that on their own lol, lup playing the part of competent woman this adventure
continuing the trend of magnus being mr. fanservice lol
"lots of beautiful scars" nice
okay i have to know tho... was the tattoo pre or post stolen century??? because i love the idea of it being something he got in his youth without realizing he'd be stuck with it for 100+ years, but i also love the idea of him and julia getting matching tattoos together at some point
lup and taako just chilling in the corner playing pokemon go
magnus turns himself in samus lol
clint continuing to be the worst at rolling, aww
"i had no muber prepared for... this" poor griffin lol
"it... worked?" pfff
okay, it's not catwalk boy jerald then :T 
good to see griffin's not defaulting straight to jerry like he always does lol
wait shit, if they're in their original plane... is terry gonna recognize them from the IPRE mission???
this is just like jenkins with the voice lol
merle doing his accidentally insincere voice again
"oh shit we did do this in the mining one” did griffin forget his own puzzle?
oh no... this can't be good
are you really casting arcane eye for this taako?
T U R K E Y  B O Y
clint the pun master strikes again
i take it griffin’s been playing evil within 2 with the whole chip mechanic
"i could kill him" MERLE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
welp, they're all dead :T
"my words are my pictures!" griffin you are precious
this is the tomb of horrors all over again with the puzzles
justin's killing it today witht the nat 20s damn
"rouge perversions" pfff
all i can imagine is magnus telling carey about his sweet chest trap diffusal later and her being proud of her bff
travis the music boy strikes again!
oh jesus this is going to take a million years
"it's not the letters" then what is it?
i’m a dipshit too than lol because i have zero idea what this is
so it's just like the scene form the bank in refuge
"yeah, elevators, fuck yeah" nice
so now magnus just has a workshop full of gold :/
"oh fuck" my thoughts exactly travis
i missed the ad break music :')
i can't fuckin wait til the candlenights show omg
yay, initiative time!
DELLA!!!!! :D
what would that even look like holy fuck
yikes holy shit, can't wait to see how lup reacts to her brother getting dunked on so badly 0 _ 0
apparently he CAN railspliter that shit, nevermind :o
awww, this is so freakin cute omg ^u^
"that's taako's fire" maggie plz :T
i thought his ac went up after story and song though?
taako's gonna fucking die holy shit
"but he WAS at magnus's bedside" FUCK NOW I'M SAD :’(
"as a sentient being who want's to preserve it's own life" pfff
griffin always forgets to make enemies beefy enough for magnus and/or taako to not kill instantly lmao
everyone loves lup so much lol
"awww... no, no... do i have to specify?" i love the idea that merle would be tempted to heal the monster, he’s such a sweety
I T ' S  T H E  S E X  N U M B E R ! ! !
"what? chicken butt" griffin ilu
yikes trav holy fuck
"COTTON!" omg you silly boy
what are you about to do merle
clint is crushing it on the merle voice today
"i liked the ending of lost" pfff
that was super feckin good omg, i loved every minute of that. that was exactly what i needed to de-stress before my world history final tomorrow, gods bless
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omegastryker · 5 years
Motocross and Hockey - Stars Style
James' off season. Spending time in both cities, he gets ready to head back to Dallas, his new home soon.
Showing Tyler of downtown Seattle. He took a liking to the fans. Which were really generous. Taking selfies, and other poses.
Tho, as compared to his new hometown. James was stunned to see that there were billions of Stars fans in the city as was Tyler.
And on one-on-one days when it was just the two friends hanging out, James and #91. They'd go crusin' around in downtown Seattle followed with downtown Dallas on James' motocross bike. Meeting current and new Stars fans on the way.
In Dallas' Comerica arena, they practiced puck control. And Tyler got better at it.
Then Kate comes along..."I don't get it." - James
Sorry buddy. - Tyler
So James bikes off and heads to his Dallas home
Tyler's friends wondered where their "pupper" was
James had thought that he wouldn't get that chance to meet Tyler. But man, was he wrong.
Having parked his motocross bike next to Tyler's car. And heads inside for the evening practice. Who would be waiting at the entrance than #91. Wearing his white BioSteel cap on backwards, and with his Stars jersey.
Being playful he rushes to tackle him. Oh boy, look at Seguin go - Benn as he smiles. James, been wanting to meet him takes off his motocross helmet. With James him wearing his motocross #91 jacket and pants. They do their own version of the chest bump
lol Someone's happy. - said Tyler as he laughs. The kids laugh. It's great to see u. - Johns. James' Mom also met them Sunday night as well. Welcoming and really hospitable.
It was either this or completely ignoring the fans and going off with Kate. Tyler opted and went with the fans and James instead. She was sour, not wanting him to meet a Stars fan. So he broke away from her.
Practicing hockey drills with James and Tyler. The kids weren't gonna get away. As the two were more tough.
Next morning. Fans and James wake up. Another gorgeous day in Dallas. Only person missing...#91. Due to BioSteel
Going about their business. While #91's in Toronto, he does keep a constant communication on with Insta DM. Showing him what was happening back in Dallas.
On one of the days that Dallas had a motocross event. Sponsored by the Stars.
Tyler was interested. So he saw a live I.G from stryker_james.91 filming the event. And was the first time that they talked with each other. Among the fans that joined the conversation
- tseguin92
- OG Kevin Bacon
- Megan
Sitting on his motocross bike. He took the day off. While his co-workers go at it racing. Johns was really happy that Stars hosted a motocross event. Yeah, no cars or trucks were allowed on the premises. Only parking was reserved for bikes
Of course, it wasn't complete without hockey as well. Which a few Sharks players were on hand. To a friendly match of Green vs Blue.
The 3-on-3 match portion pitted James, Joe and Jamie Oleksiak. On the blue side, it was Hertl, Couture and Eriksson. It got underway quickly. With Stars opening the scoring.
Tho, it wasn't a perfect game. Team Green won over them. With 15-10. Stars (Team Green) garnered 15 points.
The Sharks team also welcomed them to the city. Not bearing a grudge or anything. Just beriending them. Yeah, it was an eventul day.
After the event. James heads back to his buddy's house. With tears in his eyes.
As he parks his bike to the left of what would be his buddy's parking spot for his Ferrari. He powers down his bike. And Heads inside. He sits inside at the TV room and starts to cry when he plays Cold Steel 3.
Tyler comes inside and sees his pal playing with Gerry Seguin. "I'm not gonna pretend to know what your going through. That I promised you bud that I'd come back and we'd head for Benn's MS Society.
*James starts to cry* "If there's anything that I could make things up." said Tyler as for the first time, he got teary too
Tyler wanted to go with his bud to have lunch before the MS Society after the 3rd BioSteel day.
James forgave him. Tyler said if he could ride with him to pre-season. "It's all I ever wanted. Seeing you guys." said James
Heh, it's a deal bud. - said James
*A Stars fan and a player* fic
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