15 posts
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criminalelementsts4 · 21 days ago
STAR WARS | Zabrak Horns
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As requested, here are the horns for Darth Maul and Savage Opress! The horns are both mesh transfers from a now retired free-to-play MMO game called Clone Wars Adventures, which featured the same 3D-animated character models used in The Clone Wars TV series. They pair well with the Nightbrother tattoo set I released a couple of months ago, as they align with the forehead designs. Please check out that mod if you haven't seen it yet!
Custom CAS thumbnail, located in the Hair section (Short Hairstyles)
Tagged for Human and Alien (not compatible with Werewolf Sims)
Tagged for Teen, Young Adult, Adult & Elder
Darth Maul: SimFileShare Savage Opress: SimFileShare
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criminalelementsts4 · 1 month ago
Hi, I hope I'm not a bother, but I was curious where those horns on the Savage sim are from?
Hey, no problem. Thanks for the ask!
I made them, they are mesh conversions from an old Clone Wars era game. Currently working on releasing them soon (like within the next few weeks), including some other Star Wars mods. Just got a lot on my plate right now, please stay tuned!
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criminalelementsts4 · 3 months ago
Hey ! I downloaded your Maul and Savage tattoos and they look amazing, but they don't seem to be showing up for teens so thought Id let you know !
I'm really glad to hear that you like them, and thank you for informing me of the issue. Updated it to fix the tags and tested in-game just to make sure. Seems to be working for teens now. Sorry for the inconvenience! The links from the original posts have also been updated, so just download them again for the latest version, and make sure to delete the old ones from your Mods folder.
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criminalelementsts4 · 3 months ago
STAR WARS | Nightbrother Tattoos
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Depending on who you ask, the iconic tattoos adorning Darth Maul's skin have different origins; in the Expanded Universe/Legends they were Sith tattoos and the process of getting them applied was excruciatingly painful. In the retconned Canon, all Dathomiri Zabrak males—Nightbrothers—have similar tattoo designs that indicate what clan they are from. Their skin colors can range from dark red, to medium orange, to bright yellow.
This set includes designs which are as faithful as possible to the source material. I used the original asset references from both Clone Wars and Rebels to piece together all sections of the body design. Maul's legs, however, are a different story. As he was bisected in his first appearance, we never had the chance to get a look at his legs, so I've taken liberties to guess what the tattoos may have looked like, taking inspiration from the rest of the shapes on his body. Savage was a bit more straightforward as more of his body parts were exposed in the source material.
I did not attempt to make the skin red/yellow in the tattoo design, as I wanted to allow flexibility with the kind of skin colour you may want to be underneath the tattoos, so the tattoo is just black with a slight opacity that allows skin details such as muscle definition to be visible. For the preview image I used skin colours from SunshineyDay22's 195 Skintones in Rainbow Colors mod. For the glowing Sith eyes, please check out my other post.
Larger resolution and texture quality (2048 x 4096)
Custom CAS thumbnail, located in the Tattoo section (Upper Chest)
Tagged for Human and Alien (not compatible with Werewolf Sims)
Tagged for Teen, Young Adult, Adult & Elder
Darth Maul: Direct Link | SimFileShare Savage Opress: Direct Link | SimFileShare
(View this creation on ModTheSims)
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criminalelementsts4 · 3 months ago
Where did you get the face markings for Darth Maul and Savage Opress?
Check this post
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criminalelementsts4 · 3 months ago
I was wondering if you still had your Albert Wesker CC for the sims 4?
Check this post
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criminalelementsts4 · 4 months ago
Hello, sorry to bother you but I believe you made CC of Wesker's RE5 outfit at one point but the post was deleted, I don't suppose you would happen to still have it somewhere? If not or you don't want to share it that's totally fine, I just thought I ought to at least ask :)
Hi there, no bother at all! 🧡 The Wesker custom content is quite old (I made it in 2015 I believe), so it's probably not up to the same quality standards I have now, and there may be issues with the textures/meshes. I was planning to update, test, and upload all my mods again but I haven't finished yet. But if you still want to use the older versions and can't wait for the update, you can download them from my website archive.
Please keep in mind that the lab coat requires Get to Work.
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criminalelementsts4 · 4 months ago
Glowing Cat Eyes 😼🎃
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Glowing eyes (with emission maps)
"3D" effect (with normal maps)
22 CAS colour swatches, 11 colours, each with two variants (black sclera and normal sclera)
Tagged for All (not compatible with Werewolf Sims)
Includes one package for Teen, Young Adult, Adult & Elder, and one for Child
2048 x 4096 (x2 resolution)
I've included an optional download for a contact lenses version of this mod, which uses the "Nose Ring Left" slot, and can be found under Accessories > Piercings with a custom thumbnail. I made it an accessory as the glowing effect doesn't seem to work with Face Paint, which is the category I'd usually use for normal contact lenses.
The glowing contact lenses version is fully base-game compatible, it does not require the Vampires pack to work properly. It should be noted though, that the normal Eye Color version does appear to work in-game without the Vampires pack even though it is derived from them, but it struggles to handle the normal and specular maps, so it's not ideal. Because of this, I definitely recommend having that pack to enjoy these properly.
Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder (Genetics) SimFileShare Child (Genetics) SimFileShare Contact Lenses (Accessory) SimFileShare
(View this creation on ModTheSims)
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Half-Life | Interdimensional Eyes
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Glowing eyes (with emission map)
Textures extracted from Half-Life: Alyx and modified to work with TS4
Genetics: Swatches display as an additional eye color swatch in CAS
Direct Link | SimFileShare
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Star Wars | Chiss Eyes V2
Thrawn (Sclera Only)
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Thrawn (Pupil Only)
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Thrawn (Pupil & Sclera)
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Glowing eyes (with emission maps)
Genetics: Swatches display as an additional eye color swatch in CAS
Thrawn (Sclera): SimFileShare Thrawn (Pupil): SimFileShare Thrawn (Pupil & Sclera): SimFileShare
This is an updated version of the previous Chiss Eyes post I made a few weeks ago. In Rebels, there are additional details on Thrawn’s eyes which make them appear to have a “stippled” texture and a “shimmer” effect. I completely remade the main texture, to more closely reflect the design from Rebels, and I played around with the emission & normal maps to try to recreate these effects. As a result these look less “realistic” than the previous iteration, yet are more faithful to the official design.
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Star Wars | Sith Eyes
Darth Maul (Inspired by The Clone Wars)
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Savage Opress (Generic Dark Force User)
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Glowing eyes (with emission maps)
Texture extracted from BFII (EA) and modified to work with TS4 for the generic style; the Darth Maul one is completely original
Genetics: Swatches display as an additional eye color swatch in CAS
Darth Maul: SimFileShare Generic Sith: SimFileShare
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Resident Evil | Prototype Eyes
Albert Wesker
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Glowing eyes (with emission map)
Textures extracted from RE5 and modified to work with TS4
Genetics: Swatches display as an additional eye color swatch in CAS
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Final Fantasy | Mako Eyes
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Glowing eyes (with emission map)
Textures extracted from FFVII Remake and modified to work with TS4
Genetics: Swatches display as an additional eye color swatch in CAS
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criminalelementsts4 · 2 years ago
Deus Ex | Augmented Eyes
Adam Jensen
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David Sarif
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Bob Page (MD)
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Bob Page (DX)
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Walton Simons
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JC & Paul Denton
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Alex Denton
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Anna Kelso
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Glowing eyes (with emission maps)
3D effect (with normal/bump maps)
Textures extracted from Mankind Divided (for Jensen and Sarif) and The Fall (for Anna Kelso) and modified to work with TS4 - the rest are edits based on those original textures
Genetics: Swatches display as additional eye color swatches in CAS
Tagged for Human and Alien
Adam Jensen: Direct Link | SimFileShare David Sarif: Direct Link | SimFileShare Bob Page (MD): Direct Link | SimFileShare Bob Page (DX): Direct Link | SimFileShare Walton Simons: Direct Link | SimFileShare JC & Paul Denton: Direct Link | SimFileShare Alex Denton: Direct Link | SimFileShare Anna Kelso: Direct Link | SimFileShare
I may make more of these, generic ones with a spectrum of colour options. Drop me a message if anyone’s interested in something like that! UPDATE 19/03/23: Bob Page now has two eye variations, the MD one is based on his appearance in Mankind Divided, and the DX one is based on his appearance in the original Deus Ex. Walton Simons in the original Deus Ex did not have glowing eyes, however his HDTP mod model had glowing blue eyes, which is where I've taken inspiration from.
UPDATE 13/06/23: These are now combined into one package. I’ve also created an optional Child and Contact Lenses version. You can download these on ModTheSims.
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criminalelementsts4 · 9 years ago
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A Sizeable Selection of Carpet
This is a recolour of the Maxis carpet from the base game. This set includes 5 collections of carpet shades (Grey Scale, Warm, Cold, Pastel and Neutral). In total there are 49 different carpet styles.
SimFileShare | The Sims Resource
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