#bubblegum x reader x wire
midnightlazule · 3 months
{NSFW} 1: Jealousy is an ugly color [Bubblegum x AFAB!reader x Wire]
Summary | After being rejected by Wire, your friend and crewmate House sets you up with Bubblegum, another crewmate of yours. Things take turns, and now you've ended up with feelings for both Men.
CW | AFAB reader / she/her pronouns / three-way relationship / threesome / size difference / bondage / p in v sex / oral (reader giving and receiving) / implications of assault / mentions of death / lots and lots of jealousy
This fic is dedicated to one of my favorite artists.
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"Have you seen Wire?" you made your way up to Killer, "I've been searching for him but I haven't had any luck" you frowned. "Have you looked in the kitchen?" Killer spoke, "him and Heat should be in there, they're always playing cards around this time."
Pursing your lips, you hummed, "I swear I looked in there, but I'll check again, thanks Killer" you waved a quick goodbye before making your way towards the kitchen door.
"Wire?" you poked your head in.
Hearing the shuffle of cards, you poked your head in further and saw both Wire and Heat sitting across each other. Keeping your mouth shut, you made your way inside and watched from a distance as the two played what looked to be poker.
You could see the concentration on their faces, but your eyes lingered on Wire for a little too long, finding yourself taking in every bit of his facial build, you couldn't help but blush. He was a handsome man, blessed with a defined jaw, pointed nose, and droopy bored eyes that you (as cheesy as it sounds) could quite literally get lost in.
"What is it?" Wire muttered, keeping his eyes on his cards.
You jumped, not expecting to him to have noticed you while being so engrossed with his game. "Oh, uh.. well" you chuckled nervously, "it can wait until after you're done" you smiled sheepishly before backing away towards the door.
Wire let out a small hum, seemingly disinterested in what you had to say to him before he patted the seat next to him, offering you a place to sit. "Are you sure?" you questioned, "I wouldn't want to ruin your concentration."
"Sit" Wire glanced at you, "just stay quiet and don't touch anything."
You were quick to make your way over, giving a small wave to Heat who gave a small nod in return. Sitting down next to Wire, you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach as you grew far more nervous. He was a lot larger than you, easily double your height, it often had you wondering how he'd completely engulf you in bed-
Immediately pushing those thoughts away, you fought back with the blush that threatened to give you away. Shifting in your seat, you messed with your fingers as you watched.
"You know how to play?" Wire suddenly spoke, startling you.
"Not really" you answered honestly.
"You wanna learn?"
"I mean, I can't promise I'll learn quickly but sure-"
"Get on my lap, I'll let you watch while me and Heat play another round, jus' pay attention" he moved back on his seat just enough to give you room. You looked at him with wide eyes, no longer capable of fighting back that blush you opened your mouth to speak before Wire let out an annoyed huff.
Setting down his cards, he reached over and placed his hands on your hips. "Taking too long" he grumbled, setting you down right on his lap. "Wha- Wire!" you practically squealed, your face as red as Kids' hair, you squirmed in attempts to get off.
"Will you just-" Wire growled, curling an arm around your torso, he held you tightly against his chest "-quit your damn movin' will ya?"
Heat watched in silence, taking note of your heavily flustered state, he let out a small hum. He wasn't stupid, he knew about your feelings for Wire, he's seen the way you look at him. Deciding to help his friend, and you, he cleared his throat.
"I'll leave you two alone, I gotta talk with Kid about the next island we're approaching" giving a small wave, he cleaned up his deck of cards and placed them into a neat pile in the middle of the table.
Wire watched him leave with a cocked eyebrow before resting his chin on the top of your head. A heavy sigh left his lips, "what were you wanting?" he questioned, his arm still wrapped around your torso.
"I- well-" you stammered, unsure of how to speak up about your feelings, you bit the inside of your cheek. "I really like you" you forced yourself to say the words aloud, you could feel your body shaking from both anxiety and adrenaline as you admitted your feelings.
You felt his body stiffen for just a moment.
Another heavy sigh left his lips as he lifted his chin off of your head. Scooting back in his chair, he held you steady for just a moment before lightly pushing you off of him. You turned to look up at him, your eyes wide and questioning.
It didn't take any words, but you understood.
"Right.." you frowned, "sorry for ruining your time with Heat" you swallowed thickly, turning on your heel you left the kitchen.
Wire watched you leave, his lips drawn into a firm line.
He didn't mean to hurt your feelings, hell he was into you, but you were just far too soft, too... innocent.
He couldn't ruin that with his kinky ways, he'd hurt you no doubt.
Shaking his head, he grabbed the rest of the cards and picked them up, slipping them into the box they came in.
"Fucks sake" he muttered, his thoughts drifting back to how good you felt sitting on his lap.
Pushing those thoughts away, he lifted the hood of his cape off and ran a hand through his hair. Tonight was going to be long.
"You're staying out for the party right?" House asked, making her way up behind you.
"Dunno, rather not" you answered simply, "got better things to do than drink."
"Oh come on!" House rolled her eyes, "you always come up with excuses! Come have some fun, live a little!" she placed a hand on your shoulder a shook you a little. "You can come over and hang out with me and Bubblegum, I'm sure you and him would hit it off great!" she smiled, shaking you again.
You rolled your eyes and snickered, "never thought you'd sit here and attempt to be my wingman."
"Well I think you just need a night of pleasure and love" she said whimsically as she placed the back of her hand against her head. "Yeah right" you scoffed, "I'm not into that one night stand stuff, you know this" you rolled your eyes.
"Oh come on" she groaned obnoxiously, "at least get a little trashed! You haven't been out and about for the last few days!"
"Last I checked I have no reason to be out and about" you huffed.
"You're coming out for at least a while whether you like it or not" she put her hands on her hips, "I'll drag you out of your room if I have to!"
"Fine, fine, if it'll make you happy and quit you from annoying me further" you playfully rolled your eyes and smiled. "That's my girl!" she squealed, "I know just the drink too! One of Recks' specialties" she said quietly.
"Oh god" you shuddered at the thought of drinking one of his concoctions, they always made you sick but boy were they strong.
"It's worth it" House giggled, "besides, you might as well enjoy your time out while you can! I heard the next island we're stopping at is some kind of brothel island... you know, the one filled with all of the bars, and sex, and-"
"I get it" you frowned, cutting her off.
You felt a small pang in your heart at the idea of Wire going into some brothel and getting cozy with another woman.
Shaking your head, you reminded yourself that he wasn't yours.
"Oh oh oh! We're starting, come on! We need to go find Bubblegum!" House grabbed your hand and dragged you with her.
"Slow down!" you struggled to keep your footing as she ran.
Taking a rather large drink from your alcohol filled mug, you let out a loud sigh as you set it down against the wooden deck.
"See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad" House giggled as she took another sip from her mug. You gave her a look as you got cozy sitting next to a couple barrels. Bubblegum, someone who you hadn't really spoken to, was sat next to you.
The man was tall, easily towering over you, but he was also rather lanky. You didn't quite have a problem with that, he very clearly had muscle, and thighs that looked like they could easily crush someone's head if he tried hard enough.
But you weren't really interested in his body, it was his hair that really captured your attention.
It was styled in a strange zig-zag shape, pointing out from either side of his head, you wondered just how much hair gel it took to get it to stay that way. Not to mention its color, a deep royal blue.
You hadn't realized how long you had been staring until you saw Bubblegum glance at you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I was just- is... your hair naturally that color? It's pretty" you felt blood rush to your face as you blurted out the compliment.
You watched House give you a double thumbs up in your peripheral.
"Oh- haha" Bubblegum laughed nervously, his cheeks slightly reddened. You couldn't tell if he was blushing, or if he was slightly tipsy. "It's my natural hair" he answered simply, a small smile on his face.
"That's nice" you gave him a smile back, though you were mentally suffering due to how awkward the interaction felt.
"This is so sad to watch" House chuckled, watching the both of you. "I'm going to go get some more drinks, you two cozy on up, yeah?" she smiled, hoping up from her spot.
Before you could stop her, she turned on her heel and scurried off.
"Are you looking forward to the island we'll be docking at in a few days?" he started, trying to continue the already dying conversation.
"Not really" you answered honestly.
He opened his mouth to speak before closing it, he clearly wasn't expecting your straight-forward answer. "Why's that?" he questioned, genuinely curious.
You shrugged, "don't care for brothel islands, they're not my thing" shifting in your spot, you shimmied over and rested your back against the railing of the ship. "One night stands and whores really aren't my thing."
Bubblegum hummed, "I don't blame you, I'm not a fan of things things either" he shrugged.
You looked at him for a moment before raising an eyebrow, "I thought all the men on this ship loved brothel islands, it's your guys' one way of letting off steam" your thoughts drifted back to Wire for just a moment.
"Not everyone, there's a few of us here that don't care about one night stands, some of us appreciate real relationships far more" he messed with the rim of his mug before taking another drink.
"Besides, women on this ship need to let off steam too, I take it you're not one of them?" he questioned.
Shaking your head, you frowned for a moment, "nope, I too prefer real relationships" a sigh left your lips as you leaned your head back against the railing.
"Seems like we both have something in common then" Bubblegum smiled, "say, would you want to play some cards? I got a deck in my room."
"Oh" you laughed, the alcohol you had been nursing seemed to finally be taking affect, you started feeling tipsy. "I'm not really.. good at card games, never really understood them."
"That's fine" Bubblegum smiled, a small laugh leaving his lips as he got up from his spot. "Watch my drink will you? I'll be back in just a second."
You watched him leave.
Leaning forward, you grabbed his drink and set it next to yours. You figured you'd at least prevent it from getting knocked over. Laying back against the railing, you scanned the deck, you were curious as to where House was.
She claimed she was getting more drinks, that was probably a lie.
Damn her.
A sigh left your lips, continuing to scan over the multiple faces of your crewmates, you felt your heart stop once you reached Wire. You couldn't see him very well from how far away he was, but you felt like his eyes were on you.
You watched for a moment longer, realizing he had gotten up from his spot on the stairs, he made his way towards you. The closer he got, the more you realized how annoyed he looked, though he quickly came to an abrupt halt as Bubblegum appeared, a large smile on his face as he announced his arrival.
"I got them!" he plopped down.
Grabbing his mug and offering it to him, he didn't seem to notice until he finally looked up. "Where is my- oh, thank you" he took it from you.
Taking a rather large drink out of it, you watched his Adams apple bob as he swallowed. "Thanks for watching it" he set it down, wiping the residue off from his lips, he paid no mind to your staring.
"I take it you don't know how to play poker?" he questioned, pulling the deck of cards out from its box, he was quick to shuffle them. You watched with mild curiosity, cards really weren't your thing.
"Nope, never learned how to play it."
"You wanna learn?"
You felt like you heard those words before.
A quick memory flashed in your mind reminding you of the night you had been rejected by Wire. You had pushed everything about that night away, deciding you'd rather pretend it never happened while stuffing those feelings for Wire deep down.
"Sure" you smiled.
"I just hope they have a few shops..." you frowned, standing next to House, you watched as the ship drew closer and closer to the 'long awaited' brothel island.
Truthfully, you were dreading even stepping foot on said island.
Call it a gut feeling, but you felt like something was going to go wrong.
Though you figured it was just you dreading seeing Wire with women, that was probably it.
"It'll be fine" House smiled, "I'm sure there's a few places we can browse... But it is a brothel island, it'll probably be a bunch of lingerie shops and sex toys... maybe a couple of clothing stores" she shrugged.
"I'd rather that than seeing a bunch of barely dressed women throw themselves at Wire" you muttered under your breath.
"Come on ___, you need to get over him" House nudged your shoulder, "I know he's our superior and everything, and you have to see him literally everyday, but as soon as you forget about those feelings of yours, everything will be just fine!" she beamed, acting as if she had given you the best possible advice.
You gave her a soft smile.
House wasn't always the best with her advice, but she tried her best, and you appreciated that. She was a good friend.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get a few new pairs of lingerie..." you muttered.
"That's the spirit!" she smiled, "come on, lets get into some better suited clothes before we dock" she grabbed your hand, pulling you with her. You looked back at the island, figuring it would be about thirty more minutes until the ship docked, you sighed.
"I'm sure I can also get Bubblegum to tag along with us since he's not too big on brothels" she hummed, opening the door to your room, she pushed you in.
"Why..?" you questioned, "I don't think he'd be very comfortable sitting in a lingerie shop-"
"Nonsense, have you seen how he dresses?" She giggled, "he always wears fishnets and thigh high boots, I think being in a lingerie shop would be right up his alley."
You knew there was no fighting her, if she was deadest on having Bubblegum accompany the two of you, then it was going to happen.
"Alright" she clapped her hands together, "what do you think? Should we do cute and comfortable? Maybe something sexy? Hmmm... Oh! I know just the thing-"
"Can we just wear something that doesn't reveal a whole lot?" you cut her off, "I don't want people getting the wrong idea" you frowned.
She waved her hand, partially ignoring you, "that's fine, but I don't want you looking like absolute trash! Lets go with something... classy! That'll be perfect" she smiled, opening up your closet, she began looking through your clothes.
"Here" she tossed a pair of black pants, "and this as well" she added, giving you a nice red button-up blouse. "This way you can wear your belt and keep your guns on you."
"Come on, get into the bathroom and get dressed, don't come out until you've put it all on!" she got behind you, placing her hands on your back she pushed you towards the bathroom.
"Okay, okay!" you couldn't help but giggle as you closed the door.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but appreciate how good it looked despite its simplicity. "Well? Are you done in there? Come on, show me!" House spoke from the other side of the door.
Opening it up and stepping out, House let out a small whistle while nodding her head. "You look good! Like a uh... classy lady!" she furrowed her eyebrows.
"What? Is something wrong?" you asked, "do I need to change?"
"No, not that.." she took a step closer to you and began messing with your clothes. "Pull up your pants just a little, they're supposed to be high waisted..." she watched as you did so, "un-do a few buttons on your blouse as well."
"There we go!" She clapped her hands together, "you look good, no one should really bother you, your clothes don't speak 'I'm a whore'" she giggled.
"Wow, thanks" you rolled your eyes and smiled.
"What? Isn't that what you were wanting?"
"Well, I mean, yeah, but when you put it like that-"
"Oh hush, you look good and that's all that matters, who knows, maybe you'll turn a few heads tonight" she shrugged, "or maybe just one head" House winked, giving you a smile.
You knew she was referring to Bubblegum.
"Oh please" you scoffed, waving your hand, "lets just get you dressed."
House was practically bouncing on her feet as the boat docked. She had chosen her usual outfit, a leather jacket with a knee-length dress underneath, completed with her combat boots. She ended up lending you a pair of boots, as sandals didn't particularly match with the outfit she had chosen for you.
It was just your luck the both of you had similar shoe sizes.
You messed with one of the buttons on your blouse, House had unbuttoned it enough to let your collarbone and just the slightest bit of your cleavage show. You didn't quite appreciate it, but any attempt at buttoning it up was quickly squandered.
"Bubblegum!" House yelled out, waving the blue haired man over. "You wanna come with me and ___ to look at some of the shops? We're not going to any of the brothels" she said rather loudly.
You let out a groan.
"Sure" Bubblegum answered, you stared at him for a moment before looking away. You hoped this gut feeling of yours was just a really bad case of anxiety.
You felt House grab your arm as you were practically torn off the ship, Bubblegum watched you with a small, yet nervous smile. He seemed to be dreading spending the day with House just as much as you were (this was a lie, you loved spending time with House).
"Come on Bubblegum! We don't have all day!" House yelled as she continued to run, dragging you with her. You made no effort to remove her hand from you, though you did urge her to slow down.
"I think we have plenty of time to look, House"
"I know but-"
"Let's just slow down" you smiled, patting her on the shoulder.
Turning your attention back onto Bubblegum, who was standing a little ways behind you, you glanced behind him and realized Wire was looking towards the three of you. Watching with a frown, you grabbed Bubblegum and Houses' arms and ushered them to get moving
"And yet here you are saying you wanted to slow down-"
"I know what I said" you rolled your eyes, "I figured we could just... get there faster! You know, before.. rush hour, or whatever" you laughed nervously.
Neither Bubblegum or House questioned you, though they gave each-other a strange look.
You just didn't want to deal with how awkward things would get if Wire were to approach the three of you.
"Well? What do we think?" House questioned, looking back at bubblegum as she held two separate sets of lingerie up to you. You felt your face warm up, pushing her away you glared at her. "I don't think it's very appropriate to be asking someone that" you frowned.
"Lighten up, ___! Bubblegum has a great sense of style" she turned her head, looking at him up and down she nodded to herself. "See? Wonderful sense of fashion, I mean... look at his heels!" she pointed at them.
You had to admit, the thigh high heels looked great on him, but that was besides the point.
"That's not my point, House, you're clearly making him uncomfortable" you motioned at him, "even his face is red!"
"I don't think that's embarrassment" she giggled, earning a look from you.
"I'm going to go look at the other side of the store" Bubblegum awkwardly shuffled away from you and House.
"See?" you crossed your arms and looked at House.
"Come onnn!" she groaned dramatically, "we came here to look at some cute shit to wear! Not get all shy and embarrassed! He was eating it up before you said something!" she lightly hit your shoulder.
Putting the two sets of lingerie back, she pouted and crossed her arms, "you're no fun."
"I'm terribly sorry that I am such a party pooper" you rolled your eyes and smiled, "come on, lets go look at the actual clothes, not this shit."
"But what about Bubblegum-" she tried to turn around.
"He'll be fine."
House scoffed, "nonsense! Have you maybe considered that he'd like to look at some clothes too?" she took a step to the side. Avoiding your attempt to stop her and push her the opposite direction, she made her way past you.
"House!" You groaned, feeling your irritation spike as she walked towards Bubblegum.
Turning on your heel, you left both House and Bubblegum behind as you made your way to the clothing section of the store. You didn't want to stand there and wait for the two.
Finding a rack of clothing that piqued your interest, you started looking through, trying to find anything worth purchasing. It was all decently cute clothes, a few dresses here and there, but what really got your attention was a dress, it was a long black dress with colored lace.
"Excuse me, miss?" A voice spoke from behind you.
Turning your head and taking a step to the side, you looked at the person who had spoken. "Yes?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow, you set a hand on the base of one of your guns.
The man looked at you nervously before glancing down at your guns, taking a cautionary step back he smiled awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if you knew where the uh-"
"I don't work here" you stated simply, staring at him.
"Oh- y-you don't?" he gave you a look before frowning, "or are you just saying that because you don't want to help me?"
"What?" a short laugh left your lips, looking at the man as if he had just said something ridiculous. "I have no idea what you're talking about, I just told you I don't work here."
The man said nothing as he fumed, "whatever" he shoved his hands in his pockets before turning on his heel. You watched as he left, though before he exited through the front doors, he turned and glared at you one last time.
You blinked, furrowing your eyebrows and shaking your head, you silently questioned everything that had just happened. You weren't quite sure as to why that man was so angry, and why he took it out on you, but you figured worrying over it was worthless.
Placing your attention back on the dress you had previously been looking at, you took it off the rack. You'd keep it with you until you got to a dressing room.
"Hey! What was all that about?" House came walking up to you, Bubblegum following closely behind.
You looked at her with your eyebrow raised.
"You mean the random guy? I don't know, he had some kind of problem" you shrugged, "probably just sick or something."
"Hm.." House hummed, "he looked familiar, though I can't really put my finger on it" she placed a finger on her lip, before shrugging. "Oh well, no reason to worry about it... say did you find something you like?" House questioned, looking at the dress you had grabbed.
"Yeah, I thought it was nice, figured I'd try it on after I get done looking" you smiled.
"Why not try it on now?" House asked, looking at a few dresses that were on the rack you had previously been looking through. "I'd rather continue looking, I don't want to keep going back and forth" you shrugged, making your way past her.
You hadn't bothered to look at, or speak to Bubblegum, figuring he was in his own little world. Though you completely failed to notice the way he tried to get your attention, or the barely audible "it'd look nice on you" he had uttered under his breath.
"I'm tired" you sighed, holding a few bags of new clothing and a few sets of lingerie. (House had convinced you to buy some). You, House, and Bubblegum slowly made your way back to the ship, wanting to drop off whatever goods you had purchased before figuring out what bar the others had gone to.
You didn't really want to go out and drink, knowing damn well you'd either say some things you'd regret or see some things that would very well piss you off. But House was adamant on getting you to stay out, claiming you deserved a good night of drinks after looking at clothes for so long.
You had begrudgingly accepted.
"You can wear that new dress of yours!" House chirped, walking alongside you with her own bags in hand. She had gotten a bit more than you, finding a few dresses and jackets she liked, along with a new pair of shoes.
"I guess" you kept walking, these boots were staring to hurt your feet.
"Come on... lighten up" House said quietly, "if you see Wire then just... ignore him, yeah?" she smiled.
"Besides!" she skipped a little farther ahead before slowing down, "you'll look hot in that dress! You'll be turning plenty of heads no doubt!" she giggled.
"Mhm.." you hummed, giving her a look, though you couldn't keep yourself from smiling.
Bubblegum remained quiet, keeping a little ways behind you and House. He couldn't really keep his eyes off of you, watching every step you took, the way your hair bounced, everything about you was just so...
He didn't know the word, you were just very pretty to look at, he appreciated the way you looked.
God that made him sound like a creep...
Was he a creep?
Maybe that's why you didn't pay much attention to him.
No... that's not it.. is it?
Bubblegum nearly groaned with annoyance at his thoughts, the constant overthinking was driving him insane. Why couldn't he just talk to you like a normal person? Why was he so afraid to talk to you?
He felt like no matter how hard he'd try, he'd likely screw something up and become nothing but a laughing stock.
No, that wasn't true, you weren't that mean.
You... were kind, sweet, and very very....
He felt his face flare up.
Pushing those thoughts out of his head, he quickened his pace and walked ahead of both you and House.
He needed to drop his stuff off and get to the bar.
Some heavy drinking would help all these thoughts, right? Right.
"What's up with him?" you watched as Bubblegum practically sped past both you and House. He looked flustered, was he excited for the bar or something?
"No clue" House shrugged, she didn't make any attempt to stop Bubblegum, which was slightly surprising. "Whatever, I'm sure he's fine" you hummed, "we should probably match his pace and get back to the ship before it starts getting too dark."
"I agree" House quickened her pace, you followed suit.
"I cannot believe I let you talk me into this" you frowned.
You were wearing the dress you had bought to the bar the rest of your crewmates were currently at. Thankfully, House didn't fuss too much about you wearing your belt with it, wanting to have your guns on you just incase.
But that didn't help the fact that you didn't want to be here, showing off this much skin.
You weren't at all afraid to show your body off, not at all, you just didn't want people getting the wrong idea.
Namely one person.
And this person, just so happened to be the same person you could see clear as day sitting at one of the wide booths, surrounded by women.
House urged you to keep walking, finding a few bar stools, the both of you took a seat.
"Relax, you'll be fine, besides, it looks like he's busy anyways, he wont notice you!" she smiled.
You rolled your eyes and kept facing forward while actively fighting the urge to peak behind you. You knew it wasn't a good idea, and the thought of Wire seeing you staring at him was enough to keep you from doing so.
The last thing you wanted was for him to think you got all dressed up just to impress him.
"What do you want to drink?" House nudged you.
"Just get me whatever you're getting" you answered quickly.
Deciding to risk it, you moved your head to the side just enough to look behind you. You could see the booth Wire was sitting in, the three women surrounding him were giggling, placing their hands all over his body.
You frowned, he had left his coat on the ship.
He usually never left without it, but seeing as his goal tonight was sex, he'd need to not look as menacing.
Though now you understood why he rejected you, his type wasn't strong women.
His type was giggling whores, wanting nothing but a good lay and some cash.
Rolling your eyes and facing forward, you scoffed, of course he was into that kind of thing. The man was a pirate for crying out loud, he was into nothing but easy sex and Whores just so happened to be the easiest sex there was.
Too bad you weren't the type of person to just throw yourself at men, maybe then you would've gotten a slim chance.
Snorting at the thought, you cast those thoughts away as quickly as they came. You weren't going to put yourself down for some man that took on the appearance of a roach with that cape that hardly ever got washed.
That was a lie, he took good care of himself, you just didn't want to admit it... He always did smell good-
"Shut up" you groaned quietly to yourself, rubbing your face, you looked at House who was staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I told you not to pay any attention to him" House passed you your drink, "I made sure to ask for one of those little umbrellas" she giggled, "I know how much you like those."
You couldn't help but snort, "thanks" you muttered, though you did appreciate it. You liked messing with the little paper umbrellas, call it childish but it was fun.
"So...." House started, "you gunna go talk to cotton candy hair over there?" she nudged you.
"...Who..?" you gave her a strange look.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Bubblegum! Aren't you gunna go speak to him?" she motioned towards where he was sitting. You looked over towards where she was motioning and saw the man sitting with Papas, Mosh, and Boogie. The four of them were talking about something, though you couldn't hear what, but it appeared as if Bubblegum was having a good time.
"No, I'm not" you took a small sip from your drink and scrunched your nose at the taste. "He's having a good time with those three, not gunna go over and ruin that" you shrugged, "besides, I'm comfortable right here."
House rolled her eyes, "suit yourself" she sighed, "I'm going to go and talk to Hip real quick, I'll be back in a couple, okay?" she slid off of the stool, taking her drink with her. You waved a quick goodbye as she disappeared into the crowd of people.
Focusing back on your drink, you silently stirred its contents around with the small, decorative umbrella you had. You were slightly tempted to steal another look at Wire again, but you stopped yourself upon feeling a presence behind you.
You frowned.
Surely it wasn't Wire, was it?
Had he been watching you this whole time? Did he even know it was you?
Whoever it was, they took the seat House had previously been sitting in. You couldn't see their face, as it was obscured by the large hood they had. Though you did notice that they already had a drink in their hand, and judging from the color, you assumed it was similar to the one House had gotten for you. Maybe it was a popular drink?
Before you could ask them what they wanted, they left as quickly as they had appeared, slipping off the stool and disappearing into the crowd.
You suddenly felt very uneasy.
Where was house?
You looked all over, trying to see if you could see the blue haired woman, you had no luck.
"Dammit" you muttered under your breath, deciding to swallow your pride, you turned around on your seat and tried your hardest to not look at Wire.
You were sure she was somewhere in this bar, she wouldn't have just left you behind, right?
Despite telling yourself to not look at Wire, you found yourself staring right at the booth he was currently sitting in. The three women that were still surrounding him had gotten even closer, one of them was perched right on his lap.
All worry of the mysterious man and where House had gone had gone out of the window as you watched that same woman look your way. A smug smile stretched her lips, and she made a point to grab at Wires face, laying a small kiss against his lips.
You tried to swallow your anger, to pretend that that didn't bother you.
But no matter how much you tried to deny it, you knew it bothered you deeply.
Breathing in, and breathing out, you tried to control your anger as best as you could. No matter how much you wanted to get up and pull that nasty bitch by her hair, you didn't want to give Wire a show a show he'd enjoy.
Setting your drink down, you slid off of your chair and smoothed down your dress.
A flirtatious smile graced your lips as you waltzed over towards Wire and the three women, keeping your eyes on the woman still perched on his lap, you made sure to put on your best act.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing with a man like this?" you smirked, looking her up and down. "Trust me, he's not that good in bed, I would know" you giggled, indicating with your fingers that he was small.
The woman furrowed her eyebrows, glancing at Wire, she looked back at you.
"I'm just wanting you to get your nights worth... you wont get much with him" you motioned towards Wire. "If you really want a good time..." looking over your shoulder, you pointed towards Killer.
"You see that blonde man over there? With the mask? He's a much better fuck" you chuckled, "and he'll pay for drinks."
Offering your hand to the woman, she gave one last glance towards Wire before giving you a coy smile. Taking your hand, you lifted her up and walked her over towards Killer, who said nothing.
Waving the girl goodbye, you turned and watched with monumental glee as the other women surrounding Wire got up and left, making their way towards Killer.
Making your way back towards Wire, you gave him a look, "rejection sure does sting, doesn't it?" you smirked as you made your way towards the exit. You could see his anger as clear as day, the way he flexed his jaw, you might as well have dug your own grave.
Oh well.
Leaving the bar, you let out a shaky breath.
"Fucking hell" you shivered, you were so so dead.
Deciding not to stick around for long, you started your walk back to the ship. You'd at least get some peace and quiet there, maybe drink a bit more before going to sleep. You knew you'd likely have to face hell tomorrow, as Wire was definitely going to beat your ass for ruining his one night of sexual release.
You knew it was a petty thing to do, but at the given moment? You really couldn't have given less of a shit.
You were sick of parading around trying to impress a man who didn't want you.
Besides, there was other fish in the sea.
Bubblegum momentarily popped up in your head, you quickly pushed that thought away.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you continued on forward. It was hard to remember where the ship was, it didn't quite help that it was nearly pitch black out save for the few street lights dotting the street you walked down.
You figured with a bit of walking, that you'd find it eventually.
Though, as you continued on, you could hear the sound of footsteps following behind you.
Maybe Wire decided to follow you out?
You hoped that wasn't the case.
Or maybe it was that weird guy who had sat next to you for less than a minute...
If that was the case, you had (hopefully) a better chance at making it out alive.
Listening to their footsteps, you realized it couldn't be Wire, their footsteps were heavy, but not nearly as heavy as Wires.
So it was that weird guy... maybe?
Slowly uncrossing your arms, you lowered them to your two pistols that you had sitting in holsters strapped to your belt. Pulling them out as quickly as you could, you turned on your heel and aimed towards the person following you.
"You best have good reason for following me-" your words came to an abrupt halt as an annoyed sigh left your lips. "Bubblegum, what the fuck are you doing?" you questioned, putting your guns away, you crossed your arms over your chest.
He stood there, looking everywhere but at you as he begun to whistle.
With your annoyance growing, you whipped out one of your pistols and pointed it towards his feet. Shooting at the ground, you prompted an almost girlish scream from the blue haired man.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you! I saw you leave, y-you looked pretty upset! So I just- I... figured I'd come out and try to comfort you!" he whimpered, taking a few cautionary steps back as he eyed the hole in the ground.
He let out another whimper as he realized just how close he was to earning a hole in his foot.
"Comfort me?" you snorted, "I don't know where you got such a funny idea from but I don't need comforting" you placed a hand on your hip. "But what I do need is for you to stop being a fucking creep and following me when it's pitch black out."
"Calling me a creep is a bit far don't you think...?" he rubbed the back of his neck, "I was just trying to watch over a fellow crewmate-" he stopped talking once he saw you raise your pistol once again.
"Okay- okay! I'll just... walk besides you then, yeah?" he watched you, clearly nervous.
"Why exactly are you so keen on following me" you frowned, "you should know I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, I wouldn't be a Kid pirate if I wasn't."
"Well- I-" he sputtered, his nervousness growing. "I just wanted to make sure you get back safe! I don't think it's safe for you to be alone, especially not... here" he looked around, grimacing.
You glanced around, the streets were in fact very dirty, you weren't very surprised.
A sigh left your lips as you looked back at Bubblegum, it was clear he wasn't going to leave you alone, though you supposed the company would be nice. "Fine.. yeah, whatever" you put your gun back in its holster and waved your hand, motioning for him to follow.
"So you were watching me?" you kept walking as you talked, you could see Bubblegum following next to you. "Well- yes and no" he chuckled, you supposed it was some kind of nervous tic of his. "It was hard not to watch after the commotion you made" he couldn't help but let a laugh slip past.
"Sorry" he covered his mouth, "It's just... you left Wire pretty upset back there, don't think I've ever seen him that angry before... What exactly did you do?" he asked.
"None of your business" you answered simply.
"Well, whatever it was, I figured you could also use some company seeing as everyone else was.. well.. occupied" he chuckled again.
"So, in other words, your actual intent was following me out here for sex?" you stopped and looked at him with a glare.
"Wha? no, no! Not at all!" he put his hands hands up, "did it really come off as me asking that?"
"I'm giving you shit" you shook your head and chuckled.
"But I am curious, why didn't you just stay at the bar? I'm sure you would've had a blast, there was plenty of women in search of a good time." you looked at him.
"I wanted to make sure you were safe" he answered honestly, "and I'm not really into the whole buying fake love thing" he looked down at you. "I prefer something more real, less... forced?" he shrugged. "I just don't like getting involved with that kind of stuff to put it simply."
You hummed, you really weren't one to judge a person based on their preferences; but it was strange that Bubblegum, a member of the Kid pirates, wasn't into that kind of stuff.
"That's a little strange, given the crew you're apart of, usually all of the men on the ship would jump at the first opportunity to get their dick wet" you snorted. "Are you saving yourself for marriage or something?"
Bubblegum let out a bark of laughter, "no no, not at all, I'm far from being a virgin" he continued to giggle. You couldn't help but smile, you liked the way his laugh sounded.
"I'm just waiting until the right person comes along, man or woman, it doesn't really matter to me" he shrugged.
"So..." you waved your hand in a circle, trying to get an actual answer out of him. "Is there someone you've got your eyes on?" you knew it was a sudden and rather invasive question, but you couldn't help but let curiosity get the better of you.
Despite House practically forcing you to hang around Bubblegum, you really didn't know a lot about the man. You knew he liked playing cards and styling his hair, along with alcohol, but that was pretty much it.
Not to mention his obsession with collecting shiny things.
But you had to admit, you liked talking to him.
"Not particularly" Bubblegum answered, he didn't seem at all off put by your person question. "There's a few good looking people in our crew, I'll admit that, but... yeah" he laughed nervously.
"That bit of laughter tells me otherwise" you smiled, "but I wont sit here and interrogate it out of you, truthfully it's none of my business."
"I'd rather word just.. didn't get around, I wouldn't want trouble starting up" he muttered, "not that I don't think telling them is worth it, I just... you get what I mean, right?"
"I do, yes" you chuckled.
Continuing forward, you sighed "so.. you wanna go to the kitchen and chill in there once we get to the ship? I know where Reck keeps his secret stash of alcohol."
Bubblegum let out a hum, "why not" he shrugged, "might as well dig each others graves afterwards though, Reck is pretty serious about people touching his stuff."
You couldn't help but snort, "we can just blame it on the rats, besides, he'll be too drunk to notice until later."
"Everyone will be too drunk to notice" Bubblegum corrected.
"Right" you chuckled.
Sitting in the kitchen and talking with Bubblegum had led you to realize that you quite enjoyed his company. He had a nice atmosphere around him, he was funny, and no matter the topic he somehow managed to make it all sound interesting. You found yourself curious as to how it took you this long to realize he wasn't that bad.
The both of you had been sitting for what felt like hours, giggling and joking about various things while you took turns sipping from the bottle of alcohol you had acquired (stole) from Recks' secret stash.
Thankfully, you haven't drank nearly as much as you thought you would've, keeping yourself somewhat sober.
"So..." Bubblegum slurred, placing his hands on the table he watched you, "what happened with Wire back at the bar?" he questioned.
You looked at him with a frown before sighing, you really didn't want to talk about it, but you knew in your drunken state you wouldn't be able to keep it in for long. "It's a long story" you hummed, rubbing the side of your face.
Everything was spinning as you rested your head on your hand.
The mood seemed to have taken a one-eighty as you thought back on everything that had happened, and suddenly you found yourself silently thanking Reck and his talent for making awful alcohol that fucked you up quick. It left you feeling ballsy enough to talk about what had happened with someone who could easily go behind your back.
You let out another drawn out sigh before stretching your arms out.
"Basically..." you started, "I had feelings for the asshole, told him how I felt, and he practically spat on me and my feelings" you wiped your face, a deep frown stretched your lips. "He ended up just kind of... ignoring me? Well, I ignored him for the most part, all because I had my feelings hurt..."
"But he kept trying to talk to me, kept trying to approach me, all this other shit, and I just continued to pretend that he didn't exist" you shrugged. "I know it was childish on my part, hell, it was extremely childish but I just..." you groaned, placing your arms on the table, you laid your head down.
You had no clue how you were able to speak that well after drinking so much, it had to be a superpower of sorts.
"I ended up ruining his night because I was jealous that he was letting some tramp crawl him like a tree.." you pouted, thinking back on it.
Looking up at Bubblegum, you watched as he attempted to process your words. You felt a bit bad, the man was already drunk off his ass and you practically word vomited all over him.
He slowly nodded his head, "I... understand, for the most part."
"Sorry" you continued to watch him with lidded eyes, you were growing tired, "probably shouldn't have just dumped all of that on you."
"It's okay" Bubblegum shrugged, "but damn that does suck" he giggled, "sorry, I don't mean to laugh at that."
You couldn't help but snort as you began laughing, "You're good, but uh... you do know we're gunna be in a world of trouble tomorrow right?"
"It-it's okay" Bubblegum hiccupped, "we can just throw the bottle overboard and go to bed, yeah? no harm no-" he covered his mouth, eyes going wide he practically jumped up from his seat and made a line towards the trash can.
Grimacing, you watched as his body tensed, the horrible sounds of him retching along with wet noise filling the trash bag was enough to sober you up quick. Getting up from your own seat, you made you way over to him and rubbed his back. "I think that's enough or the night" you looked down at him with worry, "let me grab you some water and a napkin or two..."
You were about to search for a clean cup before feeling one of his gloved hands wrap around your wrist. "I-I'm fine, just..." he placed a hand over his stomach and groaned, "what the fuck does reck put in that shit?" he weakly laughed.
"Probably something fucked, you know how he is" you couldn't help but chuckle.
Standing from his hunched position, he grabbed a small stack of nearby napkins and wiped his mouth. Leaning back against the wall, he let out a deep sigh, "Okay, I think- I think I'm okay... fuck that hurt."
"You wanna call it a night?" you looked up at him.
"Yeah, uh... no, not... not really" he looked down at you.
You felt your face flush red, you knew it was probably the alcohol speaking, but the way he was looking down at you was...
Get a hold of yourself.
The man just threw up everything in his stomach and you're having dirty thoughts?
Shame on you.
Laughing nervously, you looked away from him and tried to put a little distance between the both of you before realizing he still had his hand around your wrist. You felt heat flare up throughout your body as you realized how large his hand was compared to you.
You tried to reason with yourself, to talk yourself out of the idea of having him come to your room when you were both very clearly under the influence of alcohol. But it was so tempting, he was right there, quite literally looking ready to pounce on you within a seconds notice.
Was doing this truly wrong? You've known Bubblegum for a while... Was it wrong to have feelings like this? Especially when you're still getting over Wire?
Was it a good idea?
You decided last second that whatever awful choice you were about to make was whole heartedly worth it.
"Should we call it a-"
"Would... you like to come to my room?" you questioned, cutting him off.
You felt like you had been reduced down to nothing but a blushing school-girl with a simple crush as you looked at the floor.
"I have cards n' stuff..." you continued, "and I can help you get cleaned up and everything.."
Bubblegum watched you with wide eyes, seemingly surprised by your sudden offer.
He found himself questioning if it were a good idea, the idea of anything happening while both you and himself were drunk... what if you ended up hating him tomorrow? What if you regret it?
Bubblegum stuffed those thoughts deep down, it wasn't as if anything sexual was going to happen, shame on him for assuming such things. You were just being a good friend and offering a night of games, along with a helpful hand in getting him all cleaned up... That surely wouldn't lead to anything.. right?
"Sure" Bubblegum answered, he tried his best to control his breathing, he didn't want to risk popping a boner over some indecent thoughts when you were just trying to be a friend.
A friend....
You perked up, "I'll get everything cleaned up real quick, then we can head to my room" you gave him a wide smile as you got started wiping the table.
Bubblegum helped with cleaning up a bit of the trash, and pretty soon the kitchen was back in the state Killer had left it in. "Alright, come on" you waved him towards the door before quietly exiting.
Bubblegum followed you out as you practically skipped towards your room, he knew this newfound giddiness was from the alcohol still in your system, but it was nice seeing you this happy.
Continuing to follow after you, he heard what sounded like footsteps approaching. Looking over his shoulder he felt his heart drop to his gut as he watched Wire make his way onto the ship.
Bubblegum was quick to pretend as if he didn't see the tall and rather terrifying man, but he could certainly feel his glare piercing him. He knew he fucked up, he was definitely going to get some kind of punishment tomorrow.
He'd have to explain to Wire that nothing had happened, just a simple sleepover.
He'd believe that, right?
Silently praying that his death is at least quick, Bubblegum followed you as you opened the door to your room, and slipped inside.
Though before he entered, he peered over his shoulder one last time just to see Wire still watching him.
He was so dead.
This was... awkward.
Bubblegum sat in your room with you as you looked everywhere for the deck of cards you swore you had in your room. You had promised him up and down that you had a few decks, you were sure you did, you kept them stashed away in one of your clothing drawers.
"Fuck" you whined, angrily shoving pants back into one of the pulled out drawers, you sighed. "I'm sorry Bubblegum, I swore I had a few decks but I guess not..." you frowned.
"It's alright" Bubblegum shrugged, "I can just go and get-" he stopped himself, suddenly remembering the very angry Wire that was aboard the ship, he really didn't want to bump into him.
"I think I left my deck at the bar" Bubblegum lied.
"No matter" you waved your hand and sighed again, "we can just uhh..." you tried to think, but absolutely nothing came to mind.
"Why don't we call it a night?" Bubblegum questioned, more than ready to fall asleep on the floor and get this night over with. It wasn't that he was annoyed with you, not by any means, he was just terrified of what tomorrow would bring, and he just wanted to get it over with.
"There is... one thing" you looked at him.
"And that is...?" Bubblegum looked at you.
"Well, I mean, we both stink so" you shrugged, "we could shower together."
Bubblegum practically choked on his saliva, sitting up quickly on the floor, he put his hands up. "I don't think that's a good idea, you're drunk ___, you- you're not thinking correctly."
"I'm not drunk though" you looked at him, a frown on your face.
"Still I don't think-"
"You're not denying the idea though" you purred, taking a step closer to him.
Bubblegum felt his face flare, the idea of being naked with you in a tub filled with steaming water was more than tempting but his thoughts kept going back to Wire, and that look he received from him.
He truly looked pissed.
But he was going to be pissed off either way, whether something happens or not. He might as well take up the opportunity, for all he knew something nice could come of it, like you giving him a chance.
The idea of being with you sounded nice.
Too nice to pass up.
"Fine" Bubblegum answered, looking at you.
You let out a noise, clearly delighted at the fact that Bubblegum agreed. Leaning down to grab his arm, you had him stand up before dragging him towards your bathroom.
The sound of running water drowned out the string of whimpers that left Bubblegums lips as your hands roamed his body.
Truthfully, Bubblegum wasn't expecting things to take a turn this quickly, not that he was complaining. He had been so careful as to not make you uncomfortable, even going as far as to keeping his back turned as you got undressed.
But it seemed you weren't uncomfortable at all, in fact it seemed like you were thoroughly enjoying yourself as you lathered soap against his body.
Bubblegum couldn't help himself at that point, feeling your hands trailing up and down his body, it was enough to send him into a frenzy. He struggled to keep himself under control, the way his cock throbbed so painfully as you grazed his v-line, getting oh so close but not nearly close enough.
He wanted you to do as you pleased, but this? This was just straight torture.
"Are you alright?" You asked sweetly, leaving a small kiss against his spine as you ran your soapy hands over his chest. Bubblegum swallowed, "yes- I'm fine" he answered, trying to keep himself still.
He felt one of your hands dip down once again, this time going farther than his V-line. He tried to hold in the moan that threatened to leave his lips, but he couldn't keep from allowing his body to jerk as you wrapped a soapy hand around his shaft.
A shudder ran throughout his body as you slowly pumped his cock, he reached forward, placing a hand on the shower wall. He was desperately clinging to any resolve he had.
You smiled against his back as you continued, loving the reactions you were getting out of the man. "Is this too much?" you cooed.
Bubblegum opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a shaky moan as you squeezed him. "Yes? No? Should I stop?" you feigned concern, though you didn't give him time to answer as you removed your hand from him and stepped away.
Bubblegum let out a noise, one akin to a deep whine as he silently protested you leaving him high and dry. He turned to look at you, desperation in his eyes he reached for you, but you took another step back.
"I need to clean myself off, why don't you get out and get dried off?" you smiled at him.
"But-" Bubblegum looked at you as if you had just kicked him away.
"Go" you shooed him away, "get yourself washed off, I'll be out in a couple, m'kay?"
He stared at you for a few moments, as if contemplating something before finally washing himself down and stepping out. He seemed upset.
Which was exactly what you were wanting.
You wanted to see just how riled up you could get him, whether he goes through with fucking you silly or not, you knew you'd find out.
It took about ten minutes for you to get finished, having pulled on nothing but an oversized T-shirt, you made your way towards the door.
Turning off the light and stepping out, you realized the lights in your bedroom had been turned off, leaving it pitch black. "Bubblegum?" you called out, you swore you had left the top light on, was Bubblegum already asleep?
Apart of you felt bad for teasing him, maybe you should've held back.
Feeling around, you found your bed and ran your hands over it, "...Bubblegum?" you whispered. You didn't feel him in the bed, in fact the blankets still felt as smoothed out as you had left them when you made your bed this morning.
Hearing the floor creak behind you, you had no time to react before a hand found itself at the back of your neck. "Shh" Bubblegum shushed you as you tried to push back against him. "Bubblegum?! What are you-"
Your muffled words were cut off as he forced you further up onto the bed. Feeling his free hand wrap underneath you, he wrapped it around your throat and lifted you against him. The position was slightly awkward as he held you there, "you move and I leave" he muttered in your ear.
"You've teased me far too much tonight, ___" he growled, "do you think it's funny? Toying with me like this?"
He kept his one hand against your throat, and used his other to grasp at your hip, keeping you steady against him. "I'm tired of being starved, ___" you could feel his cock throbbing against your backside.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about-" you choked out a reply, "I don't understand."
"You don't understand?" Bubblegum breathed, the feeling of his breath tickling your ear caused a shiver to run through your body. You weren't sure where this was coming from, or why he was acting like this, but you knew you couldn't sit here and say you weren't enjoying it.
"You make me feel like I am going crazy" he said lowly, "you sit here and promise me such wonderful things, and then you take it all away just when I think I'm capable of obtaining it all..." he left a small kiss against your shoulderblade as he spoke.
"Tell me, ___, do you know how unfair that is?" he tightened his grip against your throat, "it's cruel, you're cruel."
"What do you-" you shuddered, you could feel the heat between your legs growing.
"I think you know exactly what I mean" Bubblegum spoke softly, "and I think it's only fair if I return the favor" you felt his hand leave your hip and slowly dip down. Arching against him, a stifled whimper left your lips as he slowly dragged his fingers over your slick cunt.
"Bubblegum" you moaned quietly as he inserted two of fingers inside of you, curling them at just the right angle you jerked against him. He continued to curl his fingers, "should I keep going?" he questioned, "p-please" you whimpered.
He let out a soft chuckle before removing his hands from you all together. You clenched your thighs together, desperate to feel something as he took a step away. "Wha-? No- no please-" you whimpered, turning around on the bed, you faced him. "Bubblegum please-"
"Oh? You want me to continue?" he mused, your eyes had adjusted enough to see him looking down at you, a cocky smirk stretched his lips.
"Please" you begged, staring up at him with pleading eyes.
Bubblegum stared down at you, truthfully he knew he couldn't hold onto this whole facade much longer. He was aching to be inside of you, it was a miracle he managed to hold out this long.
"Hands and knees then" he made a twirling motion with his finger, "make sure you take off your shirt, and keep quiet, yeah? Don't need to be waking anyone on the ship." He knew there wasn't anyone else on this ship except for you, himself, and Wire.
But you didn't need to know that.
He watched as you quickly obliged, removing your shirt and getting into position, Bubblegum almost laughed at how quick you were. He hadn't expected you to give in so easily, truthfully, he thought you were more of a dominant person, but clearly he was wrong.
You were more than happy to be used and thrown around.
And he was happy to give you just that as he was far too impatient tonight to take his time with you. "If I hurt you, let me know" he spoke softly as he positioned himself behind you. Grabbing his cock, he rubbed it against your cunt, coating himself with your wetness.
You let out soft mewls, trying your best to keep quiet as Bubblegum pushed his tip inside of you. He barely gave you a moment to adjust as he slammed his hips forward, forcing himself into you in one swift motion.
You arched, letting out a loud cry, Bubblegum cursed under his breath at both the feeling of you wrapped around him and how loud you were.
"To hell with it" he groaned quietly, he knew no matter how hard he tried he wouldn't be able to keep you quiet. At this point, he didn't quite care if Wire heard you, in fact he wanted Wire to hear you.
He wanted Wire to know how badly he fumbled by rejecting you.
His arrogance was truly going to be the death of him.
Grabbing your hips, he wasted no time setting a rough pace as he fucked into you. He let out deep groans as he felt your cunt wrap and flutter around him, he wished he had made a move on you sooner because gods did you feel good.
"Fuck- ___" he growled, lowering himself against you, he placed his chest against your back as he practically rutted against you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the feeling, drool was beginning to collect at the corner of your mouth, and you already felt close to tipping over the edge.
"Bubblegum, I'm gunna-" you cried out.
Bubblegum shuddered against you as you throbbed around him, your cunt tightening over his cock as you came. He cursed under his breath, lifting himself off of you, he gripped at your hips as his thrusts stalled for a moment.
You whined, feeling him slowly pull out of you.
Lowering himself, he left small kisses against the inside of your thighs as he got closer and closer to your cunt. He wanted to keep going, but he knew if he did he wouldn't last nearly as long as he wanted to.
Using his thumbs to spread your lips, he wasted no time tasting you.
A long, drawn out moan was ripped from your throat as Bubblegum ran his tongue flat over you, lapping up every bit of your wetness. You gripped at the bedsheets, trying your best to keep yourself still as he practically made a meal out of you.
He groaned against you, his hands digging into your ass, he couldn't help himself as he reached down and began pumping his cock. He wanted to wait, he wanted to make this moment last, but he just couldn't.
Not when he's waited so long.
He felt himself drawing near his end, removing himself from you, he grabbed your hips and flipped you onto your back. A surprised cry left your lips as he placed both of your legs onto his shoulders.
Thrusting back into you with one quick motion, he practically melted at the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him once again. Your warmth and tightness was enough to almost sling-shot him towards his release.
"Doing so good" he groaned, starting up a quick pace, he bent himself forward, pushing your legs against your chest, he pushed his cock deeper into you. You watched him with lidded eyes, your face contorted with pleasure, he couldn't do anything other than watch.
"Don't know how I waited this long" Bubblegum shuddered, "y'feel so good."
Your eyes fluttered shut as you tipped over the edge once again, your cunt fluttered and throbbed around him, easing him into his own orgasm. He gripped the bedsheets as he gave one last final thrust before cumming.
He slowly laid his head down against your chest, attempting to control his breathing, he could still feel you throbbing around his slowly softening cock.
Slowly lowering your legs from his shoulders, Bubblegum slid his arms underneath you and lifted you against him. "I think another shower is overdue" he chuckled.
You hummed against him, wrapping your arms around his neck, you laid your head against his shoulder.
A soft, tired groan left you as you slowly sat up on your bed. You had little to no recollection of what happened last night aside from dragging Bubblegum to your room after he got sick. "Mm.." you stretched, letting out another groan, you yawned.
"Bubblegum?" you spoke as you yawned, covering your mouth, you looked around your room.
Was he sleeping on the floor?
You slowly lifted yourself crawling towards the end of your bed, you didn't see Bubblegum at all. You questioned if he left the room, maybe he was in the bathroom?
You got up to check, feeling a strange soreness in between your legs, the memories of last night finally dawned on you. A deep blush traveled up your neck and face, leaving you a deep red as you lifted your shirt.
Looking down at your body you could see the various small bruises he left against you.
You felt like jumping overboard from pure embarrassment.
Where was he?
You momentarily pushed the thoughts of what had happened last night aside, finding Bubblegum was your first priority.
Opening up your bathroom, you switched on the light and looked around.
"Bubblegum...?" you called again, you were beginning to get worried.
Did he leave?
Opening up your closet, you felt your heart slowly sink at the realization that he only wanted you for a one night stand.
Shaking your head, you pushed that thought away. That couldn't be the case, Bubblegum wasn't like that.
A knock on your door sounded, startling you from your thoughts, you quickly made your way back to your bed and covered your legs. "What is it?" you yelled, wincing at how awful your voice sounded.
The door to your room slowly opened, and your small smile slowly turned into a frown as Wire made his way inside. "So you really are making a whore out of yourself" he chuckled.
"What the fuck do you want" you scowled, glaring at him as he closed your bedroom door behind himself. "Well?" you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You're not going to answer my question?" he hummed, raising an eyebrow. He looked bored as ever, but his eyes held a glint of something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"What question?" you snorted, "you putting me down for having an actual relationship was a question? I thought it was just you being an asshole."
Wire frowned, you watched as he looked around your room, as if searching for something.
"An actual relationship huh?" he focused back onto you, you could hear the hint of laughter in his voice. "You do realize Bubblegum is known for his... flings, right?" he snickered.
You felt your heart drop even further, but you refused to give Wire any sort of reaction. "And what do you know exactly? As far as I'm concerned you have flings all the time... and since when do you involve yourself with other peoples' business?"
Wires frown deepened further, setting his jaw he looked at you with a hint of anger. "I'm just trying to stop you from getting hurt, we're crewmates we're supposed to look out and care for eachother-"
"Oh" you laughed bitterly, "that is rich coming from you, acting like you care after rejecting me and then going out for a nice night of debauchery! Right.." you scoffed.
"Just get your nose out of my business and get your ass out of my room, thanks."
Wire glared down at you, "you don't get to speak to me like that" he growled. "I am your superior, and I expect you to treat me with respect" he practically spat.
Anger swelled in your chest as you watched him loom over you. You didn't understand why he was acting like this, why was it any of his business? Did he have feelings for Bubblegum? Was he jealous?
It would make sense as to why he didn't want you with him.
You couldn't help but snort at the thought, immediately covering your mouth, you looked up at Wire with both fear and amusement.
"What?" he looked at you, you could see the vein in his forehead popping, he was pissed.
"Are you trying to prevent me from getting with Bubblegum because you like him?" you let a small laugh slip through. "I didn't realize you swung that way-"
"Say that again and I will have you tossed overboard" he practically snarled, taking a step forward, he grabbed your shirt and lifted you.
You tried to grab hold of the blanket covering your legs, but it was far too late.
Wire glanced down, his eyes going wide for just a moment as he spotted the various bruises against your inner thighs.
"S-so am I right?" you stuttered, trying to bring his focus away from your thighs.
His frown deepened further, dragging you closer to him, you could feel his breath fanning your face.
You kept your eyes on him, hoping and praying that he wouldn't make any kind of comment.
He looked as if he were contemplating something as he opened his mouth to speak. Shaking his head, he 'tsked' before dropping you back onto your bed.
Turning on his heel, he left your bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
You watched the door for a moment longer, covering your legs back up you tried to comprehend what had just happened.
It had been a few days after your night with Bubblegum, and Wires... tantrum.
At least you thought it was a tantrum.
The ship hadn't pulled away from the brothel island, much to your disappointment. Kid made it known that the crew would be docked for upwards of a week, you had no idea why, nor did you want to find out.
Kid probably had some whore he's taken a liking to.
Disregarding that thought, you hadn't really left your room since the whole thing with Bubblegum. You'd only invited House into your room, who seemed just as upset.
She hadn't seen much of Bubblegum either, the man seemed to just vanish.
But despite this, House tried her best to try and coax you out of your room, stating that some daylight and fresh air would be good for you.
In the end you gave in and did exactly as she asked.
Pulling on a nice and simple dress, you left the ship and figured a walk around the island wouldn't hurt. It was broad daylight, no one would assume anything, at least you hoped not.
Making your way through the town, you admired a few of the buildings. They may have been bars or strip clubs, but their architecture was stunning. You could hear the music and shouting of plenty of people from various buildings, it seemed no matter the time of day, it was a constant party.
It reminded you of your crew.
A small smile graced your lips, you loved your crew but...
Thoughts about Wire and Bubblegum swirled in your mind, was it worth staying if you were just going to constantly keep getting hurt? You didn't want to stay in a crew that was set out on emotionally abusing you.
Shaking your head, you pushed those thoughts away. How silly of you to even think about leaving a crew that cherishes you, despite the way Bubblegum and Wire have treated you, it would be childish to leave over something as miniscule as that.
You focused back on your walk, looking around, you realized you were being followed.
What kind of idiot would follow a woman in broad daylight?
You sighed, rolling your eyes, you reached for your guns.
"Wha..?" you looked down at your waist, feeling the color drain from your face you realized you had forgotten to bring your guns with you.
Continuing your pace, you started looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of at least one of your crewmates. The streets were almost barren, save for a few people entering and exiting various bars.
You could feel anxiety swirling in your gut as you tried to weigh the possibilities of fighting back, the person following you was most likely a man.
You had no idea how strong he was, did he have a weapon? Did he have anyone helping him? You tried glancing behind you, catching a glimpse, you realized he didn't appear to be strong.
Appearances can be deceiving.
"Fuck" you muttered under your breath.
You really didn't have any other choice but to rely on someone to help you, you knew you weren't going to be strong enough to fight off this person, especially if you didn't have a weapon.
You silently cursed yourself for being dumb enough to leave your guns behind.
Walking a little faster, you could hear the person behind you speeding up.
You were growing frantic at this point.
Searching around, you caught a glimpse of blue hair leaving some kind of bar, you felt relief run through your body.
It was Heat!
You broke out into a full sprint, hearing the man behind you yell out, you could hear him not far behind. He was hot on your heels as you made your way towards Heat, but the closer you got, the more you realized it wasn't Heat.
It was Bubblegum.
And he was with Wire.
Somehow, you felt your heart drop even lower at the idea of going to them for help. You wanted to turn the other way, to look for Killer, or Kid, or someone that wasn't the two people you didn't want to see right now.
However you knew you didn't have a choice.
You could practically feel the mans' breath on the back of your neck, pushing yourself to go faster, you just barely closed the distance between yourself and both men before a searing pain ripped down your forearm.
A pained cry left your lips as a hand grasped at your other arm, yanking you back. Attempting to push the man away, you felt a cold shiver run down your spine as you caught a glimpse of a blade being raised above your head.
Your eyes widened as time seemed to slow down, the terror and realization that death was immanent felt as if you were falling into freezing cold water.
Opening your mouth, you tried to call out to Wire, to Bubblegum, to whoever, but to no avail as words failed to make it past your lips.
A sudden flash of black whizzed past, you felt the mans' grip leave your arm. "___!" Bubblegum called out, pulling you away. He held you against himself as you watched Wire with wide eyes, witnessing him bring his trident down onto the man who had been chasing you. Closing your eyes, you grimaced at the awful sound of his trident impaling the man, the gruesome squelch and crack was enough to leave you feeling sick.
Slowly lowering you to the ground, Bubblegum held onto you as you opened your eyes.
Wire kept his Trident in the mans' chest as he knelt down and roughly removed his hood. You felt your heart stop as you recognized his face. "That...-" you stopped, trying to keep yourself from coughing, the burning in your chest made it hard to breathe.
"Bubblegum get her inside, her arm needs medical attention" Wire spoke, lifting his trident from the mans' chest. "What about all of this? Kid'll-" Bubblegum started, his face just as pale as yours as he pulled you up from the ground.
"I'll deal with it, get her inside" he looked at Bubblegum, you could see the vein in his head popping, you knew he was angry.
Bubblegum slowly pulled you away, leading you towards a hotel.
Sitting in a hotel room with a bandaged arm, sore legs, and a pair of burning lungs wasn't on your to-do list for the day, but neither was sitting with Bubblegum and a rather pissed off Wire.
Having curled up on the rather comfortable bed, you looked between both men as they stared at you. "Do you have to stare?" you questioned, feeling quite uncomfortable with the fact that neither of them have looked away after what felt like ten minutes.
"Sorry.." Bubblegum muttered, looking at the ground.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" Wire cut in suddenly, causing you to look right at him. You raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?'
"Leaving the ship without your guns? Going on a walk on an island that's notorious for this type of shit, do you realize how much trouble you could've been in if me and Bubblegum weren't there to help?" He stood from his seat, glaring down at you.
"So me getting chased and hurt is my fault, right..." you chuckled bitterly, looking away from the man, you frowned.
"You're putting words into my mouth" Wire sneered, "not once did I say it was your fault, I just thought you would've taken caution."
"I'm not some damsel in distress, I know how to take care of myself" you looked back at Wire, you felt your blood beginning to boil.
"Clearly not" he shook his head, "if you knew how to take care of yourself, you wouldn't have been running for help in the first place!"
You said nothing, deciding to stare out of the singular window in the room, you tried to fight back the sudden urge to cry. It felt like Wire was blaming you for what had happened, surely that wasn't the case right? You wanted to go out for some fresh air, to get your mind off of everything that had happened, you didn't ask to get chased and nearly killed.
"Who was he" Wire spoke up, gaining your attention, "you looked like you recognized the man chasing you, so who was he?"
"Why does it matter?" you felt your throat burning as tears threatened to spill, "you gunna sit there and tell me it's my fault for knowing him?"
"You're being childish"
"And you're being an asshole!" you yelled at him.
"How?! For caring about you? For not wanting you to get hurt?!" Wire raised his voice, "you could've gotten killed, ___" he took a step closer toward you.
Giving Wire an incredulous look, you let out a bitter laugh, "caring about me? Does me nearly getting killed somehow magically make room for me in that heart of yours? Fuck you Wire" you sneered.
"I'm going back to the ship" you got up from the bed.
Pushing past Wire, you barely made it a step further before he grabbed your good arm and ripped you backwards. "You're not leaving this room" he growled, pushing you back onto the bed.
"Wire" Bubblegum spoke up, "step out for a second, I want to talk to her."
Wire stared at Bubblegum for a moment before looking back down at you.
He clicked his tongue, "be quick about it then" he turned on his heel and left the room.
You were partially surprised that Wire even listened to Bubblegum.
"___" Bubblegum snapped you out of your thoughts, taking a step closer to you, you glared at him. "So you two are all buddy buddy now?" you scoffed, "good to know."
"It's not like that" Bubblegum tried to keep his voice low, not wanting to cause even more of a ruckus. "I know you're upset with me for leaving after..." he trailed off, you knew exactly what he was referring to.
"For ditching me after our wonderful night of romance? I don't even want to hear it" you crossed your arms.
"Will you please just listen?" Bubblegum whined, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I really didn't, but as soon as I woke up that morning I had left to get some new clothes and-" he abruptly stopped before sighing.
"I ran into Wire, he was absolutely livid that I had spent the night with you."
"So in other words you ended up ditching me in order to make Wire happy" you stared at him, "why don't you just save yourself some time and leave? I'm no longer interested in you, and I'm not interested in wire... So just leave it at that."
Bubblegum looked hurt for a moment before frowning, "that's a lie and you know it."
"So what if it is? Why does it matter? It's clear neither of you want a relationship so why do you care so much?"
"But we do want a relationship" he looked at you, exasperated.
"We want a relationship with you, we both want to be with you it's just, we- we want to share you" his face grew a few shades red upon confessing.
"Hold on, where- where is this coming from?" you stood up from the bed, "you mean to tell me that you both, as in you and Wire, want to share me?" you couldn't help but feel confused, they weren't trying to fuck with you were they?
"Yes! That's exactly it, I-"
"Can I just...." you sighed, rubbing at your temples, "can I have a moment please? By myself?"
Bubblegum opened his mouth to speak before closing it again, "a-alright, I'll be outside."
You watched as he left the room, sitting back down on the bed, you tried to make sense of everything you just heard. You felt like you should be happy, but you just felt... unsure?
The idea of being with both Wire and Bubblegum sounded like nothing but trouble, you doubted the two could actually get along. What if it caused problems within the crew?
Doubts began to flood your mind.
Staring down at your hands, you couldn't help but wonder how everything seemed to just fall into place for you, all within seconds. This whole week had been nothing short of a complete shit show and now suddenly it's going exactly as you wanted?
You couldn't help but feel like some kind of sorcery was involved.
Rubbing your face and letting out a long, drawn out groan, you looked up at the ceiling and questioned everything. It felt like your life was actually just being written out, as if pre-planned on a piece of paper. Maybe some unseeable great being akin to a god made all of your choices for you, maybe they swayed every single one of your thoughts, and controlled all of your actions without your knowledge.
You were being silly.
No such thing like that existed, you were in control of what happened in your life... for the most part.
But was being with both Wire and Bubblegum truly a good idea?
Did Wire even actually have feelings for you? Or is it some kind of guise to get back at you.
Unfortunately, you were curious enough to find out.
"I really hope I don't regret this" you whined, getting up from the bed, you made your way to the door and opened it.
Both men were standing in the hallway, talking quietly to each other before noticing you.
"I'll.. give it a shot, give us a shot."
"That's all we need" Wire smirked.
It had been over a month since you agreed to be in a relationship with both Wire and Bubblegum, and to your surprise it was going good, you enjoyed the company of both men.
You just weren't a fan of Kid and House constantly butting into your business, constantly asking you how you managed to get both men to fit. They both seemed to enjoy the reaction it got out of you.
Wire and Bubblegum never did much to help with that, the both of them usually laughed right along with Kid, and House.
But despite everything that had happened, especially with you ruining Wires' night at the bar, the man was kind enough to explain to you why he rejected you in the first place. He had claimed it was because he thought you were far too 'soft' for his rather rough demeanor. He was just fearful of it being far too much for you to handle, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt you.
With these words, you had just felt the slightest bit of offended, you didn't think you came off as a soft person what-so-ever. You had even told him this, expressing the fact that you weren't at all soft, you had been met with laughter as Wire further explained what he meant.
I don't mean you're soft as a person, I mean soft as in your vanilla in the bedroom" he chuckled, "I'm into some wild shit, I didn't want to risk hurting you."
You could remember the blush that burned bright on your cheeks as you apologized for the way you ruined his one good night at the bar, it was embarrassing realizing he was only looking out for you.
He had assured you that it was fine.
After that, everything seemed to run smoothly, you ended up allowing Wire and Bubblegum into your room whenever they pleased, and the three of you usually ended up sleeping together most nights.
And surprisingly, those nights were usually filled with very.. soft sex, much to your surprise. Wire had explained he didn't want to jump right into everything he was into, and Bubblegum was up for whatever was thrown on the table.
Until tonight.
The crew was having fun, drinking and partying after a successful battle, everyone was enjoying themselves. You had been sipping on some alcohol, not feeling up to getting absolutely trashed while Wire and Bubblegum took it upon themselves to drink as much as they could.
You watched both men chug down their mugs of alcohol, one after the other.
"You're not gunna join the party?" Bubblegum asked, offering you a full mug despite already having your own. "Nah, I don't feel like getting trashed, I'm probably going to go to sleep early, that fight took a lot out of me" you smiled.
"Oh come on, not even a little fun?" Bubblegum practically whined, gaining the attention of Wire, who made his way over. "What's going on?" he looked between you and Bubblegum.
"___ is calling it early" Bubblegum motioned towards you, causing a bit of alcohol to spill out of the mug he was holding.
"You're not hurt are you?" Wire looked at you, raising an eyebrow.
"No, no I'm not hurt" you set down your mug, you knew someone would end up picking it up and finishing it off anyways. "I'm just tired, I'll see y'all tomorrow" you gave a small wave to both boys as you made your way to your bedroom.
Both Wire and Bubblegum watched as you left, they were a little disappointed that you didn't stay out and drink with them, but if you were tired then it couldn't be helped.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Wire smirked.
"Uhh.." Bubblegum cocked an eyebrow, "what are we thinking exactly?"
"Come on" Wire motioned for Bubblegum to follow as he led him to his room.
Bubblegum followed without asking too many questions, though he was completely and utterly confused on what Wire was hinting at. "I think we've been too soft on ___ this past month, yeah? You think it's time to bust out the big shit?" Wire snickered.
"The.. big shit?" Bubblegum tried to understand where Wire was coming from.
"Fucks sake, the cuffs, the vibrators, the gags, y'know?" he scoffed, "how clueless can you be?"
"Okay well, for your information-"
"I don't want to hear it, just help me get the box out" Wire opened his door up, allowing Bubblegum inside.
His room wasn't horrible, it's exactly what Bubblegum assumed it would look like.
Filled with tattered dark cloth covering all of the portholes, the room was rather dark save for the top light and a singular lamp sitting next to his bed. "Right here" Wire motioned, opening up his rather small closet, he pulled out a box labeled 'TOYS'.
"Wow what a name" Bubblegum hummed.
"Shut the fuck up"
Placing it on his bed, he started digging through it, "y'think she'll dig some cuffs?" Wire pulled out said cuffs, they were black (of course) with silver studs.
"You're the one with all the 'expertise' with this, besides, I use whatever" Bubblegum shrugged, he wasn't one to be picky.
Wire scoffed, he didn't know why he had Bubblegum join him in the first place, the man was little to no help.
"Just help me go through this will you?"
You were laying in bed reading a book when Bubblegum made an abrupt entrance into your room, holding open the door, you watched as Wire came in with a box. "Uhh...? Care to explain?" you looked between the both of them with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, we figured since you didn't want to party out there, that we'd just bring the party in here" Bubblegum smiled, motioning towards the box.
Before you could question anything, Wire flipped the box over and allowed its contents to spill out over your bed.
Your face turned red as you realized it was a rather large amount of bondage toys, sex toys, and pretty much anything else a person could think of. Reaching forward, you picked up a pair of cuffs, "I hope these are... clean" you set them back down.
"You think I don't clean my stuff after using it?" Wire crossed his arms, "I may be a pirate but I'm not dirty"
"Never said you were" you picked up what looked like a harness, "and this is...?"
"Strap-on harness" Wire shrugged, "you into those?"
"Wow" you made a face, "this is really sudden."
"If you don't want to it's fine, we're not gunna force ya" Wire shrugged, getting ready to pack everything up back into the box it came in.
"No no, I want to it's just- we're not using all of it tonight are we?" you were certainly worried that was the case.
"What?" Wire couldn't help but let a laugh slip through, "no, that's not how that works, we'll do what we know you can handle and build up from there."
"Then can I pick out what I know I can handle?" you looked at Wire.
"That was the point of me bringing all of this to your room"
You pursed your lips as you rummaged through the mess of toys on your bed.
Wire and Bubblegum seemed surprised as you pulled out a few different things ranging from ropes and spreader-bars, to gags, blindfolds, and paddles. It was all primarily BDSM toys, you knew you were flexible enough to handle quite a bit of it, and the idea of being completely restricted while-
"I think we'll hold out on this for tonight" Wire reached forward, grabbing the ball-gag you had chosen, he tossed it back into the box. "Why?" you questioned, frowning a bit, you were looking forward to using it.
"Because we're gunna be putting your mouth to use, anyways, are you done picking out everything?" he placed a hand on his hip as he waited.
Bubblegum stood next to him, looking over your selected items, he hummed.
He didn't take you for someone who was into bondage, not that he was complaining.
"Yeah, well- actually" you reached into the pile and pulled out a butt-plug with a heart shaped base that sported a false red gem.
Wire snorted as he began putting everything else back into the box.
"Should I go put on some kind of outfit?" you questioned, "I have a black lingerie set."
"You can if you want, but it'll likely end up ruined" Wire shrugged, "just let me get this cleaned up and we can get started."
You pouted at the fact that you couldn't wear the black and gold lingerie set you had bought while on that awful brothel island. It was cute, and it looked extremely good on you, but you also didn't want it getting ruined.
"Alright" Wire stood up, "lets get you undressed and set up, yeah?" he smirked.
You whimpered, Wire had already cuffed your legs, forcing you into a doggy-style position with your arms stretched out and cuffed underneath you. You found the position to be slightly uncomfortable, but it wasn't something you couldn't handle.
"You doing okay?" Wire spoke, you could hear both men shuffling around in your room, though you couldn't see them as Wire had already blindfolded you. It was strange, having your sight taken away, it made hearing all the smaller things around you much much easier.
Nodding your head as best you could, you felt the bed dip in front of you.
"Just me" Bubblegum ran one of his hands through your hair, "you look pretty like this y'know."
"He's right" Wire mused, you let out a sharp, muffled cry as he spanked you with the paddle you had picked out. "You're doing good so far, makes me wonder how long you'll last" he chuckled, bringing the paddle back down against you.
You arched your back, letting out another cry.
You could hear the spreader-bar clanking as you moved, the feeling of not being able to move away was both arousing and terrifying. You knew Wire would be careful with you, but you also knew how sadistic the man could be.
What exactly did you get yourself into?
"I think we're ready to start, yeah?" Wire spoke, you jerked feeling something cold being smeared against your asshole.
"Careful now, just some lube" Wire grabbed the butt-plug you had picked out earlier, "if this hurts, let me know" he slowly pushed it into you, earing a muffled groan as it slowly slipped inside.
"Fuck" Wire growled, "It's a shame we can't have you tied up 'n on display like this everyday... gods know I'd pay to see it." You answered him with a whimper as he crawled up onto the bed, positioning himself behind you, you could feel the tip of cock just barely brushing up against your inner thigh.
Your body jerked feeling Wires' fingers rub against your slit, a low growl rumbled in his throat. "What a freaky little thing you are, already completely soaked" he smiled, "you're pretty accustomed to being stuffed full, I think you'll be okay without any prepping for tonight."
Bubblegum let out a small laugh, you could feel him lightly caressing the side of your face before grabbing a fistful of your hair. Raising your head, you let out a low groan from both pleasure and pain. "You remember your safe-word right?" he asked.
You swallowed, "Y-yes."
"What is it?" Wire chimed in, you could hear the slick noises as he pumped his cock, most likely applying lube. "It's red" you let out another groan feeling Bubblegum raise your head up a little farther.
You could hear Bubblegums' hum of approval as Wire placed his hands on your hips, a shiver ran through your body as your anticipation grew. "Someone's excited" Wire snickered, he watched you with a careful eye as he grabbed hold of his cock.
Slowly pushing his hips forward, you opened your mouth, letting out a groan. Bubblegum wasted no time forcing his cock into your mouth, causing you to gag as your nose hit his base. "Fucking hell, careful with her" Wire scolded him as he grabbed hold of your hips.
Giving a quick thrust forward, your body jerked as he fully bottomed out. A barely audible cry left you, jerking against your restraints, the bars clanked as you moved.
"You're one to talk" Bubblegum scoffed, if it weren't for Bubblegum having his cock down your throat, and the feeling of Wire throbbing inside of you, you would've yelled at the both of them.
You moaned against Bubblegum as he continued to throat-fuck you, moving one of his hands from your hair, he used it to hold the side of your face as he kept your head still with each thrust. You could hear his grunts and small noises of pleasure with each buck of his hips.
Wire remained still behind you, allowing you to somewhat adjust to his size. He knew you were already capable of taking him with or without prepping, hell, it seemed as if you were built specifically for him and his cock with how well you took him.
He'd always have to be careful with other women, but with you? He could fuck you silly with everything he had and he loved it.
He loved you.
Not that he'd admit that.
Pulling back his hips, he groaned at the way your cunt throbbed around him, the way it practically pulled him back inside was enough to have him drooling. He couldn't get enough of how good you felt, sometimes he wished he could have you on his cock 24/7.
He'd have to steal you away for a night sometime soon, it was his week with you anyways.
Focusing back onto you, he started slow, pulling out just enough and then slamming back into you. The feeling of your body jerk, the rattling of your restraints, he desperately wanted to let loose, to fuck you until you were nothing but a whimpering, overstimulated pile of mush.
"Fuck" Wire groaned, "y'think you can squeeze that pretty pussy around me s'more?" he leaned forward, placing his head against your upper back, he let out another deep groan. "That's it" he left a small kiss against your spine.
You could already feel yourself nearing your first orgasm, the feeling of it slowly building in your gut. But you knew you weren't the only one nearing their release, you could feel Bubblegums' thrusts growing sloppy as he continued thrusting down your throat.
Though before he could bring himself any further towards his release, you felt him lift your head, earning a pained groan as he pulled on your hair. Slipping his cock out of your mouth, you whimpered out a quiet 'red'.
Wire was quick to stop what he was doing, immediately pulling out of you, you almost sobbed at the loss of his cock inside of you.
Before he could ask you what was wrong, you pulled on your restraints, "undo them please" you whimpered. As much as you wanted to keep them on, they were beginning to hurt, not to mention the awful pain in your head from Bubblegum pulling your hair a little too hard.
Wire wasted no time undoing the cuffs connected to the spreader-bar, allowing you to finally move, you grunted out in pain at the stiff feeling in your muscles. "Fuck" you whimpered, slowly moving to lay on your back, you raised a hand and lifted the blindfold off.
"Are you okay?" Wire asked, he looked you over with concern, Bubblegum was right with him.
You felt bad, it was the first time you had ever used your safe-word, you hadn't meant to give either men a fright.
"'m fine" you croaked, your voice sounded awful. "Just- gimme a second, I can keep going I just need a breather."
"I don't think I can handle having my throat fucked anymore though" you let out a small chuckle, "at least not with my hair getting pulled like that."
Bubblegum muttered a quick apology, he hadn't meant to hurt you.
"It's fine" you slowly sat up from your position, "we can continue-"
You let out a yelp as Wire grabbed your ankle and yanked you towards him, "start using your hands" he motioned to Bubblegum before using one of his thumbs to push his cock against your slit.
Bubblegum made his way back towards you, allowing you to wrap a hand around his cock, you started jerking him off. He closed his eyes, letting a small groan leave his lips as his eyebrows furrowed.
You were happy to finally see his facial expressions.
A breathy moan left your lips as Wire slowly pushed himself back into you once again, the feeling of his cock filling you felt like bliss. "Fuck- Wire" you whimpered, you could feel pressure building up in your gut all over again.
"I don't think I can keep going much longer" Bubblegum spoke up, his face was contorted into pure pleasure as his body twitched. You pumped his cock faster, desperately wanting to bring him to his breaking point.
Grabbing at your arm, Bubblegum moved back, attempting to keep himself from finishing. But it was far too late, he didn't have enough time to calm himself down before feeling himself tip over the edge.
Jerking himself off, he kept his eyes on you as he came over his stomach, he was slightly disappointed in himself.
Wire couldn't help but smirk, he silently thanked the fact that he had the stamina of a god.
Pulling out of you, he grabbed your hips and turned you back onto your stomach. "Keep your eyes on Bubblegum for me" he groaned, thrusting back into you, he placed a thumb over the butt-plug you still had in and pushed it.
A loud moan left your throat as he did so.
"Wire!" you called out, feeling yourself tip over the edge, your vision went white as your cunt throbbed around his cock. You could just barely hear Wire curse as his hips stuttered, the feeling of you squeezing around him was far too much.
He nearly doubled over as he came, pushing himself in as far as he could go, he let out deep groan.
Slowly coming down from your orgasm, you felt Wire still on top of you, resting his head against the upper part of your back, the two of you laid there for a good few minutes.
Bubblegum watched with lidded eyes, still feeling disappointed that he couldn't hold on for longer.
Wire was surely going to give him shit for it too.
You let out a soft groan as Wire slowly pulled out of you, the man was a panting mess as he stood to his full height. He slowly dragged you closer to the edge of the bed before curling an arm underneath your legs and back, "lets go get you cleaned up, yeah?"
He brought you into your bathroom, setting you into the bathtub, he turned on the water.
"I'll be back in a second, okay?" he leaned down and left a quick kiss against your forehead.
Leaving you in the bathroom as the tub filled, you laid your head back against the wall.
Wire stepped out, glancing over towards Bubblegum, he smirked and crossed his arms.
"I hope you didn't forget about our bet" he didn't bother to hide the smug look on his face.
Bubblegum glared at Wire, "it's not my fault you've got better stamina."
"Maybe you should just learn to hold out a little longer" Wire scoffed, "I'm gunna go back in and help ___, wash up, you can handle yourself" he made his way back towards the bathroom.
Bubblegum watched as Wire left, a deep sigh left him as he laid his head back against the wall.
He found himself partially regretting agreeing to a three way relationship.
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punks-never-die205 · 22 days
fem!reader x Eustass Kid (+the whole crew)
6,705 words
Summary: You wanted to try consensual non-consent and decide to role-play having been captured by the crew. Poor helpless islander you is going to be the captain's meal - but not before the crew preps you.
CW: CNC (obviously), role-play, degradation - LOTS of degradation, cum play, oral given, fingering received, anal oral received, double penetration, spanking, begging, group sex, bondage, blind-fold, nipple clamps, forced orgasms, tickle torture, sex on the deck, toe-sucking, mdni
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Your hands and arms are bound with coarse rope, and the blindfold over your eyes is secured with more rope. Passed roughly between calloused hands, you can hear little more than lecherous jeers and japes. Tugged and tossed and shoved you barely knew which way was up.
Eventually your clothes could take no more and the first resounding rip was like blood in the water for a pack of sharks. Greedy hands tore more and more, and despite how you moved or how you begged they continued, until there was nothing left but shreds hanging from the ropes that held your arms snugly behind your back.
Hands steadied you as more forced your legs into a wide stance. When you brought your knees together the hands shifted, forcing your legs wide by your thighs and denying you any ability to hide your pussy.
“No!” You cry, trying to close your legs.
“Aw, what a sweet, shy thing you are.” Says a voice by your ear. “It’s a shame to hide such beauty.” A hand cups your face, tilting your sightless gaze back. “You should thank us.”
You shake your head, bucking against the hands holding you. “N-no! Let… let me go, please.” You say it in a small voice, the embarrassment of being expose already rushing blood through you.
“Certainly, sweet miss.” The voice by your ear promises. Rough hands on your side make you jump. “Once the captain shows you all the ways you’re beautiful, I promise.”
You can’t help the shiver that rolls through you and the men around you chuckle.
“Alright lads, prep this fresh whore for the cap’n!” The voice yells and you yelp as the greedy hands from earlier return.
You can’t track the number of hands on you, but they steer clear of your privates for a long while. Instead they seem content enough to rub and scratch your legs and thighs, making you jerk from fleeting ticklish sensations. The teasing takes a turn when you kick, someone’s fingers at the sole of your foot having tickled you.
“Oh, that’s how it is, eh?”
“No! No I’m sorry, it tickled, I didn’t-!” Your words shatter into a squeal as you are held firmly and tickled. Your screeching laughter overpowers the jeers of your captors, and you thrash uselessly as they tickle your feet, the backs of your legs, your sides, and your neck.
You can’t hardly breathe from laughter, and they give you only the barest moments to catch your breath enough that you don’t pass out. You can hear them teasing you, but it’s impossible to know what they’re saying over the sounds of your own gasping laughter.
“Listen to this bitch enjoying herself!” A harsh voice like gravel and velvet cuts through everything else and they grant you a moment to catch your breath. It must be the captain for them to calm down so much. You’re panting, sagged in the hands holding you, shivering from the anticipation of whatever is going to happen next.
“Already into it, new blood?” He questions and you know he’s addressing you even if you can’t see him.
You shake your head. “Please, please just…. Let me go.”
“Heh. We’re in the middle of the sea, little toy. You want me to throw you overboard?” His voice is quieter and you can feel him looming over you.
“Please, I -.” His laugh interrupts you and you bite your lower lip.
“Begging to be tossed.” His tone is incredulous. “Problem is, I don’t chuck fresh meat until I’ve had my fill.” You feel cold metal against your stomach and jerk from the sensation. He gives you a moment to settle before moving the cold metal digit up your stomach and between your breasts.
“Hmmm… Wire, eat this whore’s ass.”
“What?” You question, not sure you heard him right.
“Aye aye boss.”
“Bubblegum, you got long fingers, work that tight cunt, but just a little.” The captain grabs your face, at least you think it’s him, turning you this way and that. “I don’t want to split this mini roast in half, but I do want to hear her beg.”
“Happily, boss.”
He squeezes your face until you open your mouth, and then spits in it.
“Anyone who wants can keep tickling her while the others work. No reason for her not to enjoy the prep.” The dark chuckles skitter through the crew and you whimper.
“Once she cums or passes out, she’s mine.” He commands and you hear the heavy boot falls as he walks away.
You’re lifted into the air with ease.
“No! Wait, please, don’t-ahhmphgh!” Fingers in your mouth garble your words as you’re made to understand there’s no room for your protests. Hands hold you in position and a thick wet tongue licks a stripe along the curve of your ass. You buck and cry out before big hands grab your cheeks and spread them open.
You protest against the fingers in your mouth but there’s no stopping the tongue that presses against your asshole. Groaning, you whimper as you can’t stop him from pushing past the tight ring of muscles. Wet and slick and naturally tapered he pushes into your ass easily.
Saliva lubricates the way as he stretches you open. It feels so weird, and so good, you can’t muffle the pleasurable edges of the next garbled sound that leaves you. The noise is an invitation to the other one, and when fingers spread your labia you buck and try to move away.
Wire’s hands grab your thighs, pulling your legs wide and pressing you against his mouth. Other hands steadied you, but his grip made it impossible to get away from the finger teasing slow circles against the entrance of your vagina.
The fingers in your mouth press in deep, making you gag on them for a second before they ease up. Just as you’re able to clear your throat, one of Bubblegum’s fingers push into your pussy. You suck in a breath of surprise.
“Fuck, she’s soaked.” Comes, you think, Bubblegum’s voice. “Look at this, it’s practically a rope of slick.” He says, pulling his finger out.
There’s a scattered murmur of agreement among those gathered that you were the neediest fresh roast they’ve ever prepped for the boss’ meal.
“What a proper slut you’ll make.” Came the voice that spoke to you at the start. “Do it proper Bubblegum.”
“Of course, Killer.” He says, pressing to fingers against your sopping hole and slowly working them in. “Me an’ Wire will make her cream real good before she passes out.”
The hands on you tightened as his fingers pushed deeper and deeper. A rough hand on your hair has your head supported and immobile.
“Deep breath, little whore, we don’t want you to pass out too soon.” Killer instructs and you find yourself breathing deep. “There’s a good girl.”
Wire’s tongue makes you grunt at a surprising rush of pleasure, and Bubblegum’s fingers twist and scissor inside you, teasing sweet spots as he slowly eases you open. You’re already giggling, the pleasure is going to make it worse and you know it’s coming, and the nerves are already dancing through you.
You can’t do anything except tense when they start tickling you, so well are you held in place that all you can do is tense and scream. The first rush breaks and you’re laughing, gasping, and screaming for them to stop.
“Gods! Fucking no! Stop! Stop! Gods-dammit I - hahahahaha, no I can’t - hahahahaha!!” Bubblegum’s thumb presses against your clit and you moan loudly nearly cumming before devolving into laughter again. It’s everything you have to breathe, you can’t defend against the sensations slamming into you.
Someone grabs your left tit and there’s a sharp sting as a clamp is set on your nipple. You scream, but it’s more laughing pleasure than pain and then someone grabs your right tit roughly.
“No don’t!” You beg as the clamp is set on your other nipple. “Fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuck, hahahahhaha!”
Swears dot the laughter, and those are only broken by big gasping gulps of air as you breathe in desperately. Every time you think you’re going to finally peak and orgasm and end this, someone tugs on the nipple clamps and the jolt pulls you away from the edge.
Bubblegum is teasing your clit relentlessly, his fingers messing with the tender spots inside you as Wire seems intent on reaching your stomach with his tongue. You can’t comprehend how long it feels like it is, it has to be an impossible length. You can’t focus on either enough between the tickling and random tugs at your tits.
“When she cums I’m going to pull these off.”
“Oh she’s all for it,” comes the laughing response.
“No! Do-aaaaahahahahahaha-Don’t!”
“Oh but you’re so close.”
“No! Please, no I -.”
“She throbbed on my fingers when you said it,” Bubblegum says. “I bet she’s just being shy.”
“I’m not, I’m not, I’m - fuck, fuck!” You can’t feel the tickling as the orgasm has built up and pushed everything else aside. The edging had made the newest swell impossible to ignore. “No, no, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, no!” You cry as the inevitable pleasure crests and slams into you.
The guttural pleasure ripped from your lips turns into a bellow as the clamps are pulled off your nipples. The rush of blood back into them is all pins and needles and you’re sputtering and spitting as you cum through the prickling pain, your desperate pleasure splashing down Bubblegum’s arm.
“Fuck yeah, look at that.” He says, pulling his long fingers out of your trembling cunt. “She really liked it.”
You can’t do anything except sob as Wire’s tongue wiggles out of your ass. The entire thing was too much and you can’t even find the energy to deny Bubblegum’s words.
Hands move you, with a little more care than before, and you’re shuffled into someone’s arms. The din of the  crowd fades as you’re carried into a different area.
“Hey Little One,” Killer says softly and you realize you’re in the hall leading to the workshop. “How’re you holding up?”
“I think Wire was trying to reach my brains.” You reply quietly, a soft huff of laughter escaping you. “That was intense though.”
“Yeah, we didn’t hold back much. You good? Round two’s coming up.”
You nod. “Y-yeah. I’m good.”
Killer grunts. “Shivering in anticipation?”
“Lil’ fear.” You admit, licking your lips. “Bubbles made me squirt, and…”
“If he can do that, what’s Kid gonna do?” Killer hums and you nod.
You hear a door open and Killer’s tone changes. “Whatever the fuck he wants, whore.”
Killer tosses you, and you weren’t expecting it. You yelp in surprise, landing heavy on something soft. Soft was rare in the workshop, so either Killer had taken you to the captain’s quarters, or Kid had set up something for you.
Still bound and blindfolded the space was quiet after Killer left. You shifted, moving enough to sit yourself up. The soft thing you’d landed on was Kid’s coat, and the fact made you throb a bit. Getting such gentle treatment in the middle of such a rough session was a subtle reminder of how safe you really were.
No matter what was going to happen.
The silence dragged on, and for a moment you’re starting to wonder if you aren’t alone in the room. Kid often smells like the workshop, but as you’re currently in the shop it’s hard to say what’s it and what’s him. The heavy boot falls earlier were also for show.
Kid could be deadly quiet when he wanted.
On your knees, you start to stand and his voice halts you.
“Stay.” He grunts, and you do, kneeling back down on the coat. “Heh, the boys prepped you good. Doin’ as yer told all meek and shit.”
You can feel the blood rush through you, but arguing now would be useless.
“Spread those knees apart and lean your head back,” he commands. You hesitate, but just for a second, and spread your knees apart, tilting your head back so your nose is pointed toward the ceiling.
“Look it you being a good slut. Fuck that’s hot.” His flesh hand grips your hair roughly, holding you in place. “Open those cock-sucking lips, and take what I give you.”
You shake your head as much as you can in the tight grip. The bitter smear of precum coats your lips as his cock presses against your lips.
“Either I cum in your mouth, or I’m going to make sure it shoots up your nose. All you’ll smell and taste for a month is my cum.” He says it evenly, like he’s giving you a choice between cake or pie. “Your call.”
You consider pushing the line, but of the things you’re willing to risk, having cum instead of snot in your nose is not one of them. You open your mouth and hear Kid chuckle.
“Smart choice. Now stick out your tongue, I want to see you being eager for this.” He commands, a breathlessness to his voice.
You stick out your tongue and no sooner than you do he pushes the head of his cock into your mouth. He only pushes about halfway in before you start to choke, and he pulls back, letting you breathe before forcing it deeper. He pulls back again, letting you sputter and breathe before pushing in deep again. You’ve never deep throated him, but you’re getting a crash course. Once more and you can feel your nose get buried in his pubes.
He holds you there for a long moment, hissing a swear as you squirm and gag against the thick length. He lets you up enough that you can breathe and pulls you back down, slamming his cock down the back of your throat in a few dizzying pumps. It’s all you can do to breathe until he holds you against his pubic hair once more for a second.
He pulls you back again, pulling the blindfold off before cumming on your face while you’re still coughing and gasping. The blindfold is off, but with thick globs of cum on your face you can’t open your eyes. Even if he hadn’t done so, you could barely see through the thick tears from choking on his cock.
Kid smears all the tears, snot and cum on your face, before he leans down and kisses you. The kiss is heavy and demanding and you grunt and squirm, but he doesn’t relent until his tongue’s fucking your throat the way his cock had been a minute ago.
When he lets go you collapse into the coat, coughing and gasping. There’s no pleasure in the actions, but you’re still turned on by the rough treatment. You’d wanted him and the crew to honestly use you, and Killer was right - no one was holding back.
Especially not Kid.
“You’re a tough little cut of meat.” He muses, walking around the workshop. Your eyes are still gummy and you don’t want to force them open, so you’re not exactly where he is. “I think I’ll put you in the cradle.”
“… the what?” You had a sudden image of being forced into a diaper and you weren’t sure that was really something you were okay with in this context. He knew how to push you to the edges of your capacity, but this was maybe the wrong edge.
“A nice rig that will put your ankles above your head, but also cradle you so you can watch my cock split your sweet little cunt open.” You can hear the grin in his voice as he moves around. “Or maybe I’ll just fuck your ass until you’re shitting spooge for a week.”
You get to your feet slowly. There was no one to really go, but the tone in his voice made you want to run. It was objectively a bad idea - well, bad in the sense that once Kid caught you the tenor of the evening could shift.
A hand around your throat, and a body at your back nearly makes you screech. You had no sense of Kid being behind you, but he held you in place easily.
“Leaving already?” He questions and you can’t nod or shake your head. Instead you just stay still in his hold. His fingers tighten against your throat for a moment, before he leans you over and smacks your ass. You yelp, squirming as he lands a second smack on the other cheek. Crying out again you try to twist away from the sting.
Kid holds you in place easily, spanking each cheek with whip-like snaps of his hand over and over until your ass was hot, red, and swollen and you were begging him to stop.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! Stop, please! I- hnnngh!” Kid’s thick finger presses into your vagina and your legs almost buckle.
“You really are a twisted little slut.” He muses, fucking his finger in and out of you a few times before he grabs the ropes at your arms and lifts you up.
Kid sets you in the rig he mentioned earlier. He’s fast, and you’re not going to give him a hard time with the fresh sting still throbbing against your ass, so it only takes a couple minutes for you to be secured in place. There’s a moment of quiet and then a warm rag on your face as he cleans up the mess around your eyes.
“I want you to see this,” he grins as you blink up at him blearily. Kid is fully clothed. All he’s missing are the belts, and his pants are open. He gives your eyes a moment to adjust before he taps his cock against your clit.
You feel your stomach drop. This is a session. It is one hundred percent sex with someone who you have already had sex with before. As much as you’d handed over your “rights” in this session, you weren’t actually captured by big bad evil terrible pirates.
And yet, somehow, Kid’s cock looked impossibly large. Whether you had sunk into the session itself too far to really hold onto the fact that you’d taken that beast before, or if you were simply nervous because of your current immobility, you weren’t sure.
“That’s - that’s not gonna fit.” You say it with enough conviction that Kid almost laughs.
Illustration of The Cradle
He rubs it against your slit, teasing your clit with the weight of it. “Oh, it’ll fit.” He leans in a little, spreading your labia and really rutting his cock into your folds. You can’t stifle the gasp of pleasure from the pressure against your clit.
“Needy whore like you, you’re gonna take it all.” He assures you.
“I’m not…” You bite your lip as your toes flex.
“Not what?” Kid’s finger is under your chin, pulling your gaze up to his eyes and away from the eldritch demon he’s rubbing into your clit.
“A.. A…” You can feel the heat rushing to your face, and the grin on Kid’s face says he can see the embarrassment radiating off you. “Needy whore.” You manage, but it feels like a lie, and you look away from him.
“Uh huh.” He scoffs, reaching out and teasing your nipples. You gasp, the cold from his metal hand catching you off-guard. His touch is so precise with his prosthetic that you often forget it’s cold as sin.
He plays with your tits until you’re panting, feet and toes squirming, arms shifting behind your back, making the ropes groan. You can’t move enough to get away from it, and Kid is exacting and relentless. Biting back a moan you stop yourself from begging - you can’t. You just got done saying you weren’t needy.
“I’ll believe you,” Kid says, rutting against your clit again while he keeps teasing your nipples. “If you can endure this without moaning like a needy whore.”
You start to speak, ready to accept his terms, but as soon as you open your mouth Kid twists your nipples and really grinds into your clit. He doesn’t twist them harshly, but the added stimulation is enough to shatter your word into a rough moan.
You can feel the heat from your face down to your shoulders. This utter bastard.
“Don’t worry, mouse.” He says, causing you to look up at him. It’s the first time anyone’s used your usual nickname since the session started. “You’re my favorite needy whore.”
He puts his hands on your ankles, pressing the head of his cock against your cunt. He’s not pushing in enough to enter you, but it won’t take much. He presses in and eases off, letting the pressure tease you while he grins down at you.
“Mine.” He reiterates, shifting his eyes down before looking back at you. “Watch it.” He commands, and your eyes shift down to his cock pressed against you. “Keep your eyes on it, and watch how well you take all of me.” He huffs the words, pushing in with enough force to finally start entering you.
The stretch seems more than usual, and you remember that Bubblegum barely prepped you compared to how Kid usually did. Kid eases back a little when your breath starts coming out faster and then pushes in again, working himself in slowly.
“Relax,” he murmurs. “Fuck you’re tight. Little slut’s really into this, huh?”
You shake your head. “Yeah,” you moan and Kid laughs.
“Conflicted much?” He says it like a question, but he’s not expecting an answer, pushing in further. “Almost there. Told ya’.” Kid’s hands tighten against your ankles a little as he pushes completely inside you. Moaning he rolls his hips and presses into you, barely moving and just bullying his cock in as deep as he can.
“N-no, wait, wait - Kid!” You gasp, your body shaking as the pleasure rushes up inside you so unexpectedly you’re breaking character. “Cum! I’m gonna cum!”
Kid grins as he continues to do what he’s been doing, leaving you to shiver and gasp beneath him. The orgasm hits you hard and the whorish scream ripped from you devolves into a growl. He’s still pressing into you, making the same deep, slow movements that threw you over the edge so quickly, and it keeps sending jolts through you.
“Wai— wait! I’m gonna, you’re gonna- oh gods it won’t stooooop!” You cry, shuddering against the cradle as it keeps you securely in place.
“Gonna cum again?” He muses, keeping the same pace. “Let’s see how many times you can cum like this. Never tenderized a fresh piece like this before, I’m curious.”
“M’not — Nnnnngh! —  fresh!” You gasp, shaking your head as the second orgasm begins to claw it’s way into you. “Gods, fuck, oh hells, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck!” You swear as you cum again, gasping and sucking in big heaving breaths.
“Oh you are for this.” Kid asserts, still not letting up. “Come on, sweetheart, one more. Just give me one more. I won’t force more than three out of you this time.”
“Can’t, I can’t,” you gasp, tears running down your cheeks. “Holy fuck hells,” you sob as Kid continues. Despite all your protesting and swearing you aren’t using your safe words, and his eyes are on you. He’s so focused on you that the ship could be sinking and Killer would need to bodily tackle him to get his attention.
“Yeah you can. One more,” he grins as you nod, managing little more than a babbled sob in response. “Good girl.”
You shake your head as your body goes taut again. Kid’s hands hold onto your feet, keeping your toes from curling as you cum, more immobile than you’ve ever been before. You make some incoherent and odd sounds, too addled from the back to back to back orgasms to manage anything else.
The pleasure is intense, addicting, and overwhelming. It’s his presence alone that makes it something you can be swept away by, instead of something to fear. Even if it overwhelms you, you know that Kid will keep you safe.
He has mercy as promised, and slowly pulls out of your trembling cunt. The empty feeling pulls a whimper from you and he grins, hand against the side of your face.
“Shhh, there you go. I got you.” His voice is soothing, and the caress is grounding. “You did good, mouse.”
“You… you didn’t,” your voice is shaky, the ropes against your skin are sending shivers through you, you’re still on edge so much.
“Hm? Oh, don’t worry.” He pats your face. “Take a moment, fresh meat, I’ll fill you up plenty.” He assures you, running his hands over your feet, legs and hips. “Need a change of position?”
You wiggle your toes and flex your fingers and take a moment to check on your pieces and parts as you slowly come down. You shake your head.
“I can stay like this.”
Kid’s smile turns devious and he grabs onto the cradle. “Good.” He steps on something and there’s a clunk that shakes the whole rig. He pushes and it starts rolling.
“What - wait, where are we going?”
“Back out on the deck. The crew did such a good job prepping you, little roast, they deserve to enjoy the feast.” He explains, opening the doors and pushing you out into the hall.
“I… I can’t take them all.” You’re back into your role, but you’re also being serious.
Kid only looks down at you and you swallow hard. You can use your word if you start to ache, and you don’t think he’d leave you to such an ordeal without keeping a close eye on you. You were, after all, just playing at being fresh meat.
You shift in the rig, struggling against the ropes. You’re not blindfolded anymore, you’re going to be able to see everyone watching you. It’s not going to be just the feel of the sun on you’re bare skin, but the heat of everyone’s desires on you.
The crew erupts in cheers when you come out onto the deck. Somehow their exuberance makes it more embarrassing.
“Seems a shame to let Wire’s hard work go to waste.” Kid says, catching something that Heat tosses him. “And I did just promise to fill your ass so full you’ll be shitting cum for a week.” He squirts thick lube onto his cock, before sticking the applicator in your ass and squeezing.
“Cold!” You gasp, squirming against the rig. Chuckles ripple through the crowd as Kid pushes into your ass with the crew all around. Even with the lube he works in carefully, and the consideration makes it feel good. You can’t keep quiet, between the stretch, the squelch, the pleasure and the attention, you’re too turned on.
“Listen to that whoresong.” You hear someone murmur.
“Ah, she tightened up at that.” Kid sneers, pressing his thumb into your clit. “Don’t try to hold back now.” He warns, rolling his thumb, teasing your clit as he works his way into your ass.
“Please!” You gasp, eyes darting around to the crew. Most had their cocks in their hands, eyes plastered to the show.
“Ah, right, you’re a needy whore.” Kid muses. “Killer, undo the cradle. Let’s get her hands free so she can show her appreciation for all our hard work.”
Killer cuts the ropes from your arms, and then unlatches the part of the rig keeping you facing Kid. He leans you back slowly after you unfold your arms, and now you’re laying on your back, your legs still tied in place as Kid pushes flush against your ass.
You moan sweetly from the sensations and two people grab your wrists. Wire and Killer put your hand on their hard cocks and you begin stroking them before they can even demand it of you. Killer calls you a good whore and Wire calls you a useful slut and you nearly cum from it. Heat comes up by your face and presses his cock against your cheek.
“Just lick it,” he says. “I’m sure a hungry thing like you wants to choke on it, but we wanna hear you moan.”
You lick, grateful to have something you can focus on while surrounded by the crew like this.
“The rules are simple!” Kid barks, addressing the crew. “Whether this whore gets you off or you handle it yer self, you cum on the meat. This fresh bitch is desperate to be properly dressed.”
“Aye, Aye Boss!!” Comes the resounding chorus.
Kid fucks your ass while you jerk off Killer and Wire, licking and kissing Heat’s cock. You can hear the musings and murmurs of the rest of the crew while you moan against Heat.
“Fuck, it’s too hot.” UK swears, coming over to you. Heat steps back and holds your head, making you watch as UK cums across your breasts.
“Say thank you-.” Kid begins to demand, but the entire situation crashes in on you and you moan loudly, cumming against Kid’s cock. He stutters and then slams into you roughly a couple times, cock twitching as he fills your ass. “Fucking hells,” he laughs, the rest of the crew sharing his amusement. “You really are a needy whore.”
“Thank you,” you sigh and hear a couple people call you a good girl.
“UK, get that strap for me.” Kid orders. You hear the words, but don’t really register them, too focused on sharing the warm haze of pleasure with those around you.
Wire cums next, coating your belly. He steps back and Reck takes his place at your hand. Heat doesn’t take much longer and he decides to have you swallow it. Kid says they can worry about stuffing you after you’re coated, but before someone can take Heat’s place UK comes back.
He hands Kid what looks like a strap on, and sure enough it is. Kid pulls out of your ass and puts it on. The strap is in the top position, and Heat helps you watch as Kid pushes back into you, the strap filling your cunt and Kid’s cock bullying back into your ass.
“Gods, fuck!” You swear as you’re filled up nicely. The strap is small, comparatively, but with both it and Kid in you, you feel intensely full. “Hnnngh, please, oh shit.”
“Heh, you don’t even know what your begging for.” Kid grins, setting a slow and steady pace, making you shiver and twitch.
Quincy comes up and takes Heat’s place. She straddles the rig with a little help from Killer, her dripping pussy over your face.
“You can scream into it,” she explains, before sitting on your face. Quincy holds onto your head and grinds into your mouth, easing up just often enough to let you breathe.
You can hear Kid saying something, and a moment later Killer leaves your hand and you feel the warmth of his cum splash against your stomach. Someone else’s cock is in your hand and you fall into a rhythm, stroking two cocks while you lick and nuzzle into Quincy’s cunt, all while Kid fucks you. The steady pace of his begins to pick up and you grunt into Quincy, moaning and gasping heavier when she lets you breathe.
She lifts up for a bit and tilts to look down at you.
“Deep breath, lil’ roast.” She commands and you take a deep breath. As soon as Quincy presses back into your face something presses against your clit and immediately vibrates.
You scream into her pussy and she grinds into you. You can feel yourself heading toward your own orgasm, but Quincy gets there first. A rough grip of your hair and a satisfied swear are the only indications she’s cum on your face - you were already too covered and smeared with slick and juice to register a difference.
She leans back, a warm smile on her face, as she looks down at you. “Boss, I wanna stay here for a minute.”
“Heh, sure. Enjoy the front row seat while I make this bitch cream.”
Reck and the other crew member you can’t see with Quincy in the way, hold onto your hands and thrust into your palms, relieving you of the need to think about stroking them while you came closer and closer to your orgasm. Quincy ruts her pussy into your collarbone as you moan and whine.
“You’re so cute like this,” she grins, and you realize there’s a collection of crew mates gathered around, some with their cocks in their hands, but most just watching your face. “You were begging earlier, screaming from those clamps, but now it’s just gonna be pure pleasure.”
“Can’t wait to see all your different orgasm faces.” Boogie says, looking at you from over Quincy’s shoulder.
“Don’t, don’t look!” You gasp, trying to pull your hands away. Neither of them let go, and instead you’re trapped.
“Fuck she begs so good.”
“Quince,” Jaguar’s voice is heavy and husky. “I might get you.”
“S’alright, but let her cum first.”
“Y-yeah.” The large man stands nearby, stroking his cock with a glassy look on his face.
“Shit, shit shit shit,” you swear as the crescendo reaches its peak. Your body tenses and you hear Kid swear before he turns up the vibrator and slams heavily into you, shaking the rig. Your soundless expression shatters and you cry out. The sweet cry turns into a toe-curling moan as Kid forces you to ride it out, emptying another load into your ass.
“Fuckin’ hells.” Jaguar growls, unable to hold back. Quincy tells you to keep your eyes closed and a second later he cums on your face, the spend falling into your mouth as you’re still moaning from the orgasm. Kid moves the vibrator away and you start to come down from the high. You hear Reck swear and he coats your hand in cum before the other crew member pulls free and cums on your leg.
Quincy gets off you and Hip comes over and cleans the cum away from your eyes before grabbing your cheeks and kissing you. You have no idea whose cocks are in your hands, but they’re fucking your palms instead of expecting you to stroke them while Hip makes out with you.
“Hip that’s hot as hell.” Jaguar says as a few others chuckle.
“I wanna suck on her toes.” You aren’t sure whose asking, you’re too addled from all the orgasms since the session started.
“Sure. Anyone wants to suckle those sweet tits can too.” Kid says. He’s slowly moving his hips, taking a break as he recovers. “Kill, get House ready, Heat keep an eye on the lil’ roast. She might pass out from this, but I want to avoid that.”
“Aye boss.”
“We’re gonna break you, little roast.” Kid says, speaking loud enough to cut through your haze. Hip leans back, and makes sure you’re hearing the captain. “You won’t be able to find satisfaction anywhere else, once we’re done.”
“Oh gods,” you swear as someone’s lips wrap around your toes, their tongue licking everywhere. You want to pull your foot away, but your legs are tied to the rig.
“I’ll get the other foot.” Compo says, and you squirm.
“N-no, don’t - fuck, it feels so weird!” You cry as Compo’s lips wrap around your other set of toes. “It’s too much!”
Hop and Emma step up on either side of you, each grabbing a tit and holding it in place before leaning down and teasing your nipple. They kiss, lick, and nibble on the hard nub and the guys fucking into your hands have to work to hold you in place as you thrash against the stimulation.
“She’s so sensitive.” Hop muses before sucking on your tit and making you moan. “I’m kind of jealous.”
“Fuck she’s squirmin’ so much I don’t even hafta move.” Kid muses. “Bringing me back to life like you can’t live without my cock inside you, slut.”
“Can’t, I can’t!” you sob, letting out a musically salacious cry. “I need it, I need it - fuck - fuck me please, please! L-let me be you-you’re good whore, please!”
“That’s my girl!” Kid laughs, putting his hands on your hips and pulling almost completely out of you before thrusting back in harshly. You moan as he hilts inside you, and he repeats the action, ripping another heavy groan out of you.
He picks up his pace, slamming into your over and over, pushing the air and sense out of your body. You’re trembling from the bruising thrusts as much as you are the teasing of your tits and the splatter of cum across your neck. You’ve never been so soaked in spend like this before and the entire thing is deliriously hot.
Broken concepts dance in your mind, coherent thoughts shattered by the pleasure that fogs your very sense of self. You were his lover, his toy, his newest conquest, his slave, his best friend - everything from in and outside of the session mingled in your mind and all you were sure of was that you were nearly sated. All the hunger and need and curiosity and desire was coming to a head and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Heat cradles your head as you drool and babble.
“Don’t fight it,” you aren’t sure if he says the words or if you just understand the look on his face. “By the seas, you’re blissed the fuck out right now. Don’t hold back, let it rip you apart and pass through you.”
No one is in your hands as your fingers flex shut tightly. Tears stream down your face as you shake your head and sob. The pleasure is so overwhelming you’re almost afraid of it, but you’re surrounded by people who won’t let you stay drowned, no matter how much it pulls you under.
You relax into the crescendo and scream as the euphoria lights your body on fire. It’s a primal sound, something like a growl and the sort of groan that vibrates your ribs. In any other setting it would sound ridiculous, but now it just marks the lack of control you have as you’re forced to feel so much at once. The shiver in your limbs and the way your body roils despite being tied and held down were all involuntary - there was no control within your grasp.
You lost all sense of time in the thick swell of pleasure. You only know that if you did pass out it wasn’t for long, you could see Heat watching you, and there was no escape from the harsh euphoria as Kid made sure to fuck every twitch and whimper out of you before finally showing mercy.
Using the Cradle’s design, Heat raises the backboard up just enough to sit you up a little as Kid pulls free from your throbbing holes. There’s a proud smile on his face, and he caresses your cheek with his hand.
“Good job, Mouse.” He says, bringing your hazy gaze toward his eyes gently.
“Good job, Mouse.” You murmur in response. You want him to know you’re at least conscious, but you can’t think of any other words at the moment and so you just repeat what he’s said.
“You’re really out of it,” he says with a soft chuckle. Compo and someone else undo the binds at your ankles, rubbing your legs and slowly bringing them down.
“Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you.” Kid promises, pulling you into his arms and cradling you against his chest. “You did real good.”
“Did good.” You repeat, giving him an exhausted smile.
“Yeah.” He kisses your forehead moving away from the crew as they get to work cleaning and breaking down the session.
Kid took you to his private bath, cleaning you up carefully and checking in on you as you slowly came back to your senses. He reassured you that you weren’t just a piece of meat, and that he loved you in so many different ways.
Aftercare was the only time he used that word, and it was the only time you said it back.
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eustassslut · 4 hours
I LOVE YOUR HEAT HEADCANNONS SO MUCH😭I love the idea of the crew gathering around him with random objects as he juggles seeing how many they can toss at him to catch and add to the juggle before it becomes too much (who would’ve known that someone can’t juggle 500 things plus a cannonball *shrug*)
This is the funniest addition ever, actually can't stop laughing at the image of people just throwing objects at him with no context.
It would be discovered that Heat can juggle a couple of months into joining Kid on the Victoria Punk because he has a tendency to subconsciously juggle anything that he's holding if he's bored, zoned out or just feeling stressed. Juggling reminds him of his family back home and his happy memories from the circus before his childhood probably went to shit so it definitely relaxes him a lot. However, just because it relaxes him and he enjoys doing it doesn't make it any less terrifying the first few times he does it in front of the other Kid Pirates.
For example, the first time Heat gets caught juggling would involve knives. It's a few weeks into sailing with the Kid Pirates and even though he's known the founding members most of his life, they haven't really spent a lot of time together in close proximity until getting on the Victoria Punk so they all don't know each other's quirks or habits yet. (Like how Wire pats doorframes before entering a room and that Killer wears fluffy bear slippers in the morning until he's finished breakfast). So Heat would be sitting in the kitchen with the others when Killer asks him to help peal some potatoes for lunch because he's too busy to multitask for once; and Heat who is incredibly reliable does it very quickly. Now he's just sat there with knives and he's a little bit bored so he starts juggling them whilst leaning over to read the newspaper over Wire's shoulder. But poor Wire looks over to talk to his friend and instead is greeted by four knives spinning a few inches from his face, so he does the nature thing and lets out a very high scream.
This happens several other times with various sharp objects and items Heat really should not be touching when he could potentially drop them (namely, the ship's log pose) before an intervention is staged and he's banned from juggling certain objects in certain spaces out of fear. He is allowed to juggle whatever he wants if he's safely off the Victoria Punk and not near any animal or child (namely Dive) he could injure. He's also allowed to juggle weapons in fights as Kid has learnt a 7ft+ tall man twirling flaming batons and guns usually unnerves most opponents and encourages them to run away.
The Kid Pirates all trust him though and having eventually during their journeys together heard stories of Heat's circus days, delighting in throwing various 'safe' objects for him to juggle and playing games to see how much he can actually juggle on drunk party nights. They also love just bringing him random objects and weirdly shaped things they find to see if he'll be able to juggle it without issues. The answer to this is always yes. Except for the time Bubblegum silently handed him two dildos with no explanation and Heat didn't realise what he was holding at first then got startled, throwing one of them at Kid's head by accident. Despite all of this, they have given up counting how many different things he can juggle at once because they always loose track.
Heat does enjoy that they all see the fun and humour in his juggling, as well as his trapeze and tightrope walking skills, it reminds him of why he loved growing up in the circus. It especially reminds him of his family whenever Dive comes up to him with random gifts when she's bored or lonely, quietly asking if he'll juggle for her or teach her some of his skills.
Heat's circus skills just bring endless hours of fun to the crew and allow them all to bond, when he's not twirling knives and sticks he's lit on fire. It also lets him practise so he couldn't be happier to entertain the Kid Pirates with his skills.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Snail, mad props, I love all your writting but your Hey Doc series hits me in all the right spots! So fun and cute!
I've been thinking, Doc's in a pirate crew.. Does Doc know how to fight? Because here's a fun scenario that has been on my mind...
Doc is buying/gathering ingredients and gets attacked by thugs or other crew. Doc puts up one HELL of a fight but gets beaten up pretty badly 😩
Upon returning to the ship, Doc tries to hide away and lick the wounds, acting like nothing happen.
So who do you think would come barging in Doc's office yelling "Who the fuck this that to you?" Daddy Killer? Or the Captain himself?
If you feel like writing a little drabble to go with this I would die! 🫶🏻🫣🥹
Love! ❤️
Hello my darling. I hope you enjoy this interpretation of your request. This is how I saw it playing out in my head. Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to the story!
What do I do, Doc?
Hey Doc Masterlist
Word count: 2,900
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Synopsis: Dressing as a civilian on the usual supply run with Wire does not go according to plan. Your past finally catches up to you, and your crew scrambles to come up with a way to treat you from your injury.
Themes: kid pirates x gn!reader, platonic kisses, hurt, injury, graphic pain, impaling (reader receiving), Wire/Heat/Killer/Kid x reader, partial Bubblegum x reader, angst, fluff, delirious Doc, poison. You are "Doc", the doctor of the Kid Pirates. Pet names used: hon, honey, sweetheart, baby for Doc.
Notes: I have been feeling some sort of way for a while, and this request was singing me their siren song. I also wanted this in a fic pretty bad, and I wanted to make it sadder.
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“Hey Doc,” the soft growl in Wire’s tone had an edge to it, a warning felt in his dangerous aura, “You gotta stay awake. We're nearly there, hon. Stay with me.”
The grogginess you felt masked the pain from the spear protruding from your thigh. Your life escence pooled from the wound, the stain dripping down your leg and onto Wire’s stomach as he cradled you into his chest. Each slow blink grew heavier and heavier, the frequency between them coming closer as unconsciousness called to you.
“Doc! Hey, Doc!” Wire jolted you in his arms, forcing your eyes open in shock to his ferocity, “Doc, I need you. Stay awake, damn it!” You offer him a fluttery smile, your lashes batting up at him as his expression contorted in fear.
“Keep-... Keep the pressure on it,” you managed to stutter, your teeth chattering through each syllable as you spoke. “Don't take it-... Don't take it out. Leave it in u-until the bleeding stop-...” Eyes rolling back into your skull, you never finished your instructions to the larger commander. He cursed beneath his breath, sprinting towards the Victoria Punk where the remainder of the crew were waiting for you.
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This was not your fault, nor was it Wire’s. You both thought yourselves to be safe: both dressed in loose civilian attire away from your usual garb. Compliments were given to both you and your older commander, praise that would make even the most hardened pirate blush.
You were both seeming to be the least conspicuous and recognisable of the amassment of crew. Your reputations and bounties were both high, but away from your regular clothes, your vacant and stripped-back appearance was the perfect disguise.
Unfortunately, this base had someone you thought had long since forgotten your face. A person from a past you attempted to keep hidden, trapped beneath lock and key in the chest kept in your mind's eye. The spear came out of nowhere, impaling you against the floor and successfully rendering you immobile.
While pinned stationary, the only warning you gave was a choked gasp, Wire turned and immediately sprung into action. Trident aimed back in arms, his motions struck true: claiming the life of the attacker immediately. Usually one to extend the pain, Wire’s instinct to protect came before anything else.
“Doc,” his whisper hissed through his teeth, “Honey, what was that? Who was that?” You were struck in shock, looking down to the spear leaving a welt in the ground; a familiar engraving on the wood having your eyes scrunch tightly shut.
“Wire, just-,” you started, halting when Wire dropped to his knees and hovered his hands over the spear.
“-Doc, you know how to fight. What the fuck is this?” he pointed to the spear, the pain of the sting leaving you and dulling the longer you remained stationary. “Explain, now.”
You sigh, lip beginning to tremble as his eyes finally gaze up to join with yours. Noticing the quiver in your lip, the pooling in your eyes, his demeanor immediately changed.
“Oh, honey,” he gasped, rising to a soft crouch and cradling your cheeks in his palms. A small tear managed to spill from your waterline and trickle down your cheek. “Talk me through what to do. Tell me how to help you.” Closing your eyes, you lean into his touch and take a moment to calm yourself within his palms.
“Break the spearhead at the neck,” you informed him, “And keep the fucking thing in until I get back to the sh-...” You fell forward, your forhead brushing with the commander in front of you as your eyelids drooped.
“...Fucking coward,” you huffed out a soft laugh, floating your eyes to the injury. Gazing down at the spear, you nod against Wire's head with a sarcastic smile on your face.
“Poisoned. They used the poisoned one.”
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Finally reaching the ship, your mission long since forgotten, Wire used his great height to his advantage in propelling himself along the top deck. Several crew members attempted to stop him, Bubblegum immediately shrieking and running before Wire to open every door towards your office.
The captain and the lingering two commanders trailed behind Wire, Killer halting as he bore his eyes down at the ground. A trail of bright red spattered over the deck, his piercing blue orbs glaring at it as his lips curled back. Clicking his fingers, he gestured to the nearest crewmember and gestured to the closest mop and bucket before trailing behind Heat and Captain Kid.
Once below deck, Wire set you down on your medical bay and immediately began readying gauze to replace the linen satchel you used to make a basic pressure aid. You mentioned about not making a tourniquet, nothing to aggravate the complications of the wound. Heat was immediately through the doors next, the Fire-Breather gazing through hollowed eyes at the injury first before running immediately to your desk.
“What,” a rumbling growl barked, “the fuck,” your captain ducked beneath the threshold of your office door, “happened?” Wire couldn't speak, his own manic state prohibiting him from thinking anything other than cutting away your pants with your scissors and placing the scraps in a damp pile beside you. Nothing was to pull him away from his task, keeping pressure on the wound while he cleaned you up best hr could.
“Wire,” Captain Kid roared, a jolt felt deep within his chest as he fell away from his transfixed attention. Turning to Kid, Wire managed to bark back at the captain.
“We were recognised,” he called over his shoulder, “Someone knew Doc.” He peeled away the final fabric, your doll-like state limply moving with each push and pull from the taller man.
Eyelids fluttering, slipping between consciousness and slumber, you peeled your eyes open enough to gaze at Killer as he entered the room. Offering him a weak smile, you attempted to move your lips to speak. Killer raised his hand to hush you, wordlessly telling you to save your strength for something more intentional than a greeting.
“The fuck recognised Doc?” Kid growled, “Doc's been with us for ages, changed their look and everything from that stuffy shit they wore before.” Kid bullied his way to Wire's side, shoving his hands away from the spear and assuring his one good hand be weighty enough to force the wound shut.
“I know as much about it as you, Cap,” Wire stuttered, his panic tangible in his shaken hands. “One of the first things Doc said about it was they were cowards for using poison.”
“Fuck,” Heat finally added, carding through his lengthy pale hair as he searched through the medical and personal journals in your desk for any information. Finally stumbling across a filagree design on one of the pages, he shook his head and clapped the book shut. “There's nothing in here. I don't know what to do. Doc just writes about weaponry in the journal, but nothing about poison.”
“What do I have to do about the spear? What does it say, Heat?” Wire yelled at the scarred commander, his Glasgow smile grimacing at the tone. Looking back to the desk at the open pages, Heat shakes his head and looks back at Kid.
“Doc needs a surgeon,” he uttered darkly, placing the journal back on the desk beside him, “Closest one is the marine base, next up is Trafalgar. Make a choice.”
The captain never tore his eyes away from your thigh, his deep frown growing in size the longer he lingered on the thought. The marines wouldn't help, they'd likely kill you and anyone else that entered on behalf of you. Trafalgar was days away, and there was no way wyou could make it. He didn't know how to treat this injury himself, that's what he had you for.
Considering there was poison in your leg, likely spreading to your blood at this point, he clamped his eyes shut and finally looked up to your face. Eyes open and glazed, you offered him a soft smile.
“What do I do, Doc?” he drew his metal hand up to caress your cheek, “What do I do?” You dart your eyes between his while slowly blinking in your daze.
“Under my bed,” you whispered, your vocal fry straining as the pain lingered, “Antidote.”
Killer was already out the door as soon as you stated ‘under your bed,’ refusing to daudle as you lay there bleeding out. Kid nodded to you, the cool of the metal palm soothing your scorching flesh. Beads of sweat flooded your skin, your hair sticking to your forehead as you bit back the ache.
“And the fucking spear?” Kid laughed down at you, “What you wanna do about that?” You snickered weakly, trying to best phrase how to proceed next.
Ideally, you would want to: remove the object, clean and sterilize the area, remove any necrotic flesh, provide antiseptic, antiinflamitries and suture it back up. Unfortunately, none of the crew were you; and you were in no position to do it yourself. Before you even had a moment to speak, Heat was at your side, pushing past Wire and glaring up at your captain.
You lazily lolled your eyes to the side of the desk, noticing the page Heat opened and let out a preemptive whimper in preparation. Heat looked down at you, watching your brows raise in a triangular peak in the center of your forehead as you nod to him.
“Antidote,” you hissed out, gulping while closing your eyes tightly shut, “And rum.” Heat nodded, immediately walking to your desk and almost instinctively pulling the leaver to reveal your secret stash of rum. Kid gasped out a laugh, smiling playfully down at you.
“Little shit,” he affectionately chastised you, “Where the fuck was that when I asked for it last week?” You choked through a soft laugh in response while biting back the pain.
“In my fuckin’ desk, hiding from you.” He laughed at you before his lips curled into a soft pout. Leaning forward, he kept the pressure against your wound as he pressed his forehead against your own. Clamping his eyes shut and grinding his teeth, he shared your breath with you in a bid to draw you closer.
“When you live through this, Doc,” Kid hissed before nuzzling his head against yours, “I'll-.”
“-Kill me?” you chirp playfully up at him, prompting him to open his eyes and glare down at you. The pain was in every follicle of your face, even in the radiance of that grin you wore so much.
“No, Sunshine,” he whispered, no humour in his tone aside from his melancholy smile, “No.” He learnt up, pressing his painted lips against your forehead while inhaling a sharp breath through his pointed nose. “I'll give you that raise you've been asking for. I swear to you, Sunshine.”
Pulling away from your face, he gazed down at you with hardened resolve and absolute unwavering compassion. Darting your eyes between his two, you lazily draw back your lips to a lazy smile.
“You know, Cap,” you utter whimsically, “From a distance, your eyes look almost orange.” Reaching up your hand, you gently take his cheek in your palm. Your weak grasp feels foreign on his hands, your usual steely demeanor slipping away, “But up close?” you whisper intimately, his breath catching in his throat, “You've got a band of gold in the middle.”
Kid attempted to keep his composure, staying strong in front of his commanders, and you, as you speak in nonsense. Your eyes held this foreign affection that he had yet to truly witness. Every part of your usual abrasive attitude diminished, your soul raw in your expression as you stared up at your captain.
“D-Doc-...” he gasped, Wire watching the interaction between the two of you and choking on his breath. Heat's eyes never left your face, waiting for the exact moment you give him that nod of approval to inact your unspoken agreement.
Stampeding through the threshold of the door tumbled Killer, each movement intentional and deliberate while weighty and desperate. Shoulders arched and chest puffed, he slid to your side and uncorked a vial of viscous liquid.
“Here you go, baby,” he leaned forward, taking your neck beneath his hands and cradling you up to steady you, “Easy does it now.” The vial ridge was placed at your lip, your eyes not leaving your captain's as you swallowed the contents of the vial. Barely tasting the liquid, the vial was replaced by the lip of a rum bottle to numb the pain and drown the pain you were about to endure.
As soon as the amber liquid hit your chest and trickled down your throat, Heat removed the spear from your thigh with his larger hands. A spurt of liquid pooled in your Captain's palm the moment he did as such, the scream you let up caught in the rum bottle. Killer leaned forward, placing his helmet covered lips against your temple and holding you against him. In your panicked state, you barely registed the next phase to Heat's agreement.
Slapping the captain's wrist away from your thigh, Heat placed his lips over your wound. Engulfing the area completely, Heat ignited his gullet and immediately seared the wound shut with the intensity of his flaming breath.
The sizzle of flesh lingered in the air, the scent of caurterizing skin and burnt hair tainting the burn of liquor in your throat. Your screams were stifled in your mouth as you grit your teeth, the widening of your eyes and glaring at that golden band within your captain's eyes.
He had no choice but to look down at you as Heat scorched your flesh. Heat's lips pressed a heart-shaped mark into your skin, the guilt of marking you with his ability ate at him from the moment he read the passage on cleaning and sealing wounds. Manuevering your thigh with ease, he released the topside of your skin and immediately pressed his lips to the underside of your leg.
Another roar of flickered flame ignited in his chest, this time your back arched and head lulled in Killer’s arms. Your vision went white, the lingering ache of pain and swell of poison leaving you as you fell into unconciousness. Four voices painted the air with their plea, your ears ringing with their unique cadence.
“Doc, I know it hurts. Forgive me, please.”
“I should've protected you, Honey.”
“Baby, hold on. Just hold on a minute longer.”
“...Don't. Don't, Sunshine. Stay with me now.”
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Hours slipped into days before you managed to rise from your slumber. That first taste of air expanded your lungs felt fresher, cleaner, than what you felt in years. The weight of your past had managed to catch up with you, the cost being higher than the one you were ready to pay with such hastiness.
As you looked to your bedside, the signature purple jagged locks of your sensitive crewmate lay unravelled beside you. Bubblegum’s face burried itself against the plush duvet, both his hands lay cradling your own as you roused with a sucked gasp.
Where were the commanders? Where was the captain? Why are these bedsheets so comfortable? Questions you would not be plagued with for much longer.
Door sliding open, the towering figure of Wire entered your chambers and slipped to your side. His eyes met with yours just as his breath caught in his throat. His great strides close the distance between you as he kneels by your head. Forehead first brushing with your mattress, he slowly and silently raises his gaze up at you through his eyelashes. Rounded eyes: wide, guilty, and pleading at you.
Before he had a chance to utter his confession and explain his emotion verbally, you silenced him with a look.
“I'm so sorry, Wire,” you whisper beneath your breath in an attempt to not wake Bubblegum. “I hesitated. I should've reacted faster-.”
“No, honey. No,” he whispered, shaking his head and rising to stoop over your bed. “You don't owe me anything you're not willing to give. It's not my place to reveal you, just as it's not yours to interrogate me.” You sigh out, a flood of emotion washing your heart in waves. Each passing wave has Wire lean forward, his lips casting over your forehead and holding you firmly beneath his kiss.
“We love you, Doc,” he whispered softly, “Doesn't matter who you were, only who you are now.” You scrunch your eyes shut as you bite-back your emotion. The wound, the familiar unfriendly face, the sting of poison still flooding through your veins, everything spilled over the rim of your emotions. Each moment replayed in echoes, Wires arms and desperation reminding you of his compassion.
“I'm ready,” you whisper, feeling him peel away his lips from your head. He searches your eyes for meaning, your own orbs darting between his.
“But first,” you added, your smile returning to your lips as you teased him with it, “Send me Heat. He's likely to be feeling like absolute horse shit about the whole thing. I can't bare to have him beat himself up about it.”
“As you wish,” he smiled at you, releasing you from his grip and pulling himself away, “I'll bring you your Fire-Breather, honey.” Giving you one more playful wink, the larger man exited your bedside and sauntered down the hall to do as you asked. Bringing you the man who used his abilities to cleanse you from your ailment as he lay in the mess hall with the captain, finding reprive from their guilt at the bottom of their rum bottles.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @nerium-lil @sinning-23 @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @a-killer-obsession
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vapekingg · 2 months
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Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader Fluff/angst 18+ for suggestive mentions WK - 4.3k TW for homophobic slurs Closeted reader and Robin, first kiss, first date, drive in date, Steddie setting up Robin and reader.
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The overhead bell at Family Video dinged above you as you pushed your way into the air conditioned storefront.
“Right on time.” Steve said from the checkout counter. 
He was glancing down at his watch, boyfriend and best friend huddled around him as usual. You’d made a habit of checking out two or three movies every week just to have an excuse to wander over from your job at the record shop next door. 
“I take lunch at two o’clock every day, dingus.” You replied. 
Robin couldn’t help but to smile. She’d noticed you’d picked up that nickname for Steve after hearing her call him it a time or two. 
But she couldn’t smile for too long. Couldn’t let her eyes linger too heavily on the fray of your denim shorts — or more accurately, the flawless skin that sat just beneath it like a colliding estuary. Couldn’t let you know that she adored you in that way. 
Robin took a step back when you approached the counter. Sometimes she felt scared to even be around you, like you could smell the fag shedding off of her. As if she was sickly. Contagious. That’s what people would say behind her back if they knew. 
“Got anything new in?” You asked while sliding Steve the VHS you’d barely had for twenty-four hours. 
“Since you came in yesterday?” He cocked an eyebrow, “No.” 
“New release at the drive-in tonight though. Elm Street 4.” Eddie mentioned from your side of the desk. It was so miserable out that even he’d shed the leather jacket you typically saw him wearing, settling for a simple all black get up with that telling bandana hanging out the back of his jeans. 
“Eh, let me know when it comes in. Last time I went to the drive-in alone some high schooler tried to hop in my passenger seat and cop a feel.” You mentioned. 
You were content with watching re-runs on television late into the night while curled up on your sofa, you supposed. But a part of you wished you could just ask Robin to accompany you to that fucking movie. 
“No goddamn way she’s not into chicks,” your co-workers told you to every time you came back from leaning over that fucking service desk during your half hour lunch. “She hangs out with Steve and Eddie all day, for fuck’s sake!”
Fuck, how you wished you could believe it as easily as they did. Even if you did believe it, it was easier just to protect your ego. 
What if you made a move and she wasn’t into it? Would she recoil like she’d been shocked by a live wire? Maybe she’d use one of those hurtful words that you’d only heard while kissing girls outside of bars in the city. It was less painful to not take the chance. At least this way you could admire her from afar — on your lunch break, while she was dressed in that adorable uniform that fit her so well. 
“Why don’t you go with her, Robin?” Steve said, ripping you out of your daydream and forcing fear up your spine like the knived fingers of Krueger himself. “You love the Elm Street movies.”
Robin’s baby blues widened from sudden anxiety. She used them to stare at Steve frantically, as if he hadn’t been the one to just thrust her into this situation in the first place. Instead, all she received from him was raised eyebrows and a humored smile while her own mouth failed to produce words. 
“I, uh—” Robin stuttered, “I think I close tonight, actually!”
“Negative. Harrington closes tonight.” Eddie replied with cheek. Of course he had his own boyfriend’s work schedule down pat. God only knows how they defiled that check-out counter once Robin left those two alone in the evenings. 
You cocked an eyebrow at her. The way your bubblegum peeked out from between your teeth when your lips parted into a smile had her wondering how sugary sweet it tasted — how sugary sweet you tasted. 
“Don’t wanna be seen in my hatchback, Buckley? I’ll let you play DJ on the way there.”
Robin could feel the blood pumping through her veins. Every beat of her heart became so increasingly violent she could hear it in her ears. Of course she wanted to sit shotgun to you while you toted her around, but even the occupation of passenger princess came with its anxieties. What music to play, directions to give, do you hold a conversation or is that too distracting?
“Yes.” She burped out, and it sounded much like a bubble popping or a bullfrog croaking late in the night. All three of you looked at her with confusion. 
“Yes, what?” You asked. “Yes, we’re going?”
“Ye—yeah, that. Let’s go!” She continued after flitting her eyes to Steve and then immediately away. “I get off at six, movie starts at seven. Pick me up at my house?”
She followed the question with that nervous, adorable half-smile you often saw — and adored — right after she did something embarrassing, but there was no excuse to be embarrassed here. 
“Okay.” You said with disbelief. “Okay, yeah. You live off of Rosewood, right?”
She nodded through a broken grin and you began backing up toward the door. There was still plenty of time left on your lunch break, but suddenly Family Video felt even hotter than late August in Indiana and you needed air. Why was there no air in this goddamn building?
“Great,” you said in time with the bell above the front door. “Cool. I’ll be there.”
“Cool, you finally asked her on a date!”
“I didn’t ask her on a date,” you told Mitch, your coworker, for the fifth time. “And I don’t even think it’s a date! Harrington kinda just set us up on some weird playdate like moms do with their socially awkward kids so they can get some alone time.”
You’d been trying for the past two hours to sort through the boxes of new inventory, but with your brain so scrambled, Blondie and Bowie read the exact same. Besides, you couldn’t get that adorable pout out of your head. The way Robin had looked so pitiful when she’d realized you were making an abrupt escape from such a sticky situation.
Sticky, because sometimes being queer felt like a glue trap sitting on your skin. Like you were a little mouse frantically trying to pull yourself free, or a fly hanging midair on a strip of paper. Sometimes you thought it might kill you.
“What’re you gonna wear?” Tiffany asked from behind the register. 
You looked down at your sprawled out form, comfortable and covered in records on the floor of the shop.
“That?” She asked again. “You look like fucking Munson.”
It was true that you and Eddie shared a few qualities, at least when it came to style. The frayed hem of your shorts tickled your thighs and was mostly chosen for aesthetic purposes, but the cut off sleeves of your Iron Maiden t-shirt were purely practical. It was too goddamn hot to not show a little skin. 
“Robin dresses like a fucking dad. I’m wearing this, Tiff.” You reiterated.
Tiffany shrugged and went back to her counting, as if to say something along the lines of, “It’s your funeral.”
You stood in front of your mirror after your shift that afternoon.
Would it be your funeral if you wore the same outfit you’d been seen in earlier that evening? Maybe Robin didn’t like the way you dressed. If she didn’t like your cut offs, this very well could be the death of something that hadn’t even started yet. 
You held up top after top in front of your chest, shorts after shorts before your waist and nothing seemed perfect. You wouldn’t wear a dress to the movies with a straight girl – which is all that you could assume Robin was, and all she could assume you were as well. So you remained in your cut off shorts and Iron Maiden tank top while sliding your sunglasses off of your forehead to face the blinding late afternoon rays. Grabbing your keys off of the counter seems like a battle in and of itself, as if holding them in your hand meant that you had to get in your car and make a fool of yourself, but you combated that thought by snatching them up quickly. Hardly giving yourself enough time to talk yourself out of the date that you’d been set up on. 
But calling it that was dangerous. Presumptions got people killed. That’s what Steve and Eddie and Tiffany and Mitch failed to understand. 
You’d heard the stories in the city. They were talked about loudly while you flirted with girls at gay bars in Indianapolis — how another queer teenager had been killed, a casualty of the growing “gay panic” that seemed to be the excuse of every homophobic, bloodthirsty meathead that was looking for an excuse to rough someone up. 
Those thoughts faded away with the roar of your engine, and soon you were heading down Peony Circle, then Dahlia Street, and then Rosewood Drive. You recognized her house from the many birthday parties your mother had forced you to go to as a kid, until birthday parties became uncool — or at least until Robin stopped handing out invitations. 
She was waiting outside for you. And Jesus Christ, the way she knocked her knees together while sitting on the front steps of her porch caused you to pump the brake just a little bit harder. 
You liked Robin’s freckles the most. You liked how they didn’t stop at her cheeks, rather decorated her body in constellations. Even her shins and arms. Now that she was out of her Family Video uniform and adorned in a more comfortable pair of shorts and tank top, you could see the spots splattered across her chest, too, and that alone made heat fill your face. 
“I think I prefer your uniform.” You teased as she plopped herself down into your passenger seat. 
“Oh, shut up.” Robin spat with no malice, but the rasp of her voice never failed to make your heart swell. “I can’t believe you don’t have one. How long do we have?”
You glanced at the clock on your dashboard and signaled a three and then a zero with your free hand while popping a cigarette between your lips with the other. 
“Want one?” You asked. 
And to your soul crushing dismay, Robin visibly recoiled. 
Immediately, back into the pack it went. 
She chose a Joan Jett & the Blackhearts album for the drive, which was to be expected. It wasn’t like you had any Madonna or Bowie albums lying around for her to choose from. And even if it wasn’t exactly her style, Robin put her feet up on your dashboard and tapped her toes along to the beat of Crimson and Clover like she’d been here before. Like you picking her up and toting her around was an everyday occurrence. Like she belonged in your passenger seat. 
“I got it.” You told her when she tried to hand you a few crumpled up dollars as you pulled up to the gate, then handed the teller a fiver. Enough to cover the bill for both of you. The drive-in on a Friday night was a lot like a no man’s land. Everyone in Hawkins seemed to flock there for a bit of entertainment and respite from the summer heat once the sun went down. The layout was structured:
In the first set of rows were families with screaming, playing children and nervous first dates. Little boys and girls running around outside of cars with bubble wands and teenage couples who got there earlier enough for a good parking spot, that way there was no pressure to make out or fool around in the back seat once the stars aligned. In the second rows were those that needed the stars to align. The lovestruck couples that couldn’t wait for the lights to dim over Indiana, just so they could get a taste of each other. The second batch or rows meant heated touches and wandering hands, fogged up windows and cries muffled into a cigarette burnt seat cushion. It was sweaty, once in a lifetime summertime teenage love that one looks back on well into their life and reminisces just for a moment before continuing on with their day. 
Had you gotten there earlier, maybe you could have been one of those second rowers. God knows you needed the stars to align. You needed Robin to be like you, needed someone in this town besides fucking Steve and Eddie to be queer and not be afraid to show it. 
Instead, you parked your hatchback at the very back of the lot, where high schoolers and washed up jocks roamed the gravel like lions during a feeding frenzy.
“You’re sure about this?” Robin asked, nerves settling into her throat and weeping out through her tone of voice. You could see it painted on her face when she glanced past you and noticed Jason Carver leaned against the hood of his car, still sporting his letterman jacket from three years ago.
“We can go grab a movie at work and go back to yours instead?”
“I think we’ll be okay.” You said while flashing her a half-hearted smile, “Just… lock your door.” But the look on Andy’s face when you stole another glance their direction told you that you would make a liar out of yourself by the end of the night, and there was something comforting about knowing that maybe the universe was about to start making decisions on your behalf. Concessions came around shortly before the movie began, and you bought a large popcorn and two sodas. You let the bucket rest between the two of you and were careful to not put your hand anywhere near it when hers was there — as if one touch was all it would take. The simple brushing of a few fingers, and she would begin calling you that ugly “F” word.
“Does Steve do this to you often?” You asked when there was hardly any light left in the sky. Just a few more minutes, and you wouldn’t feel the need to make small talk. You could enjoy the movie in peace and go back to admiring Robin from afar tomorrow, just like you preferred doing.
“Set you up on playdates, I mean.” You continued when she scrunched up her eyebrows in an adorable manner. 
“Oh, uh…” She said while glancing down at her hands, and you were afraid then that you might’ve offended her. “He just wants me to make more girlfriends — FRIENDS! Friends, I mean!”
She stuttered, and her baby blues became wide. But she snapped them up to you, and as more words came tumbling out of her mouth, you were just thankful that she was actually looking at you again.
“Friends. I don’t really have any besides Steve and Eddie, but no, they don’t do this often.”
Now you were the one furrowing your brow, along with the cock of your head. You turned sideways in your seat to face her.
“You don’t think we’re friends?” You asked.
Robin shrugged. “Are we? This is the first time we’ve hung out since we were in grade school.”
“I come to see you every day at work.” You slipped.
And with those words slipped your heart.
Little did you know, Robin’s heart slipped, too. Right out of her chest. She would’ve bet money that had she looked down, that still beating organ would’ve been a bloody mess at her feet and she would’ve had to apologize for dirtying up your floorboards. 
“You’re visiting me?” She asked quietly, mouth slightly ajar.
“Not Steve?” is what she wanted to follow with, as she was more than used to seeing Steve upsell like a pro daily with the ladies at Family Video — even if they did know that he was dating Eddie.
Even with the truth laid out before her on a silver platter, Robin still refused to believe it. 
And by the grace of God, before you were forced to answer with a gut wrenching, moment defining confession, the big screen lit up and A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master began its opening credits. 
You turned forward in your seat, and Robin continued to rasp her fingernail against the side of that sweating Coca-Cola cup as the movie played on. Anxiety riddled thoughts played out in her head in rapid fire succession, so quickly that each jump scare didn’t cause hardly a flinch as she stared forward.
You’d been visiting her. In your cut off shorts and tank tops that’s been sliced down the sides. Every day, for months. Had those movies gone unwatched, or had you actually taken all of her recommendations to heart and played them over and over again in the darkness of your living room? Had you invited another girl along to watch them with you? Maybe they hadn’t even made it out of the record store. You’d left them there overnight just as an excuse to bring them back the next morning to see her again. And you were punching yourself for talking so much. Because everything was ruined now, wasn’t it? Robin would know you were a dyke, a fag, and she’d duck into the back of the store every time you came to snag a peek at those constellation-like freckles that darkened with the summer sun.
But all thoughts, yours and Robin’s alike, came to a screeching halt when faced with that damned waterbed scene. 
A beautiful blonde, completely nude, hair splayed out around her, breasts pressed against translucent rubber. She was unrealistic. Not perfect, just unattainable, but that was what made Joey — and you — so fixated on her. 
You had to move. You could feel your limbs tensing up, as if they were about to creak like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. You slipped your hand to the center console to grab a fistful of popcorn. Even if you weren’t hungry, you had to pretend like you weren’t sweating bullets, right? Had to pretend that you didn’t feel like some undercover agent that was being talked about in the third person. But why did the girl on the screen have to be so pretty? You couldn’t help but to stare, and the warm butter mixed with the stickiness of summer air forced a whole new sensation to befall you. The sensation of everything closing in, of it all coming to a head, to an end. And then, there was skin. 
Robin’s fingers met yours at the center of the popcorn bucket, and she was sure that her heart stopped. It might have minutes ago when that girl had popped up on the screen, but it was nonexistent now. 
And you didn’t move your hand away when it met hers, despite it feeling much like a jolt of electricity racing through your entire body. That momentary effervescence, it was enough to get you through the stress of living in a world that didn’t understand.
But it wasn’t long lasting, as a chili dog thrown with the force of a football hit your back windshield full speed. You ripped your hand away from Robin’s, nearly knocking the bucket of popcorn all over her in the process. 
“Fuck!” You mumbled to yourself. From the driver’s side mirror, you saw Jason and Andy approaching your window. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
It was Andy who tapped against the glass with knuckles calloused from years of playing sports, and you bit the inside of your cheek while rolling the window down. 
“First date?” Jason grinned from outside of your car. 
“Go fuck yourself, Carver.” You spat with immediate regret. 
But then Robin’s elbow seemed to bump yours near the center console, and whether it was on accident or purpose you couldn’t be sure, but that skin to skin contact allowed you to ground yourself a bit this time around. 
“Just trying to enjoy our movie.” You continued, and never once did you dare meet eyes with either of them. 
Because last time you had, well, they’d seen too much.
You and some redhead tangled up in each other beneath a streetlight in a sparse parking lot. You’d thought you were the last ones out of The Hideout that night, but you’d been wrong, and they’d witnessed it all. Every bit of your mouth on hers, her hands around your waist, and the way you’d ushered her quickly into your car once you caught a glimpse of your audience. 
“Right.” Andy drawled, and you saw him lean past you to look at Robin in the passenger seat. “Know what else she enjoys?”
“Andy,” You bargained with a nervous smile covered by your fingers, eyes closed gently so you wouldn’t have to witness the explosion of what could have been. 
But Robin was already anticipating his next words, and her heart hurt for you.
“She’s butch.” He said loudly, “A fuckin’ dyke, y’know? Right here in Hawkins.”
There it was, the final nail in your coffin. You could feel the pity shedding off of Robin from the seat over, and perhaps that was the worst part of all. 
“Come on.” She whispered. The blood and gore playing out before you was nothing compared to how absolutely gutted you felt inside, and Robin could certainly sense that. “Let’s just go home.”
“Home?” Jason teased. 
From what little you could see through your back window, you noticed a third figure blocking your exit.
“So you lesbos can scissor it up in private? That’s what you came here for.” He continued, and your hand slowly made their way toward the keys that sat in the uncranked ignition. “Go on, give us a show. Just like you did at the bar.”
With the roar of your engine, Patrick McKinney scarcely missed getting snagged in the ass with the edge of your bumper. You peeled out of there, dodging roughhousing teenagers and kids that were just heading back to their parents with fresh buckets of popcorn just alike. You could hear your heart thumping like a drum in your ears, could feel the tears prickling the corners of your eyes — but you wouldn’t cry. Not yet. 
It wasn’t until you pulled up in front of your apartment and let your knuckles soften around the steering wheel that you realized what you’d done.
“I didn’t — I didn’t mean to bring you back here.” You sighed while shaking away the thoughts in your head like an Etch-A-Sketch. “Like, I don’t want you to think I’m trying to—”
“I don’t think anything.” Robin interrupted. 
She hadn’t put her feet up on the dashboard during the drive back. Hell, she hadn’t even put her seatbelt on — which was uncharacteristic of a hypochondriac. Instead, she’d sat there holding her hands in her lap, disbelieving of what she’d just found out to be true.
She wasn’t alone. In this small, backwoods town — there was someone like her. 
You washed your hand over your face and contemplated where to go from there, and after a moment, you knew what you wanted to do.
“They weren’t lying, you know.” You laughed, and then looked at her for the first time in what felt like ages.
And the look you saw on Robin’s face, surprisingly, was not that of disgust. But one of hope. A light sheen covered her waterline, as if she’d just been granted her dying wish — kinship.
“I kiss girls.” You said while running your hand through your hair. “Like, a lot. Almost exclusively, actually. I just don’t want you to think that I was trying to bring you home, or that I was trying to pull anything weir—”
But everything past that first sentence was lost on Robin’s ears. The next thing she knew, her mouth was moving without permission from her brain.
“No, I kiss girls, too!” She blurted out, and then squeezed her eyes together with embarrassment. 
You smiled, and she spoke quickly to save herself.
“I mean, in theory.” She corrected, “I would love to kiss a girl! I haven’t actually kissed a girl. I mean, it isn’t like there are tons of options in Hawkins. But if I had the chance — I mean, if the right girl came along—”
“Robin,” you interrupted, and her chest deflated with relief. 
You reached forward to place a gentle hand on her cheek, and it almost seemed right that all of this was happening under the cover of the night. Like it was made easier for her because of it. You could feel the heat in her cheeks, and she could feel the pulse thumping away in your thumb as you brushed her temple. 
“Do you want me to kiss you?” You asked.
And with a sigh, as if she’d been waiting for you to ask since you’d first set foot in Family Video some months ago, she replied.
So you did. You leaned across your center console, and her lips were just as plush and pillow soft against yours as they looked. It was everything that you’d anticipated, everything that those second rowers back at the drive-in were chasing after. Robin tasted like a cotton candy summertime sunset that would soon fade into a cashmere sweater, and there was no better way to explain that other than the cusp of summer and fall was your favorite. She was your favorite. 
When you pulled away, you could see by the way her eyes remained closed that perhaps you were her favorite, too.
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nouearth · 1 year
12 Months
peter parker x male reader.
summary: where you couldn't possibly imagine to find love and sanctuary anywhere else, you somehow find it in the presence of a boy named peter.
wc: 4.3k. genre: angst. warnings: loner!reader, sad!reader, implied abuse, implied bullying, high school senior year, slow-burn.
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The big hand of the clock flicked closer to the end of the day, the small hand circling around the circumference to pass time. 
Conversations of peers were usually drowned out with the help of your earbuds. The gentle strum of acoustics would counter the excitement of the students’ well-being; friends opinionated in after-school activities, athletes talked about the upcoming game with your rival school, artists boasted over the amount of commissions they’ve received overnight.
For the first time, you heard it all, and took it all in with an inhale, then silence as you stared at Peter Parker. The earbuds were slotted into your ear canals, but today, the wired nubs were worn to merely dull your surroundings as you awaited the intercom to bid the occupants of the building farewell for the day. Your leg shook, bouncing your book bag atop of it, and you held it steady when you hugged it close to your chest, chin resting at the strap. It appeased the throttle in your chest, but every time the classmate opened his mouth for a laugh, it swelled painfully larger. A pump to the husk of a balloon, a breath to the bubble of blue raspberry bubblegum, a vapor to the particles of billowed smoke, it continued swelling and roped your anxiety along for the journey. A part of you needed to talk to him, but the other part begged for reconsideration. 
At some point, you forgot to breathe. Feeling blue in the cheeks, you finally exhaled the caught nerves. They drew out of you in shivers, spaghetti boiling in bubbling water if the warmth of your breath could change matter. While the man listened, then talked within his small group of friends, chairs and desks were gathered around to form a circle, you examined him cautiously. If Peter was to turn his head and meet the affection in your gaze, you were lucky to have the window by your side to turn back to, feigning interest in the clouds, the sky, the breeze in the trees. Until then, his smile unmasked pearly whites that rivaled the lights that illuminated the classroom. His russet hair was pushed back, wavy locks that were brushed simply so people could easily follow the pattern with one glance. 
“Gooooood Afternoon, Midtown!” The intercom blared, and a warning from your teacher hushed your classmates into a sea of scatters. “Before we send you kiddos off, we would like to remind all of you that the Midtown Tigers will be playing against Weston’s Sea Hawks tonight! Show your support by attending the game and cheering for our team. Let’s show those dirty hawks that tonight will be the night that we can bounce back from our 18th consecutive loss!” It continued with its usual announcements of bus delays and afternoon activities before finally blaring that cathartic bell.
Footsteps crowded the halls, and your classmates joined its symphony in heavy to light strides. While you watched, your pace slowed deliberately as Peter’s friends bid him farewell. You overheard them asking him if he was going to join them in the mall, but he declined, blaming his absence on his aunt. They left one by one, until the only occupants were you, your teacher, and Peter.
“Peter?” You were up on your feet, approaching him from the back of the classroom as you slung the bag over your shoulder. Your voice cracked from the parched of your throat, mousy in performance, and you were unsure if Peter heard you. Your mouth opened again to call to him again, but he turned with a friendly smile, raising his brows in interest, and they closed.
“Oh, hey!” His face lit up when he saw you, or maybe you were convincing yourself. Not even your reflection looked at you the way Peter did. You were even surprised he recognized you. Cared to remember you. He hurriedly threw his books into his backpack before swinging it over his shoulder, meeting you in the middle of the row of desks. “What’s up?”
“I…” You’ve only spoken to him twice. The first was a mere greeting, and the second was a painful answer to his worry. 
Are you okay? Yes.
The beating in your chest hiked in rhythms, compelled gravity to rob your voice, but you were conscious enough to steal it back, softly speaking. “I just want to thank you for… last year. I never got to… properly thank you. So, thank you…” You were intoxicated by the amount of times you said those appreciative words, but gratitude sobered you up, offering the latter a small, grateful smile. 
“Oh…” The smile on Peter’s face simmered into a relieved line. He then nodded towards the door for you to follow him, and you did, silently by his side. “You don’t have to thank me, (M/N). I did what anyone would do.”
Everyone let it happened, except for you.
The hallway was quick to clear as students rushed to spend the remaining hours of their Friday without any regrets. The silence was deafening except for the squeak of your shoes and the whispered gossip between faculty members, and for a place you often labeled as your personal hell, it wasn’t so bad when it was purged of those that spawned that definition in your life.
Maybe you were walking slower, or you were keeping with Peter’s pace, or the hallways had undergone construction to stretch the floors, or the awkward silence between the both of you that blurred your perception, but the travel from your classroom to the exit of the building was a journey.
“Is he still bothering you? I don’t know if he’s in your other classes, but he’s not in mine, so…” Peter spoke up, alluding to the classmate who called you disgusting names, shoved your books to the floor, stole the change of your clothes during gym. And you wished it would stop there, at the actions of the cliché bully trope, but it never did. He pushed the door open, politely letting you out first, and you stepped into the warmth with a small thank you,’ and continued walking with him. Summer cicadas harmonized in their greeting.
“No, not anymore.” You lied, dropping that hand that once held onto the padded straps of your backpack to your side. The dark color of your pants masked the bruise on your wrist when you shoved it deep into your pocket. “I have him in a few of my classes, but luckily he’s preoccupied with his friends.”
“Geez, you got his friends too? That’s… gotta be a loud classroom.” He laughed, and you joined in to delude yourself, and Peter, into thinking everything was okay.  
The sound of multiple engines running within the yellow busses reminded you how incredibly enamored you were with Peter. By now, motors would’ve been buried by earbuds, and the walk wouldn’t have been so deafening to your ear canals. But hearing Peter’s voice soothed the damage, and you wished you had a playlist of him saying your favorite words, reading your favorite novels, rescuing you with worried comfort. You wanted to continue the conversation, change the subject, but you never knew how, so it fell to silence. Again.
“I’ll see you around, Peter.” You spoke softly again, paused when you and Peter reached the end of the sidewalk. You were familiar with Peter’s route. He lived in the opposite side of your street, and the curved path to the right practically led him back to his apartment. All he had to do was follow the beige pavement. “…and thank you, again. It means a lot.” A genuine smile, one that you haven’t been able to sprout for weeks, months you could argue, and Peter’s breath hiked.
“Of course…” It took his breath away. The cloudy day was drawing in the last of its colors, but the rare hint of your teeth, the curve of your lips, made the sky above him, behind you, bloom in the softest blues, yellows, and whites. Selfishly, he wished you smiled more, because the release that was pulled from him evened the astonishment of a child seeing stars for the very first time. 
“I’ll see you around, (M/N).”
The workload in your classes had picked up, and with the part-time job at the local bookstore, you were envious of customers who had finished their backlog of novels. Mainly working adults. Still, there was never enough hours in the day to immerse yourself in the world of a brave protagonist, slaying off demons and dragons in the pursuit of love. You never got to finish the fantasy novel you were reading, but you’d imagine it ended with the hero beheading the fire-breathing behemoth, and its head would be pridefully worn on a stick like cotton candy. Cheers erupted when the character returned, then roared when their love blessed them with one thankful kiss.
The ladder was anchored to the wooden, though creaky, floors as you held your breath from inhaling dust. When the door was pushed open by curious passersby, particles of dust sailed with the draft that was invited in, and you coughed into the crook of your arm whenever one floated into your throat. Though, you couldn’t be too annoyed. It also provided a test to see if the Halloween decorations could withstand the wind as they sat on hooks that were nailed into the ceilings. Spirals of orange and black ribbons roped cartoonish gravestones, black cats, pumpkins, skulls, ghouls, all the mascots of the holiday, from above. The draft animated them in gentle swings, delicate arcs that cooled the confined space of the bookstore, but as far as you could tell, none of them had landed on the ground.
“Looks great, (M/N)! I think we’re good on the hanging decorations!” Your manager, Anna, gave the metal ladder a strong pat before tending to the fallen dust. It shook in fear, and you did too, immediately clutching to the fly to stabilize it.
“Any else? We still haven’t decorated the windows.” You climbed down cautiously, making sure she was in your line of sight because for all you could know, she could be an omen.
“The stick on the ones I got suck, so I was thinking that we’ll decorate it on Halloween? Before opening?” She said, opening the door after to sweep out the culprits of your coughing fits. 
“Sounds good.” You collapsed the extension of the ladder once you stepped off, folding it into a thicker shape, and nodded before returning the ladder to its rightful place in the storage room.
“Doing anything fun for Halloween?! Parties?!” Anna’s voice boomed despite the door muffling it. The natural luminous of her voice was something you usually cowered away from, especially when she called for you in front of customers. Luckily, the store was closed, vacant of any witnesses to the flare of your cheeks. Cardboard boxes stacked atop of one another, and for some reason, you were suddenly determined to face your procrastination head-on. “Horror movies?!”
“Uh…” The volume of your voice was still muted despite forcing yourself to make it sonorous. It came out in staggered breaths as you flattened the boxes with your weight, stepping on them at the crease and fold, until you were able to fold them into neat, flat shapes. “Not really! I usually don’t do anything for celebrations.”
“Seriously?” The sound of sweeps came closer to you. They sounded like laughs, almost as if they were mocking you. When you looked up, it was Anna’s fretted expression that reminded you that they were just sounds. No one was here to hurt you. Laugh at you. 
It was just you and Anna. And sounds.
“Mm-hmm.” You simply answered, packing the flattened boxes into a trash bag before storing it back to where the stack previously harbored. The room felt bigger now. You exited after switching off the lights, and took Anna’s broom to sweep up the fuzzy stray materials of cardboard. 
“How come?” Her shoulder supported her leaning stance as she pressed to the wall, watching you diligently work with crossed arms. She gasped out of realization. “Oh no—did something horrible happen on Halloween? Is that why you don’t celebrate?!”
“No, nothing like that!” You laughed. It was always genuine with her. Anna was at least twenty years older than you, but she still kept the youthfulness of a child. You were envious of it. 
“I just…” Big sweeps to walnut flooring kept your mind at ease. The thick hairs brushed evenly, catching lint in the hay. They clung protectively onto the strands the more you brushed, the harder as well. It reminded you of nights, lonesome in your bed. No matter how hard you tried to remove those pesky lints, they always stayed. Always found a way to intrude. “—don’t have parties to go to.”
Nor did you have friends to watch movies with, or a willing family to celebrate with if all plans fell through. It’s been you since you can remember, and you’ve gotten used to it. Though, you’d never admit that to her.
The trail of your voice and the mindless polishing of walnut immediately foiled your discreet speech, but Anna knew better than to prod. From the day you came in for the interview, she remembered the timidness of your slouch, your pattern of speech, your orbs. One could argue that they were nerves, universal tremors one every eighteen year old got when applying for their first job. Then, she trained you. It was just you and her, and the shelves of delicate books. Over the next few weeks, Anna learned that you were as frail as the old spine of donated hardbacks. 
Her knowledge of you only sank surface-deep, barely a scratch or a wound. At one point, she thought it was because of her personality: chipper as a mourning dove, loud as her neighbor’s lawnmower on Sundays, but compared to how she met you five months ago, it delighted her to see progress. Slowly but surely, you opened up to her. She knew your favorite color, your favorite meal, your favorite novel, and she was no longer insecure. There will be a time when she’d meet the root of your soul, and if it took a month, a year, or another, she’d wait.
“Everything okay at school?” She’s been meaning to ask. It was an exciting time for a new business, but incredibly stressful as well. Most never made it after six months, especially within an industry where independent bookstores have become increasingly difficult to sustain with the presence of technology. Anna was just fortunate enough to have seen such quick growth.
Anna took the broom from your hand, stashed it back in the storage room, then guided you to a table for two near the entrance of the store. It was her favorite spot because she loved seeing the wonderment of her customers when they left with the book they couldn’t find anywhere else.
“Yeah,” You quickly answered and offered her a simple smile, devoid of any purpose but to pacify her worries. It worked on your parents, and you liked to think that it worked on Anna as well. “Well, they’re doing some construction in the school gym. I heard that they’re planning to add a room for—“
“That’s great, (M/N), but…” Her arms remained crossed, below her chest, and she nodded to the bruise on your cheek. Purple bloomed high on your cheekbone. Occasionally, it throbbed whenever a draft hit your frail skin. You assumed it was its way to kiss it better, and so you would let it in seek of sating the empty feeling in your stomach. “That. I meant the bruise…”
“Oh—“ Out of instinct, your hand reached up to dab at the purpling skin. Numbed at the first layer, but you pressed deeper, and you hid a jolt with a sudden clear of your throat. “Uh… cat— got me. My mom always said to never play with strays.”
It was a lame excuse and you knew it. Anna did too. Before you could see her face scrunch into a stew of concern, you turned the bruised cheek away and looked to the heights of the sky, out the window, and wished you could fly into the night.
On Halloween, the promotion regarding a sale on donated books, though only paperbacks, if you wore a costume propelled the place to a considerable height. The small size of the store felt even smaller, even more so as Anna’s playlist Halloween music blared in the wall stereo. The sound waves and chatters of excited customers confined you, and you shrunk yourself in corners where it would be coldest. Anna took care of the crowd of patrons, while you assembled the paperbacks in a neatly order within the shelves. 
Anna didn’t expect you to comply in participating in the event of Halloween, so the elation in her face was immediately framed in your mind when she hugged you tight, bruising enough to beckon the former bruise on your cheek to reappear, in your Where’s Waldo outfit. Simple, but you were a simple man.
“Excuse me?” An inquisitive voice tore your focus from arranging the novels in alphabetical order. You were kneeling to fill the lower shelf that was too low for anyone to comfortable browse through, but maintained the position as the crowd seemed to have closed in on you. “Do you know if this book qualifies for the sale, or is it paperback only?”
You looked up through your artificial glasses, and the size of your eyes matched the roundness of your frames when it embarrassingly didn’t take you very long to uncover who was under the layer of green face paint. “Peter?”
“O-oh! (M/N), you work here?” His eyes also widened, but he was sober enough to reach his hand out for you to grab onto. “That’s fitting, I guess. You always went to the library during lunch—I-I mean, not that I watch you or anything. I just— happened to notice…” The heat from your palm jumped onto Peter’s when you held on and pulled yourself to your feet. You weren’t sure what to respond to first, but the closed distance between you and Peter was distracting. A fleeting feeling in your chest, and it still overstays it welcome when you backed a step away. 
Peter’s never been so close to you. He could smell the scent of ocean mist that he likened to previous shopping trips ago. His aunt may would drag him to the nearest retail store and he’d spend every second of the agonizing trip smelling laundry scent boosters while she stocked up on the pantry. He laughed to himself. You seemed like the type to use those.
“Thanks, uh…” You carefully took the hardback in your hand, examining it with several cycles of flips. It was in mint condition. Usually, a poorer state allowed an extra discount. “The sale is only for paperbacks, but…” Your eyes scanned the room. Fewer people now. Anna was still busy entertaining those that came to participate in the costume contest, a sudden endeavor to drive engagement.
“I can make an exception.” There was a swell in Peter’s heart when you gave him a smile, an uncertain small one, but nonetheless, a smile that warmed his insides. He wouldn’t have minded if he had paid full price anyhow, but he also wouldn’t reject the opportunity to save money. 
He followed your steps to the back, away from the engaged crowd, and stilled as you began checking him out. “Just one book?” You looked up, and his lips were already parted as if he was about to say something, but he nodded instead.
Another moment of silence as you took his card after applying the sale to his book, and your fingers drummed to the beat of the music to fill it out, awaiting the receipt to print out. Whenever you had the courage to look at him, he was immersed in the ambiance of the bookstore. Smiling to himself, to Anna, to the laughter of the crowd, and you couldn’t help but hide one yourself, to the ground. When Peter faced you again, you quickly looked away in time, and the receipt rolled out in one smooth motion.
“How are you? Is it always this busy? I’ve never heard of this place.” Peter had a habit of stacking multiple questions with his own observations, with statements, with more questions. Rambles, people would call it. He was attentive, curious, and it all made him the more endearing.
“I’ve been doing okay. Tired, mostly. Miss Wilson’s been keeping me up though.” It was your attempt at a joke, and luckily, it landed when Peter laughed in agreement, elated as if he’d been waiting for the culprit of all-nighters to be of subject.
“Right?!” Peter shook his head when you asked if he wanted a bag, and continued, tucking the book in his armpit when you returned it to him. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love her—she’s awesome. But chill out on the essays! An essay about our essays is a task sent from the devil himself.”
A chuckle escaped from your lips, and a wider smile brimmed your face in support. For the first time, you felt compelled to talk, to engage into conversation.  “Yeah, I missed a few deadlines, but she’s pretty lenient with late work, thankfully.”
“Really? I have a feeling it’s because it’s you! You’re probably her favorite student since you always get the right answers when she calls on you.” He laughed again to escape the awkwardness of his compliment. Subtle, but he hoped you took it pridefully.
Peter looked to the side to see if anyone was coming to conclude their purchase for the night, and was delighted to see the hardwood floor left unattended. “Are you doing anything after this? It’s Halloween, so I imagine people are probably out partying or something.”
“I’m not really a party person.” You nodded to assure yourself, mindlessly rearranging the supplies around the desk to avoid the gaze of his eyes. It sucked you in once, couldn’t look back even if you tried. It was only when Peter turned himself away that you were no longer staring into warm chestnuts. “I only dressed like this since I’d probably look a little out of place if I showed up in my usual uniform, haha.”
“You look cu—“ Peter hurriedly cut himself off, frantic before smiling again. “Nice. You look nice.”
“Thank you,” You returned his smile, soft in form. “What about you? Are you doing anything?”
“Well, I’m not a party person either—oh! There’s this new horror movie that came out a week ago! I’ve been dying to see it,” Peter sparked, gently bouncing on his toes as hope frayed within his words. “If you’re free, would you want to watch it with me?”
“Oh—“ For the first time, you had the option to say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ and for some reason, Peter was always at the crime of your firsts. “W-what time? I’ll have to see if it’s okay with Anna if—“
“Let me see…” Light reflected off of Peter’s faced as he searched on his phone, but a buoyant smile that revealed his teeth shined brighter. “One showing at eight, another at ten, and one final one at midnight!”
“Is… midnight okay?” You hesitantly asked, and Peter brightened.
“Midnight is perfect.”
When you left from work, you didn’t bother to call for your parents. It would’ve gone to voicemail anyhow. Instead, Anna took the excited initiative to drive you to the theater despite your assurance that walking would’ve sufficed.
Nonsense! I’m getting my coat. Hold on! Stay right there!
The mystery of what held the rest of the night for you frightened you to the core. What if everything went downhill from here? What if Peter never showed up? What if this had been a prank all along? During the car ride, you breathed, and breathed, and breathed.
And then, breathed. 
Blew in one continuous breath.
Your chest ran steady again.
That night, Peter made you feel normal. As normal as someone like you could be. 
You didn’t plan on getting your fingers buttery, but Peter assured you that his  popcorn wasn’t going to finish itself. You shared your sour gummies in return. Peter jumped when a ghost flew to the screen, and you did the same from his own erratic movements. You watched the film through half-closed eyes, peeking between the cracks of your greasy fingers, prepared to be startled by the sound of a door closing, and you laughed silently to yourself because it was silly when you flinched to a cat scurrying away.
While you focused, the structure of your nose and lips, your entire side profile, were handsomely illuminated by the flickers of the screen and Peter took in the animation of your presence, a behemoth contrast of the you he’d known silently for years; the you that kept to himself, ate at lunch by himself, did group projects by himself, studied in the library by himself, walked home by himself. It was pathetic, many would heckle to their circle of friends. Peter overheard the tease and taunts, and he wanted to defend you in those moments. But he couldn’t, not until he knew you.
When you felt the air thicken, you turned to Peter and his gaze unfurled the heavy cloud between the two of you until it vanished into smoke. It sucked you in; his eyes. And you stared wide-eyed, bewildered and lost in the sea of broken stars the screen illustrated in Peter’s orbs. They twinkled with every cut of the scene, sparkling under the terror of the performer’s haunting, until they no longer didn’t when he turned away. 
Crimson blanched and wilted into his face, radiated even in the dark when you followed and turned back to the screen. You felt your cheeks rivaling in swatch.
For the first time, you weren’t scared. 
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P3
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, Blood, Drugs, mentions of torture and Death.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part ….. Next Part >
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The afternoon sun burned bright in the sky, the white soft clouds slowly floating through the clear sky as birds happy let the light wind take them across the sea. It would have been so peaceful if it weren't for the cannon fire, yelling and metal banging against brick, The Victoria Punk quickly docked at the side of the prison letting the crew off to rampage and free their crew mates while others stayed behind to fire at the prison walls with the cannons. Kid had already left the ship before it even docked and Killer wasn't too far behind, the captain busted open the gates sending shock waves though the floating prison startling everyone inside. Marines run to protect the prison but are either shot, cut or punched hardly standing a chance against the Kid pirates, Kid had no idea where he was going, he just hit and gathered mental as he runs through the base, Killer following behind slicing up anyone who came after them. Wire and Heat know that Kid and Killer would be doing their own thing so the two split up taking a few crew members with them to search the cell area for their crew, it wasn't long until Wire came across the missing crew members. Boogie waves his hand threw the bars seeing his tall crew mate and a few others running down the hall "Wire" The four call out with happy smile's glad to be getting out of this place, the tall man simply nods before using his trident to slice open the bars to each cell letting them out.
The crew around him cheer as they reunite with each other but Wire raises an eyebrow at only seeing the four of them, before he can ask though Bubblegum runs up to him in slight panic "They took Y/n to the infirmary but The Commodore recognized her, he said her father would he furious and to keep her off the records." He quickly explains knowing Wire didn't have the time for long stories, the other three nod confirming what Bubblegum just said. "Get them out of here, I'll check the infirmary , if you see Heat on the way make sure to inform him of all this" The tall man commands the crew he brought with him before heading off to find the medical ward alone, Its true the crew don't know anything about your past, but they never thought to ask and you never brought it up. You had a few strange quirks but then again so did the rest of the crew who come from all over the South blue and some even from the Grand line. Walking into the infirmary Wire looks around seeing several patients in their beds, some tied down while the others seem to be passed out but none of them were you. A whimper catches his attention turning to look at the desk's down the other end of the room, walking over the tall man steps around the main desk to see a young woman wearing a nurses outfit cowering under it, she freezes with a squeak when seeing Wire staring down at her. "Where's Y/N, she was brought in last night or this morning" He asks not making a move towards her yet, he had no reason to hurt her unless she refused to answer his question.
Despite her seeming to know that he had no intention to harm her if she answered, she gave him a response the tall man didn't like "w-we've had no n-new patients" She stutters while trying to move further back in fear but her back is already pressed firmly against the wood, Wire lets out a sigh before bending down to look right at her "My crew said she was brought here so don't lie, where is she?" He asks again becoming impatient his eyes burning into her's making the young girl gulp in fear "I-i'm not lying, I-I can show y-you the records" She pants hoping not to get killed by the tall man. Wire thinks for a second while looking her over, something told him she was telling the truth, but he needed to be sure so using one hand he shoves the heavy wooden desk away causing her to let out a scream, but she makes no move to get up and run, it seems her body chose freeze this time. "Hurry up, i don't have time" Wire gestures towards the file cabinets while gripping his trident in his other hand ready to kill her if she tried to run, with a nod the young woman stands to her shaky feet and makes her way over to the file cabinets taking out the patient records for the past couple of days. Her hands are shaky at best but manages to take them out without dropping them and places them on the other wooden desk thats still standing, Wire steps closer causing the woman to back up to the wall as to not be in his way. Looking over the files it seems she was telling the truth, there isn't any records of any new additions but there were records of the four crew members being patched up then shoved in a cell. So its true that they didn't put you on record but there has to be a trace of you somewhere at least someone who saw you here, the nurse would have told him if she saw you, she's too scared not too.
The young nurse watches the pirate's every move until he shoves the files off the desk and turn to her, thinking she's going to die the young woman closes her eyes and bases for a painful death but instead she hears footsteps walking away. Peeking open her eyes she watches Wire walk towards the door after stepping over the wooden desk that he shoved to the floor and heads down the hall to inform his captain about all this, surprisingly leaving the nurse alive. Killer slices through yet another Marine that thought he could take the masked man on in a sword fight as he follows Kid's mess of destruction, he know's that if he lost sight of his captain all he had to do was follow the trail of bodies and broken walls to find him again. A few marines tried to take on Kid but their weapons where ripped out of their hands as the red head uses his devil fruit to pull them, along with other piece of metal over to him covering his already metal arm making it much bigger and stronger. With a laugh Kid swings the giant arm hitting the marines and the walls around him as Killer finally catches up and stops next to his captain looking around at the mess. Just as they were about to keep going footsteps run up behind them causing the two to turn ready for a fight only to see Wire run around the corner and over to the two. "You find everyone?" Killer asks as the tall man stops in front of them, his breathing is heavy from running, but he also seemed very annoyed or even angry.
Wire nods at the masked man before trying to inform the two of what he's just learned "The others are heading back to the ship, Y/n was taken to the infirmary when she got here but-" Before he can continue Kid groans and walks past his tall friend while rolling his eyes "Well what the hell you waiting for?" The captain yells staring to head to the infirmary but is stopped by Killer "Kid wait.. what were you going to say?" The masked man asks knowing something is wrong since Wire would have looked in the infirmary so why was he here without you. "She's not there, there's no record of her ever being here, th-" Wire's interrupted again this time by both Kid and Killer who yell loud enough he swears that everyone back on the Victoria can hear them "What?" Wire takes a breath mainly to clam his own anger and frustration of being interrupted again before turning to the captain. With his arms crosses over his chest Wire finally managed to explain what the others told him while not being interrupted by the two, he also explained how the young nurse had no idea who you were and that the files showed the four others but not you. The only person who might know where you are is the Commodore, but he hasn't been seen anywhere, Kid growls as he grits his teeth not understanding how things can go this wrong. Killer sighs trying to calm himself before thinking how to go about things but it isn't really working "We should find him, if he won't tell us then we'll just have to beat it out of him" The first mate states getting Kid to snap out of his hate filled gaze on his clenched metal hand.
Kid gives a big grin and a quick nod showing a clear liking towards the idea before heading off to find the Commodore's office with Killer and Wire following behind, the Commodore may not be in his office with all the fighting, but they've met marines of higher ranks that would rather cower away and let their lower ranked officers do the work than fight. The three sprint down the hall gradually feeling the aura change as they get closer to a much stronger person, soon enough a white coated marine appears coming out of his office while holding a small yellow bottle. Kid growls, anger boiling through him as he jumps up bringing his fist down on the Commodore who only managed to dodge at the last second, his cheek getting cut by the splintered wood that fly's through the air due to the force of Kid's metal arm hitting the wooden floor. Using the distraction Killer runs in swinging his blades at the white coated man who gasp as it slices his hand off, Wire runs in next bringing his trident down on the man aiming for his shoulder since they need him alive. Despite the situation the Commodore smirks popping the yellow bottle and quickly tipping it into his mouth before Wire can hit him, a burst of energy sends the three flying back, yellow lightning like power causes out of the man who screams in agony. Killer manages to get to his feet quickly stopping himself from sliding too far away as Wire tumbles a little more but uses his hand to push himself up stopping his body from continuing to roll. Kid shield's his face with his metal arm as his feet skid across the floor managing to stop himself before passing Killer.
The blinding yellow lightning and screams soon stops revealing the Commodore who pants while looking very different, the hand that was cut off has healed into a stump already and the mans already large frame was even bigger, his muscles bulging and almost pulsing as thick raised veins run across his whole body, even his face, the clothes he's wearing is ripped to shreds except or a bit around his groin area and the white coat hanging off his back by a string wrapped around his neck. "What the fuck?" Kid asks standing to his full height as the now large man throws his head back in laughter before looking at the three "I know your rash but i thought you'd at least ask me a question first" The Commodore smirks bringing a leg behind him to get into a fighting stance, Kid takes a step forwards with a smirk of his own knowing it's going to be a good fight but doesn't jump in just yet since Killer lightly placing his hand on the captains arm "Where's Y/n?" The masked man calls out even though he knows he's not going to get a straight answer from this man. "I don't know who your talking about" It was a obvious lie since the man clearly rolled his eyes that smirk never fading from his face. Kid rushes in gathering metal around him to make his metal arm large again before punching the marine who uses both of his arms to stop the punch, the captain didn't bother to ask questions instead focusing on the fight. Pulling his hand back the captain continues to punch and grapple with the large marine while Killer and Wire wait on the side lines knowing not to jump in just yet. "Sneak into the office, see what you can find" The masked man glances at the tall man who nods heading of to sneak into the Commodore's office.
Once Wire's out of view Killer joins the fight running over with his blade's spinning and going for the Marines legs, sliding past the masked man turns back only to see the commodore's leg's unharmed even though his blade differently cut though skin since there's blood on his blade. "Answer the fucking question" Kid yells as he blocks the Commodore's punch with his metal arm, some of the metal denting under the force making the captain grunt in annoyance, Killer runs back into the fight, jumping into the air and bringing his blades down on the marines back letting them dig in. The Commodore yells in pain and anger as his wounds try to heal even though there are blades stuck in his back. "Where is she" The masked man yells as the marine tries to reach back and grab him only to be punched in the face by Kid's large arm, thinking quickly the commodore runs backwards hoping to crush the blonde between him and the wall only for Killer to quickly catch on and brings his blades out, jumps off the marines back just before being crushes. Panting slightly the white coated marine swipes as Killer lands about to hit him when a chunk of metal hits his chest forcing the large back back into the brick wall making it crack under the pressure. Metal continues to swarm over pinning the man to the wall while Kid Chuckles walking up to his partners side "Tell us where she is and I'll make your death quick" Kid smirks looking at the struggling and panting marine who seems to have given up,the Commodore slowly looks up at the two letting a sick joyful smile from on his face. "i'm sorry to inform you but she's dead, her wounds were just too much for her" The captain extends his arm purple strings of light flowing from his hand as his eyes burn with anger.
Kid starts closing his fist making the metal around the commodore compress the pain of even thinking your dead makes it hard for him not to kill this guy "Liar" The captain yells but the marine shakes his head while struggling to get free "She's dead deal with it" The commodore yells managing to get one of his arms free, Killer's quick to act running over and stabbing his arm forcing the blades through and into the wall, the marine yells in pain trying to pull his arm away but their combined strength was too much even with what ever drugs he took. "We know she's alive, tell us where she is" The masked man growls using all his strength to keep the commodore's arm in place while Kid continues to try and squeeze the life out of him, before the commodore can answer Wire runs out of the office with an angry look "She's not here" their crew mate yells out causing the two to look over at him in surprise and confusion "There's no record of her but a ship left last night with a bunch of medial supply's and an extra passenger. It didn't say where it was heading though" The tall man explains before turning to the Commodore "But you were the one to order it" Kid growls while squeezing tighter making the marine caught up blood, Killer removes his blades from the mans arms watching as the wound starts to close shut leaving no scar behind. "Where are they taking her?" Kid yells out stepping closer to the large man who's still struggling, but he can tell the marine is getting weaker, the drugs must be wearing off with all the healing its having to do, when the Commodore refused to answer Kid grips harder causing the man to scream out in pain, his ribs cracking and organs being crushed "We can still follow her Vivre card but I'd like to keep him alive, so we can get information" Killer sighs looking to his partner.
The captain thinks for a second before nodding and loosens his grip, the sound of bones cracking back into place echos threw the hall along with a slight yellow glow coming out from under the metal arm holding him in place. "Shit not now" The commodore groans feeling his strength fade away, the yellow light causing through his veins making his large body start to shrink and muscles deflate. With a laugh Kid lets the marine go watching him fall to the floor, his skin turning gray and his lest over clothes hang loosely around his now skinny body, much skinnier than when he was normal. "Looks like you took those drugs for nothing, they couldn't even help you take us down and made you even weaker. Pathetic" The captain smirks before bringing his foot down on the crouched man forcing him to lay on his stomach with little effort. "Well at least it'll be a lot easier to get him to the ship" Wire states walking over to the two and looking down at the weak looking Commodore who's struggling to try and lift his own head up, its clear what ever drug he took has bad side effects but they have no time to think about that now so Killer grabs a nearby cable and hog ties the marine as the captain steps aside starting to head back the way they came. Wire follows close behind as Killer throws the commodore over his shoulder carrying him back to the ship.
----- The Victoria Punk-----
Things had stetted down now that the Victoria is far away from the destroyed and burning prison but what they hoped would a simple job as now turned into a longer and more complicated one. Wire went back to steering the ship using your Vivre card to show him which direction to go in while Heat and Reck where keeping an eye on the Commodore who's currently chained up in a dark room bellow deck. Kid and Killer make their way into the med bay seeing House just finishing up taking care of the crew mate's wounds, there wasn't much to do since the medical staff at the prison did a, ok job but the doctor could tell it was more of a rush job. "Boss" Boogie yells with a smile happy to see his captain again, the other three crew mates turn and smile too slightly cheering for their captain and first mate, Kid grins for a second before becoming serious "Tell me what happened" The captain states walking into the room as Killer closes the door behind them, The four start talking all at once causing the masked man to sigh "One at a time" Killer states as the four look at each other before nodding silently agreeing that Bubblegum and Boogie should be the ones to say what happened. It took a while of explaining since Killer kept asking for more details and what exactly the marines said about you word for word. "So you didn't get anything on her farther?" Killer asks as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, Bubblegum shakes his head but Emma sits up from the bed she's laying on "we'll we had a talk about it all in the cell, and we all agree that he's not a marine since the Lieutenant mentioned that her farther has no power to fire them."
The other three nod but Kid turns to House who's washing her equipment her back facing them "House… You know anything? She must have told you something" The captain asks making the crazy haired girl jump a little at her name being call, you and her are best friends so it's only right to assume she'll know something about your family but unfortunately she didn't know much. Turning to face her captain and his first mate she wipes her hands clean while looking down at the floor "Only that she ran way because they did something unforgivable and that she renounced her last name" She states but Killer and Kid look at her surprised, they knew you ran away because of your parents but your last name was fake? "What?" The two ask causing the girl to jump again as Killer pushes off the wall to walk over to her, he wasn't trying to be intimidating but House shrunk away, backing up into the counter with wide eyes "I-i thought she would have told you" House tries to defend herself making the masked man realizes his actions, with a sigh Killer places a light hand on her shoulder to reassure her "Just tell us everything she told you, even if you think we know" Relaxing a little House nods as Kid walks over to the two crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for the doctor to talk "She never told me what her real last name was because if she told me then… I'd know too much. She was drunk at the time so i though maybe she was just being paranoid or drunkenly rambling. She said a lot of other random stuff that still don't make sense really" She sighs but the two stay quiet wanting her to go on.
House gathers her courage while trying to remember what you said years ago while drunk out of your mind, you confided in her and told her not to tell a soul, House promised she wouldn't but now she had to break that promise and spill your random and incoherent rambling to your partners. "She said her parents were disappointed she wasn't a boy, that she used to tutor kids even though she didn't go to school. She won a bunch of contests that she's not proud off, She has sibling that she lived with but didn't know anything about them and that leaving was the best destitution she ever made." Kid sighs pinching his nose, it didn't give them much to go on other than your family is most likely stuck up and important in some way, Killer removes his hand from House's shoulder and gives her a nod, it did sound like drunken rambling but it did give him a few hints and maybe something to use in order to make the Commodore slip up while questioning him. "Thanks guy's, get some sleep before dinner, Papa's is cooking tonight since I've got another job to do" Killer states earning groans from around the room that he tries to hold a laugh back at "Papa's is the best out of a bad bunch, so they'll have to put up with it until Killer's free enough to cook again." Kid snaps even though he knows how bad the man's food is, Killer grips onto the captain's while gesturing to the door earning a gruff hum from the red head. Walking out the two hear the yelling of their crew behind them calling out their goodbyes and thanking them before the door is shut "What are you thinking?" Killer asks as the two walk side by side down the hall heading to the dark room where the marine is. "Just… Rich pricks" Kid huffs getting the masked man to let out a low chuckle in agreement.
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mrs-weasley-reid · 2 years
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Aaron Hotchner x undercoveragent!reader
Sypnosis: Aaron goes undercover to rescue you. Turns out, you were already planning your escape. WARNING: curse words, violence, sexual advances, and innuendos (and more, tell me if you spot them) A/N: this is my first Aaron Hotchner post, have mercy lol.
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Derek whistled, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Old money, hot daddy."
Emily burst out laughing, throwing her head back against her seat. David gave his best—he really didn't—to fight the chuckle threatening to rattle out of him, settling for a tight-lipped smirk.
"I was going to say that!" Penelope argued, turning to Hotch with a huge grin on her face. "Them ladies are 'bout to get an extremely Hotch meal."
Aaron depressingly placed a hand over his forehead, weighing all his options and regretting all his decisions. His ears glowed bright pink.
It wasn't like he had never worn a suit before, but this suit wasn't particularly the same as the ones he wore every day. This one smelled strong and titillating, radiating opulence and grandeur.
His hair was out of control as if he was a rabid man. The cologne that laced on the sides of his neck was reminiscent of asshole and arrogance. It would've been fine if he was still in college, but he was four decades into his lifetime, for Pete's sake.
He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder, turning to find the culprit of his demise. "You don't have to do this, Agent Hotchner." The woman with salt and pepper hair gave him an apologetic look.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
"We're still working on identifying the victim. It's like she never lived here." Penelope stated as she pressed a button on the remote control.
"That's because she didn't." They all turned to find a woman in her sixties, accompanied by a younger man half her age. She stepped inside the conference room, "Jeanne Renaud, chief of the Lyon Interpol Headquarters."
Aaron stood up, offering a hand. "Aaron Hotchner." He gave her a curt nod. "I didn't get any notice about your arrival. We're unfortunately about to work on a case."
A tight-lipped smile ran along her lips, motioning for the man behind her.
The man began to distribute folders around the table just as she started to speak once more.
"The victim is Liliane Zairsev. She's from Paris and a suspected victim of sex trafficking. A month ago, we found out that this organization was moving here to America. One of us was tasked to work undercover. We haven't heard from that agent in a week. Three days later, we heard the news about dead women who had the same victimology as the ones in the file Liam handed out." She breathed deeply, crossing her arms close to her chest.
"Thirty-two victims?" David raised an eyebrow. If three was a horrifying sign in their line of jobs, he couldn't imagine the terror of the number he just mentioned.
"We need our agent back, Agent Hotchner. We need your help." Jeanne pleaded, worry flickering in her eyes.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
"The night starts with auctions. There are two types of categories, dine in or take out. We're not sure which one she's in. We don't even know if she really is there. No matter what, once you find her, fight for her worth." Liam explained, checking the wires that hung like vines around Aaron's body.
Aaron kept silent, running every possible outcome in his head. He wasn't new to auction events, but how would he show eagerness rather than desperation? How was he going to save you without everyone figuring out that he was a federal agent and possibly risking both of your lives?
Liam straightened himself, signaling to Aaron that he was done. "Dine in or take out. As long as you choose an exclusive package deal, they will grant you a private room. That's where they would possibly prepare her for—" He paused, clenching his jaw.
As your close friend, he wasn't comfortable talking about you in such disrespectful ways. But Liam knew how vital every single piece of information he gave Aaron was.
"—your pleasure... She will likely be sedated, but she fights like a lion. Just calm her down and get her out of that hell hole."
It didn't take a whole team of profilers to know that Jeanne and Liam didn't merely take this mission as part of their job. It was personal. It was family. You were their family, and they wanted you back.
"I'll get her back." Aaron promised, earning a nod from the younger man. He plugged the earbud that Liam handed him.
Everyone waited for Aaron in front of the building. Some of them, Penelope and Derek, have yet to fade their teasing smiles.
But JJ was the one who had an encouraging smile, "You look good." She said as she dusted the lapel over his shoulders. "Take her back home to her family."
David threw a set of keys in his direction, "Don't hurt her. She's the only wife that stayed for more than ten years."
Aaron let out a small chuckle, eyeing a 1984 black Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible. "I'll bring her back by midnight." He got in the driver's seat, feeling the texture of the wheel.
If only David had the kindness to whip his vintage cars out every case, Aaron would've loosened up the lines on his forehead.
"Always remember, we're inside your head." Emily pointed at her ear, creepily grinning at him
"We'll be following you too, of course. We're going to surround the place, so don't hesitate to call us in." Derek added, chuckling at Emily's words.
Aaron nodded, taking a deep breath. Now or never.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
"Struggling will only make it hurt more." The man with sculpted arms growled, glowering at your smaller body compared to him.
Cuffs bit the skin around your wrists and ankles. Cold hovered all over your exposed skin. With the little amount of coverage on your body, naked was the closest you could describe yourself.
The man held you by the neck, treating you like an animal for exhibition. He was getting off your winces. How a small whimper would shiver out of your lips when he dragged you too fast. He thought he could do them to you just because you were sedated.
If he only knew how much you wanted to smash his face on the wall. But you had to keep an act.
Besides, that was all he could do. Watch. Because you were for other people to ogle at. For disgusting, cowardly men who couldn't make their wives cum, much less you, even if you tried.
You were a new addition to their attraction. Tonight was your first night. And you planned for it to be the last.
A woman who was trying her best to avoid eye contact with you walked the opposite way of where you were headed. She carried a tray, where a small letter knife sat seductively.
Half of her face was lined by a scar, dragging diagonally across her left temple down to her right cheek. Although the scar was visible, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes were. They were of bright grey-blue.
Without missing your chance, you purposely bumped into her, falling on your feet. "Sorry," You weakly smirked, swiping the knife in a blink of an eye.
"You fucking bitch! Look where you're going, you ugly shit!" The man shouted at the woman, kicking the tray in the middle of her picking it up.
You drilled in your head how many times you would apologize to her when you managed to escape the place and watch it crumble down during your arrest.
"It was my fault," You defended timidly. Despite the mental promise of keeping an act of being sedated, you couldn't just stand there and let her take all the blame.
The man glared at you and swung his arm. You prepared for the harsh impact, but another guy called out his name.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Are you fucking stupid?!" The other man yelled; he had blonde hair and an awful beard.
You took that chance to slip the knife on your back, strapped under your bra's band, hiding it beneath the cascade of your hair. You bit your bottom lip, your movement causing a slight sting to shoot down your spine. At least you were certain that the knife was sharp.
The blonde man yanked you to his side protectively, as if what he was about to do was going to be a god-like behavior. "She's a new attraction. No one would pay if she's damaged. A bruise would lose us thousands of dollars, you stupid fuck." He lectured the other, nudging you to move.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Aaron immediately felt dirty just by standing amongst the men that impatiently waited for some tits to jiggle or ass to bounce across the one-way mirror.
Each of them either held wads of cash or a glass of their chosen drinks. Most of them were wealthy nobodies, but Aaron recognized a few politicians from distant cities.
He lifted a glass close to his lips. Aaron has been catering the drink for a good two hours now, sipping little drops to keep himself sober and alert.
So far, he hasn't seen you. There just might be hope that you were simply in hiding but safe regardless. He has seen fifteen women being shown off like antiques, the men screaming for their high prices. If he could only buy all of them to safety, he would. But Aaron was there for you and you only.
"Gentlemen! Here's our special and last beauty of the night! She's new! Fresh! And untouched! She is available for dine in to the highest bidder!"
Aaron's grip on his glass tightened.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Jeanne slid a picture of you toward Aaron. "She's a brave one." Her breath hitched, fighting the urge to cry in front of profilers.
Your hair was tied up away from your face, revealing all your beautiful facial features. You were no doubt a gorgeous woman.
But besides your attractive face, Aaron's eyes were drawn to the gold necklace that sat on your chest. It was a gladiolus flower. A hidden smile spread over his lips.
It symbolizes strength and power. He immediately knew you were someone who always put up a fight.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Your hair almost hid the beauty of your face, but Aaron recognized the necklace around your neck even from afar. It was you.
"50! Anyone want to top that? What? I heard $80,000!"
"100,000 dollars!"
Aaron stared at your dagger, glaring eyes. He let a smirk twitch his lips.
You knew.
You knew where you were. You knew men were fighting for you. You knew. Which meant, you weren't sedated at all.
"Smart girl," He mumbled to himself before announcing, "Five billion."
The crowd went quiet. And if Aaron had been honest, he would've paid more because you were worth more.
Sadly, the bureau had a budget. He had to limit himself to 500 thousand and could move to 1 million if needed, but he'd explain his actions in the privacy of his office later on.
In that moment, he only needed to rescue you.
The announcer grinned maniacally, hitting the gavel against the sounding block. "One night dine in with this beauty, sold!"
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
You weren't sure what type of man was unlucky enough to buy your time tonight. You bet he wouldn't expect a violent woman like you.
In spite of your display earlier, you were now clothed with more fabric. Lace to be specific.
They made you change into a black lace set. The bra pushed up every tits you could offer. A cheeky underwear that made your ass rounder. A garter around your waist that hooked on your black stockings that hugged your thighs deliciously.
You moved the letter knife on your right thigh. Easy access under the short black satin nightgown. You were prepared for battle.
The door swung open and came in the blonde man who seemed to keep his eyes on you. "Sit on the chair." He demanded.
You internally protested but obliged. He placed back your handcuffs, bringing your wrists together. In his mind, there was no other way for you to escape but the door.
"This guy paid a lot for your time. Don't mess up. Or I'm going to make you regret it." He threatened before leaving the room.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
The payment process was crucial. Money was an immediate factor, and Aaron mentally apologized to David for using his card and for memorizing his bank account information.
They led him down a hall filled with private rooms. Pornographic noises echoed as they passed each door. Most were from men. And if the voice of a woman managed to vibrate across the walls, they were a plea to be let go.
Aaron swore his ears were bleeding with disgust.
"This will be your room, Sir. Enjoy." The man excitedly said. He leaned a little, placing a hand on the side of his mouth to hide the words he was about to say, "I say you get the best out of this one. Everyone's dying to get a taste."
He managed to hold his fists back, urging a smug smirk to roll over his lips. "Then, I suggest you don't disturb us," Aaron stated before watching the man nod and walk away.
Aaron held the knob with hesitation. He wasn't sure of what he was going to be met with. He took a deep breath and twisted the knob, pushing the door open.
There you were, sat on a chair, patiently waiting for him.
The image was to be treasured, but Aaron had to remind himself that he wasn't any similar to the men who frequented that place.
A spark flickered in your eyes. Your lips slowly curved onto a smirk. "Hey, old man." You started in a teasing tone. "You can't just stand there and keep the door open."
Aaron's eyebrows knitted, but closed the door nonetheless after checking that the coast was clear from listening ears. "I'm Aaron Hotchner—" You cut him off.
"Strip." You casually ordered, taking him by surprise.
He studied you for a moment, keeping his mouth from any type of noise. Were you sober? Was his first question.
"What are you? A cop? Fed? It's fine. It doesn't matter. Now, Aaron, strip. They're watching." Your head motioned towards the direction of the camera in the corner of the ceiling.
He took off his jacket and then began to undo his tie. "Fed. How did you know? We were thorough on my... disguise." Aaron couldn't believe he was referring to his appearance as a disguise.
You rolled your eyes, "A fine-looking man like you doesn't look the type to wear a wrinkly shirt. You're obviously wired." Your voice echoed in a matter-of-fact tone. "You took your first step with your left foot when you got inside the room, but it's clear to me that your dominant is your right. You have a gun. Which I think is pretty impractical. Come closer, you're here to fuck me, remember?" Your brows were raised, impatient for him to move.
Aaron would be lying if he said your words weren't affecting him. "You have a good eye." He stood before you, glowering down your face.
"Or you're just a bad undercover." You smirked, "What are you waiting for? Kiss me."
A silent huff escaped your lips when he froze. You stood up and began unbuttoning his shirt. "You're very quick to have cold feet, Agent Hotchner." The way his name rolled off your tongue was distracting.
"Hold my waist—" You swiftly grabbed his hands and placed them on your sides, "—once you have a character to play, you embody it. Because it'll get us both killed if you don't." You kissed a little of his exposed chest and looked up at him with a hairpin stuck between your lips. "Now, kiss me." You repeated in a muffled sound.
Aaron finally caught up with your plans. He leaned down and owned your lips, kissing the pin from you. With one hand, he took the pin and reattached your lips together as he began to unlock your cuffs from between your bodies.
You pulled him closer, tugging his belt loops. You led the two of you on the corner of the room, under the vision of the camera. And just as your back made contact with the wall, you felt your hands free.
You pulled away with a gasp of relief, "Thank god, I thought I had to fuck your brains out before you could even understand." You heaved, rotating your wrist to let the blood circulate once again.
Aaron looked away, "Sorry." He couldn't help but notice your closeness.
"Mhm, must be that old-fashioned you've been sipping like coffee."
His gaze shifted back to you. The taste might've been lingering on his lips, but the action he took? How did you know he was taking his time with his drink? Aaron would think that you're a profiler if he didn't know any better.
"You owe me a bubblegum," You exclaimed, pulling him back from his trance. "I prefer a proper old fashioned. Whoever made your drink was pitiful."
Aaron raised a brow, "I'll pay you a box of bubblegum just for that statement." His eyes were drawn to your purple wrists. "Did they hurt you?" He asked, fanning his breath on your skin.
"They wouldn't even if they wanted to. My beauty has never failed to save my ass." You chuckled, getting a whiff of his scent. Your nose crinkled, "Who made you wear that nasty cologne?"
He chuckled at your expression, "Jeanne."
Your face softened, nodding. "Makes sense. She has bad taste in men."
Aaron was having too much fun, when a voice echoed in his head.
"Hotch, are you there? If you don't answer, we're going to barge in."
He pressed the microphone, "We're fine."
"We?" Derek questioned from the other line.
Aaron told the team that he'd found you, using your first name with such gentleness in his voice. "We're about to make our way out." He announced, still flushed against you, caging you in his build.
"[Earlier, she was just 'the victim,' but now, you're on a first-name basis?" Emily teased, which Aaron rolled his eyes on.
Your brows knitted, confused by his expressions. While he busied himself chatting with whoever was speaking in his ear, you began climbing on him like he was a ladder.
You fished your knife and cut the wire of the camera. Aaron's height was a huge help for you to reach such a high place.
He helped you get down, gently holding your waist to guide you. "Don't tell me you were already planning to escape?" Aaron was filled with amusement.
"I was going to kill you if you weren't a fed." You shrugged, walking out of his body cage. You picked up his jacket from the floor, "Mind if I borrow this?"
"It doesn't suit me anyways," Aaron kidded, earning a soft smile from your still plumped lips.
"[Oh, really?]" Derek taunted in his ear. Snickers rang through the speaker, and Aaron was thankful that you couldn't hear anything.
You glanced back at him, "Tell your friends we're on our way out. They should meet us halfway. The guys outside are not skilled in combat, but they have guns. We'd be dead before they can even shout 'hallelujah' if they don't move now." You slipped your arms inside the sleeves of the jacket.
The jacket could almost swallow your whole body. You rolled the sleeves up a little, allowing yourself some movement. Aaron couldn't take his eyes off you. He loved the way his clothes looked way better on you, even if it wasn't his in the first place.
"Did you get that?" Aaron spoke to his ear, nodding when he got a confirmation. He glanced at you with a stern look, and you two would never admit the small tug on his lips. "Let's get you out of here."
You scoffed, "Your help is just a bonus. I'm saving myself out of this hell."
With silent agreement, you opened the door, immediately greeted by two men who were about to check on your state.
You didn't give one of them a chance to finish shouting when you kicked the protrusion on his neck straight into the center of his throat.
Aaron's eyes widened. Did France Interpol really need the BAU's help? You definitely didn't look like you did.
You took the two men all by yourself, stepping on someone's back as you placed a hand on your hip. You stared at Aaron with disbelief. "You just gonna stand there?"
Before he could even respond, Aaron saw a man about to attack you from behind. He pulled you by the waist with one hand and punched the man with the other.
"You okay?" Aaron twisted his neck in your direction, hand still on your waist.
A wide grin swiped over your lips, adrenaline pumping through your veins. And your body moved like it was dancing to upbeat music.
The two of you fought your way out of the hallway. It made every second of waiting to escape worth it.
By the time the team met you, you and Aaron had beaten up about half of the men in the place, minus those who were merely guests.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Jeanne attacked you with a tight embrace, cutting your air supply. "I'm so glad you're safe! Oh, mon dieu!"
Next came Liam, punching your arm. He offered a welcoming smile. "I told you to always keep your tracker with you." He scolded lightly.
"I did!" You reasoned, a playful smile over your face. "I swallowed it, but I didn't expect to shit it out and flush it down the toilet." If you were lying it would've been way easier, but you weren't.
The BAU team introduced themselves one by one. You flashed them the same sweet smile you had on your picture.
"Behavioral analysis unit..." You nodded in thought. "Sounds real." You added with a teasing smile.
Their eyes couldn't help but notice how Aaron's jacket still sat around your shoulders. They weren't so slick as they thought, "It's collateral." You lifted your shoulders.
They looked at you with narrowed eyes. A chuckle coming out of your lips, you motioned your head in Aaron's direction where he was talking to Jeanne and a short-haired, dirty blonde woman.
"He owes me," You announced playfully.
Spencer was the first to furrow his brows closer than it already was. Why would their boss owe you? Aaron saved you. If anything, you owe his unit chief.
"I can hear you judging me, Dr. Reid." You said without moving your gaze onto his. "Is that a side effect of being a genius?"
Emily's mouth flung open, "How'd you know he's a genius? He looks like one, right? Right?" She was friendlier than you had concluded.
You smiled, glancing at Spencer. "I've been an undercover for sixteen years. Reading someone became my second nature. I suspect it's the same for all of you since you can't stop knitting your brows as if you're reading a difficult textbook."
"Sixteen? How old are you?" Derek had a great estimation of your age; everyone did.
"She's thirty-six. So old, right?" Liam wrapped an arm around you, grinning.
"You started when you were twenty?" Spencer curiously asked. An underlying question in his mind. How?
You pursed your lips, a small pop echoing between all of you. "You know those movies where the character was raised to her parents' trophy?" They nodded simultaneously, like children eager for their mother's story. "My life was kind of like that." You explained carefully.
The others joined you, making short eye contact with Aaron. Jeanne stood next to you. "And we're sad that she's retiring." She announced lightly.
JJ looked at you in awe. You were only a few years older than her. It was inspiring to hear your story. "What are you gonna do after you retire?"
"Find a job that's less undercover work, but still occupies most of my days. Old habits die hard." In short, you didn't have a plan. All you knew was that after the case, you didn't want to work as undercover anymore.
"Come work with us!" Penelope blurted, earning everyone's attention. She glanced at Aaron, "We have an opening. Right, Hotch?" A sly smile decorated her cheery face.
Aaron raised his eyebrows, then met your gaze. He still owed you a box of bubblegum if he remembers clearly. And seeing your gorgeous face and watching you take down unsub more often didn't sound like such a horrible idea.
He bit the threatening smirk on his lips. "Yeah, I think we do."
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analogwriting · 5 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter One: Poplar St
Killer x gn!reader word count: 1.6k first|next a/n: i know this is shorter pls bear w me as i get back into the swing of things trustttt the rest will be longer kinda laying the land a bit
As you pulled up to your house, loud music was playing from the closed garage; as it always did. You climbed out of your car, stretching a bit before heading inside. Once inside, you headed down the hallway to the door leading into the garage. You couldn’t open the large door as things were hanging on it and it wasn’t like there was any room to park in there anyway. It was more of a large hangout space than a place to park your vehicle. Besides, you had plenty of driveway to park in.
As you opened the door, the music grew tenfold. You didn’t mind, however. It was something you were used to at this point. Kid had done exactly what he had set his heart on all those years ago. He formed his band with your friends once everyone reached their teens. He was the vocalist, sometimes playing the guitar. Heat was the lead guitarist and backup vocals. Wire was the bassist, sometimes playing the keyboard. Killer played the drums, also helping write a lot of the lyrics and composing the music.
They also were pretty good. They traveled to nearby cities and towns, playing in all kinds of places. Maybe you were biased, but you just knew they were going to be signed any day now.
The moment the door opened, Killer looked back at you, a large smile forming on his face as he kept playing. The others hadn’t noticed you as they were facing away and too lost in playing to really notice, but Killer always could tell when you walked in. It was the deep connection the two of you shared. At least that’s what you told yourself. He was your boyfriend after all, even after all these years.
You walked over to him with a large smile, leaning down and kissing him softly. He didn’t miss a beat, still playing his drums as he kissed you. The two of you knew better than to interrupt practice, Kid had yelled at you plenty of times for it. So, Killer became very skilled at multitasking. Well, at least in the form of kissing you while he played.
You pulled away, smiling at him for a moment, him returning the smile. You kissed him one more time before letting him be. You had homework and he needed to focus. When you turned, you noticed Hop sitting on the couch, reading with a sleeping Dive slung across her lap. You snorted at the sight, settling in on the other side of the couch.
Hop looked at you, waving. You returned the wave before diving into your homework, wanting to finish it before practice ended. You couldn’t exactly talk when the music was as loud as it was. 
During the duration of their practice, people came and went. Gig and Pomp stopped by, dropping off some snacks before heading off to their afternoon classes. Hip and Bubblegum popped by, sitting and chilling for a while before heading back out as well. 
That’s the way your house worked nowadays. Your mother passed a couple years ago, leaving you the house and a good enough inheritance to keep you comfortable. Kid had always lived with you and your mother, so of course he was always at the house. Killer had stayed with you most of the time after your mother passed, knowing how close the two of you were. It had been rough of you. He had also been close with her, of course. He eventually just…never left. He had a spare key since your teens, so he was already a part of the household basically.
Your friend group had grown so much and with everyone having crazy schedules, it wasn’t like you could just…hang out in a big group like you used to. Sure, sometimes the stars aligned and you were able to have some kind of get together with everyone, but this more casual way was easier for everyone. People came and went, hanging out for as long as they liked or as little as they liked. The fridge and cabinets were always full of snacks and food that people brought. There were different game consoles, tv screens, the likes spread throughout all the rooms. It was just one giant hangout spot and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You left the backdoor unlocked at all times. You had a fenced in backyard, but there was always someone you trusted at the house at all times so you didn’t have to worry otherwise. Besides, you’d been in this neighborhood for so long, you knew everyone.
You suddenly felt strong arms wrap around you and lift you up. You slowly woke up, not even realizing you had fallen asleep. “Didn’t mean to wake you,” Killer’s voice was low as he pressed a kiss to your temple. You yawned, shaking your head. “It’s alright. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep. How long was I out?” You snorted, looking up at him and kissing him.
“Not too long. We just finished up.”
“How was practice?” You looked over, seeing that Hop and Dive had left. It was just you and the four who were just playing.
“It went good as usual, but there’s something missing,” Kid said, drawing your attention. You immediately rolled your eyes, knowing exactly where this was going.
“Tungsten, I’ve already told you. I’m not joining.”
Kid groaned loudly. “But why not! Your soft vocals would provide the coolest dynamic!” He flopped into the recliner across from you, slightly pouting.
“You know why.” You rolled your eyes, folding your arms. “Singing and all that in front of you guys and our friends is one thing, but it’s completely different going on stage in front of tons and tons of strangers.” You shook your head. “The pressure is too much.”
“Laaaaaame.” He huffed, cracking open a beer and drinking it.
“You guys are doing just fine without me.” You shook your head.
“We’d do better with you,” Kid was definitely pouting at this point. It was like he was still a child sometimes. Always pouting when he didn’t get his way. He decided to switch topics, talking to Wire about something or another, you stopped paying attention as you rested against your boyfriend.
“I love it when the light sits on you just right,” Killer randomly mused. You looked at him, confused by his words. He always said the most random things, but they always ended up being really sweet.
“What are you saying right now?” 
He handed you his phone and you slowly took it, still unsure what he was getting at. The lockscreen woke up as you held it and it was a picture of you. He had clearly just taken in as you were wearing exactly what you did in the picture. You were also asleep. He was right - the light that came through the highset windows in the garage hit you just right, illuminating you in a way that made you look like a sleeping angel.
You immediately felt your face heat up and he spoke again, “Good picture, isn’t it?” He was right. It was a good picture. It was almost unbelievable that it was you. A lazy smile stretched across his face. “Still doesn’t compare to the real thing, though.”
“That’s it! I’m not watching this!” Kid stood up, flinging his hands in the air and heading inside. “I’m seeing if anyone happened to make some cabbage rolls.”
“I was gonna make some tonight!” you called as he left. You weren’t even sure if he heard you. You snorted, shaking your head.
“Oh, by the way. Be ready on Friday.” You looked to Killer with a confused expression once more. He was really pulling things out of thin air today. He was just hitting you left and right today. “What’s Friday?”
“We’re gonna have a date night. It’s been a couple weeks and I can’t remember the last time we went out - just us.” 
He was right. Usually when you went out, someone was always tagging along. You were typically always accompanied by one or more of your friends.  You didn’t hate it, but sometimes you just wanted it to be just the two of you. “I have some news to share, too.”
You immediately perked up. “What news?” You searched his face as if it were written on him somewhere.
“I’ll tell you Friday.” He shrugged, a smirk on his face and you groaned. “Killi, that’s not fair. That’s three days away! You’re killing me!” You flopped against him, folding your arms and pouting.
You might not have been much better than Kid sometimes. It seemed some things ran in the family.
“Oh, you’ll be just fine.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I figured we could go to a movie then go to that new smoothie place you’ve been wanting to try.” 
Your face brightened as you sat up, turning to face him. “Really?” A new smoothie place had opened up downtown and you’d been dying to try it. You wanted to try it with Killer because you always tried new places together, but Kid had been hounding on practice even more as of late, so you didn’t get to see Killer as much.
Killer chuckled softly, nodding. “Yes, really. We can go to the movies right after you get out of class. Or we can go to the smoothie place first then go to the movies.”
“I like that plan better. A smoothie after a long week of school work sounds like a good treat.” You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck and relaxing against him.
He grinned right back. “It’s a date then.” Then he kissed you, leaving you all sorts of excited for Friday.
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Sly's Rec List
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Time to finally set this up! I've been reading and reading the last couple of days (even though my drafts don't get less) and always think to myself: 'Oh that writer is so good and I need to keep up with their work/blog' and then I still lose sight of them...
Also, interactions have never been less and I know a lot of us writers are struggling with the little interaction. It feels like no one ever sees the things we post. So this will be my space to just list blogs to who I want to follow up or just give a shoutout!
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Blog's I love & recommend
@rogersideup - my fav Steve blog. Every story is amazing. They blow my mind every single time.
@spectre-posts + @wiypt-writes - these two write some of the best series there are for pretty much every ce character. Long, incredibly detailed, heart-warming, gut-wrenching, tear-and-squeal-inducing stories written with love and some of the most dedication I have seen. The dialogue is bomb!
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork - has written some of my absolute favorite Curtis Everett stuff. She knows him and there is no one that can portray Curtis better
@navybrat817 - tattoo boys, biker boys, any type of boys. So many fantastic bucky fics. Love Stud, Smartie & Alpine
@imaginedreamwrite - can write literally anything and make it absolutely fucking incredible. Brimming with ideas on end, one better than the other. Queen of daily prompts and drabbles!
@anika-ann - queen of angst and fluff
@hangmans-wingman - American Made and Little Wonder are to die for. Stories that hook you from second 1 and will keep you at the edge of your seat!
(more to follow)
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Fics I love & can only, highly recommend
Waiting For This - @musingsinmoonlight - oneshot, Steve Rogers, 18+, a/b/o
A sticky situation - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, bubblegum & hair = forced haircut, fluff
Sweet Indulgences - @sweetascanbee - oneshot, Steve Rogers, wedding dress + slight fake-dating + first kiss, fluff!
My Soul Can Not Sleep Without You - @neonovember - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve is the type of man to never let you get to bed angry
Six Years - @the-bau-quinjet - oneshot, Steve Rogers, amnesia trope, Y/N forgets her life with Steve, the best take on the amnesia trope I have read!
Press Four For Poppet - @frostironfudge - oneshot, Steve Rogers, 18+, steve dials a sex-hotline
Emergency contact - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve gets sick, so frickin' cute!
Walking the wire - @pedrito-friskito - oneshot, Nomad!Steve Rogers, supersoldier/red-room!reader, 18+, so fucking good omg, the air of mystery, the exposition, the chemistry between them, the spice! READ IT, IT'S SO GOOD
Sonder - @rogersideup - oneshot, Steve Rogers, Steve and the nice shield doctor, takes him a while to ask her out. SO GOOD. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE.
Coffee and Cinnamon | Maple Latte | Apples and Cherries - @sarahwroteathing - oneshot, Steve Rogers, bookshop/bakery au, friendly banter, Steve being a punky nemesis, just tooth-rotting fluff and amazing dialogue; best bookshop/bakery/coffeeshop au I have ever read!
Get This Girl Some Ice Cream! - @witchywithwhiskey - oneshot, Steve Rogers, hurt/comfort, Reader has a panic attack & Steve soothers her, incredibly sweet and comforting
The Things We Do For Love - @ronearoundblindly - Steve Rogers, wife!reader, Reader has a smelly & unpleasant accident in the lab, Steve 'The Drama Queen' Rogers (lovely dubbed 'Drug Dog') has to deal with it - utterly hilarious, some of the best sassy dialogue I've ever read, Steve being a dramatic cutie
Period Cramps - @espinosaurusrexex - oneshot, period cramps suck but Steve is there to make it better, comfort read
Right Where You Belong - @witchywithwhiskey - oneshot, college!au, baseball played!steve & studybuddy!reader, all the sweet and innocent college infatuation and date, so sweet and comforting to read
Perfect Moments - @eviesaurusrex - oneshot, Stucky x Reader, the cutest fic ever! Oh the comfort, oh the fluff. This sent me straight to cloud nine. This is the air I need to breathe, it's that cute and fluffy and perfection!
Other CE characters
After school comfort - @junipermuses - oneshot, Ari Levinson, comfort & fluff
The Five Step Plan - @theycallmebecca - oneshot, Frank Adler, au where Mary's mother dies later, very sweet and real feeling story
Where The Heart Is - @babyjakes - blurb, Jake Jensen, the cutest shit ever, sooo fluffy, Jake visits reader in hospital and is a adorable bean
Spa Date - @ghotifishreads - drabble/blurb, Ari Levinson, face masks, Ari being seductive and impatient, funny and cute
Top Gun Maverick
Just In Case - @katiesharms - oneshot, Hannix, angst w/ happy ending
Who did this to you? - @justfandomwritings - oneshot, Hangman, so good, see warnings
Do not disturb - @callsign-valley - oneshot, Hangman, 18+
Slow Burn - @ereardon - series, completed, Hangman, 18+ - amazing story! So well written, ending up pregnant with Hangman's baby after a ons, happy ending
Haunted by the Ghost of You - TheRebelHunter on ao3 - series, TG86, Hop 31 but instead of one jet going down, both jets go down, Goose survives but all four (Mav, Goose, Ice & Slider) get injured - I helped create the plot, as this started out as a au in the tgm discord. Angsty but amazing!
Where I'm From - @sometimes-i-write-good - oneshot, Hangman, first date, Jake is a sweetheart & gentleman, clearly knows what treating a girl is supposed to be like, loved the ending
An Old Flame II - @b00kdiary - series, Aemond Targaryen, 18+, amazing dialogue!
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
*RATTLES THE BARS* LET ME IIIIIN! I want to request! I would like to bequeath on you a meager request of blood root and sunrise for Killer, with kisses on the cheek and nose kisses, with theme #3 because you know ya girl. Mwah! Kiss Kiss Fall In Love <3
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ask and ye shall receive, bb gorl <3 i actually managed to keep it light
953 words, gn reader (no pronouns babey), sfw (hello??? what a surprise) but still 18+ mdni, no angst i promise only whatever semblance of fluff i think this is; only warning is that killer somehow is soft.
💖☁️ la vie est drôle ☁️💖 starring: “massacre soldier” killer x reader. blood root (fluff) at sunrise, cheek & nose kisses, #3 (rain).
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puffy purple clouds coast along the magenta and bubblegum pink sky, the sun making its slow ascent into the sky, its light leaving behind touches of marigold along the water. nothing, you think, can beat the view. you don’t normally wake up this early, but you’ve barely slept and you’re wired enough to enjoy the solitude of being outside on the ship’s deck as your crewmates sleep. the ship’s been anchored along the coast of a small island since last night, a small seafaring town not too far away. the plan is to stock up on supplies before sailing out again.
a breeze ruffles your hair and clothes, caresses your face—gently, a touch of adoration as the scent of sea salt infiltrates your nose. it’s a wonderful sensation, one that you like to remember from time to time; it’s almost as if you’re experiencing a rebirth every single time.
on average, he sleeps about three or four hours; on this particular morning, he wakes up after tossing and turning for far too long, grouchy, the fatigue sapping more and more of his patience as he steps out of his room in search of coffee. he likes this part of the morning, specifically because it means he has a little bit of tranquility before the chaos of the day begins. when he spots you near the railing, he pauses to take you all in—the way your eyes crinkle at the sides as you close them, head facing upwards, your smile equally as radiant as if you can taste the warmth of the sun. and maybe you can; he’s always wondered that—not seriously, no, but you seem to shine brightest when you’re outdoors, when the sun is at its highest peak, when your skin glows. golden, ethereal, the sort of thing that forces people to write poetry — but he’s no poet, and it’s impossible for him to capture your essence in word form anyway.
he won’t bother trying.
what he will do, though, is make his presence known. so when he calls out to you, shaking you from whatever meditative state you found yourself in, your smile only grows. he joins your side and as he’s about to reveal that small truth of his, the one he’s been meaning to tell you for quite some time  now, it starts to rain. at first, the drops are soft, spread out—hardly anything to concern himself over. 
but it’s the new world—the weather isn’t forgiving, nor is it predictable by any means. 
the clouds darken, the amalgamation of colors that lit up the sky blur together, revealing a sinister storm that might possibly head this way. you don’t move, though; the water is refreshing, you close your eyes again, the raindrops falling harder, multiplying in quantity, snuffing out the residual heat from the air completely. it takes a minute, but you’re already soaked, and he is too. he’s used to your impulsive decisions, used to your out-of-the-box thinking, but this—even this is a little outlandish for him.
killer doesn’t move from your side, however; he wonders what it is that keeps him in place, when he knows how much he hates the way water trickles inside of his helmet, but you’re here and if you’re here, then he must be too. it’s an illogical decision, one that he doesn’t understand completely, but you do. you open your eyes, droplets of water dripping from your eyelashes; he wipes it gently, almost as if he’s afraid of disturbing whatever tranquility you seek out in the rain. you’re grateful the rain picks up, because it distracts him and you can suffer in silence, your cheeks burning from that one gesture.
your hand finds his, you tug him along, feeling guilty that he waited in the rain with you. it’s not your intention to just monopolize his time like that, and you’re sure that killer can take care of himself, but you nudge him into your room and motion for him to sit anyway. 
he hates being wet, but he doesn’t hate it as much right now. and because of that, killer removes his helmet and places it on your nightstand, so that when you come back with a large fluffy towel, you’re momentarily stunned. it’s a testament to how much he trusts you, and that pesky blush finds its way back onto your cheeks, spreading down your neck and onto your chest.
“here,” you say quickly and hope he’ll take the towel so you can put some distance between you. he has something else in mind entirely; he pulls you onto his lap and while you fuss at him, you’re not really upset. if anything, you’re in a daze that feels more like a dream than anything. and even after you insist on him drying off first, he ignores you and instead brushes his lips against your cheek, your soft skin and accompanying sigh encouraging him to continue. you’re too stunned to speak, afraid that if you utter anything, it’ll come out foolish and he might leave.
you don’t want him to go. not now.
he’s not sure what he’s doing either, but he presses a soft kiss on your cheek and mirrors the move on the opposite side. when you look up at him, it’s with a tenderness that tears through his walls with ease, so much that he doesn’t anticipate you leaning forward and dropping a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose, a cheeky grin on your face as if you’re so very pleased with your actions. and in the end, he laughs and laughs, finding his situation—predicament, really—so ridiculous that he can’t believe he was ever concerned over a measly thing like confessing to you properly.
🌙 credit to @leafsea​ for the cute crescent moon divider 🌙
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midnightlazule · 3 months
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Wire :
{NSFW} A Desperate Need [Wire x AFAB!reader] (request)
Kid & Killer :
{NSFW} Fucking machine [Kid x AFAB!reader x Killer] (2023 KT)
Wire & Bubblegum :
{NSFW} 1: Jealousy is an ugly color [Bubblegum x AFAB!reader x Wire]
{NSFW} 2: All Bets Off [Wire x AFAB!Reader x Bubblegum]
Big Four:
{NSFW} Bukkake [Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire x AFAB!reader] (2023 KT)
જ⁀➴ more to come!
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punks-never-die205 · 12 days
Ok but I think you mentioned a poly au before with so and the big four/maybe the crew(??)and I had the most wholesome idea of them all just being one big family if S/o ends up pregnant. I mean first reaction would probably be shock because no one is too sure which one of the guys gathered said child ..but then everyone's just like- "Whelp! We're all gonna be Moms and Dads now."
Heat would probably have the least about of trouble adjusting since he cannonically comes from a big family so co-parenting with the crew/other main four wouldn't be that big of a deal. He'd probably have the most experience in raising a baby being a big brother/cousin so he'd be the most help. He also totally paints the nursery with Hip and Hop's help.
Wire is the second stoic one but he's definitely the rock keeping S/o calm during her pregnancy and often has to let so hide in his room cuz Kid and the crew are sometimes over paranoid about her getting hurt and won't let her go for five minutes by herself. Quincy and House help him with his 'Geez give our wife a dam break already' schemes.
Ik youve done Dad Killer and Kid already so I won't elaborate too much but Killer is definately prime husband material getting up all hours of the night n day to make her whatever she's craving, and Kid's already secretly making little toys for baby.
Like all the mamas get together and throw a big baby shower for each other. Hip and Hop are making baby outfits (i headcannon they sew) and Quincy is making sure S/o isnt overwhelmed by everyone throwing wrapped presents at her. (Killer also totally makes a cake for their party).
House probably is the main doctor keeping up with her health. Bubblegum is that one dude that's always sneaking S/o snacks even if House and Killer tell her no snacking between meals. And so much more!!
\o/ The Kid Pirate Family \o/
I love that my vision is getting into the minds of others xD
It’s actually making me think of OCs beyond the usual crew. @wyvernslovecake ‘s Shriek comes to mind the most because I can see her noticing that the reader is pregnant before anyone else - even House.
Shriek’s all like “it sounds like you have two hearts, but the second one is weird.”
And then after the kid’s born there’s a panic because someone went to check on the baby and it’s MISSING.
Shriek’s got it, she’s hanging upside down swinging back and forth, cradling the baby so it’s right side up. She heard it fussing before anyone else and cut the tantrum off at the pass.
But yeah, I love the idea of the Kid crew raising a baby very communally.
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eustassslut · 1 year
welcome back queen, Whats your favorite fanfic trope for each kid pirate?
this is actually the perfect question for me.
Kid: modern au! (specifically university and band AUs) or grumpy x sunshine
Killer: soulmates that involves him meeting the reader at a bookshop/library or colleagues to lovers (with Dive playing matchmaker)
Heat: friends to lovers but everyone knows (except for them) that the feelings are mutual
Wire: enemies to lovers but there is way too much sexual tension
Haikei: brother's best friend
Oscar: exes to lovers/second chance
Noe: childhood friends/boy next door or fake dating
Dive: parent trap AU where she wants you to as a parent and tries to trick you into dating one of the kid pirates
Bubblegum: one night stand that just never left
Reck: fake dating but both start to fall in love
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Hey! Hope you’re doing well this fine day~ I had a cute idea if u just wanna hear me rant about it.
So imagine teaching Killer a new pasta recipe whether that is a new sauce or new way to cook it and making it for him and watching him literally LIGHT UP with pure glee over how good it is. I say this as I’ve made my grandma’s spaghetti sauce which is STRAIGHT UP ADDICTING every time I make it and gobble it all up. Like the reader can be like a straw hat or kid pirate who is like hey I have this really yummy pasta recipe if you wanna try and afterwards she keeps on exchanging recipes with Killer and lowkey he in love with her mwahahaha (cause as they say in Princess and the Frog “the quickest way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach”). And she cooks it for him since he is always cooking 🥹🥹🥹
Also! I do have to add how much IM OBSESSED with the recent Hey Doc Drabble. Idk if you saw my tags but man I was GOING THROUGH IT. All the sweet nicknames and just the pure desperation for doc to be okay like 😭😭😭 and POOR HEAT AND BUBBLEGUM LIKE AWWWW I need a part 2 to that or SOMETHING just to see an aftermath if you will. Wire calling them “honey” had me WEAK.
Alright imma head out now, have a marvelous day/night 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
How did I miss this 😭. Thank you for your beautiful compliments on the 'Hey Doc' series. It's been an absolute joy to write. Reading through tags and reblogs are my favourite: especially when it's as enthusiastic as yours has been. You're so much fun, and I very much appreciate the time you take to read and go through my silly things. I can't write a full fic, but I hope this little drabble satiates the need of cooking with Killer 🖤.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: mini-fic, just a little one.
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Themes: Killer x reader, fluff, cooking, food, Killer is in awe, you are cooking, and I am hungry.
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The one thing he hasn't managed to perfect is a pure, unadulterated Marinara. Anything to do with crushed tomato he finds too acidic, and over compensates with far too much salt to cut the tannins. He's tried everything: more onion, less herbs, malted brown sugar, refining his own salt by storing sea water on the oven, everything. He just can't seem to get it right.
Killer and pasta: his one weakness.
He would never admit it, but he has been attempting to perfect each recipe he comes upon. Pesto is all made from scratch: crushed fresh basil, the purest of virgin olive oils, a parmesan wheel with crispy salt crystals, oven toasted pine nuts, cloves of bulbed garlic, everything perfected by his skill in his kitchen. His pesto pasta is better than Sanji's, and the curly-browed chef is both impressed and intimidated by it.
Watching from a safe distance as you bounce gleefully within the dominion of the kitchen, he hunches his back and places his whiskered chin over his laced fingertips. He was unsure as to why you offered to cook for the crew, but your enthusiasm had him step aside to watch you work. It was the initial confession of homesickness that did it for him. Knowing food can aid in emotional regulation and comfort, he was more than happy to watch from his position sitting at the kitchen island.
And then the smell hit him.
The sweetness of roasting tomatoes, onion, garlic, and the herbal aromatics of thyme, rosemary and sage. The soft waft had his heart swell and beat in his chest and eyes twinkle in curiousity. Stirring the rotund vegetables in the pot and expertly crushing them with the blunt tip of the wooden spoon had him sit up attentively in his seat, watching you as you attend to the sauce from muscle memory alone.
He was in awe, perplexed, and intrigued.
Each time you would move on to another element of the dish, Killer would move a little closer. Each time your back was turned, he would perch himself just a little more towards the simmering pot. When you moved to the pantry to decide which shape of pasta to begin to boil, you could barely make out the shape of Killer's mask being partially elevated over his lips and nose by one large hand. Using a fresh spoon, he dips it into the sauce and puckers his purple-tinted lips and extends a breath of cool air to stifle the heat.
As soon as the first drops meet his tongue, he can't help the soft moan that escapes him at the flavor. Upon your return with a bag of penne in hand, you are immediately hoisted into the air with Killer's hands beneath your arms. Gently spinning you before placing you on the ground, he claps his arms over your shoulders and leans down closer. The purple hue of his lips is stretched up in a smile, his joy at your sauce immediately having him taken aback and fullfilled in the knowledge that he now has the answer he desperately seeks.
"Teach me. Please."
And who were you to deny him? It was a family recipe, and this crew aboard the Victoria Punk was your new family. Gently raising one of your hands to cup over his on your shoulder, you crinkle your nose at him and nod with a smile to match his own.
"Yes, chef."
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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kpsflet · 3 years
late night train rides - ben chilwell
pairing: ben chilwell x nb!reader
type: fluff
cw: none that i can see
- sorry if you don’t like shakira, i couldn’t think of anyone else my mind was literally blank, but i think it works!
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You were stuck in the liminality of a slumber and reality as you felt your consciousness ebbing away, and your thoughts, as clear and concise as they were mere moments ago, were coming to an end. The speckled flooring of the train drugged your mind and wooed you into a state of exhaustion with each bundled ball of bubblegum carving another strip of energy from within you. The repeated rock of the carriage you and Ben were sat in was only lulling you further, along with the hum of the wheels continuously chugging down the worn track. Each blink was slower than the last and your head began to slowly droop onto Ben’s shoulder, the sudden contact making him jump. The sickly, grey walls that enclosed you dulled everything down, for a moment, making the world black and white with shades of grey. The only glow was from the long lights above you, their susurrous buzz wafting into your ears, making your hearing fuzzy like a small, dusky pompom.
The one thing keeping your eyes from fully closing was the music encasing your right ear in a euphonious song. The prominent twang of Shakira’s voice injected you with a rush of enthusiasm as the melody began to swirl around your hips and they flexed to either side along with the beat. A chuckle from the body next to you made your head flick up off of his shoulder. His grin had formed due to the feeling of your hips moving as the words ‘hips don’t lie’ flew through the wires of your earphones. Then, you began to feel his body pressing up more against you and then further away as it shyly winded to the song.
You were both sat there alone in the carriage of a monotone, grey train, letting both your hips and torso twist and shake to the rhythm that Shakira’s upbeat song brought. With wide smiles creasing lines across your face, you made eye contact with each other, realising the silliness of your state. Though the exhaustion of your minds left you there not caring in the slightest. Letting this new found freedom control your body, it began to roll slightly on the seat below, leaving Ben to let out hyped exclamations as he tried to stay moving his body while watching yours.
A flat uniform voice brought your attention away from each other’s swaying bodies and to the fact that your stop was after the next one. You were retuned to the dreary reality of your situation as Shakira’s words slowed and the melody faltered until it ended, a pause sounded before the next song played. Your head had sank on to Ben’s shoulder once more as his tilted to rest securely on top of yours and his hand moved into your lap to fiddle with your fingers.
As his fingertips twisted your ring that was turning exceedingly more green, the mellow beginning of pluto projector filled your ears and in an instant your mood changed, along with the atmosphere between you and Ben. It became more delicate and his hand grasped yours gently. You squeezed gingerly in an attempt to soften the space. Beside you, Ben began to hum along with the tune, making you smile kindly as you stared at him in the reflection of the scratched, grimy window.
He beamed down at you, kissing the top of your head lightly before letting your eyes close to the rosey melody, as he listened out for your stop.
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