#bubbler divergance
celestiall0tus · 7 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 4 - Bubbler
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            Alix sat on the stone railing leading up to the school. She bobbed her head along to her music while she ate a pastry. She broke off a section and gave it to Tikki while she watched the students that gathered outside before the day started.
            Chloe and Sabrina stood in the entrance, not far from Alix. Ivan and Mylene chatted as they headed inside, finally together as a couple. Nino stood at the foot of the stairs, blowing bubbles. He paused when Adrien’s car pulled up and Adrien stepped out. Alix raised a brow seeing the crestfallen look on Adrien’s face. She pulled out her earbud and listened to Adrien and Nino’s conversation.
            “What’s with the frown, my dude?” Nino asked.
            “Just my father won’t throw me a birthday party.”
            “Seriously? Is your dad always such a downer?”
            “Not always, but we had my mom around when he wasn’t. Ever since she passed, he’s changed.”
            Nino hummed. “Why don’t I talk to your dad? Convince to let us throw you a party?”
            “I wouldn’t waste your time, Nino. Nothing will change his mind.”
            “We still have to try.”
            Adrien gave a sad smile and nod.
            Alix blinked and looked down. Old feelings resurfaced that had nagged her lately with her own birthday soon. A celebration without a mother was one she knew all too well. A feeling Adrien had to be feeling as well. One that was never easy to go through. The feelings twisted and gutted her. She frowned as they threatened to consume her.
            Marinette’s scream broke Alix from her stupor. She snapped her gaze over to Marinette, who bumbled and stumbled to talk with Adrien. She shook her head and headed inside. She paused when she heard Chloe’s shrill voice.
            “Wait. Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing? Don’t tell me it’s Adrien’s birthday,” Chloe scolded.
            Sabrina paused and gasped.
            Chloe grunted. “Do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for?”
            “You don’t even remember your own friend’s birthday and get mad at your assistant for your folly? What good are you for?” Alix retorted.
            “Can it, Kubdel. I don’t want-,” Chloe started.
            “You’ve been watching him since the moment he got here as you do every morning. However, in the brief time, I clued in far sooner that it’s his birthday today while you had to see Marinette to have any idea. You’re a worthless friend. Adrien would be better off without someone like you.”
            Chloe’s jaw dropped as she seethed. Alix pulled down her eyelid and stuck out her tongue before she headed up to class. She took her seat as the other students filed in and class started. She zoned in and out, trapped in her thoughts. She went back and forth between her own birthday, her late mother, and Adrien’s birthday. She tried to push the thought of Adrien from her mind, but it gnawed at her with her own losses.
            The bell rang that signaled the end of the day. Alix blinked several times before she left. She spotted Adrien leaving with Nino as they got into Adrien’s ride. She hummed and watched them when Marinette ran into her. She yelped as they fell to the floor.
            Marinette squeaked as she jumped up. “I’m so sorry. I… I wasn’t watching where I was going! And I was hoping to-.”
            Alix stood and shot Marinette a glare that silenced her. She glanced down at the present in Marinette’s hand and snorted. Marinette shrank back into Alya.
            “What’s your problem now, Alix?” Alya remarked.
            “I’ve too long a list and not enough time or patience,” Alix retorted.
            “Then move along.”
            “No, wait. Alix, really, I’m sorry. I should have watched where I was going,” Marinette butted in.
            Alya raised a brow and shook her head. “Marinette. C’mon, let’s go.”
            Alix watched Alya drag Marinette away. Marinette looked back at Alix before she resigned herself to Alya. Alix sighed and headed for home, still lost to her thoughts.
            Adrien led Nino inside to the main parlor. They stopped at the foot of the stairs as Gabriel and Nathalie looked down at them from the top.
            “Adrien, what is the meaning of this?” Gabriel asked.
            “Uh, I had asked to come see you du-… I mean, sir,” Nino said.
            “What for?”
            “Look, I know you don’t want Adrien to have a party, but it’s his birthday, dude… I mean, sir. It’s all he wants.”
            “No. That’s final.”
            “C’mon! He never screws up and he always does what you tell him. Between photoshoots, Chinese, fencing, piano, everything. Can’t you just let him have this?”
            Gabriel sneered. “Listen well, young man. I decide what’s best for my son. In fact, I’ve decided that you’re a bad influence on him. I never want to see you near my son or in my house ever again. Leave this instant.”
            Adrien stepped forward. “Father, please! He was just trying to help me out. I just wanted a party. I wanted something. It’s my first birthday without Mom and I didn’t want to be alone. Please.”
            “Enough. Nathalie, see this man leaves my home, and see Adrien escorted to his room,” Gabriel instructed.
            Nathalie nodded. She headed down the steps as Gabriel left. She stopped in front of the boys.
            “Nathalie, please,” Adrien begged.
            Nathalie shook her head. “Goodbye, young man.”
            Nino snarled and stormed out. Adrien ran after him, but his path was blocked by Gorilla. Adrien watched Nino disappear as he was pushed to his room and shut away inside.
            Alix skated along the Seine. She mulled over what to do with her feelings and thoughts as she thought of her own mother and Adrien. She growled and sat under a bridge, pulling her backpack in her lap.
            “Tikki, I don’t know what to do. I feel… wrong.”
            “What troubles you?” Tikki asked.
            “Well, my birthday is coming up, so I was bound to enter this funk, but it started early when I heard today was Adrien’s birthday. On top of that, his mother wasn’t with him, so it’s likely just him and his father. And on top of that, his father isn’t throwing him a party. I dunno. It just… struck me weird.”
            “It sounds like your projecting, Alix. You both have similar situations, so you’re seeing yourself in his shoes, and the other way around.”
            “Well, I don’t like it. How do I get it to stop?”
            “Let’s talk through it. How are you feeling at this moment?”
            Alix looked up at the stone bridge. “I feel… hollow. Another birthday is coming up and it means another year I’ve been without my mom. Another year she couldn’t see me grow up. Another chance to learn from her and make her proud, gone. Yeah, I have Dad and Jalil, but they can’t be what she was.”
            “And how does that connect to Adrien?”
            Alix considered. “I think… I think when he and Nino discussed how he wouldn’t have a birthday party. How his dad said no, and, at a guess, Adrien would likely be alone on an important day to him. No friends, and more importantly, no family. The idea just makes me… I dunno. Angry? Sad? Upset? Maybe all the above?”
            Tikki hummed. “Oh, what if we went to check on Adrien?”
            “What? Why?”
            “Because it sounds like you don’t want him to be alone. And, no offense, but you don’t seem the type to respect Adrien’s father’s wishes.”
            Alix snorted. “I mean, I have no reason to. Respect is something earned, and I’ll be damned if I give it freely.”
            “Well, let’s go check on him then.”
            “Fine, but only because you insist.”
            Alix stood and headed for a nearby ramp up to the streets. She halted when she heard Nino call her name. She groaned and turned around to see Nino had been akumatized. She grimaced seeing him as a red, blue, and yellow bubble-themed villain.
            “What the unholy hell happened to you, Nino?” Alix demanded.
            “Chill, dude. And it’s not Nino. I’m Bubbler.”
            “Right, whatever. What do you want?”
            “You. We’re going to a birthday party for my best bro, Adrien.”
            Alix pursed her lips. She could go with Bubbler and see how Adrien was doing, get that done and over with so she could take down Bubbler later. However, that ran the problem of how she’d get away. If she was stuck at a party, there was no way for her to get away without drawing attention, so she couldn’t stop Bubbler. She needed to get out of this party and transform.
            Alix snarled. “Who the fuck do you think I am? The last thing I want to tolerate is some trashy party thrown together by a club-rejected DJ that threw a hissy fit over not getting to throw his bestie a party and became a monster.”
            Alix moved to leave, but Bubbler grabbed her arm.
            “You’re going to this party. That wasn’t a question or matter up for debate.”
            “Kiss my ass, Nino.”
            “Fine. Join the adults then!”
            Alix’s eyes widened as Bubbler used his bubble wand and trapped her in a bubble. He grinned as she floated up into the sky. She watched as he left the area to another part of the city.
            “Coast is clear enough. Tikki, spots on.”
            Tikki phased through Alix’s backpack into the earrings, transforming her.
            Bloody Bug took her yo-yo and looked around. She spotted countless other bubbles that floated up with her that all contained adults and older teens. She swore as she clutched her tool. She needed to get these people free, but even when she did, what would she do about Bubbler? She shook her head and focused on freeing herself first.
            “Lucky Charm.”
     ��      Ladybugs swirled before Bloody Bug and created a dagger. She ran it through the bubble and sliced it open. She fell as she tossed the dagger into the air.
            The dagger burst into a swarm of ladybugs. The adults trapped in bubbles were liberated of their prisons and returned to where they were. Bloody Bug hurried into an alley and de-transformed. She rummaged through her backpack and took out the cookies for Tikki.
            “Alright, we need a plan. I need to deal with Bubbler.”
            “What are our options?” Tikki asked.
            “Well, it’s Nino. And I bet he’s been akumatized because of the whole wanting to throw Adrien a party. That’s what he wanted with me after all. That must mean he’s got a party put together already. If I crash it and purge the akuma, there’s still a chance he’ll become Bubbler again.”
            “So, what if we don’t crash the party.”
            Alix hummed and paced around. “That would be best. But, and maybe this is just everything talking, what if we helped throw Adrien a birthday party?”
            Tikki beamed. “That sounds like fun!”
            “Right, don’t get too excited. Let me think. There should be effects at Adrien’s place given what his dad does. Let’s see, we’ll need maybe a caterer? Chloe’s friends with Adrien. Do you think the mayor might help us if we say it’s for Adrien?”
            Tikki shrugged.
            “It’s worth a shot. And, maybe, oh! I could get that girl, Marinette’s, parents to help with catering. They have their own bakery, so I’m sure they’d love to help, right?”
            Tikki shrugged.
            Alix deadpanned. “You’re a lot of help. Anyway, you ready?”
            Tikki finished her cookie and nodded.
            “Excellent. We’ve got a lot of stops to make. Tikki, spots on.”
            Adrien headed out the door to go to a photoshoot. He stopped when he saw his classmates and a few others gathered in the courtyard. Beyond them was a DJ booth and stereo speakers set up. They all cheered while he stared at them in bewilderment.
            “Hey, hey, it’s the birthday boy!” Bubbler exclaimed.
            Adrien looked up at Bubbler, who hovered over everyone on a purple bubble.
            “Guess what? Daddy’s gone. While the cat’s away, the mice will party, so let’s party!”
            Everyone cheered while Bubbler manned the DJ booth. Adrien shook his head and ran back inside while everyone partied. He ran up into his room and shut the door. He leaned against his door and looked down at Plagg’s ring.
            Plagg flew up and hovered over Adrien’s shoulder. “What’re you doing in here? You should be out there celebrating.”
            “How can I celebrate knowing Nino’s been akumatized? Shouldn’t I help him first?”
            “You could, but you may never get this chance again. Have a little fun while your father is gone.”
            Adrien considered and nodded. “You’re right. Stay here, Plagg.”
            Adrien ran back to the courtyard. He whooped and hollered as he joined the crowd in dancing. He looked around a little put off by the disinterest in people’s faces. He frowned and looked at Bubbler to see Chloe and Sabrina at the booth. He raised a brow when the music shifted from upbeat dance music to a slow, romantic ballad.
            Adrien tilted his head in confusion as everyone paired off in a slow dance. He paused when he saw Chloe head his way. He grimaced, stepped back, and bumped into someone. He turned to apologize to see Marinette.
            “Oh, hey, Marinette. Sorry about bumping into you.”
            “Oh, it’s… uh, you know.”
            “Move, baker girl,” Chloe yelled.
            Marinette squeaked as Chloe shoved her out of the way.
            “Chloe, that’s not-!” Adrien started.
            Bubbler yelled that was followed by a crash. Everyone looked up to see Bloody Bug standing on the DJ booth with Bubbler’s wand in hand.
            “How y’all bitches doing today? Y’all ready to party?” Bloody Bug yelled.
            “Give that back!” Bubbler yelled.
            Bloody Bug smirked. She broke the wand and released the akuma within.
            “Well, looks like my theory is proving right. It’s all over, Bubbler!”
            Bloody Bug caught the akuma and purified it before she released it. Bubbler fell to his knees as he reverted to Nino.
            “What happened? Where am I?” Nino asked.
            Bloody Bug cut the music and grabbed a mic. “We are here at the Agreste manor to celebrate a very special occasion. Little birds chirped in my ears telling me it’s someone’s birthday.”
            Alya took out her phone and ran up beside Adrien. She grabbed his hand and lifted it up. “Here! Here’s the birthday boy.”
            Bloody Bug grinned and pointed to Adrien. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!”
            Everyone cheered. Bloody Bug lassoed Nino and pulled him back to the DJ booth. Adrien watched them for a moment when the gates opened. He turned to see Gorilla letting in a serving staff, chef, and a pair of bakers with carts of food.
            “Mom? Dad?” Marinette asked.
            Marinette’s parents, Sabine and Tom, waved at her as they set up.
            “What is going on here?” Chloe demanded.
            “Hi, Mom!” Alya called.
            The chef, Marlena, smiled and waved to Alya.
            “What is going on?” Adrien asked.
            Bloody Bug jumped from the DJ booth in front of Adrien. “Why worry? C’mon, birthday boy, it’s your day. Celebrate!”
            “But, my father-.”
            “You leave the bastard to me. Oh, and before I forget.”
            Bloody Bug handed Adrien a gift with Marinette’s name written on it.
            “Where’d you find this?” Adrien asked.
            “In that lady’s office trying to pass it off as from your father. Found it while raiding your house for effects with the burly gorilla man.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened. He opened it to find a beautiful, handmade blue scarf. His eyes misted over as he grinned.
            “Marinette, you made this?”
            Marinette fumbled her words but managed a nod.
            Adrien shed a tear as he hugged Marinette. “Thank you. It’s the best gift I’ve received in a long time.”
            Adrien stepped back to see Marinette’s face completely red with a shocked look. He tilted his head until fog blanketed the ground. He looked at the DJ booth to see it now rigged with strobe lights and a fog machine. Everyone danced with renewed energy and vigor compared to the lackluster energy before. He put the scarf on, then took Marinette and Chloe’s hands.
            “C’mon, let’s dance!”
            Adrien pulled Marinette and Chloe to the dance floor. He let loose and lost himself to the revelries. He danced away until the music quieted, and a hand fell on his shoulder. He turned and saw Bloody Bug. She gestured to the table where a cake lit up with candles sat. He approached the table while she approached Nino. They watched from the DJ booth as everyone celebrated his birthday.
            “Hey, thank you,” Nino said.
            “No need for thanks. I’m just doing my job,” Bloody Bug said.
            “Is that really all?”
            “Yes, and why we’re speaking now. I understand you wanted to celebrate your friend’s birthday, but becoming a monster was not the way to accomplish it.”
            Nino looked away. “I’m sorry. I just… didn’t know what to do. His father said no and then didn’t want him to hang out with me anymore. What was I supposed to do?”
            “Well, by the looks of things, he has more friends than just you. You could have always turned to them for help. Just as one of your classmates turned to me.”
            “What? Who?”
            “Alix Kubdel. I found her with the adults in the sky. She said she was approached by you, but refused to join in the party, so you sent her into the sky.”
            Nino grimaced. “I won’t hear the end of that or see the end of her dirty looks.”
            Bloody Bug chuckled. “Maybe not, but it was her that filled me in. That way I could do more than just beat you but help you and your friend. After all, no one should be alone on days like this. All this aside, don’t let the first thing you jump to is akumatization, you hear me?”
            “I promise, dude.”
            “Good, because the first one is nice and painless. Next time I hear you’re akumatized, it won’t be a pleasant ride for you.”
            Bloody Bug nodded. She took out her yo-yo and swung up onto the roof of the manor. She watched the festivities peter out and everyone headed home. She waited until the last guest was gone and Adrien went inside before she headed for home. She landed in a nearby alley and de-transformed before she slipped in the front door. She headed for her room when Alim called to her.
            “Alix, you’re late. Are you ok? You’re usually home long before now.”
            “Huh? Oh, right. I was just at a… a friend’s birthday party.”
            Alim’s face lit up. “You have a friend? Oh, tell me about them. How was the party? Oh, let me get some tea and treats.”
            “Uh, could I maybe tell you tomorrow? I’m really tired from the party.”
            “Huh? Oh, yes. Rest easy, and make sure you get your homework done. And, Alix?”
            “We’re proud of you.”
            Alix’s eyes misted over as she waved her hand dismissingly. “Dad, she’s not here. No matter how many times you say that.”
            “Maybe not to you, but I know she is. I see her every day.”
            A tear fell from Alix’s eyes. She choked on a breath before she hugged Alim. He smiled and held her tight.
            “Love you, kiddo.”
            “Love you too, Dad.”
            Alix gave Alim a kiss on the cheek before she headed up to her room. She sat on her bed and let out a breath. She kicked off her shoes before she laid on her bed. Tikki phased through her backpack and joined her.
            “You did amazing today, Alix! I’m sure you made Adrien really happy,” Tikki praised.
            “Yeah, I bet. Granted he doesn’t hide his emotions well. Much like the rest of my classmates.”
            “And how are you? Are you feeling better?”
            “I… Adrien’s not on my mind anymore.”
            “But what about you?”
            Alix opened her mouth, but only managed a choked breath. Tears fell from her eyes as she broke down. She curled into a tight ball as she buried her face in her pillow.
            Tikki flew up and nuzzled between Alix and the pillow. She soothed Alix until Alix fell asleep.
            Adrien fell back onto his bed. He happily gazed at the ceiling with a silly smile.
            “Looks like someone is happy,” Plagg remarked.
            “Today was amazing. Thank you, Plagg.”
            “What did I do?”
            “If it weren’t for you, I might have tried to crash the party. I might have had to fight my friend. Instead, I got to have a party and it was made better by Bloody Bug. She gave me an amazing party! The music and food were fantastic. Even the guests perked up when Bloody Bug showed up. And there was Marinette’s gift. Today was perfect.”
            “Well, you’re welcome. Now, got any cheese?”
            Adrien shook his head as he settled in for bed. “Good night, Plagg.”
            “Good night, Adrien.”
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 months
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ladysunamireads · 4 months
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
Taste like love- Adrein AUGreste Day 6
So back when the @lukadrienvault discord was active, one of the aus we came up with was a Sabine as Ladybug au. Sabine would pretty much adopt Adrien and we decided that for the Bubbler episode, she’d find out it was Chat’s birthday and would do something to celebrate it, which would mean a lot to Adrien. So I went with this. According to native french speakers, there are 2 sides to pastries in France so cakes and such count. I think of pastries as a bit different but I still think it counts. It is mostly in Sabine’s point of veiw, but Adrien is still the main focus in a way. Anyway, enjoy. Pastry
Sabine stretched, feeling bones click and crack. Goodness, as Piáo Chóng, she definitely felt younger, but apparently going up against a guy with bubbles was a lot more intensive than she thought. Chat stood next to her, struggling to stifle down a laugh. She knew it wasn’t because of her, she’d been cracking like this since they started working together.
“What is it?”
“He looked like he had a dildo on his head.” Was all he said before he burst into laughter.
She realised he was speaking about their latest Akuma victim. She knew Nino, had been in class with Marinette for a long time. He’d been the one to help her get into the babysitting business. She knew he had a good heart and the fact that he was upset because his own best friend wasn’t allowed to celebrate his birthday truly said something about him.
With a budding fashion designer as a daughter, she was used to seeing the yays and nays of fashion. There were many nays that Akumas would wear that made her question the type of person Hawkmoth was. Did he have any sense of costuming?
“I thought it was a bubble wand.” She tried saying diplomatically.
“It was a dildo. Oh my god, that was the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Best birthday present ever.”
Chat wiped the tears from his eyes and said, “that was the best thing-”
“No,” she interrupted. “Chat, it’s your birthday today?”
“Yeah. Sweet Sixteen I guess you could say.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
The black cat shrugged like it was no big deal but Sabine could see the sadness in those green eyes. “Didn’t think it mattered.” His ring started to beep. She was still forgetting he had a time limit while she didn’t. “I gotta get going. I don’t think we’ll have to deal with media so close to the Agreste Mansion. I’ll see you later madame bug!”
Sabine watched as Chat took off, trying to wrap her head around what Chat told her. It was his birthday and he didn’t think anyone would care. In fact, based on the look in his eyes, no one had.
Flipping through their recipe book, Sabine looked at her husband. When they started dating and his father didn’t approve, he stopped coming to celebrate his son’s birthday. Gina couldn’t be by as often so it was usually them and friends. He’d have a smile, but she could see how upset his father’s absence would make Tom. He had this look in his eyes. Chat’s was similar. She’s always done her best to keep a smile on Tom’s face when his birthday came around and it got easier when Marinette was born. She believed that birthdays should be spent with a smile and with people who cared. She didn’t know anything about Chat’s life, but she wanted him to know that she’d always care about when his birthday was.
“Yes dear?” he looked up from the beef wellington he was preparing for dinner. “More tea?”
She looked at her half empty glass, that had been waiting for her when she got back from stopping the Akuma. There was always tea waiting for her, even though she never said a word to Tom about her new side job. Did Chat have someone to make him tea when he got back to his home? Probably not, and it strengthen her desire to do something for him.
“I have this, friend. I just found out it’s his birthday. It sounds like he never planned on anyone knowing or that if they did, they didn’t care.”
“Should we invite him for dinner?”
How would she explain that? Chat coming over probably wouldn’t bother Tom, but explaining that to Marinette wouldn’t be easy.
“Um, I don’t think so. He’s a little shy. I was hoping to make him something. I could do cake, but I want to do something else too.”
“Well, those lunch box cakes have been getting popular. And maybe a mix of macarons? Is he allergic to anything?”
“Just feathers. He did mention he loves passion fruit.”
“Perfect, I just got passion fruit in today. I don’t know if I’ll finish all of it by tonight though. We have that massive order.”
“You worry about the order. I’ll take care of the desserts.” She reassured.
“If you say so. Hope I get to meet this guy soon.”
Sabine smiled to herself, knowing that Tom would take Chat under his wing when they met. They both loved puns and had big hearts. “I think you’ll like him.”
Adrien let his steel toed boot knock into the wall of the building he was sitting on. When Plagg said Piáo Chóng had left a message for him, hours before their planned patrol, he’d been worried. When it was a voice mail of her telling him to meet at their favourite building to sit at when patrol was over an hour before patrol started, he was confused. She sounded fine, so there couldn’t be an issue. He could worry about it but he was still riding the high of getting a different present from his dad.
“Hello māo.” Adrien looked up to see Piáo Chóng land on the roof, her hands behind her back.
“Madame bug. So why did you want to meet so early?” he asked, standing up, towering over her slightly.
She took her hands from behind her back and handed him a takeaway box from the Dupain Boulangerie Patisserie. He gently took it and with her nod, used his claw to break the sticker and open it. Sitting inside was a chocolate iced lunchbox cake with two macarons sitting on the top. One had a green paw print and the other had a cat icon on it.
“I would have gone with black icing but I know it stains the teeth and thought you’d like to not spend half an hour getting off. Oh, almost forgot.” She pulled her out from her sleeve and opened it pulling out a candle and match from the subspace pocket. She stuck the candle in and using the edge of the yoyo lit the match. Once everything was ready, she started to clap her hands in time with her singing.
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire Chat Noir
Joyeux anniversaire
“Joyeux anniversaire, avec un peu de retard. Happy belated birthday māo.”
Adrien stood there stunned, looking down at the spotted hero, who smiled back up at him.
“It was your birthday yesterday, yes? You told me so late, I didn’t get a chance to wish you a happy birthday.”
“So you got me a cake?”
“I made you one. It matters to me that it’s your birthday māo. Everyone should have a smile and I wanted to make sure you had one. I hope you like it. I’m a bit better with Chinese deserts, but I’m not very good at mooncakes.”
“No, no.” Adrien said, waving it off, eyes stinging. He couldn’t believe she did all this. “It’s perfect. I actually prefer chocolate icing. I don’t get sweets very often.”
“Oh, that’s good. Blow your candle out before wax melts on it. I have more macarons, but those are the only ones I was able to do a stamp for. I have no clue how my husband does it.”
Adrien thought a little of what he wanted, but it was hard when he seemed to have so much just then. So he blew his candle out, wishing that this feeling wouldn’t end soon. He let out a small sniff and smiled. “Thank you, maman bug.”
Wait, did he just? Call her mom? The surprised look on her face said yes and he felt his face go red and he started to panic when she reached up and patted his head, like she’d do to calm him down. it always felt like when his mom would do it when he was a kid.
“Your very welcome my son.”
Oh god, he was gonna cry into his cake.
He did cry a little and Piáo Chóng used her long sleeves to wipe them away before offering him a fork. Pastries and cakes and such weren’t something he got to eat often with the many diets his father had him on but this one was more than just sweet. It was warm from the love he felt.
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flightfoot · 4 years
Divergent Points: Miraculer
Alya tossed and turned, groaning.
After some time (it felt like it must’ve been HOURS, but the clock said that only twenty minutes had passed. At this point she wondered whether Bunnix was messing with her), she sat up. 
Fumbling around for her light switch, she finally found it and flicked it, flooding the room with light. 
Instantly she buried her face underneath the covers again, squeezing her eyes shut until they’d adjusted to that small amount of light.
After a moment she removed the blanket from her face, a little at the time to allow for her eyes to adjust, wincing as the brightness assaulted her eyelids.
See, THIS was why she either stayed up super late or slept through until morning, when light was already creeping in and her eyes were adjusted to at least a little of it.
Unfortunately, her brain had refused to cooperate.
“Kit?” A sleepy voice asked.
Alya looked up to the space she’d cleared out on her bookshelf for the little kwami. “...you remember that salt universe I and the others got dragged into a few months ago?”
Trixx nodded. “Tikki was worried, but I knew you would break out of it. Any Holder of mine learns how to tell when illusions and trickery are afoot.”
Alya smiled, reaching out to scratch behind Trixx’s ears. The little fox gave a small giggle, wagging his tail.
“I was just remembering some stuff that happened there,” she said, curling her knees up against her chest. 
Trixx cuddled up against her, rubbing against her cheek. “You’re safe now. Everyone is. That entity has gone elsewhere, and I can’t see her returning - not after Marinette sent her packing!”
Alya shook her head. “That’s not it. I mean… I feared that for a while and I kept on having flashbacks, but they’ve gone way down - especially with Lila gone.”
She may not have been responsible for what went on in that world, but Alya’s subconscious had still decided to latch onto her as a trigger, causing her extreme anxiety whenever she focused on Lila for too long. So she was pretty glad when Lila’s mother moved embassies again, taking her daughter with her. Part of her felt a little sorry for Lila for being forced to move such a short time after she’d gotten therapy, opened up and started presenting herself a little more honestly to people.
Most of her was just relieved.
Some of her classmates would stay in touch with her. Others never forgave her for deceiving them.
But at this point, it wasn’t something she needed to concern herself with. Lila could form her own future.
While Alya felt like the dark cloud that had been hanging over hers had evaporated.
“That’s not the problem,” she told Trixx. “Not this time.”
Trixx frowned. “Then what?”
Alya drummed her fingers against her bedframe. “One of the things that world showed me, one of the scenarios, was that weird flip between me and Chloe, with me becoming a bully and her turning into Marinette’s best friend and staunchest ally. One of the ways I - or Rena, I guess? that part of myself - pointed out the flaws in that scenario was by calling attention to how that scenario ignored how Chloe treated her ‘best friend’ in reality, that a lot of how that universe twisted me, tried to control me, what it tried to make me into, more closely resembled Chloe than it did myself. Especially with how it made me treat Marinette the way Chloe treated Sabrina - at least before the universe claimed that I ‘turned’ on Marinette.
“Pulling at that thread worked. It created a chink in the universe’s armor that I could use to unravel it the rest of the way. But it didn’t help the real Sabrina at all.”
Trixx’s eyes widened in understanding. “And with what happened today…”
Alya nodded. “Seeing Sabrina akumatized over Chloe again reminded me of their relationship. I generally see Chloe disparaging Sabrina less nowadays - actually, come to think of it, Chloe’s not going out of her way to be mean in general - ever since she became Queen Bee formally and had other things to focus on. But that doesn’t mean their relationship is anywhere near healthy.”
“Do you have a plan?”
Alya bit her lip. “...Maybe. I remember Marinette mentioning that she tried to get Sabrina to stand up for herself at some point. Obviously it didn’t work, but maybe she has some insight…”
Marinette made a face. “Good luck.”
Alya tilted her head. “It went down that badly with Sabrina?”
“Not at first. Actually, it went a little TOO well,” Marinette said. “I pointed out that Chloe was taking advantage of Sabrina, making her do all the work, and that I’d rather have NO friends than be friends with Chloe.”
Her face fell slightly. “That last part I’d take back now.  I’d always just slotted her in as a bully who existed to make my life miserable. Chloe can be awful sometimes - okay, a lot of the time - but… well, she has some reason for being the way she is. And as Ladybug, I’ve gotten to see a side of her I never knew existed. She really wants to prove herself to be valuable and useful, for other people to see her that way. I think she has some pretty bad abandonment issues from her mother leaving. Her mom disparaging her constantly and treating her like dirt didn’t help.”
“Do you think we could talk to Chloe about treating Sabrina better?” Alya asked. “Or at least, that you could. She listens to you, at least when you’re Ladybug.”
Marinette looked uncomfortable. “I dunno… I want her to be a better person, but I’m not sure that Ladybug coming in and just telling her that she needs to be nicer is gonna work. She didn’t seem that happy with me last night, and anyway, it takes more than that to get someone to change their personality and habits, the way they’ve interacted with the world for most of their life.”
“Oh yeah, Adrien tried that before, didn’t he?” Alya recalled. 
Marinette nodded. “It made her give an effort for awhile, but if the only reason someone’s being nicer is to avoid punishment… it’s not likely to last. And I don’t think Adrien wants to dangle his friendship with her over her head.”
Alya grimaced. She’d been through that situation before when she was younger, before she’d even hit the double digits. Some of the neighborhood kids she was friends with liked to use the line “if you don’t do [X], I won’t be friends with you anymore!”
Being so young, she believed they were serious, until her mom convinced her that it wasn’t worth following their commands if they were going to make it an ultimatum like that. 
Sure enough, an hour later her friend was at the door apologizing and they became friends again.
She’d tried using that line on Alya a couple more times, but at that point Alya knew she wasn’t serious and that she wouldn’t want to be friends with her if she was, and she gradually stopped using it.
Adrien may have had a far better reason for his ultimatum, but it still felt icky to her. She wouldn’t want to use that ultimatum on Chloe constantly either - on anyone really.
“That’s fair,” Alya said. “I wouldn’t want him to, either.”
“I’m hoping that with her mom back she doesn’t feel so abandoned,” Marinette continued. “And I’ve tried to reinforce when she does something good, like after Malediktator with celebrating Queen Bee. But, well… she just doesn’t do that very often.” She looked down. “I want to help her be better, I KNOW she can be better, especially with some of the stories Adrien’s told me of when the two of them were younger. But I can’t just- just MAKE her treat people better, to be someone who people WANT to spend time around.”
“That’s not your responsibility, you know that, right?” Alya pointed out. “She’s her own person. Whatever she does, it’s not on you.”
Marinette sighed. “I know, I know. Same goes for you too, though.”
Alya laughed. “We’re quite the pair huh? Both of us have a habit of sticking our noses in other people’s business.”
“Like a certain girl who, in her first few minutes at a new school, stood up to the resident bully for a girl she didn’t even know?” Marinette teased.
“I don’t like seeing people be picked on.” Alya said, putting her arm around Marinette. “Especially since, well… I’d just moved here. I was trying to decide who I wanted to be. Seeing Chloe putting you down like that? I decided that the person I wanted to be was someone brave. Someone who fought for the innocent. Who stood up when they saw an injustice, if they thought they could help. Whose primary concern was helping those in trouble.”
She winced. “I won’t pretend I’ve always been perfect about it, but… it’s an ideal I strive towards.”
“Not like you’re the only one,” Marinette told her. “Remember at Adrien’s party?”
Alya blinked. “What about it?”
Marinette rubbed the back of her neck. “Remember how, uh, conveniently the record the Bubbler was playing changed?”
“Wait, that was you?!”
Marinette laughed, chagrinned. “I didn’t like Chloe and Adrien dancing together.”
“To be fair, I don’t think he liked it either,” Alya said. 
“Probably not,” Marinette agreed. “But… well, I’d be lying if I said that was my main motivation for changing the song.”
Alya snorted. “I’ve helped with your plans, girl. I KNOW.”
Marinette’s smile faded. “Unfortunately I don’t know what else can be done about Chloe, or even Chloe and Sabrina’s relationship.”
“What DID end up happening with Sabrina?” Alya asked. “You never finished telling that story. Obviously their fallout didn’t last.”
“Chloe tried to tempt her with a beret she’d bought, which she actually seemed to be considering until Evillustrator attacked. Kiiiinda had higher priorities at that point.”
“Yeah, being chased with a giant hair dryer tends to do that.”
Marinette laughed. “That it does. Sabrina caught up with me later at my house to work on the project. She actually did my geography homework for me. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to work on it right then, what with the fake date I set up with Evillustrator.”
“Still can’t believe you did that,” Alya said.
Marinette raised an eyebrow. “This from the girl whose immediate thought when seeing a supervillain was, ‘Ooh, I should bike after them so I can film whatever superhero shows up’?”
“Sabrina immediately took offense when I told her I was busy,” Marinette continued. “Saying that Chloe used that excuse all the time and that the two of us are really similar, that I probably expected her to do all the work, too. I tried to protest, but she’d already made up her mind, grabbing the homework she’d done for me and stalking off. Next time I saw her she was with Chloe again, wearing the beret Chloe’d tempted her with earlier and delivering Chloe’s completed homework to her, calling her her BFF again. Basically, everything was back to normal.”
“I don’t get it,” Alya said, squinting as if that could help make things clearer. “If she thought that you were acting like Chloe - and I’ve seen Chloe, she’s WAY ruder about it - why would that make her think Chloe’s great? And why was that enough to drive her away so quickly? You’d only brushed her off once. Chloe does it regularly.”
Marinette shrugged. “I couldn’t figure that out myself. Maybe because she knew Chloe would take her back? I’d never really paid much attention to Sabrina and Chloe’s relationship before, I was more concerned with just trying to stay away from them so I didn’t fall into Chloe’s cross-hairs.”
That sort of made sense, but… she really didn’t know whether Sabrina thought like that. What her mindset was in general. How she could be okay with just following after Chloe and doing whatever she was told to, with having THAT unequal of a “friendship”. 
Maybe a little more reconnaissance was needed…
But who else could she ask? 
Maybe, but she wasn’t exactly eager to talk to her. Probably wouldn’t get anything useful, either.
But there was one other person she knew who Sabrina was close to...
“Thanks, Marinette, you’ve been a big help.”
“You know of some way to help their relationship?” Marinette asked.
Alya shook her head. “Not yet. But I have an idea for who to ask next.”
Alya scanned the park.
Hm, where were they…
A shadow from above flew over the park. 
Craning her neck, she took a closer look.
Small? Check.
Grey? Check.
Followed by swarms of other birds heading the same direction? Check.
All converging on…
She looked down at a figure sitting on a park bench, feeding the pigeons.
A lot of people were at least somewhat familiar with Mr. Ramier by now. Kinda had to be, considering that Hawkmoth wouldn’t leave the poor guy alone.
“You know you’re banned from this park,” a stern voice called out.
Alya grimaced. Hawkmoth wasn’t the only one who wouldn’t leave Mr. Ramier alone. Granted, he WAS breaking the rules, but Roger could still give him some slack.
Well she was aiming to talk to Roger anyway, maybe she could spare Ladybug and Chat Noir having to fight Mr Pigeon yet AGAIN.
(Seriously she was beginning to think Hawkmoth had a crush on Mr. Ramier with how much he liked akumatizing the guy, even though he’d become less and less of a threat every time).
Waving her hands, she sprinted over to Roger and Mr. Ramier, just as Roger was starting in on his usual spiel.  “Monsieur Roger?” she asked. “Could I talk to you for a minute?”
He waved her off. “After I’m done telling this criminal AGAIN that he’s not allowed in the park.”
“It’s about your daughter.”
Roger’s head shot up. “Sabrina? What’s wrong? Is she hurt?”
Alya shook her head. “No… well, not physically anyway. That’s what I want to talk to you about. Because I DO think she’s hurt, just… emotionally.”
Roger looked back at Mr. Ramier. He sighed, adjusting his cap before looking at Alya again. “Alright, miss. What’s going on with my daughter?”
“You know how she’s friends with Chloe, right?”
Roger grinned. “Of course! I’m so proud of her. Sabrina really follows the family motto. ‘Protect and serve,’ that’s what I always say! She’s always looking after anything Chloe needs, whether it’s homework help, tea, or anything else! They’re such close friends.”
Oooookay, she was beginning to see why Sabrina didn’t see anything wrong with her relationship with Chloe.
“Uh… Roger… you know that relationship’s really one-sided, right?” Alya asked awkwardly. “…have you paid attention to how Chloe treats Sabrina?”
Roger shrugged. “I know Chloe depends on Sabrina a lot. Sure she can be a little rough around the edges, but she still cares about her. She just shows she cares through presents, while Sabrina shows how she cares by helping her.”
Well… okay, that made SOME sense. Different people had different ways of showing they cared. But Roger was missing a really important piece of the picture.
“She might care about Sabrina on some level,” Alya admitted begrudgingly. “But she still treats her really badly. And I don’t just mean in a ‘she’s bad at expressing herself’ sort of way. Sure, helping friends is common, that’s fine. But Chloe just… she harangues Sabrina all the time, and even coerced her into breaking the law.”
It wasn’t terribly common, but Chloe HAD done it, and would likely be willing to do it again if it helped her achieve her goals.
Roger’s eyes hardened. “WHAT?! My Sabrina would never-!”
“You should try asking her about the time Chloe ran for Class representative,” Alya interrupted. “Chloe told Sabrina to steal Marinette’s diary so she could blackmail Marinette into dropping out.”
Roger growled. “That’s ridiculous.  Chloe’s the mayor’s daughter, she wouldn’t try to get someone, especially my DAUGHTER, to break the law for her!”
“...Like that time Chloe pressured her dad into trying to force you to illegally search one of her classmate’s possessions?”
Roger froze. “I…”
“Just ask her, alright?” Alya said. “Just… just talk about it. And really look at Sabrina’s and Chloe’s relationship. Doing things for a friend is fine. Helping a friend in need is generally expected. But berating a friend for not doing a favor, or not doing it fast enough or well enough for their liking… that’s something to keep an eye on. Especially when that ‘friend’ is contemptuous of you, saying that you’re lucky to have them, that you’d have no other friends otherwise, that you’re a nobody.”
“...I’ll talk to her about it,” Roger said. “And she’ll prove all of this wrong, that she and Chloe have a great relationship!”
Well Sabrina may THINK they have a good relationship, but-
“Sabrina probably thinks so,” Alya said. “That doesn’t mean it’s true. I’m not sure Sabrina knows what SHE should expect out of a friendship, beyond just not being alone.”
“Isn’t that the most important thing?” Roger argued. 
Alya grimaced. “Being lonely sucks. But some friendships are worse than being alone, especially if that friendship is cutting that person off from forming any other bonds. I’m not saying that Sabrina should cut all ties with Chloe, or that there’s no genuine affection between them. But I AM saying that their relationship may need a reorganization. At the very least, that she needs a chance to have a friendship network that extends beyond just Chloe.”
Sighing, Roger looked down, his cap covering his eyes. “I have noticed that she doesn’t really talk about or hang out with anyone else” he said begrudgingly. “I thought the two of them were just such great friends there was no need to.”
“Everyone needs more friends in their lives,” Alya said. “One person might be a best friend, but to only have one friend, period? Can be a problem. Even if it’s with the best person in the world. It makes that person entirely dependent on that one friend. So if an issue arises there are no other options, no one else to turn to. And everyone needs someone to turn to.”
Hm… which shade of red was best? 
Comparing the picture on her phone to the different paint colors, she selected one of the brighter shades. It might not be entirely accurate, but next to the black of Chat Noir’s suit it would really pop.
Alya looked up.
Chloe strutted through the door, Sabrina following behind her.
Something seemed different about Sabrina though. She looked uncomfortable and conflicted whenever she looked at Chloe, like she wasn’t sure how she should feel about her.
“Oh, Sabrina, look at this!” Chloe said, walking over to Alix’s latest street art masterpiece. “The little punk thinks vandalism is art!”
“Don’t you have something better to do?” Alix asked.
“Well of course, I always have something better to do. I just thought I’d grace you with my presence. No need to thank me. No, actually. DO thank me. It’s the least you can do.”
Alix rolled her eyes, getting back to her spray painting.
“Chloe, over here!” 
Alya blinked, watching Adrien wave Chloe over.
Huh. That was unusual. Usually Adrien preferred to spend time with Marinette (granted she was at her own workstation sewing this time, while Adrien was working at a separate station). Chloe and Adrien may still be friends, but…
Adrien caught her eye.
And winked.
“ADRIKINS!” Chloe squealed, running over to him and latching onto his arm. 
As the two of them began talking earnestly, Alya noticed Marinette waving Sabrina over. 
For the first time since she’d entered the classroom, a small smile graced Sabrina’s face. 
Seeing Sabrina sitting next to Marinette, having a good time, Alya couldn’t help but smile as well.
Just to make it clear, I don't think Lila's better than Chloe. But any sort of comeuppance or retribution that could be inflicted on Lila already HAS been in fics a hundredfold. At this point I just want her gone so I can pretend she doesn't exist.
Chloe's far more interesting. With her characterization she can be pulled in multiple different directions, can be developed in different ways without needing to break her character. Just having her be a stuck-up bully? There's plenty of canon to back that up. Want her to build herself up, to try to be... if not nice exactly, to at least be helpful, to protect the people she cares about? There's plenty to draw on there as well. She's easily the most versatile character in ML.
Still very annoyed at how often she gets the Draco in Leather Pants treatment while Alya and Adrien get Ron the Death Eater'd to make room for her, though. When it's just a Chloedemption I'm fine with that, but not when other, canonically kinder, more understanding characters have their characterization completely broken in order to make her look better by comparison.
Also her treatment of Sabrina really needs to be addressed. I do believe she's genuinely fond of Sabrina, but she still treats her very poorly. I hope season 4 develops Sabrina more so I can better understand her mindset, that was one of the most difficult parts of writing this. Just trying to understand why she sticks with Chloe, why she keeps going back to her.
I liked how the NY Special let Sabrina separate from Chloe to talk to that boy, to allow Sabrina to have some sort of relationship outside of Chloe. That's what I wanted for her here, for her to have a chance to form some new bonds and be less dependent on Chloe. I can't see her leaving Chloe entirely, but maybe Chloe will treat Sabrina better if Sabrina's more willing to distance herself when Chloe starts treating her badly, along with decreasing Sabrina's likelihood of being akumatized whenever that happens. So far both times Sabrina got akumatized (outside of Heroes Day) Chloe lashing out at her has facilitated it.
As for a Chloedemption, with what we've seen in the show, I just don't think we're there yet. We've had a few people try to intervene, pushing Chloe to be a better person.
Evillustrator: Marinette pointed out the issues in Chloe's and Sabrina's relaitonship, and Sabrina HERSELF called Chloe out for treating her like a slave.
Despair Bear: Adrien tried to push Chloe into being nicer, into making an effort.
Style Queen & Malediktator: Marinette got Chloe's mom to stick around and connect with her a little (albeit in a very unorthodox way), even having a heartfelt moment connecting with Chloe the next episode, getting a better glimpse of her insecurities and trying to help her with them by giving her a chance to show that she's definitely NOT useless, and to get appreciation that she genuinely earned.
I don't really have much more I can add to that to push Chloe over the redemption line. She's already had a lot of people working with her. So I wanted to give Sabrina a push instead. I dunno whether Roger gaining a better understanding of how skewed Chloe's and Sabrina's relationship is and talking to Sabrina about it, letting her know that "protect and serve" has limits, would actually happen or whether that would get Sabrina to reconsider what she should put up with, but I figure it's more likely than Chloe's parents shaping up, especially with how awful Audrey is. At least Roger showed some integrity in Rogercop.
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lady-charinette · 4 years
Bursting Bubbler's Bubble - ML Fic
A/N: A little underwhelming for my normally angst riddled, ever complicating brain, but @naresar suggestion in discord prompted this to life. (I can't believe "bubble" produced all of this, curse you my friend. :3)
Tags: Canon divergent, puns (its Chat Noir), mild fluff, reimagining of the Bubbler episode, Flustered!LB
Rated: K+
Summary: Ladybug and Chat Noir got trapped in a bubble and while thinking of ways to escape, Ladybug got creative in defeating Bubbler.
This was great.
"You know, maybe this isn't so bad." Ladybug whipped her head around to glare pointedly at her partner, whose feet were on either side of her head due to the cramped space they were trapped in.
By an akuma.
Ladybug groaned. "Ugh, Chat Noir, how could let this happen? I thought I told you to watch my back!"
Chat Noir pressed a hand to his chest, feigning offense. "And I did m'lady! Um...maybe too closely..."
Ladybug rolled her eyes, before her gaze scanned the sky. "Oh no," Chat Noir turned and followed her gaze to rest on the other bubbles in the air, all the parents of Paris trapped in them.
Perhaps even his father was trapped somewhere, unable to get out. He was in danger, Paris was in danger. They had to think of something fast.
Chat Noir growled, lifting his foot away from his partner to slam it on top of the bubble keeping them imprisoned. "This is catastrophic!"
Ladybug rose an eyebrow, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. "You're telling me.'" Her maman and papa were also trapped in a bubble somewhere, they had to get out of here now.
"Hya!" Ladybug drove her elbow against the pink bubble, but the gum held remarkably well against their attacks.
"Maybe we should eat through it?" the look she shot Chat Noir silenced any other ideas the boy might even had. "Okay, new plan."
The spotted heroine stuck out her tongue in thought, eyeing the almost glowing layer coating the outside of the bubble. It was magic, maybe not even actual gum. It resisted their attacks, but maybe it was still vulnerable against something sharp like a real bubble?
"Chat Noir, use your claws to burst our bubble!"
Given the cramped space they were in allowing for little to not mobility, Ladybug was still impressed when Chat Noir striked a pose and hit the surface of the bubble with his claws.
No effect.
"...Sorry to burst your bubble m'lady..." his ears flattened to the back of his scalp, genuinely upset he couldn't help.
Ladybug released another sigh, but offered her partner a reassuring smile to ease his worries. "Its alright kitty, you did all you could." She drew in her knees to rest her chin atop them, brain still working for ways to get them out of their predicament. She eyed the item her lucky charm produced, a yoyo just like hers without the same powers of course. She was at a loss for what to do with a yoyo in this situation.
A hand settled on her shoulder, squeezing it in encouragement. "Don't worry bug, we'll figure something out. We always do." Ladybug could only offer him a half-hearted smile, but she tried showing him the genuine appreciation she felt at his attempts to cheer her up.
It wasn't long before Chat Noir mirrored her stance, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his chin on top of them in equal despair. "If only we could somehow destroy it..."
"Chat Noir, your cataclysm!" she snapped her fingers but blanched at her partner's worried frown.
"Look how high up we are bug, how do we get down there safely?" both looked down in between them, spotting the city in chaos as the tiny figure of Bubbler continued trapping all the adults in bubbles.
"Don't worry, I'll have us covered!" she retrieved her yoyo and grinned confidently.
That made her kitty smile in return, before he called upon his power. "Cataclysm!"
His hand hovered over the surface of the bubble, before he tapped it with his claw.
The bubble burst and they were falling.
"Kitty, take my hand and take out your staff!" Ladybug withdrew the yoyo from her lucky charm, swinging it so fast it created a spinning wheel above their heads just like hers did.
Chat Noir complied, grabbing her hand tightly and clutching his staff with the other, "Now what m'lady?!" he shouted over the roar of the wind blowing in their ears.
His partner smiled. "Now you spin!"
Chat Noir smiled, elongation and spinning the baton as fast as he could with one hand. Their combined efforts still kept them in mid-air and slowed their descent and Chat Noir noticed why.
Ladybug hit one of the other bubbles adults were trapped in, her yoyo sticking to its surface just like it would to real bubble gum. Then, she instructed him to make a turn while still spinning his staff.
"Turn left Chat Noir!"
"Aye, aye, captain!"
Another bubble stuck to her yoyo, and another, and another.
Soon, it looked like Ladybug was holding a myriad of balloons on a single string, all the other bubbles sticking somehow to each-other.
"Now what do we do?" Chat Noir wasn't sure what his lady meant to accomplish, but he wanted to see how this would end.
Ladybug smiled a smile that told him they were in for a treat. "Now we'll visit the party crasher!"
Chat Noir used his staff to propel them in the direction of the akumatized Nino, who was about to hit another couple of adults with his bubble gun.
"Time to burst your bubble too, Bubbler!" Before the akuma could react, Ladybug threw all her weight in her arm holding the yoyo string tightly, all the adults still trapped in the bubbles coming towards Bubbler at high speed like a wrecking ball.
"What the- augh!" It hit him like a fright train and Bubbler slammed against a lamppost from the force of the hit.
Just as Ladybug predicted, all the bubbles were intact and the adults unharmed. Still, the heroine moved to adress the crowd. "I'm so sorry everyone! This was the only way I could think of to beat him."
It were her parents that spoke to her in a tone that made Ladybug almost anxious that they somehow knew her identity, a tone they used for when Marinette was feeling worried or scared. "That's alright Ladybug, you did what you had to do to save us. We're all grateful for you and Chat Noir's help." They smiled and the rest of the other parents nodded in agreement.
Ladybug smiled back earnestly, feeling pride at having such parents as were Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng.
"M'lady," she turned to greet Chat Noir holding up Bubbler's gun and throwing it to her.
Ladybug smirked and broke the item in half, the akuma flying out. "Time to de-evilize!"
Trapping the akuma in her yoyo, it flew out in its pure white form again. "Bye, bye little butterfly." Ladybug smiled at the small creature, so pure and white unlike its akumatized counterpart.
She threw her yoyo into the air, her voice clear as it called for her powers. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The magic washed over the entire city, freeing the adults from the bubbles, everyone safely on the ground without their bubble prisons.
Sabine and Tom immediately hugged each-other, rejoicing at their freedom. Ladybug smiled at the scene and held her fist out for her partner. "Pound it!"
But instead of bumping his fist against hers, Chat Noir held her hand gently in his.
Ladybug blinked in confusion at the sincere look in his eyes. "You were amazing m'lady." his green eyes twinkled in genuine awe, "I'm amazed everytime you save the day, because it means the girl I...admire behind the mask is even greater than I thought she would be and this cat is honored to be your partner." he bowed his head to lightly kiss the back of her hand, a gesture that normally didn't make Ladybug budge, but for some reason today, it made her oddly flustered.
At the speed of light and embarrassment, Ladybug quickly pulled her hand back, her face nearly blending into her suit. "T-Thank you Chat Noir, that was- that sweet..." she shook her head, her earrings reminding her of the time and she took her yoyo in hand, "Right! Um, save you-see you later kitty! Burn out! Um- bug out!" before she took off so fast she almost seemed to fly, just like a real ladybug.
Despite the warning beeps of his miraculous, Chat Noir took a moment to himself, his hand moving up to rest over his beating heart and a grin formed over his lips.
Yes, his lady was amazing, and the girl behind the mask, he found himself loving every day a bit more.
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If you’ve read my fics you may know that one of my running fic plots is canon diverging from an episode leading to an identity reveal.  Since I’m bored and apparently have no sense of self control, I’m taking a few episode requests for me to write reveal fics off of - feel free to send me an ask and I’ll pick either the first few or just a few that strike my fancy to write. (No promises on getting all of them because this is my first time taking requests, lol) Any episode I haven’t already written is fair game!  List of free episodes under the cut
Just strikethroughed epsiodes have been picked already but not written, strikethroughed and linked episodes have been written already and have links to the respective fics
1.     Bubbler
2.     Mr. Pigeon
3.     Stormy Weather
4.     Timebreaker (alexseachai)
5.     Copycat
6.     The Pharaoh
7.     Lady Wifi
8.     The Evillustrator (khanofallorcs)
9.     Rogercop
10.  Dark Cupid (multibug)
11.  Horrificator (iveofficiallygonemad)
12.  Darkblade
13.  The Mime
14.  Princess Fragrance
15.  Ladybug & Cat Noir (Origins - Part 1)
16.  Stoneheart (Origins - Part 2)
17.  Animan (botherkupo)
18.  Simon Says (lnc2)
19.  Pixelator
20.  Guitar Villain
21.  Kung Food
22.  Gamer
23.  Reflekta
24.  The Puppeteer
25.  Antibug
26.  Volpina (anon)
1.     The Collector
2.     Prime Queen (explodingtyphlosions)
3.     Despair Bear
4.     Riposte (bugabisous, marinetteplztakeabreak)
5.     Befana
6.     Robostus
7.     The Dark Owl (mireilletan)
8.     Gigantitan
9.     Glaciator (anon)
10.  Sapotis
11.  Gorizilla
12.  Captain Hardrock
13.  Frightningale
14.  Syren
15.  Zombizou (kittyynoirr)
16.  Frozer
17.  Style Queen (Queen's Battle - Part 1)
18.  Troublemaker (alexseanchai)
19.  Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle - Part 2)
20.  Reverser
21.  Anansi (anon)
22.  Malediktator
23.  Sandboy (yunyin)
24.  Catalyst (Heroes' Day - Part 1)
25.  Mayura (Heroes' Day - Part 2) (anon)
1.     Chameleon
2.     Animaestro
3.     Bakerix
4.     Backwarder
5.     Reflekdoll (harrypunkin)
6.     Weredad (chatnoirinette)
7.     Silencer
8.     Oni-Chan
9.     Miraculer (janaikam)
10.  Oblivio (perce)
11.  Desperada
12.  Chrismaster
13.  Startrain (anon)
14.  Kwamibuster (chicoriii, ominousunflower)
15.  Feast (alexseanchai)
16.  Gamer 2.0
17.  Stormy Weather 2 (alexseanchai)
18.  Ikari Gozen (anon)
19.  Timetagger
20.  Party Crasher (anon)
21.  The Puppeteer 2 (marinetteplztakeabreak)
22.  Chat Blanc (marikittynoir)
23.  Felix
24.  Ladybug (bugabisous)
25.  Loveater
26.  Miracle Queen
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demigodseameg16 · 3 years
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I posted 21,693 times in 2021
7 posts created (0%)
21686 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3098.0 posts.
I added 23 tags in 2021
#miraculous ladybug - 5 posts
#adrien agreste - 4 posts
#chat noir - 3 posts
#percy jackson - 2 posts
#lily delmore - 2 posts
#is he about to use cataclysm on himself - 2 posts
#mlb divergence - 2 posts
#he - 1 posts
#i aspire to be the combination of the genie the witch and the housewife - 1 posts
#little witch academia - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(true it didn’t work exactly as he planned but if he was allowed to think instead of having been hit and given orders and was gave a chance
My Top Posts in 2021
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I really needed this, because I’ve been down in the dumps lately, so thank you!
1. The beach
2. Stars
3. My friends
4. Summer
5. Music!
@unluckyprime @depressed-teacup-inc @sarcasticsparkles @adrienscroissantx @mantabanter @megatraven @doodlingbeesknees @anna-scribbles @justanotherpersonsuniverse @wintertundra-art
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 19:03:31 GMT
Archiveofourown is down right now(I’ll be posting it on my account Mudkip4Life, under r the story title “Miraculous: Pixie Dust and Chat Noir”. With the site down, I can plan akumas(I think I’ll change them because just don’t sit right in my opinion, save for Timebreaker) as well as creating new and original villains. But I’ll let you know when the first chapter(which will basically be a notes chapter that will give credit to you and a description of Pixie Dust) is out. Speaking of, is there any appearance you have for Rose?
I will start designing one for her right now! I have some ideas, as well as a little redesign for Chat Noir because in this Au he becomes even more cat-like, as a stray kitten who needs a home, so yeah! Also, Adrien is gender non-conforming in this Au, so Chat Noir will start to reflect that as they start to experiment and discover that part of their identity, Rose helping both as Pixie and as herself for Adrien and Chat Noir, though Adrien only starts to be comfortable in showing that side of themself and come out of the closet after support from Rose, Juleka and Nino, so their suit will start to change a bit and have a bit of feminine/androgynous style to it once they realize that’s who they are, as the suit reflects what the wielder wants. I’ll post the designs up on here, tag them with the Au name and you can use them for reference in your fic!!! Also, in this Au, I feel like Bubbler would stay the same because Nino would absolutely do that for Adrien no matter what and Gabriel is an abusive neglective father, but a major thing is that this story is Alyanette, and Marinette gets a crush on Alya first, when Alya stands up to Chloe for Mari, that’s when she falls in love with her. (Marinette is bisexual in this as well. No one is straight here.) And because of that she doesn’t believe Adrien was trying to get the gum off her seat at first and doesn’t forgive him at first, so it takes a while for that friendship to form, so she’s a bit colder and meaner to him in the beginning. However, from the angle Rose was at, Rose could see that Adrien was trying to get the gum off and the was there for Adrien trying to get Chloe to stop, and sees that he’s a nice kid who doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and decides to befriend him and introduces him to her, Juleka and her group of friends. And in this Au, Nino and Mari are childhood friends so Nino feels torn at first because Marinette keeps saying that Adrien is a bully and he doesn’t know what to think but then during the events of the Bubbler he’s totally Team Adrien and is Adrien’s best friend and will die for him. As for miraculouses, here is an idea of future miraculous heroes (at least for the main layer, as for the rest of the zodiac I’m still determining who gets who.)
Rose - Ladybug Miraculous
Adrien - Black Cat Miraculous
Juleka - Fox Miraculous
Nino - Turtle Miraculous
Alya - Bee Miraculous
Marinette doesn’t get a miraculous in this Au, so she can have a stress free life, and focuses on living her best life, fashion design and her friends and taking care of herself because lord knows that Girl needs to, and her only interaction with the miraculous will be when the love square of Bee! Superhero Alya starts paying visits to her favorite civilian and they have cute side dates on patrols and it’s adorable. I will try to get those designs for you soon! I hope this helps!
3 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 00:38:51 GMT
I saw you’re idea to justanotherperson and I really want a fic of it, and was wondering if I could make one?
I would be honored oh my stars yes yes yes yes of course!!! Tag me when you do!!! Send me the rough draft! Talk to me about the whole outline and everything because I love the Au I created because I love the Panthera Noire Au @justanotherpersonsuniverse created! However I don’t want it to be confused with the Scarlet Lady Au by the legendary @zoe-oneesama that’s going around, so maybe Rose’s superhero name should change to something else, something to do with Pixie or Fairy, because Rose would definitely go the pixie route in her superhero/ladybug suit, with the wings, sparkles, suit and everything, with how that girl loves unicorns and fairytales. I don’t know off the top of my head. Maybe she literally calls herself Pixie! She gives me those vibes. And this Au I’ve decided is called Pixie Dust Au, in which Rose gets the Ladybug Miraculous and Adrien still gets the black cat miraculous, kinda of like an alternate universe version of @justanotherpersonsuniverse Panthera Noire Au. For reference, see my ask here! https://justanotherpersonsuniverse.tumblr.com/post/647747600891658241/kinda-a-reverse-au-of-your-panthera-noire-au-but
I’m so excited to see what you write, and guys it’s my first Au on here? Aaaah? I mean I have a few in the wings but like??? AHHHH?!!!!
4 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 18:45:22 GMT
Hi everyone! If you have read the wonderful Divergence by @depressed-teacup-inc and @sarcasticsparkles and is following closely, you may notice that there is another story in the same universe! That’s right! I have written a story and have published it on AO3! It’s called A Little Thumbtack and it is a what-if scenario about one of the background characters, Lily Delmore, who is in fact my own character who was lucky enough to be used in the story, got the ladybug earrings instead of Marinette! You may know her as Kieran’s little cousin but there is so much more. It’s only just beginning, having just two chapters but things are underway and chapter three is almost finished! @sarcasticsparkles is even my co-author of the story, helping me edit and being my beta, so you can rest knowing Divergence canon and the story is in good hands. Her story is just starting, so if you wanna see what Lily’s world is like and how Kieran disappearing affected her, then come over! There will be a link in the description below!
I hope you enjoy A Little Thumbtack!
9 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 06:27:23 GMT
do you think gabriel made adrien wear perfume because he smelled like cheese from carrying it around for plagg?
Bold of you to assume that Gabriel was around Adrien long enough to actually smell the cheese scent.
37 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 02:11:23 GMT
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rudhy-wakatobi · 7 years
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Wakatobi bubble ring #holidaygotowakatobi #wakatobiisland #wakatobi #wakatobidiveadventure #wonderfulindonesia #pesonaindonesia #diva #diveadventure #diveindonesia #divergent #dive #diver #diving #sahabatbackpackernusantara #scubadiving #scuba #backpackers #backpacker #explorealamindonesia #exploreindonesia #bubblering #travelpic #travelblogger #travel #traveling #travelph #travelp #travelphotography #travelpics #travelporn #indonesia #underwaterphotography #underwater (di Holiday go to Wakatobi)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Divergent Points: ML Salt
Divergent Points: ML Salt by FlightfootKeyseeker
Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino travel through various Salt worlds, trying to find their way home. Part 6 of the Pointsverse.
Words: 39553, Chapters: 11, Status: Complete, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Rated: T
Genre: Parody/Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Adrien A./Cat Noir, Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Alya C./Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Nino L./Bubbler
Pairings: [Adrien A./Cat Noir, Marinette D-C./Ladybug], [Alya C./Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Nino L./Bubbler]
Read Here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13651649
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
A Different Life
A Different Life by KashitoHatake
Sabine Cheng was world wide famous for being a model to a worldwide known modelling branch. Then she met Tom Dupain a man famous for his baking, after knowing each other for two years they dated, got marriend and had a beautiful baby girl who they later named Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng could say that her life was pretty wonderful. She had a cousin who always has her back, a pair of loving parents, and a childhood friend who stayed in touch despite not seeing each other all the time due to her being homeschooled.
She honestly couldn't ask for more. Her life was pretty normal, she was in the path of becoming a known fashion designer and model. Until it wasn't thenext thing she knew there was some sort of stone monster raging in Paris and some floating 'thing' that called herself kwami of creation telling her she can defeat said stone monster.
Words: 3669, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Miraculous AUs
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Félix | Adrien Agreste's Cousin, Marin Cheng, Tikki, Plagg, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Tom Dupain, Emilie Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Juleka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Lê Chiến Kim, Alix Kubdel, Max Kanté, Master Fu, Original Kwami Character(s), Kwami, Original Characters
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine/Kagami Tsurugi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Felix Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Marin Cheng, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Everyone, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth & Sabine Cheng
Additional Tags: Minor Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Félix, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Guardian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marin Cheng | Marinette Dupain-Cheng's Cousin, Famous Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe Knows, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Nino Lahiffe Friendship, Oblivious Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marichat, Adrinette, LadyNoir - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Has a Crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Alya Césaire Friendship, BFF Swap, Reverse Crush, Adrien Agreste Is Sunshine, Good Parents Sabine Cheng & Tom Dupain, Good Parent Gabriel Agreste, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawkmoth & Sabine Cheng Friendship, Gabriel Agreste Is Not Hawk Moth, Oc is Hawk Moth, Protective Gabriel, Gabriel Agreste has Emotions, Gabriel Agreste loves his son, Childhood Friends, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Crack, Minor Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Minor Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Minor Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, No Bubbler
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21077675
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
The Bubbler
The Bubbler by darkesky
Honestly, screw Duusu and Tikki. They pamper their wielders a little too much, and they make a big deal out of it. Every little birthday becomes a celebration when it honestly doesn't make sense. They're incredibly old, older than the pyramids in Egypt and certainly older than any of the buildings in their current Paris now.
His wielder, for his fifteenth birthday, will get a piece of his precious Camembert. --- Some people love birthdays; some people hate them. Between the twins, they have it covered.
Words: 11316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Two Halves of the Same Whole
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Felix Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Le Paon, Duusu, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Felix Agreste & Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Adrien Agreste & Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Episode: s01 Le Bulleur | The Bubbler, Alternate Universe - Twins, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/18541144
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 years
Bubble Your Troubles Away
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Abc0Ku
by RockSunner
What if The Bubbler went after Ladybug when she hijacked his party music?
Words: 1984, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 27 of Smart Adversaries AU
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug), Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug), Nino Lahiffe, Bulleur | Bubbler, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabine Cheng
Relationships: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Additional Tags: Romance, Adventure, Jealousy, Bubble trap, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Identity Reveal, Ladybug Reveal, Chat Noir Reveal, Fluff
July 26, 2018 at 12:45AM read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Abc0Ku
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ladysunamireads · 5 years
The Bubbler
The Bubbler by darkesky
Honestly, screw Duusu and Tikki. They pamper their wielders a little too much, and they make a big deal out of it. Every little birthday becomes a celebration when it honestly doesn't make sense. They're incredibly old, older than the pyramids in Egypt and certainly older than any of the buildings in their current Paris now.
His wielder, for his fifteenth birthday, will get a piece of his precious Camembert. --- Some people love birthdays; some people hate them. Between the twins, they have it covered.
Words: 11316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Two Halves of the Same Whole
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Felix Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Le Paon, Duusu, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Felix Agreste & Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Adrien Agreste & Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Episode: s01 Le Bulleur | The Bubbler, Alternate Universe - Twins, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/18541144
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