#bubblegum k.k
xooso · 1 year
thots on global warming? (asking for a friend 😔😔)
its real(not asking for a friend)
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irrelevantso · 2 years
I listen to this instead of questioning my life choices.
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months
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vgtrackbracket · 11 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3
Mass Destruction from Persona 3
Bubblegum K.K. (Aircheck) from Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Mass Destruction:
Absolute BANGER track, every persona fan knows this track (and the trauma of hearing Mitsuru cast Marin Karin on top of it)
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
I umm uh minific
Lance glanced down at the small drawing of swords on Keith's notes (Lance couldn't be bothered to write anything down and he doesn't remember shit so he's stealing his boyfriend's notes even though he could barely read his handwriting). Well, not really the drawing. His eyes skipped to the lazily scribbled, "K.K." in the bottom right corner.
"Your initials are KK?"
"You signed your doodle with K.K."
"And you didn't realize those were my initials in the entire time that you've known me? If I remember correctly, Iverson called me by my last name in Garrison."
"Mmm.. Shut up, K.K. Slider. I didn't connect the dots until now."
Lance leaned back to lay on his back, his head on Keith's pillow and kicked Keith in the thigh. It wasn't really a kick. From his position, he couldn't really do anything more than a slight jab with his foot. Keith let out a stifled chuckle at the attempt.
Lance turned on his side to put the meeting notes on Keith's bedside table then turned back to Keith with a faux scowl.
"You're not allowed to laugh. You're Keith Kogane."
"Mhm, ok, Pumpkin."
Lance crossed his arms and "kicked" Keith in the leg again. Keith didn't laugh this time, though he did send Lance an amused look.
"What're you doing?"
"Just stop opening your mouth."
"Aw, is there something wrong with the way I talk, Bubblegum dear?"
His Texan accent was bleeding into his speech, making everything about this situation about 10 times worse. Lance could definitely feel his face get hotter.
"Yes. Shut your pie hole."
Keith turned his body to face Lance and leaned toward him, putting his hand next to Lance's leg to stabilize himself.
"Whatever happened to please?"
"Whatever happened to you acting- normal?"
Lance attempted to motion with his arms to no avail. Keith tilted his head like a confused dog.
"Poor choice of words."
"Do you want a thesaurus?"
"No, I hate you."
"You're currently laying on my bed."
"I'll shush when I want to, Ranger."
Keith shifted to lay on his side next to Lance. He propped his head in his palm, looking down at Lance.
"It is getting pretty late though.."
"What are you trying to imply, Mullet?"
"Nothing, just we should probably go to sleep. It's a shame that the lights are on."
"I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to get out of the comfy bed and turn off the lights for you. Well good sir, I say-"
"Not it!"
Lance gasped.
"You sneaky snook!"
"Go turn the lights off."
"How dare you!"
"The less time it takes for you to turn the lights off, the more beauty sleep you can get."
"Urghhh! Fine! But you owe me."
"Just go turn off the lights, you dork."
Lance got up and sprinted to the light switch, flipping it and running back in the dark. He hopped onto the bed and laid back into his previous spot.
"What's my time, coach?"
"I dunno but you were very speedy."
"It's absolute bullshit that I have to turn the lights off when Galras can see in the dark. You can see on the way back to the bed."
"Who lent you their meeting notes because you don't want to admit to Allura that you can't remember anything she said? That's right, me. Ungrateful."
"Who can't write legibly and spent the majority of the meeting drawing in the corners of the paper? That's right, you. Humble yourself."
Keith sighed and plopped his head on the pillow. It really was late.
"We really should get to sleep."
"Whatever you say, Texas Red."
"Good night, Bluebell."
"Sweet dreams, Keith."
While Lance can fall asleep in seconds (a real skill) it still takes Keith a little bit longer. He allowed himself to relax, letting the tiredness consume him. But before he let himself fall asleep, he put his hand on Lance's cheek and thought about how lucky he was to be the one who snagged this dumbass.
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pie-bean · 1 year
As I wrote in the tags to the latest poll there's a really cool official remix of K.K. Soul but then I realized K.K. House also has one! Both are below:
K.K. Soul
K.K. House
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correysthings · 7 months
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midnightmoonbeams · 1 year
From Caught Tangy singing to K.K. Bubblegum!
From December 29th, 2020
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
No need to include these on the playlist, but figured I’d submit them. Video game soundtracks just hit different, especially these games, they are some of my all time favourites (aside from HL of course) 💜
If it brings good feels, into the playlist it goes!
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tippytoes112 · 1 year
remember y’all’s bubblegum kk obsession
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the-alien-raccoon · 2 years
If you were an animal crossing song what one would you be?
I'd be K.K. rockabilly
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skeleton-bat · 2 years
Just wanted to share and spread this amongst animal crossing fans.
Bubblegum kk as sung by miku and rin
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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vgtrackbracket · 2 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Bubblegum K.K. (Aircheck) from Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Key to the Earth from Earthlock
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Key to the Earth:
It plays in the main menu, and after you lose. And it has no right to hit this hard. It's sad yet hopeful, like things may not be alright now, but will get better. I have seriously cried while listening to this.
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Youtube: Disco / Bubblegum
This is the FINAL ROUND of a double elimination tournament to determine the best K.K. song. If a song loses once, it gets sent to the secondary bracket for a second chance to win. Bubblegum won the primary bracket, while Disco won the secondary bracket, with Disco's one loss being an extremely close match against Bubblegum in the final round of primary bracket. It's still anybody's game!
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