#btw: as it turns out later
lunarfeat21 · 7 days
Nothing new, just Top Hat letting his little 'niece' Belle (Warrior's adopted daughter, meaning the Star Tugs are 'uncles' to her and her 4 brothers) paint on his hull.
It's sorta a habit for her to snatch mops & paint buckets, and proceed to paint the hull. Top Hat found it cute (then cleans himself before a busy day ahead)
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(note to add: I did sketch this in March, ink this in June or july, then finish in three days... I'm not proud of it)
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cracklewink · 7 months
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Harmony Syndrome Part 5/5
The last chapter of my mlp infection AU! Thank you to everyone who followed along. Some final thoughts on my twitter @cracklewink if anyone's interested : )
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sygneth · 4 months
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"You give me your hand, don't you ever ask why, promise me nothing"
Holmes College Adventures Masterpost
Chapter 2:
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
It took a while, but it's finally here!! THe last part of this chapter, long, as I promised (the canvas for this is almost 35 000 px long...)
(Again, I didn't wont to make the post ridicoulously long, but if you'd like to see it as a one neat stripe, it's on AO3)
I am not sure if I made it clear earlier, but kind of from the beggining of this chapter I knew there will be another one, to elaborate on the events that must have taken place after what Holmes told Watson in GLOR, but before Victor's leave. I hope to draw theses couple of scenes that I have in my head too, sometime soon but I will have to take a moment of break, as the next week or two are going to be intense.
Again, I want to hug everyone who kept me motivated to go with this chapter, you are all a real treasure and reading the comments is literally making me want to live again <3
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lil0ak · 20 days
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opheliasam · 9 months
The thing is that the ways in which dean and sam need each other are both compatible and parallel in their nature.
Dean needs sam to stay with him (let him take care of him look after him and be with him) and sam despite all his need for autonomy and freedom which he does desire of course (he needs dean to respect his choices and see him) also needs dean to need him—choose him. It’s always been that way—something we see from the very pilot itself. He goes with dean in the pilot after dean admits that he doesn’t want to do it without sam even if he is capable for it.
It affects sam profoundly when dean gets close to other people—especially men because it threatens the idea that dean could need people other than him (even the mere desire to want for others apart from him is distasteful even if he doesn’t want it to be—he just can’t help it, it’s the way they are.) Of course dean has never needed for anything more than sam, that sam and just sam has always been more than enough but sam needs that from him, constantly and actively.
In Sacrifice (8x23), when he reveals that the fact that dean chose to turn to people (an angel, a vampire) apart from him was unbearable to him was just so.. much. And it’s interesting because we know that sam too is friends with cas, has never been shown to consider him a rival in any sense (but just the mere possibility of sam and just sam not being enough for dean is devastating for him.) He doesn’t harbour any resentment or competition towards cas, it’s just that he needs to be the choice over everything else from dean. He needs it because he chose that too, even when he had a chance to get out—multiple times over. And yes, the circumstances shaping his choices are often not ideal, are sometimes not even entirely choices but he always stays because of the knowledge that dean will always choose him.
The conflict then is often caused by doubt—dean, deeply insecure about sam’s loyalty. For him, it’s a given—that sam will always be first, has always and forever been above everything else but he expects sam to know it too. Despite everything he puts on him and says to him, despite the fights and the anger and the mistrust. None of that will ever change this one fundamental thing.
But Sam doesn’t (!!) Maybe at one time he did, before the demon blood and the soullessness and the countless countless ways he thinks he fucked up but somewhere along the line it became clear to Sam that he could not trust it to always be Dean’s first choice, can’t know it for sure.
Doubt again, Sam—unable to know if Dean will always choose him over all else and Dean unable to verbalise that enough because of said insecurity (the fear that he needs sam more than sam needs him) and unable to understand why Sam would feel this way because he expects him to already know that Sam will always be above all else, at the end of the day despite whatever happens because that is who Dean is.
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zandraart · 1 year
Glad to hear you’re alright! Everything going okay?
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lol hi thank u! i had to get an organ removed because it was making rocks/stones like an oyster and almost killed me lol. still working on feeling better but ill be alright i refuse to perish because my body went full oyster mode
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cookiehoodie · 1 year
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Warm-up that turned into Mike being very upset and angsty about his gay little thoughts
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cacturnia · 7 months
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My take on a sonadow fankid💥💥
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spitblaze · 2 months
What happens when you win the debate on who's the most oppressed group in the transgender community. What happens then. What could be accomplished by finding the one group that is the single most downtrodden demographic that suffers at the hands of every other community and putting them up on the 'most oppressed' throne with a 'most oppressed' trophy that could not be accomplished if we listened and paid attention to individual and group needs and worked to address them without the need to determine 'who has it worst', or worse, 'who actually belongs to the most oppressed group'.
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azaracyy · 1 month
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"true partner" click here for the uquiz created by @/niconicomuda on twitter
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werewolf-girlfriend · 4 months
hello and good werewolf wednesday!!!!!!!!! for the past like 2 months i have been tinkering away at a rewrite of my website and TODAY is the day!!!
NEW website live NOW !!!
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welleducatedinfant · 5 months
calling it now it’s gonna be a conan gray summer
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slimmestslime · 4 months
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he is trapped. let him out
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 3 months
Random SCOGUE headcanon because I need to vent and don’t feel like writing coherently I’m sorry 🥲
Angel’s Wings
You know how Rogue and Scott were in that Music Store in 5th Avenue when they overheard some customers talking about Angel?
And Scott was listening to something and seemed into it before Rogue nudged him?
Well…*cracks knuckles to share stuff no one needs or wants to hear*
She was sharing with him her favorite goth alternative music.
Performed by her favorite musician:
Scott had never heard of her. Rogue then explained that GOBLIN QUEEN is less of a mainstream artist and more of an underground/indie/anonymous one. She goes on to gush about her favorite songs (ex. A Nothing Being in a Nowhere Place) and albums she managed to buy/burned onto cds (ex. LIMBO and ANODYNE), but laments that she’s never been able to find the one called INFERNO.
By sheer dumb luck (aka contrived coincidence à la me), Scott manages to find an authentic copy of the album INFERNO later on. Did he get another cd Rogue liked by another goth band she liked beforehand for her? Of course he did. But he saw how her eyes sparkled and how animated she was talking about that singer. Also, the music he had heard was pretty cool. So he was always on the look out for it.
Unserious (?) sub-headcanon based on what Josh Whedon once said about Buffy Summers from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer:
Scott and Buffy Summers are cousins on his Dad’s side.
They probably were initially on “Christmas Card” terms with each other (maybe their parents had a falling out (Did the series ever mention if Buffy’s surname came from her mom or dad?) or something and that’s why they didn’t reach out after the plane crash that killed Christopher and Kate and separated Scott and Alex or they only took in Scott for a little bit before giving him to foster care.) and barely speak.
He probably reached out again via a video chat during some holiday occasion (some time after the events of Apocalypse), both of them going the usual “how’s life? fine, how ‘bout you? same old stuff. cool, cool…” (bc she doesn’t know he’s a mutant and he doesn’t know she’s a vampire slayer). He offhandedly mentioned the INFERNO CD by GOBLIN QUEEN that his friend really wants and joked that his current Christmas wish was to find it…only for Buffy to comment that one of her friends had that album. Cue Scott begging Buffy for more information on how her friend got it, and he successfully obtains it for Rogue.
At this point, Rogue is dating Gambit (are they serious? is it casual? do they both genuinely like each other but are both knowingly distracting themselves from their unresolved feelings for others?) , while Scott and Jean are either still together (happily or is it strained bc they are starting to want different things in life and each other but are hoping to make it work regardless of each other’s clearer and conflicting focuses) or have quietly broken up.
Scott finally either found a lead via the previosly mentioned sub-headcanon or something else. Either way, it leads him to a random goth girl who looks oddly familiar, though he cannot for the life of him figure out why.
Scott: *trying to place where he has seen this girl before despite most likely never having met her in his life*
Mysterious Goth Gal: you’ll have a better chance of asking me out if you actually use your words instead of thinking them, chum 😜
Scott: ?!
He noticed she is has a tattoo that says GOBLIN QUEEN. He pointed it out and asked if she liked her music. Is unsure why when she answers yes she is grinning at him like she knows something that he doesn’t. She asks him if he’s a fan, or if there was a pretty goth girl he was trying to impress, winking at him.
Cue Scott talking about Rogue, anything and everything about her (save the mutant part), partially how she introduced him to the GOBLIN QUEEN’s music, but then evolves into how even the little things that she does or says he muses about with quiet admiration and fondness.
Mysterious Goth Gal: …*already jumped ship from making moves on him to shipping him like crazy with this girl he’s so obviously in love with like what*
Scott: *mid unconsciously simping for Rogue* and I wish I could find that INFERNO Album for her, but—
Scott: Huh?
Rogue was dumbstruck and ecstatic when Scott presented to her what he jokes is her belated Christmas gift when they meet up, asking multiple times how he got it.
He mentioned that it was autographed, so she opened it:
GOBLIN QUEEN: To Rogue: -insert obligatory autograph stuff- + PS. I wanted to give this to you for free, but your boyfriend insisted on paying full. What a boy scout. I’m rooting for the both of you! ;D
Rogue: ………………
Scott: ? What did she say?
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glass-oranges · 6 months
Hiiii I made a core picrew if u wanna check that out I think that would be super cool <3
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