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wahdoo · 7 years ago
In honor of the Blue Moon this eve ... #BlueMoon #WormMoon #March22018 #PaschalMoon #SapMoon #March312018 #wishihadmytelescopewithme #libra #itsnotreallyblue #BillMonroe #billmonroeandhisbluegrassboys #itwasoriginallyawaltz #maniacleboogie #soundslikewade #piano #whenisthecdcomingout #buckshotparfait #happyeaster #bonnieonthebells #happybirthdaymom (at Ridge, New York)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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An incredibly pleasant corporate gig fell out of the sky yesterday. Found myself at the #RiverCafé in #Brooklyn playing for some lovely well dressed out-of-towners with a wonderful view of #downtownNYC. Love my job. Thanks Sarah, Jasper, Dean, and all the nice folks at this beautiful venue! Glad I was open! #rivercafe #rivercafé #rivercafenyc #ifoundstreetparking #frigginmiracle #solo #piano #pianoman #solowade #soundslikewade #casiopx560 #suresuper55 #alloverthemap #movinout #billyjoel #eltonjohn #howdoyounotknowemptygarden #rain #raininthewoods #raininnyc #lightning #livingthedream #buckshotparfait #nyc #❤️ #lovemyjob (at The River Café)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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I haven’t booked many club dates this year, so I’m lookin’ forward to playing for my local #NEPA friends. Traditionally #local #musos sit in (lookin’ at you, Paul Moran!), and proprietor Mark Vanko AKA “Big Daddy” usually graces us with some #JohnnyCash or #WillieNelson. Rumor has it that Kevin Conway will “bring something to bang on” (I hope he means #drums ...), maybe some more of the #MaceInDickson boys will come down, maybe Fab 3’s #JamieVanWert (wanna try some #Utopia?) ... who knows. At the very least, I will play straight through. I’m gonna throw a few new covers and #originals into the mix, and, you know me - I won’t stop until I have to. So hopefully you can make it down and we can make it worth Big Daddy’s dime. 👍 See ya #Thursday! #piano #nepamusicscene #maniacalboogie #solo #soloconcert #ihavebeenspellingmaniacalwrong #soundslikewade #casiooryamaha #extramicrophones #beingforthebenefitofmrkite #shineonyoucrazydiamond #screamjeannine #buckshotparfait #towniebar #broken #whenisthecdcomingout #bluemoon #snowinapril (at Gin's Tavern)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Memories ... this was my Hyundai Sante Fe under two feet of snow March 14, 2017 ... hoping things don’t get too crazy this winter’s end. Got me some travelin’ to do ... #lovetheroad #onemoreshow #soloconcert #whatdoyouwannahear #buckshotparfait #whenisthecdcomingout #maniacleboogie #soundslikewade #thatreallyismycar (at Pennsylvania)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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“I read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy -which is quite positive I think, and it highlighted an important point which is; a lot of times the question is harder than the answer. And if you can properly phrase the question, then the answer is the easy part. So, to the degree that we can better understand the universe, then we can better know what questions to ask.” Elon Musk #deepthought #42 #douglasadams #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #goodadvice #morerelavantthanithought #thingstodowhenyouhavepneumonia #tesla #teslaroadster #teslainspace #elonmusk #elonmuskquotes #space #astronomy #spacetravel #dontgiveup #solo #soloconcert #alliwanttodo #whenisthe cdcomingout #buckshotparfait #nextstopmars (at Orbit Earth)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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I had the pleasure of performing with Kasim Sulton’s Utopia last night at Daryl’s House Club in Pawling, NY. What an honor to work with such talented musicians. There is a video of the live stream on Daryl’s House FB page as well as both of mine. Great fun! From left to right, me, Andy Ascolese - drums, Kasim Sulton, Jesse Gress - guitar, and Chris Clark - keys. Thanks again Kas! Love ya, man! #kasimsulton #utopia #kasimsultonsutopia #chrisclark #jessegress #andyascoles #wadepreston #caravan #feetdontfailmenow #ijustwanttotouchyou #abharmonica #piano #solo #casiopx560 #darylshouse #pawlingny #buckshotparfait #fathelenandthechickens #aquarterchicken? (at Daryl's House Club)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
An example of what I call #ManiacalBoogie, an excerpt from an #improv I call The High Class Boogie. Never the same twice, but you can always count on my trademark #pancakes showing up somewhere in the #cacophony. I have #Mussorgsky to thank for that bit of musical thievery lol. I’ll post the whole thing on FB if you would like. Hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday season. Stay safe, stay warm, and look after one another. It’s all we really have. ❤️#Lotzaluv, #Wade @pianomalone @andyandrenee @reneesafier #boogie #bumbleboogie #piano #solo #soloconcert #soloconcerts #soundslikewade #greatgatesofkiev #lifeisgood #livingthedream #buckshotparfait #casiopx560 #ireallyneedtogetacdout (at Ridge, New York)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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A little late, crazy couple of weeks of #holidayshows , parties and traveling. But certainly the highlight for me of this #holiday season was the honor of performing at James Barbour’s Holiday Benefit Concert at the world renowned #Birdland Jazz Club in #Manhattan with the #Phantom himself, along with Olivia Swearington, Sam Stein and Cassie Blanchette, with the brilliant Rachel Kaufman accompanying them all. Talented peeps! Such a pleasure, and great causes, too; the Hoag Foundation for Cancer Research, and O.U.R., a unique and powerful group that prevents human trafficking. Truly amazing people. Thanks again for the invite James. Heartwarming and a blast at the same time. What could be better? Happy Holiday, y’all! I already got my Christmas present! It was this show! @jamesbarbournow @jamesbarbourintfangroup @birdlandjazz @cassieblanchettesoprano @lilswear @stein1194 #jamesbarbour #jamesbarbournow #phantomoftheopera #phandom #jbifg #wadepreston #birdlandjazz #birdlandjazzclub #yamaha #piano #solo #solowade #soloconcert #myboybill #christmassong #hulahoop #santaclauseisbackintown #sugarpunk #nutrocker #oholynight #buckshotparfait #jinglebells #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear (at Birdland Jazz Club)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Tomorrow, Dec 10, 2017, 6pm. I will have the honor of joining B’way star James Barbour, presently doing Phantom on B’way, for his annual Christmas show at the legendary jazz venue Birdland in Manhattan @birdlandjazz www.birdlandjazz.com.I will play and sing three pieces (on their beautiful Bösendorfer) and accompany James on his “audience interactive” version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. James will end the show with his rendition of O Holy Night, no doubt will be heartbreakingly beautiful knowing THAT voice. Thanks for inviting me James. Looking forward to it! @jamesbarbournow #jamesbarbour #phantom #phantomoftheopera #birdland #birdlandjazz #broadway #nyc #christmasshow #holidayshow #dreidel #piano #Bosendorfer #Bösendorfer #boogieman #nutrocker #sugarpunk #thechristmassong #solo #soundslikewade #soloconcert #soloconcerts #livingthedream #lifeisgood #buckshotparfait #myboybill (at Birdland Jazz Club)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Mike Lehman shared a couple of shots of me from George Graham’s #Homegrown #Music #radio program last night on WVIA in Pittston, PA. Thanks Mike! I enjoyed the challenge. It’s easy to win an audience over with songs they know and love - a little harder when it’s #original material they’ve never heard before. I think it went well ... #wvia #georgegraham #solo #solowade #soloconcert #soloconcerts #piano #pianoman #steinway #steinwaypiano #montage8 #yamahamontage8 #instamusic #maniacleboogie #soundslikewade #raininthewoods #broken #boogie #buckshotparfait #whenisthecdcomingout (at WVIA)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Looking forward to playing a solo concert at the Cortland Repertory Theatre Saturday evening, October 14, 2017, 7:30pm. It’s my understanding that this show has been sold out for weeks. Very happy about that. If it’s good for the venue, it’s good for the artist. I am grateful I get to do what I love as a livelihood and I am very much looking forward to meeting and entertaining the good people of Cortland, NY. See you soon! #cortland #cortlandny #cortlandrep #solo #soloconcert #solowade #piano #pianoman #movinout #maniacleboogie #soundslikewade #hairytonys #thankyougeorgeandtony #whenisthecdcomingout #buckshotparfait (at Cortland Repertory Theatre)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Throw Back Thursday was the first thing I thought of when photographer David Frasier (thank you very much!) sent me these pics from my birthday party at Elario’s atop the Summer House Inn (no longer there) in Laguna Beach, CA in #1990. I lived on the #westcoast for a long time before I came back to #NYC for #MovinOut, and this picture is #indeed evidence; my #california days were a #lifetime ago. BTW, the guy who tuned and serviced that excellent #Yamaha #grandpiano HATED me 😂 #tbt #solo #piano #pianoman #yamahapiano #solowade #soloconcert #originalmusic #soundslikewade #maniacleboogie #wadeprestonband #professorlonghair #mardigras #mardigrasallyearlong #buckshotparfait #pastlife #blackandwhitephoto (at Elario's Bistro and Sky Lounge)
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wahdoo · 7 years ago
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Had a great time with this lovely bunch of dancers rehearsing with #JoeLanteri and the #NewYorkDanceAlliance at #CarrollStudios this past Tuesday for a show on Friday. What a pleasure to be accompanying great choreography with live music again. Brought back some wonderful #Broadway #MovinOut memories. Thanks for being so kind to me you guys. I love working on projects like this! Hope we can do more in the future. What’s better than live music and choreographed dancing? #alwaysbeenafan #hanklane #harlan #movinoutband #nyc #thearts #beentotheballetlately #solo #solowade #soloconcerts #yamaha #yamahamontage #montage8 #newyorkstateofmind #pianoman #livingthedream #lifeisgood #soundslikewade #maniacleboogie #buckshotparfait #iwishitwouldrain #billyjoel #humbled #humbledbyyourkindness #whatsthedealwithsustainpedalslately (at Carroll Music)
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