#btw the rest is really sad this is the only silly part
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ro-bee · 3 months ago
when you have a really bad nightmare so you need to wake up your situationship husband wolf
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 1 month ago
Kinger is Cursed With the Consequences of His Actions, and That's What's Making Him Crazy
Oh yes! The character we've all officially designated as Pomni’s new papa has got me reminiscing about another silly crackpot monarch who is actually an intelligent man in his late forties, an identity that has been buried so deep within the recesses of his altered mind that it can only emerge through special circumstances of which he has no control. But I know I'm not the only one who's made connections between him and Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time.
Btw did you know that they're also nearly the same age?
Yeah, this comparison has already been made by plenty of people. But if I may, I'd like to point out one other similarity that I've noticed; the fact that both of these men tragically lost the love of their lives, yet even in their broken minds the love they felt for them is still remembered fondly.
But, what if Kinger was also indirectly responsible for losing Queenie?
So........what exactly causes someone to abstract?
Of course, this would be an important question considering it's baked into the premise of the show itself, but I find it to be particularly relevant when dissecting Kinger's character because if we only assume that abstraction occurs when a human loses their mind, then how is someone like him still hanging around the Circus?
He’s been trapped there the longest, how long exactly is yet to be confirmed, but it’s safe to say that all those years haven't been kind to him. In the pilot he’s characterized as extremely erratic and forgetful, getting easily startled because his spatial awareness and object permanence are practically nonexistent nor can he retain previously established information for very long. On top of that, he regularly spouts nonsense that seemingly has nothing to do with the current situation. Because of this, his general demeanor tends to range between ridiculous to downright frustrating to the other characters.
So it’s no wonder that his fellow humans have more or less dismissed him as just being insane.
But I think this is a completely reductive view of this poor man because Kinger’s got that “he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit” energy that I love about him.
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I think this is one of the more adorable aspects of Kinger's character; he's always trying to help. He tries his absolute darndest.
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And what makes me sad is that, with the way that he is, he has such little control over how much he can actually help the people he clearly cares a lot about.
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In Mystery of Mildenhall Manor, it's revealed that Kinger's lucidity is apparently affected by his exposure to darkness. How this works exactly is a bit inconsistent as we've had scenes of him in complete darkness and still acting pretty goofy.
However, based on my observations, I believe the change is not instantaneous. Like, he doesn't immediately become the Kinger we see in the adventure with Pomni if he is suddenly enveloped in darkness. I think what primarily plays a part is the amount of time he spends in darker settings. The segments we get with Kinger and Pomni are significantly dimmer compared to the rest of the episode, and we even get hints of Kinger progressively becoming more logical before we get to the cellar.
I’ve also noticed a small pattern in which he prefaces these brief moments of clarity with “I think…”.
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This could be completely unrelated, but I find it interesting that Kinger's big advice to Pomni on how to overcome something difficult is to try "not thinking about it". I may be reading too much into this specific bit of phrasing but I feel that it's worth noting if this really is the mentality he lives by, because this is the advice he gives her when he's in two totally different states of mind.
Anyway, it turns out that when this silly man finally gets a good grasp on himself again, he’s actually extremely competent. Kinger shooting down the angel is a pretty obvious example of him being a BAMF, but I want to give these two moments a bit of focus.
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I like the idea that Kinger has been in the Circus long enough to become so familiar with his weird digital body that he uses his detachable parts and disembodied hands to his advantage. It’s just a neat little detail because we get a taste of just how capable Kinger can be in this world if it wasn’t for his handicap.
And what really sucks is that the amount of time it takes for him to regain his sanity in the dark is really disproportionate to the amount of time it takes for him to lose it when back in bright environments.
Take the scene where Kinger is having a conversation with Ragatha in Candy Carrier Chaos with the bucket on his head for example, which definitely foreshadows this detail since it's the first time we hear him speaking more sensibly.
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and then this happens
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Notice how he taps the handle of the bucket? Like he's realizing that he does, in fact, have a bucket on his head that's obscuring his vision, before lifting it off of his face and going right back to responding in the way we've come to expect from Kinger.
It makes me wonder if Kinger has ever tried to tell the other's about this, but just couldn't. Ragatha clearly isn't aware of it despite having known him the longest out of any of the current residents of the Circus. And Kinger himself can't seem to pinpoint when exactly he shifts between sane and insane. Like a man who blacks out and feeling ashamed of his drunken actions when he sobers up again, despite having no control or awareness in the moment.
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Describing Kinger's usual behavior when not in darkness as a "blackout" is pretty ironic, but I think it fits beautifully because it perfectly explains his short-term memory loss. Or I guess it would be more accurate to call it a "brownout". Either way, the point is that his memory becomes more obscured when he's in the light.
As for what initially caused this impairment, we still don't know.
I also don't want to get too clinical with Kinger's "symptoms" because I am in no way schooled enough to diagnose a fictional character who has only had a single episode focused on him.
But even just one episode proved to be very enlightening (...heh...see...see what I did there? Enlight-eh forget it) because after comforting a freshly traumatized Pomni, our girl interacts with Kinger at his most coherent long enough to learn some very crucial information.
It seems that the abstracted humans are not inherently dangerous, at least not when secluded in darkness, which Kinger was fortunate enough to witness with his own wife before they were separated (not legally, divorce doesn't exist in the Circus).
I've made this connection in another post I made, but yeah I really do think that it's the Circus' garish lights that make the abstracted so aggressive. I mean when you have that many eyes, that shit would aggravate the hell out of you.
But now comes the real question, and I'm tying it back to the one I made at the start, what made Queenie abstract in the first place?
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How very convenient, Kinger. How did Jax put it, "gotta keep the mystery alive"?
Well, I'm playing detective here and I say you're the key suspect!
That's right! I'm accusing you! But unlike Baron Moldydick's crime, it twasn't homicide.
Yeah, everyone has picked up on how Mildenhall killing his wife acts as a parallel to what Kinger may or may not have done to Queenie. But I don't think it's as cut and dry as Kinger losing his mind and then somehow putting Queenie in direct danger as a result.
No, I like to think that it's definitely a bit more complicated than that.
It's not clear when exactly Kinger began losing his mind, but I certainly believe it had everything to do with losing Queenie. And it would actually be a pretty fun bit of character design if it does because in chess the King becomes most vulnerable when the Queen is taken off the board.
I know we all want to imagine that Queenie had existed alongside the other characters sometime before Pomni's arrival, but based on what we're given in canon, I'm starting to think that was highly unlikely. Because if everyone knew who Queenie was, then they would also deduce that Kinger wasn't always the way that he is now. I just don't get the impression from everyone else that they know about Kinger's dual state of mind. Otherwise, it'd be kind of awful that they wouldn't do more to help him if they were aware of this fact.
Kinger has always been crazy to them because all they know is that he's been in the Circus longer than anyone else. Which really goes to show how little they truly understand one another despite having only each other for company.
And it's not like they don't care enough (well, except maybe Jax) to want to understand and be there for each other, but it's almost like they are never given enough opportunities to really...bond.
And yeah, unfortunately, a lot of it has to do with each of these characters having their own hang-ups that keep them from doing just that. It's not just Caine constantly shoving them into his adventures to distract them.
Ragatha is dishonest with her feelings
Gangle is insecure when her mask breaks
Jax hates being vulnerable
and Zooble is never comfortable in their own skin (or at least their body's equivalent of skin)
I don't want to downplay it either, these are real issues that need consistent work. These people need help and the only one really capable of supplying that is a little broken himself.
This is why it's so fortunate that Pomni was with Kinger when he started speaking more sensibly. She has already displayed a remarkable level of emotional maturity with Gummigoo, but that's because Gummigoo was the one in need of reassurance at that moment. When exposed to problems far worse than your own, your problems in some way appear much more manageable in comparison. Pomni may be trapped, but Gummigoo doesn't even get the luxury of existing outside of what he was made for. That alone gave Pomni the confidence to live in spite of her circumstances and inspire someone else to do the same.
But it's hard to maintain that confidence when your new support system gets literally deleted right in front of you.
It's ok tho! Thanks to participating in Kaufmo's funeral, Pomni begins to open herself up to the others more, which allows her to have...some faith in her new friends. This is especially good when she gets to finally break down for a minute with Kinger because honestly, it's amazing she's held herself marginally together this whole time without crying at least once.
Pomni experiences her (so far) all-time low, and this segues to Kinger sharing his.
It's pretty terrible, losing someone. The previous episode pretty much forced that onto Pomni. How exactly do you completely move on from something like that? Well see that's the neat part, you don’t. In fact, Kinger even alludes to how you shouldn't. Even though the memory of losing Queenie is painful, it's what anchors him. He lost Queenie, but he still has everyone else, and he refuses to give up on them. So despite his mind constantly working against him, he does what he can to help his friends. In his own clumsy and confused way, he's there for them.
To me, abstracting isn't going insane. It's giving up. Giving up on yourself and giving up on others. It's easy to get to that point without the occasional necessary affirmation that you shouldn't give up.
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This was the hardest lesson Kinger had to learn in the Circus. And he's doing his best to get the others to understand as well. But Kaufmo's recent abstraction proves how unsuccessful he's been.
Thankfully, Pomni takes it immediately to heart.
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This is crucial, not just for Pomni's development, but for everyone else. Kinger even assures that it's more important for Pomni to remember than for him to not forget. That's why her name is more than just an ironic punchline, it's meant to represent her purpose in the story. As long as she remembers, hold on to the good, she'll get through it. Kinger is putting just as much faith in her practicing what he just preached as she is in letting him lead her through hell.
Oh no I've made more biblical allegories! The Pomni is Jesus theories are winning!!!
Ok but in all seriousness, we see just how much Kinger's words influenced Pomni's actions in Fast Food Masquerade. It's all but said that Gangle was close to abstracting towards the end of the adventure.
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Yeah she’s about to turn into an eldritch horror, but c’mon we’ve all been there after a long shift.
Trying to talk things out didn't work, so Pomni then took a more practical approach to helping her.
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Something as simple as allowing Gangle to get some rest and verbally reminding her that she doesn't have to handle things on her own. It's almost poetic how although Pomni can't leave the Circus, she's constantly telling others that they can leave and she's going to help them.
And Pomni doesn't save Gangle all on her own either. It was Kinger's insistence to have Zooble take his spot in the adventure that allowed them to witness Gangle's manic-depressive decline. They also had a practical way of showing support by offering to stay past their designated shift and relieve Gangle of the burden of transporting a drunk Ragatha.
Episode 3 really was all about acts of service, wasn't it.
If Zooble wasn't present for that adventure, they wouldn't have had the full context of why Gangle feels like she's not wanted.
Zooble saying "I still like talking to you" carries far more weight than if they had said, "I like talking to you". Especially when Gangle already feels insecure about how honest Ragatha is with her. Zooble got to see Gangle spiral and still accepts her. On top of that they are adamant about calling her their friend despite her doubts. That means something. Everything really.
This is what cherishing someone looks like.
I think Queenie abstracted because, at some point, Kinger began to neglect her. Perhaps he became so obsessed with finding a way out that he forgot what was most important. It's too early to really say if that's how it went down, but it'd be a poignant bullet point to the tragedy that is Kinger.
So I guess the real question is: How does one lose their wife?
Well in the wise words of Cody Martin
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appleciderjulie · 5 months ago
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Thank you, Splatoon 3.
I know this piece took a while, but it’s finally finished!
The rest of this post is just me rambling, so it’s completely ok if you don’t read that part!
I wanna talk about how much this game means to me. When I say I like splatoon, it’s not just as a causal interest, no. This game means so much.
I got Splatoon 3 (my first game) christmas of 2022. I was originally introduced to the game through a walkthrough of octo expansion that popped up on my youtube feed one fateful day. If the youtube algorithm hadn’t done that, we probably wouldn’t be here.
Ever since I got the game, i’ve been in love with it. I really don’t want to get into it, but it helped me get through some dark stuff. I know it sounds kinda silly, but this game was always there for me, especially when other people weren’t. I’m gonna be honest, the upcoming release of Side Order was one of the only things keeping me going at one point. (I’m doing a lot better now btw)
This game helped me to find friends and people who I could rely on, simply through a mutual interest. My art skills probably wouldn’t be where they are today without this game. And hey, I know the community had its ups and downs, but you guys are all so so awesome.
I played the octo expansion last october, and I gotta say, that was probably a life-altering experience. Bro, listening to Into the Light brings me nostalgia, and it hasn’t even been a year. That’s how awesome this game is.
Really, I’m sad to see Splatoon 3 end. All the memories, the good times, the friends I made. I’m gonna miss this. Truly. But I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Thank you all for playing and experiencing this game with me. Stay fresh for me, will ya?
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v3ddirast4r · 4 months ago
I wish I could do more for this anniversary celebration but I have to go somewhere today and probably won’t have time to draw anything special. However, this is what I have time for since sanders sides was literally one half of my childhood and I recently got back into the hyperfixation of it. I love each of these characters to death and I’ll explain each of them in detail during this post <3
Logan: He is the best “teacher” ever! I wish he got more love from the other Sides, but the fandom definitely makes up for it. He’s a sucker for Crofters, got me into that jame btw, and he helped me learn a lot of new things! During one of my classes a teacher asked if anyone knew what a “Yerkes-Dodson Curve” was and let me tell you how I raised my hand so fast…. LOGAN MY BOI WE ALL LOVE YOU😭😭
Roman: The Man, the Prince, the Legend. He is so flamboyant I love him for that. He is the embodiment of “drama queen” and he definitely deserves that title. I loved this man to D E A T H since day one. I feel like half of me is literally his personality, and since I’m also insecure it checks out pretty well! If I was forced to only draw one Side for the REST of my life, it would be Roman in a heartbeat.
Virgil: He’s a fan favorite, which is understandable. A ton of people deal with anxiety, and a lot of people love the color purple. I.. am in that group but in a slightly insane level- Not the anxiety part that’s being dealt with, but the P U R P L E. He’s my favorite BECAUSE he’s purple. When he was just black I didn’t really like him THAT much, but I saw the appeal. Once he got the purple tho, I LOVED THAT MAN. He really is a big fan favorite and I understand why. Plus he’s a silly little emo gay, who doesn’t like that?
Janus: MY SASSY BOII!!! We love to see him! We all know he loves wine, we all know he definitely needs some validation, and our boy deserves a hug. We love him, and as the saying goes “She is beauty, she is grace, she will lie right to your face.” And he is also the embodiment of…. “Girlboss, gatekeep, gaslight <3” And all of this is the truth, which is definitely gonna mess with him a lil bit :3
Remus: How do you describe your love of a character without it getting to redundant? I love this fucking trashy rat man to death and nothing will change my god damn mind. HES SO SCRUNKLY I LOVE HIM!!! HE IS THE ELBODIMENT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF ME, IM BEING DEADASS RIGHT NOW. I WILL ACTUALLY KEEP RANTING AND RANTING ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS GOD FORSAKEN MAN. I WILL FUCKING KILL FOR HIM (if he doesn’t do it first) His outfit, his personality, HIS FUCKING MACE. HE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF CHAOS AND I LIVE FOR IT!!
Thomas: Him. Just, Him. He deserves all the love this world can possibly give him and more. Whenever he posts is always, and I mean ALWAYS during a troubling part of my life. And he can get me through any bad days I may be having. I swear this guy knows when we are sad and posts RIGHT when that happens and it brings a chuckle to us, making the day MUCH BETTER. He is an inspiration, a goal, a dream, a PARENTAL FIGURE to most of the community and I want him to know that.
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coffeesleep-ooc · 6 months ago
Kachina’s name is funny
Its 2 am and i cant stop thinking about this and i need to get it out bc every single time i look at her name i think of this and can’t even enjoy the storyline aaaaaa lmao
So! We’ve seen that genshin has a history of making up the most bizarre names ever, like idek what happened after inazuma or if sumeru’s names are this funny (idk much about the region it’s inspired in so forgive me for being uneducated), BUT, i do know this: there’s a poor npc in fontaine literally called Book, just Book, wtf genshin, there’s a lot of npcs and pplcalled weird things, and with Natlan that’s wven more obvious that while genshin team does great stuff for plotlines and inspiration for each region, they just say WHATEVER WHEEEEE for names. Bc, who calls themselves/their children Boba? Like wtf?! I’m not even mad about it just why??
I play the game in spanish btw, and Boba is like calling yourself silly or stupid, a friend told me that the English equivalent was also something along those lines so we know this is on purpose? Again wtf lmao
Then there’s the npc called Umi, isn’t that ocean in japanese? And said npc is from the ocean tribe dont get me wrong, if we want to make an accurate “inspiration” from America (America is a continent, ill throttle the person that says its a country thanks) it makes sense to have lots of names that come from different places bc we do have a mix of cultures that resulted in today’s life, but it doesn’t make any sense in Natlan’s whole description, bc these ppl are described as ppl that don’t go out of their country at all? They do receive visitors and i imagine one or two would probably want to stay but it’s still strange, noted, Umi is not the only strange name i’ve seen but i dont keep a notebook with all of genshin’s lore/plot/naming/etc holes bc i would have to make it a full time job. So far a couple things make no sense to me, BUT ALSO! Natlan is culturally rich and filled with stuff i approve, i mean, i like it so far, the legends, myths and way of interaction between characters is rivh and meaningful, i especially loved a quest about a shadow needles bc it felt like revisiting old myths from my memory!
the main quest relating to Kachina is also very interesting and despite it being complete fiction, the way the underworld is constructed is also reminiscent of myths and legends - ik its not called underworld, sorry, its 2am i forgot the name - that place felt to me like one of the scary tales ppl traditionally tell each other but with a very Teyvat element mixed in, and that’s good in my book
there’s also the apparent mix of maya, inca and aztecas in culture and storytelling? And its also true that America has more stories about wars and warriors known to ourselves and the rest of the world? I’d probably have much more to say about this if i had slept, but there are no towns named Fighting soul in my country for no reason, which i find funny and sad af bc wars are shitty excuses to steal and do awful awful things, but whatever. There’s also the way they captured the behavior of ppl in the coasts, kudos to them for that, obviously things irl are not always that good or pretty and some parts of America do have a lot of poverty bc corruption is also shit, but it is true that ppl (i’ve met) in the coast is much mote laidback than in the city, more prone to random music and parties and dancing, big big parties too, the surf part i have never seen in my country so no comments there
some stuff (like the food) is a bit so so for me (im still wondering where shrimp tacos were invented wtf, there’s also too much corn which i find hilarious), and im not even gonna talk about the saurian stuff bc his post is already long enough without talking about Kachina
anyways! in general i really liked it.
now, why is Kachina a weird name for me?
Bc my mother tongue is Spanish
the thing is, idk how many countries with spanish as their main language would have this two problems (or three…maybe)
nunber 3 and less important is the K, it’s overused in Natlan and i find it funny bc many ppl here use the c instead, the k it’s actually more rare in names unless your name is Katheryn or unusual (i once heard the name Ikza and I believe its cool, just not common)…just a thought but: Quinich sounds too much like Quiche so that’s why ill allow Kinich but the qu is way more vommon
number 2 the Ka is just fine, but the China. I just…China is a countey and I can’t help but think of it! Especially bc in spanish it aounds the exact same
number 1 and my biggest concern wity her name, and this is way more personal but I JUST CANT UNSEE IT! In my country we sometimes refer to young ppl as chino or china which is also the way to call ppl from China (probably not coincide but I haven’t researched why this happened to the slang in the first place) so maybe when someone is not listening to you or when they are being tricky or hot headed its bot rare flr someone else to say “¡Este chino/a!” Like saying “this little troublemaker!” Or smth like “¡esta china no hace caso!” Which means “this girl won’t listen/obey!” You could even say “la china de allá” which would mean you are pointing to a girl that is most definitely not chinese but it’s in your field of vision
its not used to denigrate anyonebut it is commonly used as slang by both adults and kids, sometimes even elderly will use it but in more informal situations…
this is why, it feels so damn weird to keep reading and hearing Kachina, sometimes i think im reading ‘pa aca china” kinda “come here kid” and other times im reading the equivalent of ka-girl
I obviously don’t blame the developers or genshin team for not knowing this (i do blame them for Poisson-Fish, Livre-Book, Boba-Silly, etc etc) but i just cant unsee it, even in serious situations its so weirdly funny and awkward
im re-baptizing her Kachi in my mind
someone save me from this misery 😂😂😂😂
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steelminds · 2 years ago
shaking. hi. ★♦▼ for ryoko and sara?
-> ryoko hirose
+ sad headcanon
ryoko has. a tendency to disconnect herself from her feelings. the easiest thing for her to do is to focus on the emotional needs of those she cares about, rather than taking care of herself. when sara & joe disappear one night and don't return, it takes a while for ryoko to fully accept the situation - even when she passed by police cars on their block, it hadn't fully set in that something bad had happened until about a full day later, when she couldn't even get a hold of sara's mother. she'd been somewhat aware something was going on, but the feeling just hadn't set in until then.
+ quirks/hobbies headcanon
ryoko enjoys painting,,, between her and her friends, her 'talent' shows more on canvases and paper. there are a few pictures hanging in her room of painted sunsets and sunrises, and even stars... there's a direct inspiration for all of those paintings, but she refuses to say what. (it's because of sara btw. she's a little gay.) additionally, she likes photography! though she prefers scenery, there's over a few dozen photos in sara & joe's rooms from both big events and just when they were hanging out as a trio. she likes to capture little moments, and give them to those she cares for as a reminder that things won't always be bad.
+ childhood headcanon
ryoko's parents divorced before she could ever remember them as an actual couple. she rarely saw them together, but when she did as a child, they didn't act any different than they would apart. obviously, she figured it out herself as the years passed, but part of her was like. hm yes this is. normal family stuff. parents always spend months apart and then reunite every now and then for like a day or two. despite it, however, both parents took care of her well :] her mom is a bit scary at times but she's very sweet. and her dad is a bit of a silly guy. they just sorta fell out of love and thats okay !!
-> sara chidouin
+ sad headcanon
this can only really happen in a non-death game scenario, when sara's a bit older, but. one time, haruki (sara's mother) told her a bit about her real dad. he was interested in airplanes and trains, having collected models of them and displaying them in his room. since learning about it, sara tries to collect airplanes too - not because she has a particular interest in them, but as a small hope that if she ever got to meet him, she'd have something to talk about with him. she also tries to learn tagalog with joe, because both haruki & mr chidouin are japanese. she never does get the chance to meet him, but she likes to think there's still a chance.
+ quirks/hobbies headcanon
sara loves puzzles!! like with the model airplanes and stuff, she likes putting things together... getting to create something that started off as a bunch of pieces makes her really proud of herself. i also got this from you but. she would enjoy wood carving and the like, following the idea of slowly making something that doesn't seem very special into something impressive... also she likes working with her hands. autism and all.
+ childhood headcanon
sara used to be interested in dance when she was younger - specifically, ballet! she didn't do very well, but she enjoyed it up until her father pointed out she was no good at it. the words got to her head, and during her first performance, she fell and injured herself pretty badly. it healed eventually, but when she walks/runs for too long without resting, her right ankle begins to hurt a little.
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wally-franks · 2 years ago
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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1d1195 · 6 months ago
First of all bestie you could NEVER make me hate you especially over a silly hairstyle! And if people end be up hating on you for that… that’s not it lol also this is gonna part 1 of my ramble 😭
ANWAYS I’m in constant conflict with how I feel about that mullet HAHA at first I was like “a mullet?! WHY?” But then I saw the vision and kinda liked it😔 and rn I’m not sure tbh! BUT I’m not sure if it’s bc he’s HARRY and I’m just kind “blinded” by finding him attractive in general lol bc he’s definitely hot no matter what in my eyes so idk lol plus I fear I’m so use to seeing so many people have mullets (I guess it’s trendy now?!) that maybe I’m just not as big of a hater as I use to be lol btw I LOVED the visuals you gave! That tattoo roulette pic has me STUNNED the first time I saw it! And I kinda love you’re not an automatic lhh lover🤭 though I am a fan of when he had a middle part, like for when he did SNL so idk about my opinion lol
I simply am lowkey sick of my phone lately so idk wtf is going on lol though I love polls! It’s interesting what people are thinking! I genuinely don’t remember exactly what was the last poll I got to vote on but I remember clicking on a Sun kissed option and I was in the minority of votes 😭
SAM YOURE GONNA KILL ME WITH THAT BREEDING KINK!!! I will simply cease to exist whenever we get to meet that Harry😵‍💫 I truly love how you write your Harry’s like i simply can’t!!! And bestie I love when a man is begging and just groveling on the FLOOR for forgiveness!! Very excited 😌
Omg you’re of course one of those people!! Honestly I would have been more surprised if babies WEREN’T drawn to you lol I’m sure it’s just a vibe you give off like babies can see your pure and sweet heart! In another universe you most likely would have had your Honey moment or like a daycare moment! And omg that’s absolutely such an adorable moment and such a good concept 😭
Financial anxiety is so REAL! Especially since you mentioned how growing up it impacted you a lot! And growing up poor too, i totally get it!! It’s a very conflicting feeling lol
Omg bestie you don’t even KNOW how obsessed I was with fucking true crime and like paranormal stuff growing HAHAHA the true crime stuff now terrifies me now bc HELLO?!? But honestly some of these murder mystery books I got to reread again are kinda still a slay lol but the pottery stuff I got really into it in middle school and lowkey stopped reading it when the pandemic hit lol anyways finished sorting out some books so I will be donating them later this week!
Agree about the AC!! Growing up in school there was NO AC and we had to constantly suffer with the heat waves! Girl you’re like a young millennial which makes sense you would be drawn to that aesthetic and there’s nothing wrong with it! If it makes you happy then there’s no harm!
I always get so sad/worried when my dogs are slightly off bc I love them 😭 When I tell you the first thing encounter I had with my finaid office I fucking CRIED! Had to wait on a fuck ass zoom for almost two hours only for a MAN to tell me it was my fault(it fucking was a mistake on their end) and to just get loans and a payment plan was my HELL!!! My mom had to calm me down it was so embarrassing lol Anyways I loved that you gave that feedback and honestly very you and I love that!
I actually decided to shorten the black dress to like my mid thigh!! Sounds short but I’m not tall so it will look somewhat okay lol and the second one is actually a dark blue dress that shimmers when it hits a certain light! It looks black but it’s actually blue and I’m excited to wear it! That one will be slightly above the knee! And maxi dresses are cute! And I bet they look cute on you!!
Hope you had a lovely weekend! Hope it was restful and fun! ALSO I hope your week is starting well!! LOVE YOU!!!-💜
I'm putting a cut here because I wanted to warn anyone else that reads our pen pal letters that I'm going to talk about audio porn a little lol what an ENTRANCE to this message idk if you'll even be able to tell where my train of thought came from to introduce it like this 😂
Number one--obsessed with two part asks hehehe I love this for us. SAW THE VISION. I'm glad you saw it I haven't 💀 I think I def have this blindness as well but it's so trendy rn and I'm just NOT hear for it. If my bf got a mullet I would shave his head tbh. I just think his hair looked stringy and needed a wash and I haven't forgiven him for that 😭 I wash my hair every day because Harry and I actually have very similar hair and if I don't wash it every day it gets so greasy and gross (and before anyone comes for me I KNOW it's because I wash it every day 🙃 but I can't do it. I just feel better when I shower so what am I going to do? I do so little for my own self care ANYWAY)
I LOVE polling everyone. I think it's so helpful 😭 and I agree, knowing what everyone thinks really helps inform my decision and focus to write.
HEHEHEHE you may have already met that Harry Not to out myself here but I recently downloaded Quinn which is audio porn and it's *mwah* chef's kiss. It's giving me all kinds of ideas for Harry and I like to find the audios where the guy is all worshippy of the girl. Honestly, I don't even listen to it for the porn part I'm just here for the plot 😂 there's a couple brother's best friend's ones that have me salivating to write something. I'm AMPED.
I think in another life I probably will open a day care. I should have just taught elementary school the way the gods probably intended me to but alas. Knock on wood my group is... don't want to jinx it but I will say I'm not exhausted right now (at least not from teaching).
I'm not tall either so I get it. I love a shimmery dress! That sounds so nice! I've been getting tons of compliments on all my clothes recently so I like to believe I might be figuring out my own sense of style. Even the kids notice and think I look cute which is not the point but I think it's nice they notice because a lot of these kids are so trendy and adorable. One of my students from a couple years ago should have won best dressed. She could have worn a trash bag to soo. She was so adorable and I would ask for her opinion about what I should wear to chaperone prom/homecoming 😂
I hope you NEVER have to talk to financial aid ever again 💕
I had a slightly busy but good weekend. I was very productive and I'm trying to keep pace because I fear October is going to be busy as hell 🙃
I hope your week is going well too 💕 LOVE YOU!
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ratinthebins · 9 months ago
Time for part 2 but Dragons Rising edition
quick disclaimers:
This is just for fun and I’m not trying to say any one ninja is more traumatized then the rest.
I only put what I remember and you’re welcome to add stuff I forgot 👍
And let’s get into it!
Got separated from his family for a concerning amount of time
probably separation anxiety times 20
Nearly loses his kids students a lot
He misses his uncle poor guy
(rip master Wu crab rave 🦀🦀🦀)
Where is his family. Give them back now .
Gets high from dragon powers 👍
gets horrible visions from dragon powers 👎
Pls comfort him
so many panic attacks
he needs hugs
watched his big brother get sucked through a portal and be banished <33
he’s a silly little guy
Literally lost her family (AGAIN)
Misses her yin
give him back to her >:(
the whole dream scenario .
foreshadowing is evil
lost her brother
Found her brother
lost her brother to a flying boulder
Her brother came back :D
oop there he goes :0
If this man gets dehumanized one more time I’m losing it
Petition to stop Imperium from cocooning random nindroids. It’s immoral.
Bro he’s not just a machine 💀
somebody give him a hug or I’ll do it myself >:(
and his best friend :(
If s2 makes Jay and Cole fight each other in the tournament I will die .
theyre best friends fight me
PUPPY COLW (im not sure this counts as trauma)
‘but hes cuteeeee
Promised to protect Bonzle. (Mission failed successfully ig)
Let him play his video games
im not getting Jaya am I ?
just soul crushing angst ;-;
Amnesia. So much amnesia
Oh wow uh
gets separated from family
lloyd almost obliterates him
gets obliterated by a boulder
season one is fairly tame
becomes a single father of one
proceeds to panic over child’s wyld behavior
‘haha funny right? Wyld. (I’ve become Jay)
Gets sucked through a mergequake portal
sees a really messed up vision but they won’t tell us what it is :((
gets banished womp womp
Yeah. Her family died.
dragon family death count worrying
was rocketed away from her family and us fostered by a dragon family only for them to pasta way
Doesnt really connect well with humans
‘Realizes pranks aren’t always funny the hard way
lost her father dragon for a good while
then loses her human dad (kai) through a portal
let’s not forget about Cinder breaking her leg 💀
This girl needs about a thousand hugs
lets speedrun this trauma list shall we?
Parents who are absolutely horrendous
she finally makes parents proud and gets invited to help work in the lab (her hero is evil womp womp)
She gets her creation turned against her
watches an innocent dragon get tortured
Gets disowned by parents
isnt allowed at the dinner table
gets her work bench taken away
runs away
all this results to her having self worth and identity issues
has to return to her home because of her past being used against her once again
has to bring online more weapons which causes distrust with her and Arin briefly
Her self worth issues get worse but Nya helps
ultimately she realizes her parents aren’t her true family anymore and she doesn’t need to prove anything to them, unlocking her true potential
Her and Arin start to drift apart
she helps him with her powers thinking it’s right (it’s probably gonna end badly)
And I will cry
they make me sad
really sad
btw if I see Sora’s parents again I will yeet them
deadname Sora again I dare you 🔪
Lost his parents in the merge
he blames himself for their disappearance
Gets a hammer yeeted at him by Ras at some point and Sora had to watch him get hurt
is terrified of losing people he loves. Riyu, Lloyd, Wyldfyre, Sora…
Begins to spiral worse in s2
This little guy can hold some much self hatred in him *pats head*
i swear if they end up being bad guys I’ll cry
Gets shatterspined by Cinder
Constantly fails which puts a strain on the guy’s mental health
Gets beaten within an inch of his life by Ras
seriously Ras chill
thats a child
On his villain arc
The morro parallels are terrifying me
Mom come pick me up I’m scared
there’s a lot of debate of which ninja is the most traumatized and I honestly can’t decide, so I’m gonna list all the trauma I remember. Feel free to add anymore I missed.
raised his sister by himself and had to run a blacksmith shop as a teen to make ends meet
his sister got kidnapped
Got hit with snake venom and was high for awhile
got stuck in a collapsing volcano
the whole birthday human piñata thing
saw his brother explode (rip Zane)
ends up falling in love with a villain
loses his powers
gets tricked by said villain and almost destroys Lloyd with the power staff
gf turned into a snake
got teased about what happened to his parents
(still parentless)
fails to protect his possessed brother
is forced to fight said possessed brother
nearly drowns
gets swarmed by psycho fangirls (s6)
finds out his parents may be traitors
truly believes his parents are traitors and tries to stab them
father gets hit my the time punch
is forced to go back in time and watches Master Wu be lost to time
watches his best friend fall off the bounty and “die” (and literally can’t do a thing)
loses his powers (again)
gets thrown into a bunch of walls
literally has to summon his fire or everyone will DIE
watches everyone get turned to ice sculptures
Loses powers and gets turned into a cube o7
gets pelted with rocks
sister turns into the sea
gets in a car crash
turns into a Crystal zombie
oh, and he gets hit by a giant blast and thrown into the distance, then nearly gets killed by dragons.
Turns into a snake man
Gets tied up and nearly hit by a train
has a pointless love triangle where he breaks up with his best friend
literally resents him the whole time but is secretly sad
said best friend sacrifices himself and Jay has to watch him be thrown into the pit below rip
is adopted
Bio dad is dead (dead as hell)
bio mom is gone (who knows where)
he’s just motherless
Spider tries to eat him
literally gets tortured by a bunch of pirates
loses his ex gf to a super hot djinn
watches Nya die
is traumatized by even the mention of time travel (s7)
adoptive mom gets kidnapped
is so traumatized that he just becomes emotionally depleted and is okay with a dragon eating him???
watches best friend literally fall into a cloud of darkness and can’t even do anything
almost falls into lava
watches his whole family and gf get cubed
gets sacrificed to a sea beast (which isn’t technically real but still)
almost drowns
literally almost dies because water in lungs
gf turns into the sea
is depressed for awhile
grows a beard
Gets turned into a Crystal zombie
Mother died when he was a child
Which lead to a bad relationship with his father
ran away and climbed a mountain in his grief
nearly got killed by a dragon
got mind controlled and was forced to fight his friends/ninja brothers
had a weird love triangle
lost powers
sacrificed himself for Jay
turned into a ghosty boi
got kidnapped by the sons of Garmadon
falls off the bounty and nearly gets frozen in the oni cloud
feels so responsible for losing the travelers tea that he literally climbs up a snowy mountain without sleeves-
gets cubed in a video game
is attacked by a creature wearing his moms locket
no one believes him
despite all the crazy things that have happened
gets thrown to the bottom of the mountain
Gets in a car crash
crystal Zombie time
wandered for like 10 years-
had amnesia
everyone calls him “weird”
is actually a nindroid
bird robot dies several times
btw his dad is actually alive
falls in love with a robot girl
literally gives her half of his heart
sacrifices himself to protect those he loves and all of ninjago
is rebuilt only to be kidnapped
gf is scrapped and now lives in his head
dies again because smartphones aren’t real (s7)
nearly dies from being thrown off the cliff by someone who was essentially supposed to be himself
Had visions about his literal banishment
gets banished to the never realm
loses memories and is manipulated
commits mass genocide
nearly assassinated
Gets electric shocked and hooked up to power a giant machine
turns off emotions because of Nya becoming a mermaid
crystal zombie
literally locked in a imperium temple for years (but doesn’t remember a thing???)
Lost both her parents at a young age
was kidnapped
becomes samurai X because she wanted to help and the others wouldn’t let her
im not even going to talk about s3
gets hunted down by Chen’ forces
is actually the water ninja
unlocks her true potential before everyone can die
is forced to deal with misogyny at every turn because she’s the “girl ninja”
gets possessed by the spirit of Delara
someone steals her samurai suit
her parents are alive
she watches her family and bf die
has to deal with survivors guilt when Cole “dies”
is forced to confront her powers once again in s12
gets cubed
watches her bf get flirted with and he doesn’t do anything
Becomes a Queen despite not wanting to???
watches bf get sacrificed
Misses her mom but she’s been gone so long things have changed
sacrifices herself to save Jay
turns into the sea
is alive again but is separated from Jay once again (merge)
Mom left him at a boarding school as a baby
dad is evil
Is mistreated and opens a serpentine tomb
gets gatekeeped, gaslight and girlbossed by a purple snake
nearly dies because he’s forced to retrieve a fang blade
almost dies in a volcano
Hes destined to defeat his father btw
and fight him
Son vs father
loses his childhood to save his friends
mother is alive
has to fight his father and destroy the overlord
friend group breaks up after Zane dies
Recently redeemed father dies because Lloyd has to banish him to the cursed realm
gets possessed by his cousin
gets thrown into a river and nearly drowns
says a final goodbye to his father
gets really old
isnt old anymore
is forced into a leadership role and no one cares
falls in love with this really pretty, nice girl
shes evil
she beats him up and brings his father back from the dead (only the evil part)
his father beats him up and leaves him for dead
watches family be crushed
is forced top into leadership again and confronts loss
fights his father one last time and defeats him narrowly
Is forced to work with and babysit his evil dad
is so traumatized by Harumi that his trust issues are heightened
distrusts a Wolf girl but works with her
she kisses him and then he leaves (for good?)
Is forced to fight video game Harumi and they kill each other (poetic but cruel)
is cubed
sneaks into Cole’s bedroom just to tell him how much he distrusts the new princess
sister gets turned into the sea
works at Starbucks?
his ex gf is alive and pissed
dad loves a plant more than him
father plays dead and Lloyd turns into a demon goat man
Gets separated from his whole family in the merge
gets a vision of his family’s grave
gets high, beats the shit out of some bad guys and passes out
probably traumatized after that
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cosmicrosasite · 10 months ago
I've been a part of a folk band at my uni for almost a year now and i'm starting to regret joining
I get to dance and sing and perform on a stage sometimes and the part of the group im in is pretty nice and i enjoy it all a lot, but is it even worth it?
My free time is VERY limited due to 7 hours of practice a week, more if there's a concert coming up (and consequently, as the finals season is approaching, im terrified i won't get everything ready in time and im already slightly behind, and my uni schedule is already awful) we get yelled at (sometimes literally) for so many things, like constantly missing practice, and its usually us people who go regularly who have to listen to it, and recently they focused on our bodies so much
The boss mare minutes before our last concert compared us to a different uni folk band where there are only really thin girls due to the audition process they have, where they kick out girls that are "too fat" or "too short/tall" and made a rant about us not fitting into costumes (some of those costumes are older than our parents btw) and how we should lose some weight because it's embarrasing and a bunch more shit like that, and our dance instructor who i came up to about the costume not fitting quite right issue a few days prior told me i have to lose weight otherwise she won't put me in the concert where we dance because "I won't fit in costumes" and it left me so heartbroken for the rest of the day i cried so much, i put so much effort into dance practices despite my chronic illness and this is what i get? Best part is there are costumes that fit me, if they didn't i wouldn't be able to perform on a stage the last few times
They also keep saying stuff among the lines of "we know how you complain about things are run but what are YOU doing for our folk band??" And it's so exhausting, after the concert i already signed up for i'm taking a break away from the folk band because man, i wanna pass my exams and those comments made me decide that with no guilt whatsoever
I know my complaining might sound silly for seasoned performers or people who danced since they were little etc but it's my first time being in this kind of group and it makes me so sad because i love dancing and singing and it was amazing to perform on a stage and get past my anxiety and also so angry because why do you treat us that way, we're not getting paid for any of this, we do this because we want to, and you yell at us about this kind of nonsense? It can be so discouraging, and then people quit and they wonder why is our folk band doing so bad, why is there so little people
I'm just tired man
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star-on-a-beach · 1 year ago
Hi everyone. Um. Really serious topic that I'm bringing up that's been really affecting me these past few days. No I'm not quitting before anyone thinks that. Check tags for trigger warnings.
This is very much a vent btw, as much as it is an informative post. I may take it down if my mom asks me to.
Today our oldest cat is being sent to the other side. His name is Smokey. He isn't gone yet but the vet will be here in an hour to help bring him home.
Smokey is almost 19, older than me. On Thursday I noticed he felt really thin and seemed quite tired. His condition has only deteriorated as the days have gone on and he's basically between worlds at this point. He's miserable and in pain, which is something none of us want for any of our pets.
I'll be okay, its just really hard to accept. Bc of this I'm going to be avoiding any rp or posts about angst or anything like that, because I really just want to use a ton of fluff to distract myself. I'll hopefully be more normal in a week. But I wanted to let you all know this is going on, and I apologize in advance if my temper seems short or I act relatively despondent to things I'm not interested in. Please don't make any jokes (I doubt any of you would but just being clear) about the situation or try and tell me about any angst going on or act silly with me- I really do not have the energy to be called 'silly' and be toyed with in any regards, preferably for the next few days. I don't care if anyone thinks that that last part is overkill, I don't have the energy for any silliness even if it's just hitting me with a digital pillow or poking me.
Please keep the rest of my family in your prayers (or thoughts, if you aren't religious) because God knows they need it. My other two cats are losing their parental figure. My dog is losing the only other "original" pet in our household. My mom and brother and I are losing one of the sweetest, strongest, shyest, most-teddybear-like animals we've ever known. Everyone is devastated, and I really wish we weren't resorting to euthanasia but we can't stand seeing him in pain like this.
That's all I have to say. Please give your pets a hug or a little extra love while you can. Thank you for reading, and I'm really sorry if this makes others sad or is triggering, that wasn't my intent at all. I just really need to get this off my chest. Please respect my wishes and keep my whole family in your best wishes/prayers/thoughts.
And yes, if anyone would like to see Smokey I'm more than happy to share a picture.
Update: the vet just left. I didn't hear anything. I think it was very peaceful and it was his time.
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somesandthings · 9 months ago
They are the most precious works and I feel honored and very grateful to have been able to see them and have them in my hands physically. She is an incredible person, beautiful at heart, I really miss her LeeGaa art. <'3
And yes, in the comments I put is a little bit about why we disappeared, more on my part. It's incredible how people canceled others but they gave themselves the freedom to do much worse things that we have never done, such as harassing, threatening, engaging in hate speech, among many other things. It was very unfair that they also threatened others for liking our art, and only because they were intolerant. Not even moving us from platforms worked, they followed us there and followed those who supported us.
I only take this post to be able to clarify my disappearance from here, although there were also personal, work and academic matters that demanded my time. But yes, basically at that moment they harassed me for a simple ship, a simple and silly preference for "top" and "bottom", for a resource that is exaggeratedly used today which was to "make a character femboy", for drawing the version of the opposite gender of a character and confusing it with a negative neologism to point me out incoherently without even giving me the opportunity to make them to carefully read my descriptions or my hashtags, all of this taken as a basis to take more things out of context like a cancellation bomb, without giving the opportunity to reply or clarify (whenever I tried to do so, they directly ignored me or did not listen to me, it was talking to a wall). The truth is that I saw it as a whole group that agreed to send us off the site because "we did not comply with their whims about the ship", since what they preferred did not have an abundance of material, or that's what I thought. I understood. In the end they achieved it through harassment and threats.
Anyway, I've been wanting to talk about the subject here for a long time, but it's been years, and I want to come back to continue sharing my nonsense about LeeGaa, Gaara, Rock Lee, and the rest of my favorite Naruto characters, not to open another senseless Pandora's box, of course, but since the place is already quiet, I can finally have a voice in some way. Well, I mean, we're too old to continue doing silly dramas, I think, and I just want to have fun with the rest, have a good time, and share the common love we have for these characters. <3
Update btw: I just found out that she deleted her account from this place. I find it very sad, but in the end, she was also harassed a lot. I mean, I remember there were several posts throwing hate at us both... Uff... I still keep in touch with her, a little, but anyway I still miss her in her art about this beautiful ship. <'3
my most recent dream? be able to read hikanon's gaalee doujinshis/comics
in using the tag so maybe I can find someone who has them?? 😭
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anime-kia · 3 years ago
Black Coat
So I'm currently writing another one-shot, but I have no idea how to end it. This one popped into my head, so enjoy this while I finish the other one! 
Btw, have you guys really taken the time to listen to the lyrics of Pray for Me? I don't listen to it often because it makes me sad, our King deserved better and he better be in BP 2 (if you know something I don't and he's not in it don't tell me, just know I'm ready to pull up to Marvel and Disney HC)
Warnings: Slightly detailed around the birthing part
Relationship: King Erik x Pregnant Reader
This is during his time as king, of course he has people who want to dethrone him so commence the explosion... Now!
It was literally moments ago you were bickering with the new king, right before the throne room began crumbling and collapsing after a bomb was set off somewhere in the palace.
It had been ten months since he'd been seated on the throne and someone had finally decided it was their time to get him off. Whoever it was clearly had zero regard for you or anyone else in the palace at the moment, their main goal was to eliminate Killmonger by any means necessary. 
By the ringing in your ears and two-hundred plus pounds resting on you, you had assumed the explosion was close enough to have killed you. 
This must be it, huh... You thought to yourself. Trapped under this rubble with no possible way out... This is where I die... 
It was strange, you felt worse for your baby who was supposedly due this week. A grim thought crossed your mind, causing tears to flow down your cheeks. This baby would literally be trapped, you would probably die from the pain alone of the contractions and not being able to do anything about it.
The weight began lifting off of you, "Ungh, shit." He grunted.
You looked up to see N'Jadaka covered in his black and gold panther suit, heaving parts of the broken building and pushing them aside to clear a path. 
"You alive?" He turned to you, the mask appearing to dissolve, revealing his face. Judging by the fresh and bloody scratch on his cheek, he saved you both in the nick of time.
You tried to respond, but ended up coughing hard. There was dust in your lungs and throat. He gave you time to clear your throat, as he scanned for a path. Whoever did this would be heading to the throne room anytime now and you had a way smaller chance of survival than he did. Easily he could flee by himself and formulate a strategy to fixing this mess, but he grew a liking to you after all this time... Despite getting pregnant and telling him it is his, and him saying it isn't. Bastard.
"Aye, we gotta go. Whoever did this probably looking for me now. If we stay here, you gon' end up like them." He nodded his head to the left and your eyes followed. Bodies of many, some may be alive, but injured and concussed, there was no time to save them either way. He held his hand out and you took it, and he helped you up. 
For the most part, you were okay. Traumatized, but okay. You prayed that your baby would also be fine, only time would tell. 
It would've been nice if he could carry you on his back, but unfortunately your soon to be born bundle of joy was in the way. He held onto your arm the whole way through the palace, eventually making it down to the caverns where he burned the heart shaped herb garden. Silly, you both could've had an easier time escaping if he'd just left it alone. But nooo, he had to go and be selfish. Foolish man.
You couldn't count on both hands how many bodies you stepped over making it down here alone, almost tripping over some. You had to remind N'Jadaka countless times that you were pregnant, with a sore aching lower back and swollen feet. He was in such a rush to get away you hadn't realized it until you were walking down a tunnel. It was barely lit by the sun peaking through the cracks in the roof, but it was starting to set. 
His breathing was laboured and he finally started to slow down about thirty minutes into the cave. He started to stagger, eventually dropping to his knees and letting go of your hand.
"Fuck!" N'Jadaka hissed, holding onto his side. The suit became part of the necklace once again. You noticed the blood seeping through his right side, staining his black coat.
You ran over and kneeled beside him to inspect the damage. 
"Idiot! Don't tell me you pulled something from your body!" You immediately began tearing the ends of your dress to make a make-shift gauze. 
"I wasn't gon' leave a fuckin' pole in my side!" He argued back, flinching as you began evaluating the area around it. It would've been better if you could clean it, but unfortunately there was no water source near by. "Ngh, and ju- shit!"
Luckily for him, you wore your kimoyo bead bracelet at all times. Detaching a pearl, you pushed it into the hole as a temporary stabilizer and wrapped his torso. It would help for now, but not for long. 
You apologized, loosening the wrap slightly as he let out a pained sigh, "Just so y-you know. That same fuckin' pole woulda killed your ass if I wasn't there."
You gave him a sympathetic look, "Well thank you. But stop talking." You never heard him in so much physical pain, it hurt you. Of course there was the one time he cried in front of you, telling you about his past, that one definitely hurt the most.
"Shhh, rest now." You ran a soothing hand on his shoulder.
"And what? You gon' stay up and protect us?"
"Yes." You deadpanned. 
"Hell nah, I'm good. If anything, yo pregnant ass need to sleep, talking bout some, Erik slow down, my feet hurt. I'm so pregnant and tired." 
You slapped him, slightly above the wound. 
"Argh! Fuckin'-" He hunched over and mumbled in agony. 
"Asshole! We wouldn't be in this predicament if it wasn't for you!" You threw a pebble at him. 
"The fuck does that mean?" He frowned at you, shielding himself from the rock.
"Well for one, I wouldn't be pregnant right now!" You threw more stones at him, that he didn't even bother to dodge.
"How the fuck is that my fault? I ain't get you pregnant!"
"Then who the hell did if it wasn't you?!" 
"Probably that damn dreadheaded nigga you be talking to." Jealously laced in his tone.
You gave him a quizzical look, "YOU?"
"Nah you know who the fuck I'm talking bout!"
It took you a minute, but then you gasped, "Eze?! That is my sister's husband you foolish man!" The hormones were finally kicking in and you were not only getting frustrated, but really sad. "I cannot believe you would deny your own child and accuse me of adultery." You began sobbing, dropping the remaining rocks in your hand. "Me... Of all the women in the world you've slept with and it is me you shame?!" 
"Aye stop that crying shit, bruh."
"No! You cause all these problems and you never like to admit when you are at fault! The palace would still be in tact if T'Challa was running it! You were never fit to be a king!" All of your emotions spilled out at once. "I don't even know why I put up with you for so long..."
He stared at you for the longest time. He was in shock, hearing that coming from you. Someone who supported his ideals from the moment he stepped foot onto the Wakandan soil. 
"That's how you really feel?" Was all he could say.
It hadn't hit you yet, the words that slipped from your mouth. All you knew was you were moody, hungry and tired. 
You're not sure when you had fallen asleep, but you woke up with a large warm jacket covering your body. Not only that, but you were experiencing major pains and your legs were wet.
Oh no... Please not now.
Judging by the dusky looking sky, it had to be very early in the morning. N'Jadaka was no where in sight, and the cave was even darker than when you first made it in. 
Had he left? Or what if those people found him?
You did argue with him, and trample his feelings a couple hours ago like everyone he had encountered. Hopefully it wasn't the latter.
It was cold, and he was somewhere without his jacket. Sure he had the suit, but how comfortable was it really? 
The cramps in your body assured you that your biggest fear of this entire situation had come to pass. She was ready to come out...
There would be no use sitting around, you had to find a way out. Shakily, you pull yourself off the ground, still wearing N'Jadaka's coat over your shoulders.
You carefully treaded through the dark cavern, following the paths that the very faint moonlight allowed in the cracks of the ceiling. N'Jadaka would know his way around these parts, hence to why he brought you down here in the first place. You've never explored this area and you had no idea where you actually were. Based on how long it felt that you walked, you could've been in a whole other country by now. 
Realistically though, you weren't. You were probably not that far from the palace either. Your hand scaled across the walls as you held your round belly moving forward. In the distance you could hear rushing water. Good thing, you were very dehydrated. 
Though this wouldn't be great, if the water was warm, you'd probably be able to have the water birth you wanted to. 
As you got closer, you could see the transparent liquid rushing down the rocky walls and pooling at the bottom. You got closer and closer, until large hands snatched you and pulled you to the side. Before you could scream, the hand covered your mouth. You instantly calmed down, feeling his muscular and bumpy torso against your arm. 
N'Jadaka removed his hand from your mouth, holding his index finger over his lips. You gave him a worried look. He allowed you to take a look back and your heart almost sunk. You hadn't noticed the four men standing by the water with all kinds of weapons you've never seen before. They were talking quite loudly too, enough so that the water was in sync with their voices. 
He began pulling you down a different direction, but then another contraction hit you by surprise. You squeezed his hand tightly as your knees buckled. "Shit." You hissed.
He stared at you wide eyed, "Don't tell me-"
You looked up at him and nodded with your bottom lip being held between your teeth.
"Fuck." He whispered in annoyance. "Come on, we gotta keep going."
You nodded, deciding to thug it out for as long as you could. 
It was about two hours since N'Jadaka and you left the area of the water source. The contractions had intensified and were a lot closer. One in particular had you buckling to the ground and hunching over in pain, like he did a lot earlier. The sky was slowly beginning to become bright once again. 
"Come on, (y/n). We're almost there." 
"N-no, N'Jadaka I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't." You cried, breathing heavily. 
"Agh, shit. Fuck. Ahh." He was hesitating, but he knew what he had to do. It was inevitable. He could kill you and get this over with, and get back to ruling, but he would never. It would haunt him forever. "Aight... Fuck it." He laid you on your back and pulled your panties off. 
"N-N'Jadaka what are you-" 
"Fuck this." He grumbled, sliding two fingers into your canal carefully. They were met with a very soft cranium and he could feel his soul leave his body, "Sh-she's right there." His voice was grimly calm, but very discomforting to you. "Y-you gotta push."
"Wh- Here?! Now?!" 
"Yes! Unless you want both of y'all to die."
You did not imagine this is how you'd be giving birth. In a mucky, cold and damp cavern with the man who does not claim his child being your delivery doctor. You were going to be in Wakanda's best hospital, in the comforts of a warm delivery room and on epidural to help ease the pain. You would be eating ice chips, while resting on a warm bed as you awaited the arrival of your baby girl. 
"Push!" He commanded and you followed the instructions. 
In all honesty, N'Jadaka had not a damn clue what he was doing. All he knew was the baby needed to come out, and it needed to come out now if you both had any chance of surviving this. He had you squatting over his coat, you were squeezing onto his shoulders, nailing digging into his skin and toes curling into the expensive fabric.
For a man who claimed to love the female anatomy, he was looking quite queasy at the sight of it doing what it naturally does. 
Everything about this situation was chaotic. 
One: He didn't know whether the enemies were close and you were not being silent at all. They could've easily heard you screaming bloody murder as you forced this child out of your body. It was worse that he didn't even know how many there were. 
Two: You both were injured, dehydrated and tired. He was certain that he would have to be carrying you and the baby out. There was still another three hours before he got outside of Wakanda and where his allies resided in Burkina Faso. 
By the second push, the colour in his face drained as he watched the head become visible from your vaginal opening. 
"Fuck. Last push, y-you got this shit." You moaning in pain as could feel him shaking. At this point you weren't even sure who was in more pain. He would definitely have to go see a therapist after this one.
You knew there was some tearing, but the baby finally slipped out and he caught her. Blood, mucus and all. You let out the most relieved sigh. Laying back and waiting for the placenta to make its way out as well. 
When you opened your eyes you noticed N'Jadaka staring at the baby like a foreign object. She was still covered in your blood, so you used whatever strength you could muster up and wiped her body with your dress. 
He still had a frozen look on his face, "W-we really did that. We fuckin' did th-" His eyes doubled in size as the placenta finally delivered. 
You were almost positive he would've blacked out, but thankfully he didn't. 
He got up quickly and ran to the side, throwing up whatever he had in his system. 
Yep, you definitely had to get out of here now. 
You wrapped the baby, holding her between your skin and dress. 
For the first time, N'Jadaka was silent. Maybe it was the trauma, maybe it was the exhaustion. You didn't miss when he kept making glances at the infant. It was definitely too dark for either of you to say who she looked like, but if the ultrasound pictures showed you anything, it was for sure his baby.
She slept for majority of the walk which was great for you both, but it was hell when she was hungry. Every time she fed, you felt drained just a little bit more. 
The light at the end of the cave gave you hope. In your head, you jumped for joy as the sound of birds chirping filled your ears. "Finally!" Your dry voice rasped out.
You and N'Jadaka got a burst of energy, speed walking to the light. You both made it out, feeling the morning sun greet you with a warm hug. Something you haven't felt in what felt like months.
He smiled as he looked at you, dropping his guard completely. "Welcome to Burki-" 
The large, scarred male collapsed onto the ground, knocked out cold. Everything was hectic. You screamed his name. Your baby was crying. Men yelled at you in another language, while holding large guns in their hands aiming at you. 
You closed your eyes tightly, balled up and tried to block all of the noise. 
You were so close...
The energy you had from earlier was now completely gone. Your body had shut down. 
Complete silence.
What felt like mere moments later, your eyes opened up, but you quickly squinted as a bright white light had blinded you. 
Was this it? 
Was this the end?
"Hey." A deep voice called, shaking your arm. "(Y/n), get up."
You shield your eyes from the light and turn your head to the voice. There N'Jadaka sat, holding the infant. 
Either he made it to heaven or you got sent to hell... 
"Why you crying again?" He frowned.
"Cuz we died, didn't we?"  
There was a long pause before N'Jadaka began to laugh, "What? I thought I was the one with the concussion. You must've hit your head at some point."
"Huh? Wh-where are we?" 
"We in Burkina Faso. I told you- Well tried to before some motherfucka caught me off guard." He grumbled.
You took a better look at him, his head and torso were covered in bandages. You shifted and felt how sore your body was. You lifted your covers up and inspected your body. Your feet were wrapped in bandages with peppermint infused oils, you felt sewn up down there and your body was cleaned overall. Then you looked over at the baby in his hands, she too was clean and being bottle fed by N'Jadaka. 
"Are we being held captive?" You asked with a sigh.
"Hell nah. These are my folks, I worked with them when I was stationed here."
You nodded, deciding to not ask too many questions about them, you were just grateful that you weren't in a hostage situation. 
"So was it the enemies who caught us or did your friends mistake you for the wrong person."
"It was the damn rebels. We probably woulda been dead if I didn't send out that signal."
"What are you talking about?"
"When you was sleep, I sent out a signal to them. It was around the same time your ass almost got kidnapped for real, by the waterfall." 
So that's why he wasn't there. 
"N'Jadaka..." He looked up from the baby and onto you, "I am sorry for what I said earlier. It was just- these hormones. I was sick of you denying us, and you got me really upset."
He nods his head, looking back down onto the baby girl who you still didn't have the chance to get a good look at. "I get it. I was being an asshole, I just wasn't expecting all this to happen."
You eyed him, "What?"
"I uh... I didn't want to endanger you. We both know the shit that comes with me, but you stayed. You was so damn persistent tryna tell me I'm ya baby father."
"And you are." You added.
He slightly smiled, "Yeah. And I am."
Your eyebrow raised at his statement, "So are you finally acknowledging she is-"
"Yeah. I mean, she looks exactly like me." He held the infant beside his head, "Only... Cuter." Now that you got a proper look, she really did look like him, just tinier, more innocent and with mixes of you of course. 
You leaned back in the bed, sighing. Thank you, Bast. 
He stared at his mini-me, "She don't got a name."
You closed your eyes, "N'Jadaka, I don't even know where she was born. We can name her later. I need to rest."
"Hold up, ma." You looked at him with lidded eyes, "I was thinking of some the whole time... How you feel about Kymani?"
You were expecting him to come up with something ridiculous, but that was actually a beautiful name. Quite relevant to your situation too. 
"Adventurous traveler, huh?" You grinned at him. "I like it." 
He smiled, "Kymani Udaku Stevens, welcome to the family, princess."
Then a thought hit you so you asked, "By the way, where is your coat?"
"I threw it out, and I never want to speak about it again." His voice was low, and his expression looked slightly disgusted. 
Yup, he was definitely traumatized. 
Lol this was super random, but thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. 
(Start/Finish: September 17, 2019)
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pastelpasteru · 3 years ago
hummm hb kuroo coming home after a day of back to back training only to find the reader in his room waiting for him because they were supposed to have a date?? and he forgot all about it?? so now it’s just him trying to make up for it and the reader is like it’s completely fine but he feels so guilty so reader is treated more like royalty than a s/o over the next few days ?
came up with this on the spot so feel free to ignore if it doesn’t strike ur fancy <3
“Sorry, darling..!”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Wherein Kuroo comes home from practice, finding his s/o in his room waiting for him after he forgot their date.. Now, making up to them.
˚₊· Slight Angst - Fluff • Kuroo × GN!Reader • Oneshot
˚₊· Warnings — Swearing included, and this is not really angsty though. BTW! Mistakes are present, much appreciated if you ignore them! (*´ω`*)
˚₊· Requests? Sure, I accept those! Feel free to drop 'em! Though I am not sure that I'll do it.. ┐(´ー`)┌
Requested by @bakubub
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[🌸//💎] It's quite late now, and Kuroo just arrived to his home with you, his s/o; the house is quiet too.. It's uncomforting.
“Darlin', I'm home...!” He announced, swinging the door open to find no one inside the living room. They must be asleep now.. it's late anyways...
“..Darling?” He calls, now entering his room where he finds you on his bed, shuffling around before sitting. Looking at him with tired eyes.
“..Oh, Tetsu. You're home.” You muttered in a flat tone, making Kuroo pout, frowning when he hears no 'welcome back' form you.
“No welcome back?? I missed you, you know..” He grumbles, dropping his bag by the door before walking towards you with open arms, waiting for you to do the same, but no. You greeted him with a saddened expression instead.
“Why the sad face, baby? What's wrong?” He asked, dropping his arms as he plopped down the bed beside you, pecking your cheek before he got his head resting on your shoulder.
“..Tetsu... You forgot,” You whispered under your breath, a heavy sigh leaving your parted lips as Kuroo's head immediately left your shoulders, eyes bugged open.. Shit.
“..O-Oh fuck.. Sorry, darling! I totally forgot about our date today.... Ugh, curse that damn training..!” Kuroo says in a panicked tone, cursing as he took your head and placed it into his chest as he spoke.
“Sorry, oh damn.. I'm such a bad boyfriend! Sorry, sorry!!” Repeatedly apologizing, Kuroo then peppered your face with kisses as you rubbed his head.
“..It's fine, Tetsu. I don't mind it—” “No!” About to assure him that it's fine, Kuroo stopped you, taking your hand and making you give him a slap. “..Tetsurou!?”
“Darling.. Y'know that's not fine! Me, your boyfriend, forgetting our date. You should be mad...!” Objected the messy haired male as you sighed, a chuckle leaving your lips.
“I'm not mad—and I won't be. I know you're busy, so I understand..!” Exclaiming your words, you tried to convince your boyfriend that it's all good.
“Oh God—what did I ever do to deserve you, darling? You're like an angel that God sent to me!” Exaggerating, Kuroo sobbed on your chest how he's a bad boyfriend—promising that he'll be treating you like royalty for the rest of his life.
Right. And just as he said, Kuroo went to treat you like royalty..
Cancelling his hangouts with his friends to spend them with you instead—taking you out on dates in payment on forgetting the previous one.
“Tetsurou.. You don't have to do all this, just to make it up to me. I told you that it's fine, right?” You gushed, looking around the fancy restaurant that you and Kuroo are currently at.
“Still—I want to do this, I feel guilty that I missed a date with my dearest s/o.” He croaked, handling you the flowers and sweets he bought, just for you.
“Oh you silly rooster.. You love me so much, huh?” Huffing, you pinched Kuroo's cheek after booping his nose.
“Oh darling... I love you more than what you expect.” He noted, leaning forward to your face to give you a passionate kiss. I love you.
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˚₊· Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and follows are highly appreciated. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
˚₊· Wanna send feedback, or messages? DM me here at Tumblr or at my Instagram and Facebook account, Pastel Pasteru. (。・ω・。)ノ♡
˚₊· Thank you for requesting, @bakubub, you may give me honest feedbacks about this request! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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© Pastel Pasteru, 2021, please do not copy my contents or I'll come after you. Thanks.
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voltrixz · 1 year ago
YEAHHHHHHHH its time to take over people's feed with our silly rambles
ALSO YOU. YOU GET IT TOO!!!!!!!! our brains our so in sync, this is the rumored insane tssm telepathy communication
(also I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY LIKE A LOTTTTTTT) (so putting a read more) (brace yourselves everybody)
BUT YEAH, do think there is always gonna be those little grudges (these two do not let shit go that easily AT ALL....) and AGRHH "why does doc trust you more then me" AGRHH AGRHH (sorry that line got to me (very emotional about him)
However the graph made me giggle and ITS SO REAL........ electro from the very start would think "yeah you're ok" (jealous and already exploding vulture in his mind) and yeah the team fuck up was the inital thing that made their hatred for each other not one sided anymore, and do think yeah sometimes they would try to trust each other and electro would fuck up either on accident (or purpose (< little shit (affectionate) and basically a repeat as your awesome graph says (btw saving this graph (the fact that the "hey maybe you're not so ba-" gets cut off by the line just dropping makes me giggle everytime) AND YEAH the rest of the sinister six just constantly deals with this, AND AHHAHAH YEAH they just get soda and popcorn and watch as a old grumpy petty man who can fly argues with a angsty living battery
AND YEHAHHHHH and yeah tbh they just kinda make sense in a funny way to be buddies and YEHAHH HEHE their silly beef over stealing each other's name puns and i think they would eventually just casually interchange puns because its funny to annoy people with em. AND the fact that their powers compliment each other very nicely, their silly and i think they would be awesome as buddies and i love them sm
and hehe. (actually sobbing) yeah arghhhh him seeing doc again after him basically leaving electro to die??? I think he would be informed a bout it before being placed in the cell and AGRHHH the fact he would probably try to convince himself that doc HAD to have a reason for it due to how much he trusts and admires the doc but he's basically only got his thoughts and maybe this time he'll start to put the pieces together and realize he was being used the whole time and i think he could have possibly found out that spiderman saved him and that whole dilema that the guy who you blame your rage on and direct your revenge on, bothered to save you but NOT the guy you out your trust in and AGRHHHHH, just him having to deal with that as he's just alone with his thoughts AND AGRHHHHH he would be so so conflicted and just have so many doubts and AGRHH the dilemas he would have would be insane........ and yeah there is SOOOO much angst possibility with this...
AND YEAH AGRH, reaching the conclusion that everyone he trusted to help him had just ended up hurting him and just adding on to that anger leading him to become so suspecting of people who claim to help him
also about eddie, not sure if electro would really be willing to trust or really think he could even be allowed to trust (nor do i think eddie is even in the postion to well help electro as eddie himself has a WHOLLEEEEEE pile of issues to deal with too) eddie even before all this realization. Def think he did had some sort of trust for him since he was there for him during the accident but after that, pretty much nothing, eddie didnt listen to his warning at the lab and he hurt him. After that (from what i remeber) i dont think its mentioned that either of them tried to reach out to each other and I think if they saw each other at ravencroft and electro seeing eddie has gone through his own transformation with the whole venom thing, i dont think they could recognize each other anymore as they both become completely different versions the person they knew before. (< this part made me sad just writing it (quick throw in a joke about this uhhhhh (they ended the mutual........... tragic.............) (sobbing crying) ( i do think their friendship could be salvageable MAYBE at some point down the road (but they have a lot of work to do on their own ends)
ok onward we go
the idea that his desperation and all these fears crashing together and start blurring the line and just making him follow commands as closely as possible to whoever can offer him the cure and these commands would just become more morally questionable and that it'd start to cloud his morality so so much, but he just doesnt know what to do anymore and all he can is just lean more and more into the villain persona and i think as he leans more into this, he comes stronger and stronger and actually gets taken seriously more (a atsv spot moment) .
AND YEAH he'd just fall into that slug of being offered a cure for the use of his powers and would end up betrayed, repeat repeat that at this point he starts forgetting his initial goal and is just doing what hes being told because he rlly doesnt have anything else and is way too far gone to do anything to turn back
Actually had a bit of an idea for this, sort of an au??? or whatever. i think at some point he would be offered a cure by norman (who would be back from his vacation and plans to return as the green goblin) and would need someone to do his dirty work while he preps in the shadows and electro, just needing something, anything to do and having no real personal grudge against norman, he'd take it, despite knowing that doc, vulture (and not sure if he knew flint's and alex's transformations because of norman but ya know) hated norman and tbh he'd pick up that norman was just using him but at this point he just went along with also added angst, do think norman would pit electro against the sinister six, especially doc and erm.... drama.................... finally a chance to get revenge but also extreme confliction (also would greatly harm him and shocker's relationship, electro try not to ruin your one sorta stable relationship ) and LIEK AGRHH he would be taken seriously and be powerful but at the cost of his morality
BUT YEAH, so so normal (LIE)
You seem extremely bored, what are your Head-cannons on one on one dynamic ms with Electro? Like, Electro and vulture or Electro and Curt?
so... pretend i remembered. I'M SORRY..... OK let's see what my brain throws up!!!!
electro + vulture
vulture still holds grudges towards electro for that christmas tree incident... my guy doesn't really think before he acts 😔
as (forced by doc) compensation, electro helped improve his wings. and maybe tampered with them for a negative effect... just a little. like the bitch he is
he acts like a brat towards him tbh. dick student and dick teacher dynamic LOL
electro + curt
they barely talk. electro still had some respect for curt when he joined the sinister six, but it all went away after... y'know
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yeah... don't expect a positive interaction ever since. thinking about the possible post-s2 angst with these two....
i mean, think about it. max trusted connors a LOT. he didn't even turn fully evil when he became electro, he still was looking for his help, becaues he trusted him. now he's locked in a cell by the man he trusted.
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years ago
Warnings: werewolf!au if u couldn’t tell, size kink, fingering, hints towards switch xuxi, big wolf boy in luv, reader is on the pill theoretically, mentions of yukhei being insecure, yall in love btw it’s sappy, he cums inside you
Werewolf Yukhei never thought that a person, a human of all creatures, could make him feel so delicate. Your hands are indescribably soft as they cup his warm face, your mouth concise and rythmic with each brush of your lips against his.
It's shockingly easy to be this way with you, the two of you lying together on his couch like a pair of tangled roots, his head just slightly lower than yours as he wraps his strong arms around you further.
He's always been too big, in height and stature. His lumbering limbs have always carried him with a sort of saunter, and though his face may be pretty, once people found out he was part wolf their adoration always fizzled into condemnation.
But you, you.
As someone who had coexisted with shapeshifters nearly all of your life, with close family friends ranging from Werewolves- like him - to Vampires, and even some Fae, he shouldn't have been surprised when you treated him as though he was no different than anyone else you'd ever interacted with.
He still remembers the first time he kissed you, in his car after the sun had already decided to rest and give the stars a chance to say hello to the onyx sky. He had wanted to do it all night, the need becoming an overwhelming knot in the pit of his abdomen.
He and his wolf alike were struck with the immediate sensation of buzzing all throughout his veins, and when he pulled away, he could see the reflection of his topaz orbs in your eyes, glowing.
He almost immediately covered his face, head in hands as he began to furiously rub at his sockets, willing the fire to go out behind his irises. He had almost seemed angry at himself, borderline disgusted and then your hands were gripping his wrists with a softness he had never experienced- you said his name as if it were something to be admired.
Something in him had felt defenseless, like he couldn't bear to pull away from you and see the sad pout that would surely form on your pretty lips.
"It's okay, hey," you brought one hand to his sullen face, soft fingers tilting his his chin towards you. "Open your eyes, it's okay Xuxi."
And he believed you, wholeheartedly. He didn't know why but he didn't care to argue, not when you used such a fond nickname without even a second thought, not when he felt so safe to be himself with you.
So he opened his eyes, not having to see them to know they were still illuminated in the darkness of his car. And your expression, fuck, it made his chest ache.
You inclined yourself towards him as if your body had no other choice, like it was second nature to want to be close to him, to be so enraptured. Your thumbs ever so gently had swept the area underneath his eyes, moving to the highpoints of his cheeks as you sat in awe.
"They're so...they're so pretty, like fireflies in the summer. They remind me of home."
He doesn't think he'll ever forget that. The safety he feels in your arms, like right now, it makes it easy for him to pretend like the world doesn't see him as this illusive predator shifter. Like he's just Yukhei.
You kiss him like he's the only person you've ever wanted, which isn't far from the truth considering the way he never ceases to take your breath away. There is a reverence between you two, and you find yourself kissing him with a bit more fervour as you relish in the fact that you get to hold him so close.
He picks up on the slight change in pace as quickly and as naturally as expected, one of his long legs lifting before he drapes it over your waist. He just needs you closer.
His plush mouth falters for a second, as he pulls away just enough to look up into your half lidded eyes. "Too heavy?" He asks, the rough timber of his voice sending more jolts of heat than necessary, through your abdomen.
"N-no." You hope he can sense that your shakiness is due to the flurry of emotions coursing through you, and not because of uncertainty. The corner of his mouth twitches upwards in amusement and fondess, silently answering your question.
Your lips find each other again as your hand grips the meat of his thigh, absentmindedly rubbing the area and reveling in the way his muscles twitch underneath the fabric of his basketball shorts. 
This small action has him accidentally groaning into your mouth, long fingers finding the softness of your hips as he pulls you as close as the space will allow.
You don't miss the feel of his stiff erection against your belly, or the way his wet tongue has become more curious as to how your mouth tastes. When your hands wander further up the expanse his lithe body and discover a searing hot patch of skin that has been exposed due to his shirt lifting, your fingers are quick to explore further.
It's not like you did it on purpose, ever so slightly raking the blunt of your nails up his side before exploring the firm, lean surface of his abdomen- it's just as much of a natural urge as it is for him to be rutting against you, like he is now.
You're sure you heard a growl rumble in his throat, and you're elated to see that he's just as worked up as you are- enough to not even notice and have time to scold himself.
For a second, your eyes meet, noses still touching and kiss bitten lips only a few inches apart as you catch your breath.
This time, a ruby set of irises stare back at you, and you know enough about his kind to recognize that this is either due to hunger, lust, or anger. And since you're almost certain he's not angry, and also know that werewolves rarely ever get hungry for prey while they're in human form, the last option is as clear as the obvious lust that is decorating his bronze features.
And so you kiss him again, hard.
He isn't as controlled as he was before, not scared to give in to his hormones or the desires that have him struggling to remain fully here. He's just so captivated by you, the sweet yet ambrosial scent that clings to your skin, the way your body perfectly curls against his.
He can smell your intoxicating arousal as it leaks into your panties, cock jerking in his shorts as you both explore eachothers skin underneath your clothing. He feels the thunderous beat of your heart against his own broad chest, along with the hardening bud of your nipples through your shirt.
"I want you...want you to be mine." He's breathless, which is hard to believe given his supernatural state, but he can't seem to speak in complete sentences. The energy between you two feels as if it's about to burst and ignite a flame. You feel it all over your body.
His raven hair is mussed by this point, skin hotter than a furnace damn near, eyes glossy. Something in you knows that he's not just talking about sex, the way he's looking at you.
His dick is pulsing against you, massive, inviting hands wandering your body as yours are his - but he speaks like he can't bear to let you go.
You quickly wrap your hands around the nape of his neck, soft hair tickling your fingertips as you bring him back in for another passionate kiss, his body shifting as he finds himself crawling on top of you.
The position switch makes it even harder for him, you're so soft, so beautiful as you gaze up at him and paw at his broad shoulders.
Your thighs are open and wrapped around his trim middle, the feeling of his dick against your center all the more tantalizing this way. It doesn't help when he does that thing where he ever so slightly- but purposefully- grinds his hips into yours as if he knows exactly where you need it. You almost forget you're both still clothed.
"You can have me, you know...I want you too." And it's the truth, you've never felt like this, he's so rare, so beautifully unaware and you want him in every way there is to want someone.
His eyes are back to his natural deep shade of chocolate brown, earnest in their surprise and incredulity.
"You really mean it?" You almost laugh in disbelief, wondering how someone like him can be so oblivious to your wide eyes of astonishment everytime you so much as glance at him.
But you know it's not because of his appearance, no, he's aware of how people look at him, how they naturally seem to gawk and wonder how a person can be unnaturally exquisite.
Still, you remind him. "Yes, of course you silly, silly boy."
And you're breathless again, his deft fingers moving down between your bodies to slip underneath the waistband of your leggings, swiftly pulling them off in an inhumanly fast motion.
Your compliance is immediate, a whine slipping past your lips as cool air breezes against your center, your hands clawing at his loose tee shirt in a haphazard attempt to remove it.
He reluctantly pulls his mouth away from yours to sit back on his haunches, lifting his lithe arms behind his back to pull the garment off of his body.
You're not prepared for the way your belly swirls with a new, overwhelming sense of lust at the sight of him so bare. He's warm, and firm yet smooth and inviting- you almost don't register the fact that he's too distracted to notice your reaction.
Not until you feel the warm pad of his thumb rub your swollen clit, both of you realizing, together, that you decided to forgo underwear.
He's got his free hand grasping the inside of your left thigh, holding it open as he practically salivates at the sight of you.
It's too much, for the both of you. There's so many sensations sending your nerves haywire, every inch of your skin tingling with warmth and desire. He can't believe you're so pretty, and his, and the awestruck, hungry expression that's on his face is what prompts you to reach out and grasp his sturdy hips.
"Please fuck me, Yukhei," he's pulled out from a trance into a new one, his eyes catching sight of the agonizing need inside of yours. "want you really bad."
It's unfair, the way he slips two of his long, delicate fingers inside of your aching heat as he leans down to kiss you like a man starved.
You moan properly, and loudly this time, the compelling sound sending him into overdrive as you find yourself suddenly being fucked by his fingers at a near bruising pace.
Even so, he knows what he's doing, and you have to grip onto his daunting shoulders for dear life while he curls the dexterous digits inside of you, touching your cervix and nudging your sweet spot.
He revels in it, the way you look like you're falling apart. His skin blazes to a new temperature and you're leaking onto him like a sweet dessert, soaking his palms. He can't help but to groan.
"Gotta get you ready if you're gonna take my dick."
The words alone leave you clutching after his thick forearm as he pumps into you, slowing his minisrations out of fear that his words might send you over the edge. He doesn't even mean to sound so filthy, at first. Until he realizes how quickly it almost made you lose it.
"Please, please give it to me now."
He sees how badly you need it, can feel it in the form of slick between his knuckles, and if he's honest he's not sure how he's lasted this long either- so he bashfully slips his fingers out of you and pulls his shorts past his knees, not patient enough to get them all the way down.
You see now why he needed to insert his fingers first. He's big. Long, a girth that would be painful if it were any more than what it is. But nonetheless, it's pretty, like the rest of him. The tip is the same, deep muave of his lips, and you reach out for it, needing to touch him as intimately as he has touched you.
He shudders, entire body twitching in pleasure as you wrap your hand around him. Your hand is so much softer than his, and he whines, a sound that has you clenching around nothing. His expression is one that you wish you could photograph just to relive the memory over and over on days when you two aren't together.
"Want me to fuck you now, baby?" You nod fervently, cheeks blazing at the nickname and the softness in which he speaks it. His eyes seem to light up as he leans down to kiss you, allowing himself to absorb every detail of the moment, not wanting to miss even a second.
As soon as his tip passes your entrance, you both know you're fucked. It feels too good, too fast, the stretch is intense but seems to add to the stimulation since your wetness makes the insert easy.
When he bottoms out, he forces himself to stay still for a moment as he holds himself up by his forearms, his face shoved in the crook of your shoulder, lips on your throat.
You feel him pulsing inside of you, and you purposely squeeze your walls around his thick length, whimpering in his ear.
"Please, please move Xuxi."
He doesn't make you wait another minute, sliding himself almost all the way out before pistoning himself back in, jolting you in the process.
He starts his pace, and you're not sure how long you're going to last with the way he's moving, like his hips are speaking to you in some other language all together. He's magnetic, curling his pelvis upwards each time he thrusts back into your sopping entrance.
"Fuuuuck, I'm all the way up there baby." He groans in astonishment, though it's like everytime he speaks your body reacts automatically.
You wrap your arms around his familiar shoulders and hike your thighs up further, prompting him to slip his hands underneath your knees and hold you like this, the position allowing him to fuck you with a new depth.
He refuses to move his mouth away from you still, his messy hair tickling your forehead as your mouths move with fervour.
The sounds in the room are lewd, the collision of your hips and his thick cock slipping in and out of your entrance, along with the smacking of your lips. It's hard to believe that it's all really happening.
"You feel-oh fuck you feel s-so good."
He falters only for a moment as he pants, losing focus as the sound of your voice sends chillbumps to rise across his skin. He hates that he's so close, trying his best to hold on, but you wrap around him so perfectly. He swears you are made for him.
"Gonna cum soon, I can't hold it." His voice trembles this time, and you cling onto him just as desperately as he clings to you, legs locked around his hips. His cock throbs with the need to release, and the sound of your voice as you whimper doesn't help.
"You're so big, Xuxi." The words tumble freely from your mouth, your tongue not able to be held as you look down in between your bodies to see him dissapearing inside of you.
It's like nothing he's ever felt, its all consuming, and even the wolf inside of him is wondering where in the hell you came from, to swoop him up and dazzle him like you did. He's never felt this type of pleasure before, it romances every nerve in his body, turns him into jelly.
It's when he thrusts at a particular angle and your face contorts into an image of pure bliss, tears of ectasy brimming in your glossy eyes, that he feels the coil in his belly finally unravel.
He stills as his lips part, the tip of his dick nudged against your cervix as he fills you to the brim, twitching as he lets out soft, sporatic moans through each sloppy thrust.
"F-fuck- mmm- oh fuck."
His seed is more abundant than the average human male, spilling from you generously and soaking your thighs. The feeling of being so stuffed along with the realization that he's whole and in your arms and you're both connected like this- it has you spiraling down after him.
You feel a warm tear fall down your cheek, the pleasure taking your breath- and your words- away for what seems like the hundredth time in just a short hour. It courses through your entire body and has your hips bucking slightly, skin sensitive to the touch.
He holds you through it, allows you to rock yourself against his half hard cock as you ride your high, his lips suckling any expanse of skin they can find.
He doesn't dare pull out yet, he's too content like this, and you haven't complained about his weight atop of you yet, so he selfishly allows himself to lie his head against your shoulder - button nose nudging your jaw- as your fingers run through his hair.
His arms wrap around your body like a cocoon, and you've never been so comfortable with somebody like this, the contact making you drunk.
"I always knew, you know." His voice is low and sleepy, his lilt genuine. Your breathing begins to syncronize, your fingertips tracing halfhearted patterns against his warm, soft back.
"What's that, hmm?" You reply, curious and with heavy eyes, heart nearly bursting with the adoration you feel fluttering in the pit of your belly.
He kisses your skin once more, gently, almost featherlight.
"That you'd be the one I fall in love with."
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